Came and saw convinced to read online. Business book came, saw, convinced

I came, I saw, I convinced. How to make an offer you can't refuse

Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 272 p.

ISBN: 978-5-91657-312-1

What the book is about � I came, I saw, I convinced. How to make an offer you can't refuse�

Does your idea have great prospects? Have you created a product that - are you sure - will sell out on the very first day? Are you starting a company that will change the world, even if not immediately?

If you fail to prove this to the people on whom its implementation depends, whether they are investors, partners or employees, consider that you did not have an idea.
Good in a Room - this is how they call Hollywood screenwriters who perfectly present their ideas. Former top manager of MGM studio, and now the head of the consulting company `` Good in a Room '' Stephanie Palmer held, without exaggeration, thousands of meetings. She argues that persuasion techniques that work for hardened dream factory managers work great in other areas of business as well.

Read, study - and you will feel absolutely confident at a meeting of the highest rank and will be able to present your idea, whether it is a project for an investor or a product presentation, in the most favorable light!

For whom the book `` Came, saw, convinced ''

For all entrepreneurs, especially beginners. That is why we republished this book in the Startups series (it was previously published in our white series)

For everyone whose success directly depends on the sale of their ideas

Why we decided to publish this book

Because we know from our own experience how important it is to be able to infect others with your idea.

From the author

�You must understand: if someone agreed to meet with you - he hopes that your project will become a new round of his career�. �When it is necessary to make a purchase decision, it is easier for the people responsible for this to evaluate the information lying on the surface, that is, the presentation itself. What's inside is more difficult to assess.

And this is true not only for Hollywood. In the vegetable department of a supermarket, success is determined more by packaging design and labeling than by product quality. When applying for a job, more often than not, attention is paid not to the candidate's experience, but to how he behaves during the interview.

I don’t mean to say that idea presentation is alpha and omega. Rather, my point is that good products deserve good packaging and great ideas deserve great presentation�

Stephanie Palmer runs her own consulting firm, Good in a Room. In addition, she provides consultations for entrepreneurs, top managers, representatives of creative professions. She is engaged in the selection of suitable stories and their implementations at the Hollywood studio MGM, where she is the creative director.

As a volunteer, Stephanie took part in the implementation of the Titanic project when she was a very young girl. Radio appearances, magazine publications, manager training program developer. This is an incomplete list of activities of the manager, publicist, writer Stephanie.

When Stephanie Palmer worked in Hollywood, her job was to select scripts or buy ideas. At the same time, it was noticed that screenwriters with good ideas cannot correctly present these ideas. At first, Stephanie helped several writers with ideas by promoting their scripts. Interested in new job, she opened her own company where she excelled. The result was a book.

On November 14, 2008, everyone was able to make sure that really personal experience negotiations, persuasive skills helped her to publish quite useful book"I came, I saw, I convinced." The book is currently reprinted with two sentences in the title.

I came, I saw, I convinced. How to successfully market your business ideas. The book consists of six parts, divided into chapters. Each chapter has an intriguing title. Some chapters end with conclusions called secrets, although these secrets have long been no secret to anyone. These are the truths known to all. So Stephanie calls to show sincere interest in her interlocutor, to show community and harmony with another person. These are all well-known marketing ploys.

In Stephanie Palmer's book, there are four fictional characters, examples of which show what and how to do, and how not to do it. This is a man planning mac tech support. Then we consider the example of a certain Mrs. Fangzhou, who worked as a financial consultant, but lost all of her clients by introducing new laws that limited the rights to exchange trading on behalf of non-American citizens. She had to completely rebuild her business. The third character, a girl who has just started work and wants to quickly build her career. The last hero to become, as everyone already guessed, a screenwriter who offers his scripts to all of Hollywood.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the book is intended for a wide audience of readers who have certain ambitions, know how to think, and wish to successfully sell a product created by their own head. So private entrepreneurs and employees can find a lot of interesting things in this book.

Stephanie reveals the teaser method, which consists in the fact that it is necessary to utter a remark and try to assess the interlocutor's reaction, his interest. Moreover, the replica should not be a straightforward question, but rather a comment. This comment should elicit a reaction from the interlocutor, who is a future client. Here's some advice on the variety of teasers. First, you need voluminous statistics, non-specific phrases and, preferably, long-term benefits.

Finally, a trailer is introduced, which is a compressed message. He is the most important marketing technique.

The example of a mac fitter shows the importance of having your own target audience. This method can also be adopted by freelancers to work with their audience.

The conclusion after reading the book should be made for yourself the following: the main thing is not to create a unique product, but to prove to investors that they cannot do without this product and the whole world will stop.

Does your idea have great prospects? Have you created a product that - are you sure - will sell out on the very first day? Are you starting a company that will change the world, even if not immediately?

If you fail to prove this to the people on whom its implementation depends, whether they are investors, partners or employees, consider that you did not have an idea.

Good in a Room - this is how they call Hollywood screenwriters who perfectly present their ideas. Stephanie Palmer, the former top manager of MGM studio and now the head of the consulting company Good in a Room, has held, without exaggeration, thousands of meetings. She argues that persuasion techniques that work on hardened dream factory managers work great in other areas of business.

Read, study - and you will feel absolutely confident at a meeting of the highest rank and will be able to present your idea, whether it is a project for an investor or a product presentation, in the most favorable light!

This book is for all entrepreneurs, especially beginners. That is why we republished this book in the Startups series (it was previously published in our white series)

For everyone whose success directly depends on the sale of their ideas

We decided to publish this book because we know from our own experience how important it is to be able to infect others with your idea.

From the author: "You must understand: if someone agreed to meet with you, he hopes that your project will become a new round of his career." “When it is necessary to make a purchase decision, it is easier for the people responsible for it to evaluate the information lying on the surface, that is, the presentation itself. What's inside is more difficult to assess.

And this is true not only for Hollywood. In the vegetable section of a supermarket, success is determined more by packaging design and labeling than by product quality. When applying for a job, more often than not, attention is paid not to the candidate's experience, but to how he behaves during the interview.

I don’t mean to say that idea presentation is alpha and omega. Rather, I mean that good products deserve good packaging and great ideas deserve great presentation. "

Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012

ISBN 978-5-91657-312-1

Number of pages: 272.

Contents of the book “I came, I saw, I convinced. How to make an offer that they cannot refuse ":

  • 11 Foreword
  • 13 Introduction
  • 27 Part 1. How to swim among sharks
    • 29 Chapter 1. Secrets of Harmony
    • 35 Chapter 2. As you know ...
    • 40 Chapter 3. Return to the law of the first questions
    • 48 Chapter 4. Make it easy for another
    • 52 Chapter 5. The Nature of Confidence
  • 57 Part 2. Titles, teasers, trailers
    • 60 Chapter 6. The Myth of the Presentation in the Elevator
    • 63 Chapter 7. Scheme for creating titles
    • 69 Chapter 8. Teasers for all occasions
    • 75 Chapter 9. Trailers that work
    • 86 Chapter 10. Four questions
  • 95 Part 3. How to get the meeting you want
    • 98 Chapter 11. Stop Making Connections
    • 102 Chapter 12. The One Standing Principle of Networking
    • 104 Chapter 13. The Best in the World of Networking
    • 108 Chapter 14. More helpful people around
    • 112 Chapter 15. Your VIPs
    • 116 Chapter 16. Don't Forget About Your Inner Circle
  • 119 Part 4. Meeting
    • 121 Chapter 17. Five stages of a meeting
    • 125 Chapter 18. Before Entering
    • 128 Chapter 19. Complete natural selection
    • 133 Chapter 20. Fools are lucky
    • 137 Chapter 21. One Hundred Percent Attention
    • 143 Chapter 22. Better Questions
    • 151 Chapter 23. Does not speak, but shows
    • 162 Chapter 24. Love to answer questions
    • 168 Chapter 25. Closing
    • 174 Chapter 26. How beautiful to leave
    • 177 Chapter 27. On the way out of negotiations
    • 179 Chapter 28. Before entering another meeting room
  • 183 Part 5. Mini-meetings
    • 186 Chapter 29. How to make requests
    • 202 Chapter 30. How to Maintain Contact
    • 208 Chapter 31. How to track the process
    • 225 Chapter 32. How to say no
  • 233 Part 6. Resolution of issues
    • 235 Chapter 33. Interventions, Errors, Disasters
    • 238 Chapter 34. Bad Clients
    • 243 Chapter 35. Unpredictable partners
    • 248 Chapter 36. If you are stumped
  • 254 Epilogue
  • 255 Acknowledgments
  • 256 about the author

To become a successful negotiator, all you need to do is to have a monopoly on bread and women, or to follow our invaluable advice. We appropriated their authorship, having previously obtained information from our gullible consultant, managing partner of the consulting company Huthwaite International Russia Victoria Labokaite *.

* - Note of Phacochoerus "a Funtika:
« By the way, skills will come in handy not only at work: any dialogue is already negotiations. Despite the fact that all the recommendations for clarity are considered on specific examples, using these tips, you will learn to negotiate not only with suppliers and buyers, but even with your wife's sister, HR managers, guides and other crazy people.»

We backed up some of the tips with examples involving fictional characters. One of them is businessman German Khudyakov, who wants to arrange the supply of plastic cans to federal network supermarkets "Products". An exclusive agreement with the plant and the presence of branches in all regions of Russia allow German to supply cans in full for the entire chain of stores, which none of his competitors can do. Thanks to large quantities of goods, Khudyakov can offer "Products" an individual service, deferred settlement, prompt deliveries and the lowest prices possible. By the way, the sale of cans at Products has long been established and works well. The downside is that in different parts The Russian network is forced to work with different suppliers. The purchase price, service and delivery conditions depend on the region in which a particular store is located. German is ready to courageously offer a solution to this problem to “Products”. He needs to conclude an agreement with this particular network in order to ensure the necessary turnover of products, otherwise he will not be able to offer goods on such favorable terms. German is negotiating with Semyon Petrov-Pereplyuikin, Director of the Procurement Department of "Products".

And Herman also has a wife, Lika. You will learn more about her in examples 2, where we will illustrate family negotiations. The couple decided to take a vacation for the same time and spend it abroad. German did not care where to go, as long as it was warm and fewer Russians. And Lika dreamed of shopping in Europe.


Control your power

“Power in negotiations is not something abstract, as it might seem at first glance,” our expert is sure and explains that this power consists of reputation, status, competence, charisma and possession of information. If the first two points come only with experience, then you can train everything else if you lock yourself in a closet with a smartphone, the Internet and a mirror.


Always get ready

If everything is clear with competence and charisma, then we decided to dwell on the preparation separately. Before negotiating, it is important to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of the opponent and your own too. For example, write them down on paper in two columns ("+" and "-"). “This will help to soberly analyze the situation, anticipate the problems that will arise during the conversation, and prepare your reaction to them,” the expert says. Finding information about your partner shouldn't take more than half of the time you decide to spend preparing for the meeting. Ownership of the data does not guarantee that you will be able to use it correctly. Think about how to apply the acquired knowledge in the remaining 50% of the time: conduct mentally negotiations on different scenarios and prepare answers to possible questions of your opponent and your reaction to moments that may turn out to be controversial. Prepare carefully. The realization by the interlocutor that he did not pay due attention to the preparation will embarrass him and subconsciously inspire him that you are in charge here.

Example. Among other things, Herman referred to the advantages of his opponent as a well-functioning and well-functioning can sales scheme and the presence of at least five companies that are also seeking cooperation with Products. As a disadvantage, Khudyakov noted the varying purchase price depending on the supplier and the need for "Products" to independently deliver products to supermarkets. Herman wrote down his advantages as the ability to deliver cans to all regions of Russia, a unique single purchase price and a whole bunch of other things. The main disadvantage of Khudyakov is the vital necessity of cooperation only with "Products", since he will not be able to offer a unique price and service to smaller chains, which means that he will not be of interest to them.


Set limits in advance

“No deal is better than a bad deal,” recalls expert Victoria. Therefore, never make concessions other than those that you have determined for yourself. Before starting negotiations, mark the upper and lower thresholds of the discount to which you agree. If your opponent insists on more, hit him in the head and drink his coffee: you still have nothing else to talk about.

Example. Before the next meeting with Petrov-Pereplyuikin, German knew that they would talk about discounts, and therefore decided in advance that the best agreement on this issue would be a 1% discount for Products; the optimal discount is 3%, and the acceptable maximum is 5%. German believed that if the discount was increased by at least a couple of percent more, the contract would cease to be as profitable for him as he had expected. And that means that he needs it nafig.


Pay attention to common interests

Victoria told us about the Huthwaite study, which showed that successful negotiators give about 38% of comments on issues on which both sides agree (or will agree on them with the maximum probability). Inexperienced negotiators pay less than 11% of their attention to these same issues, and therefore pay for their meals themselves. “Discussion of topics in which both opponents agree in opinion contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of agreement and the feeling that it will be possible to agree on other issues,” the expert instills confidence in you.

Dirty play

To protect you from dishonest negotiators, Viktoria Labokayte spoke about dirty tricks. Since we are even more confident in your holiness than in our own, we are convinced that you will not use these low methods yourself.

If the NP (initials on behalf of the Dishonest Negotiator) needs all clauses of the agreement, including the transfer of $ 100,000 to his personal account in Venezuela, be signed by the opponent, he will press that these are standard terms of the contract: “We always do this, problems never arise. " The temptation to agree is great: we all understand that any changes will entail coordination with the legal departments, and this pleasure sometimes lasts forever.
In order not to fall for such a trick, take a lawyer for important negotiations.

Do not start a conversation by discussing common interests if they are secondary.

If you disagree on the main issue of the meeting, there is no point in disguising the meeting as something peaceful. For example, talking to your wife about the weather, while she intends to find out where you have lived for the last six months. Starting with peaceful, but not the main questions, you will certainly create a good atmosphere, but you can turn the conversation into nonsense. “At the same time, do not be afraid of early discussion of secondary issues: this will make the opponent understand that the conversation will not be limited to just one topic,” teaches Victoria.


Make your offer unique

Find out what exactly the interlocutor needs. Even if your offer is standard, there is always a nuance that will make it special, suitable for this particular opponent. “You can consider such a nuance both as a discount and as an opportunity to ask for a mutual concession,” says Victoria.

Example 1. German knew that most of the suppliers do not provide “Products” with a convenient delivery system: cans are shipped to the central regional warehouses of the network, and from there they are delivered to stores by “Products” themselves. Such a scheme creates inconvenience and additional costs for the "Products". Self-delivery of cans to points is already included in Herman's proposal, but he emphasized this: “I understand your costs for warehouse services and transport. We can deliver the goods ourselves to each of your stores. "

Example 2. Lika did not want to spend a vacation with her family friends - Dima and Dina. However, Herman spent a lot of time and beer to persuade Dima to go together. “Dina often visits Europe, so she knows all the best shops. And she also has a bunch of discount cards and sales friends, ”Herman recalled in time.

Dirty play If the opponent is known to be in a hurry to board the plane, the IR will use time manipulation. It is highly likely that the interlocutor will want to sign all the papers before leaving. In this case, he will have little time to think over all the pros and cons of the proposal. And those little things that the opponent will have time to notice, he will probably yield to the NP.
In order not to get into such a situation, be prepared for such behavior of your opponent and tune in to a detailed conversation, or even postpone the meeting altogether. We agreed that I would like to approach the issue thoroughly, because it is very important for you.

Provoke the first step

“Starting a bargaining is the most risky,” says Victoria and advises using the tactics of searching for offers: it will help you force your opponent to become the first. Reception consists in questions with the help of which you will understand what exactly the interlocutor expects.

Example 1. "What volume of cans we could supply for the entire network of" Products "on a monthly basis?" - showed you the tactics of searching for proposals Herman.

Example 2. Herman planned his trip so that he could visit several countries in eight days. He did it for the sake of his wife, because he himself would have liked to spend a vacation on the couch and did not spend money. Before announcing his plans, Herman asked Lika how she saw the trip. “I want to spend time in Milan and maybe go to Paris for a day,” she replied. And if Herman began with a proposal to go around all of Europe, Lika would certainly agree (this is an opportunity to bypass a lot of stores). And then Herman would have to do much more than what his opponent hoped for.


Look for mutual conditions if you still have to start trading yourself

Surely you know what kind of offer your partner expects from you. State it and your conditions under which this offer will come into force. This formulation of the question in itself calls for the beginning of bargaining.

Example 1. “I really can't keep this price if we only supply cans to 80% of the outlets. But we can consider the possibility of faster delivery of goods to your Far Eastern stores, "retorted Herman, having learned from Petrov-Pereplyuikin that he does not plan to buy goods from Khudyakov for distant regions, because the initially announced delivery dates for" Products "are not satisfactory.

Example 2. “Perhaps I will have the strength to visit a couple more shops with you if we go to eat pizza and drink beer,” Herman was forced to start, wondering how Milan positively affects the physical abilities of his wife.


Become a moderator

“Don't try to talk more than anyone else,” Victoria instructs. Fighting against the urge to sing in karaoke, speak only on the case and take the position of a moderator - the person who manages the process and sums up the results. Check if you understand what was said correctly ("That is, I will get a divorce only if I bring a fifth woman into the house?" equals four ") and summarize (" It turns out, while I go to the forest for new searches, the decision to divorce is postponed, and you will kiss in the shower again without me "). Summarizing and summarizing phrases will help control the process of the conversation, and the participants in the meeting will subconsciously begin to perceive you as the leader of this whole gathering.

Dirty play Even experienced negotiators are often annoyed by the NP, which for a long time does not give either agreement or disagreement on many issues. Thus, the negotiations are protracted. The opponent would have easily ripped them apart at the first stage, but now he is sorry for the time, effort and money spent, so he will not stop so easily the dialogue with the NP. Moreover, such a position often awakens excitement. In the end, when the IR does agree, but with his own special conditions, the opponent is likely to fall into euphoria and either die or sign all the necessary papers.
If this technique is used against you, just be patient or newpassite.

Add emotions

Don't use clichés like "I hereby want to submit the following." They have not worked for a long time and will give you a typical clerk. Emotions in your speech and facial expressions will make those present believe that you are personally interested in making everything work out. This means that you are a reliable person and you can be trusted. “An experienced negotiator, not having as much information as his opponent, can compensate for this difference by expressing feelings and asking questions,” Victoria shares her experience. Most importantly, do not overdo it: phrases like “I am glad that we were able to agree” or “It worries me a little” will be enough.

Dirty play As soon as progress is brewing in the negotiations, PN becomes stubborn under the pretext of insufficient authority: “I agree with your arguments, but due to the position of the leadership I cannot change anything”. Another option: the IR sends another person to the next stage of negotiations, who supposedly (or in fact) has more authority. This will mean that all previously reached agreements will be canceled. And if the opponent is unethical and mentions them, the NP accomplice will be surprised, apologize and notice that his colleague "did not have sufficient rights to do this."
Avoiding the fate of being deceived in this way is easy. Specify in advance how empowered your opponent is to make decisions on the issues discussed. If he doesn't have enough rights, you have nothing to talk about.

Do not prioritize discussion

“Let all the balloons be in the air until the very end,” advises Viktoria Labokaite, bearing in mind that there is no need to agree to a specific condition at the very beginning of negotiations, because many issues are interconnected. For example, agreeing to the lowest possible price implies low-quality service and long-term delivery. Therefore, before making a decision, it is necessary to agree in which case you will receive the stated conditions, and under what circumstances they will change and how exactly.

Example 1. Herman offered his opponent to buy each bowl for 0.9–1.2 dollars. Petrov-Pereplyuikin did not insist on 0.9, but noted that such a price range suits him.

Example 2. “Dear, today you can lie on the couch all day or go to a bar with Dima. You need to rest, ”- Lika looked suspiciously. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" - Herman was on the alert. “I'll have to get up early to be in time to the sales store, until everything is sorted out there,” the girl admitted. “Maybe I’ll go to a few stores with you today, but tomorrow you won’t pick me up at eight in the morning?” - suggested Herman, who did not like the idea of ​​spending a day without shopping in exchange for a short nap.


Don't give concessions, but sell them

Even if it costs you nothing to fulfill the request of your opponent, be sure to ask for some, even minor, concession in return. "Why give special conditions if you can always sell them?" - our consultant is justly perplexed. By the way, a seemingly insignificant privilege in the long run may turn out to be a big plus.

Example 1. Petrov-Pereplyuikin said that "Products" needs Herman's company to track the required volume of regular deliveries to a particular store. It costs German nothing: his company's control department maintains sales statistics for internal purposes. “Since we have offices in all regions, we could do this job,” Herman replied. “However, in this case, it is important for us to receive one hundred percent advance payment.”

Example 2. When a couple was planning a vacation, Lika wanted to go to Europe, but Herman didn't care where. But still he said: “You want to go shopping, and I want you to learn how to dance striptease. Let's go meet each other? " As a result, in exchange for the right to choose, which Herman did not cherish at all, he received a pleasant opportunity to get one of his fetishes: a stripper wife.

Dirty play Another trick is the guilt tactic. The NP presents the service to the opponent as something grandiose and necessary. At the same time, the IR knows in advance that the interlocutor will refuse the offer. Surely he will develop a subconscious feeling of guilt, and he will become more loyal to other, smaller for him, but really important proposals for the NP.
In order not to fall for this bait, take it as a rule that each new issue is discussed without any connection with the previous ones.

Challenge because logic doesn't convince

“It would seem very convenient to persuade with the help of arguments, - says Victoria. “But arguments give rise to counterarguments and lead to controversy, because no one likes to admit that they are wrong. And the dispute will not give results, because there is no constructiveness in it ”. Stop giving your reasons, and let the interlocutor understand for himself that his position is not so rational. This can be done by asking leading questions: "Honey, are you sure that the new child will be useful?"

Example 1. At the very beginning of negotiations, Petrov-Pereplyuikin did not intend to conclude an agreement with German for the supply of cans to 100% of stores, considering that working with one supplier is very risky. "Do you know how much safety stock all your current partners have?" - Herman asked, introducing Petrov-Pereplyuikin into doubt. The fact is that this information of partners is closed to "Products", while Herman's company pursues a policy of maximum openness and is ready to provide a constant reserve stock of cans in its warehouses without increasing the price of the goods.


A submarine is a situation when the interlocutor becomes receptive to information

Despite the fact that there are few such moments in negotiations, they are always easy to notice: the opponent begins to show heightened interest and even ask questions about the case. “When voicing the key parameters, do not let your opponent understand that they are extremely important to you. Otherwise, he will be able to ask for something meaningful in return, ”the expert teaches. Present important information in the same style as the conversation was built up to this point. Breathe in, breathe out and, as it were, between times, inform you that you have come not only to spend time in a pleasant conversation over a bottle of free whiskey, but also to say that you are ready to donate a kidney for at least two playstations.

Dirty play Any IR knows that the easiest way to significantly reduce the opponent's perception of information is to find it in another country or in Vladivostok. To restore the biorhythm, a person needs to rest for about a quarter of a day for each hour of the time zone change. It turns out that if an opponent flies to the NP (he himself, like all NPs, is in Moscow) from New York, he needs two days to bask in the jacuzzi and lie on the couch to fully adapt. After all, the time difference between cities is eight hours! Agree, few people can afford such a luxury as a two-day vacation. The NP tries to finally turn the interlocutor into a vegetable by making an appointment in the early morning.
Always be wary if, after arriving late in the evening, you are asked to start solving issues as early as nine in the morning.

Delhi victory

“It is very important that both sides do not feel like losers. It is necessary to share the victory, even if you are sure that you can win it alone and unconditionally. Otherwise, the party, which felt infringed, will either refuse to continue negotiations, or will fulfill its obligations poorly, ”Victoria frightened us in earnest. Since the parties, as a rule, have different goals, each can sacrifice the less significant for themselves in favor of the opponent, for whom, on the contrary, this concession will be very important.

Example 1. Our heroes were able to agree on the supply of cans. Products received a reliable supplier on favorable terms, and Herman - an ideal sales site. And the deal would not have taken place without mutual concessions: German, for example, accelerated the delivery of cans to remote areas, and Petrov-Pereplyuikin agreed to a one hundred percent advance payment. In the end, everyone was happy and went to play poker.

Example 2. Let's go back to the example from point 11. The heroes shared the victory, being satisfied with the agreement. German does not need to get up the next day at dawn, and he will have time to go to a bar with Dima in the evening, after a shopping trip. Although Lika will have to carry bags from the sales store herself, today her husband will keep her company, which means that you can buy more.


Trust and verify

The popular “opponent always lies” attitude is ineffective. Victoria is sure that there is no point in negotiating without a certain degree of trust. Otherwise, an atmosphere of excessive stress cannot be avoided, and in such conditions, work is unlikely to be productive. “But you need to understand that when it comes negotiations with a large number of participants, then different representatives of one side can interpret the main goals of cooperation in their own way, and this is normal. Just be careful and from time to time clarify your opponent's position on key issues, ”the expert instructs.

Stephanie Palmer - Came, saw, convinced. Clear and no compromise

I came, I saw, I won! We have all heard and know the famous saying of the great Roman emperor Caesar. Nowadays, this phrase symbolizes a great achievement in some area with minimal effort and time.

Stephanie Palmer adapted the famous phrase to the realities modern world that is built on communication and persuasiveness. The more you are believed and trusted, the faster you will achieve success. Stefana knows what she is writing about, because in this moment she is the CEO of her own consulting company Good in a Room, whose clients include both large and medium-sized businessmen and creative people... Stephanie helps them realize themselves to the maximum, attract as much attention to their ideas as possible, and get good profits as a result.

At one time, Palmer was the creative director of the Hollywood studio MGM and selected the most interesting, engaging, viral, socially promising videos. Thousands of all kinds of stories have passed through it, many of which have become successful projects.

At the moment, Stephanie Palmer is a very sought-after specialist. She is often invited to radio and television, filmed stories with her and interviewed. She also writes her own column for the LA Times, which is very prestigious and significant in itself.

A specialist of such a level as Stephanie knows what he writes about, and presents to his readers not just dry and insipid information, but effective advice on negotiating and developing your business. Her book “I Came, I Saw, I Convinced” is a technique for holding meetings and negotiations, tried and tested by many Hollywood stars and businessmen. By using these methods in building your business, you can be sure that your idea will receive the attention it deserves and the appropriate funding.

“I came, I saw, I convinced” - What is this book about?

Do you have a good, even wonderful idea that many should definitely notice? Do you want to create your own company and plan to change a lot in this world? Do you have a very promising product that will be sold out in a matter of days?

Yes, that's all good. The main problem is that you have to prove to people, whether they are partners or investors, that this is really the case, that everything will go the way you planned for yourself. And if you fail to be convincing, then consider that there was no idea. You just wasted in a wasted part of your life.

Good in a Room - this is what the scriptwriters are called, who can easily convince the prospects of the next script. Believe me, there is a lot of competition in Hollywood, and every day hundreds of screenwriters try their luck trying to convince another investor of the need to make a film using their ideas.

Stephanie Palmer, as we said earlier, worked as a CEO in one of the Hollywood companies. During her life, she held, if not exaggeratingly, at least a thousand meetings with various kinds of businessmen. As Stephanie says, the persuasion methods that work on hardened Hollywood professionals work great in other areas as well.

Read, study, apply the methods described in the book "I came, I saw, I convinced." If you do everything correctly, then a meeting of even the highest rank will not be scary for you, and you will be able to present your product to investors in a position that is beneficial for you and for them.

“I came, I saw, I convinced” - Who is this book for?

This book is suitable for all entrepreneurs, regardless of status and rank. We are faced with negotiations on a daily basis, and often success depends on how convincing you are. Of course, the easiest way to learn is without some well-established principles and vision of doing business, therefore, the book is very suitable for beginners. But experienced businessmen, especially if they want to develop and reach new heights, are obliged to read “I came, I saw, I convinced”.

I cannot say that this book should become your desk book. She is not such a brilliant masterpiece, but deserves due attention. The conclusion is obvious, "Anatomy of Business" advises each of you if you want to do business on the highest level and sign contracts of many thousands, read, understand, take note of everything that Stephanie Palmer set out in her book “I came, I saw, I convinced”.

“I came, I saw, I convinced” - A few words from the author

You should be aware of one fact - if someone makes an appointment for you, and agrees to seriously consider your proposed product, then he hopes to see something grandiose, something that will become a new round in his life, and can significantly change his life. Give the investor what he wants to see. Be convincing and compelling. The person who is ready to give you money should see all the advantages of your proposal. Emphasize them, put them on the surface, do not force the investor to delve into the depths of the project at the first stage.

And this rule doesn't just work for Hollywood. When you buy vegetables, you first of all pay attention to the design of the showcase, to the presentation, to the colorful packaging, and only then to its quality. What lies on the surface is easier and faster to assess.

What do I want to say? One fact is obvious - good products deserve the most beautiful packaging, and promising ideas deserve excellent presentation.