Is there any sound in Russian. Characteristics of sounds sh, w, h, u and their articulation

Explanatory note

Educational institution: MOU "SOSH No. 33" of Engels Saratov region.

Thing: Training diploma, umk "School of Russia"

Class: 1 class.

Material name: lesson on the topic "Sound [Sh], letters, sh. The lowercase letter. "

Purpose: fastening the material studied.

Equipment: (Author V.G. Goretsky), clarity, distribution material for reading, syllable table, word schemes, rebuses.

Methodical support : Goretsky V. G. Literacy Teaching. 1 cl.

Larisa Ivanovna Larisova, primary classes teacher MOU "SOSH No. 33" Rengeles, Saratov region

Subject: , Sound [Shch]. Letters, sh. The lower case.

Purpose: 1. To acquaint with the consonant sound [Sh], letters ...

2. Develop a phonmematic hearing and sound-proof culture, work out

skill of sound analysis of words;

3. Develop speech, attention;

4. Brief interest in reading.

Equipment: Using №4 (by V.G. Goretsky, N.A. Fedosova) Publisher, Enlightenment, "M., 2002, K, Russian alphabet (Author V.G. Goretsky), clarity, distribution material for reading.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

II. Nach lesson.

Guys, today we do not quite ordinary lesson. Emelya came to us on the furnace. He will introduce you to a new sound, you will learn what letter it is denoted, and learn how to write this letter, but first play.


a) game, reversals "

lump Kazak

whale on the sea romantic

b) solve rebuses:

k O P M A → Komar

k L OU N → Pendant

    Explanation of the new material.

Guys, and from what fairy tale came to us Emelya? (By magic)

What are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Emel, King, Pike, Marya - Tsarevna)

What time of the year events took place in this fairy tale? (In winter, lay a lot of snow)

Centuries created the people their fairy tales. The word, fairy tales "comes from the verb, to say." In a deaf antique across the volatile Russia in the snow-lined with snow, with a dim light of Luchin ( On the desk : icon -thin, long pinch) Our distant ancestors folded their fairy tales. The tale of Emele is one of them.

Our hero took the vest and went for water. He burned down the water and saw in the bucket .... pike.

She offers you to relax.

3.Fizminutka. (children repeat the movements for the teacher)

Pike I'm taring, Taha.

I will not miss the pike.

Here it is what

Nice, big!

Pike floats circles.

Pike tickles his teeth.

Well, your teeth - how to drink!

Where did you take?

Pike prayed and asked Emel to let her go, promising him, to fulfill his desires. I agreed to this Emel and let her go. And pike in gratitude gave Emela a whole bucket of bream. Look in the textbook, what a bream looks like.

4. Work with a tutorial. (P. 187)

Bream is a river fish with a flat body.

Let's give the characteristic to each sound.

What can we say about the last sound in the word according to his scheme? ( consonant, deaf, soft)

We watch it with articulation in the mirror.

So, the sound [sh] - consonant, because When pronouncing it, the air in the mouth meets the barrier (teeth) closed,

What does this sound look like? (hiss- for example, the ball is blown away)

What other sound looks like a hiss?

What do they differ? (Sh-soft, W-solid)

Why do you think the icon is on the page one? (The sound of the unpaid - there is no pair of ringing-deafness, hardness-softness).

Are we already familiar with the sound that has the same characteristic? True, this is the sound [h].

5.Fonetic charging + fizminutka

And now practice your ability to hear the desired sound in the Word. Stand up.

We will alternate squats with cotton in your hands (sat down-slapped-cried)

But you can perform the move, only if in the word that I said, there is our new sound:

Click, nutcracker, honest, life, tongs, box, hike, cheek, cloud, pike, stove, farewell, grove, whisper.

Well done! Sit down.

And now we will get acquainted with the letter that this sound is denoted.

Look at the center of the page in the "ABC". Who knows how is this letter? Yes, it is the letters of "schA" - big and small.

Today on the lessons we will learn to write a small (line) letter.

6. Work in registration p. 27.

Outside the window of winter, the snow poured all the roads, the windows of houses are painted with beautiful patterns. So we will now take the handles and try to circle a snow pattern in our crumbus.

Let's see what elements is our new letter?

Let's try to lay out it from your incision elements.

Letter in proper a whole line of elements of this letter.

Now let's try to connect these elements together. See how this letter is written.

Remove sheets with letters writing samples. Find our studied letter and handle on cellophane Try to talk her. (Then children prescribe this letter in the register.)

7. Work with a textbook. (P.187)

Previously, in the village, the water was worn out of the corner. They took the rocker, two wooden buckets and walked around water.

On the desk : Drub- hole cut into the ice river, lake.

rocker- Thick, curved, wooden plank with hooks for wearing

wedder on the shoulder.

And men from this corruption were caught fish. So we will go fishing now.

We start, fish. " If you read the word and there will be a sound in it, then pull the fishing rod and continues to read the next student, and if there is no sound, then I wonder on. "

Children read on the word chain from the textbook.

8. Fizminutka for the eyes. (Children only with their eyes watching fish, which appear input, then disappear.)

Our Emelya completely suited on the furnace and decided he to talk to the magic pike. He really wanted "5" for the lesson to receive. Do you want? Then let's do the task that pike prepared for you. (Children in the textbook read speakers)

Remember, guys, and pike is what kind of fish? (Pike - Predatory Fish)

And what other fastened fish do you know?

Make proposals with these words?

One of your suggestions we now write down in the register. It is already there. (Yershch and Pike - Predatory Fish.) Work in pouring p.27

10. Total lesson

So our lesson comes to the end. What did we study today?

11. Reflection

Did you get everything today at the lesson? Think how each of you worked, whether you reached the goal. If you think that you have worked well, everyone understood, they got straight into the target, then you can stick their knowledge straight to the center of the target. And if you think that you could work better, you did not quite reach the goal, then the arrow stack into the second round.

Short-term plan

Lesson 135.

Lumen learning


Bedfather Secondary School-Gymnasium


Traditions and folklore

Theme lesson:

Sound [sh,]. Letter. Writing line "Sh"


Full name of Teacher: Kutyrev O.V.

Class: 1.

Number of those present:

Number of absent:

The objectives of the training that must be achieved in this lesson Determine, about whom / as it is said in the text, and understand what the author of the text wanted to say Highlight sounds in words and distinguish their signs (vowel shock / unstressed; consonants solid / soft, deaf / bell) To understand that words consist of syllables, determine the number and order of syllables in the word Use basic types of reading (smooth sludge reading with the transition to reading as many words, conscious reading) Recognize image letter and compare it with sound write elements of letters, uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters and their connections; wringly in accordance with calligraphy norms; denote the sounds of strong position letters on the letter / write words, whose writing is dispened with pronunciation (water, snow, penalty, etc.), comply with the rules of the transfer (with the help of a teacher)

Development of skills:

1.8 Drawing up a story on a given topic.

1.9 Orientation in the sound form of the word.

2.9 Orientation in the graphical form of words.

3.8 Compliance with calligraphic and graphic standards.

Objectives of training

All students will be able to:

Form the skill of smooth sludge reading with a gradual transition to reading as many words.

Perform a layer sound analysis of words with sound [Sh].

Write syllables and words with a lowercase letter.

It is understood that words consist of syllables, determine the number and order of syllables in the Word.

Determine the place of the studied letter on the "tape of letters."

Most students will be able to:

Listen and respect the opinions of the interlocutors and correctly transfer their thought.

    Write off from print.

Some students will be able to:

Record syllables, words, suggestions with studied letters using commenting.

Language target:

Three-tag: ә Saint, Hobby, Hobby.

Basic terms and phrases:

Sound - letter. Lowercase letter, capital letter, consonant sound, sound solid and soft,

sound ring and deaf.

Used language for dialogue / letters in class:

Issues for discussion:

- What do you like to do in your free time?

- How do you understand the expression "every person have their own tastes and hobbies"?

Previous training

Word, syllables, emphasis, proposal scheme, vowels and consonant sounds, shock and unstressed vowels, consonants of solid and soft, consonant ringing and deaf, sound schemes, vowels and vowels. Letters: AA, UU, II, OO, YY, M M, TT, NN, LL, SS. Pp, uh, yaya, cc, xx.


Planned time

Planned Actions



Psychological attitude.

We are all glad to meet, friends,

I think I met with you not in vain.

We will be with you today

The letter to learn and read the words with it.


Actualization of knowledge.

-Azіr анandai sabak?


- What are the sounds?

- What are the consonants?

- What are the vowels?

Name vowels that you already know.

What consonants do you know?

(Reading syllables with famous letters)

Tsy, tso, tsu, ku,

ha, ho, x, xy,




Statement of the lesson.

Guys, today we do not quite ordinary lesson. Emelya came to us on the furnace. He will introduce you to a new sound, you will learn what letter it is designated, and learn how to write this letter.

Guys, and from what fairy tale came to us Emelya? (By magic)
- Is this a folk or author's fairy tale? (This is the Russian folk fairy tale)
- Name the heroes of this fairy tale? (Emel, King, Pike, Marya - Tsarevna)

- What time of the year events took place in this fairy tale? (In winter, lay a lot of snow)

Centuries created the people their fairy tales. The word, fairy tales "comes from the verb, to say." In a deaf antique, across all the immense Russia, in the snow-lined with snow, with a dim light of Luchin (on the board: the beacon is a thin, long scer), our distant ancestors folded their fairy tales. The tale of Emele is one of them.
Our hero took the vest and went for water. He burned down the water and saw in the bucket .... pike.

What kind of sound is this word?


And what is the sound?

What do you think about what we will talk today in the lesson?

Subject: Sound [Sh,]. Letter. Writing line "Sh"

What are we going to know?

Pike offers you to relax.

Fizminutka. (children repeat the movements for the teacher)

Pike I'm taring, Taha.
I will not miss the pike.

Here it is what
Nice, big!

Pike floats circles.

Pike tickles his teeth.

Well, your teeth - how to drink!

Where did you take?

Pike prayed and asked Emel to let her go, promising him, to fulfill his desires. I agreed to this Emel and let her go. And pike in gratitude gave Emela a whole bucket of bream. See what a bream looks like.

Drawing up a sound analysis of words: bream, pike (in notebooks)

Hat, shoe, pike, brush

Find the same sound in the words.

What word is superfluous? Why?

Emel on blackboard


Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Work on the textbook.

K, and) Work on the cleaningory. Allocation of a new sound Sh.

Finding out the basic characteristics of the letter.

(K, and) Sound-lettering the words "Pike", "Borsch".

(K, and) Reading open and closed syllables.

(K, and) Articulating gymnastics.

(AND) Reading words in the ranks, options, groups. Decision on syllables, highlighting a shock syllable.

(N, k) Explore the rule.

Emel came to us on the lesson with buckets. Look at them.(Bucket with letters sh , sh and a bucket with letters of vowels). Which of these letters will designate the sound [sh]?
- What is the name of this letter?
- Which of the castle will settle a new letter? Explain. Analogue of tape letters.
- What does this letter look like?

(Own statements of children).

Let's thank the pike for the new sound and the letter. In gratefulness Give her this portrait(Three pikes together have been in the letter sh ).

Grab, pussy can swallow, The other does not need to be science.

What does this drawing remind you of?
- Compare with printed letter
Sh ?
- from which elements is a printed letter
Sh ?

(D, K) Motor fizminutka "Once - climb, stretch."

Once - climb, stretch.

Two - bend, get off.

(At the expense of the teacher, children perform tilts, sipping.)

Three - in your hands three cotton, (clap in your hands.)

Head three nodes, (Movement head.)

Four - hands wider.

Five - to wave, (moves with hands.)

Six - for the desk quietly sit down, (sit.)

Once, two - they got together, (Stand, stepping in place.)

Hands right we put (Hands on the belt.)

Three, four - divorce (hands to the side.)

We will start doing (tilting ahead with a touch of leg sock hands.

Left hand - right leg; Right hand - Left leg.)

With heels will be on the sock, (rose to socks, hands on the belt.)

Right, left to the left, (Turns of the head left-right.)

We sat on my socks (squats.)

And as birds flew, (ran by class.)

Times, two - above the head, (Step on the spot.)

Three, four - hands wider! (hands to the side.)

Five, six - sit quietly! (squats.)

The sun will take up (Stand up, hands up.)

Morning red will come, (jumping in place.)



Work in propisi.

    Determining the elements of the lowercase letters. Showing writing in animated register. Prescribing in the air at the expense.

    Pressing the lowercase letters. Rules of landing and position of notebook.

    Recording syllables.

    Drawing up from syllasses words and record them. Pliers, things, groves.

    Check off with written text. Visiting the pike slaby.

Finger gymnastics "guests".

Fixed Masha guests convene:

And Ivan come, and Stepan come,

And Matvey come, and Sergey come,

And Nikitushka - Well, please.

(Rotation of hands of hands to yourself. Alternate finger massage on both hands.)

Work on the textbook. (K, and)

Reading the text of the fairy tale "Monstrous History".

Determination of the main thought.

Drawing up a description of the image of the monster.

Selection of proverbs to a fairy tale.

The teacher organizes a conversation about possible games on a visit, asks to come up with their rules of the game, paying attention to age, the number of players, the venue, the necessary things.

Three-tag: Trem, rule,rule.

(D, i) work in the propisi.

    Check off the printed text. Welded pike borsch.

    Phonetic analysis of the words "pike", "Vegetables".

Possible option for the teacher.



The outcome of the lesson.

(K, and) The teacher invites children to determine the place of a new letter on the "tape of letters."

Reflective estimation. The teacher offers students to evaluate its work at the lesson with the help of cards.

"+" - I - well done, was active in the lesson, I have everything

it turned out, I understood everything.

"?" - I can work better. I did not succeed

at the lesson.

"-" - I was hard in the lesson. I need help.

Thus, the teacher analyzes the adoption of information to the whole class.


cAR cards




Additional Information


How do you plan to support students?

How do you plan to stimulate capable students?


How do you plan to see the acquired knowledge of students?

Interdimensional connections

ICT competence

Increasing the level of motivation in children with a high level of readiness for learning and readiness levels above average, able to read (they are invited to read tasks for texts and the text of the patter).

Students having a level of readiness below average, to pay attention and control

(Control from the teacher when performing work in the register).

Children who have difficulty performing the task turns out to bedosage help.

"+" - I - well done, was active on

lesson, I did everything, I'm all


"?" - I can work better. I have

not everything did in the lesson.

"-" - I was hard in the lesson.

I need help.



    kazakh language



Were there any goals of learning realistic?

What studies studied today? What was the training sent?

Is the scheduled differentiation work well?

Did you have a learning time?

What changes from this plan I implemented and why?

Use the space below to sum up the lesson. Answer the most relevant questions about the lesson from the block on the left

final grade

What two aspects in training were very good (taking into account teaching and teachings)?

What two circumstances could have improved lesson (taking into account teaching and teachings)?

What did you know about the disciples in general or individuals:

Subject: Sound [Sh,]. Letter. Writing line

Know: What sound is always soft consonant.

Be able to: Write a string letter.

Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MKOU "Bigvorskaya Oosh"
Locality: d. big yard
Name of material: Abstract letter lesson in grade 1
Subject: "Soft consonant sound [sh"], letters, if the spelling of combinations, SHU "
Publication date: 12.02.2017
Section: primary education

Reading lesson in grade 1

Teacher:Berezkin Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Subject:Soft consonant sound

Letters, sh. Spelling of combinations, Schu.

Objectives: introduce a sound

and the letter that denotes it; Teach to distinguish sound

letter from other sounds and letters, differentiate sound and read syllables and words with a new letter;

develop verbal and logical thinking, attention, memory, speech abilities of students.

Planned results (subject)




indicate the sound [sh '] letters, sh; set on the basis of observations and the message of the teacher,

that in the slogation is always written a, and in the syllable, Schu is always written from, because the sound [sh '] is always soft,

its softness should not be shown by special letters; consciously and expressively read small

texts and poems

Personal results

Think over the question: What is the meaning and what is the meaning of the doctrine for them?

Universal training actions (meta-delta)

Regulatory: Learn to formulate the learning task.

Cognitive: general educational - oriented on a variety of ways to solve training

tasks; Logic - characterize the sound [sh '], perform a layer sound analysis of words.






communicative tasks

During the classes

Organizing time

The bell rang

The lesson begins.

Actualization of knowledge

Let's start a lesson from repeating studied letters.

Correct letters located in the first row. What is the letter "extra"? (hereinafter referred to


(letters call "weak" students)

On the desk :

Oh y y e ("n" - consonant)

Yu I and E ("and" messenger. 1 sound)

L M r f in C ("C" Molds. Deaf. Sound)

B PG K X D T ("X" - there is no pair of deaf-call.)

Message Topics lesson

Guess the riddle.


Rides a guy on the furnace.

Rides right to the palace.

Who is this well done? (Emel)

Tutorial page 62

Let's look at the picture.

- Do you know this fabulous hero?

- What kind of fairy tale is it from?

- Remember who Emelya caught a hole?

Why did Yemele let the pike back into the water?

- We ask and we pike fulfill our desire. Let her introduce us with new sound and

letter. Have you already guessed with what? If not, then say the word pike, highlighting each sound.


- What sound are we not familiar with? (With sound

- the topic of the lesson "Consonant sound

Letter Shi, Shch.

New Material

Allocation of a new sound. Acquaintance with the new letter.

On the blackboard the pike picture.

Let's in the notebooks on reading, we will make a sound-letter parsing of the word pike.

- Say a word pike,highlighting the first sound .

- Name the selected sound and give it a characteristic:

A) consonant;

B) deaf;

D) what sound hear after

in a word pike? But as pronunciation

? (soft)

In the river, in addition to Pikes, other fish are also found. The name of one of them will tell us myself

Emelya. (The word Emel is placed under the picture).

- Read his name on the board. How many syllables in the word?

- Say the word in the syllables. (E-Ma-la).

- Be careful. Correctly call the specified sounds, and then find out the name of the fish.

1. The consonant sound of 3 syllables,

2. Vowed sound 2 syllables,

3. Add a new sound.

- What word did it work out? (Post the bream picture)

- Perform a sound-alphabet word bream.

- How to pronounce sound

at the beginning and at the end of the words? (Soft).

- Give the sound characteristic

- Consult, deaf, always soft).

Designation of sound letter

The sound [Sh] is denoted by the letter Sh.

What looks like a letter?


2. Work with an electronic application

Reading the syllables with the letter Sh. (by disk)

Look at the clip and try to remember the words with the sound [Shch]

What words with sound

did you hear?

In which words are there a schu, schu?

Output: Changing writing with the letter a.

chu - write with the letter.

3. Speaking of patter on p.62

Stress the syllables of the chick.

- Read the spelling rule CHA, Chu, Shchu. on s. 63.

- In the slog, it is always written a, and in the syllable, Schu is always written by, because the sound [sh '] is always soft,

its softness should not be shown by special letters.

Chap Hebi with letter A.

Chu - write with the letter W.

Combining Chu and Schu

We write only with the letter y!

Chushka, pinch, scratch,

And I'm flying, shouting, ficking.

Cha and schA, cha and sch

Grove, Bowl and Candle.

Food, cloud, locust

With the letter a and cha, and schA.

What new information do you need to remember and apply when writing words?

Read the poem on with. 63.

In which words are there letter Shch?

Continuing the work on the lesson.

Reading mysteries about vegetables on page 64

What other vegetables do you know?

Determination of the location of the sound [sh "] in words

- Clear your hands, if you hear the sound [sh "] in words and keep your legs, if there is no such sound:

silk, whisper, tickle, Nutcracker, Heron, Honest, Chocolate, Shock, Slip, Cap, Tongs

Total lesson

- What sound met in the lesson? Give the characteristic of this sound.

- Name the well-known hissing sounds.

- How do you write chu-shchu? Thicket?

Lesson number 29 Letter and sound Sh.

Organizing time.

The game "Ruta":

We play in the game called the "grinding". I say the offer and make a mistake, and you correct it.

On the table boots, under the table of pellets.

And how to say?

Lamb in the river, karasi at the stove.

What is the right way then?

Under the table portrait, over the table stool.

Puppy peeking under the cabinet.

The ball rolls out of the table.

The boy pulls slippers from the chair.

The girl sweels garbage from the sofa.

Repetition of solid, soft consonants

(Consider the windows in the harmony house - blue and green.)

Look at the desk. Sounds live in these windows.

Whyother window windows?

Yes, there are hard consonants in the blue window, and in the green window - soft consonants.

What letters indicate only solid consonant sounds?

They live in blue windows.letters Sh, g, c

What letters indicate always only soft consonants? Y, ch

Acquaintance with the sound [sh ']

Today we will find out whether there are still residents in these houses

    Finding a new sound in poem

Listen to the poem. Read poem highlighting[LE ']

Pike sparkle schi trembled.

Schiel Twitteal:

Little! -

Where is the shoe? Where soup?

Go fistula!

Pike feste

And science scokes?

Who treated schchay sch)?

What new sound heard?

2. Sound characteristic [Sh "] On the blackboard 5 pictures - box, pike, mites, lizard, brush.

Children find out the sound[LE ']vowel or consonant?Children sing sound [LE '] define that sound [LE '] consonant. (interfere with the teeth)

find out the sound[LE ']solid or soft?Children utter words, define that the sound [LE '] soft.

Now let's define in which part of the house we will settle the sound[Shk '] , with a bell or without a bell. ?, So we need to understand the sound[LE ']ringing or deaf?

Children conclude: sound [Sh "] i consonted, in all these words he is soft, in all words - deaf.

Yes, sound[LE ']the consonants, deaf, always soft.

3. Who will remember the words, the story of L. Yakhnina ( reads teacher)

The puppy has a cheek. Puppy howl.

Schiekol chirping: "Put the puppy on the crushed stone and tackle, until it goes."

Miscelock Misha advises:

Mix the bristles and pinch salt.

And the pig claims:

Catch the pike, open the mouth puppy, and the pike grabbing behind the sick tooth, as a forceps and pull out.

The jet could not stand:

Toothbrush should be cleaned.

(Pupils call the words that were remembered.)


Schu, Schu, Schu - Fish, I will not miss.

SchA, schA, schA, I hold a bream on the fishing rod.


Two puppies, cheek to cheek,

Tweaks the brush in the corner.

- Take the patter with the movements. Under it we will march.

Take it slowly.


Who will deliver it one more time independently?

What kind of sound is more often found?

What is he?Consonant or vowel? Why?

Send him with voice or without voice? So he is ringing or deaf?

Solid or soft?

Right, sound "sh" alwayssoft!

Soft consonant in the scheme what color do you indicate?


Let's play the game "Drive Train"

Train rides! (With what?)

With topotting;

With clappers;

With turns;

With misses;

With flares;

With misses;

With tilts;

With laughing;

With silence.

Games with the letter "Sh"

"Letter I got lost"

Misha firewood did not write

Stoveto things tricks.

Replace the first letter to get a new word:

foam - ... (puppies) flour - ... (pike)

repka - ... (pinch) Strag - ... (gap)

river - ... (cheek) aunt - ... (brush)

kit - ... (Shield)

Acquaintance with the letter Sh. Show picture with Letter Sh.

Guys, let's look at the letter Sh.

Three trees rose in a row.

The letter "sh" they cost.

If the tail to them is printed

Letter w on i fix

By playing puppy.

Up the paws he lay down!

Letter to help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

Grab, pikers are able to swallow -

The other does not need them science!

On the comb's comb similar

Three teeth of everything? And what?

Playing sludge rows:

SHA - Schu - soup


Fastening. "Words crumbled" On the board pictures, bode pictures letters from magnetic alphabet.

In our magic forest, a strong hurricane swept. He confused all the words that I prepared for you. Let's restore them. We will help us pictures.

Horny (pike) Koshcheny (puppy) Yolkin (brush)

You can add other words for different pictures.

Well done! You got well!

Let's play the game. Raise and show the signal card if you hear the sound "Shch":

Sob, print, thick, bunch, crack, meet, point, treat.

Sound Shch, as well as the sound of h, belongs to the group of hissing sounds. He has all the same characteristics - he is a consonant, unpaired, soft, deaf sound.
Sound Shch It is also pronounced almost as the sound, but the tip is not raised up, but the back and side edges. They are "glued" to the nubble. Often this sound may appear in the speech of the child automatically, after he learn how to pronounce the remaining hissing sounds. But despite this, adults should consolidate the sound in syllables, words, cleanlaisors and phrases to avoid mixing Sound With others (h, sh, smiling) in the speech stream.

Sound automation benefits

Speech therapy allowance "Sound Slogs" (direct syllables)
Directed on the automation of sound is isolated and in syllables. Promotes the formation of primary skills of syllable reading, the development of attention, memory. The material consists of 12 sheets. They are 8 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit. The cost of the benefit "Sound in syllables" (direct syllables) - 15 rubles.

Payment information

Speech therapy manual "Sound in syllables" (back syllables) The cost of the benefit "Sound in Sluts" (inverse syllables) - 15 rubles.

Payment information

Speech therapy manual "Sound in syllables" (direct and inverse syllables) Directed on the automation of sound is isolated and in syllables. Promotes the formation of primary skills of syllable reading, the development of attention, memory. The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age. The material consists of 12 sheets. They are 8 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit. It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format. The cost of the manual "Sound in Sluts" (direct and inverse syllables) - 20 rubles.

Payment information

Speech therapy manual "Write pictures". Sound Sh. (Nutcracker) directed to Sound automation In words (sound at the beginning of the word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development, memory. Enriches and activates the vocabulary of the child.
The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age.

It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format.
The cost of the benefit is "Call pictures". Sound Sh. (Nutcracker) - 20 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual "Write pictures". Sound Shch. (monster)
directed to sound automation
The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age.
The material consists of 31 sheets. They are 27 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit.
It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format.
The cost of the benefit is "Call pictures". Sound Sh. (Monster) - 20 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual "Write pictures". Sound Sh. (Koschey)
directed to sound automation In the words (the sound in the middle of the word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development, memory. Enriches and activates the vocabulary of the child.
The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age.
The material consists of 29 sheets. They are 25 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit.
It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format.
The cost of the benefit is "Call pictures". Sound Sh. (Koschey) - 20 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual "Write pictures". Sound Sh. (Black Cloak) Directed on the audio automation in words (sound at the end of the word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development, memory. Enriches and activates the vocabulary of the child.
The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age.
The material consists of 14 sheets. They are 12 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit.
It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format.
The cost of the benefit is "Call pictures". Sound Sh. (Black Cloak) - 10 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual "Cleaner with sound" It is aimed at securing the correct pronunciation of sound in the chemicals. Promotes automation of reading skills, development, memory. Enriches and activates the vocabulary of the child. The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age. The material consists of 9 sheets. They are 5 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit. It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format. The cost of the benefit "Cleaner with Sound". - 30 rubles.

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Speech therapy guide game "Name a number of words with sound"
It is aimed at consolidating the correct pronunciation of sound in a number of words forming rhymes. Contributes to the development of attention, memory. Enriches and activates the vocabulary of the child. The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age. The material consists of 11 sheets. They are 7 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit. It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format. The cost of the benefit game "Name a number of words with sound." - 30 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual "Review with sound" It is aimed at consolidating the correct pronunciation of sound in a number of phrases forming rhyme. Contributes to the development of attention, memory. Enriches and activates the vocabulary of the child. The manual is intended for children of senior pre-school or younger school age. The material consists of 14 sheets. There are 10 cards with pictures, title sheets, abstract and algorithm of work with a benefit. It is recommended to print on the photo paper. File in PDF format. The cost of the benefit "Review with the sound of hours" - 30 rubles.