Determining the mass of the kernel. How to find a core mass

We sew your own folded collar of fur in this article. We will look at how easy it is to simply sew a beautiful shielding collar of fur. Perfect addition to the dear jacket with a white shirt or beautiful decoration for a coat or blouse. However, options for creating a stylish image with a fur collar are a separate topic, and now the master class itself: 1. We prepare the pattern in the application attached pattern in several parts. It must be printed so that each drawing is printed on a separate A4 sheet. Next, cut out and glue all parts into one pattern. Cut out the finished pattern on an unnecessary piece of fabric and try on yourself. We check that the pattern is suitable in size, if necessary, adjust the pattern, configuring to your taste. For example, you can lengthen the collar a little down or expand below. New pattern re-redraw on new paper. Having received the final version of the pattern, 2. We select and calculate the number of fur We will need two sable skins or two skin skins on average ears long (not counting) 30-40 cm (can be longer, but not shorter than 30 cm). 3. We do the right of the skins turn the skin inside out and cut the blade or a speed knife along the tummy along the entire skins from top to bottom. Cut the tail, paws and muzzle. We rule our skins as in the article: do the solution, we scrape the skins and leave them to be soaked. At this time, we take the board for editing such that our entire pattern of the collar fit on it. We supply our paper pattern along the contour on the table. In the process of stretching the skins, we immediately make the slope of the skins. That is, the first skins we pull the right side is stronger, and the second skirt is left side. When we trigger stretched skin on the board, we immediately try to place them as much as possible by the contour of the pattern so that only the edges of the skins come out for the pattern, only the edges of the skins (they are even smooth). From the inside of the collar on the skins, we are formed by the folds, which we also fix cloves or brackets, in the future these folds will become our ottachki-hostesses. Leave the skins to dry for a day. 4. Strip and stitch when the skins dried, first we note on the skins our extractors-otkuchi, and after removing the skins from the board. Next, we sew the wrappers, and after cutting out two parts of the collar and sew in the middle in the middle. We get that in the tailoring we let two backs, part of the tummy we cut off, and the middle of the collar seams are connected along the cutting line of the face. (I note that this is only one of the numerous options for cutting and locating the skins, in the future we will look at many others.) 5. Sevive the lining, ribbons and brooches around our fur collar are sewn the edging tape (more about the ribbon here.

How to restore the fur collar with your own hands

First of all, you need to argue with fur lining.

Gently with a unpaid or razor with a seam connecting fur with a cloth. Be extremely careful, do not pull, otherwise the holes can not be avoided.

On my collar of the Black Fox, there were damages at the top and sew them could not be possible, so I neatly cut off. As a result, it turned out 2 symmetric details.

Since white hairs of Chernoburki slightly wishes, and the cleaning of well-known ways did not give the result, I decided to wash it.

It is necessary to wash it so that the detergent does not fall on the Mezer. I "washed" my collar with ordinary shampoo with the addition of a few drops of avocado oil (for brilliance). When the shampoo was washed out of the hair part, rinsed the whole skirt. Do not try to squeeze, the wet skin rifles instantly.

To give the future collar of the desired form, it is necessary to nourish it to be down on the board strictly according to the drawn lecture. Take the smallest cloves and approach the fur at a distance of 1-3 cm from each other.

My skin was harsh after water procedures, so I decided to "feed it." For this, one egg yolk mixed with a spoonful of glycerin (they sell 8 rubles in a pharmacy for 25 ml) and caused a grinding brush for hair color. Waiting for complete drying had 2 days. As a result, the skin has become more elastic, filled and soft. It is said that this procedure also strengthens the hairs.

If still the strength of your skin causes you big doubts, put it on glue. For this purpose, the glue "moment" or rubber. Lubricate the skin with glue and apply either gauze either, or the stem, or nonwoven material, which is used in the usual sewing for laying. You can strengthen the skirt not entirely, but only thin driving places.

Exceeded fur I carefully haunted a metal brush (I have a cat long-haired cat).

Now you need to sew the skins among them from the central part. If you did not cut anything, then this stage misses with a clean conscience.

Next, we need to sew a lining to the fur - the smowler. Note, I sewed a removable universal collar. If you sew a collar for a coat, then the navigator will be a fabric from which all the product is sewn. At the edges of the collar, we sew the braid. Next to it will be easier to sew the hammer.

I chose a conventional oblique beyk and set her on the car, turned away and sewed to Meze manually.

For the housewives, I took the finished ride fabric. Price she is 120 rubles per meter. I cut out a collar with a breakdown on the seams of 1-1.5 cm. Then it is manually by a secret seam. Send the lining to the braid.

If you sew a collar and a metering of fur with fine and medium amertie, then the order of work will be like this:
· Curra collar strengthened fine x / b to the cloth (Mitkal, Chankor, Sitez, etc.). The fabric cuts down the contours of 1 cm more than the collar to enjoy - "bother" edges.
Having impacted the tissue into the collar, it is first noted on a member of oblique hint stitches with a length of 1 - 1.5 cm. Mezer do not pierce through, but only stick. Then the tissue is closed by 1 mm less than the collar.
· Fur emolor strengthen the cloth in the same way. Then, for the shadowlessness of the collar to the tissue of the residents, they attach a gasket from a frame, non-brace fliesline or other laying materials.
· Having folded the collar and the metering to the fur inside, fasten them in several places and stitched with a speed seam, a positive upper collar.
· Then turn.

Fur collar, coat fabric muner.
· The emooder is strengthened with a gasket (none or glued) exactly according to the lecture.
· Vatin or Singrytepon pick up the laying.
· The emooder is "covered with a" fur collar, fucked fur and beched with imperceptible stitches. If the metering is not from the coat fabric, it is desirable that it is in color to the tone to the fur.

Three options for removable collar:
· Sew a clean pull-out collar to the neck secret stitches.
· Send to sew a plano from lining, punch loops. Cool collar

The fur coat is one of the most desirable things for a woman. It warms well on cold days, while it looks always rich and attractive. But, the fur coat is always the subject of luxury, which is not for everyone by pocket. So, why not sew it with your own hands, if there are ready-made patterns of fur coats? Let's try!

What do you need to sew a fur coat?

First of all, it is necessary to buy materials for work:

  • Natural fur, as the most expensive material. Products made of natural fur looks always spectacular, but require special skills, knowledge and professional equipment;
  • Faux furAs a more accessible alternative to natural material. Working with a solid piece of fur fabric will be easily even fans of sewing skills. At the same time, you can always combine natural and artificial materials. For example, for the pattern of collars to use natural raw materials;
  • The base from the old fur coat It is the most popular raw material for the new clothes. But, it is always worth understanding that any fur can have certain period operation. Therefore, all stamped places cannot be used when sewing a new thing and should be removed during the sewing.

Natural fur (animal skins) is acquired exclusively in specialized stores. If you want to save, you can refer to fur enterprises. In free sale, the skins are not so much, so they often make a preliminary order, otherwise the cost of raw materials will be overestimated.

But artificial raw materials are quite affordable. In any fabric store you can find a variety of fur "under natural" in a wide form of colors and species. The prepared patterns below can be used for both natural and artificial raw materials.

As a lining protrudes easy Atlasas the most classic option. But, you can use the stegan lining from combined tissues. Such material is characterized by durability and acts as an additionally insulation. But, the atlas looks more beautiful.

In addition to the material, you need to stock and tools for work:

  1. Sharp scissors;
  2. Studs or clothespins (necessary for fixation). Their favor will appreciate the category of SHEI, which preferred natural material;
  3. Plumpers forceps to install accessories;
  4. Hammer with woven winding (necessary for breaking or softening seams);
  5. Special triangled needles;
  6. Brush-scallop for combing fur;
  7. Chalk (soap) to designate markup;
  8. High-quality fittings: hooks, buttons, straps, ties, and so on.

Need to know! Working with fur material is not so simple. Work prevents the pile and features of the skins (Mebra). Therefore, some craftswomen instead of scissors use a scalpel or a simple blade. A good tool sharpness will make sure of confident and rapid movements when cutting material.

How to make a pattern of fur coats?

  • Determine the length of the fur coats - the distance from the top shoulder point to the selected point;

Attention! When building a pattern of short fur coats extreme point Use a line 10 cm below the waist or middle of the hips. In case of working with a direct fur coat, its length can reach the knee and even lower.

  • Creating the pattern of the sleeves of the fur coat, it is necessary to measure the distance between the shoulder point and the selected length of the sleeve;

Important! When building a pattern of Fyson's fur coats, the bat must be taken into account that the free style of the sleeve implies the rounded bottom seam that goes into the sides line.

  • We form a silhouette. For the focus of size 42-48 and any style, the fur facility is 147-150 cm long. When constructing a fur coat from the 50th size, a cloth is 2 lengths. For Leson, the bat of any size is also needed by a cloth for 2 lengths;
  • If the pattern of the fur coat provides a hood, then the size of the canvase used increases by 80 cm. The presence of a collar of the rack increases a 50 cm. And with the pattern of overhead pockets in the additional element there is no need. Quite enough slices that remained when forming a sleeve or shelves;
  • At least 10 cm allocated on the allowances and seams;
  • When combining a different type of fur (natural and artificial material), the calculation of the required amount of metratem is determined separately. The main emphasis is placed on the height of the details.

We sew a short fur coat of artificial fur

For sewing, 2 meters of fur material are needed (on your taste and color) and the same amount of tissue on the lining. The main stages of the work:

  • We form the pattern and reproduce the fabric in the drawing;

  • Cut out two shelves, back and sleeves;
  • Connect the back and front shelves by forming a shoulder seam;
  • Fix the sleeves on the pins and gently sew;

  • We make side stitches on the body and seams at the bottom of the sleeve;

Important! At this stage, we leave not flashing the lower part, then turn the coat on the wrong one and complete the work.

  • We flash the sleeves with 2-2.5 cm;
  • Shuba is ready.

Attention! If you wish, you can install accessories at the plot of the main material with lining.

Pattern of fur coats with collar Rack

The model of medium length, slightly expanded to the bottom. For sewing, both natural and artificial fur can be used. A total of about 2.5 meters of basic and lining material, fittings, decorative elements (if desired) are necessary.

Attention! All vertex details must have one pile direction. Paired parts should mirror repeating pattern. When working with artificial fur, cut only the woven part, with natural - to death. Vors do not touch.

The main stages of the work:

  • Cut 2 shelves, back, collar, 2 pieces of sleeves;

  • Duplicate details for the weld. In this case, the length of the fee below increases by 6-10 cm;

  • On the markup cut the shelf on 2 parts. The upper part lies separately;

Important! Pay attention to the allowances: shoulder, side, vertical sutures of the sleeves, at a rack - 1 cm, on the bottom of the sleeve and coats - 4 cm.

  • Laying lecked when working with artificial fur is a little different.

  • We connect the upper shoulder seam: the shelves and the back of the back;
  • We cover the sleeves and sew the other parts;
  • We form a lining by pattern;

  • We connect the items, install the accessories, turn the fur coat and sew bottom.

Pattern of fur coats with a hood from natural fur

The hood fur coat will warm on a cold day. Although tailoring such a model can be attributed to more difficult work.

The main stages of sewing:

  • We start with the training of skins. Knife cut the skin along the womb. It is important not to damage the pile. Eliminate the defects of the pile or amelter. I wipe me out and leave it for an hour. Then we spread the skins, lay them down and leave them for an hour. Ultimately, we form a web blade with a pin with a pin and sew them (seam according to Zig-Zag). Fur should look in one direction;
  • Prepared fur canvas reproducing on the pattern;

  • We form a shelf with a whole-circuit and a hood, back, front of the hood and two halves of the sleeves;
  • We prepare the patterns of the inner parts of the hood;

  • On the bottom of the product and the sleeves, add about 4.5 cm. On lateral, shoulder seams, plumbings and hooded line - 1 cm. On the cutting of the edge of the inside of the hood add 2.5 cm;
  • We cut the lining;

  • We sew all along the lines, starting from the top and the formation of the hood. Then we go to the side seams and sleeves. We cover the lining and sew the lower part of the fur coat.

A fur coat made of natural or artificial material made by their own hands on the finished patterns will be made at times cheaper of the factory option. Yes, and it will be perfectly on the figure, since it is sewn according to its own parameters.

Video: how to make a pattern for a fur coat

How to restore the fur collar with your own hands

First of all, you need to argue with fur lining.

Gently with a unpaid or razor with a seam connecting fur with a cloth. Be extremely careful, do not pull, otherwise the holes can not be avoided.

On my collar of the Black Fox, there were damages at the top and sew them could not be possible, so I neatly cut off. As a result, it turned out 2 symmetric details.

Since white hairs of Chernoburki slightly wishes, and the cleaning of well-known ways did not give the result, I decided to wash it.

It is necessary to wash it so that the detergent does not fall on the Mezer. I "washed" my collar with ordinary shampoo with the addition of a few drops of avocado oil (for brilliance). When the shampoo was washed out of the hair part, rinsed the whole skirt. Do not try to squeeze, the wet skin rifles instantly.

To give the future collar of the desired form, it is necessary to nourish it to be down on the board strictly according to the drawn lecture. Take the smallest cloves and approach the fur at a distance of 1-3 cm from each other.

My skin was harsh after water procedures, so I decided to "feed it." For this, one egg yolk mixed with a spoonful of glycerin (they sell 8 rubles in a pharmacy for 25 ml) and caused a grinding brush for hair color. Waiting for complete drying had 2 days. As a result, the skin has become more elastic, filled and soft. It is said that this procedure also strengthens the hairs.

If still the strength of your skin causes you big doubts, put it on glue. For this purpose, the glue "moment" or rubber. Lubricate the skin with glue and apply either gauze either, or the stem, or nonwoven material, which is used in the usual sewing for laying. You can strengthen the skirt not entirely, but only thin driving places.

Exceeded fur I carefully haunted a metal brush (I have a cat long-haired cat).

Now you need to sew the skins among them from the central part. If you did not cut anything, then this stage misses with a clean conscience.

Next, we need to sew a lining to the fur - the smowler. Note, I sewed a removable universal collar. If you sew a collar for a coat, then the navigator will be a fabric from which all the product is sewn. At the edges of the collar, we sew the braid. Next to it will be easier to sew the hammer.

I chose a conventional oblique beyk and set her on the car, turned away and sewed to Meze manually.

For the housewives, I took the finished ride fabric. Price she is 120 rubles per meter. I cut out a collar with a breakdown on the seams of 1-1.5 cm. Then it is manually by a secret seam. Send the lining to the braid.

If you sew a collar and a metering of fur with fine and medium amertie, then the order of work will be like this:
· Curra collar strengthened fine x / b to the cloth (Mitkal, Chankor, Sitez, etc.). The fabric cuts down the contours of 1 cm more than the collar to enjoy - "bother" edges.
Having impacted the tissue into the collar, it is first noted on a member of oblique hint stitches with a length of 1 - 1.5 cm. Mezer do not pierce through, but only stick. Then the tissue is closed by 1 mm less than the collar.
· Fur emolor strengthen the cloth in the same way. Then, for the shadowlessness of the collar to the tissue of the residents, they attach a gasket from a frame, non-brace fliesline or other laying materials.
· Having folded the collar and the metering to the fur inside, fasten them in several places and stitched with a speed seam, a positive upper collar.
· Then turn.

Fur collar, coat fabric muner.
· The emooder is strengthened with a gasket (none or glued) exactly according to the lecture.
· Vatin or Singrytepon pick up the laying.
· The emooder is "covered with a" fur collar, fucked fur and beched with imperceptible stitches. If the metering is not from the coat fabric, it is desirable that it is in color to the tone to the fur.

Three options for removable collar:
· Sew a clean pull-out collar to the neck secret stitches.
· Send to sew a plano from lining, punch loops. Cool collar