Sample application upon admission to university. How to write an application for admission

However, it is difficult to do this in reality, because each of the forms has a number of characteristic differences.

Today, each higher educational institution uses its forms, that is, the unified document does not exist. Nevertheless, the same information is indicated by the same. In order not to make a mistake, you should carefully read the questions and give adequate answers.

From the applicant, the following is required - to make true challenges about yourself:

  • full name;
  • date of birth and place;
  • passport details;
  • registration address;
  • selected specialty;
  • form of learning (full-time, correspondence, paid, budget, etc.);
  • information about the existing education;
  • the results of the USE;
  • presence of benefits;
  • the need of a hostel.

Who is allowed to enter universities

In accordance with the orders mentioned at the beginning, graduates take into educational institutions:

  • secondary schools;
  • proftechililation or organizations equated to them.

Learn in universities can:

  • citizens of Russia;
  • compatriots from states who were previously part of the USSR;
  • stateless persons or foreigners permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

All named categories are allowed to the competition in government agencies on the general reasons. They have the right to count on the free first higher education of each of the existing levels.


The above-mentioned study gives budgetary organizations or commercial structures ready to pay for the formation of a particular citizen. With the latter, it is usually a contract according to which he (after the release) undertakes a certain period of time to work in the institution or at the enterprise (as a rule, a period of three years). If a person subsequently refuses this, he will have to return the money spent on him.

To take advantage of this opportunity, the applicant is necessary:

  • determine with the university and specialty;
  • will be in the organization or company practicing the issuance of areas;
  • apply in free form.

The latter is indicated, except for standard, information:

  • form of study;
  • specialty code;
  • information about parents (F. I. O., place of work).

The application is applied a copy of the passport of the young man (optionally) and the characteristic of the school or school, signed by the director.

Application application - deadlines

In the current year, regardless of the form of training, the documents from applicants are accepted from June 20.

For those who submit a statement on the results of additional tests of professional or creative orientation, passing the paper is terminated on July 7. Persons participating in the entrance exams conducted by the university, the deadline - July 10.

The unified all-Russian period of receiving documents for applicants does not exist only to correspondence - each university independently determines the time.

In addition, by July 26, all entrance exams must be completed and applications from citizens coming without their passage.

Without leaving home? How to do it? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

Documents in the university can be submitted via the Internet

Consider all possible submission options for university

There are several ways to submit documents:

1. To come personally in the admission committee. This is the easiest option. You come with a package required for the receipt of documents, fill out all applications and blanks. If you choose this method, schedule all the costs in advance. For example, the price of tickets to Moscow and back depending on the distance of the permanent residence region will be from 4,000 rubles. The cost of living in a hostel or hostel is from 500 rubles per day per person; In a removable one-bedroom apartment with daily rent - from 750 rubles per person per day. At best, familiar or relatives are shelled. Do not forget to schedule two trips: first - to feed copies; The second is to pass the originals after clarifying the competitive situation.

2. Make a notarial power of attorney. The trustee can dispose of copies and originals of your documents, as well as sign applications and make all actions related to the configuration assignment. For this, power of attorney must be drawn up with all the training options that interest you: full-time, absentee or evening, on a budgetary or commercial basis. Be careful! If a trusted person is not allowed in the document to submit documents in the format you need, then the university will simply not be able to take your application from other people's hands.

3. Send by mail to Russia. You download the application on the site, fill out, apply copies of the necessary documents to it and send it all by registered letter with the description of investments. Note: You can send only copies of documents. If you live far, it is very convenient, because you will need to visit the university only once - to pass the originals. But do not forget to take into account the speed of the mail, send everything as early as possible, and not a week before the end of the reception of applications.

4. Submission of documents by e-mail.All the necessary documents and scans you send to the mailbox of the Admission Commission. And there are many nuances here.

In some universities, electronic registration can not be passed

Features of filing documents in electronic form

The ability to submit documents in electronic form is not available in all universities. Among them, both top universities - and regional - and. Request all documents from the notary before shipping will not need.

It should be borne in mind that when submitting documents by e-mail in some universities, such as in, the document signatures is required to sign documents. PDF format file.

What documents are needed when issuing documents on the university website

To submit documents in electronic form, you need to scan the following documents:

  • application for training in which you need to specify a specialty, direction or program that you have chosen;
  • consent to the processing of your personal data (a form can be downloaded on the website of the university);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate and application with marks to it;
  • medical certificate (if a medical examination is required);
  • 2 black and white photos of 3 x 4 size (sometimes they may require more);
  • military ticket if you are military-net;
  • a document confirming your individual achievements (participation in the Olympiads, awarding the Golden or Silver Medal, the sign of distinction of the GTO, etc.);
  • documents confirming your special rights or benefits upon admission (status of orphans, disability, etc.).

Mandatory list of digital copies of documents each university determines independently. You can find it on the site of the institution in the section "Entering" or "Applicants" with the mark "Feeding documents".

Check if the university of your dream documents takes documents in electronic format, you can in search services for key phrases:

  • submit documents by email;
  • submit an Online statement;
  • submit documents in electronic form on the site;
  • electronic digital form of submission of documents.

How to properly submit documents in electronic form: Step-by-step instructions

Consider the general algorithm for electronic submission of documents:

If you did everything right, you will get a response letter from the university or your data will appear in the lists of persons submitted (they are published on the site). In the event of controversial issues, call the admission committee.

You will need

  • - a pen;
  • - passport;
  • - certificate;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - the results of the USE;
  • - photos;
  • - diploma diploma of the Olympiad;
  • - certificate confirming benefits when admission;


Documents for admission you will need to be within a certain time, which establishes the Reception Commission. It is not worth postponing the submission of documents at the very last moment, since there is a danger that some documents will not meet the requirements of the university, and you will not have time to correct the shortcomings. The lack of submission of documents at the very beginning is that at this moment it is still unknown, how many people have submitted documents and what is the preliminary competition for certain specialties.

Filling the application for admission, be careful. Observe all the requirements that form the compilers. After all, it is offended to spend extra time for rewriting a statement due to a stupid error. In the application you will need to specify the following mandatory information: last name, name and patronymic, date and place of birth, details of a document certifying personality, place of residence, information about previous education, specialty for which you are submitting a statement, the results of the exam, the diplomas of the prize-winning school Olympiad , the availability of special rights to enter and the need to provide a hostel.

You will also need to provide an admission commission on secondary education. Make sure that the document has all the necessary prints and evaluations, and the number coincided with the number of the main document. Check out the correctness of the name of the surname. If you changed the surname from the moment of issuing the document, then you have a document confirming it. If you submit documents to several educational institutions at the same time, you will need to make photocopies of the certificate. A photocopy can be assured by the notary or in the reception office itself, if such an opportunity is given. Some universities cannot be filled with a photocopy of the certificate, only the original is required. If you enter the magistracy, then you will need to provide a bachelor's degree or a specialist.

You also need to have a passport and photos with you. Photo settings are set by the reception committee.

Upon admission to the majority of universities, a medical certificate for Fort 086 / y is required. Such a certificate you can get in the clinic at the place of residence, passing the necessary doctors. Accordingly, a photocopy of reference can be provided, but this also suits not all adoptive commissions, in some situations, for example, they must be required to undergo a medical commission in the university after admission.

What documents do you need? And other subtleties of admission.

For admission to universities you need to collect the package of documents:

Copy of the passport;
- a copy of the certificate with the application;
- ;
- Originals of documents confirming benefits (for preferential categories, targets, oolematiadons)
- (Sometimes) (this document is not mandatory, which should be specified on the university website).

Certificates of the results of the EGE

In 2014, there is no evidence of the USE, all information about your results is in the electronic database. Reception commissions will view your EGE result in this database. We remind you that the results of the EG are valid for 4 years.

If you have passed the exam in past years, then you have the right to choose the best result.

How to write an application for admission? Where to find a sample application for admission to the university?

The sample application for adventures can be found on the website of the university or in the reception commission.

An application for admission can be submitted to universities in 3 ways:
by email;
By ordinary mail (sending documents to the university by mail, it is important to take into account the fact that post offices sometimes do not have time to cope with a large amount of work. Therefore, sending letters can take from 5 to 7 days. Documents better send as early as possible).

Consider that not all universities accept documents by email. Specify on the site of the educational institution, there is such an opportunity.

Where to send copies of documents?

You have the right to submit documents in 5 universities by 3 specialties. At the first stage of arrival, you only send copies (originals for preferential categories). Reception of copies of documents is carried out until July 25 (specify the date on the university website), and starts on June 20, 2014.

On July 28, there will be lists of applicants on the websites of universities.
July 30 - To this day, all the beneficiaries, the kindergartens and the olelyphas should pass the original documents.
On July 31 - universities publish orders to enroll the preferential categories of applicants who passed the originals of their documents.

How to find out to accept you on the budget?

This information can be found on the website of the university or in the reception commission at the end of July. You need to go to the tab of the applicant or incoming.

When and where to generate the original documents?

1. You must learn the lists of "recommended for enrollment" on the websites of universities, where you filed copies of your documents or in the reception commission.
2. Until August 4, you need to hand over the original documents. If you find your name in the lists of several universities, you need to choose one. This will confirm your desire to learn in this higher educational institution.
3. August 5th comes to enrollment.

If there are still free spaces in the university, the second wave of enrollment begins. On August 8, the reception commissions finish receiving the originals of documents, and on August 11, an order of enrollment is published.

In exceptional cases, universities are allowed to conduct a third wave of admission.