The period of weakening the Bosporian kingdom on the tape of time. Bosporous kingdom: from flourishing to death

Bosporus at the end of the IV century. BC e.

The Bosporus state, which arose long before the Greco-Macedonian conquests and was not directly affected by them, nevertheless, in many respects, discovered similarity with the Hellenistic states of Malaya Asia - Perma, Viphinia, Cappadocya, Ponte.

The Bosporian kingdom in the time consideration was included in the time consideration, both Ellin's polls with the developed slave-owned relations and territories inhabited by local tribes, whose slavery was just beginning to develop. The number of policies in the central part of the Bosnor was quite large: not only such large cities like Panticapy, Fanagoria and Feodosia, but also less significant - Namfey, Tyritaka, Mirmekiy, Heronass - had the invisible, the polis. Part of the Ellenic population of policies was landowners, however, the population of the Bosporian cities was mainly engaged in craft and trade. The leadership and owners of craft workshops played a leading role in the dominant class environment. The population living outside the polis territories is Scythians, Sindia and Meota, which occupied agriculture, was subjected to exploit, not only from the name of the Ellen Pollen Policy and Kings, but also from the local aristocracy developed from the family-tribal nobility. It can be assumed that outside the territories of the policies, the Bosporian ruler, like the Hellenistic kings, was considered the supreme owner of the entire Earth, although part of it belonged to the rights of ownership of Hellenic and local nobility.

Development of handicraft production and Trugonley

In the second half of the IV century. BC e. At Perisada I (344/43-310 / 09), the Bosporian kingdom reached the greatest political power. The ownership of the Bosporus covered the Kerch peninsula at this time to Feodosia inclusive, the Taman Peninsula with the coastal strip adjacent to it up to the modern Novorossiysk, the lower flow of Kuban and its closest to the mouth of the tributaries. In the mouth of Don Bosporus belonged to Tanais. The tribes who lived along the North and Eastern shores of the Azov Sea recognized the hegemony of the Bosporus. From the same time, war between the Bosporus and Scythians ceases for many years.

The real monuments are partially from the Bospor itself, partly from the mounds of the steppe strip adjacent to it indicate that the bipos of this time becomes the center of the local craft. In the Scythian mounds of the end of the IV century. BC e. Found artistically performed vessels, plates, clogged on clothes, parts of the gathering. All this is made of gold and silver with an ornament, indicating the local origin of these items. Bosporological origin of metallic products from the Scythian Tsarist Kurganov IV-III centuries. BC e. It is confirmed by the similarity of their style with the style of the Bosporian coins of this time. With IV century BC e. Golden Stats appear in the appeal, not similar to the old coins of Pentantypey, nor on the coins that were accepted at that time in other Hellenic cities. They represent the original creation of the Bosporus masters and are distinguished by high artistic advantages. Ceramic production has also received significant development on bapr. In addition to roofing tiles and mass household dishes, as well as clay containers for storing products were made on the biploral and artistic ceramics.

The Bosporian kingdom was closely connected with his tribes surrounded. Trade with Scythians served as an incentive for the development of handicraft production. In exchange for the products of the Bosporus craft, Scythians, Sinda, Meota, and Sarmati were brought to the bipos of bread, the cattle was driven, brought slaves. Products of cattle breeding were mainly in place, bread exported to the Mediterranean. Slaves were partially exploited by the Bosporus, partially went for sale. A significant part of the Bospora's Governors sent on the territory of the Bosporus Kingdom of Bospora, sent it to large quantities to the Mediterranean markets. At the same time, the part of the bread was bought from Scythian settled tribes and then resell by Ellinsky or local Bosporus merchants. The growing baking trade of the Bosporus was one of the reasons forcing the Bosporus Spartokid to expand their possessions and at the same time, if possible, maintain good relationships with Scythians. The decline of Olvia led to the direction of the main flow of Scythian bread across Pentantypey, which further contributed to the prosperity of the Bosporge trading.

International Bospore importance in IV-I centuries. BC e. It was inextricably linked with his role in trading. Therefore, the Bosporus Dinas tried to patronize trade in every way and increase the export of bread. Their powerful fleet guarded trading paths on the Black Sea against the brands and peoples of the Western shore of the Caucasus engaged in piracy.

An extremely important article of the Bosporus export in the Mediterranean was slaves. The inscriptions show that in Rhodes, which was actively trading with the Bosporus, there were Sarmatian, Scythian and Motor slaves. The removal of slaves has increased significantly compared to the previous period. The decomposition of the primitive-communal system building from nomads of the Northern Black Sea region and the permanent wars between them contributed to the influx of slaves on the Bosporus, mainly from the number of prisoners of war, which nomads were eagerly sold by the Ellin merchants. A well-known role in increasing the number of slaves on the bosporement and the corresponding growth of the Bosporous slave trade could be played by victorious wars themselves, which was conducted throughout IV and the first half of the III century. BC e.

Focusing in the hands of spartokidov of extensive lands with the farmers sitting on them, as well as herd, fisheries and craft workshops (well known, in particular, the royal ceramic workshops who made roofing tile) finally, the slaves who arrived constantly as a result of wars allowed Bosporus governments capture a significant proportion of the Bosporus exports into their hands. Spartokida's own merchant fleet did not hold, and we used usually ships of merchants, both visitors (especially Athenian) and Bosporos. Large landowners sometimes themselves eased ships to export their farm products.

In the interior and external Bosporus laid in the first half of the III century. BC e.

After the death of Perisada I, the struggle in the medium of the dominant class of Bosporus, which took place in the form of a civil war between his sons. One of them, Evmel, who came out the winner of this struggle, was forced to go to the agreement with the Pantican aristocracy. He convened the National Assembly and proclaimed the restoration of "deceo politics", i.e. an ancient polis device. At the same time, residents of Pantikapey received athei (freedom from duty), which they had once used, and exemption from taxes. Obviously, Eumela's predecessors, and first of all, Perisad I were not considered the polis traditions of Pantikathey, taxed by the citizens with heavy duties and contributions to military needs.

Provided its power, Evmel began to think about expanding the ownership of the Bosporus. He helped Byzantium, Sinop and Callatia in the fight against Lisimaha; A thousand Callathians who fled because of hunger during the siege of their native city Lisimakh, received land on the territory of the Bosporus on the rights of military colonists (Cleruukhov).

The successor to Eumela Spartok III (304 / 03-284 / 83) - and maybe Evmel himself - became already referred to as the king (bassileum) not only in relation to the conquered tribes. This probably occurred under the influence of the respective acts from the Diarathels, which in 306-305. declared themselves kings. The external position of the Bosporus in Spartok III continues to be strengthened. The most important evidence of this is an agreement with Athens. Athenians were just freed from the power of the demetry of the polyorecket and hurried to notify the Spartoca about it to restore relations with the Bosporus. Decree, which was the result of these negotiations, is significantly different from previous Athenian decrees relating to the rulers of Bospor. If earlier, representatives of the Spartal dynasty were considered as individuals, now Spartok is referred to as the king; If earlier it was discussed solely about trade, now the formal alliance is: Athens undertake to help Spartoku and land and on the sea, if anyone attacks his power. The contract, however, was invisible, more likely to Athens than Bosporu: If the Athenians are still guaranteed trade privileges, now Spartrocks got off with an uncertain promise to "make them all the best." Despite the fact that the number of bread, which he presented at the same time, was relatively small (15 thousand medimans \u003d 9 thousand hectoliters), the Athenians provided an exceptional honors from Spartok.

At Perisada II (284/83 - after 252), Bosporus relations with Egypt, Rhodes and Delica are strengthened. In one Egyptian papyrus, the news was preserved on the arrival of the Parisada ambassadors to Egypt (254/53). Strengthening political ties contributed to highly developed trade between the Hellenistic states and the Ponta coast.

Depreciation of the Bosporian Kingdom. Savmak's uprising

From the second half of the III century. It begins, the decline of Bosporus begins. These literary and epigraphic sources become very scarce. According to coins, stamps on tile, made in royal workshops, fragmentary literary mentions and random inscriptions are known to the names of individual rulers, but it is not possible to establish their chronological sequence. Judging by the names, the Spartokid Dynasty Rules on the Bosporus to the end II century. BC e., perhaps with some breaks, but the royal house was framed by civilians. The inner universities were aggravated by the Natius of Sarmatov from the East and Scythians from the West, which was noticeably intensified by the end of the III century. BC e.

Bosporian trade decline at the end II century, associated with changes in the political situation in Greece and Malaya Asia and with continuous clashes with neighbors, led to a decrease in the revenues of the Bosporogorship rulers and did not allow them to keep the large hired army, and this made it difficult to fight Scythians. In addition, they needed funds to bother off the Scythians and Sarmatians and even, to pay the tribute to them at times. All this has also affected the inner position of the kingdom, led to an increase in the operation of dependent farmers. By the end of the II century. The situation was so aggravated that it was possible to expect a joint performance of slaves and the dependent peasantry against the ruling nobility of the Bosporian cities.

In this setting, the ruling Circles of Bospor in search of support, which would help them to preserve their privileged position, turned to the Pontic king Mithridate VI Evupator. As a result of negotiations between both parties, an agreement was concluded, according to which the Bosporus Tsar Perisad V "voluntarily" handed over his power to Mithridate. However, the broad layers of the oppressed population of the Bosporus and, first of all, Scythian slaves responded with a uprising on this agreement between the Bosporus, and Mithridate. The accumulation of large masses of slaves in Pavtahape facilitated the preparation of the uprising, at the head of which a group of slaves Scythians belonged to the king of Perisada became. The head of the uprising was Skif Savmak. Details of this event are unknown. Obviously, one of the first actions of the rebels were the proclamation of the King of Savmak. Thus, they were organized by his own kingdom, just as it happened in Sicily during an uprising in 137-132. BC e.

The decisive actions of the rebels threatened the mitridate of the loss of his possessions and influence in the Northern Black Sea region. For several months, Mithridat prepared a fleet and land army and spring 107 or 106 BC. e. sent him under the command of Diophanta to Crimea. Using Chersonesos as a support point, Diofant attacked Feodosiya from the sea. And Feodosia and Pentantapey had a stubborn resistance of mitridate troops. Invisible, in these cities, the positions of Savmak were especially strong, since the large masses of the free poor were concentrated here. However, the rebels did not possess sufficient military force to reflect the attack of Diophanta. On their fierce struggle with Pontic Forces, traces of large destruction at the end of II are indicated. BC E.: Maybe the struggle occurred on the streets of the city even after the urban fortifications were captured by Diophant. Many participants of the uprising Diofant executed. Savmak was captured alive and sent to Mithridate in Sinopo, where it was probably also executed.

Northern Black Sea Castle Under the rule of Metpdat Evupator

After the suppression of the Savmak's uprising, a significant part of the Black Sea coast turned out to be a significant part of the Mithridate. The subordination of Bosporus and other States of the Black Sea region Mithridate involved them in the orbit of the largest events that took place on Ponte in the first third of the I century. BC e.

In the economy of the North-Attractian cities, at this time there were new features: the strengthening of economic relations with the Pontic Kingdom led to the fact that the previous relationships with the Aegean Basin shopping centers were significantly reduced. A well-known role in strengthening the exportation from the Northern Black Sea region to South played the supply of bread and other power items in the Pontic kingdom ruined. However, this intense export has not so much contributed to the development of the productive forces of the Northern Black Sea region, how much did it go to the depletion of its economy. In addition, the result was given numerous taxes, which the population of the Black Sea region had to pay the king.

The deterioration of the economic situation was probably the cause of the growth of antiponti sentiment among the Bosporus population. Already at the end of the first war, Mithridate with Rome, in 83 or even a little earlier, Bosporus restored its independence. Details of this movement are unknown. Mithridate managed to again subjugate Bosporus only in 80 BC. e.

The death of mitridate and the transfer of power to Farnaca in 63 BC. e. The positions of the population of the Northern Black Sea region, who delivered the headquarters and ships for his wars with Rome for the father's kingdom for his wars were not facilitated. Displeased by the wide circles of the Bosporian slave owners in the Pontic Dynasty, led to the fact that the local knock was put forward to the counterweight to the Farnaka of the noblepper of Asandra, proclaiming his king. However, the Board of Asandra did not weaken political tension and did not suspend the economic decline, which was worried about the Bosporus. However, from mid i c. BC e. In the inner political life of Bospor, the Romans, who estimated the strategic importance of the Northern Black Sea region during the struggle with the mitridate, are beginning to intervene.

Culture of the Bosporian Kingdom

For the material and spiritual culture of the BOSPOR, the interloga, primarily Ionian, and local elements, was characterized. This was particularly brightly affected by the art craft.

On metal objects, along with general plots, a purely ornamental nature begin to be reproduced in the conditional Late Anonym or Lateattic style of plots associated with the life and religion of Scythians. The most famous and rich mounds of Scythian steppes are full of monuments of this kind. These are the Kul-Both and the Kurgan of Pationotiot near Pantikapey, the throat and Solokha on the lower Dnieper, mounds on the middle Don. Regarding the dating of these Kurgans there are various opinions, but it is no doubt that they mainly coincide in time with the flourishing of the Bosporian kingdom.

Obviously, in Pantixapee and in other cities of Bospor, there existed in the IV-III centuries. BC e. Special School of Artists, which made for Scythian, Syndskaya and Meotskaya Knight artistic items that responded to her tastes and reproducing the familiar to her life. Achievements of this school are very significant. The scenes of the Scythian life were interpreted here with great realism.

Bosporian ceramics also testifies to the artistic originality of local production. The terracotta figurines and vessels with bright polychrome painting are especially interesting (the so-called watercolor vases), the production of which relates mainly to the IV-III centuries. BC e.

Weave various ethnic elements influenced religious views. The Ionian settlers brought with them in Panticapey and Fanagoria their ancient cults, among whom the cult of Apollo was especially distinguished. However, along with this, they perceived the cults of the local population, which were only superficial Hellenization and which, as the role of local elements on the bipos, become predominant. Among the local cults, the cult of the Supreme Women's Divine, which corresponded to the Major Great Mother of Gods, "Lady of Animals" played a particularly important role. The rich and revered sanctuations of this goddess were scattered throughout the Sindica. She was called the Aphrodite Appeatura (in Fanagoria), then Artemida Agrother (at the Tsukur Liman). There is little about intellectual life of the Bosporus society. The exit of the Bosporus was a philosopher of spheres (some, however, consider him from Borisphen, that is, Olvia), Stoic, who lived in Egypt with Ptolemye Philadelph and his successors. The spheres are known as the ideological inspirer of the Spartan reformer Cleomane.

Poems falling in the Bosporus gravestone inscriptions indicate that poetry also received a well-known development on Bosporge. Bosporovskoye, mostly, the origin had numerous Scythian novels, vividly drawn local living conditions. They spread throughout the Hellenistic Mire (some of them were found even in Egypt both on papyrus and on the shards) and influenced Greek literature. Bosporge existed, invisible, its own historiography, which had a court character: it is possible that it is precisely this historiography that the story of the diodor of Sicilian about Spartokydah diodorus is ultimately, as well as some individual news that have survived from other authors.

The IV-III century were the time of the twist of Pantikahey. The city was active in the slopes of Mount Mitridat, at the top of which the Acropolis was located. There were water supply and sewage in the city - lead and clay pipes were preserved.

About 480 g. BC. e. Policy-polls, located on both shores of the Bospop Kimmerian, formed a single state. It entered the history called the Bosporus Kingdom. The capital of him became a panticapy (modern Kerch), the only major city on the west coast of the Strait. The remaining more or less large settlements of the Greek colonists were on the east ("Asian") bank of the Bospop Kimmerian.
Initially, the Greek policies, which concluded the union, retained independence in domestic affairs. Then, at the head of the union, the archelanactide dynasty became. It is assumed that these were representatives of a noble Greek family from the Mileta. Over time, their power acquired inheritance.
From 438 BC e. Power in the Bosporian kingdom moved to the dynasty of Spartokidov. Her height of Spartok I was a "barbaric" tribal known for the Greek merchants and slave owners.

The basis of the Bospor farming was developed agriculture. In fertile Prikuban Priazovsky Chernozem Lands, hardworking Greek immigrants received large bread crops and sold it in Greece itself. They successfully cultivated gardens and gardens.

Greek colonists have established trade with surrounding Sindo-Meotski tribes. The lively trade was carried out with the cities of Greece. Especially much extended from Bosporus bread, according to the testimony of the ancient Greek speaker of the Demosphen (about 384-322 BC), - about 16 thousand tons per year. This was half the grain delivered by Greece.

In his new life on the Bosporge, the Greeks endured everything they achieved earlier, all that was based on their culture: language, writing, myths, religious rites, holidays. And all that surrounded them is architecture, the home of the housing, furniture, household items, decorations, "was" from Greece.

The main deity, revered in the Bosporus cities, was Apollo - the patron of colonists. Other Olympic Gods were worshiped: Zeus, Hermes, Dionysus, Athena, Artemis. The cult of the most beloved hero of the Greeks - Hercules was especially popular. The battles appealed to him for protection.

In I - IV centuries. n. e. In the culture of Bospor, there were reflected close ties not only with Greece, but also with Rome. New types of structures appeared in the urban architecture: hippodromes and thermals (baths). This is evidenced by the excavation of Pantikathey. In the construction of public structures, a limestringence and burned brick were widely used.

On the development of painting in the Bosporus cities can be judged only by archaeological findings. Among them, discovered in the excavations of the crypts of painting with watercolor paints on stone and frescoes. Artists depicted scenes from myths and real life, warriors, vegetable and geometric ornaments.

Spartokids led an active foreign policy. They sought to expand the territory of their state. One of the representatives of this dynasty of Levkon I (389-349 BC er) led the conquest war on the east coast of Bospop Kimmerian. He joined Sindica to his state - the region of the settlement of the Sindian tribes.

Then the Levkon conquered the native Motor tribes of the Kuban and Eastern Priazia. Its reign in the Bosporian kingdom was included in the lower flow of the Kuban and its lower tributaries, along the eastern shore of the Azov Sea to the mouth of Don and in the eastern Crimea. In the east, the border of the Bosporian kingdom was held along the location of modern settlements StaroniStembishevskaya, Krymsk, Raevskaya.
Detected dedicate inscriptions of the Bosporian rulers. In one of them, the Levkon I is referred to as the "Archon of Bosporus and Feodosia, the king of Sindov, Treads, Dandaris and Pavievings." His successor to Perisad I (349-309. BC), already called the "king" of all Mets, included in the composition of the Bospore and land of fateev.

However, the accession of the Kubansky and Priazovsky tribes to the Bosporian kingdom was not durable. They had certain independence and self-government, from time to time "disappeared" from the central government. During the weakening of the Bosporian kingdom, these tribes even demanded from its rulers of Dani payments.
A detailed description of the struggle for power between representatives of the Bosporian nobility has left Greek historian Diodor Sicilian.

Weakening of the Bosporian kingdom

Spartokid Dynasty Rules up to 106 BC. e. Later, Bospospor was part of the Pontic Kingdom created by Mithridate VI Evpator. After the death of Mithridate VI, the Bosporovskaya State falls under the power of Rome. In 14 g. e. The king of Bosporus became Asprong, founded the dynasty, which rule around four hundred years.
At the beginning of the III century. n. e. A strong union of tribes led by Goths appeared in the Northern Black Sea region. He successfully fought with Rome on the shores of the Danube, and then rushed to the east. In the middle of the III century. n. e. Goths fell on a weakened Bosporus state, completely destroying the city of Tanais. Bosporological rules, not having forces and means to reflect aggression by the militant tribes, apparently, went to negotiations with them, allowing free passage through the strait. Moreover, they have been submitted to be ready for their fleet, which they used in pirate purposes in the Black Sea and Mediterranean.
The domination is ready for the sea interrupted trade relations of the Bosporian kingdom with the outside world. This worsened the already severe economic situation. Under the blows of the northern aliens, many small bosporous settlements were killed, and large cities fell into decay.
A powerful blow to the Bosporus applied Huns. Their massive promotion to the West (since the 70s of the IV century) gave the vague the great resettlement of peoples.

In the last quarter of the IV century. Huns invaded the territory of the Bosporian kingdom and subjected it to devastation. A significant part of the population of the Bosporian cities and other settlements was pregnant into slavery, dwellings were destroyed and burned.

For a long time it was believed that the Gunnian invasion put an end to the existence of the Bosporus state. However, new historical sources refute this opinion. Bosporus continued to exist after the Gunnian invasion, with the VI century. n. e. - under the influence of Byzantium, the heiress of the Roman Empire. Bosporous cities and in subsequent centuries remained important political, economic and cultural centers, affecting the development of local tribes.


Reference Information :

State: Bosporian kingdom

Country Ukraine

Continent: Europe

Capital: Panticapy (Kerch)

Geographical position: in Crimea

Head of State: King / Queen

Form of Board: Kingdom

Territorial system: sovereign state

Note: XII century. BC. - The territory of the country was settled by the tribes of the Kimmerians. VII century BC. - The appearance of the Scythian tribes. Vv. BC. - emergence on the coast of Greek colonies (Olvia, Tira, Chersonese, Panticapy).

The Bosporian Kingdom is the largest antique state of the Northern Black Sea region, which has existed for more than 1000 years (V c. BC. E. - VI century. N. E.). In antiquity, the Bosporus Kimmerian (Kerch Strait) was considered the border between Europe and Asia. The Bosporus kingdom, which emerged during the Greet Greek colonization as a result of the combination of Greek cities-colonies, located on both sides of the Strait, respectively, turned out to be divided into the European part (East Crimea) and the Asian (Taman Peninsula).

Archaeological studies of the Bosporian kingdom began in the first quarter of the XIX century, shortly after the accession of these lands to Russia as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars of the XVIII century. Studies were conducted during the XIX and XX centuries and gave the most interesting material.

Of particular interest in the Bosporian kingdom is due not only to the fact that it was quite large and durable political education. Here, as anywhere in the Northern Black Sea region, two civilizations were interacted: Greek, whose carriers were the Greeks-Colonists, and the barbaric - who belonged to the peoples replacing and supplemented each other, nomaded in the Northern Black Sea region (Skifam, Sarmatam, Goths, Huns). The result of this centuries-old coexistence and became the "Bosporian phenomenon" - one of the most complex and fascinating mysteries of ancient history.

After the collapse of the USSR, the European part of the Bosporus Kingdom (East Crimea) was in Ukraine, and the Asian (Taman Peninsula) - in Russia. Before colleagues-archaeologists from Russia and Ukraine, the task of maintaining common scientific schools, the tradition of studying the ancient cities-colonies (Olbia, Chersonese) and the Bosporian kingdom. And, thanks to the joint efforts, it succeeded. Many Russian expeditions (State Hermitage, Institute of History of Material Culture, State Museum of History of Religion, State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin, Institute of Archeology RAS) All these years are working in Ukraine. And the results of the work of Russian and Ukrainian colleagues are discussed at scientific conferences, annually held in Kerch and once every year and a half in St. Petersburg.

Chapter 1. The emergence of the state

Local tribes

In the VIII century BC for the first time in history, the names of the North-West Caucasus tribes are captured and reached us. These are steppe ironyasic nomads - Kimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatics: Seced agricultural tribes, combined by the common name "Mott". In the VII-VI centuries. BC. Kimmerys and Scythians through the passes of the Caucasus committed their military trips to small and front Asia. Scythians-nomads and the so-called Tsarist Scythians, whom Herodotus considered the most strong and militant of all Scythians, inhabited the steppe space east of the Dnieper to the Azov Sea, including the Steppe Crimea. These tribes were engaged in their cattle breeding and housing were arranged in carts. Numerous military trophies were found in the mounds of the Scythian Rhodes-tribal nobility: works of art of the countries of Front Asia and Antique Greece.

According to Herodoto, the territory inhabited by Scythians extended in the East to Don. Behind Don, in the Nizhnevolzhskiy and the Ural Steppes, there were nocyphy noise, but nomadic cattle breeding tribes of Sarmatians lived on culture and language. The neighbors of Sarmatov from the south were Merot tribes. They inhabited the territory along the eastern shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, as well as the Tasmann Peninsula and part of the buban. Geographic I century BC. e. Strabo reports that in his time, Sarmati did not miss the Greek merchants to themselves, and they themselves were trading with an antique world through Tanais. Thus, trade to a lesser extent has an impact on the social system of Sarmatov. Scythians had a great influence on the culture of metals, local tribes, which inhabited most of the North-West Caucasus in the I thousand BC. Meethers refer to the Caucasian language group and consider them distant ancestors of Adygs. The fortified settlements of Mets - the settlers were located on high river terraces and were additionally strengthened from the outdoor side of the Rips and shafts. Mota cultivated wheat, barley, millet, rye, flax; Divorced horses, cows, sheep, goats; Fish was caught by networks. All the basic tools of labor was made of iron, decorations and armor - from bronze. Among the crafts, the most developed was pottery. Motion used a pottery circle; Dishes, fishing and weaving loads burned in special furnaces. Northern neighbors - Sarmatian nomads had a great influence on the farm and the culture of Motor tribal. They occupied the territory between Don and Volga. In IV century BC. The Sarmatian tribes penetrated into the North Caucasus steppes and captured the Right Bank of the Kuban, inhabited by Motami. Part of the sarmatic nomads passed to a settled lifestyle. Their contacts with farmers led to the mutual enrichment of cultures, the merger of Meotskaya and Sarmatian nobility.

The Taman Peninsula took one of the Motor tribes - Sinda. For the first time mentioned by the logographers, then Greek and Roman historians with Herodotus, pseudo-skilak, pseudo-moth, Strabo. The main classes of Sindov were agriculture, fisheries, crafts and trade (in an early period - with Urartu, from 6th century BC er - with the Greeks), both through its ports - the Syndskaya harbor, Corokondam and through the Greek cities, based On the territory of Sindics. Wars with Scythians led to the strengthening of the authorities of the military leaders. In 5 c. BC e. There was a Soviet state.

Greek colonization

In the middle of the 7th century BC, the Greeks appeared in the Black Sea and Northeast from the Aegean Sea. Lack of arable land and metals deposits, political struggle in polishes - Greek cities-states, unfavorable demographic situation forced many Greeks to look for new lands on the coasts of the Mediterranean, Marble and Black Seas. The ancient Greek tribes of Ionians who lived in the attic and in the field of iones on the coast of Malaya Asia, opened the country with fertile land, rich in nature, abundant vegetation, animals and fish, with wide trading opportunities with local tribes "Varvarov". To swim around the Black Sea could only be very experienced sailors, which were Ionians.

The first contacts between the local population of the Northern Black Sea and Greek navigators were recorded in the VII century BC. e. when the Greeks had no colonies on the Crimean Peninsula. In the Scythian burial ground on Mount Temir near Kerch, the painted Rhodes and Miletsky vase of excellent work, made at this time, was found. Residents of the largest Greek city-state Mileta on the shores of Evksin Ponta founded more than 70 settlements. Emporia - Greek trading points - began to appear on the shores of the Black Sea in the VII century BC. er, the first of which at the entrance to the Dneprovsky Liman on the island of Berezan became Borisphenide. Then in the first half of the 6th century BC. e. At the mouth of the South Bug (Hipanis), Olbia appeared, at the mouth of the Dniester - Tiras, and on the Kerch Peninsula - Feodosia (on the shore of the Feodosi Gulf) and Panticapey (on the site of modern Kerch). In the middle of the VI century BC. e. Nymphi arose in East Crimea (17 kilometers from Kerchi from the village of Heroevka, on the shore of the Kerch Strait), Kimmerik (on the southern shore of the Kerch Peninsula, on the western slope of the Mountain Onuk), Tiritaka (south of Kerch at the village of Arshitsevo, on the bank of the Bay ), Mirmekiy (at the Kerch Peninsula, 4 kirch), the Chinese (on the Kerch Peninsula, 40 kilometers to the south of Kerch), perfumes and parphy (north of Kerch), in the West Crimea - Kerkinitida (on the site of modern Evpatoria ), on the Taman Peninsula - Hermonass (on the place of Tamani) and Fanagoria. In the south bank of the Crimea there was a Greek settlement, called Alupka. Greek colonies cities were independent cities-states that do not depend on their metropolis, but supported close trade and cultural ties with them. When sending the colonists, the city or the leaving Greeks themselves choose from their environment of the head of the colony - Okist, whose main responsibility in the formation of the colony was divided between the Greek-colonists the territory of new lands. On these lands, called Choir, were areas of citizens of the city. All rural settlements Choir submitted to the city. The cities of the colonies had their own constitution, their laws, courts, minted their coins. Their policies were independent of the policy of the metropolis. Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea region mainly occurred in a peaceful way and accelerated the process of historical development of local tribes, significantly expanding the areas of propagation of ancient culture.

By the end of the V century BC e. Greek colonization of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast has been completed. Settlements of the Greeks appeared where there was the possibility of regular trading with the local population, which ensured the sale of attic goods. Greek Emporia and the Favoris on the Black Sea coast quickly turned into major cities-states, the main classes of the population of new colonies, soon became the Greek Skifsky, there were trade and fishing, cattle breeding, agriculture, crafts associated with the production of metal products. They provided a large economic and cultural impact on local tribes, while at the same time adopting all their achievements. Local tribes got acquainted with more developed ancient civilization and borrowed some of its achievements, as a result of which their society was improved. These interactions spawned a kind, unique and rich world that existed in the Crimea for almost a millennium.

The most striking example of the active mutual influence of the eligible, ancient elements and local, barbaric, is the largest and strong state in the Northern Black Sea region - the Bosporian kingdom.

Territory of state

Almost all cities founded by the Greek settlers at the time of the Great Greek colonization, to the end of the ancient era preserved the polis structure, the historical development of cities arising on the banks of the Kerch Strait - the ancient Bospor of the Kimmerian - went on a different way and led them to another historical results. (Appendix 1) about 480 BC. e. These cities-states united into a single Bosporian kingdom. In the future, the authorities over this state association focused in the hands of the unrecognized Dynasty of Spartokidov and the territory inhabited by local tribes included in the Bosporus state. By the middle of the IV century. BC e. Bosporian possessions on the Crimean side of the Strait spread to the entire Kerch peninsula to the eastern border of the mountain Crimea - ancient Tauridus. On another, the Taman side of the Strait, the Bosporian state belonged to the territory of approximately the current Novorossiysk. In the northeast, the sphere of its state influence has spread to the mouth of the Don, where the Bosporus was suspended.

In IV century BC E bospospore, thus, has become a large-scale government formation with a mixed Greek-Native population. This circumstance naturally imposed his imprint on the entire socio-economic, political and cultural appearance of the Bosporus.

The largest cities of the Bosporian kingdom were on the Kerch Peninsula - the capital of Panticapey (Kerch), the Mirliki, Tyritaka, Nymphi, Chinese, Kimmerik, Feodosia, and on the Taman Peninsula - Fanagoria, Kpay, Hermanau, Gorgeypia.

Specific reasons forcing the Bosporian Greeks to come from traditional for all Greek poles to a commitment to political avtarkia in favor of the government in favor of all of them, we are not known. It is clear that the political association discovered the prospects for closer close economic cooperation before the borrowing cities, facilitated the further development of the natural wealth of this region, created more favorable conditions for the further development of their trading activities. On the other hand, the local Meoti, Sarmatian and Scythian tribes were distinguished with the Greeks-Colonists. Powerful defensive structures Even around small bosporous settlements are eloquently talking about constant military danger. Periods of peaceful trade relations with local tribes, apparently, often alternated here with military clashes. From this point of view, the need to combine cities dictated and the interests of their safety.

Chapter 2. Large historical and town planning stages of the Bosporian Kingdom

Archaic period, including the time of archelanactide reign

(First quarter of IV century. BC - 438 BC)

The only literary testimony for the emergence of the Bosporus State Association is a brief note of the diodor of Sicilian. In this note, the diodor reports that in the year of Archonia in Athens Theodore, i.e. in 438-437 BC E., At Bosporus, the existence of the Archenactide dynasty, "reigning,", as he is expressed, 42 years old, and the authorities moved to Spartok, who was seven years old. If the arhontology of the theodore 42-year-old reign of the Archenactida from said diodor of the year, it turns out that, according to him, the Bosporus association arose in 480-479. BC e. The Dynasty's Arche Annak, Okist Miletsky Colonists, founded panticapy, the largest of the Bosporus cities.

Diodor, however, is clearly mistaken, calling the Archenactides to the reigns. Most likely, their political authority was decorated as they were usually drawn up in Greek polishes. Obviously, they were archons of a pantica. Over time, and, obviously, in direct connection to the formation of the Bosporus State Association, headed by a panticophem, their power acquired inheritance.

Panticapy became the center of the Bosporus State Association, obviously, due to its economic prevalence over other borrowing cities and thanks to its geographical location, favorable and strategically. In terms of its size, the initial territory of the state of archelanactides was small. The famous idea of \u200b\u200bits magnitude in the European coast of the Strait gives the so-called first Tiritak defensive shaft and ditch. This well preserved and now the shaft crosses the Kerch peninsula along the line coming from the village of Arshintsev (ancient Tyritaka) to the Azov Sea. It is believed that a small territory to the east of the shaft and was the territory of the archelanokidium Bosporus on the Crimean coast. Bosporian possessions on the Taman coast at this time were also very modest. In all likelihood, they were limited to a strip along the Kerch Strait, which was occupied by small territories of several policies included in this merger.

The insignificance of the territory of Archeanact Bosporus thus makes it possible to think that this union initially included some Greek colony policies. In the sources of later, there are also no mention of entry into the Bosporus association of this time of territories inhabited by local tribes. They became part of the Bosporus only in Spartokida, when local elements have already played a very significant role in the historical life of this state.

It can be thought that the structure of the archelanctidium Bosporus did not differ from the usual time of the type of combining of Greek policies and was an union of the Bosporian cities - the Bosporus symchard. How much the members of this union depend on the central government - we do not know. Probably, the polis autonomy of the Bosporian cities was not very limited by the authorities of the central government and in the hands of archelanactides, only the overall control over the political life of the political life of the policies was concentrated. The archelanacty is obviously headed by the united military forces of the Bosporus cities.

In the field of economic benefit, the association was obviously should have been affected after the historical victories of the Greeks over the Persians in 480-479 BC. er, with the restoration of normal economic life in all Greece. At this time, restores, it is necessary to think, interrupted by war trading relations of the Bosporian cities with the cities of the lowland coast, although these cities could not fully recover from the defeat. The first place in trade with the bosporement began to occupy now not they, but Athens.

On the trade activities of Athenian on Bosporge in V c. BC e. There are numerous finds at the Bosporian Territory of Athenian Ceramics and other products of the Athenian craft. Judging by these finds, a black-shaft dishes were imported from Athens to the Bosporian cities, artistic painted vases of the work of Athenian masters, silver and gold jewelry, bronze and silver vessels; It may also imported wine and olive oil.

Part of all these goods were consumed on the spot in the Bosporus cities, the other was reset to the local population. In the excavations of the Kuban Kurganov, a lot of things of Athenian origin were found. Thus, the trade of the Bosporus cities was widespread.

At the Athens import of Bosporus answered a wide export mainly bread and salty fish. A significant part of exported bread and fish, apparently, was bored by the Bosporian merchants from local tribes. The leading role in trade with Bosporus belonged to the top layer of a local society - a rich family-tribal nobility. Local family-tribal know, like the Bosporous cities, becomes the main consumer imported from Greece products. On this basis between the top of the local society and the rich population of the Greek slave-owner cities of the coast, a well-known commonality of interest arises and the development of assimilation processes occur. Ethnic faces are gradually erased, giving way to the faces of social. In the light of the phenomena of this kind, the political change occurred on the biploral. The soil for her was prepared by the entire preceding step of economic and social development of the Bosporus.

Epoch of Spartokidov (438 BC - 109 BC)

In 438 to R.Kh. After the Sorogadvuhlegent Board of Archelanactides, Spartok came to power, which was the attorney of the new dynasty of the Bosporovsky rulers, who then headed the Bosporus state until the end of II century. BC E. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe biposor of a strong and united power in the hands of the energetic and talented carrier was a decisive moment in the history of the Eastern Greek Black Sea colonies. It created a crucial force here, which later became the center of uniting all the Greeks of Bosporus and Azov, without which they would be inevitably only to the gun in the hands of the dominant Scythian population.

This, obviously, consisted of their advantage compared to their predecessors - carriers of a purely Greek name, archelanakdis. It is possible, however, no doubt that representatives of the new non-gentle dynasty experienced a strong impact of Greek culture.

The historical meaning of the dynasties shifted on the bospospore is disclosed in Spartokid policies. Apparently, she pursued two main objectives: the expansion of the territorial limits of the Bosporus state and the strengthening of the authorities of the Central Government. The first of these tasks was due to the desire to ensure the Bosporus Bread exports with its own agricultural base; The second flowed out of the first, since the domination over a significant territory, which, along with the cities, entered the land of local tribes, regularly demanded other techniques based on the broader powers of the central government. Since what time, the development of the Bosporian territorial expansion begins and when Spartokids reached the first success in this direction - we do not know exactly. It becomes noticeable only during the reign of the Bosporian ruler of Satira. The expansion of the possessions of the Spartokids began with the accession of Nymphi and Feodosia, which did not enter into the association.

Nymphi entered into an alliance with Athens - the largest and powerful center of Mainland Greece. Military conflict with Athens did not enter the plans of Satira, so he decided to resort to tricks. The interests of Athens in Nymphoe then represented some Gilon. For a big bribe, he handed over the city of Satira and, for obvious reasons, without risk returning to Athens, it remained to live on the bipos. Probably, not without the help of his royal patron, Gilon managed to marry the Skifyanka of a notable kind, which had an impact on the bosporement. The grandson of Gilon was the famous Greek speaker Demosphen, who lived, by the way, in Athens. Demosthenes loved to pronounce in the People's Speech of Patriotic Content, so he had to endure a lot of unpleasant moments in his time when an ugly story with his grandfather came out ... Despite the incident with Nymfeheh, Satira managed to establish connections with Athens. The largest city of Greece was needed in bread, which was grown in abundance on the bosporement, and the branches willingly bought products of Athenian artisans. In order to stimulate trade, Satyr gave significant benefits to the Athenian merchants. By the way, it is possible that thanks to this circumstance, the Hilon's betrayal was made to oblivion.

The struggle for Feodosia was long and complicated by a number of circumstances: during the siege of the city in 389/8, Satir I died and the struggle continued Levkon I, but most importantly - it took an active part on the side of Feodosia Geraklei - the city on the southern coast of the Black Sea. This war, on the one hand, was obviously caused by the fact that Feodosia had a beautiful harbor and fertile territory. The subordination of Feodosia, thus, should have given a Bosporu very important for its bread trading transit point and at the same time bring the western border of the Bosporian possessions to a strategic boundary for Bosporus. On the other hand, at the Feodosia, according to one of the most reliable Periplons, the Bosporian political emigrants lived. With the resistance of polis traditions in the Greek world, it is possible not to doubt that the Bosporian government, obviously since the time of Archeanacti Dov, the policy of state centralization caused opposition from the adherents of the former polis independence. In the beginning of the war with Feodosia, as already mentioned, Herakley Pontica - Metropolis of Herso-Nesa intervened. Apparently, she was connected with Feodosia trade bonds and, on the other hand, feared for further fate, then even recently founded by her colony - Chersonesos. The expansion of the boundaries of many times the stronger Bosporus created, obviously, the threat to its further independence. As a result of the intervention of the third party, military actions were dragged. But in the end, Feodosia was forced to capitulate. In the inscription with the name of Levcona, found on the shore of the Tsukursky Limana and what is happening, probably from Fanagoria, the Levkon is called the Archon of Bosporus and Feodosia.

Then the Spartokids turned their eyes on the east coast of the Kerch Strait. Military actions began here soon after the subordination of Feodosia and conducted against the whole group of Motor tribes. The base for this onset of BOSPORO was prepared by Brother Levkon Gorgipp, which turned into a powerful fortress the city of Sindian harbor in the place is most convenient for the invasion of Merota. This war was short, the Allies came out the winners, but the results of this victory took advantage of exclusively Bosporus. Prikubansky Mota tribes - Sinda, foosets, dandaria and other contacts - were not simply subordinated, they became part of the Bosporus and became subjects of the Bosporus. This led to new changes in the internal political structure of the state. Moreover, these changes were even more important to strengthen the power of Spartokidov than the previous one.

Spartokidski Bospospor, definitely, was not a centralized state familiar to us at later historical periods. His government, even if it wanted this, there was still nothing to be opposed to the long-standing traditions of the polis self-government of slave-owned cities and an equally sustainable desire to independently existence of local tribes, ascending to the primitive community era, a military democracy. Coexistence, within the framework of the same state association of slave-owner cities and local tribes, for a long time imposed a kind of imprint on the Spartokid bospore. Both of these components did not immediately dissolve in it. Hence the duality of the political structure of the Bosporus, so clearly affected in the dual titulature he headed this state of the ruling dynasty. The refined duality of the state nature of the Bosporus had deep grounds.

Initially, the Levkon called himself "Archon" in relation to subordinate tribes. Later, this title is preserved for some time in relation to the part of the sind, which are still with satire with the Allies of Bosporus. And finally, the Levka takes the title "reigning" towards all barbaric tribes. Apparently, the titulatura adopted by them was supplemented with a new term only after complete cessation of resistance from the Motor tribal and the establishment of a lasting peace in Asia.

With the subordination of the barbaric tribes, a new ethnic component appeared as part of the Bosporian kingdom, which Ellina always looked at the object of operation. The management of each specific tribe should now be carried out by the governor of the reigning ruler. Relatives or "Friends" of the king appeared in their quality. The tribes on the social and economic organization seems to be preserved in the same form. This is evidenced by the absence of any significant traces of changes in the organization of agriculture according to archeology. At the same time, part of the meal lands (most likely, unauthorized and border) became the property of Levcon. Varvars also had to pay him tribute to the products of their agriculture. Given the scope of trade relations of Bosporus with Greece at Leeconne, it can be assumed that it legally consolidated the right of the first purchase of commodity breads produced by seats, at least in cripplets. A number of representatives of the nobility of Meta came into the elite of Bosporus. All this gave Levkon's full right to consider his power towards them as a royal. The rulers of the conquered tribes, this title was distributed and, therefore, could not call any negative relationship.

Having completed the submission of the Tribe of Asia, Levkon left there as a governor of his brother Gorgippa, who manifested himself by that time a rather capable ruler. The city of Sinda Harbor for the merit of Gorgippa in his state activity was renamed Gorgippia.

The successes of foreign policy can be considered the expansion of economic relations with Athens, which, with the Level, receive half the scramble-needed bread from Bosporus - 1 million pounds (16,700 tons) per year. The Levkon, like his father, provided at the Athenian merchants, ATELIA - the right of duty-free trade and loading of their ships first. Moreover, he distributed this right to Feodosia, through which once exported more than 5 million pounds (83,500 tons) of grain. In return, the Athenians honored his rights to citizenship and the relevant privileges in Athens. The statue of Levucon and Stela with a decree on the privileges provided to him was established at the Athenian Acropolis near the stele of his father Satira.

Some other cities of island and mainland Greece also received privileges on the bosporement. Found honors and tombstones indicate that Bosporos at Leeconne had contacts with Athens, Mitilina, Arkady, Chios, Sinop, Paflagonia, Chersonese, Herakley, Ground and even with very remote syrakuses. Moreover, certain political contacts are established with low-depth principles, subject to Persia, as evidenced by the gravestone of the Paflagon mercenary found on the Bosporge.

The successes of the developing economy were supported at the Lefton by the release of the first Bosporian Golden Coins, which became a payment facility not only in the internal, but also in the international market. And this even more increased the prestige of the state. It becomes wide famous in Greece.

All this very much strengthened and the position of the ruling dynasty itself. Victory Levcona forced a long time to "put up" any opposition. Material acquisitions obtained as a result of conquests made an inaccessible economic superiority of Spartokids over any of the richest Bosporoval kinds, which deprived them of the possibility of claiming power. Opened opportunities for the economic exploitation of the barbaric choir inside the state reconciled with the tyranans and the democratic opposition (it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of its existence), and supporters of the autonomous existence of policies.

With the formation of a bosporge state as the state of slave-owned use of labor in unprofitable accepted broader sizes. Nevertheless, at the Bosporus, along with slaves and slave owners, there was undoubtedly a sufficiently significant layer of small, partially free, partly dependent, farmers. They worked on their lands, selling bread to the Bosporus merchants. This is about this with sufficient persuasiveness, the very fact of existence on the Bosporian territory of individuals, who kept their names of tribes, witnessed and inscriptions, and literary sources.

Thus, a social relationship between various types coexisted in the state headed by Spartokydami. Along with the slavement that dominated the cities, at one time, founded by Greek colonists, and on the lands of major landowners who used the work of slaves and dependent, also local tribes remained here, which still retained the remnants of the primitive-communal system.

Significant support The power of Spartokidov found in hired army and those extensive relations of Spartokidov with local tribes that allowed them to use the military forces of these tribes as an allied. However, military militia seems to continue to exist in cities.

The policy of Levucon I continued his sons of Spartok II (353-348 BC. E.) and Perisad I (348 - 310 BC. E.). They confirmed the benefits granted by the Athenian merchants their father. In gratitude for this, the Athenians accepted a special decree in honor of the Bosporovsky rulers, awarded them with gold wreaths and erected in the city of the Bronze Statue of Perisada. Activated after the death of the father, the children of Levkon ruled for some time as a state as co-guards.

Such a separation of power on the bosporement was observed for the first time. It could be caused by various reasons, but the essence of all lies, as it seems to us, in one - in the inability of Spartoca III really to fulfill the responsibilities of the head of state. In the future, such examples of the coating of the Bosporus tyranans are not traced.

The decree of the Athenian was published in the last year of the Board of Spartoca, when the rulers of the state arose some difficulties. That is why they are asked to return them to them, provided earlier by the Athenians, and give sailors for service in the Bosporous Fleet. These difficulties probably arose in connection with the attempt of one of the Motor tribes - the resting tribes to get out of the state. In the earliest dedication letter, dated Perisada I, this tribe is missing. Therefore, they managed to restore their independence during the joint reign of Sons of Levcon. The fight against them demanded significant efforts from Bosphere and continued, apparently, more than one year. It was the restoration of the Bosporus domination over all the nearest tribes. It was reflected in the title of Perisada I. He became referred to as the king of the sind and all Maitov (Mets). The concept of "all metrics" included foaming, dandaria and other contacts, whom Bosplarov knew better than others and were confident in their ethnic unity. It is curious that Sinda, which, according to the information of the ancient ethnographers, was also places, did not enter this concept. It can be assumed that they did not support the SPARTOID SPARTOD SPEEKS, while Dandaria and Treads spoke on the side of the rebels.

The new war led not only to restoring the power of the Bosporus over the dispensing, but also to the submission of new tribes - faith and horses. This even more expanded the borders of the Bosporus in Asia and led to contact with another even more powerful ethnic group - the tribe of Syrakov, Savromatov for ethnic origin. At this, the offensive of the BOSPORE to the East ceased. The border stabilized, although the political situation here always remained tense. This is evidenced by traces of destruction and fires at border baprous fortresses, as well as treasures of coins in border areas.

The successes of the Army of Perisada I in Asia to a certain extent provoked the Bosporus war and with Scythians. In one of the speeches of the Athenian speaker, Demosphenas refers to the "occurred at the Perizada of War with Scythians", as a result of which trading in the state almost froze. As Scythia was divided into three kingdoms, and Demosfen does not report, with which one of them was a war and what it ended, most likely, it is necessary to proceed from the general direction of the offensive of the bosospinal at that time. Without the opportunity to fight with a strong Sirac Union of the tribes, Perisad could transfer a blow to the mouth of Tanais (Don), where the smallest of Scythian kingdoms was located. The absence of traces of significant destruction and fires at the Elizavtian settlement, the political center of Scythians Tipion, and the former trading orientation of its inhabitants after the end of the war make it possible to think that the military pressure of Bosporus in this direction was short and not very strong.

The rich in the mouth of the mouth of Tanis has long been attracted by the Bosporus merchants. The increase in the number of citizens of Pantikapey demanded the development of new lands. Given the fact that it is here a little later, at the very beginning of the III century BC. e. Panticapers founded a new city - Tanais, the same name of the river, it can be assumed that the war of Perisada I with Scyths of the Tipline became a kind of exploration of the enemy's forces in the region on the eve of the new colony here. With its own neighbors in the Kerch Peninsula - Skifami-Tsarist - he retained the still allied relationships, which is confirmed by the continued course of events in Asia in his sons.

During these military shocks, Perisad I steadily adhered to friendly relations with a number of polites of Greece and the Black Sea region. Athens remained its most important economic and political partner. He confirmed the right of Athenian merchants for duty free, and "on all goods and for all bospodes." In addition, similar privileges received residents of Amis, Chios, Chalkecedon and some other cities. Thanks to these privileges, the products of the Hellenic workshops of all specialties and professions literally knocked on the Bosporus, and through it to the local and surrounding barbaric tribes.

The basis of the state economy and in Spartokydes remains still agriculture and the bread trading tightly associated with it. It is not by chance that at one of their first releases of gold coins on the back side depicted a griffin walking through the bread collectos. Later as the emblem on the coins also occurs the image of the plow. With agriculture, as the main occupation, the wide distribution of deities cults, patronized agriculture, demeters, Dionysus and Aphrodites of Apache are connected.

Viticulture and winemaking also testify about the big role of agriculture. True, the climate of the Northern Black Sea region was less favorable for viticulture than in Greece, and in winter, grape vines had to sprinkle the earth so that they do not freeze. Nevertheless, in the second half of the IV century BC. e. Viticulture becomes on the bosporement by commodity production.

Bosporge of gardening has been successfully developed. Greek authors in the description of the Bosporous settlements certainly mention the surrounding beautiful gardens. It is not by chance that one of the cities of the state was even called "KEPY", which means "gardens". Bosplarians were grown apple trees, pears, grenades, plums, alley and other garden crops.

The most important of the Fishers of Bospor was always a fishing that has reached in the second half of the IV century BC. e. High Development. During the excavations of any Bosporus or settlement, there are always bones of fish or fishing devices.

Among the many types of fishing fish in the IV century, sturgeon were particular importance. Mining and export of sturgeon in Greece, where they are highly appreciated, amounted to one of the most important branches of exports of Bosporian. No wonder on several episodes of the Bosporoval coins next to the image of the breadfall, the image of the sturgeon is minted. In addition, judging by bone residues, Kerch herring, Sazan, Sudak and Hams used in great demand. In the Bosporus cities were open tanks for salting fish.

Under the Lefton and his closest descendants, handicraft production is developing and improved. Almost everyone known in the ancient world of crafts occurs and actively function, including the production of expensive red-grained VAZ, marble statues and reliefs. The most important for the state and its rulers at the time had jewelry production in metallurgy, and in ceramic production - the manufacture of tiles.

The flowering of agriculture and crafts at the Lefton and his sons stimulated the rapid development of trade. In the cities of Greece and Malaya Asia, bread, salted fish, cattle, leather, fur, slaves are exported. The main export item naturally was bread.

More than 2 million pounds (33,400 tons) of grain supplied Bosporus annually in the city of ancient world. Revenues from this trade, according to the estimates of Professor V. D. Blavat, were in cash equivalent on average 260-270 talents, with a total budget revenue about 300-350 talents. It's hard to judge much or a little. In any case, the income of the Athenian state during the pericale was 6-7 times higher. But after all, the level, and the direction of the development of the economy, and government spending there were completely different. For Bosporus, the funds received by them were very significant. It is clear why Levkon and his successors paid such attention to the bread trading.

Local tribes in exchange for agricultural products Bosporemen supplied weapons, protective armor, jewelry, wine, fabrics, dishes. At all settlements and most of the burials of Necropolis are greek products, as well as the Bosporus masters. Since Perisada, Bosporovskaya merchants crowd out Olbia, even from the Scythian markets of the Dnieper.

Large revenues from various industries and trade led to a change in the appearance of cities. Especially flourishing the capital of Bosporus - Panticapey. The city is decorated with new temples, the Palaces of rulers and other public buildings. In addition to the temple of Apollo in the IV century BC. e. Here are the temples of Demetra, Hercules, Artemis, Aphrodites, Asclepia and other deities. Traces of active construction activity of this time are recorded in many other cities of the state. There is reason to talk about the construction of Apollo temples in Fanagoria and Geromonas, the temples of Artemis in Fanagoria, Hermanau and Gorgippies, Aphrodite temples in Nymphoe, Miremekia, Tyritaka, Kepah, Fanagoria, Hermanau, Gorgippies.

The expansion of trade relations demanded the construction of its own military and merchant fleet. In the eastern part of the port of PanticaPay, docks are built, designed for repair and construction of 20 ships at the same time. This figure, named by Greek geographer Strabo, is not random. Such a number of ships allowed to keep the budget of the Bosporus state. Archont, the king of Bosporus, also contained a four-thousandths of the hired army. Such a numerous army had no Greek Policy of the Black Sea region.

The power of the descendants of Spartoca has increased so much, and the State Bospor machine has become so strengthened and improved in relation to the conditions of the periphery of the ancient world, that the power of Spartokidov remained and further for almost 200 years without significant changes. Perisad I, who spread the boundaries of the ownership of the Bosporus "from the brands to the borders of the Caucasian land", even "was recognized by God." None of the ruler of the Bosporus did not receive such an honor. The cult of Perisada I as a deity was carried out in a temple specially built in Panticapey and remained even in the first centuries of our era. After death, he was buried in one of the most wonderful in the architectural plan of Kurgan - Tsarsky Kurgan. Standing separately from other similar monuments in an open steppe and perfectly prominent from Pantikathey, as he likes the Tomb of the Divine, this mound and today amazing the imagination of numerous visitors with its monumentality and high quality work. It is not by chance, no epoch storms and even the bombing and art-folds of the Times of the Great Patriotic War could not destroy this unique monument of ancient Bosporus in their expressiveness.

But the recognition of the reign of Perisada I, the highest level of development of the state means recognition of the beginning of its sunset. The first sign of this sunset was the struggle for the power of his sons, flashed shortly after the death of this, undoubtedly, the most outstanding representative of the dynasty.

The inconsistency of the situation that created on the bosporement was reflected in the only excerpt before our time, preserved in the work of diodeor, which is associated with the progress of historical events on the bosporement. This is a story about the internecine struggle of the sons of Perisada I, borrowed by Diodorus from someone unknown, but very well-informed in the Bosporian history of an ancient author. The internecided war began between the sons of Perisada I in 309 BC. er., immediately after his death. The liberated throne went to the eldest of his sons - Satira. Then the younger son of Perisada Evmel signed an alliance with Ariafarn, the king of the local tribe of Tateev, attracted some more tribes to his side and raised the weapons against the elder brother. In the beginning of the struggle, the middle son of the deceased Perisada, prolished, became on the side of Satira. Military actions turned out mainly on the Asian Side of the Strait. Satira's forces consisted of 2 thousand Greek mercenaries, 2 thousand who were in his service of Thracian soldiers and the allied Scythians, the number of 20 thousand infantry and 10 thousand riders. On the side of Eumela were Ariafarna troops with a total number of 22 thousand infantry and 20 thousand cavities.

In the first major battle at the Fat River - probably one of the tributaries of Kuban - after both troops suffered significant losses, Satyr drew his opponent to flight. Pursuing him, he burned to him on the path of the village, captured prisoners and prey.

The beginning of military operations in the above version described by the historian Diodorus is somehow not very linked to the initiative of Eumela in the struggle for power. Here he commands only part of a combat system - one of the flannels of the Siracian king's army, which himself leads the battle. In the description of the further progress of hostilities, it is not even mentioned. Is this not evidence that the real initiator of the performance against Bospor was Sirac, and Evmela, at least at the first stage of the struggle, they simply used as a real contendent on the throne of Bospor? ..

As it often happens, the brilliant victory in the battle did not end the victory in the war. Those warriors Arifaryna and Eumel, who survived in battle, together with their leaders hid in the fortress of Sirac. It was located on the bank of the deep River Fat, which streamed her and did an impregnable. In addition, the fortress was surrounded by high rocks and a huge forest, so there were only two artificial access to it. One of them, leading to the fortress, was protected by high towers and outdoor fortifications. The other was from the opposite side in the swamps and guarded by the panelies. The building of the fortress had durable columns, and residential premises were above the water.

After making sure the strengthening of the enemy fortress, Satir decided to first ruin the enemy country. His army betrayed the fire of Syrakov's village and captured a large amount of mining and prisoners. After that, an attempt was made to break into the fortress through the existing approaches to it. The attack of external fortifications and towers failed. Satira squad was discarded with big losses. But the other part of his troops, acting from the meadow side through the swamps, captured wooden fortifications from this side of the fortress and, crouching through the river and the forest, began to make their way to the citadel. Three days of the warriors of Satira cut the forest, with difficulty and dangers of the road. Arithn, fearing the assault, put his shooters along both aspects of the passage leading to the fortress, and ordered them to continuously firing the enemy's army. Busy cutting trees, bosporemen could not protect themselves from arrows and carried large losses. But still on the fourth day they came to the fortress wall.

The leader of Menisk mercenaries, distinguished by the mind, and courage, rushed through the passage to the wall and, together with his comrades, began to brave to attack fortifications. However, overcome the desperate resistance of the siracians who had the same numerical superiority, he could not. Then Satyr personally led the army in the attack. In a cruel hand-to-hand battle, he was wounded with a spear in his hand and ordered to retreat. His army, leaving guard posts, retired to the camp. The next day the assault was to repeat, but an unexpected one happened. By evening, the wound of the king inflamed. He felt bad and with the onset of night died. In power, he stayed only nine months. After that, his troops immediately moved to the city of Gargaz, apparently was on the banks of the Kuban. Hence the body of Satira was transported in Panticapey, where his middle brother remained prolon. Having arranged a lush funeral, Prolin accepted the royal power and headed the army in Gargaz. Having learned about this, Evmel sent his ambassadors to him with a proposal to give him a part of the state. But he did not pay attention to it and, leaving the garrison in Gargaz, returned to the panticapey to strengthen his power. Apparently, this procedure turned out to be quite long. In any case, while he did this, his brother Evmel, with the help of barbarians, managed to capture both the Gargaz, and a number of other fortifications and cities of the Asian Bosporus. Who were those barbarians who assisted Eumela, the historian diodor did not say, but it is possible that these were the same siracies.

In the end, it was finally opposed to a rebellious brother with an army, but he apparently was not tempted in military business. In any case, the battle between the brothers ended with the victory of Euvela. Soon after, I was prolonged on the conditions of refusal from the throne in favor of EMMEL. After returning in Pentantypey, it was proloned once again tried to regain power, but failed. He had to flee into Kpay, where he later was killed on the orders of Eugene.

Capturing power, Evmel quickly suppressed the resistance of dissatisfied. Friends and relatives of Satira and Pritan were interrupted, and the inhabitants of the capital received various benefits. During the reign of Evmela, significant changes occurred in the ancient world. There were large Hellenistic states whose rulers from 306 to N. e. Accepted titles of the kings. Almost all of them, seeking to surpass their rivals in the power, one of the leads put forward the slogan of the liberation of the Greeks. On the same way went and Evmel. It expands political ties with Byzantium, Sinop and other Ellinski cities in the Black Sea region, providing them with all kinds of good deeds. So, when the residents of the city of Callatia (on the territory of modern Romania), besieged by the king, Frakia Lisimah, were addressed to him, he took a thousand of their inhabitants, giving them not only political asylum, but also a whole city for settlement, and the region, separated On the station. It is possible that he helped in organizing the defense of Callatia from Lisimaha. He then defeated the pirates, which caused many trouble with the Greek merchants. Evmel patronized the cities of the Southern and Western Black Sea region and even put out the project of the association of all lands surrounding the Pont, under their authority. And they would lead their idea to execution if it were not for an accident. Once, when Emel rode on the four chariot, horses suffered. The king tried to jump off, but his sword fell over the wheel. Evmel died in 304/303 BC. e. Evmel Rules is only 5 years old and 5 months, and it was the last king of the Dynasty of Spartokidov, which can be said about as a powerful ruler of Bospor.

Bosporus with the death of Evmela enters into a new phase of its development. This is not a decline. Bosplarians even slightly expand their possessions. In particular, at the very beginning of the III century BC. e. "Ellity, owned by the Bosporus," was founded at the mouth of the city of Tanais, the river-elected. But the general political conjuncture in the world has changed. Athens fell into decline and could no longer pay the whole mass of the Bosporus marketable products. At the same time, Egypt began to supply a huge mass of bread to the markets. Its delivery from Egypt was cheaper, and this sharply reduced the demand for bread from the Northern Black Sea region. Therefore, the bread export of Bosporus is shrinking, giving way to the export of fish, livestock, slaves. His cities are built a large number of large fishing baths, explicitly designed for exporting products. Especially many such baths are openly open in the southern suburb of Panticapey - Tyritaka. It seems that he became the center of fishery fishery in the state.

In addition, Bosplarians are trying to overcome difficulties in the economy through trade with surrounding barbarians. Vineyards are significantly expanding, and the production of wine is growing. Winery, designed for the manufacture of wines for export, are open in many cities of Bosporus, but especially many of them in the northern suburb of Pantikapey - Mirmekia.

All known from the IV century BC. e. Crafts of Bosporian continue to function and there is no reason to talk about their reduction up to the middle of the III century. It is probably precisely this allowed the Burnovers to acquire new markets for their products in return for lost. The main counterators of the Bospor are the cities of the South Black Sea region, especially Sinop. Along with them, Bosporerians continue to support relations with Rhodes, a braid, pergamine and even more distant Egypt, with which the Bosporus establishes and diplomatic relations. Moreover, it happened on the initiative of the Egyptian king Ptolemya II, in need of allies to continue to fight with his nearest neighbors.

In the second quarter of the III century BC. e. A special ambassador of Ptolemy II "Isis" arrived at Bospospore. A colorful image of this vessel remained on the fresco from the Aphrodite sanctuary in Nymphoe. The interpretation of images and inscriptions on the wall of the sanctuary suggests that the Egyptian king first of all was interested in the possibility of recruiting mercenaries for their army on the bosporement, and he received the appropriate agreement of the Bosporian rulers.

Worst folded relationships with barbarians. Scythians under the influence of environmental changes and the Natius of Sarmatian tribes begin to retreat in the Crimea. Their rulers are poor and can no longer be so generously, as before, paying products of the Bosporus masters. But but they begin to demand an increasing amount of their number as gifts for the land provided by the Greeks for the settlement. True, this is their pressure on the Bosporus until time was compensated by military assistance to the Bosporus rulers. Without sufficient funds for the content of a strong own army, the kings of the BOSPOROD to solve their military problems in Asia are increasingly forced to seek help from the Scythians. In an effort to make this support stable and constant, they conclude marriage unions with representatives and representatives of the Scythian Tsarist Dynasty.

This policy really justified yourself. While the Scythians set the protectorate over Olbia and led offensive wars for Chersonese, they themselves were interested in Union with Bosporus and therefore would have done to meet the requests from their ally.

The Bosporian Army, and before which was not necessary without the help of Scythians (remember the battle of the FATE), during the II century BC. e. It became more and more Scythian on ethnic composition due to the difficulty of recruiting mercenaries from Greece and Thrace. The role of Scythians and among the commanders of this army increased.

Otherwise, relations with sarmatics, attacking Scythians in the Black Sea Steppes and the advancing on the ownership of the tribes of Syrakov and Mets at the Bospor boundaries in Asia. At first, they are pushed in the bubbanity of Syrakov, which, in turn, are gradually inclined in Meta Earth. Bosplarovs are not able to protect the metropolitan from this occurrence. As a result, Meoti tribes overlook the Bosporus submission. By the end of the II century BC. e. Almost all Motor tribes, however, besides Sindov, come out of the state. This dramatically reduces the incomes of Spartokidov and their ability to contain a strong hired army. But the main thing is that these rulers themselves are not at the height of the Epoch requirements.

Spartok III - the successor to Eumela (304 / 03-284/83) - became already referred to as the king not only in relation to the conquered tribes. This happened under the influence of the respective acts from the Diarathes, which in 306-305. declared themselves kings. The external position of the Bosporus in Spartok III continues to be strengthened. The most important evidence of this is an agreement with Athens. Decree, which was the result of these negotiations, is significantly different from previous Athenian decrees relating to the rulers of Bospor. If earlier representatives of the Spartokid dynasty were considered as individuals, now Spartok is referred to as the king; If earlier it was discussed solely about trade, now the formal alliance is: Athens undertake to help Spartoku and land and on the sea, if anyone attacks his power. The contract, however, was more likely to Athens than Bosporu: If sales privileges have been guaranteed to the Athenians, now Spartok fell by an uncertain promise to "make them all the best."

Bospore's links with Egypt, Rhodes and Delos are strengthened at Perisada II (284/83 - after 252). In one Egyptian papyrus, the news was preserved on the arrival of the Parisada ambassadors to Egypt (254/53). Strengthening political ties contributed to highly developed trade between the Hellenistic states and the Ponta coast.

The dates of the board and the nature of the actions of the remaining Spartokidov are almost unknown. It can only be noted that in the middle of the 3th century BC. e. A certain crisis occurs on the bosporement - the chasing of gold and silver coins ceases. Copper coin degrades in weight and quality. In the last quarter of a century, seeking to stop the crisis, the king of Levkon II for the first time in the history of Bosporus exercises the release of coins from his own behalf. At the same time, the chasing of Pantikipei coins is also preserved. The measures taken by the rulers turned out to be effective and led to restoration at the beginning of the II century BC. e. Changing gold and silver. The first economic crisis was overcome.

However, the crisis phenomena of the outback was not. And this contributed to the resumed orange struggle for power. The Roman poet Ovid reports that the Bosporus King Levkon killed his brother and was killed his wife himself. Subsequent commentators of Ovid repeated his message, albeit with some discrepancies in detail, which convinces in the reliability of the information transferred to the famous poet. In the course of such civilians in the royal family, the persons who do not belong to the dynasty could come to power. Such, for example, could be a kind of hygienon, who was satisfied for some reason only by the title of Archont, but, undoubtedly, who had all the complete power. This is evidenced by the release of them from its name gold, silver and copper coins. His name is on some Bosporian tiles. It is known that the Bosporian kings partly controlled the tiled production and owned Ergasterias themselves in their production. It is possible that both hygienon, by usurpiring power, assigned to itself on this basis and revenues from this production.

Pontic period (about 109 - 15/14. BC.)

The last Spartokid, which was called the same name as his namesake, recognized by God, being strongly dependent on the Scythians and seeing their successes in the fight against Chersonese, did not doubt that after taking the city the Bosporus turn would come. By the end of the II century. The situation was so aggravated that it was possible to expect a joint performance of slaves and the dependent peasantry against the ruling nobility of the Bosporian cities. The change in the political situation forced the ruling Circles of Bospor to contact the Pontic King Mithridate VI Evupator. As a result of negotiations between both parties, an agreement was concluded, according to which the Bosporus Tsar Perisad V "voluntarily" handed over his power to Mithridate.

It was enough for this political act so that new, even more turbulent events be played on the bipos: on its European side, the "rebellion" was broken down under the leadership of Savmak. The rebels captured Panticapy and Feodosia. Perisad was killed, and the comma-sent diophant fled to the mitridate. Savmak proclaimed the king.

The Savmak's uprising threatened the mitridate of the loss of his possessions and influence in the Northern Black Sea region. For several months, Mithridat prepared a fleet and land army and. In the spring of 107 or 106 BC. e. sent him under the command of Diophanta to Crimea.

The rebels did not have sufficient military force to reflect the attack of Diophanta. Their fierce struggle shows traces of large destruction at the end of II century. BC Eh: The struggle occurred on the streets of the city even after the urban fortifications were captured by Diophant. Many participants of the uprising Diofant executed. Savmak was captured alive and sent to Mithridate in Sinopo, where he also was executed.

A significant part of the Black Sea coast after the suppression of the Savmak's uprising was under the rule of mitridate.

The purpose of the policy of Mithridate was to create a powerful state that could challenge Rome. For this, he, in particular, tried to enlist the support of Greek residents, including Bosporian cities. Many of them were given self-government and the right to minted their own coins. To encourage trade, Mithridate reduced the existing taxes and cleaned the sea from pirates.

The Pontic King has repeatedly tried to fight with Rome, but every time unsuccessful. The first war went to 89 - 85. BC e. Although the main battles between the opposing parties and in this, and in subsequent wars occurred in the territory of Malaya Asia, the Romans perfectly understood the importance of the Bosporus, formerly for Mithridate the source of live strength and food. They developed tactics of combating mitridate, deciding to cause discontent of the Bosporian cities and thus put the ponti king from the rear. For this purpose, the Romans introduced their fleet into the Black Sea and began the blockade of the Bosporus, as a result of which the Bosporus merchants carried huge losses. The unsuccessful actions of mitridate in Asia against the Roman troops forced him to increase government taxes and continuously replenish their army at the expense of residents of Greek cities. The decline of trade and exorbitant defeats caused quite understandable discontent of the inhabitants of the Bosporus. In 86 BC e. They were postponed from the Power Mithridate. Soon the Pontic Tsar concluded the world with Rome and took up the guidance of order in his own state. The second war with Rome (83 - 81, BC) prevented the bospospore to obey (83-81). Only in 80 or 79 BC. e. Mithridate reaffirmed on the banks of the Kerch Strait. Understanding the important strategic importance of these territories, he gives them to the management of his son Mahar.

In 74 BC e. The last one begins, the third war between the ruler of Ponta and the Roman state. Soon the Romans managed to win a number of important victories. They captured large shopping cities in the southern shore of the Black Sea, thereby having deprived the navy of the Mithridate of the main bases and again putting a threat to the Bosporge trading. Pontic king was at this time in Malaya Asia. To strike him from the rear, the Romans entered into negotiations with Mahar and bowed to treason. Mahara was supported by Bosporus and Chersonesos, who perfectly understood that the continuation of hostilities would lead to the final cessation of trade operations in the Black Sea basin. In 70 BC e. Mahar openly moved to the side of the opponents of his father, but Mithridat was not broken and continued to war.

In 65 BC e. Mithridate was defeated in the fight against the Roman commander Pompey and lost all his possessions in Malaya Asia. The Pontic King with the remnants of the armies faithful to him fled to Bosporus, killed Mahara and again subdued the locals of his power. Understanding the unreliability of their positions and expecting to continue the fight against Rome, Mithridat tried to enlist the support of the barbarians living in the neighborhood. To this end, he took the wife of several Scythian "princesses". In response, Pompei has established the sea blockade of the Bosporus, declaring that the owners and captains of the ships, which attempted to achieve the possessions of the Mithridate will be executed without delay. The prospect of continuing senseless hostilities, the decline of trade, excessive defeats, the abuse of the administration of Mithridate forced the ugly to act as the Pompeiy counted. The first rebelled Fanagoria, the largest city in the Asian coast of Bosporus. His example was followed by Chersonese, Feodosia and Nymphy. The son of Mithridat Farnak decided to negotiate with Rome and joined the negotiations with Pompey, at the same time having posed the army of Mithridate to rebel against the king. Farnak's intrigue led to the fact that the soldiers rebelled and proclaimed him to the king. A devotee of children, friends and army, Mithridat committed suicide on the Acropolis Pantikapey in 63 BC. e.

The residence of Farnaka, like his father, was a panticapy. He spread the limits of his kingdom to the north and east along the coast of the Azov Sea, and the extreme northern item was the city of Tanais at the mouth of the river, who gave him a name. In 48 BC, when Pompey and Caesar agreed at the Farcal Fields, challenging each other among the world, the Farnak was removed to turn her kingdom of his ancestors in Malaya Asia and crossed there with a big army. He managed to subjugate his colchid. Part of Cappadocia and Ponta; But his further successes were detained with the news about the uprising against him on the Bosporus, which Raisp His Rasp Asandra.

Meanwhile, Caesar appeared in Malny Asia after the victory over the Pompey, at Farcalese in August 47. I backed the Farnaca with a decisive defeat with a river, in the area near the mouth of the Galisa River (now Kizil-Irmak). The relation of Caesar about the victory over the Farnak was drawn up in the three famous words: Veni, Vidi, Vici - came, saw, won. With the remnants of his forces, Farnak fled to Bosporus. He managed to master Pantikapee and Feodosia, but in a decisive battle with Asandrom he was broken and fell on the battlefield (47 BC).

At the death of Farnak, Caesar provided to seek the Bosporus Tron Mithridat Pergamsky, whom he did before the ruler (tetrarch) of Galatia - an area in the center of Malaya Asia. But the attempt of Mithridate to win the kingdom to himself was unsuccessful: he was defeated by Asandrom and fell in battle. Since then, Asander remained unmanned in the possession of the kingdom. In the first years of his reign, he called himself on the coins "Archon", and from the fourth year (44 BC) - king, which remained until his death in 16 g. BC. The final recognition of his Rome followed. Apparently, in 30 g. When he accepted the title of "Roman's friend". The limits of the kingdom in Asandra stretched out in the northeast still until the city of Tanaida; As for the Western border, there is a great doubt here. The fact is that later in Chersonese, there was a local era, starting from 25/4 BC, and since Chersonesos, according to Pliny, received his freedom from Rome, then it was concluded that the allocation of it from the territory The kingdoms happened in 25/4 to the beginning of our era. But with complete confidence it is impossible to solve this question, and it is very possible that only under the emperor Vespasiana he stopped entering the limits of the kingdom.

Asandra inherited his spouse, the daughter of Farnaka and the granddaughter of Mithridate, dynamia. Her coins with Title Tsaritsa belong to 16 g. BC. In Kerch and on the Taman Peninsula, three pedestals were found, on which the statues of Emperor and Libya were once blissing, his wife. In the signatures it is: "Queen is dynamia, friend of the Romans."

Bosporus under the rule of Rome

(14/13 BC er - first halfIII in.)

Shortly after the first time on the priest of dynamics on the bosporement it was a troubled time. A fierce struggle begins for power in which adventurers of all stripes participated. Rome played a considerable role in the gravestics, whose rulers did not leave attempts to approve on the throne of the Bosporus kingdom of one of their protected. The Bosporus was the Roman severity of the adventures of the Scribes, who issued himself for the grandson of Mithridate. Dynamia gave him his hand. But the commander and associate of August Agrippa intervened in this case on the instructions of the emperor and provided the throne to Polemnem, which was then the heritage of Mithridate on the territory of Malaya Asia, the Pontic Kingdom. Polemmem took possession of the Bosporus, the creamius was killed, and the queen dynamia married a paramemon. It happened in 14 G. BC. e. Thus, again, the political unity of both coast of the sea, created by mitridate, was restored, but this time the connection was short.

The course of further events is very poorly covered in sources. It is known that after a few years the message was married to the relative of the emperor of August - hence, by that time, dynamia had already died. Resistance to the message continued. Trying to suppress him, the king destroyed several fortresses, including Tanais. Then the eleumemon got involved in the fight against the Asian side of the Bosporus, the aspurgian tribe and in 8 G. BC. e. died. About who became his heir, there are different opinions in science in 14 g. e. The ruler of the Bosporus turns out to be asprong, which may have been somehow connected with aspurgian. It is assumed that he came from a noble Sarmatian family. It is possible that he was the son of Asandra and dynamics. In 15, Asprong visited Rome and convinced the new emperor, Tiberius, give him the royal title. In honor of this event, one of the sons of aspurg was named Tiberius Julia Cotes. Subsequently, the name Tiberius Julius became a dynastic for the Bosporian kings - the descendants of aspurg. Aspurgu managed to defeat the Scythians and Tavrov and, thereby, to protect the boundaries of their state from the barbaric threat. The merits of Asprong in front of the state were so great that he was deified during his lifetime. In PantixaPea, built the corresponding temple.

After the death of Aspurga in 37/38, the authorities moved to his wife hypertension. Probably, this happened because the heir to the throne, Mithridate, was still a very young man. Soon the next confusion begins - the Roman Emperor Caligula supported the claims of the Bosprian Tron of the Parememon, probably the son of that Polyeon, which was for some time the Bosporian king, and then died in battle with aspurgian. Stallone, however, could not even visit the Bosporge. Hypapiriya, and then Mithridate II firmly held power in his hands, and Caligula for some reason forgot to render real help and soon died. The new emperor, Claudius, retained the Bosporus for Mithridate, giving Stemem to the Office of a small region in Malaya Asia.

Murgean's rebellious plans and his intention to get rid of Rome depending on Rome were the Emperor's native brother of Mithridate by Cotes, who was sent to Rome with some business orders. Imp. Claudius sent a military expedition to Bospospod under the head of Didia Galla. Mithridate fled and his receiver became with the enrollment of Rome Cotes. Event This applies to 44 or 45 years. When Didiy Gall with the main forces retired, Mithridate began a cross-law warning war with his brother, finding the allies among the natives who lived on the eastern borders of the kingdom.

After a while, deciding that the situation is favorable, Mithridat again opposed the Cotis. At this stage of war on the side of both brothers fought Sarmati. In the end, the Cotes won the Mithridate captured and sent him to Rome.

Mithridat lived in the "Eternal City" on the position of a private person, then missed political intrigue and was executed for participating in a conspiracy against the emperor. The war for the Bosporus Trone ended in 49. After her end, Roman soldiers sailed home. Somewhere, probably, the southern coast of the Crimea, ships hit the storm; Many of them were thrown ashore and became the production of brands.

Since 71, I reigned on Bosporus Tiberius Julius Reskuporid. The relationship of the king of this king with a quotes is not established, but since our sources are generally no evidence of any evidence or coups at that time on the bosporement and there are no references to the change of dynasty, it is very likely to assume that the spa Son of Cotisa. Since the time of the weld, all further Bosporias are the dynastic name "Tiberius Julius" and mark dependence on Rome: they are called "Roman's friend, a friend of Caesar, a lifelong priest of Augustus." From the end of the i century. Rome more and more sees an important outpost in the northeast, which is able to restrain the onslaught of the barbarians. During the WP and Savromate II and Savromate, defensive structures are built, borders are strengthened, the army and the fleet are enhanced. Savromat I and Cotes II win victories over Scythians. With Savromate II (174-210), the Bosporus fleet purifies from the pirates of southern shores of the Black Sea. Joint military operations with neighbors had to strengthen the independence of Bosporus from Rome.

The royal power is strengthened, one of the reasons for such a situation is a complex, restless foreign policy situation, an increase in the role of hostilities who led the bosset under the leadership of the commandar tsar. Later was deified asprong during his lifetime. Urban Copper Chacking replaced the royal. At the courtyard was kept the extensive staff of officials. Inscription III century. From Kerch lists dozens of the names of the crucial matches. The dependence of cities from the center increased: taxes and grades were charged, the urban self-government bodies had extremely limited rights.

Slavery still played an important role in the economy. However, the first signs of the crisis of the slave-owned production system are found when slave labor becomes unprofitable. This is clear from the inscriptions-manumissions - the acts of vacation slaves on the will. In agriculture, their labor is increasingly replaced by the labor of dependent earth-pelats. They were attached to land plots belonging to major owners - kings, courtestiny, temples.

Grain production again dominates the rest, especially a lot of bread comes from the Asian Bosporus and the Nizhny Tickiel. It is stored in grain pits, which are often found in rural settlements and cities. The burders provided the cities and Roman troops in Malaya Asia bread. Anxious setting affected the localization and the appearance of rural settlements. The number of settlements has decreased, they are mainly located on the elevations, strengthened, have a regular plan. The settlement of this type was, for example, Ilurat. The male part of the fortress settlements was engaged in agriculture and carried military service. Residents of the villages could be of varying ethnicity, free and pelants they could handle areas of large owners, urban or community land. Another type of settlement was the fortified estates, sometimes located next to the villages. Still much attention was paid to cattle breeding, gardening, but especially viticulture and winemaking. Fisher fishing had no less important. Probably there were unification of fishermen, there were separate major entrepreneurs.

Crafts, trade, urban life revived. Arms production increased (close to Sarmatian samples). Jewelers adapted to the tastes of the new population, their products became polychrome, were injured with stones or glass paste, decorated with geometric patterns. Destruction associated with events I c. BC e., caused the need to expand the construction case. Recovery work was accompanied by redevelopment in cities and towns, an increase in their territory. But the quality of the processing of the land as a whole worsened. Great was the role of shipbuilding. Significant was the production of simple dishes, but they did the parade, which was covered with a red varnish. True, the number of stucco vessels is the result of the influence of barbaric traditions. Gradually decreased and the production of terracotta has deteriorated, now there are few of the greek samples and more than those who answered the Sarmatian tastes. Appeared glass products.

The new lift touched also trade and commodity-money relations. There were associations of shipowners. They traded with many areas of the Mediterranean and South Ponta, the cities of the Northern and East, Black Sea region, the habitats of the barbarians. The most closely connected with the South Ponytian cities. Many coins found in cities and settlements of Bospor. Copper and gold money of the royal chasing reflect the influence of Rome, on them portraits of emperors and their names, Roman regalia.

The ethnic composition of cities changed, their political situation in the state, external appearance, culture. They were restored, reconstructed, decorated with new buildings. Under the influence of Rome, the terms, basilica, amphitheaters were built, the statues of emperors and the Bosporian kings, gladiatorial battles and battles appeared. The process of warbarization affected the growth of the naturalization of the economy and Russification of cities. The tastes of the anthemmer, mostly the Sarmatian population found a vivid expression in the burial rituals and structures, trade and kingoplasty, painting, sculpture, relief. The peculiarities of the Bosporography of the Fine Art become, convention, static, flatness, in other words, some primitiveness, not peculiar to the Greek style. However, art, like the entire culture of the BOSPORT of this time, is not devoid of its charms and definite skill. It peculiar and reflects the synthesis of antique and barbaric traditions. The most vivid examples are samples of painting crypts Demeters, anfesteria, etc. No less beautiful painting of stone sarcophagus with the image of the artist's workshop. We find the same synthesis in religious performances of the Bosporus. The cults of synthetic deities with antique oriental and local features are distributed. That was the nameless god rundesty or God Most High. Religious unions appeared. Among the borrowers were the admirers of Judaism and Christianity.

Lateant Bospor Stories

(SerdineIII in. - Second thirdVI in.)

The overall crisis of the Mediterranean antique civilization in the second quarter of the III century. Almost the same way embraced both Bosprov, although there was no sharp boundary between the lateantic era and her preceding. A change in the foreign policy situation was crucial due to the development of Eastern European gins and barbaric primitive societies that existed on the periphery of the then civilization. Barbaric tribes appear in the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region; which antique authors called Gotami, Boragans and Georges. From the east almost at the same time, Sarmato-Alanian tribes moved. The movements of these peoples violated the natural course of the history of all the ancient centers of the Northern Black Sea region. In fact, two streams met on the bospospore: Gothic - from North and Alansky - from the East.

One of the first strikes, apparent by Alanen, collapsed around 239. Gorgippia and Raja town. Later, about 251-254, Tanis was defeated, apparently, Alans.

In the mid-40s III century. The northern banks of Meotids penetrated the Ostrodot and their allies. The appearance of them on the bosporement was generally peaceful, the barbarians entered the agreement with Farsanz, which appeared on the Bosporus throne in 253-254. What path the goths proceed to the Bosporus, it was not entirely clear, but most likely, they walked the northern coast of Meotids and then through the steppe Tavriik.

The main role in the first stage of events was played by Alanes, Boorans and Georuly, whose ethnicity was not accurately installed (Georulya before the arrival at Bosporus lived between Don and modern azov in the northeast priaudia). The first sea campaign of the barbarians from the territory of Bospor was to be 255 or 256, the second - in 257. The first time the pithynt was plundered, the Siege of Facisis, the Pitian, the siege, and the garrisons gave them a reversibility. The main role in these campaigns were played by borants, but they also participated in Ostrogot. The third hike - 258 g. - It was two streams: by sea and on land, along the coast of Ponta to the West and further south. The victims of the defeats, the barbarians plunged on (Bosporovskaya?) Ships, cruised all this time at the southern shores of Ponta, and began a retreat to Meetide. They suffered defeat from pursuing their Roman fleet.

The internal situation on the Bosporge in 253-275. Poorly secured sources. No dated inscription belonging to 250-275 years., Not known. But in the pirated raids of barbarians with the Bosporus territory, "insignificant and unworthy rulers," who came to power after the cessation of the old royal family were accused. Apparently, they had in mind Farcanza, who seized power as a result of a coup in 253. However, there is an opinion that Farcanz could declare himself to the king in parallel with the legitimate ruler with the latest well-known Bosporian king by the spa, raising the rebellion on parts of the kingdom territory.

Regardless of the size of the territory on which the power of Farcanza was spread, his coming to power was connected, most likely, with a split in the medium of the dominant Kingdom layer.

In 266-267 First coins appear with the name of Tsar Tayyran. Since after the age of 268, the coins were not produced on the Bosporus for 7 years, it is believed that all these years (266-275), Teiran continued to be a co-coordinator of V. Teeran's belonging to the Tiberiev-Yuliyev dynasty.

In the 50-60s III century. The European part of the Bospora has significantly suffered. At this time, a number of settlements of the Crimean Priazia are dying, the fortress and town of Ilurat (between 267 and 275) is being crushed. Approximately the same ends the history of Nymphi as a city.

275-276 became turning on the fate of the Bosporus. Teiran became the sole ruler since the autumn of 276 years. The Bosporus state has retained its independence. Despite the well-known destruction, the main cities are preserved (except for Nymph and Mirmekia, Ilurat fortresses). Part of the population of destroyed cities moved to the main centers . Bosporous settlements of the west of Uzunlar Shaft in the Crimean Priazov ceased to exist. Apparently, a new border was held here.

The main importance of the Gothic campaigns for the History of Bospor is that they have violated the natural course of the development of the state, caused serious damage to the economy, were the first link of the long-term movement of the tribes, to the orbit of the impact of which it gets from then by Bosposp. It is these events that are the prologue of the future great resettlement of the peoples of the IV-VI centuries. - It can be considered to be Lubadders in determining the date of the beginning of the lateant stage of the History of Bosporus.

The sole board of Tayran lasted only two years (there are coins only 277-278). From the next five years before the start of the release of Forships in 285, no coins were found. The epigraphic and written certificates of Tayiran are also absent. Therefore, as and how his rule ended, it is not known.

The next few years of Bosporography are almost unknown. Lakuna between Teiran and Forufors covers 279-284 years.

In 285, the ruler comes to power with the Iranian name - Fofors. In the absence of sources, it can be assumed that the representative of one of the prominent old genera of Sarmatian origin came to power, the legitimacy of which did not cause doubts, as evidenced by the long and relatively calm board of the flora. He, apparently, found a compromise with the Alanen resettled in East, opening the "corridor" to the west.

By the last decade III century. The mention of the Bosporpo-Chersoness wars Ya. Harmatta offers the following possible chronology Reconstruction of the events of the end of the III century., which seems the most convincing. His chronology: 291 - exit from Bosporus and the conquest of the country of Lases; 292 - the invasion of Sarmatov (i.e. Alanov) in the province of Ponto, the War with Constance, the attack of Chersonessians on the Bospospor, the world; Savromate with the Romans; 293 - Return of Savromate on Bospospor. It is known that at the same years, the king of the Bosporus was a flora. Harmatta not without reason suggests that the name of Savromat (Whatever the reason for this) could be common to the Bosporian kings in the Chersonese chronicle.

To clarify the views on the last years of the Board of the Forships allows the inscription Valery Averaliya Soga from 603 g. Bosporovaya era (autumn 305 - autumn 306). It allows specialists to make a number of considerations about the political status of Bosporus at the beginning of the IV century. V.V. Latyshev concludes that Roman influence increased on the bosporement, but at the same time emphasizes: "continued to exist the Bosporus state." B. Nadel believes that Rome led an active policy in the Northern Black Sea Corrosion in Diocletian and in connection with this permits some restriction of the power of the Bosporian kings at that time, by analogy with the Eastern Nero Policy in 62-68.

Rome at a time when Bosporus sharply changed his policies and invaded the province's low-immigising, acted in Tavric not directly, but the hands of Chersonese. After the restoration of Status Quo in new interventions no longer needed. The procedure was expressed in the fact that portraits of the Roman ruler remained unchanged on the coins of the flora.

The Board of Forships was a noticeable phenomenon in the history of Bosporus. Apparently, at it, for the first time, representatives of the Sarmato Alanian nobility came to power, which reflected the increase in their real role in the life of the Bosporus. They appeared, apparently, the last time the old claims of Bosporus on Hegemony in the whole Tauridus, who were taught by the time of Mithridate and revived after the fall of the kingdom of late Scythians. Rome managed to stop these trends.

After the flora, the Bosporian king becomes the ruler with the same Iranian name - Radamsad. The first six of the 13th years of his reign Radamsad reigned solely. An analysis of the late Bosporian minting stages shows that in any of the 18-known trees known by this time of the Radamsada coin are not the last. This is a clear sign that during the Radamsada there was no mass concealment of treasures, which in turn indicates a relatively stable internal situation

In 314, the fact of the joint rule of the two kings of Radamsada and the VI spa is witnessed. ON THE. Frolova proposed to be considered for years of compatisfaction 314-319 and 322 years.

The circumstances of the departure of the Radamsada from the throne are not clear. However, it is known that in 322. In the Danube, the Chersoness troops helped Rome to reflect some North-Monthorian barbarians. They could be Alans, in which at that time the second political center was formed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nizhny Danube. It is believed that this episode was part of the series of Chersonese-Bosporian wars, and in this clash of Varvarov headed the former Bosporian king Raalsimod. If this is the case, it would be logical to see in the last precisely the Radamsada, finally removed from the power of the Bospor's pro-Roman circles headed by the VI Wire.

The traditional name for the old dynasty can not serve as a firm proof that the VI welcomes belonged to it, but, in any case, the adoption of such a throne name reflected the victory of conservative, that is, the Obrair, forces in the political life of the Bosporus. It was the last reliably established Bosporian king, and his era is the last, relatively good renovation on sources. One of the first important events of the Board of the Grade VI was a trip of the Bosporian Bishop of Cadma (on other lists - Domn) in Nice at the I Universal Cathedral of 325 years.

The final termination of the Bosporus chasing is a noticeable event in the history of Bosporus during the WPCPORID. Almost 30 years, who led the King country, most likely, died shortly after or simultaneously with the cessposet of the borrowing coins. A decisive role here, obviously, played some external causes. Currently, the question is still far from the final permit.

In 333, Konstantin "divided the Roman empire as a private person could share his hereditary property. Konstantin gave his nephew Hannibalian "Hautiful Romans Name Tsar (REX) and Nobilissimus title". The holdings of the latter with the center in Caesarea Cappadocyan entered Pont, Cappadocia and Small Armenia. In all the coins of King Hannibalian, the Euphrates River denotes the center of this kingdom. Perhaps Hannibalian was given the nominal throne of Armenia and Ponta with the title of Tsar Kings, but these countries still had to conquer. Fill this title with real content failed: in 337. After the death of Konstantin, among other heirs of the emperor, "King of Armenia and Ponta" was killed in the course of the struggle for power. For us in this story, the question is important: was the bospospor, at least nominally, is included in this "kingdom"? At one time, T. Mommesen connected the ceases to the bipos from his annexation. Were there no events 335-336. (Estimated war with Chersonese) are related to annexation attempt during the implementation of the claims of Hannibalian? Shortly before that, Feodosia could be returned to the Bospore in the spirit of the Empire's friendship established with him. Then the attack on the Feodosius of Hersonsey-Tov can be justified only by the aspirations of Hannibalian. By the middle of the IV century. Rome most likely stopped the baospore subsidies. Indirectly, this is indicated by the fact of sending the Bosporus ambassadors to Juliana in 362. With an urgent request for help.

The remaining three decades of the Dogunnian period are deprived of a solid support in sources. However, highlight this period is possible. According to R. Garnetta, literally adopted by the chronology of Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe, in 342-360. On the biploral of the rules of Savromat V, and in 360-371. - Savromat VI. The desire of Garnetta fill the lacuna 342-371. Explainably, but incorrectly, since Constantine's information about the last two savromates is purely literary. Without a doubt, at these dark years, Bosporovaya statehood, and the royal power are preserved.

Interestingly, the message of Ammonian Maltlelline under 362 g.: "From the north and desert spaces ... Eat the Embassy of the Bosporian and others, unknowns before the peoples, with plenty, that for making an annual Dani to them was allowed to live peacefully within their native land, paying Annually ordinary tribute. " Analyzing this passage, usually emphasize the fear of the Bosportan in the conditions of the Huns that began movement and their desire to enlist the help of the empire. But at the same time, they forget that ambassadors and "unknown peoples" were driving to the emperor. It could be either representatives of some tribes of the Gunnoy Union or tribes, which rescued from the offensive is ready to Germany. Embassy 362 g. To Juliana can be associated soon with the Gothic threat to Bosporus. More A.A. Vasilyev assumed that in the 50s-60s IV century. Bospospor came to the sphere of influence of the Gothic Power of Germanic. At that time, the goths spread their hegemony almost all the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region. Apparently the Bosporus at that time feared ready from the West more than the Huns. But the sources of the subordination of the Bosporus goths at this time are not. In the Crimea, the goths downtired mainly on the slopes of the Crimean mountains and adjacent areas, right up to theodosia and Kazantip. It is unlikely that the goths were at the time any significant part of the bospor population. Only "Military Motidida" III century. - Georuly - downtown near Tanais (Rogozhkino XIII) and on the northern tip of the Arabat arrow. All this lies outside the Bosporography territory. Gothic antiquities of the middle of the IV century. At the bospor, it is definitely not allocated.

Generally accepted deterioration in the economic situation of the Bosporus in the lateanttical time, Russification and naturalization of the economy. But agree with these provisions is possible only relative. Strengthening the importance of individual local areas (microsone) directly depended on the reduction of the functions and role of the central government. Naturally natural division on the bosporement has always been an important factor in his history, whose importance should now be even more intensified in connection with the transition to the economic avatarki and self-defense.

On the origin of the Huns and the circumstances of their coming to Europe, on the basis of written sources, all the authors wrote, one way or another those who tried to reconstruct the story of the late Bosporus. It can be added little to this. The invasion of the Huns on the lands of Tanaitov was the final stage of the fight against the Alans of the intermor. The appearance of Huns in Europe could seem sudden only to those gots that lived away from Meetidide. To the West moved, apparently, only one horde led by the Balaumir. She headed through the lower house of Tanais and fell not ready, but on his tribes related to them, who were previously earlier (alpidzura, itimara, tankars), and even more so not on the Bosporus, which the Huns could "hook" only in its Asian part in the period Fight against Alans. Behind the Balaumir's back remains a strong tribe of Akatsirov, resisted by the Gunno Union until the 40s V c. Thus, the "invasion" of the Huns was a broad migration relative to weakly related elements.

In the midst of the flooded barbarian sea, Bosporus had to preserve his statehood, especially since the barbarians "are absolutely not able to create sustainable long-term social and political institutions."

Zosim in the II half of the V c. Speaks about the "barbaric tribe, to that unknown and who appeared suddenly", as well as that "Kimmerian Bosporus, crushed by Tanais, let them move on foot from Asia to Europe." At the same time, in the 2nd half of the V century, the legend of deer or Lani appears in the literary tradition, which showed nomads to the brother through the strait. It remains an open question about the time of year, when the transition was made. It is hardly possible to allow the presence of a solid fusion. As a rule, Gunns were transferred through rivers in shutouts. In most versions, the transition is referred to either through the Kimmerian Bospospor, or through the "mouth of meotides".

Thus, it is impossible to argue that the Huns passed to the West through the Bosporus. It is difficult to imagine that there was no message between the two banks of the Kerch Strait, as between the shores of Tanais. Following the very specific instructions of contemporaries, we must recognize that the Gunnian invasion of Bospyrighters in the 370s was simply not. In the middle of the V in traditions. Perhaps the Huns were called by the Romans as the enemies of their enemies. That is why Constantinople then preferred to be silent about their assistance, which had so many unpleasant consequences not only for ready, but also for the empire. Huns could be transmitted by the Romans through the Northern Crimea, or through Tanais or Meotid (which is more likely) on the Bosporian courts to fight against ready in the North Pontic Steppes.

The history of Bosporus in V c. It is only a schematic recreation. By 404, an XIV letter of John Zlatoust to the Olympiad, in which the Olympnia Patriarch is concerned about the fate of the Crimean and Gothic Diocese after the death of Bishop Unil (400-404). In this regard, the "Tsar is ready" sent letters to Constantinople with a request to send a new bishop. Based on this place A.A. Vasiliev assumed that the residence of the bishop was ready to be most likely in Pantikapee-Bosporge, and not in the mountain, Crimea.

Goths like simple refugees were resettled by the Bosporous authorities at less significant places, in the border - on Kazantype and Kimmerik. Perhaps part of the nobility settled in the capital - the rich "Gothic" things appeared in the necropolis of Bospor. Outputs in Europe at that time were the allies of the Gunnov, and their Pontic Sorodii could participate in Gunnski: hikes along with a friendly Bosporovaya known.

On the issue of independence of the Bosporus state in this period, three options can be assumed: 1) An independent Bosporian state has incorporated the autonomous Gothic community and sewed ready-to-federates on the borders; 2) there was a Condominium of Bosporus and Gothia on one territory; 3) was the "Gothic Protectorate" over the subordinate Gotami Bosporus, which retained the elements of self-government. The first option is clearly preferable.

Unlike political, church ties between the Bosporus and the metropolis in the V c. continued. In 448, the Bosporus Bishop of Evdox took part in the Ephesian Cathedral, and in a year - in Constantinople. Christian community for the middle of V c. It was already large enough and had a certain hierarchy. This is confirmed by the tombstone of the Yusesov Diacon from the city of Bosporus, relating to 436-457 years.

The most important source is the inscription: "With Tiberius Yulia, Dupeun, Tsar, a pious, friend of Cesarians and a friend of the Romans, rebelled the tower of Sia, and at the Epara of Iceland, and at Committee, the head, the head of Pinakid, and with the primacy ... those, Savaga, and when Epimel buildings ..., the month of Gorpiea, the year ... 9. " This is the only inscription with the name of the Bosporian king of the Poslagunn. It uses an old Bosporian formula. But along with this, there is a cross image; The epithet "pious" stands in front of the formula that indicates the Christian era, and the Titulas Epara and Comit are often found in Christian Constantinople.

In the middle of the V century, in the era of the Power Attila, Setil SeverodaChnown and North Caucasian steppes were part of the influence of the Hun "Empire". Under Gun Hegemony in the steppe Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe constant population in 1 half of the V c., Apparently, it was not. The nomadic tribe of alciagirov dominated here.

In 454, in the battle, with the recent Huns were divided by hepids led by Ardarich, in 463 - Saragurai, and in 469 - Ostshots and Imperial troops. In the context of the decay of the Gunnskaya Power in the Crimea, they moved from Pannonia Gunna-Utigur, which are considered one of the first groups of early Bulgarians. From the proofer it is known that, facing the (East?) Crimea with Gotami, the womburas pushed them partly into the Crimean Mountains, partly in the buban. The battle between them happened, obviously, on the Kerch Peninsula, after which the world was concluded. A number of researchers consider it possible to argue that in 474. The womburas captured Pantikapeeum (and then attacked Chersonese). We do not know how peaceful was in reality for Bosporus the return of the womburov. With confidence, it is possible to note only one case of defeating the Bosporus Fortress in the middle of the V c. - At the Ilyichevsk fortish.

From the story, the proof was not clear whether the goths were owned by Bosporoma at that moment. In any case, the wombura became the Allies of the Empire and pushed ready to east. From here - the revival of Bosporovan statehood under Dupeun (483).

Obviously, the role played by Bosporus as a focus of civilization and a large market for trading exchange between the barbarians and the cultural south, and helped him survive the difficult V century. Jordan reports that from here to the capital of the Empire, the fur was shuted delivered to neighboring barbarians. This export article existed many centuries, regardless of the change of nomadic tribes next door to the coast

By 497, precisely dated inscription from the surface of the Christian marble monument, from which only the lower right corner 57 was preserved. The exact indication of the dates on the Bosporovskaya Ere is another evidence of the main forms of the barefold of the Bosporia at the turn of the VI century.

To argue that the goths are massively inhabited at this time Bosporus, it would be careless, although the elements of the female Gothic costume are obvious.

The newest excavations on Mount Mitridat, held by the Expedition of the State Historical Museum and Kerch archaeologists, with each season expand our ideas about the capital of the Bospore of this time. Reducing the territory of the necropolis of PantikaPay-Bosporus during the IV-VI centuries. Now it is not marked. The population of the city at this time did not experience sharp shocks and catastrophic contractions.

Tanais was restored not earlier than the last quarter of the IV century. (OK. 80s). The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe former city III century. It was again settled, destroyed and built new homes were repaired. However, in some places the ruins of the III century. They were not disassembled, but only fell apart with the walls from recovered residential neighborhoods. The existence of Tanais in the center of the extensive barbaric region allows you to raise the question of the post-made city of Northern Black Sea region in the theoretical plan.

The sustainable development trend of the late Bospor was a slow but steady reduction in the number of rural settlements. The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as in the main centers of ancient civilization. On the islands of the Taman archipelago in the III century. There were about 140 settlements at the turn of IV-V centuries. It is exactly established 35. However, the existing material indicates that the economic potential of the Asian Bosporus in the IV-VI centuries. It was high.

SOUTH. Vinogradov made a number of conclusions about the state of the Bosporus state during this period (based on the analysis of dated Bosporge inscriptions V in.). In his opinion, the Bosporus state as the terminal terminal during this period did not simply existed, but it flourished and had a fairly strong and branched control apparatus. This opinion in general should be the concept of Byzantine etatism.

Meanwhile, the state at Bosporge could not be so strong in objective economic and foreign policy reasons. The continuity of the History of Bosporus and his statehood is by no means identical to Byzantine. He took place rather contrary to the developing circumstances. The state during this period was kept on the strength of the Bosporian nobility ("feudalists"), a centuries-old lifestyle, local microprias (strength nodes). The "Protectorate" from the Outgurov also played for the Bosporus rather preserving than a devastating role. The effect of the arrival of the pasters on the strengthening of the state on the Bosporge apparently took place: most likely the empire supported the womburov in their fight against the crooked, and for this the first guarded Bosporus. In addition to the Tsar, the yard at this time was the Eparahi, Comit, secretaries, protesters - as heads of administrative units in the field. The appointment of heads of counties from the center, this claims Yu.G. Vinogradov, does not contradict the actual very independent position of local microson.

End of kingdom

The fate of the lateant bapoda found their completion in the VI century. At the beginning of this century, the region again enters the scope of the authors of written sources, which is due to the activation of the policies of Byzantium in the area. "The Byzantine Government, guarding his interests on the far from the outskirts of Taurida, ... could not quietly relate to the rule of the Huns in the steppes of the peninsula." Under Justin (518-527), "the samoparts gave themselves under the power of the emperor." Justin sent Patricia to Bosporika, the nephew of the former Emperor Anastasia to lean the wasting to help the Ivermen in the war against Persians. The barbarians, the Barbarians were not fulfilled, but a small Byzantine military detachment landed on the baprus (the Arithm of Spaniards headed by John's noble) and put the country under direct control of the empire (about 523, according to other data - 527) In essence, nominal.

Active missionary activity was deployed. Apparently, under the influence of one of the mission of the leader (Rix), the grod (Gordas) decided to adopt Christianity. In Constantinople, the sacrament of baptism was made over him, and the Emperor himself was the reneke of Gunna. After that, Grod received a lush imperial title and was sent to the Bosporus "Blisses the interests of the Empire". During the Christianization, the leader of the tribe - Philharch ordered the repayment of idols and fell victim to the Gunno insurrection, provoked, probably priests. As a result, the Byzantine detachment was destroyed, the city of Pantikapey-Bospospor was captured by barbarians, many Bosporian cities were subjected to pogroms (Tiritaka, Zeion Chersonese, etc., mainly on the European side, as well as Fanagoria and Kpay). This rebellion led to the temporary restoration of the Gunnian domination in the Bospor region (between 528 and 534). Archaeologists traced fires and destruction of this time in Pantikapee, Tyritaka, Zenon Chersonese, Kitee, Fanagoria. After the coup from the pumps and the murder of the Zhoda, the politician of the empire in the region became progenic. Utigov has suffered the fate of the tetraxites. Bospospor was chained by imperial detachments consisted of ready.

By 533, a poorly preserved inscription refer to the name of Justinian. It reads the name of the Tribune of Anguly, possibly sent by Komit to Taman. In 534, Justinian landed the troops on the biploral, held from the ready under the command of the Tribune of Delmatic, and finally included the Bosporus to the Empire. Prokoki in the speech of Armenian ambassadors to the Persian Shah listed the latest successes of Justinian: "Didn't he send his military leaders to the residents of Bosporus and did not subjugate his power the city that did not belong to him completely?". "And he began to live in the world of Bosporus under the direction of Romans," concludes John Malala. According to his post, in 1 half the VI century. Huns who lived near Bosporus took Christianity. It is logical to assume that the Christianization of the Huns successfully completed after the Byzantine occupation.

Thus, a single block of the Byzantine possessions in the Crimea was created - from Chersonese to Bosporus. The imperial border was strengthened by a number of fortifications, called some specialists Tavriche Limes. Justinian deployed widespread construction in the region in the 30-40th years of the VI century. But this period was not peaceful. Shortly until 545, Fanagoria and Kpay were captured by Huns and destroyed. Apparently, after these events, Byzantium has retained only the island of Kimmeria on the Asian side. It is difficult to say that he caused the recurrence of the aggressiveness of the womburov, perhaps late understanding that Byzantium came here "seriously and for a long time."

A number of Justinian and Mauritius's Bosporus and Mauritius's heads of the Vividly reflected the fact of Byzantine Annexia. They have completely different diplomacy than before. Mentioned exclusively the names of Byzantine emperors together with their authorized (tribune and stratilate). Dating is carried out only on Indicts.

The end of the lateant period on the bosporement can be considered to be conventionally considered by the Byzantine annexation, after which it would be more correct to use the term "Runnevizanisan Epoch". But in fact, the sharp layer of the former lifestyle occurred later. The Turkutes who came in the Azov region created a powerful association led by Khan Iestmi. Back in 575, Novalla Tiberius was published on the liberation of Bosporus and Chersonese from the marine concern. And after a year, the city of Bosporus and its surroundings were taken by the Turkish detachment led by Turksanf. Turks burned and destroyed urban quarters on Mount Mitridat and in the seaside part of Pantikapey-Bospor. Fire layers are recorded at the Temple of John the Forerunners and other places.

The consequences of the Turkic defeat were serious. The population has decreased significantly. Part of small cities apparently died. At Tyritaka, Ilurate, in Zenon Chersonese, many estates remained in the ruins. But much was restored. This invasion brought significant destruction, but also cannot be called catastrophic. It can only be consecrated for the end of the lateant period in the history of the Northern Black Sea region from the generalistic position (602 g. - The conditional date). From a clear chronological line, A.V. Recently refused Sazanov. "

Byzantium subsequently once again returned to themselves Bosporus, starting from 589. Turks went with Bosporus in 581. After several years of storm, as follows from the inscription 590, Bosporus fell under the power of the Byzantine Duke of Chersonesos, who probably contributed to the restoration of the destroyed Turks of public (cesar) buildings and defensive structures. However, in the city of Bosporus during the VII century. Not all quarters were restored (in the center of the city from three estates - one). The ruins on the mountain Mithridate equalized. There was a Christian gutty necropolis (only in the VII century). In the 70s of the VII century. There is a Khazar conquest of Bospor's residues. This event had great consequences for a long time interrupted by the Byzantine influence in the region. Unified material culture continued its existence and evolved on the bospore mainly until the end of the VII century.


So, the end of antiquity on the bosporement can not be tied to one event. The entire VI century, in fact, is transitional. Changes in the material culture and the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Bosporus found irreversibility only gradually and are implicated. From the former kingdom with the VII century. There was only one city of Bospospore, the layers of which are expressed very weak. A strongly warbarized Greek population, focused on Byzantium, existed here, apparently until the XIII century. And later. The Greek population is mentioned in the sources ("Alansky Message" of the Bishop of Feodor), but it also existed in the future, although there are no written sources.


Dynasty of Spartokidov

    Spartok I (438 - 400 years before. AD).

    Satir I (400-390 BC).

    Levkon I (390 - 354/353 BC).

    Spartok II (348 - 343 BC).

    Perisad I (345 - 310 Gg. BC).

    Spartok III (304-283 BC).

    Perisad II (approx. 283 - 245 BC).

    Levcon II (approx. 240 - 220 Gg. BC).

    Hygienont (approx. 220-200 Gg. BC).

    Spartok V (approx. 200 - 185 BC).

    Perisad III (approx. 185-180 BC).

    KAMASARY (OK. 179 - 150 GG BC).

    Perisad IV (approx. 155 - 125 BC).

    Perisad V (approx. 125 - 109. BC).

    Mithridate VI Evpator (approx. 120 - 63 BC).

    Mahar (80 - 70 Gg. BC).

    Asandra (approx. 47 - 17/22, BC).

    Dynamia (21/20 - 17 years. BC; 8 g. BC; 7/8).

    PLYMEME (OK 14 - 8 GG. BC).

    Aspurg (approx. 8/10 - 37).

    Hepooky (approx. 37 - 38).

    Mithridate VIII (approx. 38 - 39; 39/40 - 44/45 (49).).

    Cotes I (approx. 44/45 (49) - 67/68).

    Neron (63 - 68).

    Reskeeping I (approx. 67/68 - 91/92).

    Savromat I (approx. 93/94 - 123/4.).

    Cotes II (approx. 123/124 - 133).

    Remetalk (approx. 133 - 153/154).

    Evpator (approx. 153/174 - 170/171).

    Savromat II (approx. 173/174 - 210/211).

    Reskuporide II (approx. 211 - 228/229).

    Cotes III (approx. 227 - 233/234).

    Savromat III (229/20 - 231/232).

    Rescuporide III (233 - 234).

    Infini (234/235 - 238/239).

    Rescuporide IV (239/240 - 276).

    Farsanz (253/254 - 254/255).

    Tayran (275/276 - 278/279).

    Fofors (285/286 - 309/310).

    Radamsad (309/310 - 318/319).

    Rescuporide V (318/319 - 341/342).

Appendix 2.

Maps of the Bosporovsky State


    ANOKHIN V. A. Mint of Bosporus. - Kiev: sciences. Dumka, 1986.

    Badap A. N., Voinovich E. I., Volchek N. M. World History: at 24 tons 4 - Hellenistic period. - MN: Modern writer, 1999.

    Bolgov N. N. Bospormer Kimmerysky between antiquity and medieval // Questions of history. 2004. No. 2. P. 29 - 43.

    Kuzischin V. I. History of ancient Greece. - M.: "Higher School", 1996.

    Rybakov B. A., Munchaev L. M., Gaidukevich P. G. Antique states of the Northern Black Sea region. - M.: Science, 1984.

    Panevin K.V. History of ancient Greece. - C - P.: Polygon - AST, 1999.

    Struve V. V. Ancient Greece. - M., 1956.

    Antique world. Antiquity dictionary. Mythological dictionary, viewed 12.11.08.

    Bosporian kingdom. The flowering of the state and the fall of Spartokidov,, viewed 12.11.08.

    Bosporian kingdom. Development of the region and the formation of the state, viewed 12.11.08.

    Country studies - all about the countries of the world, /, viewed 12.11.08.

    Articles on the site "World of Animals":

    Bosporian kingdom. Colonization of Bospop Kimmerian,, viewed 9.10.11.

    History of the Bosporovsky Kingdom., Laboratory work \u003e\u003e Physical education and sports

    Coins minted by various cities-states and Bosporovsky kingdomwho existed in the ancient time in the North ... coins that minted by various cities-states and Bosporovsky kingdomexisting in the ancient time in the northern ...

  • The development of tourism in Feodosia

    Coursework \u003e\u003e Physical Education and Sport

    Apooyki (ancient Greek settlement) to the staff Bosporovsky states - approximately from the end ... he became after entering Bosporovskoye kingdom. Englishman E.minnz, having taken a hypothesis ... Feodosia was conquered by the next Bosporovsky kingdom, whose capital was ...

  • Cheat sheet for domestic history (2)

    Cheat Sheet \u003e\u003e History

    By offeconomic coercion. 7. Aantic cities I. Bosporovskoye kingdom In the Northern Black Sea region. Borisphen (on the island ... vι in. BC) with polishes and settlements adjacent to it. Bosporovskoye KINGDOM. Capital - Panticapey. About 480 formed ...

  • Signs Rurikovich

    Essay \u003e\u003e History

    With complex royal coat of arms Bosporovsky kingdom, the main elements of which ... but, like symbols Bosporovsky kingdomwho had a single base in the form ... The similarity between the heraldic emblems of the rulers Bosporovsky kingdom And the personal "coat of arms" of the Old Russian ...

Page 27 of 32

Lessons 27-28 Bosporian kingdom

1. About 480 BC. Cities located on both shores of the Bospop Kimmerian, formed a single state - the Bosporus kingdom. It became the capital of Panticapey (the modern name - Kerch), the only major city on the West Bank of the Strait. The remaining major settlements of the Greek colonists were on the eastern shore of the Bosporus Kimmeria.

2. Determine the years of the reign of the Bosporovsky rulers.

O - Beginning of the Board of the Dynasty of Nazoduidov - 438 BC.
T - Board of Levkon I - - 381-349. BC.
M - the beginning of the board of the archelanactide dynasty - 480 BC.
Y - the Board of Perisada I - 348-309. BC.

Answer: Goth.

3. In the archaeologists detected ... What are the conclusions about the external policy of the Bosporian kingdom at Leekone I can be done?
Answer: One of the rulers of the Bosporian Kingdom of Levkon I led conquering wars, expanding the boundaries of his state.

4. Read the story "Battle on the Fat River." We defined who fought on the side of Satira, and who - on the side of his younger brother Euvela.

  • Satir - Print, Menisk, Greek mercenaries
  • Evmel - Bagos, Arif

5. Try to draw the fortress of the King Fateeum Arifairna.

6. During the excavations of one of the Greek states-states at the Taman Peninsula ...

Conclusion: The Bosporors won the land, deposited cities and fortresses, subordinate to themselves the local population of Scythians, Mets, Sarmatov.

7. What are the reasons for the weakening and death of the Bosporian kingdom?
Answer: The struggle for the power of the ruling top weakened the Bosporus kingdom. The strong union of the tribes led by Gotami won the Bosporus, established his domination at sea. Gunns devastated the country, the population coaghed into slavery.

8. Terms:

  • archont - Higher official in ancient Greece
  • polis - state city in ancient Greece
  • standard - Banner
  • goths - the ancient Germann Union tribes, who captured the Bosporian kingdom in the III century
  • gunns - a tribe that invaded the Bosporus state in the III century
  • guard - elite troops.

The power after the death of Satira I passed into the hands of his son Levucon I (390 / 389-351 / 350. BC). The position of the state at the beginning of its rule was critical. He had to share the powers of the head of state with his brother Gorgipp. He gave him a solution to all problems in Asia, and himself fell on Nymfe, captures him and after that, he renews the siege of Feodosia. Scythians came to the aid. To give the courage to their mercenaries, the Levkon put the Scythian shooters behind the lines of Goplites and ordered the Scythians to shoot out of the onions of those who would be bad to counteract the landing of heraklah paratroopers. This measure was quite effective, and Hercletot failed to succeed. This prevented that the Levkon created a military fleet, which not only prevented the landing of landing units on the territory of Bospor, but also completely blocked the Feodosia from the sea.

The siege of Feodosia after that was short. The temporary Deblookad of the city Tinnich showed the Feodosians that they could not count on serious support from the outside. And the fate of the cities of Asian Bosporus did not leave doubts about the superiority of Levcon forces. This forced the citizens of Feodosia to go to negotiations with Bosporens and agree to enter into their association. Since it was and in the interests of Levcon (the world with Motskaya tribes was not very reliable), he went to the provision of Feodosius a number of privileges in exchange for its entry into its state.

The addition of Feodosia has made significant changes in all directions of the state system. First of all, from this time, the official title "Archont" (ruling) appears in the dedication inscriptions at the ruler of Bospor. It is possible that this is a certain extent due to the requirement of Feodosians on the adoption of this title, formally denoting a secret representative of the government in Greek democratic states. True, this title was supposed to be transferred to the successors of Levclone by inheritance. Until that time, the Bosporons, as well as the tyranans of Greece at all, did not really pay attention to the titulature and, as a rule, did not use any official title.

The adoption of a new title, it is necessary to assume, made Levcona more acceptable as a friend and an ally in relationships with democratic polishes. Eldlas, primarily with Athens. It was on these states that satir, the father of Levclon, and he himself focused in their foreign policy. However, this orientation does not at all "indicate the relatively democratic nature of their power," as sometimes it seems. Apparently, before subordination of Feodosia, the problem of title simply did not exist. But, of course, the adoption of the official title did not change the former tyrannic nature of the power of the Spartokidov and the more in the direction of its democratization.

It is known that in the official titulature of Levcon and his successors, everywhere is called the archons of "Bosporus and Feodosia". This means that Feodosia officially used in the framework of the state association significantly larger autonomy than other cities of the state, excluding Pentantypey. The same indicates the preservation of the right of chasing their own coins, which was deprived of the Sindian harbor and fanagoria, subordinated previously and fully incorporated in the Pantikapey (Bosporovsky) policy. The study of the mint of Feodosia's mint shows that he lasted in the city until the middle of the IV century BC. e.

Thus, with the addition of Feodosia in the state system of BOSPOROP, a new structural unit appears, more independent than the previous ones in their internal affairs. Recall that this complication of the system occurred in the framework of the traditions of Hellenic states. No wonder and the title adopted by the leaf of this case was purely Hellinsky. The city management of he instructed one of his relatives or friends, ordered him first of all to take care of the expansion of the city port in order to increase bread exports to Athens and other pollas. Bread trade from this time for a long time became one of the main sources of revenue of the Bosporovsky rulers.

However, the war on the sea with the addition of Feodosia did not end. Her Ally, Herculeus Pontic, who had and own interests, continued military action a few more years. This is caused, most likely, the economic and political confrontation of the city with Athens, which established friendly relations with the Bosporus. It is also possible that herakleia itself claimed Feodosia. But the leaf was located sufficient forces capable of providing decent resistance to heracleotes and the sea. It is not by chance that they, organizing landing landing there, "where they are pleased with them", and did not take risked to make an attack on Panticapey or Feodosia.

As we see, the combat activity of Heraclei could not stop the further offensive of the Bosporus. But now this offensive was directed against the barbarians. His beginning was also an important consequence of war with Feodosia. In the course of its former friendly relations with Scythians turn into a military-political union. This was also due to the fact that Motor tribes are by that time achieved independence from the Scythians, which could hope to restore their position in Asia with the help of Bospor. The success of the allies under theodosia was thus the prologue for the further onset of Bosporus in Asia.

Military actions began here soon after the subordination of Feodosia and conducted against the whole group of Motor tribes. The base for this onset of BOSPORO was prepared by Brother Levkon Gorgipp, which turned into a powerful fortress the city of Sindian harbor in the place is most convenient for the invasion of Merota. This war was short, the Allies came out the winners, but the results of this victory took advantage of exclusively Bosporus. Prikubansky Mota tribes - Sinda, foosets, dandaria and other contacts - were not simply subordinated, they became part of the Bosporus and became subjects of the Bosporus. This led to new changes in the internal political structure of the state. Moreover, these changes were even more important to strengthen the power of Spartokidov than the previous one.

Initially, the Levkon called himself "Archon" in relation to subordinate tribes. Later, this title is preserved for some time in relation to the part of the sind, which are still with satire with the Allies of Bosporus. And finally, the Levka takes the title "reigning" towards all barbaric tribes. Apparently, the titulatura adopted by them was supplemented with a new term only after complete cessation of resistance from the Motor tribal and the establishment of a lasting peace in Asia.

With the subordination of the barbaric tribes, a new ethnic component appeared as part of the Bosporian kingdom, which Ellina always looked at the object of operation. The management of each specific tribe should now be carried out by the governor of the reigning ruler. Relatives or "Friends" of the king appeared in their quality. The tribes on the social and economic organization seems to be preserved in the same form. This is evidenced by the absence of any significant traces of changes in the organization of agriculture according to archeology. At the same time, part of the meal lands (most likely, unauthorized and border) became the property of Levcon. Varvars also had to pay him tribute to the products of their agriculture. Given the scope of trade relations of Bosporus with Greece at Leeconne, it can be assumed that it legally consolidated the right of the first purchase of commodity breads produced by seats, at least in cripplets. A number of representatives of the nobility of Meta came into the elite of Bosporus. All this gave Levkon's full right to consider his power towards them as a royal. The rulers of the conquered tribes, this title was distributed and, therefore, could not call any negative relationship.

Having completed the submission of the Tribe of Asia, Levkon left there as a governor of his brother Gorgippa, who manifested himself by that time a rather capable ruler. The city of Sinda Harbor for the merit of Gorgippa in his state activity was renamed Gorgippia.

The successes of foreign policy can be considered the expansion of economic relations with Athens, which, with the Level, receive half the scramble-needed bread from Bosporus - 1 million pounds (16,700 tons) per year. The Levkon, like his father, provided at the Athenian merchants, ATELIA - the right of duty-free trade and loading of their ships first. Moreover, he distributed this right to Feodosia, through which once exported more than 5 million pounds (83,500 tons) of grain. In return, the Athenians honored his rights to citizenship and the relevant privileges in Athens. The statue of Levucon and Stela with a decree on the privileges provided to him was established at the Athenian Acropolis near the stele of his father Satira.

Some other cities of island and mainland Greece also received privileges on the bosporement. Found honors and tombstones indicate that Bosporos at Leeconne had contacts with Athens, Mitilina, Arkady, Chios, Sinop, Paflagonia, Chersonese, Herakley, Ground and even with very remote syrakuses. Moreover, certain political contacts are established with low-depth principles, subject to Persia, as evidenced by the gravestone of the Paflagon mercenary found on the Bosporge.

The successes of the developing economy were supported at the Lefton by the release of the first Bosporian Golden Coins, which became a payment facility not only in the internal, but also in the international market. And this even more increased the prestige of the state. It becomes wide famous in Greece.

All this very much strengthened and the position of the ruling dynasty itself. Victory Levcona forced a long time to "put up" any opposition. Material acquisitions obtained as a result of conquests made an inaccessible economic superiority of Spartokids over any of the richest Bosporoval kinds, which deprived them of the possibility of claiming power. Opened opportunities for the economic exploitation of the barbaric choir inside the state reconciled with the tyranans and the democratic opposition (it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of its existence), and supporters of the autonomous existence of policies. The natural outcome of these transformations was the adoption by the leaf of official titles: originally "Archont", and then "Archont" in relation to the Ellinas and the "reigning - king" in relation to local barbaric tribes. This suggests that the former early-block unification of archelanactides and the first Spartokidov, created solely on the basis of the Ellin tradition, has become a qualitatively other state education. This kind of state will arise in the ancient world only after the campaigns of Alexander Macedonsky. And this means that the main path of the development of the state, elected by the Bosporus and its rulers, was correct.

In such a situation, it is completely natural that it is Levkon I in the eyes of contemporaries and subsequent ancient authors appears the founder of the dynasty and the state as a whole. And therefore, an antique literary tradition, calling among the most long-term dynasty in the ancient world and the Bosporus dynasty, calls her the left-minded dynasty, the descendants of Levcon, and not their predecessors - the first Spartokidov, to the dynasty of the descendants of which they belonged. Having gave tribute to the merits of Levkon and his nearest successors, nevertheless retain the name of their name - Spartokids. Activated after the death of the father, the children of Levkon ruled for some time as a state as co-guards. At the Stele of the Athenian Decree 346 BC. e. In their honor, images of the three sons of Levcona are preserved, although heavily victims of time. The decree text reports that two senior brothers Spartok and Perisad, depicted on the stele sitting, provide privileges to the Athenians, and the Athenians, in turn, give them the appropriate privileges to everyone together, and not everyone separately. Moreover, the younger son of Apollonium, depicted on the stele standing in the state, is participating in the state management. True, the degree of this participation, judging by the honors that the Athenian render, was low.

Such a separation of power on the bosporement was observed for the first time. It could be caused by various reasons, but the essence of all lies, as it seems to us, in one - in the inability of Spartoca III really to fulfill the responsibilities of the head of state. In the future, such examples of the coating of the Bosporus tyranans are not traced.

The decree of the Athenian was published in the last year of the Board of Spartoca, when the rulers of the state arose some difficulties. That is why they are asked to return them to them, provided earlier by the Athenians, and give sailors for service in the Bosporous Fleet. These difficulties probably arose in connection with the attempt of one of the Motor tribes - the resting tribes to get out of the state. In the earliest dedication letter, dated Perisada I, this tribe is missing. Therefore, they managed to restore their independence during the joint reign of Sons of Levcon. The fight against them demanded significant efforts from Bosphere and continued, apparently, more than one year. It was the restoration of the Bosporus domination over all the nearest tribes. It was reflected in the title of Perisada I. He became referred to as the king of the sind and all Maitov (Mets). The concept of "all metrics" included foaming, dandaria and other contacts, whom Bosplarov knew better than others and were confident in their ethnic unity. It is curious that Sinda, which, according to the information of the ancient ethnographers, was also places, did not enter this concept. It can be assumed that they did not support the SPARTOID SPARTOD SPEEKS, while Dandaria and Treads spoke on the side of the rebels.

The new war led not only to restoring the power of the Bosporus over the dispensing, but also to the submission of new tribes - faith and horses. This even more expanded the borders of the Bosporus in Asia and led to contact with another even more powerful ethnic group - the tribe of Syrakov, Savromatov for ethnic origin. At this, the offensive of the BOSPORE to the East ceased. The border stabilized, although the political situation here always remained tense. This is evidenced by traces of destruction and fires at border baprous fortresses, as well as treasures of coins in border areas.

The successes of the Army of Perisada I in Asia to a certain extent provoked the Bosporus war and with Scythians. In one of the speeches of the Athenian speaker, Demosphenas refers to the "occurred at the Perizada of War with Scythians", as a result of which trading in the state almost froze. As Scythia was divided into three kingdoms, and Demosfen does not report, with which one of them was a war and what it ended, most likely, it is necessary to proceed from the general direction of the offensive of the bosospinal at that time. Without the opportunity to fight with a strong Sirac Union of the tribes, Perisad could transfer a blow to the mouth of Tanais (Don), where the smallest of Scythian kingdoms was located. The absence of traces of significant destruction and fires at the Elizavtian settlement, the political center of Scythians Tipion, and the former trading orientation of its inhabitants after the end of the war make it possible to think that the military pressure of Bosporus in this direction was short and not very strong.

The rich in the mouth of the mouth of Tanis has long been attracted by the Bosporus merchants. The increase in the number of citizens of Pantikapey demanded the development of new lands. Given the fact that it is here a little later, at the very beginning of the III century BC. e. Panticapers founded a new city - Tanais, the same name of the river, it can be assumed that the war of Perisada I with Scyths of the Tipline became a kind of exploration of the enemy's forces in the region on the eve of the new colony here. With its own neighbors in the Kerch Peninsula - Skifami-Tsarist - he retained the still allied relationships, which is confirmed by the continued course of events in Asia in his sons.

During these military shocks, Perisad I steadily adhered to friendly relations with a number of polites of Greece and the Black Sea region. Athens remained its most important economic and political partner. He confirmed the right of Athenian merchants for duty free, and "on all goods and for all bospodes." In addition, similar privileges received residents of Amis, Chios, Chalkecedon and some other cities. Thanks to these privileges, the products of the Hellenic workshops of all specialties and professions literally knocked on the Bosporus, and through it to the local and surrounding barbaric tribes.

The assimilation of the elements of Greek culture by representatives of the local population developed even faster, causing not only perception as a source of Greek speech, but also the Greek ways to process the Earth, the manufacture of various craft products, works of art and culture. The basis of the state economy and in Spartokydes remains still agriculture and the bread trading tightly associated with it. It is not by chance that at one of their first releases of gold coins on the back side depicted a griffin walking through the bread collectos. Later as the emblem on the coins also occurs the image of the plow. With agriculture, as the main occupation, the wide distribution of deities cults, patronized agriculture, demeters, Dionysus and Aphrodites of Apache are connected.

Viticulture and winemaking also testify about the big role of agriculture. True, the climate of the Northern Black Sea region was less favorable for viticulture than in Greece, and in winter, grape vines had to sprinkle the earth so that they do not freeze. Nevertheless, in the second half of the IV century BC. e. Viticulture becomes on the bosporement by commodity production.

Bosporge of gardening has been successfully developed. Greek authors in the description of the Bosporous settlements certainly mention the surrounding beautiful gardens. It is not by chance that one of the cities of the state was even called "KEPY", which means "gardens". Bosplarians were grown apple trees, pears, grenades, plums, alley and other garden crops.

The most important of the Fishers of Bospor was always a fishing that has reached in the second half of the IV century BC. e. High Development. During the excavations of any Bosporus or settlement, there are always bones of fish or fishing devices.

Among the many types of fishing fish in the IV century, sturgeon were particular importance. Mining and export of sturgeon in Greece, where they are highly appreciated, amounted to one of the most important branches of exports of Bosporian. No wonder on several episodes of the Bosporoval coins next to the image of the breadfall, the image of the sturgeon is minted. In addition, judging by bone residues, Kerch herring, Sazan, Sudak and Hams used in great demand. In the Bosporus cities were open tanks for salting fish.

Under the Lefton and his closest descendants, handicraft production is developing and improved. Almost everyone known in the ancient world of crafts occurs and actively function, including the production of expensive red-grained VAZ, marble statues and reliefs. The most important for the state and its rulers at the time had jewelry production in metallurgy, and in ceramic production - the manufacture of tiles.

Bosporous jewelers and chasters were not limited to the frames of the craft and rose to the tops of high art. Nowhere in the ancient world there is no such quantity of such excellent products made of gold, silver and their alloy electra, as in the northern Black Sea region. Most of them are found on the way, in the rich Scythian and Motor Kurgans. Bosporus masters knew the tastes of their customers and, having an incomparably the most violent opportunities that they gave them a territorial state in comparison with the policy, quickly crowded off the market of competitors from Olvia, Chersonesos and other Greek cities in the Black Sea region. The high level of jewelry on the bosporement was not surpassed anywhere, nor at the time nor later, up to our time. Gold earrings, for example, found in Feodosia, could not repeat any modern jeweler, despite the repeated attempts.

The manufacture of tiles at left-conjugates has become a special branch of ceramic production. The expansion of cities and their improvement gave so much income to the owners of the tiled workshops, which arises the need to control the quality of products. For this purpose, the brand of produced tiles begins. According to these, the stamps on which the names of the royal family are found, and from the III century to N. e. They simply put the mark "Tsarist", we learn that the ruling Bospor's dynasty participated in economic production and received income not only from taxes and Dani, but also from the profits of their own roofing facilities.

The flowering of agriculture and crafts at the Lefton and his sons stimulated the rapid development of trade. In the cities of Greece and Malaya Asia, bread, salted fish, cattle, leather, fur, slaves are exported. The main export item naturally was bread.

More than 2 million pounds (33,400 tons) of grain supplied Bosporus annually in the city of ancient world. Revenues from this trade, according to the estimates of Professor V. D. Blavat, were in cash equivalent on average 260-270 talents, with a total budget revenue about 300-350 talents. It's hard to judge much or a little. In any case, the income of the Athenian state during the pericale was 6-7 times higher. But after all, the level, and the direction of the development of the economy, and government spending there were completely different. For Bosporus, the funds received by them were very significant. It is clear why Levkon and his successors paid such attention to the bread trading.

Local tribes in exchange for agricultural products Bosporemen supplied weapons, protective armor, jewelry, wine, fabrics, dishes. At all settlements and most of the burials of Necropolis are greek products, as well as the Bosporus masters. Since Perisada, Bosporovskaya merchants crowd out Olbia, even from the Scythian markets of the Dnieper.

Large revenues from various industries and trade led to a change in the appearance of cities. Especially flourishing the capital of Bosporus - Panticapey. The city is decorated with new temples, the Palaces of rulers and other public buildings. In addition to the temple of Apollo in the IV century BC. e. Here are the temples of Demetra, Hercules, Artemis, Aphrodites, Asclepia and other deities. Traces of active construction activity of this time are recorded in many other cities of the state. There is reason to talk about the construction of Apollo temples in Fanagoria and Geromonas, the temples of Artemis in Fanagoria, Hermanau and Gorgippies, Aphrodite temples in Nymphoe, Miremekia, Tyritaka, Kepah, Fanagoria, Hermanau, Gorgippies.

The expansion of trade relations demanded the construction of its own military and merchant fleet. In the eastern part of the port of PanticaPay, docks are built, designed for repair and construction of 20 ships at the same time. This figure, named by Greek geographer Strabo, is not random. Such a number of ships allowed to keep the budget of the Bosporus state. Archont, the king of Bosporus, also contained a four-thousandths of the hired army. Such a numerous army had no Greek Policy of the Black Sea region.

The power of the descendants of Spartoca has increased so much, and the State Bospor machine has become so strengthened and improved in relation to the conditions of the periphery of the ancient world, that the power of Spartokidov remained and further for almost 200 years without significant changes. Perisad I, who spread the boundaries of the ownership of the Bosporus "from the brands to the borders of the Caucasian land", even "was recognized by God." None of the ruler of the Bosporus did not receive such an honor. The cult of Perisada I as a deity was carried out in a temple specially built in Panticapey and remained even in the first centuries of our era. After death, he was buried in one of the most wonderful in the architectural plan of Kurgan - Tsarsky Kurgan. Standing separately from other similar monuments in an open steppe and perfectly prominent from Pantikathey, as he likes the Tomb of the Divine, this mound and today amazing the imagination of numerous visitors with its monumentality and high quality work. It is not by chance, no epoch storms and even the bombing and art-folds of the Times of the Great Patriotic War could not destroy this unique monument of ancient Bosporus in their expressiveness.

But the recognition of the reign of Perisada I, the highest level of development of the state means recognition of the beginning of its sunset. The first sign of this sunset was the struggle for the power of his sons, flashed shortly after the death of this, undoubtedly, the most outstanding representative of the dynasty.

Prior to the death of Perisada, representatives of Spartokidov never tried to challenge the right of the eldest Son of the ruler on the completeness of power in the country. They were solved by the difficulty of struggle for her retention. Now the situation has changed. And just as after the death of Alexander Macedonsky (in 323 BC. E.) began the struggle for the power between his successors, and after the death of Perisada I in 310/309 BC. e. The war also begins on the Bosporus, his sons.

Against the senior son of Perisada I Satira II spoke his brother Evmel. Having entered into friendly relations with some of the neighboring barbaric peoples and collecting significant military forces, he demanded access to the real government, probably, having an example of his father with his brother as an example. Satyr categorically refused and with the army came to meet him. The Fat River on the Asian Bospor is a decisive battle. Satir, reaching a fortified camp from the cart, on which he brought a large number of Svyanta, built an army for the fight and he himself got up in the center of combat building on Scythian custom. The army consisted of 2000 Greek and the same number of Thracian mercenaries, 20,000 hiking and 10,000 equestrian Scythians allied. Evmela supported the king of Sirachek arithn from 22,000 infantry and 20,000 cavalry. Satir, surrounded by select warriors, wrapped all the strength of the strike on the Arithna Sweat, also standing in the center of the battle system. Large losses, the Sirac King turned to flight. Satir rushed to pursue him, killing everyone who got up on his way. But soon he received a message that his brother Evmel turned to the flight of mercenaries on the right flank. Satir turns the Scythian Connection and hurries to the aid of his infantry. And this time his blow was destructive for the enemy. Evmel with his warriors runs from the battlefield.

The beginning of military operations in the above version described by the historian Diodorus is somehow not very linked to the initiative of Eumela in the struggle for power. Here he commands only part of a combat system - one of the flannels of the Siracian king's army, which himself leads the battle. In the description of the further progress of hostilities, it is not even mentioned. Is this not evidence that the real initiator of the performance against Bospor was Sirac, and Evmela, at least at the first stage of the struggle, they simply used as a real contendent on the throne of Bospor? ..

As it often happens, the brilliant victory in the battle did not end the victory in the war. Those warriors Arifaryna and Eumel, who survived in battle, together with their leaders hid in the fortress of Sirac. It was located on the bank of the deep River Fat, which streamed her and did an impregnable. In addition, the fortress was surrounded by high rocks and a huge forest, so there were only two artificial access to it. One of them, leading to the fortress, was protected by high towers and outdoor fortifications. The other was from the opposite side in the swamps and guarded by the panelies. The building of the fortress had durable columns, and residential premises were above the water.

After making sure the strengthening of the enemy fortress, Satir decided to first ruin the enemy country. His army betrayed the fire of Syrakov's village and captured a large amount of mining and prisoners. After that, an attempt was made to break into the fortress through the existing approaches to it. The attack of external fortifications and towers failed. Satira squad was discarded with big losses. But the other part of his troops, acting from the meadow side through the swamps, captured wooden fortifications from this side of the fortress and, crouching through the river and the forest, began to make their way to the citadel. Three days of the warriors of Satira cut the forest, with difficulty and dangers of the road. Arithn, fearing the assault, put his shooters along both aspects of the passage leading to the fortress, and ordered them to continuously firing the enemy's army. Busy cutting trees, bosporemen could not protect themselves from arrows and carried large losses. But still on the fourth day they came to the fortress wall.

The leader of Menisk mercenaries, distinguished by the mind, and courage, rushed through the passage to the wall and, together with his comrades, began to brave to attack fortifications. However, overcome the desperate resistance of the siracians who had the same numerical superiority, he could not. Then Satyr personally led the army in the attack. In a cruel hand-to-hand battle, he was wounded with a spear in his hand and ordered to retreat. His army, leaving guard posts, retired to the camp. The next day the assault was to repeat, but an unexpected one happened. By evening, the wound of the king inflamed. He felt bad and with the onset of night died. In power, he stayed only nine months.

It is curious that even before joining the throne, the oracle predicted the Satira to fear the words "MUS" (MUS), which in Greater means a mouse and muscle. Satir after that began to be afraid of both home and field mice, constantly ordering their slaves to kill them and smear their holes. And even attending friends, always asked, entering the house, do they have mice. Nobody from his subjects nor a slave, nor a free person, did not allow such a name. And died of the wound in the muscle hand. Of course, all predictions always have a double meaning, but something, apparently, there are still ...

After the death of the king, the command of Menisk's commander, who removed the siege of the fortress of Syrakov and ordered the army to retreat to the city of Gargaz. Where this city was, it is not known. But the fact that from there Menisk on the river crossed the body of the deceased king in Pentantypey, gives reason to believe that it was located in the territory of the Asian part of the Bospor.

The solemnly burying of the king, his other brother was proloned quickly in the Gargaz and he accepted the command of the army and royal power. Having learned about this, Evmel sent his ambassadors to him with a proposal to give him a part of the state. But he did not pay attention to it and, leaving the garrison in Gargaz, returned to the panticapey to strengthen his power. Apparently, this procedure turned out to be quite long. In any case, while he did this, his brother Evmel, with the help of barbarians, managed to capture both the Gargaz, and a number of other fortifications and cities of the Asian Bosporus. Who were those barbarians who assisted Eumela, the historian diodor did not say, but it is possible that these were the same siracies.

In the end, I finally made a rebellious brother with an army, but was broken in the battle and forced to retreat. Evmel pushed him to the cage at the Motius Lake and, putting in hopeless conditions, forced to surrender. Under the capitulation conditions, the proline was forced to convey the army of Eumela and abandon the royal power. But from the desire to rule to get rid of him it turned out more difficult. Taking advantage of the fact that Evmel celebrated victory, he fled in a panticapey, a permanent residence of the Bosporian kings, and tried to return the kingdom again. What strength he could count and expect, is unknown. However, this time he did not receive support and was forced to escape. Prolin arrived in the city of Kpay, but also could not get support. Left all, he was killed.

After the death of the Evmel brothers became a full ruler of the state. But he himself perfectly remembered how he got power. And therefore, a reasonfully fearing quite possible performances against themselves from other relatives, Evmel ordered to kill wives and children of Satira and Pritan, as well as their friends. It was possible to run only Perisada, the young son of Satira. At the last moment he managed to escape from the hands of murderers and riding a horse riding at the rate of Scythian Tsar Agara. Agar did not give him to the murderers, but did not and help return to power.

In the meantime, the murder of Emmel his relatives, deprivation of citizens of PantikaPhey their traditional privileges and the obvious support of it in Asian barbarians instead of the crewing Scythians to the Bosgenian caused a perturbation of the capital of the capital (and, probably, other cities). Fearing their open speech (especially since the legitimate competitor of his power hidden at the Scythian king was alive and well), Evmel convened the National Assembly, said in his defense and restored the former image of the board. Panticapers returned lost to the right of duty-free trade, the citizens of the rest of the cities Evmel also promised to free from all the filters. Having strengthened its position in this way, then it rules in accordance with the laws and caused a considerable surprise with his advantages.

During the reign of Evmela, significant changes occurred in the ancient world. There were large Hellenistic states whose rulers from 306 to N. e. Accepted titles of the kings. Almost all of them, seeking to surpass their rivals in the power, one of the leads put forward the slogan of the liberation of the Greeks. On the same way went and Evmel. It expands political ties with Byzantium, Sinop and other Ellinski cities in the Black Sea region, providing them with all kinds of good deeds. So, when the residents of the city of Callatia (on the territory of modern Romania), besieged by the king, Frakia Lisimah, were addressed to him, he took a thousand of their inhabitants, giving them not only political asylum, but also a whole city for settlement, and the region, separated On the station. It is possible that he helped in organizing the defense of Callatia from Lisimaha.

To protect shipping on the Black Sea, Evmel began the war with the tribes of the Caucasian coast - Genioshai and Ahetis, usually engaged in piracy, as well as with the tribes of the mountain Crimea - brands. By defeating them and thus cleaning the sea from the pirates, he received the most brilliant fruit of blessing - praise not only in his kingdom, but literally around the world, as the trading people were spawned throughout his generosity everywhere.

For victories to the sea followed victory on land. He continued the conquest of neighboring barbaric lands and, subordinating many of them, set the goal to conquer all the tribes that surrounded Pont. And they would lead their idea to execution if it were not for an accident. Returning from Sindica to his land and rushing to some sacrifice, he drove to the palace on the fourth of horses. The crew was four-wheeled and open top. Horses scared something and suffered. It was not possible to hold the camps, and Evmel, fearing to be discarded into the cliff, tried to jump from the chariot, but at the same time his sword fell into the wheel, and the king himself was also under the wheels of the chariot.

At one time he also received a prediction to fear the carrying house. Therefore, he never entered the house until his slaves examined the strength of the roof and the foundation. And when he died from the covered crew made by the four horses, each began to think that the prediction came true. Evmel Rules is only 5 years old and 5 months, and it was the last king of the Dynasty of Spartokidov, which can be said about as a powerful ruler of Bospor.

Bosporus with the death of Evmela enters into a new phase of its development. This is not a decline. Bosplarians even slightly expand their possessions. In particular, at the very beginning of the III century BC. e. "Ellity, owned by the Bosporus," was founded at the mouth of the city of Tanais, the river-elected. But the general political conjuncture in the world has changed. Athens fell into decline and could no longer pay the whole mass of the Bosporus marketable products. At the same time, Egypt began to supply a huge mass of bread to the markets. Its delivery from Egypt was cheaper, and this sharply reduced the demand for bread from the Northern Black Sea region. Therefore, the bread export of Bosporus is shrinking, giving way to the export of fish, livestock, slaves. His cities are built a large number of large fishing baths, explicitly designed for exporting products. Especially many such baths are openly open in the southern suburb of Panticapey - Tyritaka. It seems that he became the center of fishery fishery in the state.

In addition, Bosplarians are trying to overcome difficulties in the economy through trade with surrounding barbarians. Vineyards are significantly expanding, and the production of wine is growing. Winery, designed for the manufacture of wines for export, are open in many cities of Bosporus, but especially many of them in the northern suburb of Pantikapey - Mirmekia. The studied city of Professor V. F. Gaidukevich even called him the city of winemakers.

All known from the IV century BC. e. Crafts of Bosporian continue to function and there is no reason to talk about their reduction up to the middle of the III century. It is probably precisely this allowed the Burnovers to acquire new markets for their products in return for lost. The main counterators of the Bospor are the cities of the South Black Sea region, especially Sinop. Along with them, Bosporerians continue to support relations with Rhodes, a braid, pergamine and even more distant Egypt, with which the Bosporus establishes and diplomatic relations. Moreover, it happened on the initiative of the Egyptian king Ptolemya II, in need of allies to continue to fight with his nearest neighbors.

In the second quarter of the III century BC. e. A special ambassador of Ptolemy II "Isis" arrived at Bospospore. A colorful image of this vessel remained on the fresco from the Aphrodite sanctuary in Nymphoe. The interpretation of images and inscriptions on the wall of the sanctuary suggests that the Egyptian king first of all was interested in the possibility of recruiting mercenaries for their army on the bosporement, and he received the appropriate agreement of the Bosporian rulers.

Worst folded relationships with barbarians. Scythians under the influence of environmental changes and the Natius of Sarmatian tribes begin to retreat in the Crimea. Their rulers are poor and can no longer be so generously, as before, paying products of the Bosporus masters. But but they begin to demand an increasing amount of their number as gifts for the land provided by the Greeks for the settlement. True, this is their pressure on the Bosporus until time was compensated by military assistance to the Bosporus rulers. Without sufficient funds for the content of a strong own army, the kings of the BOSPOROD to solve their military problems in Asia are increasingly forced to seek help from the Scythians. In an effort to make this support stable and constant, they conclude marriage unions with representatives and representatives of the Scythian Tsarist Dynasty.

This policy really justified yourself. While the Scythians set the protectorate over Olbia and led offensive wars for Chersonese, they themselves were interested in Union with Bosporus and therefore would have done to meet the requests from their ally.

The Bosporian Army, and before which was not necessary without the help of Scythians (remember the battle of the FATE), during the II century BC. e. It became more and more Scythian on ethnic composition due to the difficulty of recruiting mercenaries from Greece and Thrace. The role of Scythians and among the commanders of this army increased.

Otherwise, relations with sarmatics, attacking Scythians in the Black Sea Steppes and the advancing on the ownership of the tribes of Syrakov and Mets at the Bospor boundaries in Asia. At first, they are pushed in the bubbanity of Syrakov, which, in turn, are gradually inclined in Meta Earth. Bosplarovs are not able to protect the metropolitan from this occurrence. As a result, Meoti tribes overlook the Bosporus submission. By the end of the II century BC. e. Almost all Motor tribes, however, besides Sindov, come out of the state. This dramatically reduces the incomes of Spartokidov and their ability to contain a strong hired army. But the main thing is that these rulers themselves are not at the height of the Epoch requirements.

The successor of Eumela, his son Spartok, rules 20 years (304-284 BC). In 288, he restored mutual assistance treaty with Athens, but this contract did not give any real benefits. Spartok himself first of the rulers of Bospor began to call himself king and in relation to Varvarars, and in relation to Ellinas. This was manifested as political trends of time and the actual mixing of the population of the Bosporian cities, among which it was unlikely that it was unlikely to find exceptionally pure Ellines or Barbars. It is not by chance that the Greek geographer Strabo, describing the Bosporus, calls the inhabitants of his cities simply "Burning". At the same time, as military operations are expanded in Asia against the population, there are more and more people from Scythia in the Army of Bospor.

The dates of the board and the nature of the actions of the remaining Spartokidov are almost unknown. It can only be noted that in the middle of the 3th century BC. e. A certain crisis occurs on the bosporement - the chasing of gold and silver coins ceases. Copper coin degrades in weight and quality. In the last quarter of a century, seeking to stop the crisis, the king of Levkon II for the first time in the history of Bosporus exercises the release of coins from his own behalf. At the same time, the chasing of Pantikipei coins is also preserved. The measures taken by the rulers turned out to be effective and led to restoration at the beginning of the II century BC. e. Changing gold and silver. The first economic crisis was overcome.

However, the crisis phenomena of the outback was not. And this contributed to the resumed orange struggle for power. The Roman poet Ovid reports that the Bosporus King Levkon killed his brother and was killed his wife himself. Subsequent commentators of Ovid repeated his message, albeit with some discrepancies in detail, which convinces in the reliability of the information transferred to the famous poet. In the course of such civilians in the royal family, the persons who do not belong to the dynasty could come to power. Such, for example, could be a kind of hygienon, who was satisfied for some reason only by the title of Archont, but, undoubtedly, who had all the complete power. This is evidenced by the release of them from its name gold, silver and copper coins. His name is on some Bosporian tiles. It is known that the Bosporian kings partly controlled the tiled production and owned Ergasterias themselves in their production. It is possible that both hygienon, by usurpiring power, assigned to itself on this basis and revenues from this production.

The last Spartokid, which was called the same name as his namesake, recognized by God, being strongly dependent on Scythians and seeing their successes in the fight against Chersonese, did not doubt that after taking his city, the Bosporus turn would come. He begins secret negotiations on assistance with the ruler of the strongest of the Hellenistic states in the Malaya Asia - with the king of Ponta. By that time, Bospospor had the most close economic and cultural connections with the cities of this kingdom. Therefore, political contacts of the two rulers could not cause suspicion of suspects against Perisada V and its further intentions. However, he was not going to share them. As a result, a new direction in his politics remained almost not covered by documents. But her result is known - Perisad V lost not only the kingdom, but also life. And it also happened because they turned to him for help and Hersonets - the main opponents of the Scythians. The entry of the Ponta army to the war on the side of Chersonesos and the subsequent transition of the BOSPOR under the protectorate of King Ponte allowed the Scythians to consider the Bosporus king as a traitor who violated the former allied agreements with them.


1. Molev E.A. Hellena and barbarians. On the northern outskirts of the ancient world; M.: CJSC CentrPoligraph, 2003