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But others opens secret... (A. Akhmatova) Who says we'll die? – Leave these Judgments to yourself – There is falsehood in them: We have lived for many centuries in this world, and we will have to live for many more centuries. We did not come from the void, And through the years we are not destined to go into the void one day. We are all not only part of the Earth, We are part of Nature, We are part of the Universe, part of the world - Specifically, everyone! We were already breathing billions of years ago, I don’t know what, I don’t know how, But it happened. The Universe arose, We didn’t interfere with it, We were doing who, what could Within other limits. And billions of years will pass - In the crown of the Sun The tired Earth will burn in its greatness, We will not burn! We will return to another life again, We will return to ourselves in a different guise! I tell you: man does not disappear! I tell you: man is invested in immortality! But we still don’t know the evidence, And we can’t confirm immortality yet. But in some years We will throw off the weights of oblivion from our memory And we will boldly remember: Why did we end up here - In the sublunary world? Why was immortality given to us and what to do with it? Everything that we will do in an hour, in a week and even a year, all this is not far from us. own world lives. The books that I will publish After some time, they are already scattered around the cities In a world that does not exist. Invisible worlds have entangled us With countless floors, In one - we are going to Mars, In another - we have already flown. Awards, praise and more The ranks are waiting for us, lining up in a row, And with them - our slaps in the neighboring worlds are burning. We think: life in hundreds of years. God knows: where? And this is nearby - the invisible light of those years is scattered everywhere. Try to pierce the moon with your finger! It won’t work - the hand is short, It’s even more difficult to touch a country abandoned for centuries. But that’s how it works: every moment From the streets, offices and apartments We move with the whole world To the real neighboring world. Wandering through space together with the Earth With ideas fresh and old, We are new time - layer by layer - We rent from the world. And we are not in a hurry to live on borrowed time, We do not speed up the years, We know with distant memory that we have come to life forever. That our borders are not in the milky, That our era is not an hour, We have in reserve We have infinity, and Eternity is in store for us. And as on an excursion - only forward, Encrypting and theorem days, the Universe leads us by the hand Along the corridor of time. Turn on the light in the past and future! And you will see with new vision how a city that does not yet exist is already appearing in time. In the future tense, where for now only the clouds of our hopes and our dreams float almost without color and outline. And in the past, where in pulp, blue life smiled at the warmth and light, turning on the lights, you will meet a fence that no longer exists. Don’t worry, you haven’t gone crazy now, having seen this - in space everything is preserved, and until time the degree remains calm. But everything comes to life before its time, suddenly, when eccentrics in a good mood turn on the sound in the past and the future, turn on the light in the future and the past. And life, as if circles on water, knits links for thousands of years, and there are no dead people anywhere, there are only those who have fallen asleep for a moment. Peace is only temporary silt .People are eternal! On each page, look at their faces - in the past and in the future - the same faces. There are no other people in nature, and the same ones walk in circles of past and future squares, polishing stones with an elastic step. Turn on the light in the past and future, and you will see doubts instead of what is in the future - where you are not yet there, a place has already been prepared for you.;book=1#1

Science fiction (SF) (from English science fiction and Greek φανταστική) is a genre in literature, cinema and other forms of art, one of the varieties of science fiction. Science fiction is based on fantastic assumptions that do not contradict modern science, but suggesting its further development. Science fiction assumption occurs in areas such as technology, history, sociology, geography, natural Sciences. Works based on non-scientific assumptions belong to other genres (see, for example, Fantasy). Science fiction often takes place in the future, which makes this genre similar to futurology.

The originator of the term “sci-fi” is probably Yakov Perelman. In 1970, W. Atheling wrote: “Wells originally used this term to denote what we today would call science fiction, in which the basis for the narrative is a conscious desire to rely on facts already known (at the time of writing), and even if in In the story there was also a certain miracle, then at least we should not be talking about a whole arsenal of miracles.” There is much debate among critics and literary scholars about what constitutes science fiction. However, most of them agree that science fiction is literature based on some assumption in the field of science: the emergence of a new invention, the discovery of new laws of nature, the construction of new models of society.

Often, SF takes place in the distant future, which makes SF similar to the science of futurology. Many SF writers devote their work to literary futurology, forecasts of the real future of the Earth, as did Arthur Clarke, Stanislav Lem, and others. Other writers use the future only as a setting that allows them to more fully reveal the idea of ​​their work.

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Science fiction is a genre that is only somewhat realistic. It's about about what is in the books indicated literary direction described real world, influenced by scientific and technological progress.
Basically, the plot is created on the basis of modern scientific discoveries, which cannot be doubted. Stories are often supplemented with various social, historical, and technological elements. The main thing is that there are no absolutely fictitious moments, otherwise the book will become an example not of science fiction, but of fantasy.

Most interesting novels contain descriptions of flights to other planets, the creation of innovative robots, the invention of previously unknown weapons, the discovery of new life forms, etc. In this regard, the authors have an incredible amount of scientifically proven facts that can be used in the literature. Therefore, today there are many foreign and domestic works of science fiction, among which it is simply impossible to choose the best of the best.

Each of the novels presented to the public has its own peculiarity, because often the authors, before starting work, carefully study the chosen direction. The evaluative factor becomes subjectivity, by which each reader himself determines the level of realism of the theory described in the novel.

IN Lately There's a new trend in the science fiction world: creating children's books. They present children with information in a more accessible and understandable form that allows them to broaden their horizons and increase the child’s intellectual level. Often, publications are supplemented with colorful drawings, which will be interesting to look at not only for children, but also for adults.

Cinematography also demonstrates considerable interest in the creations of the science fiction genre, so for recent years Many films based on literary works of this genre appeared on the screens. It’s really worth watching such films, because thanks to modern special effects, the visualization of the events described in literature is truly mesmerizing.

For those who prefer to use their imagination and spend time in the company of high-quality book products, there is our portal that allows you to download for free without registration or read online any science fiction creation. The many book formats available for download, including epub, fb2, pdf, rtf, txt, allow you to turn your electronic device into a real library, accessible at any time.

Tyra is a special girl because she has the unique ability to read human auras. Now the heroine is in a very difficult situation, since the World of Levels is being shaken by one disaster after another.
Stephen Lagerfeld and his friends Baal, Dane and Aaron go in search of the Source of Knowledge, this task was assigned to them. During these searches, the guy meets Tyra. A charming girl immediately wins his heart, and now he is ready to do anything for her. Where will their relationship lead?

Sergei Lukyanenko presents his new book called "Threshold".
People have developed their space technology so much that they can now travel between different planets. In addition, it was recently discovered that some of them contain other intelligent beings. However, terrible experiments and constant wars taking place here and there are claiming the lives of millions of alien intelligences. Doubt creeps in that this is a natural process. Could it be that some kind of puppeteer has appeared, masterfully pulling the strings and playing with the destinies of millions of living beings?

Everything that was before our era is interesting. But in this book, I remember ancient history, which was three thousand years BC. The old man and the demon met face to face on a mountain cliff. And this was the beginning of an extraordinary story. Now this story continues, like a deal for the price of the soul. The book talks about literally everything. Starting from philosophy to love. Quite important and valuable moments of our lives are touched upon. This best book in order to plunge into the world of reasoning and reflection.

It's 2025. Mikhail Korneev has been troubled by realistic dreams for more than one night. The plots are constantly becoming more complex and interesting. So far, he treats his dreams as something interesting and unusual. But he was shocked when he saw one of the heroes of the dream in life. He is confused and does not understand at all what world he belongs to now. To the world of dreams or the world of living people. He feels dependent on someone, he has neither freedom nor rights. How will Mikhail cope and deal with this? All the answers are on the pages of the book.

That's what this experiment is called. It's a little crazy, but at the same time, made with wisdom. Its end is difficult to predict; no one expects what will happen next. The book talks about times that we so long to return or see. You will travel to the past and future. You will see all the mistakes of time and experience an unforgettable adventure. This is not a book where everything is predictable and obvious. The book will make you think about a lot. That is why it has already attracted the interest of thousands of readers. And it will interest you.

Nikolai Fedorovich Volkhov - captain of the infantry regiment, officer Russian Empire. He is twenty-four years old. He travels from London to Paris and meets a stranger along the way. This stranger is Jonathan Lewis Sharp. He manages to meet him. The next day they meet again under inexplicable circumstances. Nikolai had too much to drink in a local pub and quite unexpectedly received a strong blow to the head. He loses consciousness. Nikolai was found by a city inspector, without money or documents. The next morning he wakes up at Jonathan's place.

Melisandre Stokes is an employee of the Department of Ancient and Classical Languages ​​at one of the universities in Boston. One day, a girl receives an order from Tristan Lionis, asking her to translate several documents. She agrees to the job and gets to work.
During the translation, the heroine finds out that magic used to exist in our world. In 1851, she disappeared after the first photograph was taken, capturing a specific version of the then reality. And so Tristan, together with his colleagues from the Department of Organization of Diachronic Operations, wants to return magic to our world.
The experiments that were carried out at DODO led to the fact that Mrs. Stokes herself managed to travel back in time and ended up in July 1851. She has very little time until the day when the ill-fated photo is taken and the magic disappears forever. During this period, the girl must find her way home.

What came first? The authors of this collection, including such famous personalities as Mike Gelprin, Henry Lyon Oldie, Elena Kleshchenko, Yuri Ivanichenko, Asya Mikheeva and many others, believe that the Word was the first to be born, and immediately after it was man. At first, very contradictory relations were established between these two objects, end result which was the emergence of new magic that filled the whole world. Its name is literature.
The key characters in the world of literature will be discussed in this collection of stories.