Isker as a mythologeme in the study of the Siberian Khanate. Isker as a mythologeme in the study of the Siberian Khanate

Isker settlement

Roads to historical site no. Only eccentrics and historians remember him. Rarely will anyone remember Suzga, Kuchum's beautiful wife, to whom Ershov dedicated a poem. The former bed of the Sibirka river, which approached the Irtysh at Isker, from which now only one urman remained, can serve as a reference point. Isker was located on the steep bank of the Irtysh River, 19 km from modern Tobolsk.

This beautiful name ("isker" means "ancient land") was borne by a medieval Ugric settlement until the 12th century, and from the middle of the 15th century. - the capital of the Siberian Khanate (in Russian chronicles the city is often called Kashlyk). Under the Tatar Khan Makhmet, more powerful fortifications appeared and a new name for the fortress - Siberia-Tura. The name "Isker" came back under Kuchum, who, having come to Siberia from the Kaisatskaya steppe, captured the town in 1563. Then the khans of the local dynasty Ediger and Bekbulat were killed in the battle for the city. Kuchum ruled Siberia from Isker for almost twenty years. Archaeological finds talk about trade relations of the Siberian Khanate with Bukhara, China, Kazakhstan, the Nogai horde.

According to archaeologists and historians, the Isker of Kuchum's time was a well-fortified earthen fortress, surrounded by a deep triple moat with almost vertical slopes. The fortress was relatively small, for it served mainly for the residence of the khan and his entourage. In the middle of the fortress there was a square with the khan's headquarters. The city itself was located on the outer side of the fortress on the same hill, consisted of hut semi-dugouts and was connected to the fortress by a bridge over a moat. The small size of the fortress and the absence of water in it (the path to the well, which lay outside the fortress, and to the Sibirka river could easily be blocked by the enemy) made the fortress unsuitable for a long siege. Therefore, after the defeat at the Chuvash Cape on October 26, 1582, Kuchum did not linger in Isker, but, taking his wealth, went further, to his other residence, on Cape Abalak.

Hood. Murgin A. Ermak. Battle of Abalak

Ermak's detachment settled in the capital of Siberia. The three winters at Isker were very difficult for the garrison. During the first winter, twenty Cossacks died in a skirmish with the Tatars. But at first there were no big difficulties with food: the vassals of Kuchum recognized the power of Ermak and regularly brought yasak. The Cossacks even had Tatar wives. In 1583 Yermak equipped twenty-five men with Ivan Koltso at the head. The Cossacks brought furs to Moscow and Yermak's report about the "Siberian capture". The embassy was received by Ivan the Terrible, "Siberia that fell from the sky" (the expression of NM Karamzin), as it were, balanced the three-year military setbacks in the Livonian War. Some historians say that before returning to Siberia, Ivan Koltso was presented with a "meritorious" tsar's letter, where the tsar forgave the past sins of the ataman and his retinue. In addition to the diploma, they brought with them the royal gifts: the Cossacks - cloth and money, and personally to Ermak - two shells, a silver cup and a fur coat from the royal shoulder. It is unlikely that this was so, because in the same letter, Ivan IV ordered Yermak "to be to Moscow", and the sovereign man, Prince Semyon Bolkhovsky, who was to arrive in Siberia soon, was appointed as the Siberian governor. Ermak disobeyed the decree and remained in Siberia.

Hood. Vasily Surikov. The conquest of Siberia by Yermak

In the fall of 1584, the governor, Semyon Bolkhovsky, finally arrived in Isker with three hundred archers. The Cossacks received a salary, and the newcomers received expensive furs as a gift. It seemed that the development of Siberia from that time would be more successful, but events, however, unfolded tragically. In the winter of 1584-1585. Karacha managed to interrupt the supply of food to the Russians. And the archers who arrived only increased the famine in Isker and in Karachin. By the spring, almost all the archers who had arrived had died, including Bolkhovsky himself. Of the five hundred Cossacks, no more than two hundred survived. For the final destruction of the Russians, on March 12, 1585, a huge Tatar army under the leadership of Karachi surrounded Isker. The siege lasted more than a month. And the Cossacks had too little strength to break through. But Yermak's talent came to the rescue this time too. He sent ataman Matvey Meshcheryak with a group of the strongest soldiers to decapitate the Tatar army. On May 9, at night, this group managed to get into the Karachi camp (7 km from Isker). The former vizier barely managed to escape. Upon learning of this, the Tatar army rushed to the camp, and at this time, hiding behind the carts, the soldiers of Ermak struck him from the rear. Squeezed on both sides, the Tatars fled to the north.

Hood. Lyakh A.P. Ermak after the fight
In the summer, Ermak again set out on a military campaign, this time to the south, where Kuchum was still roaming in the steppes. On the way back, the conqueror of Siberia and part of his detachment died in the waters of the Irtysh tributary Vagai. The news of this instantly spread throughout Siberia. The eldest son of Kuchum, Alei, began to prepare a new campaign against Isker. The payment of yasak has stopped again. The hundred and fifty soldiers remaining in Isker decided to leave Siberia. And on August 15, 1585, Isker was empty. The Cossacks went down the Irtysh on ships and returned to Russia by the old Pechora route. Alei ruled Siberia from Isker for almost two years, but after Tobolsk was founded in 1587, the Tatars left Isker and the remains of the city were burned.

The deserted town, built of wood, earth and adobe bricks, began to quickly collapse. Former capital The Siberian kingdom was completely deserted. Years passed, and she was overgrown with grass, forgot people's voices. Nobody wanted to settle in the Khan's ashes - neither Tatars, nor Russians, nor Yugra.
Now only the unevenness of the soil and the remains of the three-tiered slopes remind of this town. The bank, constantly washed away by the Irtysh, eats up the remains of the city's territory. For 500 years, a site of 20 sq.m. has remained from it. Archaeological finds from Isker are in the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve.

Siberian Khanate history, culture and accession to Russia

The Siberian Khanate is a state in Western Siberia that was formed at the end of the 15th century during the collapse of the Golden Horde.

Its center was originally Chimga-Tura (now the city of Tyumen), another capital was the city of Isker (aka Siber, Siberia, Siberia), which was located on the right steep bank of the Irtysh.

According to the second capital, which in the 15th century was also called Kashlyk, the khanate got its name.

History of education

Some researchers believe that during the formation and existence of the Golden Horde, the lands of the future khanate were ruled by the descendants of the Tatar prince Taibug. It was he who formed the Taybuginsky yurt, on the territory of which the Siberian Khanate was later formed. But not all historians support this version, since there are no documents confirming or refuting this theory.

Others, citing the description of the uluses in evidence, believe that the territory of the khanate was under the control of the Sheibanids.


The first ruler of the ulus was Taibuga, then Khoja, Makhmet, Angish, Kasim, brothers Bek-Bulat and Ediger (occupied the throne almost simultaneously), Senbakta, Sauskan followed. All of them were descendants of the first prince and were called Taibugids. Almost nothing is known about them, since information has reached us only orally.

khan Kuchum photo

Further, more accurate information appears, which is based on reliable written sources, from which it is known that from 1396 to 1406 Khan Tokhtamysh took the throne. The greatest contribution to the development of the khanate was made by Khan Ibak, who originally ruled the Nogai Horde, and Kuchum. Under their rule, it becomes a powerful state.


Ibak is considered the founder of the independent Siberian Khanate with the capital Chimga-Tura. Its territory stretched from the Barabinsk steppe to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. What is Khan Ibak remembered for in history?

  • He defeated the Great Horde, killing its last ruler - Ahmad;
  • He united two thrones - the Siberian yurt and the Nogai Horde; He actively intervened in the affairs of the Kazan Khanate (in some sources he is called the “Kazan Khan”, although he not only never occupied the Kazan throne, but even never visited there).

Ibak was a strong ruler, which could not irritate his Nogai patrons. They even removed him from the throne, but under the pressure of the Beklerbeks, the highest dignitaries, they returned the Nogai throne to him. Nevertheless, he had enough enemies, and in 1495 he died at the hands of Muhammad from the Taybugid clan. After committing the murder, Muhammad becomes khan and moves the capital to the city of Isker. From that moment on, the state formally became the Siberian Khanate with the capital Siberia.

After Muhammad, the throne was taken by two brothers - Ediger and Bek Bulat, who restored friendly relations with the Nogais. During their reign, there was historical event- Ivan the Terrible conquered the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates. This made a strong impression on Ediger, he hastened to congratulate the Russian tsar and offered to pay tribute to Muscovy, which Ivan IV did not fail to take advantage of. Why did Ediger do this?

He was well aware that the Sheibanids, sooner or later, having united with the Nogai, would want to return power in Siberia. Counting on the help of Moscow, he thought to defend the throne, but the calculations turned out to be wrong, the Russian tsar was not going to help him. In 1557, the Sheibanids began to act, deciding to restore their power everywhere, where they ruled before.

Very soon they occupied Kyzyl-Tura (the very first capital of the Taybugid state). Having not yet occupied Isker, they first proclaimed Murtaz ben Ibak as khan, but since he was old and could not bear the campaign to the capital of the Siberian Khanate, they put their hope in Kuchum ben Murtaza. He managed to capture Isker only in 1563. Taybugidov, brothers Ediger and Bek Bulat, he executed. From that moment, Sheibanid again stood at the head of the khanate and the era of Kuchum began.


By the middle of the 16th century, the khanate entered into a relationship with Russia. By this time, it occupied a vast territory, almost all of Western Siberia - from Ural mountains to the rivers Nadym and Pima. It bordered on the Perm lands, Kazan Khanate, Nogai and Pied Horde. However, it was populated extremely rarely, during this period 30.5 thousand people lived in it. The population consisted mainly of Turkic-speaking peoples, more often called "Siberian Tatars", who led a semi-sedentary lifestyle.

The population was engaged in nomadic cattle breeding - bred horses and sheep, hunting for fur-bearing animals, fishing and beekeeping. In settled settlements, pottery, agriculture, weaving developed, and metal was smelted. The state had a feudal system, consisted of numerous small uluses, headed by beks and murzas. The lower stratum of society - the "black" ulus people were obliged every year to pay to submit and bear military service in the detachments of the nobility. Among the latter, Islam spread, which became the official religion.

Under Kuchum, the state achieved economic and political flourishing. 15 cities were formed, which were powerful fortifications.


The Siberian khans managed to subdue the Finno-Ugric tribes in the Urals and force them to pay yasak. Kuchum conquered some Bashkir tribes and Barabinians. The army of the khanate consisted of Tatar detachments, as well as detachments of conquered peoples. It is difficult to speak about the number of troops, but it is known for certain that during the battle on Lake Abalatskoye Mametkul commanded a tuman, that is, an army of 10 thousand soldiers. However, despite the impressive numbers, the detachments were disorganized, so Kuchum was unable to stop the Russian invasion.

Warrior of the Siberian Khanate photo

The armament of the Tatars mainly consisted of bows and arrows, edged weapons - broadswords, sabers, darts. The strong point military art they had intelligence. They had no equal in ambushes and surprise attacks.

Accession to Russia

“To impose a tribute on the Khanate, which is headed by a Chingizid, and Kuchum is a real Chingizid, is much more prestigious than taking a tribute from the Taybugids, but if, like Kazan, we manage to take it, it will be a victory,” the Russian tsar thought. While Kuchum was solving internal problems, he regularly paid tribute to Moscow so as not to cause displeasure. But as soon as he dealt with all internal enemies, he stopped paying tribute and broke off diplomatic relations in 1572. An equally daring act was his expedition to the lands owned by the Stroganovs, where the Tatars killed the Permians - the main tax-paying population.

In 1574 he gave a "letter" to the Stroganovs on the territory where he was allowed to build towns, but at that time belonged to the khanate. In 1582, the Cossacks, led by Ermak, the squad was organized with the money of the Stroganovs, took possession of Kashlyk, where he behaved like a ruler, imposing tribute and accepting the loyalty of the conquered local princes. However, despite the successful capture, the Cossacks suffered from hunger.

The economy of the country was destroyed, food supplies were soon depleted. Knocked down the morale of the Cossacks and the death of the chieftain, who was ambushed by Kuchum and drowned in the river. They fled from the conquered Siberia, leaving the country to its fate. But Khan Kuchum could not take advantage of the lucky chance to take the throne again.

At first, the son of Kuchum Ali sat on the throne of Isker, but Ediger's nephew Seydyak did not sleep, he drove Ali and proclaimed himself the new prince. On the other hand, the Russians were not going to abandon the rich lands of Siberia. Late 1585 Russian army advanced to the Ob, set up a town and overwintered in it. At the beginning of 1586, a detachment of archers occupied Chimgi-Tura, and a city - Tyumen was founded not far from the fortress. And in the spring of 1587, Tobolsk was founded next to Isker.

The conquest of Siberia by Yermak photo

At this time, Seydyak spent time for falconry, having received an invitation from the Russians to a feast, he, suspecting nothing, came, where he was captured. However, Kuchum did not give up and took up guerrilla warfare... Until 1598, he raided Russian cities, until he died in 1601 at the hands of the Nogai. But even after his death, the war against the Russians did not end. Kuchum's son Ali declared himself khan again.

The first half of the 17th century was held in the struggle for the return of the throne of the Siberian Khanate by the numerous sons of Kuchum. One of the last and most serious uprisings took place in 1662-1664, when Tsarevich Davlet Girey raised the Bashkirs in order to seize all Russian cities, make Tobolsk the capital and take the throne. This uprising was hard and harshly suppressed. This was the end of the history of the Siberian Khanate. The Russians soon settled in Siberia. A stream of servicemen and merchants rushed to the Siberian lands, peasants and Cossacks fled there from serfdom.

58 ° 05′24 ″ s. NS. 68 ° 18'36 ″ in. etc. HGI AMOL

Kashlyk(Siberia, Siberia, Siber, Iber, Isker) - a city, the capital of the Siberian Khanate. It was located on the right bank of the Irtysh at the confluence of the Sibirka River, 17 km above modern Tobolsk. Nowadays an archeological monument "Kuchumovo settlement".

City `s history

The city was first mentioned in 1367 on the map of the brothers Francis and Dominic Pizzigani, where it is depicted under the name Sebur. 8 years later, under the same name, it is listed in the Catalan Atlas.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the city was a heap of bricks and stones overgrown with turf and trees.

origin of name

The ethnically mixed composition of the population of the Siberian Khanate was reflected in the name of its capital:

  • Kashlyk (Turkic) - a fortress, a fortified settlement, related to the widely known term "kishlak". In the language Siberian Tatars"Kyshlyk" means "winter", "winter road".
  • Isker (Ob-Ugric) - from "yis" - old and "ker" (kar) - city. The same root is found in the names of Syktyv car, Kudym car... The variant - from the Tatar "iske" or the Turkic "eski" - is old, ancient.
  • Siberia (of dark origin) - 1. By the name of the Sabirs, Ugric mythological characters, from names like Tyapar-vosh ("tyapar town"), in a meaning close to the Russian "Chudskoye settlement", "an abandoned settlement of the former inhabitants of the area." 2. From the Mongolian words "siber" - pure, beautiful or "shibir" - swamp.

Notes (edit)


  • Belich I.V. Mausoleums of Muslim saints in the Isker area. // Bulletin of archeology, anthropology and ethnography (published by IPOS SB RAS), 1997, № 1.

Territory- 1464.2 thousand km²

Length from north to south - 2100 km, from west to east - 1400 km

Washed by waters Kara Sea

Bordered by with Kazakhstan, the Komi Republic, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Tomsk, Arkhangelsk regions

Population density- 2.5 people per 1 sq. km

Administrative center- Tyumen

Distance from Tyumen to Moscow- 2144 km

Located in the center of Eurasia, in the west of the Asian part of Russia, the Tyumen region stretches from the steppes of Kazakhstan to the shores of the Arctic Ocean and occupies most of the West Siberian Plain. In terms of the size of the territory, the region is inferior to only two subjects Russian Federation- The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The favorable economic and geographical position of the region is determined by the proximity to the economically developed regions of the European part of the country, primarily to the Urals, the provision of various natural resources... These factors, along with political stability, constitute investment attractiveness areas are conditions economic development region.

The economic potential of the Tyumen region is confirmed by the absolute value of the contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation. By the volume of the gross regional product per capita, the region (taking into account the autonomous regions) takes 3rd place among the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Tyumen Region, together with the Khanty-Mansiysk - Ugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, has adopted and is implementing the state program "Cooperation", which is aimed at preserving social and political stability, creating better living conditions for the population and active socio-economic development of the territories.

Administrative divisions

At the beginning of 2016, the Tyumen Region includes two equal subjects of the Russian Federation: Khanty-Mansiysk - Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions, 29 cities (of which 6 with a population of over 100 thousand people, including the city of Tyumen with a population of 720.6 thousand people), 38 districts, 28 urban-type settlements, 1479 rural settlements.

Natural resources

The region has significant resources of hydrocarbon raw materials on a global scale; the main part of Russia's proven oil and gas reserves is concentrated in its bowels. The unique oil fields include Samotlorskoye, Priobskoye, Fedorovskoye, Mamontovskoye and others, gas and gas condensate fields - Urengoyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Bovanenkovskoye, etc. According to experts, rich hydrocarbon zones are located on the Gydan Peninsula and in the Karsk shelf of the Yamala zone. Active development of the Uvat group of fields in the southern part of the region is underway.

On the territory of the region, peat, sapropel, quartz sands, brick and expanded clay clays, limestone, building stone and other minerals are mined.

The region is rich in fresh water supplies. There are significant resources of mineral waters. Groundwater contains more than half of Russia's iodine and bromine reserves.

The region has significant forest resources, as well as resources of the animal world.

Territorial authority
Federal State Statistics Service
in the Tyumen region

Updated date: 01.02.2017

LESSON number 9

Economy and culture of the Kazan Khanate

Capital of the Khanate

Kazan, as we remember, emerged at the very beginning of the 11th century. Then it was a small military fortress and trading settlement. Centuries later, Kazan became big city, the capital of a large state on the Middle Volga.

The main, most beautiful and most protected part of Kazan was the Kremlin (fortress) with the khan's court. The Kremlin was surrounded by walls of long and thick oak logs. The gaps between the walls were covered with sand and small stones. Within the walls of the fortress there were towers and passage gates. The north tower and adjacent sections of the wall were white stone.

A white stone wall surrounded andkhan's court , to get into which it was possible through the passage tower. In the courtyard there were the khan's palace, the palace mosque, the guest house, the treasury, the state archive and the library. Khan's tombs (mausoleums) were also located here. There were also houses for guards and other servants, workshops for court artisans, stables and storerooms.


Several mosques stood outside the khan's court. The most beautiful and largest among them was the white-stone mosque-madrasah of Kul Sharif. Where the "Cannon Yard" is now located, a military garrison, weapons workshops and an arsenal of ammunition were located. On the rest of the territory of the Kremlin there were wooden one- and two-story houses. Rich feudal lords lived in them. Simple townspeople from among the guards of the fortress and servants of the nobility settled here.

The fortress was adjoined on all sides by a trade and craft settlement. This was the second part of Kazan. Posad, like the Kremlin, was surrounded by a defensive wall. Compared to the fortress wall, it was less powerful. The number of travel towers reached ten.


Hood. Ildus Azimov

The main territory of the settlement was occupied by houses and outbuildings of ordinary townspeople, merchants and artisans. These were ordinary wooden houses, they stood close to each other. Wealthy citizens of Kazan lived in brick and wooden two-story houses.

Handicraft workshops, mills and baths were located closer to the water. Between Bulak and the fortress wall, the city market Tashayak was noisy from morning to evening. Now here is the Fairground.


Hood. Zagir Khakimov

The Posad walls were a kind of border of the city. Further there were settlements. Kuraisheva Sloboda began behind Bulak. It was adjoined by Tsarev's (Khan's) meadows, stretching for seven miles. In the meadows, the citizens of Kazan held big holidays in the summer. Riders on horseback competed here. Festive festivities were also held on the Arsk field.

At the mouth of the Kazanka there was a settlement of carpenters and ship craftsmen - Bishbalta. Its name was akin to the occupation of the inhabitants. Bishbalta in Tatar means five axes. Not far from this settlement, in the Volga Bay, there was a pier. In spring, summer and autumn, they received merchant and military ships.

Several tens of thousands of people lived in the city and its environs.