Maria Persian confessor. Holy Confession of Golinduha Persian

Holy Golinduha lived in the times of the Persian king Josrooi I (531-578). It originated from a notable family of Magi and was married to a fanatical adherent of Zoroastrianism. At first, Golinduha adhered to the faith of his spouse, but he experienced an instinctive disgust for the worship of the Sun and Fire. With all the soul, she sought a clean true faith. In response to this desire, the Lord honored her visions, which continued for three days. Angel showed it terrible placewhere the fire was burning, causing her ancestors-idolatry. Then he showed her other place from the window - bright, where many righteous righteous glances were happy in the dance. Golinduha wanted to go there, but the angel kept her, saying that only those who received holy baptism in Christ could enter there. Then the flame faith faced in her soul. When the vision ended, Golinduha decided to become a Christian and begged the Lord about help. Having said the spouse that he wants to see with his relatives, she left the house, received instructions in the basics of Christian faith and baptized with the name Maria.

Upon returning home, the saint decided to arrange a life in accordance with the Christian faith and ruined the married relationship with her husband. The spouse, which is not able to understand this call to spiritual life, tried by all means to make her renounced the faith in Christ and return to the pleasures of the flesh. Failure to fail, he was in a rage convey a king about the apostasy of his wife. Hosro sent to the Holy Golinda of the highest court dignitaries, who promised that the king would make it one of his wives if she denied. But the Holy replied: "I combined with an immortal king, and you offer me a union with mortals!" Then the king ordered her to sharpen it into the fortress of oblivion in Khusitan, which was called it because the prisoners contained in it were forever crossed out of the list of alive, and under the fear of death it was forbidden to even pronounce their names.

Holy spent 18 years there, but her faith did not weaken. In the fortress, she met other Christians who taught her singing psalms and read Holy Bible Syrian. She led her speeches to the Christian faith of many prisoners from the pagans. The king, having learned about it, ordered the holy golinduha with cruel torment.

After the death of Hosro's son, His son Ormisd IV (579-590) brought the holy of the dungeon and again handed over to the tormentors who have exhausted all their diabory ingenuity, inventing torture for her. The Christian has overwhelmed the torment every day and remained non-heeled. Divine grace miraculously healed her wounds. The holy was put in a bag with hot ash, but she mentally moved to the shining and discerned marriage rest. She was thrown into pit to the mandes, who had a horror at all who dared to approach. But the Holy spent four months in this pit and not only remained unharmed, but even tamed the beast, who slept, the word Lamb, gently putting her head on his knees. All this time, the martyr did not knocked food, because the angel of God, who has written it in faith, again appeared to her and granting the grace not to feel hunger and thirst, making it a glory sign of her mouth. And subsequently, the Holy Golinduha knocked meals only once every ten days or even less often.

Then the pagans, remaining insensitive to revealed miracles, took her to the house of tolerance, ordered the clouds to insult her honor. But every time they entered the saint's room, she was made invisible to their eyes and wickedly could not find it.

Then the Persians decided that the Holy Golinduha - Witch. They sent it to life exile together with many criminals, causing her neck to the rail collar. The jailer guarding the holy was an angel and ordered to remove the collar. He refused, saying that for that he himself would take off his head. Then the angel removed the shackles without violating the seal, gave them to the soldier and ordered to attribute the king as evidence that the Holy Golinduha is beheaded. So the martyr was released from the ambassador the angel, like the apostle Peter (Wed: Dean 12).

Sorry that I could not cut the palm branch of martyrdom, she went on the way to Nysibin. There she was an angel again and in response to the desire of Saint gently hit her with a sword on the head. Blood flow Obagril Golinduhi's dress, since then her clothes got the power to make numerous healings.

In Nysibin, Holy Golinduha led to the faith of many pagans. She was there before the death of the king of Ormizda IV, who killed his son Hosroy II, called victorious. He freed everyone who was imprisoned by his father (in summer 590). But I did not have time to ascend to the throne, as the authorities were removed from the power to the Bakhram Chubina. The king was forced to seek refuge and help from Emperor Mauritius, for which Christianity promised to adopt. Holy Golinduha, called a live martyr and has already been very revered at that time, was invited to accompany the king.

Even before that, she made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. During the journey, Golinduha entered one church, which served monok-monophysites, disciples of Sevir Antioch. When she came to the communion, the monks rudely pushed her. Then the angel came to her, holding two paws in his hands: one dark, another shining. Angel told Holy, that the shining Pathrot is the Potir Orthodox, and the other means the gloomy fate of heretics, with whom should not be included in the Eucharistic communication.

From there, the Holy came to the hierarp in Euphrate and there was expected by the arrival of Josro. He went to the tomb of St. Sergius in Resafe to return the Golden Cross, kidnapped from there with his father during the plunder of the temple. Meanwhile, the Holy Dometian Melitsky (memory is January 10) and Archbishop Antioch Gregory, who arrived there for the sake of the instructions of the king in faith, met with Holy Golinda and learned about her valiant exploits. With the help of these blissful hierarchs, the Persian king concluded the world with the emperor Mauritius, who sent his army to return the throne to Hosro. As a sign of gratitude, he gave Romanem the city of Martyropol (Mayfercart) and the fortress of the gift.

Holy Dometian asked the holy to go to Constantinople and to appear in front of the emperor, but she rejected the invitation, saying that she was approaching. Nevertheless, Golinduha went to the Church of St. Sergius in Sargafon, located between Nysibin and Dara. In this church, she brought the last prayer to the Lord and wed up in the world on July 13, 591.

From the book, published in the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery.

Compiler - Ieromona Macarium Simonopetrian,
Adapted Russian translation - Publisher of the Sretensky Monastery

Communion Mu-Che-Nica Go-Lin-Doe, in the Creation of Ma-Riya, Li-La in Per-Seia in the Tsar-Waway of Hoz-Roy I Star-She -Ho. She would be-Lame-like head-and-go-va-va of the per-s-school king. Oba Laa Lima Ras-Zu-Mom, Go-Lin-Du-Ho-Maa Lyubo Lost Speed-Cheky Mud-Ro-Vasy, many times -La-la on that, Kaaya, by the same RA, Isa Ting. Having learned that the Su-Easp of Hrii-Ansente, she was very good to find out what it teaches. Zsko-Rea, at the watch-re-bodie, its own is-floor-ni-elk. In the dream of the en-gel, in ka-hall, Go-Ling Du he-Mu-Mu-Muz-Ni-Nich and Paradise, in which-rum there would be Yu-Tin-but-thro-ha. In the next morning, she is a sta-la is urident, but the Mu-pintage-Xia is-Tin-No-Mu Bo-Gu, so that he could also become HR-An-Koy. An-gel Boy-Ly-Hall of the Go-Lin-Du-Hhe Hir-An-Ski-Gui Svyn-Ni-Ka, from which-ro-go she is at Nia-la Crearing with him is Mauli.

In the next, she is the remain-Vi-Li Muzha-Wolh, and the Mo-Lo-Lo-Sia Tsa-Ryu Khoz Royu. GO-LIN-Du-Hu is convinced of whether the Verkhutu-Xia and the king himself, and the s-ny-ni-ni-ni-nym, and known women. For the re-shi-tel-kaz king at the time-rail to her in the life of Nen-No-Mu-Rem-No-Mu-Ku-Chered. In proclasty, Mauli-go-Ling-Du-Ho-Li-Lin-La 18 years.

In the tsar-value on the trail-naq-ka-rod, Hoz Roah, his symbol on Or-Mida Ca, in Per-this, at-E-Hal, Sol Vi-Tiy- MAV-RA-RA-RA MAV-RI-KIA ARI-STO-VUL. Having learned that in progress of many years, the MIT-Xia Hri-An-ka Maji, Ari-Stro-Vul from the time-re-neck But on-ve-scutched her in prize and on-taught her sing Psal-we da-Vi. In addition, Oz-yes Ari-Sto Wu-La Or-Middas Vela-Lelv is a pre-article by him, Ma-Ria-go-Lin-Du-Hu and his Mu-chil her Pre-Dae All-WHO WHO TYT-CAM and IS-UA-NO-NI. But in all Mu-Che-Ni-Yah, the bouquet of the stam-les-nya-lamen-di-di-di. Ko-Gda is the same on Her-Gham, a state-di-di-di for the unexpeed and co-stolen of her chit-one. On-co-nez king at the ka-hall of Ot-ru-to beat Mu-Che-Ni-Lo-Lo, but the state-pod was covered by the hands of Pa La and at-led to Hr -And, alive Tai-but.

Ko-gda in the tsar-va-vahe of Khoz Roy II, a non-eagle-neck, a pre-table with a one-minded Vi-Ti-North-Ra-Ra-Ra MAV-RI-KIA, HO-NE-NIE HIR-AN IN PER-SII PRE-KRAI-MLOS, SUBSTANCE MAKH-RY-LIN-DU-HA STA-LA That is a pro-in-one-to-deposure of the Holy-An-Scullet ve-ru.

In Kon-Tse, the life of the Maja Society of Costa-Vi-La Para-Lamb in Jero-Sa-Lim, where it was CLO-NI-BRO GOS-Under -No and other tricks. It is Skon-Cha-Nas († 591) in the ruth-noma († 591) in the Church of the Community Mu-Che-Ni-Bii.

See the same way: "" in from the Luck Svt. Di-Mit-Ryary RO-Stov-Kh.

I lived in Persia and was the wife of the Main Magicham Maga. Clean the delusion of the pagan faith, she took Holy Baptism with the name Maria. For this, the Persian king Hozroi concluded her to the dungeon. Having stayed in the UzAh 18 years, the saint was given, on the command of the heir to the king, to all sorts of torture and tortures, even on the crop. But the Lord made it invisible for wicked and kept her purity. Finally, the king ordered to cut off her head. In the fishery of God, the saint was wonderfully preserved from death.

Staying unknown to the tormentors, she began to preach the Christian faith in his fatherland, turning many pagans to Orthodoxy. When in the reign of Hozground II, the persecution of Christians in Persia ceased, sv. Maria Golinduha began to openly preach the Christian faith. For his godly life, the saint received from the Lord the gift of the wirals and inspirement. At the end of the life of St. Maria made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where the coffin of the Lord and other shrines bowed. On the way back, she died in 591

Brief Life of Martyrs Fekla, Martha and Mary Persian

Communicative Mu-Che-Ni-Tsy Fek La, Mar-Fa and Maji on June 6, 346 go-yes, Mesh-Mesh for Nar-Stow at Caen Sa-Power II Per-Seia.

Complete live of martyrs Fekla, Martha and Mary Persian

These associated de-you are in the Pen-SCOM SE-LE-NII Ka-Shaz in the time of the pre-lay-up-of-Viyi Sha-Pu-Ra II (approx. 347) . They have a border of the B-gu in the Du-Hov-Hov-Ko-Water-Provision of the Svyan-Ni-Ka for Nor Para. All IMU-SKE-Du-Du-Da-Ni-ku, in this, he became about-la-ten-lem Gasts and across-wide ze-stranded. OB-VI-NENIA IN IS-INDE-DAYA NIR-AN-AN-NE-RES-KHOV-NEV-TSU-NA NAR-SE-SA-PU-ROMA, PA-LED There was ARE-STAN. Sol-yes, Kon-Fis-Co-Vashe, all Na-Den I have it. Would there be the same feast and studying it, ni-tsy.

In the Kan-dahs of their at the same time in Sea-le, the Haz-O, a row-house with Ar-Be-Loi. Per-Vya Pere-Red Tame-Sha-Pu-Rom pre-became PA-LED. The priest in both of the priest is to leave all his IMU-SHO, the EU-whether he is a closed-nit-Sun-CSU and you-drinking ID-Lo-Loz-Voe Cro-Vi. The son of Hi-Be-Lee, Luu-Biv, Zo-Lo, is painful, than Nar-Straw, Schuchen-nickname SDE-LAL all that he was at a time. Then-gda there-Sha-Pur, and lavet, for anything, a hundred-legally, his bo-ghat-ghat, na-du-small something else. He is a SCA-Hall that Is-Paul-Nita Oba-Nie, Tol-to EU-Lee Pa-led the Hugo-Rit of Valo-Clo-Thread-Sun Sun and Essay-Drink in Marriage.

Ko-gda Pa-led Ras-Ska-Hall about his ve-ro-from-foot-ni-sutin to Ni-Tsam and pre-Lo-lived in after-to-reach it -Ru, they are you who can be vessel-tea-neck pre-conjunction, on calling a but-out of Juda. DE-WHI WHERE TO PER-DAYES MU-LIM, AND EACH SYSTEM IN THE LUCH CHIM STOCK OF BYSU-MODE KNU-TOM. Nesmoty-likes they are with another painful roar-but-fairie of Isa-in-ve-whether Ve-ru in Nar-Stow. Tam-Sha-Pur Osu-Dil them to death and, in the second speech of Pav-Lu, his both schouchy, in order to kill him to kill the studies of the SAT-GOO-RU-KA , on de-rally, that that is from-ka-it, and this is a B-Children in a home in-house to take b-Gat-Gat-property.

One-na-ko-kre-Ro-Lu-Bie already SDE-LA-LO CER-TSU-NI-NI-KA TEXT AND BEAUT-SELL-SUCH COLOR. He took the sword and killed the joint maid, he had time to Ska-told him such a layer: "Unfortunate Pass-tyrn, who became a guy-bi-tel-tel, because of Vi to Days! Is it a world-nai fighter, who are you in Lu-Chi-Lee from your hands? Is it a zhi-in-your-like blood, who are you and you are yelling to us? But your sword is at the same time to us either life and the SLA. We go to the Nar-Stu, on the neck of Bo-Gat-Gat, and Cro-Vi-Schu, and you are not in-chiruchi, you are looking for, and you are looking for, and Ski-RO-BA, like a no-but-thro-ga-chai from Evan-Ge-Lia, will fihant the Court of Bow "(cf ..