Why did not finish the Hovrin hospital. Hovrinsky Abandoned Hospital - One of the most terrible places on the planet

Hovrinskaya Hospital (Urban, Khovrinka, Hp) - a huge abandoned hospital, located in the northern part of Moscow in the Hovrino area, next to the platform of the same name.

The construction of the Hovrin hospital, which is empty now in the Northern District of Moscow in the Hovrino district, began in 1981 on the site of the old cemetery and lasted 4 years. It was designed for 1400 people and had to become one of the best medical centers of the USSR. But this was not destined to come true - the failures pursued the medical insurance at every step, and poor financing and predicted to him the fate of the usual district hospital at all. To date, the building of the HPS remains abandoned.

The location of the medical centers of the medical center is reminded of a star of the company of Ambrell from the film Resident Evil, but his starry hour did not come. The final point in a series of unbreaks has put the soil. The foundation of the building began to crack, as if the old grave earth did not want to see nothing in addition to the cemetery. Because of this, the structure was recognized as an emergency and in 1985, the Hovrin hospital, almost ready for operation, was not discovered for those in need.

In the late 80s, the abandoned structure chose the Satanic sect "Non-Russian", which arranged in the basement, assumed to the morgue, the real devilish sanctuary. During the black Mass, the ritual of sacrifice has always performed. Everything began with homeless animals, then the streets began to disappear from the streets, and the case ended with the frank abductions of children and the killings of curious adventurers who wanted to inspect the hospital from the inside. The corpses were burned in the sector equipped with the crematorium, and for a long time, the sect could not calculate.

But soon the investigators realized that people disappeared were somehow connected with the empty hospital at the place of the cemetery, which had no bad rumors. The fact of ritual killings was confirmed when the riot police found on the walls of the bloody inscriptions of incomprehensible content and pentagram on the walls. Despite the "dashing nineties", Satanists wanted to take alive, but they were the first to open fire, forcing the operatives to join them in a shootout.

The sectarians were driven into one of the semi-divesed basement tunnels and undermined with grenades. There was a strong collapse, under which they died. They say, due to the high probability of re-collapse, the challenge did not disassemble the tel to remove the bodies, but simply blocked the entrance to the tunnel.

Since then, the dark glory of the Hovrin hospital simply attracted the misadventures. There were accounts with the life of suicides, accidents took place and sometimes serial killers were hiding from the police. Now the medical center is considered less dangerous and here you can meet lovers of acute sensations, homeless or representatives of youth subcultures.

But urban legends never die. Some tell about the Satanic sect inhabiting in the sewage system, which is not even looking, for the guardians of the order are confident in its full destruction. The second is etched by the bikes about the ghosts of the old cemetery. Well, the third whisper on the mysterious tramp named Raf, which sometimes appears among the ruins, when someone gets into trouble. He helps to get out of the failure or indicates the path of lost, after which it also mysteriously disappears for the nearest turn.

The Hovrinsky Abandoned Hospital is among the ten most terrible "unfinished" planets.

Hovrinsky Abandoned Hospital (HPS) is a building located in the Northern District of Moscow, in the Hovrino district. Not far from the hospital is the railway station located on the road leading to St. Petersburg.

History of creation

For the first time, mentions of the hospital appeared in 1979. However, construction began only in 1980. The authors of the project were I. Ya. Nadrov, I. Kosnikova, K. Knyazeva, A. Saukka, A. Moisseenko and N. Khovrina was under consistent leadership I. A. Tafas, E. Antonova, . Pikekov and L. Wielshina. After five years, in 1985, the construction was stopped. Already thirty years, the building is unfortunate and considered abandoned.

According to some data, the construction of the hospital was located on the site of the old cemetery. At the very beginning of construction work, the land was concreted. An unfinished hospital in Hovrino was closed before all the work: the appearance of the building was completely ready, only an internal layout remained.

True construction is still under the vulture of "Secret". However, there are several versions:

  1. The property of the property has not been issued for this object.
  2. According to the errors of geologists, the building is built over the underground river, so it began to go underground.
  3. Errors in design. Due to unstable soils, the building is lowered down.
  4. Lack of financing.

What really influenced the hospital closure is unknown. At first, the object was guarded and was considered "strategically important," but after a while he became completely abandoned.

Building and appearance

Hospital Hovrina has a very unusual layout and has two buildings. The main built in the form of a three-beam star with six branching at the ends. These three wings are connected in the middle. If you look at the object from above, the building buildings reminds the Biohazard sign ("Biological Danger"). In the main building eleven floors and three-level roof.

The second corps was ophthalmologic. It consists of three floors where morgues and crematorium were located.

The basement of the building is very large and goes to four floors in depth. To date, it is partially flooded with water, which does not go in winter or summer. Despite the temperature, water is always covered with a thick layer of ice.

According to the project, Hovina Hospital contained several races for ambulances and their own due to the cessation of construction in the building remained unfinished inter-storey floors, there are no partitions and some fragments of walls. According to experts, by 2015 the hospital went underground by 12 meters. And the first floor, located at the level of the road, fell much lower. In addition, cracks began to form on the walls of the building.

Sect "Non-Russian"

An unfinished hospital in Hovrino for a whole year after the freezing of construction was guarded by the military. When they left the terrain, lovers of acute sensations were interested in the building. And the first of these became Satanists. The sects were called "Non-Russian".

It is believed that Satanists gathered in the hospital to black Mass. They took place in the walls of the basement, where there were no windows and where did not penetrate sunlight. They equipped their sanctuary and built a kind of church, where human sacrifices brought. In addition, the Satanists arranged dark rituals and mass orgies.

In the late 80s - early 90s of the twentieth century, cases of the disappearance of people became frequent in the Hovrino area. Not only citizens disappeared without a certain place of residence, but also children, teenagers, as well as animals. It was believed that all missing were subjected to Satan sacrifice, so they were sent to the oven and burned. In Hovrino stores two such furnaces and Satanian churches that were not flooded with water.

Writing sectors for long. When local law enforcement agencies learned about the sect, an order was received to put the hospital building. The riot policeman stormed the object, but the Satanists were not going to give up. Next there are two versions of events:

  1. The sectarians were caught. They were not taken to the department, but shot in the basement, after which they poured it with water.
  2. The sectarians resisted, but they were driven into the tunnel, located in the basement. Further, the riot squad blew off the tunnel on both sides and flooded it with water. As a result, Satanists drowned.

These are events, according to rumors, occurred in the Hovrino district. Hospital (photo below) for a while empty, taking the life of Satanists in a terrible basement.

Black Mass Satanists

Mesa is the chief Christian and Catholic ritual of worship. Black Mesa is a ceremony directed against Christianity, or the Satanic type of Ritala.

Satanists who committed black masses ocked Christian characters. For example:

  • Instead of white, stood black candles.
  • The cross turned over.
  • Used six-pointed star.
  • The altar burned mushrooms that have a narcotic action to achieve an derived state as quickly as possible.
  • The leader of the sect read the sermons and reclaimed Satan.
  • Read prayers in reverse order.
  • Cursed Christian religion and Jesus.

The leader threw a cross with a crucified Jesus to Earth, and the sectarians tried in every way to defile him. All this ended with mass orgain, and the Satanists were in the Trans Tran.

Title from stalkers

Stalkers - english word, translated as a "hunter". This term was invented by the Strugatian brothers to designate professionals who conduct people into prohibit areas or for prohibited objects (Strugatsky brothers - sciences from the Soviet Union).

Since the hospital building is considered unsuitable, without experienced stalkers there is better not to appear. They know all dangerous places and help avoid an accident. It is because of the fact that the abandoned Hospital in Hovrino, or rather its structure, reminds the sign "Biochemical Danger", stalkers called her Ambrell.

In Ambrell, not only sacrifices took place, but there were cases of murder and even suicide. The hospital did not become a place where life saved, she became a place that takes these lives. She took life because of the faith, a case or undivided love.

Ambrell - Psychoneurological Hospital

Psychoneurology is a section of psychiatry and neuropathology, which studies neurosis. Neurosis is a group of psyche diseases.

The psychoneurological hospital in Hovrino was to become the biggest in the district. The building was designed for 1300 seats. Everything was already ready: plumbing stood in her places, the pipes were carried out without flaws, glass and frames are inserted, and the signs were hanging on the doors. Above the rest was still a great job. In addition, the furniture and equipment were imported into some cabins.

When the project was frozen, the hospital around the perimeter was guarded. The year the building was under strict control, and after it became nobody necessary. This is where ladderies began by the population. They carried out the plumbing, filmed the tile and glasses, the pipes were handed over to scrap.

The hospital had to save lives, treat children. More than 1000 patients could change their lives and correct their health, but this was not given to come true. Thus, the children's psychoneurological hospital in Hovrino could help children, but now, on the contrary, she takes their lives.

Myths and legends about the Hovrinsk hospital

There are a large number of legends surrounding the hospital building. Here is some of them:

  1. The most famous - about Satanists "Non-Russian". They brought sacrifices of both people and animals. However, no one is alive from the sectors.
  2. It is believed that Hovina Hospital takes those who awakened the souls of the dead. One old woman lived, which disappeared a dog. She found her remains in the hospital basement. In addition to her dog, there were corpses and other pieces. With "evils" she went to local authorities, a criminal case was initiated. A few days later the grandmother went to Hovrino and fell into a trap. Thinking both legs, she died for a long time and painfully.
  3. It is believed that in the hospital you can see ghosts. They appear more often at night and can reduce a person crazy.
  4. They say that the hospital is very cold. Although there are no windows and doors, however, the temperature is much lower than outside the building.
  5. There were rumors that in the structure very quietly, not even the singing of birds. And in such a coffin silence, you can hear the crying or cry of a child, as well as sinister quiet music that comes from the basement.

Children's Hospital (Hovrino): Our days

Despite strict control, another sect of Satanists settled in the hospital. They are not afraid of the terrible fate of the predecessors. They spend their rituals in the middle of the building - on the fifth floor, they are collected after and do not use human sacrifices.

After numerous killings in the hospital building around the perimeter of the territory, viewing points were located and the guards were exhibited. Around the object is an iron fence with barbed wire. However, this does not stop stalkers or just curious. According to statistics, in 2004, about 10 people penetrated the territory of the hospital, 6 of them were found dead. During the summer of 2006, I found 13 tel.

In the building, people still disappear and die. In the local department there are more than 1,500 applications for Ambrell. Therefore, the chain found there bodies.

Plans for an abandoned building

24 years old Neurological hospital (Hovrino) stood and manila to her extremals. But in 2009, the entire complex of an unfinished hospital was transferred to the ownership of the city of Moscow. Property rights were registered. In the same year, the issue of demolishing the building rises. A certain investor agreed to demolish the hospital at his own expense, however, he demanded land plotwhere the hospital was located. The property department gave his consent, but the demolition of the object did not occur, since this investor was disappeared with unexplained circumstances.

Three years later, in 2012, the question of the demolition of the hospital and the construction of two new buildings in her place appears. In the autumn, the land plot with the object was put up at auction for a very high price - 1 billion 800 million rubles. The building remains not redeemed.

In 2014, decided to demolish the hospital building and build a new medical corps on this site. Therefore, in 2015, the issue of the demolition of the Hovrinsk hospital at the expense of public funds was raised. After this plot of land will leave the auction for the structure of the new medical center.

  1. In 2015, it is planned to remove the horror film about the abandoned Hovrinsk hospital.
  2. In the story of "Kremlin 2222. Hovrino" D. Sillova and S. Stepanova, the hospital is described in the form of a place where ancient evil is revived.
  3. Not only the form of building structure, but also the film "Resident Evil" influenced Ambrell.
  4. Informals penetrate the territory: goths, emo, punks. In this regard, all walls are painted graffiti.
  5. Ambrell has its own keeper - RAF. It is impossible to find it, even if you look hard. At times, he saves people in traps.

Mystical Center of Moscow, Gate in parallel world, the prototype of the Hollywood horror movie "Resident Evil" - such a reputation for an unfinished hospital in the north of Moscow, where people are regularly dying.

Hospital killer

Empty 11-storey buildings at the Hovrino station became the epicenter of mysticism and nightmares not only Moscow, the HPS (Khovrinsky Abandoned Hospital) entered the unofficial rating of the "most terrible places of the planet." In the early 80s, the urban multidisciplinary hospital for 1300 beds began to build here. The megaproject stopped in 5 years, and at the stage, when all the buildings were already erected. Paradox: 25 years, this hospital does not save lives, but on the contrary - cripples and kills. Instead of personnel, Satanists, bums, crazy and seekers of acute sensations were prescribed here for decades. Tragedies are regularly here: people fall from the roof, they break off in the shells of elevators.

The mystics enhances the very sinister appearance of the killer hospital. If you look at it from above, the location of the main buildings quite accurately complies with the international sign of Biohazard biological danger.

In fact, in this sign there is nothing ominous: it is invented by engineers of the chemical company "Dow Kemick" back in 1966 and many decades were unknown to the general public. About the "mystical analogy" was spoken when the horror film "Resident Evil" with Mila Yovovich came into world rolling. The plot: Ambrell's mysterious corporation builds an underground medical center where a terrible virus is experiencing secretly from the people. As a result, PE staff turns into zombies that capture the entire planet. "The abode of evil" became a cult horror, 3 sequel continued and a full-length cartoon were removed. And in each film constantly flashes the Biohazard's trilister close-up.

The reaction was predictable: Hovrinsky unfortunate in the form of "Biohazard" instantly gained bad fame, and Sabbashi Satanists completed the picture. Naturally, the hospital as a magnet pulled the east of the extreme and adventures of citizens, mainly young people. From the crowd of adolescents, wandering at night with lanterns on empty buildings with non-step of elevators, not everyone returned home. I went rumors about black masses, ghosts, came to the dead.

From time to time, the object was taken under protection, but were years when the hospital remained in the power of extremals and satanists. On the forums dedicated to the Moscow Ambrell, you can read terrible stories. Here the girl describes in detail how walks with his young man in the night hospital, turns it on the upper floors, asks to look at the elevator mine, and then pushes him in the back. To write off on a rich teenage fantasy. But not everything managed to write off - the tragedies were repeated. The rare year costs without death, and the score of injuries and injury goes for hundreds. and the main cause of death: drop from height.


Legends say that the hospital is built on an abandoned cemetery, because of which the place turned out to be glible: 2-4-level basements flooded, the housing slowly go under the ground. Also, according to the main legend, once a long time, the OMON blocked on the underground floors of the hospital of the members of the Satanists sect "Non-Russian", blew up the tunnel from two sides. Part of the sectarians were buried alive, more precisely - flooded with groundwater.

Of course, legends always in one way or another disagree with reality, but, no matter how it was, Satanists left the hospital. Like the homeless. Stalkers' stalkers and extremals plus "tourists" from the whole country. At one time at the flooded levels in the winter organized a night extreme rink. Then the project unexpectedly covered, by rumors - after the police plaid.

On the wall of one of the hospital buildings from the Klinskaya Street there is a drawing: some symbol, the word "spirit". The artist was supposed to show the skills of industrial mountaineering. Namely: rising to the roof, fasten the fala, go down the vertical wall without windows. This artist-climbing was strong nerves: there were 20 height meters under the legs, and not earth, and pieces of concrete, brick, steel fittings.

I was informed in the police department that the territory was not protected from April 2009 to April 2011. True, the employees of the ATS in the Khovrino district regularly detained adolescents and conducted preventive conversations with them and parents. Nevertheless, those who wish to visit the killer hospital abound. From January 1 to June 2011, 72 minors were delivered to the Hovrinsky ATS, 12 adolescent police took away from the killer hospital to the usual hospital: the guys were injured. To break the leg in the HPB is extremely simple: the armature, many holes and failures stick out everywhere. Among the target audience night hike in Hovrinka (in the afternoon - dangerous, but not so scary) comparable to the degree of twist with a trip to the Chernobyl zone.

The hospital today is surrounded by a metal fence from a welded grid covered on top of a barbed wire. On both sides of the perimeter, ordinary city streets, on the one hand, the industries and one more - the park "Grachevka". Protection in the eyes does not rush, but it is: on duty around the clock 6 fighters from two chops plus dogs.

Security tightened after another tragedy: 18-year-old tourist-extremal from the Moscow region died here in May. The guy passed on the territory, rose to the 8th floor, stumbled and fell into the elevator shaft.

As a rule, all deaths are declared accidents. Only one drama of the Hovrinsky "Resident Evil" is recognized as suicide. 6 years ago, 16-year-old Alexei Krasushkin rushed from the roof due to unrequited love. He has his own memorial: on the 2nd floor of one of the buildings, the entire wall is painted by graffiti, verses and just farewell autographs: "Edge, we grieve and remember."

This place is considered to be "mandatory" to visit: if you somehow broke through the barbed wire, the evil Chopov dogs, dismissed with ghosts and safely passed the mines of elevators and acute fittings, then the edge memory is obliged to honor. And also - take a picture of the famous inscription: "This Hospital - the Region of Miracles, went into her and there disappeared." Friends-teenagers will envy.

Oak sorcerers

The Federal Property Management Agency and the Moscow authorities have long been sued for the hospital, and since the spring of 2009, the Department of Property of Moscow has finally been transferred to the long definition. What to do with him - the city has not yet decided.

Relief from the killer hospital requires parents of dead and mutilated teenagers and children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov. Local residents Neighborhood with "Evil's" is also pretty tired. Not only that it in itself does not adorn the area. There are man-made nightmares. From the side of the park at the HPS of the whole 2 metal fences: hospital and urban. For some time they go in parallel, and then form a dead end. If you do not know the road, then it can be easily overlooked. It is very unpleasant: suddenly the steel rods and barbed wire above the head. Interestingly, whose unhealthy fantasy arranged a dead end and who is addressed to the trap?

In the park talked with one of the local. Ivan Vladimirovich lived all his life in Hovrino. The hospital does not consider a mystical place. But the place itself actually, in his opinion, is not quite normal. In the summer, a hefty oak crashed here.

And it's in a windless day! - indignant pensioner. "I'm not saying that zombies were squeezed him, but we don't have boring places at all.

The people have already appealed to the head of the council with a proposal to demolish to the line "Ambrell" and give the territory under the folk garages. The chapter replied that while the target part of the site (use for hospital placement) was saved. But the current buildings can hardly be repaired. There is a project for their demolition and construction of two new buildings of a multi-profile hospital at 1200 beds.

But the final decision of the authorities promise to accept after a detailed examination of structures and bases of buildings. What they will show and when they are completed - it is still unknown.

by the way

"Resident Evil" was filmed in Germany and in Canada in 2000. The filmmakers do not mention the Hovrinsk hospital as a source of inspiration, but their medical center, decorated with the Biohazard sign, they were created only 15 years after the construction of the HPS. Formally, the film was built based on a computer game about the zombie of the same name, but the game was created much later than the appearance of a Russian mystical hospital.

In the following series, the "abode of evil" introduced characters depicting Russian special forces.

13-year-old Katya * pregnant from his former guy Gleb.

The term of Kati is approaching one and a half months.

"Make an abortion," says Maga. - Do not break my life, you have one.

"Mom said to me that if I do an abortion, she passed me in the orphanage." Well, or will lead here and drop in the mine. Type itself fell. And the grandmother said that if I brought in Podol, put it on the street with things.

Katya lives at Grandma, because mom drinks. Katya she gave birth to 15, and the first three years of the life of Katya spent in an orphanage. Favorite family story - Grandmother made Katina Mama to sign a refusal of a child, and mom on his age of his majority, threatening grandmother with a knife, forced to sign the necessary paper for Return Kati.

"Grandma still regrets that they took me back," says Katya, seals the VD.

"You would not drink," says Maga. - First trimester.

- What freak there. Even better - then, probably, will be allowed to pass. But even better to miscar.

"To throw out, you need to drink vodka," tiny Anya is engaging, "and not the VD.

- And I'll tell you a good clinic. Normally make it worth 15 pieces. What is expensive, I did at all about 25! But with rehabilitation.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

M.aGE 17, she did an abortion a year ago. Her young man went into the army when it was found that the magician was pregnant. "He put money for me like that and says: Decide - go. I thought. Who would take me from the hospital? My mother is very good, but she also said - I will not sit with small. "

Rthe ardet occurs on the balcony of the third floor of the Hp - Hovrinsky abandoned hospital. Three concrete corps, slowly leaving underground. For our spins, a different company is coming - one and a half dozen man from 10 to 30 years. Residents of Hp, "Stalkers", "Diggers", "Sweethearters", "Guards", "Ghosts" ...

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

A giant hospital complex for 1300 places (for comparison - in the Research Institute of Sklifosovsky 922 stationary beds) was launched in the 80th year, but already in the 85th construction was discontinued. According to one of the versions - financing has ended, on the other, the groundwater was performed, the river of a lighter, pokeled into the pipe under the building. At the time of termination of construction, three ten-story buildings, divergent star, were already rebuilt, the windows are glazed, the chambers are finished and the beds are delivered. It remained to put the elevators and railing. Inclusion was guarded before the beginning of the 90s. Then the security was removed - and the following years of the Hp was the construction stall for local residents. Improved everything.

Then there was a long property dispute between the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "MPK-TEKHNOTEX" and the Department of Property of Moscow. Won Moscow. In 2004, the order of the Government of Moscow was published - on the resumption of work. Tender won Medstroyinvest, but the "reconstruction" never started. After 20 years of exposure to the elements and aborigines, there was nothing to reconstruct.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

Now HPB goes underground. The lower floors flooded with water, the bottom never melts ice. Stairs without rail, non-fallen elevator mines, holes in the floor. On the floor - century dust, broken crushed stone and foam blocks - pieces of cement. Dripping water through the floors. On the walls - endless graffiti, real collective unconscious: "Patriots freaks", Ave Satan, Strogino Rulitis, recognition in love, poems, mat, names. As long as the state shifted the unfortunate of his pocket in his pocket, he turned out to be populated by those who did not have place outside.

N.and the 3rd floor grilled a dense company. Man 15 stand on a stone balcony, sit on the railing, swelling legs down. In the center of the balcony - the "table", built of bricks and boards, was littered with bags. Another table, real, stands at the wall. Purchases sat on it.

For the hands of two weeks in the HR - "grapeday", alcohol soda.

Most of the gathered people are not 15. They know the building as their five fingers, they know how to leave on dark corridors from cops and breed tourists money. Actually, a balcony of the third floor for the gatherings was not chosen by chance - hence the "entrance" - hole in the fence with barbed wire surrounding the building.

In the hole pulls ready, impressive schoolchildren, stalkers, female students, paintball players. Passion to the building costs 150 rubles from the nose. The price includes a "excursion" - children conduct groups on the building, rubbing local legends. Presented "Camohran". The "guard" itself is now presenting the magician, but it is not in a hurry to catch tourists: "It used to run, listen to the building, to listen to the building. And now I myself bring money. " Money to defend must be given: "All the same I buy bouts." A little later, other representatives of the protection - rats, Alex Criminal wanted, Bugai Zheka.

In fact, there is no security in the building. Chop was put in the 90s, then - in 2007, when the next guy fell into the mine. With the protection of magicians and other residents, complete mutual understanding arose - did business together. Then the chop from the object was removed, and residents remained and continued to business.

So that there were no complaints, "Protection" shares money with the operatives of the ATS "Hovrino". Operatives periodically take schoolchildren who are toss. The guards do not drive them, with reluctance, but are divided with drinking and cigarettes, allowing excursions. But in the case of a raider of cops, everyone for himself. Here, in general, everyone for himself.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

1.26 PROMILLY found at Jumper, 0.9 - Psychic, "says Katya.

Jumper - a girl with bright red hair - wrinkles. She was 14, but she is still in the 7th grade - after she was caught in the Hp Hp and registered in the children's room, the school left her for the second year.

- In general, when you see the cop, you need to yell: "Dragon!" - says psych. - He will turn, and you will run.

"Well, took us with Katka, put it in the hospital," Jumper continues. - Katka on the fourth day rodaki was taken, I was on the fifth. But before that, I missed them all the branch!

- When was it?

- Well, when Zhenya did a nasaka.

The guys are called rape.

Boys throw knives. Each knives are here. Most often it is trophies - selected from unlucky excursions.

Katya and psycho take each other fists, not stopping hugging. Finally go "on the fourth floor".

The discussion of the Catinus continues.

"She frows on something, cigarettes," says Maga. - Let it be 100, let 150 rubles, but still. Yes, I would lend her money if she asked. Let the profit from the excursions go to her.

"Leaflets would be overclocked," jumper eats.

"I worked in Rostiks in the Rostiks," I stove at the layer.

- Well, you have a star, Shakhtar at all.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

The "miner" of the layer was nicknamed for huge tunnels in the ears - 2.5 and 3 centimeters, respectively. But he likes the battle nickname, he likes much more.

Brother of the Lama - a master of sports on boxing, fought in Chechnya. Elder brother I keep silent.

"Here in the first grade I brought a twice, I press me." First, ten times, then - a hundred times. Tired of pressing - squat. Tired squat - press. Fed condensed milk to grow muscles. Before the fifth grade I was all ... [beat], then I became all.

Learn the layer never started. But KCC by kickboxing. But the shoulder injury, 2 years without classes - and I got into the HPB.

His story is similar to many. Not audible here.

With a brother, I still communicate. With my mother - no, "she yells on me, and I do not like it."

- I'm legend here! - yelling the layer. - Tell me, jumper?

"He's a legend here," Jumper says very seriously.

- Who will get up for the layer? Jumper?

- All Hp.

- Oh-oh-from. Did you hear? I heard? Because I'm legend! Legend! Anyone!

As an example of "excellent strike", I tell how to hit my girlfriend from Tver.

- Polchlebala swallowed, the capillaries flooded ... and from one blow! By the way, I have not traveled for a long time, it is offended, probably.

- The pathologist is the only doctor who does not kill, "says Shaman to your children.

Shaman for 30. Swollen red face, oily hair, black leather jacket. He has three young children, and the fourth - "in the stomach". Drink a lot. He served in Chechnya, and now in a white fever wearing a building, waving an invisible butt. He also "straightens the energy" field, leading hands in front of the face. For this and nickname.

"Guards" do not like him - the shaman that and the case pursues earnings. But the boys are constantly spinning around the shaman - they learn to be guided signs. The right to the excursion should also earn.

Below, in the meantime, a businesswitted stalker company appears - four guys in camouflage, at one under the opposite gas mask. Shaman descends, his retinue from 12-year-old boys, magician. The conversation is built standard: "Who are?", "The territory is closed and guarded", "Do you need to call protection?", "Ready to go to the department?" The statement that it is necessary to pay 150 rubles right now, the guys perceive calmly. We pay and ask to show the nonsense.

The nonsense is a room on the basement floor, one of the legends of the HPS. Allegedly, the Satanic group of Tusyl in the building and brought human sacrifices. Then the riot police, tired of the murders, hooked the building, drove the satanists in the basement flooded with water and blew overlaps ...

- Is it true that their grenades blew up? - Tourists ask.

"I, when in the 81st hospital in anatomy worked ..." - begins shaman, paving. - I was in place at the point in that shift. Says: They brought already dead guys - and equipment for transplanting organs. And organized the operation of the FSB ...

The nonsense itself is not very different from other rooms - dust, crushed stone, sunlight through windows of windows. On the walls - Pentagram and praise Satan on Vine Slavic and in English, with terrible grammatical errors. Here, the inhabitants of the HPS are usually celebrating New Year.

"Yes, the last Satanist here in 2007 came," Mage says quietly. - They caught it in the basement with a knife. Mom native! On the face - white flour is somehow, black puddles. Guys rzut, films. We say - what is your name, the wound? He is Zinzan. Well, Jeka gave him a couple of times. He immediately: Sergey I, Seryozha! Fullings then litto with him. "

Satanists are cunning. Sometimes they make their way to the building and are painted inside. "And then run with the knives on the building, one even with the machete caught."

In addition to the standard excursion, except for the nonsense - the edge memorial (a monument to the schoolboy, "cinema corridor", stained with construction foam ("These are your brains, these are your guts, these are your heads"), the roof, the basement, where so far pore "Satanist's corpses float."

We descend "for minus" - for minus floors - watch a dog. The dog died for a long time. Skins, bones. Shamans picks up in the bones of stick, reads a lecture on dog anatomy. The boys take a dog to mobile: "And the paws are connected!"

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

The absolute majority of legends produce the guards themselves. More often not on purpose - so, the magician in a white dress, having sobering "I like that you are not sick with me," was described by random eyewitnesses on the Internet as a "ghost of the deceased bride." The bride stepped after her beloved from the roof of the HPS and now "walks, sings and kills." Sometimes Maga recalls its participation in the school theater. Then the tourists are organized crazy ideas with a fisherman's grandfather, a girl with a ball, a housewife with a rolling pin, Manyak and death in Balahon. "The main thing is not to regain," says Maga. - Well, so that sneakers from under the balahon are not tall. " Well, weaning with iron in a parallel corridor, increase, exit dark with the reinforcement and with the question: "You want to die," this is not considered for the draw.

Some frightened pays to scare friends. Such formulations, the guards are suitable with even greater ingenuity. Somehow, a couple of thousand even simulated the detention of a dangerous criminal in the building, without staging on extras and traumatic cartridges. Proudly tell that the girl who "dangerous criminal" captured, holding a knife at the throat, described.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

In the hp mage hit 15. Then the guy died, and she spent a month in a mental hospital. "How - died? Killed him. The brake fluid was merged with the car. He was driving with each other. When I realized that I did not slow down, turned my side to the pillar. A friend stayed alive. And my also did not immediately die - in the hospital, there the nurse went to smoke, a muddy story. He actually went to the cottage to me. "

Now she is 17, but most of the inhabitants of the Hp is confident that it is much older. Walkthorn on belt, camouflage, long hair, chain look, calm smile. Absolute trust. A year ago, when "40 Dagestanis with Knives" appeared in the building for disassembly, the magician, until the "reinforcement" was approached, the alone convulsed.

Mague managed to learn the course in the honeycomb. Then he took the documents.

- I realized that I basically do not care ... do not care about other people's people. Save them ... And the doctor needs to give an oath. Oaths are not my topic at all. Otherwise, I will be the same as these indifferent bits in the clinics, says the magician.

In the summer of the magician will submit documents for public administration. Only wait for August, until 18 - "I don't want to interfere with this process."

The guys knowingly silent. Parents do not want to interfere in their career guidance. Moreover, the parents do not want to interfere in her life. As one girl formulated: "I am quite sufficient for their presence in my birth certificate."

- For me, the mother has already decided that I will be a cop. Oret: "Not even discussed," drunk fucked. And I want to be an archaeologist, "says Lisa. - I will go to Voronin caves in the summer.

- She is no longer hurting for half a year? Maybe everything will break, "says Anya. - And then in the bruises went to school, yes?

"I counted here ..." Suddenly tells Lisa. - Well, with all her miscarriages and abortions ... I would have 9 brothers and sisters.

- And nothing!

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

Boys go play. The game is quite simple: you take from the floor of the Foamclock - a concrete debris squeezed - and try to hit the opponent's head. In many ways, this is a game for spatial orientation - ambushes on the span above, jumping from the darkness, to dry out behind. In general, entertainment in the HPB is uncomplicated. In the summer, the girls sunbathe on the roof. Boys poop in the mines - entertainment, requiring skills and serious exposure. Appreciate the loudness of the strike. "Somehow flew over a tourist," says Maga. "And he is wonderful that, serious, three weeks came here - the spirits of the HPS, spatial anomalies, then. And here shit on the head. He was upset: Spirits, they say, do not want to take me. "

True, in 2009, enthusiasts were organized in the basement of the Hp skate. "Normal such guys came to us to consult," says Maga. - Well, we explained to them by laying - 50 to 50, they agreed. Everybody was removed there, the girls-graphic walls painted, right on the concrete drew menus. Bar, light, music, hire of skates. 600 rubles. From Friday to Saturday, 150 people gathered. And it was clean with clean 10-12 thousand. The visitor pays over 150 more - excursion. Somehow, and I and Zhekoy for two hours only with the excursions gathered 14 pieces. "

Skating rinking pepests. They took three thousand from the parties, all arranged everything. Then the opera learned about the earnings of colleagues. They did not agree with them - they asked much more. And one of winter nights Omon burst into Hp.

"The turmoil, all yell, someone falls on the ice. Well, we first brought those who knew us in the face as the organizers. Even some of themselves sneak. The cops themselves still frightened there: the music, drink. And then everyone took - who is the organizer? And no one knows. Who paid money? Yes, what money! Never closed us. "

Dimas poured to the balcony. 17-year-old, younger brother whirlpool. Write: "Where is she?!"

Somewhere in the building, Simka is hiding - Dimas girl. They quarreled, and now Dimas intends to turn her head. " He is drunk and absolutely insane.

Sucking and lay attempts to keep it.

- You do not lay, you are shit! - Oret Dimas.

Fight. Dimas will unpacing the layer, he strips his hand on the fragments under his feet. Dimas is enough for the throat.

- I'll break you.

- So what? - calmly says the groove. - So, what is next?

Dimas lets it, leaves. After some time appears on the roof. We go on the wing of the 4th floor - it is better visible. Dimas walks along the very edge, then the matter pulls one leg forward, in the abyss.

- He will not lose, - says the ditch calmly. - Well, that is, it will be reset, but not now and not because of it. Because he does not like her.

- But we flew the other day!

Drunk tai shirms on the hands of her theme guy. The topic, a serious curly boy, is trying to keep it. They are peers - they are 15.

- Tai, you lie. Eyes close and lying.

- Ducklings, ... [face of unconventional sexual orientation], I do not drink!

Taya, running away from the cops, jumped from the fourth floor.

"From a runway," grins Tia and looks at me focus. I suddenly understand that she is not so drunk.

- She was still shocked by two hundred meters, hid in the bushes ... damage to the spine, damage to the internal organs ... Taya, lying! Won dropped there ...

Below is a mess of the fallen branches, reinforcements and fragments of bricks, somehow covered with grass.

"It's just better to die than to the cops to get," the topic says proudly. - She is so.

"I also flew from the fourth to the mine," says Yen. - But on the back, on the backpack. And in the backpack there was a bank "Barn". And she burst! It would be better if I broke the leg than the bank "Barn"!

Dimas, meanwhile, descends to "say goodbye." Looks at all the look, freezes in a concrete doorway, then goes to hug guys, excommunicate girls. Returns to the stairs. No one is trying to stop it.

It goes around the edge of the roof, sometimes having simping. I start to apply.

The SIM card comes to the wing - a low Miloid 16-year-old young lady. Sucking does not rush to throw a couple of words with her, then shouts: "Dimas! Here you want to talk to you! "

Dimas descends:

- Who wants to talk?

- I do not see anyone. - Dimas stubbornly looks past. "I know, stood on the edge, I already lifted my leg." And then I think: so I'm because of this whore ...

Simka unfolds, quickly goes to the building. "Well done!" - yelling scrapping brother. Dimas runs after her.

Appear in 20 minutes.

"You must apologize in front of me," says Dimas whining.

- And who shouted: Jump, brother, come on, wait for you at the bottom?!

- I did not scream!

- He said that I did not like her ... And I love. Apologize.

- Well, I'm sorry, - the grooves will burst.

- I was already standing on the edge. I wanted to step. But for this girl ...

SIM card is pressed against it. In her eyes an amazing, radiating emptiness.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

The building always leaves the opportunity to die. On the parties to the corridor, it is also opening semi-meter failures, non-footing stairs with crumbling steps, pointed fittings, rocking on the ceiling, breaks in the walls. Under legs - bricks and bent iron pins, helping to stumble. But the main thing is "cross-cutting" mines of elevators. These mines have no walls - just a hole in the midst of a dark corridor. The corridor is illuminated by windows and looks quite harmless.

The inhabitants of the Hp with pleasure retell the names of all the broken, broken missing. It seems that the proximity of death, the possibility of care, the exit, which can open right under the legs, residents to taste.

Vienna cut everything, at least once. Shrama show not love. Scars are a failure.

- You take the jar, the stone is figure, the metal stripes are obtained, sharp ...

- Vienna cut meaningless. No one decorate scars. A person lacks attention, so he starts to create garbage.

- Oh, and we have a Patzan, Fedya. "I'll kill myself! Kill yourself! " We are like him: Come on! He brings the knife to his hand, and so ... well, that is, there is not enough will of his will kill himself.

- This is all the weather ...

- When a person is fine, no one is interested in how he is.

- There are friends in which they are dangerous.

- I was 8, my father died. Heart attack, yes. Mom is this: Come here. And I ran into my room from her. I moved the bed to the door and slept at the door.

"I'm afraid to cry," said Anya suddenly. - Most of all I am afraid to cry. I do not know why.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

Go here, to myrchi will be, - the magician takes in the direction of Dimas and Simka.

- Hairdryer (an arbitrary mix of amphetamine with drugs, does not have a constant composition. - E. K.) an hour ... [acts]. For docking cool. Joy so. Then he is already starting to pine, but not hard ...

They shook, then go. Returning minutes after ten minutes.

- Sim, under the nose, - throws jumper.

Simka sharply inhales the air to the nose, rubs the partition with his fingers, turns away.

- sniffing stagnation! - Dimas has fun.

- In short, see, the magician is serious. - I give you ten bags, you bring me ten pieces. In a gram bag. Gram - kosar, understandable? You can wait. In general, look at the client. If Lokh, beware boldly. The main thing is that there were no complaints about quality.

Pouchs - tiny bubbles from polyethylene - removed in the backpacks.

"You will always sniff yourself," says Maga. - Do not even nervous.

"And I'm clean," says the layer. - Some people are surprised right. They say: record holders, you're clean 4 days. I do not smoke, not ... Magic, pushing the layer, badly. I'm standing with you here, you can?

- 88 - our password! Win or die! - Oret Dimas.

BUTnTON, 22-year-old, tall, sputted guy, swept to the girls. "System engineer, it seems. - from 5 years after a computer, vision minus 5 ".

- When did the Second World War start? I knew it for five years!

- Well, in 41st ...

- What do you tell me? I am Freud, Jung read ... with Japan still fought. On Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the bomb dropped! How to make you learn something?

- No. The school is hell, "says Katya.

"You need to make a school in the Type of Claim," Anton continues. - The concentration camp will be planted. And you will sleep there. And there will be there. Only the constitution of the Russian is contrary.

Girls silently drink the VD.

- I'm afraid when you grow up. Fall in Europe, in Africa - away from you.

Anton lives very close to the Hp, one, so the center is constantly open. "You do not go to him to sleep," Katya warns. - He lap me all night. I did not sleep finally. "

- I love her. We met her six months. I had this style - Emo Hardcore, oblique bangs before the chin. And in March, the bangs screamed. 4 days I was not in the building, with my best friends. And she at this time on the three sides of the mud. I respond to her floor, I say - do you want to be with me? She is: yes. Then I see - she's standing with a disabled person! With disabled!

The disabled is Gosha - and now stands with Jena in an embrace, inhabiting Yagu. He has a lightweed cerebral palsy, walks like a dancing. Gosha just escaped from the five days, where his parents passed. Breasts: "We have barbed wire there." Parents Gosha drink, but "normal" - from pensions for disability issued Goshe at five hundred rubles a week.

Jena is contemptuously pushed towards the layer and silent. She is 15, a very beautiful girl, a cold look. The inscription "Digger Yen" on a backpack.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

A samurai is from the depths of the building - a man is 40 years old in a bathrobe, another legend of Hp. On the shoulder - Katana.

"I am glad to welcome you in place, terrible and incomprehensible," says Samurai and repeats the same thing on the Cantonian Chinese dialect.

In the building he meditates and drinks. "This is such a very tolerant place, accepts everyone who is bad outside," says Samurai seriously. - This is the perfect world, the world after the apocalypse. " Begins to exercise with a roller. The blade dissets air.

I lay, twisted around, asks Katana - Samurai passes with a bow. Suitable for Jena, wamps.

- Well, let's, - Jena looks right in his eyes. - Come on.

The residuous layer is thawed, pick up Katan.

"You're not even capable of murder," Jena says contemptuously.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

Alex Criminal wanted part with a handset in his hand: "Give a person here, pick up the cargo. I have stones by half, if the dollar push. " Alex - "Jeweler". Under the overall rzhach tells: "Brought out somehow in the house to the grandmother. There are 1913 coins. And then this wardrobe oak, 100 kg falls from above. Paul under me fails, and the cabinet from above. I call friends, and half-solid night, and they all sleep. "

Lisa is crying to Alex that "not turning out to be pressing" - today she could not dilute the money group of eight tourists: "Acroles are at all. I tell them - pay, and they: why should we pay? "

"Well, the right guys, what, is Alex grine. - You need to give people a choice, and otherwise you are like a gopot. Speak them: If you go cops, pay 10 times more. "

The case for practice seems to be pretty soon - three in the hole in the bottom of the throat. Guy, two girls.

Coney negotiations are never underway outside - random passers-by walking in the park can cause the police. From the balcony, the guys politely asked to go to the building, show the entrance.

When they come to the hallway, the path to retreat is already cut off - Anton gets up behind them, Alex, Selm and Lisa miss them.

- From where? - throws Alex.

"We are Altufeva," the girl begins to explain.

- Adults are there? Not? 58th article of the Criminal Code. 10 minimum salaries, and parents will take you. Call an outfit.

"Alex may agree," says Anton. - Let them pay and walk yourself.

Alex is adamant: "I don't need children on the facility!" "But after a while, Anton convinces him to" 150 from the nose - and let me "."

"We have no such money," the girl pulls. Her girlfriend, nervous, trying to see - and puts a lighter in his mouth. "Guards" laugh:

- Anton, call already in duty.

"Why should we pay money for you?" - Boy becomes engaging.

- Did you explain? - yelling the layer to be flown. - No, explain to you?

"We look, just don't explain how yesterday," Lisa is frightened. "And then left with two girls, one returned.

- We have no 600 rubles. But we are ready to pay, how much is, the girl becomes engaging.

Children have enough money for two VD and cigarettes - "Buy and bring." For purchases, children go to the station. "With a lousy sheep," Alex sighs.

In the meantime, the "policy" began on the balcony.

The "politics" of the beginning of the faith - 15 years, in the eighth grade, talks with everyone to "you".

"We have all right in the class, except for four," says Vera. - And the director in school - Arakelian. Armenian. And so, this ... [Nursery] dismisses Russian teachers who have been worked out for 20 years! The niece she walks by the queen. Somehow, we ate the trian-d lesson, so it broke up: drug addicts, drug addicts. The month was checked for school.

The right faith began to bring his older girlfriend - Marina. "She explained to me for life."

"They come from their Chechnya, feel like at home," says Vera as written. - With our girls go. From Chechnya, from another state!

"This is also Russia actually," Anton is engaging.

Short discussion in southern regions. Vera learns that Dagestan and Ingushetia - Russia, and Armenia and Azerbaijan - no.

"Here with leases by walking somehow the road to red, and there Khach in" Volvo "," continues Faith. - Skid and yells on us: "...! [Fallen women] "Well, that is, on your yell, but it is understandable to intonation. I am as follows: "Ziga Zaga!", And Zigu Kida. Well, they ran immediately, of course. They are animals.

- And we have a girl in the class -... [non-Russian] is. Aishat call, count up? - Anya is engaging. "So I have a birthday with her father on March 28." So zaverland!

- Gastarbaiter, struck an hour! - Oret Dimas. - We get rid of you!

"That is, I understand that Hachi is better than us," suddenly says Vera. - Everyone understands is honest. Therefore, they are ... [beat]. Do not drink for their cohesive. Look at us: all the men drink ... They have an attitude towards children, family, I see. Vera have them again. God for them. And the war must be cultural, that is, we fight our internal content. Somehow I came on Saturday drunk, on the control in Russian. And wrote for three. And I was ashamed! Because it is our, Russian, I know it for five.

- Here in Italy threw a piece of paper on Earth - fine! - Says Lisa.

- I'm not saying that good ... [neurussky] does not happen. Dvors, there, launching. Problems when they put themselves for people, they put themselves above ...

FROM The balcony notice two men. After the hole in the fence, they do not go to the building, but begin to bypass it: "Operators?"

Maga and Dimas are checked. Go down the transitions. Periodically stop listening, listening. When 1.5 meters remain to the Earth, the magician jumps - and falls to the ground, biting lips, joy. "The knee cup has come out, - hits. - I had breakdown bundles there. "

In addition, Dimas carries her on her hands. Maga tells - there was a CCM football, and two years ago, which is insulting, not even on the match - in training ... Anesthetized Analgin, and the magician squeezed all alcohol in the house. "The bone goes from then. Doctors say - familiar dislocation. "

In the injury of the magician does not want: "Rocking rats, he has everfalled." Rings, crying into the tube.

Growing comes, red strong bearded guy in biker leather. In the main building, he, and all in turn fit to him to say hello. About the rats know little - chuckled on role-playing games, very smart, it is he who negotiates with the cops. IN free time From "work in the building" sits a guard in a flower shop at the station. Inspecting the leg: you need to be in the trauma.

- schA, extra, I will go, - Maga opens the bank "Barn".

- Oh, let's get here, I'm collecting keys! - Oret Lisa.

"Keys" - rings from tin cans - Lisa hangs on the rope. Keys for a hundred, necklace is almost ready. "Only six are not mine here, the rest drank the rest," boasts.

Roughs goes to negotiations with Alex. Alex seem to gave not all tourist money. Alex nods on Shaman, and the guards are quietly negotiated to arrange Shaman tomorrow "Morning Long Knives". Then the guards are descended down and pretty quickly find those most men, whom Maga accepted for Operes. Bottom is: "The purpose of penetration on the object! The purpose of penetration on the object! Samurai, FAS! "

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

For the day of excursions, the guards accumulated 2.5 thousand, and the flight with Anton is sent to the store - Baton, Mayonnaise, "Winston", 2 VD, 2 "Barn", vodka. At the exit from the magazine, three guys in the sports pants, shoes and chains are braked. War down to "talk".

- With a bright Friday, dear. Although - who is bright, who is passionate, - begins Bugai, standing in the center. - Take us to the hospital on a tour.

Anton is taking.

- We need now. You said you are the guard - lead.

- Yes, I'm not a security guard, - pulls Anton.

- And we are in the case. You have a shallow running there, leva. We want to punish it. We need to Friday. Will you find it?

"Well ... yes, yes, if I see," Anton pale. "

The layer goes away and returns to the rat and it is unknown from where the rigging is a huge tattooed mountain of muscles. Men stand up opposite each other.

- Problems? - with a smile asks rats.

"We are from the Zelenograd street," Bandyuk begins. - Here the man has just said that Fraer. I asked 500 rubles from the nose.

"Yes, I don't ..." says Anton.

"And they are wagon," the rats throws.

- Here, and with him youngsters, the glue whims, the headlights are shining. Protection, ...! We went there in the case there. Do you have such a troops there, levy ...

- And who is your senior? - Specifies the rats. - Let's fly away.

Close the arrow on Thursday. On the arrow, the rats should pass the left bandyuk.

Bandyuki leave, wishing a "pleasant evening." For them go and "guards".

- ... what did you go? - Oret Anton on the layer.

Pone balcony is a cry. Moms came to the territory - two blondes in high boots and bright coats. One of the moms catch a psycho for a hood: "Quickly, ..., here." Psycho escapes, hiding behind the back of Anton, who came out with Liza from the building.

Bottom is: "You bitch!"

Finally, one blonde is enough for another: "Ira, let's go."

"And my mother and I went to the water park," Anya boasts. - There is such a slide, "toilet", so it liftedly rubbed. And in general, I am home today. My father promised 3 thousand to give me. If you do not give, I will kill him.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

We climb on the roof. Seven floors on the stairs without a railing, legs buzz. On the roof it is very warm, only now we understand how it was cold in the building. Lay on a heated moss. Sasha with a plaster on the cheek, the girl of Ratsol, says that the first time came to the HPS at 7 years old: "Then everything was different. Won there is a pond, wooden houses. Sunset here was cool to meet. Now - the highlights everywhere, Hp is almost the lowest building in the area. "

From the station there are ads of arriving trains. Above the helicopter area is circling a white dove. Behind the helicopter platform tear faith.

- And you know that there is such a sign, if the pigeon is flying around you, you can make a desire? - Says Lisa. - Nothing is not coming true. I tried.

- And what made himself?

- Yes, five thousand birthday.

Vera comes out due to the site, takes out the phone, the number is typing for a long time. Screaming into the phone: "What are you suggesting me here! Has something did not get fat?! "

- And I wanted to open a cure for cancer. From 12 years old I had such a dream, "Sasha suddenly says.

FROMlet's start on the fourth. There is a yen and guys towards us: "Cops, cops".

We run by corridors. Yen hides in a break in the wall, turn, children run through the corridors.

Before Gosha remains before us. He runs wide, the nylon jacket is inflated, his hands are grabbed over the air.

Rotate, run into absolute darkness. We slow down, go slowly. Heard how Gosha runs ahead. Suddenly the steps are interrupted. Shore nylon.

We light the mobile phones. In the steame, the square failure, fenced with a ten-centimeter side. Through the elevator mine.

Gosha lies on four floors below, tearing face in bricks. Long hair completely closes her head. It does not move.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

On floors rushing:

- ATS "Hovrino". To stand, ...!

Leans, turn over. They ask us to call an ambulance from the mobile - "Will ride longer." Two employees conveold us on the stairs. There is already beating in the hysterics drunk Anton.

- Let me go! This is my friend! My friend, you do not understand! - Hold it.

"I also saw a lot of things," the opera says. - They are already engaged. Do not interfere.

- Mother spank him! - continues to yell Anton. - I took him to my house, so that he would have gotten something there!

- What, ..., climb? What is ..., climb? - Says another. - 11-year-old, ... would shift everyone.

Very calm rats are descended from above. Throwing Anton: "Do not killi," he immediately stuck. Offers help - medical education, "intensive therapy". Cops refuse.

- Which Opera will come? - Specifies the rats.

It turns out that he will come tolay and talk to him. "

Roughs takes towards one of the operatives. Talking in a low voice, laugh.

Anton is no longer yelling - switched to a favorite topic - weapons.

- Butt the belly from the other side, unfold and shoot. And if without butt ...

- No automatic weapons without butt, - operas looks contemptuously.

Two men rises around the stairs: "We are parents. Polekov Stanislav, 15 years ... "

"Here look there, there one fell there," the opera throws.

With fossils, men descend to mines. Soon come out - "not ours."

- And why? - asks attentive cop.

- Defense.

"The main thing is that there is no exceeding," advises.

Driving up "ambulance" and MES. Go to mines, consider. The female doctor goes to smoke with the operations: "Breathing is, now will raise."

Gosha soon comes into consciousness. Calls the name, date of birth. On the question "What hurts?" Begins to cry.

Gosh ship on fabric stretchers. Blood flows from the head, dirt fabric. They carry the corridors to the exit. Conduct failures on the sides of the corridor, descend on bulkheads.

"How did I fall? How did I fall? - Begins to cry Gaja. - I know the building, I could not, I know the building! "

From darkness crashes a bored topic: "Gosh, Gosha! This is my friend! Go away, I myself pour! " One of the Operes pulls away the guy, hits a fist in a cheekbone, and he gives a cry.

- Will you still meow?

- Got it?

Moms are found at the ambulance. Rush on Anton: "It's he, he kept my son! Tanned: he will not go anywhere with you, he will not go anywhere, he is my friend. You are a bastard! Where is my son? "

"You're a Catholic bitch ..." Begins Anton.

- I'm orthodox!

- Why are you, ..., Orthodox?

Anton is climbing hands, put on the hood, handcuffed handcuffs.

Mom explains in curious passers-by: "I am His: Misha, the Father here. And there is still a small one tells me: you are whore. Slava minor, kill them ... "

- Will you write a statement? - Specifies the opera. - On this?

- I will write, I will.

We are planted in a car with the theme. The boy holds proudly, smiles boldly: "I will tell dad. Dad will arrange you. " Envigator beyond the wheel.

By turning around before the separation, pulls out the topic from the car and beats in the chest. The boy has a knees: "I can't breathe."

The topic is inserted into the department, thrown onto the shop. He tries to rise, Moms, who were nearby, grab his hands: "Calm down, calm down." The boy breathes his mouth, the tears splash out of the eyes.

- You will all apologize!

The ensign leans over him, smiles - and suddenly enough for the collar, pressed his forehead to the crying head:

- When you scare, look in the eyes, bastard. Look in my eyes.

"My father will come ..." - begins the guy, choking.

Women clap his mouth with his palms:

- You are a man. Silent, terp ...

The ensign notes my attentive glance, pulls out to smoke.

- Police officer Ananyev Zhenya. Well, write to me a complaint, which. I ... [juvenile] the same. I can not influence him, unfortunately. If he at least say something if she is affectionately, he looks at you like shit. And so he will define something in his head.

"Yes, a hundred per year," Sladeak says lazily. - How summer, we are there every day. Fall ...

"When you have your own children, when you beat them, you will understand," says Zhenya. - Well, will you write on me? I will prepare for a citizen, I served for 15 years. Such here ... [juvenile] pull out, and he does not breathe.

TOthe waspania is stuck at the stop - the magician is going to go to the traumapunk, accompanied. Blinking, laughter - schoolchildren rejoice that they left the police again.

- Alive? Well, glory eggs! - Write Katya. - Second person in the mine! Who is next?

Yena, Goshi girl, calm:

- I do not like anybody. But it would be better if it was a layer. He says to me: do not conduct an excursion, one dider in the building will be less. It would be better if he fell ... from the roof - and right on the head.

"Or it would be better to take it in the mentack," Katya objects.

- And under Chop, and under the cops, and under us - always these youngsters fell, - says Maga. - You can't do anything. - She is also absolutely calm.

- Shaman, Be Tomorrow at 12, - says rats. "We ourselves will approach, and you collect money from tourists."

- Okay.

The layers wear circles, screams:

- I have injury now. The year is still - and will heal. Year more, girls, and that's it. I leave here. Sensei will again drive me in the snow.

C.yerez 9 days the layer dies, falling into the elevator shaft from the ninth floor.

Photo: Anna Artemieva / "New Gazeta", 2011

* Some names and nicknames are changed.

For several dozen years of residents and guests of the northern outskirts of Moscow, inhibit the abandoned building, similar to the Ghost Ghost - Hovrinskaya Hospital (Hp). The bad glory makes people bypass by him, and some, on the contrary, manites with darkness, mystery and terrible legends. What epithets only knew the Hovrinsky abandoned hospital, the photo of which make the blood passed into the veins. It is called Ambrell by analogy with a gloomy closed corporation from the movie "Resident Evil", unfinished, non-brief, Hovrining. The walls of this hospital saw murders, suicides, gloomy romance, stalker parties, and, of course, not one dozen addicts and alcohol lovers. It all started with the Grand Plans of the Soviet authorities.

History HZB

Most of the buildings of the USSR times do not differ in particular originality and are similar to each other as two drops of water. But only not the Hovrinsk hospital, the story of which, like she herself, is shuffled by the cable of secrets and legends. A very unusual layout of the building in the form of a triangular cross of Biohazard is not similar to anything around.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a grand hospital complex at 1,300 beds was born in the minds of the metropolitan authorities in 1980. For comparison, in the current Research Institute. Sklifosophical - 900 seats. For the construction of the complex, the Hovrino district was chosen, where at that time there was not a single hospital at all. Several famous architects took up the creation and implementation of the project. The construction lasted for 5 years, during which time it was decided to give the hospital to the Hovrinsky district government.

As a result, by 1985, a 10-storey commander in the style of post-war brutalism, having lavished between practicality and aesthetics, was already tested not far from the highway. From the fact that the Era of HPS began: the history of the hospital was interrupted by giving way to numerous speculations, legends, rumors. The project was suspended, and then closed at all. During the restructuring, no one was doing to the unfinished monumental structure.

Why is it abandoned with a Hp?

There is a lawsager question: if the city, and then the District so necessary was the Hovrin hospital, why not completed the building? What exactly forced the authorities to freeze the project, it is not known for certain. Exists two main versions: lack of funds and problems with the foundation.

It is said that the cemetery was previously located on the site of the building, but in fact the foundation was laid in the epicenter of the swampy dump. The swamp was dried, but apparently incorrectly. This led to the flooding of basements of the structure even during construction. It was not possible to correct the design of the designers, the chances of passing the host commission to zero, as the hospital could collapse at any time, misunderstanding all 1300 beds along with equipment, staff and patients. Representing a possible catastrophe, the project was banned and closed. The undeveloped was taken by the fence and barbed wire, put the guard, which after a short time it was self-confidently, throwing an object to the arbitrary of fate. That's where it began the most interesting.

For some time, the winds flew over the corridors of Hovrins. And then a certain sect of Satanists who called themselves who called themselves was joined.

Members of ominous sects were, mainly the garbage of society - drug addicts, tramps, alcoholics. But somewhat normal, but fanatically confined people. They were the first to sprinkled the abandoned Giant Blood Building. The sectarians are located in one of the basements, where they installed the altar and conducted their black masses with sacrifices. Dozens of animals died on the hands of Satanists, and according to some data and people. Before the start of the new millennium in the area of \u200b\u200bthe HPB, cases of the disappearance of people who were not found either alive, nor dead. Brought by crazy fanatics sacrifice Satan, they disappeared without a trace of this world. When statements about the disappearance accumulated too much, the riot police intervened. They say they staged a region on sectarians and blew the cellars, buried Satan's adherents under the wrecks. Since then, their sinful swollen bodies float in basement lakes, and non-adhesive souls wander on gloomy corridors. In fact, no one exploded anyone. The police really arranged a cloud on Satanists, after which they were detained and delivered to where it relies.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba nemistrator followed by another company DevolOkliknikov - Black Cross. These guys wondered their dark divids on the fifth floor unfinished, about which eloquently narrate the walls kicked by the Satanic symbolism. It is believed that they still live in a hospital in a secret room for a sliding wall. But no one can confirm these rumors. However, as to refute.

After the acceleration of the sectors of the nonsense, the hospital premises flooded everything to whom not too lazy. There were shelters and bums, and drug addicts, and criminals, stalkers, photographers, and curious teenagers. The gloomy Hovringer Hospital legend has protected from external encroachment, so everyone who got into her bottomless subsoil, threatened a big danger. In fact, the danger really existed and exists so far. But it lies not in embitting sick leave and ghosts, but in rotten structures, concrete failures, open mines sticking out the fittings.

Not surprising and rumors about numerous suicides committed in the walls of the Hp. However, only one confirmed fact is confirmed. In 2005, a sixteen-year-old guy Alexei Krayushkin stepped into an open elevator mine from the eighth floor, suffering from unrequited love. At the scene of Suicide, a memorial plaque was erected, where the teenager's memory came to honor his friends. But "experts on unfinished" assure that the body of Kraiushkin was found at all at the bottom of the mine, but in one of the utility rooms. Above the doorway, an ominous inscription appeared that the soul of "edges" was resting here and the entrance to this room is prohibited. Curious prohibition violators assured that a translucent silhouette of a teenager was seen, easily passing through the walls.

On this horror stories Hp does not end. Lovers of gloomy romance and extremeth are that and the case in conversations of the Baika about Horvinsky ghosts, about massive deaths from falling into the mines, about the deaths of the victims of victims in the tunnels. Hovrins legends flourish out of time: strange cases born by human imagination, and occurred, and occur in the walls of this hospital to this day. But it does not scare extremal.

Visit Hovrinka and take a picture of the famous inscription "Hospital This - the region of miracles, in her got, and there disappeared" - a great achievement among the connoisseurs of entertainment of Stoking and adolescents. They do not be afraid to accidentally stupid and fall, because the hospital is under the protection of the mythical god of Rafa, which protects visitors to the unfortunate of trouble.

There is also the real "god RAF" - a private security company that took the patronage over the building in 2011.

Demolition of the Hovrinsk hospital in 2017

Parents of mutually explosion of kids and adolescents have repeatedly stood up about the need to demolish the hospital. Even accustomed to the neighborhood "Ambrells" the locals were expressed that without a complex of the city landscape would look better. Therefore, the news that the Hovrinsk hospital demolished was perceived by "Hurray". This decision was made by city authorities in 2015, promising to allocate about 1 billion rubles to the relevant work from the city budget. Save the hospital will no longer succeed. The building, 30 years olds in favor of unreachable to the joy of winds, rains and swamps, is in an extreme emergency condition and is not subject to recovery. Therefore, demolition Hp is inevitable. At the site of the world's largest long-range residential or commercial buildings may appear. However, so far the plans of the authorities exist only orally, and lovers of acute sensations continue to master abandoned corridors and compose chilling blood Legends.

Where is the Hovrin hospital

The more Baeke appears around Hovrins, the stronger its lifeless corridors are sitting in lovers of all unusual and mysterious, which are quite naturally issued by the questions where the Hovrinsky abandoned hospital is and how to get there. In the Northern District of Moscow, Hovrino road to the hospital will tell everyone. It is located near the Khovrino railway station and Grachevsky Park, accurate address - ul. Klinskaya, 2, Corp. one. The Giant Building Jumping Greens is surrounded by a fence and somewhere even barbed wire, but does it be frightened by the seekers of real adventures?

Hovrinskaya Hospital on the map

To accurately get into the complex, you can use the navigation of Google or Yandex cards. Hovrinsky abandoned hospital on the map is bangible by an ominous sign of biological danger. However, from the satellite the building looks quite harmless. And what impressions will remain after the Soviet long-term symbol seen, you can understand when you visit this strange, legendary object.

About the Hovrinsky abandoned hospital can be told for hours. For 30 years of its existence, this building gathered horror stories and legends much more than real facts. If you yourself want to figure out where the truth, and where is the fiction, go to a candy tour of Hovrinka. Just be careful, because the brought by closer does not forgive mistakes.