The most unusual houses of the world. The most unusual projects of houses in the world (67 photos)

Building your home - the dream of many. Anyone who thought about it would like the individual house, not like everyone else. There are people who are the most insane fantasies embody in real architect. Here is some of them.

Strange houses of the world


In Texas, USA, there is a house-kettle. A strange building that does not have tenants. From where and when he appeared the locals already and do not remember, but someone regularly visits, although no one knows the truth.

In Portugal, there is a bunch of stones covered with the roof. At least at first glance, this is exactly what it looks like. But, nevertheless, this is a completely inhabited house and ordinary people live in it. The house-stone in its own looks attractive, despite his strangeness.


In Pennsylvania, USA, 50 years ago a house-boot appeared. Comfortable housing with all possible amenities. The designer thought of the owner gave a similar view of the entire concomitant strange building: a dog cone, a mailbox, a pointer, and even a birdhouse.

In Sopot, Poland, there is a "curve house". Strange, all curved, but at the same time a striking harmonious building, erected in just a year. His owners - a famous Swedish artist and Polish illustrator live in it to this day.

House Royal in China

China has a stunning building. Among the wasteland is a huge piano with a violin leaning toward him. The house is not a residential, this is a place where students of the music college are improving their talents.

House in the clouds, Suffolk

In Suffolk, there is a "house in the clouds". A huge water tower, turned into a residential house in a residential house. There are no permanent inhabitants at home, but anyone can remove this home overnight and spend there for several hours, a grain of the ground.

In Warsaw there is a kind of tiny house, applying for the title of the narrow house in the world. The width of the main facade is only 122 cm, and the most narrow place at home, from another angle - 72 cm. The house is two-storey. He was inhabit just six months and with just one tenant. Now it is an art studio. It is intended for all creative people of the world.

House of broken dishes in France, Luvier

In the Louviere, there is a house broken dishes. The original name appeared due to the unusual interior design. The entire finishing of the room inside and outside is made of mosaic, which is collected from the shards of all sorts of broken dishes. Even the dog booth did not go around such jewelry. The house is inhabit and the son of people who built him live in it.

In Darmstadt, there is an unusual house "Forest Spiral". Twelfth-storey residential building for 105 apartments has a view of a seashell spiral. At the same time, this is a completely comfortable building with its garage, a bar, a cafe, a children's playground and a small artificial lake. One of the affecting moments are windows having a different shape and dimensions scattered throughout the facade in full disarray.

Building and basket in Ohio town

In Ohio, USA, there is a unique office "building and basket". It has the kind of shopping basket, even the handles for the basket are from above. The view is completely unusual. Seven-story basket!

Inverted house

In Tennessee, USA, there is a "inverted house." His appearance has its own history. Allegedly, once this house was completely ordinary, but scientists who worked in it, created a tornado as an experiment, which turned over the house with legs on the head, that is, on the roof. Nobody to turn it back, so they use them now.

Every new year, for more than thirty years, we are glad to see the wonderful comedy "Irony of Fate, or with a light steam!". Fate swirl over the hero, throwing it into another city, but the street was the same, and at home, and the apartments, and even the keys approached!

Here in such an averaged and the same we live with you, but there are people who do not want to live like puzzles. And they build their own, nothing else is relevant at home.

The highest house on the tree

At home on the trees are building not only children for entertainment, but also adults so that they are equipped with a fairly comfortable home. One of these houses in 2004 was built by the environmental defenders and became the highest home on the tree.

This house was located on the island of Tasmania at a height of at least two hundred feet from the ground and consisted of 2 platforms. The record holder was a kitchen and a shower. For five months, six people lived in it, attracting the attention of the world community to the deforestation of forests and buildings of Australia. Now the highest house on the tree does not exist.

"Dancing" House in Prague

The "dancing" house, erected in the historical part of Prague, is absolutely embarrassed from the surrounding landscape. It consists of two cylindrical towers, one of which is symmetrical and correct, and the second is twisted in such a way that it may seem that the building was broken into dance. It has long been recognized as one of the most original architectural creations in deconstation style.

"Dancing" House - Project of Architects Vlado Milunich and Frank Geri

Unusual transparent house

A unique transparent house is built in Japan. The project developed the architect Su Fujimoto, striving with the help of transparent walls to create a house combining all neighbors. He called HOUSE Na. Its total area is only fifty-five square meters. Rooms in apartments are located on the diversion platforms.

Plus such a transparent house in the abundance of light. The disadvantage is the same transparency, because it is almost impossible to hide from other people's eyes. At night, the walls of the house are closed blinds, thanks to which the inhabitants become invisible to all observing them outside. It will rightly notice that House Na is not the only transparent house in the world. Many countries can boast of transparent structures.

"Curve House"

In 2004, a unusual house of a fantastic appearance was built in the Polish city of Sopot, which further received the name "Curve House". His project created the Swedish artist Per Dalberg, inspired by the fairy tales Yana Marina Szanser. He conceived to give the building a fabulous look. It should be noted that he managed to realize his conceived.

On the pages of the Internet "curve house" is very popular. By participating in the "Great Dreamers" contest, the "curve house" was named the best architectural project. Numerous tourists seek to take pictures on memory against the background of such an unusual structure. Today it is located a shopping center with a variety of shops, cafes and bars.

House "Piano with Violin" in China

The building is located in the Chinese city of Huainan. It is made in the form of a violin leaning to piano. A transparent string tool is the original entrance to the building, it is here that an escalator is located for lifting in Royal.

This is a joint work of students of the Hefey Technological University and designers of the company "Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co.". Experts have provided nightlighted, which makes the landmark decoration of the city not only during the daytime.

The inhabitants of the American city of Kansas City will surprise the question of how to go to the library: after all, its building is impossible not to notice: it is made as vintage foliants. Among them, "Romeo and Juliet" Shakespeare, "The Lord of the Rings" J.R.r. Tolkina, "Kill the crossbird" Harper Lee, "Tale of two cities" Charles Dickens and other famous books.

"House Sutyagina"

It is also known about Russian unusual houses. One of them was in Arkhangelsk. It's about the "House of Sutyagina", which was built out of the tree in the old technology.

Unfortunately, the "House of Sutyagin" was so fully and not completed. His master was arrested, and after serving the term no longer had a material opportunity to continue construction.

The height of this thirteen-story wooden structure was forty-five meters. Eyewitnesses tell that being on the thirteenth floor, you could see the White Sea. During the construction of the owner of the house planned to put it in the Guinness Book of Records. Unfortunately, the unfinished house recordsman is lost. In 2008, by the court decision, it was reduced to 4 floors (permission should be on the construction of higher private houses), and in 2012 the structure destroyed the fire (a neighbor's saucer caught fire).

Deposit at the house of Sutyagin

Unusual "House-Basket"

In America, Ohio has a house that resembles a huge monument to a wicker basket. In fact, this is a house that is the office of Longaberger, specializing in the production of baskets and other braid products. The building was built on request of this company. This construction spent about thirty million dollars.

Thanks to this original appearance at home, the company practically does not need additional advertising, because the "house-shopping cart" is the most real attraction, which everyone knows about.

Amazing "House-Cactus"

The house similar to the cactus was built in the Netherlands in the city of Rotterdam. Wishing to bring a person to nature, the architects created a project of the house, which later in the top ten of the most "green" skyscrapers. The house was compared with the cactus due to the open terraces.

In a unique 19-story house there is ninety-eight apartments. Balconies of each of them semicircular shapes, due to which the plants growing on them are lit from all sides. Outwardly, these balconies resemble large improvised steps, as if screwing out like a spiral up. "House-Cactus" is a real decoration of Rotterdam.

"Brutal" House Moshe Safdi

Architect Moshe Safdi built a residential complex of 354 concrete cubes in Montreal, chaotic delivered on each other. In this array there are 146 apartments. It is called this style "brutalism".

Salvador Dali Theater Museum

Here is a large collection of works Dali. The creation of this house, the artist dedicated 10 years of his life.

"House Flinstonov"

Every fan of the cartoon "Flinstone" knows about the "House of Flinstovna" built in Malibu on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. As you know, the cartoon heroes live in prehistoric times. Thanks to the work of architects, the house turned out to be cozy and comfortable, although inside and it seems that you are in the cave of the times of Neolithic.

The owner of this unusual house-cave is Dick Clark - TV presenter from the United States. Together with his wife, he decided to expose his home for sale, while the price was three and a half million dollars. Now everyone elsewhere has the opportunity to settle in the house built in the cave and recreating the interior of a popular cartoon.


An unusual house built literally in stone is located in Portugal not far from the town of Fafe. He, too, resembles the dwelling of prehistoric people from the cartoon "Flinstone". This house built in 1973 Viktor Rodriguez in the mountains between two huge boulders. The purpose of creating this fabulous dwelling is to find a place where it would be possible to retire and relax with the family away from civilization. Surprisingly, according to the site, none of the most expensive homes in Russia has not fallen into the list of the most unusual buildings.
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The world is full of creative minds capable of changing how we perceive even the simplest things, for example, at home. Surely in your hometown there are interesting buildings, but they will not compare the most unusual houses in the worldthat we are going to show you.

This house, designed and built by F2 Architecture, is coming to the Great Ocean Road in Australia. His unusual location guarantees visitors exciting views and, perhaps, fear of height.

Pole House is built at an altitude of 40 meters, on a very cool slope, which clearly represented the problem. And architects came up with the most intriguing decision. They created a concrete platform on a pylon with a height of 13 meters and placed the house on its top. However, this gave rise to another problem - the lack of convenient access to the dwelling. To solve it, architects built a narrow concrete bridge, which connects the house with the hill.

19. Steel House, USA

The following design is followed by the list of strange houses on Earth, more resembling a giant artwork. And having learned her story, you will understand why it is. It all started in 1973, when Sculptor Robert Bruno began his eccentric project. Since then, before His death in 2008, he worked on Steel House in Texas, performing all the work manually without any assistance.

The house (which was never completed) has a very unusual form that can be interpreted in different ways. Some think that he resembles UFO, others argue that the building is more like a massive insect. And there are those who compare it with the imperial combat walkway AT-At Walker from "Star Wars".

18. Slide House, Japan

This is one of the most fun houses in the world, while its design is surprisingly simple. The central part in it occupies a giant slide, which is an integral part of the building. It passes through the entire inner perimeter of the building, which has rounded corners.

This wonderful house was designed by Level Architects and was completed in 2009. An ideal place for children and their cheerful parents who loving cool descents.

17. Pas House, USA

This is not just a house in California, but a skateboarder's dream. Its fancy design is the result of Francois Perrena's cooperation, Ledbo Ledowant and their client, a professional skateboard and ex-champion of Pierre Peter Andre Senserkees.

The interior of the house consists of three main zones, one of which is intended for skateboarding. There you can ride almost on all surfaces, including walls, ceiling and even furniture.


A photo of one of the most unusual and beautiful houses on Earth is very much reminded by a giant maritime shell. And not in vain. The house was designed by Javier Senosian, who screamed inspiration from the images of Nautilus (genus challenges of mollusks).

Of course, the appearance of the house was a bit stylized, and its shape and design were adapted for a comfortable stay in this amazing architectural decoration. The project was completed in 2016, and one of its most noticeable elements is a wonderful wall of color mosaic. It creates an exquisite rainbow effect.

15. Hotel Costa Verde, Costa Rica

This is one of . The Boeing 727 served his plane was delivered to the construction site in parts. He was then represented on a 15-meter pedestal at the edge of the National Park in Costa Rica. From there, an amazing view of the jungle opens.

14. Star Trek Voyager, England

Live long and prosper in this house created to repeat the interior of the Star Trek Voyager spacecraft. Even LED lighting and intergalactic sound effects are recreated.

13. House Na, Japan

"We have nothing to hide," this could seek a brief description of this extremely unusual home. It is made completely transparent (with the exception of the bathroom, of course) and consists of 21 separate plates.

A strange house with an area of \u200b\u200b85 sq.m. Located in Tokyo and was an designed by Sou Fujimoto Architects. Her clients are a young couple - were inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bliving on a tree. In some sense, the whole house is a giant room divided into several small rooms. At night, the curtains are covered from the curious eyes of the inhabitants of the house.

12. Flintstone-Style House, USA

So the house of Flinstonov would look, if they were our contemporaries. All in this pseudo-primitive California dwelling looks as if made of stone and has uneven surfaces, lines and angles. At the same time, the whole design looks very organic. The interior of the house is one huge room.


"You do not suffer from claustrophobia? But you will suffer, you will! " - Could say the hatch master of iodine if young Jedi visited the most narrow house in the world. Its width is only 122 centimeters, and it is in the widest place. You can find this unusual structure in Warsaw, Poland. It is wedged between two other buildings.

There is no windows in the house, but it is translucent and has a white interior, which visually expands the space.

10. Water Tower Conversion, Belgium

You can live even in the water tower, and quite comfortable. Numerous towers around the world were turned into cozy at home, and some of them really make a glance.

One of these houses is located in the Belgian village of Stenskakerzel. The water tower was built between 1938 and 1941 and was in operation until the 1990s. At some point, she served as a guard tower, and in 2007 it was completely reconstructed and was converted by Bham Design Studio to a single family house.


This very strange dwelling was built in 2008 as a tourist attraction in the commune of Trasssenheide in the north of Germany. The house was commissioned as part of the "The World Upside Down" project, which allows visitors to consider everyday objects from different points of view. The house is fully furnished, except that all furniture is also turned upside down.

8. Toilet House, South Korea

Sometimes advertising shows dangerous bacteria that live in the toilet. But it turns out that other creatures may be in the toilet. People, for example.

In 2007, the mayor of the city of Suvon instructed to design the museum of toilet bowls in honor of the foundation of the World Toilet Association. His construction cost 1.1 million dollars. From tourists there is no selection, and the exposition in the museum is though small, but very funny. There are both the first toilets and modern models of the "White Friends of Man".

7. H2OME - anywhere with clean sea water

Perhaps this crazy house is not the most innovative idea, but his concept seems cool. US Submarines Structuress seek to build luxurious dwellings immersed under water. Access to the house is possible from the coastline on a private pier and down the central elevator or a spiral staircase.

One such marine house will cost 10 million pounds. However, it is so, small things compared to. For this price, you will also get the opportunity to choose a suitable place on the seabed.

6. Dupli.Casa, Germany

This villa looks as if she descended from one of the paintings of El Salvador Dali. One of the most strange houses in the world was designed by a group of architects and designers under the guidance of the famous Berlin architect Yurgen Mayer, who is not the first to create bizarre structures from glass, reinforced concrete and even a tree.

5. Hobbit House, Northern Ireland

Back in 2003, Simon Dale took over the grievance task for the construction of a low-rise residential building for his family. Under the influence of the "Lord of the Rings" franchise, Dale began to build a cozy Hobbit House, bought 7 acres of land and materials worth 3,000 euros. After 4 months of diligent work, the fairy-tale house was completed, and it must be said, it is a very cute and cozy dwelling both outside and from the inside. Would you like to live in such a way?

4. Psychedelic Mansion, Bolivia

In 2005, the Creative Bolivian Architect Freddie Maman designed this mansion, similar to a spacecraft to celebrate the political autonomy, this nation of Aimar. The building is a "acquired confidence" of Aimar and "Economic Flowering" of Bolivia.

3. Domes for the World, Indonesia

About 70 domes houses that were built by the American company Domes for the World for residents of the village who have lost their homes as a result of an earthquake that occurred near the city of Jokyakarta in May 2007.

Buildings can withstand wind speed up to 190 km / h.

2. Dr. Seuss House, USA

This strange and fancy house is height in 12 floors, it looks like it appeared straight from a fantasy book. The building located in Alaska was inactive several years before the local resident acquired him to be owned. But we are not quite sure whether it will save all these floors.

1. Shark Attack Home, England

The most ordinary house in the world, just flew by a huge shark and decided to say hello to the inhabitants of the house. Yes, right through the roof. These migrate sharks are so awkward!

The building belongs to the writer and the radio host BBC Bill Heine. We do not know what prompted it to order precisely such a design, but we know that this house with a 7-meter shark of the carcass from fiberglass immediately became a local attraction.

Tired of monotony, typical sizes and shapes? It's time to go beyond the usual and get acquainted with the most famous and unusual buildings of this world!

We are awaiting a lot of interesting and amazing! Let's start with the Krivoy House - the most beloved and famous travelers in Poland.

This unusual home is completely deprived of direct corners. It was created in 2004 by the architects of Zalevsky and Schotin. With the inherent European accuracy architects entered such an unusual design into the historical part of the city, while with the maximum benefit for nearby shops and cafes and external harmony with the surrounding buildings. Inspired by architects on the creation of such a bold facility drawings of the artists of children's books of Oscar Dalberg and Jan Marcina Shantsone.

Despite the fancy appearance, the house curve is incredibly functional and rightfully considered one of the main attractions of the city. Near this, truly extraordinary building constantly boils life and movement. On the first floor of a bizarre house there are cozy cafes and shops. And on the second there are studios of popular radio stations. You will be in Poland - be sure to take a picture against this futuristic structure.

2. The perfect Palace of Ferdinand Chevalia in the city of Revision (France)

This amazing house is the creation of the French postman. It is incredible, but without special education Ferdinand Cheval has conceived and embodied the matter of life.

For his home he was looking for and carefully picked up the stones. When building used only cement and wire. His house is a merging of many styles and various cultures of the East and West. In fairness it is worth saying that the construction took His 33 years of life. In 1969, his extraordinary house received the status of the monument and became the main attraction of the town. Having gained fame, the author wished to be buried only in his palace, but received a refusal, after which the resourceful Ferdinand built a family crypt in a single style with a house where he rests to this day. The uniqueness of the house is in his "soul", it is multifaceted, as the whole world, every person will see something from their culture in it.

3. House-stone (Portugal)

This house lives in full harmony with nature in the mountains of Portugal. It was created by nature itself, and the man breathed into a stone life ...

This amazing structure has 2 floors and is located in a picturesque place in the mountains. Because of the big attention of tourists in this house, no one lives.

4. Bubble house Pierre Carden (France)

This unusual home was built for the same unusual owner - the famous fashion designer Pierre Carden - his good friend Ant Lovag.

In the bizarre housing and unusual furniture.

5. House-Planet Sheikha Hamada (UAE)

Initially, the house was created for the comfortable movement of Sheikha Hamad in the desert of the United Arab Emirates. The house in the form of a globe includes 4 floors with 6 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms.

The width of an unusual house is 20 m, and the height of 12 m. Since 1993, the building decorates the Guinness Book of Records.

6. Dom Sutyagina (Russia)

Let's not go far for unusual houses. Our country is an inexhaustible resource of talented authors and their extraordinary buildings, no exception and the wooden skyscraper of Nikolai Sutyagin.

This Arkhangelsk Miracle House is the highest wooden structure in the world. It was created using the technology of our ancestors - without the use of nails. From the building with a height of 13 floors, an amazing view of the White Sea was opened. Yes, it was opened. The house was recognized as illegally built and in 2008 disassembled up to 4 floors, and in 2012 the building was completely burned. Only the foundation remained from the world's first wooden skyscraper.

7. House-hole in Texas (USA)

One day, the artists and designers Dan Hevel (Dan Havel) and Dean Ruck (Dean Ruck) decided to create something impressive. So in 2005, in the state of Texas, on the site of destroyed construction, the house-tunnel began its existence.

At the heart of the whole creation lay the philosophical thought about the fragility of being.

But it existed this art object for a long time: in the same 2005, he was demolished.

8. "Attacking House" in Vienna (Austria)

The "attacking house" is not residential, this is an installation created by one of the most famous sculptors of modern Austria, expressing the author's attitude towards the prefabricated designs of the same type of family houses.

The dimensions of the art object reaches 60 m². So that with such dimensions to make his stay on the museum building safely, it was necessary to work well over the steel frame.

9. Hotel Hang Nga, or Crazy House (Vietnam)

Inspired by the creations of Antonio Gaudi, the architect and the hostess of the hotel (in one person) Hang Nga created his fabulous house, which guests nicknamed the "crazy house."

She moved to Dalat (Vietnam) after almost 10 years of stay in Russia and began to embody his project. At the view of the hotel is a huge tree with decorations of caves, cobwebs and giant animals. The basis of its creation there are no classical techniques with straight walls and lines. The building is completely consisting of labyrinths, oblique lines and bends. Vietnamese thought for a long time that such a style is common practice for Russia.

At all times, a person attached great importance to his home - the entire further life of his family is connected with the place. Therefore, it is not surprising that the process of building the house is suitable with all seriousness, without limiting themselves in fantasies and, without exaggeration, putting into their house a part of their soul.

Nowadays you can see at home that may affect the imagination of the complexity or, on the contrary, the simplicity of its design. We offer you a selection of the most unusual structures in the world, each of which undoubtedly absorbed part of the personality of its owner.

(Total 22 photos)

1. House-aircraft that you can see on this photo is located in the village of Miziair, North Lebanon. Miziair is known for its extraordinary homes, and see the buildings, resembling ancient Greek temples or Egyptian ruins, will not be a wonder. (Photo: Aziz Taher / Reuters)

2. On the roof of this house, located in Oxford, you can see the shark statue. The sculpture made of fiberglass and reaching a length of 7.6 meters was established in memory of the 41st anniversary of the reset of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. (Photo: Eddie Keogh / Reuters)

4. House, similar to the ancient Greek temple, in the construction process. Baalbek, Lebanon. (Photo: Aziz Taher / Reuters)

5. On the roof of this 19-storey building, located in Guangzhou, the arbor trees is illegally erected in the greenery. (Photo: Reuters / China Daily)

6. This house is built on a rock near the River River, near the western town of Bayina Bashta in Serbia. The house was built in 1968 by a group of young people who decided that the rock had a river - an ideal place for tiny shelter. So tells the co-owner, one of the company built a house. (Photo: Marko Djurica / Reuters)

7. Houses on the roof of the building of the plant in Dongguan City District, Guangdong Province, China. (Photo: Reuters / China Daily)

8. A small house of the model "Dug-Field", riding on the highway near Colorado. The construction of tiny houses originated several years ago thanks to lovers of a simple life. The area of \u200b\u200bthese small houses ranges from 93 to 9.3 square meters, but, nevertheless, they are difficult to call shacks. (Photo: Rick Wilking / Reuters)

9. 38-year-old Luj Linaco carries his house in the Chinese town Shapu. Five years ago, Lui decided to return on foot to his hometown Rongansk County from Shenzhen province, where he was previously on earnings. From undergraded means - bamboo, plastic bags and sheets - Lui made a "portable room" of 1.5 meters wide and two meters high. The room weighs about 60 kg, and Lyu constantly carries her on himself, passing on a day about 20 km. On the day of the publication of this photo, Lew was at a distance of 20 km from his hometown. (Photo: Reuters / Stringer)

10. Geliode, bioclimatic sunny house, was built in the town of Kosviel near Strasbourg (East France) in 2011. The house is a huge three-dimensional sundial. It is set at a certain angle in relation to the movement of the Sun, so in the hot summer months in the house there is always a shadow and coolness, and in the fall, in winter and spring the sun in the sky is located below and shines directly into large windows, warming the house inside. (Photo: Vincent Kessler / Reuters)

11. On this photo are captured by girls, jumping on a trampoline near the house built right in the rock. An unusual house is located in the Rockland Farm Cooperative in Utah. "Rock", on the memoirs of members of 15 families living in it, was built about 35 years ago in sandstone deposits near the Canyonland National Park. (Photo: Jim Urquhart / Reuters)

12. In this photo you can see a Bulgarian woman looking into your home, equipped directly in the wine barrel. In Central Spain, there is a whole camp consisting of such unusual houses, 40 inhabitants of which are ethnic Turks who come from Bulgaria to collect grapes during a six-week annual harvest. They sleep in overturned wine barrels of about about the car. The improvised camp is located in the Castile La Mancha not far from the Society Society of Agricultural Society. (Photo: Andrea Comas / Reuters)

13. Boguyl of Llchot, a 73-year-old builder, elevated his house near the town of Jablonec-Nad-Nisou, a hundred kilometers to the northeast of Prague. Ince the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a unique house came to mind, and in 1981 he began construction. The man wanted to build a dwelling closer to nature and earth to be able to use the cool dungeon temperature. Construction was completed in 2002, the house can move up and down and rotate in different directions, which allows you to change the view from the window. (Photo: Petr Josek / Reuters)

14. This house is close to San Jose del Pedros in the Northern State of Mexico Coaauil. For more than 30 years, Benito Hernandez and his family live in a strange house from a saman brick, dried in the sun, and the roof serves as a rock with a diameter of 40 meters. The accommodation is located near the city of San Jose del Pedros in the arid desert Coaaul, approximately 80 kilometers from the border with Texas. (Photo: Daniel Becherril / Reuters)

15. Architect Harry Chang rests in a hammock in his apartment, which is located in Hong Kong and takes 32 square meters. Chang grew precisely in the same small apartment and now came up with an innovative solution for more and more cramped conditions of citizens. It is a "transformer apartment", just like in fantastic films. (Photo: Bobby Yip / Reuters)

16. This is one of the most narrow houses in the world. It was built as an artistic installation between two buildings in Warsaw. The width of the building is only 92 centimeters, it was built for the Israeli writer Etgar Keret. Kereeth told the TV channel TVN24, which will live there, coming to Warsaw twice a year. The writer conceived this project as a kind of memorial to the families of his parents who died due to the Holocaust during World War II. (Photo: Kacper Pempel / Reuters)

17. These 70 dome-shaped buildings were built by the American organization in the village of Samb Cherchajo near Jakarta for residents left without a roof over her head because of the earthquake, which occurred on May 8, 2007. (Photo: DWI Oblo / Reuters)