Summary of physical education entertainment in the senior preparatory group “In the Land of Health. Outline of physical education entertainment for the preparatory group Outline of physical education entertainment

Sports entertainment for children

preparatory group

"Brave, skillful"

Target: lift your spirits, evoke an emotionally positive response, and strengthen your ball handling skills.

Preliminary work: performing exercises with a ball, outdoor games with a ball, pins, hoops.

Attributes: balls for a subgroup of children, 2 sets of pins, 4 hoops.

Progress of the event

A teacher with children in sportswear enters the gym to the music.

IN.: To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical exercise,

We need to study!

And today we guys are celebrating our merry ball. He loves to roll, jump up and down, bounce against the wall - in general, he loves to play. And today we will play with him. Become pairs opposite each other. The game is called "Toss and Catch". (D The children become pairs and throw the balls to each other with a clap)

IN.: Well done guys, we helped the ball warm up, and now we will play a common game with two balls.

The teacher conducts the folk game “Ball Race” (M.F. Litvinova “Russian folk outdoor games”)

IN.: Well done boys. They played well. Now you need to divide into two teams of five people, the rest of the guys can go to the fans' bench.

Held relay game “Knock down the pins”

Children line up in two columns of 5 people. At the other end of the hall, the teacher lines up 2 sets of pins opposite each team. The children's task is to knock down the pins with the ball, each child once. Knocked down pins count as points. The team that knocks down the most pins wins. The game is repeated with another group of children.

IN.: Our next game is “Plant the Cabbage”, and instead of cabbage we will have our balls. Now those guys who were “sick” are divided into two teams.

Held relay game “Plant the cabbage”.

Children stand near two hoops. At the other end of the hall, in two hoops there are balls according to the number of children. At the teacher’s signal, the children must run, take one ball each and transfer it to their hoop - “plant the cabbage in the garden.” The first team to plant all the cabbage wins.

IN.: You guys are great, everything is fine, you play together. Now I suggest you take a break and help me finish the poems:

1. Fun football game

The first......(goal) has already been scored.

2. Someone ran away quickly

and without the ball flew into ...... (gate).

3. And Petya slams the ball with his foot

and hit the boy in the ..... (forehead).

4. The boy laughs merrily,

A big......(bump) is growing on my forehead.

5. But the guy doesn’t care about the bump

again he runs after.....(the ball).

And as a farewell, a fun game “Like this.”

Children stand in front of the teacher and say the words “That’s it!” and show movements in accordance with the text that the teacher pronounces.

Text Children say and show

How are you? Like this! (show thumb)

How are you swimming? Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you going? Like this! (walking in place)

Are you looking into the distance? Like this! (put palm to forehead)

Are you waving after me? Like this! (waves hand)

How are you being naughty? Like this! (hit puffy cheeks with fists)

The children leave the hall. During the walk to the kindergarten site, they continue to play with the ball.

Physical instructor:

You've warmed up well!

The holiday went more joyfully.

New tasks await you,

Difficult tests!

Rearrangement from a column of one to a column of two.

Physical instructor:

Who among you does not know boredom?

Who's the jack of all trades here?

We must go through the path with obstacles

And come back to your team.

The team that completes the task first receives 2 points, the second - 1 point.

But to move on to the first task, guess the riddle:

In the forest near the stump there is bustle and running:

The working people are busy all day.

He builds himself a city from forest debris. /Anthill/

The first task is a test:

"The Hardworking Ant"

Participants with a bag on their back take turns running to a landmark, running around it, returning back, passing the baton along with the bag to the next players. The team that overcomes the test the fastest wins.

And again a riddle: On the daisy at the gate helicopter landed - Golden eyes. Who is this? ...Answer: Dragonfly

The second task is a test:

"Fast Dragonflies"

Participants take turns running to the landmark, running around the pins standing in the way and also returning back. The winner is the team that overcomes the test faster and does not knock down a single pin.

Well done guys, you did a good job!

And again a riddle:

Jump and gallop is not a little man.

Jumping in the grass /grasshopper/

The third task is a test:

"Happy Grasshoppers"

Participants take turns jumping from hoop to hoop, run to a landmark, run back, and pass the baton to the next one. The team that overcomes the test the fastest wins.

Well done guys, you did a good job!

Now let's play the attention game “Nose-ear-nose”. Be careful! Everyone plays!

Touch your nose with your finger and say: “Nose.”

Repeat one more time. I'll do the same.

If I say “ear”, they must show the ear. It's clear? Let's start!

The instructor says “ear” and points to the chin. Having fun. The game is repeated several times.

Well done guys, you did a good job!

And again a riddle:

She has all 40 legs.

Often walks without paths.

Doesn't wear shoes.

He doesn’t know how to put on shoes.

Legs run without a path -

This, children, /centipede/

The fourth task is a test:


Team members place their hands on each other's shoulders. In full force they run to the landmark and return back. The team that overcomes the test the fastest wins. And the last riddle:

Wings made of wax.

Striped belly.

Flying everywhere

Honey is collected /bee/

Fifth task - test:

"Caring Bee"

Each team receives 3 dice. You need to place the cubes one on top of the other and, holding the bottom cube, carry them to the landmark and back.

The team that completes the challenge the fastest and doesn't drop a single cube wins.

Well done guys, you did a good job!

Physical education entertainment for children of primary and secondary preschool age “Secrets of gnomes”

Author: Koval Svetlana Valerievna, physical education instructor, Kindergarten "Ryabinushka", no. Piskovichi.
Description of the material: This scenario will be of interest primarily to physical education instructors and educators. The presented games can be used for older children. Sports entertainment has been prepared for Health Day and helps introduce children to the basics of a healthy lifestyle through play.

Scenario of physical education for children of the primary and secondary groups of preschool educational institutions.

Goals: Create conditions for effective physical development. Preserve and strengthen children's health.
Tasks: To create the need for physical activity, to arouse interest and desire to engage in physical education.
Improve the ability to navigate in space and act on a signal.
Develop physical and mental qualities: dexterity, speed, attention, imagination.
Equipment: 6 pieces of planks, 6 pieces of cubes, a ribbed board, a rope or rope, dummies of puddles, a video projector.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic and Aesthetic"
Children enter the hall; on the screen is a video letter from the gnomes.
slide 1.

Instructor: Guys, a video letter was sent to our email today, let’s watch it together.
Gnomes: Good morning kids, we are waiting for you to visit! Our friend the moth will help you and show you the way.
Children line up in a column one at a time and complete the task to the music.

slide 2.
Instructor: Become one after another and don’t lag behind,
Let's walk along a narrow forest path,
Further along the bridge, over the bumps,
Let's jump over the puddle,
Let's go around all the stumps, run along the path, take your slow pace, walk with your toes, breathe.
(walking on a rope, a ribbed board, planks, a snake, jumping on two legs, running after each other.)

A game:"How are you?"
The children answer each question in chorus: “That’s it!” – show the desired movement (action).
How are you? - Like this! (Show thumb.)
How are you going? - Like this! (Walk in place.)
Are you running? - Like this! (Bend their arms at the elbows and show how they work with them when running.)
Do you sleep at night? - Like this! (Put their hands under their cheeks and place their head on them.)
How do you take it? Like this! (Make grasping movements with their hands.)
Will you give it? - Like this! (They make movements with their hands. As if they are giving something.)
How are you being naughty? - Like this! (They puff out their cheeks and lightly slap them with their palms.)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (They shake their finger at their neighbor.)

slide 4.
Gnomes: Well done, friendly guys! Here is our first secret, do exercises every day!
Animal exercise.

Once - squat,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit exercise.
How can the little foxes wake up?
(Rub your eyes with your fists)
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
(yawn, covering your mouth with your palm)
Well, wag your tail
(movement of hips to the sides)
And the wolf cubs arch their backs
(bend your back, lean forward)
And jump lightly
(light jump up)
Well, the bear is clubfooted
(hands to shoulders, palms into fists)
Paws spread wide
(feet shoulder width apart)
Either one or both together
(stepping from foot to foot)
Marks time for a long time
(swinging the body to the sides)
And for those who don’t have enough charging -
Starts all over again!
(spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up)

slide 5.
Gnomes: Second secret, take more walks in the park, there are a lot of trees, the air is clean and fresh.
Outdoor game: “Game with a bear”
Children stand in a loose group near the side wall of the hall.
Mishka (a child) is sitting on a chair against the opposite wall, sleeping soundly.
The children go to Mishka and sing.
Along the path, along the path
We will all come to Mishka,
We will clap our hands
And let's wait a little.
They stop, clap their hands and hide their hands behind their backs during the last words.
Bear: The bear wakes up, stretches, sings, turning to one or another child.
Who was clapping here? Who was stomping around here?
Children: Children answer Mishka, showing with gestures that they did not make noise.
No, not me, not me, not me.
Bear: The bear sings, stamping his foot angrily, the children stand and listen.
You were clapping here
Have you been stomping around here?
I'll catch up with you now! The bear sings, raising his arms up to the sides, and at the end of the game he catches up with the children.

slide 6.
Gnomes: The third secret is to always be on the move!

Outdoor game:"Moths"
Children pretend to be moths. An adult recites the words of the poem:
On the green in the meadow
Moths fly.
And from flower to flower
They flutter merrily.
Children run, wave their winged arms, and “flutter.”
Tanya went out onto the meadow,
She has a net in her hands.
Be careful, little moth!
Fly away quickly, my friend!
“Moths” run away from the adult to the flowers.

slide 7.
Gnomes: The fourth secret is a good mood!

Outdoor game:"The mice dance in circles"
Children - “mice” - dance in a circle, in the middle the “cat” “sleeps”
Mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
“Hush, mice, don’t make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up
He’ll break up our round dance!”
At the last words, the “cat” wakes up and catches the “mice.”
Children can hide if they sit on chairs (climb into holes).

slide 8.
Gnomes: Fifth secret, choose only healthy foods, eat right!

A game:“Clap, stomp.”
Instructor: The gnomes will name the products, if they are healthy, we clap our hands, if not, then we stomp our feet.
Guys, it's time for us to go back, have we remembered all the secrets of the gnomes?
Children:(children's answers.)
slide 9.
Instructor: Let's thank the owners. Thank you, see you again!

Presentation on the topic: Secrets of the gnomes

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests, there is a huge country. It is called the land of health. Guys, I invite you on a journey!

Let's go ahead

Many discoveries await you.

We follow each other

Forest and green meadow.

The bridge swayed to the sides

And underneath him the stream laughed.

The horse walks across the bridge in small steps.

We can do this too.

A bear is walking, making noise in the bushes.

We can do this too.

We go one after another

And we'll come to the swamp,

Let's cross the barrier in a moment,

And jump, jump, jump over the bumps.

We're walking, we're walking,

We raise our hands higher,

We don’t lower our heads,

We breathe evenly, deeply,

You see how easy it is to walk.

To make our trip fun, I invite all children, girls and boys to turn into little people from my favorite fairy tale “Dunno in the Sunny City”. There are only short people living in this city. Anyone who crawls under this ribbon (there is a ribbon stretched on the collars at the entrance to the site) and never touches the ground will turn into a real cheerful and dexterous little man! Forward!

Dear shorties and shorties. Our journey continues.

To be healthy, strong and brave, we are together now, let’s do some exercises here.

To become strong and agile, let's start training.

1. Bogatyr.

I.p.o. s., hands below.

Slowly raise your arms to the sides, inhale and clench your fingers into fists. 8 times

2. Boxers.

I.p. stand in a stance - right leg forward, arms bent at the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Boxing for 15 seconds.

3. Weightlifters.

I.p.o. p., fingers clenched into fists.

Raise your hands up, lower them to your shoulders. 8 times.

4. Swimmers.

I. p. legs slightly apart, arms bent at the chest.

Extend your arms forward to the sides.

5. Gymnasts.

I. p.o. s., hands below.

Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, head down, stand up, arms to the sides, move your leg back.

I. p. legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. Run in place.15 sec. Alternating with walking 3 times.

Now let’s blow on one shoulder, then blow on the other. Let's blow on your stomach until the tube becomes your mouth. And then let’s look at the clouds and stop for now.

They quickly reached out and smiled at me.

Our journey continues. Dear shorties. This is a bridge for the bravest of you. To walk along it, you need to be able to keep your balance. So, go ahead!

Ahead of us is a swamp. To get to the shore you need to jump from hummock to hummock. Will you overcome this obstacle? Of course, because you are dexterous and fast.

In order to continue our journey, we must complete a very difficult task. You need to throw all the cones that lie in our way into the basket.

And now, after we have overcome all the obstacles, we can play.

Guess the riddle,

You will immediately see the answer:

Very important game

Jumping ropes,

Preparation to become a master

True hardening.

The outdoor game “Fishing Rod” is played.

A new game has arrived, a difficult task.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves".

Hares galloping across the clearing

Suddenly someone's shadow flashed -

The hares hid behind a stump.

Come on, bunny, get up on your toes,

Look around. Isn't he sitting behind a bush?

Gray wolf with a big tail.

Suddenly the wolf runs out

There are plenty of gray bunnies.

Hurry, bunnies, go home

The angry wolf runs uphill.

Our sporting journey ends. You are brave, strong, dexterous, athletic children. And now, in order for you to turn from little runts into big children, into future first-graders, you must answer all my questions correctly.

I will ask questions, and you, if this is about you, answer: this is me, this is me, these are all my friends. Do you agree?

1. Let’s ask everyone now,

who here likes jokes and laughter?

2. Who is used to your routine and does exercises in the morning?

3. Tell me, brothers, which of you forgets to wash your face?

4. And one more question,

who doesn't wash their nose?

5. Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

6. Which of you, say out loud,

catches flies during class?

7. Which of you is always ready,

live life without doctors?

8. Which of you will give up your seat to old people on a cramped tram?

9. Who doesn’t like tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons?

10. Well, who will start dinner?

with imported chewing gum and sweets?

11. Who has eaten and brushes their teeth every day, twice a day?

12. Who is not afraid of frost,

on skates flies like a bird?

Well done! Do physical exercise and sports. Be healthy! Our journey is over.

Ekaterina Kuchmistaya
Summary of physical education entertainment in the senior group “Jumper’s Day”

Prepared: physical education instructor E. V. Kuchmistaya

Summary of physical education entertainment in the senior group« Jumper's Day»


Formation of children's need for a healthy lifestyle.


Strengthen skills in performing various types of jumps;

Develop agility and reaction speed.

Create conditions for the manifestation of positive emotions.


2 jump ropes, 6 hoops, 2 flags, 2 racks, rope (string, 6 pins, 4 soft balls.

Progress of entertainment:

Instructor physical education welcomes children:

To the sports ground

I invite you, children.

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us.

(Children march in a circle and stop)

Instructor physical education: Today we have « Jumper's Day» . What do you think we will do today? Yes we will jump in a variety of ways. Ready?

Don't be lazy early in the morning

Get ready to warm up.

(Warm-up in a circle - jumping in place with a turn around, jumping legs together - apart, forward in a circle - back from a circle, random jumps in a circle one after another)

Instructor physical education: Have you warmed up, guys? Aren't you tired? Do you want to continue?

We walk and play.

The sun warms us all.

Became athletes -

Success awaits us ahead!

Game exercise « Jump over the stream» (two jump ropes)

(performed using the in-line method, an option is to use additional jump ropes - "rivulets" different widths, children have a choice - through which "trickle" jump)

Instructor physical education: Well done guys, everyone jumped over the stream. Nobody got their feet wet?

Do you want to continue? Then the next task awaits you. But to implement it we need to split into two teams (division can be done in different ways).

Jump forward quickly

And the team will take the prize.

Relay race « Jumpers»

(jumping from hoop to hoop, running back to the team, passing the baton - clapping the transmitter’s palm against the recipient’s palm)

Instructor physical education: Well done, both teams did great. Not tired: Are we waiting for the next task?

We are not champions yet,

We are still preschoolers.

We are all growing up as athletes,

We are friendly guys!

Relay race "We are athletes"

(standing high jump - jumping over a rope, back to the team - run, handover of the baton - clap)

Instructor physical education: great, well done everyone. But that is not all. Let's move on to the next task? Are the teams ready?

Here are the balls for you guys, -

Train dodgers.

Who will report it faster?

He will bring a prize to the team.

Relay race "Kangaroo"

(The ball is hidden under clothes on the stomach. Holding the ball with your hands, you need jump forward, rounding the pins, back to the team - run, passing the baton - clap)

Instructor physical education: Well done guys, both teams completed the task quickly.

And now it's time

Let's play, kids.

I suggest playing a game of your choice.

An outdoor game of children's choice.

Instructor physical education:

That's all you guys are today.

They were clever and brave

And you showed yourself

From the very best side.

And that's why now

You receive prizes.

(prizes awarded to all participants)

Children walk to cheerful music "lap of honor" and leave the site.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of physical education entertainment “Space training” for the senior group. Date: 04/07/2016 Venue: gym. Objectives: 1. To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through development.

Scenario of physical education entertainment dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in the senior and preparatory groups Integrated educational areas: o Social-communicative o Speech o Cognitive o Physical Types of activity: o Game;.

Summary of physical education activities together with parents in the second middle group The purpose of entertainment: to promote the emotional rapprochement of children and parents through physical contact carried out in the joint motor.

Synopsis of physical education in the early age group “Journey to the Winter Forest” Objectives: 1. Enrich children’s motor experience, promote the development of children’s interest in mastering basic movements, outdoor games, etc.

Program content: 1. Strengthen children’s ability to navigate in space, teach them to act according to a pattern. 2. Develop motor skills in children.

Goal: Develop basic motor actions; Develop physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance; Promote development.