Amino Acids Chemistry Briefly. Chemical properties

Amino acids exhibit the properties of both acids and amines. So, they form salts (due to the acidic properties of the carboxyl group):

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + NaOH (NH 2 CH 2 COO) Na + H 2 O

glycine sodium glycinate

and esters (like other organic acids):

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH NH 2 CH 2 C (O) OC 2 H 5 + H 2 O

glycine ethyl glycinate

With stronger acids, amino acids exhibit the properties of bases and form salts due to the basic properties of the amino group:

glycine wisteria chloride

The simplest protein is a polypeptide containing at least 70 amino acid residues in its structure and having a molecular weight of over 10,000 Da (daltons). Dalton - a unit of measurement of the mass of proteins, 1 dalton is equal to 1.66054 · 10 -27 kg (carbon mass unit). Similar compounds consisting of fewer amino acid residues are referred to as peptides. Peptides by their nature are some hormones - insulin, oxytocin, vasopressin. Some peptides are immune regulators. Some antibiotics (cyclosporin A, gramicidins A, B, C and S), alkaloids, toxins of bees and wasps, snakes, poisonous fungi (phalloidin and amanitin of the pale toadstool), cholera and botulinum toxins, etc. are of peptide nature.

Levels of structural organization of protein molecules.

The protein molecule has a complex structure. There are several levels of the structural organization of the protein molecule - primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.

Primary structure is defined as a linear sequence of proteinogenic amino acid residues linked by peptide bonds (Fig. 5):

Fig. 5. Primary structure of a protein molecule

The primary structure of a protein molecule is genetically determined for each specific protein in the messenger RNA nucleotide sequence. The primary structure also determines the higher levels of organization of protein molecules.

Secondary structure - the conformation (i.e., the location in space) of individual sections of the protein molecule. The secondary structure in proteins can be represented by an -helix, -structure (folded sheet structure) (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Secondary protein structure

The secondary structure of the protein is maintained by hydrogen bonds between peptide groups.

Tertiary structure - the conformation of the entire protein molecule, i.e. folding in space of the entire polypeptide chain, including the folding of side radicals. For a significant number of proteins, the coordinates of all protein atoms were obtained by X-ray diffraction analysis, with the exception of the coordinates of hydrogen atoms. All types of interactions are involved in the formation and stabilization of the tertiary structure: hydrophobic, electrostatic (ionic), disulfide covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds. These interactions involve radicals of amino acid residues. Among the bonds that hold the tertiary structure, it should be noted: a) disulfide bridge (- S - S -); b) an ester bridge (between a carboxyl group and a hydroxyl group); c) salt bridge (between the carboxyl group and the amino group); d) hydrogen bonds.

In accordance with the shape of the protein molecule, due to the tertiary structure, the following groups of proteins are distinguished

1) Globular proteins which have the shape of a globule (sphere). Such proteins include, for example, myoglobin, which has 5 α-helical segments and not a single β -fold, immunoglobulins, which do not have an α-helix, the main elements of the secondary structure are β -folds

2) Fibrillar proteins ... These proteins have an elongated thread-like shape, they perform a structural function in the body. In the primary structure, they have repeating regions and form a sufficiently uniform chain-secondary structure for the entire polypeptide. So, protein α - keratin (the main protein component of nails, hair, skin) is built from extended α - helices. There are less common elements of the secondary structure, for example, collagen polypeptide chains forming left-handed helices with parameters that differ sharply from those of α-helices. In collagen fibers, three helical polypeptide chains are twisted into a single right super helix (Fig. 7):

Fig. 7 Tertiary structure of collagen

Quaternary protein structure. The quaternary structure of proteins is understood as a method of folding in space of individual polypeptide chains (the same or different) with a tertiary structure, leading to the formation of a structurally and functionally unified macromolecular formation (multimer). Not all proteins have a quaternary structure. An example of a protein having a quaternary structure is hemoglobin, which is composed of 4 subunits. This protein is involved in the transport of gases in the body.

At break disulfide and weak types of bonds in molecules, all protein structures, except for the primary one, are destroyed (in whole or in part), while the protein loses its native properties (properties of a protein molecule inherent in it in a natural, natural (native) state). This process is called protein denaturation ... The factors causing protein denaturation include high temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, concentrated acids and alkalis, heavy metal salts, and others.

Proteins are classified into simple (proteins) consisting only of amino acids, and complex (proteids) containing, in addition to amino acids, other non-protein substances, for example, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids. The non-protein portion of a complex protein is called the prosthetic group.

Simple proteins, consisting only of amino acid residues, are widespread in the animal and plant world. There is currently no clear classification of these compounds.


They have a relatively low molecular weight (12-13 thousand), with a predominance of alkaline properties. Localized mainly in the nuclei of cells, soluble in weak acids are precipitated by ammonia and alcohol. They have only a tertiary structure. Under natural conditions, they are tightly bound to DNA and are part of nucleoproteins. The main function is to regulate the transfer of genetic information from DNA and RNA (transmission may be blocked).


These proteins have the lowest molecular weight (up to 12 thousand). Shows pronounced basic properties. Well soluble in water and weak acids. Contained in the germ cells and constitute the bulk of the chromatin protein. Like histones, they form a complex with DNA, impart chemical resistance to DNA, but unlike histones, they do not perform a regulatory function.


Vegetable proteins contained in the gluten of seeds of cereals and some other crops, in the green parts of plants. Insoluble in water, salt and ethanol solutions, but readily soluble in weak alkali solutions. They contain all essential amino acids and are complete food products.


Vegetable proteins. Contained in the gluten of cereal plants. They are soluble only in 70% alcohol (this is due to the high content of proline and non-polar amino acids in these proteins).


Proteinoids include proteins of supporting tissues (bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, nails, hair), they are characterized by a high sulfur content. These proteins are insoluble or hardly soluble in water, salt and water-alcohol mixtures. Proteinoids include keratin, collagen, fibroin.


These are acidic proteins of low molecular weight (15-17 thousand), soluble in water and weak salt solutions. They precipitate with neutral salts at 100% saturation. Participate in maintaining the osmotic pressure of the blood, transport various substances with the blood. Contained in blood serum, milk, egg white.


Molecular weight up to 100 thousand. They are insoluble in water, but they are soluble in weak saline solutions and precipitate in less concentrated solutions (already at 50% saturation). Contained in plant seeds, especially in legumes and oilseeds; in blood plasma and in some other biological fluids. They perform the function of immune defense, provide the body's resistance to viral infectious diseases.

Amino acids are organic amphoteric compounds. They contain two opposite functional groups in the molecule: an amino group with basic properties and a carboxyl group with acidic properties. Amino acids react with both acids and bases:

H 2 N -CH 2 -COOH + HCl → Cl [H 3 N-CH 2 -COOH],

H 2 N -CH 2 -COOH + NaOH → H 2 N-CH 2 -COONa + H 2 O.

When amino acids are dissolved in water, the carboxyl group eliminates a hydrogen ion, which can attach to the amino group. In this case, an internal salt is formed, the molecule of which is a bipolar ion:

H 2 N-CH 2 -COOH + H 3 N -CH 2 -COO -.

Acid-base transformations of amino acids in various media can be depicted by the following general scheme:

Aqueous solutions of amino acids have a neutral, alkaline or acidic environment, depending on the number of functional groups. So, glutamic acid forms an acidic solution (two groups —COOH, one —NH 2), lysine — alkaline (one group —COOH, two —NH 2).

Like primary amines, amino acids react with nitrous acid, whereby the amino group is converted to a hydroxo group, and the amino acid to a hydroxy acid:

H 2 N-CH (R) -COOH + HNO 2 → HO-CH (R) -COOH + N 2 + H 2 O

Measuring the volume of nitrogen released allows you to determine the amount of amino acid ( Van Slike method).

Amino acids can react with alcohols in the presence of gaseous hydrogen chloride, converting into an ester (more precisely, into a hydrochloric ester salt):

H 2 N-CH (R) -COOH + R'OH H 2 N-CH (R) -COOR '+ H 2 O.

Esters of amino acids do not have a bipolar structure and are volatile compounds.

The most important property of amino acids is their ability to condense to form peptides.

Qualitative reactions.

1) All amino acids are oxidized by ninhydrin

with the formation of products colored in blue-violet. The imino acid proline gives a yellow color with ninhydrin. This reaction can be used to quantify amino acids by spectrophotometry.

2) When heating aromatic amino acids with concentrated nitric acid the benzene ring is nitrated and yellow colored compounds are formed. This reaction is called xanthoprotein(from the Greek xanthos - yellow).

Amino acids are the building blocks or building blocks of proteins that make up proteins. Amino acids are 16% nitrogen, this is their main chemical distinction from the other two essential nutrients - carbohydrates and fats. The importance of amino acids for the body is determined by the fact huge role, which proteins play in all life processes.

Any living organism, from the largest animals to tiny microbes, is made up of proteins. Various forms of proteins are involved in all processes occurring in living organisms. In the human body, proteins form muscles, ligaments, tendons, all organs and glands, hair, nails. Proteins are found in fluids and bones. Enzymes and hormones that catalyze and regulate all processes in the body are also proteins. Deficiency of these nutrients in the body can lead to an imbalance in water balance, which causes swelling.

Every protein in the body is unique and exists for a specific purpose. Proteins are not interchangeable. They are synthesized in the body from amino acids, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins found in food. Thus, it is amino acids, and not proteins themselves, that are the most valuable nutrients. In addition to the fact that amino acids form proteins that make up the tissues and organs of the human body, some of them play the role of neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) or are their precursors.

Neurotransmitters are chemical substances transmitting a nerve impulse from one nerve cell to another. Thus, some amino acids are essential for the normal functioning of the brain. Amino acids help vitamins and minerals perform their functions adequately. Some amino acids directly provide energy to muscle tissue.

In the human body, many amino acids are synthesized in the liver. However, some of them cannot be synthesized in the body, so a person must definitely get them from food. These essential amino acids include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Amino acids that are synthesized in the liver: alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, citrulline, cysteine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamine and glutamic acid, glycine, ornithine, proline, serine, taurine, tyrosine.

The process of protein synthesis is ongoing in the body. In the case when at least one essential amino acid is absent, the formation of proteins is suspended. This can lead to a wide variety of serious problems - from indigestion to depression and stunted growth.

How does this situation arise? Easier than you might imagine. Many factors lead to this, even if your diet is balanced and you are consuming enough protein. Malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract, infection, trauma, stress, certain medications, the aging process, and imbalances in other nutrients in the body can all lead to a deficiency of essential amino acids.

It should be borne in mind that all of the above does not mean that eating a large amount of protein will help solve any problems. In fact, this is not conducive to maintaining health.

An excess of proteins creates additional stress for the kidneys and liver, which need to process products of protein metabolism, the main of which is ammonia. It is very toxic to the body, so the liver immediately converts it into urea, which then enters the kidneys with the blood stream, where it is filtered and excreted.

As long as the amount of protein is not too high and the liver is working well, ammonia is neutralized immediately and does not cause any harm. But if there is too much of it and the liver cannot cope with its neutralization (as a result of malnutrition, indigestion and / or liver disease), a toxic level of ammonia is created in the blood. In this case, a lot of serious health problems can arise, up to hepatic encephalopathy and coma.

Too high a concentration of urea also causes kidney damage and back pain. Therefore, it is not the quantity but the quality of the protein consumed with food that is important. Currently, it is possible to obtain essential and nonessential amino acids in the form of biologically active food additives.

This is especially important for various diseases and when using reduction diets. Vegetarians need supplements that contain essential amino acids so that the body gets everything it needs for normal protein synthesis.

There are different types of amino acid supplements available. Amino acids are part of some multivitamins, protein mixtures. Formulas are commercially available that contain complexes of amino acids or contain one or two amino acids. They are presented in different forms: in capsules, tablets, liquids and powders.

Most amino acids come in two forms, with the chemical structure of one being a mirror image of the other. They are called D- and L-forms, for example D-cystine and L-cystine.

D stands for dextra (Latin for right), and L stands for levo (for left, respectively). These terms refer to the direction of rotation of the helix, which is the chemical structure of a given molecule. Proteins of animals and plants are created mainly by the L-forms of amino acids (with the exception of phenylalanine, which is represented by the D, L forms).

Food supplements containing L-amino acids are considered more suitable for the biochemical processes of the human body.
Free, or unbound, amino acids are in their purest form. Therefore, when choosing a supplement containing amino acids, preference should be given to products containing L-crystalline amino acids, standardized by the American Pharmacopoeia (USP). They do not need to be digested and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. After oral administration, they are absorbed very quickly and, as a rule, do not cause allergic reactions.

Individual amino acids are taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning or between meals with a small amount of vitamins B6 and C. If you are taking a complex of amino acids that includes all essential amino acids, it is best to do this 30 minutes after or 30 minutes before meals. It is best to take both individual essential amino acids and a complex of amino acids, but in different time... Amino acids alone should not be taken for long periods of time, especially in high doses. Recommended to be taken within 2 months with a 2-month break.


Alanine helps to normalize glucose metabolism. A relationship has been established between an excess of alanine and infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome. One of the forms of alanine, beta-alanine, is an integral part of pantothenic acid and coenzyme A, one of the most important catalysts in the body.


Arginine slows down the growth of tumors, including cancerous ones, by stimulating the body's immune system. It increases the activity and size of the thymus gland, which produces T-lymphocytes. In this regard, arginine is useful for people suffering from HIV infection and malignant neoplasms.

It is also used for liver diseases (cirrhosis and fatty degeneration), it promotes detoxification processes in the liver (primarily the neutralization of ammonia). Semen contains arginine, therefore it is sometimes used in the complex therapy of infertility in men. There is also a large amount of arginine in the connective tissue and in the skin, so its intake is effective for various injuries. Arginine is an important component of muscle metabolism. It helps to maintain an optimal nitrogen balance in the body, as it is involved in the transport and detoxification of excess nitrogen in the body.

Arginine helps to reduce weight by causing some reduction in body fat stores.

Arginine is found in many enzymes and hormones. It stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas as a component of vasopressin (pituitary hormone) and aids growth hormone synthesis. Although arginine is synthesized in the body, its production can be reduced in newborns. Sources of arginine include chocolate, coconuts, dairy products, gelatin, meat, oats, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts, white flour, wheat, and wheat germ.

People with viral infections, including Herpes simplex, should not take arginine supplements and should avoid consuming foods rich in arginine. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not take arginine supplements. Taking small doses of arginine is recommended for diseases of the joints and connective tissue, for impaired glucose tolerance, liver diseases and injuries. Long-term use is not recommended.


Asparagine is necessary to maintain balance in the processes taking place in the central nervous system: prevents both over-arousal and over-inhibition. It is involved in the synthesis of amino acids in the liver.

Since this amino acid increases vitality, a supplement based on it is used for fatigue. It also plays an important role in metabolic processes. Aspartic acid is often prescribed for diseases of the nervous system. It is useful for athletes, as well as for liver dysfunctions. In addition, it stimulates immunity by increasing the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies.

Aspartic acid is found in large quantities in vegetable proteins obtained from germinated seeds and in meat products.


Strictly speaking, carnitine is not an amino acid, but its chemical structure is similar to that of amino acids, and therefore they are usually considered together. Carnitine is not involved in protein synthesis and is not a neurotransmitter. Its main function in the body is the transport of long-chain fatty acids, the oxidation of which releases energy. It is one of the main sources of energy for muscle tissue. Thus, carnitine increases the conversion of fat into energy and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body, primarily in the heart, liver, skeletal muscles.

Carnitine reduces the likelihood of developing complications of diabetes mellitus associated with disorders of fat metabolism, slows down fatty degeneration of the liver in chronic alcoholism and the risk of heart disease. It has the ability to lower blood triglyceride levels, promote weight loss and increase muscle strength in patients with neuromuscular diseases, and enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins C and E.

Some muscular dystrophy variants are thought to be associated with carnitine deficiency. With such diseases, people should receive more of this substance than it should be according to the norms.

It can be synthesized in the body in the presence of iron, thiamine, pyridoxine and the amino acids lysine and methionine. Carnitine is synthesized in the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin C. An insufficient amount of any of these nutrients in the body leads to a deficiency of carnitine. Carnitine enters the body with food, primarily with meat and other animal products.

Most cases of carnitine deficiency are associated with a genetically determined defect in the process of its synthesis. Possible manifestations of carnitine deficiency include impaired consciousness, heart pain, muscle weakness, and obesity.

Men, due to their greater muscle mass, require more carnitine than women. Vegetarians are more likely to be deficient in this nutrient than non-vegetarians because carnitine is not found in plant proteins.

What's more, methionine and lysine (amino acids essential for the synthesis of carnitine) are also not found in sufficient quantities in plant foods.

To get the right amount of carnitine, vegetarians must take dietary supplements or eat lysine-fortified foods such as cornflakes.

Carnitine is presented in dietary supplements in various forms: as D, L-carnitine, D-carnitine, L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine.
It is preferable to take L-carnitine.


Citrulline is found primarily in the liver. It increases energy supply, stimulates the immune system, and is metabolized into L-arginine. It neutralizes ammonia that damages liver cells

Cysteine ​​and Cystine

These two amino acids are closely related, each cystine molecule is made up of two cysteine ​​molecules attached to each other. Cysteine ​​is very unstable and readily converts to L-cystine, and thus one amino acid readily converts to another when needed.

Both amino acids are sulfur-containing and play an important role in the formation of skin tissues, are important for detoxification processes. Cysteine ​​is found in alpha-keratin, the main protein in nails, skin and hair. It promotes collagen formation and improves skin elasticity and texture. Cysteine ​​is also found in other proteins in the body, including some digestive enzymes.

Cysteine ​​helps to neutralize some toxic substances and protects the body from the damaging effects of radiation. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants, and its antioxidant effect is enhanced when taken simultaneously with vitamin C and selenium.

Cysteine ​​is a precursor of glutathione, a substance that has a protective effect on liver and brain cells from alcohol damage, certain drugs and toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke. Cysteine ​​dissolves better than cystine and is utilized faster in the body, therefore it is more often used in the complex treatment of various diseases. This amino acid is formed in the body from L-methionine, with the obligatory presence of vitamin B6.

Additional intake of cysteine ​​is necessary for rheumatoid arthritis, arterial disease, cancer. It accelerates recovery after operations, burns, binds heavy metals and soluble iron. This amino acid also speeds up fat burning and muscle building.

L-cysteine ​​has the ability to break down mucus in the respiratory tract, which is why it is often used for bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. It accelerates the healing process in respiratory diseases and plays an important role in the activation of leukocytes and lymphocytes.

Since this substance increases the amount of glutathione in the lungs, kidneys, liver and red bone marrow, it slows down the aging process, for example, by reducing the number of age spots. N-Acetylcysteine ​​is more effective at raising levels of glutathione in the body than cystine or even glutathione itself.

People with diabetes should be careful when taking cysteine ​​supplements as it has the ability to inactivate insulin. For cystinuria, a rare genetic condition that leads to the formation of cystine stones, cysteine ​​should not be taken.


Dimethylglycine is a derivative of glycine, the simplest amino acid. It is a constituent of many important substances such as the amino acids methionine and choline, some hormones, neurotransmitters and DNA.

Dimethylglycine is found in small amounts in meats, seeds, and grains. Although there are no symptoms associated with dimethylglycine deficiency, dimethylglycine supplementation has a number of beneficial effects, including improved energy and mental performance.

Dimethylglycine also stimulates immunity, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, helps normalize blood pressure and glucose levels, and helps normalize the function of many organs. It is also used for epileptic seizures.

Gamma Aminobutyric Acid

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) functions in the body as a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system and is indispensable for metabolism in the brain. It is formed from another amino acid - glutamine. It reduces the activity of neurons and prevents nerve cells from being overexcited.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid relieves anxiety and has a calming effect, it can be taken as tranquilizers, but without the risk of becoming addictive. This amino acid is used in the complex treatment of epilepsy and arterial hypertension. Since it has a relaxing effect, it is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. In addition, GABA is prescribed for attention deficit disorder. Excess gamma-aminobutyric acid, however, can increase anxiety, shortness of breath, and tremors.

Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid is a neurotransmitter that transmits impulses in the central nervous system. This amino acid plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the penetration of calcium through the blood-brain barrier.

This amino acid can be used by brain cells as an energy source. It also detoxifies ammonia by removing nitrogen atoms during the formation of another amino acid, glutamine. This process is the only way to detoxify ammonia in the brain.

Glutamic acid is used in the correction of behavioral disorders in children, as well as in the treatment of epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, ulcers, hypoglycemic conditions, complications of insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus and mental development disorders.


Glutamine is the amino acid most commonly found in muscle in its free form. It very easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and in the cells of the brain passes into glutamic acid and vice versa, in addition, it increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is necessary to maintain normal brain function.

This amino acid also maintains normal acid-base balance in the body and a healthy state of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Glutamine is an active participant in nitrogen metabolism. Its molecule contains two nitrogen atoms and is formed from glutamic acid by the addition of one nitrogen atom. Thus, the synthesis of glutamine helps to remove excess ammonia from tissues, primarily from the brain, and transport nitrogen within the body.

Glutamine is found in large quantities in muscles and is used to synthesize proteins in skeletal muscle cells. Therefore, dietary supplements with glutamine are used by bodybuilders and for various diets, as well as for the prevention of muscle loss in diseases such as malignant neoplasms and AIDS, after surgery and with prolonged bed rest.

Additionally, glutamine is also used in the treatment of arthritis, autoimmune diseases, fibrosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcers, and connective tissue diseases.

This amino acid improves brain activity and is therefore used in epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, impotence, schizophrenia and senile dementia. L-glutamine reduces the pathological craving for alcohol, therefore it is used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Glutamine is found in many foods, both plant and animal, but it is easily destroyed when heated. Spinach and parsley are good sources of glutamine, provided they are consumed raw.

Food supplements containing glutamine should only be stored in a dry place, otherwise glutamine is converted to ammonia and pyroglutamic acid. Do not take glutamine for liver cirrhosis, kidney disease, Reye's syndrome.


Glutathione, like carnitine, is not an amino acid. In terms of chemical structure, it is a tripeptide obtained in the body from cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine.

Glutathione is an antioxidant. Most of glutathione is found in the liver (some of it is released directly into the bloodstream), as well as in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism, and also slows down aging by affecting lipid metabolism and prevents the onset of atherosclerosis. Deficiency of glutathione affects primarily the nervous system, causing impaired coordination, mental processes, tremors.

The amount of glutathione in the body decreases with age. In this regard, older people should receive it additionally. However, it is preferable to consume food supplements containing cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine - that is, substances that synthesize glutathione. The most effective is the intake of N-acetylcysteine.


Glycine slows down the degeneration of muscle tissue, as it is a source of creatine, a substance found in muscle tissue and used in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Glycine is essential for synthesis nucleic acids, bile acids and nonessential amino acids in the body.

It is part of many antacids used for stomach diseases, it is useful for repairing damaged tissues, since it is found in large quantities in the skin and connective tissue.

This amino acid is essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the maintenance of the good condition of the prostate gland. It acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and thus can prevent epileptic seizures.

Glycine is used in the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis and may also be effective for hyperactivity. An excess of glycine in the body makes you feel tired, but an adequate amount provides the body with energy. If necessary, glycine in the body can be converted to serine.


Histidine is an essential amino acid that promotes tissue growth and repair, which is part of the myelin sheaths that protect nerve cells and is also necessary for the formation of red and white blood cells. Histidine protects the body from the damaging effects of radiation, promotes the elimination of heavy metals from the body and helps with AIDS.

Too high levels of histidine can lead to stress and even mental disorders (agitation and psychosis).

An inadequate content of histidine in the body worsens the condition in rheumatoid arthritis and in deafness associated with damage to the auditory nerve. Methionine helps to lower the level of histidine in the body.

Histamine, a very important component of many immunological reactions, is synthesized from histidine. It also promotes sexual arousal. In this regard, the simultaneous intake of biologically active food supplements containing histidine, niacin and pyridoxine (necessary for the synthesis of histamine) may be effective in sexual dysfunctions.

Since histamine stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, the use of histidine helps with digestive disorders associated with low acidity of gastric juice.

People with manic-depressive psychosis should not take histidine unless a deficiency in this amino acid is well established. Histidine is found in rice, wheat, and rye.


Isoleucine is one of the BCAA amino acids and essential amino acids required for the synthesis of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and energy supply processes. Isoleucine metabolism occurs in muscle tissue.

Co-administration with isoleucine and valine (BCAA) increases endurance and promotes muscle recovery, which is especially important for athletes.

Isoleucine is essential for many mental illnesses. Deficiency of this amino acid leads to symptoms similar to hypoglycemia.

Food sources of isoleucine include almonds, cashews, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, and soy proteins.

There are dietary supplements that contain isoleucine. In doing so, it is necessary to maintain the correct balance between isoleucine and the other two BCAA's, leucine and valine.


Leucine is an essential amino acid that, together with isoleucine and valine, belong to the three branched chain amino acids of the BCAA. Working together, they protect muscle tissue and are sources of energy, as well as promote the restoration of bones, skin, muscles, so they are often recommended during the recovery period after injuries and surgeries.

Leucine also lowers blood sugar levels slightly and stimulates the release of growth hormone. Dietary sources of leucine include brown rice, beans, meat, nuts, soy flour, and wheat flour.

Biologically active food supplements containing leucine are used in combination with valine and isoleucine. They should be taken with care to avoid causing hypoglycemia. Excess leucine can increase the amount of ammonia in the body.


Lysine is an essential amino acid found in almost any protein. It is essential for normal bone formation and growth in children, assists in the absorption of calcium and the maintenance of normal nitrogen metabolism in adults.

This amino acid is involved in the synthesis of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, collagen formation and tissue repair. Lysine is used in the recovery period after surgery and sports injuries. It also lowers serum triglyceride levels.

Lysine has antiviral effects, especially against viruses that cause herpes and acute respiratory infections. Taking supplements containing lysine in combination with vitamin C and bioflavonoids is recommended for viral illnesses.

Deficiency of this essential amino acid can lead to anemia, eyeball hemorrhages, enzyme disorders, irritability, fatigue and weakness, poor appetite, growth retardation and weight loss, and reproductive system disorders.

Dietary sources of lysine are cheese, eggs, fish, milk, potatoes, red meat, soy and yeast products.


Methionine is an essential amino acid that helps metabolize fats, preventing them from being deposited in the liver and arterial walls. The synthesis of taurine and cysteine ​​depends on the amount of methionine in the body. This amino acid promotes digestion, provides detoxification processes (primarily neutralization of toxic metals), reduces muscle weakness, protects against radiation, is useful in osteoporosis and chemical allergies.

This amino acid is used in the complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy toxicosis. Methionine has a pronounced antioxidant effect, as it is a good source of sulfur, which inactivates free radicals. It is used for Gilbert's syndrome, liver dysfunctions. Methionine is also required for the synthesis of nucleic acids, collagen, and many other proteins. It is useful for women receiving oral hormonal contraceptives. Methionine lowers the level of histamine in the body, which can be helpful in schizophrenia when the amount of histamine is high.

Methionine in the body is converted to cysteine, which is a precursor of glutathione. This is very important in case of poisoning, when a large amount of glutathione is required to neutralize toxins and protect the liver.

Dietary sources of methionine include legumes, eggs, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, and yogurt.


Ornithine helps release growth hormone, which helps burn fat in the body. This effect is enhanced by the use of ornithine in combination with arginine and carnitine. Ornithine is also essential for the immune system and liver function, participating in detoxification processes and the restoration of liver cells.

Ornithine in the body is synthesized from arginine and, in turn, serves as a precursor for citrulline, proline, glutamic acid. High concentrations of ornithine are found in the skin and connective tissue, therefore this amino acid helps to repair damaged tissues.

Dietary supplements containing ornithine should not be given to children, pregnant and lactating mothers, or people with a history of schizophrenia.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. In the body, it can be converted into another amino acid, tyrosine, which, in turn, is used in the synthesis of two main neurotransmitters: dopamine and norepinephrine. Therefore, this amino acid affects mood, reduces pain, improves memory and learning ability, suppresses appetite. It is used in the treatment of arthritis, depression, menstrual pain, migraines, obesity, Parkinson's disease, and schizophrenia.

Phenylalanine occurs in three forms: L-phenylalanine (a natural form and it is she who is part of most proteins in the human body), D-phenylalanine (a synthetic mirror form, has an analgesic effect), DL-phenylalanine (combines beneficial features the two previous forms, it is usually used for premenstrual syndrome.

Dietary supplements containing phenylalanine are not given to pregnant women, persons with anxiety attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, phenylketonuria, pigment melanoma.


Proline improves skin condition by increasing collagen production and decreasing collagen loss with age. Helps in the restoration of the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints, strengthens the ligaments and heart muscle. To strengthen connective tissue, proline is best used in combination with vitamin C.

Proline enters the body primarily from meat products.


Serine is essential for the normal metabolism of fats and fatty acids, the growth of muscle tissue, and the maintenance of a normal immune system.

Serine is synthesized in the body from glycine. It is used as a moisturizing agent in many cosmetic and dermatological products.


Taurine is found in high concentration in the heart muscle, white blood cells, skeletal muscles, and the central nervous system. It is involved in the synthesis of many other amino acids, and is also part of the main component of bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fats, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

Therefore, taurine is useful for atherosclerosis, edema, heart disease, arterial hypertension and hypoglycemia. Taurine is essential for the normal metabolism of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It prevents the excretion of potassium from the heart muscle and therefore helps prevent certain cardiac arrhythmias. Taurine has a protective effect on the brain, especially during dehydration. It is used in the treatment of anxiety and agitation, epilepsy, hyperactivity, seizures.

Taurine dietary supplements are given to children with Down syndrome and muscular dystrophy. In some clinics, this amino acid is included in the complex therapy of breast cancer. Excessive excretion of taurine from the body occurs in various conditions and metabolic disorders.

Arrhythmias, disorders of platelet formation, candidiasis, physical or emotional stress, bowel disease, zinc deficiency and alcohol abuse lead to a deficiency of taurine in the body. Alcohol abuse also interferes with the body's ability to absorb taurine.

With diabetes, the body's need for taurine increases, and vice versa, taking dietary supplements containing taurine and cystine reduces the need for insulin. Taurine is found in eggs, fish, meat, milk, but not in plant proteins.

It is synthesized in the liver from cysteine ​​and from methionine in other organs and tissues of the body, provided there is a sufficient amount of vitamin B6. In case of genetic or metabolic disorders that interfere with the synthesis of taurine, it is necessary to take a dietary supplement with this amino acid.


Threonine is an essential amino acid that helps maintain normal protein metabolism in the body. It is important for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helps the liver and participates in the metabolism of fats in combination with aspartic acid and methionine.

Threonine is found in the heart, central nervous system, skeletal muscles and inhibits the stored fat in the liver. This amino acid stimulates immunity by promoting the production of antibodies. Threonine is found in very small amounts in grains, so vegetarians are more likely to be deficient in this amino acid.


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid essential for the production of niacin. It is used to synthesize serotonin in the brain, one of the most important neurotransmitters. Tryptophan is used for insomnia, depression and mood stabilization.

It helps with hyperactivity disorder in children, it is used for heart disease, to control body weight, reduce appetite, and also to increase the release of growth hormone. Helps with migraine attacks, helps to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine. Tryptophan and magnesium deficiencies can worsen coronary artery spasms.

The richest dietary sources of tryptophan include brown rice, country cheese, meat, peanuts, and soy protein.


Tyrosine is a precursor of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. This amino acid is involved in mood regulation; a lack of tyrosine leads to a deficiency of norepinephrine, which in turn leads to depression. Tyrosine suppresses appetite, helps reduce fat deposition, promotes melatonin production, and improves adrenal, thyroid and pituitary function.

Tyrosine is also involved in the metabolism of phenylalanine. Thyroid hormones are formed when iodine atoms attach to tyrosine. Therefore, it is not surprising that low plasma tyrosine is associated with hypothyroidism.

Low blood pressure, low body temperature and restless legs syndrome are also symptoms of tyrosine deficiency.

Tyrosine dietary supplements are used to relieve stress and are believed to help with chronic fatigue syndrome and narcolepsy. They are used for anxiety, depression, allergies and headaches, as well as for drug withdrawal. Tyrosine may be beneficial for Parkinson's disease. Natural sources of tyrosine are almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy products, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.

Tyrosine can be synthesized from phenylalanine in the human body. Phenylalanine dietary supplements are best taken at bedtime or with foods that are high in carbohydrates.

Against the background of treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (usually prescribed for depression), you should almost completely abandon foods containing tyrosine, and not take dietary supplements with tyrosine, as this can lead to an unexpected and sharp rise in blood pressure.


Valine is an essential stimulating amino acid, one of the BCAA amino acids, so it can be used by muscles as a source of energy. Valine is essential for muscle metabolism, repair of damaged tissue, and for the maintenance of normal nitrogen metabolism in the body.

Valine is often used to correct severe amino acid deficiencies resulting from drug addiction. Its overly high level in the body can lead to symptoms such as paresthesia (a feeling of goose bumps on the skin), up to hallucinations.
Valine is found in the following foods: grains, meat, mushrooms, dairy products, peanuts, soy protein.

Valine supplementation should be balanced with other BCAAs L-Leucine and L-Isoleucine.

Amino acids are organic compounds containing functional groups in the molecule: amino and carboxyl.

Nomenclature of amino acids. According to the systematic nomenclature, amino acid names are formed from the names of the corresponding carboxylic acids and the addition of the word "amino". The position of the amino group is indicated by numbers. The count is based on the carbon of the carboxyl group.

Amino acid isomerism. Their structural isomerism is determined by the position of the amino group and the structure of the carbon radical. Depending on the position of the NH 2 -group,-, - and-amino acids are distinguished.

Protein molecules are built from -amino acids.

They are also characterized by isomerism of the functional group (interclass isomers of amino acids can be esters of amino acids or amides of hydroxy acids). For example, for 2-aminopropanoic acid CH 3 CH (NH) 2 COOH the following isomers are possible

Physical properties of α-amino acids

Amino acids are colorless crystalline substances, non-volatile (low saturated vapor pressure), melting with decomposition at high temperatures. Most of them are highly soluble in water and poorly soluble in organic solvents.

Aqueous solutions of monobasic amino acids are neutral. -Amino acids can be considered as internal salts (bipolar ions): + NH 3 CH 2 COO . In an acidic environment they behave like cations, in an alkaline environment they behave like anions. Amino acids are amphoteric compounds that exhibit both acidic and basic properties.

Methods for obtaining -amino acids

1. The action of ammonia on chlorine-substituted acid salts.

Cl CH 2 COONH 4 + NH 3

2. The action of ammonia and hydrocyanic acid on aldehydes.

3. Protein hydrolysis produces 25 different amino acids. Separating them is not an easy task.

Methods for obtaining -amino acids

1. Addition of ammonia to unsaturated carboxylic acids.

CH 2 = CH COOH + 2NH 3  NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COONH 4.

2. Synthesis based on dibasic malonic acid.

Chemical properties of amino acids

1. Reactions at the carboxyl group.

1.1. The formation of esters by the action of alcohols.

2. Reactions at the amino group.

2.1. Interaction with mineral acids.

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + HCl  H 3 N + CH 2 COOH + Cl 

2.2. Interaction with nitrous acid.

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + HNO 2  HO CH 2 COOH + N 2 + H 2 O

3. Conversion of amino acids when heated.

3.1.-amino acids form cyclic amides.

3.2.-amino acids remove the amino group and the hydrogen atom of the y-carbon atom.

Individual representatives

Glycine NH 2 CH 2 COOH (glycol). One of the most common amino acids found in proteins. Under normal conditions - colorless crystals with T pl = 232236С. Well soluble in water, insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether. The pH of the aqueous solution is 6.8; pK a = 1.510  10; pK in = 1.710  12.

-alanine - aminopropionic acid

Widely distributed in nature. It is found in free form in blood plasma and in most proteins. T pl = 295296С, well soluble in water, poorly in ethanol, insoluble in ether. pK a (COOH) = 2.34; pK a (NH ) = 9,69.

-alanine NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COOH– small crystals with Tm = 200C, well soluble in water, poorly in ethanol, insoluble in ether and acetone. pK a (COOH) = 3.60; pK a (NH ) = 10.19; is absent in proteins.

Complexons. This term is used to name a series of -amino acids containing two or three carboxyl groups. The most simple ones:

H The most common chelator is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.

Its disodium salt, Trilon B, is extremely widely used in analytical chemistry.

The bond between the -amino acid residues is called peptide, and the resulting compounds themselves are peptides.

Two -amino acid residues form a dipeptide, three - a tripeptide. Many residues form polypeptides. Polypeptides, like amino acids, are amphoteric, each with its own isoelectric point. Proteins are polypeptides.

Chemical behavior of amino acids is defined by two functional groups —NH 2 and —COOH. Amino acids are characterized by reactions at the amino group, carboxyl group and radical part, while, depending on the reagent, the interaction of substances can proceed through one or more reaction centers.

Amphoteric character of amino acids. Having both an acidic and a basic group in a molecule, amino acids in aqueous solutions behave like typical amphoteric compounds. IN acidic solutions they show basic properties, reacting as bases, in alkaline - as acids, respectively, forming two groups of salts:

Due to its amphotericity in a living organism, amino acids play the role of buffer substances that maintain a certain concentration of hydrogen ions. Buffer solutions obtained by the interaction of amino acids with strong bases are widely used in bioorganic and chemical practice. Amino acid salts with mineral acids are better soluble in water than free amino acids. Salts with organic acids are hardly soluble in water and are used for identification and separation of amino acids.

Reactions due to the amino group. With the participation of the amino group, amino acids form ammonium salts with acids, acylated, alkylated , react with nitrous acid and aldehydes in accordance with the following scheme:

Alkylation is carried out with the participation of R-Na1 or Ar-Hal:

During the acylation reaction, acid chlorides or anhydrides (acetyl chloride, acetic anhydride, benzyloxycarbonyl chloride) are used:

The acylation and alkylation reactions are used to protect the NH 2 -group of amino acids in the process of peptide synthesis.

Reactions caused by a carboxyl group. With the participation of the carboxyl group, amino acids form salts, esters, amides, acid chlorides in accordance with the scheme below:

If at a-carbon atom in the hydrocarbon radical there is an electron-withdrawing substituent (-NO 2, -CC1 3, -COOH, -COR, etc.), which polarizes the C®COOH bond, then carboxylic acids easily decarboxylation reactions... Decarboxylation of a-amino acids containing a + NH 3 -group as a substituent leads to the formation of biogenic amines. In a living organism, this process proceeds under the action of the enzyme decarboxylase and the vitamin pyridoxal phosphate.

Under laboratory conditions, the reaction is carried out by heating the a-amino acid in the presence of CO 2 scavengers, for example, Ba (OH) 2.

Decarboxylation of b-phenyl-a-alanine, lysine, serine and histidine produces phenamine, 1,5-diaminopentane (cadaverine), 2-aminoethanol-1 (colamine), and tryptamine, respectively.

Amino acid reactions involving the side group. When the amino acid tyrosine is nitrated with nitric acid, an orange-colored single nitro derivative is formed (xantoprotein test):

Redox transitions take place in the cysteine ​​- cystine system:

2HS CH 2 CH (NH 2) COOH ¾¾¾® HOOCCH (NH 2) CH 2 S-S CH 2 CH (NH 2) COOH

HOOCCH (NH 2) CH 2 S-S CH 2 CH (NH 2) COOH ¾¾¾® 2 НS CH 2 CH (NH 2) COOH

In some reactions, amino acids react at both functional groups at the same time.

Formation of complexes with metals. Almost all a-amino acids form complexes with divalent metal ions. The most stable are complex internal copper salts (chelate compounds) formed as a result of interaction with copper (II) hydroxide and colored blue:

Action of nitrous acid on aliphatic amino acids leads to the formation of hydroxy acids, on aromatic - diazo compounds.

Formation of hydroxy acids:

Diazotization reaction:

(diazo compound)

1.with the release of molecular nitrogen N 2:

2.without the release of molecular nitrogen N 2:

The chromophoric group of azobenzene -N = N in azo compounds causes a yellow, yellow, orange or other color of substances when absorbed in the visible region of light (400-800 nm). Auxochromic group

COOH changes and enhances the color due to π, π - conjugation with π - electronic system the main group of the chromophore.

The ratio of amino acids to heat. When heated, amino acids decompose to form various products, depending on their type. When heated a-amino acids as a result of intermolecular dehydration, cyclic amides - diketopiperazines are formed:

valine (Val) diisopropyl derivative


When heated b-amino acids ammonia is split off from them with the formation of α, β-unsaturated acids with a conjugated system of double bonds:

β-aminovaleric acid penten-2-oic acid

(3-aminopentanoic acid)

The heating g- and d-amino acids accompanied by intramolecular dehydration and the formation of internal cyclic amides - lactams:

γ-aminoisovaleric acid lactam γ-aminoisovaleric acid

(4-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid) acids