§ xi.3. Derivatives of hydrocarbons

Lecture 8. Alcohols (oxo compound)

Derivatives of hydrocarbons obtained by the substitution of one or more hydrogen atoms per group of it (Oxy-group).


  • 1. On the structure of the chain (limit, unforeseen).
  • 2. According to atomic - one-nominal (one group, it), polyatomic (2 or more groups it).
  • 3. According to the position of the group, it (primary, secondary, tertiary).

Limit single alcohols

General formula with N H 2N + 1 OH

Homologic series

Radical functional nomenclature, carmine

Methyl alcohol, carbinol, methanol

Ethyl alcohol, methylcarbinol, ethanol

Propyl alcohol, etyl carbinol,


Isopropyl alcohol, dimethyl carbinol,


FROM 4 H 9 he

CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH 2

Boutique alcohol, regyl chirconate,


Secondary butyl alcohol, methylethylcarbinol, 2-butanol

Isobutyl alcohol, isopropylcarbinol,


Tertiary Butyl Alcohol, Trimethylcarbinol, Dimethyl ethanol

According to the systematic nomenclature (IUPAC), alcohols are called hydrocarbons corresponding to the longest chain of carbon atoms with the addition of the end of Ol

Numbering starts from that end, closer to which the group is located.


1. Structural - isomeria chain

isomerius of the Oxy Group

2. Spatial - optical, if all three groups have carbon associated with a group, different, for example:


  • 1. Hydrolysis of halogen alkyls (see the properties of halogen derivatives).
  • 2. Metallorganic synthesis (Grignar reaction):
    • a) Primary alcohols are obtained by the action of metallorganic connections to formaldehyde:

CH 3 -MGBR + CH 2 \u003d O CH 3 -CH 2 -O-MGBR CH 3 -CH 2 OH + MGBR (OH)

b) Secondary alcohols are obtained by the action of metallorganic connections to other aldehydes:

c) Tertiary alcohols - the action of metallorganic connections to ketones:

3. Restoration of aldehydes, ketones:

4. Hydration of olefins (see the properties of olefins)

Electronic and spatial structure

Consider the example of methyl alcohol

The angle should be 90 0, in fact it is 110 0 28 /. The cause in high electrothy oxygen, which attracts the electronic clouds with C-H and O-with orbitals.

Since its hydroxyl hydrogen has a single electron, hydrogen is with oxygen, the hydrogen core acquires the ability to attract to other electronegative atoms having essential electrons (oxygen atoms).

Physical properties

C 1 -C 10 - liquid, with 11 and more - solids.

The boiling point of alcohols is significantly higher than that of appropriate hydrocarbons, halogen derivatives and ethers. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that alcohol molecules are associated by education hydrogen ties.

Associates of 3-8- molecules are formed.

When switching to a vapor state, hydrogen bonds are destroyed, the additional energy is spent. The boiling point is raised due to this.

T KIP: Primary\u003e At the secondary\u003e in tertiary

T pl - on the contrary: in tertiary\u003e at the secondary\u003e at the primary

Solubility.Alcohols dissolve in water, forming hydrogen bonds with water.

C 1 -C 3 - is mixed unlimited;

C 4 -C 5 - limited;

higher - insoluble in water.


Spectral characteristic of alcohol

Give characteristic absorption bands in the IR region. 3600 cm -1 (absorbed non-associated ON-Group) and 3200 cm -1 (in the formation of hydrogen bonds - an associated on-group).

Chemical properties

Conducts the presence of the group he. It defines the most important properties of alcohols. 3 groups of chemical transformations with the participation of the group can be distinguished.

I. Reactions of hydrogen replacement in oxy-group.

  • 1) the formation of alcoholates
  • a) action alkali metals and some other active metals (MG, CA, AL)

Alcoholates are decomposed by water with alcohols and alkali.

C 2 H 5 ONA + HOH C 2 H 5 OH + NaOH

b) Chugaev-Cerevitinova reaction is the action of magnesium-organizing compounds.

C 2 H 5 OH + CH 3 MGBR C 2 H 5 OMGBR + CH 4

The reaction is applied in alcohol analysis to determine the number of "moving hydrogen". In these reactions, alcohols exhibit very weak acid properties.

  • 2) the formation of esters to the acid residue is an acyl.
  • a) The reaction of etherification is the interaction of alcohols with carboxylic acids.

Using the method of labeled atoms, it was found that the esterification reaction is the substitution of the mon-group on the alkoxy group. This reaction is reversible, because The resulting water causes the hydrolysis of the ester.

b) acylation of alcohols by anhydrides of acids.

This reaction is reversible, because When the interaction of alcohol with anhydride, water is not allocated (hydrolysis is not possible).

c) acylation of alcohols with chloranhydrides acids

3) Education of Simple Esters

These ethers are formed as a result of replacing hydrogen hydroxy groups on alkyl (alkylation of alcohols).

a) alkylation by halogen alkyls

C 2 H 5 OH + CHLCH 3 HCl + C 2 H 5 OCH 3

b) alkylation of alkyl sulfates or dialkyl sulfates


C 2 H 5 OH + CH 3 OSO 2 OCH 3 C 2 H 5 OCH 3 + HOSO 2 OCH 3

c) intermolecular dehydration in the presence of a solid catalyst

C 2 H 5 OH + HOC 2 H 5 C 2 H 5 OC 2 H 5 + H 2 O

  • 240 0 C.
  • d) alkylation with isoolefins

II. Reactions with a tile of the group he.

  • 1) The replacement of the group is on Hal.
  • a) the action of Hhal;
  • b) the effect of Phal and PNAL 5;
  • c) action SOCL 2 and SO 2 Cl 2 (see methods for producing halogen production).
  • 2) Dehydration of alcohols (intramolecular water cleaner)

The cleavage of hydrogen comes from the least hydrogenated of 2 adjacent links with hydroxyl-containing (Zaitseva rule).

III. Oxidation and dehydrogenation of alcohols

The ratio of alcohols to oxidation is associated with the induction influence of communication C-O. Polar communication C-o increases the mobility of hydrogen atoms with carbon associated with a group, it.

  • 1) oxidation of primary alcohols
  • a) to aldehydes;

b) to acids

2) oxidation of secondary alcohols goes to ketones

3) Tertiary alcohols under similar conditions are not oxidized, because Do not have a mobile carbon atom associated with the group he. However, under the action of strong oxidizing agents (concentrated solutions at high temperature), the oxidation reaction comes with the destruction of the carbon chain. In this oxidation, adjacent links are subjected (the least hydrogenated), because There is more affected by the induction effect of the hydroxyl group.

4) Dehydrogenation of alcohols - under the action of catalysts.

Also occurs with the participation of the most movable hydrogen atoms: hydrogen oxygroups and hydrogen in a neighboring carbon atom.

Dehydrogenation under the action of chlorine.

In the reactions of substitution and cleavage of hydrogen, the primary alcohols are most active, and in the reactions of substitution and cleavage of the group, it, on the contrary, the alcohols are most easily reacting.

Unfoliated alcohols

and already in the process of education are are are amazed into the appropriate aldehydes or ketones, because There is a p - conjugation, hydrogen mobility increases and the nucleophilicity of CH2 increases.

Methods for getting

In addition to the general ways to obtain alcohols, apply:

a) To obtain acetylene alcohols - the reaction of the interaction of acetylene with aldehydes and ketones (see the chemical properties of acetylene hydrocarbons).

b) heating glycerinov with oxalic acid


They give the reactions of alcohols and reactions at the expense of multiple connections. Easily oxidized, polymerized.

Separate representatives

Vinyl alcohol

In free state does not exist. However, the industry produces a number of its derivatives, such as


methylvinyl ether

Used to obtain polymers, for example, PVS:

used to obtain surgical self-sustaining silk.

Allyl alcohol

CH 2 \u003d CH-CH 2 OH is obtained from propylene

Used as a monomer when producing resins and plastics.

Propargyl alcohol

It is used to obtain glycerol, allyl alcohol, as a solvent of high molecular compounds (polyamides, acetates, cellulose), as a sweat with electroplating coatings of metals.

Multiatomic alcohols

Methods for obtaining (except common)

1. From olefins

2. From acetylene (see Acetylene properties)

  • 3. From natural substances
  • a) hydrolysis of fats - glycerin;
  • b) restoration of monosaccharides - erytrices, pentats, hexites.

Physical properties

Glycols and glycerol - thick syrupped liquids with very high T of instrumentation (200-300 0 s), very hygroscopic.

Tetritis - hexites - solid colorless crystalline substances. Well soluble in water, they have a sweet taste, absorbed by the body.

Chemical properties

1) have stronger acidic properties than single-naoche alcohols. Forming complex alcohologists with Cu (OH) 2. At the same time, the blue precipitate Cu (OH) 2 is dissolved in a polyhydric alcohol to form a blue solution (high-quality reaction to polyatomic alcohols):

2) are capable of forming cyclical ethers

The latter reaction is difficult, therefore indirect methods are practically used.

  • 3) form the ethers of the open structure

b) esters

4) oxidation reactions proceed step:

1. Pentanol-2 substance refers to:

1) primary alcohol, 2) secondary alcohols; 3) tertiary alcohols; 4) Double alcohols.

2. The limit monatomic alcohol is not:

1) methanol 2) 3-ethylpendanol-1 3) 2-phenylbutanol-1 4) ethanol

3. How many isomeric compounds corresponds to the formula with 3 H 8 O, how many of them relate to Alcanolams? 1) 4 and 3 2) 3 and 3 3) 3 and 2 4) 2 and 2 5) 3 and 1

4. How many isomers belonging to the class of ethers have butanol-1?

1) one 2) two 3) three 4) five

5. The isomer of the position of the functional group for Pentanola-2 is:

1) Pentanol-1 2) 2-methylbutolol-2 3) Butanol-2 4) 3-methylpenol-1

6. How many primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are shown below?

1) SN 3 SN 2 -OH 2) C 2 H 5 -CH (CH 3) -CH 2 - OH 3) (CH 3) 3 C-CH 2 -OH

4) (CH 3) 3 C-OH d. ) CH 3 -CH (OH) -C 2 H 5 E ) CH 3 -OH

1) primary - 3, secondary - 1, tertiary - 1 2) primary - 2, secondary - 2, tertiary - 2
3) primary - 4, secondary - 1, tertiary - 1 4) primary - 3, secondary - 2, tertiary - 1

7. What kind of type chemical bond determines the absence among gaseous hydroxy compounds substances (under normal conditions)?

1) ion 2) covalent 3) donor-acceptor 4) hydrogen

8. Boiling temperatures of alcohols compared to boiling temperatures of the corresponding Hydrocarbons:

1) approximately comparable; 2) below; 3) above; 4) do not have a clear interdependence.

9. Polar alcohol molecules due to polarity of hydrogen bond with:

1) oxygen; 2) nitrogen; 3) phosphorus; 4) carbon.

10. Choose a right statement: 1) alcohols - strong electrolytes; 2) alcohols are well conducted by electric current;

3) alcohols - non-electrolytes; 4) Alcohols are very weak electrolytes.

11. Alcohol molecules are associated due to:

1) the formation of intramolecular ties; 2) the formation of oxygen bonds;

3) the formation of hydrogen bonds; 4) Alcohol molecules are not associated.


12. Methanol does not interact with 1) K 2) Ag 3) Cuo 4) O 2

13. Ethanol does not interact with 1) NAON 2) NA 3) NSL 4) O 2

14. How ethanol does not interact from the listed substances:

1) Na. 2) Naoh. 3) HBR 4) O. 2

15. What of the following substances will react glycerin?

1) HBr 2) HNO 3 3) H 2 4) H 2 O 5) Cu (OH) 2 6) AG 2 O / NH 3

16. Propanol does not interact with 1) HG 2) O 2 3) HCL 4) K.

17. Glycerin does not react with

18. Ethanol does not react with 1) Na 2) Cuo 3) HCOOH 4) CUSO4

19. Ethylene glycol does not react with 1) HNO 3 2) NaOH 3) CH 3 COOH 4) CU (OH) 2

20. For limit monatomic alcohols, the interaction with

1) con (r-p) 2) to 3) Cu (OH) 2 4) Cu

21. When oxidizing primary butyl alcohol, get:

1) Propanel; 2) Oil aldehyde; 3) ethanal; 4) methanal.

22. When the (dehydrogenation) of the secondary alcohol is obtained:

1) Tertiary alcohol 2) aldehyde 3) ketone 4) carboxylic acid.

23. Which of the hydroxyl-containing substances during dehydrogenation turns into a ketone:

1) Methanol 2) ethanol 3) propanol-2 4) o-cresol.

24. When oxidizing butanol-1 is formed : 1) Keton 2) Aldehyde 3) Acid 4) Alken

25. When oxidizing methanol is formed

1) methane 2) acetic acid 3) methanal 4) chloromethane

26. The oxidation of propanol-2 is formed 1) Aldehyde 2) ketone 3) alkan 4) alkene

27. When heating methanol with oxygen on the copper catalyst is formed

1) formaldehyde 2) acetaldehyde 3) methane 4) dimethyl ether

28. When heating ethanol with oxygen on the copper catalyst is formed

1) ethen 2) acetaldehyde 3) diethyl ether 4) etnaidol

29. One of the reaction products occurring during the heating of methanol with conc. sulfuric acid is 1) CH 2 \u003d CH 2 2) CH 3 -O-CH 3 3) CH 3 CH 4) CH 4

30. With intramolecular dehydration, butanol-1 is formed:

1) BUTEN-1 2) BUT-2 3) Dibutyl ether 4) Butanal.

31. Intramolecular dehydration of alcohols leads to education

1) aldehydes 2) alkanov 3) alkenes 4) alkins

32. Which substance is formed when the ethyl alcohol is heated to 140 o C in the presence concentrated sulfuric acid?
1) acetic aldehyde 2) dimethyl ether 3) diethyl ether 4) ethylene

33. The acidic properties of ethanol are manifested in reaction with

1) sodium 2) copper oxide (II)

3) chloride hydrochloride) acidified solution of potassium permanganate

34. What reaction indicates the weak acid properties of alcohols:

1) from Na 2) C NaOH 3) C NaHCO 3 4) C Cao

35. Alcoholates are obtained from alcohols when they interact with:

1) K. M. no. 4 ; 2) O 2 3) Cuo 4) Na.

36. In the interaction of propanol-1, the sodium is formed:

1) Propen; 2) Sodium Provide 3) Sodium Ethylate 4) Propandiol-1,2

37. When exposed to alkali metal alcohols, it is formed:

1) easily hydrolyzed carbonates; 2) hard hydrolyzed carbonates;

3) hardly hydrolyzed alcoholates; 4) Easily hydrolyzed alcoholates.

38. What substance is formed in the Pentanol-1 reaction with potassium?

1) C 5 H 12 OK; 2) from 5 n 11 ok; 3) C 6 N 11 OK; 4) C 6 H 12 OK.

39. Substance reacting with Na.but not reacting with Naoh.When dehydrated, giving alkene is:

40. Which of the listed alcohols is most actively reacting with sodium?

1) SN 3 SN 2 OH 2) CF 3 CH 2 OH 3) CH 3 CH (OH) CH 3 4) (CH 3) 3 C-OH

41. What is the molecular formula of the Pentanol-1 interaction product with bromomorodum?

1) C 6 H 11 BR; 2) C 5 H 12 BR; 3) C 5 H 11 BR; 4) C 6 H 12 BR.

42. During ethanol reaction with hydrochloric acid In the presence of H 2 SO 4 formed

1) ethylene 2) chlorhetan 3) 1,2-dichloroethane 4) chlorvinyl

43. with fresh copper hydroxide ( II.) will not interact : 1) glycerin;

2) butanone 3) propanal 4) propandiol-1,2

44. Freshly prepared sediment Cu (OH) 2 will dissolve if adding it to it

1) propanedio-1,2 2) propanol-1 3) proppan4) propanol-2

45. Glycerin B. aqueous solution can be detected using

1) chlorine lime 2) iron chloride (III) 3) copper hydroxide (II) 4) sodium hydroxide

46. \u200b\u200bWhich of the alcohols reacts with copper hydroxide (II)?

1) CH 3 it 2) CH 3 CH 2 it 3) from 6 H 5 it 4) but-CH 2 CH 2 -H

47. A characteristic reaction for multiatomic alcohols is interaction with

1) H 2 2) Cu 3) AG 2 O (NH 3 r-p) 4) Cu (OH) 2

48. Substance reacting with Na. andCu.( Oh.) 2 is:

1) phenol; 2) single-catty alcohol; 3) polyatomic alcohol 4) alkene

49. From ethanol, Bhutan can be obtained by a sequential action.

1) Bromomomodorod, sodium 2) Bromine (irradiation), sodium

3) concentrated sulfuric acid (T\u003e 140 °), hydrogen (catalyst, T °)

4) bromomodorod, alcohol sodium hydroxide solution

50. Propyl alcohol to turn into an isopropyl can be sequentially action reagents

1) chloride, alcohol sodium hydroxide solution

2) concentrated sulfuric acid (T\u003e 140 o C), water in the presence of sulfuric acid

3) alcohol solution of potassium hydroxide, water

4) Bromomorodine, concentrated sulfuric acid (heating)

51. Ethadiool-1,2 can react with

1) Hydroxide of Copper (II)

2) iron oxide (II )

3) chloride

4) Hydrogen

5) Kalia

6) phosphorus

52. Propanol-1 interacts with substances:

1) silver nitrate

2) copper oxide (II)

3) Bromomopod

4) Glycine

5) silver oxide (NH 3 r-p)

6) copper hydroxide (II)


53. What reagent is used to obtain alcohols from halogen alcoholins?

1) water rr KO 2) Solution H 2 SO 4 3) Alcohol Rr Kone 4) Water

54. Butanol-2 and potassium chloride is formed when interacting

1) 1-chlorobutan and aqueous solution of Kon 2) 2-chlorobutan and aqueous solution

3) 1-chlorobutan and alcohol solution KOZ 4) 2-chlorobutan and alcohol solutions

55. With alkaline hydrolysis of 2-chlorobutan, it is advantageously formed

1) Butanol-2 2) Butanol-1 3) Butanal4) BUTEN-2

56. What reagent is used to obtain alcohol alcohols?

1) water 2) hydrogen peroxide 3) weak rr H 2 SO 4 4) Bromine Rr

57. Catalytic ethylene hydration is used to obtain:

1) methanol; 2) ethanol; 3) propanol; 4) Butanol.

58. With the interaction of Bouthen-1 with water, it is formed mainly

1) BUTEN-1-OL-2 2) Butanol-2 3) Butanol-1 4) BUTEN-1-OL-1

59. When hydration 3-methylpenten-1 is formed:

1) 3-methylpenol-1 2) 3-methylpenol-3 3) 3-methylpenol-2 4) Pentanol-2

60. Ethanol can be obtained from ethylene as a result of the reaction:

1) hydration hydration 2); 3) halogenation; 4) hydrohalogenation.

61. What alcohols are from aldehydes?

1) primary 2) secondary 3) tertiary 4) any

62. From which substance cannot be obtained Pentanol-3:

1) PENTEN-1 2) PENTEN-2 3) 3-Brompeenthan 4) 3-chlorpenthan

63. From which substance cannot be obtained by propanol-2:

1) Propen 2) Propane 3) 2- Brompropane 4) propanone-2

64. What substance cannot get the primary alcohol?

1) ketone 2) aldehyde 3) alkene 4) haloalkan

65. From what halogen alkalo cannot get secondary alcohol?

1) 2-chlorpropane 2) 2-chlorine-3-methylpentane 3) 2-chlorine-2-methylpropane 4) 2-Brombutane

66. Butanol-1 cannot be obtained from:

1) Bouthen-1 2) Bootena-2 3) 1-chlorobutan 4) 1-bromobutan

67. Propanol-1 cannot be obtained:

1) restoration of carbonyl compound; 2) alkene hydration;

3) alkina hydration; 4) Hydrolysis Halogenelle.

68. Hexanol-2 can be obtained by hydration:

1) hexene-1 2) hexene-2 \u200b\u200b3) hexene-3 4) hexine-1

69. Ethadiool can be obtained in the reaction

1) 1,2-dichloroethane with alcoholic alcohol 2) acetaldehyde hydration

3) ethylene with potassium permanganate 4) ethanol hydration

70. Propanol-1 is formed as a result of the reaction, the scheme of which

1) CH 3 CH 2 Sleep + H 2 → 2) CH 3 CH 2 Sleep + Cu (OH) 2 →

3) CH 3 CH 2 Sl + H 2 O → 4) CH 3 CH 2 Sleep + AG 2 O →

71. As a result of alcohol fermentation glucose, education occurs

1) C 2 H 5 Oh and SO 2) CH 3 Oh and CO 2 3) C 2 H 5 OH and CO 2 4) CH 3 -CH (OH) -s Oh.

72. It does not apply to an industrial method for producing ethanol:

1) alcohol fermentation of glucose; 2) hydrogenation of ethannel

3) ethylene hydration 4) hydrolysis chloroethane

73. Raw materials for methanol in industry serve

1) CO and H 2 2) HCHO and H 2 3) CH 3 Cl and NaOH 4) HCOOH and NaOH

74. In industry from carbon and hydrogen oxide under pressure, at elevated temperatures, The presence of the catalyst is obtained:

1) methanol; 2) ethanol; 3) propanol; 4) Butanol.


75. How much is the phenol composition with 7 H 8 oh? 1) one 2) four 3) three 4) two

76. Oxygen atom in the phenol molecule forms

1) one σ - Communication 2) two σ - connection 3) one σ - and one π - Communication 4) two π - Communication

77. Phenols are stronger acids than aliphatic alcohols because ...

1) Durable hydrogen bond between alcohol molecules is formed

2) in the phenol molecule more mass fraction of hydrogen ions

3) in phenol electronic system shifted in the direction of the oxygen atom, which leads to greater mobility of hydrogen atoms of the benzene ring

4) Electronic density in phenols communication O-n decreases due to the interaction of the vapor electronic pair of an oxygen atom with a benzene ring

78. Select the right statement:

1) phenols dissociate to a greater extent than alcohols;

2) phenols show major properties;

3) phenols and their derivatives do not have a toxic effect;

4) The hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl group of phenol cannot be substituted on the metal cation under the action of the bases.


79. Phenol in aqueous solution is

1) strong acid 2) weak acid 3) weak base 4) strong base

1. Substance reacting with Na. and Naoh. giving purple staining with FECL 3 - this is:

1) phenol; 2) alcohol 3) simple ether; 4) Alkan

80. The effect of a benzene ring on a hydroxyl group in a phenol molecule proves a phenol reaction with

1) sodium hydroxide 2) formaldehyde 3) bromine water 4) nitric acid

81. Chemical interaction is possible between substances that are formulas:

1) C 6 H 5 OH and NaCl 2) C 6 H 5 OH and HCl 3) with 6 H 5 OH and NaOH 4) with 6 H 5 ONA and NaOH.

82. Phenol does not interact with

1) methanal 2) methane 3) nitric acid 4) bromine water

83. Phenol interacts C

1) hydrochloric acid 2) ethylene 3) sodium hydroxide 4) methane

84. Phenol does not interact with a substance whose formula

Kon 3) in r. 2 4) Cu. (Oh. ) 2

86. Acid Properties are most pronounced in 1) phenol 2) methanol 3) ethanol 4) glycerin

87. The interaction of phenol with sodium is formed

1) phenoline sodium and water 2) phenoline sodium and hydrogen

3) Sodium benzene and hydroxide 4) Sodium benzoate and hydrogen

88. Install the correspondence between the source substances and products that are mostly formed when they interact.

Original substances interaction products

A) C 6 H 5 OH + K 1) 2,4,6-tribromfenol + HBR

B) C 6 H 5 OH + KOV 2) 3,5-dibromfenol + nvr

C) with 6 H 5 per + nno 3) phenoline potassium + n 2

D) C 6 H 5 OH + B 2 (P-P) 4) 2,4,6-trinitrophenol + H 2 O

5) 3,5-dinitrophenol + NNO 3

6) Pinoli potassium + H 2 o

89. Install the correspondence between the source substances and reaction products. .

Source Reaction Products

A) C 6 H 5 OH + H 2 1) C 6 H 6 + H 2

B) from 6 H 5 OH + K 2) from 6 H 5 OK + N 2 O

C) from 6 H 5 it + kon 3) with 6 H 5 ON + KNSO 3

D) from 6 H 5 OK + H 2 O + CO 2 4) from 6 N 11

5) C 6 H 5 OK + H 2

6) from 6N 5 coxy + con

90. Phenol interacts with solutions

1) S. u. (He) 2

2) H 2 SO. 4

3) [AG (NH 3 ) 2 ]Oh.

4) F. eU l. 3

5) B. r. 2

91. Phenol reacts with

1) Oxygen

2) benzene

3) sodium hydroxide

4) chloride

5) Sodium

6) silica (IV) oxide


92. When replacing hydrogen in the aromatic ring on the hydroxyl group it is formed:

1) ester; 2) Ether; 3) limiting alcohol; 4) phenol.

93. Phenol can be obtained in the reaction

1) benzoic acid dehydration 2) benzaldehyde hydrogenation

3) styrene hydration 4) chlorobenzene with potassium hydroxide

MOU "Lyceum №47" Zaratov

Nikitina Nadezhda Nikolaevna - Chemistry

Preparation for the USE (10,11 class)

Test on the topic: "Single alcohols -

classification, Nomenclature, Isomerius Physical and Chemical Properties »

1 . Pentanol-2 substance belongs to:

1) primary alcohols, 2) secondary alcohols; 3) tertiary alcohols; 4) Double alcohols.

2. The limit monatomic alcohol is not:

1) Methanol 2) 3-ethylpendanol-13) 2-phenylbutanol-1 4) ethanol

3. How many isomeric compounds corresponds to the formula with 3 H. 8 O how many of them relate to alcanolams?

1) 4 and 3 2) 3 and 3 3) 3 and 2 4) 2 and 2

4. How many isomers belonging to the class of ethers have butanol-1?

1) one 2) two 3) three 4) five

5. Isomomer of the position of the functional group for Pentanol-2 is:

1) Pentanol-1 2) 2-methylbutolol-2 3) Butanol-2 4) 3-methylpenol-1

6. How many primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are shown below?

1) SN 3 SN 2 -OH 2) C 2 H. 5 -CH 3 ) -Ch 2 - OH 3) (CH 3 ) 3 C-ch 2 -Oh.

4) (CH 3) 3 C-OH D) CH 3 -CH (OH) -C 2 H 5 E) CH 3 -OH

1) primary - 3, secondary - 1, tertiary - 1 2) primary - 2, secondary - 2, tertiary - 2
3) primary - 4, secondary - 1, tertiary - 1 4) primary - 3, secondary - 2, tertiary - 1

7. What type of chemical bond determines the absence of gaseous substances among hydroxy compounds (under normal conditions)?

1) ion 2) covalent 3) donor-acceptor 4) hydrogen

8. Boiling points of alcohols compared with boiling temperatures of the corresponding hydrocarbons:

1) approximately comparable; 2) below; 3) above; 4) do not have a clear interdependence.

9. Polar alcohol molecules due to polarity of hydrogen bond with:

1) oxygen; 2) nitrogen; 3) phosphorus; 4) carbon.

10. Choose a right statement:

1) alcohols - strong electrolytes; 2) alcohols are well conducted by electric current;

3) alcohols - non-electrolytes; 4) Alcohols are very weak electrolytes.

11. Alcohol molecules are associated due to:

1) the formation of intramolecular ties; 2) the formation of oxygen bonds;

3) the formation of hydrogen bonds; 4) Alcohol molecules are not associated.

12. Methanol does not interact with :

1) K 2) Ag 3) Cuo 4) O 2

13. Ethanol does not interact with :

1) NAON 2) NA 3) NSL 4) O 2

14. How ethanol does not interact from the listed substances:

1) Na 2) NaOH 3) HBr 4) O 2

15. Propanol does not interact with:

1) HG 2) O 2 3) ns l 4) k

16. Ethanol does not react with:

1) Na 2) Cuo 3) HCOOH 4) CUSO 4

17 .. For limit monatomic alcohols, interaction with:

1) con (r-p) 2) to 3) Cu (OH) 2 4) Cu

18. When oxidizing primary butyl alcohol get:

1) Propanel; 2) Oil aldehyde; 3) ethanal; 4) methanal.

19. When oxidation (dehydrogenation) of secondary alcohol, get:

1) Tertiary alcohol 2) aldehyde 3) ketone 4) carboxylic acid.

20. Which of the hydroxyl-containing substances during dehydrogenation turns into a ketone:

1) Methanol 2) ethanol 3) propanol-2 4) o-cresol.

21. When oxidizing butanol-1 is formed:

1) ketone 2) aldehyde 3) acid 4) alkene

22. When oxidizing methanol, it is formed:

1) methane 2) acetic acid 3) methanal 4) chloromethane

23. When oxidizing propanol-2, it is formed:

1) Aldehyde 2) ketone 3) alkan 4) alkene

24. When heating methanol with oxygen on the copper catalyst is formed:

1) formaldehyde 2) acetaldehyde 3) methane 4) dimethyl ether

25. When the ethanol is heated with oxygen on the copper catalyst, it is formed:

1) ethen 2) acetaldehyde 3) diethyl ether 4) etnaidol

26. One of the reaction products occurring when the methanol is heated with concentrated. sulfuric acid, is an:

1) CH 2 \u003d CH 2 2) CH 3 -O-CH 3 3) CH 3 CH 4) CH 4

27. With intramolecular dehydration, butanol-1 is formed:

1) BUTEN-1 2) BUT-2 3) Dibutyl ether 4) Butanal.

28. Intramolecular dehydration of alcohols leads to education:

1) aldehydes 2) alkanov 3) alkenes 4) alkins

29. What substance is formed when the ethyl alcohol is heated to 140 about C in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid?
1) acetic aldehyde 2) dimethyl ether 3) diethyl ether 4) ethylene

30. The acidic properties of ethanol are manifested in the reaction with

1) sodium 2) copper oxide (II)

3) chloride hydrochloride) acidified solution of potassium permanganate

31. What reaction indicates the weak acidic properties of alcohols:

1) with Na 2) C NaOH 3) C NaHCO 3 4) C Cao

32. Alcoholates are obtained from alcohols when interacting with:

1) K mno 4; 2) O 2 3) CUO 4) NA

33. In the interaction of propanol-1, the sodium is formed:

1) Propen; 2) Sodium Provide 3) Sodium Ethylate 4) Propandiol-1,2

34. When exposed to alkali metal alcohols, it is formed:

1) easily hydrolyzed carbonates; 2) hard hydrolyzed carbonates;

3) hardly hydrolyzed alcoholates; 4) Easily hydrolyzed alcoholates.

35. What substance is formed in the Pentanol-1 reaction with potassium?

1) C 5 H 12 OK; 2) from 5 n 11 ok; 3) C 6 N 11 OK; 4) C 6 H 12 OK.

36. Substance reacting withNa. but not reacting withNaoh. When dehydrated, giving alkene is:

1) phenol; 2) alcohol 3) simple ether; 4) Alkan

37. Which of the listed alcohols is most actively reacting with sodium?

1) CH 3 CH 2 OH 2) CF 3 CH 2 OH 3) CH 3 CH (OH) CH 3 4) (CH 3) 3 C-OH

38. What is the molecular formula for the product of the interaction of pentanol-1 with bromomarodis?

1) C 6 H 11 BR; 2) C 5 H 12 BR; 3) C 5 H 11 BR; 4) C 6 H 12 BR.

39. During the reaction of ethanol with hydrochloric acid in the presence of H 2 SO 4 formed

1) ethylene 2) chlorhetan 3) 1,2-dichloroethane 4) chlorvinyl

40. From ethanol, butane can be obtained by a consistent action.

1) Bromomomodorod, sodium 2) Bromine (irradiation), sodium

3) concentrated sulfuric acid (T\u003e 140 °), hydrogen (catalyst, T °)

4) bromomodorod, alcohol sodium hydroxide solution


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