How to distinguish the Kazan Tatars from Siberian. Siberian Tatars An interesting story about the Siberian Tatar people

A number of non-Muslim peoples of Siberia (Khakasi, Shorts, TV televisions) to this day use the term "Tadar" as self-calf, although they are not considered as part of the Tatar nation and are not aware of themselves.

  • Tobolo-Irtysh (includes Zabolotinsky (Yasakolbinsk), Tobolo-Babasan, Kurdakian-Sargat, Tar, Tobolsk and Tyumen-Turin Tatars);
  • Barabinskaya (includes the Barabinsk-Turage, Lyubic Tunus and Terren-Choy Tatars);
  • Tomsk (includes Kalmakov, chats and eushtens).

Territory of residence and number

Siberian Tatars historically lived on extensive plains east of the Urals to the River Yenisei in the steppe, forest-steppe and forest zones. The original villages of the Siberian Tatars are located worn with villages of other ethnic groups mainly in Aromasashevsky, Zavodoukovsky, Vagaysky, Isetsky, Nizhnevdinsky, Tobolsky, Tyumen, Uvadsky, Yarututor, Yarkovsky districts of the Tyumen region; Bolshechensky, Znamensky, Kolosovsky, Muromtsevsky, Tarskoy, Tevrisian, Ust-Ishimsky districts of the Omsk region; Chanovsky district (Auly Tebeiss, Koshkul, Small Tebiss, Tarmakul, Belekhta), Kyshtovsky, Vengerovsky, Kuibyshevsky Kolyvansky district of the Novosibirsk Region, Tomsk District of the Tomsk Region, there are several villages in the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and Kemerovo regions. The Siberian Tatar population in the cities of these areas, and outside the Russian Federation of the Siberian Tatars communities are in Central Asia and Turkey (the village of Bogurjdik in the province of Konya).

According to the ambassadors of the Siberian Khan of Cali, who arrived in Moscow in 1555, the number of "black people" without knowing in Khanate was 30,700 people. In the literacy of Ivan the Terrible about the taxation of their tribute, the figure of 40,000 people is given: according to the results of the first All-Russian census in the Tobolsk province in 1897, Siberian Tatars had 56,957 people. These are the latest news of the true number of Siberian Tatars, as further census occurred taking into account the number of Tatar-immigrants from other regions of Russia. It is impossible not to mention that many Siberian Tatars died in every way the census believing that this is another attempt at the royal government to make them pay Yasak (tax). Nevertheless, in 1926, 70,000 Tatars were numbered on the territory of the current Tyumen region, in 1959 - 72 306, in 1970 - 102 859, in 1979 - 136 749., in 1989 - 227 423 , In 2002 - 242 325 (of them were born in the Tyumen region of 125,000 people). In total, according to the results of the All-Russian population census, in 2002 in the above areas (their territory corresponds to the main territory of the historic Siberian Khanate), 358,949 Tatars lived, of which 9289 identified themselves as Siberian Tatars. The greatest number of respondents identified themselves as Siberian Tatars in the Tyumen and Kurgan regions - 7890 and 1081 people, respectively. In total, according to the 2002 census, 9611 Siberian Tatars lived in Russia. At the same time, in a number of publications, the number of indigenous Siberian Tatars is estimated from 190 to 210 thousand people. Such a significant discrepancy in the data can be explained by the fact that the issue of self-identification is among the Siberian Tatars the subject of the discussion. Some of them share the official point of view that they are part of the Unified Tatar nation and consider their native language to the Eastern dialect of the literary Tatar, others consider themselves with representatives of the individual people with a distinctive language and culture.

Ethnogenesis and ethnic history

Part of the Siberian Tatars came out of medieval medium kypchakovwho participated in the formation of many Turkic peoples. In the course of its long and complex ethnic development, the Siberian Tatars were contacted with groups of Ugric origin, self-identity, ketas, peoples of Sayano-Altai, Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

The closest to the Siberian Tatars ethnogenetically - the Kazakhs and Bashkirs, the Sayano-Altai Turks. This is associated with the close ethnogenetic contacts of these ethnic groups in the foreseeable past.

Comparatively reliable data on ethnogenesis, as it is considered in science, can be obtained from the era of neolithic (6-4 thousand years BC. E), when the tribes begin to develop. This epoch is characterized by habitat in the territory of Western Siberia tribes of the Urals-Ural origin, in contact with the tribes of the Caspian Central Asia. In the middle of the 2nd millennium BC e. Iranian-speaking tribes penetrate into Siberia. The frontier of the new era is characterized by the formation of an ancienturk ethnos in Siberia. The Turkic tribes Hongna lived in Western Siberia already in -III centuries. n. e. In - explosive West Siberian forest-steppe populates significant masses of Turks, which came from the districts of Altai and Central Kazakhstan. In the XIII century. Kypchaki appear in the Virtica, southed from the southern steppes of the troops of Genghis Khan. During this period, the active care of the Ugric population begins to the north, part of which remains and is poured into the Turkic population. All this time, the contacts of the local Siberian-Turkic population are not interrupted with the ethnos of Central Asia, since the boundaries of the ownership of Central Asian state associations reached the territory of the priest. So to -XVI centuries. The ethnic core of the Siberian Tatars is consisted. In the XIII century. The territory of residence of the Siberian Tatars was part of the Golden Horde. In the XIV century Tyumen Khanate arises with the capital of the Chimgie Tour (Sov. Tyumen), in the late -xvi centuries. - Siberian Khanate with the capital in Spurre (near modern Tobolsk).

Despite many common cultural similarities of the Siberian, Volga-Ural and Astrakhan Tatars, anthropologists still allocate a Siberian type as a separate ethnic. Since Tatarstan has become a center and focus of Tatar culture, the influence of the Volga Tatars on all other groups of Tatars led to the process of cultural consolidation of all subgroups of the Tatars. Books, films, newspapers produced in Tatarstan and affordable throughout Russia, concerts of creative teams from Tatarstan in the Tatar diaspora, inevitably led to the leveling of local differences. However, in the environment of the Siberian Tatars, a very feeling of proximity to the Kazakhs and the differences from (Astrakhan and Volzhsky) Tatars. They, however, are mainly friendly relations with other Tatars.

Language and writing

Sibirskotatar literature


Spiritual culture

The value benchmarks of the Siberian Tatars are based on religious (Islamic) canons, non-religious performances and their manifestations in customs and rituals. The following religious rites include the following (held with the participation of Mullah) - the rite of name (soldered atatu), marriage (Nee), funeral (Kumu), a memorial rite (roll), the Zada \u200b\u200b(Telei) - is held for meaningful life events with the sacrificial animal , Islamic calendar holidays - Post Ramazan (Urasa), Kurban (Kormanyk), etc. All religious rites are carried out by almost one scenario - the difference is only in reading the mural of various prayers. A table with a traditional set of dishes (noodles, pies, cakes, bauars, uryuk, raisins, tea) is served, respected people, relatives, Mullah reads the necessary prayers, Alms (Cayer), a member of Mill are heard.

Folk holidays and customs include elements of associate beliefs of Siberian Turks. The folk holidays include Amal (Eastern New Year on the Spring Equinoxy Day). A collective meal is held in the village, gifts are distributed (items are scattered with a high construction), participants play games. Today, almost forgotten the ancient holiday of Karga Putty ("Vorona (grace) porridge"). In the Siberian Tatars in the pre-Islamic period, the crow was considered a sacred bird. He was held during the arrival of Graca, that is, before the start of the sowing work. Residents of the village were collected by the heads of Krupe and other products, cooked porridge in a large boiler on all participants, have entertained, and the residues of the meal left in the field.

Also traditionally, the Siberian Tatars in the arid summer are carried out by the Muslim rite of "prayer about the rain", where the villagers led by the Muslim clergy spend this rite of the casualties of the sacrificial animal in dry weather with a request to Most High about the rain either, on the contrary, in a rainy about the cessation of precipitation for Opportunities to continue agricultural work (mainly of the workpiece of the hay).

In view of the fact that Islam on Wednesday of the Siberian Tatars came through Bukhara Sufi Sheikh, among the Siberian Tatars, a respectful attitude towards these sheikhams has been preserved. The so-called "Astana" - the burial of Sheikhs, revered by the Siberian Tatars and, moreover, each "Astana" has its own "keeper", which is watching the state of "Astana", and the local population driving near Astana will always stop at the grave of Sheikh and read Prayers conveys a remuneration from the Kuchammad who read the Prophet (peace and blessing), his family, associates, aulia (Allah's friends), all Sheikham, Muslims and themselves.

The folklore applies to the spiritual heritage of the Siberian Tatars. In the genre attitude it is diverse. Dastani (folk poems) are known from the lyri-epic works ("Idegi"), prose-fairy tales (yomak), proverbs (Lagap), sayings (Eytem). Music (except dancing) is based on Pentatonic, so Siberian Tatars sing songs (yyr), common with Tatar and Bashkir. Music is accompanied by such genres of folklore as Baita (Payeth) - verses dedicated to tragic cases of life, Muneda (monk) - religious chants, chastushki (takmak). Folk dances are distinguished by loud beating legs (as in Spanish flamenco). From traditional musical instruments, Kurai are known (more precisely by the coara) (genus Swirl), Kubiz (more precisely Comyz) (tongue musical instrument), tumura (Dombra race), Tum (drum).

Material culture

According to Croy and the colors, the ancient outer clothing of the Siberian Siberian Skinny and Sayano-Altai, (with a Uiguro-Chinese Lapel), Women's Dresses - Bashkir (with several rollers on the pic), the costumes of the beginning of the 20th century and later are subject to Tatar influence.

The kitchen of the Siberian Tatars is diverse and is based on flour, fish, meat and dairy dishes. There were meat meat of all pets and birds, except for pork, from wild animals - hare and losyatin. From horse meat, sausages were made (Kaza), including smoked. In addition, the meat was ridden. Families first dishes - Soups and broths: meat soup - ASH, meat broth - Schurba, ear - Schurba Palyk, Different types of noodles - Otsh, Salm, Soups with Clayski - Uchchi and Yore, Wached - Taryt Ure, Pernoye - Kutsa Ure, Rice - King Ure. Pishpramak is used as a second dish in the furnace meat with broth, potatoes, onions and pieces of finely rolled dough, as well as various products from the dough: a large closed meat pie - Pellets (from various types of meat), a large closed fish cake - Erpetk. A large amount of baking are known: fresh cakes - cabartum, peter and yoga, wheat and rye bread, a large closed or outdoor cake with a sweet filling from Kalina (Palalan Palec), cranberries and lingers (Tsya Pallets), patties with various fillings - Kapshrim, samsa , Paremets, many types of Poursakov - pieces of dough prepared in boiling oil or fat (Sur Poursak, Sansa, etc.), dishes like pancakes - Koymok, Halva - Aluva, a tricky (cat). Porridge used, Talkan - a dish of ground meal barley and oats, divorced in water or milk.

Since the territory of residence of the Siberian Tatars - swampy, lake places, one of the popular types of raw materials for cooking is fish (except for raw species and pikes that are prohibited Islam). The fish is cooked in the form of a mustache, baked in the oven, fries in a pan, both separately on oil and in broth with potatoes, and also ropes, dried, salted. In addition, the waterfowl meat is popular. In the form of seasonings in all kinds of meat and fish dishes, a large amount of onions are used. In addition to meat dishes, like one of the main types of animal products, Popular dairy products: May - Oil, (Eremec, Ezhegia) - Cottage cheese, Katuk - a special kind of prokobyvashi (kefir), kaymak - sour cream, cream, Kurt - Cheese. The most common drinks were tea, some types of sherboet, knowing Kumsa and Ayran.

Of the wild berries, the sweet was prepared for sweets (as)

From the second half of the twentieth century. In the diet of the Siberian Tatars began to appear vegetables.

Traditional farm, craft

It is known about the occupation of Siberian Tatars by a hute agriculture before Siberia's entry into Russia. Traditional cultures - barley, oats, millet, later - wheat, rye, buckwheat, grown Lyon (Yeteno), gardening is not characteristic of the flesh before the beginning of the twentieth century. Vegetables were bought.

Cattle breeding is the main occupation of the Siberian Tatars in the past, in the village and now. The farm grown horses, large and small cattle, in rare farms divorced camels for trade in southern countries. After the spring field work, the herds of horses were produced on a free pasta. Sheep Stream 2 times a year. The hay is harvested in summer on individual and community lines. Fisheries and hunting are still popular. The main fish is a crucian (TABU), and the waterfowl, elk, roe, the fur beast, are shooting. It is known about catching medical leeches.

There were also a certain meaning and now trading is now, and in the past, the carriage of merchant goods on its horses, the experience of fisheries (employment in agriculture, on the treated forest dachas, sawmill and other plants). Livestock and agriculture products are processed both for internal consumption and trading. Molly grain on flour and cereal on the windmills (Yel Tyrmen), as well as with the help of manual guns (Kul Tyrmen). The oil was whipped in a special oil-kobo. It is known about squeezing cannal oil.

The remodes were mainly connected with internal consumption. Skins of domestic livestock and game were traded manually. Tulup, shoes sewed from the skins. Pillows and Perina pillowed from the bird feather. Goat down and sheep wool hung, knitted from the fluff shawl for themselves and for sale, and from wool - mostly socks. Luck was treated for tailoring. Masters (Ost) knitted networks (AU), the NEW (YYL) and produced other devices for fishing, as well as animal cappos. There are data on the manufacture of rods from the limeflake, weaving boxes from ventilation rods, the manufacture of birest and wooden dishes, boats, cart, sled, ski. In the northern regions gathered cedar cones.

Modern Siberian Tatars, living in cities, work in all areas of production, service and education, and in the village there are traditional classes, like animal husbandry (with the production of dairy products for domestic consumption and for sale, floss and wool processing), hunting, fishing, collection Dijoros (berries, mushrooms, cedar cones for sale).

Social organization

During the Siberian Khanate and earlier, Siberian Tatars had a generic relationship with elements of the territorial community. In the XVIII - early XX centuries. In the Siberian Tatars existed 2 forms of the community: community-parish and community-village. The functions of the community-parish were mainly fiscal and represented an ethnic and estate community. The settlement community was a landing unit with land use regulation, economic functions, control functions. Management was conducted by democratic gatherings. The manifestation of community tradition is the custom of mutual assistance.

Important Siberian Tatars had the role of Tugum. Tugum is a group of related families, originating from one ancestor. The role of Tugum was to regulate family, household relations, the performance of religious and folk rituals. The role and religious community that regulated certain relations in the community as a whole was important.

Famous Siberian Tatars

see also


  1. 2010 census
  2. The official website of the All-Russian Census of 2002 - the National Composition of the population
  3. The official website of the All-Russian Census of the 2002 Census - a list of variants of self-determination of nationality with numbers
  4. Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982.
  5. Siberian Tatars Institute of History An RT 2002, 2002
  6. D.M.Ishakov. Tatars. Brief ethnic history Kazan: IGAID, 2002.
  7. Tomilov N.A. Modern ethnic processes among the Siberian Tatars. Tomsk, 1978; Peoples of Siberia, M.-L., 1956 (Bible on p. 1002);
  8. Boyarshinova Z. Ya., Population of Western Siberia before the start of Russian colonization, Tomsk, 1960.
  9. Bahashev A.I. Taxonomic position of Tobol-Irtysh Tatars in the system of racial types of Western Siberia // Problems of anthropology and historical ethnography of Western Siberia. Omsk, 1991.
  10. Hit G. L., Tomilov N. A. The formation of Tatars Siberia according to anthropology and ethnography // Methodological aspects of archaeological research in Western Siberia. Tomsk, 1981.
  11. Valeev F. T. Siberian Tatars. Kazan, 1993.
  12. National population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  13. Ciber Tatars Historical Help
  15. Siberian Tatars writers decided to become a separate ethnic group | In Russia and the CIS | News | Islam and Muslims in Russia and in the world
  16. Ishakova, Valeev - Problems of Renaissance of the National Language of Siberian Tatars
  17. Sagidullin M. A. Turkic ethnotoponimia of the territory of the Siberian Tatars. M., 2006.
  18. Tumashheva D. G. Dialects of the Siberian Tatars: Experience of Comparative Research. Kazan, 1977.
  19. Akhatov G. Kh. Dialects of the West Siberian Tatars. Author. dis. on the sister Scientific degree of dock. philologist. science Tashkent, 1965.
  20. N. Tomilov. The ethnic history of the Turkic-speaking population of the West Siberian Plain at the end of the XVI - early twentieth centuries. Novosibirsk, 1992.
  21. Creativity of the peoples of the Tyumen region. M., 1999.
  22. Bakiyev G. T. Country community Tobol-Irtysh Tatars (XVIII - early XX century). Tyumen-Moscow, 2003.


  • Akhatov G. Kh. Some issues of the methodology of teaching their native language in the conditions of the eastern dialect of the Tatar language. - Tobolsk, 1958.
  • Akhatov G. Kh. Language of Siberian Tatars. Phonetics. - Ufa, 1960.
  • Akhatov G. Kh. Dialect of West Siberian Tatars. - Ufa, 1963.
  • Akhatov G. Kh. Dialects of West Siberian Tatars. Author. dis. on the sister Scientific degree of dock. philologist. science Tashkent, 1965.
  • Akhatov G. Kh. Tatar dialectology. Dialect of West Siberian Tatars. - Ufa, 1977.
  • Akhatov G. Kh. Tatar dialectology (textbook for students of higher educational institutions). - Kazan, 1984.
  • Bakiyeva G. T. Features of the development of the judicial system in the Siberian Tatars in the XVIII - early XX century. // Bulletin of archeology, anthropology and ethnography (Edition of the IPOS SB RAS), 2009, No. 9. - P. 130-140.
  • Bakiyeva G. T.

Remainted mainly in Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Tyumen regions.

The total number of Siberian Tatars was: according to the census of 1897 - 46 thousand people, 1926 - over 7 thousand, 2010 - 6,779 people (in other censions of Siberian Tatars were not allocated as a separate group).


Speaking relates to the eastern dialect of the Tatar language.

Writing since 1939 on the basis of the Russian alphabet.


Believers confess mainly Islam (Sunni).


Among the Siberian Tatars were ethnonyms - Muslims, Tabylik (Tobolsk), Temanlik (Tyumen), Baraba (Barabinsk) and others.

Siberian Tatars. 1862.

Color lithograph in drawing by K. GUNA from the original Koselov

Ethnographic groups

In the composition of Siberian Tatars, 3 ethnographic groups are distinguished:

tobolo-Irtysh (includes the Kurdakian-Sargat, Tara, Tobolsk, Tyumen and Yaskolbinsk Tatars),

barabinskaya (Barabinsky-Tourage, Lyubic Tunus and Terren-Choysky Tatars),

tomsk (Kolmaki, Chats and Eustgetans).

Tomsk Tatar. Start XIX B.


A crucial role in the formation of the ethnocultural appearance of the Siberian Tatars was played by Turkic, Finno-Ugors, self-independent, partly Mongolian peoples.

The process of consolidation of the Siberian Tatars occurred in and in the resulting decay.

The Buchants Siberian and Volga-Ural Tatars, migrating in the XVI-early XX centuries, were later influenced by the ethnic development of the Siberian Tatars. In Siberia.

In the XVII-XIX centuries, due to the agricultural development of Siberia, Russians, there were significant changes in the settlement of all groups of Siberian Tatars (consolidation of settlements, a change in the boundaries of the territory of residence, etc.).

From 2007 in the city of Tobolsk, the International Festival "Iskober-Giene" is held, within which conferences, concerts, etc. are held.

Traditional classes

The main classes of Siberian Tatars - agriculture (cultivated wheat, rye, oats and millet) and cattle breeding. The Barabinsky Tatars played a big role in the lake fisheries, in the northern groups of Tobolo-Irtysh - river fishing and hunting.

Siberian Tatars have long been engaged in leather craft, manufacture of dishes, traditional means of movement (cart, sled, boats, etc.), ropes from urine (Tyumen and Yaskolbinsk Tatars), knitting fishing nets, weaving boxes from ventilation rods, etc. d.

In the XIX - early XX centuries. Many of the Siberian Tatars were engaged in trading, trafficking (on planting forests, sawmill and other factories) and wrappers (mainly merchant goods).

Skotnikov O.E. Tomsk Tatar. 1809.

Gravis in drawing EM. Korneeva

Social groups

During the Siberian Khanate, the neighboring territorial community existed (Barabinsky and Yaskolbinsk Tatars survived the relics of tribal relationships).

Until the first half of the XIX century. The main mass of the Tatar population of Western Siberia was yasant people - ordinary communities. Among the Siberian Tatars were groups of servicant Tatars-Cossacks, grave (dependent) Tatars, rural crucians (paid to file from Chullala - furnaces), as well as the layers of the nobles, merchants, clergy.

According to Russian legislation, almost all of the Siberian Tatars were credited in the category of sedentary foreigners (from 1822).

Settlements, housing

Before the beginning of the XVIII century. Common housing at the Siberian Tatars were dugouts and sonons. There were also ground logged buildings (with low ceilings, doors), global, turf and brick houses.

Later, the Siberian Tatars began to build houses on Russian samples (logo, among merchants and wealthy citizens - stone buildings).

In the interior of the houses, each group of Siberian Tatars had its own characteristics, but the central place in the situation of most of the dwellings was occupied by carpets covered with carpets, felt, tested along the edges of chests and bedding.

From furniture in the houses there were tables on low legs, shelves for dishes (wealthy - cabinets, chairs and other furniture).

Villages (Aules, Yorts, Test Tatars - Uluses, Aimaki) Siberian Tatars were mainly located on the banks of the rivers and lakes. Cutting villages appeared with the construction of roads.

At the end of the XIX - early XX century. For most settlements, a straight line layout was characterized. The houses were put on both sides of the street, occasionally (mainly in coastal villages) there was a one-sided building.

The most significant structures were the mosques, usually wooden, in separate villages (for example, in the village of Embaevo Tyumen County Tobolsk province) - from brick.

Traditional family

In the XVIII - early XX centuries. The traditional form of the family of the Siberian Tatars had a small family (on average 5-6 people).

All the fullness of the authorities focused on the head of the family (usually they were a senior man - grandfather, father, brother), which determined the inner routine of family life. Strictly observed orders of limiting the freedom of women (for example, the custom of issuing girls to marry without their consent, the ban to walk with an open face on the street and others).

Currently, families consist of two (less often of three) generations and are 3-5 people. The concept of the "head of the family" is preserved, but in most families, things are decided together.

Traditional clothes

Traditional men's native clothes in the past consisted of a shirt and pants.

Upper clothes (including women) served by Beshmets - Long swollen cafts with sleeves, sleeveless or short-sleeved Camisoles, fallen body swings, Tulups and coats (tone, tun), bathrobes (chapan) from household matter or Central Asian silk tissues .

In the XIX - early XX centuries. In everyday life of the Siberian Tatars, Russian dohs were widespread, serum walkers, army, men's shoes, trousers, and women dresses.

Men wore a tubette (Kapach, Tubyatyy, Arakchin), felt caps (Burek), winter steel caps of different types (including a hat with a vopotoxy protrusion).

From female hats, the most common was a naked bandage (Soraoch, Sarauts) on a solid cardboard basis, a tinted cloth and decorated with pose and beaded embroidery. Festive headboards were Caltacks: large sizes, knitted or silk and velvet fabrics (covered with embroidery wool, beads, etc.) and small in size, from velvet fabric with solid cardboard shake. Women also worn caps of a cylindrical shape, and on top of them - scarves and shawls.

Women's suit complemented a variety of gold, silver, beads, coins (bracelets, rings, rings, earrings, beads, etc.).

Siberian Tatars have widespread soft leather boots Ichigi, decorated with crosslinking mosaic, leather shoes, boots (pimes), short chirks, hunting boots and other shoes.

Traditional cuisine

In the traditional food of the Siberian Tatars prevailed meat and flour products.

The main dishes were the horse sausage (Kaza), dumplings, various soups (meat - shuffle, milf - Taryd Ure, Perlovoy - Kuche Ure, rice - core uré, noodles - onache, salty, dotch, etc.), porridge, Talkan (dish From the ground grains of barley and oats divorced in water or milk), cakes (peter), pies with different fillings (stroke, balish, suns), halva (aluva); Tea, Ayran, Kuism, etc. Drinks.


In the past of the Siberian Tatars, various games were active: in grandmother (analogue of the game in the townships), җUGA (men rose around the leading and tried to knock off his cap; in the confrontation, the central player was to show his strength and dexterity) and others.

In some villages of the Barabinsky and Tomsk Tatars in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. There were an echo of ancient pagan cults: the shamans (Kama) were treated with patients and burned (Kamlali) during sacrifices.

Nowadays, the Muslim holidays (Uraza Bayram, Kurban Bayram) and the holidays of uprassic origin (etc.) continue to be among the Siberian Tatars.

Siberian Tatars have a rich folk legacy. It includes legends and legends, fantastic and domestic fairy tales (yomaklar), proverbs (macallar) and sayings (Lagaplar), riddles (Tabashmaklar), lyrical and ritual songs (yyrlar), works of an epic nature - dastans and bates, chastushki (takmaklar ), Short songs of spiritual content - MUDNESHATS, BASNI (MESORER).

In the Soviet period, in connection with the strengthening policy of Russification, the acceleration of the pace of urbanization, etc., traditional culture and the economy of the Siberian Tatars have undergone significant changes: Tatar schools were reorganized, Tatar newspapers were stopped.

From the late 1980s - in the early 1990s. The Siberian Tatars have an increase in national identity, interest in its origin, history, culture, language development, etc. On the territory of a number of regions of Western Siberia, public organizations were formed: the Tatar Public Center "Azat Seber" - "Free Siberia" (Novosibirsk Area), Cultural and educational society "Tuganlyk" - "Rodation" (Tomsk region), Association of the Siberian Tatars (Tyumen region), etc., whose priority goals are to promote the national revival of the Siberian Tatars, strengthening their economic and cultural ties with other Tatars groups , friendship and mutual understanding between the people of the Russian Federation.


Boyarshinova Z.Ya. The population of Western Siberia before the start of Russian colonization. Tomsk, 1960.

Tomilov N.A. Modern ethnic processes among the Siberian Tatars. Tomsk, 1978.

Tomilov N.A. The ethnic history of the Turkic population of the West Siberian Plain in the late XVI - the beginning of the twentieth centuries. Novosibirsk, 1992.

Valeev F.T. West Siberian Tatars in the second half of the XIX - early XX C.: Historical and ethnographic essays. Kazan, 1980.

Valeev F.T. Siberian Tatars. Kazan, 1993.

Ishakov D.M. Siberian Tatars // Tatars. M., 2001.

According to the 2010 census, Russia has more than 5 million Tatars in Russia. Kazan Tatars have its own national autonomy as part of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Tatarstan. Siberian Tatars National Authority do not possess. But among them there are those who want to call themselves for the Siberian Tatars. About 200 thousand people declared this during the census. And this position has a basis. One of the main issues is: to consider the Tatar with a single people or the union of close ethnolinguistic groups? Among the Tatar subethnos, in addition to the Kazan and Siberian Tatars, Tatars Mishari, Astrakhan, Polish-Lithuanian and others are also highlighted.

Often, even the general name is "Tatars" - many representatives of these groups are not accepted. Kazan Tatars for a long time called themselves Kazan, Siberian - Muslims. In the Russian sources of the XVI century, the Siberian Tatars were called "Busmano", "Tatar", "Siberian people". The common name of the Kazan and Siberian Tatars appeared by the efforts of the Russian administration at the end of the XIX century. In the Russian and Western European practice, the Tatars have long been called even representatives of peoples, they were not treated.

Now many Siberian Tatars have taken an official point of view that their language is the eastern dialect of the literary Tatar, which says the Volga Tatars. However, there are opponents of this opinion. According to their version, Siberian-Tatar is an independent language relating to the North-West (Kipchak) group of languages, it has its own dialects that are divided into dialects. For example, the Tobolo-Irtysh dialect includes Tyumen, Tarsky, Tevrisian and other dialects. Not all Siberian Tatars understand the literary Tatar. However, it is led by teaching in schools and it is it that is being studied in universities. At the same time, Siberian Tatars prefer to speak in their own language.


There are several theories of the origin of the Tatars: Bulgaro-Tatar, Turko Tatar and Tatar-Mongolian. Supporters of the fact that the Volga and Siberian Tatars are two different people, adhere to the main Bulgarian Tatar version. According to her, Kazan Tatars are descendants of Bulgar, Turkic-speaking tribes who lived in the territory of the Bulgarian state.

The ethnonym "Tatars" came to this territory with Mongol-Tatars. In the XIII century, the Volga Bulgaria became the composition of the Golden Horde in the XIII century. After her decay, independent Khanate began to form, the largest of which became Kazan.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the historian Gaynestin Akhmetov wrote: "Although traditionally it is believed that Bulgars and Kazan are the essence of two states that changed one thing, but with careful historical comparison and study, it is easy to find out their direct heredity and to some extent even identity: in Kazan The same Turkic-Bulgarian people lived in Khanate. "

The Siberian Tatars are defined as an ethnos, which formed from the complex combination of Mongolian, self-independent, Turkic, ugro components. First, Khanty and Mansi ancestors came to the territory of Siberia, the Turks began to penetrate them, among whom were Kipchak. It was from the latter that the core of the Siberian Tatars was formed. According to some researchers, some of the Kypchakov migrated further into the field of the Volga region and was also mixed with Bulgarians.

In the XIII century, Mongol-Tatars came to Western Siberia. In the XIV century, the first state education of the Siberian Tatars - Tyumen Khanate originated. At the beginning of the XVI century, it became part of Siberian Khanate. For several centuries, mixing with nations living in Central Asia also took place.

The ethnic groups of the Kazan and Siberian Tatars have developed at about the same time - around the XV century.


A significant part of the Kazan Tatars (up to 60%) looks like Europeans. Especially many blonde and light-eyed people among Kryashen - the group of baptized Tatars, also living in Tatarstan. Sometimes it is noted that the appearance of the Volga Tatars was formed as a result of contacts with Finno-Ugric peoples. Siberian Tatars are more like Mongols - they are dark-eyed, dark-haired, cheese.

Siberian and Kazan Tatars are mainly Muslim Sunni. However, they have preserved elements of associate beliefs. From the Siberian Turks, for example, the Siberian Tatars inherited the reversion of the crows for a long time. Although the same rite of "Voronia Kashi", which was cooked before the start of sowing work, is now almost forgotten.

Kazan Tatars existed rites, in many respects taken by Finno-Ugric tribes, such as wedding. Vintage funeral rituals, now fully displaced by Muslim traditions, began to start in the ritual of the Bulgar.

To a large extent, the customs and traditions of the Siberian and Kazan Tatars have already been mixed and unified. This happened after many residents of Kazan Khanate conquered in Siberia migrated, as well as under the influence of globalization.

Siberian Tatars (self-talent - Sibtat, Sibirtary, Syr., Seber Tatarslar, Tatarslar, Seber Tatars, Tatars) - the indigenous people of Western and South Siberia. Subethnos Tatars. A number of non-Misulm peoples of Siberia (Chules, Khakasi, Shorts, Teleuts), "Tatar" or "Tadar" as self-disposal, although they do not consider themselves as part of the Tatar nation, as such.

According to racial signs, Siberian Tatars belong to the South Iibirsky, West Siberian and Central Asian racial types. The ethnogenetic processes of the Middle Ages and later periods anthropologically bring the Siberian Tatars with residents of Central Asia (Sartai), Kazakhs, Bashkirs. Dermatoglyphic material allows the Siberian Tatars to the circle of methum European one-mongoloid forms with a significant predominance of the mongoloid component.

According to the results of the first All-Russian census in the Tobolsk province in 1897, Siberian Tatars had 56,957 people. These are the latest news of the genuine number of Siberian Tatars, as further census occurred taking into account the number of Tatar-immigrants from other regions of Russia. It is impossible not to mention that many Siberian Tatars died in every way the census believing that this is another attempt at the royal government to make them pay Yasak (tax). According to the results of the All-Russian census, in 2002, 358,949 Tatars lived on the territory of Siberia, of which only 9289 identified themselves as Siberian Tatars, 9611 Siberian Tatars lived in Russia in Russia. Such a big difference is due, it is possible that many do not make the separation of "Tatars" and "Siberian Tatars", relating to a wider ethnic.

Most Siberian Tatars are focused in places of historical accommodation. The original villages of Siberian Tatars are located mainly in Aromasashevsky, Zavodoukovsky, Vagaysky, Isetsky, Nizhnavdavdinsky, Tobolsky, Tyumen, Uvadsky, Zalutorovsky, Yarka districts of the Tyumen region, the Bolshechensky, Znamensky, Kolosovsky, Muromets, Tarsky, Trevrisian, Ust-Ishimsky districts of the Omsk region, Chasovsky district, Kyshtovskiy, Vengerovsky, Kuibyshev and Kolyvan areas of the Novosibirsk region, Tomsk district of the Tomsk region.


Comparatively reliable data on the ethnogenesis of Siberian Tatars can be held from the Neolithic era (6-4 thousand years BC). Then, in the territory of Siberia, the Tribes of the Ugric-Ural Origin lived in the area between the bottom of the bottom and the Ural Mountains: the self-identity (nonsense), the nearest relatives of Selkups, Khanty and Mansi. For the Nenets, the anthropological plan features a combination of signs inherent in both Europeanoids and mongoloids, and the tendency to increase the share of mongoleness from the west to the east.

At the end of the 1st millennium BC, after the defeat from China, part of the Turkic tribes Hunn migrated to the west to the south of Western Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan, mixed with the aboriginal population. In most, the Nenets were forced to move back to the coast of the Northern Ocean. In the VI-IX century, West Siberian forest-steppe is part of the Turkic Kaganata. Around the XIII century, migration from the central regions of Kazakhstan and the Altai Ancient Turkic tribes began in Western Siberia, primarily Kychakov (in European and Byzantine sources - Kumanov, in Russian sources - Polovtsy), who lived from Irtysh to Volga ("Chet-and and -Kypchak "). And again, the peoples living here were forced to shift to the north, the remaining mixed with the Turkic tribes.

So the ethnic core of the Siberian Tatars consists of the XV-XVI century. In the XIII century, the territory of residence of the Siberian Tatars was part of the Golden Horde. In the XIV century, Tyumen Khanate arises with the capital of the Chimgie - Tour (modern Tyumen), at the end of the 15th century - Siberian Khanate with the capital in Spurra (near modern Tobolsk).

The very ethnonym "Tatars" has far from Eastern European origin, as approved by official Soviet historiography. As V.P.Vasiliev writes, with reference to the Chinese Source: "Found from Manchuria under pressure from the kidani - militant democrebers - one separate tribe, settled at Injan, was nicknamed by the Date (Tatars), this name was famous in China at the Tansky Dynasty" VII century). During the dominion of the thief, the story finds them in the north-west of Dunnyov, Tugukhuns and Tukayu, "from the Mountains of Inshan towards Altai and Jungaria.

In 870, the chroniclers are marked with chateau chateau fighting the ancient Tatars against the Chinese. V.P.Vasiliev explains that the Turkic tribes inhabited in Steppe Chateau (Jungaria, the territory of the modern Xinjian province in the north-west of China), migrated to the east, "on the northern side of the Inshan Ridge" in the VIII-IX centuries. The same tribes are described by L.N. Gumilleva, he calls the swabs "Chateau Turks, the latest descendants of the Central Asian Hongov". By the same time, the story also refers to the appearance in this area of \u200b\u200bTatanya. In the 9th century, the story no longer mentions the shats in these places. On the contrary, at the Kiden dynasty, Dadan (Tatars) appear here. Therefore, both kinds were mixed with each other, and were pushed out by the Natius of the Kidani and Tangites of the Kingdom of the Sia, then north and west, and already under Genghis-Khan, having committed, according to V.P.Vasilyev, "circular rotation" of his migration, Tatars Genghis-Khan came from the West (from the side of Chateau-Jungaria) again to the east of Eurasia, where "the generation of Tatars in Genghis Kean has become royal."

Thus, in approximately the VII-VIII century on the spaces of Central Eurasia from Inshan to Dzhungaria and further to Altai, the Urals and Volga, and further, there was a "mixing" and the settlement of the Turkic gods. The main role in the formation of a new ethnos, the ancient Tatars played earlier from Manchuria, Chateau Turks and partly Uigurs.

It should also be noted that the tribesmen of Genghis-Khan, as follows from the works of V.P. Vasilyeva and L.N.Gumilyov, still "Tatars were called in the XI-XII centuries."


The Siberian Tatar refers to the majority of phonetic-grammatical indicators to the language of the Kypchak-Nogai subgroup of the Kypchak Group of the Westkhunnaya branch of Turkic languages. In vocabulary and grammar, there are elements of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Carluk Group, the Kypchak-Bulgarian and Kyrgyz-Kypchak subgroups. Such interpenetration of elements of languages \u200b\u200bof different groups and subgroups within the framework of Turkic languages \u200b\u200bare characteristic practically for all Turkic languages. In the phonetics, the phenomena of total stunning of the voiced consonants associated with the Ugric substrate are traced. The language is characterized by the Cocanier and Yokean in all positions of the word. On the morphological level there is a wide use of communion and verbalism, the use of the ancient Turkic lexeme tank (watch). Professor G. Kh. Akhatov believes that the "Cocanier" in the Siberian Tatars remained from Polovtsy.

Siberian Tatarsky has a number of dialects and govers: Tobolo-Irtysh dialect with Tyumen, Tobolsky, Zabolotny, Tevrisian, Tarsky Counsel, Barabinsky dialect, Tomsk dialect with Eusten Chat and Oski talks. From here and the names of "Barabinsk Tatars", "Orshest chats" and others occur.

Since the penetration of Islam in Siberia until the 20s of the 20th century, Siberian Tatars, like all Muslim nations, enjoyed writing based on Arabic graphics, which in 1928 was replaced by Latin, and in 1939 - Cyrillic. A written language for Siberian Tatars is a Tatar literary language based on the grammatical laws of the language of the Kazan Tatar. The native language of the Siberian Tatars is a steady phenomenon. It is widely used by them in the communicative sphere and does not have tendency to active leveling with other languages. At the same time, the city Siberian Tatar population goes into Russian, which applies only to the language, but not self-consciousness.


Most Siberian Tatars are Muslims, confessing Islam Sunni sense. Siberian Tatars value benchmarks are based on both Islamic canons and non-religious performances and their manifestations in customs and rituals. Folk holidays and customs include elements of associate beliefs of Siberian Turks.

Material culture

Siberian Tatars called their villages aules, and in the past yurts, and cities - Torah, Kala. In the course of the Tatar, the terms of ulus and aimak are preserved before the revolution. Many names of Siberian Tatar settlements are connected with the location (the names of the rivers, lakes), as well as we have founder. All the names of the Siberian Tatar settlements have a Siberian Tatar and Russian official name, which, in fact, is also Turkic.

Previously, almost all villages of Siberian Tatars were located on the shore of the reservoir. Cutting villages appeared with the construction of roads. The central part of the village is usually without a strict layout located on an exalted part, where there was a mosque with the inherent Siberian region with architectural appearance (wooden connounged construction with a rather squat minaret over the input zone). The cemetery was located near the village. The graves had quadrangular coarse fences. On the gravestone hill of a woman put two wooden columns - in the headboard and at the feet. On the grave of a man - one pillar with a crescent.

From the buildings are known to the logistics, clay, turf and brick dwellings, dugouts and semi-windows. In the XVII - XVIII centuries, low connate yurts with small doors were built, without windows in which the light penetrated through the hole in a flat earthen roof. Late logged five-colored houses had a double or fourth roof, covered with wooden boards, and had deaf fences around the perimeter of the economy. Some had two-storey log houses, and in cities wealthy merchants and industrialists - stone houses. Few houses from the outside were decorated with patterns located on windows windows, eaves, gates of the estates. Basically it was a geometric ornament, only sometimes images of animals, birds and people were traced in the patterns, as it was prohibited Islam.

In the inner decoration of the house, the dominant position had a Narya - Uryn, covered with insteadless palaces - Kelem. A low round table for making food was installed on the hiras, they slept on the nara, but the poles from the poultry feather. Along the edge of naric stacks, blankets (Yurgan) were laid, pillows (yasts), chests. Nara replaced all the necessary furniture. Also in the houses there were tables on very low legs, shelves for dishes. Only the rich Siberian Tatars met other furniture, such as cabinets and chairs. Residential houses of the furnace (Maeis) are heated - Russians with firebox, stove and brave part for cooking and only heating with furnace. The second floor of a two-story house was not heated. The clothes were swayed on a wooden ride under the ceiling (Mauyl). The windows cut through small and stamped with curtains (TERES PERTE). The distance was divided into the yard (Kura, Ischegalt) and the economic - the livestock (small Kura). There was a cellar with ice, which was harvested in winter for storing meat products.

Modern Siberian Tatar villages have a quarterly layout. Many built the mosques of various architectural plan. Ethnic flavor Modern villages have no exception to the presence of a mosque, cemeteries with crescents on graves that have wooden, iron fences and iron or stone monuments.

Casual clothes of men and women consisted of a sharovar and shirt. Over the shirts were put on the Chekken (Cycman) or Camcol (Camuls), which were fitted with long sleeves and pockets of the rod of the jacket below the knees of woolen fabric. Female Chekmen was distinguished from male with great expansion to the alert. Festive dresses of Siberian Tatars sewed with Ruffles (Pilm) and breastplate decorations (Iseu). Festive men's clothing was a bathrobe (JECTE, Tsapan). Leather boots (atu, karyk), leather shoes are known from the shoes (Tsaryk Pasha), Kalosh, Winter - Valenki. Headgear men - Tubetsey (CEBEC), hats on the fur (such). Women wore a naked dressing (Sarauts), and on top of her shawl or handkerchief. The obligatory attribute of female jewelry was the stans (Colbi), bracelets (peellar) mainly of silver. Winter clothing consisted of quilted coats (Corte), sheepskin trees (Tun), fur coats.

According to Croy and the colors, the ancient outer clothing of the Siberian Siberian Skinny and Sayano-Altai, (with a Uiguro-Chinese Lapel), Women's Dresses - Bashkir (with several rollers on the pic), the costumes of the beginning of the 20th century and later are subject to Tatar influence.

The kitchen of the Siberian Tatars is diverse and is based on flour, fish, meat and dairy dishes. There were meat meat of all pets and birds, except for pork, from wild animals - hare and losyatin. From horse meat, sausages were made (Kaza), including smoked. In addition, the meat was ridden. Favorite first dishes - Soups and brows: meat soup - ASH, meat broth - Schurba, ear - Schurba Palyk, Different types of noodles - Otsh, Salma, Soups with dumplings - Uchchi and Yore, Middle - Taryk Ure, Perlovoy - Kuts Eme, Rice - King Ure. Pishpramak is used as the second dishes - the meat furnace with broth, potatoes, onions and pieces of finely rolled dough, as well as various products from the dough: a large closed meat pie - Pellets (from various types of meat), a large closed fish cake - Ertnack. A large amount of baking is known: fresh pellets - cabartum, peter and yoga, wheat and rye bread, a large closed or outdoor cake with a sweet filling from Kalina (Palalan Palets), cranberries and lingers (Tsya Pallez), Pies with various fillings - Kapshrim, Samsa , Paremets, many types of Poursakov - pieces of dough prepared in boiling oil or fat (Sur Poursak, Sansa, etc.), dishes like pancakes - Koymok, Halva - Aluva, a tricky (cat). Porridge, Talkan - a dish of ground barley grains and oats divorced in water or milk.

Since the territory of residence of the Siberian Tatars is swampy, lake places, one of the popular types of raw materials for cooking is a fish (except for raw species and pikes that are prohibited Islam). The fish is cooked in the form of a mustache, baked in the oven, fries in a pan, both separately on oil and in broth with potatoes, and also ropes, dried, salted. In addition, the waterfowl meat is popular. In the form of seasonings in all kinds of meat and fish dishes, a large amount of onions are used. In addition to meat dishes, like one of the main types of animal products, Popular dairy products: May - Oil, (Eremec, Ezhegia) - Cottage cheese, Katuk - a special kind of prokobyvashi (kefir), kaymak - sour cream, cream, Kurt - Cheese. The most common drinks were tea, some types of sherboet, knowing Kumsa and Ayran.

), Tomsk (Kalmaki, Chats and Eustgetans).

Language - Siberian-Tatar. Dialects: Tobolo-Irtysh (Tarsky, Tevrisian, Tobolsky, Tyumen, Zabolotnyh tags), Barabinsky and Tomsk (Kalmak and Eustein-Chatsky dialects). Most believers are Muslim Sunnis. Part of the Tatars of Siberian adheres to traditional beliefs. The Tatars of Siberian prevailed the features of the Ural anthropological type, which consisted as a result of other mohethisation between Europeanoids and Mongoloids.

In the most general form, the ethnogenesis of Tatars Siberian is currently presented as the process of mixing Ugric, Selfish, Turkic, and partly Mongolian tribes and nationalities who are part of different groups of this ethnic community. The penetration of Turks occurred mainly 2 ways - from the east, from the Minusinsk brand, and from the south - from Central Asia and from Altai. Apparently, the initial territories of the Tatars of Siberian occupied other Turks Turkic kaganatov. In Tomsk Priobye, the Kyrgyz and Telecian tribes played a certain role in the formation of the Turkic-speaking population. Autochonsky Turkic tribes in the Tatars of Siberian are considered to be Ayala, Kurdaki, Tules, Tukuza, Sargati, and others. Perhaps the older Tribes, and not the cricks that appeared later (in the XI-XII centuries), formed the main ethnic component at the first stage of the ethnogenesis of Tatars Siberian. In the IX-X centuries. In the territory of Tomsk Priobia, kimaki moved - carriers srekkin Culture. Cypchak tribes and nationalities came out of their medium. The Tatars of Siberian recorded tribes and childbirth of Hatanov, Karakyakhatkov, Nougayev. The presence in the Tobolo-Irtysk group of the tribes of the Mraces and Kondomy indicates their ethnogenic connection with the Shorns of tribes. Later, Yellow Uigurs, Buchars-Uzbeks, Tatars were poured into the composition of the Tatars of Siberian eleuti (in Tarskaya, Barabinsk and Tomsk groups), Kazan Tatars, Mishari, Bashkirs, Kazakhs. With the exception of Yellow Uigur, they strengthened the Kypchak component in the Tatars of Western Siberia.

Overwhelming mass Bukharians Siberian The Uzbeks and Tajiks were, in addition, there were Uigurs, Kazakhs, Turkmen, and, apparently, Karakalpaks, and in Siberia in some cases, the Siberian and Kazan Tatars.

After the Mongolian campaigns of the XIII century. The territory of Tatars Siberian was part of the Goldenopa State of Khan Batya. The earliest state formations of Tatars Siberian - Tyumen Khanate (in the XIV century. With the center in Chimge Tour, on the site of modern Tyumen), at the end of the XV - early XVI centuries. - Siberian Khanate (By the name of the settlement of Siberia or Kashlyuk). The growth of economic and cultural ties, the relatives of the languages \u200b\u200band other factors led to the emergence of new oversized ethnic communities. In the XIV-XVI centuries. There were the main groups of Tatars Siberian.

The ethnic story of Siberian as part of the Russian state was not easy, which is associated with the vast territory of their settlement in Western Siberia, a certain disunity, contacts with many nations, complex social composition and other factors. The ethnic territories of the Siberian Tatars were gradually stabilized, although their individual movements were observed at the end of the XIX-XX centuries. Despite the territorial disconnection of the Russian state, the relationship between Tobolo-Irtysh, Barabinskimia, the Tatarsco-piece Turkic-speaking groups of Siberian Tatars created the opportunity to develop consolidation processes.

During the existence of the USSR, the ethnic structure of consolidation processes has changed little. W. Barabinsev The division of groups and tribes disappeared, only in some serenities, knowledge about Tugama - genealogical groups remain. The Tobolo-Irtysh and Tomsk Tatars weakened, but did not completely disappear the ideas of division on the sub-ethnic group. According to some scientists, Tatars Siberian - independent people, others indicate the incomplete consolidation into a single ethnicity, believing that they are, most likely, not fully formed ethnic community. Siberian Bukharians finally entered the Siberian Tatars to the middle of the twentieth century. In the 1960-80s. There were active processes of rapprochement and partial mixing of the Siberian Tatars with the Volga-Ural Tatars. In all censuses of the USSR, Tatars Siberian were included in the Tatars.

Tatars Siberian are resettled mainly in the middle and southern parts of Western Siberia - from the Urals and almost to Yenisei. The populations are scattered among the Russian villages, the Russians live in the Tatar settlements themselves, at least 15-30% of the total population. Significant groups of Tatars Siberian live in Tyumen, Tobolsk, Omsk, Tara, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and other cities where the first compactness of their settlement in Tatar slobodakh disappeared. In the cities of Western Siberia, many Volga-Ural Tatars are assieved. All Turkic groups belonged to the Tatars Siberian at the end of the XVII century. There were 16 thousand people, at the end of the XVIII century. - Over 29 thousand, at the end of the XIX century. - 11.5 thousand people. The number of Siberian Bukharians was at the beginning of the XVII century. 1.2 thousand people, at the end of the XIX century. - 11.5 thousand people. The number of Volga-Ural Tatars - immigrants to Siberia up to the 1860s. Grew slowly: in 1858 there were only 700 people on the West Siberian plain. By 1897, their number increased to 14.4 thousand people. According to the 1426 census, the Tatars of Siberian numbered 90 thousand people, and all the Tatars (including Volga-Ural) - 118.3 thousand.

Traditional classes - agriculture (in some groups it existed before coming to Siberia of Russians) and cattle breeding. Barabinsky Tatars played a major role in the lake fisheries, and the northern groups of Tobolo-Irtysh and Barabinsky Tatars - river fishing and hunting. Divorced cattle and horses. In the southern part of the region they grown wheat, rye, oats, millet.

Crafts - a leather business, the manufacture of lime bald ropes (Tyumen and Yaskolbinsk Tatars), knitting of networks, weaving boxes from IV rods, manufacture of birch and wooden dishes, cart, boat, sled, skis. Tatars Siberian also engaged in trade, trafficking in agriculture (work on hiring in agriculture, on government forest dachas, sawmill and other plants), wrapper.

Public lineage has changed significantly for centuries. During the Siberian Khanate, there was a neighboring territorial community, if the Barabinites, Yaskolbinsev and other tribal relations disappeared with the accession of Siberia to Russia. The bulk of the Tatar population of Western Siberia to reform M.M. Speransky, implemented at the end of the first quarter of the XIX century, was yasant - ordinary communities. In addition to them, among the Tatars of Siberian, there were groups of serving Tatars Cossacks, gravity (dependent) Tatars, ORBER Chuvashikov (paid from Chullala - furnaces), as well as nobles, merchants, Muslim spiritual faces and others. According to the Charter on the management of foreigners (1822), almost all of the Tatars Siberian and Siberian Bukharians were translated into the category of sedentary "foreigners". In the USSR, the social composition of Tatars Siberian has changed significantly. Managers, specialists, employees, mechanisters, qualifying. The workers were among the Barabinis more than 50%, and among the Tobolo-Irtysh Tatars - 60% of the entire rural population.

The main form of the family at Tatars Siberian in the XVIII - early XX century. There was a small family (an average of 5-6 people). In recent decades, the family consists of 2, less often than 3 generations and has 3-5 people.

The Tatars Siberian villages called their villages, or yurts, among the Tomsk Tatars before the revolution, the terms "Ulus" and "Aimak" were preserved.

For the village of Tatars, Siberian is characterized by striped and promotional types of settlements. Cutting villages appeared with the construction of roads. At the end of the XIX - early XX century. For most Tatar settlements typical was the right straight line planning of the streets. In some locations, other features were noted - the curvativity of the streets, turns, shorts, some dismissal dwelling, etc. The house was put on both sides of the street, a one-sided building was rare in coastal villages.

In the XVII century Squash and semi-windows were extended as housing. However, the Siberian Tatars have long been known for the ground cutters, as well as global, turf and brick dwellings. The connate yurts in the XVII-XVIII centuries. There were low, there were small doors (they were inhauling in them squatting), the windows were absent, the daily light penetrated through the hole in a flat earthen roof. Later house was built in the Russian pattern. Some Tatars had 2-storey log houses, and in cities wealthy merchants and industrialists - stone houses. In the interior of the houses of each group, the Siberian Tatars had their own characteristics, but the central place in the situation of most housing was occupied by carpets covered with carpets, felt, tested along the edges of the chests and bedding. Nara replaced almost all the necessary furniture. In the houses there were still tables on very low legs, shelves for dishes. Only the rich Tatars met other furniture - cabinets, chairs, etc. Heated houses with chubs with an open source, but some Tatars were used by Russian furnaces. Only a few houses were decorated with patterns on windows, cornices, gates of the estates. Basically it was a geometric ornament, but sometimes images of animals, birds and people were traced in the patterns, which was forbidden islam.

Frequently, the patterns were decorated with clothing, hats and shoes. Shutty clothes served shirts and pants. And men, and women endowed bishmets - long swing kaftans with sleeves, camoles - sleeveless or short-sleeved, tightly tights, bathrobes, bathrobes (chapan) from household matter or mid-oysian silk fabrics, and in winter - coat and fur coats (tone, tun) . In the XIX - early XX century. Among the part of the Tatars of Siberian, Russian dohs, Toulups, serum, Armenians, men's shirts, trousers, and women dresses spread.

From female hats, a specifically local was a naked bandage (Soraoch, Sarauts) with a solid front part of the tissue of cardboard, decorated with pose and embroidery beads. The festive headdress was Calfak (Cap). In addition, women wore summer and winter caps of a cylindrical shape, and on top of a scarlet and shawl. Men wore tuberets, felt caps, winter hats of various species, including with a volatose protrusion from behind. Soft leather boots (Ichigi), leather shoes, winter boots (pimes), and short chirks, hunting boots, etc. Numerous Women's decorations - Bracelets, rings, rings, earrings, beads, beads, cords, ribbons . The girls wore bone launches, decorated with coins, and townsquarters - silver and gold medallions.

Foods prevailed meat-dairy products. Dairy products - cream (kaymack), oil (May), varieties of cottage cheese and cheese, special kind of sour milk (rod), drink Ayran, et al. Meat - lamb, beef, horse, poultry; Pork did not use; From the meat of wild animals - Zaitan, Losyatina. Soups: meat (shuffer), auspiece (Taryd Ure), rice (Korotsk Ure), Fish, flour - from noodles (Otsh, Salm, Urata), Liquid Dough (Tsumara) and roaming flour (plassom). Porridge Talkan - Dish made of ground barley grains and oats, divorced in water or milk, from flour dishes Spruce cakes (peter), wheat and rye bread, bauzaki - Large-fried pieces of bourgeing dough, Sansa (view of baursakov) - fried in Oils long tape tests ("twig"), pies with different fillings (Paremez, Balis, Sumse), dishes like pancakes (Koymak), Halva (Aluva) and others. Drinks: tea, Ayran, partially koumiss, some types of Sherbet, etc.

From the folk holidays annually celebrate Sabantuy. Muslim holidays are the most widespread uraza (Ramazan) and Kurban Bayram. In some villages of Tatars Siberian, in the 2nd half of the XIX century. There were servants of other pagan cults. Among the part of the Barabinsky and Tomsk Tatars up to the 1920s. There were shamans (kama) who were treated with patients and Kamlali during sacrifice. Of the housesulman beliefs, the cult of ancestors, the cult of animals, totemism, faith in the spirits - the owners of the phenomena of nature, dwellings, estates, astral and mythological ideas, faith in the spirits of idols (patrons of the family, communities, personal patrons).

LIT.: Tomilov N.A. Modern ethnic processes among the Siberian Tatars. Tomsk, 1978; He is The ethnic history of the Turkic-speaking population of the West Siberian Plain at the end of the XVI - early XX century. Novosibirsk, 1992; Valeev F.T., Tomilov N.A. Tatars Western Siberia: history and culture. Novosibirsk, 1996.