Phrases Tony Robbins. Quotes of great and well-known about life, love, money, success, dream and many other things

- Fake quotes of the American motivational speaker Tony Robbins used in jokes and memes. Invented quotes parody talk to Tony Robbins on a speech in Moscow, which, according to the expensive tickets to the audience, consisted mainly from the trivial councils.


On September 1, 2018, the Motivational Speaker and Life Coach Tony Robbins spoke in the Olympic Speaker. The price of tickets for the performance began from 30 thousand rubles, and the most best places With a set of additional bonuses offered to buy for 500 thousand rubles.

The performance of Tony Robbins began four hours later than the planned and accompanied by large queues. The greatest discontent of visitors was caused by the fact that the motivational advice of Robbins turned out to be quite trivial.

The event received a negative assessment in social networks: who visited the seminar was joking about the money spent and a terrible organization.

The fake quotes of Tony Robbins became a popular joke format, in which he was attributed to either a complete banalist, or just strange statements. So, on September 2, twitter user joked in such a format @Shakhnazaroff By typing more than 50 likes.

September 3 User. @ Sitael88. Posted by the meme that scored over 40 retwees, using a photo of Robbins with a quote from the site of the University of Synergy, the event organizers.

September 4, Facebook user Maxim Danilov published selection of memes With fake quotes Robbins.


Fake quotes are ridicuing the triviality of the tips that sounded on the speech of Tony Robbins in Moscow. Usually in quotes, the obviousness of the statements is brought to the absurdity. In other examples, the quotes of robbins are replaced with copy-paste, memes or vulgar expressions.

Tony Robbins is a world famous coach, writer, speaker, Life-coach. Among his clients billionaires, politicians and stars of show business. Anthony inspires millions of people daily to new results and achieve goals. Sometime, Tony Robbins himself survived a deep personal crisis, but came out of the hard situation with the winner.

We offer you 27 inspirational quotes from the steady coach in the world, which necessarily be able to look at your life on the other hand.

27 Powerful quotes from Tony Robbins

  1. Life is a wicked gift, and she offers you many options, privileges and opportunities to do something more and become someone important.
  2. The only reason why so few people from us seek their own - inability to compose: we never concentrate on our goal. Many just swim throughout life, never even decide what they want. "
  3. Your past and your future should not be the same.
  4. Only you can change your life. Not someone else for you. Namely you.
  5. Your destiny is managed by three solutions that you take at every moment of your life. They define that you notice how you feel that you will do, which contribute to the common cause and, finally, who will become. If you do not control these three solutions, then you do not control your life.
  6. To change someone or yourself, we must simply flip it so that the non-change becomes incredibly painful (so painful that the boundaries of our patience would move), and the very thought of change - logical and pleasant.
  7. Resources that you need to change something in your life are in you yourself and are available right now.
  8. If you constantly do what you always do, continue to get what they got.
  9. Your decisions form your future.
  10. There are 2 ways in life: inspiration and despair.
  11. Make your life masterpiece. Become the person you admire.
  12. The meaning of our life is not to get something, but to give something and someone becomes.
  13. No lazy people. There are goals that are not inspired.
  14. If you can't, you have to do it. If you should - you can.
  15. If you do not outset your life level, you will never live as you want.
  16. Most people fail because it misses priorities.
  17. People do not even imagine what they can achieve if all their actions focus on a certain sphere of life.
  18. Success is to do what you want when you want it, with whom you want and where you want.
  19. There are no problems only in non-living.
  20. The quality of your life is in proportion to your attitude to it.
  21. Your income is your choice, and not economic problems in the world.
  22. You will not become great, if not passionate about your business, who would not be: an athlete, scientist, parent or entrepreneur.
  23. Constantly Improve and never stop!
  24. If there is a goal, there will be energy, and funds, and inspiration.
  25. If you want to manage your life, you must take control of your daily business. It does not affect our life what we did once, but what we do from day to day.
  26. Life - like the river, is constantly in motion. And if you do not take conscious, targeted actions to drink there, where you need, you will find yourself in full dependence on its flows and water films.
  27. The road to "someday" leads in never.

Well, how did it inspire? You can get even greater motivation and transformation by walking on the living performance of Tony Robbins in Moscow, in September 2018. Take advantage

The other day it became known that American Life Coach received a million dollars for his four-hour performance in the Olympic, which is already. Many seemed that the advice of Robbins was too banal and did not cost such money.

But since then it went, network users decided to imagine what other motivating phrases could pronounce Tony Robbins if he had a little longer on stage.

First of all, the Internet community was focused on the quotes of Robbins, which were published on the site of the University of Synergy (organizers of the Life-Coucha seminar). There were represented phrases, like: "If it didn't work out the first time, try again and again" and "put a goal and go to her all my life."

Potential quotes of the speaker turned out to be truly outstanding, and some of them may well become a life credo.

Twitter also decided to experiment a little with the format of motivating quotes.

Guys, we put the soul in the site. So
what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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On September 1, for the first time in Russia, one of the most popular and ambiguous business coaches in the world - Tony Robbins spoke. He is known as a successful businessman, Life Coach, TED conference speaker and author of bestsellers for self-development. Robbins trained Opera Winfri, Leonardo di Caprio and others famous people. In 2007. forbes magazine Included it in the list of "100 most influential celebrities." The cost of tickets for his speech in Moscow began on ₽ 30 thousand, and the Platinum ticket cost ₽ 500 thousand. Despite the high price, to listen to the famous speaker more than 25 thousand people came, and many authoritative publications wrote about his seminar.

We are in website The 25 inspirational quotes Tony Robbines about life, goals and motivation for you are completely free. This, of course, is not magic pills, but something is definitely noticed.

1. Real leaders spend 5% of the time to clarify the problem and 95% - to its solution. Stop stump in place!

2. Your life is changing at the moment when you make a decision and start acting.

3. The meaning of our life is not to get something, but to give something and someone becomes.

4. People do not even imagine what they can achieve if all their actions will focus on a certain sphere of life.

5. When you are angry more than 30 seconds, the remnants from this emotion remain in the body for another 5 hours.

6. Your past and your future should not be the same.

7. No lazy people. There are goals that are not inspired.

8. This decision is this, after which you make a new action. If there is no actions, you never accepted the solution.

9. You see, many people in life know what to do and only some do what they know. To know is not enough! Need to act.

10. Your income is your choice, and not economic problems in the world.

11. You will not become great, if not passionate about your business, whoever you are: athlete, scientist, parent or entrepreneur.

12. If you want to manage your life, you must take control of your daily business. It does not affect our life what we did once, but what we do from day to day.

13. The only reason why only a few seek their own, is inability to focus: we never concentrate on our own goal. Many just swim throughout life, never decide what they want.

14. The problem is that we think that problems are something bad. In fact, precisely thanks to them we grow and change.

15. The road to "ever" leads to "Never".

16. If you constantly do what you always do, then continue to get what they got.

17. Do not know what to do? Do what you know.

18. Only those will understand the true joy and the satisfaction of life, who will learn to disinterestedly invest their soul.

Read 5 min. Published on November 25, 2018.

Anthony Robbins is a recognized authority in the psychology of leadership, negotiations, organizational changes. This is a person who fully implemented all his best qualities and overcame all the limitations - ranging from poverty in which he has grown, ending the tumor in the brain associated with an uncontrolled growth hormone, because of which he grew up so huge.

The author of bestsellers, an incredible Life Cauche, a stunning speaker, an entrepreneur, philanthropist and a change catalyst. Tony lives the highest values \u200b\u200band changes the lives of hundreds of thousands of people every day. He advises leaders -plovers of countries, professional athletes and famous actors.

50 quotes from Tony Robbins:

You have come for what you already have.

What makes us slaves - ideals. What makes us free - values.

Passion is in uncertainty.

Women's energy goes when the body is strained. It returns at the time of changing the state of gripping to openness.

Suffering is not in facts. Suffering - in interpretation of facts. We ourselves give the importance to events.

We do not need to change. We just need to find the part of us, which is already happy and successful and trained to appear as often as possible.

We cannot control events, but we can influence them.

When you suffer, you are obsessed with only yourself.

The most important decision you can take is life in excellent condition.

Problems and happiness have no relationship.

The most erroneous thought is to think that you should not have any problems.

Change your expectations for gratitude and your world will instantly change.

Planet is my playground. Love is my legacy.

When you are angry more than 30 seconds, the remnants of this emotion remain in the body for another 5 hours.

Kill Draco (problem) while he is small and pretty, otherwise he turns into Godzilla and destroy your city.

You cannot improve something until you confess that something does not work.

Never measure yourself with the successes of other people. Measure your success with your potential and abilities. Measuring yourself the achievements of others will reduce your expectations from ourselves.

Men take responsibility for the state of the woman (positive or negative).

Most people are reaches, but not recipients of pleasure.

How rarely it is when a person not only wants something, but also ready to do everything possible so that he has it.

The scale and internal content of the hero is determined by the scale and force of the antihero.

When you punish your partner, you destroy the relationship.

We can fight dark or can turn on the light.

What, if the pleasure of life has become a top of achievement for you?

Everything you claim after the words "I ___________" sooner or later becomes you.

I created Tony Robbins. He did not appear from nowhere.

We suffer when we fight with reality.

You can't bless others if you yourself do not feel blessings.

Every thought you think, and every decision you accept comes from your beliefs and values.

Values \u200b\u200bare emotional states that we either want to increase, or avoid.

Values \u200b\u200bmanage your solutions. Decisions form fate.

Most of our values \u200b\u200bare unconscious.

Direction \u003d destination.

Your individual suffering is growing as a complex percentage. You can't suffer without pain another.

Personality does not develop when everything goes well. It is formed during difficulties.

Spiritual force comes from spiritual pain.

Any pain can become a source of force if you find a way to grow through it.

We are awarded publicly for the day after day we do alone.

It's hard to love yourself if you do not know yourself.

Women's energy - open heart. Only your head turn on and get into male energy.

Desire is energy.

To realize your vision, it should be not only "about you."

Relationship requirements are a burden. It destroys passion.

3 Basic things that destroy a man in a relationship: 1) Critica, 2) control, 3) Cloth

3 things that destroy a woman in a relationship: 1) misunderstanding, 2) ignoring, 3) insecurity

3 Love Measurements: 1) My wishes / Primary needs, 2) Your and my desires / needs equally important, 3) Your desires / needs \u003d My wishes / needs

Filling each other's desires creates energy circulation in relations.

The decision taken from fear (unless this is associated with the threat of life) is always an incorrect decision.

Relationships provide us with the most important spiritual lessons in life. We must learn to give and love unconditionally.

Do what you did at the very beginning of your relationship, and they will never end.

Transformation biochemistry:

  • Satisfaction / saturation
  • Discontent
  • Emotional threshold
  • Moment insight
  • Opening: approval of your true "I"

1. What is the most significant event affected the formation of your personality? Is it a good story or bad? Is it possible to rewrite it to good so that this event gives you strength, instead of taking them?

2. Write two letters to two most important people in your life. Tell us about your devotion to your dream.

3. Recall that in your life you managed? Due to what you did it? Surely, you focused on success, and not at fear. Do it for your new goals.