A conflict situation at work is an example and a solution. Examples of conflict situations, their description and solution

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on the topic: "Analysis conflict situations»


1. An example of a conflict situation

2. Analysis of the conflict situation



The basis of any organization is people (labor collective), and without them the functioning of the organization is impossible. The totality of object conditions in which people find themselves in the process of joint activity predetermines and limits the ways of their interaction. The number of needs that can be met in communication is also limited by the prevailing circumstances.

In this regard, production situations often arise in teams, during which contradictions on a wide range of issues are revealed between people. By themselves, these disagreements and contradictions can act as a positive factor in the movement of creative thought. However, as they become acute, they can hinder successful collaboration and lead to conflict.

A conflict in an organization is a conscious contradiction between communicating members of this team, which is accompanied by attempts to resolve it against the background of emotional relationships within the organization or in the interorganizational space.

In psychology, a generally accepted understanding of the essence of the conflict has not yet developed. Some authors interpret it as a collision, opposition, contradiction. Others understand conflict as a type of communication, situational incompatibility, a situation of not found a way out, a type of competitive interaction.

Conflicts occur in both large companies and small firms, they can lead to the closure of the organization. Therefore, the study of conflicts in the organization is a very relevant topic.

Conflictology is the science of the laws of origin, origin, development, resolution and completion of conflicts of any level.

Conflict is a multidimensional polyfunctional natural socio-psychological phenomenon that characterizes the state of an act of life of a system, which is carried out in two versions: normative (a real act of functional systems of different levels of matter); pathological (the key moment in the development of the subject, creating increased tension);

This paper examines an example of an organizational conflict and the possibility of applying theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in conflict management in its classification and solution.

1. Exampleconflict

A prestigious Japanese restaurant. The staff includes both men and women of different ages. At the next meeting of the managers of the establishment, it was decided to accept the second administrator of the hall into its staff. During the meeting, the current administrator was absent for some reason and was not aware of this decision. The next day, the management began the selection for a new position, and informed the administrator about it. The reaction of the latter played out a quarrel with the manager. His opinion contradicted the opinion of the management about the need for a second vacancy.

The conflict took a new turn; already the staff began to complain about the unpleasant psychological atmosphere at work.

As a result of misunderstanding and conflict, the administrator quit. Leaving behind the last word in the attitude of the leadership towards him.

conflict employee situation behavior

2. Analysisconflict situation

The structure of the conflict.

In the structure of any conflict, the following components can be distinguished:

Base or basis - a conflict situation (episode and fragment);

The object of the conflict is what it is directed towards (“because of what”);

There are also several types of object of conflict:

objects that cannot be divided into parts, joint ownership of which is impossible;

objects that can be divided in equal proportions between the parties to the conflict;

objects that both parties to the conflict can jointly own (the situation of "imaginary conflict");

The subject of the conflict (contradiction);

Parties or participants; Social status of the subjects;

Environment(geographic, climatic, economic conditions, social environment, microclimate in the group, social environment);

Incident (pretext) - activation of the activity of one of the parties, which infringes upon the interests of the other party; The outcome of a conflict situation - consequences, results;

The basis or basis of the above proposed conflict was that the management of the institution was clearly not satisfied with the work of the existing administrator of the hall, and the current situation provoked a conflict that was previously brewing between them. The object of the conflict is the opinion of the personal superiority and authority of the administrator among the staff. The subject of this conflict is the impossibility of reconciliation, since the conflict already had a mature character. The parties to the conflict are the leadership and the subordinate. The social position of the subjects is a different social position. The environment is a restaurant, an entertainment establishment, a friendly-minded team, however, of course, it takes place, as well as responsible work with staff, which requires high professionalism and qualifications. Conflict incident - the transition of the conflict to the review of the entire team. The outcome of the conflict situation is the departure of the dissenting side and the accusation of incompetence on the leadership.

The dynamics of the development of a conflict situation

In the dynamics of the development of the conflict, there are 3 stages:

The first stage: pre-conflict situation (the emergence of objective grounds for the conflict): A potential conflict is characterized by the "tension" of relations, emphasized formality, the split of the team into groups, the appearance of the first signal of conflict - discomfort in communication.

There are 3 phases of a pre-conflict situation:

the emergence of a controversy over a certain controversial issue; assessment of the pre-conflict situation; awareness of this stage as a conflict;

The first phase: this is that moment of past dissatisfaction with the leadership of the administrator. Second phase: the moment when it was proposed to open a new vacant position. And the third stage, when the manager and administrator of the parties to the conflict realized that the conflict still exists.

The second stage: conflict counteraction, characterized by misunderstandings, growing tension, assessment of the forces and indignations of the conflicting parties; the transition of the conflict from latent to open confrontation (the conflicting parties are trying to settle the conflict by making a compromise); further escalation (increased tension), confrontation; the conflict reaches its climax and takes the form of total war;

The conflict situation came to the attention of the entire team, after which indignation began, and conflict situations were already within the staff.

Third stage: conflict resolution;

The resolution of the conflict happened by itself, because the leader did not influence the situation in any way. One of the conflicting parties resigned.

Post-conflict situation (new alignment of forces, new relations of opponents to each other, reassessment of their strengths and capabilities). In this situation, the conflict disappeared as a result of the departure of one participant, who considered that the decision of the management did not make sense.

Psychological relief. In this situation, for the remaining side of the conflict and the entire team, it is necessary to conduct training on group rallying.

Conflict functions

The presented conflict, in my opinion, has all the listed functions. Let me explain: a conflict has a diagnostic function, because its occurrence indicates that there is a problem (or even a complex of problems) in relations between people (colleagues), and in an organization in principle. The conflict helped to reveal the root of the difficulty. The conflict has a constructive function, because, firstly, it served as a "drain valve" to reduce frustration and aggression, and secondly, during the discussion and solution of this problem, a compromise solution was developed based on the boss's creative approach to the problem. In my opinion, such a decision leads to more efficient work in the organization and strengthening of the leader's authority as a good manager. The conflict has a destructive function, because despite its outcome, which carries a lot of positive things, for example, the possibility of team building and building relationships, the possibility of increasing the efficiency of teamwork and facilitating working relationships.

Determinants of conflict

Determinants of the conflict - the reasons that gave rise to the conflict situation.

There are the following personal determinants that produce inadequate mental and socio-psychological orientation: personality orientation and characteristics of self-awareness; mental condition; violation of the motivational sphere and the emotional sphere; features of characterological manifestations; social inequality; clash of interests and needs; the concept of deprivation (a state characterized by a clear discrepancy between expectations and the possibilities of meeting them);

Considering the existing conflict situation, one cannot fail to notice that the main parties to the conflict have an egoistic personality orientation, i.e. striving to meet narrow personal interests and needs.

The peculiarities of self-awareness in this case include increased aggressiveness and anxiety, excessive adherence to principles in defending one's position and, most likely, an inadequate level of aspirations (I think that if at least one of the school employees were really highly qualified specialists could reduce the entire conflict to a compromise e.g. apologize).

The mental state of the parties to this conflict is characterized by: a sense of an insurmountable obstacle to the satisfaction of needs; the desire to restore the lost integrity inner peace(manifested in aggression);

Violation of the motivational sphere of this conflict is characterized by an overestimated desire and insufficient ability to satisfy them. Violation of the emotional sphere of this conflict is characterized by:

lack of a culture of emotional behavior; poor development of empathy; the predominance of emotions over reason;

Features of characterological manifestations in this conflict: impulsivity; complexes of ambition; selfishness;

TO structural elements the personality of this conflict can be attributed to: emotional barriers (each of the employees is afraid to feel "worse than others"); gender differences;

Summing up, we can say that the main determinants of the conflict have become: the presence of conflict situations, and in particular conflicts in the past; clash of interests and needs; personal ambitions;

Strategies and tactics of behavior in the conflict

A strategy of behavior in a conflict is a program and an action plan aimed at implementing the set chain in a conflict, in other words, it is a solution to the problem of satisfying one's specific need, one's specific interest in a given conflict.

The tactics of behavior in a conflict are the means that provide a given strategy, which ultimately determine the style of a person's behavior in a conflict. Modern conflict theory distinguishes between five basic strategies of behavior: competition, evasion, cooperation, settlement, compromise.

When people come into conflict, they do not necessarily adopt any one strategy of behavior, they are often combined. It depends on the type of conflict, on what level it occurs, what are the resources of the parties to the conflict, what is the significance of personal chains, etc.

Having analyzed the situation of the above presented conflict, we can say that the behavior strategy of the subjects of the conflict is based on personal hostility, since their behavior was emotional and irreconcilable, and both employees express a reluctance to admit their guilt in this conflict, because each is confident that he is right, and this confidence turns into self-confidence.

In my opinion, in this situation, a cooperation strategy aimed at a constructive resolution of the conflict, that is, at working with a problem, not with a conflict, would be the best fit. Employees should, firstly, acknowledge the conflict (emphasizing a common basis for interaction, which may even be a single desire to find a way out of this situation together), secondly, discarding emotions, openly discuss their interests and positions on this issue, and, thirdly, to find a joint solution to the problem and alternative ways out of the conflict, transferring it to a peaceful, constructive channel.

Ways to resolve the conflict

The final stage in the development of most organizational conflicts is its resolution, which can be imaginary and real.

With an imaginary resolution, the reason for its occurrence is not eliminated. The conflict is resolved either by removing one of the participants, or by reaching a compromise, or by suppressing the conflict by force of power or authority. At the same time, the parties to the conflict remain a feeling of dissatisfaction and discontent, which ultimately can lead to a new outbreak of the conflict.

Real resolution of the conflict can be carried out in two directions. The first is the elimination and resolution of organizational problem situation, the second is finding forms of conflict movement and facilitating the acceleration of the objective process of its development, thanks to which a rational justification of the position of conflicting individuals or groups is preserved and developed and, in the end, a solution is found that fully satisfies the parties to the conflict.

In my opinion, the solution to the existing conflict is real, because the leadership had to initial stage conflict, settle relations with the administrator. But since it missed this situation, there was a serious conflict that affected everyone around.

Mechanism of conflict

The mechanism of the conflict includes the study of two positions: the aggressor and the victim.

An aggressor is a subject with a defective inner world, expressed in the complexity of the inner world and increased social activity. He develops, gains new knowledge through conflict. The behavior of the leader - the aggressor is characterized by: Saturation of negative emotions (envy, anger and a desire to subjugate everything); Striving for justice according to its own parameters and usefulness for the organization.

Demonstration of superiority, strength and power over your opponent in front of your team.

The desire to disturb the peace of the "victim" by influencing him (shouting, threats, scandal).

The victim is a subject with attractive personality and emotional traits, a tendency to addiction. The employee, due to his psychotype and life circumstances, is not able to resist the aggressor, he is only trying to get away from the conflict, not wanting to continue.

Conflict prevention

One of the main strategies for preventing conflicts in the collectives of organizations is, first of all, reducing the level of conflict of those people who are inclined to incite them.

Implementation work this approach can go in two directions: correction of the subjective (internal) conditions of a conflicted personality in the course of individual work; creation of organizational and managerial conditions conducive to reducing the manifestations of conflict.

Reconciled personnel policy

First of all, it should be called a verified personnel policy. The correct selection and placement of personnel, taking into account not only the qualifying "questionnaire" indicators, but also the psychological qualities of the personnel, significantly reduce the likelihood of hiring conflicting individuals and those inclined to get involved in conflicts. The basis of psychological support is psychological diagnostics of personnel during hiring and placement. Currently, psychological diagnostics is carried out mainly through testing. High authority of the leader An important factor in reducing the level of conflict in the individual is the high authority of the leader. Psychologically, an authoritative person is always perceived as having undeniable advantages, which contributes to the formation of vertically directed relationships. This necessitates concern for authority. The high authority of the leader, formed on the basis of his personal, professional and moral qualities, is a guarantee of the stability of relations in the team.

Developed skills to constructively and fairly resolve conflicts contribute to the rise of authority. Such skills are formed with the experience and special socio-psychological training of leaders, teaching them the skills of non-conflict interaction, the technique of conflict-free communication, and the development of their ability to constructively overcome the contradictions that arise.

A good stabilizing factor that prevents the emergence of conflicts in the team is the presence in it of a high organizational culture as a system of conscious and unconscious ideas, values, rules, prohibitions, traditions shared by all members of the organization. In the context of the problem under discussion, special attention should be paid to one aspect - the presence of positive traditions as an important limiting framework for a conflicted personality.

Prestige of activity and organization

Meaningful psychological factor that reduces the level of conflict manifestations is the prestige of the activity and organization. It is also both a constraint and a regulator of behavior: people value a prestigious position or job, as a result of which they have an increased sense of responsibility, reflective regulation of activity, which, of course, affects behavior and communication, increasing their overall normativity. When carrying out activities aimed at increasing the prestige, it is necessary to take into account its psychological characteristics: something that is not available to everyone is prestigious, which determines a qualitatively different level of relations and stimulation, which is associated with high level professionalism, which has a very high social value and forms a certain social distance.

Finally, a favorable psychological climate in the team is a factor that significantly reduces the level of conflict among staff. The quality and productivity of labor activity largely depends not only on the perfection of its organization, equipment, conditions, but also on the cohesion of the team, on the nature of relationships in it, and the reigning emotional atmosphere. Often it is friendliness, comradely mutual assistance, mutual assistance, the predominance of positive emotions, simplicity of relationships that are the basis for the formation of such important social and psychological phenomena as labor enthusiasm. Emotional mood, dominant moods, emotional coloring of moods in the most serious way affect the organization, efficiency of work, both individual and collective.


Due to the existing attitudes towards conflict as a negative phenomenon, most people believe that they cannot control them and try to avoid them whenever possible. But the conflict does not lend itself well to correction when it has already acquired destructive power. This is something to be aware of, and managers and employees need to understand that conflict is life-enriching if it is properly managed.

The conflict helps the individual work collective and the organization as a whole to be in line with the current events, it allows you to determine what is needed for the development and improvement of all areas. The ability to manage conflict can be critical to the survival of the collective as a whole.

Conflict also presents employees with the need to constantly communicate with each other and to know a little more about each other. Team members begin to better understand their colleagues, become more sensitive to the problems of other people. People, finally, appreciate the need to understand the norms and desires of the other and the impossibility of being free from society while living in it. Living and working together is not easy and needs to be learned specifically.

A conflict, giving rise to disputes, checks both the entire team and each employee individually, and can significantly help both in the process of analyzing the problem and developing a solution. Conflict by itself does not strengthen or weaken the organization. Both employees and managers must manage it to make it as useful as possible. If they avoid discussing their difficulties and fears, they cannot understand either the real state, or the paths of development, or learn lessons for themselves and for others. If the conflict is managed skillfully, it strengthens both the team and the organization as a whole.

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September and school are synonymous words, and that's okay. School and work are also normal. A school and neuroses, how do you like this combination? Alas, they have been stomping side by side for a long time. This is not news and not a discovery, each of us sees on the example of our own children and grandchildren - they, like astronauts when entering orbit, endure colossal overload at school... A first grader has five lessons a day - a common thing, high school students spend 6-7 hours in classes, gymnasium students - even more. Dear adults, do any of you feel ready and able to work hard for seven hours straight? We can't do this, we always have the opportunity to warm up, smoke, make coffee, tell colleagues a story or anecdote. Children do not have such an opportunity, their breaks last 10 minutes, to run to the toilet and go from class to class - everything that they have time to. And a bad day comes when something breaks, the psyche does not stand: your always obedient son snaps back, sleeps restlessly, complains fatigue, headache, wetting the bed ... And he looks such that it is immediately clear: life is not a joy.

In the school life of children, psychotherapists noted three peaks of aggravation of their problems... The first "wave" is already at the end of the first grade: even in the fall I ran to school with flowers and a smile, but in winter she doesn't want to hear about her. The second "wave" overtakes the student during the transition to the fifth grade: Primary school finished quite well, but suddenly a lot of questions arise. And the third "wave", directly the ninth wave, covers the guys 8-9 grades: with these in general, everything is very difficult ...

Is it possible to avoid devastating school storms, what are their causes, how to help a child safely and without loss to reach the destination port?

Neurotics from the first "A"

There is no world under the olives, and already in elementary school there may be two serious problems: child does not "take" the school curriculum, lags behind peers, closes. The second trouble is conflict with the teacher making his life a constant torment.

It often happens like this: the kid was prepared for school, he was happy about his growing up, willingly demonstrated his satchel and textbooks. But at school everything turned out to be different: you have to speak and be silent, walk and sit not when you want, but when you can and should. The new conditions confuse the child, he is scared. There are guys with the so-called "Mental" or "psychophysical infantilism" who bring their toys to school and instead of lessons play with dolls, cars, they walk around the classroom whenever they want, are very surprised if they are punished for this. Experienced teachers usually cope with such guys, but it's better to contact neuropathologist for help, sometimes such children are even given one year deferral from school.

They say that in elementary school, parents often "study" with their children: they do their homework together, "pull up" him. This is understandable, the child still needs help and control, but there is no need to drag someone who is weak to the excellent or good students. You can't program a baby only for high marks., overestimate the requirements for it. Everyone knows - you can't jump above your head, everyone has their own bar.

If you go too far, then the child may have protest reactions(interest in studying, school disappears) and neurotic reactions: tearfulness, irritability, hysteria, as soon as it comes to studying. So decide what is more important to you: to raise a healthy child with an average grade in the certificate or a sick excellent student.

A special case is children with retarded mental development... If they don't make it to the equalization class on time, learning becomes hell for them. And there is still a long way to go to integrated learning in our schools ...

Children who have developed tensions with teachers, a lot. But it happens that the conflict goes beyond the classroom at all, beyond the boundaries of the concept "did not agree".

The headmaster checked the diaries of high school students, giving a dressing down for negligence and inaccuracy. The situation in the classroom was nervous, the parents' meeting was approaching. I did not have time to look through several diaries, the bell rang. " I'll deal with you tomorrow", - promised sternly. Expectation of reckoning, just a premonition of imminent punishment led the girl to the hardest nervous breakdown: she lost speech and did not speak for 2 months until psychotherapists took care of her.

The girl wrote letter to the teacher with a declaration of love... It was not easy for her to decide on this - I am tender, dreamy, a dreamer, she lived in the world of her dreams, for a long time she was secretly “in love” - she was just waiting for the teacher, watching him. The teacher did not think of anything better than read a love letter in front of the class... At home, the girl drank a handful of all her grandmother's pills, went to the hospital and was treated for depression for a long time.

For the sake of fairness, it must be admitted that the examples given are still out of the ordinary, conflicts usually occur that are simpler, not so destructive, but still very painful for the child... In most cases, when the teacher did not behave in the best way, he nevertheless backs down over time, is ready for peace, realizing the futility of fighting a child. But parents, especially mothers, are very often not ready to make peace, they are insulted, outraged by the injustice. So the conflict moves to a new plane: teacher - parent.

Second graders were riding on an ice slide. One fell, knocking out a front tooth. They say he was pushed by a friend, but he does not admit his guilt. The whole school fell on the "bully": the teacher, the teachers' council, the victim's mother announced in front of the class: "Do not be friends with him, he will cripple you too, bandit."

The culprit was terribly worried: he refused to go to school, but he was afraid to be alone at home, slept badly, began to urinate and get his panties dirty. The specialist determined - severe neurosis, released the child from school for a month. Unfortunately, mom and teacher did not manage to find common language, when they met, they again accused and insulted each other. Boy had to be transferred to another class where he calmed down, the signs of neurosis receded.

Try to get along with the teacher, hear it and understand it. Never exacerbate minor conflicts and quarrels, extinguish them by all means, because it comes, after all, about your child's well-being and comfort.

Don't get ambitious... It has been noticed that parents who are educated, intelligent, but with a high level of ambition are in conflict most often.

Keep in touch with your teacher at all times... When picking up your child from school, be interested not only in his progress, but also in how he gets along with others, how he feels in class. Be sure to tell about all the features of your little student: he is very timid, shy of adults, talks quietly, or, conversely, is too noisy, uncontrollable, fidgety. Let the teacher's resentment and fatigue splash out on you better than on your child... And you firmly promise the teacher that you will deal with the baby. Your parental intuition will certainly tell you whether it is worth punishing the child for this offense or whether it is better to remain silent.

Preventive measures by teachers

Be careful with children, especially those who are "not like everyone else." Don't say evil words spare them, know how to pull yourself together... Children, of course, are not angels, it can be difficult to get along with their relatives, but life today is difficult for everyone, we are all turned up ... - teacher ...

Conflicts in the fifth grade

Transition to fifth grade- always anxious time for the student and the parents - everything seems to start all over again: new teachers, new demands, growing loads. And yesterday's prosperous good guy suddenly feels that the soil is slipping out from under his feet: he doesn’t have time, he cannot cope, fours and fives are suddenly replaced by triples, and now they “bow down” at the meeting, and the classroom looks suspiciously: how was it that you were an excellent student?

It is difficult for a child to deal with a new situation, and he retreats - he skips lessons, or even directly declares to his parents that he will no longer go to school. " It was as if he had been replaced!"- mother cries.

The child, of course, is the same, but the circumstances have changed. Teacher primary school after all, a special person, almost a mother to her children, and, working with little students, he certainly gives them a concession, pulls the weak, manages to linger on a difficult topic in order to impart something incomprehensible to everyone. The subject student does not have such an opportunity, he gave a lesson - and left, but what the student did not understand is his problem, go with your own mind. And parents will not always help, mathematics in grades 5-6 is no longer work with counting sticks ...

And again appear protest reactions, but this is no longer just leaving school, as in 1st grade, more often it is leaving home, connecting with antisocial companies, the first steps to alcohol, drugs, neuroses, depressive disorders. I would especially like to dwell on psychosomatic diseases... Until the 5th grade, the child was quite healthy, but here there are a lot of complaints: pains in the abdomen, heart, joints; every morning, suddenly, in the midst of complete health, a high temperature rises - up to 39 degrees ... Mothers run to the doctors, who, in turn, prescribe examinations: ultrasound, cardiograms. But all these problems are secondary, they are caused by the child to "protect" himself, they are the payback for the super-high workload in school and the super-high tasks that the parents set for the child. "Falling off the pedestal" is painful for an adult, but for a child it is doubly painful. And here you need not a pediatrician, but a neuropsychiatrist.

Parental preventive measures

You can't expect too much from children just because you want to. Your requirements for the child are fair if he can do it. What's the use of asking you to sing like Caruso? If dad or mom were excellent students at school and graduated from the university with a "red diploma", this does not mean at all that the offspring should repeat your successes. Not understanding this, pressing and demanding, you can successfully turn a child into a neurotic.

There are good, normal children whose school success always fluctuates between a C and a C. Is this a reason for hysterics? In the end, the three is also a score. It can be useful to simply "let go of the reins": time passes, your student grows up, as they say, takes up his mind.

Conflicts in the ninth grade

And finally, the third "wave" is adolescence... This is a difficult time for both children and parents. There is rapid puberty, the endocrine system is tense.

In the morning, a teenager is often in a great mood and he wants to hug the whole world; by lunchtime everything becomes gloomy, I do not want to live, and in the evening, as if nothing had happened, he goes to the disco. Such mood swings in adolescents and create a breeding ground for behavioral problems. He is rude, snaps, does not tolerate moralizing, leaves with the company, often tries alcohol, drugs. Most often this happens when at school, and at home, the child is humiliated, insulted, or does not pay attention to him at all... At this age, they need attention no less than the younger: doctors note an increase in the percentage of suicidal attempts, often completed.

So, adults, teachers and parents, be careful! Remember, if your relationship with your child is at an impasse, contact a pediatric neuropsychiatrist in time.

Available in Minsk helpline, borderline department... And finally there is Republican neuropsychiatric hospital in Novinki, where the school is open, they treat and teach at the same time.

V Western countries psychoanalysts and psychotherapists- the most popular and visited specialists, and our fear of psychiatry is genetic, comes from the time when she was punishing. If you are still afraid to go to an appointment at your place of residence, and there is such a need, contact commercial medical institutions, where the child will be anonymously consulted by a high-class specialist.

Valentina DUBOVSKAYA, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. Tatiana SHAROVA, our correspondent
Journal "Health and Success", No. 9 for 1997.

Target: To study the causes and ways of resolving conflict situations.


  • Educational. Ensure the assimilation of the basic concepts of conflict management by students. Find out what role conflicts play in our life.
  • Developing. Skills building independent work search and study additional material... Development of the ability to adequately behave in conflict situations.
  • Educational. Teach schoolchildren to communicate with each other and foster a sense of respect for culture and their fellows.

Lesson type: a lesson in improving and consolidating knowledge using reflective technology.

Teacher's word... People are not the same in character, temperament and many other criteria, so they perceive the situation in which they find themselves differently. A person, no matter how conflict-free he is, is not able to avoid disagreements with others. How many people - so many opinions, and the interests of different people come into conflict with each other. The main goal of our lesson is to find out how to behave correctly in conflict situations and how to resolve conflicts. In the beginning, let us remember what a conflict is and what are the reasons for its occurrence. The verification and consolidation of the studied material from the course "Social Studies" on social conflicts begins. Student survey.

Question: How do you feel about the word "conflict"?

Answer: Feelings arise differently. Mostly negative, negative, causing distrust and anxiety.

Question: What is conflict? Name its structure.

Answer: Conflict (from Lat. Confliclus - collision) can be defined as a serious disagreement, or a sharp dispute, causing a struggle of interests, views, aspirations of people.

Conflict structure:

  • KS (conflict situation) + I (incident) = K (conflict)
  • COP is the accumulated contradictions containing the cause of the conflict.
  • And - this is a confluence of circumstances that are the reason for the conflict.
  • K - conflict

Question: What functions does it perform?

Answer: Conflicts have a contradictory effect on our life in some cases, it performs positive functions: weakening mental tension, stimulates human activity, improves the quality of activity, rallies like-minded people, in others - negative ones: it harms health, worsens mood, reduces group cohesion, disrupts interpersonal relationships.

Question: What are the causes of conflicts?


  • social inequality
  • shortage of living goods
  • struggle for better positions in society
  • mismatch of values ​​of individuals and society
  • opposing interests of people
  • selfishness of people
  • bad information and misunderstandings
  • imperfection of the human psyche

Question: What are the main types of conflicts you know?

Answer: Conflicts are:

  • In the sphere of public life: economic, political, social, family and household, ideological
  • By object: intrapersonal, interpersonal
  • By consequences: positive, negative
  • By flow time: fleeting (dynamic), protracted (static)
  • By the degree of flow: true, potential, false

After the survey, students are invited to get acquainted with the presentations that they themselves prepared with the help of the teacher for this lesson. Presentation topics can be different. See APPENDIX 1.

This is where the theoretical part of the lesson ends and the practical one begins. Pupils are divided into three groups of 6-8 people and receive cards with tasks, the first team solves conflict situations using card # 1, the second - using card # 2 and the third - using card # 3. Below are examples of these cards.

Exercise 1: Consider examples and suggest solutions to conflict situations.

Card number 1

Card number 2

Card number 3

After 3-5 minutes, a collective discussion of the available options for resolving conflict situations begins, each student can offer his point of view on the problem under discussion.

Task 2. Students receive a handout in which they should note which type of conflict the described situations relate to.

Task 3. each student receives a psychological test to determine how much of a conflict person they are.

Psychological test: Self-assessment of conflict

Rush into an argument 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dodging an argument
You accompany your conclusions with a tone that does not tolerate objections. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You accompany your conclusions with an apologetic tone.
You think that you will achieve your goal if you argue zealously 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You think that if you argue zealously, you will not achieve your goal
Not paying attention to the fact that others do not accept arguments 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You are sorry if you see that others do not accept arguments.
Discuss controversial issues in the presence of an opponent 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Discuss controversial issues in the absence of an opponent
Don't be embarrassed if you find yourself in a tense environment. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Feeling awkward in a tense environment
You think that in a dispute you need to show your character 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You don't think you need to show your emotions in an argument
Do not concede in disputes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Yield in disputes
If you explode, then you think that you cannot live without it. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 If you explode, you will soon feel guilty.
Think people get out of conflicts easily 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Think people have a hard time getting out of conflicts

Evaluating results (key to the test)

On each line, connect the marks by score and build your graph. A deviation from the middle (number four) to the left means a tendency to conflict, and a deviation to the right will indicate a tendency to avoid conflicts. Calculate the total number of points marked by you. 70 points indicates a very high degree of conflict; 60 points - high; 50 - for pronounced conflict; 11-15 points - on the tendency to avoid conflict situations.

Concluding remarks from the teacher: Conflict is easier to prevent than to cure. You need to try to focus on positive judgments and assessments, remembering that all people more favorably accept positive information, and not negative, which often leads to conflict situations. A respectful manner of conversation and the ability to listen to the interlocutor significantly reduces the likelihood of a conflict situation.

When misunderstandings arise in relations between employees or partners, while one of the parties or both, at the same time draw false conclusions from the current situation, then this already serves as a signal of a possible conflict.

An employee of Aphrodite LLC breaks off his connection with a colleague at work - this is an obvious signal of an emerging conflict.

A situation is also possible when an employee of Aphrodite LLC expresses a preconceived opinion about his employee, partner or comrade, as a result of which a state of psychological tension arises between them, which is an obvious signal of an imminent conflict situation.

One of the examples of a constructive conflict that took place in Aphrodite LLC is a conflict that arose between two managers in charge of the company's advertising campaign. The managers had disagreements about the conduct of the company's advertising campaign: one manager was inclined to believe that the main emphasis should be on advertising in the media, the other - on advertising on television. In this situation, there was a positive rivalry creativity two people.

In this situation, it is necessary to recommend to the director of "Aphrodite" LLC to assign to each of the managers the functions of advertising for a specific means of its distribution, that is, one manager will be responsible for advertising in the media, and the other for advertising on television. The director should leave the choice of the advertising medium for himself. This will speed up the decision-making process, strengthen the personal obligations of employees to perform work through participation in management.

One example of an organizational conflict is a conflict situation between the chief accountant and the director of Aphrodite LLC. As a result of the audit carried out by the State Tax Inspectorate, violations in accounting and reporting were revealed. The organization was fined. It should be noted that the accounting in the organization was conducted in accordance with the accounting policy approved by the director. A few months before the audit, the chief accountant tried to warn the director about the existing violations, but the director did not find the time for this conversation.

After a fine was imposed on OOO Aphrodite, the director, in the presence of the entire team, accused the chief accountant of incompetence, inattention and unprofessionalism. The chief accountant found it impossible to continue working in such conditions and submitted an application for resignation of his own free will, but since he was a good specialist and he would have to look for a replacement for a long time, the director had to apologize. In order to apologize, he found it inconvenient to call the chief accountant into his office and himself came to the accounting department, where, in addition to the chief accountant, there were two other accountants. The chief accountant accepted the director's apology and the conflict was settled.

V this case the conflict arose because the director did not understand his mistake. Subjective reasons for this conflict: psychological incompatibility of people, character traits, inability of the boss to work in a team.

The director of Aphrodite LLC can be advised the following: learn to be more restrained with your subordinates, start listening to their advice and comments about the organization's performance, it is also not correct to maintain your authority at the expense of subordinates, insulting them in the presence of the remaining team, and when the chief accountant's fault was minimal. The boss must create a favorable climate in the organization, not violate it.

The chief accountant, in turn, needed to be more persistent in bringing his superiors to his question, since he knew that the violation would be discovered and all the blame would be on him.

There may also be conflicts between the employees of Aphrodite LLC and the administration of the enterprise.

In 2010, 14 people were dismissed from the enterprise. for various labor violations, which may indicate a poor organization of labor activities by the administrative bodies of the enterprise.

Also in "Aphrodite" LLC a conflict is possible due to non-fulfillment of the wage plan. Thus, the average salary of one employee of Aphrodite LLC in 2008 amounted to 111 thousand rubles, which is 52 thousand rubles less than the planned indicator. Decrease wages will lead to a decrease in the motivation of workers in work. This can lead to significant financial losses at the enterprise, which in turn will lead to general irritation and the emergence of new conflict situations.

All employees of Aphrodite LLC, including managers, are required to undergo training in labor protection rules and test their knowledge of labor protection requirements. For all persons entering work, as well as for persons transferred to another job, the employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to instruct on labor protection, organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims.

This is important, firstly, in order to reduce the likelihood of injuries at work due to the fault of the employee, once again check whether all equipment and workplaces comply with the requirements, and injuries for this reason are excluded, and secondly, to avoid lawsuits in case of serious injuries. employees or pay long-term worksheets.

The organization and culture of work of management personnel in Aphrodite LLC must comply with modern requirements... It is necessary that non-standard and new solutions are adopted and implemented, which will be discussed collectively during business negotiations and meetings.

Measures for the rational organization and maintenance of workplaces in Aphrodite LLC should be aimed at improving their equipping with equipment, tools and tools, ensuring normal working conditions at the workplace. Maintenance of workplaces, in addition, also involves the timely repair of equipment, maintenance of it, maintaining order and cleanliness at the workplace. Improving the efficiency of the use of retail space and the capacity of warehouses will be facilitated by their correct layout, equipping with appropriate equipment, and optimal placement of goods for storage.

On this moment an important area of ​​work organization at Afrodita LLC is the study of working conditions, the development and implementation of measures to improve them, namely, a convenient work and rest schedule for workers, improvement of psychophysiological, sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic factors affecting a person during work.

The productivity of workers is highly dependent on the level of work with personnel. In this direction, LLC "Aphrodite" provides measures for the training and retraining of personnel in educational institutions or at the enterprise, improving the qualifications of personnel; improving the quality of staff; study and dissemination of best practices in working with warehouse workers; strengthening labor discipline; reducing staff turnover; moral incentives for employees.

Educational work with personnel consists in fostering an honest attitude to their duties and work among the employees of Aphrodite LLC; respect for goods, to fight to reduce the loss of goods, time, material and money in the process of implementation of the technological process.

Educational work should also be aimed at strengthening labor discipline. Analysis of the causes of violations of labor discipline allows you to determine the direction of this work. The purpose of the educational work should be the growth of the creative activity of the employees of "Aphrodite" LLC.

As the experience of LLC Aphrodite shows, the technology for establishing partnerships between the administration and workers is as follows:

Establishing the best form of relationship;

Ending confrontation;

Identifying barriers to establishing relationships;

Revealing the interests of each of the parties;

Development of joint actions;

Development of a strategy for their implementation, establishment of communications;

Redefining existing relationships as the environment changes.

The participation of workers in the affairs of the enterprise, including in financial matters, contributes not only to increasing motivation, but also to increasing the well-being of workers, improving their relations with the management of the enterprise, since this is one of the conditions for reducing the alienation of workers and for the development of democratic relations, social stability. in society.

For better work and mutual understanding of employees is necessary so that information reaches them in the form in which the boss really wants to convey it. To do this, there are many ways, both at the individual and organizational level, to help overcome these problems. On an individual level, language should be clear, concise, and most applicable to the subject of the message. Trust also needs to be established. The message must not only be understood, but also accepted. The use of stamps and unnecessary classifications should be avoided and as much factual information should be communicated.

Of course, it is necessary to actively seek feedback in order to make sure the information is interpreted correctly.

A business can also educate its employees in the art of communication through trainings, which include various types of role play and serve to improve the ability to speak, write or listen, and most importantly, understand someone else's point of view.

Analysis of work on conflict management is one of the main stages in determining the type of conflict in the work collective. The general manager of the enterprise and his employees should try to follow certain conditions for the prevention of conflict situations. First of all, there should be the creation of conditions that prevent the emergence and development of conflict situations. The manager monitors the work of each employee and, if it turns out that the person does not have the desire to work efficiently and efficiently, he is fired.

The next condition for conflict prevention is concern for fairness. The director does not punish the innocent, before doing something, he thinks very well what consequences will follow from his decisions. But this does not always work out, sometimes in the heat of the moment or without thinking, employees undeservedly suffer, although the manager himself is to blame.

It is desirable that relations in the team develop with the help of concessions, so that not only their interests are taken into account, but also the interests of other employees of the enterprise. A willingness to give in softens a tense environment. And if there is pressure on the opponent, it always causes resistance on his part.

It is also necessary to use the principle of clarity and benevolence. This allows you to avoid mistakenly attributing a hostile position to your enemy, as well as to neutralize or soften the situation.

Employees of "Aphrodite" LLC learn to manage their reactions, restrain negative emotions in the event of disagreements, but this does not always work out. They reduce the negative emotions of the opposite side by the following methods:

Willingness to move towards rapprochement of positions;

A positive assessment of some of the actions of the other party;

Self-critical and balancing behavior.

After that, the optimal strategy for resolving the conflict situation is selected.

Unfortunately, people do not always manage to resolve all disputes and misunderstandings in a peaceful way. Very often, an interpersonal conflict arises completely from scratch. What is the reason and why is this happening? What are the ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts? Is it possible to avoid them and live your whole life without conflict with anyone?

What is conflict?

Conflict is one of the ways to resolve problems and contradictions that arise as a result of interactions between individuals or groups of people. At the same time, it is accompanied by negative emotions and behavior that goes beyond the norms accepted in society.

During a conflict, each of the parties takes and defends an opposite position in relation to each other. None of the opponents wants to understand and accept the opponent's opinion. Conflicting parties can be not only individuals, but also social groups and states.

Interpersonal conflict and its features

If the interests and goals of two or more people in a particular case diverge, and each side tries to resolve the dispute in its favor, an interpersonal conflict arises. An example of such a situation is a quarrel between a husband and wife, a child and a parent, a subordinate and a boss. This one is the most common and the most common.

Interpersonal conflict can occur both between well-known and constantly communicating people, and between those who see each other for the first time. In this case, the relationship is sorted out by opponents face to face, through a personal dispute or discussion.

Stages of interpersonal conflict

The conflict is not just a dispute between two participants that arises spontaneously and unexpectedly. It is a multi-stage process that gradually develops and gains strength. The causes of interpersonal conflicts can sometimes accumulate for quite a long time before turning into open confrontation.

At the first stage, the conflict is latent. At this time, conflicting interests and views are just maturing and forming. At the same time, both parties to the conflict believe that their problem can be solved through negotiations and discussions.

At the second stage of the conflict, the parties realize that it will not be possible to overcome their contradictions peacefully. The so-called tension arises, which grows and gains strength.

The third stage is characterized by the beginning of active actions: disputes, threats, insults, the spread of negative information about the enemy, the search for allies and like-minded people. At the same time, mutual hostility, hatred, and anger accumulate between the participants.

The fourth stage is the process of resolving interpersonal conflicts. It can end with a reconciliation of the parties or a breakdown in relations.

Types of interpersonal conflicts

There are many classifications of interpersonal conflicts. They are divided according to the severity, duration of the course, scale, form of manifestation, expected consequences. Most often, the types of interpersonal conflicts differ in the reasons for their occurrence.

Conflicts of interest are the most common. It arises when people have opposite plans, goals, intentions. An example is this situation: two friends cannot agree on how to spend their time. The first one wants to go to the cinema, the second one just wants to take a walk. If neither of them wants to make concessions to the other, and an agreement fails, a conflict of interest may arise.

The second type is value conflicts. They can arise in cases where the participants have different moral, worldview, religious beliefs... A striking example of this type of confrontation is the generational conflict.

Role conflicts are the third type of interpersonal confrontation. In this case, the reason is the violation of the usual norms of behavior and rules. Such conflicts can occur, for example, in an organization, when a new employee refuses to accept the procedures established by the team.

Causes of interpersonal conflicts

Among the reasons that provoke conflicts, in the first place is it. It can be, for example, one TV or computer for the whole family, a certain amount of money for bonuses, which must be divided among all employees of the department. In this case, one person can achieve his goal only by infringing on the other.

The second reason for the development of conflicts is interdependence. It can be a connection of tasks, powers, responsibilities and other resources. So, in the organization, the project participants can begin to blame each other if, for some reason, it was not possible to implement it.

Conflicts can be provoked by differences in people in goals, in views, in ideas about certain things, in the manner of behavior and communication. In addition, personal characteristics of a person can become the cause of confrontations.

Interpersonal conflicts in the organization

Almost all people spend most of their time at work. In the course of performing duties, disputes and contradictions often arise between employees. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships occurring in organizations very often slow down the activities of the company, worsen the overall result.

Conflicts in organizations can occur both between employees holding the same position, and between subordinates and bosses. The reasons for the emergence of contradictions can be different. This is the shifting of responsibilities onto each other, and the feeling of an unfair attitude of the management, and the dependence of the result of employees on each other.

Conflict in an organization can be provoked not only by disagreements about working moments, but also by problems in communication, between colleagues. Most often, the confrontation can be eliminated by employees on their own through negotiations. Sometimes the management of interpersonal conflicts is taken over by the head of the organization, he finds out the reasons and tries to settle the problems that have arisen. It so happens that the case may end with the dismissal of one of the conflicting people.

Interpersonal conflicts of spouses

Family life involves permanent solution all kinds of everyday problems. Very often, spouses cannot find agreement on certain issues, as a result of which an interpersonal conflict arises. An example of this: the husband returned from work too late, the wife did not have time to cook dinner, the husband threw dirty socks around the apartment.

Material problems significantly aggravate conflicts. Many domestic quarrels could have been avoided if each family had sufficient funds. The husband does not want to help his wife wash the dishes - we will buy a dishwasher, there is a dispute over which channel we will watch - it does not matter, we will take another TV set. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this.

Each family chooses its own strategy for resolving interpersonal conflicts. Someone quickly gives in and goes to reconciliation, some may live for a long time in a state of quarrel and not talk to each other. It is very important that discontent does not accumulate, the spouses find a compromise, and all problems are resolved as quickly as possible.

Interpersonal conflicts of people of different generations

The conflict between "fathers and children" can be viewed in a broad and narrow sense. In the first case, it occurs within a single family, in the second, it is projected onto the whole society as a whole. This problem has existed at all times, it is not new for our century.

The conflict of generations occurs due to the difference in views, worldviews, norms and values ​​of young people and people of more mature age. However, this distinction does not have to provoke conflict. The reason for the struggle between generations is the unwillingness to understand and respect each other's interests.

The main features of interpersonal conflicts between generations are that they are much longer in nature and do not develop according to certain stages... They can periodically subside and flare up again with renewed vigor in the event of a sharp infringement of the interests of the parties.

To prevent your family from being affected by a generational conflict, you must constantly show respect and patience to each other. Old people should often remember that they too were once young and did not want to listen to advice, and young people should not forget that in many years they will also become elderly.

Can you live your whole life without conflict with anyone?

Few people like constant swearing and quarrels. Many people would dream of living without ever conflicting with anyone. However, this is currently impossible in our society.

From early childhood, a person conflicts with others. For example, the kids did not share the toys, the child does not obey the parents. V adolescence very often the conflict of generations comes to the fore.

Throughout our lives, we have to periodically defend our interests, prove our case. At the same time, one cannot do without conflicts. We can only reduce the number of conflicts to a minimum, try not to succumb to provocations and avoid quarrels without good reason.

Rules of conduct in a conflict situation

When a conflict arises, both parties want to resolve it as soon as possible, while achieving their goals and getting what they want. How should one behave in this situation in order to get out of it with dignity?

To begin with, you need to learn to separate the attitude towards the person with whom there is a disagreement from the problem itself that needs to be solved. Do not start insulting your opponent, get personal, try to behave with restraint and calmness. Argument all your arguments, try to put yourself in the shoes of your opponent and invite him to take your place.

If you notice that you are starting to lose your temper, invite your interlocutor to take a break to calm down and cool down a little, and then continue the showdown. To solve the problem as soon as possible, you need to see a specific goal and focus on ways to achieve it. It is important to remember that in any conflict situation it is necessary first of all to preserve the relationship with the opponent.

Ways to get out of a conflict situation

The most successful way out is finding a compromise by the opposing sides. In this case, the parties make a decision that suits all parties to the dispute. There are no misunderstandings and misunderstandings between the conflicting ones.

However, not in all cases it is possible to reach a compromise. Very often, the outcome of a conflict is coercion. This variant of the conflict resolution is most typical if one of the participants takes a dominant position. For example, a leader forces a subordinate to do as he pleases, or a parent tells his child to do as he sees fit.

To prevent the conflict from gaining strength, you can try to smooth it out. In this case, the person who is accused of something agrees with the reproaches and claims, tries to explain the reason for his actions and deeds. The use of this method of getting out of the dispute does not mean that the essence of the conflict is understood, and the mistakes are recognized. It's just that at the moment the accused does not want to enter into a conflict.

Admitting your mistakes and remorse for what you have done is another way to resolve interpersonal conflict. An example of such a situation: a child regrets that he did not prepare the lessons and received a bad mark, and promises his parents to continue to do their homework.

How to prevent interpersonal conflicts

Each person should always remember that absolutely any dispute is better to prevent than to deal with its consequences later and to establish a damaged relationship. What is the prevention of interpersonal conflicts?

To begin with, you need to limit your communication with the potential to the maximum. They can be arrogant, aggressive, secretive individuals. If it is not possible to completely stop communicating with such people, try to ignore their provocations and always remain calm.

To prevent conflict situations, you need to learn how to negotiate with the interlocutor, try to find an approach to any person, respect your opponent and clearly formulate your positions.

In what situations shouldn't you conflict?

Before getting into a conflict, you need to think carefully about whether you really need it. Very often people begin to sort things out in cases where it does not make sense at all.

If your interests are not directly affected, and during the dispute you will not achieve your goals, most likely there is no point in engaging in interpersonal conflict. An example of a similar situation: on the bus, the conductor begins to argue with the passenger. Even if you support the position of one of the disputants, you should not get involved in their conflict without a good reason.

If you see that the level of your opponent is radically different from yours, there is no point in getting into an argument and discussion with such people. You will never prove to a stupid person that you are right.

Before getting involved in a conflict, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons, think about what consequences it can lead to, how your relationship with your opponent will change, and whether you want this, how likely it is that during the dispute you will be able to achieve your goals. Also, great attention should be paid to your emotions at the time of the threat of a quarrel. Perhaps it is worth applying the tactics of avoiding the conflict, cooling down a little and thinking carefully about the current situation.