Cosmonauts who went into open space. Alexey Leonov - the first person who came to open space

In my opinion, a person who visited space, several

In a new way, it appreciates its place on Earth. He is more

Begins to think about Earth - as a house of people, about each

Man - as close. He becomes kinder

More carefully, does not react to the little things ... I noticed it

And on the coastal and Lebedev. They now think wider

Steel is kinder, wiser.

Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich -

Today, March 18, 1965, at 11 am 30 minutes in Moscow time, with the flight of the spacecraft "Voskhod-2", a person's yield was carried out in outer space. On the second round of the flight of the second pilot pilot-cosmonaut Lieutenant Colonel Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich in a special scaffron with an autonomous system of life support made an exit to the outer space, retired from the ship at a distance of five meters, successfully conducted a range of outlined research and observations and returned to the ship safely. The well-being of Comrade Leonov Alexey Archupovich during his stay outside the ship and after returning to the ship is good. The commander of the ship Comrade Belyaev Pavel Ivanovich feels good.

Equipment for the first exit to open space

By the beginning of 1964, when a concrete proposal arose to extend to space from the ship Veshod - 2, there was already some experience in creating rescue spacecraft, and experimental work was carried out to create promising products for long-term space flights.

However, in relation to the exit from the ship to open space, it was necessary to urgently solve a number of completely new tasks. By the beginning of the work, an acceptable technical solution was not yet found on the way to exit cosmonaut from the ship Sunrise. The cabin of the ship is not designed for long-term operation in a depressive condition, to accommodate an additional special gateway chamber (SC) on the ship there was no place. In OKB - 1, various options for a folding gateway were worked out. Star specialists, which in January 1964 was headed by the chief designer G.I. Severin, a layout of a gateway chamber with a soft inflatable shell was proposed. Creating a "soft" gateway straighfeeding in the orbit made it possible to use the existing design of the ship and the fairing of the rocket carrier only with a small refinement.

Finally, the offer of the star was accepted at the meeting at S.P. Queen in OKB - 1 in April 1964, in which GI from the star took part Severin, N.L. Umansky and I.P. Abramov. On April 13, 1964, the Government's decision was published on the timing of the manufacture of ships Sunrise (3kV) and output (3kd).

Strengthened study of the skatera schemes, SC and the gate system. On the basis of June 9 of the same year, the technical task was signed (Fig. 1) and the corresponding government decision was made (from 08.07.64) on the development of a gateway chamber and a spacecraft with a rice livelihood system. The head of this product was determined by the NPP Star. The same solution to a number of organizations was instructed in the shortest possible time to ensure the star with components.

Fig. 1. Title sheet of technical assignment on the development of a gateway chamber and a system of sliding, approved by S.P. Queen and Deputy G.I. Severina S.M. Alekseev. At the bottom of the signature to this document.

Slogging Camera Camera Sunrise Volga Camera consisted of an upper rigid part with a hatch for exit in space and a lower mounting ring, docked with a ship flange. They were interconnected by the pectoroococco and power frame.

Fig. 2. General view of the soft gateway.

During 1964 - 65 In a short time, 7 sets of SCs were made, two of which were used with unmanned and manned fleets of the ship Sunrise -2. The remaining 5 products were used in the process of SCC testing on the star and as spare.

Currently, 3 of them are in the Museums of the Star, RKK Energia and the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow. Other 2 products are located in the Private Museum of the Test Foundation in Denver (USA) and in one of the private collections outside the Russian Federation.

When choosing a design and the concept of the work of the Skafandra based on the analysis performed and taking into account the limited volume of the ship, it was decided to use the spacecraft both as a rescue and access to open space.

Given the task to create products to provide exit from the ship Sunrise - 2 in the shortest possible time, as well as a very limited time of the autonomous work of the Skafandra, it was decided to take the base of the ventilation type skatender with separate ventilation of the helmet and the shell.

The quarrel (the conditional name of the KP - 55) (Fig. 3) was dressed as a cosmonaut in the descent vehicle apparatus before going out and was attached to the player using the suspension system.

Fig. 3. Rice System of Squadra Berkut (lid removed).

The reserve of oxygen in the Racial was kept in special cylinders under pressure. The oxygen supply is switched on by the astronaut itself using remote control. Oxygen flowed into the helmet, after which he fell under the shell of the skatera and then thrown into the environment. The oxygen consumption from the wreck was designed to ensure the supervision of the player, oxygen power and removal from 2 for 45 minutes. In fact, the duration of the release of A. Leonov to open space was as well as known, 12 minutes. The time of his stay in Vacuum is about 23 minutes.

Fig. 4. General view of the Skafandra Berkut: a) without top heat-shielding clothes; b) with a rude. In Skafandra, the test star Victor Efimov.

Spa Berkut A. Leonov was designed using constructive solutions worked on previous types of aviation and space equipment.

The shell of the Skandra Berkut consisted of four layers. SK Berkut was equipped with special top clothing with multi-layered screen-vacuum insulation.

The Skafandra helmet was an easy unintentional helmet having a helmet and opening (sliding) porthole, inside the helmet was placed a light filter.

The insurance of astronaut in open space was provided by a special 5M length, which included a shock-absorbing device, steel cable, emergency oxygen supply hose and electrical wires, according to which data from the ship was transferred to medical and technical measurements, and telephone communication with the ship commander was carried out.

Speedman commander Sunrise -2 Belyaeva P.I. He had the same design as the Jafander A. Leonov. P. Belyaev, if necessary, could deploy the cabin of the ship, open the hatch and go out to the HC to assist A. Leonov.

The first exit to open space was preceded by a number of first calculations, research and experimental work, as well as cosmonaut training. In particular, techniques of thermal calculations of the "Man - Spa Tander" system were created, the effect of high vacuum and other open space factors on the scaffold materials was investigated, methods of simulation of space conditions in ground conditions were developed, a large volume of tests in the barocamera were developed.

Wooden layout of the gateway was made in July 1964 for pre-checking the size of the gateway and passing the cosmonaut in the SC through the ships hatch Sunrise.

Fig. 5. Sliding chamber in folded form when testing on a star centrifuge.

In August 1964, a master's commission was held, in the process of which fittings were carried out in the SA and the layout of the gateway in the berkut candidates for the flight A. Leonov, P. Belyaeva, E. Khrunova and V. Gorbatko.

September 24 - 25, 1964 Functional layout and ship capsule Sunrise - 2 were used on Baikonur to demonstrate N.S. Systems Khrushchev during his visit to the cosmodrome. G.I. Severin in the presence of astronauts demonstrated the Gateway and Spa Tander Berkut, and S.P. Korolev - ship Soyuz.

By the end of 1964, the star was performed a full testing of all systems and their tests - ground, thermobarocameal, basin, strength, resource - as technical (Fig.), And with people, and an appropriate conclusion.

By February 1965, tests were conducted with people in the Berkut Spa and the SA thermal layout and comprehensive interdepartmental tests of all systems.

The big team of star specialists under the direction of G.I. participated in the work on creating a skatender and school Severin. First of all, it should be noted by S.M. Alekseeva, V.G. Galperina, I.P. Abramova, O.I. Foreign cartoon, M.N. Dudnik, A.Yu. Stocktytsian, V.V. Uhinin, I.I. DOVA, D.V. Kuchevitsky, G.S. Paradizov, I.I. Skomorovsky, I.I. Chistolyakova, as well as V.Ya. Tereshchenko (Orekhovo - Zuevsky KB).

The greatest contribution to the testing of the gateway and the Skafandra Berkut was made by B.V. Mikhailov, V.I. Krashchek, D.I. Sandyk and others. Analysis of the thermal regime of products was carried out by A.N. Livshits, B.M. Bliew, T. Sharapov, Strength calculations - N.P. Dragongrov and A.A. Klintov, choice and testing of non-metallic materials - ZB Tinether, D.S. Stocktytsa, D.S. Abramova, V.I. Streltsova and others.

It should be noted and the work of the Department of Avicosmic Medicine at the head of A.S. Berler. Especially great contribution they made it in the rationale for the choice of working pressure in the scaffle.

There were also tests when simulating the conditions of short-term weightlessness on an airplane - a flying laboratory LL TU - 104.

Fig. 6. Working out of movements in Skafandra Berkut, in conditions of weightlessness at the flying laboratory TU - 104.

Fig. 7. Sliding Camera Camera Sunrise - 2..

Flying ships Sunrise -2.

At the cosmodrome, a large group of specialists under the guidance of B.V. carried out the preparation of stars Mikhailova.

Fig. 8 One of the participants in the group of Petrushin is preparing at Baikonur Spa Tander Berkut to flight.

During the preparation and flight of the Voskhod-2 ship, several rather serious abnormal situations occurred.

Flight of the ship Sunrise-2. preceded flight February 22 of the unmanned ship Space-57.on which the SC and the simulator of the Skafandra Berkut were installed. The flight program was envisaged to carry out a complete imitation of the loading of the gateway, the gateway system and reducing the player to the teams from the ground. A few days before this flight, when checking the airlock of the sunrise-2 ship-2 on the cosmodrome, it was found that the SC output hatch in the absence of a pressure drop can be loosely covered, which was determined by the opening of the contact controlling its closure. As a result, a failure of a manhole may occur in the program manager of the gateway. About this star representatives were reported S.P. Queen, who immediately gathered a meeting of interested professionals. It was proposed to submit an additional team to closing a hatch from one of the Far Eastern Community Measuring points and duplicate it from the next nearest item. This decision was made on February 19, 1965, despite the objections of some flight management services, which feared to make any changes to the work program just a few days before the launch.

Fig. 9. Y. Gagarin accompanies P. Belyaeva and A. Leonova for a bus for a trip to the start.

During test flight Cosmos-57.When half the program was performed, the connection with the ship ceased. Although the flight program was not fully fulfilled, the bulk of operations on the SC and the Space was carried out, which was confirmed by the performance of products. It was decided to additionally check only the Gateway Shot Operation, which was not performed in flight Cosmos-57.. It was performed on the SC layout installed on the ship prepared for the flight Space-59. March 7, 1965 after this flight QC Sunrise-2. was allowed.

On the morning of March 18, 1965, P. Belyaev and A. Leonov in the star laboratory on Baikonur were closed in spaces and taken to start for landing.

Fig. 10. S.P. Korolev gives the latest contact P. Belyaev before landing in the ship.

Conducting operations to exit space was scheduled for literally on the next twist after removing the ship to orbit on March 18, 1965. S.P. Korolev attached a very great importance to this operation and in order to promptly solve issues (if necessary), I asked G.I. Severin together with I.P. Abramov is located on the starting position in the bunker in the room next to the management point of the ship.

It should be noted that at that time there was not yet the center of flight management (in our today's understanding), therefore, an important information coming from tracking items immediately was immediately transmitted in the form of reports to flight guidelines.

The exit to space was carried out completely in accordance with the prepared program. Some journalists, describing this situation, talk about the strong inflatation of the player, which is incorrect. The skater at operating overpressure has certain dimensions, both in vacuo and in ground conditions. A. Neoons to facilitate the entrance to the gateway correctly reduced the pressure in the scaffle, which slightly reduced the efforts to flexing the Spa Tandra shell.

Fig. 11. A. Leonov during the implementation of the first exit to space on March 18, 1965 (drawing).

In general, the difficulties arising can be explained by the fact that the method of entry into the gateway was insufficient, worked in ground conditions. In addition, as A. Leonov repeatedly told after the flight, he tried to enter the gateway forward head, and not his legs, as worked out on Earth, as a result of which he had to turn over to the entrance to Ca. These difficulties can be explained by the unusual conditions of open space and weightlessness, which were not in terrestrial tests.

Next abnormal situation: Already after the exit to open space, one of the astronauts, when moving inside Ca, accidentally turned on the air supply from the autonomous gas supply to the spacecraft, which led to a significant increase in pressure in the cockpit. On the "land" there was some panic until they figured out what the matter.

And finally, because of a failure in the orientation system, the astronauts were forced to manually plant a ship and, as you know, got into a snowy taiga. At the same time, the crew in practice used the spacecraft and the wearable emergency reserve to ensure its livelihoods after landing in a deserted area for 2 days.

In general, the world's first yield in the world in the world was successfully implemented on the world's yield in the world, which was an outstanding achievement and gave an impetus to further research in the field of funds for extracurricular activities of astronauts.

It should be noted the efficiency and enthusiasm with which the development and experimental testing of systems was carried out to ensure the first human exit into space. After all, from the moment of signing the technical task on the SC and Skafander on June 9, 1965, only 9 months passed to the date of exit to the space of A. Leonov on March 18, 1965. This was noted at a solemn meeting of the team of a star with astronauts, held soon after the flight.

Fig. 12. The rally on the star dedicated to the meeting with A. Leonov and P. Belyaev.

March 18, 2010 was 45 years since the moment of a significant event in the history of world cosmonautics, the first exit of a person in open space. Made this feat of Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov. Leonov spent off the ship for only 12 minutes 9 seconds - so little compared to the fact that today the extracepan takes place on 6 or more hours. But it is the small step - or flight - Leonov in the open space made today's long-term work on the surface of the International Space Station possible.

In 1960, A. A. Leonov was enrolled in the first squad of Soviet cosmonauts. On March 18-19, 1965, together with Pavel Belyaev, he flew into space as a second pilot on the spacecraft "Voskhod-2".

Alexey Leonov and Pavel Belyaev (right)

Tag Alexey Leonova on abnormal situations while entering outdoor space

"When a ship was created to exit open space, I had to solve many problems, one of which was associated with the size of the hatch. So that the cover has opened in full, it would have to cut a lodge. Then I would not fit in his shoulders. And I agreed to reduce the diameter of the hatch. Thus, there was a gap of 20 mm from each shoulder between the Speaf and Crunch of the hatch.

On Earth, we conducted tests in the barocamera with a vacuum corresponding to a height of 60 km ... In reality, when I went out into open space, it turned out a little differently. The pressure in the scaffle is about 600 mm, and outside - 10 - 9; Such conditions on Earth simulate was impossible. In the cosmic vacuum, the skatewood swelled, either the ribs of rigidity or dense fabric. Of course, I assumed that it would happen, but did not think so much. I dragged all the belts, but the safe was so funeral that the hands came out of the gloves when I was taken for the handrails, and my legs from your boots. In this state, I, of course, could not squeeze into the Luke of the Gateway. There was a critical situation, and there was no time to consult with the Earth. So far I would have reported to them ... Would they be advised ... and who would take responsibility? Only Pasha Belyaev saw it, but could not help anything. And here I, violating all instructions and not reporting to the ground, turn 0.27 atmospheres to the pressure. This is the second mode of operation of the Squadder. If for this time I did not have a nitrogen washing from blood, then nitrogen would be boiling - and everything ... death. I figured that for an hour I was under pure oxygen and boiling should not be. After I switched to the second mode, all the "village" in place.

On the nerves, I put in the gateway to the film and myself, disrupting the instructions, went to the gateway not my feet, but head forward. Holding for Leore, I squeezed myself forward. Then I closed the external hatch and began to turn around, as you still need to go into the ship anyway. Otherwise, I could not, because the lid, opening inward, has eaten 30% of the cab. Therefore, I had to unfold (the inner diameter of the gateway is 1 meter, the width of the player in the shoulders - 68 cm). Here was the biggest load, my pulse reached 190. I still managed to turn over and enter the ship by my feet, as it should be, but I had such a heat blow that I disrupt the instructions and without checking the tightness, I did not give a helmet By closing the hatch. I wipe my eyes glove, and it fails to wipe it, as if someone was pouring on my head. Then I had only 60 liters of oxygen for breathing and ventilation, and now "Orlana" - 360 liters ... I left the first in history and went out at once on 5 meters. No one did no longer. But with this Fal, it was necessary to work, collect on the hooks, so as not to hang out. There was a huge physical activity.

The only thing I did not do at the exit - could not take a picture of the ship from the side. I had a miniature camera "Ajax", able to shoot through a button. She was given to us with the personal permission of the Chairman of the KGB. This camera was controlled by a remote cable; Because of the deformation of the Skafandra, I could not reach him. But I did a filmmaker (3 minutes by the C-97 camera), and two television cameras constantly followed from the ship, but they had no high resolution. According to these materials, then made a very interesting film.

A. A. Leonov

But the worst thing was when I returned to the ship, it began to grow the partial oxygen pressure (in the cabin), which came to 460 mm and continued to grow. This is at a rate of 160 mm! But after all, 460 mm is a rattling gas, because Bondarenko burned down ... At the beginning we were sitting in a stupor. Everyone understood, but could not do almost nothing: the moisture was removed to the end, the temperature was removed (it became 10 - 12 ° C). And the pressure grows ... the slightest spark - and everything would turn into a molecular state, and we understood it. Seven hours in such a state, and then fell asleep ... apparently, from stress. Then we figured out that I had a hose from the player with a jade for a superpowering toggle ... What happened in fact? Since the ship was stabilized for a long time relative to the sun, then, naturally, the deformation arose: on the one hand, cooling up to - 140 ° C, on the other - heating to + 150 ° С ... Luke closing sensors worked, but the gap remained. The regeneration system began to pump pressure, and the oxygen began to grow, we did not have time to consume ... The total pressure reached 920 mm. These few tons of pressure pressed the hatch and the pressure growth ceased. Then the pressure began to fall in front of the eyes. "

Rocket carrier "Sunrise" with spacecraft "Sunrise-2". 1965

Spaceship "Sunrise-2"

Commander of the Spaceship Satellite Satellite "Sailing-2" Pilot-cosmonaut Colonel Pavel Belyaev (right) and the second pilot of the ship "Veshod-2" pilot-cosmonaut Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Leonov on a medical examination after training. 1965

Future cosmonaut, Cadet Chuguevsky Aviation School Summer Alexei Leonov. 1953

The second pilot of the Space Satellite Satellite Satellite Sailor "Skimonaut Pilot Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov on Loping during a training session.

First human output in open space

Cosmonauts Pavel Belyaev and Alexey Leonov in the cabin of the ship "Sunrise - 2"

Before boarding, an automatic orientation system was denied. P. I. Belyaev manually oriented the ship and turned on the brake engine. As a result, the "sunrise" landed in an unspent area of \u200b\u200b180 km north of the city of Perm. TASS reported that the ship landed in the "Spare District", which was simply a deaf Perm Taiga. Two nights of cosmonauts spent alone in a wild forest with a strong frost. Only on the third day they made their way to the deep snow rescuers skiing, which were forced to cut the forest in the landing area of \u200b\u200bthe "sunrise" to clear the platform for landing the helicopter.

Solemn meeting of the heroic crew of the Soviet spacecraft "Voskhod-2" - Colonel Pavel Ivanovich Belyaeva and Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Archipovich Leonov

The rally on the Red Square dedicated to the successful implementation in the Soviet Union in the world's first exit of a person from the ship into outer space. 1965.

Photo: photoxicronics TASS / Vera Zhikhenko,

ITAR-TASS / Valery Sharifulin,

PHOTOXRONIC TASS / Valentin Uchaynytsev,

After graduating from N. E. Zhukovsky's Air Engineering Academy in 1968, Leonov was preparing for other space flights, but they were not implemented for various reasons.

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov in 1974

And now, finally, July 15-21, 1975, together with V. N. Kubasov, he made a second flight into space as the commander of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft under the Epas program ("Union - Apollo"). Then for the first time in the world, docking ships of two different countries.

Ships "Apollo" (left) and "Soyuz-19" (right). Reconstruction

The program was approved on May 24, 1972 by the agreement between the USSR and the United States on cooperation in the study and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.

The main objectives of the program were:

· Test elements compatible system of convergence in orbit;

· Test of an active-passive docking unit;

· Checking machinery and equipment to ensure the transition of cosmonauts from the ship to the ship;

· Accumulation of experience in carrying out joint flights of USSR and US spacecraft.

In addition, the program assumed the study of the possibility of managing the orientation of docked ships, checking the intergovernmental communications and coordination of the actions of the Soviet and American flight management centers.

The crew "Apollo" - "Union".

From left to right: Salaton, Stafford, Brand, Leonov, Cubasov

In 2010, 35 years old from the day of the beginning of the Soyuz-Apollo space program - the first Soviet-American joint project in space. In order to celebrate the anniversary, astronauts arrived in Moscow - the crew commander Thomas Stafford (Thomas Patten Stafford) and the pilot of the Vance Devoe Brand. Unfortunately, Pilot Donald Slayton died on June 13, 1993 at the age of 69.

Revelations of the cosmonaut Alexey Leonova

Kennedy and Khrushchev's Secret Steps

Oddly enough, but our beginning of the development of the moon is connected with America. In 1961, President Kennedy wrote a letter to Congress. With a feeling of a vulnerable pride, he wrote that, after we lost to the advice of the first steps to the stars, the prestige of the nation is to fall first ... on the moon.

And asked the Congress to master the moon astronomical amount - $ 25 billion. Congress allocated this money. The USSR was able to oppose only 2.5 billion rubles. Based on these numbers, and we must compare what they did and what we did.

On August 3, 1964, Khrushchev signed a secret decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the work on the study of the moon and outer space. So there was a specific task: already in May - June 1967, to fly the moon, and in September 1968, make a soft landing on the lunar surface and return back. Our "moon program" was supposed to be the answer to the United States and prove our superiority in space and on earth. We tried to not pay attention to us 10 times less. And they began to prepare three crews first fly the moon, and then by the results of flights to choose one crew and ... to fall on the moon!

Ship "L-1"

To fly - you need a ship. And they did. Outwardly, he was like "Union". But with another management system. An onboard computing complex appeared, a specially designed sextant and a star orientator. As a carrier was offered a proton rocket. Prior to this, Proton took the ships to orbit up to 400 kilometers. And for the lunch of the moon, it was necessary to disperse the ship to the second cosmic velocity to overcome the attraction of the Earth. By increasing the lifting capabilities of the "proton", the designers sought to reduce the weight of the L-1 ship itself. And they decided to limit the cabin of the descendable apparatus, refusing the orbital compartment for astronauts. This meant that the crew was seven days to work and sleep in a siding sitting position. But we were ready for everything. So there is a ship. The carrier is. Equipment is. The crew was required ...

Gagarin in the "lunar group"

The government has created a "lunar group". I am appointed by its head and responsible for the "lunar program" of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts.

It is 1966. At that time, we just picked up people in different groups: to test the new Soyuz ship, for the orbital station (DOS) "Salyut" and to the long-awaited "lunar group". In addition to the main, there were also spare. Everyone understood - the "lunar program" is not for one year, since it consists of two stages. The first is the flight of the moon. The second is the landing onto her surface of the best of the three crew hooked moon. And then - the development of the moon.

Gagarin also entered the Lunar Group, although his main goal is to prepare for the first test of the "Union". It was believed that after the "Union" of Yura will be engaged in the "lunar program". Veliad death crossed all his plans.

And the "lunar carriages" was determined. The first: Leonov - Makarov. Second: Bykovsky - manduts. Third: Popovich - Grechko. But only the first two crews were prepared directly to the "lunar work". The remaining "Lunniki" worked on the general program. To replace us at any time, Klimuk, Voronov, Shatalov, Sevastyanov, other and Valera Voloshin could come to replace, which, then for Jewish origin, did not pass along the fifth paragraph.

Stages of the Path

What is "general preparation"? This is primarily navigation training. To be able to make the flying of the moon independently (there is no one to know what an accident), you need to know the starry sky very well. And especially - southern. Because a landing approach is purely from the south side of the Earth. More precisely, with Antarctica.

At first we studied the southern sky in the Moscow planetarium - in the evening, when visitors left, we came. And until midnight peered in the stars. But the living southern sky is another. And the "moon band" pulled out to learn the southern sky in Somalia. We were at our disposal then the best country observatory in Armenia, in Georgia and Crimea. But the simulator was alone. Yes, and the onboard computing machine "Salute" was only in the KB in the sublip (now in the queen). Landing was planned on the visible side of the Moon. Only direct visibility from the ground could provide help from the center with astronauts. Communication is based on ultra-screw waves, and they act in direct visibility.

If the car, as we said, "died", the crew should have been ready to take control over ourselves during cosmic overloads. And this task was solved. A unprecedented simulator was created. A cosmic ship was installed on a huge centrifuge, the crew was seated and overclocked it to such a speed that the overload was truly cosmic. And here in such conditions, we learned to "steer" by the ship, lost automatic control. On the star orientator screen, pre-applied rings were highlighted. In these rings, we had to "drive" the corresponding stars in the sky. (It is similar to modern children's games on a computer.) All stages of the path to the moon and back we worked as "our own". And they began to wait for the order to arrive at Baikonur.

However, there were days, months, flew by one by one to the moon, the unmanned ships, but we were not all the hut. And here he still did not become Sergey Pavlovich Queen. For us, astronauts, it was almost the end of the world. It was the queen more than anyone who was charged to fly to the moon. After him, the "lunar case" was let down on samothek. The queen Mishin was appointed to the place of the queen, who probably could be a good conductor of his ideas, but as an independent manager could not move anything.

Disagreements of designers

- The "lunar case" began to enter the dead end, when two whales, on which Soviet Social Space, Korolev and Manha, began to swim in different directions, could not agree - what should be the "lunar rocket carrier".

It became clear: we can often fly the moon, but we will not be able to sit on the moon before the Americans. The main reason was not even a lack of money, but the wrong or late course on the creation of a new N-1 carrier instead of using a bunch of repeatedly tested in the case of Protons, which offered by the manual. Chelymaya had no raw project, like the Queen "H-1", but a ready-made option for landing on the moon from five "protons": four in the corners and the fifth in the middle. The new royal missile "H-1" could not undergo a test. When you first start, its engines worked 80 seconds. And ... pulled the bottom. The fire started. I had to give a team to undermining the rocket at an altitude of 80 kilometers. The second rocket in general after 10 seconds crashed. With the third, something else happened. In short, a continuous strip of failure due to the absurdity of the structural solutions, which did not fit in the head, if we consider that it was not someone from this missile, and Korolev was going to grow his new grandecombus to conquer the moon. The snag was both in eternal controversy disputes. Humawa "built" his carriers on dirty fuel - nitrogen tetraoxide. Korolev was categorically opposed and tried to develop Kuznets engines worked on kerosene and oxygen. And in the Rocket "H-1", he generally planned the use of oxygen and hydrogen.

But to bring this environmentally friendly project did not have enough life. The royal idea caused admiration, but those decisions, at the expense of which he was trying to implement, ended with disappointment ...

In short, it is necessary to confess, very complex relations and competition between Queen and the Man did not benefit the general case. They were always opposed to each other. And it only aggravated the position. If they were not thrown around the "well-wishers" and instigators, they could, and would have found a common language. But ... the time was missed. And then the death of the queen put the point even to the possibility of flying the moon. Although I repeat, everything was ready !!!

So disagreement between the Queen and Man's ended with the defeat of our "lunar program."


The main carrier of the L-1 ship ("probe") was a proven missile for the Proton "Proton". However, problems arose with it: in the 67th year, the assembly was summed up obvious insightness, one of which turned out to be the result of an obvious sabotage. On the first launch of the carrier in March on the "D" block, "Plus" and "minus" were confused. Such a casus in modern airports is simply impossible ... The second test failed due to the insufficient stiffness of the body of the device, which decided to alleviate some frivolous Madame and ... For that he received a premium. Eliminate the ship is a holy case, but ... not until the same extent so that the protective shell is deformed and a short circuit happened in the device. The ship began to rotate along the main axis "x" at a speed of more than 14 degrees. If a man was sitting in the ship, everything would straighten. And here the carrier safety system automatically worked, and a team was given to the elimination of the rocket. But this is not a rocket to blame, and the lady that received a prize ...

An even greater curiosity threatened the "probe 5", which crashed to Earth due to the fact that parachute was shot at an altitude of 4000 meters. Who occurred to incorporate a parachute in one team with a frontal shield shot? Moreover, there is no parachute in the manned version at all, while the ship does not sit down.


But the most insultant was the breakdown of the test due to the fact that the plug came into the fuel tract from a completely different engine from another workshop. But it was already as established by the Commission, direct sabotage. It was discovered so. Having worked about 30 seconds, the rocket was cut off. Explosion. The fall. Investigation. We looked at who collected. The collector was with the Order of Lenin. Organized a tricky check: "Let's follow how it was done!" The collector began to show how he checked everything, as I put the plug and how the engine went from the conveyor. And here it was imperceptible to him the plug. He took her and, without thinking, inserted "in place." And the plug in the form is the same, only a smaller diameter. The collector did not even notice this ... who he slipped this plug for the first time, did not find it!

But it was precisely established that the plug was disappeared in another workshop and got into this insulated workshop not by chance. Someone worked on the hand of Americans. But who? Until now, the mystery.

It is necessary to frankly say that the scheme for the landing on the moon was invented by stupid: two fly, one sits down. While the Americans acted much more wisely: Three flew, one remained in orbit, two went down to the moon and, if any help could have a friend. However, the worst part of our scheme is that on the lunar orbit, I had to separate from the ship and, having hinged at an altitude of 110 meters, a maximum of two seconds to determine where to sit down. To do this, in front of me there was a screen so that I saw the platform. But one thing is to do it when you feel well ... And how would we feel after three days of the flight sitting?!

So ... already in the 67th year it was clear that we, no matter how tried, but before the Americans would not land.

As for the flight ... Even when Frank Borman, from December 21 to December 27, 1968, flew out the moon, we still tried to prove something in the Central Committee. Say, as the landing program on the moon is not canceled and financing continues, we will still have to land with the departure. Now we are in shape. The ship is. Allow me to fly! CC: "No! Let's still send one "probe" around the moon. Until we receive a test without comments, I will not go to the flight! " The main thing - Vasily Pavlovich Mishin was against the general designer of NGO "Energia". And he had connections in the defense department of the Central Committee, where they simply decided: well, once the Americans sat down, which is now risking? However, before that, when the Americans still did not fly around the moon and we could make it the first, there was the same reinsurance policy. Not so much experienced for the life of astronauts, how much for their exhausted places. And we were not allowed! And in the meantime, Americans watched our tests of "probes" around the moon and understood that the Soviet Union was preparing to get ahead of them. We already had four successful lunch of the moon. Therefore, NASA FLETECT prescribed the decision to make only one flight of the Moon Frank Borman. With the second clothing, Thomas Stafford, testing the "lunar module", went with a decrease of up to 100 meters and then leaving home. They so clearly worked out their program that I could not hide admiration by the American colleagues. At the same time, in the United States, it is worthwhile to this day, our cosmonaut preparation center is better than the American. American astronauts themselves talk about it ...

If Korolev, we would definitely fly the moon before Americans. Mishin was a very good engineer and a serious analyst, but a nikudny leader. And not a strategist! When the world celebrated the 20th anniversary of the landing of Americans to the moon, the BBC invited Mishina, me, and the Base of Oldrina, captivated with the Neil Armstrong first. And suddenly Vasily Pavlovich states: "All this mistakes of mankind! It was not necessary to engage not only the moon, but in general by the piloted cosmic flights. " He was told: "How did you, the general designer who spent the whole life who spent on cosmos, can you say that?!" And he: "Yes, spent. And now I think it was a mistake ... "Here such a person led our space program after the Queen. So what could be expected from him?

Nikolay Dobryukha, Komsomolskaya Pravda

In 1970-1991 Alexey Leonov worked as Deputy Head of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts. He graduated from an adjuncture at N. E. Zhukovsky's aircraft engineering academy. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Since March 1992, Major General A. A. Leonov in stock. It has 4 inventions and more than 10 scientific papers.

Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov during the Gagarin Prize Ceremony in the Moscow Planetarium. 2012

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov

The beginning of the rapid study of the Universe is considered to be April 12, 1961, when a person went to space for the first time and Yuri Gagarin, a citizen of the USSR became. Year after his flight was given new and new discoveries.

Open space

Find out outside the spacecraft in one Skafandra - a risky lesson. Exactly 52 years ago, the pilot of the Soviet Union Alexei Leonov made an exit to open space. Despite the fact that Leonov stayed in an airless space for only 12 minutes, it was a real feat. The cosmonaut calls these few minutes with absolute silence, he spoke about it in his first interviews. Today year of the exit of man in open space Every schoolboy knows. In 1965, on March 12, the ship "Voshod-2" started on board with Alexey Leonov and the commander of the apparatus Pavel Belyaev, since then this date is important for the history of Russia. Leon Outdoor Cosmos I committed when he was 31 years old.

How it was

The first person in the history of a man walking in space outside the board of the ship caused real delight around the world. Moreover, it happened, it was when the USSR with Yaros with America competed for the title of first in the field of development of university space. Spacewalk He was regarded at that time as the propaganda success of the Soviet Union and a serious blow to the national pride of the Americans.

Leonov exit to open space - This is a real breakthrough in the field of mastering the universe. In fact, there were many dangerous moments during the flight that the cosmonaut experienced. Almost immediately hesitated his spacecraft as a result of strong pressure. To solve the problem, the pilot had to violate the instructions and reduce the pressure inside. That is why he entered the ship is not legs forward, but his head. Cosmonaut Leon Outdoor CosmosDespite all the problems, I made successfully and landed successfully.

Despite the technical inspection of the vessel and its thorough preparation for the flight, the problems still arose. A sharp drop of temperatures led to the fact that the hatch was formulated in the hatch. What would lead to the depressurization of the ship and the death of astronauts. After the first was performed outdoor Cosmos Year During the year, research was carried out more and more active.

At the time of the Soviet Union, the costs of emergency situations were silent, the truth was made public relatively recently, including output of a person in open spacewas imperfect. But today you can tell the whole truth. In particular, that Alexey Leonov Outdoor Cosmos I almost did without a safety cable, and if neither the ship's commander who had noticed it in time, Belyaev's body to this day was in the orbit of the planet.

What Leonov felt

Cosmonaut output in open space - This is a real feat and a breakthrough in science. Alexey Leonov will forever remain the first person in the history of mankind, who saw the planet Earth from a height of 500 km. At the same time, he absolutely did not feel movement, although he flew at a speed, several times the speed of the reactive aircraft several times. It is impossible to feel the giant environment, the surrounding person, is available exclusively from the space on Earth. When Leonov saw Irtysh, he was received by the team to return to the abortion of the ship, but he could not immediately do this due to a bloated player. Fortunately, exit Alexey Leonov in open spaceended successfully.

When in 1961, Yuri Gagarin went to conquer space, the entire population of the planet was surprised and shocked by his feat. The following achievements of the Cosmonautics of the USSR continued to surprise the whole world. In just a few years, the first yield of man took place in open space. Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich was thereby astronaut who went down in history. The ship crew commander was Pavel Belyaev.

On the eve

After the historical flight, Yuri Gagarin passed four years. All this time, humanity continued to observe with enviable interest behind the Race 2 superpowers in space - the United States and the USSR. They already managed to send several manned spacecraft into orbit. And in 1964, the leadership of the Communist Party reported the world that three Soviet cosmonauts flew to the stars. Accordingly, the next fundamental step should be an output to open outer space.

Meanwhile, both states continued to engage in their space programs. For example, specialists understood that with long-term flights, the astronaut sooner or later would have to lead certain work outside the spacecraft. It was also clear that their pilots themselves would be performed exclusively. Consequently, urgently needed to develop an effective and, most importantly, a safe system for the implementation of such works. In the Soviet empire, the Academician of Korolev was engaged in these issues. And the thirty-year cosmonaut from the 1st detachment Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov turned out to be the main and direct performer of these undertakings.

For this, scientists began to improve the Space Apparatus "Sunrise". In February 1965, all the works were already over ... When Leonov's first exit was performed? We will talk about it further.

Advanced spacecraft

The ship "Sunrise-2" is an advanced version of the apparatus, which, in the distant 1964, the three pilots were performed at once, as was said slightly higher.

The new starship was adapted for the flight of two astronauts. On him and should have made the cosmonaut of Leon entering outdoor space. On board, a special inflatable gateway camera for accessing outer space was provided. The device system was as follows: the camera was inflated, which was already ready to take the pilot. When preparation for the landing was carried out, the camera automatically "shot", and the spacecraft itself went down without it.

By the way, the whole experiment with the camera and astronauts was rather risky. The fact is that experts did not have time to thoroughly check the work of absolutely all systems. One month before the flight, the unmanned spacecraft mistakenly blown up. After this incident S. Korolev and M. Keldysh had a long conversation with pilots. As a result, the planned exit of the cosmonaut Leonov in open space was not canceled.

Universality "Berkut"

All domestic saffes called the names of prey birds. So, there is an Eagle space costume. There is a "blind", there is a "hawk", "falcon" ... The very same spacecraft for the exit to outer space was called "Berkut". He weighed about 40 kg. Under the conditions of weightless, this indicator did not have any meaning. But, however, this figure gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seriousness of the whole design.

The system of the skatera was very effective and at the same time quite simple. Thus, specialists abandoned the regeneration plant, and when exhaling, carbon dioxide was directly produced into outer space.

This jade was applied once when Belyaev's crew - Leonov went into space. Specialists argue that "Berkut" and today is considered not only the only and unique safe, but also universal. And the versatility was that it is intended for the rescue of astronauts during the depressurization of the spacecraft, and to exit a person in open space.

Obvious threats

Our contemporaries are well aware of the dangers that a priori can threaten the pilot in open space.

  1. The pilot may lose touch with the apparatus. So, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov was tied to the "sunrise-2" reliable falcon. Its length is 5.5 m. During the historical yield of man in open space, the cosmonaut has repeatedly stretched on the length of the cable, and then pulled up to the device. In essence, only due to the strength of this insurance pool, the pilot could actually return home.
  2. In the open space, the cosmonaut could face the so-called "cosmic garbage". True, in those days this probability was negligible. Recall that the "sunrise-2" in orbit was visited only by eleven manned spacecraft and a number of satellites. All of them were pretty at low orbits and, accordingly, the lion's share of debris, which remained after them, quickly burned. Thus, they did not have time to hurt anyone.
  3. Of course, the pilot has a serious risk that he will end the stock of oxygen. The Berkut Spaceband was designed specifically to enter space. He has complete autonomy. Air stock - 1666 liters. The maximum length of stay outside the device is 45 minutes. During this time, the pilot must have time to enter the gateway chamber, go into space, to visit the free flight and return to the gateway. No resource for correcting possible errors or salvation was not provided at all.
  4. Cosmonaut may have a threat of supercooling or overheating. So, Leonov successfully managed to complete its exit before the spacecraft got into the shadow from our planet. Otherwise, such low temperatures could seriously complicate all the actions of the cosmonaut. In addition, in the conditions of pitch darkness, he could not cope with the safety cable and the entrance to the gateway chamber.
  5. In the open space, the cosmonaut could get a certain dose of radiation. When the first exit cosmonaut, the first exit to open space, he, according to him, was very lucky. The fact is that in its exit to space, he only taped the edge of the radiation and danger zone. When Leonov returned, experts recorded a rather large dose of radiation, but it, fortunately, did not lead to health damage.

Mission Complete

The release date of Leonov's open space Alexey Archikovich - March 18, 1965. The spacecraft called "Voskhod-2" broke away from the ground with Baikonur. As soon as the ship went into orbit, the gateway chamber was inflated on the first twist. When the "sunrise" already visited the second round, Leon moved to the camera. After that, the crew commander finally shuddered the hatch behind the colleague.

A few minutes later, the air began to swell in the chamber. And in two minutes, the pilot was already decided to go to the unrecognized abyss - in open space.

He began to conduct experiments and observations, which were provided for by the program. He moved away from the device to the meter and returned. He was constantly talking on a radio station not only with Belyaev, but also with employees of terrestrial services.

After some time, the commander managed to connect the phone in Leonskaya Spacek to the transmissions of the capital radio. At that moment, the speaker Levitan read an informational message about the exit of the Soviet man into outer space. And the entire population of the planet through television program from the camera cameras could see that after all, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov had an exit to open space. He waved his hand all over the world straight from there ...

3001th problem

Leonov's yield in open space could end very much. When astronauts were carefully preparing for flight, they worked three thousand different emergencies. Of course, they found the same number of solutions. However, Alexey Leonov repeatedly recognized that in outer space, the 3001th unexpected situation will arise in the law. And it is precisely it will be urgently to decide. So, in fact, it happened.

When the program of experiments in open space ended, Leonov ordered to return. But it was very difficult to do it. Due to the pressure in space, the jade lost its flexibility. In addition, he swelled. In other words, the cosmonaut was inside the inflounted and quite large ball. And, accordingly, he was not able to crawl into the gateway hatch. In addition, the reserve of oxygen in "Berkut" ended. Thus, Leonov was needed to take a certain decision. And urgently. At first he wanted to report an abnormal situation to Earth. But then realized that the Council would not help him, since he was the only person who ever came across something similar.

Be that as it may, the cosmonaut found a way out of the seeming deadlock situation. In violation of all instructions, he stared oxygen surplus to reduce the dimensions of the player and head forward at the gateway. By and large, it was possible to make it only due to its excellent physical preparation.

After that, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, with colossal efforts, was able to turn around, taking the hatch. The air began to flow into the chamber. It seemed that all dangers were finally passed ...

Long way home

So, the struggle of the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Archipovich Leonov for life, fortunately, has already ended. However, on board an equally serious problem arose. The fact is that in the cockpit, the partial pressure of oxygen was recorded. Moreover, it continued to grow and grow. And, accordingly, if the smallest spark appears in the instrument schemes, then all this could lead to a real explosion.

Later, the reason for this problem was clarified. For a long time, the device heated unevenly, as it was adjusted relative to the sun. Because of this, the ship's hull was slightly deformed.

In addition, from the small slit of the hatch cameras, as it turned out, the air was disappeared. Unfortunately, Soviet cosmonauts could not deal with the problem and therefore watched the testimony of devices with horror. However, when the pressure was normalized, the hatch slammed, and the threat finally disappeared.

True, on this, the crew did not end at all. "Sunrise-2" should start landing after the seventeenth round. However, the braking technique in automatic mode for some reason did not work. The spacecraft carried in orbit. The crew members had to exercise the landing program in manual mode. Belyaev was able to orient the ship to the correct position by sending it to a deserted taiga area. According to the memoirs of the commander, at that moment he was most afraid that the device would fall into a densely populated territory or a lines of power lines.

There was also a danger to land in an unfriendly than China. Fortunately, this did not happen.

The ship landed in a deaf snow-covered taiga, for thirty kilometers from Berezniki, which in the Perm region.

Unfortunately, astronauts found not immediately. From the helicopter, the rescuers quickly discovered parachutes that hung on the branches of high trees. But planted the aircraft was very hard. And pull out the landed crew members at that time was not possible. Thus, for two days, astronauts sat in the forest and waited for help. At the same time, thirty-permanent frosts began.

For insulation, they used parachutes and safes. They also burned the fire. In a morning, a landing landscare agent arrived in a few kilometers from the site of landing of the spacecraft. They cleared the platform for the helicopter. In addition, they managed to reset warm things and products from it. And a group of specialists came down on the ropes together with the doctor. They could provide the best conditions for cosmonauts. So, they erected the hut, equipped the bedrooms, and the next day the helicopter reception site was finally prepared. True, everyone had to go skiing back nine kilometers to get to her.

After some time, on board the helicopter, astronauts flew to Perm. First of all, they called the head of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev. They reported that the first way out to open space Alexei Leonov and Pavel Belyaeva successfully completed. A day later, they already met the capital ...

Honored Glory

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov turned out to be the 15th pilot, which visited space. In addition, it is considered that man who was able to commit a fundamental step after the Gagarin.

In the fall of the 1965th FAI (International Aviation Federation) officially confirmed the writ of person's stay in space. Leonov's exit to open space lasted a little more than twelve minutes. He was presented with a prestigious medal called "Cosmos". This award of this Federation is considered to be the highest. In addition, the Sunrise-2 commander P. Belyaev was also marked by a diploma and a medal.

In Motherland, Leonov assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union. However, the merits of Soviet cosmonaut were marked by many other awards. By the way, one of the lunar craters wears its famous name.


The first exit to open space Soviet crew made 2.5 months earlier than the United States Astronauts team.

The first pilot of the United States, which was in the open space, was E. White. It happened at the very beginning of the summer of 1965. The duration of stay in outer space is twenty-two minutes.

And in the spring of 2001 compatriot White S. Helms broke the record associated with the duration of stay in space. This American woman was in space almost nine hours!

The domestic cosmonaut A. Soloviev became an unconditional record holder in the number of outputs. Sixteen times he had to go out into open space. At the same time, the total duration of his stay there is more than eighty two hours, which, in fact, is also a record.

The first person who came out into the interplanetary space was A. Warden. He was one of the participants of the famous Lunar Expedition. Astronaut had to go into space in order to transfer ready-made negatives from one module to another.

Well, the first woman who went into space was Svetlana Savitskaya. Its exit to open space took place in the middle of the summer of 1984 ...

"Time of First"

On the events associated with the first man's output in open space, the film was shot. The picture came out in the spring of 2017. The producers of the project were T. Bekmambetov and E. Mironov, including. According to them, they were inspired by the heroism of the crew of the "Sunrise-2" crew. As a result, producers created a large-scale film, which is called "the first time". Naturally, the State Corporation "Roskosmos" in every way supported this project.

In fact, in this tape, the events of those historical days are not scrupulously. Yes, and the goal of producers was still different. They even filmed not an artistic tape, they worked, rather, over a science fiction picture, which was based on the real and legendary flight on March 18, 1965.

Outputs in open space can be performed in different ways. In the first case, the cosmonaut is associated with the Space Costroit Special Insurance Fal, sometimes combined with an oxygen supply hose (in this case, it is called "umbilical umbilical"), while it is enough to return to the ship just muscle cosmonaut's muscle efforts. Another option is a completely autonomous flight in outer space. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of returning to the spacecraft using a special technical system.

The first exit to space was committed by the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov on March 18, 1965, from the side of the Sunrise-2 spacecraft using a flexible gateway chamber. The Berkut Spacer, used for the first exit, was a ventilation type and consumed about 30 liters of oxygen per minute with a total reserve of 1666 liters, designed for 30 minutes of stay of the astronaut in open space. Because of the difference in pressures, the jade was inflated and strongly interfered with the movements of the astronaut, which, in particular, made it difficult for Leonov to return to the "sunrise-2". The total time of the first exit was 23 minutes 41 seconds (from them outside the ship 12 minutes 9 seconds), and on its results was concluded about the possibility of a person to perform various work in open space.
Some time after the exit to the open space of our cosmonaut Leonov, the same experiment managed to repeat the Americans. On June 3, 1965, American Cosmonauts James McDivatt and Edward White, who started at the Jeminay-IV spacecraft, opened Luke and White went into space.

The first exit of the American astronaut in open space (Edward White, June 3, 1965)

Outputs into open space are dangerous for many different reasons. The first is the possibility of a collision with cosmic garbage. The orbital speed at an altitude of 300 km above the ground (the typical height of the flight of manned spacecraft) is about 7.7 km / s. This is 10 times higher than the pulley flight rate, so that the kinetic energy of the small particle of paint or grain of sand is equivalent to the same energy of the bullet, which has 100 times greater mass. More and more orbital debris appears with each space flight, which is why this problem continues to remain the most dangerous.
Another reason for the hazards of exits in space is that the surrounding environment in outer space is extremely difficult for a suggestion modeling. Outputs into space are often planned in the late stage of development of the flight plan, when any pressing problems or malfunctions are detected, sometimes even during the field of flight. The potential danger of outputs into open space inevitably leads to emotional pressure on astronauts.
Help the cosmonaut, published in open space, is very difficult.
The potential danger bears the possibility of losing or unacceptable removal from the spacecraft, threatening death due to the consolidation of the reserve mixture. It is also dangerous to damage or punctacles of spaces, the depressurization of which threatens Anoxy and fast death, if astronauts do not have time to return to the ship in time. It is significant that the very first enough dangerous incident happened already during the first exit of the cosmonaut in open space. After fulfilling the first exit program, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov experienced difficulties with returning to the ship, since the swollen Skafander did not pass through the "Sunrise" air gateway. Only the waterproofing of the oxygen pressure in the scaffle was then allowed to fully complete the flight.

Alexey Leonov's story about abnormal situations while entering outdoor space:

"When a ship was created to exit open space, I had to solve many problems, one of which was associated with the size of the hatch. So that the cover has opened in full, it would have to cut a lodge. Then I would not fit in his shoulders. And I agreed to reduce the diameter of the hatch. Thus, there was a gap of 20 mm from each shoulder between the Speaf and Crunch of the hatch.
On Earth, we conducted tests in the barocamera with a vacuum corresponding to a height of 60 km ... In reality, when I went out into open space, it turned out a little differently. The pressure in the scaffle is about 600 mm, and outside - 10 - 9; Such conditions on Earth simulate was impossible. In the cosmic vacuum, the skatewood swelled, either the ribs of rigidity or dense fabric. Of course, I assumed that it would happen, but did not think so much. I dragged all the belts, but the safe was so funeral that the hands came out of the gloves when I was taken for the handrails, and my legs from your boots. In this state, I, of course, could not squeeze into the Luke of the Gateway. There was a critical situation, and there was no time to consult with the Earth. So far I would have reported to them ... Would they be advised ... and who would take responsibility? Only Pasha Belyaev saw it, but could not help anything. And here I, violating all instructions and not reporting to the ground, turn 0.27 atmospheres to the pressure. This is the second mode of operation of the Squadder. If for this time I did not have a nitrogen washing from blood, then nitrogen would be boiling - and everything ... death. I figured that for an hour I was under pure oxygen and boiling should not be. After I switched to the second mode, all the "village" in place.
On the nerves, I put in the gateway to the film and myself, disrupting the instructions, went to the gateway not my feet, but head forward. Holding for Leore, I squeezed myself forward. Then I closed the external hatch and began to turn around, as you still need to go into the ship anyway. Otherwise, I could not, because the lid, opening inward, has eaten 30% of the cab. Therefore, I had to unfold (the inner diameter of the gateway is 1 meter, the width of the player in the shoulders - 68 cm). Here was the biggest load, my pulse reached 190. I still managed to turn over and enter the ship by my feet, as it should be, but I had such a heat blow that I disrupt the instructions and without checking the tightness, I did not give a helmet By closing the hatch. I wipe my eyes glove, and it fails to wipe it, as if someone was pouring on my head. Then I had only 60 liters of oxygen for breathing and ventilation, and now "Orlana" - 360 liters ... I left the first in history and went out at once on 5 meters. No one did no longer. But with this Fal, it was necessary to work, collect on the hooks, so as not to hang out. There was a huge physical activity.
The only thing I did not do at the exit - could not take a picture of the ship from the side. I had a miniature camera "Ajax", able to shoot through a button. She was given to us with the personal permission of the Chairman of the KGB. This camera was controlled by a remote cable; Because of the deformation of the Skafandra, I could not reach him. But I did a filmmaker (3 minutes by the C-97 camera), and two television cameras constantly followed from the ship, but they had no high resolution. According to these materials, then made a very interesting film.
But the worst thing was when I returned to the ship, it began to grow the partial oxygen pressure (in the cabin), which came to 460 mm and continued to grow. This is at a rate of 160 mm! But after all, 460 mm is a rattling gas, because Bondarenko burned down ... At the beginning we were sitting in a stupor. Everyone understood, but could not do almost nothing: the moisture was removed to the end, the temperature was removed (it became 10 - 12 degrees C). And the pressure grows ... the slightest spark - and everything would turn into a molecular state, and we understood it. Seven hours in such a state, and then fell asleep ... apparently, from stress. Then we figured out that I had a hose from the player with a jade for a superpowering toggle ... What happened in fact? Since the ship was stabilized for a long time relative to the sun, it was naturally a deformation arose: on the one hand, cooling up to - 140 degrees C, on the other - heating to +150 degrees with ... Luke closing sensors worked, but the gap remained. The regeneration system began to pump pressure, and the oxygen began to grow, we did not have time to consume ... The total pressure reached 920 mm. These several tons of pressure pressed the hatch, and the growth of pressure stopped. Then the pressure began to fall in front of the eyes. "

Despite the fact that there are currently not known any accidents related to outcomes in open space, the developers of space technology are trying to reduce the need for extremely reliable activity. To eliminate such a necessity, for example, when performing assembly work in space, the development of special tele-controlled robots can help.