Gestalt psychology about creativity in images. General characteristics of gestalt psychology

Gestalt Psychology is a theory of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the early 1920s. It was intended to explain how people manage to make meaningful judgments about a world in constant chaos. The word "gestalt" means "one whole." It is this term that reflects the process of perception, processing and synthesis of disparate parts of reality.

The main misconception about the essence of gestalt is associated with an incorrect translation of the term into English language: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

In fact, the idea of ​​Gestalt is that "the whole is different from the sum of its parts." This means that our perception of the whole exists independently of the perception of its parts. Or, in other words, when the parts are combined, a whole is formed, which has a new dimension of existence.

Marketers can learn a lot from Gestalt psychology. After all, the human mind stops using logic when it comes to visual perception. Optical illusions Is one of the examples proving this.

People don't make decisions on their own. Their actions are influenced by biases, external circumstances, and many other factors. This means that knowing how they respond to visual stimuli can be extremely helpful. Gestalt psychology will not only make your visual message more effective, but it will also open up creativity.

Let's see how the principles of Gestalt psychology listed above can be used in visual marketing.

The law of proximity states that we subconsciously perceive objects located close to each other as objects of one group. Our brain strives for continuity of perception, and this subconscious grouping gives us a clear interpretation of the relationship between objects.

The Law of Proximity: Nearby objects are grouped together. The circles on the left appear to be vertical columns, while the circles on the right appear to be grouped into horizontal rows.

Marketers and advertisers can use the Law of Proximity to create a memorable and engaging visual message, as Prada has done in its print ads below. Placing different elements next to each other at equal distances gives a striking visual effect.

In accordance with the law of similarity, we perceive objects with common elements as if they are part of each other. " Common elements»Form, color, size, texture or any other visual element are used here.

Law of Similarity: Similar objects are grouped together.
Most people see vertical rows of squares and circles.

In web design, the Law of Similarity is useful when you need to group disparate objects such as images and texts of different sizes. One way to create visual cohesion in this case is to give them a common property. For example, the background color.

On the eBay page above, images and texts of various sizes belong to the same group due to the common green color. This approach helps consumers connect parts more easily and process information faster.

Another way to apply the similarity law is to violate it. You can draw attention to an individual element by visually separating it from the rest of the page. The call to action button in the image below is a great example of this. She excels at blue background, and it is impossible not to notice it.

This law says we usually bind really unrelated elements into familiar forms. The brain tends to add missing links, although it has no reason to do so. Naturally, we only combine the elements into those forms that we are already familiar with.

An example of this is the image below. With a quick glance at the picture, you will see circles and triangles that are not there.

The law of image completion: an object grouped together looks like a whole.
We ignore spaces and end up drawing lines. There are no triangles or circles in the picture, but our brains fill in the missing information to create familiar shapes and images.

You can find the use of the law of completion on the logos of some well-known brands such as WWF or Apple. Looking at the WWF picture, we automatically fill in the blanks and see the panda.

Marketers can also use this law to create more engaging and memorable content.

The Law of Continuity states that we prefer to interpret visual information as continuous. Below you can see an example in which the scattered points appear to us to be smooth lines.

Law of Continuity: The lines appear to outline a smooth line.
The upper branch in a circle in the figure seems to come from the first line segment. Because of this, it seems to us that we have in front of us a solid, continuous line.

Because of our brain's tendency to see directionality in lines, the law of continuity is sometimes used in logos where broken lines form a continuous shape. In the example of the IBM logo below, we can easily read the lettering despite the spaces.

The law of figure and background

The law of figure and background shows how we focus our visual attention by separating the figure from the background. The figure is the part of the composition that we are focusing on.

This law explains that a figure is a visual element that requires the least effort to recognize. In other words, this is the part of the image that stands out the most. The rest of the visual is the background.

There are 3 types of relationship between figure and ground. They all have excellent capabilities for building effective visual communication.

  • The figure can be clearly separated from the background (stable attitude).
  • Part of the image can be perceived as both a figure and a background (ambiguous attitude).
  • Both the figure and the background have the same visual weight. The eye switches from one to the other (reverse ratio). Take a look at Rubin's Vase:

The sustained attitude is most popular with marketers. Space and contrast can create an effect that easily draws attention to the right place.

The iPhone 7 home page is a very clear example of a sustainable figure-ground relationship.

This page highlights the strong contrast between the white title text and the black background. Even the product itself almost merges with the new one, making the text clearly visible.


Over the years, Gestalt Psychology has enabled professionals from a variety of disciplines, including marketers and advertisers, to understand how their audience interprets visual information and sees the world.

Gestalt Psychology helps create visual content that stimulates customer engagement. Therefore, you should definitely use its principles in your landing page design.

The Gestalt psychological trend in psychology emerged in the early 1920s. in Germany. Its creation is associated with the names of M. Wertheimer (1880-1943), V. Köhler (1887-1967), K. Koffka (1886-1941) and K. Levin (1890-1947), who laid down the methodology of this school. The first work of Wertheimer, which revealed the principles of Gestalt psychology - "Experimental Studies of Apparent Motion" was published in 1912, but the final form of the new direction took place after the First World War.

Gestalt psychology, as already noted, investigated the holistic structures that make up the mental field, developing new experimental methods. Thus, unlike other psychological directions (psychoanalysis, behaviorism), which radically revised the subject of psychology, representatives of Gestalt psychology still believed that the subject of psychological science is the study of the content of the psyche, the analysis of cognitive processes, as well as the structure and dynamics of personality development.

Nevertheless, leaving the subject of psychology practically intact, Gestalt psychology significantly transforms the previous understanding of the structure of consciousness and cognitive processes. The main idea of ​​this school is that the psyche is based not on individual elements of consciousness, but on integral figures - gestalts, the properties of which are not the sum of the properties of their parts. Thus, the previous idea that the development of the psyche is based on the formation of more and more associative links that connect individual elements to each other into representations and concepts was refuted. Instead of this, new idea- cognition is associated with the process of change, transformation of holistic gestalts, which determine the nature of perception outside world and behavior in it. Therefore, many representatives of this trend paid considerable attention to the problem of mental development, since development itself was identified by them with the growth and differentiation of gestalts. Proceeding from this, in the results of the study of the genesis of mental functions, they saw evidence of the correctness of their postulates.

The ideas developed by gestalt psychologists were based on pilot study cognitive processes. It must be emphasized that this school is one of the first to pay significant attention to the development of new, objective experimental methods for the study of the psyche. It was also the first (and for a long time practically the only) school that began a strictly experimental study of the structure and qualities of a person, since the method of psychoanalysis used by depth psychology could not be considered either objective or experimental.

The methodological approach of Gestalt psychology was based on several foundations - the concept of a mental field, isomorphism and phenomenology. The concept of "field" was borrowed by them from physics, in which the most important discoveries were made in those years. The study of the nature of the atom, magnetism made it possible to reveal the laws of the physical field, in which the elements are arranged into integral systems. This idea became the leading one for gestalt psychologists, who came to the conclusion that mental structures are located in the form of various schemes in the mental field. In this case, the gestalts themselves can change, becoming more adequate to the objects of the external field. There can also be a restructuring of the field in which the previous structures are located, due to which the subject comes to a fundamentally new solution to the problem (insight).

Mental gestalts are isomorphic to physical and psychophysical, i.e. the processes that occur in the brain are similar to those that occur in the external world and are recognized by us in our thoughts and experiences, as one-to-one systems in physics and mathematics (so a circle is isomorphic to an oval, not a square). Therefore, the scheme of the problem, which is given in an external field, can help the subject solve it faster or slower, depending on whether it makes it easier or more difficult to restructure it.

The subject can become aware of his experiences, the process of solving the problem, but for this he needs to renounce past experience, to clear his consciousness of all layers associated with cultural and personal traditions. This phenomenological approach was borrowed by Gestalt psychologists from E. Husserl, whose philosophical concepts were extremely widespread at that time and close to German psychologists. This was associated with their underestimation personal experience, approval of the priority of the momentary situation, the principle of "here and now" in any intellectual processes. This is also related to the results of research between behaviorists and gestalt psychologists, since the former proved the correctness of the "trial and error" method, ie. the influence of past experience, denied by the second. The only exceptions were the personality studies conducted by K. Levin, in which the concept of "time perspective" was introduced, however, taking into account mainly the future, the purpose of the activity, and not past experience.

In the studies of scientists of this school, almost all the currently known properties of perception were discovered, the importance of this process in the formation of thinking, imagination, and other cognitive functions was proved. For the first time, the figurative-schematic thinking they described made it possible to present the whole process of forming ideas about the environment in a new way, proved the importance of images and schemes in the development of creativity, revealing important mechanisms creative thinking... Thus, cognitive psychology XX century relies heavily on the discoveries made at this school.

Levin's works, which will be discussed in more detail below, are of no less importance for personality psychology and for social psychology. Suffice it to say that his ideas and programs, outlined by him in the study of these areas of psychology, are still relevant and have not exhausted themselves almost years after his death.

Gestalt psychology Is a unique direction in psychology. It arose during a psychological crisis in the 1920s in Germany. Gestalt psychology is a productive option for maintaining the integrity of German and Austrian psychology. Was created to resist structuralism.

Within the framework of gestalt psychology, the human psyche is studied taking into account holistic structures(gestalts), which are primary in relation to their components.

For example, the subject sees a cat and is asked who is in front of him? What will he answer? Most likely, he will say "cat" or "animal". A person perceives it as a whole, and not a tail, paws or muzzle separately.

This direction of psychology was investigated and described by Fritz (Frederick) Perls, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Koehler. For the first time about gestalts and the psyche, they started talking in this vein in 1921.

Christian von Ehrenfels emphasized in his writings that the whole is a separate reality, which is different from the world of parts. Translated from German language"Gestalt" is structure shape, image. That is, a gestalt can be called a visual-spatial form of perception of objects, which cannot be understood with the help of summation, accumulation of properties. For example, music. A person recognizes a well-known melody, even if its tonality is changed. We also recognize music if we hear it a second time.

Research is based on human perception... The focus is on the tendency of the psyche to summarize the accumulated experience. For example, when demonstrating symbols "with holes" (spaces), consciousness tries to fill in the missing part and the person recalls the whole image.

The history of the origin of gestalt psychology

Gestalt psychology begins with an important experiment by psychologist Max Wertheimer. He investigated the "phi phenomenon". The experiment was assisted by social devices - a tachyostoscope and a stroboscope. The scientist used two straight lines that protruded irritants transferring different speed of movement.

The future representative of the school of gestalt psychology M. Wertheimer found out that:

  • with a large interval, the subject perceives the lines sequentially;
  • with a short interval, the lines are perceived as a whole;
  • the optimal time interval is 60 milliseconds. In this range, motion perception is created. Observing the subject's eyes, the pupils moved to the left and right, the eyes reacted to the straight lines with a sequential gaze;
  • the subject perceives pure movement at the correct time interval. It was believed that there is movement, but no visible movement of the line is observed. It is this human reaction that is called the "phi-phenomenon".

The scientist described the data of the experiment in 1921 in the article "Experimental studies of the perception of movement." It is from this moment that the school of Gestalt psychology begins.

Max Wertheimer himself is one of the founders of this trend in psychology. He continued to explore human perception and thinking. At that time, his work attracted the attention of many famous scientists. Among them was Kurt Koffka, who even participated in some experiments as a test subject. Together, based on the results, they substantiated a completely new, unique world perception theory.

In the 30s, Gestalt psychology became very popular in Berlin. The scientist himself works in Germany, and on the eve of World War II emigrates to the United States, where he dies in 1943. In 1945, Max Wertheimer's posthumous book, Productive Thinking, was published. This work describes problem solving process by means of gestalt psychology, the process of elucidating the meaning of individual parts in the structure of an integral problem situation is described in detail.

Kurt Koffka is considered the founder of Gestalt psychology as a psychology. Collaborated with Max Wertheimer since 1910. During this period, Koffka published an article "Perception: An Introduction to Gestalt Psychology", in which he outlined the main principles and provisions of this direction.

In 1921, a scientist wrote a book on child psychology- "Foundations of mental development", and in 1933 he published the work "Principles of Gestalt Psychology". The second book turned out to be difficult to read, the poet did not become the main textbook for the study of the theory of Gestalt psychology, as the author hoped.

His research on children's perception showed that children have faint, vague images. It was this observation that prompted him to reason about the important role of the figure and the background. Formulated one of the laws of perception, which was called transduction... He proved that children do not perceive colors, but their relationships.

The scientist argued that color vision develops due to the contrast of the perception of the background and the figure. Later, this law was proved by Koehler and was called transposition law.

Over time, Keller's research revealed the instant rather than the long-term nature of thinking. It is based on “ insight". A little later, a scientist named K. Buhler called this phenomenon "aha-experience." He emphasized his suddenness.

Today the concept of "insight" is considered the key in Gestalt psychology. It explains almost all forms of thinking, including productive, creative.

Basic principles of gestalt psychology

The orderliness and integrity of human perception is achieved thanks to the following principles:

Scientists perceive the human psyche as integral phenomenal field, which has a certain structure and properties. According to Gestalt psychology, the main properties of human perception are the relationship between the background and the figure and the constancy of perception.

Qualitative characteristics of gestalt psychology

The gestalts that have formed are always complete. They are completed structures and have a clear outline. This contour is characterized by closedness, sharpness or blurring of boundaries. The main quality of Gestalt psychology is the striving for completeness, which is manifested by the Zeigarnik effect.

When describing gestalt, the concept of "importance" is often used. The whole is important, and the parts are secondary. And vice versa. The figure always comes first, the background comes second. On rare occasions, such as in ornaments, all parts are equally important.

Gestalt members have different ranks... For example, if you look at the circle: 1st rank is the center. And the 2nd rank is the boundaries of the circle. And any point inside the circle is already the 3rd rank.

Every gestalt has center of gravity, which is also called the "center of mass". This is the middle, the place of connection and fastening, or the starting point as the beginning of the whole. Or a guide like an arrowhead.

The quality of transparency in this direction of psychology - the image of the whole always remains, even if all the elements have changed. Or vice versa, the whole is lost even if all elements are preserved. For example, Picasso's painting "Cat".

The law of pregnancies- completeness of gestalt, acquisition of balance, "good shape". The properties of pregnancies include distinct and closed boundaries, internal structure, symmetry.

The concept of "good" gestalt was proclaimed by the representative of the Metzger school of gestalt psychology in 1941. He argued that consciousness is predisposed to perceive the simplest, closed, aesthetic, unified elements of all data, which are included in the spatial axis.

Grouping gestalts is carried out using the following factors:

  • proximity factor;
  • factor of common destiny;
  • continuation factor;
  • similarity factor.

Background and figure in gestalt psychology in brief

Main objects the phenomenal field is the background and the figure. Some of the information that we perceive is clear, full of meaning. While the other part of it is "in the fog", it is only vaguely present in the consciousness of the individual.

The brain, when looking at the figure, always reacts more sharply and clearly. And the background is perceived as secondary, it is visually pushed back. The figure has richer content, almost always brighter than the background.

But the role of the background and the figure in perception is determined by the personality itself, by social factors. Therefore, the phenomenon of a reversible figure is quite real, when the figure and the background change places.

Constancy, persistence of perception

The Law of Perception states that the integrity of the image does not change with the change of sensory elements. A person perceives the world as stable, despite the fact that he constantly changes the position of his body in space.

Form constancy- the shape of the object that we perceive is constant. Even when changing the shape on the human retina. For example, if you look at a page of a book first directly and then at an angle, the perception of its shape will remain the same.

Size constancy- the object remains constant, regardless of changes in the retina. Human perception of elementary objects seems to us innate, natural. In reality, it is formed in childhood, thanks to the accumulation of life experience.

Brightness constancy- a person perceives the brightness of an object constantly, regardless of the changed external conditions.

Theory and basic concepts of gestalt psychology

The basis of gestalt psychology and gestalt therapy consists in the following concepts:

To fully understand what gestalt psychology is, you need to get acquainted with 9 the commandments of an authentic person:

  1. Live in the present. Be now.
  2. Experience is reality. Don't fantasize about your life.
  3. Interact only with those things that are available.
  4. The feelings you are experiencing need to be expressed. Do not manipulate, look for excuses.
  5. Don't think too much. Do and watch.
  6. Don't create idols. Do what you think is right and effective.
  7. Accept problems and pain along with joy and pleasure.
  8. Be yourself always, in any circumstances.
  9. Take responsibility for all your reactions.

Why has Gestalt psychology not stood the test of time?

Most likely, the main problem is that physical and mental phenomena were considered in parallel, without delving into the cause-and-effect relationship. Gestalt psychology claimed to be an independent theory in psychology, but was based on the study of images of perception. Difficulties arose if it was necessary to explain phenomena that could not be represented in this category.

In Gestalt psychology, action and image cannot be separated, they appear as a unique image, a kind of universal essence. As a result, a research method based on phenomenological concept, became an obstacle to the real scientific study of "image" and "action".

Another mistake is the gap between the concepts of "analysis" and "synthesis". The most desperate gestaltists denied the existence of sensations, they were also ardent opponents. associative psychology... At the same time, Gestalt psychology has left a bright mark on the development of modern psychology.

She drew the attention of scientists to the study of memory, perception, perception, creative thinking, the study of personality, its behavior and motivation.

Modern adherents of Gestalt psychology are convinced that today it is also necessary to study the experience of consciousness. However, they agree that consciousness is more difficult to investigate than human behavior.

Gestalt psychology proves that the analysis of personality deals not with individual elements, but with whole images of the psyche. Unlike its main competitor, behaviorism, the current Gestalt psychology has retained much from the original theory. Thanks to this, her initial principles and interest in the conscious experience of the individual did not dissolve in time and space.

In the same years that a behavioral "rebellion" against the psychology of consciousness broke out in the United States, another group of young researchers in Germany rejected the psychological "establishment" (in power) with no less decisiveness than Watson. This group became the nucleus of a new scientific school called Gestalt psychology. Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Koehler and Kurt Koffka. They met in 1910 in Frankfurt am Main at the Psychological Institute, where Wertheimer was experimentally looking for an answer to the question of how the image of perception of visible movements is constructed, and Kohler and Koffka were not only subjects, but also participants in the discussion of the results of the experiments. In these discussions, ideas for a new direction were born. psychological research... In experiments on animals, gestaltists have shown that ignoring mental images - gestalts, cannot explain their motor behavior.

Gestaltists also criticized the behaviorist formula of "trial and error." In contrast to her, experiments on great apes revealed that they are able to find a way out of a problem situation not by random trials, but by instantly grasping the relationship between things. This perception of relationships has been called insight. It arises due to the construction of a new gestalt, which is not the result of learning. Studying human thinking, Gestalt psychologists proved that mental operations in solving creative problems are subject to special principles of gestalt organization, and not to the rules of formal logic. Consciousness was presented in Gestalt theory as an integrity created by the dynamics of cognitive structures, which are transformed according to psychological laws.

Basic ideas of gestalt psychology

1. The subject of study of psychology is consciousness, but its understanding should be based on the principle of integrity.

2. Consciousness is a dynamic whole, a "field", each point of which interacts with all the others.

3. The unit of analysis of this field (ie, consciousness) is the gestalt - an integral figurative structure, not reducible to the sum of its constituent sensations.

4. The method of researching gestalts is an unbiased, objective and direct observation and description of the contents of one's perception.

5. Perception cannot come from sensations, since the latter is a fiction, that is, it does not really exist.

6. Visual perception is the leading mental process that determines the level of development of the psyche, and has its own laws:

Apperception (dependence of perception on past experience, on the general content of a person's mental activity);

Interaction of figure and background (any visual field is divided into a figure that is distinguished by brightness and clarity, and it is she who we perceive as the main content of the field, and the background, which is not so bright, but it is thanks to the background that the figure is perceived with such clarity);

The integrity and structure of perception, that is, a person perceives objects in the visible field not separately, but all together as a single whole.

7. Thinking cannot be regarded as a set of skills formed by trial and error, but there is a process of solving a problem, carried out through structuring the field: those elements of the field that previously had no connection with each other begin to unite to solve the problem, and this happens through awareness, that is, through insight in the present, in the situation “here and now”. Past experience is irrelevant to the task at hand.

Thus, the previous idea that the development of the psyche is based on the formation of more and more associative links that connect individual elements to each other into representations and concepts was refuted. Instead, a new idea was put forward that cognition is associated with the process of change, the transformation of integral gestalts, which determine the nature of the perception of the external world and behavior in it. Therefore, many representatives of this trend paid considerable attention to the problem of mental development, since development itself was identified by them with the growth and differentiation of gestalts. Proceeding from this, in the results of the study of the genesis of mental functions, they saw proof of the correctness of their postulates.

The ideas developed by gestalt psychologists were based on an experimental study of cognitive processes. It must be emphasized that this school was one of the first to pay significant attention to the development of new, objective experimental methods for studying the psyche. In addition, it was the first (and for a long time practically the only) school that began a strictly experimental study of the structure and qualities of personality, since the method of psychoanalysis used by depth psychology could not be considered either objective or experimental.

Gestalt psychology is a special direction in psychological theory that was created in Germany. The main idea of ​​this direction was that mental processes the human body is capable of self-regulation, that is, a person must always be responsible for his actions. Thanks to the main representatives M. Wertheimer, W. Koehler, K. Koffka, a certain methodology was developed that allowed a holistic approach to the study of the psychological aspects of the human body.

This section of psychology examines the existence of two "human worlds":

  1. Physical that does not affect personal experiences
  2. The world of sensations reflects the impact of many external factors on our consciousness.

Gestalt psychology did not accept the principles of dividing consciousness into component parts. Representatives of this direction noted that perception is not formed only due to sensations, and the properties of a figure cannot be described by characterizing each part separately. Human consciousness collects every piece of the mosaic and forms a coherent whole forming a gestalt. What it is?

Gestalt (shape, image) is the structural formation of particles into a single whole. This is the basic concept of Gestalt psychology.

People should be aware of their needs, emotions and feelings, preferences in communication and perception of the external world. Gestalt psychology does not focus on the quick resolution of minor problems. It is based on something more. Working with a specialist in this field will allow you to completely revise your position in life and completely immerse yourself in the real world.

Basic principles of gestaltism

In order to achieve a holistic perception and orderliness of its structure, it is necessary to resort to the basic principles of gestalt:

  • The principle of proximity - those images that are nearby are perceived together.
  • The principle of similarity - several forms that have a common size, shape, color are perceived together.
  • The principle of isolation - consciousness seeks to complete the missing parts of the figure, which subsequently takes on its full form.
  • Integrity principle - the world is perceived in a simplified and integral form.
  • Adjacency principle - characterized by the proximity of stimuli in time and space.
  • Common area - the listed concepts form our complete perception of reality, taking into account past life experiences.

What is an unfinished gestalt?

One of the supporters of gestalt psychology, F. Perls, substantiated the main cause of human happiness and unhappiness by the fact that the main source of neurosis is an incomplete gestalt. In his opinion, in order to complete it, it is necessary to show indifference to him. The more emotions a person shows to gestalt, the more difficult the process of its completion.

Thus, an unfinished gestalt is a definite goal that connects us with many people, some places and repetitive life situations... In simple words:

  • These are our desires that have not been fulfilled;
  • This is an abrupt end of a relationship with a person for reasons you do not understand;
  • This is an unfinished assignment or job.

If you periodically remember this and experience severe discomfort, then this is a manifestation of an incomplete gestalt.

It can be dangerous for us for the following reasons:

  1. The emergence of anxiety and dissatisfaction within our body;
  2. The main obstacle in achieving goals and moving forward in life.

In order to continue pleasant communication with people and not burden them with your ideas, you should perform all the necessary actions to complete the gestalt. Therefore, use the simplest rule: close the simplest gestalt... One that does not require much effort and reasoning. For this, the most extraordinary and rather stupid dream is suitable (learning to dance, make a delicious cake, or jump on a trampoline).

Only after this will the gestalts be performed one after the other.

Learning to live in the here and now

Learn to enjoy the moment and your life will be much better. This can be achieved through many exercises. For example, try to experience the feeling of the experience in this moment time. This is actually very difficult to do. But the main thing is the focus of your attention on the world around you.

To do this, you should focus on the main senses: be aware of colors, smells, sounds. At the same time, do not forget to describe all your feelings, starting with the words: "I am here and I realize that ...."

Exercises are designed to simultaneously be aware of yourself and the world... During their implementation, try to analyze your actions and the purpose of their use.

What problems does this type of psychology solve?

Gestalt psychology allows us to be aware of our experiences and choose the right solution for them. But for this, a person needs to abstract from his past experience, to clear his consciousness from the standards of cultural and personal traditions.

The founders of this direction in psychology identified 5 main stages that make it possible to understand and solve the emerging problem:

  1. The emergence of a problem situation - at this stage, a feeling of tension appears, which stimulates creative forces.
  2. Analysis of the problem and its awareness - the perception of a holistic image of the problem situation.
  3. The solution to the problem is that the thought processes are unconscious.
  4. Alternative methods of solving the problem (insights)
  5. Execution.

The concept of insight has become fundamental in Gestalt psychology. It explained all forms of mental activity, including productive. The individual and his environment were considered only as a whole.

Thanks to many works, Gestalt psychology has become widely used in the field of psychotherapeutic practice. The most widespread trend in modern psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, was built on its principles. Without a doubt, we can say that Gestalt psychology has made a huge contribution to the development of world science.