Ions of all elements. General and inorganic chemistry

There are a large number of facts that not only unequivocally refute the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian IGE, but also suggest that the story was distorted deliberately, and what was done with a fully definite goal ... But who and why did the story deliberately distort the story? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If you analyze historical facts, it becomes obvious that the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo" was invented in order to hide the consequences of "baptism". After all, this religion was imposed by far from a peaceful way ... In the process of "baptism", most of the population of the Kiev Principality was destroyed! Definitely it becomes clear that those forces that stood behind the imposition of this religion in the future and fabricated the story, putting the historical facts for themselves and their goals ...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and everyone who wants without any problems can find them on the Internet. Owning scientific research and justification, koi are already described quite widely, summarize the main facts that refute the big lies about the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE".

1. Chingis Khan

Reconstruction of the Throne of Genghis Khan with a genital tammy with a swastika.

2. Mongolia.

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks arrived in the nomads living in the desert, the Bolsheviks came and informed them that they were the descendants of the Great Mongols, and their "compatriot" created in his time Great EmpireWhat they were very surprised and delighted. The word "Mogul" has greek originand means "Great." This word Greeks called our ancestors - Slavs. It does not have any attitude towards the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the Army "Tatar-Mongols" amounted to Russians, the remaining 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, actually, as well as now. This fact clearly confirms the fragment of the icon of Sergius of the Radonezh "Kulikovskaya Battle". It is clearly clearly seen that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did Tatar-Mongola look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Heinrich II pious, which was killed on the Legnitis field.

The inscription is as follows: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, Duke Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with Tatars at the lignice on April 9, 1241. As we see from this "Tatar" completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons. In the following image, the Khansky Palace in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Hanbalyca (it is believed that Hanbalyk is supposedly supposedly).

What is "Mongolian" here and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the Tomb of Heinrich II, we are in front of us - people of clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, shooting caps, the same vane beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is a practically exact copy of the roofs of older rubers ... (a. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russian and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols - colossal: "The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely centrally Asian) is really great - this is like two different world ..." (OAGB.RU).

6. Documents during the period of Tatar mongolian Iga

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a single document has been preserved in Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. The lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian ig

At the moment there are no originals any historical documentsthat would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongolian IHO. But there are many fakes, designed to convince us in the existence of fiction called "". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "the word about the death of the Russian Earth" and in each publication is declared "by passage from the poetic work that has not come to us ... About the Tatar-Mongolian invasion":

"Oh, light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by many ... Lakes are famous for many, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages of the glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Princes of Grozny, boyars honest and Many mokes. All of you are filled, Russian land, about Orthodox Vera Christian!..»

In this text, there is not even a hint of "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". But in this "ancient" document there is such a line: "To all you are filled, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox Vera Christian!"

The church reform of Nikon, which was held in the middle of the 17th century, was called "Orthodox." Orthodox it became called only after this reform ... It became, this document could be written not earlier than the middle of the 17th century and nothing to do with the era of Tatar-Mongolian Yeah ...

On all the cards, which were published before 1772 and were not fixed in the future, you can see the following picture.

The Western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartarium ... In this small part of Russia, the rules of the Romanov dynasty. The Moscow king until the end of the 18th century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or Duke (Prince) in Moscow. The rest of Russia, who occupied almost all the mainland of Eurasia in the East and south of Muscovia of that time is called Tartarium or (see Map).

In the 1st edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the following is written about this part of Russia:

"Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartarium. Those tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea, are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek tartars and mongols that live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetan living north-west from China ... " (See the site "RA Food") ...

Where did Tartarium name come from

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, like now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those times. People who in their development have left much further than others, and which could manage space and matter (to manage the weather, heal the disease, see the future, etc.), called Wheel. Those of the Magi, who could manage the space on the planetary level and above, called the gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God, our ancestors were not at all as it is now. The gods were people who went out in their development much further than the vast majority of people. For ordinary person Their abilities seemed incredible, nevertheless, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each God had their limit.

Our ancestors had patrons -, he was also called Dazhibogu (giving God) and his sister - the goddess of Tara. These gods helped people in solving such problems that our ancestors could not solve themselves. So, the Gods Tarh and Tara taught our ancestors to how to build houses, cultivate the land, writing and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the catastrophe and with time to restore civilization.

Therefore, more recently, our ancestors spoke to strangers "We are the children of Tarh and Tara ...". They spoke like that because in their development, they were indeed children in relation to the significantly gone in the development of Tarhu and Tara. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors to Tarkhtarai, and in the future, due to the complexity in pronunciation - Tartars. Hence the name of the country - Tartarium ...

Baptism of Russia

And here is the baptism of Russia? - Some can ask. As it turned out, it is very good. After all, baptism took place far from peaceful way ... Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, almost everyone was able to read, write, count (see article). Recall because school program According to history, at least, the same "beretta diplomas" - letters who wrote to each other the peasants on Bereste from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as I wrote above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion is reduced to the blind adoption of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding, why it is necessary to do this, and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people a understanding of real, understanding how the world is arranged, which is good, and what is bad.

People saw what was happening after the "baptism" in neighboring countries, when under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population was immersed in ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy were able to read and write it, and that's not all. ..

Everyone perfectly understood that the "Greek Religion" carries in themselves, in which the Kiev Rus was going to baptize Vladimir and those who stood behind him. Therefore, none of the inhabitants of the then Kiev principality (provinces, whipped from) did not accept this religion. But Vladimir stood great strength, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of violent Christianization, it was destroyed, with a rare exception, almost all adult population Kievan Rus. Because to impose such a "doctrine" could only be unreasonable children, who, because of their youth, could not understand that such a religion paid them into slaves and in the physical, and the spiritual sense of the word. All the same, who refused to take a new "faith" - killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If there were 300 cities to "baptism" in Kiev Rus and lived 12 million inhabitants, then after "baptism" there were only 30 cities and 3 million people! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, "Rus Orthodox before the adoption of Christianity and after").

But despite the fact that almost all the adult population of Kiev Rus was destroyed by the "saints" baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dualsman was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the slaves imposed by the religion, and herself continued to live on the Vedic tradition, however, not exposing it to the appearance. And this phenomenon was observed not only in the masses, but also among the part of the ruling elite. And such a state of affairs remained up to the reform of the Patriarch Nikon, which invented how to deceive everything.


In fact, after baptism in the Kiev principality, only children were left alive and a very small part of the adult population, which accepted the Greek religion - 3 million people from the 12 millionth population before baptism. The principality was completely broken, most of the cities, villages and villages were looted and burned. But the authors of the version of the "Tatar-Mongolian IGY" draw the same painting the same picture, the difference is that the same cruel, the actions were made there allegedly "Tatar-Mongols"!

As always, the winner writes a story. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which it was baptized Kiev PrincessAnd in order to stop all possible questions, and it was subsequently invented by Tatar-Mongolian Igo. Children were brought up in the traditions of Greek religion (Cult Dionysia, and later Christianity) and rewritten the story where all cruelty dumped into "wild nomads" ...

The famous statement of President V.V. Putin O, in which Russians allegedly fought against the Tatars with Mongols ...

Tatar-Mongolian Igo - the largest myth of history.

You can convince anything
The whole country is probably
If the Spirit and mind damage
Using a printing machine.
I. Guberman

The history of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia is represented by a solid chain of inconsistencies. Even if individual links of this chain can be accepted for historical events, among themselves there is no connection.

The chronicle of the monks argue that taking Russian cities, the Bate burns their dottel. The population destroys or captures. In short, it tries in every way to lead the Earth into the state of incapacity. How is he going to "take" a tribute to "take" if there is no cattle, nor crops or people? Yes, after the looting urgently goes into the steppe. In the steppes, neither fruit nor vegetables. Climatic conditions are heavy. From the wind and snow to hide nowhere. There are few rivers. To have fun and nowhere. We explain to us: these are the people. They are more fun with carcass. They love this thing. It comes out, sowing outtople, warm comfortable houses burned and fastened faster in the hungry, cold steppe. The population took with them. Who did not take, those killed. At the same time, the remaining (obviously, the corpses) fell tribute. I want to like Stanislavsky, exclaim: "I do not believe!"

Of course, if you are forced to invent martialctionsAnd you're not a single pair of boots stopped, no wonder "capture the territory" is confused with the "punitive expedition." After all, it is a punitive expedition that chronicles describe, at the same time representing Batya as the invader. A surrounding of Batya also does not need a punitive expedition. Surroundings are older chingizids, i.e. Sons of Genghis-Khan. After all, the battered is only his grandson. They do not need the glory of the "Batiya Conqueror". They do not care about it. Even not. They hate her. Because of the glory of Batya, they remained in the shade, became people of the second variety. They do not need to go further with Batu. Each Gengizhid wants to have his rich ulus (area), in which to sit like a small independent king. This happened in all eastern countries. There are now bredity left chingrizids.

According to the historian's testimony of Al Ad-Dina Ata Malik, having received a ulus, Mongolian governor receives the title of Sbabn and after that he no longer goes to war. He is now so good.

Nevertheless, we are convinced that the Mongolian army modestly leaves the captured Russian territory and it is humbly removed into the steppe to collect dry horsepower for heating Yurt. How strongly change Mongolian morals when it comes to Russia? Moreover, those mongols that do not come into contact with Russia, the older has remained. And in Russia, Mongols are completely different on the Mongols. Why don't the historians break us in these mysterious incarnations?

The only one who tried to indicate the reason for the sustainable goal of Batya in the steppe before the onset of spring, this is a researcher General M.I. Ivanin. He claims that from juicy herb of the middle strip, which sees the spring, Mongolian horses must certainly die. They are accustomed to a slender steppe. And a juicy grass with Russian meadows such as poison. Therefore, the only thing that drives Batya in the steppe to the occurrence of spring is a delicious concern for horses. We, of course, do not speak such subtleties of horse feed. And this statement M.I. Ivanina puts us in a dead end. It would be interesting to feed the Mongolian horse with juicy herb and see, she would die or not? But for this it is necessary to write it out of Mongolia. It turns out. And if suddenly he does not die? Where to give it then? We live on the 11th floor.

In general, we cannot refute this statement, but I hear about such a phenomenon for the first time.

This is what official sources say about the campaign of Batya:
"In December 1237, the Bati invaded the Russian lands ... could not have a serious resistance to Ryazan: they could put no more than five thousand warriors. Mongols were much more. Russian chronicles talk about "countless man." The fact is that every Mongolian warrior led with him at least three horses - riding, aiety and combat. To feed such a number of animals in the winter in someone else's country was not easy ... Only in February 14 cities were taken, not counting the Slobod and the Terminals. "

So, the dense forests. Lack of roads. December. Winter in full swing. Frost cracks. Maybe at night and up to 40 comes. Snow, where knee-deep, where the belt. On top of the crust of solid nast. In Russian forests comes the Army of Batya. Here you need to do some calculations to have a more or less intentional idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of Mongol's troops. According to many historians, the Army of Batya has numbered 400,000 people. This corresponds to the ideas of "about countless set". Accordingly, horses are three times more, i.e. 1,200,000 (one million two hundred thousand). Well, let's push out from these numbers.

It means that 400 thousand warriors and 1 million are entered the forests and 1 million 200 thousand horses. No roads. How to be? Someone ahead should break the exaggeration, the rest behind him by the Guska: Mongol, horse, horse, horse, Mongol, horse, horse, horse, Mongol ... in a different way. Though on the river go, though in the forest.

What is the length of the chain? If each horse is reserved, for example, three meters. That 3 meters, multiply by 1 million 200 thousand horses, it turns out 3 million 600 thousand meters. Simply put, 3,600 kilometers. This is without the Mongols themselves. Presented? If ahead is pretty, at the speed of a quickly walking person about 5 km / h, then the last horse only after 720 hours will turn out where the first was standing. But in the forest you can walk only during the day. Short winter day 10 hours. It turns out, 72 days will need Mongols to go to the smallest distance. When we are talking About the chain of horses or people, the effect of the "needle ears" comes into force. All threads should be dragged through the needle, even if it is 3600 km long. And faster in any way.

Based on the calculations, the speed of battle battle is surprised - only in February 14 cities. For February, such a cavalcade is impossible to simply spend on 14 cities. The Romans, unlike the Mongols, moved along the forests of Germany at a speed of 5 kilometers per day, although it was summer and without horses.

It is necessary to understand, Batya's army was all the time or march, or on the storm, i.e. Opened constantly in the forest.

And frost in these places at night up to 40 degrees. We showed instructions, as the Taiga, you need to make a barrier from the lens from the branches, and from the open side there is a smoldering log. It will warm up and score from the attack of wild animals. In this position you can spend the night at 40 degrees and do not freeze. But to imagine that instead of the Taiga, there will be a Mongol with three horses, does not come out. The question is not idle: "How did Mongols survived in winter in the forest?"

How to feed the horses in winter in the forest? Most likely - nothing. A 1 million 200 thousand horses a day are eaten about 6,000 tons of feed. The next day, again 6000 tons. Then again. Again the question is unanswered: "How can you feed as many horses in the context of the Russian winter?".

It seems like easy: the amount of feed is multiplied by the number of horses. But everything is visible, historians are not familiar with the elementary school arithmetic, and we are obliged to consider them serious people! General M.I. Ivanin admits that the number of Mongolian troops was 600,000 people. About the number of horses, in this case, it is better not to remember. Such statements of Ivanina involuntarily pumped into thought: did not have the habit of "bitter" in the morning?

Cheap stories about how horses in a 30-degree frost with hooves hollow out last year's grass from under the meter snow layer and fought before the dump, at best - naivety. It will not stretch the horse in the suburbs on one grass. She is required. And more. It is warm climatic conditions The horse on the grass will reach spring. And in the frost, its energy consumption is another - elevated. So I would not live "Batiev" horses to "victory". This is, on the note by academic historians who mnifting themselves with biologists. Surrender in historical works like "scientific" surveys, I want to proceed: "Break of Svoy Mare!" But it is impossible. It is very offensively for the mare! Singing mare never walked throughout the winter to Russian forest. And any Mongol would not do this. Even if his name was blue. Mongols in horses disassemble, they regret them and know perfectly well what they can and why it is impossible.

Only the midst of historians could think to this, for which nonsense is obviously the usual state.

The easiest question is: "Why did you take the horses in general?" On horseback in the winter do not go. Around the branch and thickets. In winter, a horse will not pass and a kilometer. She just cougave his feet. Intelligence on horses in the forest do not lead, the chase is not satisfied. Even to skip in winter in the forest on the horse will not succeed, it is necessary to hit the knuckle.

And how can I use horses at storming fortresses? After all, horses do not know how to climb the fortress walls. They will only shift under serfs with fear. With the storming of the horse fortresses are useless. But it was precisely in taking the fortresses that the whole meaning of the vote of Batya is, and nothing else. Then what is this horsepower epic?

Here in the steppe, yes. In the steppe, a horse is a way of survival. This is a lifestyle. In the steppe you the horse feeds and carries. Without it in any way. Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Scythians, Kipchaks, Mongols and all other steppers were engaged in breeding horses. And only this and nothing else. Naturally, on such expanses, they are unthinkable to fight without a horse. The army consists only of cavalry. Infantry there did not happen. And not because all Mongolian army on the horses that smart. And because the steppe.

There are forests around Kiev, and there are steppes. In the steppes, the Polovtsy and Pechenegs "graze" because kiev princes Also, the cavalry is also available, although a few. And another thing is the northern cities - Moscow, Kolomna, Tver, Torzhok, etc. No, princes cavalry! Well, do not go there on the horses! Nowhere! Boat - the main means of movement. Rogue, monoxil, one-piece. The same Rurik did not conquering Rus - on the boat.

German knights sometimes used horses. But their huge challenges in iron horses played the role of armored taranov, i.e. Modern tanks. And only in cases where it was possible to deliver them to the destination. I could not go about any cavalry attacks in the northern forests of speech. The main troops of the North were hiking. And not because stupid. And because there are conditions there. There was no roads for any horse, nor for hiking. Recall at least the feat of Ivan Susanin. Wound a Poles in the forest and ambet! Do not get out of it. We are talking about the 17th century, when civilization is circle. And in the 13th? In general, no path. Even the smallest.

The fact that Baty drove in winter, in Russian forests, millions of useless horses is issued by chroniclers as a top of military art. But since no one served from the chroniclers in the army, they do not understand that from a military point of view, it is insanity. No commander in the world would make such nonsense, including Batya.

For some reason, historians have forgotten about one animal, which was the basic force of the Mongolian troops, camel. Connection is for the offensive. And loads dragged camels. Read the works of eastern travelers. Yes, and modern scientists are happy to describe how the batie's army on thousand camels was put forward to the Volga from the Karakumov. Even complain about the difficulty of reversing camels through the Volga. They do not swim. And then somehow once ... and camels fully evaporated with horizons of history. The fate of poor animals is broken on the other coast of the mighty river. In this regard, a question arises to historians: "Where did Delhi camels?"

We are convinced that the population of Russian cities, having learned about the approach of the enemy, rushed home and began to wait for the Mongols. Why during the rest of numerous wars, the population rose to protect his land? The princes agreed with each other, exposed to ruin. The remaining population left at home, hid in the forests and partisano. And only during the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the entire population was stubbornly eager to die during the storming of the Mongols of the hometown. Can there be an explanation of such a mass manifestation of love for a homely hearth?
Now directly about the sturge of the Batius cities - fortresses. Typically, during the assault fortress, the attackers carry huge lossesSo the open assault is trying to avoid. The attackers go on all sorts of tricks to take possession of the city without storming. In Europe, for example, the main way to capture fortresses is a long siege. The defenders of the fortress Morious hunger and thirst, until those gave up. The second variety is a substrupture, or a "quiet Sapa". This method requires a lot of time and caution, but thanks to the sudden factor allowed to avoid numerous losses. If it did not manage to take the fortress, it was just went and went further. I am very vigorous this business - to take the fortresses.

In the case of Battyma, we see the lightning taking of any fortress. What is the genius of such a striking effect?

Some sources tell about the presence of the Mongols of the stone motors and the cutting machines that arise as if nowhere, immediately upon arrival of the Mongols to the place of the assault. It is impossible to drag them in the forest. On the ice of frozen rivers too. They are heavy, ice scatter. Produce in place - you need time. But if a month to take 14 cities, it means that there is no time stock either. Where are they coming from? And how do we believe it? Need at least some reason.

Other historians, obviously, understanding the absurdity of the situation, are silent about siege cars. But the speed of taking the fortresses is not reduced. How else can you "take" cities at such speed? There is a unique case. There are no analogues in history. No conqueror in the world could repeat the "feat of Batiya."
"Batya's genius", obviously, should lie down the basis for the study of the tactics of all military academies, but no teacher of the Military Academy has never heard of Batiya tactics. Why hide historians from the military?

The main reason for the success of the Mongolian troops is called its discipline. The discipline holds on the stiffness of punishment. For the "naughty" warrior heads the entire ten, i.e. All comrades with whom it "serves" can be subjected to death. The relatives of the "Strathive" may also suffer. It seems to be clear. But if we consider that in the troops of Batiya, the Mongols themselves were less than 30%, and 70% amounted to a nomadic rack, what kind of discipline could we talk about? Pechenegs, Polovtsy and other kips are ordinary shepherds. Nobody broke them into any dozens in life. About the regular army they did not hear anything to this day. I did not like something, I turned the horse, and look for winds in a clean field. Neither his own nor the family will delete. What, by the way, they were demonstrated repeatedly. In other wars, nomads betrayed partners at the slightest danger or simply moved to the opponent's side for a small remuneration. We left one and whole tribes.

The main thing in the psychology of the nomad is to survive. They have no homeland, in the sense of the designated territory. Accordingly, they did not have to defend it, showing the wonders of heroism. Heroism - fully alien to them concept. A man risking his life in their eyes is not a hero, but rather an idiot. Fall a bunch, something to huck and run. Only on such a scheme fought nomads. Stories about how the sucked Kipchak proudly shouts: "For the Motherland, for Batya!". And climbs on the fortress wall, deftly knocking the curves on the homemade staircase, they do not fold into a single image. He still has to close his fellow comrades from enemy arrows. At the same time, Kipchak perfectly realizes that no one will roll it on the steppe in the wheelchair in the wheelchair. And no one will write a retirement retirement. And then the climb on the height of a row stairs is unknown why. Yes, you still boil the resin for a collar pour. At the same time, consider that the steppe nomad above the horse has never been closed anywhere. Climbing into the height of a row stairs for him is the same shock as a jump with a parachute. You are here yourself on the panel staircase, try at least to the fourth floor to get? Then partly understand the experiences of the steppe person.

Storming of the fortress walls is the most complicated of the Martial Arts. Stairs and fixtures are very specific, complex in manufacturing. Each storm must know his place and perform difficult duties. The coherence of the division must be brought to automatism. In battle, there is no time to deal with who holds who climbs who covers who will replace whom. The skill of such assaults was honed over the years. When preparing for the assault in normal armies, fortifications are found identical to this. On them, soldiers trained to automatism and only then proceeded directly to the storm. For the taking of fortresses, the county titles, Marshall titles, land, castles were given. Normal medals were minted in honor of successful assault. Taking the fortress is the pride of each army, this is a separate page of history.

And then we have fun saying that they transplanted the nomad from the horse to the assault staircase, he did not notice the difference. Storms two fortresses per day, the rest of the day is missed. No nomad from the horse will not come down for any rugs! He fights, always ready to wash out, and hopes in battle more on the horse than on herself. No Mongols have a decree here. Combining in the troops of Batya Iron discipline and nomadic is scarce - mutually exclusive concepts. Never in the life of Stepnyak even flashing the thought of climbing the fortress wall. That is why the Great Wall of China has become an insurmountable obstacle to nomads. That is why so many people and funds spent on her. All spleen paid off. And the one who conceived the construction of the Wall, knew what would pay off. But if he had advisers, our historians worked, but he was laughing about nomads who were better than any monkeys on the fortress walls, and he would have listened to them. It would not be then a great Chinese wall to erect. And it would not be in the light of this "miracle of the world." So the merit of Soviet-Russian historians in the construction of the Great Wall of China is what they were not yet born. Slava him for it! And thanks to all the Chinese.

Further relative to the relationship not only directly to the campaign of Batya, but also to the entire period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Many events can be evaluated by considering the entire historical period.

It turned out not only Russia suffers from the lack of information on the invasion of the Mongols. The campaign of Batya to Europe in Europe itself also has not been recorded anywhere. Historian Erenzhen Haara Davan talks about it like this: "On the Mongols of Western peoples, despite the fact that they have so many of them have undergone, almost no one has more or less detailed historical work, except for the description of travelers in Mongolia, Carpini, Rubrukka and Marco Polo". In other words, the description of Mongolia is available, and there is no description of the invasion of the Mongols to Europe.

"This is explained by the fact that it writes further erenzhenz, - that then another young Western Europe stood at the lowest stage of development than ancient Asia, in all respects, both in the field of spiritual and material culture."
Nevertheless, it describes in detail the European actions of the Mongols. Describes the capture of Budapest. True, weakly posing that at that time Buda, it was a fortress standing on a steep slope, surrounded by the mountains on the banks of the Danube. And Pest is a village, opposite Buda across the river.

According to Erezhen's vision, Bate shouts: "These will not leave my hands!" When he sees that the army of Hungro-Croats came out of Budapest, where it used to hide. Where did the army come out? If from Pest, so the village, she is a village. It was possible to cover them there. And if from Buda, so it is only in Danube, i.e. It turns out in the water. It is unlikely that the troops would go there. How do we understand what should mean "the exit of troops from Budapest"?
In the description of the bastard of Batya in Europe there are many colorful details of unknown origin, which are allegedly designed to emphasize the reality of the said. But with attentive consideration, they are just once the truthfulness of such stories.

Surprising the reason for the cessation of the campaign of the Mongols to Europe. Batya was summoned to a meeting in Mongolia. And without Batya, what happens, not already a campaign at all?

Erengenes describes in detail the hiking of the chingizid foot, left to manage the captured part of Europe. In the descriptions, much attention is paid to the management of the Mongolian troops: "The numerous Mongolian cavalry at the mouth of the Danube connected with Bulgarian and went to Byzantium. The head of the troops stood the Bulgarian King Konstantin and Prince Nogai ... According to the Arab historians, the hands of hell-din and al-Muffadi, Berke-Khan, before his death, sent troops under the command of Prince's foot to take Tsar-Grand ... In the nineties of the 13th century, Nogai It becomes especially aggressive. Under his authority, the Tyrnovsky kingdom, the Vidinskoye and Barnichevsky independent principalities, the Serbian kingdom ... In 1285, the Mongolian cavalry of the foot rose to Hungary and Bulgaria, devastated Frakia and Macedonia. "

It describes in detail the actions of the Mongolian troops under the command of the foot in the Balkans. But then the Goldenordin Prince Tacht punishes the separatist tuned foot. He breaks down the head under Kaganlyuk.

The cause of the defeat of Erenzhen indicates what you know what? Immediately and you will not believe. The reason is this: in the composition of the troops there was not a single Mongol! Therefore, the disciplined Mongolian tack of Tucca did not make care of breaking the army of the foot, consisting of all sampling.

How can it be? Erengene just praises the actions of the Mongolian cavalry under the command of the foot. He tells how many Mongols sent him Khan Burke. And on the same page argues that in the Mongolian Connection ... There was no Mongols. It turns out that the cavalry of the leg was completely from the other tribes.

Reading the historical works, it is impossible to get rid of the impression that there was no mongola, as well as Mamay, and the Crimean Tatars. Historians against their will simply describe the military campaigns of Crimean Khanov, who have nothing to do with the Mongols. Clashing the foot with Tochta in the 13th century and Mama Mama with Tohtamiam in the 14th century only pushing to such a version. We do not know who by nationality was these Toht with Tohtamiam, but they were obviously the Crimean Tatars with Mama. Nevertheless, without even looking at the fierce struggle, foot and mamia against the Golden Horde, historians persistently continue to magnify them with the orders themselves. Look, it is because someone really wants.

They reached, so to speak to those killed. With such massive battles, the death of a huge number of their participants is inevitable. Where are these thousands of burials? Where are the Mongolian monuments in honor of the warriors, "died for the right business of Batya"? Where are the archaeologists about Mongolian cemeteries? Ashhelskie and Mustierz found, and Mongolian - no. What is the mystery of nature?

Well, since the Mongols later lived in the vast European territories in the future, then all this space should be "devoid" by stationary urban and village cemeteries. They are probably easy to find on Mongolian Muslim mosques? Request for academicians who claim that the history of science is serious: "Imagine, please see the inspection." I would like to make sure that many thousands of Mongolian cemeteries admire the specific ornament of Mongolian Muslim mosques.

When planning a military campaign, an important place is occupied by the selection of the year. Of particular importance it acquires when conducting campaigns in cold climates.

He began Hitler war against Russia at the end of June - late began. The take of Moscow for the winter had to. And all, full failure! He came, as Soviet soldiers joked, General Moroz, and it is useless to fight with him. German military theoretics to this day are glowing: "Just during the battle for Moscow, frosts stood strong, so we failed." And the Russian military responds reasonably answer: "How guys, when planning a war, can frost be frozen? If there were no frosts, it would not be Russia, it would be Africa. What kind of war went to war? "

In-use problems arose in the Hitler's troops due to Russian frosts. That's what it means to start a war at the end of summer.

Before that, the Frenchman Napoleon went to Russia. He defeated by Russian troops with Borodino, joined Moscow, but here ... Winter, frost. Also not consistent. In winter, there is nothing to do in Russia. The invincible French army collapsed from hunger and the cold herself, without looking at the previous victorious procession. Overbilling the dead horse and occasionally, the French fled from Russia, not even time to bury their comrades.

Are these titanic examples of historians are known? Undoubtedly. They have enough of these examples to understand: "It is impossible to conquer Russia in winter!"? Unlikely.

By their understanding, it is easier to step on Russia in winter. And Bate, with their filing, it is in winter that it plans and spends his goal. No rules of military strategy historians are not a decree. Easily clever, sitting by the professorship in a warm chair. Would bring these cleansings to military fees in January, so that in the tents they have slept, the maritime land has been breathtaking, in the snow in the snow, they crawled out. You look, the Other Thoughts of Professorial Heads attend began to visit. Maybe, and then in another other military campaigns began to plan.

There are many inexplicable issues related to the statement of historians about the ownership of Mongols to Magomethane (Islam). Today, the official religion of Mongolia - Buddhism. There is a small part of the Mongols preferring shamanism. They can be recognized by the presence of terrible masks in the yurts. But official religion is Buddhism.

Buddhism has influenced Karakorum (Mongolian city, subsequently becoming the capital) and China. Only in the 5th century BC. China began to influence Taoism. But today in China, a huge number of buddhism adherents. Logic suggests that the Mongols also always for Buddhism. But historians argue - no. In their opinion, until the 14th century, Mongols were pagans and worshiped the Sulde's one God, although the concepts of "paganism" and "monotheism" exclude each other. Then in 1320 (there are different dates) recognized Islam. And today Mongols for some reason turned out to be Buddhists.

When did they become Buddhists? Why did you throw it out? In which age? What year? Who is the initiator? How did the transition occurred? Who was against? Have there collisions on religious soil? But nowhere nothing! You will not find even the smallest hint. Why does the academic science gives no answer to such simple questions?

Or maybe this is not the historians to blame? Maybe this is the Mongola bureaucrats themselves? Tent with the transition to Islam to this day, you know! And with historians what to take? They were transferred to the Mongols in Islam. His task, so to speak, performed. They are not guilty that the Mongols do not listen to them. Or is it really to blame?

The only representatives of Mongols in Europe - Kalmyki, today are building Buddhist thrusts. And at the same time, there is not a single Muslim mosque on the territory of Kalmykia. And even the ruins of the mosques are not. And Kalmyki is not just Buddhists, but Buddhist Lamaists, exactly the same as in modern Mongolia.

What is it happening? Kirsan Ilyumzhinov still not brought that he was Muslim? Almost seven centuries have passed! And Kalmyki still think that they are Buddhists. So, historians are to blame! Where do they look? The whole people called historical science professes a completely different religion. What do they relate to scientific achievements? Not only that mongolian Mongols Do not know that they are Muslims, also the Russian Mongols go there?! Bardak with these Mongols, where neither TKNI!

To blame historians. Their wines. And then whose same? Everything is clear with the Tatars. They used to be Muslims and now Muslims, even the Crimean, at least Kazan - no questions. But the Islamic period of Mongols, historians describe somehow progressively. And the smell from these descriptions is bad, something does not give anything.

Extensive and at the same time dark part of history is the relationship between religion and power. Religion is something such a sublime and innocent, almost does not have anything. But the royal crown can only get from the hands of Pope. He will decide whether you can marry or divorce. Crusade It will start only if he declares. Yes, and just boost dangerously, if the blessing is not previously received.
These are well-known rules. But they clearly show that the Christianization of other countries is the case of heavenly. With the rest of religions the case is exactly the same. Who in the hands of "religion", he decides who to be king. Everything is simple and understandable. If you calculate how much of Russia is out of Russia, while the ROC has become auto-taught, probably you can buy two such Byzantia for this money.

Religious expansion is an integral part of the story. For this thing, so much blood is praised! For these people, destroyed people with whole cities and countries. And the end of these wars is not yet visible.

The connection in the hands of church and state power in Byzantium was called "Caesarepapism". There are such descriptions of the period of CaesaParapism:

"Caesarepapism practically paralyzed the spiritual power of the Church and almost deprived it of genuine social significance. The whole church was dissolved in worldly affairs, serving the needs of state rulers. As a result, the sincere faith in God, spiritual life began to exist autonomously, extinguished by monastic walls. The church was practically closed in themselves, giving the world to go their own way. "

And yet it is not clear why the head of the Byzantine Church does not marvel on the kingdom of Kiev princes? This is his duty. Why are their Mongols "walked"? More precisely, "labels" are issued to the Grand Diction. And an important question, who are issued? In all states conquered by the Mongols, manage the most notable chingizid. Moreover, the chingizida "piece is eager" wish to get. They swear because of this, the fight is climb. As soon as Russia touched, Chingizids are no longer swearing. Already no one wants to acquire their own behavior (ulus). The main thing in Russia is no longer chingizis put. Already rusa put. But what is the reason? How do historians explain this? We did not find such explanations. The management trust people even not Mongolian nationality, even though it completely contradicts the ideas about the Mongols. In China, for example, Mongols even formed their Mongolian emperor dynasty. What prevented them from putting their dynasty of the great Russian princes? It must, probably, have the roots inexplicable the credibility of Mongolian Khanov to Russian princes.

Surprises the welcoming relations of Mongol-Muslims to christian church. They exempt the church from all taxes. During the time of Iga, a huge number of Christian temples in Russia were built. The main thing, the churches are built in the Horde. And if we consider that the Christian prisoners are kept in the pits of the injury, then who puts the church in Horde?
Mongols, according to the descriptions of the same historians, terrible, bloodthirsty dicaries. Destroy everything in their path. Adorable cruelty. Sdate the skin with living people, plowing the belly to pregnant women. There are no moral norms for them, except ... the Christian Church. Here the Mongols are magically turn into "fluffy bunnies".

Here are the data of official "research" of historians: "However, the main share of the influence of the Mongolian yoke on Russia belongs to the region of spiritual ties. It is possible without exaggeration to say that the Orthodox Church breathed freely during the rule of Mongols. Khans were issued by Russian Metropolitans golden labels that put the church in a completely independent position from the princely authority. The court, incomes - all of this was referred to by Metropolitan, and, not disassembled with gravestics, not bored with princes, the church quickly acquired material resources and land ownership, and most importantly, such importance in the state, which could, for example, to afford to submit asylum to numerous people who seek She has protection against the princely arbitrariness ...
In 1270, Han Menhu Timur issued the following decree: "In Russia, no one will daring to the churches and to offend the Metropolitans and subordinate to him Archimandrite, Archprieev, Ieev, etc.

Free from all servers will be their cities, areas, villages, land, hunting, hives, meadows, forests, gardens, gardens, mills and dairy farms ... "

Khan Uzbek expanded the privileges of the church: "All the ranks of the Orthodox Church and all monks are only the court of Orthodox Metropolitan, not by the officials of the Horde and not the princely court. The one who robs the spiritual person must pay him threefold. Who dares to mock the Orthodox faith or insult the church, the monastery, the chapel, he is subject to death without distinction, Russian or Mongol. "

In this historical role Golden Horde It was not only a patroness, but also a defender of Russian Orthodoxy. Igo Mongols - Gentiles and Muslims - not only did not touch the soul of the Russian people, his Orthodox faith, but even saved it.

It was in the century in the century of Tatar rule, Russia established himself in Orthodoxy, turned into the "Holy Rus", to the country "numerous churches and an unclean bell tower". (Foundation "World of Lev Gumileva". Moscow, "Di-Dick", 1993. Erenzhen Hara Davan. "Genghis Khan as a commander and his heritage." Page 236-237. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as tutorial for additional education). NO COMMENTS.

Interesting names wore Mongolian khans represented by our historians, Timur, Uzbek, Ulu-Mohammed. For comparison, we give several real Mongolian names: Natsagin, Sanzhachin, Nambaryn, BadamzEg, Gurragchaa. Feel the difference.

Unexpected information on the history of Mongolia are presented in Encyclopedia:
"ABOUT ancient history Mongolia information has not been preserved. " End of quotes.

O.Yu. Kubakin, E.O. Kubykin "Crimea as the basis of the origin of the Russian state and three millennium falsifications"

Mongol Empire - The medieval state, which occupied a huge territory - about 38 million km2. This is the greatest state in world history. The capital of the empire was the city of Karakorum. The story of modern ...

The Mongol Empire is a medieval state that occupied a huge territory - about 38 million km2. This is the greatest state in world history. The capital of the empire was the city of Karakorum.

The history of modern Mongolia begins with Temudzhina, Son Essugay-Bagatu. Temujin, better known as Genghis Khan, was born in the 50s of the XII century. At the beginning of the XIII century, he prepared reforms that were based on the Mongol Empire. He divided the army for tens of thousands (darkness) thousands, hundreds and dozens, thereby eradicating the organization of troops on the generic principle; Created a housing of special warriors, which was divided into two parts: day and night guards; Created an elite division from the best warriors. But with the religion of Mongols, a very interesting situation has emerged. They themselves were pagans, and adhered to shamanism. For a while, Buddhism took the role of the dominant religion, but then the residents of the Mongolian Empire returned to shamanism.

Chingis Khan

At about the same time, in the middle of the XIII century, Temujin became Genghis Khan, which is translated as the "Great Ruler" (Chingiz Han). After that, he created the Great Yasu - a set of laws, which regulated the rules for calling to the army. This led to the creation of a huge horde of 130 divisions called by the same "thousands". Tatars and Uygur created writing for Mongols, and in 1209, Genghis Khan began to prepare for the conquest of the world. This year, Mongols won China, the Jin Empire collapsed in 1211. A series of victory battles of the Mongolian army began. In 1219, Genghis Khan began to conquer territories in Central Asia, and in 1223 he sent his troops to Rus.

At that time, Russia was a large state with serious internecine wars. This did not fail to use Genghis Khan. The troops of Russian princes failed to unite, and therefore the battle on the river Kalka on May 31, 1223 was the first prerequisite for the start of the centuries-old Horde Iga.

Because of the huge sizes, it was practically impossible to manage the country, so the conquered peoples simply paid tribute to Khan, and the laws of the Mongolian empire were not obeyed. Basically, the life of these peoples was not very different from the one to which they were accustomed. The only thing that could overshadow their lucky existence are the sizes of Dani, which sometimes were unbearable.

After the death of Genghis Khan, his son came to power, which divided the country into three parts - by the number of sons, giving the oldest and most unloved little plot of non-good land. However, the son of Juchi and grandson of Genghis Khan - Batu - apparently, was not going to give up. In 1236 he won Volga BulgariaAnd after, during the three years, Mongols threw Rus. From that moment on, Russia became the Mongolian Empire vassal and paid tribute for 240 years.

Batu Han

Moscow at that time was the most ordinary fortified fortress. It was the Tatar-Mongol invasion that helped her to acquire the status of the "Main City". The fact is that the Mongols on the territory of Russia appeared rarely, and Moscow became a kind of collector of Mongols. Residents of the whole country were collected tribute, and the Moscow Prince passed it to the Mongolian Empire.

After Russia, Batu went further to the west - in Hungary and Poland. The rest of Europe was shaking off fear, expectations from minute to minute the onset of the huge troops, which was quite understandable. Mongols killed residents of conquered countries, not looking at the floor and age. Special pleasure they delivered bullying women. Cities that remained uncomplicated, they burned to the dottle, and the population was destroyed in the most cruel way. Residents of the city of Hamadan, which is located in modern Iran, were killed, and a few days later the warlord sent the army to the ruins to finish those who were absent in the city at the time of the first attack and managed to return to the return of Mongols. Men were often taken to the Mongolian army, providing the right to choose: to die or swear empire.

It is also considered that the epidemic of plague in Europe, which spiked by century later, began precisely because of the Mongols. In the middle of the XIV century, the Genoese Republic was deposited by the Mongolian army. Among the conquerors there was a plague that took many lives. They decided to use infected corpses as biological weapons and began to catap them on the walls of the city.

But back in the XIII century. From the middle and until the end of the thirteenth century were conquered: Iraq, Palestine, India, Cambodia, Burma, Korea, Vietnam, Persia. The conquests of the Mongols each year became less and less, the cross-timer began. From 1388 to 1400, the Mongol Empire was ruled by five khans, none of which did not live up to old years - all five were killed. At the end of the XV century, Khan became a seven-year-old descendant of Genghis Khan - Batu-Munke. In 1488, Batu Munke or, as he began to call him, Danyan Khan sent chinese emperor Letter with a request to take tribute. In fact, this letter was considered a contract for free interstate trade. However, the established world did not interfere with Danan Khan to make raids to China.

Mongolia was greatly combined by the great efforts of Danyan Khan, but after his death, civil conflicts were once again flared. At the beginning of the XVI century, the Mongol Empire again broke into the principality, the main among which the ruler of Chagar Khanate was considered. Since Ligdan-Khan was the oldest among the generation of descendants of Genghis Khan, he became Khan all Mongolia. He unsuccessfully tried to unite the country to avoid threat from Manchurov. However, the Mongolian princes were much more qualitated under the Manchurian beginning, rather than Mongolian.

In the end, in the XVIII century, after the death of the latter of the descendants of Genghis Khan, ruling in one of the principalities of Mongolia, a serious struggle for the throne was broken. The moment of the next split took advantage of the Empire Qing. Chinese military leaders introduced a huge army on the territory of Mongolia, which by the 60s of the 18th century destroyed the former Great State once, as well as almost all of its population.