Psychological tests of illusion. Brain tests, optical illusions and attention

An expert site explained how it actually works

Have you already taken the test by Japanese psychiatrist Akiyoshi Kitaoka, which determines the level of fatigue from an optical picture? Not? Then go ahead!

According to the given algorithms, if, when looking at the picture, it appears to be static, then congratulations! Your psyche is stable and you are not tired.

If slight fluctuations are noticeable, then you need rest. Is the ball spinning at the speed of a Formula 1 racing car? It's time to see a doctor. On the face - depression and psychosis ...

The website portal asked the psychologist and female coach Ksenia Ulyanova to comment on the test parameters.

How does optical illusion work?

“To answer the question about the reliability of the test data, you need to understand how an optical illusion works. You look at a picture and nerve cells - neurons - transmit information to the brain. Pictures of such a plan, as a rule, have dark elements or, in principle, dark colors. They also include various complex geometric shapes, they are complex and contrasting.

These are very important points, because the colors, contrast and complexity of the picture slow down the brain. Information obtained from such complex pictures comes with a hitch, so there is time for self-deception. This is due to the slow response of our brain, "- commented Ksenia Ulyanova.

Don't believe me? Look at others psychological tests Akiyoshi Kitaoka, with which he determines the level of fatigue. The principle is the same.

Is this a diagnosis?

Of course not!. First you need to do the research several times in different time days. If the data coincide in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, this is a reason to get on the train and disembark by the sea. Otherwise, the fears are unfounded. Well, you can go for a massage to calm your soul.

“I conducted experiments and found out that in the morning the picture is calm or even static. Why? Our brain is rested and works more efficiently: it perceives information faster thanks to good work nerve cells... In the evening, the movement is more noticeable, because the person is tired.

Thanks to such tests, you can determine the level of your fatigue, but it is impossible to make a diagnosis on this basis alone, ”Ksenia summed up.

Psychologist Ksenia Ulyanova

Ksenia Ulyanova revealed the principle of operation of tests with optical illusion

Illusion, in the truest sense of the word, is a distorted perception real object... In addition, many of us create illusions for ourselves all our lives and then experience frustration.

Illusion test

We offer to go through a very interesting illusion test.

Everyone knows the expression "Do not believe your eyes." However, many people understand it figuratively, while our eyes often really deceive the brain.

Optical illusion test

We do not aim to explain the biophysical basis of this phenomenon. However, it is known that visual illusion can be explained by the specific effect of light reflected from objects on the retina of the human eye.

How to take the Illusion of Deception tests

Test PicturesIllusions should be done when the brain and eyes are rested after a hard day at work. The fact is that scientists have proven the connection between a person's intellectual fatigue and a deterioration in the ability to really perceive surrounding objects and phenomena.

In particular, it is known that with severe fatigue, some motionless objects begin to "move". More precisely, the brain incorrectly decodes the signal coming from the eyes, and the motionless picture seems animated to it.

People who, when looking at a still picture, see rapidly rotating circles, should be especially thoughtful. They should take this as a signal that they urgently need rest. Otherwise, they may have major health problems.

Someone sees that the girl is spinning clockwise, and someone is against it, BUT IF YOU TRY THAT YOU CAN MAKE IT SPIN ANYWAY, you just need to imagine it well! If it seems to you that initially the girl is spinning counterclockwise, you have more developed right hemisphere, and if clockwise - left. If you could make it spin the other way - you can be proud of yourself! Hint: look at the leg along the axis of rotation, and the key point is when the legs line up, then you need to strain your imagination and imagine that the leg that should be "closer to you" is "further". In general, it is difficult to describe it, but you have been given a hint!
It's easier to switch if you stick your eyes a little.
This test with a snag girl, if you look closely, you will see that after some intervals she turns in one direction or the other, and this happens so quickly that the human eye does not have time to rebuild, so it seems to some that she is spinning to the right, some to the left, and especially observant and here and there.

Without a doubt, this test is just a "snag", and is not related to the hemispheres, as mentioned earlier!

Moving quickly left and right in a flat drawing creates the illusion of moving in a circle, which is not really ...

Therefore, depending on factors such as blinking the eyes, turning the head, creating in the mind a preliminary image of left or right rotation, or simply moving the gaze down or to the side,
knocks down the cyclical perception of intelligence and thereby changes the illusion of perception ...

But what is interesting, because indeed, there are people who, seeing this picture for the first time, at the very first moment, notice it spinning only in one certain direction, until you explain to them what's what!

Thus, it may be interesting to find out how many of your friends (at the very first moment) observe the "spinning" \ "rotation" of the figure (which is not in fact) clockwise or counterclockwise, and estimate their percentage to the total number of tested. ..

Only a primary vision, at first glance, can say something about the usual Left-Right-hemispheric perception of a person ...

We all remember well the popular optical illusion of a rotating girl. Animation has become so popular that I wanted to find something like that. From the first time I did not even see the illusion of sight, the train was moving to the left, but as soon as I looked at the barrier, the train began to move in right side... Experiment it is not necessary to look at the barrier, it turns out very well when you look at the wheels and immediately look at the carriage. Please comment on your experiments.

The picture you are looking at is black and white. But if you want, your brain can easily color it. To do this, it is enough to look at a point for a while, after that your brain will do the rest by itself.