The easiest dictation. The Amazing World of the Russian Language and Literature with Olga Danilova: Interesting Complex Dictations


Already the morning frosts were shackling the earth soaked in autumn rains.

The tops of the forest, which at the end of August were still green islands between black fields and stubble, became golden and bright red bizarre islands in the middle of bright green winter crops.

The brown hare was already half-molted, the fox broods were beginning to disperse, and the young wolves were already larger than the dog. It was the best hunting time.

In the morning Rostov looked out the drawing-room window, looked into the distance and saw a morning better than which nothing could be for hunting. The sky seemed to be melting and without wind descending to the ground. The only movement that was in the air was a quiet movement from top to bottom of descending microscopic droplets of fog. On the bare branches of the garden, transparent drops hung like pearls and slowly fell on the recently fallen leaves. The windmill was half asleep.

Not a rustle anywhere. The soil in the garden was glossy wet black and, in a short distance, merged with a dim and damp cover of fog. In the distance, hazy and unclear, sandy paths disappeared.

It smelled like wilting leaves and dogs.

Everyone was already seized by an irresistible hunting feeling. As on a fluffy carpet, horses walked across the field, occasionally paddling through the puddles when they crossed the unpaved clay roads. The foggy sky continued to descend steadily and imperceptibly to the ground. The windless air was quiet, warm and soundless. Occasionally one can hear a snoring of a horse, then a blow with a whip, or an inadvertent scream of a dog that did not walk in its place.

When we drove off a mile away, five more horsemen with dogs suddenly appeared out of the fog to meet the hunt. Everyone wanted to catch the wolf by all means, but he went in the bushes, and not a single hunter intercepted him. The dogs were also unable to apprehend him.

249 words


Exam dictation for grade 11.

Once in the summer at a poor but noble landowner, everyone in the house rose at dawn. Only Alexander, the only son of Anna Pavlovna, slept in a heroic dream, as a twenty-two-year-old spoiled youth should sleep properly. People walked on tiptoe and spoke in whispers, so as not to wake the young master. Only someone knocks, speaks loudly at the wrong time - right away, like an irritated lioness, Anna Pavlovna appeared and punished the unwary one on the fly with a reprimand, nickname, and sometimes a push.

In the kitchen they cooked tirelessly, as if for ten, despite the fact that the noble family consisted of Anna Pavlovna and Alexandra. In the shed, the wagon was wiped and greased. Everyone was busy and worked tirelessly. Watchdog, however, only did nothing, but nevertheless, in his own way, took part in the movement. When a footman who did not speak to anyone passed by him or a girl darted skipping, he waved his tail and carefully sniffed the passing person.

And the turmoil was because Anna Pavlovna reluctantly let her son go to Petersburg for service, or, as she said, to see people and show herself. This made her so sad and upset. She will open her mouth to order something, and suddenly stop in mid-sentence, her voice will change, she will turn away and, with a sob, will wipe away a tear, if she has time, and if she doesn’t have time, she will drop it into the suitcase in which she was putting Sasha's linen in the bedroom. and which had not been taken out of the closet since her wedding. Tears have long been ready to splash into three streams, but she constantly wipes them away.

She was not alone in mourning the separation. The valet Yevsey was also very grieved: he, setting off with the master, left a warm corner in the house in the room of the clever Agrafena, the first minister in the household and, most importantly for Yevsey, the first housekeeper.

Meanwhile, a cabman on three horses appeared at the gate. A gilded bell, tied to an arc, turned its tongue dully and unfreely, like a drunk, thrown into a guardhouse.

A blond young man who was leaving was walking slowly towards Anna Pavlovna. He greeted his mother cheerfully, but when he suddenly saw the suitcases, he was embarrassed, silently walked over to the window and began to draw with his finger on the glass, pretendingly peering into the distance.

The sun was blindingly bright. There was a smell of freshness from the balcony into the room. Far, far away, there was a garden of old lindens, and dense wild rose, and bird cherry, and lilac bushes. And even farther along, amphitheater fields with stirring multi-colored breads creep and peasant houses adjoin the blue-dark forest.

“Look,” said the mother, “with what beauty God has endowed our places! Why leave? "

Alexander thoughtfully pointed into the distance. There, in the middle of the fields, the road to the promised land - to St. Petersburg - snaked and ran away behind the forest and the windmill.

Among the search queries on the site, there are often requests for the texts of dictations for grade 4. It is difficult to offer texts that would suit all teachers primary grades... Everyone works according to their own educational and methodological complex and is able to compose or select a text that is suitable for all conditions (goals, thematic section, types of spelling, timing, etc.).

We offer dictations without a grammatical task, but taking into account the basic requirements for the number of spelling for the learned rules and the volume of the text (the recommended volume is 60-80 words). We remind you that these texts are adapted, that is, adapted to writing control dictations. Although, probably, they can be used in some other way: for free, selective dictation, dictation with continuation, presentation, copying.

The texts are divided into semesters, not quarters. In addition, they are arranged thematically, taking into account the season (summer-autumn-winter-spring-summer). Some texts of dictations were selected from encyclopedias, from the works of famous children's writers: I. Sokolov-Mikitov, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianki, K. Ushinsky, L. Kuzmin, S. Romanovsky and many others. A total of 40 texts.

1 semester

4th grade

Wind and Sun

One day the Sun and the angry Wind had an argument. They decided to measure their strength over the traveler. Wind wanted to rip off the traveler's cloak. He began to blow. But the traveler only wrapped himself tighter in his cloak. The wind was angry, showered the man with rain and snow. Then the traveler put on a cloak in his sleeves and tied himself with a belt. The wind realized that he could not pull off his cloak.

And the Sun smiled, warmed the earth and the traveler. He cheered up and took off his cloak himself. Then the meek Sun said to the angry Wind: "Caress and kindness can do much more than anger." (According to K. Ushinsky.)


I went to the forest for mushrooms. Suddenly a large bird flew out. And under the spruce the grouse clung to the ground.

I grabbed the grouse. His head is small, his eyes are like beads, his yellow beak opened slightly from fright. The heart pounds in the hot body. I listen to the beat of this heart. It seems to me that it will pop out of the fragile breast.

I lowered the grouse into the grass. And he rolled a fluffy ball to his mother. And I was sitting on the edge, and my heart did not calm down for a long time. (According to L. Kuzmin.)


Zebras live in Africa. They graze in herds or alone. The herd is guarded by a zebra guard.

The main enemy of zebras is the lion. The guard will notice the predator and sound the alarm. The herd takes off. The stallions run behind the herd. They protect females and foals.

It seems that all zebras are the same. In fact, the stripes are different for everyone. Coloring of each zebra is not repeated.

In appearance, a zebra is a very cute horse. In fact, zebras are vicious and wild. Man could not tame the zebra. She has a very freedom-loving character.


In the summer I stayed with my grandmother outside the city. Once we sat down to dinner. A rooster appeared at the window. The rooster was beautiful, all red, with white catkins and a large black beak. Its crest held proudly and resembled a bright flame with frozen tongues.

The rooster walked importantly, and then stopped. He looked sideways at his grandmother, who was cutting bread. I beckoned the alien, but he didn’t blink an eye. Then I tossed him a crust. The rooster did not eat, but gave the crust to the chickens. (According to P. Sidorov.)

(74 words.)

Guest from the forest

Someone started scratching loudly at the door of the forest gatehouse. Hunter Uncle Drone opened the door. A large gray beast with a cat's face, fluffy b O kami and scanty tail. Black tassels stuck out on the ears. Two greenish eyes gleamed in the darkness.

It was the lynx Mashka. The hunter took her out of the lair when she was a tiny lynx. Without her mother, she would have died.

Uncle Dron poured milk into a bowl. Masha began to lap milk like a domestic cat. (According to G. Skrebitsky.)

Our cottage

In the summer we love to relax in the country. There is a plot near our dacha. Fruit trees and shrubs grow on the site.

In the spring, a wonderful smell spreads throughout the neighborhood. Apple, plum and cherry trees are in bloom. It's the middle of summer. Tomatoes and cucumbers ripen in the greenhouse.

There is a gazebo in the center of the cottage. Beans wind around the gazebo. The path is covered with sand. We love to run on this track. It's always cool in the gazebo. You can relax and read. In the fall, our dacha is empty, but it's a pity!


In the evening, there will be fireworks in our city. It gets dark. Adults and children poured out into the street. Many will watch the fireworks in the city center. People stand on the balcony, in the square, near the house or in the room by the window.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower struck ten. Volleys burst out. Lights crackled and flew high. In the night sky, red, green, yellow clusters were blooming. They illuminated the area brightly. The kids were shouting, clapping their hands happily.


In the summer, the guys worked in the hay field. Every morning, grandfather Micah shouted: “Get up! The ear is cooked! " Everyone ran to the bank of Pizhma, swam and sat down to have breakfast.

Once at grandfather Micah, someone pulled out the nets and took out the fish. We decided to catch the thief. It was quiet at night, only mosquitoes buzzed and got into the eyes.

In the morning there was a crackling of branches, the grass parted in the water, then a bear appeared. The bear got up on its hind legs and began to pull the fish out of the nets.

We laughed. The clubfoot heard a noise and swam quickly into the reeds. (According to G. Durkin.)

Fire in the forest

In August, it was extremely hot. The grass in the forest glade turned yellow and dried out in places. Leaves drooped on a young birch.

Suddenly from the south, there was a burst of smoke. The smoke thickened. The fire quickly ran from top to top of the pines. Grandfather Stepan and his grandson hurried to the lake. They ran, hurried, fell. We made our way along a narrow path to the water. At the shore of the lake, both fell down with fatigue.

The fire raged on the side. The grandson helped his grandfather to get into the boat. They swam towards the village.

Young cattle area

We often visited the zoo. A favorite place is the playground for young animals. She is in the center of the zoo. Foxes, wolf cubs, bear cubs live peacefully on the site. The animals are funny, funny. They deftly climb over logs, play ball, run from ladder to ladder. Children always crowd around the playground.

It is interesting to observe the habits of small predators. End of summer. The animals grew up, got stronger. By the fall, they will leave their merry playground. Warm dwellings and caring hands of people await them.


Oak is especially good when it grows in a clearing. Then other trees do not interfere with him. Its huge trunk is straight. Wide branches stretched out at the height of human growth.

In the spring, the forest has long been dressed in a festive outfit. The birch is all curly, and the buds on the oak have not yet blossomed. Its leaves grow slowly. But in the fall, the leaves from other trees will already fall off, and the oak is still dressed with foliage. Even in winter, its foliage still darkens.

Good custom

The ancient Greeks had a very good custom. Every four years, the strongest, agile and fastest youths in all Greece gathered in the valley near the city of Olympia to compete in wrestling, running, discus and hammer throw. For this, the Greeks forgot enmity. Heavy punishment threatened a man with a sword.

This glorious custom has survived to this day. Every four years, the best athletes in the world come to sports competitions. In memory of the Olympic Games, the competition was called Olympic. (According to D. Rodari.)


There are many fish in the Arctic Ocean, but it is difficult to catch them.

A flock of white seagulls fly over the waves. For hours on the wings, there is no time to sit down. Eyes glared into the water. Where will the dark back of the fish flicker?

The seagull noticed a herd of fry. Slid down, plunged, grabbed the fish and rose into the air.

We saw other seagulls. They flew, tumble into the water, grab, fight, shout. Only in vain are they quarreling. Densely fry goes. Enough for everyone! (According to V. Bianchi.)

(63 words.)


There was a large swamp all around. A strong wind shook the low birch and dry reeds. Sadly and dejectedly it was a train.

Suddenly there was a loud cry. It was a young crane shouting. The right wing was knocked out and sank to the ground. He lived well in the swamp in the summer. There was a lot of water, herbs and all kinds of delicious food. Now the crane stood sad and looked around. He remembered his flock and called her a cry.

The forester and his son came to the cry of the crane. They took the journal to their home.


Man is made in such a way that in the summer he dreams of soft snows, of ice patterns on the windows. But in winter, give him the green rustle of grass, the scorching sun, the smell of blooming bird cherry.

I walked through the deep snow and thought of summer with sugary smells of bright colors, with stones hot as an oven, with the sea lazy from the heat. Loose snow fell from the branches of the pine trees. I was dreaming so that it became even hot. (According to Yu. Yakovlev.)

(64 words.)


There is a small pond at the edge of the young forest. Here, in thin swamps and viscous bogs, the Volga was born. From here she set off on a long journey.

You will rarely find such a beauty as the Volga. Her beauty was glorified in fairy tales, stories, paintings.

At the city of Rybinsk, the Volga turns. Its low banks were covered with a carpet of meadows and bushes. Beyond the hills you can see the smooth surface of the fields. The sweet scent of flowers spread through the soft air.

The name of the beautiful river is close and dear to us.

Old spruce

By the fall, heavy cones hung on the old spruce. The spruce was preparing to feed the birds and animals.

Hungry in the winter in the forest. A squirrel ran out into the clearing. She climbed onto the spruce, took a cone and began to eat. The spotted woodpecker plucked a cone and flew away into the forest. A flock of crossbills flew to the spruce. With tenacious claws, little birds picked seeds from cones.

A lot of cones remained in the spruce until spring. The sun has warmed up. Light seeds emerged from the buds. A seed will fall on damp ground and germinate. It will give life to a new tree. (According to G. Skrebitsky.)

After autumn winter

It's cold outside. The ground froze. In the evening, snow fell in flakes. He settled on the treetops. It became light in the forest.

Guests from the north appeared. Birds in a crimson hat on their heads perched on the branches of a birch. Bullfinches with red breasts flew to the mountain ash.

The inhabitants of the forest meet winter in a new outfit. The squirrel has a gray coat, the hare has a white one. Toptygin has been sleeping for a long time in a pit under a spruce. Goodbye autumn, hello winter!

Late fall

Has come late fall... A cold, harsh wind blew. Colored leaves swirled in the air and flew. Yellow foliage flies from the birch. On the path lie red aspen leaves, brown poplar and alder leaves. Autumn leaves swirl in the air.

Soon it began to rain, and in the morning frost appeared on the ground. The night is long now and the day is short. The last migratory birds fly away. It became quiet in the park alley. From the surrounding villages, cars pulled into the city. They bring potatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples to the market.

(72 words.)

Who broke the aspen?

The wind carried snow from one place to another. On the river, in the forest, whole mountains blew him.

Then the weather was calm and wonderful. Large snowflakes fell to the ground in flakes. We came to the swamp. It is overgrown with grass, around there are reeds and young aspens. My neighbor looked at the trees and said: "All the aspen trees have broken tops!"

There were no tracks in the aspen forest, the snowfall tried to cover everything up. “A family of moose ate here,” I guessed. Trees become fragile in severe frosts. So the moose break them. (According to A. Ivanov.)

In the winter in the forest

Early morning in the forest. The dawn is quietly coming. Snow crunches softly underfoot. Birches and bushes were decorated with hoarfrost.

Patterns of footprints are visible in the snow. Here the fox's trail winds along the forest edge in a chain. Wolves walked along the very edge of the clearing. Suddenly a merry flock of birds flew over the edge. She is located on top of a pine tree.

A snow cap fell from the branch of the forest beauty. She lay down on an old tree stump. Smells good in the forest of resin and pine needles.

The rescue

It was in winter. It was a sunny day. The guys ran out into the street and played snowballs. Misha has new skates. He decided to skate on ice. The thin ice on the pond could not bear the weight and cracked. Misha fell into the water. He grabbed the edge of the ice and screamed.

The wet clothes became heavy. The boy could not get out of the water. Workers walked along the shore railroad... They rushed to Misha's aid. They handed him the board. The boy was saved.

(71 words.)

Winter morning

It snowed at night. In the morning, people saw the land in a white outfit. There was a slight frost. Lonely snowflakes whirled slowly in the air. The trees stood in frost. There is a wonderful fringe on the birch and aspen branches.

The sun came out. The whole area has changed. Everything sparkled, sparkled. Snowflakes shone with sparks on the tablecloth of snow. How joyful it is to look at the world around you!

On the mountain ash, sparrows and titmouses chirped. Igor and Dima went out to build an ice slide. Janitor Uncle Vasya was cleaning the paths to the entrance of the house.

(71 words.)

Why decorate a Christmas tree?

New Year... There is a Christmas tree in every house. There are toys, balls, sweets hanging on it.

In ancient times, New Year was celebrated in the spring. People enjoyed the sun and warmth. On the day of the holiday, they decorated fruit trees with lights. They are symbols of the sun and fertility.

But the customs have changed. They began to celebrate the New Year in winter. And the northern peoples chose a Christmas tree as a New Year tree. Only she stands green in the winter cold. On its branches, people hang toys that resemble fruits and vegetables. Instead of lights, the tree is decorated with garlands of light bulbs.

2 semester

4th grade

In April

April had been jubilant for a week. The last snow melted under the bright rays of the sun and a warm wind. Forest hummocks freed themselves from the snow cover. The first butterflies, beetles and spiders flew out into the glades.

The grove was waking up. Fragrant buds of trees opened. Young shoots timidly made their way through the old foliage. The bird chorus sounded joyfully. Feathered warm sun waited all winter. And the animals are hungry in the spring. Every bump, sweet root for the animal is a godsend. By the end of April, the swallows arrived. They settled under the roof of our house.

(74 words.)

The height of spring

Sunlight floods the area. It's the height of spring. Bees are buzzing over the plants. On the edges of forests, along the banks of rivers and streams, bird cherry blossoms. This is a very nice and cheerful tree in a white lace cape.

The forest beauty is good both in summer and in autumn. She was strewn with beads of dark berries. The berries shine in the bright sun. You remember this amazing picture for a long time. Bird cherry can also be seen in the northern regions. The housewives bake pies with sweet cherry filling. The guys are eating berries. Don't break the cherry in spring, leave its beauty to people!

Wonders of the Spring Forest

The rain and the sun drove the snow. Resounding streams carry the winter away. The lark's song is ringing high. Everything is amazing in the spring. There is a renewal of nature. Spread the wings of the bee. They buzz over the flowers of the fragrant willow. Insects crawled out onto the bark of the trees.

Birches are still crying in the shade. Juice flows from the wounds, where the bark is cracked from the severe frost.

The magpie chirps, notifies everyone about everything. A woodpecker's little red riding hood flashes. The forest doctor treats the trees, he takes out harmful larvae from under the bark. There are many miracles in the spring forest!

(72 words.)

Willow guests

Blackened in the fields of the road. Snow has shrunk in the ravine. The trees are still bare and gray. The willow among them glows with a golden bouquet. You touch a fluffy ball with your finger, and your finger will turn yellow. Smell and smell honey.

Guests hurry to the feast. A clumsy hairy bumblebee sat down on a branch. He was covered in yellow pollen. Hungry ants came running. The annoying flies are buzzing. Everything is humming, ringing.

The willow will turn green and lose its beauty among the green bushes. But this wonderful holiday will remain in the memory for a long time!

In the meadow

You have been waiting for the coming of spring for a long time. And here she is on the doorstep. The spring sun warms up. It eats up the last snow. Streams run down the hill along the path. They fill a deep puddle to the brim and hurry on.

At the old tree stump, the winter quarters were empty. Lived under warm sun huge forest anthill. From early morning until late evening, its inhabitants are busy. They carry grass and a pine needle into the house. An elk showed up. He examined the area, drank cold water from the puddle and disappeared. Amazing life the glade is filled!


A May thunderstorm swept over the grove. The thunder died down. On a birch, aspen, mischievous raindrops jump from leaf to leaf. The spring sun floods the whole area with warm light.

Bird cherry blossoms near a small river. From early morning until late evening, the voices of birds do not stop. You approach the white trunks of birches and hear the song of a starling. He sings lightly, joyfully, loudly.

Nature dresses in tender young greenery. May thunders through the fields, meadows, forests. He carries light and heat throughout the earth. Hello Spring!

About exposure

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood in himself. There is no joyful and successful every day in life.

In moments of excitement, monkeys beat themselves in the chest, the dog growls and bares its teeth, the elephant waving its trunk. Endurance is appreciated by people, but difficult to come by.

You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But now you are losing. Immediately you become suspicious, you check every move, you argue, you quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself, "My friend was stronger."

Master your senses. Self-control will serve you well.

Linden blossoms

I was walking through the forest and caught the strong smell of linden. I turned off the path and headed for the edge. The tree was blooming. “It will win at any beauty contest,” I thought.

Lipa complained: "An inept tailor was sewing clouds today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind threw her snow-white clothes aside.

The mushroom rain has started. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over the dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful outfit at the holiday. (According to A. Trofimov.)

After the rain

The summer rain stops. You are looking at the sky. It turns blue. The magic bridge stretched from the village to pine forest... This is a beautiful rainbow. The smell of wildflowers fills the entire area. The sun comes out from behind the forest.

Raindrops fall heavily from leaves and blades of grass. Each of them sparkles and sparkles. Light steam emanates from the ground. The air is fresh. A bird is screaming something from a branch. The sun illuminates a tall pine tree with a smooth trunk.

Suddenly I see a handsome man with a dark head on a strong leg under a pine tree. This is a boletus mushroom. How lucky!


The old woman was sitting on a bench. Valera and I were building a rocket. The old woman looked in our direction and sighed. We paid no attention to her. We had a very important business.

The footballer Sasha came out of the entrance. He looked around the yard and ran straight to the old woman. Sasha took her bag and money from her. Soon he returned and handed her a loaf of bread, a packet of cottage cheese, a carton of milk. A smile lit up the old woman's face. She got up and went to the entrance.

She wanted to ask us for help. And we were building a rocket.


It is good to sail on a moonlit path at night. You swim and throw handfuls of moon gold in the dark. I swam and peered into an amazing winding trail. The moonlight sparkled and settled to the bottom. The bottom glowed faintly.

I noticed a large shell. She looked like a giant sunflower seed. Dark stripes furrowed the sink. Pearls are found inside the shells. There is only one pearl per thousand shells. So I didn't even need to check one sink.

Summer twilight

The tired summer sun was hiding behind the horizon. It cast the last warm rays. They poured gold on the tops of firs and pines and extinguished. A lonely crow flew from tree to tree. The forest fell silent. Only the grasshoppers were still cracking. It smelled damp. The trees have become like monsters.

My friend and I quickly lit a fire. The smell of fish soup spread throughout the area. Branches crackled in the fire. Sparks flew from branch to branch.

Under a large, mighty oak tree, we settled down for the night. I could not sleep for a long time. The solemn silence of the forest frightened me.


A slender birch tree grew in the taiga wilderness. She dreamed of seeing the sun. The larch covered it. Trouble struck in the harsh winter. Heavy snowdrifts banked her. She cried all spring. Trickles of juice dripped onto the damp ground. Autumn winds bent the birch in an arc. Without bright sun, under the cold rain the birch became wrinkled. Moss is tangled in its leaves.

Time passed. Small birches appeared on the hunched over birch. They grew rapidly and became taller than larches. Mother birch kept the children on her back and was happy. They managed to see the sun! (According to I. Kostyr.)

Favorite tree

White birch was and is ours favorite tree... She like good man: pretty, slim, white-faced. And there are many benefits from it. The birch firewood in the oven is the hottest. And birch buds and leaves are the best at driving away colds and other diseases.

In the old days, they did not take excess from the birch, did not bring it to illness and did not destroy it. And there were birch groves with oak groves in Russia, like palaces. They were cherished in gratitude for their beauty and kindness. (According to S. Romanovsky.)

(72 words.)

On the shore

Petka and I lay down on a warm stone and looked into the water. Shell fragments sparkle in the light sand. The lazy current ripples the soft grasses. We lie still. Here the underwater population gathers around us.

A dark big-headed burbot crawled out of a hole under a stone and shot into the thicket. The roach passed quickly. And here is a big mustachioed crayfish crawling out. Got out, leads his eyes. Who dared to disturb us? Now everyone will get it! Fry, roach, perch rushed away in fear. Who hid where. Petka and I also left. (According to E. Shim.)


I have had good mood... They bought me a real soccer ball. I was very happy and called my neighbor Andrey. I wanted to make a real holiday. I put a new tablecloth on the table, took out strawberry jam, a piece of cake.

Andrey took jam from a vase with a spoon. From the spoon, drop by drop, the jam slipped onto the tablecloth. The drops spread quickly. Andrey laughed and told how we would play in the yard.

He left, and I felt very sad.


Swans have settled on a distant lake. These are very beautiful and proud birds.

In the early morning we went to the lake. A brisk path descended into a ravine, ran up a hill, hid in the bushes. We went out onto the road. A rose hip grew at the edge of the road. The field stretched a little further. There were already ears of rye. Silver dewdrops glittered everywhere.

Here is the lake. Swans willingly took to O pm. The most daring was the big swan. We named him Mishka. You sit with your friends on the shore and look at these proud beauties. Birds are good!

The test for knowledge of the Russian language is a selection of several wonderful dictations that will help you mock colleagues and friends and test your own knowledge of the great and powerful Russian language :)

A frivolous sparrow fluttered from stone to stone, and on the diligently plastered terrace, skillfully draped with defensive tapestries of the Kronstadt Infantry battalion, which once panicked the Bolivian unmanned cavalry, under an artificial, listening to the tirades of the not at all surprised provincial propagandist, all of a sudden the crowd regaled the collegiate assessor, district warden and indifferent womanizer Faddey Apollinarievich Parashutov with vinaigrette with smelts and blancmange stuffed with anchovies in chocolate.

Freckled, windy Vanechka, an amateur driver by profession, a lover to dance and play, fearing appendicitis and catarrh, decided to become a vegetarian. Once, putting on his kolomyanka costume and skillfully combing a piece of hair on the crown, he went to visit his sister-in-law Appolinaria Nikitichna. Having passed the terrace with a balustrade, all lined with clay and aluminum pots, he, as a privileged guest, went straight to the kitchenette. The hostess, seeing that it was none other than her friend, applauded so much that she dropped the burner of the samovar, and then began to regale it with vinaigrette with smoked meats, and for dessert she served monpensier with other dishes.

1. On a sunny plank terrace near a hemp plant, freckled Agrippina Savvishna regaled the collegiate assessor Apollo Sigismundovich with vinaigrette and other dishes.

2. On a plank terrace near an asymmetrical hemp bush, the well-known widow of the clerk Agrippina Savvichna secretly regaled the collegiate assessor Apollo Filippovich with a vinaigrette with clams and various other dishes to the accompaniment of an accordion and cello.

3.A sparrow fluttered from pebble to pebble, and on the terrace, skillfully draped with tapestries with the defensive of the Kronstadt Infantry battalion, under an artificial lampshade camouflaged as a Moroccan minaret, a freckled sister-in-law of the widowed archpriest of the Agraphesspine Ascephalite of Agrapsepin smelt.

4. Freckled Agrippina Savvishna secretly regaled the collegiate assessor Apollo Faddeich with vinaigrette and dumplings on a plank veranda near a hemp-tree to the accompaniment of a cello.

5. On a colossal plank terrace near a hemp plant with honeysuckle, to the skillful cacophonic accompaniment of a cello and the unreasonable cry of a wolverine, the well-known widow of the clerk, freckled Agrippina Savvishna Filippova, slyly regaled juniper jam and Californian wines -black frock coat, spreading the fingers of his left hand and thrusting his ring finger into his right armpit.

6. On a colossal plank terrace, sitting on an ottoman, freckled Agrippina Savvichna secretly regaled herself with vinaigrette, dumplings and other dishes of the collegiate assessor Philip Apollinarievich.

7. On the plank terrace near the hemp grower, the indifferent, freckled stepdaughter Agrippina Savvishna secretly regaled vinaigrette with ham, clams and other dishes to the accompaniment of the cello of the collegiate assessor Apollo Ippolitovich.

    There is no doubt that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.

    The beauty, grandeur, power and wealth of the Russian language is evident enough from the books written in the past, when our ancestors did not know any rules for compositions yet, but they hardly thought that they were or could be.
    (M.V. Lomonosov).

    Dictation in Russian for grades 1 - 8

    For successful preparation to writing dictations in the Russian language, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with real options texts of assignments in the Russian language. The site contains the most realistic options for assignments for Russian lessons. The presented examples of dictations will allow you to prepare well for writing them, and this is a very serious step towards obtaining excellent knowledge of the Russian language.

    Russian language refers to eastern group Slavic languages ​​belonging to the Indo-European family of languages. It is the eighth most native language in the world and the fifth in the world by the total speakers. Russian language - National language of the Russian people, the main language of international communication in central Eurasia, in Eastern Europe, one of the working languages ​​of the UN. It is the most spoken Slavic language and the most spoken language in Europe - geographically and in terms of the number of native speakers. Ranks fourth among the most translated languages, and also - seventh among the languages ​​into which most books are translated.
    In 2013, Russian became the second most popular language on the Internet.