The horrors of war and wonderful getting rid. Cheerful leisure in pine forest

I must say that in our family most of all I love to dance. Son is somehow modest in this regard. In the evening, at the dinner, I gently started a conversation about the comment, trying to find out the version of the sown. As a result, I fought with a laugh covering me when the son said that the music was energetic, and he just moved his shoulders and head to the beat.

Having coped with the emotions floating not to the place, I began to talk about the solemnity of the moment, about respect for this the Great Day, to the story. He listened carefully, nodded, but there was a feeling that he did not penetrate at all. Then I asked him, and how he perceives this date and war in general? He said that everything understands, but he does not have sympathy, trepacy, he has no pain. Then I thought that 72 years is too big (and thank God!) The term without wars so that the current generation could understand what we celebrate this holiday.
My grandfather - a member of the Great Patriotic War. The son almost caught him, and I grew up at my grandfather. I remember him as a unique person. It was a colossal supply of patience, strength and resistance. He rushed with us - capricious granddaughters, put to sleep, took to a kindergarten and school. Helped to do lessons, followed us to always be fed. I bought the most delicious bread in the bakery on the way from the school and allowed me to bite the crust until we went to the house. But about the war did not tell the war. He did not love military stories, although on the parade on the occasion of the Victory Day to the local memorial we went every year. I got up early, the grandmother took his grandfather his solemn costume, medals, orders, and we went to a meeting with other veterans. And then marched to the music.

When the son was born, we went to the parade with parents, but without grandfather. We told the children (son and nephews) in their language, what is the holiday, why we go to the eternal fire and going for a solemn lunch. They told what war is and what horror people were worried on the front. In addition to this, every year in children first in children's gardenand then at school arranged a solemn class hourdedicated to the Victory Day.

In the evenings, we watched a beautiful salute, the final solemnity of a festive day. I do not remember that I was embarrassed that the son never asked for detailed questions about the war, did not ask what grandfather did on the front. During our travel with him in Serbia, we visited the city of Niche, where it is open to visit former concentration camp "Red Cross», one of the few preserved fascist camps in Europe. Then the Son became interested in terrible events and asked to tell more about the Holocaust, Nazis and concentration camps.

And then this SMS and the recognition of the Son is that it is difficult to understand the pain and solemnity of the holiday of Victory Day. I understood that he had much less than awareness, despite our stories and what happened on this day, and now it's time to try to tell about everything again, but already somehow otherwise.

Then I found out aboutbank of documents About the Great Patriotic War and found archival information about our grandfather there, including learned the fact that he never told. On the site there are scanned documents on awards and feats. Incredible work. I told about this son, and we began to read into documents together.

My grandfather passed the war from 1941 to 1944 and participated in the liberation of Manchuria in 1945. He fought on the 1st Ukrainian Front, was a senior sergeant. Was injured. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II, the Order of Fame III, the Order of the "Hall Sign", the Order of the Labor Red Banner, the Medals "for the courage", "For the victory over Germany", "For the victory over Japan." The Order of the Patriotic War Grandfather was awarded for the feat.

This is what the paper of the war years says about him: "When forceing the River, he is the first vyhod in the belt in the belt cold water Routed the river and ropes dragged his weapon to the other side of the river under the enemy's strong fire. Watching the enemy, he intercourse two machine-gun points of the enemy and direct vending from the gun destroyed them than ensured the successful advancement of the infantry ahead. The opponent of the tank attack tried to stop the offensive of the battalion, but did not have success, thanks to the powerful fire of infantry and the anti-tank battery. At this moment Klimenko S.I. From his tool, one German tank was shot and suppressed two firepoints of the enemy, which contributed to the capture of the capture of the village of Skraniyevka. "

And this was already a strong impression on the son. We have long discussed heroism, durability and strength of people in war. Just think about the belt in ice water (it was January 4th!) Go to the river under the enemy's fire. And how after all over the war, our grandparents were so durable, patient and grateful? Perhaps, just because of the experience of horror, they understood how valuity is that a person can just live peacefully and calmly.

I then thought about the changed perception of the younger generation under the influence of computer games, where hero has several lives, and death is just a word that reboots the game. Perhaps it somehow affects the fact that the horrors of war do not seem to our children with such terrible. Maybe still affects the fact that veterans who participated in hostilities almost left. Therefore, this is a collision with reality, as a joint view of documents of that time, stories about the expansion, reflections on what people had to survive at that time - this is what children can arise and what can perceive.

My son and I have not yet watched the old Soviet films about the war, but went to the American "rage" and "Stalingrad" Fyodor Bondarchuk. Not very good examples, but after watching, we discussed a lot of military theme, feats and courage, sometimes even argued about how much what happened on the screen could be believable or extended.

Now the Son says that he best understands the importance of the holiday and its meaning. This year we decided to look together and discuss Soviet films about the war: "Ivanovo Childhood" (1962) and "And the dawns here are quiet" (1972). Let's see what happens.

The world should not forget the horrors of war, separation, suffering and death of millions of people. It would be a crime to fallen, a crime before the future. To remember the war, about the heroism and courage of people, to fight for peace - the duty of all living on Earth. Therefore, one of the most important topics of our literature is the topic of the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War. These works show the importance of struggle and victory, the heroism of the Soviet people, their moral strength, dedication to the Motherland.
The autobiographical story "These are we, Lord! .." was written by K. Vorobiev in 1943. Terrible paintings pass before the reader's eyes.
"Strong heads, bare legs and hands in the forest stick out of snow on the sides of the road. They walked these people to Vesta torture and flour - the camps of prisoners of war, and they did not reach the path ... and silently and Groznyly gate the curse of the killers, having drowned the hand from under the snow, like a revenge, revenge! .. "
"Two hundred votes that seek, beging, requiring, filled the village ... As the sea squall, Riven throws the side to the side of the foam from the rage, so the kalented cabbage, thrown by the old woman, piled, raised and threw in the direction of the distraught people ... but in That minute a fraction of a machine gun rang out. The old woman, which fastened, was for the next portion of the cabbage, somehow embarrassingly pounded his head in the basket and it remained to lie without movement ... "
What to add to these striches? And whether you need, is it possible?
People reveals the topic of war Belarusian writer V. Bykov. His works are characterized by moral and psychological issues. In the story of "Centulties" actions occur in the winter of 1942. Partisan detachment burdened by women, children, wounded, surrounded. Ammunition will end, there is nothing to feed people. Two - centuries and fishermen are sent to the intelligence. They fall into the hands of the fascists. Torture, the centuries die. Fisherman at the price of betrayal remains alive. Two types of life behavior, the price of the feat and the disgraced finals of the moral compromise, the origins of heroism and betrayal are the main problems dropping through these images.
Fisherman is a bold fighter, when his back stand their own. Once on one with the enemy, he comes first on a compromise, then - to the betrayal and murder of comrade.
Sotnikov is a modest person, without any external signs of the hero, an extraordinary person, a former teacher. Why, being sick, weak, did he go to the responsible task? After all, one of the reasons for the fact that they were in the hands of enemies, his illness was: he did not restrain his cough stuck him and his fisherman discovered it. But, in captivity, he did not become a traitor, he made all torture. The origins of his courage, the heroism was a deep conviction in the justice of that struggle, which the people who raised and focused him. Sotnikov dies physically, but not spiritually. Before the execution, he sees in the crowd of the boy, meets with him a look and is convinced that honestly fulfilled his duty on Earth.
It is impossible to even list all the works that challenged the heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War. On the tomb of an unknown soldier in Moscow, words are carved: " Your name Unknown, your feat is immortal. " Books about war are also a monument to those who died. They decide one of the problems of education - teach a young generation of love for homeland, persistence in trials, teach high morality on the example of fathers and grandfathers. Their value is increasingly increasing due to the vast relevance of the topic of war and the world.

Very soon will be celebrated Victory Day. On May 9, a victorious salute sounded and a loud cry on the whole ground: "Victory!" The war lasted four years, and the wounds did not shield on the ground of the Motherland and in the souls of those who went through the war. Too much "bitter" memory left the war: Brest Fortress, Khatyn, Dal -a, many other villages, Leningrad blockade, cruel fights for Stalingrad and Moscow. And many other fights for each meter of the Motherland, and young guys left on every meter, Russian soldiers. They could have fun youth with the first love, with a lot of friends, and then family and children. But instead, they saw the horror of the war, their souls froze from deaths of comrades, and always shining eyes and laughing lips forgot about what a smile and clean blue sky. Now, looking into the sky, they are waiting for enemy planes. Very young guys who rejoiced new lieutenant uniforms, personal weapons, were proud of their rank, but they still did not know that they were waiting there, where they were carrying train. They were taken from relatives and mothers, many of them were not destined to go back. Every fourth died in our country ... Every fourth: men, boys, women, children. The life of each fourth broke the cruelty and inertificence of German soldiers. It is inequate. Is it possible that who killed children, looking into the eyes of them and their mothers, who burned people alive and laughed, for whom the life of a person does not mean anything, call a person? Not! Even an animal is not capable of that. Then who were it? Who?!
And so that we, the future generation, do not forget that I had to endure the generation of our grandparents, grateful to them, saved their children created monuments, films, books.
I recently watched the film Stephen Spielberg "List of Schindler". This film struck me to the truth about the destruction of Jews in the city of Krakow, which I could not even imagine. Among this sea of \u200b\u200bhorror in the city there is a saving straw - Oscar Schindler. He is a young German, a businessman who came to this city to earn a lot of money. He dreamed, more accurately planned, leaving the big chests of money. They led a rampant lifestyle, drank a lot, moved to all the high chiefs of this conquered and looted city. He opened his factory where Jews worked. But a modest accountant, a Jew for nationality, was able to awaken in him a man who worried about the fate of the Jews. At the end of the film, he strokes himself for spending a lot of money for a rampant life, and he could also redeem so many people. And people whom he saved from Auschwitz, who hated the Germans, they guarded this person. Oscar Schindler remained without a single penny, but he was proud of made. He was able to understand that independent of nationality a person remains a person and it is necessary to respect him and appreciate his life. The film was dedicated not to the noble act of Oscar Schindler, there were very few such people, but they also deserve to remember them. He was dedicated to the victims and destroyed during the war to the Jews.
Russian writers also created works on the cruelty of war. According to the plots of many of them films were removed. In them, the authors show not only the heroic exploits, but also what everyone normal person He fear before death. But some know how to overcome this fear, they do not give him the opportunity to go out. And some, afraid for their lives, are ready to surrender, to serve German power. At the same time, they are justified that they will distort the death of comrades. In war, young guys after the first fight became men, girls became similar to mothers. They regret the guys who walked on death, spares wounded, who could not help, they wanted to somehow help young men, calm them, pass the faith in them. And at this difficult time in their young hearts, the feeling was born about which they dreamed at home. Despite the chill sulling in the soul from the experienced, it wanted to sing and dance from this feeling. The heart warmed the idea that somewhere waiting for you. Such a feeling born during the war was the strongest and clean. But not everyone returned from the war, many have taken love in their hearts into fraternal graves.
Such were Russian soldiers. The names of many of them are unknown, but alive memory of them and their exploits. And today I want to be proud of their resistance, and we thank for the free life of our ancestors, we tell them who died in their native and someone else's land who survived in unequal battles: "Thank you! We will remember you! "

She was so pressed a trail
And so many land put
That twenty years and thirty years
Alive can not believe that alive.
K. Simonov
Many years have passed since the fateful morning on June 22, 1941, and our memory again and again returns to the harsh years of combating fascism. Returns because the war was not only a misfortune that fell by his fire every family, but also by a harsh test that manifested the strength of the Spirit and the moral grandeur of the Soviet person, the true price of which over the years is revealed and fulfilled.
Today, the military theme in the literature is perceived as modern. In the traditions of the Russian classics, the war appears as a unnatural, nasty human nature. This is how the war is perceived and in the works of modern writers. Many of them are trying to comprehend the origins of the heroic in man, the deep movements of the soul that helped people stand out and defeat.
For years, and the farther, the nearest to hear those who put the terrible severity of the military years on their shoulders: military leaders, ordinary battle participants, those for whom the war was especially cruel: residents of the villages and fascists and failed Leningrad, female front-line.
The work about the war that shocked me - the story of Konstantin Vorobyeva "killed near Moscow." Distinctive feature The works of Vorobyov, telling about the war, is that they capture the prewar years. Thus, the writer expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the past with the present, that human behavior and deeds are determined by the entire previous life. Each work K. Vorobyova is the memory of those who are dedicated to the fruits of creativity, - about people who have passed the most difficult life tests, but who managed to save peace of mind, conscientiousness, kindness, moral purity.
Captain Ryumin leads a training company Kremlin cadets to the front, knowing that the front is far from such that these guys pose. In the first night attack on enemy battalions, eleven cadets were killed and seventeen were injured. Captain Ryumin, taking the guilt for the death of the company, fired himself in his heart. But that night attack made almost unfinished cadets by real soldiers, convinced them that the enemy needed to beat and defeat.
For the left alive Alexei Yastreb, the Attack became the first lesson of courage and the beginning of a complete liberation from the feeling of fear.
It is exactly with the memories of childhood, about the words of Grandfather Mattheva gives Alexey readiness to enter into an unequal battle with german tank. He fills the tank, remains to live and goes to his. "It goes outstanding in five days by warrior, ready for new fights with the enemy," the story "killed near Moscow" ends. This story is a worthy literary monument courage soviet soldier And at the same time - Curse War. From this story, as from the war itself, a heart hurts and only one wants one thing: to never happen to have happened to the Kremlin cadets.
Tragic fate Young girls who gave life for their homeland is shown in the story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...". There is in this small work something that will not leave indifferent neither an adult nor teenager. After all, this is a story about what a terrible price got a Soviet country victory. The author explores the moral origins of heroism soviet people In the Great Patriotic War, reveals new sides of the people's feathers.
Reading the story, we are witnessing the weekdays of the semi-sustain of the Zenitchikov on the bombed and therefore the free deaf junction in Karelia. The work is based on an insignificant episode on the scale of the Great Patriotic War, but he is talking about him so that all the horrors of war in her terrible, ugly inconsistency with the very essence of man stand up before his eyes. The tragedy of this inconsistency emphasizes the name of the story itself and is aggravated by the fact that her heroes are girls who are forced to engage in a harsh craft of war. The writer shows his heroine acting, struggling, dying in the name of the salvation of the Motherland. Only a big love for her, the desire to protect his native land and its innocent residents could make a small detachment of six people continue to fight so courageously.
After reading the story, you understand what war is. This is the destruction, the death of innocent people, the greatest disaster of mankind. That's more awful, when old men, women and children die. Five young girls, a heroine story, gave their lives, so that the dawns were quiet, so that we are the current generation - lived in the world. The story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Once again, it makes you remember the heroes of the war and low to bow their memory. And this is primarily needed alive.
... Many years have passed, we are accustomed to the word "war" and when hearing him, often miss past ears, do not shudder, do not even stop, although we live under the threat of the Third World War. Because it was a long time ago? Or because, knowing everything about war, we do not know only one thing - what is it? We must not forget that war is above all people. Not at all death, but the death of a person, not suffering in general, but the suffering of man. Let us dwell on a second and think about: such as me!

https: //www.Syt/2012-06-20/k_73_letiyu_nachala_voyny_samye_chestnye_i_strashnye_soldatskie_vospominaniya

"The bullet took place through the child's head and stuck in the mother's chest. Major was absolutely calm "

To the 73th anniversary of the beginning of the war: the most honest and terrible soldiers' memories

This year, as in 1941, June 22 falls on Sunday. Weather forecasters promise warm, sunny weather, as and 73 years ago ... Number is not an anniversary. But is it necessary to wait for a round date to talk about the nightmares of the war? Especially since the war is crushing and kills right from our borders. We did not make it on the eve of the festive Victory Day - we are doing now: we offer you fragments of the soldiers' memoirs Nikolai Nikulina. We strongly recommend that if you have not come across this outstanding work, push the law on the ban "Rehabilitation of Nazism" and certainly read the "Memories of the War" as soon as they fall into your eyes.

Hardly finished school, Nikolai Nikolayevich pleased the bake of the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts, miraculously survived and reached Berlin. Years later, already being a famous scientist who rose several generations of Hermitage staff, Nikolai Nikolayevich wrote amazing memories of war - non-parade and terrible. Of course, they did not fit the Soviet propaganda, and for more than 30 years, the manuscript lay in the table, seeing the light only a few years ago.

In our opinion, on such books you need to raise up from the young age - then the word "war" itself will automatically cause physical disgust. "Wars, such as the XX century did them, should be completely excluded from our earthly life, no matter how fair they are. Otherwise, we all - the end! " - Posted in the preface to Nikulinsky "Memories of War" Director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky. This is truth that does not need a refutation.

"The bodies of the killed red-Armenians The Germans stuck in the drifts with legs up as signs"

"The personnel army died at the border. The new weapons formations were in the edge, ammunition and less. Experienced commanders - will in line. Intended recruits went into battle ...

Attack! - The owner calls from the Kremlin.

Attack! - Telephones general from a warm office.

Attack! - orders a colonel from a durable dugout.

Nikolai Nikulin

And a hundred Ivanov stands up, and it wanders in deep snow under crossways of German machine guns. And the Germans in warm dotes, full and drunk, arrogant, all were provided, everyone calculated, everyone was shot and hit, beat, as in a dash. However, and enemy soldiers were not so easy. Recently, one German veteran told me that among the machine gunners, their regiment had cases of insanity: it was not so easy to kill people a number of people around - and they all go and go, and there is no end. "

"Well, if the colonel tries to think and prepare an attack, check if everything is possible. And often he is simply bad, lazy, drunk. Often he does not want to leave a warm shelter and climb under bullets ... Often an artillery officer revealed the goals not enough, and in order not to risk, he shoots from the squares, well, if not in his own, although this happened often ... It happens that the supplier washed and having fun with women in the nearest village, and the shells and food are not disguised ... or Major got off the way and the compass brought his battalion at all at all, where it is necessary ... confusion, confusion, unfinished, pointing, non-fulfillment of debt, so characteristic of peaceful life, War appear brighter than anywhere. And for all one fee - blood. Ivana go to the attack and dying, and sitting in shelter everything drives and drives them. Surprisingly distinguish the psychology of a person walking on the assault, and the one who watches the attack - when it is not necessary to die, everything seems simple: ahead and go ahead! Once at night I replaced the telephonist from the device. The then connection was primitive, and conversations across all lines were heard at all points. And I learned how our commander I. I. Fedyuninsky speaks with commander of divisions: "Your mother! Forward!!! We will not come - shoot! Yo Mama! Attack! Your mother! "... Two years ago, the elderly Ivan Ivanovich, good grandfather, told on the TV World of War completely in other colors ..."

"One German veteran told me that among the machine gunners of their regiment there were cases of insoluction: it's not so easy to kill people a number of nearby - and they all go and go, and there is no end"

"If the Germans fill out our headquarters with spies, and the troops were sabotage, if there were mass treachery and enemies, they would have developed a detailed plan for the collapse of our army, they would not have achieved that effect that was the result of idiocy, stupidity, irresponsibility of the authorities and helpless humility of the soldiers. I saw it in time, and this, as it turned out, was everywhere. In the war, the Bolshevik system is especially clearly manifested. As in peacetime, arrests and executions of the most workers, honest, intelligent, active and sensible people, and at the front occurred the same, but in an even more open, disgusting form. I will give an example. From the highest spheres comes the order: take a height. The regiment storms her week for a week, losing many people per day. Replenishment go continuously, there are no shortages in people. But among them swollen dystrophy from Leningrad, who have just prescribed a bed and enhanced eating for three weeks. Among them are bunches of born in 1926, that is, fourteen-year-old, not subject to calling to the army ... "Forward !!!", and that's it. Finally, some kind of soldier or lieutenant, platoon commander, or captain, commander of the company (which is less common), seeing this blatant disgrace, exclaims: "You can not coffin people! Also, on top, concrete dot! And we have only a 76 mm powder! She does not break it! "... Polituk, Smegor and Tribunal immediately connect. One of the kicks, which are fully in every unit, testifies: "Yes, in the presence of soldiers doubted our victory." Immediately fill the finished form, where it is only necessary to enter the name, and it is ready: "Shoot before the system!" Or "send a penalty kick!", That the same. So ditches the most honest, who felt responsible to society, people. The rest - "Ahead, in the attack!", "There are no such fortresses that could not take the Bolsheviks!" And the Germans rushed into the ground, creating a whole maze of trenches and shelters. Look for them! There was a stupid, meaningless murder of our soldiers. We must think, this selection of the Russian people is a slowdown bomb: it will explode after several generations, in the XXI or XXII century, when the mass of the scum will give new generations of themselves to the like ".

"Going to a neutral strip, they didn't shout at all" for the homeland! For Stalin! ", As they write in novels. Over the advanced was heard was a hoarse howl and a thick marrying broken, while the bullets and fragments did not block the screaming soap. Was it before Stalin, when death nearby? ... was not on the front line: "For Stalin!". The commissars tried to drive it into our heads, but there were no commissioners in attacks. All this is why ... "

"The troops walked into the attack movable by horror. There was a terrible meeting with the Germans, with their machine guns and tanks, a fiery grinder of bombing and artillery shelling. No less horror caused an inexorable threat to the execution. To keep in obedience an amorphous mass of poorly trained soldiers, executions were held before the fight. They have grabbed any slander or those who bother something, or random deserters, which have always been enough. Divided the letter "P" and without conversations were counted unfortunate. This prophylactic politicality had a consequence of fear of the NKVD and the commissars - more than before the Germans. And in the offensive, if you turn back, you will get a bullet from the progress. The fear forced the soldiers to go to death. Our wise party, head and organizer of our victories counted on it. Shot, of course, after unsuccessful battle. And it happened and so that the plotters mowed from machine guns receding without the order shelves. Hence the combat capability of our valiant troops. "

Fedyunski with commander of divisions: "Your mother! Forward!!! We will not come - shoot! Yo Mama! Attack! Your mother! "... Two years ago, the elderly Ivan Ivanovich, good grandfather, told on the TV World of War completely in other colors ..."

"The dead began to collect later when the snow was faced, they faced them into the pit and funnels, sprinkling the earth. It was not a funeral, it was "cleaning terrain from corpses." The dead Germans were ordered to collect in the stack and burn. I saw here and the other: the frozen bodies of the killed Red Armyians the Germans stuck into the drifts of legs up at the crossroads of roads as pointers. "

"Lieutenant crawls to the side, and in a minute a pale, waving his leg is returned. Wounded. Plowing your boots. Below the knee is six small holes. I bandage. He goes to the rear. Bye! Happily got off! However, in my soul, I have a vague doubt: there are no such wounds from the projectile. Crack in the funnel where Lieutenant left. And what: on the bottom there is a ring from the guarantor with a wire ... a member. I take the evidence and thump them into the water at the bottom of the next funnel. Lieutenant is a very good guy, and also hero. He received the Order for the reflection of the tank attack in July 1941, on the border. Stressed when everyone else was running out! This is something yes it means. The current breakdown is not overwhelmed. On the eve, he ran into a trench with a drunken major, who ordered a crawling to the German jott and throw him with grenades. The unknown senior sergeant who turned out immediately, he tried to object, stated that he was performing another order. The diluted major, without thinking, shot it. Lieutenant crawled to Dota, threw grenades that did not harm the concrete walls, and miraculously crawl back. He returned to us with trembling eyes, and his gymnaster was Bela from speaking salt. Useless risk knocked out the lieutenant from equilibrium and led to the membership. "

"I can not judge about global statistics. 20 or 40 million, maybe more? I only know what I saw. My "native" 311th Rifle Division missed them over the years of war about 200 thousand people. This means 60 thousand killed! And there were more than 400 divisions. The arithmetic is simple ... The Germans lost 7 million in general, only some of them are, however, the largest, on the eastern front. So, the ratio of those killed 1:10, or even more - in favor of the defeated. Wonderful victory! This ratio pursues me all life as a nightmare. Mountains of corpses, under time, under Sinyavino and everywhere, where they had to fight in front of me. According to official data, one square meter of some areas of the Nevsky Dubrovka accounts for 17 killed. Corpses, corpses ... "

"To one general who commanded the corps on the Leningrad Front, said:" General, you can not attack this height, we will only lose many people and do not succeed. " He answered: "Think, people! People are dust, forward! " This general lived a long life and died in his bed. I remember the fate of another officer, the colonel who fought next to him. Colonel commanded a tank brigade and was famous for the fact that he himself went to the attack ahead of everyone. Once in battle under the Volosovo station, the connection with him was lost. His tank was looking for many hours and finally found - redhead, burned. When hardly opened the upper hatch, the thick smell of fried meat hit the nose. Is the fate of these two commander not symbolic? Do they not personify the eternal struggle of good and evil, conscience and unscrupiance, philanthropy and inhumanity? In the end, good won, the war ended, but what price? The time was two of these commander: in St. Petersburg there is General Street and next to her - Colonel-Tankist Street. "

"Lies Ivan, in the back of his head, the crutch, on top of the rail, and on the rail, bouncing, runs the trolley, pushed by hollow surplus ..."

"People fell under fragments and bullets, like flies, Meril from hunger. The marsh was ghawing, they made shelter, rested, sitting on dead bodies. When it was possible to break through the passage from the environment to his, exported wounded on a narrow-chain, and since the sleeve was not enough, it was often closed under the rails of frozen dead. Lies Ivan, in the back of the head, the crutch, on top of the rail, and on the rail, bouncing, runs the trolley, pushed by half-blooded areas ... "

"Stacks of corpses railway Look while both snow-covered hills look ", and only the bodies lying on top were visible. Later, in the spring, when it became snow, everything was opened down. The land itself was killed in summer uniforms - in gymnasters and boots. These were victims of the autumn fights of 1941. Sea infantry in bumps and wide black pants ("clays") were brownied on them. Above - Siberians in prisoners and boots, walking into the attack in January-February, forty second. Even above - political hats in vitro and rag hats (such caps were given in Blocked Leningrad). They are bodies in overcoats, maskhalats, with helmets on their heads and without them. Here the corpses of soldiers of many divisions attacked the railway cloth in the first months of 1942 were mixed here. The terrible diagram of our "success"! "

"In 1942, the Mornetrelk Brigade fell on the village of Hydroide in time. Attacking battalions were to overcome the MSU River.

Forward! - commanded them.

And the soldiers of the Vyhod in the belt, on the chest, on the neck in the water through the broken ice. And by evening, hardening. And there was no fires, there was no dry linen or senios with vodka. The brigade frozen, and her commander, Colonel of Ugryumov, walked on the shore of MGU drunk and confused. This "victory", though, did not prevent him from becoming at the end of the war by General. "

"The trembling Ivan is present in front of the Terrible Marshal.

- Your driver's license!

Marshal takes a document, hesitated him in Klochery and Rives the guard:

- beat, dress up and quit in the ditch! "

"We saw ... Cavalokad Trucks with protection, armed motorcyclists and a jeep, in which the Marshal of Zhukov was recreated. This is he for the power of his disadvantaged will sent forward, to Berlin, all that was moving along the highway, all that the country accumulated, which entered into a mortal battle with Germany. For him, the highway cleared, and no one had to interfere with his movement towards the German capital. But what is it? On the highway, a truck with shells is moving rapidly, overtakes the head cavalcade. Ivan sits at the helm, he was ordered to deliver ammunition to the forefront. Battery without shells, the guys are dying, and he performs his duty, not paying attention to the regulators. Jeep Marshal stops, Marshal jumps on asphalt and throws:

- ... Your mother! To catch up! Stop! Bring here!

A minute later, the trembling Ivan is present to the Terrible Marshal.

Your driver's license!

Marshal takes a document, hesitated him in Klochery and Rives the guard:

Beat, get up and quit in the ditch!

The retinue takes Ivan to the side, quietly whisper to him:

Come on, go faster from here, do not get anymore!

We, numb, stand on the sidelines. Marshal has long drove up to Berlin, and the rumbling flow resumed his movement. "

"The swollen from hunger, you fuck empty balanta, and next to the officer eats oil"

"In order not to go into battle, Lovkachi, sought to get a warm place: at the kitchen, a rear writer, a storekeeper, the ordinar of the head, etc. etc. Many managed. But when units remained in the Roths, the rear was cleaned with an iron ridge, gripping the sheltered and directing them into battle. The most prospill remained in the places. And here she was natural selection. An honest head of the food warehouse, for example, was always sent to the forefront, leaving Vorugu. Honest after all, everything will give to the soldiers, without hiding anything for himself, nor for the authorities. But the bosses like to devour an elderly. Voruga, without forgetting herself, always beckoned a higher one. How can you lose such a valuable frame? A peculiar pie chapter was formed - he supported his own, and if some idiot tried to achieve justice, it was treated together. In other words, it was clearly and unfurked that in peacetime it was veiled and less noticeable. It was standing on this, the land is Russian. War is the greatest lead that ever invented human genus. Suppresses not only the consciousness of death inevitable. Suppresses small injustice, meanness of the near, rampant defects and the domination of rough strength ... swollen from hunger, you fucking empty balanta - water with water, and next officer eats oil. He is supposed to be a special package yes for him, Kaptenarmus steals products from the soldiers' boiler. On the thirty foardous frost, you build a warm dugout for the authorities, and you yourself are freezing in the snow. Under the bullets you must climb first, etc. etc.".

"The headquarters of the army was kilometers fifteen in the rear. They lived Nadaychuchi ... deprived the illusions of Komsomolok who voluntarily came to the front "to combat fascist monsters", they drank cognac, tasty ... In the Red Army, the soldiers had one lads, the officers were received by adding butter, canned, galley. In army headquarters, the generals brought delicacies: wines, balis, sausages, etc. The Germans from the soldier to the general menu had the same and very good. In each division there was a company of sausages, which made various meat products. Products and wines were brought from all ends of Europe. True, when it was bad on the front (for example, in time) and the Germans, and we fought dead horses. "

"Actually, military missions was very good. If these products came to a soldier, he quickly became smooth, satisfied, bevented. But I could eat edge without shame and conscience who could only"

"Actually, military missions was very good: a day was relied on nine hundred grams of bread in winter and eight hundred in summer, one hundred eighty grams of cereals, meat, thirty-five grams of sugar, hundred grams of vodka during battles. If these products reached a soldier, bypassing intermediaries, the soldiers quickly became smooth, satisfied, bevented. But as always, we have a lot of good undertakings, ideas, ideas that in practice are addressed in their opposite. The food was not always available. In addition, her cradle without shame and conscience who could only. The soldier had to pose and tolerate. "

"This is how one medical sister told about what she saw:" Exhausted from fatigue after a long crawling on the advanced, I carried the next wounded from the battlefield, with a lot of staff to Medsanbat. Here, on an open clearing, on a stretcher, or just on Earth, they lay the wounded rows. Sanitars covered them with white sheets. The doctors were not visible and does not seem to be that someone was engaged in operations and dressings. Suddenly, a German fighter fell out of the clouds, low, on the cracking flight flew over the clearing, and the pilot, leaning out of the cab, was methodically shot by the automatic fire prostrated on earth, helpless people. It was seen that the machine in his hands is Soviet, with a disc! Shocked, I defeated a small house on the edge of the Polyana, where I found the head of Medicalbat and the Commissioner of the Dead of Drunk. Before them stood a bucket with a port, intended for the wounded. In the rustling of indignation, I overturned the bucket, turned to the commissioner with an angry speech. However, this drunk animal was not able to perceive anything. In the evening there was heavy rain, deep puddles were formed in the glade, in which the wounded wounded ... A month later, the commander of Medsanbat was awarded the Order "For excellent work and care for the wounded" on the submission of the Commissioner. "

"Those who are on the front - not tenants. They are doomed. Saving them is only injured. Those who in the rear will remain alive if they are not translated forward when the ranks of the coming are run out. They will remain alive, return home and eventually make up the basis of veterans organizations. Let the stomachs will be taken on, they will acquire baldness, they will decorate the chest with memorable medals, orders and they will tell how heroically they fought, as crushed Hitler. And they will believe in it! They will be buried with light memory of those who died and who really fought! They will present a war on which they themselves know little, in a romantic halo. How everything was good as beautiful! What are we heroes! And the fact that the war is horror, death, hunger, meanness, meanness and meanness will go back to the background. The real frontoviki, which left a half of the person left, and those nuts, torn, will be silent in a rag. "

"The glade formed deep puddles in which the wounded wounded ... A month later, the commander of Medsanbat was awarded the Order" For excellent work and care for the wounded "on the submission of the Commissioner"

"Where, for example, our staff writing Pyponov or Fiponov (I do not remember the right name) the Order of the Patriotic War appeared? He did not get out of the dugout during the fighting ... True, later, the German bomb covered it when moving, so God is a judge to him ... And the head of the brigade food warehouse, I don't know him, for what feats of two orders of the Red Star. After all, he promoted the whole war among bread, bass and canned food. Now he is probably the main veteran! And Vitka Vasilyev - a failed actor, expelled after the war from the theater for alcoholism and became the director of a green store (it is necessary to drink something!), He received two orders for two pairs of golden German watches presented to them by the team of the brigade. Now he talks about his exploits at all angles. "

"Some washed to bother and forget. So, the reveil, Starin Zatanaychenko went to the whole height of the Germans: "Uu, Gada!" ... We buried him next to Lieutenant Pakhomov - Tikhim and good manwho died, drinking with longing two vodka boilers. On his grave, they wrote: "Died from the hand of the fascist invaders," the same was told home. And it was correct real reason The death of poor lieutenant. Their graves have disappeared in 1943 ... Many brought and stained themselves in inhuman disgraces at the end of the war in Germany ... "

"Without the disaster, burned at home, killed some random old women, the aimlessly shot the herds of cows"

"Petrov, who seemed so cute to me, at the end of the war, revealed as a criminal, marauder and a rapist. In Germany, he told me, on the rights of old friendship, how many gold watches and bracelets he managed to grab how many Germans he spoiled. It was from him that I heard the first of the infinite series of a story on the topic "OURS". This story first seemed to me by the monstrous fiction, outraged me and therefore crashed into memory for forever: "I come to the battery, and there the old people are preparing a feast. From guns, they can not be moved, not supposed. They turn directly on the bed with dumplings from trophy flour, and in another bed in turns to amuse with the German, which they caught from somewhere. The foreman accelerates them with a stick:

Stop, old fools! Are you, what do you want to bring the grandchildren to grandchildren?

He will see the German, leaves, and after twenty minutes everything begins again. "

"The Germans, of course, the scum, but why am it like him? The army humiliated herself. The nation humiliated herself. Good, gentle Russian men turned into monsters"

Another story of Petrova about himself:

I am coming by the crowd of the Germans, looking after the woman's painting and suddenly I look: stands Frau with a daughter of fourteen. Pretty, and on the chest like a signboard, it is written: "Syphilis", it means for us to not touched. Oh, you, Gada, I think I take a girl by hand, Maman with a machine gun in a row, and in the bushes. Check what you have for syphilis! Appetizing turned out to be a girl ... "

"At the eve of the transition to the territory of Reich, agitators arrived in the troops. Some in large ranks.

Death for death !!! Blood for blood!!! Do not forget !!! I will not forgive !!! Avenge !!! - etc…

Prior to this, Ehrenburg, whose crackling, whiskers were read, all read all: "Dad, kill the German!". And it turned out Nazism on the contrary. True, those loose according to plan: a network of ghetto, a network of camps. Accounting and drawing up the lists of waste. Register of punishments, planned executions, etc. We all went spontaneously, in Slavica. Bay, guys, Loggy, Wilderness! Portal of theirs of the Bab! Yes, before the onset, they abundantly supplied troops with vodka. And go, and went! Suffered, as always, innocent. Bonsis, as always, drew ... without disaster, burned at home, killed some random old women, the herd of cows were aimless. It was very popular by someone's joke: "Ivan sits near the burning house. "What are you doing?" - Ask him. "Yes, the spots should be dried, the fire spread" ... corpses, corpses, corpses. The Germans, of course, the scum, but why am it like? The army humiliated herself. Nation humiliated itself. It was the worst in war. The corpses, corpses ... to the station of the city of Allenstein, which the Valiant Connection General Oslikovsky captured unexpectedly for the enemy, a few echelons arrived with German refugees. They thought they were going to their rear, and got ... I saw the results of the reception, which they had. Perrons Station were covered with pile of boarded suitcases, knots, Baulov. Everywhere of the clothes, children's things, rigid pillows. All this in the puddles of the blood ... "Everyone has the right to send once a month parcel home in twelve kilograms," officially announced the bosses. And go, and went! Drunk Ivan rushed into a bomb shelter, fucked by a machine gun and, terribly hatching his eyes, screamed: "Urrrrr! Gada! " The trembling Germans carried the watches from all sides, which were crushed in Sidor and worn. One soldier became famous, who forced the chick to keep a candle (no electricity), while he was rummaged in her chests. Grab! Pray! As an epidemic, this attack was overwhelmed by everyone ... Then he had come back, yes it was too late: the damn flew out of the bottle. Good, gentle Russian men turned into monsters. They were terrible alone, and in the herd were such that it is impossible to describe! Now a lot of time passed, and almost everything was forgotten, no one recognizes the truth ... "

"Zabiyakin told us his crystal dream: to have a countess or princes. Previously, this dream was not realized, but, as I was told, Zabijakin found its own in Eastern Prussia. Once, by our part on the road, an old woman was refugeed. The soldiers told the drowned Zabyakin: "Look soon! Won went German Countess! ". Zabiyakin took it seriously, caught up with an old woman, had it on the side of the road, having exercised, thereby, the goal of his life and establishes in this world. "

"The victories of the Germans in 1941-1942 were largely due to cruelty: they were killed without ceremonies of all in a row, military and civil, old and young"

"This strange and wild case happened once late in the evening. I sat in my room and suddenly heard at the top, in the attic, pistol shots. Suspending something wrong, I rushed up the stairs, opened the door and saw a terrifying picture. Major G. stood with a smoking pistol in his hand, a German was sitting in front of him, holding a dead baby in one hand and clamping the wound another. Bed, pillows, baby diapers - everything was in the blood. The bullet passed through the child's head and stuck in the mother's chest. Major G. was absolutely calm, immobile and sober as glass. But standing next to the lieutenant all the twists and sieves:

Well, kill! Kill her!

This lieutenant was completely drunk - gray face, blue lips, leaky eyes, saliva from mouth. So drunk alcoholics at the last stage of alcoholism ... The lieutenant was drunk before amazement, but, as I understood, I still did my job: I used torture Major. What for? I did not know. Maybe he had a goal - to arrange a provocation and make a case? He was from a slighter! And the paths and methods of this organization are non-evortion ... Be that as it may, Major G. still held a gun in his hand. I have not understood anything and without considering, I unexpectedly shouted for myself in the ear. It would probably seemed to me that he fell into the cloud of mind and my blow was supposed to bring him to the feeling ... Major G. Calmfully put a gun in Cobur, and Lieutenant raised a cry: "Ah-ah! Hit an officer! " - He screamed solemnly and joyfully, as if only it was waiting. I realized that I got into a bad story. Hit an officer - an incredible event. It is not interesting for anyone what I did it from good motives. In 1941-1942, I would put me on the wall without ceremonies. Now, at best, it was possible to hope for a penalty kick ... I was locked in the cellar and lasted there night and day. By evening, called somewhere. For interrogation, I decided. I just haven't been too twisted! However, again, happiness smiled at me. The boss from Spearly looked at me for a long time, and then said:

Go, let's, but next time not to be a fool. Yes, poke, pick up!

I was given a belt, straps and all over it. Then, by comparing the circumstances, I realized that the bosses did not gladly happen. The lieutenant, apparently, was engaged in self-identity and stopped. I called the scandal. Major G. was an exemplary officer, I was a veteran of the division, and I have just gained an order. The case decided to lean, as if nothing had happened ... perhaps, Major was seen on the cruelty of the Germans? Like all of us, he saw a huge fraternal grave with the killed prisoners of the Russians, which we found in Voronovo. He saw the corpses of our children, tortured and burned. He probably knew well that the victories of the Germans in 1941-1942 were largely due to cruelty: they were killed without ceremonies in a row, military and civil, old and young. Perhaps it all hardly hardened Major and he decided to take revenge. In addition, the little son of German in twenty years would become a soldier and again went war on us ... "

"Rokossovsky acted in the best Suvorov traditions:

- Guys, here is the fortress! In it wine and women! Take - Goulai three days! And the Turks will answer!

And took "

"One beautiful morning on our heads, as well as on Danzig, sprinkled from the sky leaflets. They said approximately the following: "I, Marshal Rokossovsky, I order Danzig's garrison to fold the weapons within twenty-four hours. Otherwise, the city will be stormed, and all the responsibility for victims among civilians and destruction will fall on the head german command... "The text of the leaflet was in Russian and german languages. He was clearly intended for both warring parties. Rokossovsky acted in the best Suvorov traditions:

Guys, here is the fortress! In it wine and women! Take - Goulai three days! And the Turks will answer!

And took. Rokossovsky was a romantic. Zhukov is a harsh, hard business man, and this is a romantic. And they say, very pretty, even in circulation, polite person, liked the ladies. Look at the portrait - a very pleasant face. Danzig took pretty quickly, although almost the entire army ran away from his walls. But it was familiar - one ord more, one less, what's the difference. In Russia, there are a lot of people, and new people will raise themselves! And afterwards were born! It was all as usual: Drunk Ugra, hellish shelling and bombing. With Maternaya Braffoy went ahead. One of the ten reached. Then the fun began. Flying down from Perin, songs, dances, plenty of burns, you can shoot stores, apartments. Baba flashes at home. Walked to nothing! But I have passed this bowl. "

"I notice in the courtyard of the old German, the disabled person of the First World War. The poor fee lived nearby, and before I sometimes fed him. Run to him:

Bitte, bit, Mr., I beg - where is the pharmacist, where is the daughter? (Nikulin is looking for a girl Erica, the subject of its Platonic Love - Ed.)

Neyn, Neyn, Nice Maja, I do not know, looks in dull eyes - like on the wall, although it seems to know me. Scared, the hands are trembling, and on the face of purple shadows and swelling. I got this in the blockade Leningrad from dystrophikov! There is nothing! New Polish authorities do not give Germans even blockade hundred grams! .. In despair, I evoke an old man with a bag with a sauine and want to leave. And then the old man comes to life, straightens, human dignity flashes in his eyes. And he spits my face:

They were six, your tankers. Then she knocked out the window and crashed about the bridge! ..

And left. I do not remember how I got into the carriage of the motorcycle, as I drove. "

Summer is the time of rest, recovery, but not all Ukrainian children had such an opportunity. According to the Ministry of Compulitory, more than 200 thousand schoolchildren live on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions under controlling Ukraine and only half of children can health in summer programming camps.

Cheerful leisure in pine forest

In the future, the state will develop programs and provide a greater number of children with summer holidays, "said the Deputy Director of the Department of Ensuring the Rights of Children and Improvement of Mincocrug Politics Vladimir Vovk. But when this happens, according to the official, is not yet known.

Many guys residing in the front-line zone can go on vacation only thanks to charitable projects. The largest of them is "peaceful summer - children of Donbass" Foundation Rinat Akhmetova.

For four years, 4,000 children were able to relax and pass psychological rehabilitation in summer camps. In this season, 500 schoolchildren were able to health in Svyatogorsk were able to health in Svyatogorsk. In the camp with children worked psychologists who were trained at the rate of "injury of war," said Andrei Khornostyko, manager of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation projects.

In 2018, the rest of the guys took place in three shifts, each day each, from July 1 to August 11 in a camp located in a pine forest where there is a lake with a sandy beach. Almost every minute was painted: contests, sports competitions were held, there were classes more than ten circles. The children cut out sculptures from chalk, sewed soft toys, embroidered, burned on the tree and painted. In a word, embodied in their work what happened to them to survive and what dream of the most in the world.

Children need a respite

These two weeks of peaceful life were needed to each child who took part in the Foundation "Peace Summer - Children Donbass" project. After all, each of these guys survived the injury of war.

12-year-old Bogdan lives in Volnovakha. During the shelling, he often had to hide in the basements. The boy is very active - fond of football, basketball, fishing, participated in various all-Ukrainian competitions, but is observed at the school psychologist, since he still has fear and excitability.

The 13-year-old Olga, which now lives in Kramatorsk, in 2014 not only heard shots in Shakhtersk, but also saw the fall of the aircraft. After such stress, the girl had anxiety, a plasticity, the fear of the future, the fear of loud sounds.

12-year-old Nikita lived in Gorlovka in 2014, witnessed the airport shelling. The child is afraid of salutes, thunder and explosions, anxiety and excitability appeared, although in the same year the family left first in Melitopol, then in Kiev.

Felt that they are not alone

Many guys who participated in the project, had to live in the basements because of shelling. Most have seen with their own eyes how the shells are torn and rushed at home. And even years later, children cannot forget this. Psychologists of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation taught children to cope with negative emotions, apply self-help techniques. Through special games and art therapy, the guys worked their fears and anxiety, they were able to feel that they were not alone, that there are the same children as they, who every day with the risk to die under the shelling go to school, worry about the lives of relatives and loved ones .

Unfortunately, post-travelery syndrome is still understood, because it is very individual. Now there is only a general understanding that the traumatic situation remains in super-conscious, and after some time she can shoot. When and with what situation - no one can predict. Nevertheless, Rinat Akhmetov's fund is seriously working on the leveling of this threat, even hypothetical. That is why the project "Peace Summer - Children of Donbass" has been valid for four seasons. And wishing to participate in it only more, "said Tatyana Kukhotskaya, director of the Communications Department of Communications of Rinat Akhmetova.

Donbass and Mirny

In September, an exhibition of creative works of participants in the "Peace Summer - Children of Donbass" will open in Mariupol. The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation intends to show all Ukraine, what the children of Donbass, tired of the war, see the world. The work created by the children rested in Svyatogorsk will be able to see residents of other cities. The first visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of Donbass children on the eve of the world.