Saved Krylatskoe. New victim of confrontation for the Park "Krylatsky Hills" & NBSP

Love - not trees drill!

The Moscow headquarters of the ONF struggles for the preservation of the "Krylatsky Hills"!

On July 7, 2017 at 15:00 in the Park "Krylatskiy Hills", the Moscow headquarters of the People's Front held an ecological action "Ecoatrul ONF" to identify intentionally damaged trees.

Since the hands of poachers have already suffered already 200 trees - the holes were drilled in their trunks, from which the trees were dried and died. In the framework of the action, all dead trees will be labeled with special ribbons with the inscription: "Save the Krylatsky Hills" - symbols of the fact that the ONF takes them under protection.

Alone residents of the Krylatski district have been fighting for several months in different instances with a request to protect natural and historic Park. Activists of the People's Front, the co-chairman of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF, a deputy of the State Duma Vyacheslav Lysakov joined the defenders of the forest, conducted raids on the territory of the Krylatsky Hills landscaped park, photo and video confixation of violations regarding the natural territory and green plantings. Information of local residents in terms of damage to the forest massif Park was confirmed. Obviously, drilled and ruined trees is a deliberate step to subsequently get a carbon ticket to dry.

Cutting the trees will break the natural balance - the inhabitants of the park of the Hare Rusaki park, the mountainous, caress, rare insects and plants from the Red Book of Russia will be deprived of the houses. The folk front, residents of the district are categorically against the interference in the natural park with its variety of natural plantations. In addition to numerous picturesque landscapes, the Park "Krylatskaya Hills" is included in the green belt of the capital, is the light of our metropolis.

Local residents collected more than 30 thousand signatures in defense of a specially protected natural territory. We will together, we will seek those guilty of intentional damage to the trees and suffered a deserved punishment, and was also compensated for damage to the environment.

As part of the second stage of the ecological action of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF "Ecoatrul ONF", activists will fall out young seedlings next to each of the past trees.

Let the killers of the trees know - their black business will not succeed! We will come and put new trees. We will restore the forest massif of the unique natural historical park of the capital!

Krylat hills - landscape Parklocated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Krylatskoe Western administrative District Moscow. It is part of the Natural Historical Park "Moskvoretsky". Park area - 175 hectares. For several years, environmental legislation on the territory is violated by the owner of the Vododorogov - CJSC "Sports-Ecological Complex" Lata Track ".

In the plans of the company - " perspective development", Which, according to residents, can lead:

To the destruction of most ecosystems and landscapes of the Krylatsky hills;

To the loss by residents of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Krylatskaya beloved place for recreation, which they used for thirty years

Why does the problem deserve the attention of society?

The Krylat hills received the status of a regional specially protected natural territory (hereinafter referred to as "OOPT") on the decree of the Government of Moscow No. 564 dated July 21, 1998. Since 2001, Krylatskiy Hills are part of the Moskvoretsky natural historical park.

Wildlife Wildlife Hills:

History of the Krylatsky Hills - the history of civil society

The Krylat hills have a man-made origin, they are created on the basis of ancient mantomolometer with filled with an artificial slope in the 1980 Olympics. Strictly speaking, this territory was supposed to remain natural - one of the Moscow "Green Kliniev". But the Olympiad has changed the plans ... Including in order to preserve the remaining areas, in 1998 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow, the Landscape Reserve "Krylatskaya Hills" was created to preserve and develop the territory.

This experience is to create specially protected natural areas in areas affected by exposure, but not lost values \u200b\u200b- is extremely important for solving many modern environmental problems, such, for example, as in.

Recognizing invalidation of the Government's decree on the formation of the landscape reserve "Krylatsky Hills" and won the case.

The concerns that "the abolition of the landscape reserve is unleashing hands not only to lovers of sports festivals, but also various construction organizations pursuing their mercenary interests ... Similar anti-ecological activities creates a dangerous precedent for the boundaries of the boundaries of natural territories in favor of business" (Baynovich E.A., Deputy Moscow City Duma II-IV conveners).

The protest movement in which Moscow specialists also participated, and the masses were so strong that the Moscow government began to hurry to look for a way out.

What happens today?

For several years environmental legislation on the territory is violated by the owner of cycling website

Also with violations of OPT regulations in last years There was a massive installation of fences in the unintended natural park by the Natural Park.

For the construction of new lifts, "Aerotrubs" and other structures, trees and shrubs were massively cut down. Residents have repeatedly sent letters and requests for cutting - and received the same unsubsions: the availability of the company of the carnaya ticket. At the same time, 3 wood was indicated in the flowing tickets, and 30-40 large, healthy trees were cut down, not counting shrubs and teenagers.

Then there were violations of the rights not only animals and plants, but also people. In 2016, part of the entrances to the territory was closed, woven wickets. There were signs that "the movement of pedestrians on the sports facility" Olympic cycling "is prohibited."

The greatest alarm is "promising development"

Plans of Lat Track CJSC:

The territory that is leased by Lat Track and which is planned to "deep modernization"

There are other interesting things.: On February 16, the deputies of the Krylatsky district voted the 8th votes from 10 for construction in the territory, which is not leased from Lata Track, an ethnocardo on the sample of Ethnomir in the Kaluga region.

Plan of construction Ethnopark (highlighted blue - photo on the left)

All this in aggregate means the actual cutting of the territory in the interests of private companies and the complete destruction of one of the most famous POPs of Moscow.

Residents initiative group


1. Prevent any new construction

2. Check the validity and legality of privatization

3. Check compliance with Lata by Terc Lease terms

4. Disable conducting races of any mechanical vehicle On the territory of the park.

5. We understand the significance of the Olympic Road for athletes put markup on the road 1 meter wide road in each side during the competition.


1. In 2003, CJSC "SEC" Lata Track " I made an ownership of the ring Olympic cycling (Certificate of state registration of the right of January 13, 2003, Series 77 AB №086784).

2. Moscow Arbitration Court enclosed the territorial administration of the Department of Land Resources of Moscow CJSC to conclude with Lata Trak in September 2009 treaty on long-term lease Plot with cadastral number 77: 07: 0001003: 9 with an area of \u200b\u200b1,450,350 square meters. m. (145 hectares). The rented site occupies significant part Former landscape reserve.

3. A year ago, the company drilled on a rented area several wells. In the Department of Natural Management reported that tenant issued a license for subsoil useso work does not contradict the law

4. In the construction of the lift helped one hundred trees and destroyed thousands of shrubs, elevated capital structures On a specially protected area (in violation of paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Art. 30 of the Law: "The implementation of measures to distort the historically established protected landscape"). Unfortunately, the deforestation continued: photo from March 22 with freshly dredged trees. Besides the slope, the company carried out cutting down trees bordering a bicycle (approximately 1.5 m throughout the track)!

5. In the fall of 2016 excavators and tenant trucks over three days disappeared one of the hills In the semolot of meters from the marked border of the water protection zone of Rodnikov, the stone Clement. The extracted soil was used to strengthen the new Sannaya route, and at the place of work, as the locals found out, the construction of an entertainment and educational complex was planned. Here link On the changes of the hills for 3 years of "work" of the company.

6. The company carries out the sale of food and beverages without a license and appropriate permission. Organizes mass events (for example, Red Bull), as well as corporate parties, weddings and celebrations of birthdays. Limits access residents in the territory of the hills. In the summer of 2016, the tenant began installing the fence along the cycle rods, actually blocking some of the walking tracks used by the locals.

7. Ambitious plans to "Development"the park became known in early 2017.

8. March 18, 2017 was created initiative groupresidents of the area of \u200b\u200bKrylatskoye. This day took place their meeting with the new head of the council Victor Kutsev. The representative of the councils during the meeting stated that the construction project "Ethnomir" was rejected, and also agreed to send appeals to the prosecution authorities, the city of Moscow and other authorities that previously ignored the requests of Krylatsky residents.

March 18, 10 hours. A meeting with the new head of the council Victor Kutsev, part first:

Folk gathering, part Two:

Community Initiative residents of the district:

Telegram (Group Chat, on 21/04 - 398 participants):

# Sakiholm, # Spacemkrylataholms, # Spacemholms, # YachuchugulakrylataCholima, # Handproofotholms, # VideoFleshmob

Already followed 2.

The Krylat hills received the status of a regional specially protected natural territory (hereinafter referred to as "OOPT") on the decree of the Government of Moscow No. 564 dated July 21, 1998. Since 2001, Krylatskiy Hills are part of the Moskvoretsky natural historical park.

Wildlife Wildlife Hills:

More than 60 types of ground vertebrate animals live in the park and more than 360 species of vascular plants grow, 17 types of lichens. Some of the animals and plants are listed in the Red Book of Moscow. Through the entire park, the annular cycle of 13.5 km long, built to the Olympics-80. On the territory of the park there is a spring "Rudnenskaya Lady Mother", which is worshiped as a miraculous. Next to him in the center of the park there is a temple of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin - the federal monument of the architecture of the XIX century..jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang:.jpg" width="997" height="666" style="width:997px;height:666px;" />Крылатские холмы - местность, нетипичная для Московского региона: миниатюрная "горная страна", несколько десятков типов ландшафтов, редчайшие геологические образования, археологические памятники... !}

It was on this slope in 2002 on a tiny section of the settlement meadows, about two dozen southern insect species were found, for which the Moscow region is the extreme northern border of the range.

Photos from the

History of the Krylatsky Hills - the history of civil society

The Krylat hills have a man-made origin, they are created on the basis of ancient mantomolometer with filled with an artificial slope in the 1980 Olympics. Strictly speaking, this territory was supposed to remain natural - one of the Moscow "Green Kliniev". But the Olympiad has changed the plans ... Including in order to preserve the remaining areas, in 1998 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow, the Landscape Reserve "Krylatskaya Hills" was created to preserve and develop the territory.

This experience is to create specially protected natural areas in areas affected by exposure, but not lost values \u200b\u200b- is extremely important to solve many modern environmental problems, such as in Tatarstan.

After organizing the reserve, a state environmental institution was created "Directorate of the Landscape Reserve" Krylatskaya Hills ". In June 2001, the Directorate began active, but, according to the head of Vladimir Yaskin, the decision of the Arbitration Court of August 6 of the same year crossed its rights. Sports complex which remained to function in the territory, as the owner was dissatisfied with "imposed encumbrances." The Moscow Federation of Trade Unions filed a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court of the invalidation of the Government's decree on the formation of the Landscape Reserve "Krylatskaya Hills" and won the case.

In May 2003, a resolution was adopted, providing for the abolition of a landscape reserve, which caused a protest of the public. Already then there were concerns that "the abolition of the landscape reserve unleashes his hands not only to lovers of sports festivals, but also various construction organizations pursuing their mercenary interests ... Similar anti-ecological activity creates a dangerous precedent for the boundaries of the boundaries of natural territories in favor of business" (Bunovich E.A. ., Deputy Moscow City Duma II-IV conveners).

Indeed, the development projects immediately appeared - from the project to build a health and sports complex to high-rise construction.

It should be noted the role of Vladimir Yaskin, who formerly the head of the Directorate, on the initiative of which in 2002, a comprehensive environmental examination of the Krylat hills was carried out, and the habitats of many rare species were found and refined. These materials were then used in a dialogue with Moscow authorities.

The protest movement in which Moscow specialists also participated, and the masses were so strong that the Moscow government began to hurry to look for a way out.

Partial output was the fact that the "Krylatsky hills" remained as part of the Moskvoretsky Park, thus not losing the status of a particularly protected natural territory. It gave a few more peaceful years ...

What happens today?

For several years environmental legislation on the territory is violated by the owner of cycling - CJSC "Sports and Ecological Complex" Lata Track "(site; Address: 121552, Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, House 1, Inn: 7731259890, OGRN: 1027700186392).

Over the past six years, auto racing on a small ring (so-called Northern Krylatskoy), including during the nesting of rare birds, which is gross violation Environmental legislation on OPT.

Also, with violations of the regulations of the PAs in recent years, there has been a massive installation of fences in unintended places in the natural park.

For the construction of new lifts, "Aerotrubs" and other structures, trees and shrubs were massively cut down. Residents have repeatedly sent letters and requests for cutting - and received the same unsubsions: the availability of the company of the carnaya ticket. At the same time, 3 wood was indicated in the flowing tickets, and 30-40 large, healthy trees were cut down, not counting shrubs and teenagers.

Photo: Vadim Kantor

Then there were violations of the rights not only animals and plants, but also people. In 2016, part of the entrances to the territory was closed, woven wickets. There were signs, according to which "pedestrian movement on the sports facility" Olympic cycling "is prohibited." JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: 8D8656FB739D5CE5CC69D14E720AF30E.JPG" width="1009" height="666" style="width:1009px;height:666px;" />!} The greatest alarm is "promising development"

Plans of Lat Track CJSC: "In the near future, a deep modernization of sports infrastructure is planned on the territory of the sports complex. For example, in the ski cluster it is planned to build the overpass to increase the length of the slope and the height difference. Reconstruction of existing and construction of new sports facilities - football fields, playpen, beach complexes, pools, tennis courts are also planned. The Tribune for several thousand spectators will be erected at the Olympic Bicycle Tribune. All this will raise the sports significance of the complex to a qualitatively new level. "

The territory that is leased by Lat Track and which is planned to "deep modernization"

There are other interesting things.: On February 16, the deputies of the Krylatsky district voted the 8th votes from 10 for construction in the territory, which is not leased from Lata Track, an ethnocardo on the sample of Ethnomir in the Kaluga region.

Plan of construction Ethnopark (highlighted blue - photo on the left)

All this in aggregate means the actual cutting of the territory in the interests of private companies and the complete destruction of one of the most famous POPs of Moscow.

But what about the residents of the Krylatskoy district, whose interests do not take into account the management of the sports complex, nor own deputies?

Residents District March 18, 2017 chose initiative group Of 25 people, which represents their interests in meetings with state and municipal structures.


1. Prevent any new construction On the territory of the park reserve. Any decisions regarding the "Wild Hills" take exclusively after discussion with the residents of the district.

2. Check the validity and legality of privatization ring road. When identifying violations - terminate the contract and return the road to the previous owner, as well as punish officials who made this transaction.

3. Check compliance with Lata by Terc Lease terms. With their violation, to terminate the contract and oblige the company to restore damage to nature by dismantling illegal buildings and putting the volume of cutting trees and shrubs.

4. Disable conducting races of any mechanical vehicles On the territory of the park.

5. We understand the significance of the Olympic Road for athletesBut we need to take into account the interests of the residents of the district. Please put markup on the roadwhich will split cycling and pedestrian streams. For pedestrians is enough 1 meter wide road in each side. Prohibit pedestrian movement on this road permissible during the competition.

Fractures and bruises due to hills. "Krylatskaya Hills" - a landscape park in the western administrative district of Moscow area of \u200b\u200babout 200 hectares. No first year attempts to build this territory, which belongs to the Moskvoretsky Park. Resistan residents resist. Last week a new victim appeared at the opposition. Beat a lawyer Valentina Karelin, who has long defended the interests of activists in the courts.

Attack on Valentina Karelin occurred in broad daylight when he walked to the subway. Fifteen meters from the entrance to the subway flew at the back, fell and began to beat their feet in Berester. As a result - fractures of skulls, multiple bruises and abrasions. Beating continued not long - intervened passersby. The attackers jumped into a car without numbers and gave gas to gases. Valentin Karelin no per minute doubts that the purpose of the attack was an intimidation, and the reason is his professional activity:

Valentin Kareline Lawyer "Three main versions of me according to the degree of loss of probability. The first is due to the company "Sports and Environmental Complex" Lata-Track ", an enterprise that rents at the city of Natural history" Moskvorechye ". The second version - we have confrontation and hostile relationship with part of the Krylatskoe administration staff, I help deputies, I am especially angry with one deputy. His friend threatened to me by murder. The third - I am now the case of the inhabitants of the former village of Potapovo in South Butovo. There is a certain influential HCC, which manages homes in which status people live, up to some people from the Prosecutor General's Office. "

In the last year, the inhabitants found that many trees on the territory of the POPT "Krylatskaya Hills" will dry on the root. Why this happens, they found out journalists of the Russian TV channel in a large plot-investigation, which was released in May 2017. It turned out that someone drills the trunks of the trees at night and he pours herbicides in them. Suspicions agree, the confrontation does not stop, says the municipal deputy of the Krylatskoye region Vladislav Gorshkov:

Vladislav Gorshkova Municipal deputy of the Krylatskoye district "under the guise of the fact that, let's say, the carbon ticket for ten trees, cut down with hundreds. One of the inhabitants raised the noise, published photos. Lata-Track filed on him to court. Valentin Karelin led this business. They refused them. Also apply to the court to me. There were several cases against activists. Some trial they lost, some of them recalled statement of claim ourselves. IN this moment They sued one of the activists. Valentin Kareline led these three things.

The fact that someone may be dissatisfied with the activities of Lata Terc, is surprisingly from a representative of Adam Eldarkhanov. And the word "conflict" he generally believes in the root of the wrong:

Adam Eldarhanov Representative of Lata-Track company "I am very surprised by this wording" conflict of local residents ", because a considerable part of our visitors is the locals. We have an exclusively social object. Now in general it became fashionable to be an oppositionist, an environmentalist. There are people who are offended by something, there are some people with whom we had judicial issues. We are on different sides of the barricades. But to call it conflict, at least it is not seriously expressed. Our object is a certain political tool: when you need to distract the people, we distract when you need to attract strength, we are attracted. This is a pure pre-election story. "

On Thursday, public hearings on the change in the borders of Moskvoretsky park should be held in the Krylatskoe Governance. In particular, it is proposed to bring part of the Krylatsky hills from under the regime of a specially protected natural territory, highlighting an equal plot in Mitino as a compensation. Residents in the Facebook group "Save the Krylatsky Hills" argue that they have learned about the conduct of mandatory hearings by chance, since the government did not influence anyone.

https: //www.Sype/2018-02-01/v_blagopoluchnom_rayone_moskvy_sistematicheski_izbivayut_grazhdanskih_aktivistov.

Racing-park conflict

In the prosperous district of Moscow, civil activists are systematically beaten

Creek "Krylatskoe" in the landscape reserve Krylatsky hills Anton Denisov / RIA Novosti

The quiet green area of \u200b\u200bKrylatskoe is located on the western outskirts of Moscow, which is relevant. Nearby are elite villages on the Rublevsky highway, there are helicopter sites on the roofs of some new buildings, and even apartments in houses built in the 80s are much more expensive than similar in the less prestigious outskirts of the South or East of Moscow. However, it was precisely this in this seemingly a safe area in recent years, attacks on public activists who protect Moskvoretsky's natural park and conflict with the district authorities.

The other day, on January 30, in the Krylatsky attacked the lawyer Valentina Karelin, who was walking from his house to the subway station. The attack occurred at about two o'clock in the afternoon. An unknown attacked from his back, then a few more people with persons closed scarves were ran up.

September 20, 2017 was similarly attacked by the independent municipal deputy of Roman Miroshnichenko (in January 2018, Miroshnichenko led the council of the neighboring Filevsky Park district), which with Karelin unites activities in public movement "Save the Krylat hills." Miroshnichenko walked from a meeting with the head of the city council of Krylatskoe. Two years ago, in 2015, an attack on the public activist Andrei Sergey, who also engaged in the protection of the Moskvoretsky Park. None of the cases of attackers did not find.


As a result of the attack at Karelin, the crack in the skull, the bones were cracked near the orbit, the nose is broken, damaged. Now, on the fact of the attack, the case was initiated under paragraph "A" of Part 2 of the Criminal Projects 115 - "Intentional causing easy harm to health", but it is possible that at the end of medical examinations the case retrain the more serious article.

Karelin said the site that, indeed, in all cases of attacks of victims unites social activity. One of the most sharp topics is the confrontation with Lat Track, which rents part of the territory of the Krylatskaya Hills' area under the ski complex. According to Karelin, the company burned out the part of the hills by the fence, and on the cycle breeder, which remained since the 1980 Olympics, conducts cycling and rally, which local residents consider illegal.

"We met Miroshnichenko at a meeting with the new chapter by Viktor Kutsev. At that meeting, residents called one of the main problems of the Krylatsky situation with Lata Track. When the representatives of this company saw a video recording, they began to write to those present to residents that they would submit to them to court for damage to their business reputation, simply for the company's opinion expressed at this meeting. Then the initiative group "Save the Krylatsky Hills" was created, which they also entered Miroshnichenko, "says Kareline. "Lata Track" still submitted to people to the court for phrases like "construction on the hills", but lost the proceedings, he told.

Facebook "Save the Krylat hills"

Now the residents are shipped with Lata Track, as the park is a common area. However, the company, stating its ownership of the sports object, prohibits the free passage of citizens, reduces the number of entrances to the park, and the part of the territory surrounded the fence under the pretext of reconstruction, activists tell. Another problem is the plans of the city authorities to allow installing non-stationary objects in the park to implement the Ethnomir project. Activists appealed the contest in court, and the Moscow City Court partially satisfied their claim.

During the election campaign at the municipal elections in Moscow in 2017, Karelin represented the interests of the Miroshnichenko's running, in particular, submitting eight lawsuits against the then chapter of the Council of Municipal Deputies of the District, United Russia Nikolay Tyurin, for violation of agitation legislation.

As a result, the new convening of the municipal assembly turned out to be five activists of the movement of the Krylatsky Hills and five proviscial candidates. None of the United Russia from the past convocation could not remember, including Tyurina. However, taking advantage of the fact that the composition of the deputies cannot be elected a new chapter of the municipal assembly of the deputies, Tyurin refused to leave his post, despite the fact that he was not even elected. Tyurin - by rumors, a kind familiar vice-mayor of Moscow on housing and communal services Petra Biryukova - combines this post with the post of head of the administration of the Krylatskoye and head of the municipality of Krylatskoye.

"I was on vacation, and about the attack on Karelin found out just ..

Karelin helps the independent municipal deputies of a new convocation on a variety of issues, for example, now they accuse the authorities in the fake of the protocol of the meeting of the municipal deputies.

One of the providental municipal deputies, the novel of the unkind, January 30, on the day of beating Karelin, was a birthday. In the fall of 2017, an indefinite wrote Karelin on Facebook: "Very comfortable hide in social networks for emoticons and trolls, depicting folk heroes. In real life, everything is completely different. "

At night (when Karelin was in the hospital, and then gave testimony in the police) in the comments to the post of human rights activist, the founder of the organization "Russia Sitting" Olga Romanova about the attack on Karelina, a certain Maria Ostrovaya came, who in the profile of the work place is "Lata Track" .

"Citizen Kareline is a very extraordinary person. Therefore, the list of "benevolers" is very extensive. Bad, when any inadequate and evil person fill in words. Human rights activist, ecologist. In a legal confrontation with our organization, he manifests himself as an outstanding lawyer, but absolutely unprincipled, dishonest, ungoligible and sparing man, "wrote an island commentary for the post of Romanova.

Facebook group "Save the Kilatsky Hills"

Roman Miroshnichenko said the site that he was attacked back in October, and he learned about the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of the attack only in January, while it was never interviewed as a victim.

"At first, back in August, I was threatened by phone. Sasha called, said that he was given money to apply the average harm to my health - something to break something. Offered to "negotiate." I then thought that the threats arrive in the framework of the election campaign, but the attack happened after I won the election. Now I am inclined to think that these threats could be associated rather with my activities on the protection of the Krylat hills. With my work activity as a lawyer, the attack and threat could hardly be connected, "says Miroshnichenko.

Local resident, Activist Andrei Seregin suffered from the hands of unknowns back in 2015. He recalls that that day was at the reception at the prosecutor of the Western administrative district of Moscow in the office building, after which he went home. When Sergine passed the "dead zone" of surveillance cameras, several people ran to him and began to beat. Police only once interviewed Sereginine, he never saw a criminal case on attacking himself. Speaking about the situation with the Wildlings and the Moskvoretsky Park as a whole, Seregin believes that the main problem is a complete lack of control from the city authorities, in particular the Moscow Department of Environment, which is headed by Anton Kulbachevsky. Seregin remembers, for example, as a few years ago, the municipality wanted to give the part of the Tatar floodplain in the same natural park "Night Wolves" club to expand on a specially protected territory the construction of a military-patriotic club. The project was eventually turned, but the road was left to the memory of him, laid literally from nowhere to nowhere.

"The problem is not in tenants, but that the instances that should control their activities in such territories are not performed, and a huge reservoir is created for the growth of corruption. Not a single businessman leaseing some facilities in the PAs zone (especially protected natural territory) will not make any more than the power will allow him, because the penalties for violations are very high, "Seregin argues. He says that the holding of a spillway at the Olympic cyborney began after the arrival of Sergei Sobyanin coming to power, while the rally occurs in the spring, when the bird's nests are closed, some of which are listed in the Red Book. The prosecutor's office occupies a difficult position - then the rally can be carried out in the POP, it is impossible, "said Seregin.

"Faced incompatible interests of three different groups"

The independent municipal deputy of the Krylatskoy Maxim Petrunin district said that he personally had no threats to him, but after the attacks on Miroshnichenko and Karelina in activists and independent municipal deputies "no sense of security". "The conflict of residents and" Lata Track "lasts for a long time. For example, an activist, and now the deputy Gorshkov called on the inhabitants to walk along the Krylatsky hills on Tuesdays, however, Lata Track considered that residents are not allowed to walk on the fleet's rented part without their permission, and submitted to the court, which, By the way, she actually won, but imagined her in court Karelin. Locals do not like the spontaneous, which arranges "Lata Trak", for the noise and damage to nature on a specially protected natural area. If you look at the shooting of the Wildlock Hills from the air for several years, you can see how the wooded part is rare. Unknown criminals destroy live trees on the territory of "Lata Track": they drill them at rhizomes and pour some chemicals in there, provoking the death of trees. As for the sensational project "Ethnomir", the story has not yet been finally complete. There were no official announcements of the project discontinued, although it was rumored that he was gaining relevance, "says Petrunin.

Alexey Prikhodko was in the past convocation the only independent municipal deputy, but did not re-election. Prikhodko actively participated in the confrontation of local residents with Lata Track and with Ethnomer. Karelin represented his interests as a candidate during the 2012 election campaign and then helped him as a deputy.

Prikhodko recalls that once "Lata Track" occupied a tiny building former school Crested Krylatskoye.

"When" Lata Track "stood on his feet and began to carry out different competitions, it became clear that the incompatible interests of three different groups were encountered on the Krylat hills. On the one hand, the locals walk there and children run. On the other hand, cyclists go there at high speed. Even a few deaths occurred. There is also a third group - on the hills there is a church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The ministers previously visited there from the street on the cars right through the cycle trafficking, and only recently they made a separate entry, and the parishioners go to the temple on the same cycling on foot. The interests of these three groups are incompatible among themselves. At the same time, it is possible to conduct sports competition in the PAs zone of legislation, but it is necessary to fully comply with the prevention. On the territory leased "Lata Track", car rally is held with the sanctions from the Moscow City Hall, although animals listed in the Red Book are found in the Wildlings. Karelin helped local residents to write requests for the activities of Lata Track, "says Prikhodko.

Prikhodko was the only municipal deputy voted against the already mentioned Ethnomir project.

WEB Camera Frame

"Local residents outraged the idea to arrange Disneyland on the hills, because they need a place for walking, and not the amusement park and entertainment. Then several hundred inhabitants came to meet the head of the council. Also, in the same meeting, problems with the activities of Lat Track were announced, the movement "Save the Krylatsky Hills" with Miroshnichenko and Karelin, "recalls Prikhodko.

According to the SPARK system, among the founders of CJSC "Sports-Ecological Complex Lata-Track", the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions, headed by the current deputy of the Moscow City Duma, Mikhail Antonsev, as well as the Sports Center of the Krylatskoye and the Latair Trade Union and the Criminal Code, which is leading the entrepreneur Ruslan Eldarhanov.

the site sent a request to Lata Trak, but the company did not answer it.

In an interview with the radio station "Kommersant FM", the leader of the Latair Management Company Ruslan Eldarkhanov said that Lata Track did not have any conflict with Karelin and could not have any attack on him.