Where to go to southwest. North and South Butovo

South-West Administrative District (UNUSAO) on the map of Moscow.

This district of the capital is a welcome destination for Muscovites and potential buyers of housing, despite the fact that the cost of housing is consistently high and inferior at only real estate. High ratings of the prestigiousness of the district attract people here who are accustomed to not save money in their comfort and a calm atmosphere.

Southwestern District It begins from Gagarin's Square with a monument to the first cosmonaut, on Leninsky and Sevastopol Avenue stretches for a long distance for the Moscow Ring Road. In the territory of this district, automotive traffic jams familiar to other areas of the city are very rare. The density of the population in these areas is very high, but successful road projects have favorably affected the roadside of the district.

The absence of traffic jams, as well as the fact that there are no industrial enterprises in this district, it creates a favorable environmental situation in the district that lately People consider the most important factor for living. A high cultural level of local residents and developed infrastructure is added to the excellent environmental setting. All these advantages in the amount create an ideal place, living in which wishes an increasing number of wealthy people. To whom housing in this district is not affordable, dream of accumulating the necessary amount and at least in a few years to settle in this prestigious Southwestern district.

This district is rightly considered the smartest, because more than 160 different scientific - are located on its territory. research institutes And famous Russian Academy science Since all professors and doctors of science live here - the level of intelligence of the inhabitants of this district is much higher than average.

In this district, everything is higher than the average. Elite residential complexes, among whom the highest " Vell House", On the roof of which the helicopter is equipped, and inside - fitness center and pool.

Southwestern District One third is engaged in green plantings. Butovo forest and Bittsevsky Lesopark.Located here, improves even more environmental ecology. For one district, there is so many forest array that is called "light" capitals. After all, there is here Vorontsov Park and Troparevsky reserve. The ecology of this district is its main advantage.

Southwest administrative district is an example of a successful combination of a number of favorable conditions that make it welcome habitat for many potential and real Muscovites. All sorts of ratings unconditionally give UNUSA to third place in a number of the most prestigious districts. And the prices for real estate in the district have long and stably are the highest (naturally, after the "capital of Moscow" - the Central District).

Yuzao occupies a little more than 10% of Moscow Square (without taking into account the new brainchild of the authorities - the project expansion of Moscow). 1.36 million people live in Census 2010, but really - many more than 1.5 million counties originate on Gagarin Square, recognizable by many according to the famous monument dedicated to the flight of the first person in space. The huge titanium monument Y. Gagarin meets all traveling to the center of Moscow on Leninsky Prospect. In the same place in 1961, the agitated crowd of Gagarin himself was met, who returned from Space with a victory to the whole country. True, not everyone can unmistakably determine the planet's first cosmonaut in the titanium, so in youth circles, distant from the history and close to Hollywood, the monument is nicknamed "Transformer".

From the area of \u200b\u200bGagarin, the district stretches to the south along the Leninsky Avenue, the streets of the trade union and Sevastopolsky Avenue, going far beyond the Moscow Ring Road, North and South Butovo. In total, there are 12 districts in the district that occupy an area of \u200b\u200b112 square meters. km. Despite the very high population density (12 thousand people. Per square. Km), car traffic jams are not a headache of residents, thanks to a well-designed road network. First, roads are more than in other districts. Secondly, they are located in parallel-perpendicular to each other, which allows you to "flash" the territory of residential neighborhoods of dense road web.

It is only one of the know-how of the South-West District. Add a successful wind rose to this, thanks to which the district regularly gets the influx of fresh air from the Moscow region. As well as the absence of industrial industries, excellent infrastructure, an increased cultural level of the population, good secure metro station. And you will receive a practically paradise place, from the point of view of the harsh conditions of the modern megalpolis. Therefore, it is clear to the desire of many wealthy and not very citizens to settle in Yuzao.

The South-West District is the most "scientific" in the capital: it has the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 160 Research Institute, half of which are institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 8 well-known metropolitan universities (and their total number is 58). Thus, the average IQ residents of the district significantly exceeds the Midnower-General indicators. It affects this primarily on the total population culture and the relative purity of the yard territories, many of which are simply exemplary.

Separate attention deserves the architectural appearance of the district. Let's start with the fact that Yuzao is one of the five districts of Moscow, where elite residential complexes and club houses of Deluxe are located. In addition to the housing of the premium class, the district is full of more "simple" options for lovers to live beautifully. For example, the highest residential complex UNUSAO "Vella House" with a swimming pool, fitness center, a bank separation and a helicopter platform.

If about ordinary citizens ... an active pace is being built up far district South Butovo, which can be called an exemplary bench area of \u200b\u200bthe XXI century. It combines a wide choice of housing from economy to business class, excellent ecology, excellent infrastructure and lack of transport problems. And in the territory of the already formed areas of the district, there are also enough houses, but mainly by the method of point development. And, despite the large number of Khrushchev, many of which are under demolition, modern housing prevails, therefore the district as a whole has an attractive urban look.

Since July 2012, the southern border of the district is no longer the outskirts of the capital: according to the plan of expansion of Moscow, two new districts appeared in the southwest at the Moscow Ring Road. In particular, in the south of Yuza now borders with Novomoskovsky administrative districtFormerly recently suburb. As a result of this, the next large-scale experiment, many Moscow region residents once woke up Muscovites in the morning. What consequences are expected in the end of the South-West District and the entire capital, unknown to anyone, even if we assume that the reformers were engaged in good intentions (in which many doubts). But people, more than once trained by the authorities for survival, are familiar to the worst slander. For example, one of the concerns is the planned transformation of the Leninsky Prospect in high-speed Highway, which is why the ecology of the district will greatly suffer, and the residential neighborings adjacent to the highway will gradually begin to turn into slums.

Ecology of the district

Given the rapidly growing interest of the population to the ecology of their habitats, the favorable environmental situation of the South-West District is its main goat. The reason for this is several factors at once.

  • Forest arrays. On the territory of UNUSAO there are quite large natural and artificial green plantings. In the aggregate, they occupy an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30 square meters. km, which is one third part of its entire territory. Among them - the second largest Bittsev forest park in Moscow, the eastern part of the Troparevian reserve, Vorontsov Park, Butovo Forest and others. We will not forget about the gardening of courtyards, many at home of which are almost immersed in foliage. South-Western District is called "green light" Moscow. True, the locals themselves are mostly considered basically.
  • Climate and terrain. From the point of view of the geography of the district occupies the most advantageous position. During the year, the winds of the south-west direction prevail in Moscow, which means constant clean air from the forest survey area. The entire district is located on the hill, and in the metro area, the warm mill is generally the highest point of Moscow. Thanks to this, the atmosphere of the district is regularly "blowing", self-cleaning occurs. And indeed, by percentage content Dust in the air district is the cleanest in the capital. Of course far from the resort climate, but the content of the main harmful substances is within the limits of permissible concentrations.
  • Freedom from industry. There are practically no industrial enterprises on the territory of the district, so there is no one to spoil the atmosphere. The main threats of contamination proceed from the CHP-20, the Butovo asphalt concrete plant, the confectionery plant "Cheryomushki". And in the district, the numerous scientific and production associations are not particularly smoked.

Key negative impact on the environment of the district has vehicles. Risk zones are residential neighborhoods located in close proximity to the main lines of the district: Leninsky, Sevastopol, Nakhimovsky Avenue, trade union street, Vernadsky Avenue, where there is an excess of permissible concentrations of harmful substances. However, the harmful effects of emissions is practically absent at the height of several tens of meters, so apartments on the upper floors of heights (which along the avenues are sufficient) are considered as most preferred from the point of view of ecology.

Areas located closer to the center (Gagarinsky, Academic, Kotlovka) have a greater degree of pollution compared to remote. Increased acoustic loads are also experiencing areas of Yasenevo and a warm camp, because the spare landing routes of Vnukovo airport are passing over them.

Population of District

The social composition of modern residents of the district began to form since the development of the South-West suburbs of Moscow. Already in 1935, the General Plan of Moscow, the south-west direction was a priority for the development of urban lands. The mainly research institutes and scientific and production complexes were built. The party decided to localize the entire scientific thought of the country in a separate area. Even the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (today - RAS) was resettled from Leningrad Kunstkamera to Leninsky Avenue of Moscow, together with the scientific cream of society of that time.

The main development of the territories of the future South-Western district was carried out in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev era. In the 1950s and years, the scientific vector of development of the territories remained, and apartments in new buildings were mainly the staff of scientific institutions of various profiles. The first areas of UNUSAO - Gagarinsky and Academic, were inhabited by the facilities of the elite and universities, and the scientific intelligentsia was mainly dominated in young areas. All this has been positively affected on the moral and educational look of the residents of the district, and in Moscow its contingent is considered very trusty.

However, no exceptions were without exception: the population of the Konkovo \u200b\u200bdistrict slightly spoiled the overall well-being of the district. A large fair "Konkovo" attracts to the area of \u200b\u200bPMZ groups of people of non-Slavic nationality, which are known to deviating behavior. As a result, the area of \u200b\u200bKonkovo \u200b\u200bis more dangerous for accommodation, which is confirmed by the leading outdoor crime in the district. Also, the increased accumulation of guests from the East is celebrated at the metro Teply Stan: in the TRC "Prince of Plaza" and from the rear side, on the product market. Therefore, many residents of the warm mill bypass not only the market, but also a modern shopping center.

According to statistics, the registry office of Moscow, total number The occasional population of the district is 60%, retirees - 27%, which is in the framework of all-Russian indicators. Fertility slightly exceeds mortality, and the most common names are Artem and Maria. It should be noted that young families with children are very attracted to Yuzao. First of all, well-developed infrastructure: from playgrounds and towns to clinic, schools and recreational zones. As well as the "unspelling" territories, a favorable environment and a relatively calm criminogenic environment. And if you manage to get an apartment somewhere in a quiet green area and not call the son of Artem, we can assume that life has succeeded.

District areas

Yuzao is a fairly mature, long-shaped district. It consists of 12 districts, of which only the Northern and South Butovo are young. The district has a very high population density, especially in areas adjacent to the center. However, new residents stretch into the district endless stream, close and high housing prices are not a hindrance. And the demand gives rise to a proposal, so the district was half a century ago, it remains today the main construction of Moscow.

Gagarinsky district

The oldest district of Yuzao and one of the most prestigious in Moscow. Housing prices are not inferior to the center of the capital, the average cost of 1 square meters. Miscellaneous for 200 thousand rubles, so that even in sample panel houses "under demolition" not to find 1- or 2-bedroom apartment cheaper than 6 million and 8 million rubles. respectively. And if we talk about apartments in brick houses of improved planning, the price tag grows almost 2 times. In part, thanks to Gagarinsky and Lomonosovsky districts, as well as elite housing facilities, the entire South-West District is leading at real estate prices. The area is dominated by high-quality brick houses that do not cause special complaints here for half a century. After all, in those years they were built on conscience, especially since the individual quarters of the district were erected in special order, and the fee for errors was too high. For example, on Kosygin Street (half of which belongs to the Gagarin district) lived almost the entire composition of the previous Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.

The new time continued the tradition of previous generations, and many high-ranking Kremlin officials lived in the Gagarinsky district and continue to live: Alexey Kudrin, Gennady Seleznev, Anatoly Chubais. Here, in the 19th store on the street, Academician Zelinsky, Registered and V.V. Putin, President of Russia. And although it has not been expressed for a long time at 175 sq. M. Kazennyh residential free time In one of its 18 residences, it still goes to the election in the Russian Academy of Sciences, to the polling station No. 2079.

The area is characterized by division on thematic areas, thanks to which residential neighborhoods are successfully separated from more than 40 research institutions led by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For example, a huge space, limited by Leninist Avenue, the streets of Vavilov, Gubkin and Academician Nesmeyanov, is employed exclusively "eggs". The islands of science are located and further along the Leninsky Prospect, as well as between Kosygin Street and Andreevskaya Embankment.

The region along Vernadsky Avenue is a cult place for many Moscow parents, and in the same way and the Gagarinsky Gagarine. The Park of the Children's Palace of Creativity and Sparrow Pond, the Place of Relaxation of the District, stretched along it. And in 11 buildings and more than 900 premises of the Monumental Moscow Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (the former Palace of Pioneers) there are countless sections, clubs and circles, occupying more than 18 thousand Moscow children.

Further, on Vernadsky Avenue there is a huge dome of the Moscow State Circus (the largest in the world, with a capacity of 3,300 people) and children's academic musical theater. In general, all the conditions for the younger generation, which will not exchange their gaming computer for these dubious joy for these dubious joy.

District transportation - at a decent level. To the center near, and you can get different ways. In the area there are 3 metro stations, at a distance of 3-4 stops to the center, the Leninsky Avenue and Vernadsky Avenue also lead to it, with a large number of surrounding streets that help travel around Moscow traffic jams. And although road workload, especially at the peak hours, is one of the highest in Moscow around the area, multi-kilometer plugs are formed only as a result of an accident.

Lomonosovsky district

Neighboring with the Gagarinsky district, which is full of elite real estate. However, there are no parks, no lakes, no metro stations. Many of its inhabitants frankly do not like their place of residence, netting on dirt in the courtyards and negrims, than the area is unprofitable from neighboring Gagarinsky and Cheryomushki. Many playgrounds in the courtyards are in a deplorable state, despite the mastered money on their reconstruction. Instead of rubber coating - asphalt or banal mash, at most sites, instead of the laid plastic swings with chains, old iron "swing-killers" are standing. And close to most playgrounds are adjacent to parking with chaded cars, helping children from the small years to master in the tanned metropolitan atmosphere. In the dark, many district courts are dangerous, since the lighting is practically absent, and informal young people are going to sites.

Despite this, real estate prices in the Lomonosov district are inexplicably higher than the average in Moscow, and in terms of the level correspond to the areas of the Central District, or the neighboring Gagarin district.

Obruchevsky district

Borders with Lomonosovsky, but it looks greatly cozy. Whether the officials in the district council are more responsible, whether the self-awareness of the residents is higher, but staying in the district leaves only positive emotions. Clean cozy yards, the circle is not Russian many colors not touched by vandals, there are many bright colors everywhere, even trading tents are painted in a single style. Housing is relatively expensive, 1 square meters. M Cores is on average 165 thousand rubles, so the "double service" pulls at 7-8 million rubles. In the area, the infrastructure is well developed, in addition to numerous schools and kindergartens, there are 4 major universities in it, among which the famous second Medical University And the University of Friendship peoples Rudn. And in the north of the district is the estate of Vorontsovo with business card district - Vorontsov Park.

Cheryomushki, Academic, Kotlovka

These areas combine together the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe development, when experimental residential neighborings began to appear in the 1950s within the borders of the modern academic district, with time growing south. The experimental area was called new Cheryomushki, and the historical borders of Cheryomushk are much wider than modern administrative. This is indirectly confirmed by the presence of the word "Cheryomushki" in the names of streets and objects of areas Academic and Kotlovka: Novochelemshkinskaya, Big Cheryomushkinskaya Streets, Cheremushkinsky market, etc.

The main attribute of Cheryomushki serve Khrushchev, the fruit of the insane experiment of the state over alive people. It is from here how the mold began to spread throughout the country the great and terrible Khrushchers causing normal people The first signs of depressive psychosis. And in order to finally finish the citizens, all the streets of the district in those times were called the same: Cheromushkinsky, differing from each other only by ordinal numbers. And the name "Cheryomushki" became nominative: so in many cities of that time they called faceless residential neighborhoods, the "Irony of Fate" called in the film I. Ryazanova.

However, in the 1980s, next to the metro station, New Cheryomushki, a residential quarter emerged in the contrast, who received the name of the royal village. And over time, it generally became the official name of this oasis surrounded by folk barracks. Here were the living space "the last of the Mogican", know the outgoing Brezhnev era: members of the Council of Ministers, CPSU Central Committee, generals. Today, their descendants live in the "Tskov" houses, as well as wealthy citizens of more modest origin. Since on planning and quality, these homes are not inferior to modern elite housing, although they were built 30 years earlier.

Today in Cheryomushki is actively conducted luxury construction. New residential complexes appear as mushrooms after the rain, increasing the average cost of living space in the area. In general, the prestige of Cheryomushki tends to grow. Firstly, the old panel Khrushchev barracks are systematically demolished, and in their place there are modern home business classrooms. Secondly, the district is permeated by the main highways - the trade union street, Sevastopol avenue, three stations of the metro station of the Kaluga-Riga line, which removes transport tensions. The infrastructure of the district meets the highest requirements and is able to provide a full-fledged educational and cultural life of the area. Rent a two-room Khrushchev, which does not require repair, in the area will cost at least 35 thousand rubles, and about elite real estate and not speak.

A cozy and picturesque sleeping area, and this is despite the fact that it ranks third in Moscow in the area and population. The architectural solution of the district turned out to be ingenious, successfully combining many residential buildings and infrastructure system. Once there, somehow I can not believe that you are in Moscow: from all sides, Yasenevo is surrounded by forest arrays, and residential buildings are literally inscribed in the forest bel. For each resident district accounts for 20 square meters. m green plantings. And this is almost 4 times higher than the minimum urban sanitary norms. By eastern border The district is the Bittsevsky Forest Park, in the north-west - the forest park of the Sanatorium "Narrow", in the south - Butovo Forest. There are absolutely no industrial enterprises in the area, and the living area has so many free space that the effect of Russian expanses is created.

Large advantage of Yasenevo is the layout of its neighborhoods. The project was engaged in the Baltic architects, and everything was thought out to the smallest detail: semicircular houses forming cozy large courtyards, in each of whom school and kindergartens are inscribed; Wide avenues and sidewalks, long distances between houses, completion general ensemble Area and thoughtful convenient road network. Three metro stations, despite sufficient distance from the center, completely solve the problem "how to get to the city". Negative emotions cause only permanent winds in some residents who are walking through the expanses of Yasenevo. It is clear: the area is located on the Teplostanskaya Hills, and in the Metro area, the warm mill is even worth a memorable stone, symbolizing the highest marker of Moscow - 225 meters above the world ocean. But the air is cleaner, - said Yasenevian patriots. Indeed, harmful emissions of exhaust gases are blown away from the area.

All houses in the area have mainly 9 and 16 floors, there are practically no new buildings. And this is understandable, because the area has an architecturally finished look. However, it was never an obstacle to the bold developers of luxury housing. And many analysts are surprised how Yasenevo has not yet become a new Moscow building site. For 25 thousand. You can remove a one-room apartment, and for 30 thousand rubles. - Good two-room apartment. There are many sentences, so Yasenevo retains the leading positions in popularity among students and other guests of the capital and is called the many most prosperous "sleeping bag" of Moscow.


The area falling out of the overall positive characteristics of the south-western district at once in several indicators.

1. According to the ecology: on the territory of Konkovo \u200b\u200bis located a promsion "Vorontsovo", known in the people as a "construction site". Now, of course, emissions from industrial enterprises decreased at times. The objects of the industrial communities themselves are greater interest, among which there are many regime, with a checkpoint, throughput, special transport and strange people in white coats seen on the territory of some protected areas. "Construction site" - a very turbid territory, tying associations from the series "Secret Materials" and attracts increased attention to its mysteriousness and inaccessibility. It is also aggravated by the fact that from Soviet times there are many unfinished objects, which is why the area has received such a name.

Here is the command and headquarters of space troops, together with control systems outer space and about. And this publicly available information opens only a small veil over the true scale of projects, creating the walls of secret objects. And you only have to build guesses about the degree of technogenicity located there institutions and their impact on the environmental situation.

2. By contingent: In the area there was an increased content of Caucasian nationalities, plus as many as two hostels full of Chinese. The reason for this is the product-worn Fair Konkovo, which is located at the metro station of the eponymous station. Informal youth groupings are another landmark of the Area. The massol of their habitat is the terrain around the metro stations. And, as a result of all of the above, an increased criminogen is observed in the skating. Despite the lack of official statistics of the Moscow Central Government in the districts and districts, the district is among the informal ratings of the area among the ten most disadvantaged areas of Moscow. The main "skate" of Konkovo \u200b\u200bis street crime. Separate inhabitants are very pessimistic, the future of the new ghetto for migrants and criminalized groups is determined by the District. Such a picture, for example, is described in the fantastic novel-anti-nightopy of Oleg Divova "in Konkovo \u200b\u200bvague weather".

Even Konkovo \u200b\u200bis called the youth district, due to the large number of educational institutions (19 universities) and student hostels. For rough estimates, more than 10 thousand people live in the dorms of the area. Also a common form in the temporary housing market Konkovo \u200b\u200bis renting rooms in apartments. For 5-10 thousand rubles per month, you can find a decent option. And you can remove a 2-room apartment for 28-30 thousand per month. However, the concentration of students does not add attractions to the district, given the thrust of modern youth to different adventures, and not only on their head. By the way, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe metro station Konkovo, which is considered among the local population, the most gloomy and dangerous, the groupings of skinheads regularly appear.

However, not everything is so sad, there is in the area and pros. For example, a plurality of green recreation areas: Kokkovsky ponds with a refined adjacent territory, the state reserve Troparevo, the manor is narrow. As well as well-developed infrastructure, especially in terms of education, children's leisure and culture.

Teply Stan

A modern comfortable sleeping area on the outskirts of Moscow, characterized by a well-developed infrastructure: in step accessibility there are almost all the benefits of civilization, especially the huge selection of a variety of hypermarkets, fairs and shopping centers. Located the area at the highest point of Moscow, open to all winds, which is a blessing in terms of fresh air, and others deliver certain inconveniences. But in the conditions of the metropolis, "highly sitting" is still preferable than daily poison itself by the products of the rapid activity of the modern city.

The area is located between the trade union street and Leninist prospectus, and the Southern border rests in the Moscow Ring Road. Local residents of the Okrain love to repeat cynically that they live "in the ... Leninsky Avenue", but at the same time they are satisfied with such a state of affairs. Indeed, none of any of those who visited the impression that was on the races. The area is dominated by multi-storey houses, a 2-room apartment in which you can buy for 6 million rubles. However, a lot in the area of \u200b\u200bthe business class houses with an order of magnitude higher, in which they love to settle the "stars" of show business. So easily by your neighbors there may be soloists of some group, known not even in narrow circles.

North and South Butovo

The youngest areas are not only UNWA, but also the capital. North Butovo - more "old" than his neighbor southern, Zamcadja district. It was founded in 1985, it boasts the first metro station in Moscow outside the Moscow Ring Road - Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, which served as a strong impetus for the further development of these distant territories. In Northern Butovo, there are parks and greenhouses of the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Vilar. Hitting a deaf fence Botanical Garden Vilar, you can relax in specially equipped places of paid fishing with arbors, mangals, and of course ponds, full of fish.

Southern Butovo - the second on the square in Moscow and the first in terms of development. Analysts of real estate agencies unanimously consider it an exemplary bench area. South Butovo is highly quoted due to excellent ecology, developed infrastructure, accessibility of housing for any budget and prosperous social selection of the population. The cost of a two-room apartment in the panel is 4-5 million rubles, the same apartment class above will cost 7-8 million rubles. (In Northern Butovo, the situation is similar). However, settling in South Butovo, especially at its borders, it is necessary to be prepared that in the neighborhood you will be a frank village. Yes, and inside some of the South Bute microdistricts there are many private houses with a characteristic rustic lifestyle, namely, about 10 whole villages. In the morning, the roosters will be awaited, in the evening - bark dogs, and the locals found by one of their appearance to break the idyll of bohemian metropolitan life.

Despite the location of South Butovo far beyond the Moscow Ring Road, its transport accessibility causes envy of many residents closest to the center of sleeping rooms. On the territory of the district there are four stations of the lines of the lung subway, connected to the metro station Boulevard Dmitry Donskoy. And the presence in the area of \u200b\u200ba sufficient number of kindergartens, schools, sports facilities, shopping centers and recreation areas allows you to conduct a full life without leaving the limits of the area. It is only necessary to morally prepare or accept the fact that you live on the races. Those who tasted the real Moscow life, with this item often arise problems, up to Nostalgia on the "real" Moscow.

Of course, the Warsaw highway, the only transport links of Butovo with the capital, is experiencing an increased load. And a large distance to the central districts makes movement on the car long and exhausting. But the status of urban territory smoothes some inconvenience to additional benefits. Unlike the cities of the Moscow region, the inhabitants of which, too, constantly overcome traffic jams on the way to the capital and back.

District Infrastructure

It is known that Moscow is a happy exception to all-Russian statistics on the arood life and social security His residents. And the South-West District stands out for the better among other districts of the capital. On the streets and in the courtyards of residential areas, wipers are working mainly, mostly residents of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and other fraternal republics. Receiving a salary of 15 thousand rubles. A month, they feel almost with oligarchs, managing half of money to send to their homeland, but for the remaining "not to refuse themselves." And conscientiously belong to their duties and retain positive setting. Particularly purely in the courtyards of the central districts of the district: Gagarinsky, Academic, Obruchevsky, Kotlovka.

Lomonosovsky district is a leader in negrogism. Despite the fact that everything is closer to the center and has the highest price tag for housing. Something inexplicable happens to its district council, and many suspect that officials frankly saw budget subsidies. As a result, in the courtyards - dirty and dark, and the locals are full of negative. The situation is trying to intervene some deputies of the municipality of Lomonosovskoye, but so far to no avail.

The opposite picture is in the neighboring Obruchevsky district. Overcoming several quarters from the Lomonosovsky district to the southwest, as if you get to another planet. The secret of such metamorphosis will remain a mystery, only to state the fact: the courtyards of the Oboschevsky district are the best in all of Moscow. It can be seen both in general, and in detail: cleanliness and landscaping everywhere, there are vases with flowers, urns with galvanized (!) Buckets, and make up the feeling that you are somewhere in Europe.

The transport situation in the district is close to the ideal, although in Moscow's standards. For most residents, the main transport is the subway, and it has no competitors for its accessibility. In the district, there are 22 subway stations in the district. The main branch, the Kaluga-Riga line, permeates its ten stations 7 of 12 districts of the district, from Gagarin to Yasenevo. Eastern areas are covered by the stations of "gray" Serpukhovsky-Timiryazevsky branch, and Western - "Red" Sokolnic. Northern and South Butovo have their personal Bout Line Metro, making the road to the center, though long, but comfortable.

For motorists, the district is also not a worst option, despite the high population density and lack of parking spaces in central regions. The branched road network allows you to skillfully maneuver between traffic jams, and the specific number of the road canvase on the area is above many neighboring. The main epicenters of tension are the main highways: Leninsky Avenue, Street Trade Union, Vernadsky Avenue, Sevastopolsky Prospect. Especially annoying numerous traffic lights on Leninsky Prospekt, and even in traffic accidents with the breeze will not succeed. A large stopper is formed at the metro Teply Stan, where Novo-Saynevsky Avenue goes to the street a warm camp of a non-clear zigzag through a trade union street. It turns out two T-shaped intersections next door to the busiest highways of the bedrooms of Yasenevo and a warm mill, and everything "need quickly". As a result, every day, people stand in hour traffic jams in a clean field, and the guys from Mosplan who were designing this "union" in the past century, 2 times a day turn into coffins.

Solution of traffic jams during peak hours is a system of intercepting parking lots, and more large-scale transport and transplant nodes, built on the site of former mini markets at the metro station. Motorists can leave their cars near the nearest metro and transfer to public transport. Three intercepting parking are already working in South, one in North Butovo (and again it is Butovo!). And on one parking lot is located at the metro Teply Stan and in the area of \u200b\u200bZyuzino, at the Metro Kakhovskaya. If you have 2 tickets on the subway, then parking costs 50 rubles a day, otherwise - 50 rubles. at one o'clock. Does the topic of intercepting parking take? Most drivers are not yet ready to exchange the comfort of movement in their own cars to the dubious service of public transport, and contrary to the proverb, choose instead of "badly go" on the subway - "good stand" in traffic jams.

However, in the center, the car needs to be "throwing" somewhere, and there are no particular options. Moreover, recently in Moscow began to run "Parks": Cars Ford Focus with photo science cameras of incorrectly parked cars. Daily 50 thousand drivers, according to statistics parking not according to the rules, found themselves in the risk group. And already come to their home addresses "Letters of Happiness", each at 2.5 - 3 thousand rubles. It is so much since July 1, 2012 standing in Moscow a pleasure to leave your car "where it fell." Having received 2-3 such letters, unwillingly think about the benefits of intercepting parking.

Kindergartens, schools, higher educational establishmentsas well as institutions additional education and culture - with this in the area too summit. About 60 universities of the district take not only local youth, but also students from other districts of Moscow and the cities of Russia. There are more than 200 kindergartens in the district and about 300 schools, above indicators only in the North-West District.

County economy

The South-West District is, above all, a large scientific base: research, design and other institutions, design bureaus, laboratories and high-tech productions of various industries. Many of them are in the form of state unitary enterprises, which serves as an additional incentive for workers: dismissal is less likely, salaries and social. Guarantees are more transparent. Qualified personnel in these institutions are always required, and the salary directly depends on the skills of the specialist and averages 35 thousand rubles, but may reach 80-100 thousand rubles. per month.

Among the largest scientific and production enterprises - the NPP "Torii", producing microwave devices for the system of pro and civil aviation. The average salary is 30 thousand rubles. plus a bonus, and for highly qualified specialists - up to 80 thousand rubles. With the provision of housing. The former once powerful link of the Soviet Military Industrial Complex, today "Torii" the main income receives from rental of industrial and office premises. However, the enterprise is afloat for more than 53 years, and the production process does not stop in it.

The largest institution in Russia for the development and production of Lasers FSUE NII "Polyus" is also posted in Yuza. Production specific, it is not easy to get a job, employees have increased demands, necessarily the presence of special knowledge. FSUEA automatic equipment, another oldest enterprise on the territory of UNUSAO, is engaged in the creation of automated control systems. The company has been operating since 1956, has its dissertation council, and also provides for talented young people to start a scientific or production career. Specialists can also find stable work here and a good salary, on average 40 thousand rubles.

It is possible to transfer all scientific and production organizations of UNUSAA to infinity, it unites them one: despite the reduction of state subsidies and a serious decline in production, scientific developments are conducted, and enterprises work. This means that the competent technory, and even having a special qualifications, can be very good to meet it in JUSA, with its colossal scientific potential. On the vacancy sites it is meaningless, effective to contact the personnel department of the relevant enterprise directly, and good luck will accompany you in everything.

Industry in the district has no such developed species, and existing enterprises can be counted on fingers: NGOs of automation and instrument making (orders for space and defense purposes), plant for processing special alloys, confectionery-bakery plant "Cheryomushki", butovo asphalt concrete plant. Plant for the processing of special alloys, simply put, the oldest jewelry production under the brand name "Monarch" is engaged in the production of gold chains, graval gold and other jewelry products. Experts are always required, especially for harmful areas of production. Among prestigious and highly paid professions are examples of fashion designers and jewelery masters.

Given the youth specificity, there are many students' employment centers and graduate students. And with large universities there are their employment departments. So youth with a certain perseverance can find high-paying work in UNUSAA. At the same time, there are many sentences of part-time for students, on average by 20-25 thousand rubles. per month. In the market of unskilled labor, it is also possible not to strain the work of 30 thousand rubles. Considering that many wealthy people live in Yuzao, accounted homemakers, governess, home cooks, chaufferes, etc. are also in demand. There and the salary may be more than more, and the working conditions are not too extinguishing.

Two large food fairs are located on the territory of the district: in Konkovo \u200b\u200band in the warm mill. Their finding corresponds to the metro stations of the same name. To be more accurate, then in Konkovo \u200b\u200bis no longer the fair, but the Konkovo \u200b\u200bPassage shopping complex. The name itself is immediately alarming, but, being inside, you understand that intuition did not deceive.

Mildly expressing, in this "Passage" you buy consumer goods from the former Cherkizon, but at prices every 5 above. Local do not understand how the price policy of the shopping center, located almost from the Moscow Ring Road itself and the Passage Passage, without censorship, calling this place to the gadyushnik. In fairness it should be noted that next door to the "Passage" there is a grocery market "Eco-Market". Its distinguishes purity, high quality Products and sellers of Slavic appearance. True, the price there is much higher than average, but the quality of products (even meat and dairy) is above all praise. The market justifies its name and attracts few buyers from neighboring areas thinking about their health and preferring eco-friendly products.

The metro has a warm camp located next to two shopping malls at once: the "Spectr" shopping complex and the Prince Plaza Prince. More modern, more civilized. Here is the clothing market, and indoor grocery, and network hypermarket "Carousel", as well as cinemas and trendy boutiques. And a little away is a cheap "Teply Stan" market, fastened with modern shopping centers from a submerged place at the metro in the direction of Yasenevo, but not lost its clientele, despite, to put it mildly, unsanitary conditions.

Another popular place for shopping and leisure Muscovites is the MEGA's shopping complex Teply Stan. Although it is already outside the borders of UNUSAO, at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the trade union street. There is a famous IKEA store, Auchan and hundreds of network boutiques with high-quality goods. It attracts huge traffic in Meg, especially on weekends, when the place on a kilometer parking is almost impossible to find.


Yuzao is called one of the prosperous countries in the criminal relationship of Moscow. This is due, first of all, with its contingent, the main percentage of which historically amounted to representatives of the scientific intelligentsia: professors, teachers, research staff, graduate students. In terms of the composition of crimes, laborer offenses are dominant: theft, fraud, hooliganism. Sources of danger are green arrays and large markets, such as Konkovo, a warm mill, around which criminal personalities are accumulated, and plaque bowls are wrapped in parking lots. Located near the market, the warm mill of intercity buses platforms also attract various fraudsters on this territory.

The highest crime rate in Konkovo: the area leads both by the number of apartment corners and by the number of street crimes: robbery, robbery, attacks on people. In the territory of the Bittsev forest park, cases of violence and robbery are often recorded, which adds an increased danger area.

From the high-profile cases, the "glorified" district, I remember the sensational wedding of the roof of the Water Park "Transval Park" in Yasenevo in 2004. Operated in two years earlier, the five-storey complex of the water park buried 28 people under him, and about 200 people were injured varying severity. The relatives of the victims still have not received any monetary or moral compensation. The investigation of the case was completed by the accusation of the chief designer of the complex, which immediately accepted the offer of amnesty, and without recognizing himself guilty. Lawyers now require compensation to victims through the European Court of Human Rights, but Russia has not been found guilty of violations in connection with this tragedy.

In 2007, he was sentenced to the lifelong conclusion of the Bittsev Maniac, who was playing in the Bittsev forest park and committed about 50 murders as a result. This is a loud criminal case had a wide public resonance, thanks to which the whole country learned about the Bittsevsky forest. This serial maniac held for more than 5 years in fear of the entire district, as a result, the Bitsevsky forest gained bad glory and still causes many people to have painful associations.

In 2007, the head of the district council of Cheryomushki Sergei Burkotov was shot dead in his personal car. This ordered murder occurred due to the conflict of the official with developers who worked in the area. According to one of the versions, the district chapter "removed" for the fact that he ordered to suspend the construction of objects without permits. However, the investigation of the case came to the conclusion that the burkot "roared" construction business, and the head of one of the firms decided to get rid of the patron very much. The truth in this case will remain inaccessible to the public. Especially since it does not affect its interests directly, unlike the case of the Bittsev Manyak.

Sights of Yuzao

The main places of recreation for residents of the district are green arrays, which are in the territory of UNAO with an excess. The most famous - Bitsevsky forest, which stretches along the southeastern border of the district. And although its main part is a sample of untouched nature, there are still very refined places, with numerous overwhelming, alleys, rivers and springs. From attractions - Picturesque noble estates Narrow and Yasenevo, CONNO-Sports Complex "Bitz", Paleontological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences (right from the movie "Night in the Museum").

Despite the "submissal" reputation, hundreds of people seek every day in the Bittsev forest. Maniacs are afraid - not to go to the forest, the benefit from the metro station Konkovo \u200b\u200band Novoyasenevskaya to the park - 3 minutes on foot. Who goes to just take a walk and raise the air, who is in violation of the law "on kebabs", someone leaves with children in the Paleontological Museum, from where adults are full of impressions and emotions. In the forest park at any time of the year there is plenty of cyclists-extremal, and in the manor a narrow - lovers of cultural recreation. In the cascade of her ponds, you can even (for a fee) catch yourself at dinner of royal fish: sturgeon, trout, White Amur.

Rest with children usually takes place in the Gagarin district. There are a state Circus, Children's Music Academic Theater, the Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity. Promotes attendance located near the metro station "University" and "Vorobyev Mountains", and a beautiful big park with a pond, where you can relax on the lap of nature. In three quarters from the park, on Vavilov Street, there is a State Darwinian Museum, to visit who is simply obliged to anyone in the area. Moreover, the South-West District is not rich at the museums. This is one of the world's largest museums with unique collections, many of whom moved here from St. Petersburg Kunstkamera.

The main places of alternative cultural recreation in the district are located along the Leninsky Prospect. It is enough just to go through or ride from Gagarin Square to the south, and there will be a lot of interesting things. And clubs are mainly closer to the center, close to the key metro stations. Most popular with young people enjoy the club "Dump", which is located in the academic district of the trade union. He fell in love with many students for democratic prices and an informal atmosphere. Music is different, you can often hear live performances of rock bands.

Club "Dump"

Mostly, the young people are hanging out, many are "tightened" from neighboring bedrooms, from which to the club - 2-3 stations in a straight line without transfers. For more mature in Konkovo, Belyaevo, the owl club works, decorated in the style of the English lock, with many billiard tables and a spacious dance floor. Open tables, individual booths, two bars and non-requesting music, which can be safely transferred to 30-35-year-olds, and even enjoy. However, the main one night life It still takes place in the center, so golden youth is not delayed in the evenings in their native areas, preferring time to spend time closer to the Garden Ring.

This term also has other meanings, see South West (Values). South West CJSC "South West" Country ... Wikipedia

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Moscow. I. General. Population M. Capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the center of the Moscow region. The largest in the country and one of the most important political, scientific, industrial and cultural centers, city hero. M. refers to the largest ...

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The capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the largest transportation assembly, the port, the main political, scientifically cultural and industrial center of the USSR. Mentioned in the chronicles from 1147. The most ancient part of Moscow The ensemble of the Kremlin (see Kremlin Moscow) with ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

Map 1. Lithuanian Russian state After the death of Vitovt in 1430. "South Western Russian Lands" (or "South Western Rus") The term having a different content depending on the historical period described. In times Kievan Rus (X XII ... ... Wikipedia

Coordinates: 55 ° 39'49 "s. sh. 37 ° 28'58 "in. d. / 55.663611 ° C. sh. 37.482778 ° C. D ... Wikipedia

I Moscow River in Moscow and partly in Smolensk region RSFSR, left influx of Oka (Volga pool). Length is 502 km, pool area 17,600 km2. Takes the beginning on the Moscow Hills. Power supply snow (61%), soil (27%) and rain ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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TV channel "Moscow. Trust "OJSC" GTK "TV CAPITAL" ... Wikipedia


  • Eduard Bagritsky. Poems and poems, Edward Bagritsky, the book includes poems and poems of Bagritsky, components of the "South-West" cycles, "Winners", "Last Night" ... Category: Poetry Publisher: Fiction. Moscow,
  • E. Bagritsky. Poem and Poem, E. Bagritsky, in the collection included poems and poems from books: "South-West", "Winners", "Last Night", as well as poems different years. Preceded Essay Essay I. Greenberg "Eduard ... Category: Poetry Series: Library of Soviet poetry Publisher: