Ore profession. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

A graduate of this university: For four years I studied at this university at the Faculty of Humanities and social sciences... I am insanely glad that I finally finished it, but a diploma at this faculty cannot be considered something special, because getting it is pretty easy. Even at GOS it was possible to write off quite calmly, a remark could only be made if you do it too openly.
First of all, it is worth mentioning the most famous facts about the university. 1. Many foreign students who are the children of influential politicians. Yes, there are a lot of foreigners, but almost all of them were sent on some inexplicable grants. In Russian, even by the fourth year, very few people speak well, at best in English. They, too, are usually not in the mood to learn.
2. Good teaching of foreign languages. If it’s free English tuition, then it’s disgusting. Students are divided into groups in a chaotic manner, there can be no question of knowledge. These are pairs for show. Speaking about the diploma of a translator, it should be said that it is only worth going to Spanish... There it will be possible to go on an internship at a foreign university, and the knowledge is good. Students leave the rest of the directions in the second - third year, because it is more like paying for a piece of paper, not lessons.
Of the general advantages, we can mention the rather developed infrastructure of the studios. town, a medical examination is mandatory in the first two years, then it is no longer required. But doctors and in the first two years can treat him rather frivolously. You can get a hostel even if you are studying on a budget. Student events are also held. Everything here is no worse and no better than in other universities.
And now directly about training at the faculty itself. It is worth mentioning that each department approaches this process from the point of view of its educational standards. In my department, only a few teachers cared about education. We had a lecturer who didn't bother to learn his subject, and for several months we just listened to each other's presentations.
A special article is the cancellation of pairs. Many people don't care about having a curriculum and lecture commitment. There was a teacher who in one semester simply canceled all seminars because he did not want to teach them. We saw another teacher only a few times in a whole year, although, perhaps, this is for the best, because he also did not bother to prepare for teaching his subject. But don't be surprised if pairs are shortened or shortened - that's the order of the day. Another problem is the teachers who have not changed their programs since the nineties, so listening to their lectures is rather strange. Teachers are often late for lectures, we often found out about cancellations after arriving at the university, it can take about thirty minutes during a lesson. But again, it should be said that there were also good teachers who love their job, but they are in the minority.
The practice is passed at least two times, in the third and fourth courses. They arrange everyone there, but if you already have a job, then practice goes there. Typically, these are places where no employees are required, but if you show yourself very well and stay there to work on a volunteer basis, you may one day be able to get a job there.
Summing up, it is worth saying that, with the exception of a couple of faculties, RUDN is not the place to go for high-quality and intensive training. But if you need to combine work with study, or you just don't like studying and want to take part in all student initiatives, then this is a good choice.

Russian University Friendship of Peoples was established during the reign of N. Khrushchev, in 1960, as the University of Friendship of Peoples. At the same time, one of the main subjects began to be taught - the Russian language for foreigners. One year later educational institution received the name of P. Lumumba, who was a prominent fighter for the independence of African countries at that time, and opened six main faculties, including physics and mathematics, law and economics, medicine, engineering faculty, agricultural, historical and philological.

The founder of RUDN University is the Government of Russia

In 1992, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is the founder of this educational institution, PFU received a new name - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In the 90s, new promising faculties were established at the higher educational institution. Currently, the University is a large, internationally oriented educational center, known for its connections in many countries of the world, scientific research and methods of organizing the educational process.

RUDN University in and in students' assessments

According to the Interfax rating (2011-2014), this university is annually ranked 4-5-6 among more than a thousand Russian universities. However, the average assessment of the university on the part of students is close to "4" out of five possible points, since students are unhappy with the corruption encountered, the level of demand for specialists, equipment at a number of faculties, etc. There are both very negative and positive assessments of this educational institution, although many recognize that everything depends on the student's desire to learn.

The Institute is a leader in the field of national patents

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) is known for its achievements in the field of scientific activity. It ranks first in the number of scientific articles among more than 10,000 scientific organizations in Russia, conducts annual defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in more than thirty dissertation councils of the educational institution. Thomson-Reiter's rating indicates that the University in 2002-2012. the second largest number of national patents for inventions in Russia was issued (the first place is taken by Rosatom, the third - by the Ministry of Industry of Russia).

Among the graduates of the university there are also presidents of states

This university has graduated by now about 90 thousand specialists who work in hundreds of countries around the world, and among them there are presidents of states, ministers, famous politicians and businessmen. At RUDN University, you can simultaneously receive several diplomas, including in several foreign languages, the main specialty, the second higher education and additional courses. Currently, the following faculties of the RUDN University function:

  • Agrarian. Opened in 1961, has a teaching staff of about 100 people and graduates masters and bachelors in the following specialties: agronomy, veterinary medicine, animal science, land management and cadastral affairs, veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, economics, management. At the faculty, you can complete master's and postgraduate studies at English language, get additional knowledge in the center additional education, including in the field of selection, beekeeping, horse breeding, judging at equestrian competitions, etc.
  • Faculty of Engineering, graduating bachelors in economics, architecture, construction, oil and gas business, operation of transport and technological complexes, etc. You can also get a master's degree in architecture, geology, construction, nanotechnology, mining, applied geology and others. The postgraduate study of the faculty is open for more than 20 specialties.
  • Physics and mathematics \ natural sciences. Prepares bachelors in chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics and computer science, radiophysics, etc., as well as masters in the specialties: mathematics, chemistry and physics (including applied and fundamental), etc.
  • Faculty of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) prepares bachelors in the field of linguistics, journalism, psychology, philology, advertising, and public relations at this department. The faculty also graduates masters in seventeen areas of training and has postgraduate studies in ten specialties.

What other faculties of the RUDN University exist?

  • General educational disciplines and the Russian language. Here students take a course intensive training Russian language, the foundations of general disciplines for the future main department, are being adapted to life in Russia. The faculty has a center for adaptation of students to the Russian climate and a testing center.
  • Economic, where foreign and Russian citizens can get a specialty of a manager (specializations - marketing and general management), an economist (insurance, finance, credit, general economics, accounting and other areas). Participation in the double degree program with the University of Nice, master's degree, postgraduate studies, advanced training courses is available.
  • Ecological. The faculty has several graduating departments, including in the specialties: systemic, forensic ecology, human ecology, applied ecology and geoecology, water resources management, forecasting and monitoring ecology. You can also get a master here.
  • Social and Human Sciences. About 2.5 thousand people from more than 80 countries of the world study at the faculty, where they receive a bachelor's level in the following areas: sociology, political science, international relations, history, philosophy, foreign regional studies, municipal and state management, humanities and arts. It also graduates masters in history (domestic), history of civilizations, philosophy, ethics, problems and institutions, world politics, regional studies, management (municipal and state), social and international institutions, social management. The faculty is interesting in that it has a dozen joint programs with foreign institutions, including China, Spain, Germany, and France. In addition, students are given the opportunity to obtain a translator's certificate, to undergo practical training in government bodies (according to separate programs).

Many faculties are organized as institutes

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the faculties of which are presented above, graduate specialists in other areas, which are organized in the form of internal institutes of the University. For example, obtaining is possible at the RUDN University in a law institute, including in the specialties: civil, international, family law, arbitration process, corporate lawyer, international law, legal translation (English), energy law, etc. The Institute has postgraduate studies in ten specialties, has as partners many foreign institutions and large international organizations (for example, the European Youth Parliament).

The Faculty of Medicine teaches 37 specialties

What other institutions does RUDN University have? The medical faculty of this educational institution is also organized as a separate institute, where you can study in such specialties as: "Pharmacy", "General Medicine", "Nursing", "Dentistry". The institute has about twenty specialties in internship, about 37 specialties in clinical residency, 33 specialties in graduate school and nine councils through which one can defend an academic degree.

RUDN University graduates can know four or more languages

RUDN, whose medical faculty has trained about 6400 specialists for foreign clinics in total, has an institute of hotel business (and tourism). This educational institution was established relatively recently, in 1997, and is an institution with faculty rights. Here they train specialists in the field of restaurant and hotel business, some of whom have already left after graduation to work in their home countries - China, Oman, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Gabon, Vietnam, etc. languages ​​- English and (optional) Spanish, German, French or Italian (plus Russian and your own national language).

They can do gravity experiments

RUDN University trains students in rather rare specialties, such as relativistic astrophysics, cosmology and gravity. Such a specialty, as well as postgraduate studies, can be obtained at the educational and scientific institute of gravity and cosmology at the RUDN University, opened in 1999. Graduates of this direction can develop promising gravitational experiments in space and on our planet, research fundamental metrology and fundamental physical constants.

Joint programs with foreign universities

In addition to the Faculty of Philology, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has an institute foreign languages where subjects are taught in English, including: regional studies, international public relations. At the institute, future teachers can study the methodology and theory of psychology and social pedagogy, take postgraduate courses in general pedagogy, Germanic languages. This educational institution, functioning as a faculty of the RUDN University, conducts joint programs with the Lille Catholic Institute (France) and (Great Britain).

It is also worth noting the institutes functioning at the RUDN University as faculties: international programs, business and the world economy, applied (technical and economic) research and expertise, etc.

Branches and training centers

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has its own branches in the cities: Yakutsk, Sochi, Perm, Belgorod, Stavropol, Essentuki, as well as twenty-four training centers additional education, including: a computer training center, a veterinary innovation clinic, a resource complex for health protection, a center for scientific research on the problem of countering terrorist actions, etc. University-wide departments of the RUDN University, for example, “ Physical culture and sports ”allow graduating not only good specialists, but also people with an active life position and love for movement and sports.

Agricultural and Technological Institute

The Agrarian Technological Institute (ATI) was founded on September 1, 1961, and since that time has been training specialists in agronomy, zootechnics and veterinary medicine. Over the past 10 years, new specialties have appeared: land management and cadastres, landscape architecture, standardization and metrology, veterinary and sanitary expertise. In 2016, a program in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" opens in English.

Studying proccess

The competitive advantage of the educational process is industrial training, which takes place in veterinary clinics, at agricultural enterprises, in agricultural holdings, stations for combating animal diseases, land management, appraisal, real estate organizations and business structures, urban landscaping and improvement, green construction.

ATI provides future specialists with ample opportunities for the formation of competencies: an agrobiotechnological laboratory and a greenhouse on the roof for agronomists; a landscape architecture and design workshop for landscape architects; center for veterinary medicine and medicine for veterinarians; a land assessment laboratory for conducting field research in the field of land use and land cadastre for land surveyors and other professional laboratories located on the territory of the ATI.

Undergraduate students receive a basic science education. The master's program provides a wide range of specialized programs. For example, "Technological management in the pet business"; "Modern biotechnology in animal husbandry"; "Technologies for ensuring the quality and safety of food products and industries"; "Management in technologies of geodetic and cadastral works" and others.

The close connection of the educational process, science and real production provides a variety of educational and industrial practices in different regions Russian Federation on the basis of large specialized companies and research organizations.

Students successfully participate in professional competitions and exhibitions: in 2011 and 2012 they won a victory at the international festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia". In 2015, on the island of Mainau (Baden-Württemberg), four gardens were implemented according to the projects of students of the Landscape Architecture direction in the framework of the annual international exhibition Seasonal Gardens.

Scientific activity

Students take part in scientific research conducted by professors and associate professors of ATI. Today 112 doctors and candidates of sciences work at the institute. 20 scientific circles, 10 scientific seminars, as well as innovative laboratories of clinical research methods in various fields create favorable conditions for scientific activity.

The postgraduate course provides training in 12 specialties, such as: "Plant protection"; "Genetics and Breeding"; "Veterinary", etc. For example, in 2015, postgraduate student Vafula Arnold Mamati successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in English with a degree in Plant Protection.

Extracurricular life

The institute annually hosts more than 100 sports, cultural, professional events: student project contests, round tables, master classes, Miss and Mister ATI contests, excursions to museums, meetings with alumni. ATI students are actively involved in sports: football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, athletics, chess, hockey, swimming, etc.

Institute for Applied Techno-Economic Research and Expertise

In 2013, with the support of the Federal Space Agency "Roskosmos" on the basis of the RUDN University, the Institute of Applied Technological and Economic Research and Expertise (IPTIE) was opened. Thanks to its dynamic development, the Institute has already received recognition and support among the leading enterprises in the field of space activities and industry both in Russia and abroad.

Today the Institute is actively developing new joint educational programs with Egyptian universities. Leading universities of the Kingdom of Thailand and such countries as India, Sudan, Lebanon, Gabon, Cote d'Ivoire, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, etc. show deep interest in cooperation with IPTIE.

Mission Control Center

Modern educational programs of IPTIE include a rich theoretical base and provide practical knowledge thanks to the presence of a flight control training center (MCC RUDN) and a training and demonstration complex (UDC), which were opened in 2015.

Students can observe in real time how the preparations for the launch of spacecraft are being carried out, how dynamic operations are carried out in orbit by the docking of cargo and manned spacecraft with the International space station(ISS). At the same time, lectures at the RUDN University MCC are often conducted by experienced cosmonauts who have repeatedly visited orbit.

The educational and demonstration complex provides a presentation of the application of space knowledge in various sectors of the economy.

Educational process

Today IPTIE offers a number of bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs.

The Institute prepares future first-class managers for work in the field of high-tech industry, as well as specialists of a wide profile, whose skills, thanks to space technologies, will be applied in the following areas: prospecting for minerals (oil, gas, etc.), forecasting crop yields, navigation support , determination of coordinates of ground objects, environmental assessment of the state of the atmosphere, monitoring of emergency situations, weather forecasting, etc. Cooperation with large enterprises in the field of space activities and industry allows students to gain a large amount of practical knowledge in the learning process.

International projects

At present, the Institute is developing such international projects as the creation of small-size satellites (Druzhba satellite constellation), which will host devices that will allow solving problems in various fields. National economy: determination of mineral deposits, control of the ecological situation in the country, control of deforestation, monitoring of water pollution, monitoring of the maturation of various crops, weather forecasting and much more.

Also in 2016, on the basis of the IPTIE RUDN University, it is planned to open an International Marketing Center for the dissemination of space knowledge and the promotion of space services.

Engineering Academy

The Engineering Academy has trained more than one generation of talented engineers. High level education is provided by a combination of the best from many years of experience, global trends and innovative technologies. It trains highly qualified specialists in various engineering fields. More than 2.5 thousand future engineers, designers, architects, geologists and power engineers receive here not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical professional skills. All training programs are developed in accordance with the CDIO (Conceive - Design - Implement - Operate) ideology.

Teachers of the RUDN University Engineering Academy not only give lectures, but also work with gifted students, conduct master classes and seminars for graduates, advise teams of many projects and provide expert opinions in various fields of engineering. They are the inventors of hundreds of inventions and global research leaders. Throughout the entire period, heads of leading enterprises have been involved in the training process to conduct round tables to familiarize students with innovative technological and management solutions.

International activity

During their studies, our students are given the opportunity to go through various training practices and internships in foreign universities and enterprises with the support of IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience). The Academy implements joint master's programs with the Yonchoping University (Sweden) and the SCO Universities. Students participate in the UniCredit scholarship exchange program between Russia and Serbia "Study Abroad Exchange Program", and practice at Microsoft in the field of software development in Redmond, Washington, USA. Leading universities in Germany, France, China and many other countries are partners of the RUDN University Engineering Academy. In particular, therefore, much attention is paid to the study of foreign languages ​​- in parallel with the main program, students receive the qualification of a translator.

Institute of Hospitality and Tourism

The purpose of the Institute- to train top-class specialists for the hospitality industry.


IGBiT RUDN University has repeatedly won professional and creative competitions in Russia and the world. Numerous gratitude from the Moscow administration, the Government of the Russian Federation, international organizations and world famous companies are another proof of the effectiveness of our work.

Our teachers include executives and managers of travel and consulting companies, well-known international chain hotels, event agencies and restaurants. In particular, therefore, the classes are of a practice-oriented nature: students implement professional research projects, undergo practical training, participate in master classes by leading specialists. Our author's courses "Event Directing of Hospitality", "Basics of Creating a Tourist Product", "Drinks of the World" and creative projects of our students "Restaurant Forum", "Russian Seasons", "Fireworks of Drinks" have received worldwide recognition. More than 1100 of our graduates are successful on all inhabited continents in dozens of countries.

The international cooperation

IGBiT is a member of international organizations

  1. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO);
  2. World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training (AMFORHT);
  3. European Association of Hospitality and Catering Schools EURHODIP.


  • the group of hotels "Marriott Hotels", as well as the hotels "Renaissance Monarch", "Ararat Park Hyatt", "Lotte", "Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya" and many others;
  • travel companies "Sodis", "Viking Travel", "Natalie Tours", "Sunrise Tour", "DSBW", "TUI" and others;
  • exhibition companies "Euroexpo" and "ITE";
  • event companies "Jet Set Sports", "Teatro del Gusto" and many others. dr.

Extracurricular life

  • “Workshop of Hospitality” - student professional community;
  • Foreign Students Club;
  • "Rose of the Winds" - student choir;
  • "Vector of wanderings" - a tourist club and many others. dr.

University of the Foreign languages

The RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is the largest linguistic department of the university.

Future translators, diplomats and educators study at the IIL undergraduate program. They can get a narrower specialization in their chosen profession in a master's degree.

Students learn not only European languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish, Italian), but also Eastern languages, the most popular of which are Arabic and Chinese. The Institute is accredited by the London Chamber of Commerce to act as an international center for the preparation and acceptance of the LCCI International Qualifications. Based on the results of the training, the students of the institute pass international certification exams, which gives them the right and the opportunity to work and continue their studies abroad.

The Institute pays special attention to science and international activities. Professors, academicians, doctors of sciences of IIL actively promote the scientific achievements of young scientists, giving them the opportunity to go from writing a term paper to defending a dissertation. Starting from junior courses, students are attracted to participate in international scientific conferences conducted by the Institute in partnership with its foreign colleagues. The Institute annually publishes a separate collection student works"The first step into big science." Thus, students have an excellent opportunity to leave the walls of the Institute, having not only a diploma from a prestigious university, but also a number of scientific publications.

The international cooperation- one of the main goals of the institute. Within its walls, the Institute often receives representatives of various diplomatic missions. Students meet with ambassadors of foreign states and representatives of embassies of foreign powers. In the framework of international activities, students, under the guidance of their teachers, regularly go on short-term internships and study trips to various countries of the world. In turn, student youth from abroad come to study at the Summer School under the programs “Intercultural Dialogue - East and West”. Within the framework of the teaching mobility program, foreign scientists - professors, academics and practitioners - come annually with master classes, presentations and lectures at ILL twice a month, and sometimes even more often. They give students the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge, to experience the world of cultures of other countries, without leaving the walls of their native Institute. For example, academic exchanges are carried out not only at the level of short-term courses, but even in double degree programs. So, a student can simultaneously receive a diploma from RUDN University and Edinburgh University. Napia (UK) or Catholic University of Lille (France).

ILL is proud of its "University - Family" program, thanks to which every student feels the care of the teachers. A friendly, almost family atmosphere reigns at the Institute. Each course has its own special part of the program. Freshmen immediately find themselves in the state of In'yaz on the planet RUDN University, sophomores are transported to the multicultural world of second foreign languages, in the third year everyone feels that “My profession is super!”, And in the fourth year, they are in science. As for the masters, they work according to the "Future Indefinite - an unpredictable future" program.

The Institute has a student English theater, The Stage, has its own stars of vocal and choreography, recitation and sports. School days are diluted with bright holidays - obtaining citizenship in the Republic of In'yaz, Christmas meetings, You’re Simply the Best competition and many, many others.

The issue of employment for graduates of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is not an issue per se. Graduates of the Institute are in demand in the labor market, and many are employed even during their studies or during their internship. Teaching, diplomatic missions, consulates and ministries, business, tourism, journalism, show business - this is not a complete list of areas in which graduates of the RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages ​​work.

Additional education programs are provided for people of all generations. Everyone will be offered options for advanced training, training and retraining, including on an individual request.

However, as they say, it is better to see once. Come! In IIYa they are always waiting for you and always glad to see you.

Institute of World Economy and Business

Medical Institute

The Medical Institute of RUDN University was founded in July 2014 by joining the Faculty of Medicine of the Center for Simulation Education, the Center for the Study of the Liver, the Ophthalmology Center, the Center for Dental and Maxillofacial Implantology, the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers of the RUDN University. However, its history began in 1961, when the first students entered the specialty "General Medicine".

Today, training is conducted in 5 areas: "General Medicine", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy", "Nursing", "Management" (the second higher education, profile "Management in health care"). Students, in parallel with the main specialty, can receive a second diploma "Translator in the field of professional communication". 570 teachers, including more than a dozen world-renowned scientists and full members of Russian and foreign academies of sciences. Doctors pass on their experience to future doctors with a capital letter:

  • Viktor Radzinsky is the world famous founder of the Fundamental Foundations of Perinatology school, under whose leadership the protocols for the management of pregnant women and gynecological patients, used in clinics in Russia and abroad, have been developed.
  • Valentin Moiseev is one of the largest specialists in Russia in the study of heart muscle diseases.
  • Andrey Kaprin is the director of one of the largest research centers for the fight against cancer in Russia.
  • Nikolay Zagorodny is the author of a new method of hip arthroplasty, after which the patient begins to walk on the 7th day and almost does not experience pain during the development of the joint, and many others.

The Faculty of Medicine opens a path to science for talented students: they work in 45 scientific associations, participate in international conferences in France, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Bulgaria, Germany. Every year, future doctors go to seminars and practice at Semmelweis University (Hungary), and then receive colleagues from Budapest at RUDN University.

The Institute conducts fundamental and applied research in the most relevant areas of biology and medicine. In research work, the departments interact with foreign partners: Karolinska Institute, (Sweden), Medical University, Graz (Austria), Heilongjiang State Center for Sino-Russian Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Industrial Transformation (China), UNESCO Institute of Micronutrients (France).

In the center of Simulation training, from the first year, preparation for professional activity... Practice-oriented training with the use of modern simulation technologies makes it possible to train competitive specialists. Our students have repeatedly represented Russia and won international professional competitions and Olympiads both in Russia and abroad - for example, at the European Olympiad in Therapeutic and Restorative Dentistry in Italy.

The Department of Medical Informatics, together with the Scientific and Clinical Center of JSC Russian Railways, are introducing methods of teaching students and residents using telecommunication technologies - distance modular education and telemedicine. Students, residents, graduate students participate in telemedicine consultations, teleconferences, as well as interactive training teleseminars with the participation of leading scientists from international universities and medical centers. A Local Ethics Committee has been created at the medical institute and a large number of works on clinical trials of drugs are being carried out.

The international cooperation

The Medical Institute is represented in the Russian-Chinese Association of Medical Universities, the European Association of Pharmacy Faculties. Our foreign partners are:

  • Semmelweis University, Hungary;
  • Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan;
  • Harbin medical University, China;
  • University of Bordeaux (Victor Segalen Bordeaux-2), France;
  • Kazakh National Medical University. S. D. Asfendiyarova, Kazakhstan.

RUDN Medical Institute provides postgraduate education opportunities within the framework of continuous medical education: training is carried out in the demanded specialties of residency and graduate school. There are 12 dissertation councils in operation.

The faculty of advanced training of medical workers is represented by 53 departments, which implement programs in 60 medical and pharmaceutical specialties.

At the Faculty of Medicine, a student council is successfully working, which has several sectors: educational (including the commission on the quality of education), information, cultural, sports, and a sector for working with foreign students. The student theater "Hippocrates" is very popular among students of different faculties, the artists of which are students, graduates and teachers of the institute.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Russian language and general education disciplines

The Faculty of the Russian Language and General Education Disciplines, known among students as preparatory, was established in 1960 and is still one of the leading centers for the training of foreigners in Russia for pre-university training programs not only in the Russian language, but also in many other disciplines. It was at this faculty that the RFL methodology (teaching Russian as a foreign language) was created and improved, which is widely used in universities in Russia and abroad. This technique made it possible to implement the most important process in world practice for the joint study of the Russian language in a multilingual classroom. In one year, foreign citizens master Russian to the extent that allows them to communicate, study at the main faculties of the university together with native speakers, and then use Russian in their professional activities as an intermediary language.

Teachers create multimedia educational complexes and introduce innovative methods of intensive training, participate in the development state standards on teaching RFL and are actively developing a system of state testing for foreign citizens.

The programs of the faculty are intended for those who wish to obtain higher education at the RUDN University or other universities of the Russian Federation, as well as enroll in the magistracy, residency and postgraduate studies to study in Russian in the following areas (profiles): engineering and technical and technological, natural science, biomedical, economic and humanitarian. Depending on the profile, the training programs include not only the study of the Russian language, but other general education subjects.

The terms of study are two or three semesters. Upon completion of training and successful certification, you can continue your education at the main faculties of the RUDN University. Training is carried out in groups of 8-10 people in language classes and 16-20 people in classes in other specialized subjects. Based on the results of the training, the student masters the Russian language at the B1 level (according to the ALTE system of European standards).

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Back in 1965, 3 students of mathematics, 11 physicists and 10 chemists became the first graduates of physics and mathematics at the Peoples' Friendship University. Today, more than 1000 students study here in 8 main programs: business informatics, applied informatics, physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science, mathematics, applied mathematics and informatics, fundamental informatics and information technology.


Many years of experience and established traditions allow us to build training efficiently and individually. In junior courses, students receive basic knowledge. For the older ones, specialized subjects are provided in accordance with the chosen profession. For example, in curricula the direction "Physics" provides for enhanced physical and mathematical training in combination with special courses of both fundamental and applied nature in the field of plasma physics, radio electronics, elementary particle physics, theory of gravity and astrophysics, mechanics continuous media and biophysics. And chemistry students in the future will become specialists in the production and improvement of innovative drugs, nanocatalysts chemical reactions, analysis of biological activity of organic and complex compounds, modern methods research of substances and their properties.

Seminars and scientific experiments are held in educational research laboratories equipped with modern equipment and powerful computers. Teachers, graduate students and students conduct their research and implement its results in the educational process. Leading scientific and educational centers of Russia and foreign countries where students can do an internship or internship.

Among the partners are the universities of Canada, Germany, Finland, South Africa, as well as the Institute of Experimental Physics (Slovakia) and the Institute of Chemistry of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technology (Vietnam).

student life

Studying at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences is difficult, but very interesting. The development of professional skills takes place not only in classrooms and laboratories - students participate in olympiads and specialized competitions, speak at conferences and are published in scientific journals.

At the same time, student life is not limited to study and science. Fizmat RUDN University is famous for its theater, rock concerts, KVN teams and many other talented guys.

Faculty of Philology

The Faculty of Philology today is a recognized educational and scientific center in the field of the sciences of language, communications, culture, and psychology. A variety of bachelor's programs - philology, linguistics, journalism, public relations, television, psychology - allow graduates to be in demand and work in a wide variety of industries.

The faculty is focused not only on mastering fundamental knowledge, but also on gaining practical experience, which is necessary for building a successful career. Linguistic students regularly work as translators for world sports and cultural events. In journalism classes, students publish a newspaper, independently create television and radio programs at the faculty studio, undergo practical training and remain to work in national and international media holdings. Public relations specialists acquire professional experience in large communication agencies, business structures, government bodies. Psychology students have the opportunity to practice in the psychological assistance offices of the faculty. Future philologists can try themselves as teachers of the Russian language and other disciplines at the university or schools.

This is the faculty of creativity, students regularly become winners of prizes and awards from Russian and international competitions. The day of specialties "Journalism" and "PR" is held annually. Students who have shown success in their studies and creativity receive awards from the hands of television and radio stars. During the decade of psychology, students participate in trainings and master classes, conduct psychological experiments. The student theater group makes performances based on their favorite literary works. During the days of poetry and literature, students meet with famous Russian and foreign authors. Student conferences and teleconferences in foreign languages ​​allow future professionals to keep in touch with their potential foreign colleagues. And the regular excursions organized by the faculty are to get to know their fellow students better. Foreign languages ​​are deservedly one of the strengths of the faculty. When studying in a modular program, students can receive a translator's diploma along with basic education.

The Faculty of Law is one of the leading centers in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language: teachers regularly conduct seminars or teach Russian at universities in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Master's degree

Master's programs are designed to train specialists who will be in demand both in business structures and in research and educational centers... For example, masters study integrative technologies in practical psychology, organization of information production, modern international journalism, business communication management, literary criticism, translation theory, etc.

The faculty has two master's programs, teaching in which is conducted entirely in English: "Applied International Journalism" and "Theoretical and Applied Linguistics".

The double degree programs "Cultural Management and Intercultural Communication" (jointly with the International University of Catalonia) and "Russia - Europe: Languages ​​and Culture" (jointly with the University of Bordeaux Michel Montaigne) "allow students to gain experience of study abroad and receive two diplomas at once : RUDN and European university.

Within the framework of the SCO University, the master's program "Psychology and Pedagogy" is being implemented, and the CIS network university is implementing the "Russian Language and Literature".

International activity

More than 40 foreign universities are partners of the faculty, including the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), University of Bologna (Italy), Complutense University (Spain), Strasbourg University (France), Bordeaux University (France), Uppsala University (Sweden), North-East Pedagogical University (China) and others. Thanks to the existing agreements, students and postgraduates have the opportunity to undergo educational internships lasting from several weeks to a year at universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America... More than 50 foreign students from other universities come annually as part of the academic mobility program.

The faculty is a member of the European student and academic mobility program Erasmus +, which allows you to spend from a semester to a year at a partner university.

The faculty regularly hosts open lectures and master classes professors of foreign universities, poets, writers, journalists, as well as conferences and seminars in Russian and foreign languages.

Summer schools

International students have the opportunity to study at a summer school. The most popular are the Russian Language School (for all levels of study) and specialized programs in English in journalism and intercultural communication. At the end of the summer school, participants have the opportunity to earn credits.

Summer linguistic schools are organized for the students of the faculty at the universities of England, Spain, Italy, China.

Scientific and research activities

The priority research area is: "Personality in the context of globalization processes: society, language, information." The research is interdisciplinary in nature and covers a whole range of problems of humanitarian knowledge. Projects receive grant support from Russian and foreign foundations. The faculty has 3 councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Faculty of Ecology

The Faculty of Ecology of the RUDN University is the flagship of Russia in environmental education and innovative research in the field of environmental protection.

Our goal- to unite those who love wildlife who are ready to protect our world and improve its condition.

Faculty focus is on enhancing student enthusiasm and understanding of earth sciences, as well as building specialized skills for sustainable development of environmental initiatives.

We are proud that it was our students who were able to implement the first university project in Moscow on separate waste collection at RUDN University. We hope that, using our example, the whole of Russia will learn not only to think environmentally, but also to act.

We teach to act based on solid knowledge and world experience. Interdisciplinary classes contain information from biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, atmospheric sciences. This allows students to acquire a broad professional outlook and learn how to make informed decisions based on the experience gained. This is what allowed our curricula to successfully integrate into international educational standards.

Scientific directions: environmental management of energy resources; sustainable energy development; complex waste processing; rehabilitation of soils and water bodies contaminated with heavy metals, oil and oil products; restoration of the integrity of landscapes; radioactive waste management; hse-management in the oil and gas complex; diagnostics of the body's adaptive reserves; correction of the psychophysiological state of a person; increasing human stress resistance; economic criteria for the environmental performance of enterprises; biocommunication.

International activity

The Faculty of Ecology of the RUDN University cooperates with many foreign scientists:

  • Wang Ren Cing - Director of the Institute of Ecology, Shandong University, China;
  • Kulyash Meiramkulova (Doctor of Biological Sciences) - Eurasian National University them L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan;
  • Sergey Sedov - Instituto de Geología, UNAM, México;
  • Valerio Agnesi - Director of the Italian-Russian Ecological University, Italy;
  • Guy Alexander Eames - Member of the Green Building Council RuGBC, UK;
  • Leitao Zhang - Lanzhou City University, China;
  • San Sot - Institute of Biology, Medicine and Agriculture, Royal Academy of Sciences, Cambodia;
  • Fuad Bagirov - General Director of the Azerbaijan Green Building Council (AzGBC), Azerbaijan;
  • Pier Paolo Franzese - Professor at Parthenope University of Naples, Italy;
  • Xiang Wei-Ning is a professor at the East China Normal University and many others. dr.

Thanks to the acquired qualifications, our graduates can work in teams of highly qualified environmentalists working today for a common future.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics has existed at RUDN University since its foundation - 1960. The faculty trains highly qualified specialists in the field of finance, insurance, banking, audit, consulting, management of complex socio-economic development, marketing.

Faculty teachers were trained in leading Russian and foreign universities and internships in companies in the real sector of the economy, many have PhD degrees, master classes are conducted by practices known in their fields.

Today, the faculty has about 2,200 students, a third of whom are foreign students. The material and technical base and infrastructure of the university and faculty includes:

  • modern spacious and bright auditoriums;
  • own wireless Wi-Fi network;
  • multimedia classes;
  • the latest library publications, including electronic;
  • own information, educational and training portals;
  • direct access to information services and resource base of government and commercial structures, sites of currency and financial exchanges;
  • sports and recreation center with various sports departments and sections;
  • own medical and outpatient polyclinic institution.

Every year the faculty organizes scientific, scientific and practical conferences of interuniversity, all-Russian and international levels, dedicated, for example, to various aspects of the development of the BRICS countries, problems of economic security, international labor migration, development and management of geo-economic strategies in various countries of the world.

Students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs have the opportunity to study several foreign languages ​​of their choice, as well as form an individual educational trajectory, incl. offering topics and directions research works and projects.

With numerous partner universities, there are free programs of inclusive education in the framework of academic mobility of students. Double degree programs are being implemented with partner universities from France, China, and Great Britain.

In the period from 2012 to 2014. all programs of the faculty received accreditation of the German agency FIBBA, which confirms the recognition of the quality of education of the faculty on the international market of educational services. The faculty takes an active part in foreign educational programs and projects, including through the European Union.

Foreign educational trips of students to Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Peru, France, Serbia, Slovakia, CIS countries are organized.

The faculty has agreements on cooperation, including the possibility of internship and subsequent employment with government bodies, analytical and financial and economic divisions of companies in the real and financial sector, incl. with foreign companies.

Creative contests, excursions to Russian cities, and visits to museums are regularly held. There are student clubs of historical, patriotic and professional orientation.

Institute of Law

Auditoriums with multimedia equipment, a forensic laboratory, a courtroom, a polygraph examiner's office, an extensive practice base - all this and much more helps future lawyers to conquer the heights of the profession.

The institute's undoubted competitive advantage is cooperation with leading foreign organizations and universities through joint master's programs, summer and winter schools, and internships. Students can not only receive a diploma from RUDN University, but also a foreign partner university, as well as simultaneously master the profession of a translator.


The educational process is conducted at 12 highly specialized departments. Bachelors can choose one of two directions: jurisprudence "General profile" or "International law". More than 20 programs are presented in the master's program. Those wishing to study in English can choose the most interesting of the 4 master's programs:

  1. Graduate LL.M. International Private Law,
  2. International Protection of Human Rights,
  3. Legal Translation and Interpreting (MLTI),
  4. Translator and Interpreter for Public Services and Institutions.

It should be noted separately that the program "International Law" (bachelor's degree) and the program International Protection of Human Rights (master's degree) received international accreditation from the agency FIBAA.


Students develop their professional skills in practice in Russian structures (State Duma, Federation Council, General Prosecutor's Office, Federal Center for Forensic Expertise, Supreme and Constitutional Courts, leading bar associations) and in international companies (Clifford Chance LLP, Baker & McKenzie, PwC Legal, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited). Getting into a professional environment, students gain experience by watching the arguments of the parties in court, corporate disputes, negotiations, etc.

The science

One of the priority directions in the field of scientific research is the study of legal trends in the field of regulation of education and the development of science not only in the Russian Federation, but also the study of the national characteristics of the legislation of foreign countries.

Institute teachers mainly have scientific degrees and titles. Most of them have practical experience in jurisprudence. Thanks to them, students receive the first professional recognition and win international professional competitions: the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition; Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition; Telders International Law Moot Court Competition; the Martens Readings in International Humanitarian Law, etc.

Our institute has 5 dissertation councils in 11 specialties, the experts of which make a decision to award candidates with PhD and Doctor of Law degrees to applicants. Postgraduates are trained annually and take part in scientific and academic exchange programs in European countries. Theses are defended in Russian and English.

Our teachers participate in academic exchange programs with leading universities in the world, and their publications are presented in the foreign citation databases Web of Science and Scopus.

student life

Future lawyers do not forget that a good rest is a guarantee of fruitful work. That is why creative evenings, excursions in Moscow and other cities of Russia, meetings with interesting people are regularly held. The traditional holiday of students in our institute is the evening "Knights of the Cross". Our athletes are known all over the world: among students and postgraduates of the RUDN Law Institute there are Olympic champions, world and European champions.

Branches of the university.