Bright lightning shook the sky. Bright lightning shook the sky () and I saw a smoky cloud bank above the window




4) And the years passed quickly and silently and took these memories with them.


5) All that was heard was the measured breathing of the sleeping people and the crackling of burning branches, and soon all the worries of the day slowly dissolved into the serene night.

4. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

5. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.


6. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

7. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

8. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

9. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

10. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.


11. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

12. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or hard tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea.

13. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

14. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble the hero of chivalric novels and a character from ancient history and a Christian preacher.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

16. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.


1. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) He reads fables all night and these are the fruits of these books.

3) I’m sorry to part with you and I would like to remember you well

4) And the years passed quickly and silently and took these memories with them.

5) The illogic of combining words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader’s attention

2. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma

1) None of the employees were in the office and students and parents were waiting in the lobby.

2) Our train stopped at both large and small stations.

3) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

4) And the years passed quickly and silently and took these memories with them.

5) Tinsmiths must know the structure of machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.

3. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) Yesenin’s creativity is determined not only by the traditions of the “golden age” but also by the influence of new poetic thinking.

2) We now know Blok’s gloomy winter and Yesenin’s winter premonition of an inevitable revival and the special lyricism of Turgenev’s winter.

3) The old man was always cheerful and always spoke with jokes and jokes.

4) It was necessary to clear the area of ​​debris or go in search of another place to rest.

5) All that was heard was the measured breathing of the sleeping people and the crackling of burning branches, and soon all the worries of the day slowly dissolved into the night.

4. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The lapwings either screamed or silently ran over the hummocks.

2) In the forest the snow still lies untouched and the trees stand in captivity.

3) The artist was captivated not only by the beauty of the view that opened before him, but also by the variety of natural forms.

4) Gogol’s study of the character of the “scoundrel” follows a moral and psychological line and is supplemented by references to Chichikov’s personal qualities and the circumstances of his upbringing and environment.

5) Cash prizes and certificates were awarded to particularly distinguished carpenters and turners.

5. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) A breeze blew from the district and it immediately became fresh.

2) Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.

3) The powerful “coat” around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.

4) Cases and cases are completely tormented.

5) The forest tangle of paths ended and a great expanse opened up.


6. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Kerzhenets struck us with its quiet, thoughtful and gloomy beauty.

2) The girl was mortally ill and her sly gray eyes went out.

3) The old castle cordially received and covered the rolling water and lonely old women and rootless tramps.

4) The German manager did not know about the thefts at the factory or did not want to know.

5) Only a small Spanish patrol boat and peaceful fishing boats scurried around the sea.

7. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) In the evening, Vadim went to his room and sat down to re-read the letter and write a response.

2) I didn’t hear anything else because I fell asleep unnoticed.

3) He went to the window and saw only pipes and roofs.

4) It would be nice to see paintings by Rembrandt or Titian in our museum someday.

5) Many of the participants in the literary society "Conversation" were consistent classicists and some of them brought traditional classicist genres to perfection.

8. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge in both astronomy and chemistry.

2) In the 12th century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.

3) It’s snowing or raining outside all December...

4) The ship had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in in the right direction even in a headwind.

5) Gray clouds covered the whole sky and cold light the autumn day was sparingly sown through them.

9. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) Sheet metal is used to make machine and instrument bodies and utensils.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or hard tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea.

5) I liked the town for its location and I often walked along the embankment along the majestic river.

10. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics.

3) The illogic of combining words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader’s attention and enhances imagery.

4) He spent the winter in Mirny three times, and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

5) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with the neighbors.


11. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Morning came and the golden reflections of the young sun danced on the barely noticeable waves of the calm sea.

2) An old friend invited me to stay with him and for the first time I had the opportunity to visit the upper reaches of the Volga.

3) He carefully took his shoes out of his bosom and was again amazed at the expensive work and the wonderful incident of the previous night.

4) In a few hours he will leave the house and farm and go somewhere south.

5) Islets of coltsfoot and wormwood and thin bushes of yellow sweet clover enlivened the slope of the ravine.

12. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) Machine bodies, instruments and utensils are made from sheet metal.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or hard tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea.

5) The clouds began to turn black behind the mountains and only the sun shone with bright rays.

13. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) Some watercolor works relate to both painting and graphics.

2) The ocean seems to have frozen and rumbles quietly and insinuatingly.

3) You can give your answers either orally or in writing.

4) The watermelon is ripe and sugary and very tasty.

5) On the street side, a lush crimson maple stood by the picket fence and dropped its leaves into the small garden.

14. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) Bright lightning shook the sky and I saw a smoky cloud bank above the window.

2) The ideal nobleman should be like the hero of chivalric novels and a character from ancient history and a Christian preacher.

3) The art teacher paid attention to the boy’s abilities and inclinations and convinced the parents to send the child to a painting school.

4) Summer residents lazily walk under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.

5) Antiquity in Greece appeared before V.A. Serov in its purest form and the artist perceived this country as a realized dream of great art.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma.

1) Summer emerges from spring and leaves into late autumn.

2) There was a noise in my head, either from the howling and whistling of the storm or from joyful excitement.

3) We saw several trees in the distance and the shadows of wind-driven clouds running across the wet grass.

4) Listen to the silence and then the forest autumn will show you all its riches.

5) To check the spelling of the unstressed vowel of the root, you need to change the word or choose a related one.

16. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Varvara looked at us in surprise and laughed and clasped her hands.

2) Anna and Praskovya walked on and then looked around for a long time.

3) We felt, if not joy, then pleasant excitement.

4) From the window only gray roofs and a piece of autumn sky were visible.

5) The lanterns were spaced far from one another and Misha’s shadow grew to an unimaginable size.


1 - 32|23

2 - 21|12

3 - 15|51

4 - 13|31

5 - 15|51

6 - 12|21

7 - 25|52

8 - 35|53

9 - 45|54

10 - 24|42

11 - 21|12

12 - 45|54

13 - 13|31

14 - 15|51

15 - 24|42

16 - 35|53

Total found: 10672. Displayed: 16-30

    – lili

    What about the certificate and is a comma needed?

    Guys. I’ve been writing for help for two days now and there’s silence...
    The question is easy but still..
    Is a comma necessary? Visit a store offering its visitors a new collection of Italian clothing.


    Question from the Unified State Exam

    Familiar, but suddenly...
    Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence:
    Bright lightning shook the sky in front () and I saw a smoky cloud bank above the window.
    1) Complex sentence...

    Question No. 238008 - comma

    On the outside wall near the entrance door to the office.

    I believe that after the word “future” a comma is needed to separate the phrase “a sign was made,” otherwise it turns out that “in...


    Is a comma necessary?

    Members, I am guided by intuition and knowledge general rules. Something struck me, is a comma needed here: “After all, space is a great luxury(,) and not only during long trips”...

    – maggie

    When there is no entrance to the Portal?...

    <<<Это если бы Грамота смогла спеть вам романс, Магги...<<<

    Uh-huh, you'll have to wait...

    – VAnnaV

    Is a comma necessary?

    Good afternoon,
    Please tell me if a comma is needed after “in the situation”. If yes, could you please tell me what this rule is?

    – Sergey G.

    Gella, put a bracket, write in the bracket... (MiM)

    >>>>A comma is placed at the end of the participial phrase (before the opening parenthesis).

    There is a comma neither before the opening nor before the closing parenthesis...

    – Pokhody

    Is a comma necessary?

    Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!"
    I can’t figure out whether a comma is needed after the word “team”. It seems there is nothing to isolate, because throwing it out with impunity...

    – Raja


    I'll cut in. Excuse me, but, in my opinion, this is not Russian at all. Or a conjunction And in general it should be removed. If not, then the comma is not needed there. Gentlemen, we are making mountains out of molehills. And the information desk, it seems to me, is fooling our people...

    – minka

    Question No. 251627 "Viva(,) king!" -- is a comma necessary?

    Is a comma necessary in phrases like: “Vivat king!”
    Russian help desk response

    – Tiger

    To the apartments of unreliable citizens for signature: “I, such and such, during the Olympics, and also before it, undertake not to commit illegal actions.”

    I still have the original...

    – Tiger

    Semicolon, semicolon...

    It's a pity that they corrected it!
    I like the semicolon. Regardless of who stole it.

    – buzhe

    from the moment when/how

    Please, am I thinking correctly:
    The use of the phrase "since/when" depends on what is being emphasized. If at the event itself, then we put “as”...

    – Andr_W

    "Stop in front of that car"

    Themes. The situation is as follows:

    You are the driver of the car, next to you is a passenger. You are driving along the road, a passing car (oriented in that direction) is parked in front of you 100 meters on your side of the street...

Training work. Tasks from 15 to 19 on the Unified State Exam

    two sentences

1) To measure certain scientific objects or phenomena, units that are uniform for the whole world are used.

2) The clouds on the horizon either converged or diverged, or lined up into bizarre castles.

3) Rare yellowish stars flashed between the clouds and the sky gradually brightened on the horizon.

4) The spores of cap mushrooms are very small and light and are carried by air flow.

5) Only the white trunks of the nearest birches and a piece of the alley were visible.

    Place punctuation marks. Specifytwo sentences , in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In a low grove, linden and hazel trees grew widely.

2) At night the earth quickly cooled down and by dawn the steppe was covered with a layer of short-lived frost.

3) Herbs and flowers smelled hot and sweet in the sun.

4) They loved him not so much for his sublime mind as for some kind of touching naivety and ability to be surprised at everything.

5) Freshwater pearls of whitish or yellow color are found in lakes with clear water.

    Place punctuation marks. Specifytwo sentences , in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Bright lightning shook the sky and I saw a smoky cloud bank above the window.

2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble the hero of chivalric novels and a character from ancient history and a Christian preacher.

3) The art teacher paid attention to the boy’s abilities and inclinations and convinced the parents to send the child to a painting school.

4) Summer residents lazily walk under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.

5) Antiquity in Greece appeared before V.A. Serov in its purest form and the artist perceived this country as a realized dream of great art.

    Place punctuation marks. Specifytwo sentences , in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Knights had to be able to fight and defend themselves and the king.

2) Peasants paid for renting land in money or food.

3) On holidays, both sports parades and theatrical performances were held in the city square.

4) When setting the table, you should not use tablecloths and napkins of cold and gloomy colors.

5) Young giant pines are directed into the blue sky and this makes the expanses of the golden field seem even wider.

    Place punctuation marks. Specifytwo sentences , in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Then Ivan pulled the handle of the device with all his might and tore it off.

2) The musician played soul-touching melodies on the flute given to him, and her clear voice flew over the river expanse to the very blue sky.

3) Large white birds either circle over the water or sit down to rest on stones, or slowly and majestically swim along the river.

4) This grove and the beautiful facade of the house were reflected in the water surface of the lake and small river.

5) A graduate of the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University, Lev Shcherba, was awarded a gold medal for his brilliant work in linguistics and was offered to stay at the university.


A large pond (1) densely overgrown with water lilies (2) was located (3) in a part of the old park remote from the house (4).

7. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Among the eccentrics (1) who lived in Moscow during Griboyedov’s times (2) was a man (3) described in the comedy “Woe from Wit” under the name (4) Maxim Petrovich.

8. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The sparrow (1) unexpectedly took off (2) disappeared into the light greenery of the garden (3) transparently visible (4) in the early evening sky.

9. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

In bad weather, pine trees groan, and their branches (1) are bent by gusts of an angry wind (2) crack (3) sometimes scratching (4) needles on the bark of the tree.

10. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The technique of deep painting (1) allowing one to draw freely (2) without any physical effort (3) turned out to be especially close to Shishkin (4), who maintained a free and lively manner of drawing.

11. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Along the path(1) leaning on the footrest(2)

An old man (3) is walking, sweeping away dust from the weeds.


Point out (4) friend (5)

Where does (6) Yesenina Tatyana live here?”

"Tatyana... Hm...

Yes (7) there (8) behind that hut.

What are you saying to her?


Al(9)maybe(10) lost son?”

"Yes son.

But what (11) old man (12) is wrong with you?

Tell me(13)

Why do you look so sorrowful?"

(S. Yesenin)

12. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Who(1) waves(2) stopped you(3)

Who bound your mighty run (4)

Who is in the pond silent (5) and dense (6)

Has the rebellious flow turned?

Whose magic wand struck (7)

I have hope (8), sorrow (9) and joy (10)

And a stormy soul

Have you lulled yourself into a nap of laziness?

Leap (11) winds (12) explode (13) waters (14)

Destroy the (15) disastrous stronghold!

Where are you (16) thunderstorm - a symbol of freedom?

Rush across the unwitting waters.

( Alexander Pushkin )

13. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

- Listen (1) Motley (2) you better not make me angry! The driver should not be nervous (3) when he is sitting behind the wheel (4) otherwise an accident will happen.

- So (5) I have to tell lies (6) if you are driving?

- What lie? It's like I'm teaching you to tell a lie! - Dunno flared up. - Listen (7) Button (8) tell him (9) otherwise I’m not responsible for myself!

14. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Button (1) also looked at the animals (2) with great interest and never ceased to be surprised. She had a very kind heart. Therefore (3) she sighed sadly every time (4) and said:

- Oh you (5) poor things! Why were you locked in a cage? You (6) probably (7) want to go for a walk...

15. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Vera’s aged (1) mother (he immediately recognized her (2) but she did not immediately recognize him: “My God (3) Pavlusha (4) is that you? Has Pavlik arrived (5)?”) (6) absurdly fussing (7 ) and guiltily apologizing (8) for the mess in the room (9) sat him down on the sofa (10) and began (11) too hastily (12) questioning (13) and (14) at the same time (15) saying (16) that “we heard (17) we all know (18) how far you have come" (19) and he (20) barely understanding her (21) impatiently waiting (22) for her to finish asking questions (23) asked (24) finally (25) in a stuttering voice:

- Where (26) Vera?.. Where is she?

16. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The shaggy branches of the trees (1) form a dark vault (2) through (3) which only here and there (4) a ray of sunlight merrily peeps through.

17. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Stone paths (1) whose winding lines (2) (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) acquire special significance in a Japanese garden.

18. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Some species of tropical and subtropical fish have a suction cup (1) on their head, with the help of (2) which (3) they attach (4) to a wide variety of animals.

19. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

In romantic style gardens (1) it is impossible to do without paths made of natural stone (2), the naturalness (3) of which (4) is emphasized by the moss settled between the stones.

20. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The house (1) the windows (2) of which (3) were decorated with stained glass (4) exuded comfort and tranquility.

21. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

That day, the three of us had breakfast (1) and (2) when the cherry jelly was served (3) my sister capriciously said (4) that the dessert today was not tasty.

22. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Alexey Pavlovich got up at early dawn (1) and (2) when he inhaled the cool air filled with the damp smell of dew (3) his soul felt (4) light and spacious.

23. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

They say (1) that kindness cures loneliness (2) and (3) when I settled in the village (4) I had the opportunity to verify this.

24. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

It’s always difficult to start doing a job you don’t like (1) and (2) in order to delay the unpleasant moment at least a little (3) we often look for any excuses (4) that can somehow justify our lack of will.

25. Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

A couple of hours later (1) when it became quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and climbed the hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.

Place punctuation marks. Identify two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences. 1) Bright lightning shook the sky and I saw a smoky cloud bank above the window. 2) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics. 3) The illogic of combining words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader’s attention and enhances imagery. 4) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with the neighbors. 5) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.


1. Bright lightning shook the sky, and I saw a smoky, cloudy shaft above the window. 2. Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics. 3. The illogic of combining words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader’s attention and enhances imagery. 4. Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with the neighbors. 5. The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time. Maybe you need to indicate the numbers of sentences that do not have commas? Then these are numbers 4 and 5.

1) Bright lightning shook the sky () and I saw a smoky cloud bank above the window.

2) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics.

3) The illogic of combining words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader’s attention and enhances imagery.

4) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with the neighbors.

5) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

Task 16

A small fish jumps up (1), leaving behind itself on the sleepy water (2) slowly scattering (3) rings (4) similar to the slaps of raindrops.

Task 17

A.P. Sumarokov, who consistently advocated the simplicity and clarity of artistic speech, was (1) of course (2) a most talented writer of the mid-18th century. In his poetic and dramatic works, he (3), according to many literary scholars (4), relied on the everyday, everyday speech of the intelligentsia of that time.

Task 18

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Pushkin became extremely interested in the story of P.V. Nashchokin and began drawing up plans, and soon writing a novel (1) the hero (2) of which (3) in the original plan (4) appears under the name Ostrovsky, then changed to Dubrovsky.

Task 19

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

Soon Nikolai was promoted to captain (1) and (2) when the regiment was put under martial law (3) he again received his former squadron (4) in which he was remembered and loved.

Task 20

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

Parents of today's teenagers are most concerned about the fact that their children spend entire days watching television.

Parents of modern teenagers, even with a strong desire, will not be able to learn to navigate the virtual space.

An educated person should not use the Internet.

Modern teenagers today communicate via the Internet.

A visit to a specialist is only necessary if a teenager begins to show signs of Internet addiction.

(1) In the last few years, another one has been added to the usual fears of parents. (2) Increasingly, teenagers scare us with their addiction to virtual communication. (3) Here are examples of complaints. “(4) You can’t drag children away from the computer. (5) They sit for days. (6) Some kind of ICQ, agents, chats, forums...” “(7) I don’t understand what pleasure there could be from this. (8) But the son is sitting at the monitor, laughing at something, or even hitting the table with his fist. (9) It seems to me that he is going crazy - talking to himself.” “(10) I used to play video games, it took a lot of time, I abandoned my homework, but now it’s completely out of hand - it’s like he’s not at home. (11) All day long on the Internet, he says, they have a party there...” (12) This is roughly how the conversation between concerned parents and teachers and psychologists begins. (13) Then the details become clear: along with the passion for computer conversations, academic performance began to fall, the child spends all the time at home, sitting and looking at the screen. (14) The teenager doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t help around the house, doesn’t go outside, doesn’t play sports. (15) Instead of talking on the phone and walking late into the night, children increasingly communicate with each other via the Internet. (16) Actually, we’ve heard similar complaints before, only the evil then came not from the computer, but from the telephone or TV. (17) Today's “computer” children are the descendants of their “television” parents. (18) How was this problem solved when today’s parents were teenagers? (19) Most likely, they simply grew out of it... (20) It may be objected to me that not everyone sat endless hours in front of the television screen; Some people already knew clearly in their youth what they would do in life. (21) Many became responsible early, because some had younger brothers and sisters, some were influenced by the example of responsible adults, and others - it is unknown how and why. (22) And although their parents seriously feared for their future, they became completely independent people, with different professions and destinies, many with families... (23) Why am I saying all this? (24) Moreover, television turned out to be not dangerous in itself. (25) No matter how offensive it may be for someone to realize their own “backwardness,” they will have to come to terms with the fact that the Internet has become a part of our lives and is not going anywhere. (26) The ability to navigate it and use its capabilities becomes a condition for a successful life in many senses. (27) From an unlimited source of information, it has also turned into a trading network, a method of communication, a means of education... (28) More to come. (29) We should learn from children. (30) I, too, at one time had to go through a period of irritation and discontent. (31) And now, with the help of my son, I have become quite good at navigating the virtual space. (32) It happens that you can’t “pull it away” either... (ZZ) Spending time online is quite acceptable for teenagers. (34) Most likely, this harmless hobby lies within the age norm. (35) Although in some cases it is necessary to analyze the situation. (36) If virtual communication has become an all-consuming passion, the teenager has withdrawn or become aggressive, his vocabulary has become impoverished, or there are other symptoms that concern you, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. (37) It’s just important to take into account: the fight will have to be waged not with the computer, but with the reasons that gave rise to the addiction.