How to get targeted from the airline. How to choose a target direction for study and enroll? List of documents, options, tips

The problem of a shortage of pilots has existed in Russia for several years. Flight schools produce 600-800 specialists a year on the labor market, but this is still not enough. According to experts, by 2031 Russia (together with the CIS countries) will need about 12,000 new pilots.

“The agreement with the Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School takes into account the interests of not only our airline, but also the industry as a whole. Russian civil aviation will inevitably experience the need for an influx of young and well-trained personnel, said Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Savelyev. - This aspect was initially taken into account when preparing the agreement. The initiator of this most important matter was Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin. I would like to express special gratitude to him for his active promotion of the project, the significance of which goes far beyond the industry framework. In particular, the Saratov region receives an additional incentive to develop its human capital. And, of course, the cadets benefit: a diploma with honors is now a real passport to big aviation for them.

Several years ago, Vitaly Savelyev estimated the shortage of civilian pilots at a thousand people per year. “Aeroflot needs about 140 aircraft commanders,” he clarified then. To provide its aircraft with qualified pilots, this company first relied on foreign pilots. However, after the fall of the ruble exchange rate, foreigners flocked to work abroad. In 2015-2016, Aeroflot filled vacancies with employees of the bankrupt Transaero, hiring several thousand people at once. But all these decisions were temporary - after all, experts continue to note a shortage of qualified pilots.

“If two years ago our civil aviation was sorely short of pilots, now the industry as a whole even has a surplus of pilots. But the most interesting thing is that it did not eliminate the deficit completely! Pilots are trained for various types of aircraft, and if you are trained on a Boeing 767, you do not have the right to fly an A-320. Therefore, airlines continue to look for pilots for certain types of aircraft,” explained Chief Editor portal AVIA RU Network Roman Gusarov.

Aeroflot, as the largest employer in the industry, is experiencing greater problems than other carriers. Today the number of its employees exceeds 21 thousand people, and for the group of companies this figure reaches 34 thousand people. According to expert forecasts, the carrier’s workforce will increase again in 2016. Therefore, the constant desire of the company's management to end the shortage of personnel seems quite understandable.

It looks like the airline has finally succeeded, thanks to an agreement to guarantee employment for graduates. Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School (KKLU GA) has a long and glorious history. Since its founding, it has trained over 27 thousand civil aviation pilots, among whom are Heroes Soviet Union and Russia, Heroes of Socialist Labor, honored pilots and navigators of the USSR and Russia.

“It turns out that there is a certain targeted recruitment, and I believe that such a mechanism for training flight personnel should only be welcomed. All our problems with either a shortage or a surplus of pilots, with the quality and level of training arise because the pilot training system is outdated. The state is simply training a pilot, which in no way fits in with the demands of business,” Gusarov stated.

It is especially important, the airline notes, that now cadets will be specifically taught to fly the types of aircraft that make up its fleet. “In this way, the company will receive practically ready-made qualified pilots who do not require long-term additional training,” the carrier’s press service emphasized. In order to educate future pilots in all the intricacies of working on new aircraft, a number of changes were made to the KKLU educational program.

“We need brilliantly trained, motivated and talented guys who have all the makings to soon begin to command our aircraft. I think that now we have good chance start receiving just such a replenishment,” noted the deputy. General Director - Flight Director of Aeroflot PJSC Igor Chalik.

The revival of the traditions of training pilots and the transition to direct training of pilots at the school level is intended to increase the efficiency of corporate personnel policy.

“The agreement between Aeroflot and the flight school is the use of a mechanism that works quite effectively all over the world,” stated Roman Gusarov. - We need to train those specialists who are in demand. In aviation, these are not just pilots, but pilots with certain qualifications and training for a specific type of aircraft. Therefore, a targeted order from the airline minimizes its costs of obtaining a pilot, optimizes the training system and increases its level. Such agreements are also beneficial to the education system, because it is real money. The company orders pilot training and pays for it, and the school will try to work at the proper level in order to continue receiving such orders.”

The interaction between the airline and the flight school will help revive the system vocational education in the regions, experts are sure. Of course, it would be possible to open our own pilot courses near Aeroflot’s base airports in the capital region. But in the end, the decision was made in favor of the Saratov region, where KKLU is located. Now not only Muscovites, but also residents of the southern Russian regions can make a “heavenly” career for themselves.

As part of a special educational program Rosaviatsiya 33 candidates entered leading aviation universities in target set Rossiya Airlines

All year “Russia” receives requests for such targeted directions from different regions of Russia. This year, the airline was allocated twenty-three places for flight training. To obtain the coveted right to sign a target agreement with an airline, future aviators must take part in a competition.

According to the rules of the competition, the target recruitment commission reviewed the documents of 110 candidates who sent documents to the company. To successfully pass the selection, children must confirm excellent health with a VLEK certificate, have a high GPA for the first half of the year, excellent grade English language, confirm high level English language skills from flight personnel language training specialists, and also receive a recommendation for training to become a pilot from an aviation psychologist. Among other things, the children’s personal achievements in the field of science and sports are also taken into account.

Within the framework of targeted quotas, students are traditionally sent to study at three leading universities that train specialists in the field of civil aviation: St. Petersburg State University civil aviation, Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev and Moscow State University of Civil Aviation.

Thus, 23 candidates were selected who fully meet the airline's requirements. In addition to flight positions, this year the airline received ten ground positions in the specialty “Organization of air navigation support for aircraft flights” and “Organization of transportation and management of air transport.” The selection of candidates was based on grades for the first half of the year, English language, as well as achievements in the field of science and sports.

Agreements were concluded with all selected candidates targeted training, the validity of which extends until the moment of conclusion employment contract with Rossiya Airlines JSC.

These guys are the future of “Russia” and they will proudly join the ranks of our friendly team.

Rossiya Airlines part of the Aeroflot Group. The airline's total route network includes more than 130 destinations. In 2017, Rossiya transported more than 11 million passengers, securing its place in the top three in terms of this indicator in civil aviation of the Russian Federation. The airline is the favorite carrier of St. Petersburg residents and the largest carrier at Pulkovo Airport. Since 2016, it has been implementing a program to renew its fleet and aircraft interiors. Boeing 747, Boeing 777, Boeing 737NG, Airbus A320 and Airbus A319 aircraft are used on domestic and international routes, and all aircraft are named after Russian cities. Special projects aimed at supporting unique nature Far East, are the liveries of the Tigrolet and Leolet aircraft. A special project aimed at supporting domestic sports was an airplane, popularly called “Sportolet”. Since 2014, the airline has been the official carrier of the Zenit football club.

At the beginning of the flight school course there were two stages. At the first stage, training took place at the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School in the specialty “Flight Operation of Aircraft.” We studied there for 1.5 years. In the second stage, training took place at the Aeroflot school itself on a contract basis for 6 months. If studying at the school was supposed to be free, then at school you had to pay for training, for this the company issued a targeted loan in the amount of the cost of studying. The contract with the student stipulated that after graduating from flight school he would work at Aeroflot for 5 years, and money would be deducted from his salary to repay the loan. But this program is not possible, since the airline failed to resolve the issue of budget funding from the state to pay for training at the first stage.

The average salary of a co-pilot at Aeroflot is 250,000 rubles. Therefore, paying off a targeted loan allocated for studying at a flight school will not be difficult.
In 2013, flight training at Aeroflot consisted of two parts. Initial training took place at an accredited flight center in Florida, USA and took approximately 4.5 months. The course cost $55 thousand, and this does not include the cost of flights, visas and meals. After training, students passed two exams - in flight training and in the theoretical program. After successfully passing the exams, the student received an American standard pilot's license. Training in the second part took place directly on the basis of the Aeroflot flight school. Here they taught the basics of piloting a specific A320 aircraft. The training took 6-7 months and cost about $30 thousand.

Admission to Aeroflot flight school

As part of a special educational program of the Federal Air Transport Agency, 33 candidates were admitted to leading aviation universities through the targeted recruitment of Rossiya Airlines.

All year "Russia" receives requests for such targeted directions from different regions of Russia. This year, the airline was allocated twenty-three places for flight training. To obtain the coveted right to sign a target agreement with an airline, future aviators must take part in a competition.

According to the rules of the competition, the target recruitment commission reviewed the documents of 110 candidates who sent documents to the company. To successfully pass the selection, children must confirm excellent health with a VLEK certificate, have a high average score for the first half of the year, an excellent grade in English, confirm a high level of English proficiency from language training specialists for flight personnel, and also receive a recommendation for training as a pilot from an aviation psychologist. Among other things, the children’s personal achievements in the field of science and sports are also taken into account.

As part of targeted quotas, students are traditionally sent to study at three leading universities that train specialists in the field of civil aviation: St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev and Moscow State University of Civil Aviation.

Thus, 23 candidates were selected who fully meet the airline's requirements. In addition to flight positions, this year the airline received ten ground positions in the specialty “Organization of air navigation support for aircraft flights” and “Organization of transportation and management of air transport.” The selection of candidates was based on grades for the first half of the year, English language, as well as achievements in the field of science and sports.

Targeted training agreements were concluded with all selected candidates, the validity of which extends until the conclusion of an employment contract with Rossiya Airlines JSC.

These guys are the future of “Russia” and they will proudly join the ranks of our friendly team.

Rossiya Airlines part of the Aeroflot Group. The airline's total route network includes more than 130 destinations. In 2017, Rossiya transported more than 11 million passengers, securing its place in the top three in terms of this indicator in civil aviation of the Russian Federation. The airline is the favorite carrier of St. Petersburg residents and the largest carrier at Pulkovo Airport. Since 2016, it has been implementing a program to renew its fleet and aircraft interiors. Boeing 747, Boeing 777, Boeing 737NG, Airbus A320 and Airbus A319 aircraft are used on domestic and international routes, and all aircraft are named after Russian cities. Special projects aimed at supporting the unique nature of the Far East are the liveries of the Tigrolet and Leolet aircraft. A special project aimed at supporting domestic sports was an airplane, popularly called “Sportolet”. Since 2014, the airline has been the official carrier of the Zenit football club.

Full-time education


Reception check digits





161000.62 – Air navigation










080200.62 – Management




Note: * - Changes in reception control digits allocated for targeted reception in specialization 162001.65.01 - Organization of flight work, introduced in accordance with the order of the Founder of the Institute - (No. KM1.11-1641 dated 06/11/2013).

Note: ** - Changes in the admission target numbers allocated for targeted admission for bachelor's training profiles 161000.62.08 - Search and rescue support for aircraft flights and 280700.62.02 - Safety of technological processes and production, were made in accordance with the order of the Founder of the Institute - Federal Air Transport Agency (No. 11.4-479 dated June 26, 2013).

Distribution of seats allocated for targeted reception by interregional territorial air transport departments

Place of organization of the selection committee

Organization of flight work

Organization of airspace use

Flight operation of civil aircraft

Search and rescue

aircraft flight support


East Siberian MTU VT


1 1 2 -

Far Eastern MTU VT


4 1 2 -



1 - - -

Krasnoyarsk MTU VT


6 - 2 -

Kamchatka MTU VT


2 - 2 -

MTU VT of the Central regions

(Moscow, airport Sheremetyevo, TSAP)

40 - 12 -

Tyumen MTU VT


11 10 5 -

Privolzhskoe MTU VT


1 - - -

North-Eastern MTU VT


6 3 - 5

Sakha (Yakutsk) MTU VT


3 2 - -

Southern MTU VT


- 5 - -

Central selection committee

- 18 - -
75 40 25 -
Extramural studies

Name of the area of ​​training (specialty)

Name of training profile (specialization)


Reception check digits

162001.65 – Operation of aircraft and air traffic management

162001.65.01 – Organization of flight work


162001.65.02 – Organization of airspace use


161000.62 – Air navigation

161000.62.01 – Flight operation of civil aircraft



161000.62.08 – Search and rescue support for aircraft flights


161000.62.09 – Ensuring aviation security


162700.62 – Operation of airports and provision of aircraft flights

162700.62.04 – Aviation fuel supply for air transportation and aviation work


280700.62 – Technosphere safety

280700.62.02 – Safety of technological processes and production


221400.62 – Quality management

221400.62.01 – Quality management in production and technological systems


080200.62 – Management

080200.62.06 – Production management
