Emotional wealth of Russian poetry of the 19th century Nekrasov. Poetry of the XIX century

After Pushkin and Lermontov, Russian poetry seemed to froze. It cannot be said that in it did not appear original dating: Plescheyev spoke with combat, invited poems, the deep poet of thought was peculiar to the best poems of Ogarev, the Anthological Lyrics of the Poet and Translator of Apollo Nikolayevich Maikova had magnificent plastic and paintings. The literature included N.A. Nekrasov, A.A. Fet, A.A. Grigoriev, Ya.P. Polonsky, A.K. Tolstoy. Did not leave the poetic pen and I.S. Turgenev. Yet the poetry experienced a crisis. The readers no longer remembered Tyutchev, they, like publishers, did not satisfy the continuing poets of Pushkin Powder - Baratinsky, languages, Vyazemsky, they walked to the former Lyubomudram. It seemed to everyone that the field of poetry was empty that minor dating, imitatives or vulgar romance were dominant in it.

old topics and images and cutting high pathos former poets. And although Belinsky praised the antholological poems A. Mikova, and V. Mikov - a prominent critic of the mid-40s - the warmth responded about Plescheyev, calling it the first poet of time, the authority of the poetic word is still noticeable and sweating, especially in comparison with shiny prose successes. Logs almost ceased to print poems.

At the same time, the beginning of the public climb demanded the poets of living participation in the search for new informative and formal capabilities of the word to express the complex experiences of the person. And soon poetry, and not without the influence of prose, he again gained himself. The revival of poetry, which Turgenev and Nekrasov contributed a lot, became a historical fact by 1850. Here I remembered the name F. Tyutchev, knocked out the names of A. Feta, AP. Grigorieva, J. Polonsky. N. Nekrasov, Poets of His Circle A. Plescheev, N. Ogarev, M. Mikhailov, N. Dobrolyubov, and later the authors of the "sparks" V. Kurochkin, D. Minaev filled the poetic genres with relevant social content. Satyrics and humorists contributed to the development of poetry to the development of poetry, having criticized outdated and compromised motifs, devoid of expressive imagery. A.K. Tolstoy and pearl brothers ridiculed romantic exaltation, cutoff from life, nebula and book convention of many poets. They created a portrait of a goat Prutkova, a poet official, having seen on literary creativity.

Gradually, leaving the crisis, Russian poetry mastered the modern life. A feature of its development in the 50s and subsequent years was the deepening of realism. Romanticism, without giving up its position, takes into account the achievements of realistic prose, realistic lyrics, but still on the "eternal" issues of being. Realistic poetry, in turn, is not alien to "high", but it arises on the basis of social and specific human relations with the world. Thus, entering into a dispute, intentionally pushing away from each other, romantic and realistic poetry does not exclude rapprochement, the assimilation of different, sometimes opposing principles. It is time for the celebration of realism. The evolution of Plescheyev and Ogarev, the lyrics that began their creative way in line with romanticism, but gradually those who have had the previousness of the images, ineffice, and strict and simple and concrete expressing emotions, to a strict and simple style, deprived of the peripherals, book revolutions Speech, erased epithets and metaphors.

Finally, the national beginning in Russian poetry also does not fade. It lives not only in Nekrasov's poetry, peasant lyrics and authors-Democrats, but also in the poems of Tyutchev, Feta, AP. Grigorieva, Polonsky, Majkova, A. Tolstoy.

The beginning of the second half of the nineteenth century was marked in Russia with a powerful public lift, which demanded from literature, and above all of poetry, new content and new artistic forms capable of reflecting complex social contradictions reality. The end of the nineteenth century was marked by a deep crisis that engulfed the entire European culture that was a consequence of disappointment in the previous ideals and the feeling of approaching the death of existing socio-political orders.

In the XIX century, the classical period of Russian poetry was completed. Mentally covering her blessing sea, it is impossible not to admire the striking variety of questions and problems that have affected the Russian poets in their works, who sought in the penetration - deep and emotionally agitated poems to maintain and approve the faith in eternal spiritual values, in the volatility of the universal ideals of Christianity, remind about The highest sense of life and the high purpose of man, to penetrate the mysters of the human spirit to reveal the unknown and unknown movements of cardiac life. And although each of the poets did it in his own way, he tried to reflect and comprehend the world, the thoughts and feelings of his contemporaries, but it was one general that the poets relative to everyone was very similar to each other - this is love for homeland and His long-suffering people. And in your project, I want to convey all the feelings of poets, their poems about the Motherland, nature, and tell a little about them.

F.Y. Tyutchev was born on November 23, 1803 in the estate of the Oblovskaya province, in the noble family. In 1821 He graduated from the verbal faculty of Moscow University with a degree of candidate. Having lived abroad with brief breaks for almost 22 years, Tyutchev never lost his bond with a homeland.

There are a mysterious charm in the lightness of the autumn evenings: the sinister shine and the flints of trees, the crumpled leaves Tomny, light rustle foggy and quiet azure over the sad-haired earthy, and, as a premonition of converging storms, a gusty, cold wind sometimes, damage, exhaustion and all That meek smile of fading, which is essential, we call the divine shortness of suffering.

Not flesh, and the Spirit crushed today, and the person is desperately thanks ... He rushes to the light from the night shadow and, the light, who has wanted, woven and rebukes the discernment, and desired, he does not endure the day ... and he is aware of his death, and he craves Faith ... But it does not ask for it ... I will not say input, with a prayer and a tear, as it does not mourn before a closed door: "Let me! - I believe, my God! Come to help my wrong! " Poems F.I. Tyutcheva "our eyelid" is written on July 11, 1831. In this poem, the Poet's personality protrudes Camoflined, is an expression of generalizable importance, in addition, the reduction of denials leads to

I.Sturgenov was born on October 28, 1818 in Orlov, in the noble family. She was brought up at first at home, and then he studied in Moscow private pensions. In 1833, Turgenev entered Moscow University, but in a year he was transferred to St. Petersburg University, which he graduated from the degree of candidate. Turgenev began his creative path as a poet, in the period GH. His poems and poems were printed in different magazines and were warmly met with criticism and readers.

Morning misty, morning gray, Niva sad, covered with snow, reluctantly remember the time and time, remember the faces forgotten. Remember abundant passionate speeches, views, so greedily, so timidly fishing, the first meetings, the latest meetings, a quiet voice of the sounds are loved. Remember the separation with a smile strange, remember a lot of native distant, listening to the wheels of the wheels incessant, looking thoughtfully into the sky wide. The poem of an outstanding Russian writer and the poet I. S. Turgenev "On the Road" (1843), which was subsequently laid on the music and became a famous romance.

The work of the "noble nest" was written by Turgenev in 1859. The "noble nest" remains one of the bright works of the writer. Despite the wreck of hopes for the personal happiness of the hero, Lavretsky, there is hope for a bright future for others. The image of the Lisa of Kalitina - "Turgenev Girl" - overshadows the whole environment around it and becomes a symbol of Russia.

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was born on August 24, 1817. In St. Petersburg in the noble family. In 1834, he was enrolled by a student in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Several years spent abroad, and on returning to Russia served under the royal court. During the Crimean War, he joined the army, but did not participate in battle, he fell ill with a typhoid. Tolstoy poems began to write in childhood, and his first literary experiments approved V.A. Zhukovsky.

The environment of the noisy ball, by chance, in the alarm of the worldly fuss, I saw you, but your secretly covered the features. Only the eyes were sadly glanced, and the voice sounded so drank like a distant swirl ringing like the sea playing shaft. I liked you, I liked the subtle and all your thoughtful look, and your laughter, and sad and ringing, since then in my heart sounds. In the clock of lonely nights I love, tired, lie down - I see sad eyes, I hear a fun speech; And sadly I fall asleep so, and in the Gresses of unknown sleep ... I love you - I do not know, but it seems to me that I love!

Not the wind, the vein from the height, the sheets touched at night the lunar; My soul touched you - she is anxious, like sheets, she, like a lot-mining huscle. The everyday whirlwind of her was tormented by a crushing raid, whistling and warning, the strings of the rippled and cited cold snow. Your speech is causing a rumor, your easy touch, as the flowers flying down, as the May night dungeon ...

A.A. Fet was born in October - November 1820. In the village of Novoselki Mzolesk County of the Oryol province. Poems began to write very early. Still learning at the university, in 1840. He released the first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon", which entered mainly imitative works. In the 50th G.G. Fet was actively printed in the "contemporary", "domestic notes" and other magazines. He died in Moscow in 1892.

Some sounds and flax to my headboard. They are full of languid separation, trembling with unprecedented love. It would seem that? The last gentle caress, the dust ran down the street, the postal hid the stroller ... And only ... But the song separation is uncomfortable teases with love, and light sounds are linen and flax to my headboard.

Fir sleeve flew a path of the path. Wind. In the forest, one noisy, and terribly, and sad, and fun, I do not understand anything. Wind. The circle is all buzzing and pegs, the leaves are circling at the feet. Chu, there in the distance unexpectedly heard a thinly called horn. Sweet Call I have a heated copper! Dead that I have sheets! It seems that I published a wanderer poor gently welcome you.

A.A. Grigoriev was born on July 20, 1822 in Moscow, in the official of the official. In 1842 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow University, then went to St. Petersburg and entered the service, but soon left it and dedicated himself to literary activities. Poems and critical articles began to appear on the pages of St. Petersburg magazines in the second half of the 40s. The main theme of the creativity of Grigoriev is the conflict of a romantic personality with the world of mercantilism and life prose.

No, I'm not born, I'll beat his forehead, or patiently wait in the front, nor for the princely table, to listen to Bedni or the umong. No, I'm not born, I be a slave, I even in the church for lunch, I am very bad, I repent of whether to listen to the Augusta house. And the fact that Marat felt, sometimes it is capable of understanding, and be God's aristocrat myself, he would proudly sang a curse ... But on the cross, the crucified God was the son of the crowd and Demagog.

The poet is a man with a creative soul, he is sick of his experiences, feelings, he is sick with his work, her beauty, which is not selected from the change with the mouth. He transmits us all his dreams, the whole picture of the old time, he transmits us with heroes of excessive beauty. Heroes from changed names. And whoever knew how to learn the reader to learn the whole truth about the heroes of famous works. But we will not be able to turn to the writer, and with sorrow, we ask him an apology. The poet is a man with a creative soul. Why did you go away so early? I want you to talk to me. Alas, you died, leaving my writings not enough. You are God you king, you are a genius. You are a man with a stunning mind you do not know before the enemy of the conquest. Some friends, fans, readers around. You sleep quietly my poet. I will keep you all my life, I will remember everything about you, there is no doubt, and I will never forget about you.

Lesson number 14.

Topic: "Review of Russian literature 2 halves of the nineteenth century"


Overview of the whole literary and historical era;

Show the main directions for the development of literature in this period;

Evaluate the contribution of the literary figures of the era to the development of Russia;

Learning to collect and systematize information;

Select the material for messages.

Equipment: Presentation on the topic, exhibition of literature.

During the classes.

Lecture teacher.

Community-political and cultural and historical situation in Russia The second half of the nineteenth century.


Teacher's introductory word. Today we will meet with the peculiarities of the history and cultural development of Russia in 2 half x i x century. I want to draw your attention to the epigraph (slide 2) - the words N.G. Chernyshevsky, who said about the role of literature in this historical period so:

"We still focus on almost all the mental life of the people, and therefore it lies directly on it to engage in such interests, which in other countries have changed already, so to speak, in a special institution of other directions of mental activity ..."

Individual task Historical reference. 1850-natives.

A special place in the politics of Russia of this period was the Eastern Question.

In 1853, the war between Russia and Turkey began. (Slide 3) feudal-extractive, technically backward, with an army formed on the basis of reconcile from the polls of the illiterate population, Russia was unable to resist enemies.

The main hostilities unfolded directly on its territory in the Crimea. In October 1854, the Allies were besieged Sevastopol.

Entry into the throne of Alexander II. (Slide 4)

The new state was at the head of the country, tired of bloody war. In the days of his coronation, many were given freedom, including the Decembrists. There was an awakening of public thought. In philosophy and literature, the busy search for a social idea began, the problem of nation's cohesion, its spiritual unity faced sharply. These searches in the most influential ideological flows in Russian public thought were especially actively actively manifested.

(Loving Slavs and Loving Western Ideas)

Individual task. Historical events 1860-1870s.

1861 – abolition of serfdom. Huge historical meaning. Slavery was canceled, there were opportunities for the development of market relations in the village. Russia has become practically the capitalist path of development. (Slide 5)

Rubbrozh 1860-1970s - the emergence of revolutionary population.

(slide 6)

The word of the teacher. Public struggle in Russia was reflected in the pages of numerous magazines. The magazine controversy has become a bright page of the historical and literary process in Russia.

Londonnewspaper "Bell" (1857-1867), which Herzen A.I. Published together with Ogarev N.P. The newspaper criticized the reactionary aspirations of the highest officials, the government and the entire state system of Tsarist Russia. Many "bell" helped critically look at the reforms of Alexander II, the alignment of socio-political forces in the country. (Lessons of Russian literature, author - Bikulova I.A., Bryansk, 2003) (Slide 7)

Magazine "Contemporary" (Slide 8)

Talented publicist D.I. Pisarev and magazine "Russian Word"(Slide 9)

With the "contemporary" and "Russian word", many have half alarm. The famous critics of A. Sprinin, V.Botkin, P.Annenkov believed that the artistic terms of the work was not related to the requirements of the public situation. Therefore, they were supporters of only "pure art." Critics argued with Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov and Pisewed and evaluated not ideological orientation, but artistic features of works. The main ones were the degree of talent of the author and "Eternal Values" - God, Love, Beauty, Mercy.

It was not easy to read the readers in journal controversy and in conflicting estimates of the same work.

2. The benefit of the development of literature and art in the second half of the nineteenth century.

At this time, it was the critical realism that gave brilliant creative results. Realistic traditions of culture approved the concept of "golden age" in Russian art and literature. The gallery of artistic images in the work of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, Nekrasov and Turgenev, in the music of Tchaikovsky M Musorgsky, in the canvases of Repin and Perov, Kramsky and Surikov, in the small theater, the times of Shchepkin and Ostrovsky was a kind of mirror, reflected a kind of mirror, reflecting Russian reality.

Literature, painting, music, the Theater of the "Golden Age" purposefully argued the aesthetics of public life, generating the world of "humiliated and offended" and the world of "extra people", "typical images in typical circumstances". But Russian art not only reflected the world around, but transformed his. Russian art was closely connected with spiritual quest in public life.

(Slide 10)

The golden age of Russian literature on the right is called the 19th century. Domestic literature rapidly passed a serious way, she, illuminated by the genius A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Romegenev, F.M.Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoye and A.P.hekhova, glitter of the whole talent The constellation of the largest writers, nominated the greatest literatures of the world and had a noticeable impact on the artistic culture of all mankind. She became the focus of the spiritual life of society, his conscience, always standing out by the heat of philosophical quest.

The second half of the 19th century, the grand panorama of Russia's life was created: "Oblomov" I.A. Balrov, "Thunderstorm" and "Nonperdannica" A.N. Ostrovsky, novels I.S. Romegenev, "What to do?" N.G. Chernyshevsky, "Poison and Duma", A.N.Gezena, "History of one city" Saltykov-Shchedrina M.E., "Crime and Punishment" F.M.Dostoevsky, "Who in Russia live well" .A.Nekrasova, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, stories A.P.hekhova, Lyrics Tyutcheva F.I., Tolstoy A.K., Feta A.A.

Realism (Slide 11) became the main direction of domestic literature

Roman (Slide 12) became the most relevant genre

Definition of the novel.

Wide distribution was widely varieties of the genre: social, political, historical, philosophical, psychological, love, family-household, adventure, fantastic. Roman widely covered the social conditions of the human being, deeply penetrated into the inner world of the character. It was the novels that have acquired a huge resonance not only in Russia, but also abroad. Works of Tolstoy L.N., Dostoevsky F.M., Turgenev I.S. Almost immediately translated into foreign languages \u200b\u200band enjoyed great success.

Russian literature of the second half of the nineteenth century made climbing the highest ideological-artistic level and reached such a position that can be defined as the top of world art. (Slide 13)

Messages Ucha:

"The value of Creativity P.I. Tchaikovsky in Russian culture"

"Mighty bunch" - the creative community of Russian composers "

"The meaning of the Small Theater in Russia"

"The meaning of" partnership of mobile art exhibitions in Russia "

Literature: "Lessons of Russian literature. The second half of the nineteenth century. ", Bryansk" Italic ", 2003

Customized task: Biographies for A.N. Ostrovsky.

The first dramaturgical experiments: water waters, the drama "Ivanov".

"Seagull" (1896). The history of the first stage. Artistic innovation Chekhov: a new type of dramatic hero, the novelty of plot-composite decisions, the wealth of intonational-semantic nuances, subtext values, the polyphonic nature of the dialogue, the multigidness of characters and conflicts, the wealth of symbols. The drama of mutual misunderstanding, personal insolvency and creative dissatisfaction in the "Seagull" play.

Triumphal formulation of "Seagulls" - 1898 by the Moscow Art Theater. K.S. method Stanislavsky as a generalization of the director's experience on the Chekhov "Seull". Czech cooperation with MHT.

"Uncle Vanya" (1897), "Three sisters" (1901). Pieces about lost opportunities and inexhaustory hopes of provincial intelligentsia. Problems, figurative system, psychological pattern. Genre peculiarity of works.

"Cherry Garden" (1904). Three generations, three social groups presented in the play. External (decision of the destination) and internal (defining historical and personal fate of heroes) conflicts. Dramatic and comic in play. Images-symbols, cross-cutting motifs. The role of secondary characters. Genre.

Modern scenic interpretations of Chekhov's works.

The effect of Chekhov's drama on world dramaturgy.

4. Russian poetry of the second half of the XIX century

Traditions and innovation of poetry of the second halfXIX. century. Lyrical, lyrol-epic and epic genres. Language and rhythms.

ON THE. Nekrasov (1821 - 1877). Personality of the poet. Content and pathos of his creativity.

Art innovation Nekrasov. The expansion of the thematic volume, the figurative world of poetry, democratization of the content and language, the organic inclusion in its own poetic world of elements of folk poetics, polyphony, rhythmic wealth, genre variety. Socio-biographical and moral and psychological features lyrical hero Poetry Nekrasov. Emotional saturation and civilian pathos of Nekrasovskaya poetry. The main topics of Nekrasov lyrics.

Poems Nekrasov.

Laro-epic poem "Frost, Red Nose" (1863).

Historical poems "Grandfather" (1870) and "Russian women" (1871 - 1872). The poetic embodiment of the theme of the ethics of the Decembrists and their wives.

People's epic "Who lives well in Russia" (from 1863 to the end of life). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poems and the history of its incarnation. Scene-composite originality. Rhythmic-stylistic wealth. Saturation folklore motifs, images and rhythms. The meaningful-functional mission of seven wanderers-lawwers. Poetics and problems of the "Prolog" as a starting point and ideological-artistic grain of the narrative. Multiples and multi-bearing poems. The painting of mass scenes. The depth of comprehending the neccami content and the nature of the people's life, the foundations of national being and the utopism of its socio-historical needs (the mission entrusted to Grisha Dobrosaklon; the legend "On two great sinners").

Editorial activity Nekrasov At the head of the "contemporary" and "domestic notes."

Contradictory assessments of the personality and creativity of Nekrasov contemporaries. The incredit value of his work.

F.I. Tyutchev (1803 - 1873). The originality of the poetic world of Tyutchev poetry: philosophical character; key role of global opposition (space - chaos, day - night, life - death, love - struggle,

Death is a human court), symbolic saturation, romanticism with a fundamental revision of the role and importance of the personality, the logical extension of the poetic statement and its sensual reverence, lexical and rhythmic-syntactic wealth and diversity of verse, addiction to the archaic forms of poetic expressiveness, parallelism as one of the fundamental composite principles. Tyutchev and Pushkin.

Conditional The themed blocks are highlighted: landscape, natural philosophical, love, actually philosophical lyrics, philosophical miniatures, poems of political and "Slavophile" content. (See, respectively, a structured list of works.)

Denisyevsky cycle: life base, ideological-artistic community, plot-composite unity of works, image of a lyrical hero, a lover image. Tragic sound of love theme.

The interaction of Tyutchev's poetry with Western European philosophy and poetry. Influence of Tyutchev's creativity on the poetry of the Silver Age (Merezhkovsky about Tyutchev: "Our Decadent Grandfather").

A.A. Fet. (1820 - 1892). The striking difference of the personality and fate of the poet from the content and emotional tone of his work. Principal extension from social problems and "lyrical audacity" (L. Tolstoy) Feta poetry. Main topics: nature, love, beauty, life and death, appointment of art. Philosophical depth, romanticism and impressionism of feta poetry. Rhythmic melodic wealth, musicality, plastic expressiveness, emotional and psychological saturation of lyrics. Dynamism, energy and malleancy of Fetovsky verse.

Contemporaries about the work of Feta (L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, P.I. Tchaikovsky and N. Chernyshevsky, D. Pisarev). Influence of feta on Russian poetry of the twentieth century.

Overview characteristics of poetry of the 50s - 60s. Feta line - representatives of "pure" art: an up. Mikes, N. Shcherbina, Ya. Polonsky, A.K. Tolstoy. Folklore saturation, genre variety of lyrics A. Tolstoy. Poets of Nekrasov school: N.P. Ogarev, D. Minaev, M. Mikhailov, S. Drozhazh, I. Golz-Miller, I. Nikitin. Satyrian branch of Nekrasovskaya school: N. Dobrolyubov, V. Kurochkin, D. Minaev, L. Trefolev. Satirical compositions of Kozma Prutkov (A.K. Tolstoy and pearl brothers).

N.S. Leskov (1831 - 1895). Uniqueness of dating and creativity. Special place in the literature of his time.

Ideological novel-chronicle: "Sobira" (1872). Genre peculiar chronicles.

Anti-nigilastic (ideological) novels "Nowhere" (1865), "on the knives" (1871).

Essay of female characters and social morals in the works of "Life of one woman" (1863), "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" (1865), "Warper" (1866).

Tale "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County": routine manner, language, narrator functions; Principles of creating an image of a major heroine; The nature and fate of Katerina Izmailovoy; Russian national nature, the problem of naturalness, human nature spontaneity in Leskov's lighting. The meaning of the name. Absorbing Leskov's Polemaker with Ostrovsky (Katerina Izmailov in comparison with Katerina Kabanova).

Tale "Enchanted Wanderer" (1873). The plot-composite organization of the narration ("story in the story", fragmentaryness), a fighting manner. Well done mischief, the epic strength, naturalness of nature and the immediateness of the behavior of the main character - Ivan Northanycha Flyagin. The complicity of him in the fate of people encountered on the life path. The moral evolution of the hero. The meaningful of the word "enchanted" in the story, the meaning of the name.

By the message "Left -shest (tale about the Tula Spirla Leftshest and the steel flea)" (1882).The fake-epic nature of the narration. Language and plot embodiment of the opposites of Russian and "Alien" national worlds .. The symbolic nature of the image of Lefty: exterior noncase - and spiritual beauty, moral dignity, giftedness, patriotism. The tragic fate of the Master-nugget - the formula of the life of the Russian people. Problems of national and personal human dignity, enlightenment, state wisdom and foresight.

The theme of the tragic fate of a talented person from the people in the story "Tuppean artist" (1883).

The uniqueness of the artistic world of Leskov's works, the depth of comprehension in them is a Russian national nature.

Democratic fiction of the 60-80s.

Traditions of "Genuine School". Development of a realistic method: attention to the socio-economic aspects of the life of the people, psychological, household and ethnographic thoroughness of the image. N.G. Pomoalovsky (1835 - 1863): the story "Meshchanskoy Happiness", Roman "Molotov", artistic understanding of the confrontation of the misconduct and Baria, psychologist, lyricism of the romance story, the tough setting of the problem of education in the "essays of the bursa". V.A. Slepts (1836 - 1878): Roman "Hard time" - an image of a socio-ideological conflict as the basis of the plot; Poisonous irony and merciless satire in the image of the deformities of Russian reality in the stories and essays of Sleptsova. FM Reshetnikov (1841 - 1871): Roman "Podlipovtsy" is a realistic accuracy and ethnographic expressiveness of the narration. N.V. Assumption (1937 - 1889): "Essays of the national life" - stiffness in the image of people's life, "anecdotism" in the development of scenes and characters. G.I. Assumption(1843 - 1902). An expressant of revolutionary-socialist sentiment, "Great Program of the Land of the Russian", a merciless accuser of socio-moral deformities of national life. "Morals of the Trustemeeva Street" (1866) - the irreparable picture of the life and morals of the Russian burgher, the incarnation of the horrors of the zoological existence of the Rasharääevtsev. Through cycle issues, expressiveness of human types. "Power of the Earth" (1882) is the last of the three essay cycles of the city of Assumption about the Russian village. Artistic and journalistic study of the organic communication of the peasant with the Earth. Idealization of the community peasant world.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin(1826 – 1889).

Personality and worldview. The main stages of biography and creativity. The beginning of the creative path is the "provincial essays" (1956 - 1857): the satirical impact of provincial officials and in his face - all bureaucratic Russia.

Features of the artistic method of Saltykov-Shchedrin: satire, fantasy.

Ideological novel-parody: "The history of one city" (1869 - 1870) - political satire, phantactivo-parody history of the Russian state. The content and principles of creating images of hail structures. Their historical poverty and inventive, prognostic character. The image of the people in the "History ...". Social insights and social misconceptions Saltykov-Shchedrin. Art features of the work (convention, symbolism, irony, grotesque, fantasy, folk elements). The value of the chronicler figure is the narrator. Composition of the book. The meaning of the final.

Socio-psychological novel: "Lord Golovy" (1875 - 1880) - , History of moral degradation of landlords, destruction and disintegration of the noble nest. Socially accusatory pathos of the family chronicle Saltykov-Shchedrin. The polemical direction of the work. The image of Arina Petrovna Podveva. Wine Arina Petrovna in the decay and death of the family and her trouble in the end. Jewish as a complete and final embodiment of moral self-destruction, sincere death of the noble "follower". Trees of creating images of heroes (portrait, speech, mimic, gesture, author's comment, generalizing estimates and characteristics). Accessive storing of narration.

Ideological novel-pamphlet "Modern idyll" (1877 - 1878, 1882 - 1883) - Satira on the reaction era, on liberal adaptation (life "in relation to meanness", "Penfit").

Ideological fairy tale:"Tales" (1883 - 1886 ). History of creation. The genre peculiarity of the tales of generous, roll call with folklore fairy tales and fundamental difference from them. The satirical character of the Shchedrian fairy tales, their problem-thematic filling. The generalized conditional nature of the images of people and animals. Basno-moralistic traditions in Shchedrin fairy tales.

Influence of creativity M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin on the literature of the twentieth century. Modern assessments of his work. The urgency created by generous images.

Literature of the 80-90s of the X1x century.

Review characteristic .

V.M. Garin (1855 - 1888 ): Anti-war pathos of military stories ("four days", "coward", "from the memories of ordinary Ivanov"); understanding of the social mission of art ("artists"); The theme of loneliness, desperate gust to happiness, madness as a social protest form ("Attalea Princeps", "Red Flower"). Fairy tales "Frog-traveler", "What was not there" - sad humor and skepticism of the copyright position. D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (1852 - 1912): Ural Nature, Urals, the capitalization of social and economic relations in the image of the Mine-Siberian.

V.G. Korolenko(1853 - 1921). Realism of "Siberian stories" ("Sleep Makara"). Humanistic pathos, realistic and romantic images in the titles "in a bad society" (1885), "Blind musician" (1886). Folk types in the story "Forest noum" (1895), anti-capitalistic pathos of the story "without language" (1895).

"Meshchansk Fiction" P. Boborakina, I. Potapenko.

A.P. Chekhov(1860 – 1904) .

The pattern of the phenomenon of Chekhov on the outcome of the X1x century. Personality and fate of the writer. Self-supply. Moral influence on loved ones. Public and medical activities. Journey to Sakhalin (1890). Stages of creative activity. NOVATURE OF Czech Prosaika.

Chekhov-humorist. Stories of the first half of the 80s: "Letter to a scientist neighbor", "joy", "Death of the official", "Daughter of Albion", "Fat and Thin", "Posted Book", "Exam for Chin", "Surgery", "Chameleon", "horse-surname", "Antenatal", "Unter Poribyeev". Features of plot-composite solutions: the anecdicality of the plots, laconicism, openness of the final, etc. The originality of Chekhov's heroes and ways of their image. Hidden drama comic conflicts.

Deepete and images of Chekhov creativity by the end of the 80s. "Tosca", "Vanka", "enemies", "happiness", "Kashtanka", "sleeping", "steppe", "Lights", "Beauty", "Name Day". Strengthening the patient sound of the stories, the organic combination of humorous, lyrical and dramatic principles, the economy and capacity of artistic agents, thematic wealth, multiplayality, democratism, psychological persuasiveness of Chekhov prose.

Stories of the 90s - 900s. Complication of the personality of the Chekhov hero, the drama of internal life, incurdiction with himself ("Violin Rothschild", "Fear", "Black Monk", "Bishop"). Pictures of people's life ("Baba", "men", "in the ravine"). An image of the spiritual world and moral quest of the intelligentsia ("boring story", "Chamber No. 6", "Duel", "Teacher of Literature", "House with mezzanine", my life, "" case from practice "," Man in a case ", "Gooseberry", "On Love", "Ionch"). Women's images and the theme of love in the work of the "Late" Chekhov ("Pumping", "Serebel", "Anna on the neck", "Lady with a dog"). The priest-philosophical content of Chekhov's stories ("Student"), encouraging the sound of open finals ("Bride"). (This thematic layout given here is very conditional, because any product is the focus of various topics and ideas.)

Poetics of Chekhovsky story: the manner of the narrative, plot-composite features, ways to image the heroes, the role of the details, etc.

The influence of Chekhov prose on the literature of the XX century.

Class: 10. Topic: "Russian poetry of the second half of the 19th century" List of works:

    F. Tyutchev "Silentium", "Not that Manti YOU ...", "More Land Peacon View ..", "K.B." "Whatever life takes us to .."; A.Fet "Poets", "More Spring of the scented Nega ..", "Night shining ..", "Shelot, timid breathing ..", "on the railway"; N.Nekrasov Poems "Who lives well in Russia."

1. F. Tyutchev. Essay of life and creativity. Poet philosopher and singer of native nature. Thoughts about life, man and universe. Theme of the Motherland. ("Silentium."," Not that mantle you ... "," More Lands Peacon View .. "). Love as "Food Fighting". ("K.B.", "What would have been taught us ..").

FROM leave the topic of the article.

In the mid-50s, the 19th century in Nekrasovsky "Contemporary" was published over a hundred poems Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. His first works printed in Almanahs and magazines of the 20s and 30s of the 19th century, including in the "contemporary" published Pushkin, remained not assessed by the general public.

The literary glory came to Tyutchev on the sixth decade of his life. In one of his articles Nekrasov called Tyutchev "Primary poetic talent", but Dobrolyubov It described it as a poet to which "available ... and sultry, and harsh energy, and a deep thought, excited by not one natural phenomena, but also by the moral, interests of public life."

Tyutchev's literary heritage is small in volume, but Fet In the inscription on the collection of verses, Tyutchev rightly said:

Muse, truth observing

Looks and on weights

This book is small

Tomov is premptive.

F.I. Tyutchev is one of the largest Russian poets-lyrics, a poet thinker. His best poems and now worry the reader with artistic poems of the poet, the depth and strength of thought.

On all the works of Tyutchev, there is a seal of complexity, painful thoughtful and controversial public life, a participant and thoughtful observer of which was a poet. Calling himself "The wreck of old generations", Tyutchev wrote:

As a sad half-colored shadow,

With exhaustion in the bone,

Towing the sun and movement

For the new breed tribe.

Man Tyutchev calls "helpless", "insignificant dust", "Thinking cane". The fate and elements dominate, in his opinion, on the life of a person, the "cereal of earth", "stray of homeless", the fate of a person is similar to the ice-mounted in the sun and floating "into the comprehensive sea" - in the "abyss".

And at the same time, Tyutchev is famous for the struggle, courage, fearlessness of man, immortality of the human feat:

Start, fight, about brave friends

Like a battle, neither stubborn struggle!

Over you silent star circles,

Under you dumb, deaf coffin.

Let the Olympians envious ok

Look at the struggle of adamant hearts.

Who, tired, fell, defeated only by rock,

He snatched their victory crown from his hands.

Printing splitness lies on love lyrics of Tyutchev. On the one hand, the love and her "charming" is "wonderful captivity", "pure fire", "Union of the soul with a soul of native"; On the other hand, love seems to him "violent blindness", "the struggle of unequal two hearts", "Fallen's fight", in which

We are right or rather ruin

That the heart is our mile.

One of the most remarkable phenomena of Russian poetry is the poems of Tyutchev about the captivating Russian nature. Nature in his verses is always lightweight, thinks, feels, says:

Not that Manty You, Nature -

Not blind, not mindless face.

There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it,

It has love, there is a language in it.

"Soul", the life of nature poet seeks to understand and capture in all its manifestations. With amazing artistic observation and love, the human life of nature, Tyutchev created an unforgettable poetic paintings of the "Autumn of the original", spring thunderstorm, summer evening, the night sea, morning in the mountains. An excellent model of such a deep, heartfelt image of the world of nature can be a description of the summer storm.

Everything in nature is presented to the poet alive, full of deep meaning, everything speaks with him "understandable to the heart of the tongue."

In the ways of nature, he expresses his innermost thoughts and feelings, doubts and painful questions:

Imperturbable building in everything

Consonant full in nature, -

Only in our ghostly freedom

Large, we are aware of it.

Where does the discord come from?

And why in general chore

The soul does not sings that the sea

And makes a thinking reed?

"The faithful son" of nature, how herself called Tyutchev, he exclaims:

No, my attachment to you

I am not able to hide, mother-earth!

In the "blooming world of nature", the poet saw not only "oversupply of life", but also "damage", "exhaustion", "smile of fading", "spontaneous discord". Thus, the landscape lyrics of Tyutchev expresses the most controversial feelings and meditation of the poet.

2. Artistic peculiarity and rhythmic richness of poet verse.

t / l Artistic peculiarity and rhythmic richness of poet verse.

Poetry F. Tyutcheva Poetry of thought, philosophical poetry, poetry of cosmic consciousness. The most important topic for Tyutchev Chaos, enclosed in the universe, is the incomprehensible mystery, which nature hides from man. Tyutchev perceived the world as an ancient chaos, as the primary element. And all visible, which is only the temporary deportation of this chaos. This is associated with the appeal of the poet to night darkness. It was at night when a person remains one for one before the eternal world, he acutely feels at the edge of the abyss and especially intensely worries the tragedy of his existence. The poet uses the reception of alliteration:

Dusk quiet, dusk sleepy,

Wasy deep into my soul ...

What are you walked about, wind night?

What are you doing thoughtlessly?

"Silentium" is a philosophical poem. The lyrical hero appears in it as a thinker. The main idea is the endless loneliness of man. Before the omnipotence of nature, a person turns out to be powerless. Based on this, Tyutchev comes to the thoughts on the insufficiency of any human knowledge. Hence the tragic collision impossible to express his soul in the impossibility of man to express his mind to another. The poem is built as a kind of tips, appeal to the reader, to you. The first stanza begins with the Council "Silent" and ends the same. Under you understand and me:

How to express yourself to the heart

Another how to understand you.

The poet concludes that the human word is powerless "the thought is a lie there is a lie." The poem is completed by the call to live in the world of own soul:

Just live in yourself

There is a whole world in your soul ...

Nature is the main theme of Tyutchev's creativity. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe animation of nature, faith in her mysterious life is embodied by the poet in the desire to portray nature as a kind of animated integer. She appears in his lyrics in the fight against the opposing forces, in the continuous change of day and night. This is not so much landscape, it is space. The main reception used by the poet, personification. The poem "Spring Water" is a poetic description of the awakening of nature. Nature (streams) animates, gaining voice:

They say to all ends

Spring goes, spring is coming!

A young, funny sense of spring, updates is transmitted in the poem. Tyutchev especially attracted transitional, intermediate moments of nature. In the poem "Autumn Evening", the picture of the evening twilight, in the poem "I love a thunderstorm in early May ..." - Spring first thunder.

Victims and love lyrics Tyutchev. "Oh, as murdering we love ...". The poem of the Denyshevsky cycle. Tyutchev blame himself in the suffering caused by Elena Denysheva ambiguous position in society. Love sounds how the union of the soul with the soul is native, then as anxiety, how sad recognition. Love can not be absolutely happy. One heart triumphs, another, weaker, dies.

Fate terrible verdict

Your love for her was.

But without love, no inner struggle there is no human life.

Read the poem F. Tyutcheva "Here, where the heavenly arch ..."

Here, where the heavenly arch is so sluggish

To the ground I look at the ground, -

Here, immersed in the sleep of iron,

Tired nature sleeps ...

Only some - where the pale birchs,

Small shrub, moss gray

Like feverish fence

Confused dead rest.

3. PP reading by heart and independent analysis of poems F. Tyutchev.

4. A.Fet. Accuracy in the transfer of human perception of paintings by native nature, shades of feelings and mental movements of man. Fet and the theory of "pure art". Magic rhythms, sounds and melodies.

t / l the theory of "pure art"

Make a thesis plan of the feta life path.

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet-Shenshin Lived a long life. As we see, in the chronological framework of his life, all the development of the classical literature of the 19th century passes.

The life of a feta student, officer, landlord, the chamber of the courtyard of his imperial majesty proceeded to sight of everyone. However, some highlights were shrouded in the cover of thick, almost impenetrable secrets, until the end is not disclosed and now and painted it into deeply tragic tones.

Fet was born on November 10, 1820 in the family of a rich and enlightened (supporter of the ideas of Rousseau) of the Orlovsky landowner Afanasiya Neofitovich Schönshshina and his wife, the breed Charlot Becker, with which he met in Germany and brings with him to his homeland. And suddenly an unexpected thunder struck over the head of a fourteen-year-old hotel: the baptism of his son Shanshina was declared illegal. In a German guesthouse, which was in one of the cities of the Baltic and the considered an exemplary educational institution, where, with some participation of Zhukovsky, he was held shortly before that time, it came to his name a letter from his father with a strange inscription - not Sheenshina, as always, and Fetu. In the letter it was reported, without specifying the reasons that henceforth, he should continue to be called. The first thing followed was evil guesses and mockery of comrades. And soon Fet felt the greatest consequences associated with the new name. It was a loss of everything that he integrally possessed, - the noble rank, laid in society, property rights, even nationality, Russian citizenship. An old offacarious nobleman, a rich heir suddenly turned into a "man without behalf" - a unlucky foreigner a very dark and dubious origin. And Fet perceived it as a painful shame, a scorching shadow not only on him, but also his mother-herded mother, as the greatest catastrophe, "mutilating" his life. Return what was so irreparably lost, to return with all the means, if necessary, everything, sacrificing, became a kind of intrusive idea that determined all his life path. It has influenced, and sometimes fatal, and on literary fate.

Ancient said - poets are born. And Fet, really, was born in a poet. Artistic gifting was the essence of his soul. Since childhood, he was "Zhaden to poems"; I experienced anything with any comparable pleasure, "repeating the sweet poems" of the author of the Caucasian Captive and Bakhchisarai Fountain. In the German guesthouse, he began writing poetry.

He continued her poems with an increasing zeal and a historian, a writer, a journalist, close to Pushkin and Gogol, professor Pogodinawhich was reached for training at Moscow University.

This contributed to the friendship with Appolone Grigoriev - His peer, future poet, peculiar and outstanding critics. Both friends "drove poetry." In the house of Grigoriev, who Fet called the "true cradle" of his "mental me", gathered a circle of students, where they were: the future poet I.Polonsky, Future historian S.Solovyov.

The first blessing of Fet's serious literary activity received from GogolTo which through the pusher handed the samples of his creativity. The famous writer advised to continue: "This is undoubted giving."

The young poet decided to publish his poems with a separate compilation, taking 300 rubles to the applements from the governess of his sisters: young people were in love with each other, they dreamed of getting married and naively hoped that the publication would not only quickly open up, but also bring the author to the author of literary fame, which would provide their "independent future." In 1840, the collection was published called "Lyrical Pantheon". On verses from this collection turned out to be influenced Zhukovsky, Batyushkova, Pushkin, Lermontova, Benedictova. Belinskynoticed poems Feta:"... From the poets living in Moscow of all the darisites Mr. Fet," among his poems "are true poetic". Criticization reviews were a trip to the literature. It is printed hard.

Undoubtedly, the joy of creativity and literary success in many ways acknowledged his "sick spirit", but they could not tune the "rebellious" idea-passion. A. Grigoriev in one of his autobiographical stories vividly tells about those heavy spiritual flour, which tormented feta at that time and from whom he is afraid that Fet will end with him, with the greatest difficulty saved him, often spending whole nights of his bed.

And so, in the name of the goal, the poet cool breaks his life path - in 1845 he leaves Moscow and that highly intellectual atmosphere, which has developed in Grigoriev's circle. Soon after the end of the university comes by the lower rank of one of the provincial regiments quartered on the distant southern outskirts (Kherson province). Fet himself subsequently gave an accurate explanation for this. In military service, rather than any other, he can start doing its goal - to reach the hereditary nobleman and thereby, at least partially return the lost citizenship. However, it was bought by an expensive price. In his memoirs, he will tell in what difficult conditions - complete convergence from the usual environment, literary life, new books and magazines and, in which the material "constraint", sometimes boring with poverty, he now turned out to be.

He continued to write poems, but his literary activity weakened. But in the name of the fated goal, the Fet suffers these conditions for 8 years.

In this irreplicable life, it was broken, a bright beam: one of the most joyful and most tragic events occurred. In the Kherson wilderness Fet met with a rich local landlord A.F. Brshevsky, man educated, even printed poems. Through it, Athanasius Afanasyevich met the daughter of the poor surrounding nobleman, twenty-year Maria Lazich (In letters Elena Larina). This surname, he came up with her not by chance. Like Pushkin Tatiana, Mary was an exception in the environment to which belonged, - in kind of outstanding, talented musician who deserved praise himself Leaf passionate amateur poetry. The convergence itself happened on the basis of the hobby of creativity Georges Sand.

Young people were deeply happy what they met each other. Fet frankly recognizes her in everything that tormented and tormented it. "I waited for a woman who would understand me, and waited for her," he wrote to a friend Borisov. Paul testimonies near contemporaries near the poet, he enjoyed great success in women and was always in love with someone, but the love of Lazic really turned out to be the strongest and deep feeling. A convergence with Maoria suggested one of the most pruburate creatures of the world lyrics - the poem "whisper, timid breathing ...".

But Lazic is poor. Maria knew that Fet would not marry her, but begged not to interrupt relationships. Still fet goes to break. And soon, Lazic died by a terrible death, the mystery of which, as well as the circumstances of the Birth of Feta, is not fully disclosed. Official version: The dress caught fire from the randomly frown match, but there is reason to think that it was done intentionally. The flame covered, she exclaimed: "For God's sake, save letters." It was not possible to save, in terrible torment after 4 days she died. Latest her words: "He is not to blame, and I."

Before the nobility, Fet did not reach, I did not find the rich bride, but the circumstances began to make shape for him safely. In 1853 he managed to escape from the "crazy house" - to bring the transfer to the Guards Regiment, which was housed near St. Petersburg, where he was able to leave.

In the same year, the 2nd compilation of the poet came out. Delighted responses; His poems praise all directions in magazines.

This enthusiastic meeting could not inspire Feta. After the death of Mary Lazich, he almost completely stopped writing poems, continuing only "from boredom" to transfers Horace. Now the new, even stronger than in the first half of the forties, the tide of his creative forces. Fet develops active literary activities, is systematically printed in almost all major magazines. Obviously seeking to expand the framework of the glorified literary genre of small lyrical poems, writes poems and tale in verses, tries themselves in artistic prose, it translates a lot, publishes a number of way essays, critical articles. Adopted as its own in the environment of talented writers and literary modernity, Fet feels morally resurrected. Thanks to the literary earnings, an undoubted improvement of his material situation comes. However, the service is applied to another blow.

At the same time, a decree was issued with the release of the collection: the title of hereditary nobleman gave only the rank of colonel. It was the exercise of his goal to such an indefinite period that the continuation of military service became completely useless.

How did the lieutenant Feta?

Annient his desire (the bride with dowry) was fulfilled. Immediately after the emergence of a new decree, he took an annual vacation and made a journey along the accumulated literary fee Europe (Germany. France, Italy). In the same place Paris In 1857, he married the daughter of a rich Moscow Treatyman Botkin - Maria Petrovna Botkin.It was a marriage by no means heartlice.

Soon Fet resigned and settled in Moscow. At first, in the name of all the same goals-passion, he seeks to replenish the resulting "chest with Chervonians" even greater literary activities, showing its inherent great performance, but often clearly adopted the quality of his talent.

But nevertheless soon it became clear that to achieve "lives" as he imagined it, literary and magazine earnings, as hopeless, as it was in military service. And Fets again breaks his life path again. Overcoming the resistance of the wife, he acquires a small estate in her name and means - a farm Pedovku, just in those places where the generic places of Sheenshina were located. It becomes, if not the Mtsensky nobleman, then, at first, the Mtsensky landowner.

In addition to the wonderful artistic talent, Fets in general was an outstanding, richly gifted in kind. He was an excellent storytellor; Communication with him treated prominent minds of that time. In a lively and long correspondence with him was I.S.Turgen.

When Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet achieved his goal, he was 53 years old. The idea of \u200b\u200bpassion was carried out. But the poet experienced all the growing feeling of a terrible threat. Not because with such efforts, renunciations and losses he acquired, the deadly danger hung over to all the noble-plane world - he was destroyed by the Nihilists. This manifested itself in the reactionary views of the poet Feta. But in this Famusov continued to live the spirit of the poet. Since the end of the 70s, he began writing poetry in large quantities, no less than in young years. He gave a new collection "Evening lights". Under this capacious, accurate and poetic name published in 1885, 1888, 1891 three more collections-release of new poems. The title spoke about the evening of life, her sunset.

A sign of true lyrics, along Feta, is the willingness to "rush from the seventh floor down his head with an unshakable faith in what he won't wipe over the air." And faith poet was justified, Fet recalls, what a joy fluttered his heart when, after reading Tyutchev One of his poems, he heard: "How is this air".

An eternal object of art, believes Fet, is beauty.But this beauty is not from a certain outlook world, but this is not the embellishment of reality - she is inherent in her. "The world in all its parts is equally beautiful," says the poet. - Beauty is spilled throughout the universe. "

Fet had a sixth sense, sophisticated, artistic eye, and the visual images of his poems differ not so much variety and brightness of paints, how many of their finest combinations, reproducible in motion - in a living game of shades, halftone, transitions.

"Pure Art"

5. "Painness in relation to the beauty" of the surrounding world (A.FET), "the ability to catch the elusive" (A. TERN). Magic rhythms, sounds and melodies.

("Poets", "More Spring-soul Nega ..", "Night shine ..", "Shelot, timid breathing ..", "on the railway".

A.V. Sprindin Notes that, "obviously, do not abundance of external interest, not the drama of the events described" stopped the attention of the Fet reader. "It is equally for Feta that we do not find deep global thoughts or ingenious aphorism, nor satirical directions, nor special passionality. Poetry consists of a number of paintings, from anthology essays, from a compressed image of a few elusive sensations of our soul. Therefore, the heart of the reader is worried ... from reducing the poet to catch the elusive, give the image and the name of the fact that before it was nothing more than a vague funny feeling of the soul of human, feeling without image and title ...Feta power is that our poet, led by his inspiration, is able to climb into the innermost caches of the human soul. The area is not great, but in it it is full of the Lord. "

Fethe verses are difficult to analyze, for they are not accepted by the mind, but to the feeling with his irrationality, with his inclination to unexpected and sometimes capricious relations and associations.

Read the poem A.Feta "After the Storm"and determine which artistic techniques in it used

Fucked thunderstorm gray,

Running along the lazores.

Just breathe a naval,

Do not come to the storm.

Sleep, throwing, Chaln's buoy,

As a patient from terrible thought,

Only forgotten alarm

The folds of the sails marched.

The refreshed forest coastal

All in dew, will not get drowned. -

Hour of salvation, bright, gentle,

As if crying and laughing.

What denotes the following words: zyb, azure, chaln?

6. PP Reading by heart and independent analysis of poems A.Feta.

The analysis plan of the lyrical work:

1. Mustor history2.tea and genre3.Central image or image system.
7. Seminar "Two poet of the realistic era."

8. A.K. Tolstoy. A brief overview of life and creativity. The originality of the artistic world. Leading topics lyrics. A look at the Russian history in his works. The influence of a romantic folk tradition on the poetry of A.K. Tolstoy.

t / l The effect of folklore on the lyrics of the 19th century

Brief pillar of life and creativity A. K. Tolstoy

1817, August 24 (September 5) in St. Petersburg was born count Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy.Father - Count Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy (1780-1870), adviser to the State Agovernmental Bank. Mother - Anna Alekseevna (1796 or 1799-1857). Uncle for the mother, raised by A. K. Tolstoy from infancy, - Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky (1787-1836), Writer (pseudonym - Anthony Pogorelsky), author of the famous book "Black chicken, or underground residents (a magic story for children)", whose first reader, on solid assumptions, was his nephew. Gap between parents. Six-week Alexei Tolstoy Mother transports to Chernihiv province In its estate Blindaand then in Red Rog Mallsky County- The estate of Brother, A. A. Perovsky.

1823-1824 The first poems of the experiments A. K. Tolstoy.

1826 , Zima A. A. Persian with his son and brother return to St. Petersburg.

Acquaintance A. K. Tolstoy with the heir to the throne, the future emperor Alexander P.. The end of August in Moscow becomes a "comrade for games" of the heir.

1827, Summer trip with Mother and A. A. Persian in Germany. Acquaintance in Weimar with Goethe. There is a testimony that the author of the "Faust" warmly met the future poet and presented the boy a wreck of the Mammoth's beyre with his own pattern of frigate on it.

1831. Ride with mother and uncle in Italy. Tolstoy leads a diary. Dating B. Rome with K. P. Brylovovwhich makes the drawing in the album of Tolstoy.

1834, March 9 Enrolled in the civil service - "Student" in Moscow Chief Archive of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsIn which many famous figures of Russian culture were served at different times - Vervevitinov and Kireevsky brothers, S. P. Shevyrev, A. I. Koshelev ...

1835, Mart V. A. Zhukovsky Approvingly responds about poems A. K. Tolstoy. There is evidence that the creative experiences of the young poet supported A. S. Pushkin. After the transferred fever, it receives leave for health recovery and goes abroad (Germany). Return to Moscow. Submits a petition to Moscow University on the assumption of the survey of the university exam - "From the subjects that make up the course of the verbal faculty to obtain a scientific certificate for the right of officials, the first discharge."

1836, January 4 The Moscow University's Council issues a Tolstoy Certificate for the entry into the first category of public service officials. Love to princess Elena Meshcherskaya And the refusal, under the influence of the mother, from its feeling. Gets abroad for accompaniment in Nice Patient "breast disease" (obviously tuberculosis) A. A. Perovsky. July 9 Death A. A. Perovsky in Warsawon the hands of the nephew. Tolstoy inherits all the state of the uncle, including the estate of the charters in the New Zybkovsky district of Chernihiv province. After the troubles of Tolstoy and his mother translated into St. Petersburg in Department of Household and Accounts. Presented to the rank of college registrar.

1838-1839. Lives in Germany, Italy, France. Writes first stories (in French) - "Family of Vurdalak", "Meeting after three hundred years."

1840 He was granted to college secretaries. On the highest command moved "younger official" in II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office.

1841 Given the permission of censorship for the publication of the book "Ghoul. Essay Krasnorogsky " (SPB.) - Literary debut of Tolstoy-Prosaika (pseudonym - from the estate "Red Rog"). In the "Magazine of Connection and Hunt" (No. 5) publishes essay "Two days in the Kyrgyz steppe."

1843 The title of chamber-junker was granted. Fall. Poetic debut A. K. Tolstoy in "Listka for secular people (№40): no signature published a poem "Serebryanka" ("Bor pine in the country is lonely ...").

1845 He was granted to college assessors. In the literary collection of Count V. A. Sologuba "Yesterday and today" publishes a story "Artemy Semenovich Bervenkovsky."

1846 He was granted to surviving advisors. In the second book of the collection "Yesterday and today" appears "AMAN" - Fragment of Tolstoy Roman "Stebelovsky", About which nothing else is known.

1847-1849 It works on ballads from Russian history, says the novel "Prince Silver". In the 1840s. Tolstoy leads life, ordinary for a secular person: frequent leave from service, travel, balls, hunting, fleeting novels ... The contemporary describes it as a "beautiful young man, with blond hair and a blush of the whole cheek"; Tolstoy is famous for its strength: "Table spoons and forks rolled into the tube, robbed a finger into the nails wall and blended the horseshoes."

1850 Commanded to the Kaluga province to participate in the Commission on Her Worming. In one of the letters, calls this business trip "Exile." In Kaluga in the governor's house, in the salon of his wife A. O. Smirnova-Rosset, meets and becomes close to Gogol. Reads here your poems and passages from "Prince Silver". Spring. Acquires estate Deusting near St. Petersburg. Return from Kaluga to St. Petersburg.

1851, January 8. Scandal after the premiere of the play "Fantasy" In the Alexandria Theater - I did not like the production of Nicholas I and was removed from the repertoire. By the same time, acquaintance on Masquerade in the Bolshoi Theater with the wife of the Connogvardesky Colonel Sofia Andreevna Miller (1827? -1892). This woman with a beautiful voice, an excellent figure and magnificent hair, intelligent, volitional, perfectly educated (knew 14 languages), becomes the strongest cardiac hobby.

1851-1852 , winter. The trip to V. A. Perovsky to the Orenburg province and a visit on the way there and back the estates of Smalkovo in the Penza province, where in the family of his brother, P. A. Bakhmetheva, lives with her husband S. A. Miller.

1852, Spring. Return to Petersburg. Softening Favor I. S. TurgenevArrested in April for the article by Gogol's memory. New meetings with S. A. Miller who are continuing next year.

1854 Publication B. "Contemporary" Poems Tolstoy I. "Leisure" Kozma Prutkov.Stay in the shelf (Village Bear near Novgorod). Performed by the battalion commander. Drops with typhoid. Alexander II reported telegrams about the state of health Tolstoy. He cares for Hazing in Odessa S. A. Miller. Autumn rapprochement S. A. S. Khomyakov and K. S. Aksakov.Appointed by the workman in the College Committee. Death of L. A. Persovsky, with whom Tolstoy was in warm relatives. Acquaintance S. L. N. Tolstoy.

1857, June 2. The death of the mother is thick. Son and Father, K. P. Tolstoy, spend the night at the coffin of the Countess. A. K. Tolstoy since this pore sends a monthly retirement to his father (about 4,000 rubles per year). Tolstoy telegraphs about the death of mother to Paris S. A. Miller (Anna Alekseevna was against this union, as, however, and in general, very jealously refer to any sons of choices). Tolstoy and S. A. Miller, together with his family and serving her brother, settle in the desert.

1858, January 1. The return of Tolstoy to Petersburg and the reunion with S. A. Miller, who at this time leads a deal about divorce with her husband. In the magazine "Russian conversation" (№1) the poem is published "John Damaskin".

1859, March 11.Lives and works in sorrows. Dismissed into the permanent vacations of the duties of the outgun adjutant. Adopted into the society of lovers of Russian literature. Working on the poem "Don Juan". Opens in his village a drunk horn School for boys. S. A.Miller arranges a school for girls in the sorrifiers. Rides in England, where in August on about. White meets S. Turgenev, Herzen, Ogarev et al. Base "society to disseminate literacy and initial learning" (Turgenev writes a program). Get acquainted in Dresden with poetess Carolina Pavlovawho became the translator into German of his Don Juan. It comes to the Red Rog and personally reads his peasants to release a manifesto. Then gives the gathered money to treat. Writes Alexander II letter with past resignation. "Fired from service, according to household circumstances, the formerly static adviser to whom he served before entering military service, with appointment to the post of Hectorman." Fired from the rifle battalion.

December - until half January 1862. Reads with great success in the evening meetings in Empress Roman "Prince Silver". At the end of the reading, it receives a massive gold key chain from the empress in the form of a book. On one side of Slavic font, her name was derived - "Maria", on the other - "In memory of Prince Silver". Inside, on the dropped gold plates - pages, are miniature photos of listeners.

1863, April 3. In the Orthodox Church Dresden. It is crowned with S. A. Miller. Wife returns to his homeland. The first signs of asthma, other sickness of quicted. It is treated at the resorts of Germany.

1865 . During the royal hunting in the Novgorod province, trying to intercom before Alexander II for exiled to Siberia Chernyshevsky.Failure and belling with the emperor. In the journal "Public Notes" (No. 1), "Tragedy in five actions" is printed "Death of John Grozny." 1867, January 12. Premiere "Tsar Fyodor Johnovich" in the Alexandria theater. In St. Petersburg, the only lifetime publication of the writings A. K. Tolstoy - "Poem"; included in it 131 poem.

1869 . Lives in red rhog. The exacerbation of the disease.

1871 . During hunting on Valdshnepov, it is cold. New aggravation of the disease. Writes the poem "on the traction". During the year he travels to Germany.

1872-1873. Italy. Exacerbation of headaches. 1873, on December 23, in one day with L. N. Tolstov elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on the separation of Russian language and literature. Treats in red rhog from neuralgic pain. 1875. Worsen health. Begins to take morphine.

September 28 (October 10). Died in the Red Rog (now the Pochene district of the Bryansk region) after the excessive injection of morphine. I won myself to bury myself in the Dubov Dublin, but the registered coffin delivered from Bryansk was too short. He was burned, and the poet buried in a pine coffin in the family crypt near the Uspensk Church in the Red Rog.

The world is for him, thus, a pale reflection of the ideal living in the sky. Those with greater greed catches the poet in the world the default of eternal beauty: he is looking for him in nature, and in the human soul. For him, love, even the strongest and immediate, is not by itself, but as a link in a common harmonic combination: she enlightens his "dark look" exists "the meaning heart" to understand

That all born from the word

Rays of love with a circle of Leah,

It will go back to him again

And everywhere sound, and everywhere light,

And all the worlds one start,

And there is nothing in nature,

What love did not breathe ...

Earthly love seems to be a thick, like earthly beauty, and as earthly harmony, a pale imperfect reflections of the ideal living in the blue broadcast. Earthly love is fragmented love, small. He says, answering jealous reproaches:

And love we love fragmented

And quiet whisper willow over the stream,

And the pretty Virgin gaze on us

And star shine, and all the beauties of the Universe,

And we are not a salt together together.

Life is just a short capture. Outside its borders, people are all together in one love, wide as the sea for which the land limits would seem too pitiful.

Happiness, which is given to a person with poetic feeling and creativity, is precisely this temporary rejection of life for contemplation, at least instant and incomplete, the world of heavenly ideals. Feelings of compassion, caringness, joyful hobbies, disappointment or jealousy are weakened in the poet of this irrepressible desire for the sky. Love for harmony and beauty, special form of this harmony, reflected not only on the content and spirit, but also on the form of poetic works of Tolstoy. Its the smallest plays are characterized by slim and some special grace. Feeling measures in it is well developed: he will not worry too much, will not make us laugh too long, horrified: he will never clict the play by dissonance, although we are never at risk that in his poetry styled verse, piercingly sad, will hit Hearts with unknown force.

Of all the major personalities of the Russian past, Tolstoy especially occupied Ivan groznyj. His poetry does not know Ivan IV to others, except for the old and terrible, in the heavy era of execution and oprichnin. Three epic poems outline this gloomy figure: Staritskyi Voevoda, Prince Mikhail Repinn and Vasily Shibanov. King Ivan, of course, was also cruel, and often theatrian in his executions, but it would be a big mistake to be limited to this idea of \u200b\u200ba major historical personality. It is necessary to check the poetic images with history and with folk memory. For folk fancy, the Terrible Tsar is not a mad, uncomfortable tyrant, but a harsh punior treason, wherever she is a nest, at least in their native family. He is just in the soul, because when he saw a mistake, always rushing. Very often, the folk fantasy does not allow him even before making cruelty: he wants to execute Pushkurs under Kazan for the fact that the gunpowder does not flash for a long time, but the threat is not executed: the cellar is used to fly into the air; He wants to kill his son, suspecting a traitor in him, but the Koznya Malyuty is upset by Nikito Romanovich, - Tsarevich is saved.

In the well-known ballad "Vasily Shibanov" center is not in the king of Ivan, but in the tortured hero - a strive prince-traitor. It would be extreme injustice to see in Shibanov the personification of the attachment of the hopsey, almost doggy. His silence under the torture, his death prayer for the king and the Motherland, does he serve Mr.? No, Prince Kurbskaya safe, and his selfless servant serves Russia, in which he does not want to multiply the victims of a serious royal wrath. Shibanov embodies the folk strength of heroism and patience, which helped Russia to endure all her disasters.


His poetry was so original for her time, so unusual that the readers of those years, meeting her for the first time, did not want to recognize her for the original product of Russian life and thought she was a song from a stranger inherent voice. Meanwhile, only a universal voice / "I don't belong to any country sounded in verses of Tolstoy," said the poet in one intimate letter, "and at the same time, I belong to all countries of contractions. My flesh is Russian, Slavic, but my soul is only human. " And this, the universal contemporaries in it did not evaluate enough and how they would not want to understand that in the general, which Tolstoy said, it was also private than they were so trended. They expected to find in the fat poet of the "modern" (as he was in his sense) and began to search for confirmation of their sympathies and antipathies in his work, but the views and tastes of the poet did not coincide with their requirements. In the poetry of Tolstoy, it was not in a sufficient proportion of the analytically sober relationship in the surrounding reality, to which the then realists sought. It did not have that subjective alienation from the permanent minute, which the creators of different innumerable songs then flashed. In our artist, both of these trends were combined in the romantic symbol uniting them.

9. N.A.Nekrasov. Essay of life and creativity. Poet "Revenge and sadness." Citizenship lyrics, aggravated truthfulness and drama in the image of the people.


Uniqueness of Nekrasov lyrics: sermon, confession, repentance, sincerity of feelings, lyricism. Civinit and high humanity, folk basis and motifs of the folk song. Progressing lyrics, strengthening the role of a story start. Social tragedy of the people in the city and in the village. The present and future of the people as a subject of lyrical experiences of the suffering poet. Intonation of crying, sobbing, moan as a way of confessional expression of lyrical experiences. Satira Nekrasova. Heroic and sacrificial in the form of a dishevement-abnormalist. Psychologist and household concretization of love lyrics.

10. City and village in Lyrinka Nekrasov. Image of the muse Civilian poetry and feeling of feelings. The artistic discovery of Nekrasov, simplicity and availability of verse, his proximity to the rank of folk speech. The decision of the "eternal themes" in Nekrasov poetry.

t / l Nationality of creativity

Nativity- the conditionality of literary works of life, ideas, feelings and aspirations of the masses, the expression in the literature of their interests and psychology. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe population of literature is largely determined by what content is invested in the concept of "people".

Image of the city in Lyrinka Nekrasov.

The image of the city in Lyrinka Nekrasov The main hero of poetry Nekrasova is a man from the people: a peasant, recruit, a town-dweller. It is the city that many poems of the poet are dedicated, in which he shows poverty, hopeless life and suffering. The capitalist city and destinies of people living in it are reflected in the poem of Nekrasov "Do I Fall at night ...." In it, the poet depicts the life of a big city, living in which is even harder than in the village. In the poem, the author shows a family deprived of the livelihood, which is desperately fighting for survival. Nekrasov also brightly displays the high sacrifice of the Russian intelligentsia. So, a woman sells himself to buy a grude for a child and dinner husband. In another poem called "On the street", the author opens to the reader of sketches and miniatures, talking about the life of unfortunate citizens. In the sketch "Thief" the author shows the image of a man who steals the Kalach. He has no money and it is for this reason that he is forced to go for a crime. The second sketch called "Wires" shows the whole horror of the recruit system: the soldier escorts into the army, the unique breadwinner. In the third miniature, the soldier carries the grude of his son and curses himself for the rude attitude towards his son, caused by the eternal lack of money. The tragedy is that people reproach life in the city. The grave share of urban children is also shown in the poem of "crying children", in which the author talks about children of deprived childhood and forced to earn it for food. The work is difficult and unbearable for young and weak children. But at home they are not waiting for joy, since there is no life different from the surrounding cruel world. The topic of the city is an integral part of Nekrasov lyrics, showing a heavy life not only peasants, but also citizens forced to go to the most desperate actions for survival.

Image of the muse

Muza Nekrasova is surprisingly listening to folk world, to different, sometimes very far from the poet the characters of people. This quality of Nekrasovsky talent was manifested not only in lyrics, but also in poems from a folk life, and in science, the name of the poetic "polyphony" was obtained.

Muse Nekrasov - "Muse of Revenge and Sorrow", "Sister of the People". Her vocation - "verb to burn the hearts of people." She was a "sad companion of sad poor, born for labor, suffering and shackles."

Yesterday, hour in the sixth,

I went on a hay;

There beat a woman whip

The peasant woman.

Neither the sound from her chest

Only beech whistle, playing ...

And I said Muse: "Look!

Your native sister! "

The artistic discovery of Nekrasov, simplicity and availability of verse, his proximity to the rank of folk speech.

The poet's poems truthfully reproduced life in all its complexity and completeness, explained their lives, taught the honest sentence over her, became the textbook of the formation of a citizen.

11. The poem "Who lives well in Russia." The history of the creation of the poem, the plot, the genre of the peculiarity of the poem, its folk basis, the meaning of the name. The plot of the poems and the author's retreats. Travel as a reception organization of narration.

The plot and composition of the poem.


south-journey: The starting point is the decision of the men to go on a journey in search of those who live well in Russia. "

The plot space of the poem combines the "talking" state of toponyms (Gorelovo, Neelovo, Nordime, Bosovo, etc.) and realistic vitality, generalization and specificity. The spatial uncertainty of the zachi ("in which land is guessing") refutes the recognition in every detail of Russia's peasant world.

Compositionally independent fragments of the poem - songs in which the lyrical beginning of the Nekrasovsky epic concentrates.

Until now, researchers argue, in which order should be part of the poem. The dispute is about the location of all parts, except first, because Nekrasov did not have time to finish the poem and did not build it. But the fact that parts can also be placed and so also says that the panoramic image turned out to be more important than the storytelling sequence. In this sense, the poem looks like a picture gallery, the value of which in the paintings themselves, and not in the way they are hung on the walls.

Epicpictures long time of historical time or significant historical eventin its scale and contradictory. Epopea is depicting events in which the fates of the nation, the people, the whole country are solved, reflects the life and life of all the layers of society, their thoughts and aspirations.

Folk elements in the poem.

Elements of folklore

13. The diversity of folk types in the gallery of the heroes of the poem. Satyric images of landowners.

Peasant types.

Mass scenes - the scoring of the writer. Nekrasov introduces us to the most thick of peasant life, and the reader does not even have time to see how he does it. Meanwhile, Nekrasov uses a number of artistic techniques. Panorama of Russia is created through the image of villages and landscapes, a human crowd - with the help of the whole chains of verbs, adjectives, adverch:

Khmelno, Gorlasto, festively,

Picro, red around!


Noise, sings, swears,

Swinging lying

Cuts and kiss

Holidays people!

Generic portraits are created:

Pants on the guys of Pliopia,

Striped vests

Shirts of all colors;

On the babes of the dress are red,

In girls braids with ribbons,

Winch swallow.

Unnamed dialogues sound, individual figures are grilled. But in this mass there are persons who, according to Nekrasov, should be highlighted especially, and then detailed stories about individual characters appear.

!!! Prepare oral messages about Yakim Nagod and Yermile Girin.

What do they stand out from the peasant mass, what is inextricably connected with it? How are their images related to the search for truth and happiness? Do you agree with the approval of K.I. Chukovsky, that the idle of Yakima is "not individual, and, so to speak, generalityan"?

14. "People of the Khopovsky title" and "Folk Intercessors." Grisha Dobrons.

"People of the Khopovsky title"

!!! Create a characteristic of the image of the Grisha Dobrozlon based on this article.

G. risha Dobrons is fundamentally different from other actors of the poem. If the life of the peasantry of Matrena Timofeevna, Yakima Nazhogi, Savelia, Ermila Girin and many others are shown in humility of fate and established circumstances, then Grisha has a completely different attitude to life. The poem shows the childhood of Grisha, told about his father and mother. His life was more than heavier, his father was lazy and poor:

Poor Zahudaeva

The last peasant

There was a trif.

Two camorors:

One with smoking pecop

Other in Sazhen- summer

AND the whole is short-lived;

There are no cows, no horses,

There was a dog toadushka

There was a cat- and those gone.

That was Grisha's father, he had the least cared for the fact that his wife and children eat.

Dyacter boiled kids

And what they feed -

And think forgot.

He himself was always hungry,

All spent in search,

Where to drink where to eat.

Mother Grisha died early, she was destroyed by constant sadness and care for bread. The poem shows a song in which the fate of this poor woman is told. The song cannot leave any reader indifferent, because this is evidence of a huge inequate human grief. The words of the song are very simple, they tell us how the child suffers from hunger asks the mother a piece of bread with salt. But the salt is too expensive, not under the power to buy her poor people. And the mother to feed his son, watering a piece of bread with his tears. This song since childhood remembered Grisha. She forced him to remember his unfortunate mother, grieot about her fate.

And soon in the heart of the boy

FROM love to the poor mother

Love to all Vakhlachin

Merged- and years fifteen

Gregory knew firmly already,

What will live for happiness

Illegal and dark fit.

Gregory does not agree to conquer fate and keep such a sad and wretched life, which is characteristic of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different way for himself, becomes a folk intercessor. He is not afraid that his life will be difficult.

His fate prepared

Path nice, Name Loud

Folk intercession

Cahotku and Siberia.

Since childhood, Grisha lived among the poor, unfortunate, despised and helpless people. He with Mother's Milk absorbed all the troubles of folk, so he does not want and cannot live for their own egoistic interests. He is very smart, has a strong character. And he displays it to a new road, does not allow to remain indifferent to popular disasters. Reflections Gregory about the fate of the people testify to the living compassion that makes Grisch choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha, the good-slope gradually critches the confidence that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrow, which fell into her share:

In moments of sadness, about Mother's mother!

I'm thought forward to fly away.

Still destined to suffer a lot

But you will not die, I know.

The thinking of Grigory, which "in the song flowed," give in it a very competent and educated person. He is well aware of Russia's political problems, and the fate of the simple people is inseparable from these problems and difficulties. Historically, Russia "was a deeply unfortunate country, depressed, slave discouraged." The shameful seal of serfdom has turned the simple people in powerless creatures, and all the problems caused by this cannot be discounted. The consequences of Tatar-Mongolian yoke also had a significant impact on the formation of a national nature. The Russian man combines the slave submissions to fate, and this is the main reason for all his troubles.

The image of Gregory Dobros clone is closely related to the revolutionary-democratic ideas that began to appear in society in the middle of the XIX century. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N. A. Dobrolyubov Grigory Dobrozlov - this is the type of the revolutionary distribution. He was born in the family of poor Dycachka, since childhood he felt all the disasters characteristic of the life of a simple people. Gregory was educated, besides himself, being a smart and passionate man, cannot remain indifferent to the situation in the country. Gregory perfectly understands that for Russia now there is only one way out - radical changes in the formation. The simple people can no longer be the same in the slave community, which submracts all the rests of their Lords:

Pretty! Ended with the past calculation

Completed the calculation with Mr!

Located with the forces of the Russian people

And learns to be a citizen.

The image of Gregory Dobrosqulon in the poem of Nekrasov "Who in Russia live is good", hesitates the hope of the moral and political revival of Russia, in changing the consciousness of the simple Russian people.

The finale of the poems shows that the happiness is molded. And even if it is still far to the moment when a simple person can call himself happy. But time will pass - and everything will change. And far from the latter role will be played by Gregory Dobrozlonov and his ideas.

15. The image of Savlia, "Svyatarussky hero." The fate of Matrena Timofeevna, the meaning of her "Babi Proverbs."

Read the text about Savelia, highlight the traits of its character.

One of the main characters of the poem of Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia", Savelia, the reader will find out when he is already an old man who has lived a long and difficult life. The poet draws a colorful portrait of this amazing old man with a big scent grivy,

Tea, twenty years non-trivial,

With a big beard,

Grandfather on the bear looked like

Especially as from the forest,

Bending, went out.

The life of Savelia was very difficult, fate did not indulge him. In the old age Savely, the family lived his son, mother-in-law Matrena Timofeevna. It is noteworthy that Grandpa Savely dislikes his family. Obviously, all households have far from the best qualities, and honest and sincere old man feels great. In his native family, Savelia is called branded, religious. And he himself, no offense at all, says: "Heartless, yes not a slave." It is interesting to observe how the Savely is not averse to healing the members of his family, but firmly jerks him, makes fun:

- look-tko

To us the match! Unmarried

Goldow to the window

an instead of the woven beggars!

From tin bugs

Grandfather crashed a dumplings,

Threw on the floor

Caught mother-in-law!

Not drunk

The broken shovel!

As evidenced by such a relationship between the old man and his family. First of all, the eyes rushes that Savely differs from both his son and from all relatives. The son does not possess any exclusive qualities, no drunkenness bends, almost completely deprived of kindness and nobility. And Savely, on the contrary, kind, smart, unauthorized. He will avoid his household, apparently, it will be pretended by petty, envy, the evil characteristic of his relatives. Old man Savely is the only one who in the family of her husband was kind with Matrey. The old man does not hide all the burrs that fell on his share:

Eh, Share of Svyatourz

Hearter nursery!

All his life is a fight.

Spoys times

About the death of flour hellish

In that fair life is waiting.

The old man Savely is very freed by. It combines such qualities as the power of physical and mental. Savely Real Russian Bogatyr, who does not recognize any pressure on himself. In the youth of Savely, he had an incomplete force, no one could compete with him. In addition, life was previously different, the peasants were not burdened with the hardest responsibility to pay luggage and work out the bargains. As Savely himself says:

We did not rule the barbecues,

Oblov did not pay us

And so, when it comes to

Three years later I will send.

In such circumstances, the character of the young Savelia was tempered. No one pressed on her, no one forced himself to feel a slave. In addition, nature itself was on the side of the peasants

Circular Forest Doodle,

The circle of the swamp,

Neither equestrian drive to us

Nor go away!

Nature itself defended the peasants from the invasion of the barin, police and other violators of calm. Therefore, the peasants could safely live and work, without feeling on themselves someone else's power. When reading these lines, fabulous motives are remembered, because in fairy tales and legends, people were absolutely free, they themselves managed their lives. The old man tells how the peasants with bears cope

We are only disturbing

Bears ... yes with bears

We coped with us easily.

With a busty yes with horns

I am scary,

According to the protected trails

- I go my forest! - shout.

Savely, as if a real fabulous bogatyr, presents his rights to the forest around him. It is the forest with his faint-blooded paths, mighty trees is a real element of the hero of Savelia. In the forest, Bogatyr is not afraid of anything, he is a real owner of the silent kingdom around him. That is why in old age he leaves the family and goes into the forest. The unity of the hero of Sovelius and the surrounding nature seems to be undoubted. Nature helps Savely to become stronger. Even in old age, when years and adversity bent the back of the old man, still there is an incomplete power. Savelius tells how in his youth his fellow villagers managed to deceive the Barin, hide the available wealth from him. And let it accounted for a lot to endure, but no one could reproach people in cowardice and bravery. The peasants were able to assure landowners in their absolute poverty, so they managed to avoid complete ruin and enslavement.

Savely is a very proud person. It felt in everything in his relationship to life, in his durability and courage, with whom he defends his own. When he talks about his youth, he remembers how the people only weak the spirit survived. Of course, he himself did not relate to such people:

Cancelled Dral Shalashnikov,

And not ahty great income received

People gave out weak,

And strong for the behavior

Stood well.

I also flowed

Picky, I was thinking

Like a Derie, a dog son,

And all the souls do not beat

Leave anything!

The old man Soveley with bitterness suggests that now there is almost no self-esteem in people. Now the cowardice is dominated, animal fear for themselves and their well-being and the lack of desire to deal with.

Here were people proud!

And now give a landing

Corps, landowner

Looks the last penny!

Young years of Savelia passed in the atmosphere of freedom. But the peasant freedom was not long. Barin died, and his heir sent a German who first behaved quietly and imperceptibly. The German gradually moved away from the local population, gradually watched the peasant life. Gradually, he continues in confidence in the peasants and told them to dry the swamp, then cut out the forest. In short, the peasants were sensed only when a magnificent road appeared, at which they could be easily reached by their god of a forgotten seat. Fresh life ended, now the peasants have fallen completely all the tights of the pyal and existence. The old man Savely speaks about folk long-suffering, explaining him by the courage and spiritual power of people. Only truly strong and courageous people can be so patient to endure such bullying, and so generous, so as not to forgive a similar attitude towards themselves.

And therefore we endured

What are we warriors.

In that richness is Russian.

Do you think Matreushka,

Man is not bogaty?

Nekrasov finds amazing comparisons, speaking of folk long-suffering and courage. He uses folk epic, speaking of heroes:

Hand circles are twisted

Iron legs areged

Back ... forests dense

Passed it broke.

And breasts-prophet


On the fiery chariot ...

All tolerate the boys!

The old man Soveley tells how for the past eighteen years tolerated the peasants of the German-manager. Their whole life was now in power of this cruel person. People had to work without donating hands. And the manager every time was dissatisfied with the results of work, demanded more. The German mockery of the German cause the strongest indignation in the soul of the peasants. And once the next portion of bullying forced people to make a crime. They kill the German manager. When reading these lines, the thought of higher justice comes. The peasants have already managed to feel absolutely powerless and bright. They were taken away with everything that they treated. But over a person, it is impossible to mock completely unpunished. Sooner or later you will have to pay for your actions.

But, of course, the murder of the manager was not left unpunished

Buoy city, there I learned a diploma,

While we decided us.

The solution came out Katorga

And the leaves are pre-...

The life of Sovelius, the hero of Svyatruzsky, after the cortica was very difficult. He spent twenty years in captivity, only closer to old age was free. The whole life of Sovelius is very tragic, and in old age he turns out to be an involuntary of the death of a little grandson. This case once again proves that, despite all its strength, Savely cannot withstand hostile circumstances. He is just a toy in the hands of fate.

Matrun Timofeevna

Pick up quotes to the items of the table by sample.

Answer the test questions.

1. Whom of the peasants, the heroes of the poem, can be called the challenges, and who - holopas?

Saveliy-Bogatyr, Yakov, Matrun Timofeevna, Echorka Shutov, Ermila Girin, Ipat, Old Town Gleb.

2. Which of the heroes of the poem could say about themselves "Stimpy, and not a slave"?

A. Yakim Nagya B. Yakov Faith V. Ermil Girin Savely

16. The problem of happiness and meaning of life in the poem.

Seven men out of six villages (some mistakenly believe that Neelanovo and a fault - these are different villages, although this name is the same) "They got up - they arched: who lives having fun, freely in Russia?" Already in the first rows, the main problem of the poem is the problem of happiness. The problem that inevitably attracts the other: what is happiness?

For famous men, happiness is to live "fun and freely." Volgode - it means freely, independently. "Fun" in folk speech is synonymous with the words "careless". Happiness in understanding the men close to the folklore happiness of Ivan-fool, fortunately, Emeli, who lives "at a prominent class." Here and the dictionary of folk speech V. Daly confirms: Happiness - prosperity, well-being, earthly bliss, desired urgent life, without grief, sink, anxiety; peace and contentment. " Moreover, in a folk tradition, happiness is opposed by the mind: "Fool everywhere happiness"; "Stupid happiness, a clever God gives." Based on such an understanding of happiness, the men themselves define the "program" of searches: a landowner, an official, pop, merchant, nobleman, minister, king. Nekrasov managed to show the meeting of men with a pop and landlord.

The first meeting with the alleged carrier of happiness occurs in chapter 1 of the first part of Pop. A rural priest confirms a man's understanding of happiness, but one important nuance will contribute to it:

"What is your happiness, in your opinion?"

Peace, wealth, honor,

Did you thank friends? "

They said: so ...

"Honor" in folk speech is respect from others. It is not by chance that Negrasov depicts a rural priest who knows the life of the peasants not to be impoverished, moving along with them and trouble, sincerely sympathizing with them:

The villages are our poor

And in them the peasants aft

Yes women sadness,

Kormilitsa, Podilice,

Slaves, Bogomolitse

And worm workers

Lord, add to them forces!

From such works with kopecks

Livally hard!

Woman's happiness.

Regardless of what was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem, it is part of it "Peasant woman." In the folk epic, the whole part is assigned to one character! Desperate to find happy among men, our wanderers go to Matrion Timofeevna Korchaginina:

Solva goes all-time

What are you free, happily

Live ... tell me in the divine,

What is your happiness?

And the whole chapter is the response-confession of the peasant in which the men saw a happy man: in the view of others, she lives in relative delta ("wealth"), the way of her life was established ("peace"), she enjoys respect - it was no wonder it was called " Governors "(" Honor ").


17. K.Hetagurov. Poem from the Collection "Ossetian Lira". Hetagurov's poetry and folklore. The proximity of his creativity to the lyrics of Nekrasov. An image of a serious life of a simple people, female fate. The specificity of artistic picture in the Russian-speaking works of the poet.

"I never traded my word, never for one

the string did not receive money from anyone. And I am not writing to write and

print, because many do it.

Not! Neither the laurels of such scripture I do not need nor the benefits of it.

I am writing the fact that I am no longer able to restrain in my own

a heart...".

K. Khetagurov

Hetagur Costa (Konstantin) Levanovich (printed under and costa), Ossetian poet, public figure, revolutionary democrat.

The founder of Ossetian literature. Rose into the mountain peasant family. In 1881-85, a student of the Petersburg AH, which was not finished due to a heavy material situation. In 1885-91, he lived in Vladikavkaz, where he was predominantly educational activities; For publicistic performances, he was sent for 5 years from the TERSKA region from February 1893, being an employee of the North Caucasus newspaper (Stavropol), led the ideological and political struggle against the royal administration in the Caucasus. In 1902 - in Vladikavkaz. In 1903 heard ill, he could not return to public and creative activity.

H. wrote in the Ossetian and Russian poems, stories, plays, articles. In the Caucasus and in Russia was known mainly as a publicist, in Ossetia - as a poet. Due to the lack of periodic press in the Ossetian language, H. performed exclusively in the Russian press. Publicistics brought him the glory of an inexperienced intercessor of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus, a fighter against poverty, political to the horsepower, administrative violence, cultivation of darkness, ignorance and national retail. His most significant articles "Vladikavkaz letters" (1896), "On the eve" (1897), "urgent questions" (1901) et al. Continuing the traditions of Russian revolutionary democrats, H., essentially, was a champion of the international unity of the equal peoples of Russia. Poetic Heritage H. Weshard: lyrical poems, romantic and satirical poems, fables, poems for children, folk legends and parables to the original artistic interpretation. Poems and poems written in Russian ("Poem"), They published a separate publication in 1895 in Stavropol. But the power and charm of the poetic talent of X. can be felt in works,

written in the native language, entering the collection "Ossetian Lira" (1839). The center of the poetic world of H. is the question of the historical destiny of the native people. The poems are devoted to this topic. Fatima (1889), "Before the Court" (1893), "Crying Scala" (1894) and extensive ethnographic essay "Especially" (1894). Coming and freedom - Favorite poetic categories H. He was a singer of the poor. In his poetry, the thought of folk poverty, about the municipality of the people is constantly present. Satyrian poem "Who lives fun" (1893) Deals with the publicistic chief of "robbers of folk poverty". The creative legacy of H. During the years of Soviet power, all-union recognition received, its works were transferred to almost all the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR and for many European languages. H. was also the first Ossetian painter.

The follower of Russian artists of the democratic direction, H. with great sympathy showed the life of a simple people in his genre paintings, wrote portraits, landscapes of the Caucasus.

In 1939 in Ordzhonikidze organized house-museum x.; In 1955, the writer was established there (Sculptor S. D. Tavasiev, Architect I. G. Gainutdinov).

Hetagurov's poetry is similar to many topics, motives and sentiments with poetry of one of the most famous democratic poets of the late XIX century S.Ya. Nadsson, although, unlike the first, aspiring in the future, defending the idea of \u200b\u200bthe revolutionary transformation of the world, the second is called its contemporaries " Back ", in those years, when the voices of Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky, Lermontov sounded safely, because in real life he feels not only his impotence, but also of his whole generation.

But Rodnit Costa and Nadon is that they negatively belonged to the world of full, expressed their protest against the oppression of the people, his cure and poverty; They are unanimous and in the opinion of the impossibility of expressing in the Word all the completeness of the feelings experienced by man.

Continuing the Nekrasov traditions of love for the labor people, the poets-Democrats, like Hetagur, opposed the powerful state of the woman, her hard fate, consonant with their ideas about the role of the poet, the duty of which is true to serve the homeland and the case of the liberation of the people.

Let me not know

Cement Creator!

Family native

Pay my end.

I am weak, stupid

In the rare the edge ...

Father, o if b

I'm valoring yours!

Rejected now

Settlement everyone

In longing, in ug

On gatherings I am:

Standing, faded

From the Dum and Care.

On the battle of the younger

Do not go after me.

For the edge of my blood

I do not cry -

Slave shack

Inglorious moisture.

18. PP Writing on the topic "Poetry of the second half of the 19th century".
Writing themes:
    The poem of N.A.Nekrasova "Elegy" ("Let us say changing the fashion ..."). (Perception, interpretation, evaluation). Poem F.I. Tyutcheva "K.B." ("I met you - and everything was my own ..."). (Perception, interpretation, evaluation). "Inspiration and faith due to inspiration, a deep understanding of the beauty of nature, the consciousness of the fact that the prose of life seems to be proking only for eyes, not enlightened poetry, are the features of the city of Feta ..." (A.V. Sprinin). Uniqueness of Civil Lyrics Nekrasov. Images of folk intercessors in the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." The theme of love in Lyric Nekrasov. The topic of people's suffering in Nekrasov poetry. Pictures of people's life in the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." The poem of F.I. Tyutcheva "These poor villages ...". (Perception, interpretation, evaluation). The theme of love in the lyrics of Tyutchev. How do the happiness of the heroes of the poem of Nekrasov "Who live in Russia"? "Tyutchev wrote a little; But everything written to them wears the printing of true and beautiful talent, often distinctive, always graceful, performed thoughts and genuine feelings "(N.A.Nekrasov). The theme of love in Feta lyrics. Poem of F.I. Tyutcheva "Silentium". (Perception, interpretation, evaluation). Satyric image of landowners in the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." Images of folk intercessors in the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." The topic of the female share of Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia."