Raveinyak from what work. Moral Drop Ezhen de Rubyanka (about the novel "Father Gorio"


Eugene De Rastinyak (Fr. Eugène de rastignac) - One of the central heroes of the novel "Father Gorio" (1834), as well as some other novels of the epic novel "Human Comedy" Onor de Balzak, the young provincial, gradually losing idealistic illusions and turning into a Parisian secular person, ready for everything for money.

Rastinyak - the eldest son of Baron and Baroness De Rubinyak - Born in the castle of Rabyak, in the Sharanta Department, in 1797; Having arrived in Paris in 1819 to study the right, settled in the city of wok, met there with a ragged convict Jacques, hiding under the name of Warring, and made friends with the medical student Oras, Bianshon. Rastinyak loved Mr. Dolphin de Nusingen just at that time when she left her lover de Mars; Dolphin is the daughter of Mr. Gorio, the former vermiceger, who lived with Rastinakom in one guesthouse, and which Rusyak buried at his own expense.

Rabyak - one of the lions of the highest light - comes closer to many young people of his time. He issues married both sisters: one - for Marciana de la Rosh-Yogon, Dandy the times of the Empire, one of acting persons "Sophisticated happiness", another - for the minister. His younger brother Gabriel de Rabyak, secretary of the bishop of Limoges, in 1832 is appointed by the bishop ("daughter Eve").

Explosion of ancient noble rhodation, Rabyatyak still takes after the July revolution post of Assistant State Secretary in the Ministry of De Mars ("Scenes of Political Life") and makes a quick career, in 1832 he occupies a prominent public post ("Secrets of Prinjean de Kadinyan"); In 1836, after the bankruptcy of the banking house of Nosingen ("Banker's House of Nosingen"), which enriched Rastyanka, it has already 40000 annual income francs; In 1838, he marries Nosingen in August, the daughter of his former beloved Dolphins, which he unscrupulled; In 1839, Rabyak becomes Minister of Finance and receives the title of the graph; In 1845, he - Par France, his annual income - 300,000 francs ("Cousin Betta", "Deputy from Arsi").

Famous words of Rastinyak, with whom he addresses to Paris: "À Nous Deux!" - "And now - who will win: I or you!".

In modern french "Raveinyak" became a numerous name meaning a successful skip.

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    - (FR. Rastignac) One of the heroes of the novel "Father Gorio" (1834), as well as some other novels of the epic "Human Comedy" of Honor de Balzak. In the novel "Father Gorio" Balzac shows the story of the transformation of the provincial idealist in the Paris Cynic. ... ... Literary heroes

    rastinyak - A, m. Rastignac. Type of elegant careerist. On behalf of the literary hero, Balzak, first described by him in the Father Gorio. Symbol of an unprincipled adventurerist. And at that time the author called and reported that Igorek would soon move into a new product ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

    Rastinyak: Eugene De Rabyak, one of the central heroes of the novel "Father Gorio" (1834), as well as some other novels of the epic novel "Human Comedy" Onor de Balzak. Chateau de Rabyak Manor of the XIX century in La Bashchela, not far from Bordeaux, France. ... ... Wikipedia

    Balzac (Balzac) Onor de (20.5.1799, Tour, - 18.8.1850, Paris), French writer. His father came from the Valz peasant family; Having become an official, changed the surname, because considered her Plebee. B. studied at the Wandom College, to Paris. School ... ...

    I Balzac (Balzac) Jean Louis Gez de (1597, Angouleme, 18.2.1654, ibid.), French writer. Member French academy (1636). It came from the noble family. He used the patronage of Rickel, who appointed his state ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Balzac Honoré de Balzac, 20 / V 1799-20 / VIII 1850). Born in Tour, studied in Paris. The young men worked at the notary, preparing for a career of a notary or attorney. 23-26 years have printed a number of novels under various pseudonyms that are not rising ... ... Literary encyclopedia

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    This term has other values, see Shagreen Leather (Values). Shagreen leather La Peau de Chagrin The name of the novel is not amenable to accurate translation. In French Chagrin means the grade of the skin, and sadness. He could be translated as ... Wikipedia


  • Mira of Philip Farmer. Volume 11. Love evil. End of time. Rastinyak Devil, Philip Farmer. The novels included in this volume are combined by the general world of the future, in which, after a devastating war, the power seized the totalitarian sect, overwhelming all-in-law aspirations and ...

Eugene de Rabyak - a young provincial, who arrived in Paris to make a career there. The choice of life path in the Roman of Education is always the most important stage in the life of a young man. His teachers: Warred, Mrs. de Bossean, Father Gorio.

Eugene offers different plans to make a career, but all these plans are cynical.

Ward Ward: Based on knowledge of laws modern society. This is the possible kinship of the daughter of Nuvorish and the poor, but no New Year. It is possible, but is associated with the murder (explain). Philosophy of Warren first scares Ezhen - this is a speculation on the principles of positivistic philosophy, which teaches a cynical practicalism on the principle : "To live with wolves - on the wolf swell." Vewen : "Virtue ... She is not divided into parts; She is either there, or she is not "; "It is impossible to achieve anything"; "There are no principles, and there are events; There are no laws - there are circumstances. "

The second plan offers him his relative of Vikontesa de Bosyan: it should be concluded a deal with a woman is "Take advantage of the dolphin for your own purposes."

Essentially, plans have a lot in common, which indicates the community of morals as the tops and the bottom. Society operates according to the same laws. Only an unexpected event - the arrest of Ward - helps Eugene to avoid participation in a crime.

But Eugene actually becomes an accomplice "Elegant fatherland", So set in the apartment purchased by the Father Gorio for lovers for the last money.

Unlike daughters, it sincerely feels his guilt in this novel before the Father Gorio. Participation in the funeral of Gorio. But he does not condemn the daughters of Gorio, but decides to imitate them.

So, the chief focus in the novel is made on the choice of life path. Eugene decides to conquer Paris at all costs: "The light seemed to him by the ocean of dirt, where the person immediately leaves her neck, barely lowered his tip of his leg."

The fate of Rastyanka is an example of deceptive happiness, purchased by the price of loss of their moral qualities, he is the most famous and most typical Balzaki hero.

Roman "Father Gorio", unlike Roman Standal, is a bright sample of the "novel of seduction", the option of the Roman Career. About itit is evidenced by the subsequent history of Rastinyak, which will be described episodically almost in 20 Balzac novels. The history of his enrichment : He will be a companion of her husband's husband and will take half of his condition from him. His Career History: From secretary in the ministry to Par France. His family life: after 20 years of communication with Dolphin Nusingen, he marries her daughter Augusta (Higher aya degree of cynicism).

Compare among themselves the history of the life of Julien Sailor and Ezhena de Rustyanka.


Rastinyak (Fr. rastignac) is one of the heroes of the novel "Father Gorio" (1834), as well as some other novels of the epic novel "Human Comedy" on Either de Balzak. In the novel, "Father Gorio" Balzac shows the story of the transformation of the provincial idealist in the Paris Cynic. Leaving parental shelter, Eugene De R. comes to Paris to honestly serve science. However, he is not deprived of ambition, so dreams of glory about the glory with dreams about a scientific career. In Paris, for the "upbringing of the feelings" of the smart and charming boys, the convicts of Vinen and Vikontesa de Bo-Sean, whose views on life are not at all accidentally coincide. "Look at men and women, like on postal horses," says the aristocrat, - you do not regret and you will achieve a limit in the exercise of your desires. " "It is impossible to achieve any honesty," assures him of stuff. Soon R. does not stand the temptation with wealth and a secular career and begins to take positions. True, he initially refuses a profitable marriage, but then still decides on the path to success "to rely on and on the science and love, to become a secular person and doctor of law." It takes a little more time, and he is ready for all for the sake of wealth. Under the influence of the Parisian life R. very quickly lost the youthful illusions, which is no wonder. In order to survive and not get lost in the universal race for money and enjoyment, when all the people are enemies and are only waiting for a convenient opportunity to live at each other's expense, you just need to abandon all biblical commandments. There is no other way to success, and R., quite quickly understood this, chooses success. At the end of the novel, wiring on the last path of Father Gorio, robbed and abandoned by daughters, R. Rhines "the last youthful tear, deceived by the Holy Unrest of the Clean Heart", after which she says, turning to Paris, his famous phrase: "And now - who will win: me or you!"

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Peru of the Great French Writer Onor De Balzak owns a grand epic under the speaking name "Human Comedy", in which the characters appear and go from one work to another, in each of the novels, their characters are disclosed from the new side, flicker with new faces, like precious stones. , Which in the refraction of light shine with a new force, overflowing with new colors, accommodated unknown. For his heroes that appear and go from one job to another very interesting to observe, tracing their spiritual evolution, which occurs under the influence of certain other life situations and events.

One of these characters with whom we meet on the pages of Roman Onor de Balzaka "Father Gorio", the first novel, which opens a grand epic, is Eugene de Rabyak. He comes from the province to conquer Paris twenty-two years old from the genus full of the most beautiful motivations, wanting to succeed in life, having achieved welfare, only thanks to its own work. But the capital prepared on his life path A lot of temptations and temptations that he will have to overcome by deciding for himself whether to go to transactions with his own conscience.

Even the very place of his habitat, in which all the current characters of the novel are focused, the guesthouse of Mrs. Woku vuls into the very heart of his vanity, since the atmosphere in it is extremely stuffed, with a dilapidation and unacted poverty, from which Rusyak will passionately want to get out of His elegant manners and luxurious crews, where everyone is granted to itself, and not forced to stare, like guests of the guesthouse. He is tormented by the question of how to achieve a cherished goal. And here, the lessons of Vikontesses de Bosyan come to the resistant and wrapped, who open the curtain of the mystery, presenting him the ruthless truth of the laws of life in the highest light. But the conscience of Rusyanka stands as if the guard on his way of spiritual corruption, not letting it be collapsed from the way true.

He shows true care, as if the Son, causing the false Gorio, causing admiration for readers. But as the action develops, conscience gradually gives the position, giving way to the crash of illusions about honest labor, which does not lead to true great success. In the finals of the novel, he looks at Paris, spread from his feet, as if on the buzzing hive and, embraced pride, eager to conquer him, penetrating into its highest spheres. And, as we will see from subsequent works, in which we will more than once meet Rastyanka, it will succeed.

From lectures P: Rabyak bursts between two ideas. Internal conflict is expressed in the illogical of his behavior. Rabyak listens to the Father Gorio and Ward, but their voices are not intertwined in it, do not merge, and if one of them wins, then the other is silent. Father Gorio, who provoked all the best feelings in Rastinata, was buried. "Now who will win, I or you?" Having buried Gorio, he buried and compassion, the lesson was learning, it is not necessary sincerely to love anyone, it must be subordinate and conquer. Voted Vosper became the voice of the Rastyanka himself, but there are no dialogues in his mind.

The image of growing in "Ch. TO." - The image of a young man who conquers his personal well-being. His path is the path of the most consistent and steady climb. The loss of illusions, if it happens, is performed relatively painless.

In the "father of Gorio", Rasinyak still believes in good, proud of its purity. My life "Clea as Lily". He is noble aristocratic origin, comes to Paris to make a career and enter the Faculty of Law. He lives in the Madame Vaca guesthouse for the last money. He opened with access to the salon Vikontestes de Boshean. According to the social situation, he is poor. Rostina's life experience develops from the collision of the two worlds (the convicts of Vinen and Vikontesa). Raveinyak considers itching and his views above the aristocratic society, there is a crime of crayons. "Honesty is not needed to anyone," says Venus. "The colder you expect, the more you will be promoting." Intermediate position is typically for that time. For the last money, he arranges the funeral poorly Gorio.

Soon he realizes that his position is bad, will not lead to anything that it is necessary to be honesty, spit on pride and go for meanness.

In the novel "Banker's House" describes the first business success of Rastinyak. Taking advantage of the help of her husband's mistress Dolphins, daughters Gorio, Barona de Nusingen, he cares for himself a condition by leaving the game for promotions. He is a classic adaptist.

In "Shagrenoy-skinned" - a new stage of the evolution of Rastinyak. Here he is already an experienced strategist who has long spanned with all sorts of illusions. This is a frank cynic, learning to lie and hypocrite. He is a classic adaptist. In order to flourish, he teaches Rafael, you need to climb ahead and fall all the moral principles.