Became an outcast for all. How a Russian guy who converted to Islam became an outcast in his own city

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"Couldn't they beat me up because I believe in God?"

How a Russian guy who converted to Islam became an outcast in his own city

Moscow proposes to introduce personal responsibility for governors for interethnic and interfaith conflicts in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Ministry of Regional Development proposes to include such a criterion in the performance indicators of the heads of regions. In the Sverdlovsk region, there is a dangerous example of a conflict with a religious connotation. A Russian guy who turned to Islam was persecuted and attacked by his compatriots. After a severe beating, he tries to get justice, but in vain ..

Valentina Vankova is very unlucky with the police. Over the last 10 years of his life, he managed to get into unpleasant stories with law enforcement officers three times: he was twice beaten, and once he served time for a crime, which, according to him, he did not commit.

A young man with a beard and a knitted hat, which Muslims wear, came to the editorial office of the site. He wanted to talk about his attempt to achieve justice: last year, in his native Polevskoy, he was severely beaten, accused of adopting a faith "unusual" for Russians. Among those who were beating were people in uniform. The police did not initiate a criminal case ... But the more Vankov told, the clearer it became: in order to understand the difficult life of this man, one would have to step beyond this one story.

In 2002, Valentin studied at the USU at the Faculty of Chemistry. An excellent student and a politically active young man organized an initiative group at the university to work with the population. In addition, he and his friends worked part-time, advertising a manufacturer of utility meters in the cities of the region. In 2003, with this purpose - to advertise the goods - the students came to Alapaevsk, where they got to the city meeting. “During a speech by a local official, I got up and asked the residents a question about their water use, but I didn’t have time to finish,” Vankov recalls. - I was tied up and dragged out of the hall. They started beating me in the next office. "

According to him, Vankov was beaten by two men in civilian clothes. “It was crazy - they kicked me two steps from the hall full of people, and I could not ask for help,” the young man says.

After that, the guy was taken to the local police station, where he was "added" to the guards. Vankov was released a day later, after his friends set up a watch near the police station. The young man got it hard - the hospital was diagnosed with a brain injury, and he had to register with a psychiatric dispensary. “Then I filed a lawsuit, but it didn't end with anything. This is how a series of my failures with the police began, ”he says.

The second story happened three years later and had more serious consequences for Valentine. On September 10, 2006, he visited his friends in the university hostel, and on the way home he met a friend with whom he went for a walk to the arboretum. After that, he slowly moved towards the house. They stopped him on Lunacharsky Street. “They put me in a car and brought me to the Cinema House. Thrown to the ground, under the feet of some woman. They asked her: "Looks like"? She replied "It seems to be yes." After that, they took me to the Oktyabrskoe department and began to beat me, asking: "Where is the second one?" I didn't understand what in question... Then one of them said that they would put me in prison for 14 years, ”says Vankov.

Then the young man still did not believe that this was possible. He asked to check the testimony of a friend with whom he was walking, and a girl friend with whom he chatted on the phone already on the way home, just at the moment when the crime was committed ... It turned out that two scum attacked the woman on that fateful day, sprayed her in the face from a gas canister and took away the bag. Later, the victim herself stood up for Vankov. She wrote in a petition that she saw the attackers only from the back and could only identify them by their clothes, and the clothes did not match the descriptions. She asked for a confrontation, but for some reason she was refused.

“I remembered then the phrase of the investigator, to whom I explained that I was not guilty. “I understand everything perfectly, but I am on the other side of the barricades,” Vankov recalls.

From autumn 2006 to summer 2007, Vankov lived in a pre-trial detention center. Here he met a man who changed his life. “He was a Muslim. To be honest, this religion has been interesting to me since my student days. First of all, the fact that God is truly one in Islam - I could not accept the mortal essence of Christ, as well as the concept of atonement for people's sins through painful death. In general, it so happened that I just joined in the prayer. And he embraced Islam, ”says Vankov.

The investigation ended, and the court announced the verdict - 3 years in prison. Vankov was transferred to colony No. 54, where he spent another six months. “Finally under New Year the regional court overturned the decision of the Oktyabrsky court, changed the sentence to a conditional one, in 2008 I was at large, ”says Valentin.

Having recovered from the shock, the guy got a job in a respectable company and began to go to the mosque. Around that time, Nikolai Asharin, an assistant to the speaker of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly on a voluntary basis, in charge of religious affairs, came to him. “He asked me to write some reports on affairs in the Muslim sphere for the local special services, promising in return that“ everything will be fine with me ”. I flatly refused, because I was already sick of the security forces and everything that was somehow connected with them, ”Vankov recalls.

After the refusal, new problems followed. Suddenly the chief called and politely asked to write a statement.

Valentin moves to Polevskoy, where he starts his own business - selling 3D design software. “I noticed that the neighbors were looking at me in a strange way. Later I was told that someone spreads terrible rumors about me, I don't even want to repeat, - says Vankov. "I didn't pay attention until the summer of 2012, when the last unpleasant story happened."

According to Valentin, one warm evening he stood near his entrance and waited for the garbage truck to arrive. At this time, his neighbor came out, who opened the door of the basement, hid there and soon came back. “I politely asked him where he got the key to the basement from and why the other residents of the entrance didn't have such. Received an answer in an extremely rude and obscene form. I made a remark to him. He grumbled a little more and went home, ”says Vankov.

The young man went to visit a friend, and when he was returning, at the entrance he was suddenly met by a stranger. “I remember well his phrase:“ Hello, friend, can I talk? I am interested in your philosophy. " I did not understand what he was about, we exchanged a couple of phrases, after which I began to rise. Suddenly he grabbed my jacket, ”Vankov recalls.

The door opened, and the same neighbor from whom Valentine asked about the key to the basement came out into the entrance. “They started beating me. More people appeared from somewhere. As I later found out, these were police officers who were not on duty. The neighbors ran out at the noise, then they dragged me out into the street, where they continued the beating. Some of them were saying, “Better leave the city, get out to Jerusalem, or end up in the cemetery,” the young man said.

Vankov was taken to the police station, for some reason not becoming to detain the attackers. “I was bleeding a lot. Then they asked me if I would write an application. I said that I needed to consult a lawyer. I was sure that the neighbor who was beating me was a policeman, because he communicated mainly with local law enforcement officers. So a lawyer friend advised me to immediately write a statement to the ICR. "

From The Investigative Committee the answer came that the attacker was not a law enforcement officer, but worked as a driver in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, so the police had to deal with the case. Therefore, the materials were sent to the local ATC. “I waited for a couple of months, but there was no news. Then I came to the ATC. They told me: “We know, we know your business. You wrote a statement, they wrote to you too, go out of here, ”says Vankov. For several months no more news came from the police. Now the young man writes letters to all authorities, trying to punish the offenders, and now he came to the media. A previously convicted person who refused to be a sex worker for the security forces has little chance of punishing the offenders.

The Polevsky police department today found it difficult to tell something about the fate of the statement about the attack, but they promised to check it tomorrow.

It became known this week that the Ministry of Regional Development will personally ask governors for interethnic and interfaith conflicts. Officially, in the Sverdlovsk region and throughout the Ural Federal District, such have not been registered since the beginning of 2011. Are they really not there? Or simply, as in the story with the Russian Muslim Valentin, the police simply do not initiate criminal proceedings? .. And if they do, they don’t pay attention to what the beaters were shouting there? Any conflict is easier and more convenient to write off as a domestic fight.

Valentine himself says: “Couldn't they beat me up because I believe in God? But I don't believe in chance: too many people beat me. It seems to me that all these are the consequences of my refusal to cooperate with the special services. "

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In every collective, the rejection of someone occurs in different form... At school, it can be ridicule, insults and even physical harassment, in adult groups, rejection can take place in the form of sophisticated disregard, when there seems to be no outright neglect, but one person feels very bad, and everyone else, as if having agreed in advance, play their role.

An outcast becomes one in whom most of the people around him begin to see what they reject in themselves. These can be qualities such as insecurity, lack of success in the profession. However, it can also be any qualities that it was in this team, for some reason, were prohibited. For example, the boss does not like fussy employees or those who like to take the initiative. If he can spread his mood to the rest of the team, then an employee who has such qualities can become an outcast and endure many negative moments in relation to others.

Or another example. There are collectives in which an atmosphere of ambition reigns. Members of such teams set difficult tasks for themselves and each other and are very proud when they manage to implement them. If a person who is deprived of this quality falls into such a team, he can become an outcast due to the fact that others will not be able to respect him and will see in him what they would not want to see in themselves - the lack of desire to achieve anything in life.

Thus, in most cases it turns out that they become an outcast in relation to a certain group. If the same person ends up in another community, where the qualities that are inherent in him are not rejected, he may feel quite good there.

Sometimes in children's collectives those children whose parents take too much care of them and constantly control their lives become outcasts. Also, the reason for rejection may be some feature that the collective does not accept - illness, character trait, belonging to any social stratum, poverty, or, on the contrary, material security.

In this case, you need to analyze what values ​​are inherent in this team, what qualities are rejected. After that, you need to understand what qualities a person who has become an outcast shows. If this contradiction is insoluble, then it is necessary to look for a new team, or build relationships based on this information.

When a person rejects others

However, it also happens that a person becomes an outcast in almost any collective. This is a completely different situation. Here you need to understand what qualities in a person make him an outcast.

First, such an outcast may initially deny many of the values ​​that the collective professes and show their disrespect in some of the statements and actions. This, in turn, is reason enough for rejection.

Secondly, each member of the community performs some function, does something useful for him. The outcast, on the other hand, refuses to invest in the team. He is focused on himself and on his opposition. By this he himself provokes others to rejection. How can you accept a person who rejects himself?

Thirdly, an outcast may simply not be able to build relationships with society due to their characteristics. If such a person does not respond to impulses from others and withdraws into himself, not having the ability to build a dialogue, then he can also become an outcast.

In life, in order to become an outcast, a person does not need the manifestation of all factors at the same time. One or two is enough to get rejection. In the first case, when a person denies the values ​​of the team, the reaction of those around him can become the most harsh. Whereas in the latter case, if there is simply an inability to build a dialogue, then rejection will take on a softer form.

Thus, it is necessary to understand the reasons that led in each particular case to this problem, so that they can subsequently be corrected.

An outcast is a person with a special worldview, who opposes himself to society and does not fit into its way of life. But such a person always has a chance to remain himself and at the same time not be rejected.


If you feel that some of the foundations of society are becoming alien to you, do not try to resist this process. Man is an individual being, and the appearance of such personalities, who are called outcasts, illustrates how developed society is and whether there is disorder in it.

Developing your uniqueness, try to understand for yourself that any person, in essence, is. It's just that not everyone admits it. Concern about making money, spending it on common pleasures, fashionable stylish clothes, rest - all this does not indicate the presence of collective intelligence, the mind of the "herd", which excludes and casts doubt on existence, unique in a human being?

Not to be outcast, it is necessary to accept the terms of society. Live by its rules, changing it for the better. Take advantage of this opportunity to improve the living environment in favor of a thinking, natural person who is part of nature.

To join any team or society, it is necessary to comply with the adopted laws, style of behavior, "dress code", manner of communication. But you can still be yourself. Someone might not like your humor or point of view. Someone will be sickened by the "colors and style" of your behavior and the desire to understand the essence of some, possibly forbidden things. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion.

Reflect on the fact that society certainly has an impact on the life of the individual. But there is also a feedback. The extent to which your personality is developed in accordance with the laws of nature affects the people around you, space, events.

Your position should be life-affirming. If you feel the need, nurture the best in yourself. Then it will be strange to hear that you - a person striving for perfection - are outcast for society.


  • Outcast child in class

In any team, perhaps, there are people who keep aloof. They communicate little with other members of the team. Do not participate in any common affairs and entertainment. And sometimes it is completely incomprehensible how they ended up in a team with which they have so little in common.

School is also a team. Sometimes even more difficult than an adult. Indeed, in the adult team, the requirements of ethics are still observed. Which is not always found in children's groups. Children do not know how to tolerate those who are incomprehensible to them or are in some way different from them. Such a child can not only be joked, but even mocked.

No parent wants such a fate for their child. And any parent will protect their child from the attacks of other children. But sometimes it is precisely this kind of protection, which turns into excessive custody, that serves as an extra reason for the mockery of the child by peers. Most often, such exaggerated custody is found on the part of caring mothers. Therefore, from early childhood, impressionable mothers must learn to control their emotions and impulses.

You need to learn to calmly look at abrasions and bumps. Don't panic about the girl's skinned knees and torn dress. You shouldn't make a tragedy out of this and run screaming to look for the guilty. If only because in most cases the child receives such injuries in the heat of the game, when both he and his peers are so enthusiastic that they do not think about the safety of the nose and knees. And only together with the feeling of pain the feeling of resentment creeps in.

Parents should empathize with the child, but without much emotion. You can clarify how he feels at this moment. He will surely be distracted by the awareness of his feelings and will calm down much faster. This is how parents teach the child not to dwell on failures and troubles. And this skill will be very useful in a children's team.

Another reason for the separation of the child from the team may be the inability to defend his point of view. This happens with children, for whom everything is always decided by lovely parents or caring grandparents. Freedom and independence also need to be taught. Gradually, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to choose in more and more situations. You can start with small household items.

A child confident in his own abilities can always defend his rights. And if such a child is outside the team, then only of his own free will. And no one can call him an outcast, because, despite his isolation, he will certainly enjoy the respect of his peers.


  • Outcast child in class

Beginning with kindergarten, and continuing in school, in almost every group (class) there is a girl or boy who is treated by others without due respect, and sometimes even hostile. Such children are accused of someone else's fault, their personal belongings are taken away and offensive nicknames are invented.

Starting from kindergarten, and continuing in school, in almost every group (class) there is a girl, to whom others treat without due respect, and sometimes even hostile. Such children are accused of someone else's fault, their personal belongings are taken away, and offensive nicknames are invented.

Who is at risk?

Frequently, outcasts are children with physiological disabilities, of a different nationality or social stratum, “botanists” and “bespectacled”. The child becomes weak from the inability to consolidate boundaries with other people. This is due to the parents, who are very strict, demand the impossible and apply all decisions for their children.

In a learning environment, to be good, you need to stand out and follow the rest. Unlike adults, children do not control their emotions and show their aggression explicitly. At first, one oppressor will appear, but if he does not see resistance, then over time a group of similar ones will form.

How can you help such a child?

The widespread belief is that it is necessary to change the environment, talk with the parents of the abuser, connect the teacher or class leader. However, in practice this method ineffective. After such actions, the child is even more susceptible to humiliation, and he is considered a "mama's boy", unable to resolve the issue on his own. Consequently, rogue children should change themselves, and parents should only help and help.

Find out the factors first bad attitude to the child. There are problems that can be easily fixed:

if the child has problems with weight - make sure that he eats right, get him interested in playing sports;

if the child wears glasses, replace them with lenses;

if the child devotes a lot of time to study, advise him to engage in collective activities in the class, to take part in the preparation of the holiday;

if the child is poorly dressed, buy him fashionable clothes (normal clothes for children can also be purchased in stock stores).

It is much more difficult when the shortcomings are not eliminated for objective reasons. For example, physiological abnormalities or inappropriate nationality. Here you need to help the child find such a hobby or occupation in which he would have the opportunity to achieve great results. It can be computer technology, various sports or arts and crafts.

Listen to and support your child's interests. In any case, do not talk about how everyone around is bad and evil. On the contrary, show your child how you can change people by changing yourself before. This will be a real discovery for him.

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This path is for myself.

What did you find in the endless desert?
What rushed into the endless distance?
Mirages surround from now on.
Oh, how a ghostly castle I'm sorry.

Now I'm collecting bits and pieces,
Lost that on the road an outcast.
I erase from the past moment
Resurrect so that the forgotten peace.

Where the wind of Freedom blows
And the dream leads.
I'll take a sailing dinghy to the ocean
And I will take my last fight.

I am often tormented by thoughts
Or rather, one question.
I don't see any meaning in this life
Like it's some kind of hypnosis.

I'm like a mad prisoner in a dungeon.
It hurts at heart even though a wolf howl.
Why can't I sleep this night?
As if I'm an outcast for everyone.

How not to love you, I don't know
I see no reason to lie
Such people are met only once,
In order not to let go later.

How dare you offend you,
Trample, mocking at feelings,
What did they want to show
Lovers to misinterpret everything?

How strong you are, you've seen so much
Suffering from the stupidity of others,
And I drank a lot of grief,
From attacks of strangers,

Enough humiliation
The moment has come to put an end
My love and revelation
They will discard the stupidity of other people's words.

Broken road ahead
Bridges have been dismantled behind.
The people of God crucified on the cross,
There are now crosses on their graves.

They say that God forgave us for this,
And having forgiven, he gave us love in our hearts.
And to someone God gave the gift of a poet,
So that he does not know peace in life.

In my heart, the song haunts
I rhyme words at night.
I am destined to bear the cross of an outcast,
After all, I'm a stranger everywhere - here and there.

I do not grumble - after all, I myself once chose,
I left my homeland, my way.
I will get there, I won't turn back
We cannot deceive our fate ...

I sent you to the world of the blind
Well, you've already grown up, opened your eyes.
I woke up and began to wake up those still sleeping
And he became an outcast and was called insane.
Why, my son, are you waking up corpses?
The corpse of your kindness will never understand.
And only in unconsciousness he raises his head and bares his teeth,
And pounce on you to devour your flesh.

Sometimes forgotten by everyone
And abandoned by fate
You knock on people's doors
With your wounded soul
You look for help in their looks
And you crave self-pity.
But you only read contempt
On a dull, stony face.
Drooping with a weak head,
Slouching shoulders to the ground
Not knowing pity, peace,
Walking the dark path ...
And only the Lord knows
What could you experience along the way
You were looking for a place among people
But they continued to drive you ...
Years will pass, the wounds will heal ...

Again you seem like an outcast to yourself
And you complain about a dark fate
AND the whole world considering it a battlefield
You throw yourself into an unequal struggle.

Fighting desperately, winning
In battles, but losing life.
Filled my mind to the brim
Cold fog mirages.

You are trapped in a cage of your own illusions.
In captivity in children's nightmares.
But a fictional demon won't bite
Will not dispense all the blood drop by drop.

You have invented a ridiculous exile
Insidiousness and cruelty of being.
And the abyss of evil and the mountain peak of suffering -

I don’t know how to start ... I’m just in a lot of pain right now. My problem is that I’m an outcast everywhere. In any team I’m superfluous, everyone despises me. I think this is partly because of my appearance. besides, i slow and stupid, often delving into something for a long time. I often do something good to people, but they never say thank you. And if I try to talk to a person about something, he rudely interrupts me or answers with a sneer. The other day I asked a girl I knew how to do something on a computer in the program, and she came up, looked and answered sarcastically: “Well, it’s not destiny to open the tab and press the button?” I almost burst into tears from - for this. Moreover, she told the other guys everything normally. And so many treat me like that. People do not like me at all: neither adults, nor children, nor men, nor women, no one. Even my relatives annoy me, they often said that it is better I would not exist. Only animals love me: dogs, cats.
I have never had a relationship yet, and probably because of this they are treated badly.
I consider myself a believer, but in recent times my faith was shaken, I'm afraid God doesn't need me either?
I see no reason to live on. After all, a person should love someone and be loved, and if his love and warmth are broken by rudeness and indifference, then it is very painful. Why live if you are doomed to loneliness for the rest of your life?
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Sasha, age: 03/22/2017


Hello Alexandra, I only ask you to be discouraged, do not complain about God. At one time, no one explained to me that chastity is pure flesh and conscience, and I broke a lot of firewood, and you can meet a wonderful person, also a person of Faith, and you will create a wonderful family, you just need to believe and wait and pray to the Mother of God about your choice and readiness for a family. ..

Chloe Hloia, age: 03/29/2017

Sasha, sunshine!
Sometimes it happens that others do not specifically want to offend, they just do not have everything in order for them, and they break down. Yes, someone is restrained, and someone in their own words offends people. Don't be mad at them. You are a kind person, (even as you write, it can be seen) that you have a bright soul. Sometimes, good people find it difficult. But this is not a reason to despair. Just try not to react to "sharp statements".
Take care.

Julia, age: 32 / 03/10/2017

Hi. There are no perfect people and everyone has flaws. You are aware of your shortcomings, but it hurts that other people cannot accept you for who you are. You are a gentle and vulnerable nature. You are sensitive and receptive to criticism, worried about what people will say or think about you. You lack self-confidence and healthy indifference. It is indicated that you are 22 years old, but according to your text, it seems that you are 15-16 years old. That is, in order to learn how to experience and cope with the stress that you face, you lack some character traits and just life experience. Live, gain experience and soon you will understand how everything works. Try to be tougher with people and don't let yourself be offended. You need to at least slightly, but regularly increase your self-confidence and pay less attention to criticism in your address. Good luck. And most importantly, NEVER GIVE UP! Be persistent and in spite of all obstacles and difficulties in life, go to your dream!

Alexander, age: 03/10/2017

Sasha. After reading your letter, I got the impression that you are trying to be correct in life, to please all people. Try to change a little. You don't have to be a mean girl to do that. It is important to believe in yourself, to cultivate self-confidence. How? You say you're stupid. In fact, each person is unique and talented in some way. Many people do not know what you can do (Analyze your pros). If you still have not acquired some skills that would distinguish you from other people, urgently acquire them. Can't play guitar? Learn. In any youth company you will be at your best. Take up a collective sport - tourism. There people rally. This is for an example. Of course, choose for yourself what you like best. You are young, your whole life is ahead! And believe me, you will also meet your love! The main thing is not to try to please other people. You are not a gingerbread for everyone to like. People around you read from your face, your poses, that you are insecure. And in spite of you, become beautiful and self-confident. It has been proven that a person is believed when he confidently speaks any nonsense. Now even the Internet is full of free trainings to foster love and self-confidence. Do your best. People like you are needed by this world. And God sends you these tests so that you learn something. Find those people who are even worse than you and support them. But don't make it your goal. Your main goal is to become happy in this world, every person deserves this. Don't hang out with those people who lower your self-esteem, even if they are your parents. Read the book Nick Vuychich... "Life Without Borders". Good luck!

Elina, age: 46/10/2017

Sasha, dear, stop thinking about yourself like that! Throw bad thoughts out of your head immediately! I am absolutely sure that you are a reasonable, sweet, interesting girl with a kind and pure soul... Try not to perceive the people around you so painfully, you need to "overgrow" a little with armor, not to react to comments, offensive remarks as if they were being told to another, stranger. People often try to assert themselves at the expense of others, they need to evoke a negative reaction in you - anger, tears, resentment. There is no need to show them how their words really hurt us, there is nothing to give them such pleasure, but on the contrary - to smile and try to translate everything into a joke. When such people see that you do not react to aggression, you become uninteresting for them. Believe me - good people more and they do not consider you an outcast, I think that they just know you little, and you, out of fear of communication, do not give them such an opportunity. And the more people in the majority do not care whether you have a relationship or not, the main thing is what kind of person you are? Develop, work on yourself, strengthen your faith with prayer, temper yourself in trials, do good deeds not for thanks, but at the call of your soul, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are so young, there are so many interesting things ahead, I believe you will succeed. People are drawn to strong spirits, so be that way, Sasha, and you will find happiness!

Irina, age: 43 / 10.03.2017

Hello Sasha!
Can I ask you for forgiveness for those people who offended you? Please forgive them. You are a very good girl, you just react very strongly to the barbs of the world around you.
Those people who hurt other people with their gestures and words are often not very happy themselves. Maybe the girl you are writing about is just tired of explaining the same thing to the team, and when you asked the question, her negative reaction manifested itself, directed not specifically at you, but generally at the situation as a whole.
You have very negative attitudes in life, this is not possible.
Believe that there is a place in life for everything and even more for love. Everything will work out, you need to believe in it. And further,
try to be positive. It is difficult, but nevertheless, each situation can be considered from at least 2x -3x positions. This makes it more objective and allows you to find more approaches to its solution.
Do not be sad! All the best to you!

Elena, age: 37 / 03/10/2017

Hello, Sasha. There is no need to set yourself up like that - you are not doomed to anything. The main thing is to stay good, bright, kind person and do not take small things to heart. Be simpler, lighter, smile more often. I think there will definitely be people who will appreciate you.

Irina, age: 03/11/2017

Sasha, maybe now you don't need anyone yourself!
Try to let go of your thoughts and enjoy the morning sun, warm wind, a good book, a movie!
If you do something good, take it as charity, give good!
Trust me, you will find your happiness! Necessarily! And you will love, and you will be loved! Necessarily!
It's just such a period, it will definitely pass!
Drive bad thoughts away!

Dee, age: 03/11/2017

Girls, did you think that someone needs you exactly the way you are? If I met just such, I would immediately propose to her)))

Igor, age: 45 / 03/11/2017

Dear Sasha, God really needs you, very much. He loves you and if you go to Him, He will run to meet you! Just trust Him and remember, He knows your future tomorrow, in a year and until the very end, and for everyone he wants happiness, tries to lead us to happiness. He sees both your future love and friends. And you do not see beyond today and therefore do not believe for a second that this is possible. And there must be faith, unshakable. It is hard for God that we believe ourselves more than Him.
As for the attitude of other people towards you. There are people who assert themselves at the expense of others. From this they seem to be strong, but in fact they are the weakest of all.
If such people often choose you as a victim, it is only because you seem to them to be softer and more defenseless than others. With such behavior, they humiliate only themselves. Do not bear it on yourself, just have pity on them and understand - you have nothing to do with it. This is their disease.
If you consider yourself a believer, listen to the lectures of the priests on the Internet. About true love, about faith, about friendship, about happiness. Vladimir Golovin, Dmitry Smirnov, Andrey Tkachev.

Ksenia, age: 03/11/2017

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