The global collective mind. Dream

The easiest dreams are those that are not doubted.

In youth, you compare everything with your dreams, in old age - with your memories.

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others!

Maybe the one who does the most, dreams more than others.

If a person confidently moves towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and quite unexpectedly.

Dreams will not come true by themselves.

The human mind possesses three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. It's all about it.

How sad it is to dream of the most urgent: without it, a person is always unhappy, but having it is far from always happy.

Treasured thoughts of a dream

I dream of becoming a boomerang. You are thrown, and you are thrown back at them, in the face.

A dream is good and useful, unless you forget that it is a dream.

Gibberish cherished thoughts about a dream

No one puts their dreams in the hands of those who are capable of destroying them.

Human life would freeze at one point if youth did not dream, and the seeds of many greats ripened invisibly in the iris of youthful utopias.

The only thing that destroys dreams is compromise.

If a person could not imagine the future in bright and complete pictures, if a person did not know how to dream, then nothing would have forced him to undertake tedious constructions for the sake of this future, to wage a stubborn struggle, even to sacrifice his life.

A dream is a Sunday of thought.

The more memories you have, the less space is left for dreams.

Have our eyesight the ability to see inner world our neighbor, it would be much more correct to judge a person by his dreams than by his thoughts.

Vague cherished thoughts of a dream

Even out of a dream, you can make jam if you add fruit and sugar.

Thinking is the work of the mind, dreaminess is its voluptuousness.

A wretched dream that can come true entirely.

It is in dreams that new ideas are born. To achieve a dream come true - in this greatest life human ...

Dreams are plans in mind and plans are dreams on paper.

Nothing contributes to the creation of the future like daring dreams. Today is utopia, tomorrow is flesh and blood.

Dreams are half of reality.

Deeds are the last refuge of people who cannot dream.

Dreaming is a poetic way of not thinking.

Sleeping cherished thoughts of a dream

The living are fighting ... And only those are alive whose devotion to the lofty dream.

The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks ... Condense all dreams - and you will get reality.

A dream is a castle that only existed until they started building it.

Even when you no longer believe in your dreams, you cannot part with them.

Only the dream world is eternal.

It is better to fight for the fulfillment of your dreams and lose several battles in this war than to be defeated and at the same time not even know what you were fighting for.

Dreams are the cornerstones of our character.

Don't complain that your dreams didn't come true; only those who have never dreamed deserve pity.

If you have built castles in the air, this does not mean that your work was in vain: this is how real castles should look like. It remains only to bring a foundation under them.

Incomprehensible cherished thoughts about a dream

Joking with a dream is dangerous; a shattered dream can make up the misery of life; chasing a dream, you can miss life or, in a fit of insane inspiration, sacrifice it.

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you might have to work hard for this.

Old age is known to fulfill the dreams of youth; example - Swift: in his youth he built a house for the insane, and in his old age he himself settled in it.

The dreamer often correctly determines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants to bring it closer by his efforts. What nature needs thousands of years for, he wants to see perfect during his life.

The dreamer feels the reality most strongly: too often he falls from the sky to the earth.

The Universe always helps us to fulfill our dreams, no matter how stupid they may be. For these are our dreams, and only we know what it cost to dream them.

A man does not dream of a woman because he considers her mysterious; on the contrary: he considers her mysterious in order to justify his dreams of her.

I've always wanted a car. Special. Not like the others. But ... never seen the car of my dreams. And then I decided to create it myself - Ferdinand Porsche

Dreams are the bright boundaries of our souls. - Henry Thoreau

Plunging into the past, you leave no room for the future. Memories kill dreams. - Janusz Vasilkowski

You can try over and over again and it won't work. The main thing to remember is that desire always reaches its goal. - Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

There comes a moment of disappointment in life, a moment when nothing remains. Only a dream. And if she is not there, there is emptiness around ... - K-f ‘Farmer-astronaut’

Dreams disappear - the person also disappears. - Ludwig Feuerbach

You can't become a real champion, I train a lot. This is also necessary - but it is not enough. To turn into a real conqueror, you need to let in a dream. Make it a target. And clearly imagine success. - Mohammed Ali

The dreamer perceives life more correctly than a realist - having visited heaven too often, he again finds himself below. - Karol Izhikovsky

If I wanted to have power, I would choose not to read minds, like many others, but to know the dreams of others. This will say much more about the person. - V. Hugo

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

Joking with a dream is dangerous; a shattered dream can make up the misery of life; chasing a dream, you can miss life or, in a fit of insane inspiration, sacrifice it - Dmitry Pisarev

Our most important responsibility is to always keep a course in the direction of our deepest desires. - Randolph Bourne

Then with an inspired eye

Dream great; only great dreams can touch human souls. - Marcus Aurelius

They dream not only at night, but also while awake. - Ernst Simon Bloch

Become a Man in thoughts, in deeds - Then dream of angelic wings! - Muslihaddin Saadi Muslihaddin Abu Mohammed Abdallah ibn Mushrifaddin

It is very easy to make plans, but even easier not to carry them out. - Veselin Georgiev

Dreaming: a poetic way to not think - Adrian Decursel

Set big goals for yourself because they are easier to hit. - Friedrich Schiller

Even if you are on the right way You will simply be run over if you will. guilelessly sitting on the road. - Will Rogers

The goal is nothing more than a time-bound dream. - Joe L. Griffith

A dream is a castle that exists only until they began to build it - Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Dreams will not come true by themselves - Paulo Coelho

Dream great; only great dreams can touch human souls! - Marcus Aurelius

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others! - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Maybe the one who does the most, dreams more than others. - Stephen Leacock

Deeds are the last refuge of people who cannot dream - Oscar Wilde

It is more important to know where you are going than to get there sooner. - Mabel Newcumber

Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions. - Dmitry Andreevich Antonov

Do not be afraid of dreams, be afraid of those who do not dream. - Andrey Zufarovich Shayakhmetov

When the young man once expressed himself that it is a great thing to achieve what one desires, Menedemos told him to this: much more - not to desire what one does not need to desire. - Menedemos

Start big right away, do more, and never look back. We must always go beyond. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

We need dreamers. It's time to get rid of the mocking attitude to this word. Many people still do not know how to dream, and maybe that is why they cannot become level with time in any way. - Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

A dream is not something that already exists, but it is also not something that cannot be. It is like on earth - there is no road, but people will pass, pave the way. - Lu Xin

If a person confidently moves towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and quite unexpectedly -

All desires should be asked the following question: what will happen to me if what I seek as a result of desire is fulfilled, and if it is not fulfilled? - Epicurus

Had our eyesight been able to see the inner world of our neighbor, it would be much more accurate to judge a person by his dreams than by his thoughts - Victor Hugo

My destiny is not to be like anyone else - Brigitte Bordeaux

The worst thing that can happen to me is that I will become ordinary. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Fanaticism is when efforts are redoubled, having lost sight of the goal. - Santayana, George

Nature, like a kind smiling mother, gives herself to our dreams and cherishes our fantasies. - Victor Marie Hugo

Fear of hell is already hell, and dreams of heaven are already heaven. - Gibran Kahlil Gibran

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt

When we can no longer dream, we die. - Emma Goldman

He who has no goal finds no joy in any occupation. - D. Leopardi

The dream also needs to be controlled, otherwise it, like a ship without a rudder, will be carried by God knows where. - A. N. Krylov

No matter how much we pay for our beautiful illusions, we will not be left at a loss. - Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

What is impossible for ordinary eyes,

For most of us, the danger is not that the great goal seems unattainable and we miss it, but that the goal is too small to be achieved. - Michelangelo

Old age is known to fulfill the dreams of youth; example - Swift: in his youth he built a house for the insane, and in his old age he himself settled in it - Soren Kierkegaard

Those who are too zealous in small things usually become incapable of great things. - F. La Rochefoucauld

One must dream as much as possible, dream as strongly as possible in order to turn the future into the present. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The only thing that destroys dreams is compromise - Richard Bach

The problem is that without risking, you risk a hundred times more.

The easiest dreams are those that are not doubted. - A. Dumas-father

Do not wish for the impossible. - Chilo

Dreams are half of reality - Joseph Joubert

Everyone normal person there is a period when he prefers fiction to fact, for fact is what he owes to the world, while fantasy is what the world owes him. - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

No heart suffers when it goes in search of its dreams, for every moment of this search is a meeting with God and Eternity - Paulo Coelho

Even a millionaire sometimes has some cherished dream. For example, become a billionaire. - Baurzhan Toyhibekov

If you want to have what you never had, start doing what you have never done. - Richard Bach

There is a side to a dream that is better than reality; there is actually a side better than the dream. Complete happiness would be a combination of both. - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Only the dream world is eternal - Valery Bryusov

If a traveler, climbing a mountain, is too busy with every step and forgets to check with guiding star, he risks losing her and going astray. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The dreamer often correctly determines the future, but he does not want to wait for it. He wants to bring it closer by his efforts. What nature needs thousands of years for, he wants to see perfect during his life - Gotthold Lessing

The dream is more powerful than reality. And could it be otherwise if she herself is the highest reality? She is the soul of existence. - Anatole France

Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper - Vladislav Gzheshchik

A person grows as his goals grow. - Johann Friedrich

If you give up your dream, what is left? - Jim carrey

Maybe the one who does the most dreams the most - Stephen Leacock

The living are fighting ... And only those are alive whose heart is devoted to a lofty dream - Victor Hugo

If you dream, you will not deny yourself anything. - Danil Rudy

My dream, the most fantastic, always remains vital, earthly; never dreaming of the impossible. - ON. Ostrovsky

I repeated to myself from early childhood: I want to be the ruler of the world! - Ted Turner, CNN founder

The human mind possesses three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. Everything in it - Victor Hugo

If a person were completely deprived of the ability to dream in this way, if he could not occasionally run ahead and contemplate with his imagination in integral and complete beauty the very creation that is just beginning to take shape under his hands, then I definitely cannot imagine, what motivating reason would compel a person to undertake and complete extensive and tedious work in the field of art, science and practical life... - D.I. Pisarev

People easily believe what they crave. - Voltaire

It's impossible! - said the Reason. This is recklessness! - Experience remarked. It's useless! - snapped Pride. Try ... - whispered Dream. - Unknown author

Whose heart is devoted to a lofty dream. - Victor Marie Hugo

Everything that a person is able to imagine in the imagination, others will be able to translate into reality. - Jules Verne

Today most of the people will return home, they will be greeted by dogs and children. The spouses will ask each other how the day went, and they will sleep at night. The stars will miraculously appear in the sky. But one star will be slightly brighter than the others. My dream will fly there. - George Clooney, K-f 'Up in the sky'

Once a person wants to get rid of his miserable state, but wants sincerely and completely, such a desire cannot be unsuccessful. - F. Petrarch

He who does not know where he is sailing has no tailwind. - Seneca

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work hard for this. - Richard Bach

Joking with a dream is dangerous; a shattered dream can make up the misery of life; chasing a dream, you can miss life or, in a fit of insane inspiration, sacrifice it. - Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

A dream must rise to the level of a goal before being fulfilled, but fate will invariably make adjustments to our plans to achieve our goals. - Unknown author

The Universe always helps us to fulfill our dreams, no matter how stupid they may be. For these are our dreams, and only we know what it cost to dream them - Paulo Coelho

A dream is a presented reality. - Konstantin Kushner

Even sitting in a ditch, you can admire the sky. - Oscar Wilde

Looking at the night sky, I thought that there are probably thousands of girls also sitting alone and dreaming of becoming a star. But I wasn't going to worry about them. After all, my dream cannot be compared with anyone else's. - Marilyn Monroe

If you take away the ability to dream from a person, then one of the most powerful incentives that give rise to culture, art, science and the desire to fight for a wonderful future will disappear. - Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Never forget to dream! - Madonna

Dreams! Without a dream, a person turns into an animal. Dreams drive progress. The greatest dream is socialism ... Do you think that then they will smack at the trough and grunt happily from abundance? A dream come true - socialism - will open up new grandiose prospects for the wildest dreams .. - V.I. Lenin

If a person could not imagine the future in bright and complete pictures, if a person did not know how to dream, then nothing would have forced him to undertake tedious constructions for the sake of this future, to wage a stubborn struggle, even to sacrifice his life - Dmitry Pisarev

I dream of becoming a boomerang. You are thrown, and you - back to them, in the face - Frederic Beigbeder

To build a dream, let it build you. - Salvador Daniel Ansigeris

We understand easily in deep ecstasy. - William Shakespeare

You cannot desire what you do not know. - Voltaire

Whoever wants the impossible is dear to me. - I. Goethe

The one who sensed the wind of change should not build a shield against the wind, but a windmill. Inscription on a Chinese vase

The easiest to realize are those dreams that are not doubted - Alexandre Dumas-Father

How many things were considered impossible until they were completed - Pliny the Elder.

If you go to the goal and stop at every step to throw a stone at every dog ​​barking at you, then you may not reach the goal. - Fedor Dostoevsky

To reach the goal, you must first go. - Honore Balzac

You can even make jam out of a dream if you add fruit and sugar - Stanislav Lets

Most people in the world fail to achieve their goals because they never really put them first - Denise Veitley, psychologist and mental coach

Faith opens up abilities in a person that he did not even know about, and any dreams come true. - Juliusz Wontroba

What's the nicest thing? Achieve what you want. - Thales

A blue dream is a dream that has turned blue in anticipation of its fulfillment. - Unknown author

For those who dream of great things and do not doubt their courage, there is a place at the top. - James Sharp

You Will Be Better If You Live Your Dream - K-F One Tree Hill

If the goal was set - and a chain of trial and error itself will lead to the desired result ... - Haruki Murakami

Pessimism is a mood, optimism is a will.

High minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires. - W. Irving

An obstacle is what a person sees when he turns away from his goal. - D. Grossman.

The more memories you have, the less space is left for dreams. - Janusz Vasilkowski

Humanity dreams only of what can be realized. - Unknown author

People who cannot do something in their life will say that you cannot do it in your life either ... Set a goal - achieve it! And the point. - Will Smith, 'The Pursuit of Happyness'

Dreams, everywhere you accompanied me and paved the path of gloomy life with flowers! - K.N. Batyushkov

A wretched dream that can come true entirely - Alexander Kumor

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work hard for this - Richard Bach

A man does not dream of a woman because he considers her mysterious; on the contrary: he considers her mysterious in order to justify his dreams of her - Henri Montherland

The dream is our weapon. It's hard to live without a dream, it's hard to win. - Sergey Timofeevich Konenkov

A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not calls himself a practitioner. - Honore de Balzac

Don't complain that your dreams didn't come true; only the one who has never dreamed deserves pity -

How sad it is to dream of the most urgent: without it, a person is always unhappy, but having - not always happy - Antoine Rivarol

Always beware of building castles in the air, because although these buildings are the easiest to build, they are the hardest to destroy. - Otto Eduard Leopold von Schönhausen Bismarck

The dreams of great dreamers do not just come true - they come true in an even more daring form than the one in which they were first clothed - Alfred Whitehead

Blessed is he who lives sometimes in the future; blessed is he who lives in dreaming. - Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev

Joking with a dream is dangerous; a broken dream can be the misfortune of life ... - D.I. Pisarev

A person who makes it a rule to do what he wants will not want to do what he does for long. - L.N. Tolstoy

A dream is a Sunday of thought - Henri Amiel

Youth dreams that it will never come true, old age remembers that it never came true. - Hector Hugh Munroe Saki

If you have built castles in the air, this does not mean that your work was in vain: this is how real castles should look like. It remains only to bring a foundation under them - Henry Thoreau

At first, dreams seem impossible, then - incredible, and then - inevitable. - Christopher Reeve

(In the great, the fact that we want it is enough) is correct in the sense that we must want something great, but we must also be able to do great; otherwise, it is an insignificant desire. Laurels of desire alone are dry leaves that have never turned green. - Hegel

Not philosophers, but clever deceivers claim that a person is happy when he can live in accordance with his desires: this is false. Criminal desires are the height of unhappiness. It is less regrettable not to get what you desire than to achieve what is criminal to desire. - Cicero

Only the dreamer walks not on the ground, but on the globe... - Evgeny Khankin

Death is not terrible for the hero, While the dream is mad! - Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Nobody puts their dreams in the hands of those who can destroy them - Paulo Coelho

The living are fighting ... And only those are alive

You can even dream about what you can't think about. - Gennady Malkin

Dreamers don't hang in the clouds; they are above it. - Konstantin Kushner

Nothing contributes to the creation of the future like daring dreams. Today is utopia, tomorrow is flesh and blood - Victor Hugo

Have a goal for all life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for a year, for a month, for a week, for a day and for an hour, and for a minute, sacrificing lower goals to higher ones. - Tolstoy L.N.

A dream is fulfilled through faith. - Artem Nio

It is in dreams that new ideas are born ... To achieve the fulfillment of a dream is the greatest meaning of a person's life ... - Alexey Semenovich Yakovlev

We never temper our desires; with anything, we wish for the best. - MM. Xepackov

Don't be afraid of the future. Peer into him, do not be deceived about him, but do not be afraid. Yesterday I went up to the captain's bridge and saw huge waves, like mountains, and the bow of the ship, which was confidently cutting them. And I asked myself why the ship conquers the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized - the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always go where we want. - Winston Churchill

Thinking is the work of the mind, daydreaming is its voluptuousness - Victor Hugo

Lofty goals, even if they are unattainable, are dearer to us than low goals, even if they are achieved. - I. Goethe

Thinking about what you can, or what you cannot, in both cases you are right. - Henry Ford

It is better to fight for the fulfillment of your dreams and lose several battles in this war than to be defeated and at the same time not even know what you were fighting for - Paulo Coelho

The slowest person, if of course he HAS A GOAL goes faster than the one who runs aimlessly

It is in dreams that new ideas are born ... To achieve a dream come true - this is the greatest meaning of a person's life - Alexey Yakovlev

Even when you no longer believe in your dreams, you cannot part with them - Etienne Rey

Even the most stupid plan can be accomplished masterfully. - Leszek Kumor

Follow your path and let people say whatever. - Dante Alighieri

The only difference between attraction and desire is that the word “desire” for the most part refers to people when they are aware of their attraction, therefore we can give the following definition: desire is an attraction with his consciousness. - B. Spinoza

Human life would freeze at one point, if youth did not dream, and the seeds of many great ideas ripened invisibly in the iris of youthful utopias - Konstantin Ushinsky

Dreaming of something small, you will never succeed in a big one. - Howard Schultz

You are a participant in the parade of change. At the same time, you can conduct an orchestra, or you can clean up the garbage after the participants of the holiday. You Make Your Choice - J. Harrington

Wanting is not enough, you have to act. - W. Goethe

A dream is good and useful, unless you forget that it is a dream - Joseph Renan

Who has not loved in life, who has not forgotten once, loving dreams did not indulge in dreams and did not find happiness in them? - K.N. Batyushkov

Dreams are not a departure from reality, but a means of getting closer to it. - William Somerset Maugham

Knowing the goal we are striving for is prudence; to achieve this goal is the fidelity of the gaze; to dwell on it is strength; to go further than the goal is insolence. - C. Duclos

One should not force nature, one should obey: it ... fulfilling necessary desires, as well as natural ones, if they do not harm, but severely suppressing harmful ones. - Epicurus

Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do something. Even me. Understood? If you have a dream, protect it.

The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks ... Thicken all dreams - and you get reality - Victor Hugo

It is necessary to mark above the target in order to hit the target. - Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Nothing contributes to the creation of the future like daring dreams. Today is utopia, tomorrow is flesh and blood. - Victor Marie Hugo

Since this is not possible, it must be done. - Alexander the Great

Dreams are the cheapest way to fulfill desires. - Veslav Cermak-Novina

A man without a dream is like a bird without wings! - Unknown author

If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get caught in the rain. - Dolly Parton

There are people who live without any purpose, walk in the world like a blade of grass in a river: they do not walk, they are carried. - Seneca

Most people who fail to achieve their dreams do not suffer from a lack of ability, but from a lack of purpose. - Zig Ziglar

In youth you compare everything with your dreams, in old age - with your memories - Edouard Herriot

Do not part with your illusions ahead of time - they will be useful to you more than once ... - Mikhail Genin

Dreams are the cornerstones of our character. - Henry David Thoreau

Lecture hall. Elon Musk is an unreal dreamer, or why would people become cyborgs?

Why do we need neurointerfaces and what is Elon Musk's initiative fraught with?

Elon Musk creates Neuralink, a company that will develop technologies for digital connection with the human brain. Why is this necessary and what is the consequence?

And will it not turn out that by creating a technology that is designed to protect humanity from the dangers associated with artificial intelligence, we ourselves will accelerate the development of these dangers?

Wouldn't a world in which you download your memories to a computer be hostile to humans?

Will digital immortality, so longed for by many, become the decline of humanity as we know it?

The Musk project is analyzed and commented by the Ukrainian expert in the field of cybernetics and artificial intelligence Vsevolod Rubtsov.

Vsevolod Rubtsov

  • Researcher, entrepreneur, expert in cybernetics and artificial intelligence
  • Author of the project to create empathic artificial intelligence "KARA"
  • Founder and CEO of Ditcom
  • Founder and Chief Architect of the Digital Life Lab

What is a neural interface?

Neurointerface is a way of transmitting information between the human brain and the external system. It doesn't have to be a computer. Such a device can be an infrared camera or a temperature sensor.

The neurointerface allows signals from an external system to enter the brain directly, bypassing intermediate methods of processing and interpreting this signal.

Why would Musk initiate a new line of research?

In an interview, Musk said: "I am always trying to find technology that can bring new benefits to a large number of people." This is the central pivot of his philosophy with regard to the projects and innovations that he undertakes.

Neurointerfaces are a technology that can change the quality of life of a huge number of people. This technology has the potential to completely change the world as we know it.

How realistic is it to create such a technology?

The first research work and examples of interfaces between the brain and the computer appeared back in 1999. Researchers led by Ian Dan of the University of California have reproduced the images perceived by experimental cats by decoding the signals from neurons in the visual system.

Since then, many projects in this direction have made significant progress in the development of methods for non-invasive connection to the brain and recognition (decoding) of signals emitted by neurons.

This technology is still far from perfect, but the dynamics of progress allows us to draw a simple conclusion - it is realistic to create such an interface.

How can you do this?

The main problem in creating a connection between the human brain and the machine is that many of the processes responsible for high-level functions such as memory, consciousness, etc. have not yet been studied in detail.

In simple words, we understand how neurons transmit signals, which means that we can “connect” to the process of transmitting signals to the brain, enrich it. But we have absolutely no idea how the brain stores experiences and memories at the physical level. It's like a black box.

We understand the result that our brain gives at the output, we roughly understand the patterns and principles of how the initial information turns into a result.

However, we do not yet have a final knowledge of what is happening inside the "black box". And this is the biggest challenge both in the field of human brain research and in the field of building artificial intelligence systems.

The danger is that as soon as the answer to these questions is found, the creation of strong artificial intelligence will move from a hypothetical plane to a real one. While working on the neurointerface project, Elon Musk actually not only creates a new interface, but also accelerates the advent of smart machines into our lives.

So why then create such a dangerous technology?

I think that for Elon, the technology of a new interface between man and machine is not so much a matter of providing new qualities for people as a matter of the survival of humanity as a whole as a species.

This is a logical continuation of his initiatives aimed at finding ways to solve the problem of the superiority of artificial intelligence over humans. It seems to me that we should develop such technologies as preventive measures to counter the challenges that humanity will face.

How to use them is a separate question. We can stay within the scope of medical applications, we can simply make people's lives better in cases where the mind becomes hostage to physiological deviations, but in the event of a global threat to the existence of humanity, we must consider all ways to survive, including a qualitative change in ourselves as a species.

It may well be that people will have no choice but to change, on the physical level.

What changes are possible with the maximum development of this technology?

An interface is a way of transmitting data not only to the brain, but also from it. By creating a way to "load" information into the brain directly, we also get a way to "download" data from it and put it inside the computer.

Our consciousness, our experience, our values, experiences and aspirations are the result of the work of a complex mechanism based on the interaction of a huge number of neurons in the cerebral cortex, on physical connections that are dynamically created and disappear every day.

If we find a way to recognize and read this data, then we will be able to copy human consciousness and place it inside the computer environment. It is to copy, since a person physically continues to exist, the copy will actually no longer be this person, but will have his experience, memories, character and style of thinking.

This opens up before humanity both the possibility of digital immortality, after the death of the physical body, and the possibility of creating its digital copy during life. A copy that thinks faster. He may have a more advanced body, but he remembers the same things as you, has the same values ​​and aspirations, the same point of view, etc.

Why might this be necessary?

Perhaps our digital copies will be able to become those guardian angels that can protect us from the threats posed by artificial intelligence that arose out of nothing and has no attachment to human values. At the same time, we do not have to become cyborgs ourselves.

It will be a new world for us, but it will not be radically hostile. If we do not run away from the problem of artificial intelligence, trying not to notice progress, postpone the solution of this issue for later, and consciously create this technology in the form in which it is safe for us, then our children will have a future.

It will not be the way we are used to seeing it, not the way we can imagine it. Perhaps it will be an ideal world where digital immortality and new qualities will allow people to become better, get rid of base aspirations and make us happy.

Perhaps people will use this technology both for good and against other people. However, in this world, a person will not be supplanted by a new, stronger mind.

As a child, I dreamed of being taken by a handsome prince ... Now my husband

dreams of being picked up by a handsome prince.

Daydreaming as a personality trait - a strong tendency to treat your thoughts and desired figurative representations as meaningful and deserving more attention than the surrounding reality; an obsessive state that leads to the world of illusions, unrealizable desires and dreams.

Three cedars grew on the banks of the Jordan River. They saw a lot in their lifetime of wars, weddings, the birth of children, etc. One day they started talking about their dreams. One says: "I would like to be made a throne on which the fairest, kindest and most powerful king on earth would sit." Second: "I would like to be made of me such a thing that would bring people good." Third: "And I would like people to always remember God when looking at me." Time passed, the woodcutters came and cut down the cedars. From the first they made a manger and put it in the barn for the sheep, from the second they made a dinner table, which they put in a simple peasant family. And the third was generally cut into planks and thrown behind the shed. It was a shame to the cedars because there was no other purpose for their valuable timber ... Time passed and one day a woman and a man with a baby in their arms came to the barn to the sheep, and they put him in a manger. The star of Bethlehem lit up ... Thirty years later, sitting at a peasant table, a man said to his disciples: "Don't kill, don't steal ..." And three years later, the same man carried on his shoulders a Cross made of planks lying behind the shed.

According to V. Dahl, dreaming means “playing with the imagination, indulging in the play of thoughts, imagining, thinking, imagining something that is not in the present; it is pleasant to think, to think of the unrealizable. " Previously, the people believed that daydreaming arises at the will of an evil force.

Daydreaming is an illusion of life. Daydreaming is a fairy tale made in the mind by reality. Daydreaming is an obsessive illusion dissatisfied with the real life of its wearer. In real life, a dreamy person is impractical, unadapted to many situations. A dreamer is a person who forgets about real life.

The trouble with daydreaming is that it is not attracted to specific goals, real plans and actions. She lives in images and situations in which she plays a sweet role for her. As a good screenwriter, she can come up with a "play" in which there is only the situation that attracts her, but she herself is absent. That is, what a person is - such are his dreams. Vindictive and spiteful can represent scenes of revenge, murder of people, floods, fires, earthquakes, in which he himself is absent. The glutton will delight his mind with pictures reminiscent of the feasts of Lucullus. In a word, what passions are - such are dreams.

The very idea of ​​a dream is extremely dangerous - it destroys the mind and mind, creates problems in fate, provokes a person to live in a world of illusions, forgetting about the problems of the present. It replaces the goal. Instead of stubbornly and persistently going towards his goal, a person spends colossal energy of the mind on fruitless dreams. Dreaminess is a hostess welcoming to its owner, who does not deny him anything. “Having rolled my lip” on a spacious field of reverie, it is hard to fall from heaven to earth. The hardest thing is to lose an unfulfilled dream and feel the harsh reality of life. Therefore, daydreaming is a major contributor to depression, frustration, discouragement, and despair. Nietzsche wrote: "A dreamer denies the truth to himself, a liar to others."

Many women remain lonely for one simple reason - they came up with the image of a "prince", "knight" or fell in love with a movie actor and dream of exactly the same husband. At the same time, they endow him with qualities that the actor himself, if told to him, would not even have guessed and would be very surprised that he was presented like that. The plank is at a fantastic height. They sing from the stage: “Believe in a dream, believe in a dream, believe in a dream sooner” and what is left for her to do? Believe: "I believed, believed and nothing else." According to her fate, her neighbor boy Kolya is supposed to be her, but in her daydreaming she neglects fate and makes the wrong choice in favor of some overseas handsome man, oligarch or banker. She should build happiness with Kolya, here and now, and not with Schwarzenegger somewhere in the distant future. This Kolya is the husband given to her by God.

For some, a great blessing is the right of free choice, the ability to influence one's own destiny, but not for daydreaming. Daydreaming is a destructive force for consciousness. As a result, a woman does not marry, does not give birth to children, in a word, dooms herself to misfortune and suffering.

The dreamer, with the power of his imagination, turns his empty dreams into what he supposedly already has "here and now." That is, he recklessly spends his piety, squanders what is due to him by fate. For example, a girl says, "I want to become an actress." There is a huge gap between "I want" and "I know". A young, absolutely unknown to anyone Sophia Loren was asked who she wants to be. She replied: "I know I will be the most famous actress in the world."

Many people confuse a dream - "I want" with a firm intention to act, to go towards the goal - "I know." If you say to yourself, “I want to scratch my ear,” nothing happens. But when you have the intention to do it, the hand immediately implements it. Since this is a fundamental point in understanding the difference between a dream, on the one hand, and the intention to go towards a goal, on the other, which misleads people, whitewashing daydreaming, so let us consider an eloquent example. Only each time, replace the words "dream" and "want" with the phrase "firm intention to act, go towards your goal."

When Monty was 16, he was asked to write an essay about what he wants when he grows up. Monty suffered for a long time and spent many hours describing his dream. He wanted to become a rancher someday. He scribbled seven pages describing in great detail the 200-acre ranch, and drew a plan for the location of all the buildings, stables, and roads. He even drew a very detailed plan for a 4,000-square-foot house he would build. The next day Monty gave his essay to the teacher. Two days later, his teacher returned the essay with a bold red two, adding, "Stay after class." After the lesson, the boy with a dream came up to the teacher and asked why he received a deuce for his essay. To which the teacher replied: “Because such a dream is unrealizable for a boy like you. You need a lot, a lot of money to acquire such a ranch. What money do you have? None. You are from a very poor family. There is no way for you to fulfill your dream. It is not feasible. I'll tell you what. Go home and write another essay in which you describe a different, more realistic dream, and I will give you a different grade. " The boy returned home and asked his father for advice. And this is what he heard: “Son, I'm afraid I'm not your helper here. I think that this should only be your decision, and I have a feeling that this will be a really important decision for you. " Monty had been pondering his father’s words for a week. Finally, he returned the same essay to the teacher and said: "You can keep a deuce for yourself, and I keep my dream for myself." Time passed, Monty graduated from high school long ago, became an adult. He told this story and, turning to the group of people listening to him, said, “I told you this story because you are all sitting in my 4,000 square foot house in the middle of my 200 acre ranch. And that essay hangs in a frame over the fireplace. " Monty continued: “The most amazing part The story is that two years ago, in the summer, the same teacher brought 30 schoolchildren here, and they camped on my ranch for a week. Before leaving, the teacher told me: “Listen to Monty, I can tell you about this now. When I was your teacher, I was a kind of thief of dreams. I am very sorry now that I stole a lot of childhood dreams back then. But I am very glad that you found the courage to defend your dream. "

You see the confusion in understanding intention, purpose, and dreams. Monty, unlike the rest of the students who charged their minds with empty dreams, had an accurate, in great detail, vision of his ranch. He knew that it would be so and took concrete steps towards his goal. He defended not his dream, but his intentions and purpose. Dreaming of becoming a rancher, a person thinks about how he will spend his millions, and never about how to earn them.

Intention is the combination of desire with action. The determination to act in our own strength is an inner intention. It is controlled by the mind. To realize the inner intention, we focus on the process of our movement towards the goal. The determination to have is an external intention. Through external intention, we choose the line of life on which our desire is embodied. We do not hesitate in the least that we will achieve our goal. That the goal will be realized is not even discussed. We become the real creator of reality with the help of external intention. Intention is to include yourself as a creator. We must have an intention, and life will decide how to implement it.

The success story of Hilbert Kaplan shows how important it is to success. When he was only 25 years old, he opened his first magazine. Being a very stubborn and purposeful person, he devoted himself to work completely. Therefore, it is not surprising that for fifteen years of work, his magazine has become one of the leading publications and came out with a huge circulation. But in order to achieve such success, Kaplan had to work around the clock. But suddenly, at the age of 40, Gilbert Kaplan sells his successful business. What happened? The thing is that one day he heard Mahler's Second Symphony. The music just delighted him! The melody touched his soul. It seemed that he was awakened by feelings that had been sleeping for a very long time, and he did not even know about their existence. In addition, he decided that Mahler's Second Symphony should be played a little differently. It seemed to him that this work is actually even more magnificent! What he heard, in his opinion, was not worthy of the name of the great Mahler. Therefore, Gilbert Kaplan sold his company and decided to become a conductor. It was not a dream, but the firm intention of a mature person. All experts were convinced that this was a stupid idea. At this age, it is impossible to start a career as a conductor without any knowledge and skills. Friends simply laughed at Kaplan's ridiculous idea and called it eccentricity. After all, before that, Kaplan had never conducted or played on any musical instrument, did not know a single note. But no matter what, Kaplan did not lose his mood. On the contrary, his goal has become even more tempting. He wanted to prove to everyone that he could become a conductor. He raised the bar even higher for himself: he decided that he would play Mahler in a way that no one else had played this piece before him. And he began to work hard. He studied with the best conductors in the world, he constantly, step by step, persistently and persistently went to his goal. He had no time to dream. And after two years, the goal was realized! In 1996, Gilbert Kaplan played the most successful classic album in the United States. In the same year, as a renowned conductor, he opened a festival in Salzburg.

Kaplan's life eloquently reveals the difference between a fruitless dream and a goal. A dream is the idle work of the mind to create illusions and destroying ideals. The purpose of a dream is to destroy real life person. A dream demands from life, something that, here and now, perhaps, is not supposed to be. She either rushes fate, or even demands the impossible. As a result, a phenomenon called "destiny burning" arises. A drunkard or a drug addict does not want to first fight for their happiness, and then be happy. No. They want to go crazy and "drive away" right now. The phenomenon is the same - the burning of life. In other words, alcohol, drugs and daydreaming act differently on a person, but the result is always the same - the burning of life and piety. The dream is always abstract, and the goal is real. Unlike a dream, a goal is primarily an action. A person, without including emotions, persistently goes to his goal along his path. Daydreaming is alien to the goal, "lying on the stove", it is busy with useless mental activity, but does not strive for a useful result, only absorbing the most valuable energy. Daydreaming does not really create anything, it serves solely for self-gratification, which often takes perverse forms.

In this regard, psychologist ND Guriev writes: “Dreaminess has nothing constructive in it, it serves only self-gratification, which often takes perverse forms. And in the case of a combination with despondency, hopelessness, despair leads to death not only mental, but also bodily (suicide). " Further, he gives a harsh assessment of this state: "daydreaming can be characterized as mental and intellectual masturbation, leading to mental and intellectual impotence and perversion."

In the system of laws of the universe, nothing happens just like that, "on the ball". There is a rule in the Universe: first you need to earn something, that is, replenish your piety account, and then fate will surely return it to you a hundredfold. First a good deed, and then a reward. Instead, the stupid dreamer rakes out his destiny ahead of schedule, and then falls from the height of his dreams into the realities of life.

In the context of these thoughts, Victor Hugo's view of dreaminess is interesting. In the novel Les Miserables, he writes: “If a person has a habit of leaving the house to dream, then the day will come when he leaves the house to throw himself into the water ... narcotic drug in a moderate dose. It calms the fever of an active mind, often violent, and generates in it a light cool fog, softening too harsh outlines of clear thought, fills in gaps and voids, connects separate groups of ideas and obscures their sharp corners. But dreaminess alone floods and swallows everything. Woe to the toiler of the mind, who has allowed himself, leaving the heights of the mind, to surrender entirely to the dream! He thinks that he will easily rise up, and convinces himself that, in general, they are one and the same. Delusion! Thinking is the work of the mind, dreaminess is its voluptuousness. To replace a thought with a dream is to mistake poison for food. "

Petr Kovalev


Components of personal achievement

“A wise man will be the master of his thoughts; the fool will be their slave "

The greatest accusation against the existing education system is that most people come into this world, live in it and leave it without realizing the power of their thoughts and the fact that everything in life is created and destroyed by the power of thought. Even worse, we are taught everything, anything, but almost never taught to use the power of thought to achieve the only necessary form of wealth - spiritual harmony. This is covered in this book.

One of the definitions of personal potential is given by the equation:

[BC + PS] x [T] x [O] = LR

The first two letters - BC - represent your innate abilities. This is what you are born with, your natural genetic heritage, your natural inclinations and intelligence in general. It is very difficult to change anything here.

The next two letters - PS - denote acquired abilities. This includes the knowledge, skills, experience and abilities that have been developed and developed as they grow and mature. You can develop, improve and change acquired qualities over time as a result of study and practical work... But it takes patience, discipline and substantial effort. Just the letter T symbolizes labor. LR stands for personal outcome.

The letter O stands for attitude, that is, the type of spiritual energy that you put into the combination of your ability and work. This is part of the personal achievement formula - the dark horse. Since the quality of your attitude can be improved almost infinitely, even a person with average innate abilities is able to perform well with a positive mental attitude. But your attitude is controlled by your will. Therefore, it is important to know how the attitude is developed? Expecting good events, you are in a positive attitude towards people and events. Expectations are the only quick way to make quick and profound changes in your own life and the results you achieve.

The law of psychic magnetism

Your consciousness, like a stream, rushes forward, leading or withdrawing you from the goal, depending on the degree of mental control that you yourself establish.

If you think you can't succeed, you probably won't. Do you really consider yourself worse than others? Too many people give an affirmative answer to this question. Fear and anxiety are the closest relatives of feelings of inadequacy.

Thought is the driving force behind actions, just as electricity is the power that lights up homes. In addition, regardless of whether we embody thoughts in real actions, the thought itself already produces some kind of impact. I call this influence the law of psychic magnetism. According to this law, we attract those circumstances, those people we need.

Luck and luck accompany only confident people... With your thoughts, you cannot attract the random events and incidents of life, but you can create the so-called circumstances of life and become more confident. It is obvious that people constantly use the law of psychic magnetism. This is due to the fact that they are constantly thinking. The brain is always working. But some attract sickness and misery. Don't do this: drive out destructive thoughts. It is in your power to make your brain work in a certain direction.

To a certain extent, many people tend to see their future as bright and beautiful, full of friends, happiness and tranquility. But the future is often disappointing. Does this indicate a violation of the law of psychic magnetism? No. The reason is that people do not clearly define goals. You may say, "I don't want to be sick, but I am sick." But what do you think most persistently? Where do you direct your main attention? Maybe for a disease? Wouldn't it be better to suggest: "I am healthy"?

Each positive desire corresponds to the opposite, negative, which we are afraid to admit, but very often it is on it that we focus our attention. We want it to be good, but we think about the bad. The law of psychic magnetism is indifferent to our good wishes and whims, it needs clear desires. Moreover, we should not be afraid of these desires.

There are people who claim that they want friendship and love, but their attention is occupied by such things as criticism, hatred, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness. There are people who claim that they want popularity and recognition, but, nevertheless, show their desire for solitude.

So, there are two rules for the correct use of the law of psychic magnetism (compare them with the principles of a magnet): first, you need to focus on clear goals, and second, the more we do this, the more results we achieve.

It is tempting to think that we are not in control of what comes to our mind, but in fact we are not. If a thought comes to you that is not useful to you, unpleasant, you can force yourself to think about something else, as a result, according to the law of substitution, the unwanted thought disappears. By changing your thoughts you can change your life! Thought is the only thing over which you have absolute control.

Dhamapada: “What we are is the result of what we thought, it is based on our thoughts and consists of our thoughts. If a person speaks or acts with a bad thought, suffering follows him like a wheel follows the hoof of an animal carrying a cart. "

D. Alain: "The vision that you exalt in your mind, the ideal that you plant in your heart - you will build your life according to them, you will become them."

The effectiveness of the action of psychic magnetism depends on four parameters. Strengthening any of these speeds up the process of creating the physical equivalent of a mental picture of your life. The first such parameter is frequency. People who achieve exceptional results are characterized by continuous visualization of the desired results. They constantly think about what they are striving for. In fact, the frequency of visualization indicates how great your desire to make the picture actually happen, but also reinforces this desire and belief in its feasibility. The second parameter is clarity. There is a direct relationship between the clarity of the picture of an imaginary goal or result and the speed of implementation. Lucky people always know exactly what they want. The third rendering parameter is intensity. This refers to the number of emotions combined in one mental picture. Increase the strength of the emotions accompanying the visualization, like pushing the accelerator of your own potential. Perhaps that is why R. Emerson wrote: "Nothing great is achieved without enthusiasm." The fourth parameter is the length of time during which you hold the picture of something you want in your mind. The more you imagine a desired future event, the more likely it is to happen.

Everything that happens in your life is born in the form of a thought. That is why the depth of thought distinguishes all those who have achieved success. As you become a skilled thinker, you begin to use your mental potential in a way that suits your interests. You can train your mind to harbor positive, kind thoughts and through them create a deeper and richer nature that will be the fruit and crown of your creativity. “Successful women and men achieve everything because they have developed a habit of thinking in terms of success” N. Hill.

The law of expectations

According to this law, whatever you expect with confidence becomes a fulfilled prophecy. In other words, you don't necessarily get what you want from life, but what you expect from it. Your expectations have a powerful invisible influence that makes people do things and situations arise in accordance with what you expected of them. You can say that you are constantly a predictor of your own fate, talking and thinking about how you think this or that situation might turn out. Successful people are confident. They expect their own success, they expect a positive attitude towards themselves. People who have not achieved success are characterized by negative expectations, cynicism and pessimism, which somehow lead to the fact that everything happens exactly the way they expect it.

Dr. R. Rosenthal from Harvard University describes how the assumptions of their teachers have a tremendous impact on student performance. He also concludes that if students felt they were expected to perform well, they would be doing much better than they would not.

There are four types of expectations.

The first is the expectations of our parents. We are all unconsciously programmed to live as well or as badly as we hear about it as we grow up from our own parents. The need for their approval does not disappear even after our parents leave us. I do not find anything wrong with the fact that success is fueled by the energy of striving to realize the desire to be the pride of loved ones. The desire to be proud of you is a very strong incentive to do something, since a person is a deeply social being. Parents have the greatest influence on us in this regard. However, the extreme of this influence is the imposition of an inferiority complex, the desire to realize purely personal dreams with the help of children. If the goals of loved ones are consistent with your beliefs, then do not deny that, first of all, it is the desire to be significant in their eyes that drives you to success.

The second source of expectations that influences our behavior is the expectations of your teacher, boss, about the results of your work. People who work under the direction of a person with positive expectations are always happier, work better and do more than those whose boss is negative and keen on criticism. Because you are inevitably influenced by the expectations of the people on whom your income depends, you are unlikely to be happier or work more efficiently under the guidance of someone with negative attitudes and behaviors.

The third source is your own expectations for children, spouses, your own employees and colleagues. You have a tremendous impact on the personality, behavior and performance of those who rely on your guidance and support. The more important you are in someone's life, the more your expectations influence the results of that person's work. The best thing you can probably do for another person is to say, “I believe in you. I know that you will succeed "

The fourth source of expectations is your own expectations of yourself. The wonderful thing about this is that you create them for yourself. Your expectations towards yourself are already so powerful that they can suppress all negative expectations of other people towards you.

You can never rise above your own expectations. Since they are under your complete control, rest assured that your expectations are exactly what you want to happen. Always expect the best from yourself.

The brain does not rest

The function of the brain is thinking: when a person thinks, he retains his mind, and when he does not think, he loses his mind. This wonderful 1.36 kg organ contains over one hundred billion cells and processes over one hundred million bits of information per hour. It is known that the average person has about 60,000 thoughts a day. In addition, it is no secret that 99% of them are unproductive and unfavorable random unconscious "noise". Very few people have made it a habit to identify and reject non-constructive thoughts. Isn't that why genius, the focus of thought, is so rare?

I. Newton is considered to be the greatest of all scientists who have ever lived in the world. His discoveries in mathematics laid the foundation modern knowledge... In his old age he was asked how it happened that he alone could make such a huge contribution to world science... He replied: "I did not think about anything else."

Most people don't use their own brains actively and thoughtfully. The brain is like an automaton without an off button. If we do not engage him in any business, he does not stand idle, he works all the time. If you put a person in a chamber where there are no external stimuli, he will begin to generate internal stimuli. If your brain wanders around from corner to corner, it starts doing something, and it doesn't care what it is. You care.

Why is positive thinking important? It is known that thoughts produce their own kind. Think of the word happy. Focusing on that word can create illustrations in your mind of how wonderful you were on vacation, how a child smiles, or some funny movie. Whatever you focus your attention on, your mind instantly expands that concept for you. Knowing this fact, isn't it wise to focus on positive pictures? Focusing on positive thoughts often creates new positive thoughts, and this, in turn, helps us succeed in our business. What we focus on we often mention in conversations. So our thoughts go to those around us.

Many people find positive thinking to be unrealistic because in this way thinking man supposedly just wants to avoid problems, tragedies and hopelessness. But that's not the point at all. Positive thinking characterizes the attitude to their problems and the problems of mankind, and also contributes to their resolution through constructive actions.

Your subconscious mind is like a central processing unit. In this regard, your main task for self-development is to reprogram this block in such a way that everything you think, feel, believe in becomes the exact mental equivalent of what you want to experience, what you want to enjoy.


In Wadi Natrun, in the Thebaid desert of Egypt, in its very center, many miles from water and any living creature, an almond tree grows. Yes, an almond tree in the middle of the harshest and most desolate desert you can imagine. This tree is the fruit of self-discipline. In 346, an old monk named Abba Amoy was praying in the desert with one of his disciples. He tried to teach him to understand what the fruits of self-discipline are, but the student could not understand his instructions. Then the monk took his staff, carved from a branch of an almond tree, and stuck it in the sand, and then he turned to his disciple named Little John. “Water this staff,” he said. Water until it bears fruit, and then you will know what I mean. " That place was miles from the nearest well, but at night, when it got cooler, Little John went to the well, filled a jug with water, came back and poured water on his staff. He repeated this every night for three years, and after this period the sprouting staff began to bear fruit. Then Little John brought almond seeds to the nearest monastery and said to the monks: "Behold the fruits of self-discipline!"

Are you living in a desert now? Do you face illness, loneliness, family and business problems, financial difficulties that make you feel like you are living in the middle of the desert? Then let me tell you, this wilderness can blossom just like an almond tree and bear any fruit through self-discipline. By self-discipline I mean the discipline of your mind. Do as Little John did. Constantly monitor your thoughts and train them so that you only think about the good. Give up thoughts of defeat and any negative thoughts. Water your consciousness with thoughts of love, health, joy, peace and harmony and you will receive the fruits of the flowers of self-discipline and turn into a blooming garden the desert of your former existence, whatever it may be.

The Law of the Significance of the Power of Emotions

Emotions are the forces that energize your thoughts. The more intense the feeling, the stronger the effect the thought or situation will have on your life. Emotion is like electric shock or fire: they can be creative or destructive, depending on how you use them. It is noteworthy that everything you do is based on this or that emotion.

Before I realized this circumstance, I used to think that I was acting logical, practical, reasonable in various situations. Having mastered the law of emotions, I realized that in fact I was just a slave to my emotions, especially in those cases when I did not give myself time to think about which emotions dominated in a particular situation or decisions.

The key point here is that there are only two main categories of emotions - desire and fear. Most of what you do or don't do is determined by either the first or the second. And the number of actions you do or do not do out of fear greatly outweighs the number of actions you do on the basis of desire.

Fear is the main threat to a successful life. Most people are paralyzed by all kinds of fear. They are afraid of poverty and loss. They are afraid of criticism and disapproval. They are afraid of being used. The more you are afraid of something, the sooner you attract it into your life. A thought devoid of emotion is unable to influence you in one way or another. Emotion without a guiding thought creates frustration and unhappiness. But if your thought is clear, be it positive or negative, and is accompanied by an intense emotion of fear or desire, then you are putting all sorts of mental laws into action and begin the journey towards achieving your goal.

Be confident of success

It is not so important what happens to us in life - the main thing is whether we use these events in order to grow. Regardless of your abilities and talents, what you currently possess, you will achieve success in any field of activity, no matter what you choose, if you work every allotted hour. This law has always been confirmed throughout the entire history of mankind. People who believe in their success to the end of the path will certainly achieve it. A special fate awaits you. Do you want to argue with that? Lack of faith is a major obstacle to success.

Sometimes it is flaws that help to achieve success. For example, it is known that many artists had poor eyesight - their desire to see and realize the beauty of the world prompted them to develop talent.

How do you discover the significant role you have to play? Whenever you are given the opportunity to express your abilities and talents, welcome it with open arms. It is important to constantly practice what you know and can do.

Success doesn't come immediately. When we set goals and make plans, we need to think big and aim high. As they say, a soldier who does not want to become a general is bad; it is not failure that is criminal, but the baseness of the goal. On the road to success, ambition can support us in our pursuit of the stars. Many popular movie and pop stars who have achieved recognition, whose names we see everywhere, have worked for many years as secretaries or waiters, waiting for the opportunity to show their talent, the existence of which they did not doubt. Successful businessmen tried many ideas and failed until they could find a good idea. Many inventions that change our lives were once only the dream of their inventor, who went forward without retreating and without being embarrassed by the dead ends and skepticism of the environment. Life, as it were, tests a person: is he worthy of success? On the path to success, an important ability is the ability to grow, that is, to increase your abilities and improve your knowledge.

It is easy for confidence to sneak into you. Even insecure people are usually sure of this too. They are either sure that they are sure or they are sure that they are not sure. Rarely is a person unsure of their doubts or unsure of their confidence. Such an experience can be created, but it is rare. You may be asking yourself, "Am I confident enough to doubt?" This is a stupid question, but once you ask it, your insecurities will be shaken.

R. Hillier said: "The best way is to forget about doubts and get busy. ... If you work with all your efforts, then you will not have time to fear failure."


It is difficult to do something if you do not believe in the success of this business. Suggestion is the only way to believe in success. We often resort to it, sometimes unconsciously, without noticing. Just as to increase motivation, suggestion requires the expression of the end result of actions: “I will win. I can do it. I'm strong". I see the point in making the suggestion of what we want to become a conscious daily activity.

Suggestion begins to work when one idea is repeated often enough. It is known that if you repeat any statement long enough, then regardless of whether it is true or false, you begin to believe in it. So, for example, if every night before going to bed you repeat to yourself: “I am an interesting person, I am interesting to people”, this will soon lead to the fact that in reality a person will feel more relaxed in public. And this will greatly affect communication skills.

Suggestion becomes much more effective when you really see that something is working out, when you look for the slightest confirmation that the suggestion is working.

Constructive statements are characterized by the following features: they are positive, relevant to the present time, and have a personal character. Affirmations play the role of strong indications to the subconscious. Strong, compelling statements, filled with feeling and repeated with conviction, very often lead to immediate personal change. You can increase your own enthusiasm, courage, and control over your emotions, and increase your self-esteem by repeating statements that are appropriate about the person you want to become. What you say to yourself has a profound effect on your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is very straightforward. The simpler the command, the more impact it will have on your thinking. For example, a powerful statement I advise you to use to sharpen your mind is: “I believe in the great outcome of every life situation". Verbalization of statements enhances the effect of suggestion. By speaking in front of others about your ability or intention to do something, you have a powerful influence on thoughts and subsequent behavior. Sports teams use verbalization in front of others to mentally prepare for the game. They cheer each other on before the start of the competition.

A fight with a shadow

The famous boxer D. Corbett made the expression "shadow boxing" popular. When asked how he managed to achieve the perfect direct hit to the body, which he used in a duel with D. Sullivan from Boston, Corbett usually replied that, preparing for the match, he repeated this strike in front of the mirror more than 10 thousand times.

Many athletes prefer to exercise in conditions that exclude the slightest external pressure. They themselves or their coaches do not allow members of the press to attend training, refuse to provide any details about the methods of preparation for the competition. Everything is done in order to create a calm / relaxed atmosphere for athletes.

Then, in critical moments of real competition, they keep balanced, as if they have no nerves at all. In the process of preliminary training, they became absolutely cold-blooded, immune to pressure, confident in their abilities, completely relying on muscle memory when performing various memorized movements.

Shadowboxing, or training in a relaxed atmosphere, is so simple and the results are so amazing that some tend to see it as supernatural.

One elderly lady was terribly nervous for many years, attending various receptions, evenings, balls. After trying the “shadow boxing” method, she wrote: “... I practiced my“ exit ”alone, probably at least a hundred times in my own living room. I walked around the room, shaking hands with numerous imaginary guests, smiling and finding a friendly word for everyone, which I pronounced loudly and clearly. Then I moved among the "guests", talking with one, then with another. I learned to walk, sit, speak confidently and elegantly.

I cannot describe how happy I was and, one might say, somewhat surprised when I was able to have a great time at the official reception. I felt completely calm and completely confident. There were several episodes that I had not foreseen, but I did an excellent job with them, improvising on the go ... "

Self-expression is the ability to show abilities, talents, charm, etc. Self-expression is positive, and the clamp is a negative response to external stimuli; the clamp prevents self-expression. "Shadowboxing" allows you to train in the absence of inhibiting, limiting factors. You learn the correct movements, form a mental response scheme that is deposited in your memory - a wide, flexible, generalizing scheme. And now you are able to act calmly and accurately. Your nervous system will transfer the knowledge gained during training to the actual situation. But that's not all. Since your study process took place in a relaxed environment, free from excessive emotional stress, you have acquired the ability to improvise, acting spontaneously in response to changing conditions.

"Shadowboxing" helps you to form your self-image as a person who is able to react accurately and adequately.

The imprinted image of your own successful self will help you to continue to successfully implement your plans. A beginner who wants to learn how to shoot accurately from a pistol very often finds that he is able to keep his hand completely still and calmly until he tries to shoot. While he is aiming an unloaded pistol at the target, his hand remains stable, but as soon as the pistol is loaded and begins to aim, the tremor of the target makes itself felt. The barrel of a pistol spontaneously flies up and down, left and right, much like trying to thread through the eye of a needle.

To cope with this condition, almost all teachers recommend training in "shooting" targets with an unloaded pistol. The shooter calmly, slowly aims, slowly pulls the trigger and "shoots". Imperturbably and deliberately, he watches how he holds the pistol (does it fail), how he pulls the trigger (does it pull too much). There is no goal tremor, because there is neither overdrive, nor an excessive desire to certainly achieve outstanding results. After many thousands of exercises in blank shooting, the beginner is convinced that he is able to hold a loaded pistol, just as calmly, confidently performing everything necessary techniques and movement.


You probably know more than one person who speaks mainly about health, or rather, about poor health.

Such people are more likely to describe the operation than the benefits that it brought them - if they needed the operation at all. They start each day by looking for symptoms, first from head to toe, then from head to toe, and, of course, look for "clear signs" of illness and begin to annoy their friends. They buy more and more medicines, follow all the medical increases of the year, they are hypochondriacs, they imagine their illnesses, they are afraid of illnesses and literally inflict illnesses on themselves, for such is the power of a negative mindset.

The list of diseases that affect the body and mind is almost endless, so your first step to health should be the following: do not think about disease. Consciousness seeks to turn all beliefs into physical reality. Therefore, you must imagine yourself as a person who is healthy from head to toe.

Even if you are faced with a disease, keep the faith that it is just an accident that you will overcome. Faith is a great universal remedy that prevents disease, heals, builds disease resistance, sustains and strengthens. Believe in your health and the disease will die of hunger. Don't talk about disease. Don't think about them. Drop your fear of illness and move forward.

To please others

What is an attractive personality? It is a personality that attracts to itself. Even the way you shake hands is an important part of your personality and greatly influences the impression you make - whether you attract the other person to you or push away with your handshake. The expression of your eyes is also an important part of your personality, for there are people whose gaze can pierce you to the very heart and read your most secret thoughts. The life force of your body is also an important part of your personality.

To please others is a natural human desire. You are drawn to if you reflect love, joy, patience, kindness, loyalty, confidence, gentleness, and composure. Those who have achieved success are advised to sincerely love people, but to love sincerely not to satisfy their own vanity.

Smiling is the first step to winning over people. Smile - and the whole world will smile with you, cry - and you will cry alone. Everyone likes to be close to someone who smiles easily, who creates a cozy atmosphere around them. Without this quality, it is impossible to achieve success in society.

Most of us are attracted to those who have a positive outlook on life. Feel yourself an extremely happy creature - the whole body will change. Your thoughts, facial expressions - everything in you will change for the better. Many experiments have proved that when a person reproduces facial expressions of a certain mood on his face, then this very mood comes to him.

There is one way by which you can express the character of your personality in such a way that it will always attract people to you: a manifestation of sincere interest in the life position of your interlocutor.

Be guided by the Golden Rule

When we behave towards others honestly, with kindness, we show them that we care about them. In return, they treat us the same way, because what we give to others is returned to us. Golden Rule reads: “With what measure you give, such will be rewarded to you” (Matthew 7:12). That is, we must treat others as we would like to be treated if we were to switch places. This principle is found in all world religions. In Confucianism: do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you. In Islam: none of you can be considered faithful until he wishes his brother what he wishes for himself. Talk about others the way you would like to be talked about you. Talk about others as if they are there, and you want them to hear your opinion of them. Treat people as worthy and they will behave with dignity. Don't think you can fake the Golden Rule. If you only pretend to give something that others need, while you yourself are pursuing some selfish and dishonest goal, your number will not work.

The deep meaning of this rule is to understand the other in the way you yourself would like to be understood, and to treat them in accordance with this understanding.

Self confidence

If you do not have self-confidence, then it will be difficult for you to succeed, because without faith in yourself there is no incentive to succeed. How can you convince the most the best people work for you if they see self-doubt in your eyes?

Self-belief is a process or thought that causes activity. What is the source of self-confidence? It is sometimes said that some people are born with self-confidence. I have a different opinion. Self-confidence can be fostered in people through the efforts of their families or through their own efforts.

Some people think that successful people have constant and unchanging self-confidence. This is not true. There is not a single successful person who does not worry about anything. Nonetheless, outstanding people experience fear and are able to deal with it and mobilize self-confidence.

In today's society, where aberration flourishes in overcrowded cities with their hubs for trade and business, few people have not been exposed to an all-encompassing campaign to convince them that they are far less insignificant than they even think they are.

Your sense of self-worth may be reinforced by others, but it originates in yourself. E. Roosevelt noted: remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Unfortunately, many people behave like thermometers. Their self-esteem, like a column of mercury, rises and falls in accordance with the temperature of the opinions of others. When others have a high opinion of them, such people treat themselves well. Remember that no one knows our full abilities, therefore, it is important that you decide how you feel about yourself.

Comparison is a sign of low self-esteem. A person who compares himself to others lives in constant fear. He is afraid of those whom he considers superior or smarter than himself. Feels that he is not able to defend his point of view. Feels fear of those who, it seems to him, are below him, because he believes that they are aiming in his place.

Successful people feel the need to believe in themselves, because the border of the unexplored is hidden in themselves.

Ignorance in relation to himself was demonstrated by one young man who asked for a place from a very famous businessman. At first he made a very good impression. But it completely disappeared after the manager asked the candidate what kind of salary he would be happy with. He replied that he did not think about a specific amount. The manager said to this: "We will pay you what you are worth and give you a week of probation." "I cannot agree," replied the candidate, "because I received more than I am worth in the same place."

B. Mills: “Dreamers and doers - the world usually divides people into these two categories, but the world is often wrong. There are people who seek admiration and respect from others. These are worthy people. Dreams are just another word that means planning, thinking, calculating. A steadfast soul that remains faithful to the ideal seen in dreams, plus a strong will aimed at the successful completion of any undertaking, can turn any dream into reality. Put your mind and your will into practice. They will work great for you if only you give them the opportunity. ”Remember that a successful life begins when you consider yourself worthy of success!

Pay attention to what your heart tells you. If you strive for prosperity and harmony, be sure to believe that you are worthy of them. This inner conviction, together with the appropriate actions, can bring you the fruits that you so desire. Remember: what you think you are!

A. Dumas: “A person who doubts himself is like a person who joined the ranks of his enemies and took up arms himself. He ensures his own defeat, because he is the first to be sure of it. "

Jewish proverb: A person who is doing poorly should look much better than someone who is doing well.

Edelstein's advice: “Don't worry about what other people think of you. They are too worried about what you think about them. Remember that you have the right to control your life in your own way.

“The best bait for fish is the one the angler believes in. If you believe in your bait, you fish with confidence. You will succeed if you believe. Even a fish knows who is confident ”(professional angler)

Firmly grasp that a low opinion of yourself is not a virtue, but a vice.

Identify yourself with the image of success

Identifying yourself as a successful person can help you overcome self-doubt and failure habits.

When you have an idea to turn and run away from trouble, think about the heroes of the books that you admired and go ahead. Another way to change your world is to get in the habit of “mentally consulting” someone who inspires you to make the right decisions. Maybe there is a photograph in your room at home or in your wallet that can give the correct answers to important questions of your life. This can be a photo of your mother, father, wife, husband, or a picture of a saint.

Start acting like the person you want to see yourself - with a strong character and a good reputation. Your speech and demeanor, dress and posture, attitude to life and actions - everything should become an expression of your strong character... V modern society people are greatly influenced by everything they hear and see around them. People need hints to distinguish good from bad, to set priorities and make decisions. In different situations Everyday life, you yourself tell the people around them how they should perceive you. Talking well, dressing tastefully, smiling often, working hard, and not complaining about anything will make the best possible impression on people. Never demand from others what you yourself would never have done. You should always be fair, firm, friendly and reliable. If you must correct someone else's mistakes, do so confidentially. You will succeed as a leader when your team performs as well in your absence as it does under your direct leadership. Always look for heroes around you to admire and emulate. Embrace their style of action. And then lead by your own example.

Great heroes are humble

Once it seemed to one of my interlocutors that he made me feel superior, for which he learned a fair lesson: do not take yourself too seriously if you do not want others to curse you.

Humility in modern world underestimated. It is believed that humility is good for the devout, but real world you won't go far with him. Many people view pride and aggressiveness as virtues and humility as weakness. This is due to the fact that they do not understand the essence of humility. They may equate humility with self-destruction and feelings of inferiority, when in fact it is not real humility.

The deepest respect was achieved precisely by those who recognized that their greatness was not their own achievement, but the result of a higher power operating in them, an unknown secret. The true meaning of humility is the realization that your personality is a vessel for a higher power. Sir I. Newton, one of the world's greatest scientists, shortly before his death said the following: "I feel like a child playing on the shore, and before me lies a great ocean of undiscovered truths." Another great scientist, A. Einstein, also became famous for his childish simplicity. Despite all the recognition that his accomplishments have received in the world, he retained a sense of deep humility.

A humble person understands that he is smart, but not omniscient, he recognizes the presence of certain powers and abilities, but not omnipotence. Humility is a manifestation of wisdom.

Lack of humility closes the door for us to the mystery that lies within each person. Humility brings a reward. By recognizing that we know only a small fraction, we do not turn into agnostics, we are open to new success and new knowledge.

Love yourself

There is a long-standing advice - and it is absolutely true - that good clothing and personal grooming will increase your self-esteem and strengthen your ego. In addition, a presentable appearance is always conducive to success. A famous fashion designer who sews suits for Ukrainian presidents says: "80% of success is your clothes, 15% is the ability to get along with people and only 5% is your mind." He says that they are not only greeted by their clothes, but also seen off. It has long been observed that the one who looks more solid gets the most concessions. Sloppiness demeans you in many ways in the eyes of others.

We are taught that one should love one's neighbor as oneself, but truly, in order to love others, one must love oneself. If you are used to belittling yourself, then it is difficult for others to accept you. An insecure person gives a lot of trouble to the environment! Healthy self-esteem for oneself is not the same as narcissism. The narcissist spent the rest of his life, oblivious to those around him, absorbed in himself. He looks like those who sit in front of a mirror for hours, trying to style their hair perfectly. But behind this is that they do not consider themselves to be good enough in their natural form.

Some of us have grown up with the conviction that loving ourselves means being arrogant and arrogant. But in fact, the opposite is true. A superiority complex, arrogant and arrogant behavior are all manifestations of low self-esteem and lack of self-love.

Believing that you are less worthy, less attractive, less intelligent, or kind, alienates you from those who would love you. Feelings of your own inferiority, shame and self-pity spin your energies into an emotional tornado that destroys your relationships with others. If you think you should stay the way you were, you are opposed to growth. If you are sure that your family and environment are responsible for the way you are today, then thereby giving up responsibility for your actions and character, and this is unacceptable. The belief that our life is determined by society is a delusion. If you wish, you can reject the imposed behavior, positions, views that you consider unacceptable. While you cannot eliminate the negative impact that is part of your life experience, only you can decide whether it is permissible for it to remain in your life.

A. Einstein: “Try to be not a person with success, but a person with dignity”.

"Selfishness does not mean to live the way you want, it is a requirement for others to live the way you want it" (O. Wilde)

It is very pleasant to love yourself. In fact, without this, effective relationships with others are not possible. After all, you cannot expect that someone will love you more than you love and respect yourself.

One of the most powerful formulas you can repeat to build self-esteem is, "I like myself!" When you say it with enthusiasm, your subconscious mind takes it as a command. It takes on the job of erasing or canceling any previously recorded messages incongruous with high self-esteem and productivity. Once you say this, you will feel very good, and as you repeat it over and over again, you will feel better and better. Believe me!


Many people believe that lengthening their working hours and working harder are the only way to make money. In practice, this approach turns out to be a dead end. A more correct approach consists in a more rational organization of work, in using the power of your brain instead of physical power to achieve your goals.

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful. By using it properly, you provide the kind of accelerated progress towards achieving your goals that you can only dream of. You can use your own subconscious mind for creation or destruction, for good or for evil. You can be a prince or a beggar, depending on how you use your subconscious. To realize your potential, you must learn to access it and use it constructively and competently to achieve your goals.

Your subconscious mind is a huge data bank. Its power is practically unlimited. Everything that is constantly happening to you is saved in it. By the time someone reaches the age of twenty-one, they have accumulated more than a hundred times the amount of information contained in the complete Encyclopedia Britannica. Elderly people under hypnosis can often recall events from fifty years ago with perfect clarity. Our subconscious memory is perfect. Only our ability to remember consciously is questionable.

Our subconscious mind is subjective. It does not think and does not draw conclusions, but simply obeys the commands it receives from consciousness. If we imagine consciousness as a gardener sowing seeds, then the subconscious mind will be a garden or a fertile soil for seeds. Our consciousness commands, and our subconscious mind obeys. Our subconscious mind also practices homeostasis in the mental realm, keeping our thinking and actions in line with what we have said and done in the past. It remembers our comfort zones and signals an attempt to get out of them. The subconscious mind causes a feeling of emotional and physical discomfort every time we try to do something in a new way, in a different way, to change the established patterns of behavior. Even the thought of a new business leads us to a restless, tense state. The subconscious mind functions as a balancer, keeping us in a state of consistency, consistent with previously programmed instructions.

Trying to find a job, pass an exam, and make a responsible decision, we feel awkward and nervous, we feel that we have left our comfort zone. The main difference between leaders and followers is that leaders always push themselves out of their comfort zone. They know that comfort often becomes a trap, they know that serenity is the greatest enemy of creativity and future possibilities. To ensure your own growth, you need a willingness to feel awkward and uncomfortable for a certain initial period of time. The work of the subconscious is described by the following three laws.

The law of creative activity: any idea or thought accepted by your consciousness as truth will be accepted without question by the subconscious, which will immediately start working on translating it into reality. The subconscious mind makes you sensitive to the information you need. For example, let's say you decide to buy a red sports car. And immediately you start to see red cars at every turn. You start to come across articles, posters about cars. Your subconscious mind draws your attention to things that are necessary to fulfill your desires. Thinking about a new goal is perceived by your subconscious mind as a command. It begins to adjust your words and actions in such a way that they work towards the goal. You start to speak and act correctly, do it all on time, moving towards the result.

The Law of Concentration: Everything you think about grows in size. The deeper you think about something, the deeper it goes into your life. This law is a paraphrase of the law of cause and effect: it is impossible to think about one thing and get something else in the end. Success and happiness is given to those people who develop the ability to fully focus on one thing and not leave it unattended until the process is completed. They have the discipline to think and talk only about what they want and not be distracted by what they don't want. R. Emerson: "A person becomes what he constantly thinks about"

The law of substitution: consciousness can hold only one thought at a time and you can replace one thought with another.

We now turn to consideration of ways to accelerate the activity of the subconscious.

V material world, wanting to hammer a nail into the board, we achieve what we want the sooner and with the greater the depth of penetration, the harder we hit the nail. But if we want to develop a new style of thinking, then the opposite will be true: the more we relax, that is, we do not make efforts, the faster the result of thought or the final goal in the material world is achieved. It is difficult to believe in this, as it looks like a contradiction, however, this phenomenon has been confirmed by many experiments. For example, the effectiveness of autogenous and heterogeneous training. These are very powerful and dangerous methods if misused. Many athletes winning medals at Olympic Games enjoy something similar.

More recently, it was found that creativity, insight, intuition are manifested precisely when the brain is relaxed, its activity is reduced from normal "beta" frequencies (15-75 waves per second) to "alpha" frequencies (7-14). In deep meditation, "theta" frequencies (4-6) are achieved, in a dream, "delta" frequencies (1 / 2-4) are observed. When the brain operates at a frequency of 8-12 waves per second, it has the greatest learning capacity. Using this observation, psychologist G. Lozanov in 1979 was able to train a specialized group of three thousand foreign words per day, which is the equivalent of fluent possession foreign language... After 6 months, these students still remembered 67% of what they had learned.

The first method of accelerating change is by writing affirmations. Write a written description of your goal or task in the present tense as you would like it to be in the future. After writing down, try to imagine the events of the future, have fun, which would accompany the achievement of your goals. Taking notes is a powerful way to imprint your goals into the subconscious mind. Many people have a habit of making a list of their tasks for the year on January 1, then re-reading that list at the end of the year, finding that most of these goals have indeed been achieved. The more often you write down your goals, the sooner they will materialize. Write them down daily: it takes a few minutes, but as a result, you program yourself for hours ahead.

The second method is fast track approvals. This method is practiced by many actors, colloquial artists and business leaders to prepare for an important upcoming event when they need to show their best. This technique takes less than 30 seconds and can be used anywhere. Close your eyes and formulate a statement that represents the ideal outcome, visualize it, color it with emotion, and then put it out of your head. See and feel the successful development of events. Then go to the event in a state of peace and confidence. Important feature this method: it can only be used before a non-recurring event.

T. Hopkins Method: “Every night, write the six most important things you need to do tomorrow. Then when you sleep, your subconscious mind will work on the best solutions to your problems. The next day will go smoother. "

Sixth Sense

The sixth sense is the language of the subconscious, a guiding thread through life, which, warns of impending dangers, notifies of chances that should not be missed. You can, of course, be skeptical about intuition, but don't there exist complex and unknown miracles in nature? And perhaps denying this miracle will close the doors to your epiphany.

What makes people imitate idols, faith in which allows them to further incarnate in them? What secret power allows people not to die in difficult circumstances? Where does faith and hope come from? Out of fear of death, and perhaps all of this is prompted by a sixth sense. I am convinced that the sixth sense is to some extent real for those who believe in it.

I know of only one way to get the sixth sense to visit you as often as possible, it follows from the law of thanksgiving: you need to feel a sense of recognition for your inner voice - and then it will not keep you waiting long.


This part of the book may seem the most inaccurate, however, in my opinion, it contains a description of the most powerful mental means of achieving success that I have ever heard. Also, there is no scientific facts refuting the existence of superconsciousness.

Superconsciousness is infinite intelligence, access to which has largely determined the success of outstanding people. All types of classical art, music, and literature arise from the activity of the superconscious. When I listen to the musical works of Brahms, Kreisler, I feel the breath of eternity, which something makes me stir deep inside - in this way I come across the creations of superconsciousness. Superconsciousness is also responsible for new inventions and breakthroughs in science. Superconsciousness is a source of inspiration, motivation, excitement that you feel whenever you are carried away by a new idea or opportunity. This is a source of guesses, intuitive discoveries, flashes of insight. The superconscious uses information from the subconscious, but selects only true data, prompts you only the necessary and correct answers. The superconscious mind also has access to knowledge and information outside of you! It is hard to believe.

How to distinguish between superconscious decisions and insights? They always light up like a flash, accompanied by an explosive sense of energy, enthusiasm and fun.

Your superconsciousness increases its abilities to the extent that you use it and trust it. The difference between the one to whom the idea came, which he ignores, and the one who grabbed it and works, is that the latter trusts himself much more and is confident in himself and his ability to turn the idea into reality. As you begin to recognize the value of your own guesses, you will be amazed at what ideas dawn on you, and when the next idea hits you, try not to ignore it. By doing this, you become more open to the genius power of the superconscious - as a result, you may be visited by ideas that go beyond your current experience.

Your superconscious mind works best in a mental climate created by faith and approval. Faith is characteristic of great people. They have developed the ability to trust themselves to the goodwill of the world, simply by believing that everything is going as it should, everything is happening in due time. Their approach is based on calmness, confidence and the conviction that they are supported by a force that exceeds their own capabilities. Any negative emotions interfere with the calm positive attitude your superconscious mind needs to function optimally.

Your superconscious mind allows you to program yourself to remember to do what is needed in the future. You can program your brain to wake you up at the right time of the day or night. This is not a matter of habit.

There are three known ways to stimulate superconscious activity: constant reflection on one's own goals, meditation, visualization of the goal in the achieved form.

the beauty

Do you consider beauty to be a necessary part of your life? Beauty isn't just pleasing to the eye - it's what helps us lead happier lives. To expect and lovingly demand the presence of beauty in all areas of your life is to deeply love yourself, your world. Beauty is an attribute of success. How would you describe beauty?

Beauty is a quality that brings joy and pleasure due to its harmony, the splendor of truth. When we look at an object, it seems to us beautiful in its balance of proportions. This is orderliness and truth. These qualities stimulate their counterparts that dwell in ourselves, and we see the true beauty outside and within us.

G. Aquilar: "Beauty is the appearance of truth"

Love of life

Love is the thrill of the beauty of life, the merging power of the uniqueness and diversity of the world. “Love is something that unites and consolidates everything in the world, which allows everyone and everything to go forward in time and be oneself - amazing or the most ordinary” (U. Saroyan). Love supports itself: it needs neither gratitude nor reward, it is free. Love is omnipresent, although sometimes it seems invisible. Our life is powered by the energy of love. Since love itself nourishes and creates its own energy, we do not need to look for it outside. It lies deep in the center of our being. When we release the energy of love, a chain reaction begins. The energy of love flows in us, changing and growing us. Changes begin in our life when we begin to love life, ourselves and see love in ourselves.

Giving love is love acquired. The surest way to experience love is to give it. Thanks to this, you are convinced that you have love: after all, you cannot give what you do not have. There are no people who do not have love to give. No need to search the right people who would see and understand love exactly the way you do. And you should not expect that those to whom you give your love will give you theirs in return. True love is unconditional.

Appreciate life - and it will love you.

Transformation of sexual energy

Sublimation is the transformation of the energy of instincts into cultural, civilized forms. Possibilities of such transformation are provided, in principle, by any type of activity where there is an element of competition, adversariality. Competition with colleagues in professionalism, competition in business, competition between students in studies, which is latently present in educational process, the competition between young men in love with the same girl - all these are forms of sublimation of aggressive energy, when the pleasure of success and victory is combined with one or another degree of public recognition.

At the same time, there is a number of professions that by their very nature are intended to sublimate aggressiveness: surgeon, pathologist, athlete, policeman, bodyguard, slaughterhouse slaughterhouse, rescuer, stuntman. These and similar professions are united by the fact that they all sublimate the natural craving for destruction, for aggression, for risk.

Of all human feelings the sexual feeling is the most absorbing and powerful. Driven by this feeling, passion, a person can develop a sharpness of imagination, courage, willpower, perseverance and Creative skills, hitherto unknown to him. Sensual desire so strongly captures a person and subordinates him to himself that he risks his reputation or even his life itself, without thinking about the consequences, just to have the desired goal. If you curb this feeling and direct it in the right direction, then all the attributes of his divine power: imagination, courage and others - retain their sharpness and unusualness. Organized in this way, creativity can be used in literature, and in the visual arts, and in any other vocational work. Each person is able to transform their emotions into a dynamic impulse that brings success.

The most significant results are achieved by people with a highly developed sexual feeling, especially if they have mastered the art of sublimation. People who have become millionaires or are widely known in the field of literature, visual arts, architecture, as well as industry, one way or another, reached heights under the influence of love.

Only those become geniuses who stimulate their consciousness so that it turns to the forces available to man only through creative imagination. Of all the stimuli that can be developed for such a "rise", the main one was and remains sexual energy. The mere possession of this energy is not enough to cultivate a genius in oneself. The energy of love must be transformed into some other energy, a different kind of desire or action, before a person rises to the level of genius.

Men are just titans of willpower, masculinity and other outstanding masculine traits, but they choose and "make" them like that - women.

Some men, of course, guess that they are under female influence - wife or lover, mother or sister - but they never oppose such influence, because they are reasonable enough and understand that they cannot be happy if there is no caring next to them. and kind women. Men who are unable to understand the full importance and significance of this truth, deprive themselves of the most powerful force that could further contribute to their success, in comparison with all the others put together. I like people who make a lot of money, enjoy great power and at the same time express their admiration for the wife.

The source of enduring wealth is precisely the source of all life force.


Meditation is perceived with great distrust. What can happen when you just sit and don't think? At the same time, those who have practiced meditation report a huge number of positive changes. In fact, we very rarely in everyday life try to induce a state characteristic of meditation: a feeling of oneness with the Universe, calmness with the absence of any, even the most peaceful thoughts. The bodily state during meditation is characterized by relaxation, and the state of mind is characterized by elevation and detachment from external objects and internal experiences.

Meditation is something that happens in a state of total non-doing, the meditative state arises by itself, and not as a result of active efforts to achieve it. It is believed that trying to achieve a meditative state is much more beneficial than the state itself.

Meditation is for relaxation, healing, balance, and information. All of this is more than useful for achieving any goal. One of the most common complaints about meditation is, "My thoughts don't want to leave me alone." Perhaps your mind is trying to tell you something really important. If the thought concerns something that requires action, write it down on a piece of paper or on a tape recorder. Then continue your meditation. This step will allow your mind to switch to something else, such as meditation. As the to-do list fills up, the mind will be freed from the hassle. If, for example, the thought "to call the bank" appears again, you will only need to tell your mind: "I have already written it down, you can no longer worry about it." He won't. At the same time, it is important to do those things that you put on the list or reflect on what you wrote down. Otherwise, after leaving meditation, the mind will pay no more attention to what is written than you yourself, and in the future it will not succumb to tricks. After the end of the meditation, which in itself will be deeper than usual, you will have a very useful list urgent matters.

One insight during meditation can save hours and even days of mindless work.


Are there such people of little faith who, at the moment when their situation was serious or in great grief, would not appeal to God? Who has not exclaimed when faced with danger, death, or an incomprehensible mystery? Where does this deep instinct come from, which opens the mouth of all living beings in times of danger? Is it possible that in a world governed by the laws of nature, man was given the instinct to cry for help without the great mind foreseeing some higher power capable of hearing our calls and answering for them?

Prayer is a recognition of the expediency and genius of the world, a statement that there are no desperate situations. The eloquence of prayer can be expressed in deeds, and her breath with hope can be lifted up, that is, prayer helps to overcome uncertainty and helps to “collect thoughts”

Prayer isn't just about talking to yourself. Prayer is a concentrated effort of human consciousness aimed at touching the mystery of life, introspection. The desire to adapt to a certain elevated point of view, the wisdom hidden within, is an innate quality of a person. Many people attribute their success to the daily prayer they use before ... the directors' meeting, litigation, surgical operation, that is, before any important event. In prayers, it is common for a person to thank life for something and also ask for something. Prayer helps a person to express and understand their desires and aspirations, to tune in to a certain type of activity. We can never demand something in prayer, we can only ask and hope. There are always three answers to prayer: yes, no, or think a little.

Have you noticed that the one who prays most often answers his prayers? I admit that prayer goes somewhere in the Beyond. But I do believe that most of the prayers stay with the worshipers and reinforce their awareness of their own human capabilities. When we calm down during prayer, withdraw our thoughts from the outside world and look inside ourselves, we, in essence, renew our connection with life, creation and abundance. And the results can be amazing.

Successful people pray to deal with the fear and anxiety that is inevitable on their steep climb to success. Prayer is a powerful tool on the path to success.