As far as you are confident in yourself the test. Test: How much do you confident man? Often you shudder when the phone calls

Test for teenagers "How much are you confident?"

1. You learned that your buddy talks about you badly. You:

A. We will provide a convenient case to find out the relationship with him;

B. Stop communicating with him and you will avoid meetings.

2. When you enter the bus or tram, you are grossly pushed. You:

A. Protestive loud;

B. Silently trying to get ahead;

E. We are waiting for everything, and then, if you come out, you are entering yourself.

3. Your classmate defends the opposite view of your point.


B. Do not express your point of view, because still you can not convince him;

D. We defend your point of view, trying to prove your right point.

4. You are late for a school evening. All places are already busy except one in

first row. You:

B. Stand at the door and scold yourself for being late;

D. without oscillations are heading into the first row;

E. We decide whether to go or not go to the first row, but then you still go to free space.

5. Do you agree that your classmates often use you in their own interests?


E. No.

6. Is it difficult for you to enter into a conversation with unfamiliar people?

E. No.

7. You bought a thing defined thing. Do you easily return the purchase?

B. No;


8. Can you say that your classmates are more confident than you?

D. no; Food.

9. Your friends require you services that are fraught with trouble.

Do you easily abandon her performance?

B. No;


10. You have the opportunity to talk to famous person. You:

D. Using this feature; E. Do not use.

11. The teacher instructs you to call the institution and agree for

class on the meeting. You:

B. Under any pretext, refuse;

V. Call without hesitation;

E. Going to Spirit and Call.

12. You put an undeservedly low rating. You:

B. Silently experience;

Kornie with the teacher about this assessment.

13. You do not understand the explanation of the teacher. You:

B. You will not ask questions to the teacher;

V. Quiet asking to explain again:

G. We will offer a convenient moment and ask a question after lessons.

14. You came to the cinema. People sitting near you are talking loudly.


B. Try noise, and then swear with them;

Q. Send them to stop talking

E. Silently tolerate.

15. You stand in line. Someone is trying to crawl in front of you. You:

B. Swallow offense and silent; D. give back.

16. Do you easily join the conversation with the opposite representative.

floor that really likes?

B. Very difficult;

B. Easy;

G. Very difficult to start, then easier.

17. You go to the market. Is it easy for you to bargain?

A. Yes;

B. No.

18. Do you worry when you need to perform in front of the class?
B.Da; D. No.

19. You are praised in front of the class. You:

B. Do not know what to say in response;

D. Thank you for praise;

E. Quietly perceive thanks.

20. With good knowledge of the subject, you would like to give a written or

oral exam?

A. oral;

B. written;

B. I don't care what exam take.

Test results

A - s point, b - 0 points, B - 5 points, g - 2 points, d - 4 points. E - 1 point.

Calculate the total amount.

12 points are severe insecurity.

12 - 32 points Low confidence.

33 - 60 points - average level Confidence in yourself.

61 - 72 points - High confidence.

More than 72 points - very high level Confidence in yourself.

1. Before performing any responsible order, are you always worried?

A) yes; B) No.

2. Can you be able to recall five to six cases when you showed yourself from the best side and confidently coped with the whole bunch of complex cases?

A) No. For some reason, it is better to remember cases when everything was the opposite.

B) yes. And those moments when it happened differently, from my memory is quickly erased.

3. Do you often feel a feeling of anxiety?

A) yes; B) No.

4. Would you mean if necessary to organize a coherent work of several people subordinate to you?

A) No, people are badly listening to me, they like it better when they command someone else.

B) I think that I could. This kind of business is good for me.

5. Do you often remember your past failures and annoying mistakes?

A) yes; B) No.

6. When you talk to people, especially for the first time, do you rarely look into your eyes, take them to the side?

A) yes; B) No.

7. Do you often feel tired and broken, not necessary for anyone?

A) yes; B) No.

8. Friends tell you that you often hurt?

A) yes; B) No.

9. When you talk to your friends, you sometimes waving your hands so much that you can easily touch someone. But in an unfamiliar company very often all your active gesturing is coming down?

A) yes; B) No.

8. What do you think your classmates and classmates do not respect and, maybe even despise you?

A) Honestly, I have strong suspicions that it is.

B) No. I am sure that me if they don't like, then at least respect.

9. Suppose (pah-pah, of course) that your boyfriend made something like this (for example, changed it), after which, in your opinion, you should not be together. What will you do?

A) you will be offended and forgive him only when he kneeling your forgiveness;

B) I do not hesitate, immediately do, as I decided - you will break up with him.

10. Imagine that you have a keeper angel who helps you in everything: for whatever you fell, you all work with it. How do you think if this happened, would it expand your opportunities?

A) still! With such an assistant, I would just rolled the mountains!

B) maybe but not much. I prefer to always seek what I need my own efforts.
self-confidence test

11. Communicating with girlfriends and friends, you often catch yourself thinking that you try to please everyone and everyone likes.

A) yes; B) No.

12. Would you be able to become an old-fashioned class?

A) No, I would hardly have done: so much responsibility!

B) yes. In my opinion, it is not at all difficult.

For each answer, "A" put 0 points, and for each answer "b" - 5 points and count the glasses:

0-15 points: Sorry, I can't hide from you truth: you are rather unsure of yourself. But you should not be very upset. By the way, many of the great people of the past and modernity would have gained no more points at one time. The main thing is your desire to become better. Read a couple of books on this topic (there are now a lot of them now), and if you won't be lazy and accept the relevant information to note, in speed wait for the results, and they will not disappoint you!

20-45 points: In general, you are pretty confident in yourself, but often vital difficulties are still able to withdraw you from this state. Therefore, it will also be worth to know how other people are struggling with a feeling of insecurity.

50-60 points: just super! You can easily give odds to many guys. It remains only to congratulate you, because success in your life is in generally guaranteed!

As far as you are confident.

1. You are a member of a committee, and unexpectedly the chairman of the chairman turned out to be free. What will be your reaction?

a. I am with great pleasure to loan this place if I am offered

b. I will do everything possible to make me elected to the liberated position.

c. I will consider the possibility of participating in the elections, but only on the condition that they will be asked about

2. Do you believe that a compromise is the best way to solve problems?

a. Yes, but it must be a compromise, to one degree or another satisfying the needs of each side

b. No, if this means that I will have to agree with unreasonable requirements or with the conditions that I absolutely do not agree

c. Yes, since the compromise is sometimes the only possible way out of the position.

3. What is the most important thing for you?

a. The right to live in peace and harmony

b. The right to say "no"

c. The right to come honestly with me in any situations

4. Your new colleague you have not had time to know well, asks you to lend him 300 rubles to pay for the account, since he has / her temporary problems with money. How do you do in this situation?

a. Tactfully explain that you do not blame money to work colleagues

b. For me is not a problem to refuse such a situation

c. I, perhaps, agree once, not to spoil relations with a colleague

5. You are standing in line, and someone tries to get in front of you. How do you react?

a. I, for example, cough or somehow demonstrate this person my discontent

b. I will say this person to move away at the end of the queue

c. I will annoy it, but I probably will not do anything

6. Are you in situations when you easily manipulate other people?

a. Sometimes

b. Not

c. Yes

7. You made purchases in the store and, leaving, realized that you were not allowed to give out, but there is not enough insignificant amount. What do you do?

a. Say the seller about it, but you will not argue

b. Specify the seller on a mistake and you will insist on getting money

c. Leave everything as it is because come back - too tedious

8. Which of the following listed for you has the greatest value In the work environment?

a. Good parking

b. Flexible schedule

c. Good dining room

9. How surely you will feel, expressing your opinion at the meeting, if you know that most of those present your opinion is not divided?

a. Not very confident, but I will gather forces and in any case I will express my point of view

b. I will get pleasure in this situation because I am a hundred percent sure in my ability to convince

c. Not very confident, most likely in such a situation I will leave my opinion with myself

10. How do you usually react to criticism?

a. I argue with those who criticizes me

b. I take into account the criticism and answer properly

c. I am upset, but I understand that a person criticizing me has the right to his opinion

11. What do you think is most important for successful communication?

a. Response speed

b. Be easier and express briefly

c. Politeness and courtesy in any situations

12. You saw small children walking in your garden. How do you react?

a. Say hello to them and politely asked what they do in my garden

b. Quietly, but firmly tell them that they went to private territory

c. I will not do anything, hoping that it will not happen again

13. You are in the non-smoking area of \u200b\u200bthe restaurant, and someone in the neighboring table lights a cigarette. What of the next closest to your possible reaction?

a. Follow this to someone from the staff so that they themselves appealed to the smoking and indicate him that it is a non-smoking area

b. Very politely remind this person that it is in the non-smoking area of \u200b\u200bthe restaurant

c. Most likely nothing will be taken

14. What of the above, in your opinion, is most important?

a. Hardly behave with people with whom you are doing business and hard to deal with problems

b. To resist oneself with people, but hard to solve problems

c. Respect the opinion of other people

15. The master who fulfilled a certain job in your home requests a considerable amount of money, and this, in your opinion, is too expensive, considering that he worked only 15 minutes. What will be your reaction? Select the most suitable option.

a. You ask the master, whether he is sure that it really is so expensive. But if he will insist on his, reluctantly pay and forget about this episode

b. Say the master that you are not going to pay so much, and call the amount you are ready to give for the work done

c. Do not say anything, but decide never again please contact this master

16. Your boss asks you to perform work to a certain time, but the deadlines seem to you unreasonable and impossible. How will you act in such a situation?

a. Reluctantly, but still take offered conditions, understanding that you can not meet on time

b. Try to convince the boss that you need more time in order to task as much as possible

c. Come on with the forces and will work late to cope with the task and impress the boss

17. Which of the statements seems to you the most correct?

a. One head it's good, but two better

b. Everyone must solve their problems

c. Most problems themselves are solved with time

18. What do you think is most important for victory in the dispute?

a. Be ready for mutual concessions

b. Well own oneself

c. Be confident

19. What is the next most suitable for you?

a. I do not hold my opinion with you

b. I ask what I need

c. I'm counting with the needs of other people

20. How do you think it is best to start the offer?

a. I think

b. I suggest

c. I understand

21. Which of the following words characterizes you most?

a. Patient

b. Persistent

c. Reliable

22. You were asked to plan one social event, but then someone else starts to interfere, which negates all the work that you have already done. How do you behave in the current situation?

a. You will not do anything, prefer to accept the situation

b. Politely give to understand what exactly you were asked to organize this event

c. Offer this person to take on the organization of the whole event if he wants so much

23. Which of the following words characterizes you most?

a. Emotional

b. Positive

c. Impulsive

24. You accept yourself as you are?

a. Yes, if others take me

b. Yes, with all my shortcomings

c. Not always

25. What do you think is most important in order to win in the dispute?

a. Do not interrupt my opponent

b. Firmly hold one's position

c. Be ready to make a compromise


One of the definitions of association (this term approximately corresponds to self-confidence) - the ability to defend their rights and interests in modern worldwhich sometimes happens cruel. For any person now it is important to have the main associate skills in order to be able to assert in life, as well as protect yourself when necessary. If we learn to use these skills, we will feel better, we will be able to clearly understand what we want to openly tell people about our desires, we will be accustomed to those who need persistent, will not allow others to manipulate themselves and acquire the ability to adequately react to any criticism. Using these skills, a person will be able to take responsibility for everything that happens in his life, and to a greater extent to control it, taking independently a decision on what he needs, and concentrating for its purposes. At the same time, a person will be able to fully enjoy what he has already managed to achieve in life.

Asperity also implies observance of human rights. This refers to the right to ask what he needed, the right to choose and the right to speak by another "no". In addition, we must mention and the right to be ourselves and take themselves as we are, with all our shortcomings.

In order to apply all associated skills in life, it is necessary to drain their communication abilities. One of the most important points in this - a person must clearly understand what he asks. The surrounding usually behave in relation to us as we yourself ask them to behave. In this way, effective communication It is always based on self-esteem and respect for others.

Self-esteem is very important, it affects how we act in certain situations, increases our chances of success and determines how we will behave after. It also allows us to control yourself. The point is not to publish the winner of each dispute. But if we lose control, you can almost certainly assume that the dispute will be lost.


Put 2 points for each answer "B", 1 points - for each answer "A" and 0 points - for each answer "C".

40-50 points

You are a very confident person who knows his rights and is never afraid to say what he thinks necessary. You do not have the slightest doubts that the only one who can judge your actions is yourself. You are sure: everyone should learn from everything "on her skin." It's all very good, but only if you do not turn into the too demanding person and will be able to preserve the ability to sympathize with other people's problems. You should also make sure that your reaction to criticism from the outside of the surrounding was not too turbulent. If you are Yaros to go to the attack in response to criticism, instead of calmerly respond, you will definitely be losing.

Never forget that some methods of expressing requirements are much more effective than others, and that it is impossible to win each dispute. If you feel that in a certain situation, you must insist on your own, try to keep calm. In fact, it does not matter how many times during the dispute you will hear the word "no" from your opponent, for success you only need one "yes" on his part. Often it turns out that "no" just one step from the long-awaited "yes." Remember that your self-confidence is not a one hundred percent guarantee of winning in any business. Nevertheless, the assocerence behavior expresses your self-esteem and allows you to stay at a height in any case, even in losing.

25-39 points

Your result suggests that your self-confidence is at the proper level: you are all right with self-esteem, you know your rights, you are able to confidently remind these rights in the right situation, and, accordingly, you feel great in this world . You can easily develop a positive installation, if necessary, show your associated abilities and are usually in harmony with yourself. In addition, you can allocate the main thing and leave aside the insignificant details when the situation requires, and you can find an effective compromise that will be convenient not only to you, but also to others.

Less than 25 points

Although you may, you know your rights, it seems that you lack self-confidence to implement them, and you do not know how most effectively it can be done. There is no, even when necessary, it is difficult for you. Probably, in order to understand, in which situations your associates will be supplied, you should analyze more than your answers in this test. Always remember that you should never be afraid to ask - there is nothing wrong with that. Of course, you will not hear every time in response "yes", but if you do not be able to ask, then you do not have any chance of a positive result.

You can be confident - it means to control yourself during communication with people, it is possible to achieve success in this success only subject to certain rules: you are clear and clearly, formulating briefly and accessible, stick to theme, do not forget about competent accession and silence at the right moment. In addition, you need to work on the ability to listen - after all, there is nothing worse when you are interrupted at the moment when you reached the very essence. Listening you should understand what a person tells you even if for this will have to ask additional questions. Always try to achieve mutual understanding on the other side, and in any situation, in any way, in any way, in relation to other people, even if you have to hustly insist on your position.

Ecology of knowledge. Psychology: find out how much you are confident, and objectively assess your psychological state on this moment This graphic test will help. Carefully consider these 16 characters.

To find out how much you are confident in yourself, and objectively assess your psychological state at the moment will help this graphic test. Carefully consider these 16 characters. And in each group, select one, which more liked at first glance and which more characterizes you. Calculate the number of points that you succeed.

From 8 to 13 points - Now your style of behavior depends first of all from the opinions of others. You easily fall in spirit and with great difficulty can you make yourself engage in what you do not like. Knocks out the word "need". Constiveness prevents the relationship with people. It is impossible to say that you are the owner of your solutions. At the same time you are too sensitive, go on your emotions.

From 14 to 20 points - You are striving to find your way, although while we get more and more. Create to critically evaluate their actions. So those surrounding cannot affect you if they do not have enough convincing arguments for you. If a common sense Signs that the position you defended you to harm, then you will refuse it from it.

From 21 to 27 points - In the depths of the soul, you consider yourself always right and infallible. But you are subject to external influence. There are two or three people meaningful for you, before the opinion of which you will leave and take your position. And yet, possessing rational and analytical thinking, strive to find a golden middleness between our own views and those situations that life poses. It helps that instinctively you choose the right path.

From 28 to 34 points - You are very difficult to give up your views and principles, even ifyou see that it is not right. The more someone seeks to influence you, the stronger the resistance. But, most likely, behind your external perseverance is hidden not so much confidence how much fear to get into the unpleasant situation and "cause fire on yourself."

From 35 to 40 points - If you knocked out something in mind, it is impossible to persuade. You are a hard man who is cherished goes to the goals. But sometimes you burn bridges in vain and then Slowly regret it. But the one who knows you well and foresees your reaction, can skillfully and imperceptibly direct your actions. So smaller stubbornness and straightness, more intelligence and flexibility!published