The purpose and meaning of the life of the doctor. The meaning of human life is problems and questions

Marina Nikitin

A disturbing, controversial and burning issue at all times of living on Earth for a person, the creature of a thinking, remains such: "And what is the meaning and purpose of life?" And how many people, so many opinions on this issue. Before dealing with this philosophical category "The goal and meaning of a person's life ..." is worth understanding, and what do these words mean - "meaning" and "goal"?

Concepts of meaning and purpose

The meaning is the concept denoting the inner essence, the cause of the appearance or existence. The meaning of life is that, because of what we live, the prerequisites for the emergence of human self-identification, the reasons for his search, including the causes of his joy and torment on this earth. The meaning of life is the stone stumbling block, which is not looking at anything, turns the wheel of life. The one who does not understand this sense and did not find the meaning for himself, despair and cums the life of suicide. He who prosened and understood the meaning of its existence go beyond physical problems and feel complete harmony with the world.

The goal is a more landed concept. Although in some ways the concept of "meaning of life" and "purpose of life" coincide. In fact, the goal is the result, to which they strive. If, as some kind of visible or tangible result, then the meaning is different from the target, since the concept of meaning does not always imply the result, achievement.

The goal is a more superficial concept than the meaning. In further analysis and reasoning, we will still consider both concepts - and the "purpose", and "meaning" - as one. After all, agree, both of these words are human concepts, so they are artificial and are not suitable for expressing inexpressible, that is, the causes of our existence, the roots of which go far beyond the physical life of a person, that is, deep into unrecognizable. But since we are trying to explain with words, you will have to operate them further.

The problem of the purpose and meaning of life in philosophy

Philosophical Science leans to two options for the purpose and meaning of human life:

  • The meaning of life in the life itself.
  • There is no meaning of life.

By conclusions, reasoning, without checking in practice, some philosophers concluded that the meaning of life does not hide anywhere in anywhere, but merge with life itself in all its manifestations and forms. That is the meaning of life - in the process of vital activity with all the joys and burden.

Comparison with the appearance of a brilliant picture is very suitable in this case. After all, when the master or ordinary person suddenly, as they say, visits Muse (Revelation), he does not think about the meaning. He becomes somehow a single impulse, inspired by his inner revelation and writes his masterpiece that asks outside, as a manifestation of pure beauty.

Another group of philosophies came to a somewhat different conclusion, arguing about the meaning of the mortal existence - that there is no sense of life. Indeed, it is very difficult to reduce all those contradictory events that take place in the lives of people. It is difficult in general from the point of view of a person who lives compared to the life of space objects is negligible, to judge something. After all, we are unlikely to open more truths for such a period of time that we spend mostly on the solution of momentary issues, and then die and turn into dust. There is no sense of life, just so have developed natural circumstances and causal relations.

If you look closely to the two described philosophical concepts about the meaning of life, it becomes clear that they are practically identical. Well, sue yourself: think that life is needed to live - this is the same thing that this question is absurd at all, because in the first case it does not come to what conclusion and do not explain the meaning.

Buddhist understanding of the meaning of human life

Everyone knows about the Buddha, which, due to spiritual shocks and long focus (meditation), was clear and understood (rather felt, since this understanding is not available to the brain) meaning. So, Buddhism (just in case I clarify: Buddhism is not religion) once again confirms the above mentioned: transcendental (all-pervading) meaning of life inappropriate with words, but everyone will come to enlightenment, understanding of meaning.

And notice, this process, as the result, does not depend on the mind of a person. It does not depend on the level of education, intelligence, age, the color of the skin - does not depend on anything. This is because any logical ties ending here to think a civilized modern person.

Buddhist version of enlightenment, as already mentioned, does not depend on the level of intelligence. A modern stereotypical educational system, built on scientific knowledge prevents understanding. For a detailed explanation of this issue, we give an example: Zen-Buddhist history (parable).

It tells it about looking for the path that came to a spiritual teacher for answering questions. They are preparing for tea. The teacher understands that the student's mind is not ready to understand anything that his mind is not calm and has already been filled with knowledge that he moves a person from awareness of the meaning of life. Therefore, to express this thoughts, the enlightened began to pour tea in a cup of tea. However, when tea reached the edges, he did not stop pouring it. Naturally, the burning fluid began to overflow over the edge and pumped out the student and the floor. The student exclaimed: "What are you doing, teacher? After all, the cup is already full, the tea will not fit anymore! " To which the teacher answered that indeed, it would not put anything else in the full cup.

The meaning of life is in awareness of itself a part (not composite, but rather a holographic) of the rest of the universum.

According to the Buddhist version, a person in its physical (rude, tangible) body is only the top of the iceberg, only the visible part of what he is actually. - It is not material, but at the same time beautiful and irrational, for the sake of her they live and die. It impresses everything, and its absence is poisoning existence. It will not be contrary to the Buddhist interpretation of the goal of life such a statement: "The meaning of life is love."

In everyday life, everything is saturated with this sense, although our life is too determined. The conditionality of life is a division to "be" and not to be ", on" good "and" bad ", on" light "and" darkness ", and in fact being is not divided into parts, as it seems to us. It is not bad, because otherwise we have nothing to compare with. It turns out that it is equally fine: to experience pain and experience joy. Any opposite that is so used to see our mind everywhere, has two sides. It's like a stick - she cannot be with one end, as well as the rest in this world.

Only due to the restless, separating the brain, we are interested in the meaning of life. First we share everything on the "plus" and "minus", in order to continue to realize that there is nothing separate, separately, and that we are a wonderful part of the whole huge unrecognizable one-sided view of the world. This is possible only after getting rid of the mind from illusions of earthly existence. Life in that body in which you were born - this is another (not the first and perhaps, not the last) test. Understanding the meaning, reunion with those from where we came from is at this stage the meaning of life and eliminates the infinite wheel of rebirths (Sansairs) when "payment on accounts" occurs. This is what the meaning of life and universal justice is in accordance with the ancient Buddy concepts.

Objective and meaning of life: Ayurvedic knowledge

As for the ancient Indian knowledge, Ayurveda, everyone has their own, completely unlike the path of any other person from billions of living. According to this understanding of the goal of life, it consists in the first stage in realizing what your purpose is that you are obliged to make the world "mosaic" finally developed. While we (figuratively puzzles, the elements of something united) do not do something, or do not realize themselves, or we are going propyly in nature, we cannot become the right place in the mosaic called "Createness of Life". In particularly difficult cases, "lost" people sick, suffer and experience other inconveniences, anger and fear.

According to Ayurvedic knowledge, all material and intangible has a single source and divided once to reunite once again so that it turned out a simple, and then - again the next cycle. But the cycle is not in a circle, but on the helix, life at the new level.

So this absolute, one-piece and indivisible could not be static in harmony, or for some reasons, we still have changed, I have changed, formed the levels of matter: coarse and weightless, invisible physical vision. Each creature, each animal, people, even plants and trees - all living things consisting of the manifestations of this diverse absolute.

The word "manifestation" here perceive literally: what has already existed and will exist (as time does not play roles for a comprehensive category, which is spent) in plants, animals, people find a manifestation. Another example: a film from the camera contains a negative image before manifest. If you get into the dark and show it - in the end, the snapshot is imprinted from negative. Before the manifestation, you will not see anything, and if you open the camera on the light, then nothing will see anything. But this does not mean that the infection of the image is not there.

So with people: when certain circumstances and reasons agree, a person is born like a print of all material and spiritual from this world, but this does not mean that it is completely isolated and separated from the causes and matter from which it turned out. This separation and self is illusory, they are just for physical look. That is why everything in the world is associated with everything. This is the principle of transcendence: everything will be according to the laws of causal relationship. And if you do not see in most events in the life of these connections - this does not mean that there are no connections. If you feel yourself separated from the world and other people - this is also a delusion

From the above it follows that everyone has its own task and there is no more important or worse, in no case. The degree of importance is a purely human, contrived concept. All events are important, everything that happens and what you do must entail certain consequences, as everything is connected. These bonds go beyond the boundaries of space and time (it looks like a new theory of physicists called "the theory of strings"). That is the meaning of life: to understand and realize these links, the role and, as the creatures of the thinking, and gifted freedom of choice.

March 23, 2014, 16:23

Balashov L. Philosophy

Chapter 13. Life, Death, Immortality

Life, death, immortality - Magical words that mean infinitely a lot for each of us. People wondered over their meaning since they became people. Personal philosophers are especially trying to understand them. And it is natural. Philosophers - specialists in common issues of being. For them, life, death, immortality is not personal only, but a universal-universal value.

13.1. A life . Meaning and purpose of life

Life is a way of the existence of living (organisms, animals, humans), expressed by at least the exchange of substance-energy with the environment and reproduction (reproduced by itself similar).
In living organisms and creatures, life is a biological form of activity, a person is a biosocial form.
For a person, life - activities in general, integral activity, livelihoods in the deepest sense of the word. Against the background of life, a person exercises special or specialized forms of activity, such as communication, knowledge, practical activities, work, rest, etc. These forms of activity exist and develop only in the overall context of life, the vital activity of the subject.
There are three levels of human life or three human life:
1. Plant life is meal, selection, growth, reproduction, fixture.
2. Animal life is a collection, hunting, protection, sexual and other communication, care and education of children, indicative activities, gaming activities.
3. Cultural life or life in culture is knowledge, management, invention, craft, sport, art (art), philosophy.
These three lives are relatively independent, it is equally important for a person, interact, mutually influence and mediate each other. As a result, we have one very diverse, rich, contradictory, human a life.
The presence of a third standard of living in humans makes his life fundamentally different from the life of a plant or an animal and this difference increases with each step towards the progress of culture.
Based on this, you can give such a definition: human life is his life as a living being and life in culture.

Meaning of life

Fill the meaning every moment,
Hours and days inexorable running

R. Kickling. Commandment

The question of the meaning of life is first of all the question of whether the life is human meaningful, that is, whether it is illuminated by the light of mind, thinking or deprived of meaning is meaningless, it is not controlled by the mind of man.
The question of the meaning of life is also the question of its value, significance for the person himself. Does life make sense, is it worth living?
In this question, there is still such a shade: we talk about the sense of life when life is comprehended generallywhen questions find out what is life?», « for what, why does a person live», « for what, why I live», « what am I doing in this world?"When our life is comprehended in the context of the lives of all people, in general life on earth, in general, of the world.
It is necessary to clearly distinguish the concepts of "meaning of life" and "purpose of life." When the purpose of becoming the purpose of becoming, for example, a doctor, a scientist, an engineer, then there is no answer to the disturbing question about the meaning of life (in any case, the answer is only intuitively, in a purely emotional vein). A man in his reflections goes on: why do you need to become a doctor, an engineer, scientist? Thus, if the goal indicates what a person is striving for, then the meaning of life speaks about what he does it in the name.
Some people, including some philosophers, believe that the meaning of life is to look for this meaning. ON THE. Berdyaev, for example, wrote: "Let I don't know the meaning of life, but the selection of the meaning already gives the meaning of life, and I will devote my life to this selection of meaning" ("Self-knowledge", III chapter). Such a look at the meaning of life in the form of no more than the game of words, the maddy ... Search all the time, all life the meaning of life is some kind of infantilism. An adult, a mature man, somehow, finds the meaning of life and implements it, lives in meaningful life. A person who is looking for a meaning of life, only trying to find him, is not yet determined who has not formed a person who has not yet taken place as decisive challenges. The meaning of life is similar to the target. Before reaching the goal, move from goal to the result, a person must determine for itself a goal, put it. But goal-setting is only the first stage. A person makes actions not to deliver, identify the goal, but in order to achieve it. So the meaning of life. The search for the meaning of life is the first part of the problem. The second part is the realization of the meaning of life, sense-valued, meaningful life.
Further, it is very important, on the one hand, to seek and find the meaning of life, and, on the other, not to overestimate the meaning of this question, do not focus in search of the meaning of life. Life partly makes sense, and partly does not have.
Life makes sense to the extent that it is meaningful is reasonably organized, human significantly.
Life does not make sense, i.e. the question of its sense is inappropriate to the extent that it is automatic and vegetable, in which it is controlled by instincts, is regulated by organic needs. French "Selyavi" ("Such is life") How it is impossible to transmit it automatism, vegetation. The presence of this second side of life allows a person to strain too much in search of the meaning of life, do not rush with life-wide answers and decisions, i.e., to some extent to relax, surrender to the flow of life, to swim by it.
What exactly is the meaning of life? It is clear that everyone answers this question in its own way. On the other hand, there are general moments in it. It is love and creativity. In the overwhelming majority of cases, people comprehend-evaluate their lives in line with these two categories. The meaning of life is in love and work. Love supports, multiplies life, makes it harmonious, harmonizes. Creativity provides life progress.

The purpose of life

Man most lives at a time when he is looking for something
FM Dostoevsky

Life is a constant selection process. At each moment, a person has a choice: or retreat, or progress towards the target. Either movement to even greater fear, fear, protection, or the choice of the goal and the growth of spiritual forces. Choose development instead of fear times ten per day - it means to progress ten times to self-realization.
A. Masloou

The goal "asks" the integrity of activity. If this is the purpose of life, then it determines the integrity of life. A person who does not have the goal of life and life is not realized as an organic whole in biosocial, i.e. the human sense. "Life without a goal is a man without a head" - says folk wisdom.
Not every person puts the purpose of life, but if he puts it, then this man believes her as targeted Activity.
In general, there is a whole in real life tree goals. The purpose of life is the main or common goal of life. In addition to her, there are either subordinates, intermediate or side goals. Subordinates and interim targets are the goals, the implementation of which opens the way to the main goal of life, brings to it. Side or parallel targets are goals that form the whole "kitchen" of life, determine the full harmonic human development. In their amount, they are no less important than the main goal of life (for example, the goal to strengthen the health with the means of physical culture, build a house, various hobbies, hobbies). In some situations, a conflict arises between the main goal of life and side goals. This conflict may end either the victory of the main goal of life or the victory of side goals.
The main goal of life is a goal, the implementation of which justifies the life of a person as a whole, as a person, the subject standing somewhere along with a society that is aware of their goals as a human goal in general or the goal of this or that community of people. In the main goal of life in the logic of things, a person's desires as an individual and the goals of society are merged.
The problem of determining the goal of life is akin to the problem of choosing a profession. Moreover, the first is usually a continuation of the second. In the formation of the goal of life "participate" and randomness, and necessity, and external circumstances, incentives, and internal motives, motives.
In some cases, it happens that a person does not stop at the choice of some kind of life goal (a bright example: two lives of A.P. Borodin as a composer and chemist).
If the goal is set, then it becomes the law of activity, a categorical imperative, the need for which a person subjugates his will.
Thus, you can see two sides of conscious vital activity: goaling (search for goal, choice of purpose) and focality (dedication, movement to the goal, or rather, from the goal to the result). Both sides are important for a person equally.
By giving a report in the importance of goal and related goaling and dedication, it should not, however, absolutish it. Live in some sense is the unity of purpose and aimlessness, i.e. the unity of organizedness and inorganization, labor and recreation, voltage and relaxation. The aimless is implemented primarily in the fact that along with the main goal of life there are many side goals. The search and implementation of a side goal (and at the same time distraction from the main goal) can be interpreted as aimlessness. They say that it is impossible to work all the time, think about one thing that you need to distract, have fun, relax, remove the tension, switch to another genus activity. It is not by chance that modern person pays more attention to side classes, a hobby, intuitively conscious that the stress of labor, the main goal, the main affair of life can simply destroy it.
It should also be borne in mind that human life does not always take place at the level of goaling and implementing goals. A person can make expedient actions, bypassing the step of goaling, purely instinctively, valuable. For example, the need for rest, a dream can "implement" in the form of a goal (searching for overnight chairs, etc.) or directly - the person fell apart in the subway. Or such an example: when a person accidentally relates to a hand of a hot object, he pulls out her - here is a suitable action, but there is no goal-setting and conscious desire for the goal.
When is the need for goaling? It is probably when there is some obstacle between the need and its satisfaction (not very large, but not very small) or to meet the need you need to make complex approximate actions.

"Meaning" is very close in its meaning the concept of thought; "Meaning" and "Thought" literally merge in the words "understanding", "comprehend".

Both values \u200b\u200bof the expression "meaning of life" leak out of the meaning of the word "meaning". In the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova (1991) This word is interpreted as: "Meaning, 1. Content, the value of which, comprehended by the mind "

13.2. Death and immortality

In the wildlife and human society, the relationship of the final and infinite acquires the character intercommunication. This is clearly visible on the example of the ratio of mortality and immortality.
Initially, living was rather an intermediate, transitional form of finite and infinite than their interconnection. IN division The simplest single-celled organisms we see some insequences, the direct transition from the final to the endless (the final is not yet retained quite clearly from the infinite, and the endless from the final; the individual and the bodies have not yet become apart. The division of a unicellient organism is just his replication, copying, repetition). Nevertheless, the main features are already in division. reproduction - The greatest conquest of life. Take for comparison the crystal body and a living single-cell organism. The first retains itself only due to the sustainability of chemical bonds between its "parts" and the stability of the "parts" - atoms. The perturbing effects of the medium can immediately or gradually destroy the crystal body, stop its existence, obscure. The limb of the crystalline body is thus not controlled by himself, externally. If there are no disturbing actions of the medium, then such a body can exist indefinitely for a long time, almost forever. On the other hand, it is completely defenseless before the external environment and its existence may stop at any time. In the very crystalline body there is no program of its obsection, self-destruction, transition to another body. Chemical bond, thanks to which it exists, "is aimed" only to preserve, for "chemical immortality". The final and infinite turn out to be for the existence of a crystal body, although interdependent, but still quite indifferent to each other opposites.
We are completely different in living organisms. The program of obsection is laid in themselves. If the chemical bond inside the crystal body "is aimed" only to preserve, then the biochemical processes occurring in a living organism are directed not only for its preservation, but also for transformation, on the transition to another body and even to death, i.e., destruction, Disintegration - in the case of multicellular organisms. The end life of a living organism is programmed in it: the finite, thus present in the endless, mediates it. This is one side of the ratio of finite and endless in relation to the existence of a living. The other party is that although a living organism is obsessed with himself, he still preserves, indempems himself, makes himself immortal - thanks to reproducing yourself similar. The body seems to prevent the body's destructive effect of time, carries out a breakthrough into immortality. The crystal body is a toy in the "hands" of the natural element, his time of "life" is entirely dependent on the pleasure of the environment. A living organism, including the limb, variability, got the opportunity to adapt to changing environmental conditions or adapt them to themselves and to some extent secured himself from them. He set himself a limit of existence, but so that his end coincides with the beginning of the existence of an organism similar to him, which is a subsidiary for him. The latter continues the "case" of maintaining a balance with the changing conditions of the medium and so indefinitely. A living organism thus has a plasticity that is absolutely not characteristic of a crystalline body.
The crystal body does not know the reproduction of himself like and therefore, in relation to him, it is meaningless to talk about the immortality of the genus. His "life" is entirely limited to the framework of the "individual" existence. The life of the body is inseparable from the life of the genus. His bastards are neutralized, removed in the immortality of the genus. On the other hand, the latter is possible only in the presence of finite existence of individual organisms.
Further, if you carefully look at differences inside the living, you can see that for single-cell organisms that breed by mitotic division, the opposite of the limb and infinity of the existence is not so pronounced, as for multicellular organisms that breed sexually. (I have already talked above that the initially living was the intermediate form of the final and infinite than their interconnection, involving the vivid severity of the other as opposites). On the limb of the existence of unicellites cannot be said as their mortality. Accordingly, about their immortality in a strict sense cannot be said. After all, immortality is the opposite of mortality. One without another does not exist. If there is no mortality, then there is no immortality. We are not talking about the destruction of the crystal body as his death and about the indefinitely debt existence of the body as his immortality. Of course, single-celled organisms die if the conditions of the environment are extremely unfavorable for them. But their death is not their death in the exact sense of the word. In them, there is no "mechanism", the program of dying, death, as we see in multicellular organisms. Recent Ply any Environmental conditions are programmed to death. Unicellularly programmed only on division, reproduction and if dying, then only with adverse environmental changes. Scientists talk about the parametion proven in the experiment within 8,400 generations as evidence of the possibility of an unlimited process of consistent divisions. But life itself demonstrates us this at every step. Currently, numerous single-celicarms that began to share, multiplying billions of years ago exist on the 3MEL. They actually do not know death! They share and share the almost infinite number of times, while there are favorable environmental conditions.
In the light of what was said I would like to pay special attention to the need for a clear distinction between the concepts of "death" and "death". Not all that is death, deserves the names of death and, on the contrary, not everything that dies, dies. Strictly speaking, death is the cessation of the vital activity of a multicellular body as a result joint The actions of the internal and external lifestyles (natural development of the body and adverse environmental conditions). Unicellular organisms divided by mittochically do not die, since their natural development leads to division, and not to death. If their livelihood is terminated, then not as a result of natural development, but due to adverse external influences. Therefore, the termination of their vital activity should not be called death, but death. The death is the cessation of the existence of something living (or associated) due to external adverse effects. Not only individual living organisms, but also their communities are digestible (the supervisant formations - populations, human civilizations, peoples, states) are also dying and cultural objects and so on.
So, the phenomenon of mortality occurs only at the stage of multicellular organisms that breed sexually. These organisms are not just dying, but die. Their death is due to both external random reasons and internal conditions of existence, which gives reason to consider it as the necessary moment of obsecration of the life of multicellular organisms.

Death as a programmed end - an evolutionary acquisition of life and is not excluded that a person, changing its genetic program accordingly, may end the death. Life as such does not carry the germ of death. She, undoubtedly, wears the germs of change, transformation, but not death, and even less damaged.
The occurrence of death as the phenomenon of obesity of life led to a greater differentiation (greater opposition) of the final and infinite. The death rate of a separate biological individual and the immortality of the kind is, in a certain sense, screaming opposites. On the other hand, the large differentiation of the limb and the infinity of the existence was accompanied by the deepening of their interconnection mediating the relationship between them. Sexual reproduction just plays the role of such a mediated. It, on the one hand, opposes the body and genus (finite and infinite), and, on the other, is a link between them.
The opposing role of sexual reproduction is that it, firstly, makes an unnecessary individual "immortality" of the organism and, secondly, during sexual reproduction, the body is not completely repeated in its offspring, one to one and, therefore, does not preserve ourselves in their own characteristics. The limb, feature, the individuality of a separate organism acts in this case brighter, is sharp, nude.
The role of sexual reproduction as a binder is that it "introduces" the body to immortality and to a much greater degree than it was in the dividing organisms. Continued roda - Real biological immortality of higher organisms. In it, we see the constant transition of the final in the infinite, and the endless in the final one, and so that neither the finite nor infinite disappear, but are stored as the moments of this transition. In a purely ultimate existence there is no continuation of the kind, as it does not have it and in a purely infinite existence.
In the human society there is a further deepening of mutual understanding of the final and infinite. The problem of mortality and immortality is aware and is solved as one of the most important problems of human existence.
Many philosophers associate this problem with the problem of the meaning of life. And this is true, since this problem makes a person wants it or not, to comprehend life in general.
Life, death, immortality - the phenomenon of one order. And if life is the opposite of death, and death - immortality, then, therefore, life and immortality is one. From this conclusion, we can see that immortality is not externally for life a category, and inherently inherent in it. On the other hand, death (as we found out before) not quite an exterior of life, although he opposes her. That's right, so say so: Life creates and allows the contradiction between mortality and immortality. In this formula, the general solution to the problem of mortality and immortality.
Point of view that opposes mortality and immortality, considers them incompatible, unseedy, ultimately paralyzes the will and mind of people or leads them to a dead end, one who denies mortality and believes in the personal immortality (immortality of the soul), thereby increasing Real life, how to say, the joint life of the soul and body. And the one who believes that the person is only mortal, seeks to live alone, without worrying about the future, not worrying about improving life in general, since it is only the concept of his concrete, given life for him.
I took extreme cases, but they clearly show what the opposition to mortality and immortality could lead to, the absolutization of one of the parties of this contradiction of life.

13.3. Living mortality and immortality

It was said above that life creates and resolves the contradiction between the limb and the infinity of existence. This is a general solution to the problem. How specifically "works" the indicated contradiction? According to my opinion, there are three "mechanism" of communication (forms of mutual understanding) of the final and endless in relation to man: love, creation, the desire for active longevity (extension of life). As already noted, in the wilderness, the intercommunication of the limb and the infinity of the existence is carried out due to the reproduction of organisms and, especially sexual reproduction. It is clear that in the human society in the removal (at a higher level of formation), this biological intercommunication is preserved. Family-marriage relationships and underlying love is a natural continuation of sexual reproduction. Reproduction of such a similar one still remains the greatest responsibility of people as living beings. Meanwhile, the contradiction between the limb and infinity of the existence acquires new, specifically human features. The boundaries of interconnection of these opposites are moved due to the emergence and development creativeactivity of people. Creativity, like love, serves as a real "representative" of immortality (endless existence) in the ultimate lifetime of people. Children and Creations are real median mediation endless. They are kindly obsessed (reporting completion) of the apparent endless (endless) life of an individual.
The third form of communication of the limb and infinity of the existence is the desire for active longevity, the extension of life, a consistent solution to the problem of an endless existence.
So, on the one hand, a person is destined to know, realize that he is mortal, intense. On the other hand, a man craves immortality, seeks him, seeks him. And this is understandable. The meaning of life is in many ways do Her immortal. I do not affirm, of course, that a person can achieve complete immortality (personal, individual immortality, as they say). But seekto the immortality of ON. canand must. Such a position not to confuse it with the concept of immortalism, you can call - by analogy with philosophy - phyloimmoretalism. As there are no absolute wisdom and philosophers modestly refer to themselves only by lovers of wisdom (literally in love), so there is absolute immortality and people can call themselves only phyloimmoretalists, i.e., seeking immortality, hunting for immortality, loving immortality making it.
The desire for immortality is not just a desire, like an eternal hunt behind the runaway ghost (as sometimes it happens in a bad dream: we achieve something or try to avoid it and it fails to us; as a result, there is a feeling of painful dissatisfaction, powerlessness). The desire for immortality is carried out in the form of it delaney. Doing immortality just expresses the process of movement, approaching it. This movement, the approach is carried out thanks to our conscious efforts, the actions - love, care for the offspring, creativity, the struggle for the extension of life.
Dialectics of mortality and immortality are akin to the dialectic of relative and absolute truths. Absolute truth is a complete, comprehensive knowledge of the object, in other words, the complete coincidence of our ideas with the subject of knowledge. We will never achieve an absolute truth (the object is infinite and knowledge of it is infinitely), but she strives for her, otherwise there will be no progress of knowledge. We will never achieve complete immortality, but strive for it - our duty, otherwise there will be no progress of life.(The likelihood of the desire for immortality to the desire for absolute truth is all the more justified that knowledge It is a type of creativity and as such contributes to the "doing" immortality.)
In the ratio of relative and absolute truths there is another moment that helps to understand the ratio of mortality and immortality. Absolute truth is not only the purpose of knowledge, the ideal, to which the learning subject is striving, but also something cash presentin our knowledge. They say philosophers that in a relatively true, limited, approximate knowledge is available grainsabsolute Truth. Absolute truth is not felling off the Chinese wall from relative. And our knowledge is truly the unity of relative and absolute truths. So the life of a person. Yes, it is finite, limited in space and time. But, on the other hand, there are grains of infinity, eternity, immortality in individual human life. I call these grains relevantimmortality. Doing immortality there is, therefore, not only making a posthumous, potential Immortality, but also doing today's, lifetime, relevant immortality. This will be described in more detail below.

13.4. How do we "do" immortality?

Continuation of human race, love

Since the personal immortality is impossible, inspired by people always stood and there will be a problem to continue the kind, reproducing themselves like. As Plato said, mortal, unlike the Divine, does not always remain the same, but obsteating and leaving, leaves his new similarity.
While people did not invent a different way to reproduce themselves like, they should give birth, raise children and solve the problems associated with this, marriage and family.
First of all about the problem of fertility. Sociologists and demographers have long been driving alarm: fertility falls, and more and more threatening factors leading to depopulation, i.e., extinct population. Demographers call the threshold - 2,15 children per woman, - below which reduced reproduction of man. There are already whole countries in which the birth rate is significantly lower than this threshold. So, in Germany, he equals 1.4 children per woman. No better position in Russia, especially in recent years.
The Beach of the modern cultural society is a small family (single-dollar and two-bed families). Demographers calculated that if all families were twodeal, the population of the country would decrease in half after 350 years. And if all families were single-dollar, it would have dropped twice in 53 years. The case is just going to the prevailing form of the family becomes one-piece. Moreover, the family itself as a social institution breaks down. And this is understandable. There was a situation of a vicious circle. Lowability leads to the fact that the subsequent generations of people who have grown in adolescent families lose the necessary qualities for living in the family, as a result of which concluded marriages are becoming less and less durable.
The facts are such that slow death is threatened with a modern civilized society if serious measures are taken to raise fertility, strengthening the family or its transformation into another social institution favorable for human reproduction.
As you can see, the problem of "doing" immortality is most closely associated with the birth problem and, accordingly, with the problems of love, marriage and family. All our successes in the field of science and technology, all our cultural achievements of the broken penny are not worth it if the problem of human reproduction will not be solved. As a result of depopulation, extinction simply will simply be used by the fruits of science, technology, culture. Modern society develops one-sided and risks to be an invalid suicide. We need a balanced approach. The logic of "doing" immortality requires that human reproduction issues have paid at least no less attention than the development of the economy, science, technology, culture. While this is not. Take at least love. It is like a focus of human reproduction problems. And what? Can society "boast" sufficient attention to the needs and requests of love? Of course not. When loving young decide to create a family, they are far from always they have the opportunity to "poison their nest", that is, to live in conjunction in normal housing conditions. Further, such a fact is obvious as the deterioration of the welfare of the family as a result of the birth of a child. Having children clearly lose in economic terms to those who do not have children. Parents' labor is truly not appreciated by society. It can be said directly to say that modern society is conducting an anthealthy policy. Such a politician politician and fraught with a slow death of society. It is necessary, finally, to realize the importance of the protection of the person himself as a living being, as already realized the importance of environmental protection. It is necessary to realize, finally, the need for urgent measures to establish sustainable reproduction of a person (not at the expense of "fertility" of rural residents, which are becoming less and less, and at the expense of reasonably organized, balanced labor, recreation and life of urban residents).
Now O. love . A question may ask: why I associate the continuation of the human race with love. The first is something vital, necessary, the second one - it seems to be only a feeling, something ephemeral, not very compulsory. Indeed, if love is only a feeling, then, probably, it is probably wrong to link it exclusively with sexual love from which children appear. The fact of the matter is that love is not only and not even so much feeling. In the main meaning it is activities - activity of the mind, souls and bodies special activity It is carried out only in the sexual communication of a man and a woman. The sexual communication is not only necessary and not so much for the sake of communication itself, how much to continue the kind. So love in the main value is what is at the heart of the continuation of the human race.
Love-Activity is not just an emotional experience of the desire for harmony, unity, beauty, and this is done by the reproduction of harmony, unity, beauty. These are the relationship of men and women.
Why do I emphasize the difference between love-feeling and love-to-work? Such a distinction is necessary for clarifying the essence of love as one of the most important means, the factors of "doing" immortality. As a sense of love, there is only some psychological state and its relationship with the continuation of the human race, that is, with real "making" immortality seems problematic or very remote. As a special activity, it directly "participates" in "doing" immortality.
Next, it should be said that love includes not only feelings, not only sexual behavior. As activity, it covers both sexual communication of a man and a woman, and in general their relationship, and their relationship to parents, children, to others, to the world around. In other words, the love of men and women are not limited to the framework of their sexual communication, and as if diverge in circles, covering their other relations, attitudes towards parents, children, relatives, loved ones, etc. Belinsky: " Love - Poetry and Sun Life". Yes, love is the sun life. Her rays diverge in all directions of life, highlight all, even the most distant corners of human life. And this applies primarily to relationships with parents and children. Love for parents prepares sexual love, and love for children completes, crowns it.
Love as a great factor in continuation of the human race is implemented in the full sense only in this trinity: like love for parents, like a love relationship and as love for children. Of course, love for parents and love for children do not bear the nature of special activities. However, it is not just feelings of sympathy, spare, opposite hate. Together with the love bond, they are on the same line of continuing, are the expressions of the mighty instinct of the continuation of the genus. Recall that Plato wrote about this: the animals "are in love hot, first during mating, and then - when they feed the young, for which they are ready and fighting with the most strong, no matter how weak themselves, and die, and starve, Only to fill them, and generally remove anything. " This, of course, is true and in relation to human love. Both childbearing, so the upbringing of children is impossible without love. A full-fledged person can be born and grow only in conditions of love, in her rays.
Speaking of love as a factor of continuing kind, you need to keep in mind that in human Society she has another meaning - simply as a factor of communication, as a connection, fastening-cementing relations of a man and a woman, as a primary social connection. Sometimes this is the second value of love turns out to be the only (for men and women who do not have children).
In both of their values, love spreads the framework of the end life man. As a factor of continuing the kind, she spreads the framework of a separate human life in a temporary aspect, means going beyond the limits of the final existence in the time sense. And as a factor of communication (as a purely love relationship), it spreads the framework of a separate human life in a spatial aspect, means going beyond limited spatial existence. In fact, entering into sexual contact, a person literally goes beyond himself, "invades" in someone else's space. In general, when a person loves and love, his "ego" goes to Alter and on the contrary; He, as it were, dissolves in another, gives himself another and at the same time acquires itself in the other of himself, self-afforded.
In addition, the Love Clock really spread the time frame of life if you keep in mind not "output", and the depth, the intensity of the present moment. Griboedovskoe "happy hours do not observe" very exactly in meaning. For love of time, no matter how ...
Noteworthy is the fact that at all times writers, poets, artists considered love as a start, spreading the limits of life, overcoming death.
Love is not the only form of "doing" immortality. Another form of immigrants of life, as established by Plato, is creation. There is a close connection between love and creativity. Moreover, they mediate each other. It can be said like this: love is creativity of living, life-quality, and creativity is love for truth, good, beauty. Love and creativity make one, common cause, but only in different ways. They mutually complement each other. Love without creativity leads to a stagnation of life, to the eternal repetition of the same. Creativity without love is meaningless and simply impossible.
Love men and women feeds and supports love for truth, good, beauty. On this account there is a lot of evidence.
It happens, of course, when love and creativity prevent each other. But this is not a rule, but an exception to the rule and is caused most often by bringing circumstances, abnormal conditions of love and / or creativity.

Creative immortality

Creativity is a specifically human form of "doing" immortality. When they talk about social immortality, then most often they mean creative activity and its fruits, which indifferent to man.
Creativity invisible threads connects man with other people, society, spreads the boundaries of his separate life to the scale of society. Therefore, they say that the real immortality of a person is inextricably linked with his life in society, with how much his life goes or merges with the life of society as a whole.
The connection of a person with society is the key to his immortality. But this is not just a connection, not just life in society, together with other people. It is expressed in affairsman and, above all, in his creative activities. It is creative activity that expresses the free human relationship of a person with society. Until the unmatutaneous work does not measure the person, but by contrasting his life, kills at his lifetime, alienating his human essence from him.
Since people realized the important role of creativity in their human existence, they said and wrote about creativity as real "Delaware" immortality. Pushkinskoe "no, I will not die all - the soul in the cherished lyre of my ashes will survive and the quench will run out" it became for many by the undisputed expression of real human immortality. No religion and no mystic is required here. Be a creative person and you will be immortal. This thought was expressed many times in different versions.

Immortality Immortality Maine. Immortality of genius is one. The immortality of talent is another. Immortality simply capable of something else - the third. A person seeks not just to immortality, but to greater immortality. This is just like a person seeks not just to know, but to greater knowledge. It is creativity in a diverse forms of its forms (knowledge, invention, art) opens up the limitless prospects of "doing" increasingly immortality, more and more development-conquest of time and space.

13.5. Potential immortality

Until now, I talked about real immortality in terms of various forms of activity (love and creativity). Now "will unfold" 90 ° and consider the problem of "doing" immortality in terms of delimitation of the activity itself and its fruits. Real immortality in this case acts in two forms: how actual and potential.
Although the source of immortality is one - human activity in a broad sense - it itself (immortality) splits as if two species, respectively, according to how the activity "splits" on process Activities I. fruit Activities. The last, although they are the results, consequences of the activity process, then live hisan independent life, regardless of the activities that thormed them. Such is the dialectic of activity and it serves as the basis of the distinction between the two forms of immortality - the actual and potential.

Speaking of potential immortality as an object of conscious aspirations of a person can not be mentioned about two extremes in the approach, attitude towards immortality. One extreme is when they seek to indispens your name any At the price, they go to any tricks and even crime to become famous. Known in history Example: burning with Herostrate in 356 BC e. The magnificent Temple of Artemis Efesse - one of the seven wonders of the world. Herostrate burned him with the sole purpose - to become famous. Hence the expression - Herostratov Glory. In essence, Herostratova glory have such figures like Hitler. The desire for glory for the sake of glory is a common vice among people. At the heart of this desire lies a hypertrophied idea of \u200b\u200bvalue, importance, the significance of potential immortality.
Another extreme is ignoring the possibility of potential immortality or, simply speaking, the naughty attitude towards what will happen after death. This is the most bright attitude expressed in the famous statement of Louis XV - "After us - at least a flood." In fact, some do not impose the prospect of life after death. The desire for immortality seems to be a manifestation of an empty vanity or even the expression of mystical mindset. These people are missing from the form that potential immortality is not just life after death. It is more correct to understand him in a broader sense - as relay of life. We were given life, we were brought up, formed, we enjoy the fruits of cultural activities of previous generations. Therefore, we must give life to others, contribute to the treasury of human culture. For us, life does not closes; It is only a link in the chain of human life.
In the relay of labor life, a person should strive to ensure that the torch of his life is not ugas before, than he will give fire to other people, other generations.
The life is a self-treated process and, as we see, not only in the sense of self-preservation, but also in the sense of the continuation of the kind, conservation and development of culture. "Life is true," wrote L.N. Tolstoy, there is only the one that continues the past, promotes the good of the life of the modern and good life of the future. " How easy and however, it is strong!
Potential immortality equally "looks" to the future and past. In the future - from the point of view of what leaves after himself. This is a challenge problem. In the past - from the point of view of how the life continues and the case of others in it. This is the problem of continuing the kind, culture development, the "lusion" of the younger generation in the culture.
In the first case, the potential immortality is the case of the subject of immortality. In the second case, it is experiencing and mastering those who accepted from the departed, outgoing people-generations of the relay of life.
A person who strives for immortality should consider himself not just in terms of life for the future, for others, the following generations, and how link in the immortality chain, i.e., in the sense that the life of previous generations continues in it. To be eligible for your own immortality, a person must survive the immortality of others who lived before him. If this is not, then you can say in advance that it is doomed to infertility and oblivion.
As the life of the ancestors continues in the life of the descendants, and the life of the geniuses of the past continues in ourselves, in the life of today's geniuses. Newton somehow said, turning to the gour: "What Decartes did, was a step forward. You added new opportunities to this ... if I saw on, then because it was on the shoulders of the giants. " See, as Newton considers: he became a giant thought because stood on the shoulders giants. What a good expression! It is clear that there is no such simple task on the shoulders of the giants. It is necessary for them to "boil", correspond, be a congenial. In another era and in another connection, R. Schumann said that only a genius can understand genius. And in fact, if you understand, I understood, I experienced the work and creativity of another, then it has earned this right to bear the torch of immortality. Yes it's not just that you "deserve", but that you tanned And the willy-noils are in themselves a relay torch.
Above the differences in potential immortality were given. They indicate that the potential immortality is diverse in its content, is expressed in various kinds and forms. Here it is time to talk about ordering, classification of species and forms of this phenomenon of life.
We see at least two parameter Potential immortality: completeness and depth (degree).
Fullness Potential immortality is immortality due to the fullness of life, the presence of basic moments in it: love, bringing children and creativity. If there is no one of these moments, then life is incomplete and even flawed. In this case, the potential immortality does not have the necessary completeness.
Depth (degree) of potential immortality is how far deep into the past penetrates the gaze of a person and how long the trace left for them is preserved.
Probably, the shortest immortality is the immortality of love, continued life in children. After all, it is limited by the framework of the life of children after the death of parents. Grandchildren only partly continue the life of the grandfathers, and the descendants born after the death of ancestors have even more distant communication with them. However, this short potential immortality has a different depth, it is determined by how a person belongs to it. If he not only gave life to children, but also brought them up so that they, in turn, continue their childbirth, raise their children in the same spirit, then his potential immortality is deeper, the significance of that continuing life in children, which does not go further detrote. A person should be faithful to love in love and in family life in general. He needs to think not just about children, but to lay respect for the ancestors and a conscious desire to further continue the kind. After all, it is no secret that parents often do not think about this side of the upbringing of children. They either seek to raise just good people (and this is utopia: just good people do not happen), or think only about the professional or creative fate of children. Children, among other things, must continue. Educating them in the spirit of respect for detractive, life-giving - by no means a simple task. Life avenge to those who forget about it. How many birth, genealogy rushed into the fly due to a dismissive attitude to life-giving! Degeneration, the extinction threatens to those human communities that are frivolously relate to the values \u200b\u200bof continuing the genus.
Immortality of the case, creativity can also have different depths. I was told about this above, in the previous section. The immortality of creativity may not only be more durable to continue life in children, but also, as the poet said, "bronze casting stronger". It all depends on the person. It is absolutely clear, for example, that the immortality of the genius is immeasurably extensive, the durable of the immortality of talent.
Of course, not everyone can become a genius. But strive in creativity to more and more significant achievements - the debt of every creative person. In the moral sense, increasingly significant achievements are nothing more than more and more significant services to humanity. Yes I. self Man gets the greatest satisfaction from most High results of their activities. A person must take care of the good and happiness not only as part of his personal "I", but on the scale of the whole society. Only then will be truly happy, and his name and it will be survived by the century.

13.6. Actual immortality (live hereby, in the present)

There are many evidence of philosophers, scientists, cultural figures that love and creativity push the limits of life to the depth, open the most real abyss in it - what I call relevant immortality.
Meanwhile, the phenomenon of the actual immortality is still little studied and understandless. If many and many and many talk about potential immortality and wrote about the existence actual Immortality guess only some. What is the case? Here you can specify three reasons.
First, as I said, people have noticed, aware of the potential immortality, first of all. This is due to the fact that a person pays more attention to the final results, the fruits of activity, and on the very activity, how it proceeds, he does not reflect, and if it reflects, then in the second place. The potential immortality embodied in the leaving traces seems more visible, real than the current immortality experienced in the process of activity itself.
Secondly, the religious concept of immortality oriented the consciousness of people only towards the other, posthumous, afterlife, that is, what I call the illusory potential immortality. Earthly life religion usually considered as something very unsubstituted, fast, temporary, only in the aspect of its limb, (smallness, insignificance).
Thirdly, the unclearness of the problems of relevant infinity in mathematics and disputes of mathematicians about the existence / non-existence of relevant infinity have adversely affected the development of problems of actual immortality.
Understanding immortality only as potentially flawed. After all, what happens? My mortal life is here, in the present, and my immortal life is there, in the future, after my death. This division of real life and post-mortem immortality is not much different from the Christian division of earthly life and the immortal life of the soul behind the coffin. D. Didro, bearing in mind just such an understanding of immortality, wrote: "The offspring for philosophers is the other world for the believer." In the journal "Crocodile" about such an understanding of immortality, bitter joke: "Immortality is bad because it comes posthumously." Man has little immortality later. He give him now, in this life or do not talk about him at all, silent.

* * *
The actual immortality is nothing but the mediation of the final endless, which transit eternal. It can be more or less depending on the depth of mediation. And it depends on the person. V.G. Belinsky said this well: "live - it means to feel and think, suffer and bliss; Any other life is death. And the greater the content of the volume of our feeling and thought, the stronger and deeper our ability to suffer and bliss, the more we live: the moment of such a lifetime is more significant than one hundred years spent in the apathetic dement, in small actions and insignificant purposes. "
Time has a different value for a person, a different degree of depth. The more the person does and the more important events in his life occur, sharper, deeper feeling of every moment of life, the intensively It takes his life. That time is something rubber, stretching or compressing, people knew, guessed for a long time. Seneca wrote: "The life of the debt, if it is full ... We will measure it actions, and not the time." The German saying reads: "hardworking from one day does two days."
Known phenomenon of rubber time. V. Demidov writes:

Yes, it is novelty that is the factor due to which the human life is intensified. She is a measure of actual immortality. The more novelty in the life of a person, the more she lasts. Especially valuable is the novelty that is born in acts of love and creativity. Valuable because it is not novelty for the sake of novelty. The novelty in love and creativity is creative, leads to a new novelty, spreads the borders of life not only relevant, but also potentially (it gives rise to both current immortality and potential).

Need to live so that the day was felt like a year and year as life.

13.7. Active longevity

Above the relationship between mortality and immortality is considered in general terms, whatever specific timing of the individual existence of a person. Here, however, there is another question that is usually overlooked by philosophers from the species and only recently attracted their attention. We are talking about the problem of active longevity. Realizing that the limb of being is something inevitable, people began to think about whether it is impossible to expand the boundaries of their ultimate being, whether it is impossible to extend the youth, life, etc. Recall Gothevskoye: "Stop, instant, you are fine!" This, of course, is a dream. But why should I get a dream to the ground, to arrange in the form of a specific goal, so that at least to some extent she brought us to a dream?! Some are reflected in this way: if we are mortal, sooner or later, we'll still need to take care of the extension of life, about some unnecessary years of life and in general, what kind of crumbling to count years, strive to live as long as possible despite the stiffness, weakness, etc. Do people don't care how much to live: forty or eighty years. Indeed, there is such a type of people. This is usually short-lived. They are psychologically not tuned for a long life, to specifically take care of its detention. Most people seek not just to live, and it is possible to live longer. And this is normal.
In general, among the actual contradictions of life there is this: sortiestia and longevity antithesis. The dispute of two outstanding writers is very noteworthy - 32-year-old Karel Chapeca and 65-year-old Bernard Shaw. The latter wrote a philosophical drama "Back to Malfusale", glorified long-life. Karel Chapek objected him a comedy "Macro Tool". Bernard Shaw lived to 94 years old. Karel Chapek - just up to 48th. These writers have demonstrated their lives to antithesis shortly and longevity.
The problem of longevity is not reduced to the problem of continuing the genus, nor to the problem of creative immortality. Not accidentally writing on the topic of mortality and immortality, as a rule, ignore this problem and even expose it unilaterally negative light. And it has its own reasons. In the pure form, the desire for longevity, to possibly larger life, turns into an empty desire to add years to life, and not life by the years.
As there are short-term, which is still to live, so there are fans-D Olgistite, who the desire to live may have turned longer into an end in itself. About this extreme in the behavior of people say examples throughout Breeding, "trembling", such as the 100-year-old life described in the world literature, from the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin or the same long life of Timothy Forsight from "Forsyites" D. Golsuorsi.
Antithesis of short-circuit and longevity is most often expressed in this opposition quality and amount of life . Some are ready to sacrifice or sacrifice the number of life in the name of its quality, while others, on the contrary, are ready to sacrifice or sacrifice the quality of life in the name of its quantity. Indeed, sometimes there are situations "or or". In the name of the high quality of life, a person may dry himself on a short, similar lightning, life. Such a person is a hero. He risks or forced to risk in exceptional circumstances. There are integer professions - military, rescuers, testes, etc., in which the amount of life is sacrificed to its quality. On the other hand, the fear of risk, people sacrifice the quality of life in the name of its quantity. Their life, although long, but fresh, boring.
The desire for longevity, if it is not accompanied by the desire for a decent life, meaningless. For longevity for longevity - it's like a passion for the accumulation, to make money for money. No existence for the sake of existence, and active, i.e., rich in feelings, thoughts, actions of longevity - this is the task for a real person!
Truly happy those people who know how to connect the quality and amount of life, for which there is no situation "or-or": add life to years or years to life.

Why do people strive to live as long as possible and why should you live as long as possible?

You need to live as long as possible, firstly, because a person only accumulates experience, knowledge, skills and the more he lives, the richer and more productive his experience, the more extensive and deeper than his knowledge and the better of his skills. Wisdom comes over the years and the more years, the wiser man.
Secondly, you need to live as long as possible in order to solve large Tasks are those who go beyond several years or several dozen years of life that require the exit beyond the usual life life. For a creative person, there is no limit to jester and it, of course, shy the framework of the end life.
Thirdly, you need to live as long as possible in order to alive transfer your experience to younger generations so that the ancestors and descendants (Prapra -... Grandparents and Prapra ... Grandchildren) had the opportunity living communication so that the situation is not changing generations, but multiplication generations.

* * *
The contradiction of mortality and immortality finds, so to speak, its immediate resolution in the struggle for the extension of life, for active longevity. The problem of longevity is a special problem with human and humanity for independent importance. It detects mobility, the convention of the boundaries between the limb and the infinity of the existence. Thanks to her, people realized that the final and endless not frozen, fixed opposites that there are transitions between them, intermediate links. The desire for longevity means the transition (at least small, partial) from limb to Infinity of existence, from mortality to immortality, going beyond purely ultimate existence, movement towards endless existence. This desire is implemented in different forms and at different levels.
At the level of a separate person, the task is solved so to heal life, i.e., so to establish a healthy lifestyle to extend it to the maximum limit of the species expectancy of a person as a representative of the genus "Homo Sapiens". This limit for various estimates of scientists is 120-150 years old. At the level of humanity, the scientific and practical task is solved to push the framework of the species expectancy of a person, change the genetic program of obsecration of individual life towards its maximum possible extension. Already, scientists work on the raysterity of the genetic mechanism that limits the species life expectancy of a person. Of course, they solve this mechanism and find ways to influence it towards a significant increase in the species expectancy.
Why do people do not put up with the lifetime that the nature was removed? Permissible to answer the question to the question: why, in fact, people should put up with this lifespan? Is this finite number of years set by nature for all times? Not. The first living organisms on Earth existed from division before dividing only some hours. For three more than a billion years of the formation of life, this period of life of a separate organism has increased from several hours to several decades from higher animals and a person, i.e., about 200,000 times. It is quite natural to assume that nature did not stop at all over the life of life and go further in the prolongation of life. There is no reason to believe that 100 years of life ordered a person for all times. If a person is the top of the evolution of wildlife on Earth - lives 200,000 times more than the simplest living organisms, then it is possible that position when nature is represented by a person, becoming further, complete and improving, it will be released on new lifespan lifespan - 200,000 times against today's 100 years.

How to correct-strengthen your health?

A wise person prevents diseases, and not treated from them.
Chinese wisdom

By forty years, a person or his own doctor, or a fool.
Natural hygiene motto

No need to prove that human health is an extremely complex, individually varying, a developing category associated with its essence. And at the same time, this is the most that neither norm. Health is the norm, the normal state of the human body. Disease - deviation from the norm, pathology. Death - termination, destruction of the norm.
The average human health at 70-90 percent depends on the lifestyle and only 30-10 percent - from other factors (heredity, medicine, pure chance).
A healthy lifestyle, as a rule, depends on the conscious efforts of a systemic nature. A person should still develop for himself a program of harmonious development and active longevity and follow her all his life. Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod. The same applies to health.

What should be done in order to live long and happily?

We, people, - living beings, part of wildlife. On the other hand, we do not just continue live nature, but created our own, human world and live by own Laws, sometimes vibrant nature, contrary to her. Nature laid a certain development cycle in us - birth, growth, maturity, aging, death. Of course, we cannot yet change this cycle, eliminate two stages from it - aging and death. But in our power to push the offensive of the old germ and the next death behind it. Previously, it was like. The man mostly lived as an animal and old age, took as proper. I thought that an old germ disregard would not cancel that if it was written in the family over the years, to decay, squeeze diseases, gloom, to lose force, etc., so be. You say a different older person: you have extra weight, "and in response: it is necessary, it is age. Yes, indeed, if you live on the animal (as defined by nature), then when moving from maturity to old age, the fusion life inevitably leads to overweight, obesity. Now, however, many people think differently. They reason about this way: we are reasonable creatures, we already know much, we understand and therefore should be directed, to adjust the natural course of life, resist in some cases given by nature. If Nature laid in us a gradual decrease in motor activity after the reproductive period (20-30 years), a gradual increase in appetite over measures (due to lowering sensitivity to food), then we must prevent this: do not weaken the motor activity, maintain it at the optimal level, eat Not in accordance with your appetite, but taking into account the flow of calories. In fact, each of us, from those who live 35 and more years, felt almost a fatal reduction in motor activity and, as a result, a decrease in agility, flexibility, stenling, the appearance of fat deposits, the increase and strengthening of various kinds of diseases. Everyone involuntarily noticed for himself, which began to be lazy to lazy, more strive for peace, to passive rest, to get tired faster, etc., and so on with a decrease in motor activity, people weaken, and weak, faster. Fatigue leads to a desire to rest, i.e., to an even greater reduction in motor activity. A vicious circle arises: a decrease in motor activity - the setting - rest - an even greater decrease in motor activity and so to death.
As it seems to me, every person, if he does not want to swim by the flow of life and be a slave of nature, should develop a full-fledged, active, long life for himself at a certain stage of life. It really should be programbecause the life of a person depends on very many "things". If someone thinks he can provide active longevity with some pill or some kind of diet or even some exercise, it is deeply mistaken. Need complex measures, actions, life conditions. This is not necessarily only special measures and actions to ensure longevity, not necessarily some special living conditions. If life is full, then it will be long and happy at other normal conditions.
I developed for myself such a program of harmonic development and active longevity:

1. Permanent orientation for a full life, active longevity, the vigor of spirit, optimism, cheerfulness and life.
2. Favorite work, creative work.
3. Love, family, children.
4. Spiritual improvement, permanent contact with the spiritual culture of mankind.
5. Physical improvement, regular physical activity, comprehensive body training, mobile life.
6. Rational, full, balanced, environmentally friendly nutrition.
7. Physical and psychological hardening, an increase in body resistance to various disturbing factors.
8. Contact with people, the balance between communication and solitude. Life in accordance with the Golden Rule of Conduct: "Do not do other things that I would not want to make you" and "do something with others as I would like to come with you."
9. Compliance with the balance between labor and recreation, between active and passive recreation, voltage and relaxation.
10. Communication with nature; Stay whenever possible in a favorable environment.

The program takes into account almost all factors and living conditions. Nevertheless, other program options are possible. People are quite different and in their genetics, and in their education, and in terms of living conditions. There can be no template here.
Ten items of the program are a concentrated expression of a huge number of life rules and actions. They are just a scheme of life.

13.8. Limpitude and infinity of existence in perspective of life

There is such a certificate about L.N. Tolstoy to death. "High Count Lev Nikolaevich, - wrote I.N. Yanjul, - Recent years had a weakness willingly talk about death ... I noticed him as if for consolation (in the early 90s G.G., at the meeting at Moscow University - L.B.), why is it so busy this question about death when he for his great works already immorten During his lifetime, and will be such after death. To which he answered me: "Yes, I will not feel anything and conscious." In this testimony, the opinion of a creative person who cannot reconcile with the inevitability of death was recorded. The struggle for active longevity solves only the task of extending life to some limits. Let it be 120, 1000, 200,000 years old, but still man sooner or later turns out to be a situation of deathwhen his body turns into dead body, i.e. in nothing.
Neither "doing" immortality in the sense indicated above nor an active longevity solve the truly problem of mortality and / or immortality.
The question is whether it is possible to eliminate death from the life of a person ? I have already said that death as an evolutionary acquisition of life arose at the stage of sexual reproduction of multicellular organisms. The transformation of the living in the corpse is by no means absolute inevitability for any living.
Life as such does not carry the germ of death. She, undoubtedly, wears the germs of change, transformation, but not death, and even more so no death. Use it is impossible to attribute the absolute value of the obsection. It is impossible to identify mortality having private value and limb having universal-universalvalue. Yes, everything that really exists contains the moment of obsection - such is the dialectic of limbs and infinity. But it does not follow from this that livingjusts itself only through death. The latter is just one of the "ways" of the obsecration of the living. Unicellular organisms divided by billions of years live a deadline (from one division to another). But they do not know death. Death as a complete destruction of a multicellular organism - to primary organic and inorganic molecules - originated at a certain stage of the formation of wildlife. It is possible that a person will eventually find a different way to scatter his life, not as destructive as death. It is possible that, changing its genetic program accordingly, he may end the death.
Further formation of wildlife (already at the stage of human society) can lead to the elimination of death in the sense of turning the living in the corpse, to the replacement of complete destruction conversionone living in another like division of single-cell organisms, in the sense that a separate person, having lived a certain lifetime, as it turns into another person, while maintaining the main content of his "I". The limb of existence remains like the moment of life, but it will not be the nature of death in the sense of complete destruction.
Death (as the transformation of the living in the corpse) was the necessary moment at the stage of development of multicellular organisms and to some extent justified at the stage of development of humanity to a certain time. This is primarily due to the limited life space and resources.
Indeed, at any given moment and living space and resources are limited. But who said that together with the solution of the problem of increasing life expectancy, humanity will not solve the problem of increasing living space and resources?! Of course, if we proceed from the assumption that humanity will live only On Earth, it is not difficult to anticipate the onset of the moment when, as a result of breeding and increasing the life expectancy, people will be closely and resources will be depleted. The fact of the matter is that this assumption is based on the past experience of the evolution of living and does not take into account the possibilities of mastering the human space. Most often, it is just trying to prove the naturalness, the need for death by links to a living nature, in which the death of organisms and the change of generations are due to the struggle for the existence and limitation of earthly resources. But what is true for wildlife cannot be mechanically transferred to human society. People, unlike animals, find all new and new sources of resources and this process is not the end. The time occurs when the death of a person ceases to be justified from an evolutionary point of view, as a limiter to increase the mass of the living. With the creation of a controlled thermonuclear reaction and the development of the outer space, people practically provide themselves with limitless resources and can increase their life expectancy and multiply to any limits.
Humanity is already now to put the task of eliminating death, i.e., the replacement of its some transformed The mechanism that would allow to more gently translate one "I" to another "I" without the first "I" experienced the horror of full decay destruction. The next I "The second" I "should inherit not only the genetic program of the first, but also his mind, self-awareness, personality. This inheritance should be just like our "I" in maturity or in old age inheriting our "me", former in childhood or youth. After all, it is no secret that we different on the different Stages of life path. We, of course, regret that childhood passed, youth passed that we others. But nevertheless, the bitterness of the past years is that we are different, not comparable to the experience of the fact that we will ever wonder that our "I" will disappear.

Yes, the absolute individual immortality is impossible, but perhaps and realizable infinite approximation To the ideal of absolute immortality.
The idea of \u200b\u200bindividual immortality is akin to the idea of \u200b\u200ban eternal engine. In essence, these are twin ideas. They are false in their absolute, limit expression, but are true in the sense of asymptotic approximation to a certain limit. This can be seen on the example of the ideas of the eternal engine. This idea is based on the presentation that energy can be obtained from nothing. If instead of the word "nothing" put the expression "more and more energy-intensive sources", then this presentation will be fair. In fact, the history of the development of energy is such that humanity consistently solved and continues to solve the problems of obtaining energy from more and more energy-intensive sources. At first it was firewood, then coal, then oil and gas. Currently, the nuclear decay energy is mastered. In line - mastering thermonuclear synthesis energy, which will give humanity almost inexhaustible source of energy. People will almost literally get energy from nothing. Is it not the implementation of a fabulous dream of an eternal engine!
So the idea of \u200b\u200bindividual immortality. As a religious fairy tale, she is just, nearby. And as the scientific and practical task of "doing immortality", it is not something that is, but necessary and solved.

13.9. Human happiness

The relationship of the meaning of life and happiness

The relationship between life and happiness is found in that the presence of a certain meaning of life is a condition for happiness, and on the other hand, the desire for happiness gives life a certain meaning. The meaninglessness of the existence is the greatest misfortune for a person and, on the contrary, a person is happiness when his life becomes deeply meaningful.

What is happiness?
  1. The word "happiness" is one, and opinions about happiness - a great set. S. Fourier wrote: "In Rome, during the time of Warre, there were 278 contradictory opinions about true happiness, they were much more in Paris." Why there are such many opinions about happiness? Causes here are two:
  2. 1. On the surface of phenomena, the happiness of a separate person acts as something subjective and accidental, which causes an abundance of contradictory opinions about him.
  3. 2. Happiness even in the essence of its own - something very complex, multifaceted. People often took some one side, the face of happiness and exalted it at the expense of others. From here there were such, for example, definitions: happiness - in love; Happiness - in labor; Happiness is to make people good and so on.
  4. On the grounds that there are many disgraceful opinions about happiness, some are concluded that there can be no single, common to all the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. What can I say to it? Like any other phenomenon of life, the happiness of each person is the unity of common and special. Undoubtedly, every person is happy in its own way, but this does not exclude the general moments inherent in the happiness of people at all.

Generally speaking, happiness - in the completeness of life, in that all her parties - physical, moral, spiritual, aesthetic - were developed and harmonized among themselves. The active expression of happiness is love and creativity.
Below is a diagram of happiness (Fig. 22).

As you can see, happiness is multifaceted. Its necessary conditions, prerequisites are:
spiritual : 1) spiritual wealth (knowledge, culture);
2) spiritual health, perfection, in particular, moral purity;
material : 1) material well-being, welfare;
2) physical health, perfection.
Fasten all these elements-faces love and creation. Without love and creativity, happiness is only the opportunity. They make it valid.

Happiness: and the result of luck and the result of the struggle

Watch yourself as if you are already happy, and you really feel happy.
Dale Carnegie

  1. There are two extreme positions in the understanding of happiness. Some believe that happiness is a whole gift of fate, the result of luck, a random gift. Others argue that the whole happiness depends on a person from his will and desire.
  2. In fact, it is and the result of luck, and the result of the struggle. "Fortune, like a timid beloved, although he loves to give her favor, but makes us fight for her" - Bowvi said . Or: "The happiness and misfortune of a person in the same extent depend on his in the same way, as from fate" - J. Labryuer.
  3. Usually emphasize the moment of dependence of the happiness from the person himself, namely, that the man is a blacksmith of his happiness. On this score there is a lot of wonderful statements - from the most careful to the strongest:
  1. And this is true. Although we understand that we do not depend on us, nevertheless, we configure yourself that we must pass our part of the way to happiness no matter what. We can compensate for our activities and even argue with unfortunate lots.
Happiness is the unity of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
  1. It is impossible to understand happiness as a complete, absolute satisfaction with life. "Our happiness," Labnitz wrote in his time, is not at all and should not be fully satisfied, in which there would be no more desire to ensure that it would only contribute to our mind. Eternal desire for new pleasures and new perfections is happiness. "
  2. Some people, reaching some success in life, believe that they are already happy enough and they do not need to strive for greater. Such people are likened to ants, who, if they were endowed with the mind, thought they were happy if their anthill was in perfect order. The man of topics is different from the animal that it does not stop there.
  3. This human happiness is contradictory by its nature. It harmonically combines satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Being a process, happiness can only be felt due to the constant change of satisfaction with dissatisfaction. If life was a solid chain of pleasure, the absolute lack of displeasures, then the pleasure of pleasure would not be felt like pleasure.
  4. It should, however, note that not all dissatisfaction is the moment of happiness and harmonizes with satisfaction. The moment of happiness can only be creative dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the achieved, which does not cause mental suffering and is not felt as misfortune; In such dissatisfaction, the impulse is laid forward forward. If dissatisfaction is the result of unfulfilled hopes, it causes suffering and is felt as misfortune.

Sometimes they say: misfortune is a good school life. Yes, it may be in some cases. But: Happiness is the best school. And in general, the rights of the Russian saying: the happiness of the mind adds, misfortune - the last takes away.

The basis of happiness - in the unity of personal and general

The basis of happiness is in the unity of personal and common. This follows from the essence of man. It is difficult or impossible to be happy when you see around yourself unhappy.

Is it possible to make people happy, and even more so make them be happy?

In the problem of human happiness there is a party associated with intermediary relationships. It's one thing when a person wants to be happy, strives for happiness, creates conditions for this, etc., etc. Another thing, when a person, without thinking about his personal happiness, seeks to make the happy others, to make others and even humanity. D. Didro wrote: "The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people."
How justified the desire to bring happiness to the greatest number of people? There is another question here: whether people want them to be attencilized? Is there an imposition of his will and their understanding (in particular, his idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness) to other people, all mankind? Is there an impetuous benefactor, defender, Savior? In fact, who asked these "selfless" to do others happy, bring other happiness? If they reject themselves (selfless after all!), In particular, ready to sacrifice their personal happiness, how can they understand, what Need to other people what In general, happiness needs to people?! The man who himself has not experienced happiness is only theoretically represents happiness. And theoretical happiness can be very different from the actual happiness, from what you really need to people.

The desire to make other people happy - dangerous utopia. No one can make anyone happy, even more so bring happiness to many people. Happiness - the category is purely individual. This means that only a person himself can make himself happy. He is a subject of happiness or misfortune. A person can be made rich (for example, leaving him inheritance), give him food, shelter, etc., but it is impossible to make it happy! When parents think that they can make their children happy, they are deeply mistaken. Husbands and wives are mistaken, thinking that they are attense each other. Political and other figures are mistaken, thinking that they can bring happiness to many people.

13.10. Love

"Do not talk about love - everything is said about her" - these words from the old song. Some really think so: you don't need to talk about love, but just love (i.e., do not argue, not theorizing about its occasion). The following lines are not for these people. They are for thirsty to learn about love as much as possible, for those who are used to not only feel, worry love, but also reflect on love so that it becomes better, richer, stronger.

Love-feeling and love-work. Love is not only and not even so much feeling. In the main meaning it is activities - mind, souls and bodies. Love should be treated as a special form of human activity. As a feeling opposite to hate, it manifests itself in all kinds of human activity and communication, but as special activity It is carried out only in the sexual communication of a man and a woman.
Unfortunately, there is still no holistic philosophical or scientific theory of love. As an object of study, it is given to the deposit of doctors, psychologists, ethics specialists. And they consider love every "from their bell tower." Doctors - in the aspect of deviations from normal sexual behavior, sexopathology, psychologists - as an emotionally psychological attitude, ethics specialists - as a moral category. Recently, a new scientific discipline has appeared - sexology. But she considers love mainly from the individual as sex. There is also a lot of statements of writers, cultural figures, philosophers, scientists, religious preachers, who, because of their fragmentation, do not contribute to a holistic understanding of love. The lack of a full-fledged theory of love leads to the fact that one-sided, distorted representations are formed about it. Among these ideas, the most common is the idea of \u200b\u200blove as a sense, desire, anxiety, i.e., as an emotionally psychological attitude to the object of love. About love as a sense of passion wrote, probably almost all the writers of the past. Yes, and modern writers are not far away from them. This representation was so much in the consciousness of philosophers and scientists, that they give him tribute in special books about love, in dictionary, terminological definitions designed to be the standards of scientific understanding of love.
The big confusion from the fact that the same word designate the human feeling opposite to hate, and human activity underlying the relationship of men and women. This confusion, however, is historically expladated: before the concept of people were not sufficiently retreated from each other, they are not enough in their content, vague. So love was called, continue to call everything similar to the strongest feeling that is born in the relationship of men and women. This is to some extent justified. After all, at the heart of love-feeling and love-activity lies the same aspiration - to harmony, unity, beauty (beautiful). Love is a specific (emotional and / or activity) expression harmonic Contradiction. (In fact, in love, a man and woman act as harmonious opposites: only thanks to their opposite sexual qualities, they love each other. Their love relationships, spiritual and physical, are very complex. If they end, it is not victory or defeat one of the parties, And the general business of their love - the birth and raising children. Can say, but what about homosexual relationships? The answer is. First, homosexual relations are not so frequent; they are an exception to the rule that only confirms the rule. Secondly, and In homosexual relations, it is formed in one way or another peculiar, quasi-opposites, called "asset" and "passive".)
Love-Activity is not just an emotional experience of the desire for harmony, unity, beauty, and itself doing reproduction Harmony, unity, beauty. These are the relationship of men and women.
The delimitation of love-feeling and love-work, it should also be noted that the latter is not always associated with the high slope of feelings, love experiences, i.e., with the fact that usually poets and romance writers are only called love. Love-activity is not there is something exceptional, which occurred only occasionally. The range of forms of love-activity is very wide: from the immediate sexual impulse and contact to the highest forms of love in which sexual attraction and communication are "dressed" in the most elegant, aesthetic, spiritually meaningful "clothes" of feelings and behavior of loving.
According to romantically tuned people, not any sexual communication is love. I argue that if sexual communication takes place between normal people, then it deserves it to be called love - so in the simple people of sexual communication and call "Love Commune", "Love Life"; Still say: "make love", i.e. to enter into sexual communication. Of course, there is love and love. There is love primitive, flawed, incomplete and there is a high love, full, real. In general, love is like that man. And if we are every person, no matter how it is, calling a man, then and his sexual relationship, whatever they are, we must call love.
Love sex. The problem of love and sexual relationship has recently acquired a pointed form: as a problem of love and sex. Love and sex sometimes shared and even oppose. Of course, if in love to understand only the feeling, then, of course, love and sex are different things. If love is understood as an activity (in the aspect of sexual communication of men and women), it becomes obvious that such love needs to imply sex. After all, what is sex, no matter how behavior associated with the satisfaction of the sexual need. But is sexual love possible without sexual attraction and actions aimed at satisfaction? Of course not.
(Note. Sexual need is a very complex category. For its basis, it is organic like a need for food. It is in this capacity that it causes pollutions in people who refrain from sexual life. And it is precisely this that its quality makes many people in the absence of a sexual partner to engage in [consciously or unconsciously] masturbation, i.e. by self-satisfaction. A person has sexual need besides this organic foundation has many other components. It is spiritually understandless, emotionally saturated, aestheticized, built into the culture of communication, physical culture, etc. Accordingly, the satisfaction of the sexual need is a very complex process, far from simple organic, with a particular degree of sophistication.)
Some argue that sex is possible without love that the satisfaction of sexual need is not always possible to be called love. Yes, indeed, it happens that the sexual contact does not call their relationship with love and even shame to call them love. But from this love does not cease to be love. Millions of people love and at the same time never consume the word "love". (This is about the same as everyone says prose, but only a few know about it.) If sexual behavior comes from a person and is directed to a person (on the opposite sex), then it is always not just sex, not just physical actions, manipulation, And love, humorous, in one degree or another spiritualized, painted with human feelings of sexuality. Purely animal man cannot love, no matter how he wanted it; He cannot deny his human nature from himself. Every sex is human and therefore deserves the names of human love.
The wrongs of those who understand the pure physics of sexual relations. The person is intended in his life manifestations and always comes not only as an animal, a biological creature, but also as a spiritual, moral, social. Yes, sex is physics, but not like something self-sufficient, but as part of love, human love relations men and women, like physical side their love. There are, of course, cases where love and sex are considering in the aspect of the famous opposition to the love of the present, full, spiritually rich and love of flawed, spiritually poor, approaching purely animal relations. The world of love is also great and diverse, like the world of man, and there are as many types of love, how many people.
Sex has its own poetry, its aesthetics and even their spirituality! The sex itself is not to blame for the fact that it is rude, primitive, Neesthetic, Legged. Its quality depends on people. Rough, primitive nature and sex make such. On the contrary, smart, spiritually developed people who value the physics of relations, and sex make intellectually saturated, emotionally rich, sophisticated, real holiday-feast of life.
Value of love for life. There are two extremes in the assessment of love as a lifestyle.
There are people who disseminately relate to her or consider it optional for life.. They can only regret them. They deprive themselves a significant part of life. Most of these people fall in love with anyway, are fond of sex. But still, they will not value love and succumb to her charm as reluctant, satisfy their love desires in the simplest, primitive version. Meanwhile, love is the most powerful lifestyle engine, thanks to which the other parties and she herself, as a whole, make sense-importance, enriched, are cleared with thousands of colors. Under the rays of love, everything appears in the best light, life itself not only makes sense, but also becomes a constant source of joy-enjoyment. A loving person is predisposed to good, to harmonious relations with other people, in general, with the whole world. A loving person is definitely like nature, animals, plants. A loving man loves himself, his body and soul, his love, wants to match her, her charming harmony, wants to be better, learn, cultivate, create, create, hold, be worthy of the subject of love (beloved or beloved).
Love has the greatest value due to the fact that it is one of the strongest sources of positive emotions, pleasure and joy. And the value of positive emotions is difficult to overestimate. They encourage, mobilize and, on the other hand, soften the action of different stressors. If there are few positive emotions, then life is gradually turning first into stagnation, empty existence, and then to the most real blood pressure.
Without love, without love merits, a person is deprived of a significant part of positive emotions. He can be because of this by Misanthrop, a psychopath, quickly fading, graze, grow old ...
If love serves as evil, it is for her promising circumstance. Love itself is neither a vamp nor a murderer ... it can not be displayed, nor to represent a sweet poison. In most cases, love normally, i.e., what kind of she must be or occurs In men and women.
Love inside itself is a whole world, delicious and beautiful!
Another extreme in the assessment of love: its absolutization. This absolutization can be different. For young love can be equal to life and they sometimes put a question with an edge: if there is no love, then you should not live (there is no love without love). How much because of this dram and tragedies! How many cripped lives, suicides! Fiction is filled with similar plots. Recall at least the tragedy of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". Love is worth living for her, but she is not worth dying because of her.
Another absolutization of love: When a person donates the sake of love with life, but by other sides, for example, a favorite thing, creativity ... Immersion in love sometimes overshadows everything else. A person becomes a slave of love, turns into a sexy car, in a rag, she crashes his life on love adventures or becomes a scoundrel, a moral freak, a criminal, a killer.
A kind of absolutization of love is also a preaching of universal love when it is put in the center of individual and public life. Above, I criticized such an absolutization of love in the work of Tolstoy.
So, who pays too much attention to love, he usually becomes her victim. Immersion in love is also dangerous as the flight from love. In general, it is very important, on the one hand, aware of the vital importance of love, and on the other, not to overestimate its meaning.
Self-based love. It should be borne in mind that love is relatively independent from both loving and beloved, i.e. from the subject and the object of love. Its relative independence from loving manifests itself in the fact that it can catch him surprise or arise even in spite of his will and mind. Its independence from the object of love is manifested in the fact that a specific object may not be the best option and, moreover, as in the saying "Love evil, love and goat", an object can be simply insignificant or dangerous for loving. So that love does not find a man by surprise and did not dictate him his conditions, he must prepare for her, gain experience, learn to recognize the possible love fever and those favorite, from which he needs to stay away.
Love: norm, deviation, pathology. Love as a genus activity is normal and at the same time admits various deviations from the norm up to pathology. There is a certain difficulty in assessing what is normal in love, and what is abnormal.
Apparently, normal love is sexual love (between a man and a woman), which supports harmonizes, improves real life and reproduces a new one. In short: normal love is mutual, divided love between a man and a woman.
It should not be thought that normal love is the same for everyone that it is a sample of perfect love that real love must match.
Normal love is single and diverse, typical and individual, serial and unique. It is normal as a healthy man normally. If health is for us - continuous value, then normal love is the same value.
The norm in love is a measure, middle between extremes, unity and dynamic equilibrium of opposites. So - in general. Specifically, the norm fluctuates in one direction or another. She is essentially statistical. Since there is no perfect middle, ideal equilibrium, there is no ideal love. Real love is always a bit different from what we present as perfect. And she is different from different people.
Normal is not only gender equality, but also some dominance of one of the parties. Normally not only the equilibrium of the spiritual and physical, but also a certain predominance of one or another. One may be more pronounced aesthetic (distant) beginning of love, others have a sensually tactile (contact).
Normally distinguish between calm and passionate love. It is quite acceptable - tolerantly distinction of love with an egocentric bias (when a person loves more than another) and love with an altruistic bias (when a person loves another more than himself). Etc.
Nonormal love - It's any other love.
It is not unrequited, unrequited love, because in her thirst for harmony and happiness is not realized. Abnormal love alone. This is what is called self-satisfaction. The latter can occur in two forms: in the form of spontaneous satisfaction of sexual desire, pollutions, or in the form of masturbation, conscious action for self-satisfaction.
Undormally rape. Abnormal one-sex love (homosexuality). It is not normalized to satisfy sexual desire with animals, dead, etc. Nonormalny virtual love (on the Internet).
Let me remind you, the essence of sex love is that it is harmonic contradiction and how such is based on opposites floors. Without this opposite, there is no real, normal love. Self-satisfaction, same-sex "Love" (homosexuality), rape, satisfying sexual desire with animals, virtual love, etc. - only shadows, pale copies, surrogates of love. They are abnormal precisely because they are deformation of love as a harmonic contradiction. For example, no matter how much nor praise homosexuals of their "love", it will always remain delanyl, artificial, based only on some similarity of the sex opposite. As a result, she will always be a "love" of sexual minorities, i.e. the exception to the rule. Exaggerated attention to this love in modern society is a temporary phenomenon, the peculiar costs of the sexual revolution.
Or virtual love (on the Internet). It can be good if it is a prelude or addition to live love. And she is definitely abnormal if it replaces the last one.
Purely spiritual love for the opposite sex (unrequited or virtual) is definitely better than loyal condition (emptiness of feelings). Moreover, it can be useful in the overall context of life as a kind of love training and as an incentive to work, to self-improvement. Nevertheless, a person should be aware of the lack of such love, do not bike on it, strive for a full-fledged love relationship.
The same can be said about self-satisfaction. It is better than nothing, but worse than normal sexual relations.
Abnormal love is not necessarily pathology. It becomes such only under certain conditions, namely: either as a result of a mental illness, or as a result of criminal actions.
Love and marriage. Play love is the basis of marriage. Nevertheless, it is impossible to categorically say that marriage for love in all cases is better than marriage for the calculation. Love is a necessary condition for marriage, but not the only one. For marriage, other conditions are needed: housing, financial, unified approach to children, human understanding ... Therefore, there should be no oppression of marriage for love and marriage for the calculation. It should be in love, and by calculation!
There are cases when a woman's girl is married not by love, forced (by calculation or forced). Here are two scenarios for the development of events:
1) the best - when spouses can gradually come to mutual love, and
2) The worst - when the marriage turns into torture. In this case, you should not experience fate, but you need to dispay without delay.
It should be borne in mind that modern marriage is fundamentally different from the one hundred years ago. This is especially true of married life in big cities.
First, the so-called trial marriage (When young for quite a long time live like a husband and wife without marriage).
Secondly, the so-called widespread civil marriage (When a man and woman live together as cohabitants, again without legal design of the marriage relationship).
Thirdly, the nature of matrimonial (internal) relationship changes. The semi-lifted form of marriage "with a trailer" (marriage + extramarit love relationship) comes to replace the strict unimony (with separate, more or less random vessels). More and more wife for her husband ceases to be the only woman, that is, it turns into a discharge of the main, but not the only woman. Gradually, the husband for his wife ceases to be the only man, and acquires the status of the main (but not the only one) man. In the strict sense of monogamy (unitouch) sunk in the fly.
Fourth, rather a rule of marriages in the course of life (marriage marriage becomes the rule. In other words, if we consider marriage in time, then he actually became a polygamy.
All these changes in the Institute of Marriage, it seems to me, are not the result of the fall of the morals. There is a deep process of liberalization of the rules of life, the sphere of human freedom is expanding, including the sphere of freedom of love, sexual relations. Institute of Marriage only adapts to this change in love relationships.

13.11. Human meaning of creativity

  1. As already mentioned, the meaning of the human life is in love and work. In love a person reproduces himself as living being. In creativity, he reproduces himself as cultural animal. As such, he not only consumes culture, but also creates, it creates it. Production of culture, creating spiritual or material goods and is what is commonly called creativity. Scientists produce knowledge, artists create works of art, a new aesthetic reality, inventors create new items that increase the amount of material and spiritual benefits in society. In all three cases, people feel not only consuming, but also creative. It is not by chance in many religions the idea of \u200b\u200bGod-Creator is the main. Word creator It has the greatest value for a person. Creativity as a whole ensures the progress of life, makes a person more free, independent. The human desire for immortality, eternity, infinity is implemented in creativity. That is why love and creativity constitute the essence of man.
What profession to choose?

When studying and thinking, you need to think about what:
1. What is me, what is life, why do I live, what is the meaning of life? Why do you need to choose? Do I need to put a goal of life?
2. What does the choice of profession depends on? Facts of choice: Subjective and objective factors, the experience of previous life.
Subjective factors: features of psyche, bodily organization, character, thinking. A person must know what he is, what is different from other people and what is similar to them, what is his similarity and a distinction with people of different professions.
Objective factors: Life at this time, in this place, in this family, country. A person must have as much information as possible about different professions and trends in the development of society.
Life experience: children's impressions, hobbies and classes, such as the impressions of the work of a doctor or music, life in the family of musicians, creative dynasties (as in the circus).

3. How to try a profession, at least a little "in the skin" of a professional?

The emptiness of life, the lack of vitality, a frank boredom is that sometimes leads to crimes, drugs. A young man can be just in confusion: how to take himself, what to do, why he is on this earth. Mental confusion is a favorable soil for all sorts of behaviors, for abnormal deeds.

In this situation, it is very important to understand: in yourself, in life, that, it is from what, from what, from what moments it develops, in which the meaning of life is, it is necessary to set a goal of life, etc., etc.

What is life?

Life is a way of the existence of living (organisms, animals, humans), expressed by at least the exchange of substance-energy with the environment and reproduction (reproduced by itself similar). In living organisms and creatures, life is a biological form of activity, a person is a biosocial form.

For a person, life - activities in general, integral activity, livelihoods in the deepest sense of the word. Against the background of life, a person exercises special or specialized forms of activity, such as communication, knowledge, practical activities, work, rest, etc. These forms of activity exist and develop only in the overall context of life, the vital activity of the subject.

There are three levels of human life or three human life:

1. Plant life is meal, selection, growth, reproduction, fixture.

2. Animal life is a collection, hunting, protection, sexual and other communication, care and education of children, indicative activities, gaming activities.

3. Cultural life or life in culture is knowledge, management, invention, craft, sport, art (art), philosophy.

Such division of life was already in Aristotle (see "About the Soul", 413a 21 and Further, 414A30-415A10 and more).

These three lives are relatively independent, it is equally important for a person, interact, mutually influence and mediate each other. As a result, we have one very diverse, rich, contradictory, human a life.

The presence of a third standard of living in humans makes his life fundamentally different from the life of a plant or an animal and this difference increases with each step towards the progress of culture.

Based on the above, it is possible to give such a definition: the human life is his life as a living being and life in culture.

On the meaning of life

Fill the meaning every moment,

Hours and days inexorable running

R. Kickling. Commandment

The question of the meaning of life is first of all the question of whether the life is human meaningful, that is, whether it is illuminated by the light of mind, thinking or deprived of meaning is meaningless, it is not controlled by the mind of man.

The question of the meaning of life is also the question of its value, significance for the person himself. Does life make sense, is it worth living?

In this question, there is still such a shade: we talk about the sense of life when life is comprehended generally when they find out questions " what is life?", "for what, why does a person live", "for what, why I live", "what am I doing in this world?"When our life is comprehended in the context of the life of all people, in general life on earth, in general, the life of the world.

We must clearly distinguish the concepts of "meaning of life" and "purpose of life." When the purpose of becoming the purpose of becoming, for example, a doctor, a scientist, an engineer, then there is no answer to the disturbing question about the meaning of life (in any case, the answer is only intuitively, in a purely emotional vein). A man in his reflections goes on: why do you need to become a doctor, an engineer, scientist? Thus, if the goal indicates what a person is striving for, then the meaning of life speaks about what he does it in the name.

Some people, including some philosophers, believe that the meaning of life is to look for this meaning. Russian philosopher N. A. Berdyaev wrote, for example: "Let I don't know the meaning of life, but the selection of the meaning already gives the meaning of life, and I will devote my life to this selection of meaning" ("Self-knowledge", III Chapter). Such a look at the meaning of life in the form of no more than the game of words, the maddy ...

It seems to me that to look for all the time, all life the meaning of life is some kind of infantilism. An adult, a mature man, somehow, finds the meaning of life and implements it, lives in meaningful life. A person who is looking for a meaning of life, only trying to find him, is not yet determined who has not formed a person who has not yet taken place as decisive challenges. The meaning of life is similar to the target. Before reaching the goal, move from goal to the result, a person must determine for itself a goal, put it. But goal-setting is only the first stage. A person makes actions not to deliver, identify the goal, but in order to achieve it. So the meaning of life. The search for the meaning of life is the first part of the problem. The second part is the realization of the meaning of life, sense-valued, meaningful life.

Further, it is very important, on the one hand, to seek and find the meaning of life, and, on the other, not to overestimate the meaning of this question, do not focus in search of the meaning of life. Life partly makes sense, and partly does not have.

Life makes sense to the extent that it is meaningful is reasonably organized, human significantly.

Life does not make sense, i.e. the question of its sense is inappropriate to the extent that it is automatic and vegetable, in which it is controlled by instincts, is regulated by organic needs. French "Selyavi" ("such life") How it is impossible to give it automatism, vegetation. The presence of this second side of life allows a person to strain too much in search of the meaning of life, do not rush with life-wide answers and decisions, i.e., to some extent to relax, surrender to the flow of life, to swim by it.

What exactly is the meaning of life? It is clear that everyone answers this question in its own way. On the other hand, there are general moments in it. It is love and creativity. In the overwhelming majority of cases, people comprehend-evaluate their lives in line with these two categories. Love supports, multiplies life, makes it harmonious, harmonizes. Creativity provides life progress.

The purpose of life

Blessed who chose the goal and the way

And sees the essence in this life.


Man most lives at a time when he is looking for something

FM Dostoevsky

Life is a constant selection process. At each moment, a person has a choice: or retreat, or progress towards the target. Either movement to even greater fear, fear, protection, or the choice of the goal and the growth of spiritual forces. Choose development instead of fear times ten per day - it means to progress ten times to self-realization.

A. Masloou

The goal "asks" the integrity of activity. If this is the purpose of life, then it determines the integrity of life. A person who does not have the goal of life and life is not realized as an organic whole in biosocial, i.e. the human sense. "Life without a goal is a man without a head" - says folk wisdom.

In his youth, I defined the vital installation that expressed in the following words:

People often spray their lives in the mass of small pleasures, joys, without thinking about the meaning of life in general, about the main goal of life. They are guided by the rules: "Live, while living", "take from the present everything you can, and do not look into the future", etc. Although in the mass of his little joys make life pleasant, irresistible, nevertheless they cannot - Indeed to satisfy a person. For a person is not only the sum of states, experiences. Man is the integrity, the unity of all its states. It cannot be satisfied with small momentary pleasures. He needs joy that would be a comprehensive. She is not a simple sum of small joys. This big joy is born in a stubborn struggle passing throughout life.

Put the main goal of life, strive for this purpose with all the forces of the soul and, finally, to reach it - that's the highest joy of life!

Not every person puts the purpose of life, but if he puts it, then this man believes her as targeted Activity.

In general, there is a whole in real life tree goals. The purpose of life is the main or common goal of life. In addition to her, there are either subordinates, intermediate or side goals. Subordinates and interim targets are the goals, the implementation of which opens the way to the main goal of life, brings to it. Side or parallel targets are goals that form the whole "kitchen" of life, determine the full harmonious human development. In their amount, they are no less important than the main goal of life (for example, the goal to strengthen the health with the means of physical culture, build a house, various hobbies, hobbies). In some situations, a conflict arises between the main goal of life and side goals. This conflict may end either the victory of the main goal of life or the victory of side goals.

The main goal of life is a goal, the implementation of which justifies the life of a person as a whole, as a person, the subject standing somewhere along with a society that is aware of their goals as a human goal in general or the goal of this or that community of people. In the main goal of life in the logic of things, a person's desires as an individual and the goals of society are merged.

The problem of determining the goal of life is akin to the problem of choosing a profession. In the formation of the goal of life "participate" and randomness, and necessity, and external circumstances, incentives, and internal motives, motives.

Usually, the objective of life understand the purpose that a person puts in the course of professional, creative activity, which orients him in the direction of creating a new, unprecedented, new material or spiritual goods, values.

In fact, if we proceed from the fact that the meaning of life consists not only in creativity, but also in love, a person must set him at least two goals of life. One goal concerns the realization of love, life-giving. It is continued, that is, each person independently of anything should put the goal of creating a family, the house of love, to give birth to children and grow them. Without this there will be no continuation of the kind, the continuation of human life. Another goal of life concerns professional, creative human activity.

Yes, and in creative activity, it happens that a person does not stop at the choice of some kind of purpose of life. Bright example: two lives of A. P. Borodin as a composer and a chemical scientist.

If the goal is set, then it becomes the law of activity, a categorical imperative, the need for which a person subjugates his will.

Thus, we see two sides of conscious vital activity: goaling (search for goal, choice of purpose) and focality (dedication, movement to the goal, or rather, from the goal to the result). Both sides are important for a person equally.

Understanding the importance of the goal and related to her goals and purposefulness, it should not, however, absolute it. Life in a sense is the unity of purpose and aimability, i.e. the unity of organizedness and inorganization, labor and recreation, voltage and relaxation. The aimless is implemented primarily in the fact that along with the main goal of life there are many side goals. The search and implementation of a side goal (and at the same time distraction from the main goal) can be interpreted as aimlessness. They say that it is impossible to work all the time, think about one thing that you need to distract, have fun, relax, remove the tension, switch to another genus activity. It is not by chance that modern person pays more attention to side classes, a hobby, intuitively conscious that the stress of labor, the main goal, the main affair of life can simply destroy it.

It should also be borne in mind that human life does not always take place at the level of goaling and implementing goals. A person can make expedient actions, bypassing the step of goaling, purely instinctively, valuable. For example, the need for rest, sleep can "realize" in the form of a goal (searching for overnight stay, etc.) or directly - a person fell asleep for himself in the subway. Or such an example: when a person accidentally relates to a hand of a hot object, he pulls out her - here is a suitable action, but there is no goal-setting and conscious desire for the goal.

When is the need for goaling? It is probably when there is some obstacle between the need and its satisfaction (not very large, but not very small) or to meet the need you need to make complex approximate actions.

Life is a way of existence of a living, expressed at least in metabolism-energy with the environment and reproduction.

In living organisms and creatures, life is a biological form of activity, a person is a biosocial form.

For a person, life - activities in general, integral activity, livelihoods in the deepest sense of the word. Against the background of life, a person exercises special or specialized forms of activity, such as communication, knowledge, practical activities, work, rest, etc.

There are three levels of human life or three human life:

1. Plant life is meal, selection, growth, reproduction, fixture.

2. Animal life is a collection, hunting, protection, sexual and other communication, care and education of children, indicative activities, gaming activities.

3. Cultural life or life in culture is knowledge, management, invention, craft, sport, art (art), philosophy.

Human life is his life as a living being and life in culture.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish the concepts of "meaning of life" and "purpose of life." When a person is faced with a goal of becoming, for example, a doctor, scientist, an engineer, then there is still no answer to the disturbing question about the meaning of life. Thus, if the goal indicates what a person is striving for, then the meaning of life speaks about what he does it in the name.

The search for the meaning of life is the first part of the problem. The second part is the realization of the meaning of life, sense-valued, meaningful life.

What exactly is the meaning of life? It is clear that everyone answers this question in its own way. On the other hand, there are general moments in it. It is love and creativity. In the overwhelming majority of cases, people comprehend-evaluate their lives in line with these two categories. The meaning of life is in love and work. Love supports, multiplies life, makes it harmonious, harmonizes. Creativity provides life progress.

The purpose of life
The goal "asks" the integrity of activities. If this is the purpose of life, then it determines the integrity of life. A person who does not have the goal of life and life is not implemented as an organic whole in the human sense. "Life without a goal is a man without a head" - says folk wisdom.

Not every person puts the purpose of life, but if he puts it, then this man believes her as targeted Activity.

In general, there is a whole in real life tree goals. The purpose of life is the main or common goal of life. In addition to her, there are either subordinates, intermediate or side goals. Subordinates and interim targets are the goals, the implementation of which opens the way to the main goal of life, brings to it. Side or parallel targets are goals that form the whole "kitchen" of life, determine the full harmonic human development. In some situations, a conflict arises between the main goal of life and side goals. This conflict may end either the victory of the main goal of life or the victory of side goals.

The main goal of life is a goal, the implementation of which justifies the life of a person as a whole, as a person, the subject standing somewhere along with a society that is aware of their goals as a human goal in general or the goal of this or that community of people. In the main goal of life in the logic of things, a person's desires as an individual and the goals of society are merged.

When is the need for goaling? It is probably when there is some obstacle between the need and its satisfaction or satisfy the need to make complex approximate actions.

Which people ask themselves and others. Someone is trying to ignore them, and someone is very acutely experiencing a lack of response to them. There are people who do not see meaning in lifewho, without receiving an answer, leave voluntarily from life ... All this is very bitter and scary ...

If there is a survey of the population today, asking them questions: Why are you here? What is the meaning and purpose of your life? You can get a lot of foggy answers that people try to calm themselves and create an illusion that the answers to these questions are obvious, so it's stupid to even ask!

We will hear that a person lives in order to plant a tree, build a house and grow a son ... Someone will say that we live like in a sandbox: we want to build that we want, then break, then we build again. And there is no point in that, we just live and all. Just as children simply play in the sandbox. They play for anything, their goal is just playing. So the goal, and the meaning of the life of people - just live ... (although even the games of children have a goal and meaning, but with life, it seems, everything is different ...)

To be honest, these are simply excuses that do not make any sense in itself.

Just think about it! A person lives in order to plant a tree and build a house - a very worthy goal of life! It seems that gardeners and builders are the happiest people in the world! Listen, a person lives so much time, transfers so many diseases, it works hard to feed myself and my family ... And all this is just to build a house and plant a tree?! A tree in which maybe then zipper will fall or will break the wind, or in the house someone else will live, the one who has not built it ...

Someone will say: Well, to give birth to children - this is a worthy goal! Sorry, but what about people who can not give birth? They seem to be not worth living at all ... And give birth to children for what? So that they also lived, like you: Help, worked, worried, fell into depression, unwolked problems, worried a catastrophe, got into the accident, were horrified from terrorist attacks and slowly died from a terrible ecology ??? Is this a worthy goal for you and your children? Why do you live?

If you take a second option - then it is even worse! In fact, life for life is an absolute nonsense! This means that you are worried about all the above just like that! Not even for the sake of a tree, son and at home, but just in good! You work and achieve everything to take advantage of this after you. You will not take anything from your achievements with your death feature. It makes no sense in your efforts, it makes no sense in achievements, there is no point in victory, because insects and invertebrates will admire them at a depth of 2 meters underground! Do you strive for this purpose?

Someone will say: so what? Well, you now ridiculed the miserable illusions of the people in which they see the meaning of their lives, but how do you answer the question: what is the meaning and purpose of man's life? Do you have an answer?

Answer is Not for me. The answer is God who created you and me, who gives us breath and life every moment. God gave an answer to this question long ago, only this answer does not like people, and they do not want to hear it. And do not just do not want, but in every possible way to hear every opportunity! It is worth saying only one word "God", and people immediately end the time, they remember that they are very hurrying somewhere, and now they have no second to listen to what will be connected with this word "God " They seem like a terrible allergy to this word! Is it stupid? You searched the whole world, looking for an answer to your question, and when you want to bring it on a saucer, are you running away!?

The Bible says: " Everybody did the Lord for myself; And even the wicked [preserves] on the day of disaster" (PRIV.16: 4)

Answer: God created you and me for yourself! We are here because you need himbecause He created us for himself.

Here you will probably be outraged: what kind of nonsense! What, toy? How come? God created me for myself?! I am a free person that I want, I do it!

Listen, in this problem. People do not want to hear this answer, because they are-rusty! They are even more acceptable to the idea that they were delivered to the land of aliens, like manure to the garden ... But when it comes to God, they immediately "stand up on the piles" ...

Listen, I have not yet said the truth! If you do not want to belong to God, God does not force you! He gave people a free will, and if you refuse to conversations about God - this is your right. And God himself respects your right. Only here is one "but" ...

God warns: if you choose your way without him, you will be waiting for meaninglessness and eternal death.

Suppose that a person invented a robot capable of thinking and make independent decisions. The man created him for himself so that this robot performs a certain role and action. But once the robot suddenly decided that it was humilibious to be a man's assistant and said: I don't want to do anything else, I believe that my purpose is to grow on a garden like potatoes ...

Well, grow on health, just know that you are not intended for this. Waiting for your destruction!

God miraculously created a man, only a person is not a robot, but a person, and he himself can make decisions. God made it so that a person can love, because if there is no choice, there is no love. That is why God really appreciates when a person voluntarily chooses him.

Those who agree to belong to him and do what he asks, God has prepared the greatest privileges. He promised that such people would become his relatives - children who will divide his glory with him, greatness and power.

About those who reject his power and refuse to submit to him, God very regrets. He takes many attempts to give such people a chance to draw and make the right choice. If a person in perseverance and pride of him continues to go away from him, God does not stop him, but says: Know, any choice has consequences. The choice of life without God is the path to nowhere and the path to eternal death. Think, maybe you should turn? Maybe the fact that you read now, is specially written for you, because you are not sensible to God?

So why are we here? What is the meaning and purpose of man's life? Answer : We are here in order to make the most important choice that determines our eternity to be with God and live forever, or live without God and die forever. I did my choice, and what do you choose?

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15 koment. To the article "The meaning and purpose of human life"
  1. Julia writes:

    You have a good article. I am a novice blogger and on my site is also written a similar problem. Read, please, it is important for me to know your opinion\u003d7651

  2. Rinat writes:

    Man governor god on earth.

    A person carries moral responsibility for the use of proper resources that the Lord provided and subjugate to him.

    "Here is your Lord angels:" I will install on the land of the governor. " They said: "Did you settle there those who will spread the wickedness and shed blood, while we glorify you with praise and sanctify you?" He said: "Truly, I know what you do not know" (Quran 2:30).

    So, a person through his father Adam was sent to Earth as a Caliph - the Word denoting the successor, the governor, a trustee, manager, defender. Thus, a person became responsible for the land, her wealth.

    "Allah - the one who created heaven and the earth sent water from the sky and tried it the fruits for your food, submitted to you ships, which flooded the seas in his will, submitted to you the rivers, submitted to you the sun and the moon, incessantly moving in their orbits , I subordinate to you night and day "(Quran 14: 32-33).

    "Don't you see that Allah subordinated to you what is in heaven and what on earth and gave you enough with their obvious and invisible benefits? But among people there is such that argues about Allah, having no knowledge or faithful leadership, nor the illuminating Scripture "(Koran 31:20).

    So, the Earth was created with a certain intent, for a specific purpose: in every possible way to contribute and support a person in achieving the goal, for which he came to the light: to worship and serve the Creator.

    "I created jinn and people just to worship me" (Quran 51:56).

    Although the creation of heaven and land, undoubtedly, the majestic to the creation of humanity (see Quran 40:57), the burden is entrusted with the burden, which are not obliged to carry the Earth and the sky. In fact, the Lord offered, but the sky and the Earth refused to be so huge responsibility, perfectly realizing how difficult this mission would be. Adam, on behalf of all people, expressed his consent. Alas, in contrast to the plaque of Adam, many of his descendants turned out to be incorrect, inept and unwilling to remain devotees to their duties.

    "We offered heaven, land and the mountains to take responsibility, but they refused to carry it and frightened it, and the man took her to carry it. Truly, he is unfair and ignorant "(Quran 33:72)

    Deadly fulfilling his duties - worshiping and serving God as his innate feeling calls - a person deserves the content of God and his reward. Otherwise, he needs God forgiveness. Thus, the person leans towards healing only because it allows themselves to be distinguished from its nature, deviates from the direct path, deceived by false speeches of the enemy of the Lord and people - Satan.

    "(Satan) said:" Look at someone you preferred before me. If you give me a delay until the last day, then I will obey his offspring, with the exception of a few "(Koran 17:62).

    "Allah cursed him, and he said:" I will certainly pick up the appointed part of your slaves. I will certainly be misleading them, I am excited in them hopes, I will order them to trim the ears from the cattle and order them to distort the creation of Allah. " Who did Satan with his patron and assistant instead of Allah, he has already suffered an obvious loss. He gives them promises and excites hopes in them. But Satan does not promise them nothing but seduction "(Koran 4: 118-120).

    So, the world around us - all creations are alive and inanimate - invariably serves and worships God and dwells in harmony. I realized this and realizing our place in the world, a person can return his pristine challenged essence, worshiping and submitting to the Almighty Lord. Among other decent praise of actions should not be forgotten and liable for our world, in which, conventionally speaking, there are two types of resources: animals and their habitats.

    "Allah is the one who subdued you to the sea so that the ships sailed on him by his will and so that you were looking for His mercy. Perhaps you will be grateful. He subordinated to you what is in heaven, and what on earth. Truly, in this - signs for people thinking "(Koran 45: 12-13)

  3. admin writes:

    I'm not talking about "but" who are invented by people in order to justify their godless life. I am talking about the sense based on the fastening of God. Anyone can read it and do since God asks and see what will happen. Those who do not want to do this will always find 1000 "but" to justify their reluctance.

  4. Mr.Rainbow writes:

    Perhaps possible. But! There is one "but". We cannot argue that God exists. Consequently, this certainly causes doubts. What if not? A person always finds opposition. Science says that God is not, but manuscripts that yes. Again one "But". If you read a textbook on history, you know that religion is created to coherely people, for their merger. From here, again, the contradiction should be: suddenly God and the truth is not? Faith in God for each is associated in different ways. For me personally, this is like moral support, some faith in the "miracle". Maybe there are such people who believe, truly believe in God, I have no right to deny it. So that everyone chooses its own. Personally, I think (all this applies only to the faith of Orthodox) that since childhood, children are "accustomed" to God, it means even if at the present time a huge number of atheists, these children, "raised" atheists, have a certain part that believes in the depths of God. (And of course it is a sougobo opinion)