Student man who knew how to do. Primitive people

Will Charles Darwin renounced at the end of life from their theory of human evolution? Did the ancient people of dinosaurs caught? Is it true that Russia is a cradle of mankind, and who is this Yeti - is there alone from our ancestors lost in the centuries? Although Paleoanthropology - the science of man's evolution - is experiencing a stormy flourishing, the origin of man is still surrounded by a multitude of myths. These are anti-evolutionist theories, and legends generated by the mass culture, and the accumulating representations that are among the people of educated and well-read. Want to know how everything was "actually"? Alexander Sokolov, chief editor of the portal, gathered a whole collection of similar myths and checked how important they are.

The dimensions of the brain and teeth are all, according to Morris, which distinguishes erectors from us.

Is it possible to agree with this statement? Yes, Homo Erectus. really a person talking about and generic name Homo.. But how was it "commonly" according to modern standards? Descriptions in popular books Scumbers: Low forehead, Large Nadbrovye, the chin is not ... If you want to get rid of these features: a healthy Vombrovye in Australia's aborigines, people with a low forehead can even be seen on the streets of Moscow, and "the chin is not one of the Indonesian tribe." Voila is an ordinary person, a common nowhere. Skull, of course, a kind ... a little bit.

And then you can translate a conversation from biology to the area of \u200b\u200bculture: list the intellectual achievements of erectors, while not denying themselves. In a bunch of mixing facts, hypotheses and speculation, because the purpose of the mythmottz is to convince the reader that, according to the intellectual achievements, the erectures did not inferior to a modern person.

From a cultural point of view, undoubtedly, erectures are far ahead of their ancestors - Habiisa. Creators of stone choppers, conquerors of Europe and Asia - people with a capital letter!

However, not erectures, but only their descendants:

Learned to make throwing guns;

They guessed to attach a stone tip to a wooden handle (for this it took the "total" about 1.5 million years since the appearance of Ashl);

Began to decorate their body, paint okra, take themselves with peaks from shells and teeth;

Began to bury the departed comrades (funeral rituals - the mandatory attribute of any human tribe starting from the upper Paleolith).

All this has Homo Erectus. Biological evolution was accompanied by the evolution of cultural, fact.

However, back to biology. Let's examine from all sides the famous skull of Javanese Peteitront - SanGiran 17, - found in 1969

If we look at the skull on the side, we will see what is low and long; The face strongly acts forward, and the back will stick back, ending with a thick roller. Although modern people have a skull can be quite massive, we will never see Homo Sapiens. Such discoverished faces and the nape.

Piticanthrope forehead showing, flat and very narrow. Along the frontal bone in front of the back, a noticeable bone roller stretches (not to be confused with the ridge!). The walls of the skull are very thick.

Looking at the skull of the back, we will surprise what Piticantrope has a wide head. (Ever - to put it mildly. This comrade of the population is the widest of all the hominid at all; this modern man did not dream. We emphasize that here and then I mean not an eye assessment, but the results of accurate measurements.) The side walls of the skull are tilted, Come to the top. The modern man, on the contrary, the skull will be expanding upwards.

If you look at the skull from above, we will see that he is dramatically narrowed for the surveillance, and then expands again - this is called "tagnetic narrowing". According to the severity of this sign, the SanGiran skull is not only obvious from modern people, but surpasses Neanderthals and many other ancient hominids.

Interesting detail - Peteicanthropes Sangiran has no cylinder head of temporal bone, instead of it - a pint. It is important that the muscles that control the movements of our tongue are attached to this process to this process, and its presence is associated with the ability to speech (there is no monkey, they have a different type of muscle attachment).

And finally, take a look at this wonderful skull in front, let's see, so to speak, in his face. Immediately rushes a powerful surbrid, merging into a solid roller over the elets; massive bones; An extremely wide nasal hole and a huge upper jaw (and again, on this part, the Javanese pytecans - the record holders, such a huge sky and the upper jaw, neither the Heidelberg man, nor in Neanderthal, not to mention the modern person).

And looking at the picoanthropus "in the mouth", we will see that the shape of his dental arc is not similar to our. At modern person, the teeth in the upper jaw are located on a smoothly curved arc; Peteitertroprope teeth form a trapezing with fangs "in the corners": the front cutters in the line, and the ranks of the pre-rail and indigenous teeth are diverted to the parties.

I will not forget to mention and the lower jaws of Peteitrontrops Sangiran - they are also huge (here the sanguines are inferior only to Australopithekam). And, of course, there is no chin ledge - however, it is not the hominid, except Homo Sapiens..

For all this massiveness, the skull of pictecanthroprop in general is a small - the brain volume is about 1000 cm?.

Of course, the individual of the listed features can occasionally meet with a modern person. But:

They do not reach such extreme values \u200b\u200b(for example, in the skull of Sanguran 17, the thickness of the supervised roller 25 mm, in modern men - as a rule does not exceed 13 mm);

And even more and they are never found together in one skull! In no corner of our planet, you will not find a person with such a word and at the same time with such a small brain, a population of such a width and the lower jaw of such sizes, and even in addition without a chin.

Everything is relative. Homo Erectus. Against the background of Australopitets or Habiisa - the embodiment of progress. If you compare it with some of us, then we will see a large number of archaic, and even, if we talk about the yavans, - peculiar signs that you will not meet anymore.

Before the modern person appeared, various species and subspecies of hominids came out on the evolutionary arena. One of them was a person strapping, or Homo Erectus. What morphological characteristics forced scientists to allocate it in a separate species, whether he was the progenitor of modern people - the article answers these and other questions.

Archaeological finds

In 1891, when performing archaeological excavations in the Solo River zone at the Indonesian Island of Java, the Dutch doctor and anthropologist Ezhen Dubupa discovered the remains of the hominid like a skeleton of a modern man. The scientist called him Peteitront and believed that he found the missing link in the evolution of Homo Sapiens. Subsequently, Peteitront, or the Yavansky man, was attributed to the mind of Homo Erectus.

The entire XX century is the time of new finds that have clarified many questions in the evolution of man. So, in China (Shanxa, Gongwangling, Liaoning, Nanjing and other places) found many remains of an open person who are dated from 1 million to 200 thousand years ago. Note that all the remains of Homo Erectus are discovered mainly in China and Indonesia.

In addition to these finds, one more question should be highlighted with a person working, or Homo Ergaster. This species existed on Earth at the same time as the straight man, but he lived on the African continent. Many external signs between these species are similar, so most scientists tend to consider Homo Ergaster by the African subspecies of a person who's open.

The appearance of an open person on the evolutionary arena

Approximately 1.8-2 million years ago, a skillful, or Homo Habilis, began to colonize Eurasia. Until that time, all our ancestors lived exclusively in Africa, since there was the most favorable climate (tropical forests). As a result of global warming and desertification of territories, a person knewfully became more difficult to survive. It is these scientists that explain that some of the individuals began to migrate to the northeast, that is, Asia. It was they who gave the beginning of a person to his arms.

In confirmation of this theory, another curious discovery says: in 2002, the remains of the so-called Dmanis hominid were found on the territory of Georgia, who had morphological features that were skillful and spinning. During migration from Africa to Asia, the route of a person skillful ran through the mountains of the Caucasus.

So, the Evolutionary Communication Homo Habilis \u003d\u003e Homo Erectus is precisely established and recognized by the whole community of scientists.

External signs of an open person

As a result of the reconstruction of the remains found, you can create an exemplary portrait of an open person. Men's individual had an increase of up to 180 cm and a strong physique. The female person was much less than the male (this distinction at Homo Erectus is expressed more than for Homo Sapiens). Skull shape deserves special attention: the jaw is nominated forward, the teeth are relatively small, the forehead is low and flat. The size of the brain of an open person is far superior in Homo Habilis, it ranged from 850 to 1100 cm 3 (at Homo Habilis it is about 600-700 cm 3, and its average size for a modern person is 1350 cm 3).

Perhaps the most importantly difference from his ancestors of a person's arms-friendly lies in its absolutely vertical position of the body when walking (hence its name). This method of movement requires the occurrence of a number of morphological changes in the structure of the hominid, in particular the appearance of the curved spine, which shifts the center of gravity of the body closer to the reference limbs, a change in the structure of the foot (the thumb looks forward), as well as a decrease in the width of the pelvis, which favors overcoming Large distances.


According to the general opinion, these ancient representatives of the genus people (HOMO) could lead both nomadic and a settling lifestyle. The first option was typical for the south of Asia, the second - for the northern part of the continent, where Homo Erectus lived in caves. They lived with families, the number of which is hard to judge, but, most likely, they were small and did not exceed several dozen individuals.

Their main classes were hunting and gathering. To do this, they used tools and weapons that were made independently of stone, wood and bones. These facts are talking about the omnivities of a person spinning.

Devices of the viewed to the Environment

In addition to the named morphological features of Homo Erectus, there are also other differences from their nearest ancestor Homo Habilis. So, for the first time in the entire evolution of a person, he began to use fire for cooking, heating and, possibly, to scare away wild animals. The use of fire creates more favorable conditions for the existence of the form.

Another feature of an open person is the invention perfect at that time the technique of processing stone, bone and wood for the manufacture of axes, copies, knives, stick-copulocks and other tools. The man skillful too could handle the stone, but did it at a more primitive level than Homo Erectus.

Finally, the existence of Erectus in the form of small family groups required the development of communicative skills. It has been established that an open person had a brain department, which was responsible for the possibility of speech skills. Scientists believe that communication between their individuals occurred at the level of facial expressions, gestures and publication of a number of sounds of various tonality.

Views Homo Erectus.

Student person is considered one of the most "successful" species from the genus. The reason for this is simple: it existed on Earth in the period covering almost 2 million years (from 1.8 million to 50 thousand years ago). He inhabited mainly huge spaces of Central and Southeast Asia. For a long time of existence and limited communication capabilities between different groups of an open person led to the fact that various subspecies were gradually began to appear. These reasons are explained why the remains of the considered species found in different places of China and Java may differ among themselves, for example, a skull shape and its volume.

Allocate the following subspecies of this person:

  • peteitrop from Java Island;
  • homo Erectus Nankinensis (only 2 individuals of this subspecies in the Hula cave, located on Tangshan hills in China);
  • erectus Pekinensis - Synantroprop, or Beijing man;
  • homo Ergaster (above it was said that there are disputes about the attribution of him to the person to his arms).

Some other subspecies of Erectus are distinguished, which were called the name where they were found.

Is a person who is stirred by a link in the evolution of Homo Sapiens?

The answer to this question will be negative. The above figures have already been shown when the person under review lived with Homo Sapiens (it appeared about 200 thousand years ago, and Erectus disappeared 50 thousand years ago). By the way, in the disappearance of an open person, our species played a major role, pusing him with familiar habitats.

Thus, the descending evolutionary branch of Homo Sapiens - Homo Erectus - Homo Habilis is erroneous. The reasonable man occurred from Africa, from its territory about 70 thousand years ago, he began the colonization of Eurasia, Oceania and Australia, during which she encountered other types of Homo (Neanderthals, Man Denisov and C Erectus), which in the end led to their disappearance As a result of the struggle for survival.

Strong man or Erectus (Homo Erectus.), is also often called a person straightened (1.8 million years ago - 24 thousand years ago). Previously, this type of human ancestors was called - archantropics. This type of people of ancient history is the immediate ancestor of modern people.

The first evidence of existence refers to 1.8 million years ago. Judging by scientists, erectures could occur from (working). The geography of resettlement and species diversity Homo Erectus was quite extensive. Initially arose in Africa. In the east, they reached Indonesia, and in the West - Spain. Erectus could dwell on the territory of modern Russia - parking were found in Voronezh, Kaluga, Tula and Volgograd regions. In this regard, they are divided into several species:, North African subspecies, Rhodesian man from Zambia, a person (who lived in Europe), Indonesian (Javanese man), Chinese. Also, many scientists belong to one of the types of man of spinning and.

The growth of erectors was 1.2-1.5 m. The volume of the brain reached 850-1200 cm³. By this time, a man had a straight gait. The structure of the femoral bone of a person sparkling is identical to the structure of a modern person.

Homo Erectus was significantly progressive than their predecessors in terms of material culture. In the period from 1.8 mn. Years ago, up to 27 thousand years ago, erectures learned to use the fire and began to prepare food using heat treatment. Initially, people's ancestors only supported the fire, which received from forest fires, but subsequently learned to extract it on their own. It is this invention that is based on the invention of stone processing, according to many scientists, made the ancestors of people at times more superior other types of animals, put them on a new stage of evolutionary development, separating history literally on before and after. The use of fire made it possible to pay more attention to the development of the culture of manufacturing tools and clothing, made ancient people with real kings of nature, by the mind and abilities of which no one could approach them. Due to the eating soft roasted meat, the jaw began to decrease, thereby allowing the cranial box and the brain more actively.

At the time of Homo Erectus, Ashöhul culture significantly developed, when the ancestors of people were made by the tools of labor from the stone. Student man was engaged in hunting and collecting. Also, this kind of person's ancestors invented the use of the skins as a clothing, and the caves began to use as a dwelling.

Last Homo Erectus lived 27 thousand years ago. The latest representatives of this species include Peticatrops from Indonesia.

As the scientific data say, primitive people appeared about 4 million years ago. For many millennia, they evolved, that is, they were improved not only in terms of development but also externally. Historical anthropology divides primitive people into several species that consistently replaced each other. What is the anatomical features of each type of primitive people, and at what period of time did they exist? All this is read further.

Primitive people - who are they?

The most ancient people lived in Africa more than 2 million years ago. This is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. However, it is known for certain that for the first time, human-like creatures confidently moving on the hind limbs (namely, this sign is the most important in the definition of a primitive man), have appeared much earlier - 4 million years ago. Such a characteristic of ancient people, like snapshot, was first revealed at the creatures that scientists gave the name "Australopitets".

As a result of the centuries-old evolution, they replaced their more perfect Homo Habls, also known as "Skill Man." He came to replace human creatures, whose representatives were named Homo Erectus, which translated from Latin means "Straightened Man". And only after almost one and a half million years, a more perfect kind of primitive man appeared, who most of all resembled the modern reasonable population of the Earth - Homo Sapiens or "Reasonable Man." As can be seen from all foregoing, primitive people slowly, but at the same time developing very effectively, mastering new opportunities. Let us consider in more detail that they were all the ancestors of a person, which was their activity and what they looked.

Australopitseki: external features and lifestyle

Historical anthropology belongs to Australopitheka to the very first monkeys moving on the hind limbs. The birth of this kind of primitive people began on the territory of East Africa more than 4 million years ago. For almost 2 million years, these creatures spread through the continent. Ancient man whose growth amounted to an average of 135 cm, had a weight of no more than 55 kg. Unlike monkeys of Australopitet, they had a more pronounced sexual dimorphism, however, the structure of the fangs in male and female individuals was almost the same. The cranial box of this species was relatively small and had no more than 600 cm 3. The main activity of Australopithek was practically no difference from the one that modern monkeys are engaged and boiled down to mining and protection against natural enemies.

Man skillful: features anatomy and lifestyle

(Translated from Latin "Skill") as a separate independent view of humiliaries appeared 2 million years ago on the African continent. This ancient man whose height often reached 160 cm, had a more developed than that of Australopithek, the brain is about 700 cm 3. The teeth and the fingers of the upper limbs at Homo Habilis had almost complete similarity with human, however, large abnormal arcs and jaws did it look like monkeys. In addition to the gathering, the person skidded was engaged in hunting with the use of stone blocks, and for the cutting of animals, it was able to use the treated trash. This suggests that Homo Habilis is the first human-like being having labor skills.

Man Student: Exterior

Anatomical characteristic of ancient people known as Homo Erectus is a pronounced increase in the volume of the skull, which allowed scientists to argue that their brain is comparable in size with a contemporary brain. And the jaw of a person skillful remained massive, but were not so pronounced, as their predecessors. The physique was practically the same as a modern person. Judging by the archaeological finds, Homo Erectus led and knew how to extract the fire. The representatives of this species lived quite large groups in the caves. The main occupation of a person skillful was gathering (mainly in women and children), hunting and fishing, clothing manufacture. Homo Erectus One of the first began to realize the need to create food reserves.

appearance and lifestyle

Neanderthals appeared much later than their predecessors - about 250 millennia ago. What was this ancient man? Its growth reached 170 cm, and the scope of the skull is 1200 cm 3. In addition to Africa and Asia, these ancestors of man have been settled in Europe. The maximum number of Neanderthals in one group reached 100 people. Unlike its predecessors, they had the incharmed form of speech, which allowed the tribesmen to exchange information and more simply interact with each other. The main occupation of this was hunting. Success in food mining them provided a variety of guns: spears, pointed long fragments of stones, which were used as knives, and traps dug in the ground with stakes. The resulting materials (skins, skin) Neanderthal used for the manufacture of clothes and shoes.

Cryanonians: the final stage of the evolution of primitive man

Cryanonians or (Homo Sapiens) is the last famous science of ancient man whose growth has already reached 170-190 cm. The external similarity of this type of primitive people with monkeys was almost unnoticed, as the abnormal arcs decreased, and the lower jaw had no longer outwarded. The tools of labor Grounds were made not only of stone, but also from wood and bones. In addition to hunting, these ancestors of man were engaged in agriculture and initial forms of animal husbandry (tamed wild animals).

The level of thinking in Kroanonians was significantly higher than the predecessors. This allowed them to create cohesive social groups. The generic system and the creation of adventures of socio-economic law came to replace the old principle of existence.

Strong man (Homo Erectus), a variety of primitive person dating from about 1.5 to 0.3 million years ago.

For the first time, Homo Erectus is the famous Javanese man who was previously classified as Pithecanthropus Erectus - was found in 1891 Danish Anatoma E.Dyubua. Dubua predicted that the ancient man had to exist on O. Yava, and, having spent the excavation there, brilliantly confirmed his guess. In the late 1920s, a whole group of fossil residues was discovered in the town of Chu-Kugen near Beijing. This group was called Sinanthropus Pekinensis, the Beijing man. Today, this discovery, together with other instances of this type, from the same region (Northern China) is considered to be a Homo Erectus belonging to the type and renamed Homo Erectus Pekinensis. During the 1930s, fossil copies of the same general type were found (named Pithecanthropus Robustus) and on O. Yava. Two other important finds on O. Yava, definitely belonging to Homo Erectus, is a very large jaws of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus and represented by a young individual (which complicates data analysis) Pithecanthropus modjokertensis. In addition, Homo Erectus includes two more finds: one, known as ATLANTHROPUS from the thorny, is made in Oren (Algeria), the other in 1962 in Kenya. There are several other other copies classified as Homo Erectus, including so-called. Heidelbergian man whose massive jaw was found in Mauer (Germany), and human vertesszollos from Hungary. One of the recent finds includes parking Dmanisi in southern Georgia, where the anthropological remnants of the early Homo Erectus were found. Thus, the geography of the distribution of Homo Erectus was extremely extensive.

Representatives of Homo Erectus for growth were quite commensurate to the modern person. Their body was distinguished by a completely vertical position and a powerful bone system that served, judging by the muscle fastening points, the basis of a strong musculature. Given the lag of the development of the skull in the process of the evolution of the hominid, it is not surprising that the most primitive characteristics of these fossils are associated with the structure of the head. The volume of the cranial box is relatively small, but it should be noted that with an average of 1000 cube averaged over all instances of Homo Erectus. See it almost stacked in the parameters of modern standards constituting an average of 1,300 cubic meters. See the data on the structure of the brain HOMO ERECTUS limited; It is known, however, that they had a low forehead and there were no, presumably, developed frontal brain shares, with whom we associate human intelligence. The primitive characteristics of the HOMO ERECTUS skull are also the lack of chin and highly developed Visbrovier. At the same time, the chub-jaw system has undergone progressive changes: the molars have become smaller, the jaws decreased and retreated back, no longer issued as more monkey-like Australopites. As a result, the most developed forms of Homo Erectus, such as the Beijing man, had slightly protruding noses and were like Homo Sapiens.

One of the most interesting problems associated with Homo Erectus concerns their culture. There are clear evidence of the use of guns. In addition, they created, as it seems, two different methods of their manufacture in two different parts of the world. It is also known that at least in China Homo Erectus used fire. It is very likely that the Beijing man mastered the art of speech, while the question of whether his more ancient predecessors could say, remains controversial. Another manifestations of the culture may be one obviously unnatural feature of all Homo Erectus skulls from Chu-Ku-Tien: the base of each skull is sold, and the brain seems consciously withdrawn. This is usually interpreted as a sign of cannibalism, however, part of the specialists does not exclude that this may mean the existence of a cult of goals, i.e. Some primitive beliefs, in particular the preservation and reverence of skulls.