Before although it is put. When you need a comma before "at least" or "though": intuitive rules

Punctuation at the junction of unions In a complex proposal with several pressing, as well as in a complex proposal with writing and supervisory bonds, there may be near two subordination unions (or subordinate union and the union word), compositive and subordinate union (or compositive union and the union word). 1) at the junction of unions or unions and union words (and although, but when, and if; that when, that where, which if, etc.), the comma is placed when after the appropriate part there is no union but or the second part of the double union - then Or so: the child broke something, and, although the mother heard it more than once, her heart was overwhelmed with joy. * I, and, (2 though) ,. But: I broke something baby, and although the mother heard it more than once, but her heart was overwhelmed with joy. * I, and (2 though), but. I noticed that, wherever you come, you will find anything wonderful. (I. Goncharov) I * F I, (2 that, (3 where), 2). But: I noticed that where we arrive, then you will find anything wonderful. I * F I, (2 What? (3 where no), then 2). 2) At the beginning of the sentence, the composite and submissions (or allied words) are usually not separated by the comma (the compounding union here has an infinitive value): And when the heavenly eye will dive into the ocean in the ocean, fishermen from the Sail Circle tribe will be lost far away. (N. Gumilyov) and X (1 when) ,. I Arrange the missing punctuation signs. Determine the types of departures, make up the schemes of complex proposals from part І.

    1) And if there are no half-day words to the stars, then I myself will create my dream and the song of the battle is lovingly smoking. 2) I know that I was enchanted to spend the crown of the crown and suma and if I was crowning, I would dream of prison vaults ... 3) And when the moon floats on Zenith wind swears the smells of the forest Taya. 4) And if anything else is related to the former flickering in the planetary chore, then this is a mountain my reliable shield Cold contemptuous grief. 5) But when the bullets are risen when the waves break the side, I teach them how not to be afraid not to be afraid and do what you need. (N. Gumilyov)

    78.2. Punctuation at the junction of unions.

Different types of complex, complex and non-union proposals can be connected to one structure, forming a complex proposal with various types of communication. The rules for performing punctuation marks in such structures are mainly the same as in complex, complex and non-union proposals.

Pay special attention to the semicolon before the Union and

Consider the offer

Haji Murat understood a little in Russian and, when I did not understand, I smiled, and I liked the smile Mary Vasilyevna.

Why in this sentence before one union and put a comma, and there is no other?

1 step: imagine the proposal structure

1 [Hadji Murat a little understood in Russian and, 2 (when I did not understand), smiling], and 3 [I liked the smile Marya Vasilyevna].

2 Step: Consider the supply structure

1 part (main) - a simple proposal complicated by homogeneous faugible ( understood smiling)connected by a single union and, comma before and is not put.

2 part (Pressing time) - is associated with the main part of the subordinate union when, the comma in front of the union is set.

3 part (independent) - associated with 1 and 2 writing union and, the comma in front of the union is set.

78.2. Punctuation at the junction of unions

Between the parts of a complex sentence with various types of communication may be near two unions.

§110. Comma at the junction of two unions

1. At two next to those who stand the subordinate unions (or the subordinate alliance and the Union), as well as at the meeting of the writing alliance and the verification (or the union word), the comma is set between them if the seizure of the pressing offer does not require the restructuring of the main supply (almost - if the second one does not follow Part of the double union is so, but, the presence of which requires such a restructuring), for example: Maid was an orphan thatto fed, should have been included in the service (L. Tolstoy) (Press part to be fed can be omitted or rearranged to another place of proposal without restructuring the main part); Finally, he felt that she could no longer be that no strength would shift him from the place and that, if a Now he will sit down, he is no longer climbed (B. Field) (apparent conditional with the Union if a can be omitted or rearranged); And the woman said everything and spoke about her misfortunes, and, although Her words were familiar, Saburov from them suddenly suffered a heart (Simonov) (when withdrawal of the apparent seeding with the union although The proposed-locomotive combination of them becomes unclear, but in structural terms such a removal is possible, so the commament between writing and subordinate unions in such cases is usually placed).

If the second part of the double union should be followed by the appropriate proposal, then the commament between the previous two unions is not put, for example: Blind knew, what The room is watching the sun and that if he pulls his hand into the windowT. Rosa sprinkled with bushes (Korolenko) (impoverished conditional with the union if you can not omit or rearrange without restructing the submission proposal, as words will be near what and that); Women's legs were burned and bosy, I. When she saidT. hand picked up warm dust to inflamed feet, as if trying to scat pain (Simonov) (when withdrawal or permutation of pressing time with the union when there are words and and that).

Cf. also: Thunderstorms arrived, and When clouds crawled all the sky, it became dark as in the twilight. - Thunderstorms arrived, I. when clouds crawled all the sky, then it became dark as in the twilight (in the second case after the Union and, joining a complex proposal, the comma does not put); Fees were delayed, but when everything was ready for departure, it didn't make sense (after a configuration union but The comma in these cases is usually not placed, since neither the withdrawal nor the permutation of the next sentence is impossible).

In suggestions of type He has long left, I. where he now i don't know comma after Union and Not put.

2. The comma is usually not put between the connecting union (after the point) and the union verification, for example: AND Who are you, I know;BUT Why does this say, it is not clear to me. The possibility of decisions after other connecting unions is associated with the intonational and semantic selection of the Put supply proposal, for example: However, if you insist on my proposal, I am ready to accept it.

At the beginning of the day, it is usually working easily, easier than at the end when the thoughts are confused. And at the beginning of the sentence: it is easy to slip, not stumbling on the commas, not that in the middle, when the devil himself will not figure out in the separations and turns. And not stumbling at the beginning of the proposal on the commas because they will rare them there.

About unions with introductory words at the beginning of a proposal, a similar approach - to a combination of unions. The rule is:

"At the beginning of the proposal is not separated by the semicolon and subordinate alliances, as well as the subordinate union and the Union Word: Denis died. And when I was leaving, the old woman made me a goose ... (Arrived.); Because where can they meet now?».

I would like to say "That's all." But no, not all. This rule is from the Lopatina directory, and the Rosental Directory "Treaty":

"Putting a semicolon between the connecting union (at the beginning of the sentence, after the point) and the following verification union depends on the importance of the Union:

1) ... after the Union and The comma does not put: ; ;

2) after ... Union but The comma does not put: ; ;

3) after the Union but The comma is placed in the presence of a pause between the unions and is not put if there are no pauses (appreciate the cunning! - "According to the rules"): (Sim.); (Paul.);

4) after the Union but The comma is usually set: ».

Comma at the beginning of a sentence after unions "but", "however", "and", "a" before the subordination union

The comma is put The comma does not put
But (pause) But, if further the enemy managed to repel the attackers, the infantry was again rushed into the attack But (no pause) But when he, leaning on a stick, came out of the staff bus to the square ... Something hanged in the wound
but However, if the circumstances of that will require, I will not stand aside AND And although the weather has improved significantly, the danger of drought did not minimize;
And instead of collapse a right, mistakenly went straight
BUT And when the sun climbed, a view of the snow vertex;
And if you believe the message of weather forecasters, warming must come tomorrow

In complex suggestions consisting of three or more predicative parts, a combination of two subordinate unions can meet (which if that when, etc.) and the combinations of writing and verifying unions (and as, and though, etc.).

1. Two subordination union in a row Can meet in complex suggestions with consistent subordination of the apparent. Compare two suggestions:

And I tell you what I will go with you if ayou'll go.
And I tell you what ifyou will go, I will go with you (L. Tolstoy).

In the first example, at the very beginning it is the main part ( And I tell you...), followed by the pressing part (... i'll go with you...) belonging to the main part. Such parts of the assumption are called the first degree. And the proposal is completed (... if you go), Related not to the main part, but to the first apparent one. Such parts of the sentence are called the second degree.

In the second case, the apparent parts are rearranged: after the main part of the proposal, the apparent second degree follows, and then the first degree is already apparent. It was in such a situation that there were two subordination unions: the Union that, with the help of which the appendage of the first degree is joined, and the Union, if that joins the apparent second degree. In such a proposal between two subordinate unions, the comma is worth.

Please note: from such a proposal of a second degree ( ... if you go ...) It is easy to remove without destroying the entire syntax design: And I tell you that ... I will go with you.

Now again I will change this sentence:

And I tell you what ifyou'll go, that I'll go with you.

In this example, a corrective word appeared in the last pressing part. This is the second part of the composite union if ... then. As a result, between alliances that and if there is no comma. Please note: here we cannot omit the apparent part of the second degree ( ... if you go ...) Since the proposal will continue the word that relating to the last part of the sentence.

It turns out that the Union that joins a single design of two parts connected by the Union if ... then, and therefore, the comma between the words that and if not needed. Consider two more similar suggestions, only with alliances that and when.

It's because what, whenthe car stops, in all of your body there is a slowdown (A. Tolstoy).
Egor led an unexpected remark unexpected for Levin, that when He lived in good gentlemen, then He was pleased with his gentlemen (on L. Tolstoy).

Comma between alliances that and when there is only in the sentence where there is no word then.

2. In addition to complex proposals with consistent subordination of the apparent, a similar situation may be in the structures where writing and the verification link is also used at the same time. In this case, there may be near compound and subordinate union.Compare two suggestions:

Curtain rose, and Howonly the public saw her pet, the theater shrewd from the applause and enthusiastic screams (Kubrin).
Curtain rose, and Howonly the audience saw his pet, so The theater triggered from the hands and enthusiastic screams.

Please note: both in the other example and how are there, but the comma is only in the first sentence. The fact is that in the second example there was a simple union and the composite union as ... so. The second (correlate) part of the composite union follows after pressing time.

Try to remove the delivered part from the sentence, starting with the word as until the next semicolons. This is possible only in the first case, and in the second sentence the meaning will be destroyed, since the second part of the composite union will remain in the appropriate part.

Compare two more suggestions:

and, though Her words were familiar to Saburov, from them suddenly a heart (Simonov) was stern.
The woman said everything and spoke about her misfortunes, and although The words of her were familiar to Saburov, but From them suddenly a heart champed.

In the second sentence between the Union and and the Union, although the comma is not put, since after a graduate of the pressing part, the Union should be followed, but the function of connecting the first and third parts of a complex proposal. For this reason, in the second example of the word and although they turn into a single union combination that does not require separation on the letter with a comma.

So, you must remember the following rules.

1. With consistent submission, subordinate unions (which and if, as and when, etc.) may be nearby. The comma between them is put only in the case when there is no correlative words in the proposal, then or then.

2. If the complication and subordination of the unions (and although, and both, and others), then, should be found in the complex sentence, then it is necessary to find out if there is no co-relative part of correlate words, so or another writing union (and, but and etc.). The comma is placed only when these words are missing after the prescript part.

The exercise

    The hunting sign is that_ if the first beast is not lost and the first bird, the field will be happy, it turned out to be true (L. Tolstoy).

    She knew that_ if the letter would show her husband, he would not refuse her (in Tolstoy).

    He felt that if if it would fail, then everything would go to hell at once (Gogol).

    With Levin, it always happened that: when the first shots were unsuccessful, he was hot, annoyed and shot all day badly (Tolstoy).

    He never occurred to him that_ if he and other foreign idealists were Russians in Russia, their Leninsky regime destroyed immediately (Nabokov).

    The silver in this case surprised the world from his ungratefulness, and as they found out that the city holder had to be bad, so immediately deprived him of its popularity (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    He fastened into a distinct shop and exchanged all his large paper into small, and_ although he lost his wallet to the wallet significantly (Dostoevsky).

    In the penultimate room, Andrei Filippovich met him, and even even immediately in the room was decently all sorts of other, completely extraneous persons for Mr. Golyadkin, but our hero and did not want to pay for such a circumstance (Dostoevsky).

    By morning the temperature fell, and although I was like a toad, badly, I put on my violet robe over the corn-yellow pajamas and went to the office where the phone was located (Nabokov).

    It may be very possible that_ if the forms do not coincide with my requirements, I will refuse a legitimate claim (Tolstoy).

    Andrei Filippovich replied to Mr. Golyadkin in such a look that_ if the hero was not already killed at all, he would certainly be killed in another time (Dostoevsky).

    She, for example, was increasingly convinced that_ if the general conversation was at times and was conducted in French, then it was done by agreement for the sake of devilish fun (according to Naboka).

    The regimental commander announced that_ if these scandals do not stop, then it is necessary to go out (Tolstoy).

    He felt that if he would recognize it, he would be proved that he was telling trifles that had no meaning (Tolstoy).

    Levin has long made a remark that_ when people are embarrassing from their excessive fasciance, humility, it will very soon be unbearable from their excessive demanding and pickiness (tolstoy).

    Yankel appealed to him and said that Ostap sits in the city dungeon, and even difficult to persuade the guards, but he hopes to deliver a date (according to Gogol).

    He also petitioned the institution of the Academy, and_ when he received a refusal, then without further reflections, a distance (Saltykov-Shchedrin) was built instead of it.

    More on the sound of light steps on the stairs, he felt her approach, and even he was pleased with his speech, he became scary for the upcoming explanation ... (Tolstoy).

  1. _ Although no one asked himself, what business to the fact that the Grador is sleeping on the glacier, and not in an ordinary sleeping, but everyone worried (Saltykov-Shchedrin).
  2. But they did not come true hopes, and_ when the fields in the spring were freed from snow, then the silly saw no amazement that they were completely naked (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    In a word, he thoroughly studied mythology, and_ although he loved to pretend to be pious, but in essence was an worst idolatry (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    I loved to be with them, and even though it was terrible, like all the government, although it was very harmful to me, however I was always glad to go to them (Gogol).

    She ordered him to hide under the bed, and as soon as anxiety passed, she clicked her maid, prisoner Tatar, and gave her orders to gently take it into the garden and send it from there through the fence (Gogol).

    Grammar started before all, and_ as soon as Riters intervened, they already fled away and became on elevations to observe the battle (according to Gogol).

We continue our new rubric " A minute of literacy", And today I would like to talk about the rules of semicolon before the union or particle though. I suppose you, like me, have repeatedly encountered difficulties in the decimal formulation in such circumstances. And even if you didn't have such difficulties in the middle of such difficulties, then I think, it will still not be superfluous to repeat the punctuation rules for this case.

Particle though.

Everything is very very simple: particle although, at least) Does not require preparation of punctuation signs. It is only important here to determine which part of the speech is the difficult word. though- particle or union. For simplicity, you should take the main functions of these parts of speech. Particles serve mainly for making various shades or values \u200b\u200bin the proposal structure (give expression and expressiveness, and sometimes they make sense to the opposite). The main purpose of the Union is connection of homogeneous members of the proposal or parts of a complex sentence. It is from this that it is worth repelled on the issue of punctuation marks.

Particle though It is a typical amplifier particle, and in case of use, I remind, no commas are required. Everything is transparent and intuitive.

You would even say, my little!

Give even water a sip!

Particle at least.

Like the previous particle, at leastdoes not require a compatination signs before it.

This time it was at least clear why there was a fire.

However, it is worth noting separately that secondary members of the sentences with a particle at least Can and are separated by commas, if they perform in the role of attached members under the condition of special allocation of them by intonation.

The days of their own, however, he cummed, in my opinion, at the Protestant cemetery - his owners turned out to be chasing respectfulness, at least posthumously.

Soyuz although (though).

This union can act in one of the two IPosts:

  • As a granting union. It introduces a presidency, which describes the condition, unlikely or completely unexpected, taking into account the designated context above. Example: In the naked garden, behind the straw shaft, Drozda sang, buzz, although somewhere, among the brown foliage, still Serul's strong humpback snow.
  • As a conversational union. It introduces an appropriate proposal that describes the condition contrary to the described situation. Equivalents can serve as prepositions But, however. For example: Kucher, a desalinist and Aleshka, from all their might, were calm, although the soul of each of them was warmly praying God, so that Zakhar fell to death.

As you understood, both in that, in another case, the Union is allocated by the punctuation marks.

The girl was an explicit, although they saw her regularly.

Soyuz although (although) (and) ... A (yes, but).

It is good to all well-known union designs, which, nevertheless, are able to cause difficulties in the formulation of punctuation marks.

In the house smelled though even badly, but it was warm.

Everyone perfectly understood that although he was ashamed, and you need to go through my shame.

Of course, in the case of using such unions, the comma is placed in front of their second part (before a yes but).

On this all today. I hope we dealt with the questions of the places of punctuation of unions and particles though. Subscribe to update the blog "Literary Workshop". See you soon!

Though / although (and) ... a / yes / but


The comma is placed in front of the second part of the Union (before "A / yes / but").

Life is although heavy, but not as an example. A. and B. Strugatsky, degrees. In the hollow and bad smells, yes heat, at least ... I. Goncharov, Oblomov. Yes, he knows everything, everything understands and tell me these words that Although ashamed, but you need to go through your shame. L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

Penctuation Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Reference information Internet portal V. V. Swints, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

Watch what is "Though / although (and) ... a / yes / but" in other dictionaries:

    Take (take) at least (at least) - take, take, take; Took, a, o; taken (taken, a, o); owls. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    though - Cm … Synonym dictionary

    although - Although, at least, at least, would be good, let it, let, if and; Even if, and so, despite the fact that; For nothing, not without. Although it sees the eye, yes tooth nemet. It is true, expensive, but well. With all the desire to please my critics, I ... ... Synonym dictionary

    ALTHOUGH - Although, the Union. The same as even (in 1 meaning). Food, x. very busy. He studied well, x. And it was cleaned. Although, the union is the same as even (in 1 meaning). Although (and) ... A (but, yes), the union is the same as even (and) ... and (but yes). Although not angry, but dissatisfied. At least ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    ALTHOUGH - (Khosha region). 1. Union Sustaining. The same as at least2 in 1 meaning. "Dressed in German and lived although dirty, yes openly." A.Turgenov. "Whoever says: although animals, and all the same kings." Griboedov. "And the owner, and the hostess, although at this hour of the day never ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    THOUGH Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    THOUGH - 1. At least1, want, wives. (old.). Desire, want. 2. At least2 (Hasp region). 1. Union Sustaining. UPOTR. In the subordinate suggestions to express the estimated condition, assumptions in the meaning. Despite the fact that even if. "Although I go, but not ... ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Though saints - Saints are icons in ancient Russian use (cf. Schodtsi). The word saints in the value of the image, the icon meets in the language of Pushkin. In the "fairy tale about the dead princess and about seven heroes": the door quietly opened, and Tsarevna found himself in bright doors; ... ... the story of words

    at least - I union; \u003d Although it is used when the graduate subordinate part of the complex proposal is connected with the value of the conditionally presidential assumption, corresponding to the meaning: even if. II part; \u003d Although b 1. Used at ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    although - Dial. Want, Ukr. Though, want, Dr. Polish. Shosi, Polish. SHOSIA, SHOSIA Although. Usually identified with old. and. in Action. Dr. Russian. Although wishing, Art. Slav hotѩ - the same; See Sobolevsky, ZHMNP, 1904, March, p. 182; Brandt, RFV 22, 126 ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Max Fasmer