Training the sound of th in English. How to pronounce "th

Today we will look at two very similar English sounds - call and deaf sounds "TH".

The difference in the pronunciation of the ringing and deaf sound "TH"

When pronouncing the ringing sound "Th" you should feel the vibration on the throat, the pronunciation of the deaf sound "TH" should not cause vibration (put your hand on your throat during the pronunciation of sound).

Frequent errors when pronunciation of deaf sound "TH"

These errors depend on your native language and the country in which you have grown.

  • Very often deaf sound "TH" Pronounce as / t / or / s /.
  • At the end of words, this sound is also mistakenly pronounce / f /

Language position, exercise.

You need to drag the tongue tongue forward for your teeth. Do not worry about anything, just pull your tongue and practice. The air should take place between the language and the upper teeth. You must train, feel about this with humor. Get used to this new sound and language position. You need to tell your brain about a new habit.

Deaf sound "Th" at the beginning of words: tH.ank You,, tH.ought
Deaf sound "Th" in the middle of words: some, No., Heal tH.y.
Deep sound "th" at the end of words: mA. tH., Mou. tH., BO. tH.


I Will Eat Any Heal tH.y Wi. tH. My Tee. tH. .
I. be tH. IS Traveling Nor. tH. ON THE PA. tH..

Errors during the pronunciation of the sound "Th"

  • Often, instead of this sound pronounce / D / or / z /

Call sound"TH" at the beginning of words: tH.eRE, tH.aT, tH.e.
Call sound "th" in the middle of words: brrow tH.eR, EI, O. tH.eR
Sound "Th" at the end of words: smoo tH., BREA. tH.


TH.aT MO tH.eR CAN'T BREA. tH.e.
I RA. Like tH.iS WEA.

Do not forget to turn the tongue forward.


iF You Try Ano tH.eR technique. About tH.e Person You Are Talking Wi tH.
al tH.ough You Are Pretending
tH.iS Me. tH.oD Will Make Your Speaking More Smoo tH.
That's All for Now.

Practice and do not hesitate to turn the tongue to pronounce this sound. Over time, you will not notice any discomfort. It will be the usual sound for you.

Take this lesson again and again and the result is not to make you wait.

English joke

Mary.: John Says I'm Pretty. Andy Says I'm Ugly. What do you think, peter?
Peter.: I Think You're Pretty Ugly. (Digraff - a combination of two letters reflecting one sound.) There are no these sounds in the phonetic system of the Russian language. Rellave language and not tense. The tip of the tongue should be put between the front upper and lower teeth. The difference between [S] and [z] and [θ] and [ðð] lies in the fact that [θ] and [ð] have a character, A [S] and [Z] -. In the way, [θ] And [ð] to some extent correspond to the Russian pronunciation "C", for example, in the word "bitter" and "s" for example, in the word "zone". The THR has two sound values: deaf [θ] and ringing [ð]:
  1. in english language The sonorous [ð] is found in official words (articles, pronoun, pretext, etc.) and in the middle of other words as a result of the sponsoring of the deaf [θ] surrounding his vowels.
  2. For example: that [ðæt] -tot, then [ðenn] -Then, The [ð], there [Ðeə]
  3. in other cases, th indicates a deaf sound [θ].
  4. For example: Thing [θıŋ], Thrill [θrıl]
Do not replace the sounds [θ] and [ð] sounds [S] and [z] - this may change the meaning of the word. For example: instead of Thin [θın] - thin will succeed in sin.
[θ] Theme, Thin, Tenth, Teeth

Three audible values \u200b\u200bof the English Digraph CH

  1. CH Digraf usually reflects the combination of two sounds [t] and [ʃ], resembling Russian [h] in the word person, but with a more distinct first element.
  2. for example: Chin, Chess, Chill, Chips, Chops, Chinch
  3. In a few words, relatively recently borrowed from french, the French reading of the Digraph CH is preserved as [ʃ]
  4. for example: Machine, Chic [ʃık]
  5. In words greek origin CH is pronounced as [k]. If in writing the word there is a Digraph CH, which in Russian in a similar word corresponds to the letter x, then this is the word of Greek origin, and in this case the CH reflects the sound [k].
  6. for example: Architect - architect ["ɑ: Kıtekt], Archaic [" ɑ: Keık], Chemist - Chemist ["Kemıst], Scheme-, Character -Charkter, Chemistry - Chemistry
    Exception of this rule - the word and prefix Arch
such, Chess, Match, Chin, China ["Tʃaınə]
[k] chemist ["Kemıst], Technical [" Teknıkəl], Scheme, School

Sound Value of English Digraph CK

Digraph CK reflects the sound [k].
For example: Sick, Thick [θık], Check, Lock, Trick, Cock, Neck, Clock, Nock, Block.

Sound British SH Digraph

The SH Digrap reflects the sound [ʃ], similar to Russian [sh], but pronounced several, softer [s].
For example: Shell [ʃel], Fish, Shelf [ʃelf], shin [ʃın], Fresh, Shift, Shim

Two Sound Digraph WH

  1. when after the lettering WH is about, then only the second letter H is usually uttered in it,
  2. for example: Whose, Whole, Who, Who
  3. in all other cases, WH reflects the sound [w]
  4. for example: When, Which, Why, While

Sound Value GU Digraph

This digraph reflects the sound [G]
For example: Guest, Plague, Guide, Guess, Guild, Guile

Digraph Gh.

  1. The English letter of GH is found in the words of Germanic origin, it should be remembered that in the English language the GH spell in the middle of the word does not sound, and the vowel letter I is pronounced in front of him as Difthong.
  2. For example: Light, Might, Right, Night
  3. in several words, in the final position, the GH digraph reflects the sound [F].
  4. For example: LAUGH, ENOUGH [ı "Nʌf], Rough
  5. the combination of OUGHT is pronounced as [ɔ: T].
  6. For example: Ought [ɔ: T], Bought, Fought, Brought
  7. at the beginning of the word GH reflects the sound [G].
  8. For example, Ghost, Ghetto ["Getɒʋ], Ghastly [" Gɑ: Stlı].


The phth pH is found in the words of Greek origin and pronounced
as sound [F]
For example: Graph graph, photography Photography, photo ["fɒʋtɒʋ]

Digrafa WR, KN, GN

At the beginning of the word, the sound of these figures has simplified to sounds [R] and [n]. Thus, the English Digraph WR is read as [R], English lettering KN, GN as [n]
For example: Write, Knight, Gnat, Knee, Knife

NG, NK Digraphs

The letter NG in the end of the word is read as the sound [ŋ], for example: Thing [ıŋŋ]
Basement NK is read as a sounding [ŋK], for example: Ink [ıŋk]

MB, MN Digraphs

In the end of the word in the sounds and the sounds [b] and [n] disappeared, pronounced [M].
For example: LAMB, BOMB, LIMB, Autumn [ɔ: TM], HYMN.

Two audible values \u200b\u200bof the English Digraph QU

It should be known that the letter Q should always follow the letter U, and this English lettering QU reads as follows:
  1. at the beginning and middle of the word, he reflects the combination
  2. For example: Quill, Quint, Quilt
  3. in the end of the word QU transmits the sound [k]
  4. For example: Unique, Technique

Sound Value of English Books CI (Si, Ti)

The lettering Ci (Si, Ti) reflects the sound [ʃ], for example: Asia ["Eıʃʃ],
Specialist ["SpeʃLıst]
. Such a letterpartiness is often part of the sufficus noun -ion, which forms abstract nouns. This suffix corresponds to the Russian suffixam, -sy, for example: Mission ["Mıʃn] - Mission, Nation [" Neıʃn] - Nation, DemonStration - Demonstration.

Note. If there is a vowel before -sion, then this combination transmits the sound [ʒN], for example: Explosion [ıks "plʋʒʋʒʋʒn], Erosion [ı" Rʋʒʋʒʋʒn], Conclusion, Revision.

Sound meaning of English letters TURE, SURE

  • As a result of certain phonetic changes In English, the TURE combination is beginning to be perceived as a symbol of sounding.
  • for example: Lecture ["LEKTʃʃʃ], Literature [" Lıtərıtʃʃ], Mixture ["mıkstʃʃʃ]
  • Sure lettering has become a graphical symbol of sounding [ə].
  • for example: Pressure ["Preʃʃ], Tonsure
  • If the SURE letter is a vowel, then it reflects the sound [ʒʒ]
  • for example: Pleasure ["Pleʒʒ], Treasure [" Treʒʒʒ], Measure ["MEʒʒ]

Already once in the comments asked to disassemble the interdental sound TH. This is not surprising at all: Th is one of the most commonly encountered english sounds, while in Russian (and in many others) of this sound simply not.

How to pronounce him? How to fix typical errors? How to "train your mouth" on the proper pronunciation? Today we will answer these questions with the help of video, exercises, patter, words and examples from songs.

What sound give letters th

Just let's immediately declare that TH is not a sound. This is a combination of letters that can be read as two sounds: deaf / θ /, as in the word thanksand ringing / l /, as in the word that.It is these signs that the interdental "Sounds TH" are indicated in transcription. But in the article I will sometimes write "the sound of th" for convenience.

Both sounds, and sonorous and deaf, articulate equally (Lips and language are in the same position). Therefore, we will build work as follows:

  1. First learn how the right position of the mouth for both sounds;
  2. Then we analyze possible errors and find out how to fix them;
  3. Then we will work on the patters and words each sound separately.

Yes, we have no sounds. But we have the concept of "whisper". Remember the sloth Side from the ice age: "No, I f.lie f.who is young die! ". In English explanatory dictionary the word "lisp" (whispered) is interpreted as "a speech defect, at which S and Z sound like th in think and tHIS respectively".

In this video, it is said about the whisper. Recommended for viewing: just with humor.

That is, it turns out, we need to pronounce English / C / whispered for deaf / θ / and Russian / s / - for ringing / l /. How is it, "whisper"? Tell the word right now "structure". When pronouncing sound / C / your tongue is behind the teeth. Now put the language between teeth (the sound of th - interdental) and say again "structure". You will get a kind of deaf th, as in the word thick..

Now do the same thing, but already with the word "gap". As a result, you will get a similarity of the ring, as in the word then..

Why am I saying "like"? Because the Russians / s - s / s - z /, and therefore the whisper will be slightly different. Therefore, let's still focus on the position of the articulation apparatus in more detail.

How to pronounce the sound of th in english

Language rellaveand tense, and its tip is between the upper and lower teeth, forming a narrow flat gap between cutting edge of the upper teeth and the surface of the front edge of the language.

To learn the perfect formulation of the articulation apparatus I offer you to watch the video. It shows three Lifehak:

2:08 - How to put the articulation apparatus in the perfect position: Open your mouth, put the language on top of the bottom teeth so that the tip is right behind the bottom lip and slowly lower the top teeth in the tongue - try to pronounce the thorough version of th, as in think.

2:52 - How to feel the desired tension of the language: We take the straw and put it between the language and the upper teeth - so you will feel what power the tension should be in the language.

3:36 - How much to turn the tongue forward: put a finger perpendicular to the lips (as when we ask to be hiding) and put the tongue. The language should slightly touch the finger - this is the limit.

And do not forget to repeat offers and words after the lead! With this sound, practice is needed and practice again.

Pronunciation of interdental sound TH: video.

How to utter the sound of th in Russian

Now, when you figured out, in what position the articulation apparatus should be, let's laugh at typical Russian-speaking errors to avoid them in practice (which, by the way, will go immediately after this point).

Possible mistakes: How to fix:
Replacing the deaf / θ / / s / ( think Pronunciation "Sink");

Replacement of ringing / l / n / s / ( then. I say how "Xen").

Do not wan the front back back. + The tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and not at the base of the lower front teeth (and not alveol,).
Pay off the exercises to the contrast of words, for example: Mouth / Maʊθ / - Mouse / Mańs /, Thing / ɪŋɪŋ / - Sing / Sɪŋ /, WTH / WɪZ / - WHIZZ / WɪZ /.
Replacing the deaf / θ / n / f / ( three. I say how "Free");

Replacing ring / l / n / in / ( breathe. I say how "Brive").

Study your teeth, especially the lower, as when cleaning them, so that the lower lip does not come into contact with the upper teeth and did not approach them.
Pay off the contrasting pairs: three / θriː / - free / friː /, though / θɔːt / - Fought / Fɔːt /.
Replacing deaf / θ / sound / t / ( thick. I say how "teak");

Replacing ring / l / d / d / ( tHIS I say how "Diz").

The front of the tongue is not adjusted to the upper teeth: it is omitted down, and the tip is between the teeth.
Pay off the exercises to the contrast of words, for example: Thick / ɪɪk / - Tick / Tɪk /.
Stunning a ringing variant Th / l / ⇒ replacement for a deaf version / θ / in the end of the word.

It can occur in a habit, because in Russian, the voiced consonants at the end of the word are pronounced deaf.

Remember that in English, ringing sounds at the end of the word are not stunned!
Pay off the exercises to the contrast of words, for example: Teeth / Tiːː / - Teethe / Tiːː /.

See, it's not so difficult. 🙂 Understand how it should pronounce this sound, quite satly. Moreover, the Internet is full of training videos on this topic (for example, look from which you learn about how to correctly pronounce THI sounds in combination with other sounds).

What then the snag? Why is this sound still causes difficulties? Because to teach themselves correctly pronounce it with a quick and spontaneous speech - a real feat for us. Exit - special exercises and a lot of practice.

Throughout the sound of th in English: exercises and training

First Tip: First, so that the language becomes more familiar to this "interdental position", deliberately exaggerate! Talking the language as much as possible, pronouncing it very exaggerated, do not feel free to look stupid. Read more in video:

Another exercise that will help get used to: to hum. Absolutely any melody (for example, "a Christmas tree was born in the forest"), replacing all the words on sounds / θ / and / Ð /.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest, in winter and summer sleek green was
Thethethe Thethethe, Thethe Thethethe Thethethethe thethhethe thethhethethe thethhethe thethhethethe thethhethethethe thethhethe thethhethethe thethhethe thethhethe thethhethe thethhe.

Now that you are used to, go to work on words and patter.

English words with audio th: Deaf option

So, we set the mouth to the right position and proceed to the phonetic charge on the sound of Th. Do not forget that this sound does not need to mitigate the front rows (such as i). Sound / θ / Always solid only.

though / θɔːt /

tHRUST / θRʌST /

through / θRuː /

strength / Streŋŋŋ /

tHRALL / θRɔːL /

fourth / Fɔːθ /

Excellent! Now you can try on patter.

Species in English to the sound of th

  • TH.iRTY- tH.ree. tH.ousand and. tH.iRTY. tH.inkers tH.ought tH.iRTY- tH.ree. tH.ousand and. tH.iRTY. tH.oughts.
  • TH.ree. tH.erapists. tH.rew. tH.ree. tH.ermometers in. tH.ree. tH.icky tH.iCKETS OF. tH.orny. tH.iStle.
  • I am. tH.ankful for A. tH.ousand. tH.ings ... for FAI tH.ful Ear tH., for bir. tH. And Brea. tH., for tH.ought and Heal tH. And Streng. tH. and mir. tH., and May Be, WHEN IT COMES, FOR DEA tH..

At the end of our workout, as usual, we will take an example from the famous song on the sound of TH. I stopped on the song "Under My Thumb" of The Rolling Stones. Word thumbrepeated throughout the song with a distinct pronunciation of sound / θ /.

Words with the sound of th in english: ringing option

Now go to the ringing sound / Ð /. I again pay your attention that this sound is always solid and not softened to the glaces of the front row.

loathe / Lʊʊʊ /

breathe / Briːː /

other /ʌʌə R /

there / Ðeə r /

whether /weÐ.ə r /

mother /Mʌʌə R /

father /fɑː.ð R /

brother /Brʌʌə R /

neither /Niː.ð R /

worthy /wɜː.ði/

leather /leðə r /


another /ənʌʌəə r /

English spear on the sound of th

  • TH.eSE BRO. tH.ers Ba. tH.e WI tH. tH.oSE BRO. tH.ers tH.oSE BRO. tH.ers Ba. tH.e WI tH. tH.eSE BRO. tH.ers.
  • TH.ey Are Always Bo tH.ering Fa. tH.eR AND MO. tH.eR to do Things for tH.em.
  • TH.eSE CLO. Are Ra. tH.eR FOR. tH.e Southern Wea. tH.eR, tH.oSE CLO Are Ra. tH.eR FOR. tH.e Northern Wea.

By the way, I am very advised and study another twist. Rather, it is a lot of different patter on deaf and ringing Th, which are superimposed on music. We learn this song, and your articulation device will never forget the right position. 🙂

And now an example from the song. For the ringing th, I stopped on the song "One Way or Another" bands Blondie. Word another.again, pronounced throughout the song and clearly articulate.

Results: reading the sounds of TH in english

As you can see, nothing is too scary in the sound of th no. The main thing is practice. You can save our article to bookmarks and periodically drive out the workout of the sounds th again and again. And in order not to be satisfied in the head, I propose to summarize:

  • Writeness th giving 2 sounds: deaf / θ / like in thanksand ringing / Ð / like in that.. Remember these badges: If you met a new word, contact the dictionary to learn the transcription and hear the pronunciation.
  • This sound is pronounced as the whispered / s / and / z / - the language of the mlanten and tense, the tip is between the upper and lower teeth, forming a narrow flat slit between the cutting edge of the upper teeth and the surface edge of the language.
  • The main difficulty for us is to teach your articulation apparatus to this sound. Especially to correctly pronounce it during a quick, fluent speech. Therefore, be sure to work for yourself: sang songs, drive the sets of words and patter.

Do not switch: Continued follows

In we counted that we were left to disassemble 24 sounds. Consequently, after today's training, it remains 22. The next time we will take a new portion of sounds, this time - vowels. To new meetings! 🙂

Unfortunately, in Russian sounds of similar [ θ ] , [ ð ] not.

Understand how these sounds are pronounced, data will help below exercise for speech organs.

  • Slide the language between the teeth and blow the air. Make sure that the language is not tense, and the lips did not concern the edge of the tongue.
  • Shoot the language between the teeth, and then quickly remove it. Do this exercise several times.

When pronouncing sounds [ θ ] , [ ð ] Language of mlanten and not tense, the tip of the tongue is between the teeth.

Sound [ θ ] pronounced as deaf, and sound [ ð ] With voice as a ringing. Remember that the lips should not touch the edge of the tongue. Still quickly remove the tongue for the teeth, so as not to interfere with the utility of the subsequent sound.

These sounds should not be replaced with Russian [ from ], [ z. ] or English [ z. ] , [ t. ] , [ d. ] .

Sounds [ θ ] , [ ð ] You can hear in the following english words:

they [ Ðei. ] - they are Thick [ θik ] - fat
Them [ ðm. ] - them Thin [ θin ] - Slim
Then [ ðen. ] - then Myth [ miθ. ] - myth
this [ ðis ] - This Tenth [ tenθ. ] - tenth
BATHE [ bei ] - bathe Timothy [ timəθi. ] - Timofey

On writing Sounds [ θ ] , [ ð ] Designated by letters tH..

Sound [ ð ], as a rule, sounds in office words:

  • in a certain article The
  • in the pronouns of this, That, they, them
  • at the end of words in front of the letter e.: Bathe

If the letterpart tH. It is an end to the formation of ordinal numbers, then it is pronounced as [ θ ], for example: Tenth

note to the difference in the pronunciation of sounds [ θ ] - [ s. ] - [ t. ] :

Since in Russian there is no sound [ θ ], then they try to replace it either on the sound [ s. ] , on either [ t.

Sound [ θ ] Interdental. When pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue is between the teeth.

Sounds [ t. ] , [ s. ] Alveolar. When pronouncing [ t. ] The tip of the language comes into contact with alveoli. When pronouncing [ s. ] The tip of the language rises to the alveolum.


[ feis. ] - [ feiθ. ] Face - Faith. Face Vera
[ mIS. ] - [ miθ. ] Miss - Myth. Loss - myth
[ tENS. ] - [ tenθ. ] Tense - Tenth. Stressful - tenth
[ tIN ] - [ θin ] Tin - Thin. Tin - Slim
[ tRU: ] - [ θRU: ] True - Through truthful - through
[ tri: ] - [ θri: ] Tree - Three. Tree - three
[ sik. ] - [ θik ] Sick - Thick. The patient is fat

Due to the lack of sound [ ð ] In Russian, it is often replaced by sounds [ z. ] , [ d. ] what leads to rough violation meaning.

Sound [ ð ] Calling intersubolic consonants. It is pronounced just like [ θ ], only with voice.

Sounds [ z. ] , [ d. ] are ringing alveolar consonant sounds.


[ bei ] - [ beis ] BATHE - BASE. swim - base
[ bRI: Ð. ] - [ bRI: Z. ] Breathe - Breeze Breathing - Light breeze
[ si: Ð. ] - [ si: Z. ] Seethe - Seize Boiled - grab
[ Ðei. ] - [ dei. ] They - Day. They are a day
[ ðen. ] - [ dEN. ] Then - Den. Then - Bergoga

We continue our lessons for pronunciation from the native speaker - American Dave Skonda. In this lesson you will learn how to correct sounds [Ө, ð] and get rid of typical mistakes in pronunciation TH.peculiar Russian-speaking so-called "Russian accent".

My comment:
Th. pronunciation - Causes special difficulties and that is why.
Sounds [Ө, ð] - None in Russian. We have similar sounds [C, s]. And so we replacing when pronouncing english sounds Russian and as a result we get « russian accent". To get rid of it, pay attention to the difference in pronunciation. Here are two main mistakes.

  • When pronouncing Russians [C, s] We do not blow air. When pronouncing English [Ө, ð] - Air freely passes through the gap between the tongue and the upper teeth. Attach your hand to your mouth. Feel the difference.
  • When pronouncing Russians [C, s] Tongue lies in mouth slide. When pronouncing English [Ө, ð] - The language must lie flat, then the air will freely pass and the sound is correct. To do this, you need to straighten your tongue and draw it out.

Th --Sound / Pronunciation TH (video tutorial from Dave Skonda)

Here is the translation of the lesson into Russian:

Two Sounds That Are Very Similar. Their Th-Sound.: voiseless- [Ө] , voiced [ð] .

Writeness TH. pronounced in different ways: deaf (without voice) - [Ө] and ringing (with voice) - [ð]

OK, The. TH.-sound [ð] Or. [Ө] . Voiced. TH.[ð-ð-ð] vibrates. [ð-ð-ð]. You can Feel The Vibration Right Here [ð-ð-ð]. DON'T Squeeze Too Hard))

Let's figure it out. Th. pronounced voice vibration. Using it, you obviously feel vibration, if you put it with your hand for the throat. Just do not cease.

Voiseless TH.[Ө-Ө-Ө] . You Touch Here - No Vibration [Ө-Ө-Ө] .Voiced [ð-ð-ð] voiseless [Ө-Ө-Ө] . This is fun. You can do this all day.

Pronunciation Th, You do not feel this vibration. Like this. Is it really funny. So you can make a whole day))

COMMON Mistakes With Voiceless TH. Depending on Your Native Language and Country.


OK, MA tH.MA. tH.. Are You Studying Ma tH.?
TH.ank You. TH.ank You. TH.ank You Very Much.
Too. tH., TOO. tH.. My Too. tH. Hurts.
BA. tH.BA. tH.. I am Going to Take A BA tH., NOT BAT.
I Like Your Mou tH., NOT I Like Your Mouse.
Move Your Mou. tH..
We Are TH.rough. NOT WE ARE TRUE. Are WE True? Are you true? tH.rough, tH.rough.

The main reason why people incorrectly pronounce one or another sound is that there is no such sound in their native language. Try to say the word "MA tH."- Mathematics, do you have such a thing as mathematics?
And now the word "Tooo tH.»Tooth, and MY TOO expression tH. Hurts- "I have a tooth hurt."
BA. tH. - Bathroom. I am Going to Take A BA tH., NOT BAT. Do not pronounce the word "bath" as a "bat".
I Like Your Mou tH., NOT I Like Your Mouse. Do not pronounce the word "mouse"
Move Your Mou. tH.. Articulate.
We Are tH.rough. - We finished. Do not be confused with the word "truth" - True.

First, voiseless TH., Tongue Stucking Out Beyond The Teeth. Don't Be Afraid, Just Stick It Out.
Push Air Out Between The Top Teeth and The Tongue. Between - [ө-ө-ө].
Practice This Position, Pushing Air Out, Like You Re Exercising. Have fun with it. Get Comfortable with IT.
Tell Your Brain, Your Are Creating a New Habit. Tell Your Brain This Is Important.

First, pronouncing silent TH., we stick the tip of the tongue between the teeth. Not afraid to turn it out !! Giving this sound, the air should pass between the upper teeth and the language. Practice, good sound requires practice, you must get used to it. It is very important.

Practice. voiceless TH:

aT The Beginning Of The Word: tH.ank You,, tH.ought
AT The Middle of the Word: Some, No., Heal tH.y.
(I Say Naturally heal tH.y.. And My Tongue Is Very Fast.)

aT The End of The Word: MA tH., Mou. th, BO. tH..

And now we will train this sound

at the beginning of the words: TH.ank You,, tH.ought
In the middle of the word: Some, No., Heal tH.y.
(Word heal tH.y. I say quickly.)

And finally, in the end of the word: MA tH., Mou. tH., BO. tH..

Practice More.
Their TH.-sound. Use Your Tongue, Push It Out. DON'T BE SY. Don't Be Afraid to Push Out Your Tongue, to Show Your Tongue. Be Proud of Your Tongue. IT IS LIKE A MASSAGE FOR YOUR MOU tH.. May Be More Massage for Your Tongue.

We still train.

I Will Eat Any Heal tH.y with My Tee tH.. (2)
I. be tH. IS Traveling Nor. tH. ON THE PA. tH.. (2)

Pronunciation th. sound You must definitely narrow the tip of the language. I do not hesitate, we are aligning a language. We must show it to everyone, you must be proud of.

Voiced. TH- [Ð-Ð Ð]. Mistakes Some People Make.


TH.iS TH.iS. IS. Yours?
TH.eRE, tH.ere. Are You Going. tH.ere?
BREA. tH.e, BREA. tH.e. You Need to Brea tH.e.
TH.iS is beautiful.
Look Over tH.ere.
ImprOve Your English, Than Celebrate.
TH.aT'S IT, Very Good.
AT The Beginning Of The Word: TH.ere. TH.aT. tH.e.
AT The Middle of the Word: Bro tH.eR, EI, O. tH.eR
AT The End Of The Word: Smoo tH., BREA. tH.e.
That Mo. tH.eR CAN'T BREA. tH.e. (2)
I RA. Like tH.iS WEA. (2)

Voiced TH.. Pay attention to typical errors. Do not hurry! Improve the pronunciation, then you will celebrate! So, right?
Now I say this sound at the beginning of the words: tH.ere. TH.aT. tH.e.
Now ringing TH. In the middle of the word: Bro tH.eR, EI, O. tH.eR
And finally, in the end of the word: smoo tH., BREA. tH.e.

Remember Push The Tongue Out Beyohd The Teeth. Push The Air Out Over The Tongue.
[ð-ð-ð] Touch Your. tH.roat. IT Vibrates. NOW YOU KNOW YOU HAVE THE CERRECT VOICEED SOUND IF It's Vibrating Here.
It's not [Ө-Ө-Ө] . It's not voiced.
NOW Let's Exercise. [Ө-Ө-Ө] You do this alone. No One's Gonna See You. [ð-ð-ð]
Tell Your Brain to Remember This.

Do not forget that the language should be between your teeth, blow air.
Do you touch your hand to the throat, do you feel vibration? If so, then you pronounce the sound correctly.
See the difference with silent Th, Changing his vibrations you do not feel.
Now let's start practicing, pronounce diligently, you are alone, and no one sees you.
You must get used to this sound.


Learn pronunciation -Bavory. Here are some more phrases for training.
IF You Try Ano tH.eR technique, About TH.e PERSON YOU TALKING WI tH..
Al tH.ough You Are Pretending, This Method Will Make Speaking More Smoo tH..
Today everything.

You Need to Stick Your Tongue out for This Sound. Please, don't be shy or afraid. Be Proud of Your Tongue. The Biggest Problem That I See The Students Are Afraid to Stick There Tongue Out. IT FEEL Uncomfortable for a while.
But You Will Get Used to IT. You Might Even Like IT.
Remember, In North American English We Move Our Mouth More Than Many Other Countries.
Please, Understand This and You Will Improve Your Pronunciation Much Faster.
So You don't Forget After Time Passes. We Wa Want Your Brain to Remember These Actions and Make a New Habit. OK?

And once again I remind.
Do not forget that it is very important to turn the language. Do not be shy. We must be proud. One of the typical mistakes of students is that they are shy of tongue tongue. At first it can be unusual, but over time you will get used to. You will like it. Interestingly, in North America, the language is reduced more than in all other countries. Remember this and you improve your cruise.
And do not forget to remember how to pronounce the sound, you need to exaggerate while they traine.
You must make this sound usual for your speech, so that you do not forget it after time.
You must teach the brain with a new sound and then you will pronounce it right.

Th --Sound pronunciation (Exercises for Daily Training)

Be sure to repeat these words and phrases three times a day for 5 days.

thank You, Think, Thought
Something, Nothing, Healthy
Math, Mouth, Both
I Will Eat Anything Healthy With My Teeth
Thank You for Driving Back and Forth This Month.
I Think Beth Is Traveling North On The Path.

there, That, The
Brother, Either, Other
Smooth, Breathe.
That Mother Can't Breathe.
I Rather Like This Weather.

[Ө, ð]

If You Try Another Technique Think ABOUT THE PERSON You Are Talking WITH.
Although You Are Pretending This Method Will Make Your Speaking More Smooth.
That's All for Now.

There are questions about pro th. pronunciation - Write in the comments!