Help is coming, of course. Children's stories online

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Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov
Stories about children

© Ill., Semenyuk I.I., 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2014

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Petya lived with his mother and sisters on the top floor, and the teacher lived on the bottom floor. One day mom went swimming with the girls. And Petya was left alone to guard the apartment.

When everyone left, Petya began to try his homemade cannon. It was made of an iron tube. Petya filled the middle with gunpowder, and at the back there was a hole to light the gunpowder. But no matter how hard Petya tried, he could not set fire to anything. Petya was very angry. He went into the kitchen. He put wood chips on the stove, poured kerosene on them, put a cannon on top and lit it: “Now it will probably fire!”

The fire flared up, began to hum in the stove - and suddenly there was a shot! Yes, such that all the fire was thrown out of the stove.

Petya got scared and ran out of the house. No one was home, no one heard anything. Petya ran away. He thought that maybe everything would go out on its own. But nothing went out. And it flared up even more.

The teacher was walking home and saw smoke coming from the upper windows. He ran to the post where the button was made behind the glass. This is a call to the fire department.

The teacher broke the glass and pressed the button.

The fire department's bell rang. They quickly rushed to their fire trucks and ran at full speed. They drove up to the post, and there the teacher showed them where it was burning. The firefighters had a pump on their vehicle. The pump began pumping water, and firefighters began pouring water from rubber pipes onto the fire. Firefighters placed ladders against the windows and climbed into the house to see if there were any people left in the house. There was no one in the house. The firefighters began to take things out.

Petya’s mother came running when the whole apartment was already on fire. The policeman did not let anyone get close, so as not to disturb the firefighters. The most necessary things did not have time to burn, and the firefighters brought them to Petya’s mother.

And Petya’s mother kept crying and saying that Petya must have burned out, because he was nowhere to be seen.

But Petya was ashamed, and he was afraid to approach his mother. The boys saw him and brought him in by force.

The firefighters did such a good job of extinguishing the fire that nothing burned downstairs. The firefighters got into their cars and drove away. And the teacher allowed Petya’s mother to live with him until the house was repaired.

On an ice floe

In winter the sea froze. The fishermen of the entire collective farm gathered on the ice to fish. We took the nets and rode on a sleigh across the ice. The fisherman Andrei also went, and with him his son Volodya. We went far, far away. And wherever you look, everything is ice and ice: the sea is so frozen. Andrey and his comrades drove the farthest. They made holes in the ice and began to throw nets through them. The day was sunny and everyone was having fun. Volodya helped unravel fish from the nets and was very happy that they caught a lot.

Large piles of frozen fish were already lying on the ice. Volodin's dad said:

- That's enough, it's time to go home.

But everyone began to ask to stay overnight and fish again in the morning. In the evening we ate, wrapped ourselves tightly in sheepskin coats and went to bed in the sleigh. Volodya snuggled up to his father to keep him warm and fell fast asleep.

Suddenly at night the father jumped up and shouted:

- Comrades, get up! Look how windy it is! There would be no trouble!

Everyone jumped up and ran around.

- Why are we shaking? - Volodya shouted.

And the father shouted:

- Trouble! We were torn off and carried on an ice floe into the sea.

All the fishermen ran along the ice floe and shouted:

- It’s torn off, it’s torn off!

And someone shouted:

- Gone!

Volodya began to cry. During the day, the wind became even stronger, the waves splashed onto the ice floe, and all around was only the sea. Volodin's dad tied a mast from two poles, tied a red shirt at the end and set it up like a flag. Everyone was looking to see if there was a steamer somewhere. Out of fear, no one wanted to eat or drink. And Volodya lay in the sleigh and looked at the sky: would the sun shine. And suddenly, in a clearing between the clouds, Volodya saw a plane and shouted:

- Airplane! Airplane!

Everyone started shouting and waving their hats. A bag fell from a plane. It contained food and a note: “Hold on! Help is coming! An hour later the steamer arrived and loaded people, sleighs, horses and fish. It was the port master who learned that eight fishermen had been carried away on the ice floe. He sent a ship and a plane to help them. The pilot found the fishermen and radioed the ship's captain where to go.


The girl Valya was eating fish and suddenly choked on a bone. Mom screamed:

- Eat the crust quickly!

But nothing helped. Valya had tears flowing from her eyes. She could not speak, but only wheezed and waved her arms.

Mom got scared and ran to call the doctor. And the doctor lived forty kilometers away. Mom told him on the phone to come quickly.

The doctor immediately collected his tweezers, got into the car and drove to Valya. The road went along the shore. On one side there was the sea, and on the other side there were steep cliffs. The car was racing at full speed.

The doctor was very afraid for Valya.

Suddenly, ahead, one rock crumbled into stones and covered the road. It became impossible to travel. It was still far away. But the doctor still wanted to walk.

Suddenly a horn sounded from behind. The driver looked back and said:

- Wait, doctor, help is coming!

And it was a truck in a hurry. He drove up to the rubble. People jumped out of the truck. They removed the pump machine and rubber pipes from the truck and ran the pipe into the sea.

The pump started working. He sucked water from the sea through a pipe, and then drove it into another pipe. Water flew out of this pipe with terrible force. It flew out with such force that people could not hold the end of the pipe: it was shaking and beating. It was screwed to an iron stand and directed water directly towards the collapse. It turned out as if they were shooting water from a cannon. The water hit the landslide so hard that it dislodged clay and stones and carried them into the sea.

The entire collapse was washed away by water from the road.

- Hurry, let's go! - the doctor shouted to the driver.

The driver started the car. The doctor came to Valya, took out his tweezers and removed the bone from her throat.

And then he sat down and told Valya how the road was blocked and how the hydraulic ram pump washed away the landslide.

How one boy drowned

One boy went fishing. He was eight years old. He saw logs on the water and thought that it was a raft: so they lay tightly one to the other. “I’ll sit on the raft,” thought the boy, “and from the raft I can cast a fishing rod far!”

The postman walked by and saw the boy going to the water.

The boy took two steps along the logs, the logs parted, and the boy could not resist and fell into the water between the logs. And the logs came together again and closed over him like a ceiling.

The postman grabbed his bag and ran as fast as he could to the shore.

He kept looking at the place where the boy fell so that he knew where to look.

I saw the postman running headlong, and I remembered that a boy was walking, and I saw that he was gone.

I immediately ran towards where the postman was running. The postman stood near the water and pointed his finger in one place.

He didn't take his eyes off the logs. And he just said:

- Here he is!

I took the postman by the hand, lay down on the logs and stuck my hand where the postman was pointing. And just there, under the water, little fingers began to grab me. The boy could not emerge. He hit his head on logs and looked for help with his hands. I grabbed his hand and shouted to the postman:

We pulled the boy out. He almost choked. We started to bother him, and he came to his senses. And as soon as he came to his senses, he roared.

The postman raised his fishing rod and said:

- Here is your fishing rod. Why are you crying? You're on the shore. Here's the sun!

- Well, yes, but where is my cap?

The postman waved his hand.

- Why are you shedding tears? And so wet... And without a cap, your mother will be happy with you. Run home.

And the boy stood.

“Well, find him a cap,” said the postman, “but I have to go.”

I took the fishing rod from the boy and began to fish around under the water. Suddenly something caught on, I took it out, it was a bast shoe.

I fumbled for a long time. Finally he pulled out some kind of rag. The boy immediately recognized that it was a cap. We squeezed the water out of it. The boy laughed and said:

- It’s okay, your head will dry out!


Nobody believes this. And the firefighters say:

- Smoke is worse than fire. A person runs away from the fire, but is not afraid of the smoke and climbs into it. And there he suffocates. And one more thing: you can’t see anything in the smoke. You can’t see where to run, where the doors are, where the windows are. Smoke eats your eyes, bites your throat, stings your nose.

And the firefighters put masks on their faces, and air flows into the mask through a tube. In such a mask you can be in the smoke for a long time, but you still can’t see anything.

And once the firemen were extinguishing a house. Residents ran out into the street.

The senior fireman shouted:

- Well, count, is that all?

One tenant was missing. And the man shouted:

- Our Petka stayed in the room!

The senior fireman sent a masked man to find Petka. A man entered the room.

There was no fire in the room yet, but it was full of smoke.

The masked man searched the entire room, all the walls and shouted with all his might through the mask:

- Petka, Petka! Come out, you'll burn! Give me your voice.

But no one answered.

The man heard the roof falling, got scared and left.

Then the senior fireman got angry:

- Where is Petka?

“I searched all the walls,” said the man.

- Give me a mask! - the elder shouted.

The man began to take off his mask. The elder sees that the ceiling is already on fire. There is no time to wait.

And the elder did not wait - he dipped his mitten into the bucket, stuck it in his mouth and rushed into the smoke.

He immediately threw himself on the floor and began to fumble. I came across the sofa and thought: “He probably hid there, there’s less smoke there.”

He reached under the sofa and felt his legs. He grabbed them and pulled them out of the room.

He pulled the man onto the porch. It was Petka. And the fireman stood and staggered. So the smoke got to him.

And then the ceiling collapsed and the whole room caught fire.

Petka was carried aside and brought to his senses. He said that he hid under the sofa out of fear, covered his ears and closed his eyes. And then he doesn’t remember what happened.

And the senior fireman put the mitten in his mouth because it would be easier to breathe through the smoke through a wet rag.

After the fire, the elder told the fireman:

- Why were you rummaging around the walls? He won't be waiting for you by the wall. If he is silent, it means he has suffocated and is lying on the floor. If I had searched the floor and the beds, I would have found them right away.


My mother sent the girl Sasha to the cooperative. Sasha took the basket and went. Mom shouted after her:

- Look, don’t forget to take the change. Make sure your wallet isn't snatched!

So Sasha paid at the cash register, put her wallet in the basket at the very bottom, and potatoes were poured into her basket on top. They put cabbage and onions - the basket was full. Come on, get your wallet out of there! Sasha had such a clever idea against thieves! I left the cooperative and suddenly became afraid: oh, it seems I forgot to take the change again, and the basket is heavy! Well, for one minute Sasha put the basket at the door and ran up to the cash register:

- Auntie, it seems you didn’t give me change.

And the cashier said to her from the window:

– I can’t remember everyone.

And in the queue they shout:

- Don't delay!

Sasha wanted to take the basket and go home without change. Look, there is no basket. Sasha was scared! She began to cry and scream at the top of her voice:

- Oh, they stole it, they stole it! My basket was stolen! Potatoes, cabbage!

People surrounded Sasha, gasped and scolded her:

– Who throws their things like that! Serves you right!

And the manager jumped out into the street, took out a whistle and started whistling: call the police. Sasha thought that now they would take her to the police station for being a slob, and she roared even louder. A policeman came.

-What's the matter? Why is the girl screaming?

Then the policeman was told how Sasha was robbed.

The policeman says:

- We’ll arrange it now, don’t cry.

And he started talking on the phone.

Sasha was afraid to go home without her wallet and basket. And she was also scared to stand here. How can a policeman take you to the police station? And the policeman came and said:

– Don’t go anywhere, stay here!

And then a man comes to the store with a dog on a chain. The policeman pointed at Sasha:

- It was stolen from her, from this girl.

Everyone parted, the man led the dog to Sasha. Sasha thought that the dog was going to start biting her. But the dog only sniffed it and snorted. And at that time the policeman asked Sasha where she lived. Sasha asked the policeman not to say anything to her mother. And he laughed, and everyone around him laughed too. And that man with the dog had already left.

The policeman also left. And Sasha was afraid to go home. She sat down in the corner directly on the floor. He sits and waits for what will happen.

She sat there for a long time. Suddenly he hears his mother shout:

- Sasha, Sasha, are you here, or what?

Sasha will shout:

- Tuta! – and jumped to her feet.

Mom grabbed her hand and brought her home.

And at home in the kitchen there is a basket with potatoes, cabbage and onions. Mom said that the dog led that man by scent following the thief, caught up with the thief and grabbed his hand with his teeth. The thief was taken to the police, the basket was taken from him and brought to his mother. But the wallet was not found, so it disappeared along with the money.

- And it didn’t disappear at all! – said Sasha and turned the basket over. The potatoes spilled out and the wallet fell out of the bottom.

- That's how smart I am! – says Sasha.

And her mother:

- Smart, but ugly.

White House

We lived at sea, and my dad had a nice boat with sails. I knew how to navigate it perfectly – both oars and sails. And yet, my dad never let me into the sea alone. And I was twelve years old.

One day, my sister Nina and I found out that my father was leaving home for two days, and we decided to go on a boat to the other side; and on the other side of the bay stood a very pretty house: white, with a red roof. And a grove grew around the house. We had never been there and thought it was very good. Probably a kind old man and an old woman live. And Nina says that they certainly have a dog and a kind one too. And the old people probably eat yogurt and will be happy and give us yogurt.

So we started saving bread and water bottles. The water in the sea is salty, but what if you want to drink on the way?

My father left in the evening, and we immediately filled the bottles with water on the sly from my mother. Otherwise he will ask: why? - and then everything disappeared.

As soon as it was dawn, Nina and I quietly climbed out of the window and took our bread and bottles into the boat with us. I set the sails and we went to sea. I sat like a captain, and Nina obeyed me like a sailor.

The wind was light, and the waves were small, and Nina and I felt as if we were on a large ship, we had supplies of water and food, and we were going to another country. I headed straight for the house with the red roof. Then I told my sister to prepare breakfast. She broke some bread and uncorked a bottle of water. She was still sitting on the bottom of the boat, and then, as she stood up to give me food, and as she looked back at our shore, she screamed so loudly that I even shuddered:

- Oh, our house is barely visible! – and wanted to cry.

I said:

- Reva, but the old people’s house is close.

She looked ahead and screamed even worse:

“And the old people’s house is far away: we didn’t get any closer.” And they left our house!

She began to roar, and out of spite I began to eat the bread as if nothing had happened. She roared, and I said:

“If you want to go back, jump overboard and swim home, and I’m going to the old people.”

Then she drank from the bottle and fell asleep. And I’m still sitting at the helm, and the wind doesn’t change and blows evenly. The boat moves smoothly, and the water murmurs behind the stern. The sun was already high.

And now I see that we are getting very close to that shore and the house is clearly visible. Now let Ninka wake up and take a look - she’ll be happy! I looked to see where the dog was. But neither the dog nor the old people were visible.

Suddenly the boat stumbled, stopped and tilted to one side. I quickly lowered the sail so as not to capsize at all. Nina jumped up. Woke up, she did not know where she was, and looked with wide eyes. I said:

- They hit the sand. Ran aground. Now I'll sleep. And there's the house.

But she was not happy about the house, but was even more frightened. I undressed, jumped into the water and began to push.

I was exhausted, but the boat did not move. I tilted it to one side or the other. I lowered the sails, but nothing helped.

Nina started screaming for the old man to help us. But it was far away, and no one came out. I told Ninka to jump out, but this did not make the boat any easier: the boat was firmly dug into the sand. I tried to wade towards the shore. But it was deep in all directions, no matter where you went. And it was impossible to go anywhere. And so far away that it’s impossible to swim.

And no one left the house. I ate the bread, washed it down with water and didn’t speak to Nina. And she cried and said:

- Well, I brought it, now no one will find us here. Stranded in the middle of the sea. Captain! Mom will go crazy. You will see. My mother told me: “If anything happens to you, I’ll go crazy.”

And I was silent. The wind has completely died down. I took it and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was completely dark. Ninka whimpered, hiding in her very nose, under the bench. I stood up, and the boat rocked easily and freely under my feet. I purposely shook her harder. The boat is free. I was so happy! Hooray! We have refloated. It was the wind that changed, caught up with water, lifted the boat, and it went aground.

I looked around. In the distance there were sparkling lights—lots and lots of them. This is on our shore: tiny, like sparkles. I rushed to raise the sails. Nina jumped up and at first thought I was crazy. But I didn't say anything. And when he had already pointed the boat towards the lights, he said to her:

- What, roar? So we're going home. There's no point in crying.

We walked all night. In the morning the wind stopped. But we were already near the shore. We rowed home. Mom was both angry and happy at once. But we asked her not to say anything to her father.

And then we found out that no one had lived in that house for a whole year.

How I caught little men

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. Grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf there is a steamboat. I've never seen anything like this. He was completely real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and on it two black belts. And two masts. And rope ladders went from the masts to the sides. At the stern there was a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and door. And just at the stern there is a copper steering wheel. Below under the stern is the steering wheel. And the propeller shone in front of the steering wheel like a copper rose. There are two anchors on the bow. Oh, how wonderful! If only I had one like this!

I immediately asked my grandmother to play with the steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:

- Don’t ask for that. If you don’t want to play, don’t you dare touch it. Never! This is a dear memory for me.

I saw that even if I cried, it wouldn’t help.

And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on varnished stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

And grandma:

- Give me your word of honor that you won’t touch me. Otherwise I’d better hide it from sin.

And she went to the shelf.

- Honest and honest, grandma. - And grabbed my grandmother’s skirt.

Grandmother did not remove the steamer.

I kept looking at the ship. He climbed onto a chair to see better. And more and more he seemed real to me. And the door in the booth must certainly open. And probably little people live in it. Small, just the size of the ship. It turned out that they should be slightly lower than the match. I began to wait to see if any of them would look through the window. They're probably peeking. And when no one is home, they go out onto the deck. They are probably climbing ladders to the masts.

And a little noise - like mice: they dash into the cabin. Down and hide. I looked for a long time when I was alone in the room. Nobody looked out. I hid behind the door and looked through the crack. And they are cunning, damned little men, they know that I am spying. Yeah! They work at night when no one can scare them away. Tricky.

I began to quickly and quickly swallow the tea. And asked to sleep.

Grandma says:

- What is this? You can’t be forced into bed, but then you’re asking to sleep so early.

And so, when they settled down, the grandmother turned off the light. And the steamboat is not visible. I tossed and turned on purpose, so that the bed creaked.

- Why are you tossing and turning?

“And I’m afraid to sleep without light.” At home they always light a night light.

I lied: the house is dark at night.

Grandma cursed, but got up. I spent a long time poking around and made a night light. It didn't burn well. But you could still see how the steamboat glittered on the shelf.

I covered my head with a blanket, made myself a house and a small hole. And he looked out of the hole without moving. Soon I looked so closely that I could clearly see everything on the boat. I looked for a long time. The room was completely silent. Only the clock was ticking. Suddenly something rustled quietly. I was wary - this rustling sound was coming from the ship. And it was as if the door had opened slightly. I lost my breath. I moved forward a little. The damned bed creaked. I scared the little man away!

Now there was nothing to wait for, and I fell asleep. I fell asleep out of grief.

The next day I came up with this. The humans are probably eating something. If you give them candy, it's a whole lot for them. You need to break off a piece of the candy and put it on the steamer, near the booth. Near the doors. But such a piece that it won’t fit through their doors right away. They'll open the doors at night and look out the crack. Wow! Sweets! For them it’s like a whole box. Now they’ll jump out, quickly take the candy to themselves. They are at her door, but she won’t get in! Now they’ll run away, bring hatchets - small, small, but completely real - and start baling with these hatchets: bale-bale! bale bale! bale bale! And quickly push the candy through the door. They are cunning, they just want everything to be neat. So as not to get caught. Here they are bringing in candy. Here, even if I creak, they still won’t be able to keep up: the candy will get stuck in the door - neither here nor there. Let them run away, but you will still see how they carried the candy. Or maybe someone will miss the hatchet out of fright. Where will they choose! And I will find on the deck of the ship a tiny real hatchet, very sharp.

And so, secretly from my grandmother, I cut off a piece of candy, just the one I wanted. He waited a minute while the grandmother was busy in the kitchen, once or twice - on the table with her feet and put the lollipop right next to the door on the steamer. Theirs is half a step from the door to the lollipop. He got off the table and wiped away with his sleeve what he had left behind with his feet. Grandma didn't notice anything.

During the day I secretly glanced at the ship. My grandmother took me for a walk. I was afraid that during this time the little men would steal the candy and I wouldn’t catch them. On the way, I purposely whined that I was cold, and we returned soon. The first thing I looked at was the steamboat! The lollipop, as it was, is in place. Well, yes! They are fools to take on such a thing during the day!

At night, when my grandmother fell asleep, I settled down in the blanket house and began to look. This time the night light burned wonderfully, and the candy sparkled like a piece of ice in the sun with a sharp light. I looked and looked at this light and fell asleep, as luck would have it! The little people outsmarted me. I looked in the morning and there was no candy, but I got up before everyone else and ran around in my shirt to look. Then I looked from the chair - of course, there was no hatchet. Why did they have to give up: they worked slowly, without interruption, and not even a single crumb was lying around - they picked everything up.

Another time I put in bread. I even heard some fuss at night. The damned night light was barely smoking, I couldn’t see anything. But the next morning there was no bread. There are only a few crumbs left. Well, it’s clear that they don’t really care about bread or candy: every crumb is a piece of candy for them.

I decided that they had benches on both sides of the ship. Full length. And during the day they sit there side by side and whisper quietly. About your business. And at night, when everyone is asleep, they have work here.

I thought about little people all the time. I wanted to take a cloth, like a small rug, and place it near the door. Wet a cloth with ink. They will run out, you won’t notice right away, they will get their feet dirty and leave marks all over the ship. At least I can see what kind of legs they have. Maybe some are barefoot to make their feet quieter. No, they are terribly cunning and will only laugh at all my tricks.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

And so - I decided to definitely take the steamboat and look and catch the little men. At least one. You just need to arrange it so that you can stay alone at home. My grandmother took me with her everywhere, to all her visits. All to some old women. Sit and you can’t touch anything. You can only pet a cat. And the grandmother whispers with them for half a day.

So I see that my grandmother is getting ready: she began to collect cookies in a box for these old women to drink tea there. I ran into the hallway, took out my knitted mittens and rubbed it on my forehead and cheeks - my whole face, in a word. No regrets. And he quietly lay down on the bed.

Grandma suddenly snapped:

- Borya, Boryushka, where are you?

I remain silent and close my eyes. Grandma to me:

- Why are you lying down?

- My head hurts.

She touched her forehead.

- Look at me! Sit at home. I'll go back and get some raspberries from the pharmacy. I'll be back soon. I won't sit for long. And you undress and lie down. Lie down, lie down without talking.

She began to help me, laid me down, wrapped me in a blanket and kept saying: “I’ll be back now, in spirit.”

Grandma locked me up. I waited five minutes: what if he came back? What if you forgot something there?

And then I jumped out of bed with my shirt on. I jumped up on the table and took the steamer from the shelf. Immediately, with my hands, I realized that it was made of iron, completely real. I pressed it to my ear and began to listen: were they moving? But they, of course, fell silent. They realized that I had grabbed their ship. Yeah! Sit there on the bench and are silent, like mice. I got off the table and began to shake the steamer. They will shake themselves off, will not sit on the benches, and I will hear them hanging out there. But it was quiet inside.

I realized: they were sitting on the benches, their legs were tucked under and their hands were clinging to the seats with all their might. They sit as if glued.

Yeah! So just wait. I'll dig around and raise the deck. And I’ll cover you all there. I began to take out a table knife from the cupboard, but I didn’t take my eyes off the steamer so that the little men wouldn’t jump out. I started picking at the deck. Wow, how tightly everything is sealed!

Finally I managed to slip the knife a little. But the masts rose along with the deck. And the masts were not allowed to rise by these rope ladders that went from the masts to the sides. They had to be cut off - there was no other way. I stopped for a moment. Just for a moment. But now, with a hasty hand, he began to cut these ladders. I sawed them with a dull knife. Done, they are all hung, the masts are free. I began to lift the deck with a knife. I was afraid to immediately give a big gap. They will all rush at once and run away. I left a crack so I could climb through alone. He will climb, and I will clap him! – and I’ll slam it like a bug in the palm of my hand.

I waited and kept my hand ready to grab.

Not a single one climbs! I then decided to immediately open the deck and slam it in the middle with my hand. At least one will come across. You just have to do it right away: they’ve probably already got ready there - you open it, and the little men all squirt to the sides. I quickly threw back the deck and slammed my hand inside. Nothing. Nothing at all! There weren't even these benches. Bare sides. Like in a saucepan. I raised my hand. Nothing at hand, of course.

My hands were shaking as I adjusted the deck back. Everything was becoming crooked. And there is no way to attach ladders. They were hanging out randomly. I somehow pushed the deck into place and put the steamer on the shelf. Now everything is gone!

I quickly threw myself into bed and wrapped my head up.

I hear the key in the door.

- Grandmother! – I whispered under the blanket. - Grandma, dear, dear, what have I done!

And my grandmother stood over me and stroked my head:

- Why are you crying, why are you crying? You are my dear, Boryushka! Do you see how soon I am?

Boris Zhitkov

Help is coming


In winter the sea froze. The fishermen of the entire collective farm gathered on the ice to fish. We took the nets and rode on a sleigh across the ice. The fisherman Andrei also went, and with him his son Volodya. We went far, far away. And all around, wherever you look, everything is ice and ice: that’s how the sea froze there. Andrey and his comrades drove the farthest.

They made holes in the ice and began to throw nets through them. The day was sunny and everyone was having fun. Volodya helped unravel fish from the nets and was very happy that they caught a lot. Large piles of frozen fish were already lying on the ice. Volodin's dad said:

Enough, time to go home.

But everyone began to ask to stay overnight and fish again in the morning. In the evening we ate, wrapped ourselves tightly in sheepskin coats and went to bed in the sleigh. Volodya snuggled up to his father to keep him warm and fell fast asleep.

Suddenly at night the father jumped up and shouted:

Comrades, get up! Look how windy it is! There would be no trouble!

Everyone jumped up and ran around.

Why are we shaking? - Volodya shouted.

And the father shouted:

Trouble! We were torn off and carried on an ice floe into the sea.

All the fishermen ran along the ice floe and shouted:

It's torn off! It's torn off! And someone shouted:


Volodya began to cry. During the day, the wind became even stronger, the waves splashed onto the ice floe, and all around was only the sea. Volodin's dad tied a mast from two poles, tied a red shirt at the end and set it up like a flag. Everyone was looking to see if there was a steamer somewhere. Out of fear, no one wanted to eat or drink. And Volodya lay in the sleigh and looked at the sky: would the sun shine. And suddenly, in a clearing between the clouds, Volodya saw a plane and shouted:

Airplane! Airplane!

Everyone started shouting and waving their hats. A bag fell from a plane. It contained food and a note: “Hold on! Help is coming! An hour later the steamer arrived and loaded people, sleighs, horses and fish. It was the port master who learned that eight fishermen had been carried away on the ice floe. He sent a ship and a plane to help them. The pilot found the fishermen and radioed the ship's captain where to go.

The girl Valya was eating fish and suddenly choked on a bone. Mom screamed:

Eat the crust quickly!

But nothing helped. Valya had tears flowing from her eyes. She could not speak, but only wheezed and waved her arms.

Mom got scared and ran to call the doctor. And the doctor lived forty kilometers away. Mom told him on the phone to come quickly, quickly.

The doctor immediately collected his tweezers, got into the car and drove to Valya. The road went along the shore. On one side there was the sea, and on the other side there were steep cliffs. The car was racing at full speed.

The doctor was very afraid for Valya.

Suddenly, ahead, one rock crumbled into stones and covered the road. It became impossible to travel.

It was still a long way off, but the doctor still wanted to walk.

Suddenly a horn sounded from behind. The driver looked back and said:

Wait, doctor, help is coming!

And it was a truck in a hurry. He drove up to the rubble. People jumped out of the truck. They removed the machine - the pump and the rubber pipes - from the truck and ran the pipe into the sea.

The pump started working. He sucked water from the sea through a pipe, and then drove it into another pipe. Water flew out of this pipe with terrible force. It flew out with such force that people could not hold the end of the pipe: it was shaking and beating. It was screwed to an iron stand and directed water directly towards the collapse. It turned out as if they were shooting water from a cannon. The water hit the landslide so hard that it dislodged clay and stones and carried them into the sea.

The entire collapse was washed away by water from the road.

Hurry, let's go! - the doctor shouted to the driver.

The driver started the car. The doctor came to Valya, took out his tweezers and removed the bone from her throat.

And then he sat down and told Valya how the road was blocked and how the hydraulic ram pump washed away the landslide.


There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn't have time to escape?

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing - they were carrying earth, building a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain. Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! Otherwise, look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”

In winter the sea froze. The fishermen of the entire collective farm gathered on the ice to fish. We took the nets and rode on a sleigh across the ice. The fisherman Andrei also went, and with him his son Volodya. We went far, far away. And all around, wherever you look, everything is ice and ice: that’s how the sea froze there. Andrey and his comrades drove the farthest.

They made holes in the ice and began to throw nets through them. The day was sunny and everyone was having fun. Volodya helped unravel fish from the nets and was very happy that they caught a lot. Large piles of frozen fish were already lying on the ice. Volodin's dad said:

Enough, time to go home.

But everyone began to ask to stay overnight and fish again in the morning. In the evening we ate, wrapped ourselves tightly in sheepskin coats and went to bed in the sleigh. Volodya snuggled up to his father to keep him warm and fell fast asleep.

Suddenly at night the father jumped up and shouted:

Comrades, get up! Look how windy it is! There would be no trouble!

Everyone jumped up and ran around.

Why are we shaking? - Volodya shouted.

And the father shouted:

Trouble! We were torn off and carried on an ice floe into the sea.

All the fishermen ran along the ice floe and shouted:

It's torn off! It's torn off! And someone shouted:


Volodya began to cry. During the day, the wind became even stronger, the waves splashed onto the ice floe, and all around was only the sea. Volodin's dad tied a mast from two poles, tied a red shirt at the end and set it up like a flag. Everyone was looking to see if there was a steamer somewhere. Out of fear, no one wanted to eat or drink. And Volodya lay in the sleigh and looked at the sky: would the sun shine. And suddenly, in a clearing between the clouds, Volodya saw a plane and shouted:

Airplane! Airplane!

Everyone started shouting and waving their hats. A bag fell from a plane. It contained food and a note: “Hold on! Help is coming! An hour later the steamer arrived and loaded people, sleighs, horses and fish. It was the port master who learned that eight fishermen had been carried away on the ice floe. He sent a ship and a plane to help them. The pilot found the fishermen and radioed the ship's captain where to go.


The girl Valya was eating fish and suddenly choked on a bone. Mom screamed:

Eat the crust quickly!

But nothing helped. Valya had tears flowing from her eyes. She could not speak, but only wheezed and waved her arms.

Mom got scared and ran to call the doctor. And the doctor lived forty kilometers away. Mom told him on the phone to come quickly, quickly.

The doctor immediately collected his tweezers, got into the car and drove to Valya. The road went along the shore. On one side there was the sea, and on the other side there were steep cliffs. The car was racing at full speed.

The doctor was very afraid for Valya.

Suddenly, ahead, one rock crumbled into stones and covered the road. It became impossible to travel.

It was still a long way off, but the doctor still wanted to walk.

Suddenly a horn sounded from behind. The driver looked back and said:

Wait, doctor, help is coming!

And it was a truck in a hurry. He drove up to the rubble. People jumped out of the truck. They removed the machine - the pump and the rubber pipes - from the truck and ran the pipe into the sea.

The pump started working. He sucked water from the sea through a pipe, and then drove it into another pipe. Water flew out of this pipe with terrible force. It flew out with such force that people could not hold the end of the pipe: it was shaking and beating. It was screwed to an iron stand and directed water directly towards the collapse. It turned out as if they were shooting water from a cannon. The water hit the landslide so hard that it dislodged clay and stones and carried them into the sea.

The entire collapse was washed away by water from the road.

Hurry, let's go! - the doctor shouted to the driver.

The driver started the car. The doctor came to Valya, took out his tweezers and removed the bone from her throat.

And then he sat down and told Valya how the road was blocked and how the hydraulic ram pump washed away the landslide.


There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn't have time to escape?

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing - they were carrying earth, building a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain. Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! Otherwise, look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”

Boris Zhitkov

Help is coming


In winter the sea froze. The fishermen of the entire collective farm gathered on the ice to fish. We took the nets and rode on a sleigh across the ice. The fisherman Andrei also went, and with him his son Volodya. We went far, far away. And all around, wherever you look, everything is ice and ice: that’s how the sea froze there. Andrey and his comrades drove the farthest.

They made holes in the ice and began to throw nets through them. The day was sunny and everyone was having fun. Volodya helped unravel fish from the nets and was very happy that they caught a lot. Large piles of frozen fish were already lying on the ice. Volodin's dad said:

Enough, time to go home.

But everyone began to ask to stay overnight and fish again in the morning. In the evening we ate, wrapped ourselves tightly in sheepskin coats and went to bed in the sleigh. Volodya snuggled up to his father to keep him warm and fell fast asleep.

Suddenly at night the father jumped up and shouted:

Comrades, get up! Look how windy it is! There would be no trouble!

Everyone jumped up and ran around.

Why are we shaking? - Volodya shouted.

And the father shouted:

Trouble! We were torn off and carried on an ice floe into the sea.

All the fishermen ran along the ice floe and shouted:

It's torn off! It's torn off! And someone shouted:


Volodya began to cry. During the day, the wind became even stronger, the waves splashed onto the ice floe, and all around was only the sea. Volodin's dad tied a mast from two poles, tied a red shirt at the end and set it up like a flag. Everyone was looking to see if there was a steamer somewhere. Out of fear, no one wanted to eat or drink. And Volodya lay in the sleigh and looked at the sky: would the sun shine. And suddenly, in a clearing between the clouds, Volodya saw a plane and shouted:

Airplane! Airplane!

Everyone started shouting and waving their hats. A bag fell from a plane. It contained food and a note: “Hold on! Help is coming! An hour later the steamer arrived and loaded people, sleighs, horses and fish. It was the port master who learned that eight fishermen had been carried away on the ice floe. He sent a ship and a plane to help them. The pilot found the fishermen and radioed the ship's captain where to go.

The girl Valya was eating fish and suddenly choked on a bone. Mom screamed:

Eat the crust quickly!

But nothing helped. Valya had tears flowing from her eyes. She could not speak, but only wheezed and waved her arms.

Mom got scared and ran to call the doctor. And the doctor lived forty kilometers away. Mom told him on the phone to come quickly, quickly.

The doctor immediately collected his tweezers, got into the car and drove to Valya. The road went along the shore. On one side there was the sea, and on the other side there were steep cliffs. The car was racing at full speed.

The doctor was very afraid for Valya.

Suddenly, ahead, one rock crumbled into stones and covered the road. It became impossible to travel.

It was still a long way off, but the doctor still wanted to walk.

Suddenly a horn sounded from behind. The driver looked back and said:

Wait, doctor, help is coming!

And it was a truck in a hurry. He drove up to the rubble. People jumped out of the truck. They removed the machine - the pump and the rubber pipes - from the truck and ran the pipe into the sea.

The pump started working. He sucked water from the sea through a pipe, and then drove it into another pipe. Water flew out of this pipe with terrible force. It flew out with such force that people could not hold the end of the pipe: it was shaking and beating. It was screwed to an iron stand and directed water directly towards the collapse. It turned out as if they were shooting water from a cannon. The water hit the landslide so hard that it dislodged clay and stones and carried them into the sea.

The entire collapse was washed away by water from the road.

Hurry, let's go! - the doctor shouted to the driver.

The driver started the car. The doctor came to Valya, took out his tweezers and removed the bone from her throat.

And then he sat down and told Valya how the road was blocked and how the hydraulic ram pump washed away the landslide.


There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost at the water’s edge.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn't have time to escape?

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing - they were carrying earth, building a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain. Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! Otherwise, look, now the river will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home?

The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”


In winter the sea froze. The fishermen of the entire collective farm gathered on the ice to fish. We took the nets and rode on a sleigh across the ice. The fisherman Andrei also went, and with him his son Volodya. We went far, far away. And all around, wherever you look, everything is ice and ice: that’s how the sea froze there. Andrey and his comrades drove the farthest.

They made holes in the ice and began to throw nets through them. The day was sunny and everyone was having fun. Volodya helped unravel fish from the nets and was very happy that they caught a lot. Large piles of frozen fish were already lying on the ice. Volodin's dad said:

Enough, time to go home.

But everyone began to ask to stay overnight and fish again in the morning. In the evening we ate, wrapped ourselves tightly in sheepskin coats and went to bed in the sleigh. Volodya snuggled up to his father to keep him warm and fell fast asleep.

Suddenly at night the father jumped up and shouted:

Comrades, get up! Look how windy it is! There would be no trouble!

Everyone jumped up and ran around.

Why are we shaking? - Volodya shouted.

And the father shouted:

Trouble! We were torn off and carried on an ice floe into the sea.

All the fishermen ran along the ice floe and shouted:

It's torn off! It's torn off! And someone shouted:


Volodya began to cry. During the day, the wind became even stronger, the waves splashed onto the ice floe, and all around was only the sea. Volodin's dad tied a mast from two poles, tied a red shirt at the end and set it up like a flag. Everyone was looking to see if there was a steamer somewhere. Out of fear, no one wanted to eat or drink. And Volodya lay in the sleigh and looked at the sky: would the sun shine. And suddenly, in a clearing between the clouds, Volodya saw a plane and shouted:

Airplane! Airplane!

Everyone started shouting and waving their hats. A bag fell from a plane. It contained food and a note: “Hold on!” Help is coming!" An hour later, a steamer arrived and reloaded people, sleighs, horses and fish. It was the head of the port who found out that eight fishermen had been carried away on the ice floe. He sent a steamer and a plane to help them. The pilot found the fishermen and told the ship's captain on the radio , where to go.


The girl Valya was eating fish and suddenly choked on a bone. Mom screamed;

Eat the crust quickly!

But nothing helped. Valya had tears flowing from her eyes. She could not

to speak, but only wheezed and waved her hands.

Mom got scared and ran to call the doctor. And the doctor lived forty kilometers away. Mom told him on the phone to come quickly, quickly.

The doctor immediately collected his tweezers, got into the car and drove to Valya. The road went along the shore. On one side there was the sea, and on the other side there were steep cliffs. The car was racing at full speed.

The doctor was very afraid for Valya.

Suddenly, ahead, one rock crumbled into stones and covered the road. It became impossible to travel.

It was still a long way off, but the doctor still wanted to walk.

Suddenly a horn sounded from behind. The driver looked back and said:

Wait, doctor, help is coming!

And it was a truck in a hurry. He drove up to the rubble. People jumped out of the truck. They took the car off the truck -

pump and rubber pipes and carried the pipe into the sea.

The pump started working. He sucked water from the sea through a pipe, and then drove it into another pipe. Water flew out of this pipe with terrible force. It flew out with such force that people could not hold the end of the pipe: it was shaking and beating. It was screwed to an iron stand and directed water directly towards the collapse. It turned out as if they were shooting water from a cannon. The water hit the landslide so hard that it dislodged clay and stones and carried them into the sea.

The entire collapse was washed away by water from the road. .

Hurry, let's go! - the doctor shouted to the driver.

The driver started the car. The doctor came to Valya, took out his tweezers and removed the bone from her throat.

And then he sat down and told Valya how the road was blocked and how the hydra pump washed away the landslide.


There are rivers in our country that do not flow all the time in one place. Such a river will rush to the right, flow to the right, then after a while, as if it is tired of flowing here, it will suddenly crawl to the left and flood its left bank. And if the bank is high, the water will wash it away. The steep bank will collapse into the river and if there was a house on the cliff, then the house will fly into the water.

Here along such a river a tugboat was walking and pulling two barges. The steamer stopped at the pier to leave one barge there, and then the boss came to him from the shore and said:

“Oh,” said the captain, “my house is on the right bank, almost right next to the water.” His wife and son remained there. What if they didn't have time to escape?

The captain ordered the car to be put into full speed. He hurried quickly to his home and was very angry that the heavy barge was delaying its progress.

The steamer had sailed a little, when suddenly it was signaled to go to shore. The captain anchored the barge and sent the steamer towards the shore.

He saw that on the shore thousands of people with shovels and wheelbarrows were rushing

They carry earth and build a wall to prevent the river from flooding the bank. They carry wooden logs on camels to drive them into the bank and strengthen the wall. And a machine with a tall iron arm walks along the wall and shovels earth onto it with a bucket.

People ran to the captain and asked:

What's in the barge?

Stone,” said the captain. Everyone shouted:

Oh, how good! Let's come here! And then, look, there’s a river now

will break through the wall and wash away all our work. The river will rush into the fields and wash away all the crops. There will be hunger. Hurry, hurry, give me the stone!

Here the captain forgot about his wife and son. He launched the steamer as fast as he could and brought the barge right to the shore.

People began to carry stone and strengthened the wall. The river stopped and did not go any further. Then the captain asked:

Do you know how it is at my home? The boss sent a telegram, and soon the answer came. All the people there were also worked there and saved the house where the captain’s wife and son lived.

“Here,” said the chief, “here you helped our people, and there your comrades saved yours.”