Dictionary word "dictation". Class

I will always remember the confession of one of my students, written by her in the 11th grade: “When you came to the first lesson in the 10th grade and started speaking so smartly and beautifully, I thought: “Well, that’s all, that’s my death.” came!” – because I simply didn’t understand many words. Then, of course, a lot changed..." Like this. And I, having just graduated from university, thought I knew how to teach a lesson! To be honest, I doubt it more often now than then, I only think that it cannot be conducted in a boring, uninteresting manner. Now I have a wonderful seventh grade, and this is all for them.

Lyceum No. 1310,

"Terribly difficult vocabulary words"

If Winnie the Pooh was tired of long words, then many schoolchildren are tired of “defying any rules, terribly difficult vocabulary words.” In the struggle with them and with ourselves, we could not come up with anything new: they need to be taught! But maybe we can make it interesting? Using the list of words that L.A. offers. Akhremenkova in the manual “Towards an A Step by Step” for 7th grade, we compose interesting texts from these words and write vocabulary dictations once every two weeks. Words that cause difficulties for most students can be repeated in subsequent dictations, sometimes this helps to build cross-cutting storylines. I almost always suggest that students continue the text by adding 1–2 sentences.

Dictation texts composed of dictionary words

1. On the eve of the tennis tournament, the correspondent sat behind a column on the terrace, drank coffee with appetite and drew caricatures of familiar businessmen. Suddenly a stranger in a sailor's uniform approached him and handed him a program and a cassette with Russian songs. Then he said the password: “A ton of waste paper will be transported along a commercial route.” The correspondent commented: “In the word intellectual no suffix." It was a failure, and both were exiled.

2. The homeless woman sat in a chair by a wrought-iron lamp and dreamed of an intellectual groom. She was the niece of a military leader, and he promised to leave her an incredible dowry: a silver compact, a wooden chest and tin spoons.
The clever swindler and the swindler calculated everything and decided on an unprecedented act: to steal a silver powder compact from a dowry-free worker. But there was confusion: ... .

3. The hurricane caught the scammers on the ferry. The crimson sunset illuminated their faces, a force five storm threatened their lives. After an unsuccessful attempt to steal the powder compact, they hoped to sell the scuba gear to merchants. It was a rational decision.
And the crowned military leader was a welcome guest in the house of his niece. He was a patriot, refused privileges and did not grovel before authority. His dowry-free niece lived in a closet near the grocery store and sculpted amazing figures of acrobats from plasticine. The tin spoons and silver compact were still in the wooden chest.

4. Pitch darkness covered the city, a snowstorm covered the eyes of traffic lights.
Someone stood on the snow, well compacted under the windows of the house, and saw coffee brewing in the kitchen on the burner. Voices came from the huge living room.

“Laziness is an unheard-of vice,” the stepmother said to her stepdaughter, the worker, and forced her to wipe all the crystals on the necklace countless times. The stepmother cherished the idea of ​​becoming famous. Columns of correspondents will wait on the terrace or at the gate, fighting for her attention. She will have intellectual conversations about the classics or gasoline prices with the city commandant.

Suddenly her dreams were interrupted by a noise outside the window.

5. After countless mistakes, the seventh grade was again preparing for a dictation, wanting to amaze the teacher with unheard-of knowledge. No one had any privileges. The coveted Thursday was approaching, and all the confusion and martyrs of the seventh grade, forgetting about laziness, increased their level of intelligence, counting on the highest score.
In their nightmares, they saw a niece with a dowry in the form of plasticine acrobats, a military leader with a silver powder compact, a swindler and swindler with a scuba gear, a stepmother in a crystal necklace, and a correspondent sent into exile. These heroes either walked in a line to the sounds of mourning chords, or broke into a Russian dance, tapping their heels. Nobody knew what the literate and smart seventh graders would do with them...

6. “The stepdaughter, while preparing a vinaigrette, cleaning the linoleum, hanging a shining garland and collecting newspapers with cartoons, saw a silhouette near the house and ran to open the door.
A certain chilled dependent, barely moving his lips, proposed to his stepdaughter. The stepdaughter asked to keep her distance, but nevertheless agreed.
Meanwhile, the stepmother talked with the military commander about the release of the correspondent so that he would glorify the stepmother and put the swindlers behind bars. Having learned about her stepdaughter's wedding, she invited the military leader and his dowry-free niece to visit.
After preliminary preparation, crowned with a veil, the stepdaughter accepted the gifts. The swindler and the swindler gave a scuba gear, which they were sorry to part with, and the homeless worker - a cassette with comments from famous critics who had read the works of Russian classics. The released correspondent presented him with a program, and the military commander presented him with a can of gasoline, a bottle of kerosene and a forged horseshoe for good luck.
The stepmother was happy and made no complaints, waiting for the article, the correspondent was ready for anything...” - the smart and competent seventh graders wrote a response to their teacher.

7. The linoleum, polished to a shine, was pleasing to the eye. The garland illuminated the silhouette of the commandant, who was reading newspaper headlines, hoping to find something interesting.

“Found a necklace in vinaigrette!”

“The clever monkey puts stamps on receipts and envelopes.”

“An unheard of epidemic among grocery store workers.”

"Wedding of a homeless woman."

“I’m exchanging a forged chest for a ton of plasticine.”

"On the eve of the elections."

Lost in thought, he did not see how...

The scammers entered the apartment and stole a vase full of crystals and a ton of plasticine;

A huge monkey in a silver necklace beats swindlers for stealing;

Suddenly the garland went out, and the tree, which turned out to be a ballistic missile, launched towards his enemies.

8. On the eve of the holiday, there was turmoil in the city. Countless numbers of guests were expected and they were counting on the arrival of foreign delegations. A five-ton ice cream truck, a colorful combination of balloons and flags, a colonnade decorated with original paintings by a local artist - everything promised wild fun.
The concert began with a performance by a choir of veterans who were the same age as the city. Then girls of the same age performed a Belarusian dance to the accompaniment of rattles. The artillerymen of the local garrison ended the holiday with a fireworks display, the sparks of which slowly faded away on the horizon.

But only...

On this day, schoolchildren again wrote a vocabulary dictation;

Boys about seven years old collected waste paper;

The one-year-old baby did not see this celebration, snoring peacefully in his crib;

The sad swindler and swindler grieved that on that day they failed to pull off the adventure;

Then they remembered the ice cream that had almost melted in the van;

An important Belarusian, pacing back and forth, grumbled all the time: “A holiday without accordion chords is not a holiday!”

Class. Vocabulary dictations on spelling topics

Vocabulary dictation No. 1. Unpronounceable and dubious consonants

Agency, assistant, silent, disinterested, impartial, insensitive, flash, paving stones, sad, sorrowful, long live, conscientious, official, plank, cheerful, provincial, intelligent, skillful, fiber, commandant, grainy, laboratory assistant, landscape, scale, mouthpiece , confidant, fury, circler, neighborhood, danger, parliamentary, transmitter, defector, cross.

Vocabulary dictation No. 2. Unpronounceable and dubious consonants (continued)

scribe, overwhelm, sandy, superficial, subscriber, by the bridle, late, still, fellow traveler, fasting, regale, handwriting, festive, harbinger, premonition, charming, scout, send out (from send), spread out (from spread), rare , x-ray, eyelash, peer, fisherman, peer, secular, verbal, conscientious, joint, passionate, crazy, edible, reed, tourist, burdensome, ponderous, district, abolish, participate, crunch, private, march (go), patronize ( to be a chef), furious, viand.

Vocabulary dictation No. 3. Words with double consonants

Accompaniment, accompany, accordion, battery, neat, allegory, alligator, abstract, antenna, apparatus, appetite, applique, artillery, assistant, assortment, certificate, attraction, affect, score, ballast, balloon, barricade, bacillus, insomnia, diamond, unsuffixed, villa, reins, scorched, gamma, gibbon, hippopotamus, gorilla, gram, flu, diagram, discussion, trained, yeast, burnt, buzz, illusion, illumination, illustration, immunity, intelligence, intelligent, art, calligraphy, cassette, classic, colleague, team, collection, colossus (giant).

Vocabulary dictation No. 4. Words with double consonants (continued)

Commission, comment, compress, compromise, congress, coral, correct, correspondent, corrosion, cottage, crystal, cross, crossword, massage, array, metal, mission, daffodil, novella, occupation, Odessa (Odessa), parallel, passenger, passive , platform, pessimism, press, progress, propeller, profession, process, calculate, director, savannah, rack, telegram, tennis, terrace, territory, ton, track, trolleybus, troupe, tunnel, hockey, hockey player, hall, cellophane, chassis , highway, express, effect.

Vocabulary dictation No. 5. Words with double consonants. Words that do not contain double consonants

Aluminum, actress, Belarusian, Belarusian (but: Belarus, Belarusian), grumbling, volleyball, gallery, living room, hotel, humanism, landing, dessert, amateur, drama, imitation, caricature, column, corridor, crystal, midget, semolina, operetta , official, officer, privilege, producer, race, calculation, prudent, calculated, resource, abstract, three-ton, worker, Finnish, elite.

Vocabulary dictation No. 6. PRESENTATIONS PRE- and PRE-

To stay somewhere, to arrive somewhere, to despise the traitor, to despise the orphan, to stop, to transform, to overcome, an obstacle, a claim, to claim, to close the door, to realize a dream, plans; get used to, prepare, order, adventure, try on clothes, reconcile enemies, acquire, adapt, be present, pretend to be sick, argue, stumbling block, bride's dowry, dowry, privilege, priority.

Vocabulary dictation No. 7. O-E-E after hissing words

Jockey, juggler, heartburn, major, burn (noun), arson (noun), scorched (verb), gluttonous, vest, rattle, slum, thicket, prim, ramrod, saddler, rustle, string, lit, chewed, gutter , purse, does not count, defect, worthless, liver, hairstyle, millet, lattice, clear, whisper, dandy, alkali, wandering, uprooting, tension, overnight, dissociate, baked, condensed milk, dried, crushed, stew, scientist, baby camel , vershok, sexton, kumachovy, novice, hacksaw, brocade, little hand, little river, conductor, trainee.

Vocabulary dictation No. 8. N and NN in different parts of speech

Chewed, forged, windy (man, day), windy (engine, smallpox, mill), silver, wooden, glass, tin, dowry (bride), given importance, imprisoned, imprisoned father, desired, cutesy, given, accidental , desperate, sacred, unprecedented, unheard of, mad, outlandish, ancient, bottomless, insomnia, abandoned, smart, ice cream, nephew, birthday boy, wounded, woven.

Vocabulary dictation No. 9. N and NN in different parts of speech (continued)

Hobbled, woolly, adulthood, admirer, confused, punctuation, zealous, calculated, well-trodden, ridden, enameled, artificial, ten-kopeck, debatable, qualified, classified, unexpectedly, swindler, toiler, above-mentioned, spoiled, intruder, occupied, lit, length, long, gifted, revealed, unwritten, unsolicited.

Vocabulary dictation No. 10. Compound nouns

Flight attendant, vice president, military leader, wretched man, wood harvesting, Ivan da Marya (plant), stationery, kilowatt-hour, false prophet, camouflage suit, coltsfoot (plant), miniskirt, museum-apartment, Nord- West, vegetable storehouse, springboard, press conference, prima ballerina, half a notebook, turnover, fourth year student, South American.

Vocabulary dictation No. 11. Complex adjectives

Mutually perpendicular, vitamin-containing, highly intelligent, remarkable, vital, ideological and political, green-blue, sweet and sour, tongue-tied, monetary, left-handed, literary-critical, as close as possible, lightning-fast, scientifically based, popular science, mutually beneficial, socially useful, socio-political, official business, slavishly obedient, widely accessible.

Class. Words with unverifiable spellings (alphabetically)

Vocabulary dictation No. 12. A

Subscription, applicant, adventure, unit, lawyer, adjutant, academy, accompaniment, allegory, amphitheater, analogy, anomaly, anonymous, applause, fittings, artillery, rearguard, astronomy, attraction, application, appeal.

Vocabulary dictation No. 13. B

Crimson, grocery, beat the buck, balance, ballerina, ballast, balloon, barometer, velvet, battalion, battery, fringe, concrete, string, can, binoculars, bisector, blockade, hero, boycott, swamp, burgundy, bracelet, tarpaulin, diamond , brochure, sandwich, newsletter.

Vocabulary dictation No. 14. B

Car, vacancy, vacuum, vaccine, mitten, cheesecake, bicycle, fan, camel, string, spindle, vermicelli, lobby, veteran, ham, visit, vinaigrette, cello, virtuoso, stained glass, showcase, station, volleyball, red tape, fiber, magic.

Vocabulary dictation No. 15. G

Dimensions, harbor, lawn, haberdashery, gallery, garage, wardrobe, harmony, garrison, general, brilliant, geology, dahlia, herbarium, hybrid, hygiene, gymnastics, hyperbole, hypothesis, garland, fee, horizon, preparation, gradation, grammar, literacy, grimace, humanism.

Vocabulary dictation No. 16. D

Motto, deserter, disinfection, recitation, declaration, delegation, delicacy, demi-season, demobilization, democracy, landing, dessert, defect, hyphen, diagnosis, diagonal, dialect, diameter, range, saboteur, division, diet, amateur, diplomat, director, conductor, dispatcher, discipline, donor, thoroughly.

Vocabulary dictation No. 17. E-I

Huntsman, raccoon, jacket, jargon, jasmine, desired, pearl, token, vest, juggler, marshmallow, ignore, hierarchy, hieroglyph, illumination, imitation, inventory, frost, engineer, initial, intelligence, intelligent, interval, interior, incident, true.

Vocabulary dictation No. 18. K

Cable, cabin, cavalry, quotes, pun, tower, kalach, kaleidoscope, calendar, calligraphy, calorie, tuning fork, closet, campaign (event), ditch, canal, cannonade, office, loaf, caravan, quarantine, guard, caricature, frame , carnival, cornice, cardboard, pan, catalog, disaster, hard labor, muffler, chestnut, cabin, receipt.

Vocabulary dictation No. 19. K

Kangaroo, ceramics, cybernetics, cypress, muslin, clarinet, holster, gingerbread, feather grass, colleague, collective, column, coloring, ear (of cereals), colossus (giant), cap, collective farm, combine, combine, comedy, comet, commission , chest of drawers, company (society, association, enterprise), compass, compensation, compliment, composer, component, compress, compromise, comfort, conveyor, conservatory, conspiracy, contingent, continent.

Vocabulary dictation No. 20. K

Smuggling, contract, entertainer, confetti, confiscate, burner, concentrate, coral, basket, corridor, rocker, trough, astronaut, pit, head of cabbage, stiffen, poker, wallet, coefficient, nettle, credit, crystal, criterion, painstaking, cultural walk.

Vocabulary dictation No. 21. L-M

Labyrinth, laboratory, infirmary, laconic, laureate, shack, legend, liquidation, limit, linoleum, ankle, hollow, locomotive, shovel, flap, lottery, rags, hollow, mausoleum, highway, pasta, waste paper, mannequin, manifesto, margarine, puppet, median, medicine, medicine, mezzanine, melancholy, melody, memorial, meridian.

Vocabulary dictation No. 23. P

Pavilion, tent, front garden, panorama, pantomime, paragraph, paradox, parachute, parquet, parliament, parody, partisans, perfumes, brocade, marshmallow, patriot, patient, shroud, dumplings, parchment, railings, perimeter, periscope, periphery, mother of pearl, perspective, infantry, pyramid.

Vocabulary dictation No. 24. P

Plantation, plasticine, plafond, polemic, testing ground, purse, curtain, pedestal, president, contradict, premiere, drug, claim, precedent, fastidious, privilege, priority, provisions, province, provocation, forecast, project, proclamation, propaganda, propeller, pseudonym, pedestal.

Vocabulary dictation No. 25. R-S

Ration, revolution, regulations, director, reservoir, residence, resonance, record, relic, cost-effective, repertoire, rehearsal, reportage, restoration, recipe, relapse, rhetoric, saxophone, napkin, locust, pipe, semaphore, sensation, service, sergeant, certificate, silhouette, cute, synonym, syntax, lilac, situation, spacesuit, shell, solidarity, sonata, rival, sports day, specialist, standard, chisel, rack, scholarship, turmoil.

Vocabulary dictation No. 26. T-U

Customs, plate, television, temperament, trend, axe, brake, torpedo, tragedy, trajectory, springboard, ram, tram, transformer, trench, stencil, coach, training, tribune, sidewalk, trophy, ultimatum, rapture, hurricane, institution.

Vocabulary dictation No. 27. F-X

Faculty, fanatic, plywood, pharmacist, porcelain, facade, faience, federation (Russian Federation), extravaganza, fireworks, phenomenon, festival, philharmonic, branch, bottle, flannel, folio, phonetics, fountain, format, force, piano, pediment, chameleon, chaotic, choreography, reader.

Class. Vocabulary dictations on spelling topics

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "dictation", which contains a foreign root, with dubious letters:

di ktant

It should be remembered that the dictionary word "di ktant" is written with the letter " And".

Image words to remember:

pi removable - di ktant
read out - diktant
teacher - lecturer

In image words, the letter that is questionable in the dictionary word “dictation” is stressed. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word “di ktant”, it is necessary to remember the image word “pi smenny” and other similar image words.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

After the dictation it was necessary to give an example from life.
I helped check her endless essays and dictations.
During the dictation, she made a mistake in the word chicken.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words for which the same letter is questionable allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with vocabulary words:

That’s how you think you’re writing a novel, but it turns out it’s a dictation. (Aphorism,

Life is not a dictation, and it is not at all necessary to take dictation. (Aphorism,

When I go to bed, new topics for my essays begin to come to mind, and when I wake up in the morning for work, I have to listen to a dictation on the topic of the day! (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word “dictation” help you remember the spelling of a vocabulary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with vocabulary words to memorize:

A dictation is going on in a snuffling class,
And to me from the wall, wise and gray,
The inflated classic threatens with his finger -
Thunder, threaten, you'll wait, grandfather!

(Poem by Georgy Byazyrev)

And in the afternoon, having forgotten the notebooks with dictations,
We run to the hospital, where our three-year-old son is.
To put on the bedside table
Medicines, a couple of pears and an orange...

(Poem by Boris Prakhov)

I wrote my life like a dictation with mistakes,
Black, blue and red ink.
I placed the punctuation marks incorrectly,
Where I didn’t know what to do, I put an ellipsis.

(Poem by Naira Bagdasarova)

Reading poems using a vocabulary word with a foreign root is a fun way to memorize the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

Dictation - how to spell a word, stress placement
spelling or how to correctly write a word, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "Dictation"

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Dictation - what the word means, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Dictation, masculine gender Written test...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "literature".

In schools, the main type of intermediate and final control is dictation. This type of test work is used in many subjects, as it has many modifications. Tests in the Russian language are the most difficult. In this regard, students and parents often have the question of how to write a dictation in Russian with “5”.

Vocabulary dictation

At the initial stage of preparation, it is good to use vocabulary dictations. As a rule, this is a set of individual words that were encountered during the study of the topic, and students have access to them. To prepare for this type of written work, you must:

    Find out the meaning of each word (you can use explanatory dictionaries or Internet resources).

    Divide words into syllables and place stress on them.

    Speak the words syllable by syllable, clearly pronouncing places that are dangerous from the point of view of mistakes.

    Write words from memory or from dictation.

Developers of unconventional methods know how to write a dictation with a “5”. Children are good at remembering the spelling of words if you ask them to make up a ridiculous story with them. For example, the following words are given: “pilot”, “sausage”, “napkin”. Imagine that a pilot, with this word written in big red letters on his headdress, is flying on a sausage, waving a napkin at the clouds. It is advisable that the imagination clearly draws the written version of the words. If your imagination is tight, the story can be written in a draft or presented in the form of a picture (depending on the child’s preferences).

Prepared dictation

The following algorithm will tell you how to write a dictation with “5”:

    You must read the text carefully.

    You need to write down the words that cause particular difficulty, think about what spellings will allow you to write them without errors.

    Separately work with unverifiable words (you can use the previous algorithm).

    Write the text from dictation or from memory.

    Check your work against the original.

When working on this type of work, it is good to use various tables and diagrams to classify writing rules.

For example, the sentence is given: “There was a big tree growing in the forest.” To remember the spelling of all words, you can make a table.

Unprepared dictation

How to write a dictation without errors at “5” if there is no way to prepare in advance? Firstly, it is advisable to regularly perform the two previous types of tasks. Secondly, during the test you need to feel good (get enough sleep, not feel hungry, do not have an acute illness).

If all the conditions are met, how to write a dictation on “5”, the following points will be demonstrated:

    Listen to the text carefully.

    Find out the meaning of unclear words (ask your teacher or consult a dictionary).

    Don't rush to write a proposal. Each of them is read three times. When reading for the first time, you need to pay attention to the intonation. This will allow you to put punctuation marks correctly. Then write down the dictated words. And on the third reading, be sure to compare what is written with the original.

    When checking the entire text, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the written text should be easy to read. It should not contain blots, corrections, or unclear words.

    Corrections must be made with the pen used for writing. Do not use correction fluid or eraser. The grade for such work is reduced.

Those who regularly prepare for it don’t think about how to write a dictation with an “A”.