Especially separate. "Especially", "first of all": the comma is set or not? Punctuation rules: in what cases need commas

Recently, a certain crib in the Russian language was messed up. I took it from here:

However, there were mistakes and inaccuracies.
I corrected what noticed, plus added information from your notebook and other sources.

Use \u003d)

If you notice the error or you will have add-ons, please write about it.

Memo editor. Part 1

Commas, punctuation

"In addition," allocated with commas (also at the beginning, and in the middle of the proposal).

"Most likely," in the meaning "is very likely, most likely" - allocated with commas (of course, everything because of brandy and steam rooms, otherwise he would most likely be silent.).
In the value "faster than just" - no (this way most likely it was possible to come to the house.).

"Rather." If in the value "better, more than", then without commas. For example: "She would rather die to die than betraying it." Also without commas, if the meaning is "better to say." For example: "By saying some remark or rather exclamation."
BUT! The comma is needed if this is an introductory word, expressing an assessment by the author of the degree of reliability of this statement relative to the previous one (in the meaning "rather speaking" or "most likely"). For example: "It can not be called a smart person - rather, he is on his mind."

"Of course," "Of course" is not allocated by commas, the word of course at the beginning of a response replica, pronounced by the tone of confidence, conviction: Of course it is so!
In other cases, the comma is needed.

The expressions "in general", "in general," are isolated in the meaning of "shorter, the word", then they are introductory.

"First of all," are isolated as the introductory in the meaning "first" (first of all, it is a rather capable person).
These words are not allocated in the meaning "first, first" (first of all, you need to contact a specialist).
The comma after "A", "But" and T d. Not needed: "But first of all, I want to say."
When clarified, the entire turn is allocated: "There is hope that these proposals are primarily from the Ministry of Finance, will not be accepted or will be changed."

"At least", "at least" - are isolated only when inversion: "This issue was discussed twice, at least."

"In turn," does not stand out of the comma in the meaning "for its part," "In response, when there was a queue." And the quality of the introductory is isolated.

"In the literal sense" - not introductory, the commas does not stand out

"Hence". If the value "it became, thus, it means", then the commas are needed. For example: "So you, therefore, our neighbors."
BUT! If in the value "therefore, due to this, based on what", then the comma is needed only to the left. For example: "I found a job, therefore we will have more money"; "You're angry, therefore you are not right"; "You can't bake a cake, hence the bake of it I".

"Least". If in the value "the smaller", then without commas. For example: "At least wash the dishes"; "He made at least a dozen errors."
BUT! If in the value of comparison with something, an emotional assessment, then with a comma. For example: "At a minimum, this approach implies control", "for this you need at least, to understand the policy."

"That is, if", "especially if" - the comma, as a rule, is not needed

"That is," is not an introductory word and is not allocated to commas on both sides. This union, the comma is placed in front of it (and if in some contexts and the comma after it is set, then for other reasons: for example, in order to distinguish some separate design or an appropriate proposal that go after it).
For example: "It's five more kilometers to the station, that is, the hour of walking" (comma is needed), "It's five more kilometers to the station, that is, if you don't hurry, the hour of walking (comma after" that is "is set to distinguish the apparent offer "If you do not hurt").

"In any case," are allocated with commas as introductory, if they are used in the value of "at least".

"In addition," "In addition to this", "besides all (other)", "except (other things)" are isolated as introductory.
BUT! "In addition to the fact that" - the union, the comma is not needed. For example: "In addition to the fact that nothing does anything, there is also a claim to me."

"Thanks to this," "Due to this," "due to the fact that" and "along with that" - a comma, as a rule, is not required. Separation optional. The presence of a comma error is not.

"Moreover," - without a comma.
"Especially when", "especially what", "especially if", etc. - The comma is needed before "especially." For example: "Such arguments are hardly needed, especially since this is a false statement", "especially if it mean", "Rest, especially what a lot of work is waiting for you," "Do not sit at home, especially if the partner invites you on dancing. "

"And" - allocated with a comma only in the middle of the sentence (left).

"Nevertheless," the comma is put in the middle of the sentence (left). For example: "He all decided, nevertheless I will try to convince him."
BUT! If "But nevertheless", "if nevertheless," etc., the commas are not needed.

If "however" in the meaning "but", then the comma on the right side is not put. (Exception - if it is interomotion. For example: "However, what kind of wind!")

"In the end," if in the meaning "in the end," the comma does not put.

"Indeed," does not stand out by commas in the meaning "in fact" (that is, if this circumstance is pronounced by adventure), if it is synonymously adjective "real" - "real, genuine". For example: "The bark itself is thin, not the fact that the oak or pine, which is really not terrible hot sunny rays"; "You are really very tired."

"Indeed," can act as an introductory and separate. The introductory word is characterized by intonation isolation - expresses confidence speaking in the truth of the reported fact. In controversial cases, the question of the alignment of punctuation signs decides the author of the text.

"Because of the fact that" the comma is not needed, if it is a union, that is, if you can replace on "because". For example: "In childhood, he passed a medical check, due to the fact that he fought in Vietnam," maybe everything because I love when a person sings "(the comma is needed, because on" because "replace It is impossible).

"Anyway". The comma is needed, if in the meaning - "Anyway". Then it is introductory. For example: "She knew that, one way or another, she would express everything."
BUT! Annual expression "one way or another" (the same thing that "in one way or another" or "in any case") does not require the formulation of punctuation marks. For example: "War is one way or another."

Always without commas:
first of all
at first sight
it seems
more or less
in addition
in (finite) result
in the end
in extreme cases
best case scenario
in some cases
no matter what
as a result
in this case
in the same time
in this regard
as maximum
just in case
in case of emergency
if possible
as far as possible
with all (when)
when (everyone) desire
on occasion
the biggest
most less
in addition
to top off
by the proposal
by decree
by decision

The comma does not put
at the beginning of the offer:

"Before ... I found myself ..."
"Before as…"
"In order to…"
"Instead of…"
"In general ..."
"Especially since ..."
"Despite the fact that ..." (when there is separately); Before "that" the comma does not put.
"And ..."

Finally, in the meaning "finally" - the commas does not stand out.

"And this is despite the fact that ..." - in the middle of the sentence, the comma is always put!

"Based on this, ..." - At the beginning of the sentence, the comma is put. But: "He did so on the basis of ..." - the comma does not put.

"After all, if ..., then ..." - the comma in front of "if" is not put, as the second part of the double union is continued. If "then" is not, then the comma before "if" is put!

"Less than two years ..." - the comma before "what" is not put, because This is not a comparison.

The comma in front of "how" is placed only in the case of comparison.

"Such politicians like Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov ..." - the comma is placed, because There is a noun "politicians."
But: "... politicians, such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov ..." - before "how" the comma does not put.

Commas do not put:
"Give God," "Do not give God," "For God's sake," the commas does not stand out, + the word "God" is written with a small letter.

But: commas are put on both sides:
"Thank God" in the middle of the proposal is allocated with commas on both sides (the word "God" in this case is written with a capital letter) + at the beginning of the sentence - is allocated with a comma (on the right side).
"To God" - in these cases, commas are put on both sides (the word "God" in this case is written with a small letter).
"My God" - stands out of commas on both sides; In the middle of the offer "God" - with a small letter.

If a enterprise word can Lower or rearrange To another place of sentence, without violating its structure (it usually happens with the unions "and" and "but"), the Union is not included in the introductory design - the comma is needed. For example: "First, it became dark, and, secondly, everyone is tired."

If a enterprise word remove or rearrange it is impossible , then comma after the union (usually under the Union "A") is not put. For example: "She just forgot about this fact, and maybe he never remembered him," "..., and therefore ...", "..., and maybe ...", "..., which means ...".

If a enterprise word can withdraw or rearrange, then the comma is needed after the Union "A", since it is not related to the introductory word, i.e., the paled combinations of the type "and therefore" are not formed, "and however,", "and therefore", "maybe", etc. P .. For example: "She didn't just love him, but maybe even despised."

If a at the beginning Offers stands cooking soyuz (in the joining value) ("and", "yes" in the meaning "and", "also", "also", "and that", "and then", "and", "as well", etc.) . and then the introductory word, then the comma in front of him is not needed. For example: "And indeed, it was not worth it"; "And perhaps, it was necessary to do somehow differently." "Finally, the action of the play is ordered and divided into acts"; "Yes, in addition, other circumstances were also found out." "But of course, everything ended well."

It rarely: if at the beginning Offers worth an attachment soyuz, but the introductory design is allocated intonation, the commas are needed. For example: "But, to my great annoyance, Swabrin decisively declared ..."; "And, as usual, just one good remembered."

Basic groups of input words
and phrases
(Allocated to commas + on both sides in the middle of the sentence)

1. Expressive feelings of speaking (joy, regret, surprise, etc.) in connection with the message:
to daily
to amazement
to chagrin
to regain
to joy
to shame
to the surprise
to horror
on trouble
on joy
for luck
not even an hour
there is nothing to hide
by misfortune
strange affair
amazing business
which is good, etc.

2. An assessment of the speaking degree of reality of the reported (confidence, uncertainty, assumption, possibility, etc.):
without any doubts
may be
in fact
must be
i think
it seems
it would seem that
may be
is not it
in all probability
i believe
in fact
of course
it goes without saying
tea and others.

3. Indicating the source of the reported:
in your
according to ...
to my mind
in our opinion
according to legend
according to ...
according to…
according to rumors
according to ...
in your way
report otherwise

4. Indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation:
secondly, etc.
in particular
the main thing
for example
by the way
by the way
by the way, to say
by the way
on the contrary
on the contrary
more than that
on the other hand
one side
that is
thus, etc.
whatever it was

5. Indicating receptions and ways of issuing thoughts:
rather, say
generally speaking
in other words
if you can say so
if you can say so
in other words
in other words
briefly speaking
better to say
to put it mildly
in a word
simply say
in short
as a matter of fact
with the permission to say
so to speak
to be precise
what is called etc.

6. Presents appeals to the interlocutor (reader) in order to attract his attention to the reported, inspire a certain attitude to the outlined facts:
believe (Lee)
believe (Lee)
see (whether)
you see)
imagine (those)
do you know)
do you know)
believe me (those)
you are welcome
understand (those)
understand (whether)
understand (Lee)
listen (those)
agree, etc.

7. Indicating the assessment of the measure of what the following says:
at least, at least - are isolated only when inversion: "This issue was discussed twice, at least."
the biggest
most less

8. Showing the degree of normalization of the reported:
it happens
as usual
by custom

9. Expressive expressiveness:
in addition to jokes
between us will be said
between us saying
need to say
not to ukore will be said
to tell the truth
by conscience
by justice
recognize to say
to say
funny to say

Sustainable expressions with comparison
(without commas):

poor like a church mouse
white as Lun
white as a cloth
white as snow
beat like fish
pale as death
glitters like a mirror
disease as hand shot
fear like fire
wandering like robust
rushed like insane
bubnit as a ponol
ran like crazy
lucky, as a drowned man
spinning like squirrel in the wheel
it can be seen like day
surface as a pig
like a blue megrin
everything goes like oil
all like a selection
jumped like a scrappy
jumped like a stolen
stupid like a plug
looked like wolf
goal like Sokol.
hungry as wolf
far as the sky from the ground
trembled as in fever
trembled like aspen leaf
he is all like a goose water
wait for manna heavenly
wait like a holiday
lead a cat and dog life
live as a bird of heaven
fell asleep like dead
frozen like statue
lost like a needle in a haystack
sounds like music
healthy like bull
know as irradiated
have at one's fingertips
goes like a cow saddle
goes next to as sewn
how to go to the water
ride like cheese in oil
swing like drunk
kolya (pegs) like a jelly
beautiful like God
red like tomato
red as a lobster
fasteners (strong) like oak
shouts as jelly
light like feather
flies like boom
bald as knee
like a shower
waving hands as a mill
dreaming like mehowy
wet as mouse
gloomy as a cloud
mruh like flies
hop as a stone wall
people like herring in barrel
drop like a doll
do not see how your ears
him as a grave
it is like a fish
sure (rushing) as a tremendous
bring (rushing) as crazy
worn as a fool with a written tube
worn as chicken with egg
needed like air
need like last year's snow
needed as the fifth knitter in the chariot
need a dog fifth leg
sharp as a stick
one as finist
stayed like cancer on melels
stopped like inkopy
acute as a razor
through the day from night
differ like the sky from the ground
bake like pancakes
pailed as a cloth
turned pale as death
repeated as in delusion
go like a nice
remember as called
remember as in a dream
get like chickens
hit as a head
like two drops of water
went to the bottom as a stone
devotee like a dog
stuck like a bath sheet
procuing (sense) like a milk goat
disappeared as in the water
straight like a heart knife
frame like fire
works like Vol
disassembled like a pig in oranges
dispelled as smoke
play as notes
grow like mushrooms after rain
grow as on yeast
drop from the clouds
fresh (s) like blood with milk
fresh (s) like a cucumber
singing like a chained
listen like a crowded
watched as enchanted
slept like killed
rush as a fire
standing like iduances
slender as Cedar Lebanese
masters like a candle
solid as a stone
dark as at night
accurate as a watch
skinny as skeleton
coward like a hare
died as a hero
fell like milk
rested like a ram
rested like bull
tired like a dog
chitter as Lisa
sly like Lisa
chucks like a bucket
walked as low
walked like a birthday boy
cold as ice
luck as shining
black as coal
black as damn
feel at home
feel like a stone wall
fucked like drunk
hike as a penalty
clear how twice two four
clear as day and others.

Do not confuse with homogeneous members

1. Are not homogeneous and therefore not separated by the semicol for the following sustainable expressions:
neither fish nor fowl;
neither to settle;
nor the end of the edge;
neither light either dawn;
neither hearing is neither spirit;
neither people themselves;
neither sleeping in spirit;
neither there either here;
for nothing about that;
nor give either
not a response to neither lead;
none of yours;
neither downgraduate;
both so and soyak;
and day and night;
and laughter and grief;
and cold and hunger;
and old and young;
about this;
and in that and in the other.

(General Rule: The comma does not put inside the whole phraseological expressions formed by two words with the opposite value connected by the repeated Union "and" or "nor")

2. Not separated by the comma:

1) verbs in the same form indicating the movement and its goal.
I'll go take a walk.
Sit rest.
Go look.
2) forming semantic unity.
Wait for not wait.
We will talk to talk.

3) paired combinations of a synonymous, antonymic or associative nature.
Search for truth-truth.
There is no end-edge.
Honor-praise everyone.
All Shito-indoor.
Long-dear look.
Questions of purchase and sale.
Meet bread-salt.
Tie down the legs.

4) Complex words (questioningly pronouns, adverbs, which are opposed to something).
To someone who, and you can not.
But where, where, and there everything is there.

Compiler -

Do you need a comma after "all the more"?

    If one more is the particle, it does not stand out with commas (in such cases it has the designation especially). For example, he no longer seemed so impudent and the more terrible.

    If all the more - this is an alliance (means it means), then it must be allocated with commas. For example, I looked in her eyes an uncompatible, especially since I myself felt that I was led by tasteless and provincial.

    In the case when the more frequently; He acts as a particle, then the allocation of commas will be superfluous. How to understand that this is a particle? Just try replacing the word Especially, if the meaning is the same, then in front of you a particle. I will give an example. Katya did not like to swim far away to dive.

    In the case when the more frequently; He acts as a union, the allocation of commas is necessary. I will give an example. Everyone noticed that I was very thin, the more the clothes on me hung.

    Previously, I thought that the more so It is separated by commas, it seems like two unions go, but looking into the dictionary, I saw that the comma is not needed. When in a row goes two unions, there are no comma between them, examples

    It becomes even clearer, if you replace the more good; On the word Especially, if it turned out to be replaced, then the comma is also not.

    The comma is put in a complex sentence when Especially frequent; In one of the parts of the sentence.

  • After the design the more frequently; Sometimes it is necessary to put a comma, in other cases it is not necessary to do this. It all depends on the context of the proposal, as well as on which part of the speech is this phrase.

    So, if it is a particle, then we put the comma. In this case, especially quality; It will be easy for us to replace the word Especially. For example: in winter it is necessary to dress warmly, especially in severe frosts.

    But it happens that all the more; The proposal acts as a union. Then, in meaning, the quot design is suitable for us; and to the same, as, and the punctuation marks need to be put. For example: He was a sullen and ugly, and even more so, much older than her

    If this phrase can be replaced by the phrase, besides, feel free to put the comma. But if

    especially since the particle is and can be replaced by the word especially, in this case the commas are not needed.

    Many words writing the words I look at the special site by spelling and punctuation, which is called

    This is what is written on the site about writing. Especially:

    After the more frequently; The comma does not put. Pressure offers with especially quality; Usually join the comma in front of these union words. And even if you write the more so Before that No need to put a comma.

    Especially it is an amplifier particle. And also to act as a union and an introductory word .. Therefore, there is a permanent solution: in some cases a comma is put, in others there is no. I can't live so further, especially next to you. Here the comma is put, introductory design.

    Phrase especially It may be in a proposal of a particle having a value Especially. In this case, the particle, of course, is not allocated by the punctuation marks, such as, for example, in this proposal:

    The evening came, long shadows were stretched out, but they did not seem like that dark and all the more terrible: the full moon appeared in the sky.

    QUOT words; especially quality; Can be used in an attachment that has additional information to what is said in the context. In this case, such a design is always released by commas. We read by Vasil Bykov in the story wolf packQuot ;:

    QUOT words; especially quality; May be a union in a complex proposal with an attachment of the attachment.

    Why I sleep, the more I'm tired per day, but not everyone?

    V. Korolenko wonderful;

    Good day. It depends on which role QUOT protrudes; especially quality; In the proposal, it is very important, as it determines the need for a comma.

    If you meet a sentence with the words the more frequently; where they act as a particle, then the comma is not needed.

    But if the phrase the more frequently; You will have a union or an introductory word, then the comma is needed.

    There are two options:

    • If in this case especially quality; He is a union, it needs to be allocated with commas.
    • When Moreover; It is a particle, then they do not need to allocate it.

    There are separate cases when words Moreover; are introductory.

More / more

introductory expression and members of the sentence

1. Introductory expression. He emphasizes the importance of the subsequent phrase, is used before the final and stronger statement. Allocated by punctuation marks, usually commas.

Terkin is, so to speak, a personal person, a soldier living under this or other name, which is listed after the number of his military unit and field mail.Moreover, prosecical and poems of readers talk about the desire so that this was the case, that is, the Terkin was a person insensitive. A. Tvardovsky, as was written by Vasily Terkin. Nobody had to think about to admit to the passion for young, beautiful Tsarskoyell Freilline, the sister of the Lyceum Comrade, Pushkin could without any horror;moreover, if not a passion, then there is not only Pushkin's light semi-love in it, but at the same time two of his other comrades, Pushchina and Illichevsky, was completely well known. Yu. Tynyanov, no-free love. I do not blame, I explain and "Orgvodov" is not waiting, Moreover, i do not demand any "orgvodov", I am writing about it. V. Shukshin, Klauza.

2. Members of the sentence. Do not require punctuation marks.

Experienced feeling was muchmoreover which he experienced towards her.

Penctuation Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Reference information Internet portal V. V. Swints, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

Watch what is "more / more than" in other dictionaries:

    moreover Especially moreover, moreover, the more in addition, besides, besides, in addition to the dictionary of Russian synonyms. Moreover, the number of synonyms: 9 more than that (18) ... Synonym dictionary


    Moreover - NARCH. Qualities. Cold; \u003d Moreover, it is used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the greater importance of the subsequent member of the sentence and corresponding to the meaning: moreover, besides that, in addition to it. Dictionary … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    moreover - above all, besides that, moreover, in addition, in addition, at the same time, moreover, all the more, moreover, to the top of which, to top it all, to the top of what, to the top of all, in addition, Among other things, more of that, moreover ... Synonym dictionary

    MORE - More. 1. Comparison. To the big and to the Great in 3 meanings. Meter more ARSHINA. This is great, and even more. 2. compared. To a lot. They began to pay more. More attention of physical education! 3. In the negative sentence further, forward, ANT. Even (in the affirmative ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    MORE - More, noar. 1. The same as more (in 1, 2 and 3 meanings) (statute. And books.). 2. In combination with adjective and adverbs, refers to a comparison. B. calm. B. Important. More or less to a certain extent [incorrectly less]. More or less… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    moreover - ▲ More inflaming the thesis (and even #). Moreover. in excess of. more than that. above all. Moreover. Among other things. In addition to. Besides that. Among other things. little of. Not only that. Worse. This [even. more] little. already ... ...

    moreover - More than that nonism. It is used to indicate the importance of the subsequent phrase or to the final and stronger statement. The house was called the "House of Griboedov" ... moreover ... they told that allegedly ... in the round room with columns ... ... Training Frame Dictionary

    MORE - 1. See big and many. 2. NARCH. In combination with quantitative names, denotes the amount of said quantity. Wait b. hour. Costs b. Three rubles. Go kilometer. 3. NARCH. Next, henceforth, more. B. Do not go there. B. I will not (promise ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    more - ▲ degrees greater comparative degree:, more than more; More in combination with adit and adverbs (# general concept. # evenly). More than (# Successful). Moreover. Moreover. By ... (softer. Fresh. more). ... ... The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language

Of course there is no comma

Memo on punctuation

"Of course," "Of course" is not allocated by commas, the word of course at the beginning of a response replica, pronounced by the tone of confidence, conviction: Of course it is so!
In other cases, the comma is needed.

The expressions "in general", "in general," are isolated in the meaning of "shorter, the word", then they are introductory.

"First of all," are isolated as the introductory in the meaning "first" (first of all, it is a rather capable person).
These words are not allocated in the meaning "first, first" (first of all, you need to contact a specialist).
The comma after "A", "But" and T d. Not needed: "But first of all, I want to say."
When clarified, the entire turn is allocated: "There is hope that these proposals are primarily from the Ministry of Finance, will not be accepted or will be changed."

"At least", "at least" - are isolated only when inversion: "This issue was discussed twice, at least."

"In turn," does not stand out of the comma in the meaning "for its part," "In response, when there was a queue." And the quality of the introductory is isolated.

"In the literal sense" - not introductory, the commas does not stand out

"Hence". If the value "it became, thus, it means", then the commas are needed. For example: "So you, therefore, our neighbors."
BUT! If in the value "therefore, due to this, based on what", then the comma is needed only to the left. For example: "I found a job, therefore we will have more money"; "You're angry, therefore you are not right"; "You can't bake a cake, hence the bake of it I".

"Least". If in the value "the smaller", then without commas. For example: "At least wash the dishes"; "He made at least a dozen errors."
BUT! If in the value of comparison with something, an emotional assessment, then with a comma. For example: "At a minimum, this approach implies control", "for this you need at least, to understand the policy."

"That is, if", "especially if" - the comma, as a rule, is not needed

"That is," is not an introductory word and is not allocated to commas on both sides. This union, the comma is placed in front of it (and if in some contexts and the comma after it is set, then for other reasons: for example, in order to distinguish some separate design or an appropriate proposal that go after it).
For example: "It's five more kilometers to the station, that is, the hour of walking" (comma is needed), "It's five more kilometers to the station, that is, if you don't hurry, the hour of walking (comma after" that is "is set to distinguish the apparent offer "If you do not hurt").

"In any case," are allocated with commas as introductory, if they are used in the value of "at least".

"In addition," "In addition to this", "besides all (other)", "except (other things)" are isolated as introductory.
BUT! "In addition to the fact that" - the union, the comma is not needed. For example: "In addition to the fact that nothing does anything, there is also a claim to me."

"Thanks to this," "Due to this," "due to the fact that" and "along with that" - a comma, as a rule, is not required. Separation optional. The presence of a comma error is not.

"Moreover," - without a comma.
"Especially when", "especially what", "especially if", etc. - The comma is needed before "especially." For example: "Such arguments are hardly needed, especially since this is a false statement", "especially if it mean", "Rest, especially what a lot of work is waiting for you," "Do not sit at home, especially if the partner invites you on dancing. "

"And" - allocated with a comma only in the middle of the sentence (left).

"Nevertheless," the comma is put in the middle of the sentence (left). For example: "He all decided, nevertheless I will try to convince him."
BUT! If "But nevertheless", "if nevertheless," etc., the commas are not needed.

If "however" in the meaning "but", then the comma on the right side is not put. (Exception - if it is interomotion. For example: "However, what kind of wind!")

"In the end," if in the meaning "in the end," the comma does not put.

"Indeed," does not stand out by commas in the meaning "in fact" (that is, if this circumstance is pronounced by adventure), if it is synonymously adjective "real" - "real, genuine". For example: "The bark itself is thin, not the fact that the oak or pine, which is really not terrible hot sunny rays"; "You are really very tired."

"Indeed," can act as an introductory and separate. The introductory word is characterized by intonation isolation - expresses confidence speaking in the truth of the reported fact. In controversial cases, the question of the alignment of punctuation signs decides the author of the text.

"Because of the fact that" the comma is not needed, if it is a union, that is, if you can replace on "because". For example: "In childhood, he passed a medical check, due to the fact that he fought in Vietnam," maybe everything because I love when a person sings "(the comma is needed, because on" because "replace It is impossible).

"Anyway". The comma is needed, if in the meaning - "Anyway". Then it is introductory. For example: "She knew that, one way or another, she would express everything."
BUT! Annual expression "one way or another" (the same thing that "in one way or another" or "in any case") does not require the formulation of punctuation marks. For example: "War is one way or another."

Always without commas:

  • first of all
  • at first sight
  • like
  • it seems
  • surely
  • similarly
  • more or less
  • literally
  • in addition
  • in (finite) result
  • in the end
  • in extreme cases
  • best case scenario
  • anyway
  • however,
  • overall
  • mostly
  • especially
  • in some cases
  • no matter what
  • subsequently
  • otherwise
  • as a result
  • concerning
  • still
  • in this case
  • in the same time
  • generally
  • in this regard
  • mainly
  • often
  • exclusively
  • as maximum
  • meaning
  • just in case
  • in case of emergency
  • if possible
  • as far as possible
  • still
  • practically
  • about
  • with all (when)
  • when (everyone) desire
  • on occasion
  • wherein
  • equally
  • the biggest
  • most less
  • actually
  • generally
  • aB
  • like
  • in addition
  • to top off
  • night
  • by the proposal
  • by decree
  • by decision
  • like
  • traditionally
  • jacob

The comma does not put at the beginning of the sentence:

  • "Before ... I found myself ..."
  • "Since…"
  • "Before as…"
  • "Although…"
  • "As…"
  • "In order to…"
  • "Instead of…"
  • "In general ..."
  • "While…"
  • "Especially since ..."
  • "However…"
  • "Despite the fact that ..." (when there is separately); Before "that" the comma does not put.
  • "If…"
  • "After…"
  • "And ..."

Finally, in the meaning "finally" - the commas does not stand out.

"And this is despite the fact that ..." - in the middle of the sentence, the comma is always put!

"Based on this, ..." - At the beginning of the sentence, the comma is put. But: "He did so on the basis of ..." - the comma does not put.

"After all, if ..., then ..." - the comma in front of "if" is not put, as the second part of the double union is continued. If "then" is not, then the comma before "if" is put!

"Less than two years ..." - the comma before "what" is not put, because This is not a comparison.

The comma in front of "how" is placed only in the case of comparison.

"Such politicians like Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov ..." - the comma is placed, because There is a noun "politicians."
But: "... politicians, such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov ..." - before "how" the comma does not put.

Commas do not put:
"Give God," "Do not give God," "For God's sake," the commas does not stand out, + the word "God" is written with a small letter.

But: commas are put on both sides:
"Thank God" in the middle of the proposal is allocated with commas on both sides (the word "God" in this case is written with a capital letter) + at the beginning of the sentence - is allocated with a comma (on the right side).
"To God" - in these cases, commas are put on both sides (the word "God" in this case is written with a small letter).
"My God" - stands out of commas on both sides; In the middle of the offer "God" - with a small letter.

If the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place of delivery without a violation of its structure (usually it happens under the unions "and" and "but"), then the Union is not included in the introductory design - the comma is needed. For example: "First, it became dark, and, secondly, everyone is tired."

If the introductory word to remove or rearrange it is impossible, then the comma after the union (usually under the Union "A") is not put. For example: "She just forgot about this fact, and maybe he never remembered him," "..., and therefore ...", "..., and maybe ...", "..., which means ...".

If the introductory word can be withdrawn or rearranged, then the comma is needed after the Union "A", since it is not associated with the introductory word, i.e., the paved combinations of the type "and therefore" are not formed, "and indeed", "and therefore" Or maybe "etc., for example:" She did not just love him, but maybe even despised. "

If a composite union is worth a sustaining union ("and", "also", "and then", "and then", "and", "and", "and", " And also, "etc.), and then the introductory word, then the comma is not needed before him. For example: "And indeed, it was not worth it"; "And perhaps, it was necessary to do somehow differently." "Finally, the action of the play is ordered and divided into acts"; "Yes, in addition, other circumstances were also found out." "But of course, everything ended well."

It is rarely: if at the beginning of the offer there is a connecting union, and the introductory design is allocated intonational, then the commas are needed. For example: "But, to my great annoyance, Swabrin decisively declared ..."; "And, as usual, just one good remembered."

Basic groups of input words and phrases
(Allocated to commas + on both sides in the middle of the sentence)

1. Expressing feelings of speaking (joy, regret, surprise, etc.) in connection with the message:

  • to daily
  • to amazement
  • unfortunately
  • to chagrin
  • to regain
  • to joy
  • unfortunately
  • to shame
  • fortunately
  • to the surprise
  • to horror
  • on trouble
  • on joy
  • for luck
  • not even an hour
  • there is nothing to hide
  • by misfortune
  • fortunately
  • strange affair
  • amazing business
  • which is good, etc.

2. An assessment of the speaking degree of reality of the reported (confidence, uncertainty, assumption, possibility, etc.):

  • without any doubts
  • certainly
  • undoubtedly
  • may be
  • right
  • probably
  • apparently
  • possibly
  • indeed
  • in fact
  • must be
  • i think
  • it seems
  • it would seem that
  • sure
  • can
  • may be
  • probably
  • hope
  • presumably
  • is not it
  • undoubtedly
  • obvious
  • apparently
  • in all probability
  • genn
  • perhaps
  • i believe
  • in fact
  • essentially
  • truth
  • right
  • of course
  • it goes without saying
  • tea and others.

3. Indicating the source of the reported:

  • speak
  • sECURE
  • transfer
  • in your
  • according to ...
  • remember
  • to my mind
  • in our opinion
  • according to legend
  • according to ...
  • according to…
  • according to rumors
  • according to ...
  • in your way
  • hear
  • report otherwise

4. Indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation:

  • generally
  • firstly,
  • secondly, etc.
  • however
  • so
  • in particular
  • the main thing
  • further
  • so
  • for example
  • moreover
  • by the way
  • by the way
  • by the way, to say
  • by the way
  • finally
  • on the contrary
  • eg
  • on the contrary
  • repeat
  • emphasize
  • more than that
  • on the other hand
  • one side
  • that is
  • thus, etc.
  • howbeit
  • whatever it was

5. Indicating receptions and ways of issuing thoughts:

  • rather, say
  • generally speaking
  • in other words
  • if you can say so
  • if you can say so
  • in other words
  • in other words
  • briefly speaking
  • better to say
  • to put it mildly
  • in a word
  • simply say
  • in short
  • as a matter of fact
  • with the permission to say
  • so to speak
  • to be precise
  • what is called etc.

6. Presents appeals to the interlocutor (reader) in order to attract his attention to the reported, inspire a certain attitude to the outlined facts:

  • believe (Lee)
  • believe (Lee)
  • see (whether)
  • you see)
  • imagine (those)
  • suppose
  • do you know)
  • do you know)
  • sorry)
  • believe me (those)
  • you are welcome
  • understand (those)
  • understand (whether)
  • understand (Lee)
  • listen (those)
  • suppose
  • imagine
  • sorry)
  • say
  • agree
  • agree, etc.

7. Indicating the assessment of the measure of what the following says:

  • at least, at least - are isolated only when inversion: "This issue was discussed twice, at least."
  • the biggest
  • most less

8. Showing the degree of normalization of the reported:

  • it happens
  • beed
  • as usual
  • by custom
  • happen

9. Expressive expressiveness:

  • in addition to jokes
  • between us will be said
  • between us saying
  • need to say
  • not to ukore will be said
  • to tell the truth
  • by conscience
  • by justice
  • recognize to say
  • to say
  • funny to say
  • honestly.

Sustainable expressions with comparison (without commas):

  • poor like a church mouse
  • white as Lun
  • white as a cloth
  • white as snow
  • beat like fish
  • pale as death
  • glitters like a mirror
  • disease as hand shot
  • fear like fire
  • wandering like robust
  • rushed like insane
  • bubnit as a ponol
  • ran like crazy
  • lucky, as a drowned man
  • spinning like squirrel in the wheel
  • it can be seen like day
  • surface as a pig
  • like a blue megrin
  • everything goes like oil
  • all like a selection
  • jumped like a scrappy
  • jumped like a stolen
  • stupid like a plug
  • looked like wolf
  • goal like Sokol.
  • hungry as wolf
  • far as the sky from the ground
  • trembled as in fever
  • trembled like aspen leaf
  • he is all like a goose water
  • wait for manna heavenly
  • wait like a holiday
  • lead a cat and dog life
  • live as a bird of heaven
  • fell asleep like dead
  • frozen like statue
  • lost like a needle in a haystack
  • sounds like music
  • healthy like bull
  • know as irradiated
  • have at one's fingertips
  • goes like a cow saddle
  • goes next to as sewn
  • how to go to the water
  • ride like cheese in oil
  • swing like drunk
  • kolya (pegs) like a jelly
  • beautiful like God
  • red like tomato
  • red as a lobster
  • fasteners (strong) like oak
  • shouts as jelly
  • light like feather
  • flies like boom
  • bald as knee
  • like a shower
  • waving hands as a mill
  • dreaming like mehowy
  • wet as mouse
  • gloomy as a cloud
  • mruh like flies
  • hop as a stone wall
  • people like herring in barrel
  • drop like a doll
  • do not see how your ears
  • him as a grave
  • it is like a fish
  • sure (rushing) as a tremendous
  • bring (rushing) as crazy
  • worn as a fool with a written tube
  • worn as chicken with egg
  • needed like air
  • need like last year's snow
  • needed as the fifth knitter in the chariot
  • need a dog fifth leg
  • sharp as a stick
  • one as finist
  • stayed like cancer on melels
  • stopped like inkopy
  • acute as a razor
  • through the day from night
  • differ like the sky from the ground
  • bake like pancakes
  • pailed as a cloth
  • turned pale as death
  • repeated as in delusion
  • go like a nice
  • remember as called
  • remember as in a dream
  • get like chickens
  • hit as a head
  • sprinkle
  • like two drops of water
  • went to the bottom as a stone
  • appear
  • devotee like a dog
  • stuck like a bath sheet
  • fall
  • procuing (sense) like a milk goat
  • disappeared as in the water
  • straight like a heart knife
  • frame like fire
  • works like Vol
  • disassembled like a pig in oranges
  • dispelled as smoke
  • play as notes
  • grow like mushrooms after rain
  • grow as on yeast
  • drop from the clouds
  • fresh (s) like blood with milk
  • fresh (s) like a cucumber
  • singing like a chained
  • jerk
  • coal
  • listen like a crowded
  • watched as enchanted
  • slept like killed
  • rush as a fire
  • standing like iduances
  • slender as Cedar Lebanese
  • masters like a candle
  • solid as a stone
  • dark as at night
  • accurate as a watch
  • skinny as skeleton
  • coward like a hare
  • died as a hero
  • fell like milk
  • rested like a ram
  • rested like bull
  • mulish
  • tired like a dog
  • chitter as Lisa
  • sly like Lisa
  • chucks like a bucket
  • walked as low
  • walked like a birthday boy
  • ride
  • cold as ice
  • luck as shining
  • black as coal
  • black as damn
  • feel at home
  • feel like a stone wall
  • felt
  • fucked like drunk
  • hike as a penalty
  • clear how twice two four
  • clear as day and others.

Do not confuse with homogeneous members.

1. Are not homogeneous and therefore not separated by the semicol for the following sustainable expressions:

  • neither
  • neither fish nor fowl;
  • neither to settle;
  • nor the end of the edge;
  • neither light either dawn;
  • neither hearing is neither spirit;
  • neither people themselves;
  • neither sleeping in spirit;
  • neither there either here;
  • for nothing about that;
  • nor give either
  • not a response to neither lead;
  • none of yours;
  • neither downgraduate;
  • both so and soyak;
  • and day and night;
  • and laughter and grief;
  • and cold and hunger;
  • and old and young;
  • about this;
  • both;
  • and in that and in the other.

(General Rule: The comma does not put inside the whole phraseological expressions formed by two words with the opposite value connected by the repeated Union "and" or "nor")

2. Not separated by the comma:

1) verbs in the same form indicating the movement and its goal.
I'll go take a walk.
Sit rest.
Go look.

2) forming semantic unity.
Wait for not wait.
We will talk to talk.

3) paired combinations of a synonymous, antonymic or associative nature.
Search for truth-truth.
There is no end-edge.
Honor-praise everyone.
All Shito-indoor.
Long-dear look.
Questions of purchase and sale.
Meet bread-salt.
Tie down the legs.

4) Complex words (questioningly pronouns, adverbs, which are opposed to something).
To someone who, and you can not.
But where, where, and there everything is there.


Particle and Soyuz

1. Particle. The same as "especially". Does not require a punctuation marks.

You, wife, understand one - and from Ayzada, and from Sabitzhan especially , Let him and son, a man, will be a little sense. Ch. Aitmatov, and longer than a century last day. At the main one already rolled the bavians. Whether Andrei looked at them, whether they themselves changed, but they no longer seemed so brazen or especially scary as a few hours ago. A. and B. Strugatsky, hail doom.

If the words "all the more" are introduced by an attachment with additional comments, the entire design is allocated by the punctuation marks, usually commas.

But the off-road horse did not want to go, especially through thickets, and the riding, something grumbling about myself, tears with the wagon and took a horse under the cozier. B. Bulls, Wolf Flats.

2. Union. The same as "and besides." Enters the connecting additives. Syntax designs with this union are allocated by punctuation marks, usually commas.

Why did I behave indecent in their eyes, especially even he felt that he was leaning unprecedented, tasteless, provincially? A. bits, silence words.

@ In artistic texts, the use of a combination of "especially" as the introductory words: Especially, from Tifa, now we are a big threat. L. Cassil, Conmpit and Svwambra. I, especially, home soon. V. Korolenko, wonderful.

Penctuation Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Reference information Internet portal V. V. Swints, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


Watch what is "all the more" in other dictionaries:

    especially - especially … Orphographic Dictionary

    especially - the more commemorated, the good, it is suppressed, in the column of pazh. I and your father said to your truth, ... And God also ordered. Tolsta ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expression. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Moreover, the more commemorated, since Synonym dictionary

    especially - ▲ Moreover. Moreover. Especially since. (and) at all. Extremely (and he is #). already (he is # loaded). so. in a square (stupidity #). See Additional, Background ... The ideographic dictionary of the Russian language

    especially - the more, the particle and the particle union: there are no wolves in these forests, neither more bears. Union: Today I do not want to walk, the more bad weather ... Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen.

    Especially - The I union is used when attached to the apparent part of the complex proposal (containing an additional and substantial argument), corresponding to the meaning: especially since. II part. It is used to highlight or enhance importance ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    especially - Neism. In particular, if you consider any circumstance (it is used in order to emphasize anything important, indicate a greater degree of manifestation). With all the pursuit of mine to the place of danger, I could not throw a child, especially since ... ... Training Frame Dictionary

    especially - 1. See more; in sn. input. Vivid. Indicates the clarification of the meaning and strengthening of the emotional estimate in the subsequent phrase (usually concluding), this is indecent, moreover, low. Your activity is useless, more so harmful. 2. See topics; In ZN. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    ESPECIALLY - The group was formed in 1995 in Balashikha. Three students of the Institute of Communications: Oleg Bysyar (guitar, vocals, texts), Vladimir Korobeynikov (guitar) and Sergey Gorokhov (bass guitar, keys), who left the team in 1996 through ... ... Russian rock music. Small encyclopedia

    Especially - Ensure, especially. Here is a soldier, but he is not like any of those I know, nor Sidorova, nor on Vyatich, neither, especially for Yermokhin (M. Gorky. In people) ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

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