What the psychiatrist asks at the military registration and enlistment office. Passing a psychological test - video

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Medical examination is mandatory: Secrets of professional doctors When an absolutely healthy person hears inadequate questions from being surprised, he is a doctor, and is confused about the answers. Set 2015-01-19 17:28:20 +0400 in the topic "Defense, military service, weapons" from the city

What questions are asked in the military registration and enlistment office for years from a psychologist


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  • 1 answer.

    Moscow Viewed 87 times.


You shouldn't be frank and indulge in long stories, just as you shouldn't shut yourself in and just keep silent. The question of suicidal thoughts can also be attributed to provocative questions.

  • Passage of the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask?
  • Psychological tests in the military unit
  • Related questions in the field of Defense military service, weapons
    1. Are you crazy?
    2. Tell the multiplication table.
    3. Do you have epileptic seizures?
    4. Are there any phobias?
    5. Is there anything tormenting you?
    6. Where is Italy located?

    Advice. A psychiatrist, like a narcologist, may ask to show his hands for injection marks. You should not refuse the inspection.

    Perhaps this is the only thing that is important for a specialist to know. In some military registration and enlistment offices, psychiatrists prepare in advance for a conversation with a conscript, studying the characteristics from the place of study or work.

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    Psychologist - parents:

    rights and obligations. Parental consent to work as a psychologist with a child.

    For those who are still new to the work of the school psychological service or have a sad experience of meeting with a psychologist, today I want to once again dwell on the relationship between parents and a psychologist, their mutual rights and obligations.
    I want to appeal to my parents in order to convince you, dear parents, how important your interested cooperation with a psychologist is. Of course, a meeting with him can be on your initiative, but, as a rule, the psychologist responds to the requests and appeals of teachers, expressed during joint pedagogical meetings or in private.
    So do not be surprised, and even more so, do not be indignant if a school psychologist invites you to his conversation. He will do this, as a rule, at the request of the class teacher and still has very little information of his own about the child. Why? Because the law prohibits him from systematically meeting without the consent of his parents, and even more so, to diagnose the child and provide him with psychological assistance. Therefore, treat with understanding the request of the psychologist to give him written consent to meet with the child. At the same time, the psychologist must explain to you what kind of meetings in question... For example, if a teacher is faced with the child's behavioral problems and the psychologist, observing the child in the classroom, has established himself in the need to find out the nature and sources of the child's mental stress, then he may ask for parental consent to check only the child's emotional state. I assure you, these are very interesting and, in any case, harmless meetings for a child. For example, drawing on the given to him or free themes, drawing up stories based on pictures suggested by the psychologist, adding sentences, redrawing figures, etc. Meanwhile, such simple tasks available to each child in their totality will help the psychologist to recreate the picture state of mind the child, to see the origins and causes of his emotional outbursts, will provide material for therapeutic conversations and parental counseling.
    In other cases, the psychologist will ask for parental consent to test the child's intellectual abilities. And this request does not mean at all that he doubted the usefulness mental development child ("What, my child is abnormal, or what?" - sometimes parents react painfully to this request). The educational difficulties of children can be caused not by reduced mental abilities, but by a certain lack of formation or partial breakdown of some psychological functions that are important in a complex learning process. A specialist teacher knows how to compensate for these difficulties by more actively including in the learning process those qualities of the child's psyche that are more developed in the child. But the work of a teacher is preceded by a diagnosis carried out by a psychologist. That is why parents need to give consent to this test, especially since children perceive it as a game or very interesting lesson... There was practically no such case when children again and again did not want to meet with a psychologist and “play” those “games” that he offers. Moreover, such meetings also play an important therapeutic role: the psychologist never fixes the child's attention on his failures, praises him for his successes in every possible way, and after such meetings any child feels more confident than before.
    Written consent for psychological testing will most likely ask you classroom teacher(in kindergarten - teacher). If you are not satisfied with her explanation, you can ask to see a psychologist. He must answer all the questions that you have and try to dispel all your doubts, first of all, with regard to the observance of the secrecy of the check. All her materials are stored at the psychological service station, and any information from them cannot be transferred to any authority without parental consent. The psychologist briefly explains the results of the child's examination only to the teachers, because at their request and with the consent of the parents, the psychologist met with the child.
    Here I must again and again regretfully note how sometimes excessive suspicion and lack of trust in the obligations of the psychological service hinder both the psychologist and all educational institutions from providing the child with extremely important help for him.

    I repeat, psychological service is responsible for ensuring that the information that was obtained during the work of a psychologist with a child becomes known to a limited circle of people, as agreed in the written consent of the parents: school teachers; sometimes to a learning disability center, if the psychologist recommends the child help at that center.

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    In all other cases - a request from doctors, a request from another psychological aid station (if, for example, the family has moved to a new place of residence) - this information is transmitted only with the written consent of the parents. Not a single word from the child's folder, which is stored at the station for a certain number of years, and then destroyed, gets to no other authorities, not to the personnel departments of enterprises and firms. And, I repeat, we only have to regret those cases when a child is deprived of psychological help just because the parents do not believe the strict secrecy rules that psychologists are guided by.
    Sometimes, having received parental consent, the psychologist diagnoses the child directly in kindergarten or at school, where he is provided with a special room for this. It is clear that in such conditions familiar to him, the child communicates more calmly and trustingly with the psychologist. However, sometimes there are children dependent on their parents who would never talk to a stranger without their parents. Or the parents themselves, who are jealous of the success of their children in psychological testing, ask to test the child in their presence. In this case, the parents are invited to the office, and the psychologist's conversation with the child, as well as his examination, can take place in their presence. They just should not interfere in the course of the conversation, give their answers to the psychologist's questions or comment on them.
    Sometimes after the check, and sometimes even before it, the psychologist will want to know the opinion of specialist doctors regarding some of the features of the child's development. In this case, he may recommend that the parents show the child, for example, to an eye doctor, ear doctor, neuropathologist, child psychiatrist. It is very important that the parents not only treat this request with understanding, but also then familiarize the psychologist with the results of the visit. Moreover, the psychologist sometimes has to deal with cases, frankly speaking, amazing. For example, one day a ten-year-old boy who could hardly see in one eye got to the test. What can you do, anything can happen. However, it was surprising that, having invited the parents, it turned out that they did not know anything about their son's misfortune ... Strange, of course, the case, but it also happens. After they immediately sent them with the boy to an eye doctor, then they received his sad answer: the boy really has a visual defect, and he urgently needs to order glasses. But how much time the family missed, and how much because of this the child fell behind in school. By the way, then at school the boy often studied without glasses.
    - Why don't you wear glasses? They asked him.
    “Yes, I forgot it at home,” the little boy replied with a careless smile.
    Anything that can be forgiven for a ten-year-old child is unforgivable for his parents. What kind of cooperation with the school can we talk about when it is obvious, to call a spade a spade, the egregious irresponsibility of parents.
    Dear parents, our common goal is to create optimal conditions for the development of a child, one of the main tasks of a school psychologist is to create a favorable psychological climate, in the center of which is personal, interested communication between adults and students, but it is possible to achieve this goal and solve the designated problem only through joint work with you, in creative communication with teachers and in full mutual understanding of all participants in the pedagogical process.

    The school psychologist is located directly inside the social organism where both positive and negative aspects of the relationship between teachers, students and parents arise, exist and develop. He sees each child or teacher or parent not by himself, but in a complex system of interaction. This is a kind of "field" of interaction practical psychologist with students of different ages, their teachers, parents, in the center of which are the interests of the child as a developing personality. Therefore, at all stages of work with individual children or with a children's team, close cooperation of a psychologist with all adults related to these children is necessary.

    Literature: Working book of a school psychologist. Ed. Dubrovina I.V .: M., Education, 1991

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    That is, these are specialists who have a higher medical education and received specialization in the relevant field. The psychiatrist does not conduct "soul-saving" conversations with his patients. Treatment usually consists of psychotropic drugs, sometimes very powerful drugs. Sometimes a psychotherapist may also work in parallel with a psychiatrist. Thus, a psychiatrist is a doctor who deals with the treatment of various mental disorders, while drug treatment is the main and often the only type of therapy. What does a psychotherapist do As a rule, a psychotherapist works with mentally healthy people, as well as with individuals in borderline states. In the competence of this doctor, such ailments as: - phobias; - depression; - painful addictions.

    What tricky questions does a psychiatrist ask at a medical commission?

    Interestingly, there are two extremes in the drivers' comments on this topic. In their practice, psychiatrists met who quickly put the long-awaited seal on those who wanted to, without asking any questions.

    And there were those who offered to solve original problems:

    • subtract 17 units from the number 100 and go to 0;
    • explain how a cave differs from a tunnel;
    • guess what the shoe and the pencil are like.

    Even the most tricky questions the psychiatrist must answer calmly, without undue excitement. In addition, the psychologist can be creative and ask: “Have you been with us? Something person / surname familiar. "

    If the psychiatrist does not like the answers to his questions, the commission may be denied. Appointment of the psychiatrist for a medical examination A medical examination is usually held at employment and during work annually, or once every 2 years. A medical examination is compulsory for:

    • trade specialists;
    • for drivers of any transport;
    • workers of enterprises and industries with dangerous conditions labor (firefighter, roofer, EMERCOM employee, etc.);
    • employees of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;
    • medical workers;
    • for those who conduct and repair water pipes.

    During a physical examination, psychiatrists are interested in a good specialist working in his place.
    Therefore, a rare doctor will carefully look for abnormalities in the employee. kindergarten with forty years of experience.

    How is a psychiatric examination from the military registration and enlistment office

    Top N User Messages: 3319 Registration: 05/24/2003 From: Bat Yam Israel Added: Wed Apr 14, 2004 05:47 Well, psychiatrists are straining, at least they can give money to patients in Russia - neither money for psychos nor treatment because psyatria is not medicine which treats something sometimes psychiatry is just a set of statements of facts of deviations that no one knows how to fix there are sedative pills, in my opinion, are not bad and what they will destroy then figs knows. with the international will raise the human race Up XARM Beginner Messages: 20Registered: 04/13/2004 Added: Thu Apr 15, 2004 18:07 All the best to answer what you know ..

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    0 replies. Kazan Viewed 16 times. Set 2015-01-19 17:28:40 +0400 in the topic "Defense, military service, weapons"

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      Bryansk Viewed 6 times. Set 2013-08-02 23:36:12 +0400 in the topic "Pensions and social protection"

    • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 186 times. Set 2012-10-06 09:09:27 +0400 in the topic "Defense, military service, weapons"
    • 1 answer.

      Moscow Viewed 87 times.

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    • About the timing of medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office One of the frequent questions about medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office concerns the timing of the examination.

    Message from e-Hunter Guest Added: Mon Apr 12, 2004 17:29 Today the psychiatrist just got me sick, asking stupid questions. Everything would be fine, you can answer them, in principle, if you think a little, but it creates such psychological pressure that you just forget your name and sweat flows from your forehead. Here are examples (it’s good for you to answer in front of the monitor, but it was hard for me!): -What is the difference between relatives and family members? (Well, I answer: relatives live under the same roof, and he: well, I live with you under the same roof and I'm a member of your family?) the director is engaged in leadership activities for the entire school, and the class.
    hands. conducts lessons, does classroom affairs, he is not satisfied with what he is trying to find out, who * ate!) He also asked: What is the difference between a tram and an electric train?
    I put the green one first, and then spread it out along the spectrum. After the 500-question test, I was asked to come back in a couple of days and retake it.
    Rewrote. Found it fit. intelligence tests (for example, Eysenck's test) The most common oral psychological tests for employment include the Luscher color test, case studies (situational tasks), and stress interviews. Passage of the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask? It doesn't matter what the visitor answers, just the doctor will carefully look at the reaction.
    After all, endurance is vital for any driver.

    Provocation By asking the so-called closed questions, the psychiatrist is no longer only observing your facial expressions, reaction and emotional background, but is trying to understand your psyche, provoke emotions and actions. The well-known questions "How a light bulb differs from the sun" or "The difference between a bird and an airplane" will help you understand your mental abilities.

    The method of "slow-witted" is also often used. That is, the doctor, portraying lack of understanding, asks the same question several times or asks again, thereby trying to unbalance the person or catch him in a lie. When answering closed-ended provocative questions, it is best to observe the "golden mean".


    You shouldn't be frank and indulge in long stories, just as you shouldn't shut yourself in and just keep silent.

    What questions does a psychiatrist ask at a military registration and enlistment office about a proverb

    The question of suicidal thoughts can also be attributed to provocative questions.

    It is certainly better when they are not.

    • Passage of a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    • Passage of the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask?
    • What vaproms does a psychiatrist ask for admission to a military unit and their answers
  • What vaproms does a psychiatrist ask for admission to a military unit and their answers
  • What questions does the psychiatrist ask at the commission (driver's, at the military registration and enlistment office, at the medical examination) - watch the video
  • Psychological tests in the military unit
  • Psychological tests in the military unit
  • Related questions in the field of Defense military service, weapons
  • Passage of a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs I don’t remember the questions and drawings, it was a long time ago. And with color cards, everything is simple. Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression.

    Therefore, the questions here are much more varied:

    1. What is the difference between a bird and an airplane?
    2. Are you crazy?
    3. Tell the multiplication table.
    4. Do you have epileptic seizures?
    5. Are there any phobias?
    6. What is heavier, 1 kg of brick, or cotton wool?
    7. Is there anything tormenting you?
    8. Where is Italy located?
    9. What troops do you want to serve?
    10. Have you had suicidal thoughts?

    Advice. A psychiatrist, like a narcologist, may ask to show his hands for injection marks. You should not refuse the inspection. Perhaps this is the only thing that is important for a specialist to know. In some military registration and enlistment offices, psychiatrists prepare in advance for a conversation with a conscript, studying the characteristics from the place of study or work.

    And in others, they do not ask questions at all if the visitor has no complaints. The main thing is to be completely calm at the reception and not be afraid of wrong answers.

    Art. 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" oblige to pass medical examination upon hiring a number of persons.

    Who is required to undergo a medical examination when concluding an employment contract?

    First of all, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, these are:

    • minors;
    • athletes;
    • teachers;
    • underground workers;
    • persons working in the Far North and equivalent areas;
    • workers whose activities are related to the movement of vehicles;
    • employees working on a rotational basis.

    More professions that need a medical examination when applying for a job

    The Labor Code is supplemented by other regulations.

    What questions does the psychiatrist ask at the military registration and enlistment office?

    So, the Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08/07/2000 No. 1100 / 2196-0-117 and its Order No. 229 dated 06/29/2000 indicate the need to go through not only preliminary (when hiring) and periodic (annually or less often ) medical examinations, but also subsequent hygienic training and certification for a number of professions. Among them are employees and officials whose activities are in one way or another related to:

    • drinking water and food products (workers in trade, catering, food warehouses);
    • consumer or public services for the population (hairdressers, network marketing sellers, employees of baths, hotels, travel agencies, beauty salons, nightclubs, swimming pools, health care facilities);
    • upbringing and education of children (including employees of preschool institutions, orphanages, sanatoriums, sections, children's clubs, libraries).

    A complete list of jobs, professions, hazardous and harmful production factors for which a medical examination is required upon hiring is contained in Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 12.04.2011 No. 302n.

    Participation of specialist doctors in the medical examination

    The medical examination is headed by an occupational pathologist. It is mandatory for all categories to undergo an examination by doctors: a psychiatrist, a therapist, a narcologist, for women - a gynecologist, and after 40 years also a mammologist.

    Depending on the profession, an examination is required:

    • neurologist,
    • ophthalmologist,
    • otorhinolaryngologist,
    • surgeon,
    • dermatovenerologist,
    • dentist.
    • endocrinologist for persons whose work is related to the management of ground vehicles;
    • an infectious disease specialist for people whose work is related to water, food, medicines, household and communal services for the population, for workers in the upbringing and educational sphere, personnel of medical institutions.

    Analyzes that require a medical examination when applying for a job

    Mandatory for everyone are:

    • clinical analysis of urine (with research for sugar, protein, specific gravity, sediment microscopy);
    • clinical blood test (with a study for hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, color index, platelets, ESR, leukocyte formula);
    • biochemical screening for serum cholesterol and glucose;
    • radiography or fluorography in two projections of the lungs (right lateral and straight);
    • smear for cytological (for atypical cells) and bacteriological (for flora) research for women.

    Depending on the profession, in accordance with the aforementioned Order No. 302n, laboratory and functional studies are carried out during the examination of specialist doctors:

    • acuity and fields of vision;
    • audiometry;
    • examination of the vestibular apparatus (usually for high-altitude work, elevators, electricians);
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (for example, for work in the Far North);
    • analysis for bilirubin (Far North);
    • gastroscopy (Far North);
    • spirography (for firemen, gasmen);
    • fundus ophthalmoscopy, height, weight, blood type and Rh factor of drivers.

    Most of the analyzes are required by utilities, workers in the educational, medical and educational sphere, as well as those responsible for food and water. Many of them, when applying for a job, need to pass:

    • smear for gonorrhea;
    • blood for syphilis;
    • analysis for worm eggs;
    • serological examination for typhoid fever;
    • analysis for the presence of intestinal infections;
    • a swab from the nose and throat for the presence of pathogenic staphylococcus.

    Psychological Testing Tips

    1. Express advice. If you are not confident in yourself when undergoing psychological diagnostics (psychodiagnostics), then choose from your acquaintances the one who, as it seems to you, ideally matches the niche that you are trying to occupy or defend. Answer how he would answer.

    2. If the instructions say that there are no right or wrong answers in the test, do not trust it.

    3. Avoid extreme, be closer to the "golden mean", do not spit on yourself, but do not extol yourself. To the question "Do you always pay for public transport?" it is better to answer "no", tk. this is what the majority do. Otherwise, you are more likely to be suspected of lack of frankness.

    What questions does the psychologist ask at the military registration and enlistment office

    Many tests contain a "lie scale", i.e. have a number of provocative questions as in the previous example. And even if you always pay for travel, then you will have a plus sign on this scale. There are a lot of plus points - your results will be considered unreliable. And then, at best, you will be asked to re-pass this test (most likely in a different form, with different questions). At worst, they will end up with something like “inclined to be open-minded,” which can significantly lower your rating. And in general, this can negatively affect the tone of the entire conclusion, because, believe me, psychologists really do not like unreliable results.

    5. Sometimes there are tests in which the same question or statement appears twice. They answered differently - you have a plus sign on the "scale of lies". Try to memorize the questions verbatim and answer the same questions in the same way.

    6. Test results can be severely affected by the environment. If you do not like the testing conditions (noisy or poor lighting, for example) ask to improve the conditions, especially if your abilities and intelligence are being tested. Ask in the most correct form, intelligently, without annoying anyone. If you are refused, then it is likely this is such an idea, part of the plan. If a group is being surveyed, then it is stupid to ask you to improve the situation only to you, you see.

    7. At the end of the testing procedure, try to photocopy the survey protocol, forms with your answers. They can be useful for the subsequent appeal (to which, of course, it is better not to bring), and will certainly help to avoid one or two negative judgments about you in the conclusion. If you contact a psychologist you know, he will help you point out your mistakes.

    8. Many tests are carried out with a time limit and fixation. Ask a psychologist as much as possible full information about restrictions, how much time is allotted for answers. Be sure to come to the diagnosis with a watch: firstly, it can help you with planning the time for answers, and secondly, the absence of a clock can affect your image (as a non-business person). If the psychologist is standing with a stopwatch - do, of course, the task as quickly as possible. If not, use every chance of wasting time. For example, if a psychologist reads out questions to a group, be sure to ask the psychologist to repeat the incomprehensible or complex issue, at the end, you can even ask to give you a list of all the questions personally. If you are working individually with a list of questions or a test book, this is a big plus for you. In the test (questionnaire) Cattell, for example, 16 personality scales. Among them - one for intelligence. There is no time limit. Sit and think to your health, do not rush anywhere.

    9. You have the right to ask the psychologist for the name of the test that is being carried out with you. This might come in handy.

    10. If you are selected (for work or study), then most likely you need to be smart communicative big guy rather than a stupid, introverted nutcase. In other sections, we will touch upon this crucial topic.

    11. Reduce, if possible, your age. This is useful, perhaps if you are about to take an intelligence test, where the younger ones are often given a discount, and if you are not over twenty (no distinction is made for older adults).

    see also

    Psychologist's advice Rss [email protected]

    Home »Tests» Psychological Tests

    Is it pleasant to communicate with you?

    Answer "YES" or "NO" to the statements.

    Is your character masculine or feminine?

    According to a popular stereotype, a woman is an airy, soft, impressionable, sensitive creature. The man is strong, decisive, intelligent. Meanwhile, life is different, and every day it is more and more difficult to meet the so-called "real man" or "one hundred percent woman."

    Motivation for approval (Test by D. Crown and D. Marlowe)

    This test measures your desire to get the approval of others in relation to your words and actions. High motivation for approval indicates a high need for communication and vice versa.

    Logical thinking

    It is necessary to determine the formal correctness of one or another logical inference based on a certain statement (or a series of statements). The reality does not play any role in this (this complicates the test a little, since the content of the statements is absurd, but logically flawless).

    Medical board at the military registration and enlistment office psychiatrist

    Consider also the fact that there may be no correct answers at all!

    Are you an active person?

    Most of us are able to assess the degree of our activity and show it in accordance with our own assessment. At the same time, there are many people who are endowed with nature with great activity, but do not realize it and do not know about its existence!

    Self-Esteem Test

    How highly do you value yourself? Take this quiz to find out!

    Am I afraid of everything?

    This test, which measures personal anxiety, is part of the MMPI (Minnesota and Multidimensional Personality List) test in the form of an independent anxiety scale. The proposed test was adapted by T.A. Nemchin.

    Are you an optimist?

    This test was compiled several years ago by a group of American psychologists and sociologists. His questions are quite simple, and the results you get are reliable. These results form a whole scale: from morbid pessimism to boundless optimism.

    Are you mentally healthy?

    Find out if your mental health is okay?

    Are your nerves okay?

    Stress, constant overload is often called the "disease of the century." Many of us notice that we are becoming more irritable, hot-tempered, nervous ... How do we cope with everyday irritants? How much do we manage to master ourselves at an important, critical moment? Perhaps this test will give at least an approximate answer to this question.

    Every conscript or candidate for admission to military school or for service under a contract, a professional selection is mandatory. Today this procedure is considered mandatory. It is aimed at identifying the moral and psychological qualities, professional skills and neuropsychic status of the future fighter. It is considered the most preferable when serving in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Federal Penitentiary Service. But an ordinary conscript, having passed the test, can decide on the further choice of an army specialty. The questions in the test at the military registration and enlistment office are thought out in such a way as to reveal the inner essence of the future warrior.

    Features of passing the test

    The compilers are highly qualified professionals with subsequent approval by the Ministry of Defense. Final result testing allows specialists to determine whether a young person is fit for service or not yet. How can the country benefit? In addition, psychologists and psychiatrists identify adaptive behavioral qualities of a person. After all, it is no secret to anyone that constructive mutual communication determines the success of military service.

    As a rule, answers are made in writing or on a computer.

    The psychologist is engaged in decoding. The subsequent referral to a specific part is based precisely on the results of passing the test.

    Testing is not the only type of survey. Psychologists and psychiatrists conduct an individual interview with recruits, ask additional questions study all materials concerning the young person.

    Of course, in the first place, having received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and having learned about testing, the recruit is asked a dilemma: what questions are asked? Whether they are general or private. At the age of 16, the psyche is not yet stable enough and the upcoming survey causes a storm of emotions in my head. One thing is for sure: the answers should be approached in a balanced and logical manner, truthfully describing your feelings and emotions. After all, there are 168 questions in the test. This is not enough. And if we also add the passage of a medical examination, then youthful nervousness is fully justified. Nevertheless, the main advice given by professionals is to calm down, put your nerves in order. this is the only way to obtain truthful data.

    Our site is full of a wide variety of information related to conscription activities. If you found interesting information for yourself and found our resource useful and effective, leave a review about us. we would be grateful to you.

    First, you need to understand what is the purpose of the questions at such a meeting of the draft board. These questions are not questions on a school exam, where the teacher evaluates the correct answer. Before answering a question, analyze the purpose for which it is being asked.

    There are a number of questions that are asked in order to drive a person into a state of confusion, so that he experiences embarrassment or the desire to create a logical situation when a person says something contrary to his theses.

    This is a kind of trap game that you shouldn't fall into. The most common are the “question-description of the situation”. For example: "You say that you are against violence, but what will you do if bullies attack your girlfriend (mother)?" Come up with unusual and witty answers to such provocative questions.

    Based on what theses you put forward in your statement and speech, you can guess what questions will follow. Although they often ask about an attack on a girl, regardless of the nature of the beliefs that the young man adheres to. The following questions are also typical: “If everyone thinks like that, how are you, who will defend the Motherland?”, “Your so-called beliefs were formed under the influence of negative information, and you tried to find out something good about the army?

    After all, there are many guys who have served with dignity "," You have a distorted idea of military service... How can you judge military service if you have not been there? ”,“ You write that you don’t want to learn to kill. Who told you that the army is taught to kill? I served in the army for 20 years, I haven’t killed a single person ”,“ You write that you cannot hold a weapon in your hands. You can do the service without a weapon.

    There are many tasks in the army that they carry out without weapons. " Often, instead of a question, you hear from the representatives of the draft board in fact a statement of their views on the army. Prepare in advance speech turns, cliches, expressions that you can use to politely but firmly state your position. In some situations, you can answer something like this: “This is your opinion.

    I respect him, but my point of view is different from yours. I think it would be wrong now to engage in a dispute over whose position is more correct. I tried to convey my reasons why I cannot, by virtue of my views, convictions, serve in the army. " If the question is clearly provocative, asked in a disrespectful tone, tactless, you see a desire to offend you in the question, then you can declare that you will not answer this question, because you believe it affects your dignity, an area of ​​personal life that you would not want discuss.