Psychics about aliens and clones. Vanga about aliens Vantim and possible challenge from the Earth of the Heavenly Body that Wanta said about aliens

To the phenomenon, Vangi can be treated in different ways, but as soon as the next cataclysm occurs in the world, people for the absence of another support and landmarks in the surrounding chaos again and again appeal to its prophecies. How she herself kept the terrible cargo of their own insight and where he received his knowledge is completely incomprehensible. Although not all the riddles associated with the name Vangi are known, not to mention the fact that it is unlikely to solve them. But it is still possible to shed the light on some things. So, it turns out that the worldview is famous for the whole world of clairvoyant largely coincides with the ancient teachings of Indian yogis.

In addition to explicitly parallels with Agni Yoga, which Vanga called the fiery Bible, from this book you can find out why Russia will help the world to survive in the apocalypse, passing along the very edge, and how it will happen. As Wang has explained that fate cannot be changed. As communicated with the alien mind. Will the third world war and how to keep health (if we do not think about health, how to live to the end of the world?).

Well, with Agni Yoga Wangu, the Bulgarian sequence of this teaching introduced, a long-time friend Vangu Lyudmila Zhikova (the daughter of the head of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhikova). But Wang assured that she knew it all. Moreover, she also met with aliens from the future ...
Perfume interlocutors

Wanta was famous not only with his predictions, but also his mysterious ability to communicate with the dead. Many thought that Bulgarian clairvoyant instantly learns about unfamiliar people almost everything just because she can read their thoughts. But Vanga herself said that she could not read thoughts. All information about visitors is transmitted to her, on the one hand, a mysterious voice, sounding in her mind or written by someone in front of her mental eyes, and on the other hand, the deceased relatives of those who come to her. According to blind clairvoyant, there is only some kind of man to appear in front of her - immediately next to him arise the spirits of his dead relatives and friends.

The ability of the Bulgarian clairvoyant to communicate with the dead, perhaps most of all struck the imagination of people who came to her for advice and help.

Writer V.M. Sidorov recalled:

"Contacts with the invisible world were for Vanga unshakable reality. She did not take the secret, and how she could do it when all his information was sometimes unknown, and even unknown at all - she, on his own admission, received from there.


Sometimes I sleep for only one hour per day. Perfume do not give rest. Tormosht, you will. They say: "Get up. It's time to work. "

Wang has long been a strict vegetarian. But it happens that she does not need food for all day at all. It is limited to one water, non-joyed, student - another does not like. And this is surprising: at the same time it does not feel the slightest fatigue. He is tide of vigor. Who knows whether this is the result of communication with the invisible world, which under certain conditions can give an invisible energy feeding.

According to Vanga, the spirits are transparent and colorless ("like water in a glass"). But at the same time they will shine ("like heat in the furnace"). Behave like people. Sit. Go. Laugh. Cry Recently, the same thing is observed: "Do not be afraid. The world is no longer going to death. " (V.M. Sidorov. Lyudmila and Wangelia.)

Interesting Description of Vanga's spirits: "Transparent and colorless as water in a glass", but at the same time have some luminosity. This is how it is described in Agni Yoga and other esoteric teachings of the Matter of the Astral World. It is transparent and plastic, like air or water, and the higher planes are the luminosity. By the way, the name "astral" (that is, the "star", glowing) gave this kind of material a great doctor and philosopher Middle Ages Paracels. Consequently, at the moments of its transphysical communication, Wang sees the dead in their astral bodies.

Intermediary between the worlds

Vanga said that the dead come to her in the form of transparent, radiating the light of the shadows. At that moment, as if on the film, the events of the past, present and future rush to it.

"The dead come, sit down, do what they want. As soon as anyone comes, I begin to be the pictures that move to the right left. I see like live paintings - terrain, people, events, disasters. Sometimes there are so many of them, and the images move so quickly that I do not have time to talk about everything that I see, but I can't stop their movements. Therefore, I ask the visitor that it is interested in it - problems with health, missing thing, work, children? ... I say that I see and hear. First of all, the spirits tell me the name of the visitor ... "," said clairvoyant.

Wanta argued that the dead could be as emotional as living people. Sometimes they desperately seek to warn their rest on earthly misfortunes. Clairvoyant, according to her own recognition, was sometimes easy to contact with spirits:

"Sometimes the dead shouts so hard that my head splits. Especially if they scream about the bad - about diseases, deaths, disasters. I know that you can not talk about it, and they seem to push me: Tell me yes, then I turn out a little and quietly so that the person does not hear, say it so that it happens. Otherwise I die or go crazy ... ".

Wang has argued that people from other terms have long been visited by land, but for earthlings they are invisible ... Their planet is called Vethim, it is the third from the ground.

This is what Bulgarian Sievil told about her contacts with the highest mind:

"The first in contact with earthlings will enter the aliens from the planet Vethim. She is the third on account of the earth.

Creatures from the planet Vethim are transparent in appearance. They are dressed in something resembling armor, which glitters like fish scales. Among them are women. Their hair is similar to algae. They are soft as the fluff and surround their heads with a halo.

Sometimes someone from the aliens takes my hand and leads to your land. Coming there, I go on the ground, covered with the stars, like a trample of them. Those who lead me there are moved very quickly. On their land, everything is surprisingly beautiful, no words to describe the beauty of their nature ... but I have not seen anywhere anywhere. "

"Aliens often attend me ... They are similar to us, and no longer. They are stronger, like our atlifications, but covered with feathers like chickens - they have such clothes, and something like "Vietnamese" on the feet. On their heads they have hats, similar to beach, and under the arm - thick books, like scientists. In their hands they have a rod. They say they want to help us that all of them are healers and can treat many diseases. "

"Aliens are very neat. There, on their planet, a clear organization and hard work reign. These creatures argue that I am the most direct connection with the Earth. They communicate only with units of all the inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us. I am not allowed to talk about what I see and hear on their planet. It is said that there is no time for people to know about everything that they inform me. "

Vanga preddered that earthlings entry into contact with aliens would lead to an equilibrium setting in the world:

"The equilibrium will come when the aliens come into contact with people."

As evidence, rumors about "cyclop" are given in Romania

The media appeared reports that the inhabitants of Romania were seen and heard a humanoid creature similar to the cyclopa. According to conspirologists, this can serve as evidence of "Vanga prophecy" about the appearance of people mutants on the planet.

In the message it is said that "Cyclopa" saw in the Romanian zoo. At the same time, unnamed UFologists, as stated, have already put forward the assumption that the creature is an alien from the planet Nibiru, and conspiraologists - that it is a mutant. At the same time, it is argued that, according to Vanga predictions, such mutants once gradually replace humanity.

This is not the only one for the recent "Prophecy of Vangi", which fell in the media. The wound conspiracy with reference to the priority assured that the United States will affect the disease developed in secret laboratories, forcing young men and girls to turn almost instantly into the elderly. In March, the media reported that in the next century, Wang predicted the destruction of some cities as a result of flooding, religious war, as well as mass cloning of people organs and mission to Venus and for use in medicine. In addition, conspiraologists stated that by 2077 Wanga predicted the victory of communism on the planet.

Not less likely, Vanga in messages of this kind appears another eminent predictor, Nostradamus. In particular, Craig Hamilton Parker, who claims that he has extrasensory abilities, "deciphered" the prophecies, according to which the current US President Donald Trump in 2020 will be re-elected for a second term. Also, since the end of last year, the media continues to be discussed by the "Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2019", published in another British tabloid, Then it was reported that for 2019 he "appointed" a 27-year-old third world war, flooding in Europe and a destructive earthquake between California and Vancouver. It was also argued that, according to the prediction, it was this year that animals will conspire with a person.

The question of whether a person is the only reasonable creature in the Universe, probably, will not leave anyone indifferent. Meanwhile, while the search for life in the distant galaxies by scientific methods remains fruitless, from the manuscripts of famous predictors of the past we can learn a lot of information, which may concern the contacts of people with aliens.

Of course, speaking of predictions, first of all it is worth mentioning one of the most outstanding providens - Nostradamus, many of whose prophecies have already come true. Especially noteworthy one of his poems:

"Comets without tails filled the sky, circle in silence. Big panic. The victim is rejected, comet with a tail rushes between the bees, dies, and leaders are powerless. No one recognizes signs on the sand. "

It must be said that Nostradamus himself was perfectly familiar with astronomy. So, it is possible that "comets without tails", which depended in our sky - these are space ships, because nothing else falls under this description. Naturally, the appearance of such a number of aliens would have sown a huge panic among earthlings. "Comet with a tail" may be the most ordinary comet, and maybe a rocket of earthlings leaving the loop. "Sandmarks" are either traces of flying plates, or those the most pictograms that humanity is trying to solve for centuries (famous "circles in the fields"). Drawing something resembling a catastrophe, however, the Nostelians themselves do not describe.

Brighter and unambiguous prophecies about the aliens left us the famous Wang. He calls a completely concrete planet - Vethim (many believe that this is Nibiru), the guests with which the land will visit quite soon. Wanta argued that the chief was "the third of the planet's land," but what was meant specifically, it was not entirely clear. Clairvoyant described a lot of scenes when she attended this planet in his visions, "snapped with stars." There were strange creatures on it that moved with hopping. They drove a prunerator in their planet, where she did not notice any dwelling, but it came to the conclusion that aliens were very strict in their character. And Vanga marks one feature of their voice: during the conversation a very strong echo is spread.

Modern monitants and psychics also expect an arrival on the Earth of Alien Life. Today, about 40 prominent predictors from all over the planet argue that the visit will not make himself wait long. So, Sviriditsa from England, Blossom Gudcaled, tells many correspondents that for several years already in contact with the medium-level with a certain being, ranging out to the "Light Confederation". The aliens transferred information about BlOSS that they were going to visit the land in October 2011, from 14 to 17 to prove their existence to people.

Many modern psychics in one voice claim that the aliennesses of the mind who speak with them in trance, do not carry any evil and want to exclusively help earthlings. If we take general statistics, the words of different predictors agree, they only cannot decide where the aliens will come from. Some call the place of their residence distant galaxies, and others argue that there is a different mind on the moon or even in the depths of the Earth.

Mention of creatures similar to aliens are available in many religions. Remember such "oddities" as the extremely high growth of the ancient Egyptian gods, the blue color of the skin of Indian avatars, the Nimb around the head of the saints in many religions, which is very much reminded by the Skafandra helmet ... These are riddles that mankind is still to be solved.

Vanga is perhaps one of the few whose prophecies always come true and her gift is recognized worldwide. She predicted the coming to power in the US black president. Vanga: "The 44th president of the United States will be blacks. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the bunch of the largest economic crisis. Perhaps even disintegrated into the South and Northern States." Let's remember her prophecies about catastrophes, wars and aliens ...

On the unstable situation in the Middle East, Wang said in 1979: "The foundation in the Middle East swings."

Unfortunately, the books about which Vang said were not found yet: "The whole story of people, everything that was, is and will be recorded in ancient books. And in these books there are signs. They will speak and explain what should be done to save the earth. "

Fukushima is not able to predict Wanga can become a reality: "In the first decade of the new century, radioactive precipitation will fall in the northern hemisphere and there will be no animals nor vegetation."

She was talking to the dead, "recalls the niece of Vangi Krasimir Stoyanov. - He said that their presence began to feel with the burning tip of the tongue. Then it's like a certain cloud crossed her brain. And in a few minutes she stopped at all react to the real world.

Vangang mentally asked questions to the souls of the dead, and they answered her. But if the spirits did not have an answer, then someone else's distant voice came to the rescue. Inhuman. As if the phone is on the phone. The stranger spoke when very loud - Vangu had fallen at ears, and when it was so quiet that she had to ask several times.

"When a person stands in front of me, all the deceased close around him are going around," Vang said. - I am for them - the gate to this world. "

In 1994, she preddered: "At the beginning of the XXI century, humanity will get rid of cancer. The day will come, and the cancer will be chained in the Iron Chains. She clarified these words in such a way that "a medicine against cancer should contain a lot of iron."

She also believed that invented and the medicine from old age. Make it from hormones horse, dogs and turtles: "Horse Silen, a dog is worn away, and the turtle lives for a long time."

And before his death, Wang suddenly said such mysterious words: "The time of miracles and the time of large discoveries in the field of intangible can come. There will be great archaeological discoveries that fundamentally change our ideas about the world from ancient times. So predetermined. "

About the revolution in agriculture: "People will not sow nor press, but only grow everything. Animals will be frozen like plants, and plants - like animals. "

About the end of the world: "The Earth turns away from the sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they have enough soul to stop."

About the 3rd World War: "She will begin with an attempt on four government leaders, chemical, and then nuclear attack of Middle Eastern terrorists."

Contacts with the invisible world were for Vanga unshakable reality. Complained:

Sometimes I sleep for only one hour per day. Perfume do not give rest. Tormosht, you will. They say: "Get up. It's time to work. "

According to Vanga, the spirits are transparent and colorless ("like water in a glass"). But at the same time they will shine ("like heat in the furnace"). Behave like people. Sit. Go. Laugh. Cry Come to it in the form of transparent, radiating light shadows. At that moment, as if on the film, the events of the past, present and future rush to it.

"The dead come, sit down, do what they want. As soon as anyone comes, I begin to be the pictures that move to the right left. I see like live paintings - terrain, people, events, disasters. Sometimes there are so many of them, and the images move so quickly that I do not have time to talk about everything that I see, but I can't stop their movements. Therefore, I ask the visitor that it is interested in it - problems with health, missing thing, work, children? ... I say that I see and hear. First of all, the spirits tell me the name of the visitor ... "," said clairvoyant.

Wanta argued that the dead could be as emotional as living people. Sometimes they desperately seek to warn their rest on earthly misfortunes. Clairvoyant, according to her own recognition, was sometimes easy to contact with spirits:

"Sometimes the dead shouts so hard that my head splits. Especially if they scream about the bad - about diseases, deaths, disasters. I know that you can not talk about it, and they seem to push me: Tell me yes, then I turn out a little and quietly so that the person does not hear, say it so that it happens. Otherwise I die or go crazy ... ".

He said Wanta and about aliens flying with the planet Vethim.

"They arrive from the planet that they call the chief. So, in any case, this unusual word I am heard. This planet is the third on the account of the planet Earth. They say:" Preparing a great event. "But what is this event, do not explain ".

Wang has argued that people from other terms have long been visited by land, but for earthlings they are invisible ... Their planet is called Vethim, it is the third from the ground.

"The first in contact with earthlings will enter the aliens from the planet Vethim. She is the third on account of the earth.

Creatures from the planet Vethim are transparent in appearance. They are dressed in something resembling armor, which glitters like fish scales. Among them are women. Their hair is similar to algae. They are soft as the fluff and surround their heads with a halo.

Sometimes someone from the aliens takes my hand and leads to your land. Coming there, I go on the ground, covered with the stars, like a trample of them. Those who lead me there are moved very quickly. On their land, everything is surprisingly beautiful, there is no words to describe the beauty of their nature ... but I have never seen homes anywhere. "

"Aliens often attend me ... They are similar to us, and no longer. They are stronger, like our atlifications, but covered with feathers like chickens - they have such clothes, and something like "Vietnamese" on the feet. On their heads they have hats, similar to beach, and under the arm - thick books, like scientists. In their hands they have a rod. They say they want to help us that all of them are healers and can treat many diseases. "

"Aliens are very neat. There, on their planet, a clear organization and hard work reign. These creatures argue that I am the most direct connection with the Earth. They communicate only with units of all the inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us. I am not allowed to talk about what I see and hear on their planet. It is said that there is no time for people to know about everything that they inform me. "

Vanga preddered that earthlings entry into contact with aliens would lead to an equilibrium setting in the world:

"Equilibrium will come when the aliens come into contact with people ...".

But as for the completely distant future (in particular, the 7000rd year), here the predictions of Vanga about the end of the world or a global catastrophe is not so optimistic. And in the "Gospel Chronographer in connection with these said:
"As a result of the collision of the Earth with a large comet (celestial body), great disasters will occur, natural cataclysms, earthquakes, ecological catastrophes, sharp climate change.
By this period of time, the following picture refers, which I saw a clairvoyant Wanta: "So I sometimes see such a picture: blackened and burned land, and there is a handful of people like shadows." (For more information, see: T. 1, p. 41 - 42, 51).
However, I will clarify: the scale of natural disasters on Earth as a result of a space cataclysm at the end of the World Year (7000), Vanga did not report anything.
And this is all about the collision of the earth with a large celestial body in a very distant future. And here it is necessary to emphasize and place all the accents: Cyril Butusov's calculations, Astrophysics of the Civil Academy, Aviation from St. Petersburg, a member of the International Planet Association, which is very soon - in 2012! - The Earth will face a large body ("Arguments and Facts", №34, 19 - 25 August 2009) - entirely and completely erroneous !! To the last point and comma !!
And even more so initially incorrectly Astrophysicik Kirill Butusov comes from the premise that the land in 2012 will encounter the "wandering planet" which "is removed from the Sun for tens of billions of kilometers and, returning every 3,600 years, it turns out between Mars and Jupiter."
And although the astrophysicist of Butusov operates like objective data ("West-Planet Nibiru", "Astronomers of ancient Babylon", "billions of kilometers", "The period of circulation of 3,600 years", etc.) is not quite so! More precisely: not at all !! And from the category of children's horror stories This is the approval of Butusov: "In 2012, even if the land will avoid a frontal collision, the attraction of a giant flying in a few millions kilometers may turn out to be such a force that the daughter of the earth will break like a dandelion mushy."
And in fact, the plannet of the planet is not ancient-known Nibiru at all, but a well-known clairvoyant Wange Vefim! And carries planet Vephim Our Earth is not an universal destruction, but the universal absolute knowledge.
Yes, a clairvoyant Wang has spoke many times about this wandering planet. And named it Vefim. And called it here in such a context: not in connection with the global catastrophe, threatening land, but in the considerations of short, but bright meetings with aliens.
"... they say that they arrive with planets Vefim - Third of the ground, in any case, so hearing me. For what purpose arrive - I do not know. Sometimes one of them takes my hand and leads to his planet Vefim. I follow him. I go on the ground (but this is not the earth!), Using the stars. As if the mother-in-law. "
Those who water me are moving very quickly, jumps. On their planet Vefim Everything is very beautiful, I just can not describe. For some reason, I have no dwelling anywhere. These creatures are very strict. When they say, their voices are spread as an echo ... "(said Wanga in 1988, t. 2, from 178).
So, Wang and Aliens.. In order not to repeat, send readers to the "big encyclopedia of clairvoyant Vanga", where not entire volumes and sections about "aliens", "higher forces", "elders in dazzling brilliant clothes", "Heavenly Messengers", "extraterrestrial beings" and " the inhabitants of Vetfima"(See: T. I, p. 41, 141 - 146, vol. 2, p. 162-184, vol. 5, from 9-142, etc.).
And here it is very significant - both for philosophical, and for astronomical, and for astrophysical understanding of the universal problems, to comprehend the next intersection of coordinates: aliens and specific dates.
There is such a feature: "Vanga is very scoop and carefully predicted world-wide events" (t. 5, p. 146). And even more so, Ko-gda, it was about meetings with extraterrestrial beings and an universal chronograph, specific dates seem to be not called. And there are obstacles these dates are calculated and calculated on the basis of the calculations of Vanga's predictions and comparison them with the facts of cultural studies and astrology. Let sometimes be despicable. I will explain on specific examples.
Let's say, in the "Evangelical Chronographer" is: "2179. People of the Earth will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds ..." (vol.1, p. 41). However, this is how directly: "... in 2179 ..." - Vanga naturally did not speak. Then how did this most "2179 year" transformed?
And the logic and calculations here were as follows. Here the entry made in May 1979 strictly since the most clairvoyant Vanga: "After 200 years, a person will establish contact with brothers in mind from other worlds ... (t. I, p. 154). And it is from here that the desired date of the upcoming contact of earthlings with aliens Vefim: 2179 Year - this is 1979 plus 200 years.
This example is very simple: pure arithmetic. But more often you have to resort to "Star algebra": combine arithmetic with astronomy.
And again in the Gospel Chronographer, the Earthly Date of the Earthly Date: "1612 BC is the next visit to the land by representatives of extraterrestrial civilization with the hypothetical planet of the Solar System. .." (t. I, p. 20). And this is how this date was calculated on the basis of the rivers of clairvoyant Vanga and the analysis of the publications of the Bulgarian press.
You are not visible, but now there are many strange aircraft in the sky. I see inside each three "man" (of course, the word "man" in quotes). I hear the words: " A great event is preparing!" What the event prepare aliens I do not explain ... "(said Wanga in 1988, t. 2, p. 177).
"I see them for about a year. They are transparent. They look like a reflection of a person in the water. Their hair is soft, like a duck down, and form something similar to the halo. Behind the back I see something similar to the wings ... they work a lot , clearly and organized, they say that in the seven millennia there were few people through which they carried out direct connections with the earth ... "(said Wangi in 1988, t. 2, from 178).
"One of them told me:" "Stand up and listen, and we will tell you something about the future. Do not be afraid of anything, because in front of your door there is a watchman. TA here: the world expects a lot of change, it will be reborn and collapse again. Equilibrium will come when we start talking with people! .. "(Wanng says in 1988, t. 2, p. 176).
All these claims are clairvoyant Vanga about representatives planets Vefimthere were strictly documented by correspondents of the Soviet-Bulgarian magazine "Friendship" directly in Petrice and rupture in the same 1988.
Next, the exact and punctual analysis of the press, calculations, calculations, comparisons - and much clearers.
But if quite short ... The Bulgarian Youth Newspaper "People's Mladezh" (August 2, 1988) publishes an article about a woman from Plovdiv, who has the ability to "hear their hands" and which "extraterrestrial creatures" visited. And at the same time they hypnotized it and did something with her brain.
Almost follows. The authoritative Bulgarian newspaper "Worker" (September 23, 1988) under the heading "Where is the planet x?" Prints the article of his Moscow correspondent. In detail you can familiarize yourself with this publication ("Big Encyclopedia Vangi" (vol. 2, p.181 -182). And here for astronomical calculations, we are only interested in the fact that, according to the famous Turkmen scientist Opera Odessa: "... Approximately Once every 3,600 years, our land is favorably by relations to the planet "X". The unknown tenth planet of the solar system, which rotates on a very elongated inclined
orbit, removing from the Sun and the Earth for tens of billions of kilometers. And it is from this planet "extraterrestrial beings" fly to Earth every 3,600 years.
And when we read Wange publishing from these Bulgarian newspapers, clairvoying pallus ... In the first case: "What is there to be surprised? Yes, they (aliens. - A.B.) already go among us." And in the second: "Everything is so ... they are with planets Vefim... And I drove me there ... ".
And hence the desired divide-earthly date is transformed: visit the Earth by aliens - 1612 BC: it is 1988 minus 3,600 years old.
And there is another objective way to dating the execution and implementation of Vanga predictions. The method is no longer purely arithmetic, but rather associative. Figuratively speaking: Star trigonometry.
For example, in the "Gospel Chronographer" (t. I, p. 19-20) placed information that according to Vangi, "... reasonable life has an unearthly origin and is listed from the outside, from space - just in
But when? And how is the concept of "great year" to bring under the framework of a concrete universe and earthly time ?? It was clear: under the "Great Year" Wang implies "World Years". However, not at all that "world year", which, according to the interpretation of ancient Greek, ancient and medieval astrology, is linked with the end of the world. With the universal earthly period, which after the World Flood and World Fairy, all earthly events will be repeated.
The framework of the "Great Year" - it was very important to calculate and now why. It was the date of the beginning of the current "world year" Wanga, as it were, matched with the beginning of the current civilization, which had both periods of heyday and periods of decline.
From the old philosophical treatises, we were naturally known: the duration of the Astrological World Year: Heraclita -18000 years, by Orpheus - 120000, years, from Antioch - 1753005, from Berros - 21,000,000, from Cassandra - 3600,000 years old, Diogen Stoica - 6480000 years. And we in a conversation with Wangi took advantage of these knowledge.
And patiently after listening to all our long and dull calculations, Wanga, as always, briefly, uncessly and categorically picked up Bulgarians: "... Cassandruck Truth in close ... 0 Great Light Godina Rally speaking ...". And although everything is clear here and without translation, I duplicate translation into Russian: "... Cassanderushka to the truth closer ... 0 Great World Years spoke correctly ...".
And that's all! Keywords!! And the desired date: 3593000 BC - the beginning of the world year and the universal mortgath of the unearthly origin of a reasonable life on Earth. And 3593000 BC is 3,600,000 years of the world's duration on Cassandra (philosopher and the king of Macedonia) minus 7000s year, i.e., the end of the Great Year.