Institute of Filatov's Eye Diseases. Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy

Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. V.P. Filatova of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine was established in 1936 and is currently the leading institution of Ukraine, carrying out research, clinical, organizational and methodological and educational activities on ophthalmology problems.

Scientific activity

Institute. V.P. Filatova is famous, primarily innovation, bold scientific experiments and uniqueness. For an 80-year history, a lot of discoveries have been made here, which determined the vector of development of world ophthalmology. Until now, the ophthalmology doctors use the cornea transplant method developed by Academician V.P. Filatov, use a laser in the treatment of ophthalmopathology, which was first applied here for the first time in 1963. Over the years of the institute, a whole pleiad of outstanding scientists is raised, which are proud of our country: Academician N.A. Puchkovskaya, who led by the Institute after the death of V.P. Filatova 29 years old, Professor B.S. Brodsky, S.F. Calphy, V.V. War Yarenetsky, Z.M. Skripnichenko, N.I. Shpak, S.A. Barhash, A.I. Pakhomova, G.V. Leva, I.V. Key, I.M. Loga, L.F. Linnik, L.T. Kashintseva, L.S. Terentteva, Corresponding Member Norma N.V. Pousicov and many others.

Today, the Institute is the National Center for Scientific Research in the most actual directions of ophthalmology. Scientists of the Institute represent Ukrainian science at world international congresses, congresses, conferences and symposia. The constant scientific development and achievement of employees, recognized as domestic and foreign specialists, make the institute. V.P. Filatova leader not only in Ukrainian, but also in world ophthalmology.


The Filatov Institute is a major center for training in the field of scientific and practical ophthalmology. The Department of Eye Diseases of the Odessa National Medical University has been operating on the basis of the Institute, teacher-interns, clinical orders, full-time and correspondence graduate students are being trained. A thematic improvement of the qualifications of those who have already consisted of specialists in all sections of ophthalmology, a specialized scientific council on the protection of doctoral and candidate dissertations is being operated.

Organizational and methodical activities

The organizational and methodological activities of the Institute consists in the provision of organizational and methodological and practical assistance to ophthalmic institutions of the regions of Ukraine; in the organization and conduct of scientific and practical activities; in organizing outbound and curatorial work with ophthalmological institutions of the regions of Ukraine; in the organization of internships to improve the professional knowledge and skills of ophthalmologists; in developing, editing and publishing guidelines, benefits for doctors, as well as conference materials and congresses.

Once every four years on the basis of the Institute, the congress of ophthalmologists of Ukraine is held. Every year, a scientific-practical conference with international participation "Filatovsky readings" is held at the Institute - the most famous and significant national conference of ophthalmologists. Also, every year the Institute organizes interregional scientific and practical conferences, which are held in one of the regions of Ukraine.

Clinical activity

The clinic of the Filatov Institute is an ophthalmological center, which hosts all types of diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases using innovative technologies.

9 specialized scientific and experimental laboratories of the Institute provide a comprehensive examination of patients with various eye pathologies, make it possible to solve the most difficult tasks and provide recommendations for the most effective treatment.

Clinical Base of the Institute. V.P. Filatova - 9 specialized departments. In the period from 2010 to 2015 At the Institute, 89,618 patients were treated. For the year, surgeon-ophthalmologists operate over 15,000 patients, and in the advisory clinic annually referred to the help of more than 160,000 patients.

On the basis of the Institute there are 4 national centers that cover the most common ophthalmological pathology:

1. Ukrainian opthalmotrammatological center;

2. Center for children's ophthalmopathology;

3. Center of Ophthalmology;

4. Eye-grade center.

Totally agree last year The centers were granted medical and diagnostic, advisory and methodological assistance to thousands of patients with severe diseases.

Since the primary survey in the advisory clinic and throughout the treatment (inpatient or outpatient), patients are under the supervision of highly qualified specialists, experience, responsibility and reputation of which are annually attracting tens of thousands of patients to the clinic.

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I have come to the Issist of Filatov, through Piv-Ukrainian! I thought, Shaho Wilian. Alya Voni Navіt Dіagnoz not correctly set! ViPisali Kupa dear Lіkiv, Yaki Buli not Potterbnі! Identified to people, Yak before the cattle! (Yakschko flowed there without a crash, then you can not attest!) On the skin clocks, the vimagyutn grossі, I would like it, I was so kept setting. Vіddіlennynya №3 - Bashharpan, Cold, Lіkari Vykarki, I Ledisho! In the exercise medical mortgage of Ukraine, Meni did not have a stitching of such a blatant!

I want to congratulate the wonderful woman aslanov Veronica Sergeyevna, the County, KMN, the doctor of the highest category, which works at the Institute of Eye Diseases. Filatova in Odessa with all New Year holidays. Wish good health, happiness in personal life and all earthly goods. Thank you for your work, for the salvation of my mother Raisa, which was made by the rinse-gluing operation. Sincerely, Irina.

I want to thank Doctors 2 Dresses of Yeast Galina Ivanovna, Ostashevsky Viktor Leonardovich and Ryazanov Lilia Yurievna for a sensible attitude towards people, care, attention, professionalism. Congratulations on your coming new year! From the bottom of my heart, I wish not only to save people's health, but also take care of my, I wish you no interference, respect, in demand, gratitude to others, personal well-being and happiness, wealth and love. I wish that even in the most difficult situations there was always a way out and solving any problem.

# Institute Filatov. # Department of retina eye. # Putienko Alexey Alexandrovich. Guys, today, in the search engine Google, I found a review of the official website of the Filatov Institute on how my mother wrote a feedback from gratitude to their address. To understand these people left her (Kapsevich Lyubov Ivanovna 1951, the river without her eye! Aslanova Veronika Sergeevna took part in this, and then in the following 3 operations and Putienko finally killed the right eye, and ...

I want to warn everyone who hopes that at the Filatov Institute can correct the squint. No, can not! The squint, even the minimum, was not corrected, to torment the child, terrible anesthesia, woke up in the operating room and heard that they were driving. After removing the anesthesia to the child in the head, as if the ax was stuck. In the conclusion, Bushueva wrote, which operated that the angle was significantly lined up to justify himself, and the eye did not leveled at a millimeter. I said, I don't know anything, I put the eye smoothly ...

Expensive, accommodation in the city is expensive, and do so that you stay in the hotel as much as possible, torment the child with repeat analyzes and everything is paid, dripping the eyes for a fee, and drip 3-4 times a day, such as nothing can be visible, and every time you pay . Where to take money ????? You would have such problems without money, maybe then a little conscience will appear.

I got to the institute. Filatov with a complex tip of the retina (from a sharp load) the rupture is complex, near the optic nerve. So I got into the hands of the doctor with a capital letter Umanets Nikolai Nikolayevich. A person of a constant positive, who knows how to listen and encourage all patients, regardless of age and property status. Transciliary vitrectomy operation is made on high levelYes, and as it could be otherwise, I operated a member of the Lyon Ophthalmological Society. Beautiful man and head of the department ...

There are dad and son Savko. Surprisingly, how they are held there and when they are forgotten! And in general, where the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is watching! There are generally pamphs in this Filatovo. Just all look at you evil and hungry eyes!

Huge thanks to Dr. 1 Department of Suprun Alexander Alexandrovich (San Sanych). The first impression is what young! What can he? CAN! Everything can be wonderful, attentive, talented young doctor! With seriousness to your duties. But the head of this branch of Ham! After communication with him, I want to wash, and not just wash your hands. Horror! Perhaps he is a high professional, but this is not enough in this profession. Unfortunately, "Permanent Client" of the Institute and has passed in fact, all branches ...

Recently, we turned to Filatov. We had such hope that they would save the eye, but alas were not what to save after their treatment, but felt so we go to remove the eye. I want to ask Doctors to ask you, at the university taught how more money to contempt, fill your pockets, make a person with disabilities, and did not teach you? We will be submitted to the court.

I heard a lot and read the most different reviews about the results of the treatment in the Odessa clinic of Filatov. I had to contact in November 2017 and about the treatment of "complex" cataracts to my relative - a veteran, front-line born in 1925, i.e. 92 years old. The age in which the surgeon's doctor who wished to take responsibility for the outcome of the operation, it turned out almost impossible. And here we have found such a doctor, and found in the clinic of Filatov. And I will gladly call his name ...

Opening the Miy Batko, Bulo Worded Sitkitch. In Lіkarnі Tsii Yak in Privatnii. Good Foundation 10400 gr. They took you to the Oerpets Abo go to Skipim, Potim 1400 gr. On the Lyki Yaki to the OPERCI TROTIBNI. Delicate Lyzhish in Likarni. Alsa є Likar Oscar Opechas 2000, Buli Paziєntti Yaki gave me a lacker who says Scho Opechar Route. Ti Likari Sifli Solti Yaki Lady Pensiyonry. And the skin of the Cabinet is the gravity-primuso 50, 100.

I was operated on at the Institute. Filatova about the retinal retinal detachment. Operated to. M. N. Umanets N. N. and further treatment conducted a doctor Nazarethyan R.є. I was repaired by 85% vision. I would like to note that N. N. Uman and R. E. Nazareyan are competent, talented, high professionalism and large human qualities, doctors. They do everything possible and impossible to return, improve your eyesight with your patients. Worried and rejoice with them. I want to hope that no ...

I am writing for those as I am a year ago, it rushes on the Internet to get information where to run, to whom to contact if problems with vision appeared. I had a situation - do not envy. In order not to unfold: central serous choreoretinopathy (peeling of the retina, breakthroughs of its fabrics, so that there are cavities with liquid - swelling under it). Standardly recommended treatment (laser operation) did not help, it turned out that it became only worse. The vision of a critical eye in the end fell to one hundredth ...

My father was treated in this hospital in 2015-2016, glaucoma with cataract. Put a lens: And although the father spoke to the attending physician that the vision did not change, it was somehow ignored. Later, when checking in other doctors in Vinnitsa, it turned out that there is a liquid behind the lens. Or during the operation, the doctors removed all the crowd, or there is another reason, it is unknown. I can only say one thing: the ratio of Hamskoe, the impression that patients spoil them the life and all services doctors provide for free, although ...

The section we want to submit to you is dedicated to one of the most famous medical facilities of our country - the Odessa Institute of Eye Diseases named after Acad. V.P. Filatova. I hope that you have no special reasons to be interested in eye diseases, but I am sure that this book will interest you.

The author chose the most difficult path: he undertook to describe the work going on the walls of the Institute. Not only the results of the work, but its everyday course, with errors and insights, with defeats and victories. Here it describes the course of operations - one, the other, the third, - yes it is so detailed as if I thought to teach all of us the eye surgeon craft. Here is a whole series of experiments, described as thoroughly and enthusiastically. And, it should be because all the details are open with trust, all turns of what is happening, we excitely follow this work that does not contain anything sensational, but complete drama, and begin to understand the causes of failures and the price of success.

We get acquainted with the whole Pleiama of the cute and gifted people - employees of the Filatovsky Institute, and this acquaintance is meaningful because we will find them at work. Creative tension and moral tests falling on their share, encourage us to create and empathize. To show the life of a doctor and researcher, nothing embellishes, it is necessary, obviously, to tell about his case, if possible, nothing is simplifying. I can not note the rare skill of A. Turbin to overjust the scientific material in simple and elegant literary text. He does not resort to the usual trick of popularizers: does not make the reader swallow the pill of knowledge to then get a fictional confet. He speaks of the most complex special issues as easy and clearly, as misery and movements of the soul of their heroes.

Descriptions naturally go to the analysis. Observations on the lives of a large Clinical Institute lead to discussing such problems as the relationship between the experimenter and the doctor, between the doctor and the patient, as the dialectic of relations between the teacher and students in science. Crisis phenomena are analyzed in the development of a number of scientific and practical problems; Non-silence and some common difficulties and contradictions faced in their development medicine of our time. The book is serious - therefore, far from the panegic.

Especially valuable quality books seems to me its historicism. Talking as an eyewitness about the events of today's events, the author is still deleted in the past, but it would be wrong to call it "retreats." Through the entire book, the idea was made that today medicine is inseparable from history and is incomprehensible without it. Appeal to the origins is necessary to trace how modern methods of work and a modern image of thoughts have been. This approach has significantly enriches the presentation: not only "heirs" appear on the pages of the book, but also the Filatov, and its contemporaries and predecessors, representatives of a number of medical disciplines that have acquired a creative impact on his school.

So, we are fascinating and at the same time a very solid book about the formation, accomplishments and quest of the Odessa ophthalmological school - Filatov School.

Let me add the following. It seems to me that books on the history of major scientific schools - scientific centers who gave impetus to the development of a whole field of knowledge, are needed and important than books about the history of the largest factories and factories. They would have a huge cognitive and educational value, especially for young people who decided to devote themselves to science. Of course, such a book can easily turn into a catalog scientific Labors or in the "home chronicle" of one or another institution. But, as we see on the example of the "heirs of Filatov", a book about a scientific school, essentially to its science, can become a living literary phenomenon and find a path to the mind and heart of the reader.

V. Ternovsky, Valid Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Virtual Member of the International Academy of Medicine History

I was in a hurry and in the corridor clinic flew to a person - I seem to move it tightly in my shoulder. We both stopped. "Yes, brother," he said, smiling with his mouth, "That's a brother." He wanted to console and encourage me. Well, and tear over both of us: we are good! He thought he could have pushed me. He thought I was blind too.

And I wanted to say that there is no place to rush to us.

Patients - Is it completely blind or half in vain, and in general the sick in the hospital - they walk inappropriate and live inappropriate, because they are hurrying or hurry, and you can only wait. And they learn to wait. Wisdom waiting. I told me one local doctor who got to the front, and then before becoming a doctor for a long time was sick, ..

And they who got into Odessa - waited, got, reached, - I am even more likely to hurry? They are already at the goal.

Odessa Research Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy, based forty one year ago by Vladimir Petrovich Filatov and later, during the life of the founder, named after him, stands in a number of not just solid and well-known, but in a number of famous medical institutions.

Such a reputation puts it in a disadvantage. It may be strange to appear, but it is: in a disadvantage.

From the famous clinic and famous doctors, we are waiting for miracles and nothing more than miracles.

Who are we"?
Yes, we are all, but first of all, of course, patients and, above all, the vehicle, to whom in other places could not help. They appeal to the famous clinic and are waiting and demanding healing.

And we all stand around and sentenced: "Excusted to heal. You are famous. "

But in other places, it's not because he probably did not help that there were brainless and needless doctors - no, but because still the thought did not reach his trouble, no more hands reached ...

In essence, it is not difficult to maintain a good reputation. For this you need one thing: in a smart, with advantage and with sympathy to pay such a patient.

It is necessary to do only what has already been done before - the very thing that created the direction in science and gave him fame. Eating glorified treatments of treatment, making glorified operations, well mastered and for part of patients are undoubtedly useful. And, of course, it is vigilantly to select this particular part of the patients.

So you can slowly dissolve the inheritance, and enough for a long time. Everything will be fine - for the time being, it will be found that the scientific direction has long stopped and a craft workshop remains, also very useful on his own way - until time.

And what, really, surrounded by Filatov, there were no people who dreamed of hold time and had to live under the canopy of htizated glory? Probably were.

I am not about such heirs.

When Filat died, they stopped the clock in his office, but they did not want to stop the time and tried to move forward. And on this path - from victories to new - difficulties are increasing. Inevitably increase! And even on the path, which is behind, - and there will inevitably find a controversial as soon as you try to move forward ... Therefore, if you think about, other defeats that they carry are not reduced, but add fame to them.

I am not going to, however, nor praise them for the defeat, incurred in a new way, nor to korze for victories, wanted in the old age. Neither even praise for new victories.

They are not necessary: \u200b\u200bthey need our understanding.

What grave annoyance should cause our naive and exorbitant demands, like our naive and exorbitant enthusiasms!
There is nothing more concerned for a working person, there is nothing more discouraging than to know that the case, over which he beats, represent close to completion, and the difficulties that he tries and hopes to defeat, no matter how much ...

I hurried to the operating room. A. Turbin

Then you will fall into the laboratory and see how the animals put experiments.

You will learn what the concerns and hope of people who work in the Odessa Institute named after Filatov are today.

And close - as your friends - recognize these people.

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

State Institution "Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. V.P. Filatova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine "
(Institute. V. P. Filatova)
original name

corresponding member AMN of Ukraine, d. N., Prof. N. V. Pischenikova

Graduate school
Legal address


Corps and campus

Main building

The main building of the institute them. V.P. Filatova was built in 1939, in the same year the institute moved to French (proletarian) Boulevard (until that time, the institute was located on the territory of the second clinical hospital of the city of Odessa). The three-storey main building has a building configuration in the form of the letter "g". On the ground floor there is a department of ophthalmopathology of children's age, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, a laboratory of electron microscopy, a reception office, a personnel department, office, post office, buffet. On the second floor there are departments of post-traumatic pathology of the eyes, the postal pathology of the eye, the pathology of the lens, and the administrative part of the director of the Institute, Deputy Director, and the Secretary, Specialized Council, the Department of Scientific Medical Information, the organizational and methodological department. On the third floor - the separation of vitreoretinal and laser surgery and separation of the pathology of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, as well as a small conference room.

Surgical housing

Treated building built in 1961. On the first floor - the department of ophthalmomcology, on the second floor - separation of ophthalmade-trunctivine and glaucoma, as well as operating; On the third - separation of inflammatory pathology of the eye. Consultative clinic. The polyclinic building was built in 1952. Consultative Polyclinics include 27 cabinets, 10 of them - Cabinets of the Institute of Institute: Ophthalmadendocrinology and Glaucoma, the pathology of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, inflammatory pathology of the eye, vitreoretinal and laser surgery, the pathology of the lens, post-traumatic pathology of the eye, the passing pathology of the eye, ophthalmopathology of childhood, ophthalmcology , Laser microsurgery eye.

Laboratory housing

The laboratory housing is a six-story building built in 1976. On the first floor there is a film filter; On the second - the laboratory of functional methods of studying the organ of vision, training facilities and the department of the Odessa National medical University; on the third - separation of the study of biological action and the use of lasers in ophthalmology; on the fourth - the laboratory of microbiology and the laboratory of ultrasound applications and electromagnetic radiation in experimental and clinical ophthalmology; on the fifth - laboratory of pathomorphology and fabric preservation; On the sixth - the laboratory of the biochemistry and the laboratory of pharmacology and tissue therapy. The laboratory body has a two-story annex, built in 1984, on the first floor of which is the archive, Statistics Department, Editorial Office of the Ophthalmological Journal of Journal, on the second - library and museum. V.P. Filatova. In the same building there is a large conference room that can accommodate 700 people.


Scientific Library of the Institute. V.P. Filatova was founded in 1946. The first books and magazines were presented by Vladimir Petrovich Filatov. At the moment, the Library Foundation has more than 78,300 units - these are books, magazines, dissertations, dissertation abstracts, guidelines on ophthalmology and related areas of science. The reference bibliographic apparatus includes alphabetical and systematic directories, cards of periodic publications, new revenues, personalities. The library fund is unique. The pride of the library is the 14-volume guide of St. Duke-Elder, 7-Tomny Ophthalmology Guide K. Velhagen, Albrecht Von Graefe C 1890, Zentralblat Fur Die Gesamte Ophthalmol since 1914, Excerpta Medika Sect. Ophthalmol. Since 1947, Klinische MBL FUR AUGENHEILK C 1910, Magazine "Herald of Ophthalmology" since 1884, the magazine "Ophthalmological magazine" since 1946. The library fund is widely represented by collectors of domestic and foreign ophthalmological congresses and conferences.

Museum and exhibition complex them. Academician V.P. Filatova

The complex includes the Cabinet-Museum of Academician Vladimir Petrolov Filatov in the main building, the memorial house-museum at the address: French Boulevard, 53, - a house in which Academician V.P. Filatov lived. As well as a museum located on the second floor of an extension of the laboratory body. The museum and exhibition complex presents expositions that tell about the life and activities of the Great Academic and Ophthalmologist Academician V. P. Filatov, about the development of Odessa ophthalmological school and ophthalmologic science. The exposition contains unique photos, manuscripts, letters, rare publications, personal belongings and painting Vladimir Petrovich Filatov. The museum and exhibition complex hosts the memories of Academician V. P. Filatov, solemn events, meetings.


One-storey building, built in 1936, in which contains and bred animals (rabbits, rats, mice) for laboratory and experimental and research works.


The five-story building built in 1973 directly on the territory of the Institute. For nonresident and foreign graduate students, interns, residents are provided in the hostel.

Institutes and Faculties

On the basis of the Institute. V.P. Filatova function graduate school, clinical order and monotamplematic improvement of ophthalmologists at information courses and internship.

Graduate school

  • Methods of early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of lesions of the organ of vision during endocrine disorders.
  • Inflammatory, dystrophic, allergic diseases conjunctivations and cornea. Diagnosis and treatment.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of uveitis of various etiology.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of debris of the mesh eye shell.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of injuries and eye burns and their consequences.
  • Children's ophthalmopathology. Modern methods Surgical treatment of cataracts in children.
  • Actual questions of ophthalmomcology.
  • Disorders of binocular vision in various types of refraction and methods for its recovery.
  • Optometry and contact correction of vision.
  • Electrophysiological research methods in ophthalmology.
  • Application of lasers in ophthalmology.
  • Ultrasonic methods for diagnosing eye pathology.
  • Optical coherent tomography in the diagnosis of eye diseases.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment methods in ophthalmology.
  • The cycle of lectures with practical exercises: "Lasers in ophthalmology".
  • Master class "Intravitreal therapy".
  • Master class "Application of the" TracectOME "system in patients with glaucoma and cataract."

Courses are conducted within two weeks.


Main activities


It is a study of the pathogenesis of the eye diseases and the development of new methods for the treatment of eye diseases, the preparation of scientific personnel. On the basis of the Institute there is a specialized scientific council for the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialty "Ophthalmology".


It is to organize and carry out scientific and practical conferences, collecting and analyzing statistical information on the eye morbidity of the population of Ukraine, learning from ophthalmologists of all levels. On the basis of the Institute, the Department of Eye Diseases of the Odessa Medical University is being trained in the interrons, clinical orders, full-time and correspondence graduate students. There is also a thematic professional development of specialists in all sections of ophthalmology.

Once every four years in May, the Congress of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine is held on the basis of the Institute. In 2010 passed the XII Congress. "Filatov's readings" - a scientific-practical conference, which is held at the Institute annually (except for the years of the Congress). Also annually the Institute organizes interregional scientific and practical conferencewhich is held in one of the regions of Ukraine. In 2011, such a conference was held in Lugansk, in the city of Uzhgorod.


Includes treatment of patients with all eye diseases of any complexity. Every year, more than 16,000 operational interventions are fulfilled at the Institute, more than 100,000 consultations.



Awards and reputation

On April 10, 1986, the Institute named after V. P. Filatov was awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner.

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An excerpt characterizing the institution of eye diseases and tissue therapy named V. P. Filatova Nams Ukraine

- Mama, Golubushka, forgive me!
But the Countess pushed his daughter and went to the count.
"Mon Cher, you're doing it ... I don't know it," she said, her lower eyes.
"Eggs ... Eggs chicken teach ..." - Through happy tears, the count said and hugged his wife who was glad to hide his ashamed face on his breast.
- Patek, Mama! Can you order? Can I? .. - Natasha asked. "We still take all the most necessary ..." said Natasha.
The count apprusively nodded her head, and Natasha, the rapid run, which she fell into the burners, ran along the hall to the front and stairs to the courtyard.
People gathered near Natasha and until then, could not believe that the strange order she passed, while the count itself did not confirm the name of his wife to give all the submarines under the wounded, and the chests were demolished into the storerooms. Realizing the order, people with joy and hassiness began for a new thing. The servant now it was not only not seemed strange, but, on the contrary, it seemed that it could not be otherwise, just as for a quarter of an hour before this, no one did not seem strange that they leave the wounded, but they take things, but it seemed What could not be otherwise.
All homemade, as if paying for the fact that they did not take care before, began to be troubled by the new business of the deployment of the wounded. The wounded rolled out of their rooms and with joyful pale faces surrounded the training. In neighboring houses, hearing was also separated, which is the training, and the yard to Rostov began to come wounded from other houses. Many of the wounded asked not to take out things and only put them on top. But since the starting case of the landfill of things could no longer stop. It was still, leave all or half. In the courtyard lay untrained chests with dishes, with bronze, with paintings, mirrors, which so diligently laid in the past night, and were looking for everything and found the opportunity to fold it and then to give more and more.
- Four can still be taken, - said the manager, - I give my wagon, and then where are they?
"Yes, give my wardrobe," said the Countess. - Dunyasha will sit with me in the carriage.
They also gave the dressing room and sent it for wounded through two houses. All domestic and servants were fun revived. Natasha was in an enthusiastic happy revival, which she had not experienced for a long time.
- Where to bind him? - People said, adjusting the chest to the narrow stamps of the carriage, - it is necessary to leave at least one condation.
- So what is he? - asked Natasha.
- with books of graphic.
- Leave. Vasilich will remove. It's not needed.
In the Brich, everything was full of people; Doubted where Peter Ilyich sit down.
- He is on the goats. After all, are you going to goats, Petya? - Screaming Natasha.
Sonya does not ceasing troubled too; But her goal was the opposite of Natasha goals. She cleaned the things that had to stay; He recorded them, at the request of the Countess, and tried to capture with them as much as possible.

In the second hour, the larded and placed four crews were stood at the entrance. Summaries with wounded one after another moved from the yard.
The stroller in which the prince Andrei was held, driving past the porch, turned the attention of Sony, having arranged the seats with the girl for a countess in her huge high carriage standing at the entrance.
- Is it whose stroller? Sonya asked, leaning out the boat window.
- Didn't you know the young lady? - answered the maid. - Prince wounded: he spent the night and we also go with us.
- Who is it? How is the surname?
- Our most groom former, Prince Bolkonsky! - Sighing, answered the maid. - They say when death.
Sonya jumped out of the carriage and ran to the Countess. Countess, already dressed in the road, shawl and hat, tired, went through the living room, waiting for homework, in order to sit with closed doors and pray before leaving. Natasha was not in the room.
"Maman," Sonya said, "Andrei Prince here, wounded, with death. He rides with us.
The countess frightened his eyes and grabbing Sonya, looked around.
- Natasha? - she said.
And for Sony and for the Countess, the news it had only one value in the first minute. They knew their Natasha, and the horror about what would be with her at the same time, they drove all the sympathy for them to whom they both loved.
- Natasha does not know yet; But he rides with us, Sonya said.
- Are you talking when you die?
Sonya nodded his head.
Countess hugged Sonya and cried.
"God works in mysterious ways!" - she thought, feeling that in everything that was happening now, began to perform a all-in-law hiding before from the view of people.
- Well, mom, everything is ready. What are you? .. - asked with a lively face of Natasha, moving into the room.
"Nothing," said Countess. - Ready, let's go. - And the Countess bent to her Ridiculyu to hide an upset face. Sonya hugged Natasha and kissed her.
Natasha looked at her questioningly.
- What are you? What happened?
- There is nothing…
- Very bad for me? .. What is? - asked sensitive Natasha.
Sonya sighed and did not answer. Count, Petya, M ME Schoss, Maurus Kuzminishna, Vasilich entered the living room, and, damaging the doors, all sat down and silently, without looking at each other, sat aide aide a few seconds.
Graph first got up and, loudly sighing, began to be baptized into the image. Everybody did the same. Then, the count began to hugging Mavri Kuzminichna and Vasilich, who remained in Moscow, and while they caught his hand and kissed him in the shoulder, slightly tremble them on his back, sentenced something unclear, gentlely sedative. The countess went into the shaped, and Sonya found it on his knees before scattered on the wall remaining the images. (The most expensive on family legends of the image was taken with them.)
At the porch and in the yard, people with daggers and sabers, which were armed by Petya, with refueling pantals in boots and tight-cocked with belts and socks, said goodbye to those that remained.
As always, with departures, much was forgotten and not so laid, and for quite a long time, two guiders were standing on both sides of the winding door and the steps of the carriage, preparing to satisfy the Countess, while the girls ran with pillows, knots from the house in the carriage, and stroller , and a bricken, and back.
- I will restore your age all! - said the Countess. "You know that I can't sit like that." - And the Dunyash, grieving his teeth and not answering, with the expression of reproach on his face, rushed into the carriage to redo the seat.
- Ah, the people of this! - said the count, shaking his head.
Old Kucher Efim, with whom one only decided to ride the Countess, sitting high on his goats, did not even look around for what was done behind him. He knew the thirty-year-old experience that he would not soon tell him "with God!" And that when they say, he will stop him twice twice and send it for the forgotten things, and after that they will stop again, and the Countess itself is visible to him in the window and will ask him to go cautiously on the descents. He knew this and therefore patient of his horses (especially the left red-falcon, who beat his foot and, having chewing, went smashed) I expected what would happen. Finally, everyone sat down; The steps gathered and snapped into the carriage, the door slammed, sent after the box, the Countess leaned and said that he should. Then Efim slowly took off his hat from his head and began to be baptized. Foretor and all people did the same.
- With God blessing! - said Efim, putting his hat. - pull out! - Foretor Tronoul. The right Dyshlova was brought to the clamp, the high springs cried, and the body swung. Lackey jumped on the goat. It shook the carriage when leaving the yard on the shaking bridge, the other crews also shook, and the train came up the street. In carriages, stroller and brickest everyone was baptized to the church, which was opposite. The people who remained in Moscow walked along both sides of the crews, accomplishing them.
Natasha rarely experienced such a joyful feeling, like that she experienced now, sitting in a carriage beyond the Countess and looking at the walls of the left, alarmed in Moscow. She occasionally headed the carriage window and looked back and forth on the long train of the wounded, preceding them. Almost ahead of all I could have seen closed top of the strollers of Prince Andrew. She did not know who was in her, and every time, the thinking area of \u200b\u200bhis drive, looked around this stroller with her eyes. She knew that she was ahead of everyone.
In Kudrin, from Nikitskaya, from the Presnya, several of the same trains came from the renovinsky, as the train Rostova was, and the crews and training were already in two rows.
By living around Sukharev Tower, Natasha, curious and quickly examined the people, riding and going, suddenly joyfully and cried in surprise:
- Batyushki! Mom, Sonya, look, it's him!
- Who? Who!
- Look, she is God, Duhov! - Natasha spoke, having wandering around the window of the carriage and looking at a high fat man in Kucher Kaftan, obviously a dressed gait and posture Barina, who, next to a yellow fabor older, in Frisovoy Sintel approached the arch of the Sukhareva Tower.
- To her, God, Duhov, in Kaftan, with some old boy! She is God, "Natasha said," see, look! "
- No, it's not him. Is it possible, such nonsense.
- Mom, - Natasha shouted, - I will give you my head for cutting off that it is! I assure you. Wait, wait! - she screamed with a kumor; But the kucher could not stop, because from the Meshchansky, there were still vehicles and crews, and they shouted at the growth, so that they would be touched and did not detain others.
Indeed, although it is already much further than before, all Rostov saw Pierre or a person, unusually similar to Pierre, in Kucher Kaftan, walking down the street with a bent head and a serious face, beside a small fabricated old man who had a kind of lacquer. An old man has noticed his face from a carriage who stunned on him and, respectfully, touched to the elbow of Pierre, something told him, pointing to the carriage. Pierre could not understand what he spoke; So he, apparently, was immersed in his thoughts. Finally, when he understood him, looked at the direction of himself and, having learned Natasha, at the same second giving up his first impression, quickly went to the carriage. But, having passed the steps ten, he, apparently, remembering something, stopped.
The face of Natasha, who stacked out of the carriage shone mockedly teaches.
- Peter Kirilych, go! After all, we learned! It's amazing! - she screamed, stretching his hand. - How are you? Why are you so?
Pierre took the outstretched hand and on the go (as the carriage. Continued to move) awkwardly kissed her.
- What is with you, Count? - asked the Countess surprised and condolent voice.
- What? What? What for? Do not ask me, "said Pierre and looked back at Natasha, shining, whose joyful glance (he felt it, without looking at her) he pushed him with his charm.
- What are you, or in Moscow stay? - Pierre paused.
- In Moscow? - He said inquiringly. - Yes, in Moscow. Farewell.
"Ah, I wanted to be a man, I would certainly stay with you." Oh, how good is it! - said Natasha. - Mom, let me remain. - Pierre dispersedly looked at Natasha and something wanted to say, but the Countess interrupted him:
- You were on the battle, did we hear?
"Yes, I was," Pierre answered. "Tomorrow will be again a battle ..." he began, but Natasha interrupted him: "
- What about you, Count? You are not like ...
- Oh, do not ask, do not ask me, I do not know anything. Tomorrow ... No! Farewell, goodbye, "he said, - a terrible time! - And, rescued from the carriage, he moved to the sidewalk.
Natasha for a long time was still overwhelmed from the window, shining her tender and a little mocking, joyful smile.

Pierre, since the disappearance of his house, housing the second day lived on the empty apartment of the late Basdieev. This is how it happened.
Waking up the other day after his return to Moscow and a date with a crust crust, Pierre could not understand where he was and what he wanted from him. When he, between the names of other persons waiting for him in the reception, they reported that he was waiting for him by a Frenchman who brought a letter from the Countess Elena Vasilyevna, suddenly found a sense of confusion and hopelessness to him, which he was able to succumb. He suddenly introduced himself that everything was now over, everything was mixed, everything collapsed that there was neither right, nor to blame that there would be nothing in front and there was no exit from this position. He, smiling unnaturally and something mumbling, he sat down on a sofa in a helpless pose, then got up, approached the door and looked into the flush to the reception, then, waving his hands, returned back I was taken for the book. The butler, another time, came to report to Pierre that the Frenchman who brought a letter from the Countess, very wants to see him at least for a minute and what came from the widow I. A. Basdayev to ask to accept books, since Msa Basdieev herself went to the village.
"Oh, yes, now, wait ... or not ... yes no, let's say that I will come right now," said Pierre Poorel.
But as soon as the butler came out, Pierre took the hat lying on the table, and went into the back door from the office. There was no one in the corridor. Pierre passed the entire length of the corridor to the stairs and, fascinated and rubbing his forehead with both hands, descended to the first place. The doorman stood at the front door. From the site to which Pierre went down, the other staircase led to the rear. Pierre went on her and went to the courtyard. Nobody saw him. But on the street, as soon as he went to the gate, Kucher, standing with the crews, and the janitor saw the Barin and took the caps before him. Feeling the ridiculous views, Pierre entered as an ostrich that hides his head in the bush, so that he was not seen; He lowered his head and, adding the step, went down the street.
Of all the cases, who were upcoming Pierre in this morning, the case of disassembling books and papers Joseph Alekseevich seemed to him the most necessary.
He took the first cabin who fell to him and told him to go to the patriarch ponds, where the house of the widow of Basdieev was.
Increasingly looking around on all sides, the moving visits left of Moscow and recovering their fat body, so as not to slip with the rattling old yeast, Pierre, experiencing a joyful feeling, similar to the one that the boy was experiencing, who fled from the school, talked to the cab.
The driver told him that the currently disassembled weapons in the Kremlin, and that tomorrow the people drive all over a three-necked stamping, and that there would be a big battle.
Having arrived at the Patriarch ponds, Pierre found the house of Basdayev, in which he had not been for a long time. He walked over to the gate. Gerasim, the very yellow fabricated old man, whom Pierre saw five years ago in Torzhok with Joseph Alekseevich, came out on his knock.