The history of military equipment, licked to the Positions. Monuments of the Great Patriotic War Chelyabinsk "Eternal Flame"

In Elika, the Patriotic War became one of the most significant topics in Soviet art - literature, painting, cinema. Portal "Culture.rf" remembered the most important sculptural monuments dedicated to the tragedy of this time.

"Motherland is called!" In Volgograd


One of the highest statues in the world "Motherland is called!" It is included in the sculptural triptych along with the "Rear - Front" monuments in Magnitogorsk and the "Warrior-Liberator" in the Treptov Park in Berlin. The author of the monument was Evgeny Vuchetich, who created a figure of a woman with a sword raised above his head. The hardest construction went from 1959 to 1967. For the manufacture of the monument, 5.5 thousand tons of concrete and 2.4 thousand tons of metal structures took place. Inside the "Mother Mother" is absolutely hollow, it consists of separate cameras, in which metal cables are stretched, supporting the framework of the monument. The height of the grand monument is 85 meters, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the greatest sculpture-statue in the world at the time of construction of the monument.

"Skip swords on the oral" in Moscow

Photo: Oksana Aleshina / PHOTOBANK "Laurie"

The statues of Evgeny Vuchetich "Skid Swords on Oral", depicting the worker, which catches the weapon into a plow, are located in several cities in the world. The first was installed in 1957 at the UN headquarters in New York - it was a gift to the states from the Soviet Union in friendship. Other copyrights of the monument can be seen near CDH in Moscow, in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk and in Volgograd. This work of Evgenia Vuchetich received recognition not only in the USSR, but also beyond: for her, he was awarded a silver medal of the Council of the world and received the Grand Prix at the exhibition in Brussels.

"Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" in St. Petersburg

Photo: Igor Litvak / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

The project of the monument "Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" was developed by sculptors and architects who participated in the defense of the city, Valentin Kamensky, Sergey Speransky and Mikhail Isaniushin. Deployed to one of the largest places in the history of the battle for Leningrad - Pulkovsky altitudes, the composition consists of 26 bronze sculptures of the city defenders (soldiers, workers) and 48-meter granite obelis in the center. There is also a memorable hall of the "blockade", separated by an open ring, symbolizing the breakthrough of the fascist defense of Leningrad. It was built a memorial at the expense of voluntary donations of citizens.

"Defenders of the Soviet Polar region during the Great Patriotic War" ("Alyosha") in Murmansk

Photo: Irina Borsuchchenko / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

One of the highest Russian monuments, 35-meter Murmansk "Alyosha" was erected in Murmansk in memory of unknown warriors who gave life for the Soviet Polar. The monument is located on a high hill - 173 meters above sea level, so the figure of a soldier in a raincoat with a vehicle vehicle is visible from anywhere in the city. Near the "Alesh" burns eternal flame and there are two anti-aircraft guns. The authors of the project are architects Igor Pokrovsky and Isaac Brodsky.

"Heroes-Panfilovtsam" in Dubosekovo


The memorial complex in Dubosekovo dedicated to the pilot of 28 soldiers from the Major General Division Ivan Panfilov, consists of six 10-meter sculptures: a political officer, two fighters with grenades and three more soldiers. Before the sculptural group there is a strip of concrete slabs - this is a symbol of the stroke, which the Germans could not overcome. Nikolay Lyubimov, Alexey Postol, Vladimir Fedorov, Vitaly Danyuk, Yuri Krivushchenko and Sergey Khadzhibaronov.

Tomb of an unknown soldier in Moscow

Photo: Dmitry Unimained / Photobank "Lori"

In 1966, a memorial was built in the Kremlin Wall in the Alexander Garden, dedicated to an unknown soldier. The dust of one of the buried warriors buried in the mass grave of the Great Patriotic War is buried here. On the granite tombstone, the inscription "Your name is unknown, the feat of your immortal" is carved. From May 8, 1967, an eternal flame is continuously burning on the monument, which was lit from fire on a Mars field. Another part of the Memorial is burgundy porphyry blocks depicting the Golden Stars, in which the capsules with land from the cities of Heroes (Leningrad, Volgograd, Tula and others are molded.

Monument to the warriors of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps in Yekaterinburg

Photo: Elena Koromyslova / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

Chelyabinsk, an industrial millionth city in the Southern Urals, from the first days of its foundation in 1736 survived many historical events, and his streets witnessed a multiple change of epoch. Now they resemble numerous monuments and monuments installed on squares and parks.

The most fabulous

Along with the train and climbed at the railway station, the city's guests can already see some monuments of Chelyabinsk. Most likely, a majestic bearded figure, resembling the eponymic hero and fabulous Santa Claus, will immediately be thrown into the eyes. This is a monument "Tale about the Urals", created based on Creativity P. P. Bazhov and established on the Primilar Square in the late 1960s. Currently, the twelve meter monument is one of the symbols of the city. And the Chelyabinsk social activists noticed the fun similarity with Sant Moroz, as a result of which the tradition appeared to dress the statue for a holiday in the giant New Year's caftan, who even got into the book of Records of Russia.

Complex era

There are many monuments dedicated to the 1917 revolution on the Chelyabinsk map and followed the civil war. They exist here along with streets and squares named after these events. One of them is located close to the Privokzalny Square and perpetuates the memory of the soldiers of the Czechoslovak Corps who fought on the side of the Entente in the First World War and subsequently caught the 1917 revolution. Another, belonging to the same historical era, installed on the Mitrofan cemetery. He marks the burial site of the remains of the Red Army. Earlier, at the beginning of the 20th century, the brotherly grave was located on the Revolution Square, was then postponed to the present place. Because of its remoteness, the monument is little known to the townspeople.

Captive hero

The monument to Orhlenka in Chelyabinsk, created by the efforts of the sculptor L. N. Golovnitsky and architect E. V. Alexandrova. The monument was erected in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Komsomol organization in 1958. He is dedicated to young revolutionaries and is a figure of a teenager with his hands-related hands, dressed in an exorbitantly large chinel, dad and heavy shoes. Adult Military Clothes of that time creates an expressive contrast with the semi-tech appearance of the young man, transmitting a romantic image of a bold and irreconcilable fighter.

Contrary to popular belief, the monument was not at all the "result of inspiration" of his authors of the famous song "Orralok", written by J. Swedov, and V. White. Established after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the monument perpetuated memory of all young heroes. In his honor, the Creative Prize of the Chelyabinsk Region was named, handed over in 1967-1990 for achievements in the field of art, literature, journalism, architecture, pedagogical activities, science and technology. The monument "Orlock" is widely known and beyond. Over the years, a variety of public events took place near it, and informal young people were going. Today, he is included in the register "Cultural Heritage of the Russian Federation" and is considered to be a remarkable monumental work of the Soviet era.

There is in every city

Another echo relative to the near historical past is a monument to Lenin in Chelyabinsk, created in 1959 by the sculptors of L. Golovnitsky and V. Zaikov. Mounted on an unusual granite pedestal in the form of a tribune (project of architect E. V. Alexandrova), a bronze monument with a height of 17.5 meters rises above the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution in the city center.

This monument is one of the most recognizable places of Chelyabinsk. Parads and rallies are held near him, personal meetings are appointed. In the fall on the square opposite the monument, the official holiday is held in honor of the birthday of the city, and the Chelyabinsk Drama Theater is located in the winter, and the Chelyabinsk Drama Theater is located, as well as its sculpture, a pedestrian street of molding.

Silent and heroic years

Many Chelyabinsk monuments are devoted to the events of 1941-1945. In addition to the traditional perpetual fire on the Alley of Glory in the city center, there are a variety of monumental compositions in other areas. For example, a monument to the "Defenders of the Fatherland" in which includes a metal-lined pedestal with a bas-relief, depicting the head of the soldier, as well as separately standing rectangular columns on which the names of the Chelyabinites who died for the Motherland are applied.

In other areas of the city, individual monuments to the fallen tankers and pilots are installed. Special attention deserves a touching monument "Sestrachka" dedicated to the feat of women in the war: a nurse, sensestiles, fighters and intelligence officers. The work of the sculptor A. L. Silence, depicting a seated young woman in military uniform, is installed in honor of the 60th anniversary of the victory in a small square on the prospectine eponymous. The special value of the monument is that he is one of the few similar in Russia.

Another piercingly emotional monument is also dedicated to women, but not fought, but waiting for soldiers from the war. The "Memory" monument ("Grieving Mothers") is located on the forest cemetery. It was installed in honor of the 30th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War and is two female figures holding a helm of the deceased warrior. Sculptors L. N. Golovnitsky and E. E. Golovnitskaya, architects Yu. P. Danilov and I. V. Talalay, worked on the work.

Many of the military years are devoted to military equipment involved directly in battles or in these facilities are located in several places of the urban area, which the tankograd was called during the war and was one of the support points of rear production. Now, the monuments of Chelyabinsk, dedicated to the Tank of IS-3 (on Komsomolskaya Square) and the legendary artillery setup "Katyusha" (in the square of the DK them, Katyushchenko) are reministed about that difficult time.

Communion soldiers

Among the Chelyabinsk facilities, the monuments in honor of the soldiers who fell in battles on someone else's land were found. This includes a monument to "soldiers of an undeclared war", opened in 2009 in the square on the Highway of Metallurgists and dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Another monument called the "Valorous Sons of the Fatherland" is dedicated to all warriors in internationalists and is located in the city center near the eternal flame. The composition created by the sculptor V. F. Mitroshin and Architect N. N. Fabykin, very interesting: Eagle, soaring over the Rocky Gorge, is a symbol of military valve and honor. The monument was established in 2004.

A separate place in the architecture of the city is occupied by monuments in honor of the outstanding artists of art and science. Among them can be distinguished on the intersection of the Central Avenue of Lenin and Street Forecovka Monument to Kurchatov. Chelyabinsk celebrated his 250th anniversary in 1986. On this occasion, the city authorities were decided to establish a monument to outstanding nuclear physics whose homeland was the town of Sim in the Chelyabinsk region.

The architectural and sculptural composition, the authors of which were the artist V. A. Avakyan, as well as architects B. V. Petrov, V. L. Glazerin and I. V. Talalay, distinguished by the originality of ideas and difficulty of execution. Standing on the pedestal statue of the scientist reaches a height of 11 meters. On both sides it is surrounded by two pylons with a height of 27 meters each, on which hemispheres are attached, symbolizing the split atom. And in the evenings, beautiful modern lights highlights on the background of the dark sky, the original monument to Kurchatov. Chelyabinsk is rightfully proud of this building, the place around which was always favorite for meetings of students, couples in love, as well as athletes. A few steps from the monument are playgrounds and an indoor athletics complex. Unfortunately, at present, almost not to get to the monument: since 2014, long-term construction has been deployed around it. Residents and guests of the city have to admire his beauty from far away.

The most famous poet

Not only outstanding scientists honors Chelyabinsk. The monument to Pushkin (the very classic species itself) is also in the Ural city. It is located in the city garden named after the Great Poet. In addition to the monument, there is also a children's playground with colorful wooden sculptures based on famous tales of the Russian classic. In his honor in Chelyabinsk, street, city garden, central library and cinema are named.


No less interest than statues and monuments represent a variety of monuments the most vintage of which relate to the first half of the XIX century. The most famous samples: Trading House of the merchant M. F. Valeeva, the store of the Brothers Jousuv, Water Tower and Elevator. All historical and architectural monuments of Chelyabinsk are associated with various temporary epochs, which makes them valuable from local lore and tourist points.

13:11 - REGNUM 75 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The victory in it became the greatest test and the greatest pride for Russia. The memory of the dead warriors, the workers of the rear and civilians is immortalized in numerous memorials in the country. Each of these memorials can be visited, lay flowers and recall the fallen in the Great Patriotic War.

Daria Antonov © IA REGNUM

1. Monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle", Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd. The most famous memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, majestic and symbolic. It was built by 8.5 years: from 1959 to 1967. The chief architect is Evgeny Vuchetich.

From the foot to the top of the Kurgan lead 200 steps. This number is chosen notunder: it was as many days that the Stalingrad battle lasted, which put the end of the fascist troops.

2. Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovsky Field", Belgorod region, p. Prokhorovka. The neighborhood of the railway station Prokhorovka July 12, 1943 became the place of the largest in the history of tank combat.

Galina Vanina

The battle fought more than 1,500 tanks of the Red Army and the fascist invaders. This fight reheated the course of the Kursk battle and the war as a whole.

3. The graves of an unknown soldier, Moscow. The memorial was opened in May 1967 after the burial at the Kremlin Wall of the Prach of the Unknown Soldier who died in the battle for Moscow.

Daria Antonov © IA REGNUM

The remains were transferred from the brotherly grave for 41 km of the Leningrad highway. The eternal flame of glory was brought in 1967 with Marsov Fields. The grave of an unknown soldier fire the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, receiving a torch from the hands of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresev.

Oryol Region. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the region there is a reference point of the grouping of the fascist troops. In 1942, a Bolkhovskaya operation was held, with the most bloody battle in the Krivtsovo-Chagodaevo-town area.

After the offensive, the Soviet troops were able to move 20 km, but then they stopped. It did not allow the enemy to throw strength on the Stalingrad battle. In the course of Bolkhovskaya operation, more than 21 thousand soldiers and officers died, more than 47 thousand were injured.

5. Murmansk "Alyosha"- Monument "Defenders of the Soviet Polar region during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" It was laid in 1969 on the hill Green Cape, where anti-aircraft batteries were located, defended the city from air raids.


The Murmansk region is the only region where the enemy has not passed more than 30 km from the state border. And the most fierce battles walked on the right bank of the Western River, later renamed the valley of Glory. View "Aleshi" asked exactly there.

6. Rear - Front, Magnitogorsk. This is the first part of the triptych monuments, among which "Motherland-Mother calls" in Volgograd and "Warrior Liberator" in Berlin.

7. Monument to the sailor and a soldier, Sevastopol. 40-meter monument with difficult fate. The decision to build a memorial complex on Cape Crystal was taken as early as the 70s of the last century, but the construction began only after decades.

Sergey Secoachev

The construction went slowly, then was conserved, since the project was recognized as unsuccessful, and in the late 80s seriously discussed the opportunity to dismantle the monument. Subsequently, supporters of the monument were defeated, and money was allocated to the restoration, but it was not possible to complete the initially approved project. Now the monument to the soldier and the sailor - the obligatory place to visit the tourist groups, although there are many critics among the locals.

Moscow. For the first time at the place of the hill between the Setun and Filk Rivers, in 1942, it was proposed to establish a monument to a folk pilot of 1812. However, in the difficult conditions of the Great Patriotic War, the project failed.

Aleksander Kaasik.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount

Subsequently, on the Poklonnaya Mountain, a sign was installed with the promise that a victory monument will appear at this place. A park was broken around, which also received a similar name. The construction of the Memorial began in 1984, and ended only 11 years later: the complex was solemnly opened on May 9, 1995, in the 50th anniversary of the war.

9. Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery, Saint Petersburg. This is the largest burial of the victims of World War II, in 186 fraternal graves about 420 thousand inhabitants of a blockade Leningrad, who died from hunger, cold and illness, 70 thousand soldiers, heroically fought for the northern capital.

George Arutunian.

The solemn opening of the memorial took place on May 9, 1960. The dominant of the ensemble is a monument "Motherland" with a granite stele, on which Olga Bergholts epitaph is knocked out with a famous string "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten." The poetess wrote this poem specifically to the opening of the Piscares Memorial.

G. Saratov. Yuri Vikhina, the creator of the memorial complex in memory of the Saratov who died in the war, inspired the song "Cranes" on poems Rasul Gamzatov.

Therefore, the main topic of the monument was bright memory and light sadness. Wedge of 12 silver cranes flying to the West symbolizes the souls of the dead soldiers.

An overview of the outstanding memorials dedicated to the Great Patriotic War is provided by the Federal Agency for Tourism.

Important symbols of military glory are monuments and monuments to armed defenders of the Fatherland.

The practice of erection of monuments in order to perpetuate the memory of important events arose in deep antiquity. The most common type was sculptural figures or groups. In the Russian Empire, most of the monuments were statues in honor of the heroes, commander, emperors, as well as cathedrals, churches and chapels.

In the first years of the Soviet power, the monuments of its leaders, folk heroes reflected the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses.

The monuments dedicated to the Civil War, the heroism of the Red Army and built immediately on hot trails, was almost no preserved. Therefore, many were built mainly after the Great Patriotic War.

Monuments in honor of the heroes and heroic events of the Great Patriotic War began to create even in wartime, but they were particularly actively being built to the anniversary dates.

The monuments of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are available in all parts of our country, and not only where the battles went. Throughout Russia in cities and small villages, there are obeliski soldiers who gave their lives for their homeland.

Many monuments to the Soviet soldiers are erected in the territories of the states that the Soviet army freed from the fascists.

Huge memorial complexes with eternal fire devoted to the heroism of the Soviet soldiers were opened in the cities of heroes.

It does not weaken attention to the heroic events (past and present) of our army and the fleet and now. Monuments and memorable signs are established in honor of the military personnel who died in peacetime in the protection of the interests of Russia in cities and villages.

The symbolic significance of monuments and monuments is to those numerous traditions and rituals that form a sense of patriotism, willingness to honestly fulfill military debt.


The internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have a glorious military past, which by merit is appreciated by the country. Incidentally important in the formation of military quality of servicemen, granting a sense of patriotism has a military form, symbolism and rituals of internal troops. The disregard of the historical past, ignoring the importance of the military form, the disrespect of the signs of differences and rituals leads not only to violations of military discipline, but also to a decrease in the moral and psychological sustainability of military personnel, the weakening of the military spirit and as a result affects the combat readiness of the troops.


1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1994 No. 442 "On State Awards of the Russian Federation".

2. Military encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 2006

On the eve of the celebration of the Victory Day, all of us caused note Valery Tsvetkov "The only one in the world" . It tells it about the history of the emergence of three monuments in Kozelsk: in 1996, the T-54M Tank T-54m tank was installed on the feels near the House of Culture of the Russian army, and the MiG-17 aircraft. Particularly noted in the article V. Tsvetkov Tank T-54M - "Object 139"As the only copies of such tanks remaining in the world. The article describes in detail how this combat technique fell to the fees. The first to publish our colleagues from the site responded. , noting the most , According to the author, articles of the room.

This release did not leave indifferent and us, and we, after Great Victory Holiday We visited all these monuments in Kozelsk, they were convinced that the tank and gun were in perfect order and adequately reflect the power of our armed forces. And even the plane, despite its " potterpannation"Time and curious, still seeks to swell, wakes up fantasies and calls Kozelian boys with their contours into the sky. Our military observer Oleg Fedoseeva has an idea to tell a little more about the history of these samples of weapons and techniques so that kozelians, the existence of the monuments Would think about the fact that every combat unit installed here on the pedestal has not only its own history of waters for a pedestal in Kozelsk, but also the history of creation and combat use.

Monument - Tank

If the pedestal is installed tank T-54M "Object 139" , then this instance is really (this is written by V. Flowers) is very rare, if not the only one. Then, more correctly, call it just "Object 139"As an instance that has not included in the series and not adopted. Although in the special literature of the 1950s. This tank is referred to as the T-54M tank, although others, including those taken into armaments, samples took place under this name. In particular T-54m "Object 137m". But in general, it is the same T-54.

Tank "Object 139" Differently different from the T-54 serial tank in that due to the installation of a more powerful main weapon, his cast tower was changed. In the tank tank, a 100-mm stabilized Tank gun D-54TS with a muzzle brake was stabilized in two planes, and a paired 7,62-mm Machine gun of the SGMT. Instead of 12.7 mm, the DSHC machine gun was installed a zenith machine gun unit with a 14.5-mm machine gun of the CPTT. In addition, fuel tanks were introduced on this machine, which increase the total capacity of fuel tanks to 980 liters. For hostilities on night conditions, infrared observation devices and a night sight were used on the tank.

"Object 139" , was developed in 1955 and was a modified version of T-54 tank. In addition to the development of new weapons, it still experienced a more powerful diesel engine with a capacity of 426 kW (580 hp). Details of the transmission and chassis were also improved.

Three prototypes of the tank were released in 1956, and in January 1957 aimed at the tests that took place on the NIIBT polygon in Cuba. Then "Object 139" Tests did not pass. The tank was not recommended for mass production due to the flaws of the tank gun, the systems of its stabilization, the insufficient reliability of the newly used parts of the transmission and the chassis. Fate of two, out of three tanks issued, "Object 139", we are now known from the article in the newspaper "Our town". There remains an unknown story of the third tank.

Indeed, if you take quantitatively, tank T-54M "Object 139" rare. But in fact, it is the same T-54, only underwent modifications, besides, not so radical in comparison with the serial sample. Externally, for not a knowledgeable person, it is practically not distinguishable from serial models. Unlike its other fellow on the T-54 brand. Turns out that "Object 139" This is also tank T-54, let and the other from the standard of configuration. But after all, the other T-54 not all twin brothers. Changes in the design and configuration of the tank took place constantly. Compare.

The birth of the tank passed during the Great Patriotic War.

The prototype was the T-44 tank that did not participate in the combat actions of the Great Patriotic War, but it is well acquired on the films about the war, when shooting which, after a small lion, he depicts German "Tigers".

T-54 OBR.1945

T-54 OBR.1945

T-54 arr. 1949.

T-54A arr.1955

T-54M "OBJECT 139"

T-54M "OBJECT 139"

T-54M "OBJECT 137M" 1977

See how even an externally changed the image of the tank, until he accepted his final appearance - already serial T-54, the last issues, going to the T-55 model. Yes, and she did not finally, giving the development of new, more modern models of T-62 tanks and further. And these transitions were carried out through inspection and work on the serial models of armament and technical inventions in the field of tank buildings. So, experimental samples appeared.

Rare in quantity, but not unique in importance. A kind of model-test samples, which are trying on and testing, before launching into a series.

Therefore, you will not find them in the famous museum in Cuba. There was no place even really unique with a capital letter samples of Soviet tank construction. There are no tanks like which, even outwardly, no, and will never be in any country in the world.

But we have another topic, so we will return to T-54.

This is one of the most numerous tanks in the world. Taking into account all modifications and licensed foreign issues, the total number of cars issued is about 100,000 pieces .

T-54 did not have to Take part in the Great Patriotic War.

But, but he got all the subsequent wars and conflicts. Southeast and Central Asia, Middle East and Africa, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, in all these regions participated in combat actions T-54 and its subsequent modifications. Stayed and is in service with more than 70 countries of the world. The TNE is excluded that at the dislocation in Kozelsk in the 50s of the tankosamable battalion, the T-54 could also be on its armament. Whether it will probably be able to suggest the old-timers of the city. They can remember the artillery tractors of AT-T (Bati), also made on the basis of T-54.

Monument - gun

The ZIS-3 gun rightfully can be called the victory weapon. This is the most famous and most massive gun of World War II.

« This cannon is a masterpiece in the design of artillery systems"Said I.STalin, when I first saw the ZIS-3 on the trials. "... Soviet ZIS-3 was the best weapon of World War II", noted Professor Wolf - Chief Engineer of the Artillery Department of the German corporation of Krupp.

"76 mm Division Gang Gun. 1942 " It was under such a name that ZIS-3 was adopted on February 12, 1942. Although her first sample was released from the factory on June 22, 1941, by the time of the official adoption of arms, at least a thousand ZIS-3 fought at the front. It was intended to solve such tasks: the destruction of the alive force of the enemy; suppression and destruction of firepoints and enemy artillery; Destruction of barriers; the destruction of tanks and other mechanized means of the enemy; Maintaining infantry with fire and wheels (the possibility of moving guns after infantry only by the tooltar calculation).

It made ZIS-3 universal, which compensated for the need of parts in the lack of specialized guns. Due to the high manufacturability of the ZIS-3, it became the world's first artillery tool put on the stream and conveyor assembly.

Until the end of the war, the ZIS-3 firmly held the status of the main divisional gun, and since 1944, due to the decline in the rate of production of 45-mm cannons and the lack of 57-mm CIS-2 guns, the ZIS-3 actually became the main anti-tank gun of the Red Army. By the way, by its appearance, the divisional gun of the ZIS-3 is obliged to exactly its older sister, anti-tank 57-mm CIS -2 gun, developed in 1940 and adopted in 1941. They are very similar and the unfair person will distinguish them only on the trunk, which in ZIS-2 is longer and without a muzzle brake. At the time of production ZIS-2 was the most powerful anti-tank gun. For that, and suffered, she was removed from production. Since for her shells, the armor of tanks was not a barrier and they stitched a tank through, without harming him, except for an unplanned new hole. If, of course, did not fall into the ammunition or crew. But with the strengthening of the armor of German tanks, the production of ZIS-2 was restored in 1942, although the preference in the release of guns still remained for the ZIS-3, as a more versatile gun. In December 1942, on the basis of the ZIS-3 and light T-70 tank, the famous SU-76 self-propelled installation was created, which ranked second after the T-34 tank.

Having passed the entire war, the ZIS-3 gun remained for a long time, and in some foreign countries it is still in service until now. It also took part in wars and conflicts around the world.

Monument - aircraft

MiG-17 - fighter aircraft. The prototype was not less than the famous MiG 15 fighter, one of the best and most massive fighter. But MIG-17 merits and fame are no less significant. It consisted of more than 40 countries of the world, taking part in wars and conflicts in different parts of the globe, on different continents. Especially well established itself during the War in Vietnam.

Work on its creation began in the late 40s. Passed tests and began to produce serially since 1951. In addition to the fighter, the modifications of the interceptor, the fighter - the bombarder, scouts were produced. The plane was produced until 1958. In our country was in the ranks of the 70s. In the future, many cars were transferred to Aviation DOSAAF, where they were used for training. Here are the wings of our Miga, just from one of the former training and aircraft center DOSAAF, and he himself is possible from there, because In the military units, MiG 17 no longer remained.

As can be seen, all three monuments are not just samples of weapons, but military equipment with a rich battle story. Printed fame and respect for Soviet weapons around the world. Monuments of the era not only of World War II, but also "Cold War"that followed in fact right away.

Another aspect can be considered the location of these monuments - a tank, gun, a plane, faithful. They, a kind, the memory of those officers who among the first to enter into a new kind of troops - RVSN (strategic missile troops). There were no more special schools to prepare officer personnel for RVSN. The basis of new parts was representatives of other types of troops. It is military aviation schools in Kharkov and Serpukhov, as well as an artillery school in Rostov became the basis of education schools for a new kind of troops

Yes, and with the advent of the RVSN, as we remember, the slogan was uttered, that we don't need airplanes and tanks, and the guns were removed. The armed forces have sharply shortened. The issues of the same tank, artillery schools were directly distributed to the RVSN. Yes, and old racket emblems, as I remember, it is artillery.

I have a tank monument, personal attitude. On similar machines T-54/55, it was in the Kantemiriv division where this tank was brought from, served my father in the 50s. With the beginning of the formation of the 28th Guards Rocket Division, was aimed at serving Kozelsk. And now, after years, T-54 from his first, tank division, stood as a monument in the city where he lived and served.

  • The average tank T-54 and the machine at its base. NPJ "Technique and Armament" 10.2008