Pavlovna's image of faith what to do. Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna in the novel What is to be done? New but so different

Vera Pavlovna Rozalskaya - the main character of the novel N. G. Chernyshevsky"What to do?". This is a beautiful, slender girl with a southern type of face. She has black hair and dark skin. See you with Lopukhov lived with her mother, father and brother Fedya on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg. Vera's father was the manager tenement house, and the mother gave money at interest and dreamed of marrying her daughter to a rich man. To avoid marriage imposed by an evil and stupid mother, Vera married a medical student Dmitry Lopukhov. He was her brother's teacher, and that's how they met.

The couple lived safely in a rented apartment. From the outside, their relationship seemed strange, since they lived in different rooms, but Vera assured that the marriage would last longer. She demonstrated the maturity of spirit in everything. Soon she acquired a sewing workshop, where other girls worked alongside her. Production flourished, since Vera Pavlovna took girls to work not for hire, but on equal terms with her. They not only worked together, but also arranged joint picnics. There were many guests in their house, one of whom was a friend and former classmate of Lopukhov - Alexander Kirsanov.

Unbeknownst to themselves, Vera and Alexander fell in love with each other and did not know what to do. Lopukhov found a way out of the situation. He decided to stage suicide at Liteiny and thus disappear from the life of the lovers for a while. He himself went abroad to study industrial production. At first Vera was inconsolable and blamed herself for everything. However, Lopukhov's friends supported her, and Kirsanov even offered to become his wife. Soon the Beaumont couple appeared in their house. As it turned out, Charles Beaumont was Lopukhov himself. Now he was married to Ekaterina Polozova (Beaumont) and the couples became family friends.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky is the creator of a work of a special genre - the fictional and publicistic novel "What is to be done?" In it, the writer tried to answer the eternal questions of Russian literature. The dreams of the heroine, Vera Pavlovna, contribute to the disclosure of the writer's plan, since the novel, due to censorship considerations, is written in an allegorical form. The writer in numerous journalistic digressions explains his views on others, the role of literature in shaping public opinion.

Chernyshevsky, through his activities, tried to bring closer the construction of a fair, reasonable system, in the conditions of which each person could develop his abilities, working for himself and for the state. It is not the writer's fault that over the centuries many have strived for this utopia. Nikolai Gavrilovich gives specific recipes: what needs to be done to become happy and rich, to build that social formation that would be universally acceptable to everyone.

In the dreams of the heroine, the author shows the way of a thinking girl to the heights of professionalism. It should be borne in mind that the novel was written at a time when there was no system of women's education in Russia. Women were assigned a secondary role: keepers of the hearth, educators of children who will be given to live in the new world, but mothers, wives, sisters and daughters could not count on a wider circle social activities... Only "crumbs from the master's table" could be lifted by a woman.

Chernyshevsky's heroes are new people. They look at a woman and her role in public life differently. It is no coincidence that Lopukhov gives Vera Pavlovna complete freedom after marriage. He "released her from the basement" of life, now she has the right to choose her own path. She becomes the creator of the women's artisan workshop. But soon Vera Pavlovna realizes that this is not the case to which she would like to devote her life. Business in the sewing workshop is adjusted, it gives a stable income to both the owners and workers who participate in the share of the profits, and Vera Pavlovna becomes an assistant to her second husband, the doctor Kirsanov. Isn't this a free choice of a woman ?!

In the dreams of Vera Pavlovna, the writer explains or predicts what will follow in the lives of the heroes or Russia as a whole. Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream is Chernyshevsky's utopian vision of the future just social structure of the country. This is a kind of classic description of the communist structure of the country, towards which Russia subsequently moved over the course of a number of years.

It is not the fault of the writer that his dreams and plans were not given to come true. The artist has the right to fiction, and Chernyshevsky won this right by his ascetic activity and life, which he laid on the altar of a wonderful future.

Now, from the height of the XXI century, it is easy to assess, judge the past and ancestors, especially since opponents cannot answer. It is easy to blame them for all sins, even their own. But history keeps irrefutable evidence that Chernyshevsky subordinated his activities not to self-interest, proprietary interests, career, future glory, but to high service to Russia. He is not so much a great writer as a selfless and honest person who managed to live in harmony with himself, and this is not easy and deserves the respect of posterity.

The first thing that makes you see the essence of the relationship between these people differently and suspect yourself of lack of discernment is that Lopukhov leaves Medical Academy two months before graduation, so that, having married, relieve Vera Rozalskaya from oppression in her parents' house. And this is the Lopukhov who rationally and rationally claims that his actions are always guided by profit!

What does this person understand by the word "profit" if he is capable of actions that are clearly illogical precisely from the point of view of everyday convenience? This thought allows one to see the relationship between the "new people" - with their help Chernyshevsky and presents human relations in the novel - with a different look ...

You begin to understand that student Lopukhov, leaving the Academy, is really acting in accordance with his own benefit. The thing is that such deeds are beneficial to a kind and decent person. But it is about Dmitry Lopukhov that Chernyshevsky writes: "These people, like Lopukhov, have magic words that attract every upset, offended creature to them." It is easy to guess that "magic words" are an expression of the high properties of the human soul. Chernyshevsky is sure that the one who does not admire himself at this time is really doing good. This characteristic fits the personality of Lopukhov as well as possible.

For Lopukhov, human relations are not bargaining according to the principle: "You are for me, I am for you," but a relay race: "You are for me, I am for others." It is no coincidence that Vera, not feeling love for Lopukhov, communicating with him in a friendly manner, immediately perceives this moral principle. Her first dream, in which she frees people from the basement, just testifies to this.

As soon as you feel this main, inherently inherent principle of human relations, professed by the main characters, you begin to think: maybe it is not so important how they arrange their family life? Specific signs of everyday life change depending on the time, and most importantly, it remains unchanged ... modern man it is important to understand the main thing that determines the relationship of the "new people" in the novel "What is to be done?"

Relations between people are fully revealed when Alexander Kirsanov appears on the stage. In many ways, he is similar to Lopukhov. Both of them, according to the author, made their way with their breasts, without connections, without acquaintances. Both worked hard to realize their abilities. And when an insoluble "love triangle" was formed in the relationship between Kirsanov, Lopukhov and Vera Pavlovna, both behaved with dignity in the most difficult situation.

Kirsanov tried for a long time to abandon any relationship with his friend's wife. But the feeling turns out to be stronger logical constructions, and the heroes of the novel "What is to be done?" would not be themselves if they built their life only according to the laws of logic, ignoring feelings.

But there are still conditions Everyday life, and everyone decides for himself how to relate his feelings to them. Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna cannot join their lives without going through a divorce procedure that is humiliating for everyone. Realizing this, Lopukhov takes the only possible step: he decides to leave the stage. He does this, obeying the dictates of the very "benefit" that determines for him human relations in general and his own actions in particular. And for this benefit, if you strive to transform life, dream of a future in which people will be harmonious and spiritually free, then today you need to be not only educated, hardworking and honest, but also happy, relying not so much on fate as to myself.

Perhaps someone will think that Lopukhov acted wrong, someone will approve of his act - this already depends on the code of honor of each of us. Lopukhov behaved as he found it necessary: ​​he faked a suicide and gave Vera Pavlovna and Kirsanov the opportunity to be together. He goes abroad and returns to Petersburg only when the former feeling has passed.

But the most important thing is that human relations built on such moral basis, do not seem to Chernyshevsky to be something out of the ordinary. He directly writes about this in the novel: “I bet that until the last sections of this chapter, Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov seemed to the majority of the public to be heroes, persons of the highest nature ... No, my friends, they are not standing too high, but you are standing too low ... At the height at which they stand, all people must stand, can stand. "

Here is the main lesson given by the heroes of the novel "What is to be done?" Political systems are changing, people's life aspirations are changing, and the moral principles of human relations remain unchanged at all times. You can be grateful to the writer who reminds you of this.

Date of publication 09/18/2017

The image of Vera Pavlovna in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?"

Balakhonova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Hristova Tatiana Yurievna
5th year student of the Pedagogical Institute of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Belgorod State National research university, Russia, Belgorod

Abstract: The article discusses the feature the main character, Vera Pavlovna, in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?"
Key words: N.G. Chernyshevsky, novel, Vera Pavlovna, hero

The image of Vera Pavlovna in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What should I do?"

Balakhonova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Khristova Tatyana Yurievna
5-year student of the Pedagogical Institute of the History and Philology Faculty of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod

Abstract: The article examines the feature of the main character, Vera Pavlovna, in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?"
Keywords: N.G. Chernyshevsky, a novel, Vera Pavlovna, a hero

The creative heritage of the writer N.G. Chernyshevsky occupies an important place in Russian literature.

It is noteworthy that the most striking creative feat of the writer is his work about "new people" - the novel "What is to be done?"

At the center of the work of the revolutionary writer is a provincial girl, Vera Pavlovna Rozalskaya, who evolved to the mistress of sewing workshops and a doctor (throughout the novel).

So, with the help of this heroine, N.G. Chernyshevsky "prompts" readers to answer the question posed in the title of the novel - you need to do everything for your own happiness, without harming others, try to make other people happy through free and useful labor and good heart.

It is noteworthy that the hero of the poet is a reflection of the ideals of N.A. Nekrasov and a kind of "symbol" of the poet's worldview with his pronounced civic pathos.

So the feeling of civic consciousness has always been an integral characteristic of both the poet himself and his lyric works. For example, in the poem "Poet and Citizen" N.А. Nekrasov wrote about the destiny of the poet-citizen and his "duty" to the country:

You may not be a poet

But you must be a citizen.

Feature lyrical hero in poems by N.A. Nekrasov lies in the fact that he is often identified with the poet himself, but remains an “individuality” - the “mouthpiece of the poet's ideas”: to be faithful to the fatherland, to serve the people with faith and truth.

It is interesting that it was the lyrical hero N.A. Nekrasova expresses sympathy for the plight of the masses and calls on him to active methods of resistance - to struggle.

So, the lyrical hero of N.A. Nekrasova is indignant at those who infringe on the rights of a simple and disadvantaged people (for example, the manager from the poem "Forgotten Village", an unjust landowner - "Motherland"):

That would be worse for your lot,

If you had less patience.

It is important to note that most of N.A. Nekrasov differ in writing "folk spirit", conveying the peasant language, everyday life ordinary people, their feelings and experiences, speech features. The following examples can be cited for this group of poems: "The Witch Doctor", "Katerina", "Green Noise".

Another thematic link in the creative heritage of N.A. Nekrasov composes intimate lyrics. Her distinctive features are the philosophical nature, isolation and pessimism of the lyric "I", the rich sensual sphere of the lyric hero. This group includes such poems as "To the Demon", "Long ago rejected by you ...", "How timid you are, how obedient you are ...".

It should be noted that the muse of the Russian poet identified her "suffering" with the sorrows of the common people of Russia:

Not a sound from her chest

Only the whip whistled, playing ...

And I said to Muse: “Look!

Your dear sister! " ...

In terms of form and content, many lyric works of N.A. Nekrasov are similar to song genres, reflecting the "spiritual" side of the common people. These include such works as "Song of Eremushka", "Song of Free Speech". Conversation, melodiousness are often found in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov.

The final "result" of the creative activity of N.А. Nekrasov-lyric poetry can be considered the poem "Elegy": the importance of the dedication of poetry to the people.

Thus, Vera Pavlovna, the heroine of the novel "What is to be done?" became a reflection of the ideals of N.G. Chernyshevsky and the "symbol" of the writer's worldview with his pronounced revolutionary pathos.


1. Boyko, M. Lyrica N.A. Nekrasova / M. Boyko // Fiction... - 1977. - No. 11. - S. 17-23.
2. Nekrasov, N.A. Selected Poems. - [Text] - 1981. - 532 p.
3. Skatov, N.N. "I dedicated my lyre to my people": On the work of Nekrasov / N.N. Skatov // World of Literature. - 1985. - No. 3. - S. 97-105.

Vera Pavlovna

VERA PAVLOVNA is the heroine of N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do? From stories about new people ”(1863). The book is structured as a story about her life and spiritual development; her destiny is connected or intersected by the destinies of other heroes. Disgusted with the atmosphere of lies and violence prevailing in the family, resisting the mother's attempts to marry her off to the "trashy" young man Storeshnikov, V.P. enters into a marriage (first fictitious) with a medical student Lopukhov, a supporter of socialist ideas. For life together, they develop a number of innovations designed to preserve love, mutual respect and full sovereignty of each of the parties in the family. V.P. organizes a sewing workshop, which gradually becomes the embryo of a commune modeled on the Fourierist phalansters. Mutual love V.P. and her husband's friend, Kirsanov, ends in an alliance.

According to the author, V.P. "One of the first women to have a good life." At the beginning of the novel, she is characterized as an "ordinary girl" who has received an "ordinary upbringing" and strives for happiness for herself and for others. However, the system of "twins" of V.P. shows that her image contains a complex generalization.

"Doubles" V.P. form a kind of hierarchical system: the fate of each of them, in accordance with the views of Chernyshevsky (“under certain circumstances it becomes good, under others - evil”, article “Anthropological principle in philosophy”), represents a possible realization of the fate of V.P. in other circumstances. Her life could have developed like that of the courtesan Julie, a "bad" and at the same time "honest" woman: such an opportunity is portrayed by V.P. In the center of this hierarchy is the image of Katya Polozova, "symmetrical" to the image of V.P. and occupies in the penultimate chapter of the novel the place of the main figure of the narrative. V.P. - a brunette (in the characterology of Chernyshevsky - a sign of expansiveness), Katya - a blonde (a sign of poise); V.P. saved from a marriage with Lopukhov, which was repugnant to her, Katya - from her recklessly desired marriage with Kirsanov; ultimately the husband of V.P. becomes Kirsanov, Katya's husband - "resurrected" Lopukhov-Beumont; Katya, following the example of V.P. organizes a sewing workshop; each of the heroines has a son. Both families live together, embodying the harmony of the coming commune, so that even a kind of interchange of character traits takes place: Katya turns out to be more passionate, and V.P. - more calm. The hierarchy of "doubles" is crowned by a woman from V.P. ("The bride of your groom"), who in the first dream constantly changes her appearance, and in the fourth she finally takes the appearance of V.P. (“Yes, Vera Pavlovna saw: it was she herself ... but a goddess, illuminated by the radiance of love”).

The search for a prototype of the heroine also led to the conclusion about a broad typical generalization of the image. The author himself noted in letters that he endowed V.P. features of his wife, O.S. Chernyshevskaya, to whom the novel is dedicated. The reverse impact of the image of V.P. to society. Sham marriages to save girls from bad families were almost a debt of honor for advanced youth; often such marriages grew into real ones. Since the beginning of the 1860s in the highest educational institutions, especially of a natural scientific character, women appear; with the release of the novel, their number increases. Finally, in the year the book was published, the Society of Women's Labor was created, and the novel itself “caused especially many attempts to set up sewing workshops on a new basis,” recalls E.N. Vodovozova, a contemporary of the events. Almost all of these attempts have failed.

The novel's plot is based on traditional literary collisions, which are being re-resolved. The motive of the seduction of a simple girl by a man of high society (Emilia Galotti Lessinga, Liza Karamzina) parodically responds in the courtship of Streshnikov. However, the denouement of this plot coincides with the plot of another: the meeting of an educated girl, not satisfied with the life around her, with a person who rises above her social environment. In Russian literature, such a situation was usually resolved by the spiritual failure of the hero, by the recognition of his incapacity in life (hence the whole gallery of "superfluous people"). It was this topic that was devoted to Chernyshevsky's article "Russian people on rendez-vous" (18S8), who connected the hero's love helplessness with the social one. Finally, the next collision - the most traditional and deepest - arises from the struggle between duty to the husband and feelings for another person. In the era of classicism, the plot of a tragic plot lay here. In the era of enlightenment sentimentalism, in New Héloise and Confessions by J.-J. Rousseau, triple relationships were recognized as naturally arising from the pluralistic nature of love. In the era of romanticism, in the novels of J. Sand, the emphasis was on the principle of "freedom of the heart" and the right of a woman to change her husbands. The difference between the heroes of Chernyshevsky is that they are united not only general principles but also socially significant matters: a worthy resolution of this conflict thus becomes a social factor.

V.P.'s dreams provide the genre unity of the book in the key moments of the plot. Sleep was one of the most important elements of the utopian literary tradition; such is, in particular, the dream in the chapter "Spasskaya Polest" "Travels from St. Petersburg to Moscow" by AN Radishchev. Symbolism of dreams V.P. lends itself to both concrete-materialistic and spiritual-visionary reading, and V.P. v artistic world the novel is on a par with the prophet Daniel and the apostle John the Theologian, whose prophecies are the results of visions and whose names are present in the book. The very name "V.P." also turns out to be symbolic (in the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews, in particular, it says: “Faith is the fulfillment of the expected and confidence in the invisible”; 11: 1).