Poet and citizen quotes. Analysis of the poem "Poet and Citizen"

Creativity N. A. Nekrasov is a bright and most interesting page of Russian classical literature. Continuing and enriching the ideas and paths scheduled for Pushkin and Lermontov, Nekrasov stepped far forward in the development of those democratic ideals, patriotic views and trends that were declared in the work of his great predecessors. Muz Nikolai Alekseevich - "Muise Anger and Sorrow", his native sister of the peasant, beaten by the whip on the hay. All his life, he wrote about the people and for the people, and the "gray-house" Russia - a beggar, disadvantaged and beautiful - arises before us from the pages of his poetic collections as living.

History of creation

Analysis of the poet and citizen's poem, as well as any other, it is worth starting with studying the history of its creation, from a socio-political situation, which was in the country at that time, and the author's biographical data, if they are somehow connected with the work. Date of writing text - 1855 - June 1856. It was first published in the author's compilation, published in the same 56th. Prior to that, Chernyshevsky projected the Nekrasov book, printed in the nearest issue of the "contemporary" a small review-analysis of the poet and a citizen's poem and his text, as well as a few bright and in Nekrasovsky's preoccupative works, including the bitter satir "Forgotten Village".

Publications caused large resonance in society and sharp discontent of the authorities and official criticism. In the "poet and citizen" the autocratic government saw (quite, by the way, fairly) hard criticism in their address and subversive, revolutionary appeals. The entire number of the "contemporary", like the circulation of the book, were withdrawn from free access and prohibited to reprint. Above the magazine itself hung the threat of closure. And above Nekrasov, who was at the time abroad, hung threat of arrest on return. Why did the reaction of the authorities and censorship turned out to be so violent? The analysis of the poet and citizen poem will help to understand this.

Literary traditions and continuity

When rumors about the revenues of the government in the field of culture, public opinion, literature, he answered that Russian writers saw the "censorship storms and more terrible". And democratic values, civil awareness and sense of responsibility of a creative person in front of the society, the country, time and its own talent adopt Nekrasov from the senior fellow on Peru - Pushkin (enough to recall his famous "Conversation of the bookSeller with a poet") and Lermontov ("Journalist, reader and writer "). Analysis of the poet and citizen's poem makes it possible to trace how much developed and deepened Alexey Nikolaevich great poetic traditions.

"Pure Art" and Democratic Line

50-60s. 19th century - time, extremely tense for Russia. Despite the reaction, the policeman nest and autocratic censorship, there is a political climate dissatisfaction in the country, a self-consciousness of progressive layers of the population is growing.

Fastener cracks on all seams, the ideas of people's liberation, anger and ottism are in the air. At this time, the representatives of the creative intelligentsia are conducted intensive debates. "The poet and citizen" - verse Nekrasov - brightly reflects their essence. Representatives of the so-called "pure art" (from their face a dispute in the work behaves the poet) believe that poetry, literature, as well as music, painting should talk about "eternal". That real art is higher than socio-political problems and as an example of such a position leads Nekrasov quotation from the work of Pushkin ("Poet and Citizen", verse "We are born for inspiration / for sounds of sweet and prayers ..."). Yarm opponent of such a point of view and defender in art acts in the poem of a citizen. It is he who reflects the views and ideas of the author himself, democratic trends and aspirations.

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bpoem

Nekrasov never shared his poetry on purely lyrical, intimate, and civilian. These two directions seemingly completely different, harmoniously connected in his work in one common jet. "Poet and Citizen" (Analysis of the poem proves this approval) - a software work in the sense that the most important concepts are disclosed in it, affecting the burning issues.

Nekrasov clearly and openly expressed his creative and socio-political credo: it does not matter who you are by profession and beliefs. It is important that you are the son of your country, which means a citizen who is obliged to fight for her for the best life, prosperity, both economic and spiritual. Unfortunately, I agree with him very few. Therefore, a citizen with bitterness exclaims: "Flowing the hearts in which the Motherland of Holy is. In the "Godina Grief and Sorrow" Talented, honest, educated people do not have the right to sit away, chanting the "nature of nature" and "lovely". Artists, especially writers, are endowed with a special gift - to influence the minds and hearts of people, lead them for themselves - on the feat. To fulfill your duty, to give yourself to the ministry of the Motherland and the people - this sees the purpose of the creative personality of Nekrasov. "Poet and Citizen", whose analysis is, - a poem-manifesto, poem-appeal, openly calling all the fellow students according to Peru on the side of the people: "There will be no citizen worthy / to the decession cold souls / He is not pretty ukrurisna ..." .

Composition of work and stylistic features

So, the topic of poem is a poet and poetry, their role in the socio-political movement of the country. The main idea and the main idea are expressed in such rows: "Be a citizen ... / for the good of melee ...". To express it more clearly and clearer, brighter to convey to readers, Nekrasov elects the original form for lyrical

works - dramatized dialogue, ideological dispute. The replicas of the heroes are interspersed with passionate monologues of a citizen, die and exclamations, making it a speech extremely emotional. At the same time, the poet leads its large number of ludes of the imperative inclination, socio-political vocabulary, called intonations create at readers that the most active-effective attitude to which necross seek. "Poet and Citizen" - a poem, which he fully managed to prove the masters of the Words that their task is not a "elegant literature" and the settlement of her hearing of her lovers, not idle conversations, but serving people. The relevance is not lost the work under consideration and nowadays.

* Green A. * Dobrolyubov N. * Dostoevsky F. * Yesenin S. * Ilf I. * Karamzin N. * Kataev V. * Kolchak A. * Krylov I. * Lermontov M. * Leskov N. - new author, quotes * Likhachev D. * Lomonosov M. * Mayakovsky V. * Nabokov V. * Nekrasov N. * Ostrovsky A. * Petrov E. * Sentin M. * Pushkin A. - New quotes * Radishchev A. * Roerich N. * Saltykov-Shchedrin M. * Simonov K. * Stanislavsky K. * Stanyukovich K. * Stolypin P. * Sumarokov A. * Tolstoy A.K. * Tolstoy A.N. * Tolstoy L.N. * Turgenev I. * Tyutchev F. * Fonvizin D. * Chekhov A. * Schwartz E. * Eisenstein S. * Erenburg I.

Russia, end xx - early XXI - Akunin B. * Altov S. * Vysotsky V. * Geraskina L. * Dementiev A. * Zadornov M. * Kunin V. * Melikhan K. * Okudzhava B. * Christmas R. * Sakharov A. * Snow S. * Solzhenitsyn A. * Suvorov V. * Talkov I. * Troypolsky G. * Uspensky E. * Filatov L. * Black V. * Shenderovich V. * Shcherbakova G.

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich (1821-1877 / 1878)

Quotes from the works of N.A.Nekrasov - List () 2 () () () ()
Biography Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasova \u003e\u003e

Quotes from the poems N.A.Nekrasova "Poet and Citizen"

Listen: Shame! It's time to get up! You know what time it came; In whom, the sense of duty was not cooled, who is in front of the heart, in a comments, the strength, the accuracy, now should not sleep ... [...] No, you are not Pushkin. But as long as the sun can not see anything, you shame with your talent; Still shames in a godin groin the beauty of the valle, heaven and the sea and her caress of cute ... The thunderstorm is silent, heaven will argue with a wave of a bottomless in Siagni, and the wind is affectionate and sleepy barely silent sails, - the ship runs beautifully, slim, and the heart of travelers is calm, As if instead of a ship under them a solid land. But thunder struck; Stonet stons, and teach tears, and the mast clone, - not the time to play chess, not the time of the songs to peel! Here is the dog - and that danger knows and madly on the wind barks: he doesn't have anything else ... And what would you do, the poet? Ul in the cabin remote Would you become the Lyra inspired sludge ears to settle and storms to drown? Let you be faithful to the appointment, but the easier of your motherland, where everyone is dedicated to the uniform person? There will be a heart of good, which is the Motherland of Holy. God to help them! .. And the rest? Their goal of shame, their life is empty. Some - chasers and thieves, others - sweet singers, and the third ... Third are the wise men: their destination is conversations. His special fence, they are inactive, solid: "Increviously our tribe, we don't want to die in a gift, we are waiting for: Avos will help time, and proud because not harmful!" Heathwood hides the mind of self-failed dreams, but ... my brother! Whoever you are, do not believe this logic despicable! Their fate to divide their fate, rich in the word, the matter of the poor, and do not go to the mill harmless when you can be useful! You can't look calmly on my mother's mountain of my mother, there will be no citizen worthy of a decent thing is cold to the soul, he is not pretty ukrizna ... Go to the fire for the honor of fragile, for convincing, for love ... Go, and flexure is impaired. I will die not in gift, it's firmly when blood flowed under it ... and you, poet! The chosen one of the sky, the herald of the truths of centuries, do not believe that it's not a loaf of bread do not have the prophest strings of yours! Do not believe that people have fallen at all; God did not die in the soul of people, and the cry of believing breast is always available to her! Be a citizen! Serving art, for the good of melee, your genius subordinates the feeling of all-free love; And if you are rich in gifts, they are not cotto them: their life-glying rays themselves will be taught in your work. (Citizen poet)

Learn others - a genius is required, a strong soul is required, and we are lazy with a lazy, proud and frightening, not a copper penny. Hurrying fame to achieve, we are afraid of the road and go to the road and go to the trail, and if in the direction of the overall - they disappeared, even though running from the light! Where are the pathetic role, the role of the poet! Blessed is a silent citizen: he, the muses are alien to the cradle, his actions of Mr., leads them to a noble goal, and his work is successful, the dispute ... - (Poet) - Not very flattering sentence. But is your one? Are you told? You might correctly judge: you can not be a poet, but the citizen must be. What is a citizen? The Fatherland of a decent son. Oh! There will be merchants, cadets, blessings, officials, nobles, rather even to us poets, but you need to, we need citizens! But where are they? Who is not a senator, not a writer, not a hero, not the leader, not a planter, who is a citizen of the country's native? Where are you? Draw? No answer. And even alien soul of the poet of his mighty ideal! But if he is between us, what cry is choking !!. He's a hard lot fell, but he does not ask for the best to the best: he, as his own, wears all the ulcers of their homeland. [...] There is no sense in your comparison. Here is the word of the truth impartial: the Blessed is a chatting poet, and the patlast is a mute! (Citizen) ("Poet and Citizen", 1855 - June 1856)

Not wonderful to finish who do not need to achieve. You are right: the poet is easier to live - there is a fade in free Word. But was I involved in her? Ah, in the years of my youth, sad, disinterested, difficult, in short - very reckless, where my own Pegasus was the right! Not roses - I interpreted the nettle into his squeezed mane and proudly left Parnas. Without disgusted, without fear, I went to prison and to the place of execution, in court, I was part of the hospital. I will not repeat that there I saw ... I swear, I honestly hated! I swear I sincerely loved! And what? .. My having having sounds, found them black slander; I had to fold the humbly arms of Ile to pay my head ... what was done? Recklessly blame people, blame fate. When I would see at least fighting, would fight, no matter how hard it is, but ... to die, die ... and when? I was twenty years then! Luckly life forward Manila, like the seas Flashing jets, and lovely love promised me the best my own - the soul fell rapidly ... (Poet citizen) ("Poet and Citizen", 1855 - June 1856)

Citizen (included)
Again one, again harsh,
Lies - and does not write anything.

Prost: Handrite and barely breathe -
And there will be my portrait ready.

Good portrait! Neither nobility
No beauty in it, believe
And just a vulgar disorder.
Lying can be a wild beast ...

So what?

Yes, look it is hurt.

Well, we leave.

Listen: Shame!
It's time to get up! You know yourself
What time came;
In whom the sense of duty was not cooled,
Who is in front of the heart
In com given, power, accuracy,
So now should not sleep ...

Put, I am so rare
But you need to give it first.

Here is the news! You deal with
You only temporarily fell asleep,
Wake up: thunderfolds boldly ...

BUT! I know: "You're who threw!"
But I firedly bird.
Sorry, no hunt to speak.
(Takes a book)
Savior Pushkin! - Here is a page:
Read - and stop corping!

Citizen (is reading)
"Not for everyday empty,
Not for a peel, not for battles,
We are born for inspiration,
For the sounds of sweet and prayers. "

Poet (with delight)
Inimoable sounds! ..
Whenever my museum
I was a little wonder
I swear, the pen would not be in hand!

Yes, the sounds are wonderful ... Hurray!
So striking their strength
What even sleepy handron
From the soul of the poet jumped.
I rejoice in mind - it's time!
And I delight your delight,
But, I confess, your poems
I accept you to heart later.

Do not say nonsense!
You are zealous reader, but critic is wild.
So I, in your opinion, is great
Hurry up Pushkin poet?
Say please?!.

Well no!
Your poestalka poems,
Your elegances are not new,
Satira Alien Beauty,
Ungrees and hurt,
Your verse tight. You are noticeable
But so without the sun, the stars are visible.
In the night that now
We live fearfully
When the beast smys freely,
And a man is wandering her buggy, -
You held your firmly silence,
But the sky was disagree
So that he died under the storm,
The path illuminating is nationwide;
Trembling sparkle in the dark
He was a little burned, blinked, rushing.
Moths so that he waited
And she caught in his rays!
No, you are not Pushkin. But as long as
Not visible the sun is nowhere
With your talent is ashamed to sleep;
Still shame in a godina grief
Beauty valleys, heavens and sea
And love a sweet to chant ...
Thunderstorm is silent, with a wave of bottomless
In the shine argue heaven,
And the wind gentle and sleepy
Barely silent sail, -
Ship runs beautifully, slim,
And the heart of travelers is calm
As if instead of the ship
Under them a solid land.
But thunder struck; storm moan
And teach tears, and mast clone, -
Not time to play chess
No song Songs!
Here is the dog - and that danger knows
And furious on the wind lats:
There is no other thing ...
What would you do, poet?
Ul in the cabin remote
Would you become the lyre inspired
Slept ears to settle
And storming crash to drown?
Let you believe appoint
But the Motherland is easier
Where everyone is dedicated to worship
Single personality?
Blowfall hearts
Who are homeland holy.
God to help them! .. And the rest?
Their goal of shame, their life is empty.
Some - chains and thieves,
Others - Sweet singers,
And the third ... Third - the wise men:
Their destination is talk.
His special fence,
They are inactive, solid:
"Occurs our tribe,
We do not want to die
We are waiting for: Avos will help time
And proud because not harm! "
Heathly hides the mind
Selfless dreams
But ... my brother! Whoever you are
Do not believe this logic despicable!
Afraid of their fate split,
Rich in the word, the matter of the poor
And do not go to the mill harmless
When you can be useful!
Can't her son look calm
On Mother's Mother Native
There will be no citizen worthy
The soul is cold,
He is not pretty urchorous ...
Go to the fire for the honor of the depreciation,
For conviction, for love ...
Go and die perfectly.
Die not in gift: it's firmly,
When blood flows under it ...
And you, poet! chosen one
Heart truths age
Do not believe that not a loose bread
Do not do your own strings!
Do not believe that people have fallen at all;
God did not die in the soul of people
And the cry of believing breast
Always available will be it!
Be a citizen! Serve art
For the good of melee,
Your genius subordinating the feeling
All-free love;
And if you are rich in gifts,
They are not thickened:
In your work they will take
Their life-giving rays.
Look: in fragments solid stone
Poor worker drum
And from under the hammer flies
And splashes his flame!

Did you finish? .. I almost fell asleep.
Where we do with such views!
You stepped too far.
Learn others - required genius,
Required a strong soul,
And we are lazy with your soul
Proud and frightened
Do not stand the copper penny.
Rushing fame to achieve
Fear from the road to get sneezing
And trail go
And if in the direction of the overall
They disappeared, even run from the light!
Where are the pathetic role, the role of the poet!
Blessed is a silent citizen:
He, the muses alien to the cradle,
Leads them to a grateful goal
And his work is successful, the dispute ...

Not very flattering sentence.
But is your one? Are you told?
You could correctly judge:
Poet you can not be
But the citizen must be.
What is a citizen?
The Fatherland of a decent son.
Oh! will be merchants from us, cadets,
Meshchean, officials, nobles,
Quite even to us poets,
But you need, you need citizens!
But where are they? Who is not a senator,
Not a writer, not a hero,
Not the leader, not planter,
Who is a citizen of the country native?
Where are you? Draw! No answer.
And even alien soul of the poet
His mighty ideal!
But if he is between us,
What cry crying is choking !!.
He's a heavy lot fell,
But he does not ask the best shares:
He, as his own, wears on the body
All ulcers are homeland.
Thunderstorm is noisy and chasing
Freedom Shal Lady,
The poet swear or at least moans,
And the citizen is silent and clone
Under the yoke's head.
When ... but silent. Although little
And among us, fate was
Worthy citizens ... you know you
Their fate? .. Throw your knees! ..
Lazy person! Funny your dreams
And frivolous penalties!
There is no sense in your comparison.
Here is the word truth impartial:
Blezing chatting poet
And the pature is a mining citizen!

Not wonderful to finish
Who do not want to achieve.
You are right: the poet is easier to live -
In a free word there is a fade.
But was I involved in her?
Oh, in the years of my youth,
Sad, disinterested, difficult
In short - very reckless, -
Where the Relive was my Pegasus!
Do not roses - I wooled nettle
In his squeezing mane
And proudly left Parnas.
Without disgusted, without fear
I went to jail and to the place of execution,
In courts, I entered the hospital.
I will not repeat that there I saw ...
I swear, I honestly hated!
I swear I sincerely loved!
And what? .. My having free sounds,
Found them black slander;
I had to fold humbly hands
Il pay head ...
What was done? Reckless
Blame people, blame fate.
When I see at least fighting,
It would fight, no matter how difficult
But ... to die, die ... and when?
I was twenty years then!
Luckly life forward manila
Like sea free jets
And Lasovo Lyubov Sulil
I use the best your own -
The soul rapidly retreated ...
But how much there was no reason
I don't hide bitter truth
And she licking his head
With the word "honest citizen".
That fatal, vain flame
Ponyne cohes his chest
And I'm glad if somebody
In me with a contempt throw a stone.
Poor! and from which he scored
Are you a sacred debt?
What to file from life took
Are you - son of a sick patient? ..
When I knew my life,
My love, my empty ...
Ugryum and full of omblasty,
I have a coffin door ...
Ah, the song of my farewell
That song first was!
Bowed muse sorry
And, quietly buried, gone.
Since then, there have been no meetings since:
Sneaking, pale, come
And whispers fiery speeches,
And the songs are proud.
Calls in the city, then in the steppe,
Cherished intent full
But they will raise the chain suddenly -
And it hits the mig.
I was not alien to her,
But how was afraid! How was afraid!
When my neighbor was drowned
In the waves of essential grief -
Thunder Heaven, then the rage of the sea
I felt good-naturedly.
Bichuya Little Vorishek
For the pleasure of big,
I dilvil the boys
And the praise was proud of them.
Under the yoke, the soul wounded,
Cooled to everything she
And Muse turned away at all,
The contempt of bitter is full.
Now in vain to her appeal -
Alas! Salted forever.
Like light, I do not know her
And never know.
O MUSE, Guest Random
Was you my soul?
Ile Song Dar an extraordinary
Fate intended her?
Alas! who knows? Rock stern
Everything hid in deep darkness.
But there was one wreath of the thorns
To your sullen beauty ...

Analysis of the poem "Poet and Citizen" Nekrasov

Most of the works of Nekrasov are written in the genre of civil lyrics. Moreover, in many, he directly expressed his beliefs about the role of the poet in society, about his civil debt. These views are described in the most detailed in the poet and citizen's poem (1855).

A poem is a dialogue between a poet and a citizen who is a reflection of the author's reflection.

The work begins with the reproaches of a citizen to the poet who celebrates his time. The poet justifies his inaction by what is aware of his insignificance before the genius of Pushkin and believes that it will never reach the same vertices in creativity. A citizen confirms this, but he says that when the sun comes (Pushkin), stars flashed in the sky and constrain the darkness until the next dawn. No matter how imperfect poems of the poet, he still is obliged to create them, because he keeps a particle of divine fire in the shower. The poet, as the "chief of the sky," must first take care of his country and its people.

In response to this sublime speech, the poet declares that his goal is to achieve fame. All the affairs and acts of the poet are subordinate to this goal. The execution of civil debt would lead to a deviation from the intended path. An objection of the citizen is the central phrase of the work, which became the winged - "Poet you can not be, but to a citizen to be." He declares that the social status and status of a person knows nothing if the fate of his country is indifferent to him. He with bitterness recognizes that there are no such people among the contemporaries. And those who see a distress situation are afraid to pronounce the words of the truth.

The poet, touched by these words, tells his story. In his youth, he was not afraid of anything and freely braided public vices in his verses. In this case, he was accompanied by a muse. But instead of human thanks, he experienced ridicule and persecution. His truth was not needed anyone. The fear of public condemnation led to the fact that the poet began to avoid sharp topics, having angry actions and acts. It gave the livelihood and quiet life. But the poet has lost the location of the muse, which forever leaves him. Only over the years it was understood that the muse would not tolerate fake jewelry. Her beauty also emphasizes the "wreath of the thorns".

The poem "Poet and Citizen" is very important for understanding the central idea of \u200b\u200bNekrasov. The ministry of "pure art" is not only useless, but also harmful. The poet is obliged to realize his civil liability. Only this helps him develop and strengthen his creative talent.

  • Listen: Shame!
    It's time to get up! You know yourself
    What time came;
    In whom the sense of duty was not cooled,
    Who is in front of the heart
    In com given, power, accuracy,
    So now should not sleep ...
    No, you are not Pushkin. But as long as
    Not visible the sun is nowhere
    With your talent is ashamed to sleep;
    Still shame in a godina grief
    Beauty valleys, heavens and sea
    And love a sweet to chant ...
    Thunderstorm is silent, with a wave of bottomless
    In Siagani, heaven argue,
    And the wind gentle and sleepy
    Barely silent sail, -
    Ship runs beautifully, slim,
    And the heart of travelers is calm
    As if instead of the ship
    Under them a solid land.
    But thunder struck; storm moan
    And teach tears, and mast clone, -
    Not time to play chess
    No song Songs!
    Here is the dog - and that danger knows
    And furious on the wind lats:
    There is no other thing ...
    What would you do, poet?
    Ul in the cabin remote
    Would you become the inspired
    Slept ears to settle
    And storming crash to drown?
    Let you believe appoint
    But the Motherland is easier
    Where everyone is dedicated to worship
    Single personality?
    Blowfall hearts
    Who are homeland holy.
    God to help them! .. And the rest?
    Their goal is shame, their life is empty.
    Some - chains and thieves,
    Others - Sweet singers,
    And the third ... Third - the wise men:
    Their destination is talk.
    His special fence,
    They are inactive, solid:
    Incorrectly our tribe
    We do not want to die
    We are waiting for: Avos will help time
    And proud because you do not harm!
    Heathly hides the mind
    Selfless dreams
    But ... my brother! Whoever you are
    Do not believe this logic despicable!
    Afraid of their fate split,
    Rich in the word, the matter of the poor
    And do not go to the mill harmless
    When you can be useful!
    Can't her son look calm
    On Mother's Mother Native
    There will be no citizen worthy
    The soul is cold,
    He is not pretty urchorous ...
    Go to the fire for the honor of the depreciation,
    For conviction, for love ...
    Go, and die are imperceptible.
    Die not in gift, it's firmly,
    When blood flows under it ...
    And you, poet! chosen one
    Heart truths age
    Do not believe that not a loose bread
    Do not do your own strings!
    Do not believe that people have fallen at all;
    God did not die in the soul of people
    And the cry of believing breast
    Always available will be it!
    Be a citizen! Serve art
    For the good of melee,
    Your genius subordinating the feeling
    All-free love;
    And if you are rich in gifts,
    They are not thickened:
    In your work they will take
    Their life-giving rays. "
  • - teach others - required genius,
    Required a strong soul,
    And we are lazy with your soul
    Proud and frightened
    Do not stand the copper penny.
    Rushing fame to achieve
    Fear from the road to get sneezing
    And trail go
    And if in the direction of the overall
    They disappeared, even run from the light!
    Where are the pathetic role, the role of the poet!
    Blessed is a silent citizen:
    He, the muses alien to the cradle,
    Leads them to noble goal
    And his work is successful, the dispute ...
    - Not very flattering sentence.
    But is your one? Are you told?
    You could correctly judge:
    Poet you can not be
    But the citizen must be.
    What is a citizen?
    The Fatherland of a decent son.
    Oh! will be merchants from us, cadets,
    Meshchean, officials, nobles,
    Quite even to us poets,
    But you need, you need citizens!
    But where are they? Who is not a senator,
    Not a writer, not a hero,
    Not the leader, not planter,
    Who is a citizen of the country native?
    Where are you? Draw? No answer.
    And even alien soul of the poet
    His mighty ideal!
    But if he is between us,
    What cry crying is choking !!.
    He's a heavy lot fell,
    But he does not ask the best shares:
    He, as his own, wears on the body
    All ulcers are homeland.
    There is no sense in your comparison.
    Here is the word truth impartial:
    Blezing chatting poet
    And the pature is a mining citizen!
  • Not wonderful to finish
    Who do not want to achieve.
    You are right: the poet is easier to live -
    In a free word there is a fade.
    But was I involved in her?
    Oh, in the years of my youth,
    Sad, disinterested, difficult
    In short - very reckless,
    Where the Relive was my Pegasus!
    Do not roses - I wooled nettle
    In his squeezing mane
    And proudly left Parnas.
    Without disgusted, without fear
    I went to jail and to the place of execution,
    In courts, I entered the hospital.
    I will not repeat that there I saw ...
    I swear, I honestly hated!
    I swear I sincerely loved!
    And what? .. My having free sounds,
    Found them black slander;
    I had to fold humbly hands
    Il pay head ...
    What was done? Reckless
    Blame people, blame fate.
    When I see at least fighting,
    It would fight, no matter how difficult
    But ... to die, die ... and when?
    I was twenty years then!
    Luckly life forward manila
    Like sea free jets
    And Lasovo Lyubov Sulil
    I use the best your own -
    The soul rapidly retreated ...

The poem "Poet and Citizen" was written by N.A. Nekrasov in 1856. By this time, the collection of poet poems has already passed censorship and was recruited. Nekrasov could include a product at the end of the collection or topics. I put it at the beginning, giving him the most program character.
The work is built in the form of a dialogue between the poet and the citizen. We note here the presence of a dramatic start. The main topic is the role of poetry in public life. We can attribute a poem to civilian lyrics.
The dialogue of the replica of a citizen facing the poet begins. He is trying to distract his interlocutor from Handra and idleness:

Listen: Shame!
It's time to get up! You know yourself
What time came;
In whom the sense of duty was not cooled,
Who is in front of the heart
In com given, power, accuracy,
So now should not sleep ...

The poet is overcome doubts - in their talent, in the power of the soul, in the very role of the Creator in society. What is the citizen answers this? Its famous:

Be a citizen! Serve art
For the good of melee,
Your genius subordinating the feeling
Universal Love ...

He notices that it is impossible "in a godin groin the beauty of the valleys, heaven and the sea and her caress to mute ...". This is the main meaning of the poem, his idea. It addressed to all people, calls them not to believe the "logic of contempt", to part with their illusions and remain faithful to their convictions, gain the necessary hardness of the spirit in the struggle. "There will be no citizen who decent to the decess is cold to the soul ..." and "you can not be a poet one, but the citizen must be" - these are two phrases that make up the leitmotif of the work. A citizen calls on the poet to the feat:

Go to the fire for the honor of the depreciation,
For conviction, for love ...
Go and die perfectly.
Die not in gift: it's firmly,
When blood flows under it.

The poet of Nekrasov is unhappy with himself, and the world. He doubts his own talent:

Oh, Muza, Guest Random
Was you my soul?

As researchers, the "spiritual state of the poet, who is in deep Handra, the patient, is the initial state close to Nekrasov himself.<…> Nekrasov - both in the poet, and in a citizen at the same time ..., the poem is his soul, disclosed readers. " In this work, the internal dialogue was reflected in this work, the dispute with himself, which Nekrasov led throughout its activities. There are contradictions in the soul of the poet, and in the soul of a citizen. The only absolute truth in this dialogue is "Savior Pushkin". It calls not only the poet, but also Nekrasov himself. Thus, in this work there is a dispute of two votes in one person: the poet honestly talks about his doubts about the difficulties of the chosen path, about the desire to ideal.
The poem is saturated with literary reminiscences. The dialogue itself of the poet and the citizen reproduces the form of "Customer conversation with the poet" A.S. Pushkin. The motive of "burning" by civilian ideals reminds us to the Pushkin Message "to Chaaadaev" and the poem "Prophet" ("Glagol Loggy of the Hearts of People"). Appeal - "And you, the poet! Chosen Sky ... "- This is a quote from Pushkin's poem" Poet and a crowd. " The famous aphorism "Poet can not be, but to be obliged to be a citizen" goes back to dedications to K.F. Ryleyev to the poem "Voenarovsky": "I am not a poet, but a citizen."
Composite in the work We can highlight two parts. In the first part, the citizen reveals his views, principles, ideals before readers. The poet here only briefly fears his opponent. In the second part, the inner world of the poet is revealed, in front of our eyes the fate of him, his doubts, Torzania ("Obviously finished ...").
The poem is written in a fiverupt jamb, the rhymes are cross and ring. The poet uses various means of artistic expressiveness: epithet ("inimitable sounds", "wind gentle and sleepy"), the metaphor and a rhetorical question ("that even a sleepy chanda with the soul whipped", "What to file from life you took - the son of a sick sick century ? "), AnaFor and syntactic parallelism (" I swear, I honestly hated! I swear, I sincerely loved! "), Alliteration (" And Lyubovo Sulil ... "," I do not hide the truth ... "), Assonance (" and whispers Fire speeches ... ").
Thus, the poem exposes the internal contradictions of Nekrasov-poet.