How a passionate boulevard was built. Passionate boulevard

Continuation of our cycle walks on the boulevard ring.
We will pass from Pushkin Square on passionate and Petrovsky boulevards to the pipe area, looking at the streets of the street and alley adjacent to the boulevards. The route will introduce you to the monument to Pushkin and with Pushkin Fountain, the museum-apartment. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko, a monument to Sergey Rakhmaninov, as well as with monuments to Vysotsky and the sculptural composition of Mimino.

Under Pushkin Square is a transplant node of Pushkinskaya metro station - "Tverskaya" - "Chekhovskaya" Tagansko-Krasno-Presnenskaya, Zamoskvoretsky and Serpukhovo-thimiryazevka lines, respectively. It is better for us to get out of the stations "Tverskaya" or "Pushkinskaya", as they are located at the beginning of Pushkin Square (on Tverskaya Street), and the Station "Chekhovskaya" - in the opposite end and, if we leave it, then we will have to go back to Tverskaya Street, otherwise we will miss a lot of interesting things.

So, we leave the metro on Tverskaya Street. We have a view of Pushkin Square. Its attractions were described in detail in the "Tverskaya Street" walk. Part 1 ", so now only list them. The architectural dominant area is the monument to the Great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

Behind the monument is a stone in memory of a passionate monastery.

This memorable sign reminds us that there was a passionate maiden monastery on the site of Pushkin Square from the XVII century, in honor of which he received the name of passionate boulevard.

In the opposite side of the small dmitrov, the street is a big dmitrovka. Let's go a little and on it.

On the opposite side of the road - the monumental building of the Federation Council.

More details we will return to her later.

The next building (house number 17a) is next of the building of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

Another building on Big Dmitrovka, decorated with bas-reliefs with images of Lenin, Marx and Engels - the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI), which is the Tverskaya Square, described in detail in the "walk along Tverskaya Street. Part 1".

Returning to passionate boulevard. The name of the Boulevard comes from a passionate monastery, located here since the XVII century and demolished in in 1930.

Vysotsky's childhood (from 11 years old, after the return of his family from Germany, where his father served) passed in a large regime alley, located near the Petrovsky gate.

"Where are your seventeen years?

On Big Karten ... "

And also, looking at this monument, it is impossible not to remember the lines from another song of Vysotsky, his own "anti-persomor":

"I will not put a monument in the square

Somewhere in the Petrovsky gate ... "

Vladimir Semenovich was wrong. Monument put. And it is in the place that he sings about is a Petrovsky gate, in the square.

House number 15 on passionate boulevard (to the left of us) is the mansion of the princes of Gagarines.

Until 1812, an English club was located here. Among other famous personalities, this institution visited, during his visit to Moscow, the famous French writer Standal (author of the Romanov "Parm Resident", "Red and Black" and many other works). History retained the phrase he said about the English club in Moscow: "There is not a single club in Paris, which could compare with it."

During the fire of 1812, the building was completely burned. It was restored under the preserved drawings in 20 years XIX. century architect O.I. Bovy. The British Club building is considered one of the best monuments of classicism in Moscow.

From 1833 it was located here New Yekaterininskaya Hospital (this date is indicated on the front of the building), then the clinic of the Moscow Medical and Surgical Academy and medical faculty Imperial Moscow University. After 1917, the hospital continued to work entitled "City Clinical Hospital No. 24" until 2009. Since 2009, the building is on general reconstruction.

Turn left and pass a little deep into Petrovka Street. By right side Streets we see a multi-storey P-shaped building. This is the famous Petrovka, 38 - the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs first Soviet UnionAnd then, to this day - the Russian Federation.

The courtyard of the building is chopped by a cast-iron fence, tourists and other random passers-by are not happy here. Entrance to the territory is strictly by passing. However, through the lattice of the fence, we can see a bust located in the center of the courtyard. itmonument "Iron Felix" - F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

The name of Dzerzhinsky is customary to be associated with the NKVD-KGB-FSB, which is based on the HCC (All-Russian Emergency Commission). However, the contribution of Dzerzhinsky to the formation of the internal affairs bodies is also not small, so he awarded the monument from the main building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In August 1991, after the well-known events related to the suppression of the Putch, the GCCP, the bust of Dzerzhinsky, as well as his "older brother" - the famous monument on the Lubyanskaya Square was dismantled. However, if the monument to Dzerzhinsky and to this day is in the park of arts among many other low-treated heroes of Soviet power, the bust was returned to the building on Petrovka in 2005.

Return back. On the way, behind the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, turn in 2 Kolobovsky lane. Here we see the church of the sign of God's Mother of God behind the Petrovsky Gate at the GUVD in the city of Moscow.

Returning to the square before continuing the path on the Boulevard Ring, we will pass on Petrovka to the other side.

Through two houses from Square (house number 2), we see the three-story building of the light beige finishes. This is the house of Gubin, a monument of the architecture of the XIX century.

Going to the territory of the monastery, right in front of him we see the cathedral of the Bogolyuba Mother of God.

This is the most ancient monastic temples, it was built in 1514-1517. (Rebuilt in the 90s of the XVII century). The main shrine of the monastery is kept here - the relics of St. Metropolitan Peter.

Passing between the buildings of the churches of the Tolgia God's Mother and St. Peter, we find out the stairs leading to the entrance to the Cathedral of Rev. Sergius Radonezh.

Under the stairs of the cathedral there is a monastery refectory. It is not closed for laity, you can go here and taste the real monastic food.

Let's go to the arch between the cathedral of Sergius of Radonezh and the monastic wall.

This part of the monastery on this moment Reconstructed less than the rest. Everywhere is visible an ancient brickwork, the Cathedral of the SVV. Apostles Peter and Paul (until 1814, the Church of the Great Church) is still to be renovated.

After examining the territory of the monastery, we return to Petrovka. The monastery wall, stretching along the street, is also a monument of the architecture of the XIIX century. This is the Naryshkin chambers.

From the outside of the monastery (entrance from the street Petrovka) in the chambers is the chapel of the Kazan Mother of God and the Literary Museum.

Let's turn in Petrovsky alley. On the house number 5 we see a memorable board, which stars that in this house from 1910 to 1923 there was a poet Sergey Yesenin.

And the next building in Petrovsky Lane is the theater of nations (until 1917 - the theater of the Korah, in honor of its founder F.A. Korsha).

We return to the Petrovsky Gate Square. Now it's time to go to the Petrovsky Boulevard.

Having reopening the building to the right, we find ourselves on the even side of the boulevard. From here, another picturesque view of the dome of the High-Petrovsky Monastery.

The building at the intersection of the boulevard and the Krapvensky alley (house number 10) is a monument of the architecture of the XIX century - the Constantinople Patriarch.

Our house is "Profitable House A. F. Redlich" (1894, Architect A. E. Erichson). The current address is passionate Boulevard House 12, structure 1.

On the first floor of our house at that time was located very famous "institution of artificial, mineral and fruity waters" in Moscow.

Adolf Ernestovich (Adolf Wilhelm) Erichson (1862,) - Russian architect, major Master Modern, on the projects of which built a large number of buildings in Moscow.

Dr. A.F.Dellih worked in the Old Ekaterininian hospital and was quite well known for example, by producing the operations very progressive for that time, for example, amputate limbs, made puncture of joints, arthrotomy.

Redlihu belong to two standing nearby at home - including our:

"... next to our, a narrow end to the boulevard comes out two-storey house number 12, built shortly after 1812. Initially, the facade went to the courtyard, in the 1830s, after the device of the boulevard, the main facade was the end. In Pushkin times, part of the house held a furniture store. In 1873, the ownership passed to Dr. A. F. Redlih, who in the first floor equipped with a waterpool, and in the second - residential apartments. At one time, the halls of the house surrendered to a gymnastic society. Here, in particular, the famous circus artists were trained by the Brothers Durov - Anatoly and Vladimir. On the class of gymnasts and fencers in the house of Redlich somehow, A. P. Chekhov looked around. "These are people of the future," he said, admiring athletes, "and the time will come when everything will be the same strong. In this happiness of the country. " In 1970, the building was restored in its original form (Architect N. G. Krain), purified from layers and rearrangements of later decades.

Once to the left of the house was an extensive garden. Redlich built up with his massive house (1894, Architect A. E. Erichson), where his "institution of artificial, mineral and fruity waters" was located.

In 1934, the house was prescribed by two floors. In one of the photos, the photo gallery shows our not yet needed house (two-story).

In our house there lived a lot of deserved and famous people, eg:

Vorobev Andrei Ivanovich - Academician RAS and RAMS, was the Minister of Health at Yeltsin.

Ravich Mark Borisovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Lenin Prize

Schafranyuk Vladimir Alekseevich - Design Artist Dolls, was an artist of cartoon films "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "Dunno", ...

Grigoriev Yuri Ivanovich - artist

Zhitnikin Andrey Albertovich - Director

Below is a very interesting article about one riddle associated with passionate boulevard.

"... (c) sculptor, poet, prose and essist Fedot Fedotovich Suchkov revealed me somehow eyes to an important secret of passionate boulevard.
And he pointed me on a fair pedestal of red granite, the size (approximately) 1m x 1m and in the height of the meter of one and a half, located about 300 steps from the editorial board "New World" or, or rather, from the bas-relief "Our whole hope is resting on those people, Who themselves feed ", located opposite the editors of this magazine and still not lost the relevance.
Fedot Fedotovich pointed out. On the pedestal lay allay carnation. The pedestal itself was red, and the carnation is allay.

Traditions of gray old antiquity. Fedot Fedototovich told me that in his life a student of the literary institute (where he returned directly from the camps) here the bust of Stalin rested here, which disappeared immediately after Stalin himself disappeared from the mausoleum, where he calmly rooted in the form of a palpable corpse next to Similar to the corpse of his senior comrade Lenin, whose standards he, as it turned out at the next congress of the Communists, rudely broke, and was also rude with his wife (widow).
Stalin was removed, but since then on the orphan pedestrian, every God's day appeared alone carnation. That is, maybe not every day, but it's for sure - as soon as the old stagnik walked past, the scarlet flower on the pedestal was already.
Years passed. Perestroika came, then - post-prey, "Wild Capitalism", "Radious Democracy". And in one of God, I saw that the pedestal disappeared, and the flower lies on the ground.
Everything disappeared except the flower. I do not exclude that the pedestal was stolen in the framework of the accumulation of initial capital for the further development of capitalism in Russia. The presence of a flower indicates that the paeperyment of the former Soviet population is a total, but not comprehensive, and the spirituality of this population as always corresponds to his non-Ravy mentality.
Now the most important thing. I suggest to consider the place of disappearance of the Stalin's pedestal on passionate boulevard by the leading monument of modern Russia, reflecting its past, present, and the future. Monument without clearly defined borders in space and time ... "

Passionate boulevard

Passionate Boulevard received its name for the passionate women's monastery near him. Boulevard arranged in early XIX. century, stretched from Tverskaya Street to Petrovka one Alley. From 1872, part of him between Big Dmitrovka and Petrovka entered the arranged Naryshkinsky Square, and the Boulevard remained only between Tverskaya Street and Big Dmitrovka. In the 1930s, when Pushkin Square was planned, it was destroyed, and Naryshkinsky Square was turned into a boulevard. Now the passionate boulevard is called Boulevard and travels on both its parties.

In the XVIII century, a part of a free square near the Petrovsky gate was occupied by the garden in front of the house of the princes of Gagarin (now the clinical hospital). In the middle of the area, opposite the Large Dmitrov, the Sennaya Square was arranged, on which hay, firewood, charcoal, etc. were sold.

Sennaya and part of the area to Petrokes, which occupied since the 1830s is no longer a garden, but with parisades Ekaterininskaya Hospital (Weekly installed in the former house of Gagarin), in 1872 they were turned into a special use square, arranged at E. A. A. Naryshkin, and therefore called Naryshkinsky. In 1874, the western part of the Square went under the passage opposite the Large Dmitrovka and the building of the 1st Women's Gymnasium (now the broadcasting house). Later was built up with a large residential building and part of the land between this gymnasium and a passionate monastery.

From houses standing on modern passionate boulevard, a house on the corner of a large dmitrovka is wonderful. It was bought in 1811 in the treasury from two owners: Vlasova - on Boulevard and Talyzina - along the street of Big Dmitrovka. In 1816-1817, on the spot of the first architect F. Buzhinsky built a three-storey house in the ampir style; In 1822, in the same style was built on the place of the house of Talysin another, four-storey, house. Both of them were given to the university typography. In the first house, the editor of the Moscow Statements, published at the university, officials of the printing house and was placed by a university book shop. The latter in the 1820-1830s belonged to A. S. Shiryaev and was considered the best book bench in Moscow. Shiryaev was also a commission agent for the sale of the works of the best Russian writers, and he often had A. S. Pushkin. He had been in this house and Prince P. I. Shalikova, editor and publisher of the popular "Lady magazine".

In the 1860s, M. N. Katkova lived here by the editor of the Russian Bulletin, I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, etc.

On the other side of the Boulevard, the extensive house of Gagary's princes on the corner of the Petrovac was remarkable, built originally in 1716, and in the present form - at the end of the 18th century M. F. Cossakov. For more than a hundred years, he belonged to the specified owners. From 1802 to the fire of 1812, an English club was placed in it. I. A. Krylov read his fables here; There were other wonderful Russian people in the club, and in 1806 it was honored by Prince P. I. Bagration, who in 1805 under Shengraban heroically fell off with the handsland of Russian troops from the whole Napoleonic army. (After expulsion from Moscow, the French club in 1812 was opened on March 1, 1813 in the Benkendorf's house [in Pushkin Square, between Big Dmitrovka and Tverskaya Street, No. 6]. On July 31, the same year the club went to the Muravyov House on Big Dmitrovka [ № 11]. Only on April 22, 1831, the club came from here to the House of Countess Razumovskaya on Tverskaya [now occupied by the Revolution Museum].)

In 1812, the headquarters of the Chief Intendant of the Napoleonic Army was located in this house, in which the famous writer Standal (Bale) served. In the house after the leaves of the French, there was a fire.

In 1828, the house was bought in the treasury and the Ekaterininskaya hospital was located in it.

The house has stretched an extensive garden. According to legend, here in the XVI century there was one of the country palaces Vasily IIILater turned into a travel palace, in which foreign ambassadors stopped in the XVI-XVII centuries. Some confirmation of this is the names of the neighboring Church of the Assumption of Assumption "What is in the Old Embassy Dvor" and the Pathetic terrain.

From other houses on the Boulevard, it can be noted on the same side at the turn to Naryshkinsky passage a small wooden mansion (No. 9), which belonged to the well-known drama of A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin (1817-1903), the author of the Weddab Krechinsky, "Case" And the "death of Tarelkina", which so far do not go from the scene of our theaters.

Passionate Boulevard is perfectly described in "Memoirs" N. V. Davydov.

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Passionate boulevard on the map of Moscow

Passionate boulevard - Boulevard in the Tverskaya district of the Central administrative District Moscow. Located between Pushkin Square and Petrovsky Gate Square. Boulevard length - 550 m.

Passionate Boulevard in Moscow - History, name

The passionate boulevard is broken at the beginning of the XIX century. Named on the passionate monastery, disassembled in 1937 in the 1820s. Boulevard represented a narrow alley between Tverskaya Street and Petrovsky gates. Initially, she walked along the wall of the passionate monastery, in the place of which Pushkin Square is now located. After the current Naryshkinsky pass to the garden at the house 15, the Alley was adjacent to the Sennaya Square, at which he traded with hay, straw, coal and firewood twice a week.

In 1872, the owner of the mansion at the address of passionate Boulevard, 9, Elizabeth Alekseevna Naryshkin, decided to end the disgrace under his windows and at the scene of the square to his funds broke the Square. In gratitude, the city did the city Duma called Square Naryshkinsky. In 1937 he was attached to passionate boulevard.

The length of the boulevard is 550 m, however, its green part does not exceed 300 m. The initial 250 m, located to the right of Pushkin Square, when analyzing the monastery, became a simple passage. But this is the widest boulevard boulevard ring. Its width is 123 m.

Monuments on passionate boulevard:

  • at the beginning of the Boulevard in 2013, a monument to A.T. Tvardovsky work sculptor V.A. Surovtseva. In 1950-1954 and 1958-1970. Tvardovsky was the chief editor of the magazine "New World", whose editors in 1947-1964. was in an angular house 1/7 on a small dmitrovka;
  • in the center of the Boulevard in 1999, a monument was established. S.V. Rachmaninov, made by OK Komov and A.N. Kovalchuk. Rachmaninov in 1905-1917 He lived in the house of passionate Boulevard, 5;
  • at the end of the boulevard in 1995 there was a monument to Vladimir Vysotsky's work GD. Boarding.

Monument to A.T. Tvardovsky

Monument S.V. Rachmaninov

Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky

Houses on passionate boulevard

Passionate Boulevard, 5. 1st Women's Gymnasium . The building was built in 1874-1878. According to the project of architect N.A. Tyutyunova for the 1st female gymnasium. The musical part of the gymnasium in 1905-1917. Lead S.V. Rachmaninov, who lived here with his family. Part of the apartments surrendered to Vince. One of them was removed the famous obstetrician G.L. Grauerman.

Since 1938, an all-Union radiocomate was located in the building, from which in 1941-1945. Speaker Yuri Levitan passed the Sovinform Bureau military reports. In 1961-1980. The building was engaged in the news agency "News".

Passionate boulevard, 8. Apartment house R.I. built with angular rother Klein in 1888 was intended for renting apartments. It was built in 1930. For two floors.

Passionate Boulevard, 9. Mansion E.A. Naryshkin In 1849-1850 belonged to Dramaturgu A.V. Sukhovo-Mobyl. He sold the house in 1850. After the murder of the estate of his mistress Louise Simon Demassh.

In 1872, Elizaveta Alekseevna Naryshkin, nee Princess Kurakina, broke into his own funds in a saint square in front of a garden mansion, which was named by Naryshkinsky Square. Now it is reminiscent of it only coming from the house of Naryshkinsky passage.

In 2006, during the construction of the office center "Pushkin House", the building was replaced by a new model.

Passionate Boulevard, 11. House S.I. Elagina . The mansion was built in 1899 by the project A.A. Dranssian for the hereditary honorary citizen of Sergey Ivanovich Elagina. In 1910, Architect O.O. Shishkovsky attached two stone volume to the building, one of which took the winter garden.

For Soviet power The editors of the magazine "Ogonёk" was in the mansion, whose publication was resumed in 1923 at the initiative of M.E. Koltsova. In 1972, a memorial plaque with a sculptural portrait and an inscription was installed on the facade: "In this building from 1927 to 1938, an outstanding Soviet journalist, founder and editor-in-chief of Ogonos Mikhail Efimovich Koltsov, worked.

Passionate Boulevard, 12. House A.F. Redlich . Apartment house with a store built in 1894 by the project

I recently came to my eyes an announcement of the sale of a huge apartment in a new building, located at the very beginning of passionate boulevard. The living space occupied the entire last floor, and from special delights to her was attached two-level ... Storeroom. With the fact that the apartment itself is one-story. But I was interested in me not so much mobility planning, how much the fact of the presence of a new house in the place where, it would seem, the density of the existing building does not arise anything .. So where did the new building come from?

I recently came to my eyes an announcement of the sale of a huge apartment in a new building, located at the very beginning of passionate boulevard. The living space occupied the entire last floor, and from special delights to her was attached two-level ... Storeroom. With the fact that the apartment itself is one-story. But not so much the mobility of the planning, but the very fact of the presence of a new house in the place where, it would seem, the density of the existing development does not exit anything. So where did the new building come from?

As a son of a friend of Pushkin horses to the development of the development

The house that was discussed in the ad is located. This corner of Moscow has belonged to the old noble family Gorchakovy. The most famous of Gorchakovoy - Alexander Mikhailovich: Great Russian diplomat, secret adviser, Foreign Minister, Chancellor Russian Empire, Pushkin Feather Tsarskostsky Lyceumu And his dill buddy. Or even more than a friend: Three poems of the famous poet dedicated to Gorchakov, and several portraits made by his hand - is it not the proof of genuine, albeit restrained friendship? The best friends of Pushkin, Delvig and Pushchin, also treated the future chancellor, and it was for what. Here, for example, what a story happened at the very beginning of his career, immediately after the events on Senate Square December 1825. In which he himself did not accept the participation, unlike some of his face comrades. Honing, what kind of fate is extremely prepared by the Decembrists, the day after the uprising, Alexander Mikhailovich, found the Patus and offered him a passport for flight to another state. Pushchin evaluated, but due to his convictions, he refused to help. The result is Kathan in the Cetinsky Ostrog, which ended only in 1856.

Portrait of the future Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, made by hand Pushkin

But that is another story. As, in fact, the story about Alexander Mikhailovich is also another. After all, the Chancellor himself, and his son, Konstantin Alexandrovich, and his son, Konstantin Alexandrovich, his son, his imperial Majesty, subsequently received the title of lightness. Shamaster is the head of the stable, in whose submission of all the stables, herds and all the estates where the royal horses were kept and divorced. The latter is especially important for us, because, in fact, this means nothing more than the management of real estate, in which Konstantin Aleksandrovich Podnator was so good that he began to use these skills not only in the service. From here - and the construction of an income home at that most passionate boulevard. Hence the other "real estate operations".

Shadmayster Konstantin Gorchakov

Here, for example, what an announcement was published in September 1908 in the popular then the newspaper " Russian word"(Source spelling is saved). "Plots under the dacha measuring about 600 square meters. Syazhen are sold at costs from 1 to 2 r. sq. SAZ. On the 27 miles (platform) of the Moscow-Brest zh.d. With the estate of "Vlasiha" (formerly O. M. Vagau), the ownership of the bright prince Konstantin Alexandrovich Gorchakov. The terrain is high, dry, in the areas the sidewalks are arranged and passages are embeded. At the plots of mixed forest up to 35 years and 5 ponds for general use ... ".

Translated by modern languageOur hero on their own lands organized a cottage settlement with a developed infrastructure and sold sections in it without a contract. The village was located 13 km from the modern Moscow Ring Road (although the vest was almost equal to a kilometer, but also the counts of a pre-revolutionary country developer was not from the border of the city, but from the station), in a very status, both then, and now the area is between the current Minsk and Rublevsky highway. The striking prices look (even with amendment on their pre-revolutionary origin). Square soot is about 4.55 square meters. M or 0.0455 acres. That is, the sites located in a prestigious place accounted for from 22 to 44 rubles per hundred. For comparison: in 1908, the earnings of the average worker was 20 brows per month, and, for example, the titular adviser received 140 rubles. That is, the latter to accumulate a plot of 27 acres (this is the equivalent of six-hour square seedlings), it would take 5 - 9 months. If, of course, do not take into account the current life costs. And here's another information for comparison. Now in the vicinity of Vureii prices for plots are within 0.65 - 1.2 million rubles per hundred. Well and average level You can imagine current salaries.

As a temple architect residential house design

But back from the Moscow region to Moscow, on passionate boulevard itself end XIX. century. Profitable houses were then at the peak of popularity: each supplied apartment, depending on its dimensions and the features of the house monthly brought its owner from 3 to 50 rubles, and even more. Not surprisingly, Konstantin Alexandrovich was interested in this business. Designing his proficient house designed for quite wealthy tenants, he ordered an architect Ivan Felicianovich Maisner - to tell the truth, not a taxable special glory. Where his brother, Alexander Felitsian, a personal architect of Sheremetyev, who is written in modern classifications of architects, "its recognizable style" is written.

However, Ivan Felicianovich his architectural handwriting was not alien. Another thing is that it implemented himself on such objects in which they will not pay off the style for the canons of the style. For example, by his project in the village of Olgovo, Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, the Church of the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Temple was built, as well as the Church of Stephen Makhrishksky in Trinity Stefan Makhrishchi Monastery, which in the Vladimir region. Perhaps that is why, drawing a conee of the future profitable house on passionate boulevard (and in fact - a complex of five buildings that took the entire quarter to the Kozitsky alley), it was quite restrained. As a result, a six-storey brick house with a symmetric facade and a central arch for travel was turned out. The chief architectural focus of the building is the four two-column porticists of Corinthian colon, which are covered in the height of the floor from the third to the fifth and combined with decorated eaves over the windows of the fifth floor. This is the prototype of the current erkers, very popular in Russian architecture at the junction of the XIX and XX centuries.

Church of Stephen Makhrishchsky in Trinity Stefan Makhrish monastery, built on the project Ivan Maisner

The result was a simple and pretty concise rear, not deprived of its charms. True, six decades later popular in soviet years Moskivateman Yuri Fedosyuk in his guides "Boulevard Ring" spoke about this house completely not flattering. "It is worth going deep into the courtyard to see the typical capitalist principle of building this ownership: under housing, every square meter is used - the price of the deprivation of residents of light, air, green," he wrote. It is curious that the "Capitalistic Principle of Development" Moskvought saw in the most height of the era of construction hypermimalism, so that without political appeal in this judgment, it was clearly not happening.

Inner courtyard of the Profit House of Gorchakov, surprised by Moskvyda Yury Fedosyuk

As a profitable house Revolution brought

But it was later. And then, in 1899, to the construction of the house only proceded, but already in 1991 the first tenants were entered here: actors, doctors, lawyers. In one of the apartments, for example, Clara Rosenberg settled - a tooth physician known in Moscow. However, she became famous not only by the ability to skillfully put the seals and pull the rotten teeth, but also by their loyalty to the Social Democrats. It is in this apartment on October 8, 1902, representatives of this party met with Maxim Gorky, after which the writer decided to provide them material support. Support was the financing of the Iskra newspaper created by Lenin in Germany. Later, after the October coup, when Gorky understood, to whom he helped, he was disappointed. But at the beginning of the century, the situation sees him otherwise.

Passionate Boulevard, photo of the early 20th century (in the background - Gorchakov's profitable house, on the front - Chizhov mansion)

In the same 1902, the famous journalist and theatrical critic Vlas Mikhailovich Doroshevich removed the apartment in the house of Prince Gorchakova. A new profitable house came to him as it should not be: not far from passionate boulevard in the Nadrovna Flegele on Petrovka, 22 was the editorial office of the Russian Word Newspaper (the one in which Gorchakov, a few years later, will post its announcement of the sale of sites), where he was invited to work the publisher Ivan Satin. It is believed that each of its publication in the "Russian Word" Vlas Mikhailovich "brought the revolution". Although perhaps this is another confusion of another talented Russian person. "He is not from those animals that hit the ark," Chukovsky's roots were written about Doroshevich. "Of course, when a revolutionary flood began, he climbed on a hillock, but he didn't go higher," and so he is a drowned man. " Others - those have scored a warm place in Noah, and they are not grieving, that smooth, hollow water flooded all fragrant gardens, all the blooming valleys, and that now it will soon cover a lonely top - Tolstoy. "

As a passionate, 4 own electrotheater acquired

The house on passionate boulevard became famous not only by its revolutionary sentiments. In the summer of 1905, a very secular event occurred here: Carl Ivanovich's Mosnisan opened a cinema for 50 spectators, one of the first in Moscow. The owner's institution called the "ElectroTere", "the most part of the public" invariably appealed to the viewers in the posters, calling it to visit him "Modest Theater", promised "really complete pleasure," they always subscribed to the words "with the reverence of Karl Ivanovich". Such a "concept of promotion" quickly brought their fruits: Alksne soon got rich and already by April 1906 his institution moved to the neighboring house - the two-storey mansion of Chizhov on the corner of Tver and Passionate Boulevard, in which he equipped the cinema is a refrestor - already on 160 seats. So passionate, 4 remained without a polite and involuntary tenant.

After the revolution, the house was waiting for the same fate that had suffered many buildings of the city center: old tenants were evaluated, and apartments turned into a communal service. Then the communists gradually became apartments again, and the house itself was alive and so on. Nobody demolished him and is not going: at least the status of the architectural monument was not assigned to him, but in the register of historically valuable rear, turned on. "So where is the new building?" - you ask. And nowhere. Just the owner of the sold apartment was mistaken in the concepts and confused "New Construction" with "overhaul." Some parts of the building new owners and tenants put in order a few years ago. By the way, there are also three hostels in them - relatively cheap small hotels. So a former profitable house partly returned his original purpose. But the part of the house, where ordinary apartments are now preferably located, and overhauled only last year, and - at the expense of urban budget funds allocated under the program "Overhaul and modernization of the Housing Fund". This is such a new building of 1901 produced. However, in the neighborhood, closer to Tverskaya there is a real new building (or rather - "Durable"): the future hotel with underground parking, which is "assigned" to the address ul. Tverskaya, Vl.16 / 2, although the facade is deployed to passionate. She had to start operating back in 2005, but still being built. But this is certainly a completely different story.

Next to the former profitable home Gorchakova now there is a construction hotel

Daria Kuznetsova, Correspondent of the portal SOVETOTDOM.RU