Tests for metrology standardization certification. Metrology test

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Teacher Tselischeva Nadezhda

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Kirov region

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Secondary vocational education

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Teacher (teacher)

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Mid-term control in the section "Metrology"

1. The set of operations performed with the help of a technical means, comparing the measured value with a unit of magnitude
a) metrology
b) measurement
c) verification
d) calibration

2. Deviation of the measurement result from the conditionally true value of the physical quantity determined experimentally A) Standard
B) Accuracy
C) Caliber
D) Verification

3. A set of operations performed in order to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics (optional procedure) A) Standard
B) Accuracy
C) Calibration
D) Verification

4. Deals with the creation of a system of units of measurement, the development of new measurement methods, research a) Theoretical metrology
b) Applied metrology

5. Reception or set of techniques for comparing the measured value with its unit
a) Measurement procedure
b) Measurement result
c) Measurement method
d) Measurement factor

b) Licensing
c) Approvals
d) Certification

7. Value that ideally characterizes the corresponding quantity A) Accuracy
B) Actual value
C) True meaning
D) Measurement result

Test for the section: "Metrology" B-2

Name the types of measurements according to the nature of the dependence of the measured value on the measurement time

How often are measuring instruments checked?
Which scientist was named after the stage (1892-1917) of the development of metrology in Russia?
What functions does the SIS (State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements) perform?
Discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification"
Test for the section: "Metrology" B-1

1. A set of operations performed by metrology services in order to determine and confirm the corresponding measuring instruments to the established mandatory technical requirements a) metrology
b) measurement
c) verification
d) calibration

2. A measuring instrument designed to reproduce and store the unit of quantity A) Standard
B) Accuracy
C) Caliber
D) Verification

3. Characteristics of one of the properties of a physical object (phenomenon, process)
A) Unit of physical quantity
B) Physical quantity
C) System of units
D) Derived units

4. Studying a set of interdependent rules and norms aimed at the uniformity of measurements, which are binding a) Theoretical metrology
b) Applied metrology
c) Legal metrology
d) Methodological metrology
5. A set of operations and rules, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with a known error a) Measurement procedure
b) Measurement result
c) Measurement method
d) Measurement factor
6. The procedure for establishing and confirming the compliance of the measurement procedure with the requirements for it. a) Accreditation
b) Licensing
c) Approvals
d) Certification

7. The value of a quantity obtained experimentally, with a minimum error A) Accuracy
B) Actual value
C) True meaning
D) Measurement result

Name the types of measurements according to the method of obtaining measurement results
List the measurement methods.
What are the functions of the State Metrological Service (HMS)?
Is the privatization of the benchmark allowed?
What responsibility has been introduced in Russia in the XX century? for violation of the provisions on measures and weights?

1. Give the definition of metrology:
A. the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and required accuracy
B. a set of documentation describing the rule of using measuring instruments
B. system of organizational and legal measures and institutions created to ensure
uniformity of measurements in the country
G. A + B
E. all of the above is true
Answer B
2. What is measurement?
A. determination of the desired parameter using the senses, nomograms or any other
by way
B. a set of operations performed using a technical means storing a unit
value, which allows you to compare the measured value with its unit and get the value
B. the use of technical means in the process of laboratory research
D. the process of comparing two quantities, a process, phenomena, etc.
E. all of the above is true
Answer B
3. Unity of measurements:
A. the state of measurements in which their results are expressed in legal units, and
errors are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the specified limits
B. the use of the same units of measurement within a health facility or region
B. use of the same type of measuring instruments (laboratory instruments) to determine
physiological indicators of the same name
D. obtaining the same results when analyzing a sample on the same measuring instruments
E. all of the above is true
Answer B
4. The error of the measurement result is called:
A. deviation of the results of successive measurements of the same sample
B. difference between readings of two different instruments obtained on the same sample
B. deviation of measurement results from the true (actual) value
D. difference between readings of two devices of the same type obtained on the same sample
E. deviation of measurement results of the same sample using different methods
Answer B

5. Correctness of measurement results:
A. the result of comparing a measurand with a comparable reproducible measure
B. characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to zero of systematic
errors of the result
B. is determined by the proximity of the average value of the results of repeated measurements to the true
(actual) measured value
D. "B" + "C"
E. all of the above is true
Answer D
6. The measures include:
A. standards of physical quantities
B. standard samples of substances and materials
C. all of the above is true
Answer A
7. A standard sample is:
A. specially designed sample of a substance or material with metrologically certified
values ​​of some properties
B. control material obtained from an external quality control authority
B. sample of biomaterial with precisely defined parameters
D. all of the above is true
Answer A
8. Indirect measurements are those measurements in which:
A. the method is applied the most quick determination measured value
B. the desired value of the quantity is determined on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other
B. the desired value of a physical quantity is determined by comparison with a measure of this quantity
D. the desired value of the quantity is determined from the results of measurements of several physical
E. all of the above is true
Answer B

9. Direct measurements are such measurements in which:
A. the desired value of the quantity is determined on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other
physical quantities associated with the desired known functional dependence
B. the method of the most accurate determination of the measured value is applied
this value
D. the calibration curve of the device has the form of a straight line
D. "B" + "D"
Answer B
10. Static measurements are measurements:
A. carried out in a hospital
B. carried out at a constant measured value
B. the desired value of a physical quantity is determined directly by comparison with a measure
this value
D. "A" + "B"
D. everything is correct
Answer B
11. Dynamic measurements are measurements:
A. carried out in mobile laboratories
B. the value of the measured quantity is determined directly by the mass of the weights sequentially
installed on the scales
In a time-varying physical quantity, which is represented by the totality of its
values ​​indicating the points in time to which these values ​​correspond
D. associated with the determination of forces acting on the sample or inside the sample
Answer B
12. The absolute measurement error is:
A. absolute value of the difference between two consecutive measurement results
B. component of the measurement error due to the imperfection of the adopted method
V. which is a consequence of the influence of the deviation towards any of the parameters,
characterizing the measurement conditions

E. all of the above is true
Answer D

13. Relative measurement error:
A. error arising from the influence of a deviation towards any of the
parameters characterizing the measurement conditions
B. component of the measurement error, independent of the value of the measured value
V. absolute error divided by real value
D. component of the measurement error due to the imperfection of the adopted method
E. the error in the result of indirect measurements due to the influence of all particular
error value of arguments
Answer B
14. Systematic error:
A. does not depend on the value of the measured value
B. depends on the value of the measured quantity
B. error component repeating in a series of measurements
D. difference between measured and actual measured value
D. are true "A", "B" and "C"
Answer B
15. Random error:
A. error component that randomly changes with repeated measurements
B. error exceeding all previous measurement errors
B. difference between measured and actual measured value
D. absolute error divided by actual value
D. are true "A", "B" and "C"
Answer A
16. State metrological supervision is carried out:
A. in private enterprises, organizations and institutions
B. at enterprises, organizations and institutions of federal subordination
V. at state enterprises, organizations and institutions of municipal subordination
G. at state enterprises, organizations and institutions with a number of
working over a hundred people
D. at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the type of property and
departmental affiliation
Answer D

17. Verification of measuring instruments:
A. determination of the characteristics of measuring instruments by any organization with more accurate
measuring devices than verifiable
B. Calibration of analytical instruments against accurate control materials
B. set of operations performed by bodies public service for the purpose of determining and
confirmation of the compliance of the measuring instrument with the established technical requirements
D. the set of operations performed by organizations for the purpose of determining and confirming
compliance of measuring instruments with modern standards
E. all of the above is true
Answer B
18. The spheres of the state metrological control and supervision include:
A. healthcare
B. veterinary medicine
B. environmental protection
D. ensuring labor safety
D. all of the above
Answer A
19. Verification of compliance with metrological rules and regulations is carried out in order to:
A. determination of the state and correctness of the use of measuring instruments
B. control of compliance with metrological rules and norms
B. Determining the presence and correctness of application of certified measurement procedures
D. control of the correct use of measurement results
D. everything except "G"
Answer D
20. Verification in comparison with external quality control provides:
A. more accurate control of instrumental error of measuring instruments
B. greater coverage of the control of various stages of medical research
V. more precise definition sensitivity and specificity of the research method
implemented on this device
D. obligatory determination of the systematic component of the instrumental error
D. "A" + "G"
Answer D


1. Metrology is ...

a) the theory of transferring the sizes of units of physical quantities;

b) theory of initial measuring instruments (standards);

c) the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy;

2. A physical quantity is ...

a) the object of measurement;

b) the quantity to be measured, measured or measured in accordance with the main purpose of the measuring task;

c) one of the properties of a physical object, qualitatively common to many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each of them.

3 . The quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity is called ...

a) size;

b) dimension;

c) the object of measurement.

4 . The qualitative characteristic of a physical quantity is called ...

a) size;

b) dimension;

c) quantitative measurements of non-physical quantities.

5 . Measurement is called ...

a) the choice of a technical means that has standardized

metrological characteristics;

b) the operation of comparing the unknown with the known;

c) experimental determination of the value of the physical quantity with using technical means.

6. Measurement objects include ...

a) exemplary measures and devices;

b) physical quantities;

c) measures and reference materials.

7. When describing electrical and magnetic phenomena in SI, the basic unit is ...

a) volts;

b) ohm;

c) ampere.

8. When describing spatio-temporal and mechanical phenomena in SI for basic units are accepted ...

a) kg, m, N;

b) m, kg, J,;

c) kg, m, s.

9. When describing light phenomena in SI, the basic unit is ...

a) light quantum;

b) candela;

c) lumen.

10. For verification of standards-copies serve ...

a) state standards;

b) reference standards;

c) standards of the 1st category.

11. For verification of working standards are used ...

a) copy standards;

b) state standards;

c) reference standards.

12. For verification of working measures and instruments are used ...

a) working standards;

b) copy standards;

c) reference standards.

13. Varieties of direct measurement methods are ...

a) methods direct assessment;

b) comparison methods;

c) methods of direct assessment and methods of comparison.

14. According to the method of obtaining the result, all measurements are divided by ...

b) direct and indirect;

15. With respect to the change in the measured value, measurements are divided by ...

a) static and dynamic;

b) equal and unequal;

c) direct, indirect, joint and aggregate.

16. Depending on the number of measurements, measurements are divided into ...

a) single and multiple;

b) technical and metrological;

c) equal and unequal.

17. Depending on the expression of the results, measurements are divided into ...

a) equal and unequal;

b) absolute and relative;

c) technical and metrological.

18. Of the listed metrological characteristics of the device, the measurement quality includes ...

a) accuracy class;

b) measurement limit;

c) input impedance.

19. The unity of measurements is called ...

a) a system for calibrating measuring instruments;

b) comparison of national measurement standards with international ones;

c) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legalized units of quantities and measurement errors do not go beyond the established limits with a given probability.

20 The main error of a measuring instrument is the error determined by ...

a) in the working conditions of measurements;

b) under extreme conditions of measurements;

c) under normal measurement conditions.

21 Correct measurements are ...

22. Measurement convergence is ...

a) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of measurement results;

b) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result;

c) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but brought to the same conditions.

23. Reproducibility of measurements is ...

a) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of measurement results;

b) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result;

c) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but brought to the same conditions.

24. The metrological characteristics of measuring instruments include ...

a) scale division, measurement range, accuracy class, power consumption;

b) code characteristics, electrical input and output impedance, measurement range, speed;

c) measurement range, accuracy class, overall dimensions, cost.

25. Metrological characteristics for determining measurement results include ...

a) transformation function, measure value, division value, code characteristics;

b) electrical input impedance, electrical output impedance, SI errors, response time;

c) the distribution function of errors, SI errors, measure value, division price.

26 A measuring instrument designed to reproduce a value of a given size is called ...

a) a real measure,

b) measuring installation;

c) the primary standard of magnitude.

27 With the simultaneous measurement of several quantities of the same name, measurements are called ...

a) indirect;

b) joint;

c) cumulative.

28 With the simultaneous measurement of several non-identical quantities, measurements are called ...

a) indirect;

b) joint;

c) cumulative.

29 Measurements in which the value of the measured quantity is found on the basis of the known relationship between it and the quantities subjected to direct measurements are called ...

a) indirect;

b) joint;

c) cumulative.

30 Measurements at which the rate of change of the measured value is commensurate with the rate of measurement are called ...

a) technical;

b) metrological;

c) dynamic.

31 Measurements at which the rate of change of the measured value is much less speed measurements are called ...

a) technical;

b) metrological;

c) static.

32 The transfer function of the measuring instrument belongs to the group of metrological characteristics ...

a) to determine the results of measurements;

b) sensitivity to influencing factors;

c) dynamic.

33. An ordered set of values ​​of a physical quantity, adopted by agreement on the basis of the results of precise measurements, is called ...

a). the results of auxiliary measurements

b) scale of physical quantity

c) unit of measurement

G)sampling of measurement results

34. A property that is qualitatively common for many objects, but individual in quantitative terms for each of them, is called ...

a) the size of a physical quantity

b) the dimension of a physical quantity

c) physical quantity


35. The basic units of the system of physical quantities are ...

b) meter

c) kilogram


36. According to the international system of units of physical quantities, force is measured ...


37. The SI prefixes to indicate the increase in the values ​​of physical quantities are ...

a) kilo

c) mega


38. SI prefixes for denoting decreasing values ​​of physical quantities are ...

a) deci

b) santi


39. The direct assessment method has the following advantages:

a) makes it possible to carry out measurements of quantities in a wide range without readjustment

b) effective for control in mass production

c) a relatively small instrumental component of the measurement error

G)provides high sensitivity

40. According to the method of obtaining information, measurements are divided ...

a) single and multiple

b) static and dynamic

c) direct, indirect, aggregate and joint

G)absolute and relative

Test with answers on the basics of metrology
1. State the purpose of metrology:
1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy; +
2) development and improvement of measuring instruments and methods of increasing their accuracy
3) development of a new and improvement of the current legal and regulatory framework;
4) improvement of standards of units of measurement to increase their accuracy;
5) improvement of methods of transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object.
2. Indicate the tasks of metrology:
1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy;
2) development and improvement of measuring instruments and methods; increasing their accuracy; +
3) development of a new and improvement of the existing legal and regulatory framework; +
4) improving the standards of units of measurement to increase their accuracy; +
5) improvement of methods of transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object; +
6) establishment and reproduction in the form of measurement standards. +
3. Describe the principle of metrology "uniformity of measurements":
1) the development and / or application of metrological tools, methods, techniques and techniques is based on scientific experiment and analysis;
2) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in terms of approved for use in Russian Federation units of quantities, and the measurement accuracy indicators do not go beyond the established limits; +
3) the state of the measuring instrument when they are calibrated in legalized units and their metrological characteristics correspond to the established standards.
4. Which of the following methods ensure the uniformity of measurement:
1) the use of legalized units of measurement; +
2) determination of systematic and random errors, taking them into account in the measurement results;
3) the use of measuring instruments, the metrological characteristics of which correspond to the established standards; +
4) carrying out measurements by competent specialists.
5. Which section is devoted to the study theoretical foundations metrology:
1) legal metrology;
2) practical metrology;
3) applied metrology;
4) theoretical metrology; +

6. Which section considers the rules, requirements and norms that ensure regulation and control over the uniformity of measurements:
1) legal metrology; +
2) practical metrology;
3) applied metrology;
4) theoretical metrology;
5) experimental metrology.
7. Indicate the objects of metrology:
1) Rostekhregulirovanie;
2) metrological services;
3) metrological services legal entities;
4) non-physical quantities; +
5) products;
6) physical quantities. +
8. What is the name of the qualitative characteristic of a physical quantity:
1) value:

size 4;
5) dimension +
9. What is the name of the quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity:
1) value;
2) a unit of physical quantity;
3) the value of a physical quantity;
4) size; +
5) dimension.
10. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, which would ideally reflect the corresponding physical quantity in qualitative and quantitative terms:
1) valid;
2) what you are looking for;
3) true; +
4) nominal;
5) actual.
11. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, found experimentally and so close to the true that for the set task it can replace it:
1) real; +
2) what you are looking for;
3) true;
4) nominal;
5) actual.
12. What is the name of the fixed value of a quantity, which is taken as a unit of a given quantity and is used to quantify quantities homogeneous with it:
1) value;
2) unit of value; +
3) the value of a physical quantity;
4) indicator:
5) size.
13. What is the name of the unit of physical quantity, conventionally taken as independent of other physical quantities:
1) non-systemic,
2) fractional;
3) systemic;
4) multiple;
5) main. +
14. What is the name of the unit of physical quantity, defined through the basic unit of physical quantity:
1) main;
2) derivative; +
3) systemic;
4) multiple;
5) fractional.
15. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity in an integer number of times greater than the system unit of a physical quantity:
1) non-systemic;
2) fractional;
3) multiple; +
4) main;
5) derivative.
16. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity in an integer number of times less than the system unit of a physical quantity:
1) non-systemic;
2) fractional; +
3) multiple;
4) main;
5) derivative.
17. Name the subjects of the state metrological service.
2) State Scientific Metrological Center; +
3) metrological service of industries;
4) metrological service of enterprises;
5) Russian Calibration Service;
6) centers for standardization, metrology and certification. +
18. Give a definition of the concept of "measurement technique":
1) research and confirmation of compliance of measurement procedures (methods) with the established metrological requirements for measurements;
2) a set of specifically described operations, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with established accuracy indicators; +
3) a set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments;
4) a set of operations performed to determine the quantitative value of a quantity;
5) a set of measuring instruments designed to measure the same quantities, expressed in the same units of quantities, based on the same principle of operation, having the same design and manufactured according to the same technical documentation.
19. What is the name of the analysis and assessment of the correctness of the establishment and observance of metrological requirements in relation to the object being examined:
1) accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to perform work and / or provide services in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
2) certification of measurement techniques (methods);
3) state metrological supervision;
4) metrological expertise; +
5) verification of measuring instruments;
6) approval of the type of reference materials or the type of means
20. What is the name of the set of operations performed on the stump for determining the quantitative value of a quantity:
1) value;
2) the value of the quantities;
3) measurement; +
4) calibration;
5) verification.
21. Indicate the types of measurements by the method of obtaining information:
1) dynamic;
2) indirect; +
3) multiple;
4) single entry;
5) straight; +
6) joint; +
7) cumulative. +
22. Indicate the types of measurements by the amount of measurement information:
1) dynamic;
2) indirect;
3) multiple; +
4) single entry; +
5) straight;
6) static.
23. Indicate the types of measurements by the nature of changes in the information received during the measurement:
1) dynamic; +
2) indirect;
3) multiple;
4) one-time
5) straight;
6) static. +
24. Specify the types of measurements in relation to basic units
1) absolute +
2) dynamic
3) indirect
4) relative +
5) straight
6) static
25. For what types of measurements the desired value of the quantity is obtained directly from the measuring instrument:
1) with dynamic;
2) with indirect;
3) for multiple;
4) for single use;
5) for straight lines; +
6) with static.
26. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several quantities of the same name are determined, and the value of the required quantity is found by solving the system of equations:
1) differential;
2) straight;
3) joint;
4) cumulative; +
5) comparative.
27. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several inhomogeneous quantities are determined to find the functional relationship between them:
1) converting;
2) straight;
3) joint; +
4) cumulative;
5) comparative
28. Indicate the types of measurements in which the number of measurements is equal to the number of measured values:
1) absolute;
2) indirect;
3) multiple;
4) single entry; +
5) relative
6) straight.
29. What measuring instruments are intended for reproduction and / or storage of a physical quantity:
1) real measures; +
2) indicators;
3) measuring instruments;
4) measuring systems;
5) measuring installations;
6) measuring transducers;
7) standard samples of materials and substances;
8) standards.
30. What measuring instruments are a set of measuring transducers and a reading device:
1) real measures;
2) indicators;
3) measuring instruments; +
4) measuring systems;
5) measuring installations.
31. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, geographically separated and connected by communication channels:
1) real measures;
2) indicators;
3) measuring instruments;
4) measuring systems; +
5) measuring installations;
6) measuring transducers
32. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, collected in one place:
1) measuring instruments;
2) measuring systems;
3) measuring installations; +
4) measuring transducers;
5) standards.
33. Discovery is:
1) the property of the measured object, common in quantitative terms for all objects of the same name, but individual in quantitative; 2) comparison of an unknown quantity with a known one and the expression of the first through the second in a multiple or fractional ratio;
3) establishing the qualitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity; +
4) the establishment of quantitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity.
34. What technical means are intended to detect physical properties:
1) real measures;
2) measuring instruments;
3) measuring systems;
4) indicators; +
5) measuring instruments.
35. Indicate the standardized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments:
1) range of indications; +
2) measurement accuracy; +
3) uniformity of measurements;
4) measurement threshold;
5) reproducibility;
6) error. +
36. What is the name of the area of ​​the scale value, limited by the initial and final value:
1) measurement range;
2) range of indications; +
3) error;
4) threshold of sensitivity;
5) scale division value.
37. What is the name of the ratio of the change in the signal at the output of the measuring device to the change in the measured value causing it:
1) measurement range;
2) range of indications;
3) threshold of sensitivity;
4) scale division value;
5) sensitivity. +
38. What is the name of the technical means intended for the reproduction, storage and transmission of a unit of magnitude:
1) real measures;
2) indicators;

4) standard samples of materials and substances;
5) standards. +
39. Indicate the means of verification of technical devices:
1) measuring systems;
2) measuring installations;
3) measuring transducers;
4) calibers;
5) standards. +
40. What are the requirements for the standards:
1) dimension;
2) error;
3) immutability; +
4) accuracy;
5) reproducibility; +
6) comparability. +
41. What standards transfer their sizes to secondary standards:
1) international standards;
2) secondary standards;
3) state primary standards, +
4) calibers;
5) working standards;
42. What is the fundamental difference between verification and calibration:
1) mandatory; +
2) voluntary;
3) declarative nature;
4) there is no correct answer.
43. What standards transmit information about dimensions to working measuring instruments:
1) state primary standards;
2) state secondary standards;
3) calibers;
4) international standards;
5) working measuring instruments; +
6) working standards.
44. What is the name of the set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements:
1) verification; +
2) calibration;
3) accreditation;
4) certification;
5) licensing;
6) control;
7) supervision.
45. Calibration is:
1) a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements;
2) a set of fundamental regulatory documents designed to ensure the uniformity of measurements with the required accuracy;
3) A set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments. +
46. ​​What are the alternative results of verification of measuring instruments:
1) verification mark;
2) certificate of verification;
3) confirmation of suitability for use; +
4) notice of unsuitability;
5) recognition of unsuitability for use. +
47. Indicate the ways of confirming the suitability of the measuring instrument for use:
1) applying a verification mark; +
2) application of the type approval mark;
3) issuance of a notice of unsuitability;
4) issuance of a certificate of verification; +
5) issuance of a certificate of type approval.
1. Give the definition of metrology:
A. the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and required accuracy a set of documentation describing the rule of using measuring instruments a system of organizational and legal measures and institutions created to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the country A + VD. all of the above is true
Answer B
2. What is measurement?
A. determination of the desired parameter using the senses, nomograms or in any other way a set of operations performed with the help of a technical means storing a unit of magnitude, which makes it possible to compare the measured value with its unit and obtain the value of B. the use of technical means in the process of laboratory research the process of comparing two quantities, a process, phenomena, etc. all of the above are true Answer B
3. Unity of measurements:
A. the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legal units, and the errors are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the established limits application of the same units of measurement within the healthcare facility or region the use of the same type of measuring instruments (laboratory instruments) to determine the same physiological indicators obtaining the same results when analyzing a sample on the same measuring instruments all of the above is true Answer B
4. The error of the measurement result is called:
A. deviation of the results of successive measurements of the same sample difference between readings of two different instruments obtained on the same sample deviation of measurement results from the true (actual) value difference in readings of two devices of the same type obtained on the same sample deviation of measurement results of the same sample using different methods Answer B
5. Correctness of measurement results:
A. the result of comparing the measured value with a value close to it reproduced by the measure characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of the result the proximity of the average value of the results of repeated measurements to the true (actual) value of the measured quantity is determined. "B" + "C" D. all of the above is true Answer D

6. The measures include:
A. standards of physical quantities standard samples of substances and materials all of the above is true
Answer A
7. A standard sample is:
A. specially designed sample of a substance or material with metrologically certified values ​​of some properties control material obtained from an organ conducting external quality control of measurements B. sample of biomaterial with precisely defined parameters all of the above is true
Answer A
8. Indirect measurements are those measurements in which:
A. the method of the fastest determination of the measurand is applied. The sought-for value of the quantity is determined on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other physical quantities associated with the sought-for known functional dependence V. The sought-for value of the physical quantity is determined by comparison with the measure of this quantity. the desired value of the quantity is determined from the results of measurements of several physical quantities all of the above are true Answer B
9. Direct measurements are such measurements in which:
A. the desired value of the quantity is determined on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other physical quantities associated with the desired known functional dependence the method of the most accurate determination of the measured value is applied the desired value of a physical quantity is determined directly by comparison with a measure of this quantity the calibration curve of the device has the form of a straight line "B" + "D"
Answer B
10. Static measurements are measurements:
A. carried out in a hospital carried out at a constant measured value the desired value of a physical quantity is determined directly by comparison with a measure of this quantity "A" + "B" D. everything is right
Answer B
11. Dynamic measurements are measurements:
A. carried out in mobile laboratories the value of the measured value is determined directly by the mass of weights sequentially installed on the balance a time-varying physical quantity, which is represented by a set of its values ​​with an indication of the points in time to which these values ​​correspond associated with the determination of the forces acting on the sample or inside the sample Answer B
12. The absolute measurement error is:
A. The absolute value of the difference between two consecutive measurements component of the measurement error due to the imperfection of the adopted measurement method which is a consequence of the influence of the deviation towards any of the parameters characterizing the measurement conditions difference between the measured and actual value of the measured value all of the above is true Answer D

13. Relative measurement error:
A. error resulting from the influence of the deviation towards any of the parameters characterizing the measurement conditions component of the measurement error, independent of the value of the measured value the absolute error divided by the actual value of G. is the component of the measurement error caused by the imperfection of the adopted measurement method error in the result of indirect measurements due to the influence of all partial errors of the argument values
Answer B
14. Systematic error:
A. does not depend on the value of the measured quantity B. depends on the value of the measured quantity error component repeating in a series of measurements D. the difference between the measured and the actual value of the measured quantity valid "A", "B" and "C"
Answer B
15. Random error:
A. the component of the error that randomly changes with repeated measurements error exceeding all previous measurement errors C. the difference between the measured and actual value of the measured quantity D. absolute error divided by the actual value D. "A", "B" and "C" are true
Answer A
16. State metrological supervision is carried out:
A. in private enterprises, organizations and institutions at enterprises, organizations and institutions of federal subordination at state enterprises, organizations and institutions of municipal subordination at state-owned enterprises, organizations and institutions employing over a hundred people at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the type of property and departmental affiliation Answer D
17. Verification of measuring instruments:
A. determination of the characteristics of measuring instruments by any organization that has more accurate measuring devices than the calibrated one. Calibration of analytical instruments based on precise control materials C. A set of operations performed by public service bodies in order to determine and confirm the compliance of a measuring instrument with the established technical requirements D. A set of operations performed by organizations in order to determine and confirm the compliance of a measuring instrument with a modern level all of the above is true
Answer B
18. The spheres of the state metrological control and supervision include:
A. health care B. veterinary medicine environmental protection ensuring labor safety all of the above
Answer A
19. Verification of compliance with metrological rules and regulations is carried out in order to:
A. determination of the state and correctness of the use of measuring instruments control of compliance with metrological rules and norms determination of the presence and correctness of application of certified measurement procedures control over the correct use of measurement results everything except "G"
Answer D
20. Verification in comparison with external quality control provides:
A. more accurate control of the instrumental error of measuring instruments greater coverage of control over various stages of medical research more accurate determination of the sensitivity and specificity of the research method implemented on this device obligatory determination of the systematic component of the instrumental error "A" + "G"
Answer D

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "PENZA STATE UNIVERSITY" __________________________________________________ Ordinartseva N.P. METROLOGY + STANDARDIZATION + CERTIFICATION PENZA 2008 Ordinartseva N.P. METROLOGY + STANDARDIZATION + CERTIFICATION (Recommended by the methodological group of the Department of Metrology and Quality Systems of Penza State University) LBC 30.10 О 62 Ordinartseva NP METROLOGY + STANDARDIZATION + CERTIFICATION: Workshop / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A. Danilova The basic concepts of the discipline "Metrology, standardization, certification" are considered. The test and options for control tasks on the main topics of the discipline are given. Software(presented on the CD supplied with the workshop) provides for the possibility of electronic testing of students. The test contains 150 control questions, and 3 answers are given to each question, among which one answer is correct, the other two are distractors. The questions provide for an unambiguous answer. For a specific test, you must specify the number of test variants and the number of questions per variant. Random generation of questions and answers to them within each question reduces the possibility of repetition test items to a minimum. The workshop can be used for intermediate and final control of students' knowledge. The test and answers to it, performed on paper, can help in deepening knowledge when independent work students. Test options can be used for correspondence students. Reviewers: Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department 901 T.V. Istomina FSUE "NIIEMP" Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.P. Buts © Ordinartseva N.P. "Metrology, standardization, certification" is the most important general professional discipline included in the curricula of most engineering areas and specialties of technical universities and colleges. This complex discipline forms metrological skills, normative behavior, and an evaluative culture in future specialists. With an increase in the range of measured values ​​(both in the region of small and in the region of large values), the complexity of the measurements themselves increases. They cease to be a one-act action and turn into a complex procedure for preparing and conducting a measurement experiment, processing and interpreting the information received. Under these conditions, knowledge of metrological assurance of the uniformity of measurements is of particular importance. Standardization activity is very dynamic, it corresponds to the changes taking place in various spheres of social life and, above all, economic. A characteristic feature of the modern stage of industrial development is the growth of the complexity of standardization objects, which is reflected in the study of the discipline "Metrology, standardization, certification". Certification as a section of knowledge about quality studies information about the certification and accreditation systems operating in our country and abroad, their main regulatory documents that determine the rules and procedure for certification. This tutorial is a workshop on the discipline "Metrology, standardization, certification", compiled in accordance with the standard discipline program for technical specialties of universities. The workshop is presented by test tasks for the main sections of the discipline, tasks for independent decision and control questions to test theoretical knowledge, as well as a list of recommended literature. The software presented on the CD supplied with the workshop provides for the possibility of electronic testing of students. The test can be used for intermediate and final control of students' knowledge. Before testing on demand, on the computer screen, you should set the number of test tasks (this number is equal to the number of students in the group) and the number of questions in the task. Materials of test assignments on paper and the answers to the questions given in the summary table are useful in deepening knowledge of the discipline in students' independent work. Tasks for independent solution and control questions are recommended for correspondence courses. The workshop is intended for students of universities and colleges studying the general professional discipline "Metrology, standardization, certification". The author is pleased to express my sincere gratitude for the comments and valuable suggestions that were taken into account in preparing the workshop for publication, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Danilov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tatyana Viktorovna Istomina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viktor Petrovich Butz. TEST TASKS 1 Metrology is ... a) the theory of transferring the sizes of units of physical quantities; b) theory of initial measuring instruments (standards); c) the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy; 2 A physical quantity is ... a) an object of measurement; b) the quantity to be measured, measured or measured in accordance with the main purpose of the measuring task; c) one of the properties of a physical object, qualitatively common to many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each of them. 3 The quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity is called ... a) size; b) dimension; c) the object of measurement. 4 The qualitative characteristic of a physical quantity is called ... a) size; b) dimension; c) quantitative measurements of non-physical quantities. 5 Measurement is called ... a) the choice of a technical means that has normalized metrological characteristics; b) the operation of comparing the unknown with the known; c) experimental determination of the value of a physical quantity using technical means. 6 The objects of measurement include ... a) exemplary measures and devices; b) physical quantities; c) measures and reference materials. 7 When describing electrical and magnetic phenomena in SI, the basic unit is taken ... a) volts; b) ohm; c) ampere. 8 When describing spatio-temporal and mechanical phenomena in SI, the basic units are taken ... a) kg, m, N; b) m, kg, J,; c) kg, m, s. 9 When describing light phenomena in SI, the basic unit is taken ... a) light quantum; b) candela; c) lumen. 10 For verification of standards-copies are used ... a) state standards; b) reference standards; c) standards of the 1st category. 11 For verification of working standards are used ... a) copy standards; b) state standards; c) reference standards. 12 For verification of working measures and instruments are used ... a) working standards; b) copy standards; c) reference standards. 13 The types of direct measurement methods are ... a) direct assessment methods; b) comparison methods; c) methods of direct assessment and methods of comparison. 14 According to the method of obtaining the result, all measurements are divided into ... a) static and dynamic; b) direct and indirect; c) direct, indirect, joint and aggregate. 15 In relation to the change in the measured value, measurements are divided into ... a) static and dynamic; b) equal and unequal; c) direct, indirect, joint and aggregate. 16 Depending on the number of measurements, measurements are divided into ... a) single and multiple; b) technical and metrological; c) equal and unequal. 17 Depending on the expression of the results, measurements are divided into ... a) equal and unequal; b) absolute and relative; c) technical and metrological. 18 If x is the measurement result of a quantity, the actual value of which is xd, then the absolute measurement error is determined by the expression ... a) x-xd; b) xd-x; c) (x-xd) / x. 19 If x is the measurement result of a quantity, the actual value of which is xd, then the relative measurement error is determined by the expression ... a) x-xd; b) xd-x / x; c) (x-xd) / x. 20 The most important source of additional measurement error is ... a) the applied measurement method; b) deviation of measurement conditions from normal; c) inconsistency real object the accepted model. 21 The systematic component of the measurement error can be reduced ... a) by switching to another measurement limit of the device; b) introducing corrections to the measurement result; c) n - multiple observation of the investigated quantity. 22 The random component of the measurement error can be reduced ... a) by switching to another measurement limit of the device; b) introducing corrections to the measurement result; c) n - multiple observation of the investigated quantity. 23 Of the listed metrological characteristics of the device, the measurement quality includes ... a) accuracy class; b) measurement limit; c) input impedance. 24 Unity of measurements is called ... a) the system of calibration of measuring instruments; b) comparison of national measurement standards with international ones; c) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legalized units of quantities and measurement errors do not go beyond the established limits with a given probability. 25 The main error of a measuring instrument is the error determined by ... a) in the working conditions of measurements; b) under extreme conditions of measurements; c) under normal measurement conditions. 26 Correctness of measurements is ... a) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of measurement results; b) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result; c) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but brought to the same conditions. 27 The repeatability of measurements is ... a) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of the measurement results; b) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result; c) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and means