Quick temperature definition test. Tests for the definition of temperament

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Questioning of students can be held on class hour. In order for the answers to be honest, promise to inform the test results to each personally.

Test for temperament type definitions

The classification of temperament types developed by hippocrates is relevant today. However, "clean" choler, Sanguines, phlegmatic and melancholics are rare. Most people have a mixed type of temperament, but only one is predominant.

In each of the 4 parts of the test of 40 theses characteristic of a certain type of temperament. You need to agree or disagree with each of them.

Part 1

1. I am a fussy and nonsense.
2. I am incorporated and hot-tempered.
3. I am impatient.
4. I am cutting and straightforward in communication.
5. I am often the initiator of all sorts of events.
6. I'm stubborn.
7. In the dispute, I am very found.
8. It is difficult for me to comply with a certain rhythm in work.
9. I often go to risk.
10. I do not remember the offense.
11. I speak very quickly and excitedly.
12. I am unreasonable and often hot because of the little things.
13. I am intolerant to the disadvantages of others.
14. I love to tease people.
15. My Mimic is very expressive.
16. I quickly make decisions.
17. I am attracted to all new.
18. My movements of gusts and cutting.
19. I always aggressively go to the goal.
20. I often have a mood without much reasons.

Part 2

1. I am a cheerful person.
2. I am energetic and always know where to send my energy.
3. I do not always bring to the end of what started.
4. I often overestim yourself.
5. All new I grab literally on the fly.
6. My interests are inconsistent.
7. Your failures I worry quite easily.
8. I easily adapt to almost any circumstances.
9. Any business that I do, carries me.
10. As soon as my interest is fading, I, as a rule, throw it.
11. I easily turn on new jobAnd also switch from one type of activity to another.
12. Monotonous painstaking work oppresses me.
13. I am sociable and responsive, I have a lot of friends.
14. I have a high workability, I am very hardy.
15. I usually say loudly, quickly and clearly.
16. Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, I do not lose composure.
17. I am always friendly configured.
18. I usually fall asleep and wake up.
19. I often take hasty, rapid decisions.
20. Sometimes I listen to someone inattentively, not looking into the essence of the story.

Part 3.

1. Usually I am calm and cool.
2. In all your affairs, I adhere to a certain sequence.
3. Usually I'm judged and careful.
4. I calmly carry wait.
5. If I have nothing to say, I prefer to be silent.
6. My speech is measured and calm, without bright emotional color.
7. I restrained and patient.
8. I usually bring something that started to the end.
9. I do not spend power on trifles, but I can be very efficible if I see that it is worth it.
10. In work and in life, I adhere to the usual scheme.
11. I can easily hold your emotions.
12. Praise or criticism in my address little worries me.
13. To the jokes in your address, I relate to condescending.
14. My interests are distinguished by consistency.
15. I slowly draw a job or switch from one type of activity to another.
16. I usually have an even relationship with everyone.
17. I am accurate and love order in everything.
18. It is difficult for me to adapt to the new setting.
19. I am very resistant.
20. Contact with new people I am getting gradually.

Part 4.

1. I am shy and stronger.
2. In an unfamiliar atmosphere, I feel confused.
3. It is difficult for me to speak with an unfamiliar man.
4. Sometimes I do not believe in my strength.
5. I calmly carry loneliness.
6. Failure oppress me.
7. Sometimes I leave for a long time.
8. I quickly take advantage.
9. I speak very quietly, sometimes almost a whisper.
10. I always adjust to my interlocutor.
11. Sometimes something impressive me so much that I can not hold back tears.
12. I am very sensitive to praise or criticism.
13. I present high demands on myself and others.
14. I am a changeless and suspicious.
15. I am an easy-to-man.
16. It is easy for me.
17. I prefer to hide my thoughts from others.
18. I'm timid and lowactive.
19. I usually obey the orders badly.
20. I would like to call the surrounding sympathy to me.

The key to the test

Calculate the total number of positive answers: A.
Calculate the number of positive answers for each part: A1, A2, A3, A4.

Calculate the percentage of positive answers for each type of temperament:

  • choleric \u003d (a1 / a) x 100%;
  • sanguine \u003d (A2 / a) x 100%;
  • phlegmatic \u003d (A3 / a) x 100%;
  • melancholic \u003d (A4 / a) x 100%.

The results obtained will mean what part in your temperament is each of these types;

40% or higher - this type of temperament dominant;

30-39% - features characteristic of this type are pronounced quite brightly;

20–29% - average level severity characteristic of this type of temperament damn;

10-19% - the features of this type of temperament are weakly pronounced.

The term "temperament" has a Latin origin and translated means "ratio". The first scientist who identified four types of temperament was a hippocrat who lived in the fifth century to our era. He believed that the man contains four liquids: Sangius (blood), Flegma (phlegm), Chole and Melas Chole (yellow and black bile respectively). The type of reactions of a person, on hippocrates, depends on which fluid prevails. In subsequent epoch, the types of temperament were divided into strong and weak. Strong - phlegmatic, and, weak - melancholic.

Sanguine is sociable and moving

It is easy to distinguish from owners of other temperament types. This is usually talkative personwhich is easily adapted to the situation. He is moving, he has expressive facial expressions. At Sanguinika mental processes They are replaced easily and quickly, so the overwork he almost never threatens. Sanguine easily converges with people and quietly with them part. He copes well with any negotiations, but much less successful in affairs requiring impairity and constant voltage Forces. The processes of excitation and braking in Sanguines and are balanced.

Phlegmatic - not at all lazy

Phlegmatic has mental processes and replace slowly. For the owner of this type of temperament, small activity is characterized in general. It is not too quickly rebuilt, adapts poorly to the changed situation. He needs to do this for a long time. Externally, its temperament is manifested in the fact that the phlegmatic is sedimed, says slowly, the facial expressions of it. It's not easy to bring it out of patience, but the one who succeeds, usually regrets it very much, because it is also difficult to stop phlegmatics as hard as exciting. The characteristic feature of all owners of this temperament is perseverance, perseverance, the desire to bring started before completion. Phlegmatic is a reliable satellite of life and a business partner, which usually strictly complies with the terms of agreement.

Choleric - man is fond

Holerik has mental processes and replace rapidly. This is a quick-tempered, but a waste person. It is easily fond of, but also quickly loses interest if it failed to achieve instant success. However, a choleric due to its factories and the desire to invest all the forces in what is interesting for him, often achieves an excellent result. It cuts in communication, initiative, energetic, but a rapid surge of activity is very quickly replaced by indifference. The excitation of the choler is prevailing over braking.

Melancholic focuses on experiences

Melancholic refers to weak psychological types. He is inclined to excessive deep experiences even when there is no reason to this seems to be. Its feelings are stable, but externally do not manifest themselves. The owner of this type of temperament, braking prevails over excitation. The slightest opposition knocks out of the rut. It is characterized by fearlessness and indecision, it is very injured by the owners of this type of temperament prefer individual work collective.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by calm, stress resistance, sincere equilibrium, as well as hard work, endurance, ability to be friends, natural modesty. These and other qualities help phlegmatics easily get along with people of different temperament.


Phlegmatic is able to maintain imperturbability in almost any stressful situation. You need to try to take it out of myself, however, if you succeed, it's all the accumulated anger he will turn completely. Therefore, it is better not to overwhelm it inert to external stimuli states, but instead - just enjoy communication with a very calm person, which are rarely found.

It is characterized by passivity in various kinds of cases. Phlegmatic will prefer the routine work that can be performed without any fuss. There is also its advantages in this: phlegmatic women are almost always achieved career growth, while representatives of others are experiencing that ups, then falls. It can be assumed that in love they rarely show the initiative by virtue of their passivity. No, they are all right with self-esteem, but at the same time they are in childish modest.

Representatives of this type of temperament possess one of the rare qualities - the ability to listen to other people. They are excellent interlocutors, because they are rarely interrupted and attentive to trifles. Thanks to the calm nature and the ability to weigh the situation before doing something or advise, they find mutual language And with quick-tempered cholerics, and with non-permanent sanguines, and with sensitive melancholic. At the same time, phlegmatics do not seek to make contact first, but they can easily support those who have come to meet.

Phlegmatics have high intelligence, perfection and efficient. They can easily spend one or a few evenings, carefully studying treatise, or for complex embroidery. Talking with general words, phlegmatics are like athletes who choose endurance run, and not short sprint distances. In communication, encourage any attempts to suggest the initiative, pay due attention to their positive traitsFrom time to time, offer participation in joint meetings, trips, as well as creative and business projects.

Video on the topic

Hippocrat shared humanity on 4 types of temperament: Sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Choleric is a very energetic person. With such a person you can work peacefully and live under the condition of unlocked subordination to him. To create a friendly atmosphere, it is better to fulfill all his requests and desires.


To determine the type of temperament, place some task before the subject. If he immediately began to perform her fulfillment, without thinking into details and not building plans, in front of you a choleric.

Upon reaching the goal, the choleric will definitely find a lot of comrades, because He has a congenital ability to convince and lead people.

Rather, your head at work is a choleric, because They are inherent in the desire to dominate, the ability to correctly assess the situation, the ability to manipulate others.

Again with a choler. With the participation in the disputes, people of this temperament always defend their point of view to the end, even knowingly knowing that they are wrong. Choleric never go on a compromise. Possessing great self-confidence, they are not able to hear others and take someone else's opinion. Sometimes they have no sense of tact.

If you have been communicating with a person of this type of character for a long time, you have never seen it dull or indifferent. Offer him to participate in a charity event, for example, in saving people in catastrophes, or in conducting a political rally, a choleric will never give up such a venture.

In any situation, cholerics take the brazards of the board in their hands. Often they are surprised that other people cannot find the right path when solving the problem. The main thing for this type of people is to achieve the tasks.

The character is complicated in such a way that he does not need friends. He always remains independent of someone else's opinion. When a group is needed to achieve the goals, he will be happy to work in the team, but only on such conditions to be first, and the first to achieve the tasks.


Among famous cholerics are people like Alexander Suvorov, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin.

One of the four types of human temperament is a sanguine, at first glance, very positive. In fact, cheerfulness, sociability, goodwill, non-conflictness - all these character traits are very attractive. But is it all good at Sanguinik really?


Sanguine - Incorrigible Life. And from this vitality, all derivatives of his character proceed

He is energetic because it is constantly in finding new sensations and vivid impressions. And this energy is manifested in everything. Even if he performs some kind of heavy, unpleasant work, it performs it energetically. At least in order to quickly finish it and start receiving new, more pleasant impressions.

The test will help you determine the type of your temperament.

Take a sheet of paper. Write the numbers of questions from 1 to 20, opposite them, mark the letter of the answer ("A", "B", "B", or "G"). After passing to calculate the total number of letters.

Test for the definition of temperament

Of the four statements you need to choose the one, most suitable for you.

a) fussy and nonsense;

b) cheerful and cheerful;

c) cold-blooded and calm;

d) shy and stronger.

a) hot-tempered and unbearable;

b) busily and energetic;

c) are thorough and consistent;

d) in the new setting are lost.

a) straight and cutting towards other people;

b) tend to overestimate themselves;

c) know how to wait;

d) doubt their strength.

a) unlockable;

b) if something ceases to interest, cool quickly;

c) strictly hold the system in the work and routine of the day;

d) adapt involuntarily to the nature of the interlocutor.

a) you are the owner of the gusty, sharp movements;

b) quickly fall asleep;

c) you are hard to adapt to the new environment;

d) submissive.

a) to the shortcomings of intolepima;

b) workable, hardy;

c) in their own interests are constant;

d) Easy wounds are sensitive.

a) impatient;

b) throw the work started;

c) are reasonable and careful;

d) It is difficult to establish contact with new people.

a) you have expressive facial expressions;

b) fast, loud speech with alive gestures;

c) slowly turn into work;

d) Very touchy.

a) you have a fast, passionate speech;

b) in a new job turn on quickly;

c) the gust restrain easily;

d) very impressionable.

a) work jerks;

b) for any new business take care of passion;

c) the shortness of the forces do not waste;

d) you have a quiet, weak speech.

a) you are inherent insufficientness;

b) persistent in achieving the goal;

c) sluggish, sediments;

d) Look for sympathy of others.

a) quickly decide and act;

b) in a complex setting, retain composure;

c) smooth relations with everyone;

d) inordinate.

a) initiative and decisive;

b) quickly grab the new;

c) do not love to chat, silent;

d) loneliness tolerate easily.

a) strive for a new one;

b) you always have a cheerful mood;

c) love accuracy;

d) timid, low-active.

a) stubborn;

b) in the interests and inconsistencies are not constant;

c) you have a calm, smooth speech with stops;

d) If you fail, you feel confused and depressed.

a) have a tendency to hotness;

b) thoroughly with monotonous painstaking work;

c) little susceptible to censure and approval;

d) you have high demands for others.

a) a tendency to risk;

b) to different circumstances adapt easily;

c) the work began to bring to the end;

d) you have fast fatigue.

a) sharp change of mood;

b) tend to be distracted;

c) have an excerpt;

d) too susceptible to censure and approval.

a) we are aggressive, zadia;

b) responsive and sociable;

c) kindle;

d) changeless, suspicious.

a) in the dispute is destroyed;

b) failures are easily worried;

c) patient and restrained;

d) have a tendency to go into yourself.

Calculate how many times you have chosen the answer "A", how much "b", how much "in" and how much "g". Now every one of the 4 digits obtained multiplied by 5. You will receive percentage Replies.

For example:

"A" - 7 times * 5 \u003d 35%

"B" - 10 times * 5 \u003d 50%

"B" - 2 times * 5 \u003d 10%

"G" - 1 time * 5 \u003d 5%

Four types of answers correspond to 4 types temperament.

"A" - Type of choleric

"B" - Sanguine type

"B" - type of phlegmatics

"G" - the type of melancholic.

In our example, the type "B" - Sanguinik (50%) dominates. Determine your dominant type.

Types of temperament


Unbalanced type. Stormy emotions, outbreaks. Speech uneven, biting. Sharp change mood. Perturbing with people is straightforward. I can not wait, impatient. She strives for a new constantly, unstable in interest.


"Live", sociable, maintains composure in a complex setting. Easily enters the new team, does not biven. Quickly switches from one job to another. In decisions, it is often not assembled. Clear, loud, fast.

Phlegmatic person.

Balanced. It is reasonable, careful, sociable in moderation. Lovely, inert. Sustainable. Strict routine in the workplace. Slowly switches from one job to another.


Little-moving, unbalanced. All emotions inside. Indecisive, does not believe in itself, very sensitive. Closed, prone to loneliness. Sustainable. It is hard for contacts.

Complete this test type of temperament to estimate its reactions to what is happening!

Briefly about the main thing:

1. Temperament - genetic problem or acquired gift?
2. How to learn to recognize people on the temperament of personality?
3. What are the types of temperament?
4. Evaluate yourself! Test for temperament type!

Temperament - genetic problem or acquired gift?

The concept of "personality temperament" introduced the founder of medicine Hippocrates. Already then he divided people to four main categories that are relevant today.

Sometimes the person's temperament is confused with character, but it is not true!

Temperament is the innate features of a person who affect its behavior, the rate of reaction to events and stimuli, balance, self-development, etc. A character is a combination of acquired qualities, for example, purposefulness, courage, fearlessness, etc.

How to learn to recognize people for the temperament of personality?

Knowing the temperament of a person, you can:

  • predict his reaction;
  • find out his lifestyle;
  • understand what he needs;
  • easily find an approach;
  • understand in which areas of activity it will be successful!

In fact, this is the key to anyone! How to pick it up? Read below!

What are the temperament types?

Sanguinik- This is a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive. Man Bodr, is active, optimistic, quickly and clearly reacts to changes. If it is angry, it does not hide his emotions, with interest studies everything new, inclined to frequent change of hobbies.

CholericAs a rule, quick-tempered and unbalanced may be reckless and unpredictable. It is very emotional, often aggressive, jealous, inclined to overestimated self-esteem and suppressing others. Cholerics usually have a gloomy look, negatively tuned towards others, suffer from overwork and mood drops.

Melancholic - a calm and thoughtful person, as a rule, wound, trusting and slowly. Showned to low self-esteem, sharp mood drops for the worse, are subject to depression. He always tries to strictly follow the instructions. Any innovation can upset it to tears. Sometimes such people are called houses and bore, but they are best manifesting themselves in the farm.

Phlegmatic person - balanced and calm, it is almost impossible to draw out. Even if it becomes angry, it becomes instantly cool. Emotions are very rarely manifested, it is difficult to adapt to new circumstances, not particularly promoted and found. Trying to stick to a strict plan. Phlegmatic cannot perform several tasks immediately, but it is always attentive, persistent and consistent.

How to determine your personality temperament?

Evaluate yourself! Test for temperament type!

"Clean" type of temperament can be found extremely rare. The overwhelming majority of people have a mixed temperament, which is inherent in the features of different person temperaments, but still some one necessarily prevails.

In this test, four groups of statements that describe various types of temperaments. You can either agree with them or not. Fix your answers on paper.

So, let's start self-knowledge!

What does choleric think about himself?

  • I am extremely fussy and unreasonable.
  • I often develop and flash on trifles.
  • Patience is not about me.
  • In communicating with people, I can be sharp and rude.
  • I initiate various meetings and events.
  • I have a stubbornness.
  • I am found and inventive in the dispute.
  • I can't work at a certain pace.
  • I'm inclined to risk.
  • I'm not malicious at all.
  • I have a fast and temperamental speech.
  • I am very unbalanced.
  • I am not able to put up with the lack of other people.
  • I like to let go of the pricky comments.
  • I do not hide my emotions.
  • I am prone to rapid decision-making.
  • I'm interested in all new.
  • My movements can be sharp.
  • If the target is scheduled, I'm not distracted by anything else.
  • My mood can change very dramatically.

What does a sanguine think about himself?

  • I can quite call myself a positive person.
  • As a rule, I am full of energy, and I know how to manage it.
  • I do not often have to bring the case to a logical end.
  • I can overestimate my capabilities.
  • I quickly assign new information.
  • I do not win on something one and prone to changing hobbies.
  • I do not worry about failures, they are at all.
  • I easily adapt to any conditions.
  • I can passively engage in any business.
  • I can quit starting when interests to him.
  • It is not difficult for me to switch from one job to another.
  • I get tired of monotonous labor.
  • I easily start dating, I have plenty of friends and buddies.
  • I'm hard enough, and I can work as much as you need.
  • I spend loudly, I can quickly and clearly express my thought.
  • I keep composure in unforeseen situations.
  • I am always friendly in relation to others.
  • I quickly fall asleep and easily wake up.
  • Sometimes I am inclined to rapid decisions.
  • I am inadvertent in the conversation, I can lose a thread of the conversation.

What does phlegmatic think about himself?

  • As a rule, I'm balanced and very calm.
  • I do all my actions in the planned sequence.
  • I have peculiarity and caution.
  • I can wait long.
  • I am not inclined to empty chatter, let others say.
  • I calmly express my thoughts, I do not show emotions in a conversation.
  • I have patience and restraint.
  • I have no unfinished affairs.
  • I do not spray on trifles.
  • If it is worth standing, I can possess the full program.
  • I try to stick to the plan in any business.
  • I always control emotions.
  • I usually do not react to either praise or criticism.
  • I condescendingly about the jokes in your address.
  • I am faithful to my hobbies.
  • I uncomfortable to switch to another type of activity.
  • With all I have the same relationship.
  • I have a pedantry and accuracy.
  • I am hardly getting used to change.
  • I have an excerpt and composure.
  • I gradually get used to people, I can not tie a friendly relationship.

What does melancholic thinks about himself?

  • I am stronger in society and very shy.
  • I'm lost in an unusual setting.
  • I can not easily approach and speak with a stranger.
  • I'm not sure that something is capable of.
  • I do not like loneliness, I relate to him calmly.
  • My failures suppress me.
  • I can plunge into myself and for a long time not to go out of this state.
  • I often and quickly get tired.
  • I do not know how to talk loudly.
  • It is easier for me to adjust how to defend your point of view.
  • I am very impressionable, sometimes I can die to tears.
  • I am pleased when I was praised.
  • I transfer very painful criticism.
  • I am always strict in relation to myself, and demanding to others.
  • I am peculiar to suspicion and constancy.
  • I am easy to hurt and offend.
  • I'm still offended with my head and worried about a long time.
  • I can't share with your thoughts and feelings.
  • Usually I do not show activity, too timid.
  • I'm not used to arguing and performing any instructions badly.
  • I like when those surrounding show me sympathy.

Test results on temperament type!

Accordingly, the more positive responses, the brighter you are expressed in this type of temperament.

To determine the interest ratio, calculate the amount of all positive responses. Then the number of positive responses for a certain type multiply 100% and divide the total number of positive responses.

What happened?

The type of temperament that scored more than 40% is considered the main one.

The type of temperament that corresponds from 30 to 39% is considered pronounced.

The type of temperament that scored from 20 to 29% is manifested only in certain circumstances.

The type of temperament that scored less than 20% is extremely weak.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hippocrat (about 460 BC. Er, - about 370 BC. Er) - the famous ancient Greek healer, doctor and philosopher. He entered the story as "Father of Medicine" (

This test will help determine what type of temperament you belong.

Neither one temperament cannot be said that he is "good" or "bad." Therefore, your task is not to try to change your temperament (this is impossible), and competently use its positive parties and try to neutralize negative manifestations.

In addition, no person is inherent in any type of temperament in its pure form. It is usually a mixture of various types, but somehow prevails. Try to determine which type of temperament prevails with you.

We offer you a small test.

Notes near each approval: + (corresponds to you) or - (does not match).

The text of the questionnaire

1. You are nonsense.

2. You're hot-tempered and impulsten.

3. Usually you are impatient.

4. You are initiative and decisive.

5. You are stubborn and even stubborn.

6. You are a relevant, quickly oriented in the dispute.

7. The rhythm of your activity is uneven, scakical.

8. You love to risk.

9. You easily forgive the offense.

10. Your speech is featured by speed and emotionality.

11. You often suffer from your impassableness.

12. You do not tolerate any drawbacks.

13. All new things are attracted.

14. You often change the mood.

15. You are a cheerful and cheerful man.

16. You are always assembled, and the energy beats the key.

17. You often challenge the work started halfway.

18. You do not always appreciate your strength.

19. Your interests and hobbies are often changing.

20. You easily get used to new circumstances.

21. You are not difficult to distract from your affairs, and you quickly disassemble with someone else's problem.

22. Therapy work, requiring patience, not for you.

23. You are sociable and responsive.

24. You have a clear and loud speech.

25. You have an excellent composure, and you do not panic even in difficult situations.

26. You easily fall asleep and quickly wake up.

27. It is difficult for you to focus and take a thoughtful decision.

28. You are scattered and inattentive.

29. You are restrained and cold-blooded.

30. You are consistent in words.

31. You are careful and judgment.

32. You have an excerpt, you know how to wait.

33. You are not too talkative and do not love empty chatter.

34. You have a measured and calm speech.

35. You correctly distribute your strength and never lay out completely.

36. You plan your affairs adhere to a clear mode of the day.

37. You calmly perceive criticism.

38. It's hard for you to switch to another activity.

39. You have even a good relationship with people.

40. You are neat even in trifles.

41. It is difficult for you to adapt to the new setting.

42. You are very slow.

43. You are shy.

44. The new situation leads you into confusion.

45. You are not sure of yourself in your abilities.

46. \u200b\u200bLoneliness does not like you.

47. Failures and troubles for a long time knock you out of the gauge.

48. In difficult life periods, you will close it in yourself.

49. You are not too worried, quickly get tired.

50. You have a quiet, sometimes vague speech.

51. You automatically adopt the features of the character of the interlocutor and his manner to speak.

52. You are very impressionable and sensitive.

53. You have overestimated requirements for yourself and the world.

54. You have some mintiness and suspicion.

55. You can easily hurt.

56. You are pleased when those around you empathize.

Well, answered questions? Let's then figure out the test results.

In test 4 groups of issues, in each group of 14 statements. In the first group (from 1 to 14 approval) is given a choler description. In the second group (from 15 to 28, the assertion) is the characteristic of the Sanguinik. In the third group (from 29 to 42 approval) - portrait of phlegmatics. In the fourth group (from 43 to 56 approval) - Description of melancholic.

If you received more than 10 advantages in some of the groups, then this type of temperament is prevalent. If the number of advantages is 5-9, then these features are largely pronounced. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the features of this type of temperament are weakly expressed.