What does loose tongue mean. The meaning of the word "untie

What is "TONGUE UNLOADED"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

LANGUAGE UNLOCKED 1) who did not have the strength to remain silent. This means that person (X) is under the influence of means of intimidation used by another person, under the influence of a threat, from pain and under. forced to issue some secret, secret, etc. informal ? (4) Independent end of the situation: X's tongue loosened. Nominal part invariable. Usually the verb owl. in. in the past temp. Owl verb. in. in bud. temp. use to express a threat. As a grammatical the basics of the proposal. The order of component words is not fixed. When the bottle of champagne was drained, Laboulet's tongue loosened and he launched into frankness. M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Abroad. He was detained, and beaten during interrogation, so his tongue loosened. (Speech) - Are you silent?! Nothing, I'll pour you a couple of hot ones, your tongue will untie. (Speech) cultural commentary: see commentary on KEEP YOUR TOUCH ON A TIE (1). 2) whose Speech has become free, unconstrained. This means that nothing prevents the person (X) from freely, uninhibitedly expressing thoughts and feelings. speech standard. ? (2) Independent start situations: X's tongue came loose. Nominal part invariable. Most often the verb owl. in. in the past temp. Usually in the role of grammar. the basics of the proposal. The order of component words is not fixed. An outsider really knew everything, since he had been a silent observer for so many years: his tongue was loosened when the movement went by itself, and by itself each person could not help expressing thoughts aloud. A. Novikov, Residence of Freethinkers.- There is daily spiritual processing. I tell them: it is necessary to communicate, to be more sincere. Sincerity is courage. If there is not enough sincerity, then there is not enough courage. It is necessary to speak more boldly about your actions, even if somewhere you played unsuccessfully. Perhaps the guys are still shy. It takes time and common efforts to loosen the tongue a little. Belorusskaya Gazeta, 2000. Soon enough people gathered around the long table. Sanka did not give a damn, but the merriment dispersed and was so lively and ingenuous that Sanka could not resist, his cheeks turned pink, his tongue loosened, his eyes lit up with a quick gleam. The most curious and amazing adventures, the most amusing trifles, the most entertaining circumstances of his wanderings, welled up in his mind. R. Krivushin, Calling Marusya. Or maybe it was a great secret for her. Maybe she herself was surprised that she suddenly spoke to me about this - after all, then we almost didn’t know each other at all. Before, I didn’t tell anyone about this, but now suddenly my tongue has loosened. S. Kazmenko, Factor of Hope. They fired him for something. - So ... - And then the reforms began, democracy. Here he loosened his tongue. The memoir boom has begun. - Yes, yes, now it's clear. So past... Literary Russia, 2001. - And now take your tongue, - Nikolai continued excitedly, - after all, he just got untied, one might say. It used to happen that you would come to the landowner, you would stand in the hall, like a serf, the owner would come out to you, you would express the matter back and forth, but you want to talk heart to heart - and there is nothing: the language is like cloth. P. Romanov, Good character. But Nastya and Masha only now loosened their tongues. Each of them spoke their own, not listening to each other, everything that they had boiled. S. Wanderer, Shackles. The power of the Stalinist repressive organs ceased to operate, and tongues loosened, a deafened memory began to work, crawled out of all the cracks and began to scream with its irrefutable, though not always pleasant voice, the hitherto suppressed truth of our inner life... N. Korzhavin, In the temptations of a bloody era. cultural commentary: see commentary on UNLOAD THE LANGUAGE(1).


1) who I didn't have the strength to remain silent.

It means that face ( X) under the influence of means of intimidation used by another person, under the influence of a threat, from pain and under. forced to issue some secret, mystery and under. informal{4} Independent end of the situation: Language at X untied . Nominal part unchangeable Usually a verb owls. in. in past temp. Verb owls. in. in bud. temp. use to express a threat. Cast grammatical basics suggestion Component word order unfixed

When the bottle of champagne was drained language at Laboule untied and he launched into frankness. M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Abroad. He was detained, and during interrogation they beat him, here he language and untied. (Rech.)

Are you silent?! Nothing, I'll pour you a couple of hot ones, uvula at your place untie. (Rech.)

cm. commentary on KEEP YOUR TOUCH ON A TIE (1).

2) who Speech became free, unconstrained.

It means that face ( X) nothing prevents you from freely, uninhibitedly expressing thoughts and feelings. speech standard. {2} Independent start of the situation: Tongue untied at X-a. Nominal part unchangeable More often verb owls. in. in past temp. Usually in the role grammatical basics suggestion Component word order unfixed

An outsider really knew everything, since he had been a silent observer for so many years: his loose tongue when the movement went by itself and by itself each person could not help expressing his thoughts aloud. A. Novikov, Residence of Freethinkers.- There is a daily spiritual processing. I tell them: it is necessary to communicate, to be more sincere. Sincerity is courage. If there is not enough sincerity, then there is not enough courage. It is necessary to speak more boldly about your actions, even if somewhere you played unsuccessfully. Perhaps the guys are still shy. It takes time and common efforts to get a little loose tongue. Belarusian newspaper, 2000.

Soon enough people gathered around the long table. Sanka didn't care, but the merriment dispersed and was so lively and simple-hearted that Sanka couldn't resist, his cheeks turned pink, loose tongue, eyes lit up with an agile gleam. The most curious and amazing adventures, the most amusing trifles, the most entertaining circumstances of his wanderings, welled up in his mind. R. Krivushin, Calling Marusya.

Or maybe it was a great secret for her. Maybe she herself was surprised that she suddenly spoke to me about this - after all, then we almost didn’t know each other at all. Before, I didn’t tell anyone about this, but now all of a sudden loose tongue. S. Kazmenko, Factor of Hope.

They fired him for something. - So ... - And then the reforms began, democracy. Here he has language and untied. The memoir boom has begun. - Yes, yes, now it's clear. So past... Literary Russia, 2001.

BUT language Now take it,” Nikolai continued excitedly, “after all, right untied, one might say. It used to happen that you would come to the landowner, you would stand in the hall, like a serf, the owner would come out to you, you would express the matter back and forth, but you want to talk heart to heart - and there is nothing: the language is like cloth. P. Romanov, Good character.

But Nastya and Masha only now loose tongues. Each of them spoke their own, not listening to each other, everything that they had boiled. S. Wanderer, Shackles.

The power of the Stalinist repressive organs ceased to operate, and loose tongues, a deafened memory began to work, crawled out of all the cracks and wailed with its irrefutable, though not always pleasant voice, the hitherto suppressed truth of our inner life ... N. Korzhavin, In the temptations of a bloody era.

cultural commentary: cm.

UNLOAD YOUR LANGUAGE. Razg. Iron. 1. to whom, who. Encourage someone to talk; allow someone to speak freely, without hesitation. The thought that a young girl loved him obviously turned his head and loosened his tongue so much that he became unbearably talkative and even boastful, but, of course, in his own way.(Leskov. Peacock). 2. Begin to speak after a stubborn silence, giving any evidence, providing the necessary information - A choice: either you, dog, will immediately untie your tongue, or in ten minutes you will be put against the wall!(Sholokhov. Quiet Don). 3. Becoming talkative, to let out a word, to report what should have been silent. The old Turk immediately cheered up, remembering the old fashioned way, but Kishkin pointed to Zykov with his eyes: they say, you untie your tongue at the wrong time, old man(Mamin-Sibiryak. Gold).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Untie the tongue" is in other dictionaries:

    untie tongue- UNLOAD, I eat, I eat; yazan; owls. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    UNLOAD TONGUE- 1) who to whom Threatening or hurting, force, force to tell about what a person hides, does not want to give out. This means that the person (Y), using various means of intimidation (torture, persuasion, beatings, etc.), is trying to make ... ...

    untie tongue- To untie the tongue (foreigner) to force to break the silence, to speak freely after a long silence. Wed In a woman's high, pure beauty, he began with fervor, delighted that she had loosened his tongue, there is certainly a mind, in yours, for example. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    untie your tongue- (inosk.) force to break the silence, speak freely after a long silence Cf. In a woman's high, pure beauty, he began with fervor, delighted that she had loosened his tongue, there is certainly a mind, in yours, for example. Stupid beauty is not beauty. Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    untie your tongue- Unleash / be language (languages) 1) Encourage, force to talk or force to tell, tell a secret, a secret. 2) Talk, start talking a lot (after silence) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    untie / untie tongue- Razg. 1. to whom, from whom. To induce, compel, or enable smb. speak up, talk. 2. Start speaking after silence, giving evidence, revealing what l. secret. FSRYA, 379; Glukhov 1988, 117; BTS, 1532 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    UNLOAD- UNLOAD, untie, untie, sovereign. (to untie). 1. what. Dissolve, disconnect, release the ends of something connected. Untie the knot. Untie the tape. || Free from strings, packaging (anything tied). Unpack the package with ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    LANGUAGE- language (language obsolete, only in 3, 4, 7 and 8 meanings), m. Cow tongue. It hurts to bite your tongue. Lick... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    untie- Untie the hands of someone to free something from what n. dependence, restrictions in what n., from what n. binding, give freedom of action (colloquial). Such an outcome of the case will untie my hands. Untie the tongue (colloquial) 1) to whom what; give an opportunity,… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    UNLOAD- UNLOAD, I eat, I eat; yazan; sovereign 1. whom (what). Separate (the ends of the connected), release from the tie. R. knot. R. bale. R. hands to whom n. (also transn.: the same as untie in 3 meanings; colloquial). 2. trans., what. Start by giving the opportunity ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Card game "Stubby light-minded" (RN075), . Rules of the game: 1. The facilitator reads the word or words on the card. They are all confused. 2. The first one to guess what was meant, shouts out the word, and receives a card. 3. Wins the one with ...

Dictionary of Efremova


owls. transition
see untie.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


Untie your hands- to give freedom of action, to release, to get rid of any restrictions, anything burdensome

untie tongue (languages) -

1) induce, force to talk, or force to tell, tell a secret, a secret

2) talk a lot, start talking a lot (after silence)

Phraseological dictionary (Volkova)


Untie your hands to whom; to what- free from any dependence, restrictions in something, from something. binding, give freedom of action ( unfold).

Such an outcome of the case will untie my hands.

untie tongue (unfold)

1) to whom; to what; enable, induce or force to talk.

Your honey and velvet beer today so my tongue was untied. A. Pushkin.

Suddenly a circumstance happened that loosened his tongue.. Uspensky.

2) without additional.; talk, start talking a lot (after silence).

That's right, I loosened my tongue at the wrong time. I. Nikitin.

Tongue untied(untie) who (unfold) - someone. started talking, began to talk a lot (after silence).

Tongues untied, frank conversation went. Melnikov-Pechersky.

Ozhegov's dictionary

UNBREAKING BUT Th, I eat, you eat; yazan; owls.

1. someone something. Separate (the ends of the connected), release from the tie. R. knot. R. bale. R. hands comun. (also trans.: the same as untie in 3 values; open).

2. trans., what. Start, giving the opportunity to exist, to last. R. war.

3. trans., whom (what). Give the opportunity to act freely, free from any. obligations (simple).

4. what. About traffic flows: direct to the sides, dismember, distribute (special).

untie tongue(colloquial) to begin to speak more freely, more willingly, and also to force to speak.

| nesov. untie, uh, uh.

| noun interchange, and, and.(to 1, 3 and 4 digits) and unleashing, I, cf.

| adj. interchange, th, th (to 4 values; special).

Dictionary Ushakov


untie untie, untie sovereign(to ).

1. what. Dissolve, disconnect, release the ends of something connected. Untie the knot. Untie the tape.

| Free from strings, packaging (anything tied). Unzip the shopping bag.

2. trans., what. Explain, resolve, clarify something complex, confusing ( unfold). Untie the case. Start someone's dispute.

3. trans., someone. Free from any dependence, restriction in something, from something binding, give freedom of action ( unfold). This outcome of the case will untie me.

4. trans., someone. Having destroyed the barriers, obstacles that prevented the emergence of something, give the opportunity to develop ( neol.). Fascists seek genus. war. "To clear the way from enemies means to unleash the forces of the masses in the struggle for the complete victory of communism." Molotov.

To untie someone's hands is the same as untie(at 3 value) someone something. untie tongue ( unfold) - 1 ) to whom; to what; enable, induce or force to talk. "your honey and velvet beer today so my tongue was untied." Pushkin. "Unexpectedly, a circumstance happened that loosened his tongue." uspensky. 2 ) without additional; talk, start talking a lot (after silence). “It’s true that I loosened my tongue at the wrong time.” I.Nikitin.

who. LANGUAGE UNLOCKED who. Razg. Iron. Someone suddenly starts talking a lot, non-stop, becomes talkative. But Nastya and Masha only now loosened their tongues. Each of them spoke their own, not listening to each other, everything that they had boiled(Wanderer. Shackles).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Tongue untied" is in other dictionaries:

    loose tongue- adj., number of synonyms: 1 becoming talkative (2) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    LANGUAGE UNLOCKED- 1) who did not have the strength to remain silent. This means that person (X) is under the influence of means of intimidation used by another person, under the influence of a threat, from pain and under. forced to issue some secret, secret, etc. informal ✦ (4) Independent end ... ...

    loose tongue- Tongues / k unleashed (unleashed) from whom see unleash ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Tongue untied- who. Razg. Who l. began to speak after a long silence to testify, to tell something. secret, etc. FSRYA, 541; BTS, 1532 ...

    someone's tongue loosened- Tongue untied (untied) from someone l. About the one who talked (talks), began (starts) to talk a lot (after silence) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    LANGUAGE- language (language obsolete, only in 3, 4, 7 and 8 meanings), m. Cow tongue. It hurts to bite your tongue. Lick... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Who. LANGUAGE UNLOCKED from whom. Razg. Iron. Someone suddenly starts talking a lot, non-stop, becomes talkative. But Nastya and Masha only now loosened their tongues. Each of them spoke their own, not listening to each other, everything that they had boiled ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    LANGUAGE- Babi language. Arch. Aloe plant. AOS 1, 78. Baik language. Jarg. corner. Thieves jargon. SRVS 1, 31, 203. Who has a balanced tongue. Komi. About a talkative person. Kobeleva, 83. Basque on the tongue. Yaroslavl A lively, unrestrained person. YOS 1, 40. Beat ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    language- Sticking out your tongue (to run) (spacious.) swiftly, without taking a breath. Rushed home, sticking out his tongue. Keep your mouth shut, be silent, do not speak when it is not necessary. He knows how to keep his mouth shut. Long tongue (who) (trans.) about ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    language- a/; m. see also. uvula, tongue, lingual, lingual, lingual 1) a) An organ in the oral cavity in the form of a muscular outgrowth in vertebrates and humans, which promotes chewing and swallowing food, determining its taste properties ... Dictionary of many expressions