Total area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica. Mainland Antarctica: Interesting Facts

The least studied and most unlockable mainland on Earth - Antarctica. The population of the continent fluctuates from 1 to 4 thousand people. On the main features, the history of the development and residents of the "Ice" mainland, read in our article.

Antarctica: general information about the mainland and its resources

The fact that this continent is the coldest on the planet, you know almost everything. It is on its territory (on the Russian polar station "Vostok") was recorded in the world - 89.2 degrees with a minus sign.

But the other records of Antarctica know a few. So, the mainland is also the most dry, the highest and most windy on Earth. Indeed, it is the lack of drinking water It was the main problem for everyone who decided to conquer the expanses of the continent called Antarctica. The population of the mainland is also distinguished by its peculiarities. However, this will be discussed later.

It should be noted that Antarctica and her natural resources Do not belong to any of the modern states of the world. Although in the past centuries, many empires tried to establish their control over a particular part of the mainland. In 1991, the world community officially approved a special protocol, one of the articles of which prohibits any economic activity On the territory of Antarctica (in particular, on the development of its rich subsoils). True, the inhabitants of the planet are already very acutely feeling the shortage of many mineral resources. Therefore, it is not known how long this protocol will have its own strength.

Antarctica: Mainland population and its characteristics

Seals, polar crags, piers and imperial penguins are the most typical inhabitants of the cold mainland. Before early XIX. century geographers could boldly read this list of animals, answering the question: "Who lives in Antarctica?" However, in 1820, everything has changed dramatically: the leg of the continent was first stepped by a leg of a person.

Who lives in Antarctica today? And what is the number of its common population?

Immediately it is worth notify that in Antarctica there is no permanent population in view of too extreme weather and climatic conditions. This means that the mainland inhabited only scientists, service personnel and tourists. They are all temporary.

What number of people attract Antarctica? The population of the continent is about a thousand people in the winter period of the year. In summer, its number can reach 4,000 people. In the continent, the most popular English, French, Russian and Spanish.

In 1978, a man's child was born here for the first time. It was a citizen of Argentina Emilio Marcos Palma. But in 2007, the first in the history of the wedding rite was held in Antarctica.

The history of mastering the mainland. Russian Antarctica

The history of the Russian mastering of the continent began in 1819, when the expedition headed by Lazarev and Bellinshausen from Kronstadt. It was she who opened the sixth continent for the world. Of great interest in Antarctica showed Russian empire and B. late XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century, having organized several serious scientific expeditions.

In 1946, as some historians suggest, a serious military battle for Antarctica took place. After graduating from World War II, then another allies - the United States and the USSR - sent powerful military squadrons to the banks of the continent. As a result, the American expedition returned back far away. However, the details of this Antarctic battle are still enveloped by mass of secrets and assumptions.

Russian Antarctic Stations

To date, 30 states have their own scientific stations in Antarctica. Among them are Russia, which has seven bases on the mainland. These are the stations "East", "Progress", "Bellingshausen", Novolazarevskaya, "Youth", "Mirny" and "Leningrad". Each of them is interesting in its own way.

So, at the station "Vostok" in 1983, an absolute record of a low temperature on Earth was recorded. This is one of the most severe (from the point of view of the weather) places on our planet. Recently, the "Pole of Cold" was decorated with a monument to Lenin - the southernmost in the world.

On another Russian station, Bellinshausen, in 2004 the Orthodox Church was built on the mainland. But Novolazarevskaya can boast the only Russian bathroom on the whole continent!

But the main center of Russian Antarctica today is the Progress station. It performs research, administrative and logistics functions. There was a great sports complex for polar explorers with sauna, medical equipment and various simulators.

The coldest mainland on our planet is Antarctica. Antarctica is also called part of the world of planet, which includes the mainland itself and the adjacent islands. In this article, consider Antarctica as a mainland. Opened this continent, the Russian expedition in January 1820 is mainland in the south of the planet. Translated from Greek Antarctica means "opposite the Arctic" or "opposite the North". Approximately the center of the mainland falls on the location of the southern pole of the Earth. The continent is washed by the southern part of the three oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, since 2000 this territory of water became known as the Southern Ocean. The southern ocean is characterized by strong winds and storms.

The area of \u200b\u200bthis continent is approximately 14.107 million km2. In its middle altitude (2040 m), Antarctica ranks first among the mainland. The only one should consider that this height is achieved due to glaciers, the land of this continent is much lower than this figure. Therefore, the first place at the height of sushi is given to the mainland of Eurasia. And in the central part of ice cover can reach more than 4,000 meters high. If you compare the amount of ice on Antarctica with ice reserves on the whole planet, Antarctica contains 90% of all planet's ice reserves. Also in these ice is stored 80% of the total stock of fresh water on the planet. If all the mainland glaciers are melted, it will lead to an increase in water level in all oceans by 60 meters, and Antarctica itself will become an archipelago (cluster of the islands).

Relief Antarctica

In terms of its structure, the mainland Antarctica resembles the dome. The coast is the height of the mainland reaches about 2000 m above sea level, and in the central part it can reach more than 4000 m above sea level. Therefore, it turns out a kind of dome.

Most of the mainland is covered with a permanent glacial coating and only 0.3% of its territory rises above the ice, and this is about 40,000 m2. These territories include the islands, the seas and mountain peaks. There is a transntorctic mountain in the continent, which almost completely intersect all the mainland and, thus, divide it into two different parts, which are called the eastern and western parts.

In the east of Antarctica is a plateau, which is covered with glaciers and the level of glaciers here reaches the greatest heights - more than 4,000 meters above sea level. The western part of the mainland consists more of the mountainous islands. On Antarctica, the highest point above sea level is an array of Winson (4892 m), and the lowest point below the sea level is Bentley (2555 m below sea level), which is closed by ice.

Massif Vince

Thanks to the studies conducted, the scientists managed to find out that Antarctica is immersed under water, where mountain chains and arrays can be distinguished.

When researched by the continent's trees, scientists managed to detect a huge crater with a diameter of 482 km. It is believed that the asteroid that left this crater was a diameter of 48 km and that he fell to Earth about 250 million years ago, that is, he became a culprit of the centuries-old permotion and the cause of the death of most of the flora and the fauna of that period. To date, this is the biggest crater on the planet Earth.

Climate Antarctica

The continent of Antarctic is characterized by a harsh cold climate. It was here that the lowest temperature was recorded in the entire history - 89.2 degrees below zero in 1983. Weather conditions in the center of the mainland and on its outskirts is very different. If in the center of the mainland Antarctica can be windlessly and on blue sky Shining the brightly sun, the coast of the mainland can be covered with storms. The wind can lift up to 90 m / s here, everything is swept away in its path. Waves can reach 20 meters in height.

The weather is changing on the continent and as the seasons change. Winter months Here June, July and August. In these months, the temperature may drop from -60 to -75 degrees Celsius below zero in the central part and from -8 to -35 degrees Celsius below zero on the mainland coast. Summer months here December, January and February. These months on the continent, a little warms a little, and the temperature rises from -30 to -50 degrees below zero in the central part and from -5 to 0 degrees Celsius on the coast. Based on the temperatures, it almost never rains here - just snow.

Another characteristic feature weather conditions Antarctica is strong and continuous winds that can reach up to 90 meters per second. This is due to the domed structure of the mainland. From April to November, the wind on Antarctica blows practically a day without stopping. From November to March, the wind can blow at night, and during the day after heating the upper layer, the wind can sink.

Flora and Fauna Antarctica

Given the peculiar harsh cold climate of the continent, the variety of animals and plants leaves much to be desired.

Fernic, algae (in oases), mushrooms, lichens, flowering are growing from plants on Antarctica. From animals on the coast of the continent you can meet seals and penguins. More animals can be found in the seaside strip. From underground animals - these are spider and insects. Also live seals, sea seals, birds, penguins. Fully land animals on the territory of Antarctica are absent. The main decoration of coasts Antarctica is penguins.

On Antarctica there are no educated states, and it does not belong to anyone. But 16 countries have built their bases here and study this mainland.

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The most isolated and, perhaps the most severe continent on the planet - Antarctica. Opened by the Russian Expedition in January 1820, this cold area attracts brave tourists and travelers with their brutal, pristine beauty. The entire territory of Antarctica is divided into land, named after their researchers, openers or sufficiently well-known personalities (the Land of Queen Elizabeth, Wilx, Palmer, etc.) The main part of the mainland is constantly covered with glaciers, and only 40,000 square meters. km are free from ice cover.

Antarctica's attractions are not distinguished by a huge variety, however, this fact Does not detract from the attraction of this edge. Every year, they are visited by those who are ready to experience all surprises and the delights of capricious Antarctic weather. The bulk of tourist groups prefers popular tours in the form of flights over the territory of Antarctica, because from height opens a truly amazing look.

Antarctica glaciers.

Paradais Harbor is a popular destination in Antarctica. To watch the huge blocks of century-old glaciers and icebergs from the sides of inflatable boats - spectacular spectacle.

Islands of Antarctica.

There is a place in Antarctica, which is of particular interest to scientists-volcanologists, hunters and travelers - the island of derepanted. It is an extinct volcano and has the shape of the horseshoe.

Bloody waterfall.

Unusual for Ice Antarctica Sightseeing is a bloody waterfall. Red water streams having a high concentration of salts and iron oxide flows over the surface of the glacier, taking the beginning in one of the Antarctic lakes.

Church of Kitoboev.

Another famous place in Antarctica is the church of the Kitoboe, built in Neoetic style in the distant 1913 next to the whale station. Despite full functionality, after restoration in 1998 today is practically not used, but stored for descendants as a monument.

Mountains Antarctica.

A group of mountain ranges of Queen mod rises above the ocean level of 3 thousand meters. The system was opened by the expedition R. Amundsen, having received a name in honor of the Norwegian Queen.

Strait Drake.

Strait Drake was named by the name of the navigator-pirate from swimming in this place in the middle of 1578. It is the deepest and wide strait in the world.

Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church, located in the Ice Cave, is located on the Research Arctic Base of Belgrano. This is the most "cold" temple among all religions known on earth.

Penguins in Antarctica.

Well, of course, the most important and cute attraction of Antarctica - the royal penguins, without which it is impossible to imagine this edge.

Despite the severity of the mainland Antarctic, the attractions are not ending with this. Below you can familiarize yourself with others. interesting placesthat are in this cold area:

Have you been taught in school in geography interesting Facts About Antarctica? Surely yes. Then you should know that Antarctica is the biggest desert on the planet. At the same time, she now remains a white spot on geographic maps. For the continent is surrounded by riddles and secrets. For example, many scientists believe that the mainland is actually lost by Atlantis. More many interesting facts about the mainland Antarctica you will learn in the process of reading the article. Let's all in order.


Antarctica is the sixth mainland of the Earth. And he is open much later than everyone else.

It is believed that the first scientist in the Antarctic was Karstin Borkgregrek from Norway. But there is evidence that Bellinshausen and Lazarev with their expedition were first on the stern continent. It was at the very beginning of January 1820. Honestly, the existence of the mainland for them turned out to be a real surprise. For before everyone was confident that this territory is an archipelago or a group of islands.

A century later, the famous Norwegian explorer, Ruhal Amundsen turned out to be the first person who was already able to reach the southern pole.

And only a few decades, scientists came closely to engage in Antarctic, creating scientific bases.

Geography Continent

The territory of the mainland is the most severe area of \u200b\u200bthe planet. More than 99% of the continent is covered with ice. Their thickness reaches 4.5 kilometers. In Antarctica, low air temperatures (up to -70 degrees) are dominated. The most "summer" month is February. Although in the prehistoric era, the mainland climate was very warm. Palm trees even grew here.

Now there are often snow storms and strong winds. Nevertheless, Antarctica is not only the coldest place of the planet, but also the drinker. The combination of dryness and cold reach there absolute.

On the territory there are mountainous areas. And scientists even found two volcanoes. One of them is Erebus - is the most southern volcano on the planet. And he is acting.

It also found minerals. We are talking about coal, iron Rud., Slow, copper, lead, zinc and graphite.

Bloody waterfall, onyx and transparent sea

In the Ice Cover of the continent there is about 80% of freshwater reserves of the planet.

There are also reservoirs. So, on the mainland there is a sea of \u200b\u200bWeddell. It is recognized as the cleanest worldwide. Water is so transparent that it is possible to see the items that are at a depth of 80 m!

As for the rivers, the onyx river is considered the most famous. Her length is almost forty kilometers. True, it flows only two months and in the summer.

Also in Antarctica there is a large number of treated lakes. The most famous is the Lake East 250 km long and 50 km width.

Of course, there are many glaciers on the mainland. One of them gives the beginning of the so-called bloody waterfall. In water, high iron content. This gives him a beautiful bloody-red color. By the way, water there never freezes.

Country Icebergs

What else is the famous Antarctica? For children, an interesting fact will be that this is a country of iceberg. They achieve truly record sizes here. So, one of them broke in 2000. Its length was almost 300 kilometers, and the width is 37. The weight of the "floes" is three billion tons. This iceberg on the square was more than Jamaica! What is interesting, part of this iceberg has not yet melted.

And quite recently, the giant iceberg, leaving, went to his free journey. It is an order of magnitude less than ice in 2000. But scientists believe that if it is melt, you can easily fill about 460 million artificial pools. Or, let's say, fill the famous Michigan Lake, which is in the United States. By the way, this reservoir is one of the largest lakes in the world.

Continent Gostechaemen for sea cats, blue whales and tales. In the water live and "Belocilities". These are the so-called ice fish. Their blood is colorless, since there is no hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the body. Still, the most numerous species of the inhabitants of this territory are lats, or krill. Their amount is measured in tons. This is the most huge population in the world! By the way, Uruguayan physicians use powder from Krill in the treatment of their patients. Thanks to this drug, people tend to quickly break up with excess cholesterol.

By the way, researchers from Chile were able to prove that the imperial penguins of Antarctica, interesting facts about which we are considering with you, eat exclusively by these races. That is why they do not suffer atherosclerosis!

By the way, these birds live only in Antarctica. They are mainly engaged in water hunting and can easily swim even for tens of kilometers. Imperial penguins are loners, and combine large colonies only during the reproduction period. This is when the Antarctic Winter comes.

In general, Antarctica is more than not like terrestrial animals. There are no reptiles, but the ants live. And the polar bears live at all here, but in the Arctic. Although B. lately A number of scientists have already thought about painting them this southern continent.

Antarctic population

For obvious reasons, there are no permanent residents. But on this non-microgenic territory, scientists live and work. In summer, their number is about 5 thousand people. In winter, this indicator decreases several times. They say experts live more than friendly. In any case, there are already registered interethnic marriages.

And in 1978, seven Argentine families arrived at the mainland. They wanted to check how many could exist in these difficult conditions. Jokes jokes, but Emilio Marcos Palma turned out to be the first representative of the strong sex, which was born on this unsuitable continent.

True, Antarctica is not at all isolated from external world. There are also Internet, television and telephone with the code, and an ATM. There is a coherent currency here. It is called "Antarctic Dollar". Bar also works. In essence, it is considered to be the most difficult-to-reach a peteed establishment on the entire planet. By the way, the diet of specialists includes a foam drink - beer.

In Antarctica there are several christian churches.. One of them is the Russian Orthodox Church.

At one time, a nuclear station worked here, which belonged to the United States of America.

By the way, before a person is going to go on an ice mainland, he has to remove wisdom teeth and appendix to minimize the risks of sudden inflammation. There are no operations. But once, in 1961, the Soviet scientist was forced to operate himself due to the occurrence of acute appendicitis. Fortunately, surgery was successful.

Antarctica policy

There is no president on the mainland and there is no government. Antarctica does not belong to anyone at all. Although a number of powers at one time claimed ownership of this territory. But these ideas were in vain.

A few years ago, representatives of a number of countries signed the so-called "Antarctic Treaty". The document proclaims this territory by the International Reserved Zone or "Natural Obnaker". Since then, the continent is considered a demilitarized zone. Here can only conduct research by scientists of any state.

Secrets of continent

Interesting facts about Antarctica do not end. It is surrounded by secrets. So, at one time, researchers discovered some buildings here. Their dimensions were similar to the parameters egyptian pyramids Giza. In addition, there are legends about the underground bases of Adolf Hitler. It is known that during the war, the Führer began to explore this territory.

He who studies meteorites knows that better place In this regard, than Antarctic, does not happen at all. The fact is that the cars that came to the ice cover of the mainland are much better saved than anywhere else on the planet. So, in Antarctica, scientists discovered fragments of a meteorite from Mars. It was an unexpected discovery. After relevant research, scientists stated that the mainland is similar to the Red Planet. In the sense that the territory of the continent is so similar to Mars that they began to use ice mainland as a model of Mars!

Antarctic tourism

Since the 1980th mainland is available for tourists. The benefit here there are many abandoned places that they want to visit the guests of the continent. For example, there is still a camp, which was founded by the famous traveler R. Scott in the distant 1911. Such bases have already become a real tourist attraction.

In addition, on the coast of Antarctic, the cracked ships often find. As a rule, these are Spanish galleons of the XVI-XVII centuries.

Well, another interesting fact about Antarctica: a few years ago, musicians from the Metallica cult team arrived as guests and tourists of the mainland. They even gave a concert for the audience in 120 people! The most interesting thing is that the participants of the group were able to comply with the international agreements associated with environmental standards on the mainland. Namely - they did not use sound amplifiers. The latter was broadcast to the headphones of fans ...

Antarctica, part of the world

Area: 14107000.0 kV. KM

Antarctica - Part of the light located in the South Pole area. Geographically covers the territory of the same continent, adjacent islands (southern Orkney, southern Shetland and some others). She is surrounded by the water of the Southern Ocean. The Antarctic zone is south of 60 °.

Antarctica - the fifth largest continent of the Earth. It is also the highest, if you count the average height, mainland. The bulk of the height falls on the thickness of the ice that covers the almost entire area of \u200b\u200bthe continent. Without glaciers, Antarctica would occupy a significantly smaller area, would be thickly cut by the peninsulas, there would have huge lakes.

Extreme climatic conditionsThe Antarctica ice cover form the weather regime of all southern seas and even neighboring continents. In the summer months, the shelf ice, which converts Antarctica, melt, split, forming many icebergs. Ice blocks spread out of thousands of kilometers through the world Ocean.

The territory of Antarctica is conditionally divided into land, which were named pioneers. The relief of the mainland is quite uniform. Only the transntorctic mountains led by the Wisinsky array, where the highest top of the continent is located - Sentinel Ridge (5140 meters). Antarctic peninsula, strongly outstanding in the ocean South America - The largest geographical object.

The discovers of the southern continent are Faddia Bellinshausen and Mikhail Lazarev. In 1820, they found new earth, they committed a journey around it, proving that the hypothetical tera of incognita Austlis is a separate mainland. Subsequent researchers studied the coast, apply new names on the cards of the new part of the world. In 1912, Norwegian Roald Amundsen conquered the South Pole. Since 1959, the territory of the mainland is open only for scientific research. Antarctica is a demilitarized international zone, and the warships are forbidden to cross 60 °. There is no constant population, but scientific polar stations are valid. None of the countries have the right to impose territorial claims to Antarctica.

The coastal territories and the islands of the Arctic seas are the colossal accumulation of life. Water is rich in plankton, many types of whales feed here, inhabit seals, penguins, many seabirds, fish and invertebrates.

Tourism on the continent is in its infancy. Most visitors to Antarctica are scientists. However, there are periodically excursions on some of the islands specifically for photographing Antarctic landscapes and local animals.